The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 22, 1867, Image 2

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xt (ifatumbiam
John (i. fuf.iizi:,
CHAM. 11. llltOCKWAY
lll.OOMHIll'IKJ, KltlDAV, KKII.UH, 1 NO?
Drmocrallr Nlnlr Convention.
Tim lomc-riill"St4ilo Committee, til its mod
Inir, nn January "."nib, nt IIanlhiir-t, adopted tliu
luiiuw nig rcsoiiu inns :
1M. That llio regular Convent Ion of Urn l-nrly,
for nnnilnntina it rnndlilntu fitr the Hiiitreino
.tr-nrli, ! held nt HnriMniiu tliu siro.ND
TI'KHIIAY OF .WN II, W,7, lit twelve oYlock M.,
unit Hint until Convention bo eimisiscil of tlu tin
mil liimilipriir deb-cute.
'Jint. In addition thereto, It Is recommended to
tho Democracy of iVniKylvniimtoroiiTiiwi in
elect. In Hie usual manner, two dclc-tatt-ii. of re-
co-pilred isislttnn mul Inilueiieo In tlin party, for
rncli ltpiirpKPtiljitlvp nnil Nenntiir in I iclr re
icctlvo district, wliii shall ini'ot In MASS CON'-
VK.NTID.N, nt iiarrisiitir-t, on n uny to neiiM-iiny
I ho Chairman or the state (Vntrnl Committee,
lly order of tho emorrntle stnto Committee.
WILMAM A. WAI-tiAl'l-I..
II. I- I'oiwtkr, Secretory,
In a fuw weeks nn election will lake
place In Hint State for Governor nnilolh
or State olUccra us well ns for members
of Congress. In IStio, Buckingham, the
Iteimblican cnniliilato wan vlcctcil over
Seymour by over 11,000 majority. In
18G0 Ilnwley, ltmlknl, was elected over
English, by only 511 majority. The
satno canilldatcB arc again In the Held
and we confidently expect a victory
us 300 votes of a change will glvo that
Stato to the Democracy. Last year tho
Radicals proclaimed themselves sup
porters of President Johnson's policy
and as opposed to negro Htiirrage. TliU
year they liavo thrown oiT the mask,
and fully endorse the revolutionary
schemes of Congress,and proclaim them
selves In favor of negro suirrjige. Two
years ago tho latter question was sub
mitted to tho people of that State, null
rejected by 0,000 majority, and it Is not
likely tho Radicals have mado a ehango
of over 8,000 s-lnce. Resides all this,
Lieut. Governor 'Winchester, and Secre
tary of State, I'easo, who were elect
ed with llawley last year, and who hold
next to him the -two highest olllces in
the State, have come out openly in sup
port of the Democratic candidates. If
wo liavo strength enough to carry tho
Governor, wo will probably carry three
out of tho four Congressmen.
In the Stato Senate on tho llftli of
February, Mr. Council presented tho
petition of one hundred citizens of Penn
sylvania, praying for a law to compel
railroads to carry people without dis
tinction of color." lie was followed by
Wortliington, LAXDON (the Radical
Republican candldato for United States
Senator), White, (whoso name ought to
bo Much to agreo with his tastes) Shoe
maker of Luzerne, Cowles, Coleman,
Fisher, Blllingfolt, Rigliam, Taylor,
Urown (Mercor), Rrowno (Lawrence-),
and tailed olf by that immaculate wor
shiper of Old John Brown, Lowry, by
others of similar import.
It is hardly necessary to say that all
theso iieoplo aro double-dyed-ln-tho-wool-radicals.
And any white man or
woman can imagine tho comfort and
pleasure of riding, during tho hot
months of tho coming summer, along
side, of the "sweet scouted negro," in a
.crowded ear.
Col. James Worrall, the Knglneor ap
pointed by Gov. Curtin to regulate the
dams for tho passago of shad up the
Susquehanna, has mado his oillcial re
port. A beries of steps ha vo boon erect
ed at the Columbia clam, at a cost of
$5,000, and tho shad aro invited to climb
them before-any further improvements
aro made. If that-proves a success, a
similar improvement will be made In
tho Clark's Ferry and Shamokin dams.
and then we can catch our own flsli. As
a rulo, however, shad do not proceed
far abovo their spawning ground, and it
may be somo time before they reach our
waters even If tho dams prove a success
As our pcoplo are considerably interest'
ed in this question, wo will refer to it
ugain. Wo attended the "Shad C'onven
tlon" last year, and, therefore, consider
ourselves sound on the ilsh questiou.
