The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 22, 1867, Image 3

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Ii- - " -B- ...
IlI.OO.MHIlt'lKI, PIMDAY, I''il, ISO?,
UliAJJKH of nil kinds always on linntl
ntul for Mile nt tho (.'oi.umiuan ofllco.
WlM.IAM Ii, MAtllMK'. AND Co.
dealers In lino nroccrlc.-i, No. 115 Honlh
Tlilnl Street (uiiposltuthu Ulnud limtk)
W'r. nro Informed Hint Mr. Iuuon,
nn nged citizen living ncnr Herwlck,
fell from n hay-mow Inst week mid
broke a leg.
A llir.ii has been Introduced Into the
Legislature mithorlzliifj the Recorder of
Deeds In tho several counties of this
Commonwealth to record the dischar
ged of nil honorably discharged oillcers
and Boldlcrs.
E. II. IjlTTi.n, Esq., has moved his
ofllco Into I'ursol's Brick Iluildtng, ad
joining tho Post Ofllce. It Is immedi
ately opposite his former location, so
that his friends can easily find him.
Wb observe Hint our fiermnn Demo
cratic fellow citizens In Washington
City, have started a Democratic news
paper there under tho title of "The Co
lumbian." Wo' wish them abundant
It seems tho "Lovely Landon" is In
favor of admitting negroes into sleeping
caw with white turtles, anil the Radical
across tho way of courso will defend It,
and get n. Hen on that "half million or
Litti:IiJ.h Living Auk, No. 118.",,
has ".Shakcspcaro in domestic life,"
"Works of Chaucer," etc., etc., and be
gins a now story by Mrs. Ollphant, en
titled "Tho llrownlows." Huston, JS.00
n year.
Wi: present our readers again this
week with another large batch of now
advertisements. They are too numer
ous to mention separately, but we trust
they will uu bo read, as they are of In
tercut to all our people.
Last week we introduced a "Farm
er's Column" into our paper, and it
will bo regularly kept up. In this ago
of improvement, tho farmer must read
If ho would keep up with his neighbors,
in tins respect Mono a paper is moro
than worth the subscription price.
Oun enterprising friend, David Low-
enlierg, lias just returned lrom New
York witii an unusually largo and line
assortment of goods, llo has neat
workmen nnd tho latest styles : and
now is tho time to call nud examine his
stock, and to procu results for tho coming
Tin: "Lovely Landon" requires to bo
defended from thu infamy of his vole
and tho insult ho put upon the white
rnce, in favoring the passage of the bill
admitting Into tho steeping berth nnd
tho Lartu Ptt.isenger cars, tho sweet
scented negro : ami ho will liavo to
shell out another old ouurter, whereup
on you will feco the Radical Hepitbliran
go in on the nasty negro and the "Love
ly Landon."
Oun thanks nro duo our many friend
throughout the county for tho addition
al subscriptions sent us. Oar Washing-
tonvillo friend, who sent us a fine list
and the cash, has our special thanks.
As soon as our present building is en
larged, we propose not only to enlarge
our paper, but to procure a sleani power
press. No expense will bo spared to
give tho people of this county n first
class family newspaper.
Wi: proposo to begin in a few weeks
tho publication of some exceedingly in
teresting biographical sketches of some
of tho most celebrated men of tho
American Revolution. They will com
prise notices of Randolph, Patrick Hen
ry, Washington, Jeiferson, Marshall
and others.
Now is tho time to subscribe In order
to secure all tho numbers coutaiulii;
Tan 15111 to repeal the act of Assem
bly passed tho eleventh day of April
1600 entitled "an Act to provide for tin
purclwo of real estate and erection of a
Poor House in Montour County," passed
tholloiwe, and has received tho signa
ture of tho Governor and become a law
This llill was called for by tho almost
unanimous wish of the people of An
thony, Derry, West Hemlock and Lib
erty townships, an expressed through
petitions to tho Legislature.
Ox Wednesday forenoon thodwellln
of our townsman, Jncob L. Girtoir, was
discovered to bo on flro by a neighbor
and on raising tho alarm it was discov
ered that tho family wero absent, and
the houso locked. The llamas wero al
ready Issuing from thotldeof thulious?
hut by vigorous ell'orts it was quenched
It would seem that he was smoking
some meat In tho chimney, and that
tho string broke nud let It d wn Into
the llamcs. llo 1ms loit hundred
pounds of meat, besides omo damage
to tho houso and furniture.
EvuiiY fsATt'iiDA v. In addition to
tho excellent Serials, by MIs-,Thai'kery
Henry Klngsley nnd Edmund Yates
this popular Weekly has numerous
short, pithy articles un European politi
cal and social topics, which are of great
interest to all intelligent Americans. It
also "Ives every week one or moro
cholco poeuu by Hwlnburnu, litidiiiimu
lean lngtlow, or somo other of tin ris
ing poets of Kngliuitl; Ire fiii'iilly '
enrich' I l-y a tniiiid.ttlon of i.omu spe
cially lnstrin'.ivi' or intori'stln -h. .eh
from i'leneh and German periodicals.
In fact it eontaiiH weekly n valuable
mlscelhny of what is best and -to
American readers most attractive In
I'Virolgn current Literature, it Is pub.
llshed by Tlcknor A Hold, lloslou.
Ijart Huiidity morning about live
o'clock our citizens wero aroicd from
their sloci by n terrtflc exiiloslon which
shook tho houses to their foumlntlon.
On Inquiring tho eaiiie wo n-wrliilncil
that n locomotive belonging to tho
l.acknwnnna & Uloonisburg It. It. had
exploded, turning a cutnplcto somer.-ct
oir tho road. The wreck was complete
nud pieces lay scattered all around.
Thoongieer, Win. llornbecker, of New
.Ti'iey, was MuloiHy Injured, and It
was Bomo time before ho could be extrl-
Ued from the ruins. Ills Inlurles.
though sovere, are not fatal. It Is nnld
that tho engine was not In repair when
it was started down,nnd that tho men
wero laboring with it nil nlclit. Two
other men wero slightly Injured.
Tin: Itunip Congress docs not repre
sent tho voice of tho people, even from
tho (states allowed a representation.
Muliia wllh C'1,!) Keit vnlmlias jinoiiilicri
" j:,iii iii iu. nnno
ConwrtUnt " 11,!7I Hep. " " 4 lncmbiM-i
" 11,111 Hem. " " noiio
l'W.l " 91,117 IN p. " " 0 members
" .Vi,l" Dern, " " nnno
Mlililgnn " D0,T M Ken. " " Oinotiiljcm
" 07.TCS lutii. " " imno
Olili) " S'Hl.TfU ltcp. " " 10 mcmlx-rn
" 21.l,(l 1X111. " " 3 "
NewYnl: " .KHgU'ilKin " " l memhir
" X!2,yil Di?ni. " " U "
IVimiylvnnln" ai7,'.7 1 Hop. " " IS incuilu in
" SHI.0M Uoiu, " " (1 "
Thus it will bo seen, how by an arbi
trary system of districting, 2,200,01)1)
Republican votes have 110 members,
ind l.SOCi.OOi) Democrats have only 10,
nnd yet this revolutionary Congress, for
it is nothing moro or less, propose to
overthrow tho Government as estab
lished by Wahlngtou, and givo us In
stead, a Military Despotism I
Sullivan A Ehi i: R. R. Wo noticed
yesterday sonieof "Pat's buggies" pass
ing through town en route for the rail
road. This looks like success, but it I
not tho only sign. Tho character of tho
men who have the control of this new
enterprise, and that of those who have
the contract for grading, ic, together
with tho fact that a million of dollars
iro lying in the New York Ranks, all
conspire to n-wuro lis of tho speedy com
pletion of this disirablo thoroughfare.