"A battle has been going on In tho
Seuato of tho United States between
tile inembors of that body and the sol-
uiuraoi uio union nrmy, which surpas
ses In its terrible results the awful
slaughter at Gettysburg. Tho gallant
men who fought their way through
Baltimore to save tho (,'utiltnf. wlm h-d
and bled at Antletam, at Gettysburg, at
Vicksburg, at Port Hudson nnd at Fort
i-isiicr; wno louoweu tho lead of Hook
er and Burnsido and Meade iu nearly
all tho battles of tho army of tho Poto
mac; who sustained Sheiidaii-in tho
Valley, and supported Grant through
inu inais oi mo wilderness until victo
ry perched upon his tattered banners
liavo been defeated, routed and killed
In n manner so cruel and unnatural as
to mako tho barbarisms of Indin fltrht.
Ing appear in comparison the mildest
mouu oi civilized wariare. Tiio tonnv
linwlt never was half so cruel. Tho
guillotine was. mercy Itself when com
pared wltli. tho merciless treatment hv
United States Senators of their country
men who wero so recently leading our
uauanons to giuiy tuui to victory."
Wo copy tho above from, tho Wash
ington Jlepultlicun of tho 15th instant,
und in commectiou therewith would
like-to ask a few questions.
As the Senato Is not likely to reject
Republicans, is it not certain that all
Uioso able, prominent and valiant men
aro Democrats? What then be
comes of the stale falsehoods heretofuro
bandied about In relation to tho Demo
crats? They could light for tho Union,
they could risk their lives for their
country, they could follow, and uphold
tho flag from tho Wilderness to the
Gulf; but a Radical Seuato refuses to
acknowledge their heroism, njeets their
claim1! to con-dderutioii; ami claims to
bo thoWwifo the soldier.
Anil tho Columbia Cuwtty Jlejmbllcan
defends the Senate that butchers the
HAtt.ltOAII CAllS.
The bill, entitled An act to punish, by
tine, any railroad corporation within
tills Commonwealth, that shall exclude
or allow to bo excluded, by their agents,
conductors or employees, from any of
their passenger cars, any person or per
sons', on account of color or race,
Being tho Mietlal order, tho Senate
resumed the second reading and consid
eration of tho Mime.
Mr. Wallace moved to amend tho
llrst section to tho effect that when a
comfortable seat in a passenger car is
given to tho colored race, com
fortably provided for, and should not
enter Into tho seat of a white person.
Will the Senate agree to the amend
ment of Mr. Wallace?
Tho yeas and nays were required by
Mr. Wallace and Mr. Jackson, and were
as follows, viz:
Yj:as Messrs. Burnett, Davis, Don
ovan, Glatz, Jackson, Janies, M'Cand-
less,- M'Conaugliy, Randall, Schall,
Searlght, Wallace, Walls and Hall,
Speaker 11.
Nayh Messrs. Blgham, Bllliugfclt,
Browne (Lawrenco), Brow.n (Mercer),
Coleman, Connel, Cowles, Fisher, Dm-
ham, Landon, fcowry, Shoemaker,
Stutzmau, Taylor, White and Wortli
ington 10.
So tho question was determined In
tho negative.
Mr. SKAR1G1IT. I ofTcr tho follow
ing amendment, to come iu at tho end
of tho first section:
Provided, That it such agent, conduc
tor or employee shall set apart, in their
said cars, comfortable seats at the end
thereof.orshall provide separato cars for
the accommodation of persons of color
traveling therein, no such fine or pen
altyshall bo imposed.
The amendment was voted down.
Mr. WALLACE moved to amend, by
adding to tho end of the first section
the following:
Provided, That nothing herein con
tained shall bo construed to compel tho
admission of negroes Into berths in
sleeping cars, or to puui-h one for the
exclusion of persons of color from tho
cars set apart for tliu use of ladies.
That amendment was lo voted
down, and among tho nays the "lovely
LANDON." After some moro discus
sion tho first section of the bill passed
by tho following vote.