This road connects with the William i-
port & Sullivan road al or near the coal
mines of Messrs. Jackson &M'ylert,and
when completed will open an outlet for
the invaluable stores of the eastern,
northern and southern portions of our
county. It is a well known fact that
tho county through which the-e roads
pass is rich with coal, iron and timber,
and at some not far distant dnv will
make our county equal in wealth to any
county in tho Stale. From present pros
pects, these roads must bo in full opera
tion insido of two years. Tho ea-tern
capitalists nro beginning to heed their
interests in this county, and coining
forth in true busincts-liko manner to
take hold of the enterprise. They arc
ready to lay iron on somo parts of the
Muney Creel: road, and expect to reach
Sono.stown next summer. Wo can only
add, "Well done, littlo Sullivan," and
say to those who nrc holding back that
their places aio being rapidly filled, and
the first thing tiiat will awake thei.i to
their true condition will bo the fact that
they are left out iu tho cold. Siilllrtiii
Siu-.vdli Tin-.:i Riciit. -N coo an ar
ticle going tho rounds of the papers thai
a sleighing party of ladies nnd gentle
men ('.' wero rubbed of money, valua
bles, and even their clothes, near Tamil-
qua, a few weeks since, by a party who
stopped them as they were passln
through a lonely wood. iho whole thing
turns out to be hugo joke, perpetrated
by tho wives of the gay Lotharios. II
appears that some half-a-dozen of tho
male gender residing in Tamaqua, re
solved upon having a 'sleigh-ride, and,
prefering for the timo being tho com pa.
nyof some frail young dani'-els to that
of their wives, started out with them,
resolved upon having a jolly timo. Tito
wives of the individuals being informed
of tho state of affairs, hired a party of
men to accompany them to tho woods
aforesaid, through which the parly wero
compelled to pass on their return home
nnd there silently (tho wives dressed iu
their husbands clothes) awaited tho arri
val of the "gay deceivers." Presently
the sound of tho merry bells was heard
and the wives, lecognizlng tho voices of
their husbands' gave tho signal of a-sault
and ina twinkling, tho ,-leigh was un
rounded by a doz' ii "blood thirsty
highwaymen, eacii with a revolver
pointed at tho heads of the uiiiii-pecting
victims. After compellngthcmtoiianii
over their valuables, and stripping olf
their clothing, tho "highwyiuen" re
turned to their homes with the .-polls
After borrowing, begging nud prom
ising to pay for various articles of cloth
ing thev could pick up in tho farmers
houses along tho road, tho di-consolato
husbtiiidi at last reached their home
nnd there found their wives awaiting
thorn. Upon being asked why they
dressed so iliU'erontly they explained
witliunivcringlliis, llieir narrow o-eape
Rut instead of their wives receiving
tho Intelligence with horror-stricken
countenances, ai they thought sym
pathl.tug wives should do, the explaua
tion only caused shrieks of laughter,
The -siirpi is -occasioned by this unfeeling
di-no-ilioii of their wives was only ex
ceeded when they wero presented with
various articles of fonulo apparel, their
stolen iiocket-book.i A.c, Ae. Explana
tions were, of course, ntado on both
side-, and U would not sttrpi iso us to
hear that of futuro good con
duct wero readily given. lUrtion IKrn-
oerut. '
GnuHCii: PiiAUonv, tho wealthy Urn
don banker, now on n visit to his untive
country, the Crlted Kill ., lia, in ail '., -ltVr ;-Kt off prlncly char-
!i.-l,.r . hist uiveu two mil!' ' of (lolluts
fo. Educational purpose In tho South
ern ,-a.tlc . ; fr. Pi n body hns manifest
ly no .yn.paihv fot' il Rf.Mcih, for ho
has wholly escluJ-.d them from
any sharo In the management or distri
bution of tho fund, nnd confided it to
conservative nun North nud South,
,, ., , " A innpof bmy HO
Its lliutinlluin nml IU vuit concitim."
.Ml. VIII.
After spending ncnrly two weeks iu
this wild region, I concluded to re
turn homo on foot and nlono. My com
panions tried todlssiido liie.atnldetalled
tho fearful dangers of the road from
robbers, wild animals, and thollke; but j
my resolution having been formed, 1
slarlod out through rain and mud, stop
ping for Iho night at Cachl Llacta. Tho
mayor domo was tib.-enl : but his mis-
tress, a half breed woman, received me
kindly, nnd tho next morning prepared
Fouie fried batiannas for my day's ra
I started early on my dangerous road,
for 1 had to travel twenty miles- with
out pasdng n htmiiin habitation, and In
tlio meantime nsceml to the the crest of
the Andes, or over two miles iu tho air.
It was n tedious walk, traveling alono
through that wilderness the stillness
unbroken save by the screaming parrot,
the chattering monkey, or some wild
bi'T-t in search of prey. Tho weather
was fair and the air clear until I reached
uja, (signifying needle) the only le
vel spot on the ridge or comb of tho
mountain I was ascending. From this
point a magnificent view was presented.
In the back ground roso tho Andes,
their snow crowned crests piercing tho
clouds, while before mo wore the bound
less foiests which stretched far away to
the Pacific. Tins region might bo niado
the garden of the world : but the nnnr-
chy and confusion in these so-called Re
publics, resulting from the intermix
ture of races, and frequent violations of
their fundamental laws, will prevent
their settlement for a century to come.
After making a hurried lunch I re
limed my Journey to the "upper regions
of the air." To add to my discomfort
it soon commenced to rain, completely
wetting my clothing, and making the
stoop declivities slippery and niorodifll
cult to a-cend. Still I tolled on ; but. the
lops of the mountains were hid in elomh
to which, apparently, I got no nearer
Night came on, dark and stormy. .
w a worn out, half starved, my feet raw,
as my ubogatos, or straw plaited sandals
were worn out and abandoned. No
path could bo seen, nud I literally rrt
my way along, and feared every mo
ment I would fall into sonic abyss, or
over some precipice.
I was about to give up further at
tempts to proceed, when 1 chanced to
sec u light abovonnd beyond, and soon
after reached Pallogalla.
I entered the first hut I came to, mis
erable as it appeared. It was built of
wUtle or mud, nnd was thatched with
straw; because at this height the cold
it times is severe. The place was filled
with smoke, as the flro was built iu the
centre of the room, nnd thosmoko found
egress through tho chinks and crannies
of tho wall. An old Indian woman was
ulone in tho hut when I entered, and In
reply to my request to stay nil night,
shook her head in the negative. I nev
ertheless pulled oil' a portion of my
wet clothing and laid down in a corner,
for my evhuust'oa was loo great to pro
ceed. Presently several Indians gath
ered in, evidently returning from Qui
to, wheat onto commenced the prepar
ation of their supper. It consisted of
tfreicut, a dish formed by mixing bal
ky (ground between two stones) wiih
boiling water, into which is thrown a
few cabbage leaves and n generous
quantity of red pepper. 1 readily ac
cepted their invitation to participate,
and never did a meal taste better. Of
course llui jmtronu could give mo no bed,
having none herself; but when she re
tired to her corner for the night, she
generously pulled oil' her petticoat and
gave it to me, which, when placed upon
a billet of wood, formed an admirable
pillow. One of my Indian companions
shared his j&i'7o,tiud notwithstanding
their deep snores, and the inqiiisitive-
ne-s of several Guinea pigs who had tho
ptivilego of the establishment, I slept
as soundly as if on a bed at home.