Yi:ah Messrs. Blgham, Bllliugfclt,
Browne (Lawrence), Brown (Mercer),
Coleman, Council, Cowles, Graham,
Landon, Lowry, Rldgway, Slutzman,
Taylor, Whito, Wortliington and Hall,
Speaker 10.
Nays Messrs. Burnett, Davis, Don
ovan, Jackson, Janies, M'Caudless, M'-
conaughy, Randall, Schall, Scatight,
Shoemaker, AVallace and Walls 13.
The second section then read as fol
Section 2. That any agent, conduc
tor or employee of my railrcjad or rail
way corporation within tills Common
wealth, .who shall exclude, allow to be
excluded, or assist in the exclusion from
any of their cars sot apart for tho ac
commodation of passengers, any person
or persons on account of color or race,
or who shall refiino to carry such person
or persons on account of color or race,
or who shall throw any car or cars from
tho track, thereby preventing persons
from riding, shall be deemed guilty of
misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall pay a lino not excepding
flvo hundred dollais (WOO 00) not less
man one iiuiiiircii dollars nuo uo), or
bo imprisoned for a term not exceeding
three (3) months nor lees than thirty
(U0) days, or both, at tho discretion of
tho court.
Will the Senato agreo to tho second
A motion was mado by Mr. M'CAND
LESS to amend the samo by adding
to tho end thereof the following pro
viso :
Provided. That If said cornoratlotis
shall provido for tho accommodation of
colored nersons at least one iiasscii'rer
car in flvo of thosu used upon their lino
of travel, and shall distinctly mark tho
same upon tho sido of such cars so set
apart lor sucn persons, the penalty here-
by imposed shall not bo Inflicted
On tho question,
Will tho Senato agree so to amend ?
The yeas and nays wero required by
RIGHT, and wero as follow, viz :
Yeah Messrs. Burnett, Davis, Don
ovan, Jackson, James, M'Candlcss,
Randall, Schall, Searlght, Wallace and
Walls 11.
Nays Messrs. Blgham, Blllingfelt,
Browne (Lawrence), Brown (Mercer),
Coleman, Council, Cowles, Graham,
Landon, Lowry, M'Conaugliy, Ridge
way, Shoemaker, Sttitznian, Taylor,
White, Wortliington and Hall, Speaker
So the question was determined In
the negative,
Tho "lovely Landon" not votiu
against tho amendment, and in favor of
the section, whereby a nigger can force
himself into tho Ladles car at pleasure,
or if excluded because ho is a nigger,
can buo and collect a lino of II vo huu
dred dollars, and before a Radical judge
uo also imprisoned three months. SucI
is the legislation tho Radicals aro in
flicting upon tho white women nnd
men of tho Commonwealth of Pennsyl
The story about Jellerson Davlshav
lug been disguised In his wife's clothes
at the timoof his captilro lias at last been
olneially disposed of. Secretary Stanton
lias tent to tho Senato a full copy of the
report of Major AViison, tho officer who
was In command of troops who mado
the eapture. Major Wilson's report
includes tno reports of subordinate oil!
cers sent out to prevent thft escape of
Mr. Davis across tho Mississippi river,
Including thatofLleut. Col. Prltchard.of
the 1th Mich. Cuv., who captured him.
AW o,ic trord Is mid In these de,iutcic.i
of Mr. JiUeh tiavlnt brut takui In my
cujuim vui itl.iuilll, iiail it iii-eii oiner
wisult would certulntv have beun stated.
Thus is unilscrablo slander. proiuulRated
at lli'o time, now refuted by an oilicial
report from a quarter wlu-io It was
Known to no luisu iioin tiio lint. This
makes Stanton look exceedingly small
ill His ii.;iui;iuu MUUlUC i.
WAmNiTON, I-Vlminry 15.
Mr. Schcnck's Bounty Bill passed tho
House by a close vote. It provides that
each soldier shall receive bounty nt tho
rate of $SJ per month for tho time actu
ally In tho service, after deducting all
government and local bounties. The
other provisions of tho bill aro similar
to the present one. Its passage through
tho Senate Is doubtful.
Tho first registry taken by the Judges
appointed by the Supremo Court of the
District, of tho legal voters of George
town, was completed yesterday and
foots up 1,1 13 whites, and S80 colored.
Among the whites there are at least 300
WAliiNfiTON, Fi-tiiunr- 17.
The Senato remained In session until
six o'clock Sunday morning, nt which
hour it paused the bill providing for tho
military government of tho Southern
States, with an amendment agreed on
by the committee appointed at tho sen
atorial caucus held on yesterday morn
Ing. Tho bill as it passed virtually em
braced the Blaine amendment, nnd re
quires universal suffrage of tho South
ern States and the ratification of the
constitutional amendment as conditions
precedent to their admission to repre
the i'ni-:siii:xT and mil (inr.Ki.Y
Among the rumors. insisted on in cer
tain quarters to-night is one that the
President has written a letter to Horace
Grccly, tendering him the position of
Postmaster-General. The rumor 'is
doubted generally as much as the one
that preceded Bancroft's appointment,
but it may prove as true.
Tho President has approved the bill
uithorizlng the Secretary of the Navy
to accept League Island, iu tho Delawaro
River, for naval purposes, and to dis
pense with and dispose of tho site of
the existing NaVy Yard at Philadel
phia. The following circular has been issued
by command of General Grant :
"Hereafter none hut unmarried men,
who aro not less titan five feet five
inches iu height, will bo enlisted into
the army of tho United States for any
arm of tho service. This regulation will
not apply to men enlisting in tlto re;
ments of the Veteran Reserve Corps, or
to men enlisting as musicians."
The bill toprohibittliePresidentfrom
removing any civil officer from office,
including Cabinet Ministers, without
the consent of tho Senate, and better
known as the Civil Tenure Bill, was
sent to tho President this evening for
his signature. It is thought tiiat lie will
not sign it.
WAsiiiNiiTO.t, Fobriwry 10,
Tho Reconstruction bill, known as tho
uovernnient-isegro-sullrago measure,
has been vibrating between tho two
houses of Congress during to-day and
this evening. The House met an hour
earlier this morning, and promptly pro
ceeded to take a vote. The interest and
excitement wero as great ivs on yester
day, 'llio gallories were as crowded,
nnd the floor was full. The roll-call pro
ceeded pretty evenly until toward tho
close, when it was evident that there
was a decided majority against it. Tho
Democrats, or opposition men throw
their votes solid against it, with the sin-
glo exception of General Rousseau, of
Kentucky, who voted for It. Messrs.
Cooper, Bergen, Leftwitch, Taylor, of
New York, and ono or two others, how
ever, did not answer when their names
wero called, but, before tho result was
announced, voted against it. This mado
forty-ono votes, to which wero added
fifty-seven Radical Republican votes,
thus defeating tho bill by a majority of
twenty-live. Seventy-two Republican
votes, and one opposition (Rousseau)
wero thrown in its favor. Tho result
was received with surprise but In dead
silence. The bill was immediately sent
across the Capitol to tho Senate nnd
quickly taken up in tlint body. Tho
parliamentary question there, was on
ordering a conference committee on tho
disagreement between tho two Houses.
This met with general opposition, ex
cept from Sumner nnd Fosscnden. The
latter was personally attacked by How
ard and Wade for deserting his post on
Saturday night on tho passage of tho
1)111. Fessendeu bitterly replied; ac
cused Howard of glorifying hImsolf,and
sharply told Wade that ho did not pro
pose to bo rebuked or abused by him.
Tho wranglo was racy and amusing, and
was but a duplication of Republican
harmony exhibited on thesamo question
in tho House. Senator Cowan mado a
humorous and telling speech, and op
portunoly took a document which had
just come Into tho Semite, Iu answer to
Its own resolution, from various heads
of departments, showing how absurd
were tho stories of outrages In thoSoulh
on freedmcn and so-called loyalists,
Thu Senato then refused a conference,
and sent the bill back to tho House with
a messago that it Insisted on It. It was
not until niuo o'clock this evening that
tho question again enmo up In the-llouse,
Blaine, of Maine, leading off, while
Thad. Stevens Joined the Democrats iu
opposing tho consideration of thu bill.