Next morning I aro-o early, and U3
the air was very clear I had a fine view
of Piehincha, wlioso snow-crowned sum
mit towered majestically above ine, and
sparkled In lliesnn likoiihugcdianionil.
On reaching Calacali my soro feet and
stiffened lliiibs warned mo to proceed
no further that day. Tho curious popu
lace gathered around me; but one,
kinder than the ie.-(, invited ine tostay
all night with him. Tho ladies (?) of
tho house listened with deep attention
to my description of tlto attire of our
American ladies, but seemed incredu
lous when I told them of tho bonnets
upon their heads, and the hugo hoops
they wore, for bo it known tlto Calacali
belles had never seen either. Could 1
havo shown them a picture of a modern
belle with a huyo wuttrjall, they would
havo deemed it a viio caricature upon
tho sex. As wo all slept in tho samo
room, they kept mo nwako the greater
pai t of tho night, relating the manners
and customs of our people; but I was
amply repaid iu tho morning by my
frlwHl furnishing men good horso on
which to perform the balance of my
In duo timo I reached Quito, though
In rather dilapidated condition. Some
of my friends had given mo up for lost,
but "my timo had not yet come,"
Qrn:.v Sahj:.
Win:x tlm Di'iiiocrntli! jwrty win In
powrr, tlK'ro w.w no lux on tea anil col
IVv, nml coiiic'nucntl.v It w'a.s t'lieni), ami
within tho ini-ans of tho iuoivl of our
pinjihij now thiTo ii a lax of twenty
live ivnts 011 each pound of tea, anil tl w
tvnt.s un 1'iU'h jiuu.ul ol I'oirci'.
'I'm: "lovely I-iaudon," hi a (Kvh on
t'n lici'io rail 1 old hill, iiuken of by u-I"..-
, i-i.-U, .-.ihl: "1 ' uniolhiit-i, . a, ,in
led to ntop and iurjulro tn to my wn
Hid ho over stop and inqulie (u ;o hy
own huiii iy .' I f ho over shoulil, a u
ferenfo to his own parly pjpera n fw
voars ftKO, would ulVoru him valuable
liiuli upon Hi j suljoct
Had MtsTAKr, Wo think (ho
Hcnato will In course of time find out
that It Is now doing a very foolish thing
In rejecting so many of the nppolntmeiits
by the President to civil olllco of men
who havo rendered gallant servlco to
their country in tho late wnr, merely
because they nro supposed to ho friendly
to thu President's policy of reconstruct
ion. The rejection of Gen. Swut for
tho Roston Naval Office, tho rejectton of
Gen. CotVil for Collector of the Port
of P.oston, tho rejection of Gen. Piiatt,
of Rrooklyn, tho lcjoetlon of Gens.
Hahhx, CLiiTiH,nnd may other soldiers
whom the President hud appointed to
position;! in tho public service, looks as
If the Senate's confirmation wusentirely
dependent on tho fact of tho appointee
being an opponent of the Administra
tion nnd nn adherent of Thau. Sti
VHXa. We havo havo had a deal of bun
combe about appointing soldiers to chil
olllco. A great deal of political capital
has been made out of it, and nut a little
of it by tho very men who nro now
urging on these rejections. They aro
acting foolishly in this case, and that,
too, in a matter which tho people will
not ftill to observe and remember. Since
tho rejection of Gen. Coift'lt as Collector
of Roston, we observe that the Presi
dent has nominated nn eminent civilian,
thu hlitorinn Rancuokt, for the post.
No one will bo sorry to see Mr. Ran-cnpi-'T,
confirmed, hut no patriot will
rejoice at the rejection of tho officer
whom tho President first nominated,
and who rendered such eminent service
upon many occasions during tho war.
Aiir York Times. Republican.)
Mni-Uc t Report.
Vlio,t per Intshel
Hvn "
cirn "
l'lns eil
llutur ,
'i a iu m V.V.V.V.1V.V.V.V.V.,.V.'
Dili'il At I h
1'oik !
Miles irtul MionUlers
Iu-il her honml
Jl.iy i-er tun
, 1 10
, m w
. 7 K
. 'Z w
. 35
1 )
XVlXruhoi H.iNii'i. !,iiKti ri.
teis t-t iidiitiiiistiiittoii to I lie est'd d a)ikl
liower, Into ot I'lanldlii townhln. Colninhln
(ountv, deceased, have heeii granted hj the. Ut
1st 1 r of said county to Thomas 1 lower and .Moves
I lower. All persons having claims or demands
against ilieiMnte. of the tk cedent aie iiouented
to iiitikc Uu m lniow-11 without delay, and tluno
Unit' hi nl id miiicu iiavmi nt.
IVtmatiy 1, IsjiT-flw. AUuhiWial3.
1 MJ N 1,STH ATOlt'S N OT I CV.. -
I.cHci-s of ndtnhiKti:itliiti 1o tho estate of hamuel
deceiAfd.hme hot 11 irr:ttited hetlutHccistcrolsald
t ouiny, 10 Minn in 1 ie,viiaui. .n pt immi-s iiiiviiih
cuiHiM or is fiiraini ino s;uu "line arc n
questeil to make them known without del.ii, and
moso inneoieii 10 nrn; n-ivnirui.
I'chiiiary 1, lSiiT-tlw. Adnilnlstmiur.
Y 1 statu or .JAnm i;i:rjj:it. Din AM.i).
Letters or admlnUlmllon 011 iho estate ot Jiuoh
Ktller, laleot l'.cavci townhlp,ohimhlacounty.
iu cavcii, tijivo iienii urantcii oy inn jpm-aer 01
ralil (onnty toJohiLMlcluul. AUpeisimshavhiy
el ihiu f)r ilm inds niralnst the said eshite aie te-
ouc.-led to present them for scllh-iiu nl without
nciay, aim an in-ron t iniicitien 10 inn km imi imciii,
.JOHN .AIK'HAHL, Administrator.