'lliey were, however, voted down. The
bill being beforo tho House, Wilson, of
Iowa, offered an amendment, to plcaso
somo of the extreme Radicals, provi
ding that no person disfranchised by the
pending constitutional amendment
should lie elected us delegate, or vote
for a dolegato to tho conventions to bo
organized under this bill. It is said that
llils will secure for it votes enough to
pass it, Tho Democrats, however, al leu
p. m., commenced to resort to parlia
mentary taitics to defeat tho bill.
11 p. m. Tliu Republicans propo.-ed al
this hour that the vote should be taken
ut twelve o'clock to-moirow. The De-
mocrats having thus gained their point
nn adjournment Immediately followed.
Tho President is thus afforded an op
portunity to pocket the bill.
Tho Swatara still lies off the Navy
Yard with Surralt on hoard. No com
munication from the shore Is allowed
with tho vessel, excepting by parlies
having authority through tho Navy De
partment. It is understood tho Cabinet
will consider, to-day, tho question as to
the proper plan for the safe keeping of
tho prisoner, and other subjects lu that
connection. Acell has nlready been pre
pared In tho jail for Ids reception, to
which ho will probably soon be trans
ferred, under tho custody of the United
States Marshal. Tho SwaUira left Villa
Franca with Surratt and not Lisbon,
as was reported and stopped fornshort
time nt Madcrln, to procure coal, during
her voyage home.
This afternoon, between four nnd five
o'clock, and soon nfter notification by
the Navy Department of Its readiness
to deliver Surratt to the civil authori
ties, Marshal Gooding proceeded to the
the Navy-yard with tho above warrant,
and having exhibited 11 to Admiral
Rndford, the latter, with a guard of ma
rines, repaired to the Swatara, and soon
returned, bringing with him the prison
er, whom ho delivered to the Mnrshal.
Surratt was in Zouavo dress, such as
he wore when he was captured iu Alex
andria, Egypt, and hand-cuffed. Hav
ing been placed In a hack with an armed
guard, ho was driven to the Jail, which
ho reached nt five o'clock, and was
placed in the custody of tho warden,
who has lately had fitted up threo iron
clad cells, one on each floor, which aro
used for tho confinement of murderers
and desperate characters. He was plated
in one of the"0 cells, from which there
Is no polblo chanco of escape, nnd,
therefore, no doubt about his safe keep
ing. No ono will bo allowed to seo him,
excepting his counsel and the officers of
the prison.
Tho prisoner positively denies that lie
Is John II. Surratt.
New-Okleanh, February 18.
Advices have been received from
Orizaba, Mexico, up to the 11th Inst.
Tho -final and complete evacuation of
the Capital by tho French forces took
place on thoOth Inst, and tho whole ex
peditionary corps was on tho road to
Vera Cruz. Gen. Marques, at the head
of 10,000 of Maximilian's Mexican
troops, had been intrusted with tho
defense of tho City of Mexico. The
Imperialists claimed that they had an
army of ao.OOO men well armed. The
Imperial Government had levied a tax
of ono per cent on all capital. Max!
mllion wears the Mexican uniform
and roviews his troops in tho streets of
the city. Tho enthusiasm of the inhabit
ants for tho Emperor has been renewed.
Galveston, February 18.
The Ihdletln has Brownsville dates
of tho lfltli hist. Maior-Gcn. Lew
Wallace arrived here yesterday, but left
immediately for Cincinnati.
TJio Liberals aro reported to be every
where victorious. Escobedo and Trevlno
had fought two battles with Mirnmon,
who, lu the lost fight, was shot through
both legs and whoso army was utterly
routed. Zacatecas had been reoecupied
by tho Liberals. The only forces be
tween Juarez and the city of Mexico
were L',000 men under Castillo. Maxi
milian was at an hacienda outside the
city, nnd seemed to bo paying no atten
tion to nffairs of state.
Nashville, February 10.
The Senate has passed tho bill con
ferring suffrage on negroes. A motion
to strike out the clause preventing them
from serving on Juries, orholdlngoffice,
was njected by a tio vote. Tho bill
having pro iously (passed tho Horso is
now a law, unless reconsidered, nnd that
event Is not probable.
February 15.
Tho Fenians have succeeded In caus
ing a temporary Interruption in tele
graphic communication with Europe.
Tliep cut tho land wires in Ireland night
beforo last, and, according to last ndvl-
ces, the damago has not been repaired.
London, February 15.