Jauuori Sj, ls07 (iu.
xv i-STATJior i:i.i;anou n.i'a.mimh i.idk-i-
'A--' . .- l.i It eis 01 adralnlstiatlnii on l he e.lale
nf l-'li-ionr N. t'liiiiolicll. late of t'colie iowiislllo.
t'dhi.iiht.i count v. eeensed. hiivoheetiv miileil hv
t- lt-(Ntt r of Cohimhl.itouut.x , to Nathaniel 1
CiiMHiiii 11. ul i'i nt ic tow nshin. nod count v nunc
: I. 1! peisons ha'ing lalms airilnsi the es
tate of the iltx-cdtiu, aiu ncpu-hted to tircnt
Uu m f"i" si tl.elui lit, and thosi; ludihteil tolhe
estate will make payment without dt lnv.
n. 1. (AMiiii:r.r.,
January 1. l5(7-fiw-. Adiainlslnitor.
sxixTToit's xoTrci:. kstatk
X d OK U Wilt I OX, 1kckisi o. ri'Merfteta
tii.iMtiirv nn Ihi'i'.slMlimf llnlil IVi.V. lilt t Ol I.O
11 1 (n li'ihi. I'ohn ltd t eon til 1M.. haeli(ill
1'i.tuted l tin Krister of Columbia coiiuly to
Lloyd l-'ox and I'i ter leoiiiii, All pei-ons lei lug
claims ngaiosi uu' iiuritu cijucmi n m i'iii-iii
tiu'iii fnr sctitenu'iit. nnd those hnlehteil 1o Hie
estate will make payment to the culms with-
"ul"c",, W-ti:iYy...i-m.
.Inminry IS !--(',. i:.m-i uu.h.
li'lsnl a.liiiiiiUlrnlluii to Uu I'tntM of lliinn.ili
Cixill... I.ltr (if lllnnlii toAv'llsliltt ('iilululiiil riiiinlv
,l..f..1h,Hl lIM lM.I'll ISt Mill fll lit- tlu ItcKli r nl l'o.
luml-la (Miiniy, In Wi'llliiKt'm ll.uliii'in nml
ell llli s A. .Wiivi r, Mini ivi-lilt' 111 UliHilillilirR, In
Mil.l rittinlv. All iit'isons 1 ut- Ijiir editni.. nr ilo-
11 .mils nnilti! tlic t-Mtilt! ul Hi.) iicrfit.'ia 111.' iv
inn Ii'il in ihiiUi- llii'in ttiitiwn i-i tl,c ii'iinlnlvtr.v
HIM V il IU UU Ul II V MIUl III! 1CI Mill-. jmn.-l'I U ill,
tLMUi'liil to iiniki p-ivnn 111.
1 V.'lU.I.IXIllliN II A in MAN,
( A.,
111 milium, J.111, -1, 1'irr-ilw. Ailmi-'i.
ni iiami:i.w. Jio.viiio.Mi:i:v. iin'iiiM.ii.
j,i-tt. vh K' luini'ntnry nn uu- piiiit1 nl ii.tnii-i v
Miiiui'niin.rv. lnliMil Ili-nliLCN lllC'.Colllinlilli (.'null
Iv. Inn i' ni 1 11 IT inh'il liy llinl!i'i!l-li-rnl Ui'.umliM
CiMiniy In lVlcr i:m, ni l.lclit stivit, p.i. All
1 11 )-iii. ii.ivin.! el nin Mcninl l iiu.-.i,ui' in'e
1, 'li- leil loinosrlll lluni im'sciiK'iiicm.iii'iiinobe
llll,,'il((i 10 lnv' I'suiii' 1 ill ,-r n:j inn,, i-r , ir
cminl will iiu.Iit' piiyiii'-nt in Un K.mi ntnr wltli
mil il. '.nv. PhTlil: i;SI', i;., ciitur.
ilc. l-oi
r l :,! ATn m.' IMiisriLi.A ILVYtlt'iisr. m:c
I ctters oradmlnisttatloii to tho olntooi rilx ilia
JIa must, la'e ot fatawisa towntitp, roiumoui
toiiniy, iieefisiHi ime imcii wranien uy ine uiv
Utei ut Miunihia county to Henry llolllii All pi-1 von having ilahns or d 11 imt
1 ruin .a the wnltl cvljiic aie icouested to 1 ,iU'
tliem Uiiowu to Iheadiiiiuisliatnr without delay,
UIHl all Iieious liiucnico m hiiim' imvnn 111.
IVhruary . lMiw. Admiuiiiaiir.
XX lrvii: of s-ianna Sm.1.1:, iilcf-i p.
1 (m is ot adiultiMratioit tolheotnleftrSiiMinii.v
sitler, tale 01 ili iit-m township, folumhla county,
iIui'iiM't' Inive hct n Mia. iicd hy tho leri-'ter of
od lountv to ,lohu It. HeKhllne. All peioiiH
luu to 4 claim iictU'innitos -li'iiui a tin- .'ni c 1 ti
ni . 1, .ox sted to 111:1 lie th in huovMl I'llhi-iultiitn-
Uituitir withoiii di lay, and Ml I'-ion-t lndelihd
tu iiti'liu tiayinent.
.lulIX II. ju-'Isiimni:,
r:hnirtiy S, 117-flw, AdiuhiUlintor.
iVlinreill' .ll'MAXS llOWhll, 1)I'.IK.VHI.
(.(.itcisnf lulinliiUtiiition on lit" (M.uc ot Jull
ann Punvrt, lain of IVntlc liiwinlili, C0I..111I1I.1
county, lfi--:i-t-I. luivo Ihvii aiimi -I hy tin- 15i--MiTof
wild i-oiinty to l).iuti-l llowi'i, ri'Ml lln-j In
tin- Inw nnlilp nml rntiutv iirort'i.iM. All ih'Imiii-i
Ilnvlnl-l.ltins on I Iu. csl.ilo lll-c leijntUil In lli
N.iit tli. mi ilnly nntlii'iitliitiHl forbi'llU'tnont, ntnl
tlliMi lemming Uli'iust-U t-i. tliiU-htl'il tn Ihu i-nlntu
l1t,iK,UuW,,,,,,lfoi.Mjl,li.ii; ii(w,it
IMnuaiy I", W,7-Cw. AdmliiNtm'or.
l?x ja;tT'roiis notkm:. kstatm
A A or W11 i,iAM UouuiNrt, ih-:fKihh, -(.eitots
tcNt.iin ntaryoulho eslalnot William Itohldns
hue 01 1 iiiin,tcieek township, L'olumla county,
ilei easol, hac heen utauted hy the Ueuitorof
mi id county to f, Ii, Vhhiand .M. W. Aninn iiuan.
All p. rsons havhiii tlalms iiimn the t Mate uu
uiiiiesiedlo pUM.-nt them mr toil It uient, and
lho-e iuth;htod lo the ehtl will ma leu pay i mm
lo tho KxceuhU wiUimit thd y.
f. II, WIHTi:.
r'ohru.u. i lM)T-flw. Kxooult in
I Jii:AM:i.--To Ann hhm, Willi'im .l.hpioul
st 1 piien Hproul, AHeniih lit n inu 1 mat 1 led w ith
Ntiihan He--., haiah lives ImiWu hiMldiuu' hm r
inariieil Willi .lolm Spuhhue, Allen lives raviu
1 vis, and. I. -solves helrn 01 I h v t Asliton, tie
c atd, end Pt all oihor person . iuti rested, uu el
In r:
Von ' 10 hot hy lied lo lie end appear h- l-ii"
tho Indies 01 011 (Jiph tas t'.mrt t j ho hi 1 nl
1.1', t'laiulv of 1 ol mil at, on lit'
M0ill.1v "I May, nc.i t. r od ti ' re hi i"