About eight hundred Fenians, under
command of Colonel O'Connor, have ro-
treated to the hills lying about Kilinr
noy, County Kerry.
Tho Britisii government has posted
troops, under command of Colonel
Horseford, at Mallow Junction, In Cork
County, commanding the Hill District.
The excitement iu tho neighborhood
is intense, and many pcoplo living in
th(r-e counties aro precipitately leaving.
An ex-captain of tho United States
volunteer army lias been arrested at
Klllarney on suspicion of being a Fe
nian leader.
A largo number or marines from
Plymouth liavo received orders to de
part for tho Insurrectionary districts of
Irelaud at once.
London, February 15 Noon.
As beforo stated, the telegraph wires
in tho Insurrectionary districts of Ire
land have been cut in all directions, and
tho meagro news received from that
quarter is suppressed by tho authori
ties for prudential reasons.
A largo Fcnluti party has been sur
rounded by tho national troops In Toom
ies Wood. The chances for escape look
exceedingly small.
Tho band of eight hundred or so,
which rrtreated to the hills of Klllamey
is stilt at large.
Tho uprising Is thus far c-ont ut-d to
Kerry and Cork counties, nnd It is nut
believed the trouble willipriwl further.
London, February l&--.ftcriiouii.
Thugoverniitent stated to Parliament
to-day that Colonel Hoiseriird's foii-o
was altogether too unall to follow tho
armed band of Fenians into Toomlcs
Wood, hut that the Colonel had already
hopes of surrounding tho Insurgents
and preventing their escape.
The authorities in Ireland have as
sured tho British government that tho
present rising Is totally stopped.
Lcndon, February 10 Afternoon.
Ireland Is entirely unlet. The Chief
Organizer, Stephens, Is reported there,
but tho danger seems to bo past. Toom
lcs Wood, whero the closely-pressed
Fenians took refuge, was scoured by
tho British troops, and tho insurrection
ary bands dispersed. Tliu government
however, will Immediately send more
ships and troops to Ireland.
London, February 10 Evening.
Tho county of Kerry has been pro
claimed in a stato of siege. The coast
guard policeman who was shot was not
killed. A largo sum of money has been
offered by tho government for tho ar
rest of tho assailant, it Is now said that
Colonel O'Connor is nono other than
Stephens himself. Twonty Americans
aro reported as acting with tho Fenians.
Duhlin, February 17.
The outbreak of Klllamey has come
to an end, and the bands of insurgents
have disappeared.
One hundred and forty Fenians liavo
been nrrcsted In this city, and are now
in jail.
London, February 10 Evening.
A terrible carthquako' has occurred
In the Island of Cephalonia, on the west
ern coast of Greece. Every town in the
Island is in ruins. The loss of human
life nnd property was very great. Tho
King of Greece has gone there.
London, Feb. 1!) Noon. Nono of
the nrmed Fenians iu Kerry county
liavo been captured; but they have all
disappeared. Tho Irish peasantry aro
perfectly willing to glvo any Intelli
gence, but they object to assist iu the
arrest of their countrymen.
Three British sloops-of-war are riding
at anchor in Kennlore River, to awe tho
the people Into obedience mid service if
need be.
I'lillniUlrililn Market).
Wf.uMatiAY, February i!0.
Gitocr,i!ir.s. In sugar there is a fair
business doing. (J21 boxes sold at 0(;i
lJc V lb, currency, tho hitter rate for
clarified, and 100 hiids of clarified at 13c
t1. lb. currency. Laguayra coffee sells in
a small way at 18(18Jo t) lb in gold.
Flouh. The market continues very
unsettled. About 100 bhlssold In lots to
the homo trade Including
Northwcs-tern superfine. nt ST.imtiii 7i0
Noilhw-estein extra S.ijok ti.y)
Vorlliwestern family 10.7-,
lYnusyivnhlnnnd estern superfine...,ii s.7.