iv p. 11, 1, i 1 1 .0 pil.e the ual '.lid ot 1:10 'i
Lewis Ai-hlon, dfiiated, a. tna niipiitf! ahi
nltttM 1 hi 1 ui.o l It hy an ui'iiatl ttuly uwan1 I hy
tl-o i lid loan, ,cnl at ni tied h, the M.tiol, r
ritiow oitlW .'oV taai silm kIiiiuM hut U' sold,
V. lUa " the llonottihlo Wlllia a 1 Iwtll, IVe.!
A it f ourcaid 4'oiiit at Jikioahuii;. tin Kill
da oi l elaujiv, A, It., hi",
1 1 j IM'M M ' 1- li f
Uloiiusbm.' 1- v
AUDITOH'M NOTlCIC.-lN tiihOii--tv
i.Iiiimh 1'iMiri or lli t'uitnly or ('oliiiiiiiln:
IMillu nf .IOIIN WAl.TKIt, Till' 1111(11
lnriiiilnli.i liy (he ('oiirl In niiikii ilMrlbiitlini
111 1 m ttillillli nf II l!itrf k,il.l,1. Ill
tlio lllltlill ir l-'.ll.lil .Inlni, ISxmllnr of till' Klll.l
.Mill Willi. T, lulu t.r IKlikt lnnnvlili, In Mill
county, ili.i-nitl, will mil l lliu i nrlli's lur Hi"
,MiriKv' oi in !t)i!ii)iiiniii-iit, uu -I'mwiiiiy, ,pui
llllilll, A. I). IMI7, nl It'll li'i'liii-ll n. in,, nl III-olllcii
Ill iuniiimbnu!. '
1'ilirii.iry II, tsffl,
itoni'.m l . vii.Mllv,
N the orphans' coput in
tlllil for tlio CiilihlV nf (Vtttiiiilil 1 1 In Mm hint.
Urol tlM'.-.in1v.iMAmM KVKlill MM. Iiit(i.f
Or.tno tnunhli, iIvjim'I, AimI nm t't wit.
I'Vtirunry filth, Nff, nn timttnn of Mr, llifnlvnv,
attorney lor truilc-n, K, II. I J I tic. Km., wm u
polntcil ru lltor, oiMwreptloiix til'il lo ttm nr.
rount of AimttMtiH Kwrlmif, rxreutor of miM tit
(Timed, nml to nuiluMlUtrllmttnii,
ny iinM-oun. i mm iuc tveom.
J issn k t'or.hMAN. Clerk.
Tin nttilllfii' i'lmvn uiiimul u 111 iitti.inl In Mm tin.
llt'Hof lils jippohilint nt tit liN olllr hi ittnom
lmitvm Sulimt.iy, the twrntjMhlril iluy of Mim li,
IS1!?, nt Ii'ii oVI(h k n. in., wlii'ii mid wiicriHtll .ir
lies Intu'itlt'il in, iy tittfiut.
i;. ii. mtti.i:, Auditor.
Vbrtinvy 1", 1(7.
mill lor flu f'outilv of ('ltiiinttl.i Iti tlMMivit
tvriiftho vrtnU' o! WJLMAM I'llli'., Mtc of
Onuitfi,! tounvliln, ilf-i'iiM tt, Aint mv. to
i foiimry nuih, in;., tint omrl uiolnt i;. II. Ut
ile. lNfi.. mulltoi' 1,1 hm lie ilUlrlhiitloit of tho I1.-1L
ntieo hi tho htuuli of nermmtnttlx,.!, H. Kiilr. ami
Aclirnlmrh,c.ceutojH, touiidntuontlliucie!
ny inu vouri rroni inoreeoni,
,II.y.sK Cnr.KMAN, ClerH,
Tlinmiitltnr nluivn imtm d m-III ntionrl In tlm
Outlei oflilsn)iKihiliiio)tt,at liNnlllee In jtlonnis-
imr, on Mininiivv me iweniyiiuiu tiny or.Mnmi
pc, nt ten o'clock, . iti., an l win. m till oartlen
1:. 11, Mrn.i:, Auaitor.
rebruary 1", ISC,
X (ip rinisdXAT, rnui:i;TV.
Will ltn rvioeil lootihlli il.'i nl thu n 1lrtui
of the sulisc tihtr. 111 M.ilno lounIilii, Cohnnljla
V-"'"U,1 , "MI -
at ttMi o'clock tn I In fori'iMcm, the lollowln pi-r-Mi
ii'i hiojierty to wit :
onn llliick I lawk ('nil. cotnhitj two veursoM, three
1 j i" 1 iiuii 11 1'nwi, iin mecuin1; miw ninl one kov
With lA-i. Urvi jho:itM. tourlerii head of sheen.
0110 lUlitf'iirh' wu'm with two extra win oN,
one new tophimy, out fnrlii,;iin!,'on, on'.' .nlkey
ui"1 ur iMiu-uiii iiiiw, 1 in 1 y iiiiiiut, t-utinn
tor,oiiewhei llurrftWj one hny hook with lopo
mid imlly, rnkin nnd forks une-veventh hntt ot a
i loer teed hulter, fine lluvsty Ilea pi r,one lhtt !
cm Iteapt-r, one -et of Vanki e harness and one
ihiuhlt new spi of eatrlaHO harnehs, four harnU
ot tldorfor vlne.u.
half dozen nur ehiittN. lot of httiels. coin, rmlrt
and iiotatoes by the Imsht I. Ternis m;id' know 11
omlayoi w.i'e, NATHAN .Mll.hllU.
.10SKIM1 viNTi rsTi:i;v, HKftuniir.
IVhiuaiy li, H.
J- III;I. IM'ATK. In mimu itif- ot an older
01 the Oiph-nis' Coutt 01' Columhl.i County, on
iilll II '.1 Ii .1 Ukl II . I . 1 I I ,
nt teti oMoek in tlio fori noon, Henry llolllm:,'
hen-1, toroi (ieoit.i- 1;. iiavliurst, I do
ia nv -! lnv iv ni. s.i en ill v. 1 eeeiM-ii
will expose tostde hv puhllc vendue, mi the pie-
miscs, 1111 lojtiiw inj aeseriuen rcat uuiiv luwit:
all that cei tain
Mtimte In tU tnw 11 of t'ataw s:x. In the count
atoresiid, houndt il In front hv the puhllc load
leading fioiil t'atawisfl to .Mlltllhvnie.ontheeast
hy 11 lot of Kenrv llollimhend, on tlu koiiIIi hv
the puhlle nitl leading to ,M'itn IU. and on the
tioitli hy an nlle, , on w hlch met iced d 11 two and
a half Ktory lramo dwell Mm hnuve, a yood frame
stalde, and other tail hulldlng. Jitetlit'tNfntoof
said ileccnsid, slluatoln tho township of C'ata-
w issa nun county uioie.sani.
Jt-?MK LOhWlA.i l ICIiii
lllnonishuii?, IVhriur.v T, N.7,
OnnWfons of Miff Ton her pent, of oticfmirtli
of the purelaw money to oa paid hy tin putcha
or tut I he day of Mile; one-lourth lest the ten jm r
tent, on the alolute conllrmatlon of mlo, and
the halata o lit one ve tr trout tho cnnllrniatlon or
salu,wi!h lutetest Horn the couliiiuatnii hia.
i'lircoast'i-10 pay nr oecii hum "i.uoi ;. 1 nuil,'iii',.ii,
rt'hrnmy l"i, 11,7. 1 tor.
;injMd saiTio ov valjaiuVk
L IlCATi lWTATi:. In mir-uanee of an order
01 tho Oipham' Court oi I'ohtmiiia L'ottulj , u.i
at ten o'cIcihIc Iu the foienoon, .liu-oli Suih.-v,
JamcK V. Siinkev. .lolm Kahkc.v and John Itch li
aid, leeutor t tho last vlll and testmiKMit of
aonn inKey.M',. laie 01 1 eiuretiuniy,oeci as,n,
w Ml cXHi-eosalc hy politic endue, on the p.
miscs, the totlowlnf;tl"oilhed rial t state, n lot or
Minute in Scott township, the l'ouny f Co
iuaioi.i, 11 iiiuoi t on iue noun oy i.iun ni 11 irv
I'.ittlr, on ihu east and foitlli U l.iii I ol 11. li.
Melii U, and om the wot lv land of Andu- v C.ev
eliiu, cont'ilulu? heenleen .hhn, all Imptosed
Arcrta'ai trattof laud shun,, in ,.
rieasniit towuihlp,eouiliy nMu-sidd, hoitnde 1 ti
the east hv land ot J teoh Hart.-d, oil the south
hy laud or .Imips tlrlnics, outhe west hy lands of
John rShlpmaii.and 011 the 1101 thhy land of Joh.i
CO.VTAlNIXli ril'l'Y ACMX,
ftlKinl thlrly nci.'s of whieli Is ch'.ttt l land.
4 a town loi.sitnale in Id-ht Mn-H, and
eotuitv atoiestild, hntiudi'd 011 (he soutil h lot of
I tail let Ker and John Mcl'i I;, on Ho- weni hv. a
lot of K!lAiI'th Miller, oil the 1101th hv Milt
street, atal on ttie easi hy ilium tin road h', dhe
Horn liloonushun; t' 1 tianu'-ville, .hei-Ln are
elected ti latjm two and one-half Mmy
n Moro, and a lwo-doiy I 'ratiie Iiwcllhu
House, Iite the est-iteor said deceased, sUnale
In tin township of Sjott nud Muuut INeawiit,
and tounty aforesaid.
.iKsSP! COM.M N, Cleilt.
IJloonishurg, Fchruary7, IMjT.
timtlUloni fif Knle Ten per ten, of (he put
ch.te monov lo he wld hy the purehasi ror jmr
chusirs 111 Hie d'v ot .ale, one torn th of the pur
chase money less ihu Ion per ei nl. to ho paid on
Hie ahsolutc cotPli in-itiuh of side, mid the Ml
anco In one year hum the ahsolutc couth mat inn
w hit Interest from coullriu-ilioii ao. I'hk I user
or rurctiabcih u pa ir d, ' ds and "lauips,
T . I i til S. V I V
.iami w. !.ni;i:y,
John i!i:ii n.iti).
i:ii-iiioi -,
Tt Mu.tiM'iJ7
"nunur AiiH ok vaiataiji.k
i 1.1.AI. 11 1 in pin-snanco or an otdtr
o; theOrphauV C'"iut or Cuhunbia coutn , it
sA'rrnnAV, maucji xintii,
at leu o'tlod; in th' foronoon John Apploman,
ndiulnisliator ul Jilt Appleman, lain of Hmu
loe); township, In s-od ooeiuy, dec-M-od, will o
pn.ielohah oy pit'ohe ttidio, on tho ptciuixi,
ttie follow liudosi 11 1 Ileal l.siate towltt All
that (eilahi Hurt ot laud, .iltitato In llejelvdi
township, alousalil. talf hiinr laitiN nt tho tielis
of Jarolj H'trlmau on th. wet, oilier iainN of
said decedent 011 the uotth, landsotJaeoh li
mit t mid I tonal 1'iusi I on the casl, and lands ot
Win. (iiser ami James UouuU-y'Uii thu Maith,
(ixi: mTNimi:n anij i:m:vi:n a !,
moro or lcs: aiiont tvtvneres of whleit 1 icle-intl
land, u hereon are -i -ld a two and otudi:ilf
Moiy I'HA.'Mi; mVKI.M.NU IIIJl'.SK, a Mono
kitchen, n huno Hank Kirn, a wvuou hed and
cow stable, tt well ot water at tho door of ine
dwelling hou-.e, and an apple ore h-trd.
AlJitt All thai c, U.ilA Ir.u t of land. slln.Mi
In the township aiiueiid, hounded as follow-,:
adjoining lands of Hie hot is of .John IhuJcr on
Ihu north and we I, tho nhovu described triu-t on
I ho aotttli, aim I. on w oi .cm. laumttt nn I lie a-t,
uiu"o 01 less, , II i Ii .iu d I iu I. The lhsinhnedes
i 1 ih.-d Usulil.'t I lo Hi.' iljlit to mine, and tal:
fuau it all (lie iron on, w iili ingress, 01 ess and
tercss in, 10, mm tipiai s 11 1 pieiuises. i.utc
th 4 state ot Mi al lit ( 1 .1 -ed Mill ite III 1 !.. luuiii
hip of Hemlock, and lom.fy atoiosiild.
.111: 1', t lerit.
liloonisliurw, lVlutiaiy 7, h7,
Ai(!(i,ii f.A-jc Tint onethhil .of the liur-
oha- niouev lo umaln churned upon the piciuh
hosduiMuiIlio nut ut ul life ol .Mam tiet Annieiuan
wiuow 01 M'i-i iiL'coas.'ii. mnl i lie lnicicsi iiieioor
toUtanni'i lly and leiihulv lald hv tin said
puieuaser purrnaseiN. loiiii .watuaici ,pi
man, on llmtlrsi day 01 Max-of each mid every
year durlm; her natural hie, and at tier deiith
principal lo he pld hy Hie ptu chaser or piitcha
sernto the oersons lei:all eniUIed tl eivto. Ti .
irrceut, ot ouc-fouult of 11 e tV.odhluN of the
pinch iso lumii'v to Im paid on the day id
sale, aim onc-iouim ot (he uwwhhds tost tin
tett per font, on the nholuto coiilhiniuiou of
sale, and the h-ihiuco of Iho two1hhtls In nut1
yon? hunt the (utiinmtloii, with luh mm hom
eon rn matioii ms. rut'euascr or piiuluo.ei- t
low hoiiih nnd mort mes on tho menilt to .e
tine to the widow and le-td uprts ntnii- of
Hu said d'vonned ih-1 lithuinal and lulerestof
(he on ulio.e mentioned, ruiih.iMU lo
I My ha dcoiN and stamp".
JttHN Ari'J.KM .V,
Kehrmry l. N7. Adinluisiinior
1). ST 1 hl-JS,
i. I V K XHi: I) AI'i'l'I'lMIM 11,
nut riu: nuurj ( vnr i iansi uy si. nu
aU.aHtohe Mind at the ilninvovlUe Hot-1, hi
thatv'ilte. Kih s ot ica! 01 pctoual prHMly
nll.'iuli d to proioplh mil 011 leasoiiahh I.iiuh,
iniii,niiu ut soiieilt d an I old n 1 omud ''mi,
A -n.oe ol pip iMc pat roii'ijerenpeellully .solh'Uiil,
' itio llle. Ki 1 ni'ir 1 1, I'-s'ut,
it ( t i o 1; k ii.
.! A M I'K K. i- Mil,
II ln
do 'rn
I n 11 M .spot uoi.. tl J'tr:ie Vim-
UNlTlUi STATKS l,I(,'i:.Nhl
tin.l inl:i 4 llni. mi'il.iNl to In ,i,i i.- if,, tni-
M, Jill'11l-E. It 1 ill.( I I-' i.v.l" 1 '
l It I ION IfllO- W -. I toojll I"
. 1, 1 . j fii! 1. 1 It. 1.1, '
QlIAjU,i:rJ W. HNYDKlt,
M: Vl. 1. 11 IN
II A It I) V A U i:,
IlI'lN, N-.V1IX, H'l'l:i;l,, AC, AC, AC.
MAIN HTIll'.l'.T, lll.OII.MSltUUd, Pl'.N.V'A.
Tnki. till liH'lli'i.1 nl llirni'lilili'dlii-cill'OliiiiH')'
I11111I1I. utility, Unit In li-m liiii-mil nn cxti-tivhu
ll.ii'iluitrc Htiiui nn Mnhi hlti-d, In lllitnnislniiii,
llrill' trim Mum I, nti.l Unit In linn nil li.ilnl n
t.AIUIKlt KI'll.'IC AMI lllriTI'.ll AHMIKTI-'.l)
Until enh In' r.iiin.l tiny vie rn c1-i. In tlinioiiniy,
Mill wlili Ii In.' Inti iiili loM-ll nl I'lhi-i vilili Ii dt ry
I haM elnln, all M nxr-', till htako nud
Weight, steel, all size, lion, alt sli.lpe, itt'd all
Very low.
lUIllilU'.It'H HA KIIWA It V,,
nf ovety dexcrlpllotH, Nails nlo pulleys, Hash
porit", l'itrlir, 1'K-Us nnd Imnlw, hntt M-rew.Hash
MstM, window sjMhH'f, h'lso Icnoln, vtmp hiiires
liaspi nud Maplcf., hoiik.t and staples, and Iu fuel
uM-rythlm; ntedetl In tint lino.
omhraehiifnlmosi every Ihln In Ihat line. A No
iiai:nj:ss MAiccits iiAnuwAiti:,
ItucUloM, .hipii nned: htukht, silver plated ; hit I
of every kind , II MtM, Iron : pad tni's: H.Mt-s
W'oott ; Ritddlo troei, Hi; ttees, jirtlt weh, worstcl
mid eolton : thiettd, silk, aw N and needh-K, hntN
of ullkheN.
A full nisortinetil foroarpontfiH, I ltaeplaneH
all kinds miwh; hnnd, piilitiel, rip, and oonipats
Mpi.iros--stool, Iron, and try:torhn; miuhlues,
ihishs, miner!, 1h oN, malletx, hi.ices, naue,
plowOule-, hits an I ahotit tiverjlhlnu lur cur
pi lilt i".
roit 1 j 1 1 : 'i:opm: okniiieam.Y'
I have eoal
lioiN, coal
MiovtN, Heoims
0!lt f-lttefN, lanN
fniV;''l,'t"lI,'i.v,r( I' I
tutleiy, pitted spoons
pt tied loiI;v,Meit tsloamnltof.
enwscut HawswaujiHaws
hlih, I hum. ho-'swroiu ties, ileh,h:t in
htt rs hntchels maltiK'ks piiks foi'.is tuli
liIitfT hoi sv'ioels(vpudes,sp'idltur folks linos
lakes, 1 od phis tw hie, skates, plows, eoilln t rltit
minus Kniory, led thalk, whlloclmlk, wire,
horse nails, meal cutlers, scales wash hoaliN,
horso hiielicts wnolcii palls, iluthe-i
puis Kino, door inals, porch mats pal
lor mats 001 u poppers paint
blushes h irso hiu-dies sU'U;Ii
hellshei I cali;'i(t'H;iiin h
od kettles hra-t kellles
ooppor liotth'S
p.iti-,hro id
MeUgis.iUtfahi tl.xtuus,
'JhlmhlesUi'iuand ijoxn,
lamps load pipe, tie.,
T.ured rope un 1 hundtedi ofuitleleH hot ,euu
inerattil oonstiintlv on hand at
Main Ktioet, lilooutshuru.
JIIiliKlt'S STOltK. aaiiivaii tit'
Tho siUmciilier has hut 1 etui nod lrom tin cities
with iiUfllhcr larje and select assortment uf
Hl'UINU AIU) sjlMMi:n tiOOltS,
piuliatd in New Yoiknnd Philadelphia nt tho
lowest tiyure, nnd w liloh ho Is determined to sell
on aa liUKleiato terms at can ho procimd olse-
wlieio in 1.1 ' m hnr. HisRtoek comprised
of Ihi11 choice.! styles and lato.t fashion t.tiv Ihu
wltli a laioassoLtnnnt of I)iy tlood. ami Uio-
1 lies, condlIn of tho iollowiriy aitlek-:
on ciuihs
While fio N,
JIoop skiitrt.
(iui'cnswpro, llauluiiiu
llools mnl Mini s
ll.its atid 'nps
Jli-tp Kt ts
UmhM Has,
J, itn,ilseH,
'J :v,
A IN 'Ire,
In short, oti, llilm; luuall hi pt In ivamtry
Moivi, 10 which he liiiles tlio attention iH the
puhlle generally, Thehlhtsl pneowili he paid
forcouutiy piodueo in e.diaii;o for coods.
Aioado liniKUnKf, Ulo-jiashnrr, Vn.
l'l'.TJ'.U HNT'S HTOltn,
jn i.kiiit sti!i:i:t,
11 r
'III! inlivi-rltii r lius Jusl ii-r-chul mnt lni nt.
li-inil ut liU nl't hti'.nit lit I.ihl hlrivl, a l'ligu mnl
ilu I '
assoutmi:nt of mkiiciiandisk
1'iiit La-cil .it tli" loui'it fl'iiii', mul vhtrli lie is
tti'li'llillni-tt to sell nil n-s ino,l(-iati' ti-iini nsinu
lio iiriiiiiii-il i-Ui..,lii-tv 111 Until Htn-i't,
(;.' f.i.s7 un ror.xriiv vmmviv.
HN slui-lc rnlisMs of
ctioli "st Ktyli
mul !:iti-l l.ishlijiH,
IUik's, Muslins,
llliisli'iiiii, r.'mim-K,
lln-ii iy, I'.irpi In,
hlllib, Miuttlk,
S.1U111 Uh, CVshIiiU'IN,
KditiKky Ji his,
(1 11 O V K It I K .S,
lluccnswnii , (inl.ii-..ii.., UnnlM'mi-, Mwlli-li
liuiii-i, (iili, I'.ilnts Ac,
noorrt a .siioiis, hats a
Iiislinrt i-vcrvllilnn uu.illy l.'rpt til II iiinulry
kIiti-. Tin- i!ilmu' hUnl I liiillils till,! lliu
p.llillr tli.l.llh, h 11 .ii-('ll'lllly solti'lti-il,
Tl. liIi;Ui-il 111 n...i.,ili'i. i.ilit fi'1'conult.v
l-;rKli 1-NT.
I Mill KtVl-l,.I.itlu.liy 1, l-.j7.
NKTifii is in:m;iiy mvi-'s
To my fili-inl-intiil ill.- jmhlli' si-mrally, nil
DliY (iOOlM,
NUTID.N'!, At'.,
tin ittt-iiitlly un luuiii mill ivi m(i,
AT 1IAIIT.'.- OI.IJ l-TA.M),
!-..' , 'l-l 1 i. II 1
, II I. .
Hi, A-u loll ..1;,,, 1 . 1'tl 11.11 "f
I i' l.n lot , 1-1, 1 . ii . 1 -ii, i ii. ti:
rnw .stock ok ei.0TiiiNti.
I'lriHlirlllill uf
HAV11) UAVKNimilll
lll Itit, ntli-lillnll (n 111 Mtk-lt til
I'lllIAP ANIil'AHIIIO.VAIIl.r.Cl.(llitl.S().
ill liU Moid 011
MiililHlri'ul.lwniliMirniiliovolht' Aiiicilcniillnili.1,
i:inniiiliuiH, Pa., , '
Mlictu In- lias J111I nvi'lvcil finiii Ni w Vcrll (iti-l
Plilt.uli-lliliiii 11 Inlt ft-tinrltiiciil of
llidii.llim tlio hunt f.isliloli.ilili', ilulnljln, (ilul
i-oliiiUlIni; nf
nox.sACK, ruocic, hum, a'nh oiircuirit
nf nil wiitn,.l.oK, tm,l iilnri. llo luis iiNuni.ttu
llnil III-, illrr-nilj I1111;.. HliK-k nf
hu.xpi:ni)i:iim, anii i-'anuv Aimi-f,p.s
Hi' li.iHcniiHtniilly on lmii.l n ltt& nuil ui.ll-i;-.
lectiil (issnrltnclil nf
wlilrli lio Ik I'ri-jiiin-il lo nmku In onlrr Inlonny
kltiil nf i tiithln, un very Miort nnllcc, innl In lliu
l)'L liliilllicr. All III-, rlolMnif It lft:lil In wi-ur.
nml tunt nf It In of homo iiuiHif.tcliirr.
tlol.ll WATCH1S ANl).IKVi:r.llV,
f every dirilpl Inn, lino ninl clicnp. Hlnrnpnf
ii'Mclry h not Mtri'iisscil In 1 Iti-, )hiei. Cull mnl
.. mil nn lit p-nt'iiu iiisoitnii-nt nf
luvii) r.owi:Nni:itij.
.iii;.xm ruK.NiMin.Mi Kiiiiii;.
Tlin ri-ii-ctrully nnnonncrfl lo hH
many frh-n.N that In- Ims npcno.1 :i inn, ('lotlilni
mil ""iitlciiii-n'it l-'iiriilklilni' Hlnri', In tholouu of tlic Hnilm.ui Ilnltillnijr, nonthwostciriipr
of Mnlii im, Murlcct Sliuctd, lllooniiliurK, Pn.
ll.ivlnajiii.t fi-tiiiniil Horn riill.uU'Ii'lilik Willi 11 '
LiirpiMnrlt of
(IIIN'l'I.n.MUN'M riniNISHlNd riOODS, Ac, Ao.
hi- ll.itt,-ls liluibi-lf llut In. (ilti nli-uioiUt. UN
sIik'Ic cniiiin Isi-s
Mill H-4
1)11113 COATM,
UMUlllXI.AH, .to
mnl In f.ict L-vrrytlilui; In thu Clotlitn;; or Pur-
utililn lino :t very low pilo.--.
Iu nddltlnu totlinnli-jvo lio luw mi i-IckhuI n.-t
Mil luu ntof
Kitnit'i'ii-sT Norici:.
Coll itn.l siv Ix-foru iiun-haslui; cNcwhcrc, cikI
iiiiL'fii:-; uni.'AT haiuiains.
nctl(-y J. W. C'lIi:.MI!i:ilI.AIN
.Aiiunii.u-iuu-viimiii joiiiHTrt nt
Nik. ."i-i Mi'rki't, :inil."JJCoiiuiuii-erftiiH I,
riill.ult I11I1I.1.
a iiowkk,
on lied a HrM-che")
itiur. MIOK, 1 1 AT AM) CAP .STOHI;.
at ttieoid stand on M llnsitvt, JltoomshiiUi. HU
.oi iv eciiupo( 0 01 1 ne eiy iiiiom aim oei m ie-1
Ml'othleil to fie cltlxelis of 'oliiiuhl'i fiinolv'
lie c-in accotnntod.ite the puhliu wilh tho follow
ing hinds and at Uicap prices:
Meu- calf Uiits Duo, mcn'H kip, ihmhju solo,
lions' chlldV limits .Men's loe kid, Congress, Ac.
.Mi n't ahtw kid IJahiiortd shoes, Men's women,
hoy-., and mlsM..' alovo kid Itisilna ualteis, Wo
meii'.s litovo kids, cry lino, W'onun's lino Knat
morocco liahnoiiils. Women's menViuoiot com id
calf shois rouimou shoes Misses' nnd ehlld'n
shoes, Men's, w omen's, ihUmV, hoy',and ehlld'n
silppcis. He alo keeps u uioat vailety of
of every kind, nt the lowest prices, Itoth for cn-sh
and iiMinirv pitMhice,
i;euieuioi r 1 no 111 11 at 11011 is 111 our uoous, iniii i
nl.irined at the cry of hiuh mices. htit call anil
sec .ji')ouiM.lvts, Itespeetftilly.
ii, 1 . mm j'.u.
y e. r.iuiiD,
with 1.1 111 Nl'OTf, llOND i (.1).,
Mr.nuf u turi-rs .mil Wlioli-Miili. Iii-iili-i-H In
No. IlLUnltitf-tlvct,,
TOllN C. YI'AOKIl (.1 CO..
M'litili'siilo Dinili-lN hi
i.adii'.s i-'itrw.
No. SiT NotHi Tlilnl MK-ct,
Y- -MUlU'llY'.S HONS,
S T A T I O N 13 II S,
.'VtO ('In slum Mivt, s. MSnutli l-'mitlh Btrwl,
iiiii.Aiini.riijA. da.
They imikun t-.alUly i.t (uriiUlilnic Nnlloiml
llariUs, Ciii'.nty OHUviii, IiiMir.11110 Caiui-nuli,
lliiiililii4 Hoiim, itc, with
U Villi V AllTK'l.i: (11 III.ANIC HOOlvS
h.t tin; m.U'lilitury i-i" t-i.tlly uil.iptiil for nil work
tiny in.iy nfinlrt'. fli4'D7-ly,
il.Kll A KI.DKK,
iiii(iKsi:i.r.i:n-, htationi:i.,
and in.ANK.r.ooi;
No. 'JU NoilliTlilnl rilnd,
Wall iiii.I IMil.iln IMiutk, mill Ulntloiury Kill-
1l.1i. A--li-l.ini M1.I11-.1I DlU'i lni' 1', S. Army,)
111 VHII'I A N AND SI' II ! i:iN.
ii'lni. nl Un- I'mU. lluli-l, lllo iiinliiiii;, I'.i,
i'.ilNri iiiily nltdi.lcl tu Willi iitjilil mi'l rty.
l;l,ioinshur, Jim. IS, 1!,
v -ii In Hi inli .V llntrli-,
li.i, I .111 I W'ml. Ill III, 1
lilldTM AMlollnl.
. . N.H. T', nl -in. I
I'll". 1 ,ll ,
M i