I'enusvHanla nnd Western e.tla Whi 1(1.2"
lVnnsvlvantn mill Western raiullv li-IKICu lX.'ill
Pennsylvania mul Western r.incy ll.UUisilii.Ui
llye Hour 7.U0
Wiikat of prime quality lias been in
good demand, and holders nro firm in
their views. Wo quote Pennsylvania
red at 2.(m0 3.00 ; Southern do. at $2.05
(7::t.20', and white ntM.SOganM; Pennn,
Ryo ranges at about $l.!W. Corn
is less active, with sales of 3,000 bus. at
!)8e and !)!c for new yellow, and $1 for
white. Oats arc selling nt 5(!")7c. Tho
receipts to-day are as 'follows: IKK) bbls
flour; l,(iS0 bus. wheat; 6,100 bus. corn,
;i, iwjius. oan.
Provisions Continue very dull, but
prices are uiicuaiigeii. inau sales are
making al is21..rii per barrel for new
mess. Jim Dcei rauires iront sai.'jofi;
$23 for Western nnd city packed. Dress
ed hogs sell at 8K,!ic. Smoked hams
aro steady at.l.X". He ; picdlcd do nt 13(if,
i;ijc. bmoKCU snouiuers at luniie.
and salted do at H0 ile. nrd sells at
Vi(nVi(i i. lb Tor prime in bbls and tier
Sunns Cloverseed is in fair demand
and 2(K) bushels were sold nt from &S.00
( !).I0 per bus, the latter rate for choice;
timothy sells at $1.00 and flaxseed at
W.iU0i?3.l2 per Ims.
M AltriI"K".
I'll i:.H-ai:i!Mll (In the llth l-lst.. nl bis res
lilelire, by llev..l. It. lllinni, Mr. Nelson Frcns
in .miss. i.i7.7iei ijiTiiru, mini iirccuwotiii towii'
ship, 1'olumhlu dainty.
J7XT .,7-0n the same day hy the same, nt tho
house ot the hrlilo's father, Mr.UolH-tt St. Knt to
aiish Stlsiui Lee.ull of Scott township, L'oluiubl.i
I'llllllJ .
lt.UtTZEIr-IIAXft-ein the tllb Inst., bv Itev
Win. J. Dyer. Mr. John 11, llart.i l, of'.Maino
loHnsnip, in .mss luienei nans, or ueavcr vnl
ley, Columbia eounly.
FKTTIUIM.IX-IIWIIAU l-Oll the 171b Inst., by
the Milne, Mr, .lonulhan l-'etUirmanto Miss Lif
laAnii Hit-hard, both or 1k-iim township, L'u.
llllllllli ITUll 111 ,
iiKHiii:r.v-rj:.innii-on tim i-th lust., by tho
rtiniK, ,.ii, vuiH-ri iienii-iii in .miss iiieua 1 I'll.
L-cr. notii m i,ocusi iowiismp,euiuiiiolat'oiiuty,
JW..V-A"7"7.V-On tho 7th Inst., nt the.
hrlilo'H home, .Mr. CImiIi-h If. Mllllln to Miss
.rmuiii.i ji. inner, ijoiii oi jieneii itiweii, i.u
iterno county.
ZIilili:nlAX-WHr.KH-l tho M. U l-amon
ni-.n the f " l-tilllK of the llitll Inst., by Itov,
ii. i. i iisiiii, .nr. .iiiiiii .iiiiiuermiiii,oi iiiooius,
bnrg, to Miss Jlnrla Weber of Hemlock.
A7JS7..7.' A'AM f'.V-On the Hull Ilikt.. nt his res,
Mi-lice, by Key. J.;. Fullmer, Mr. Michael Keslcr
to Mlsscbnissi Iviiaus.ullof Jackson township,
13 I K ID .
I.l.iiunrj In Ulooiiisbiiii;, on the 171b instant,
Mis, Harriet Livi:ott,wll'eol.lohli IjcKKutl.&ri.,
of loin, Columbia county.
The ib censed, at tho time, wns on n visit to bcr
brother, J. J. lUibblns. Hornsu was nlioiit forty-
six ye.irs. Mm was nn cstlmnhlu lady, In thi
prime of life, mul U-iivch ii large. clu-Ie of sorrow-'
ln friends.
f.7(A7f-0n tbo lib Instant, In lirtcn township,
Sjlimiillleolinly, Ohio, Mr.Holoinoii (Ihcr, aseii
Mr, (iluer moved fiom Montour township,
lltmhi.Lcomil V. to Ohio. In lliuKorlo-f ol 1ksi
Lae n wlfu iiiid scm-u ihlldrcii who dee
miiui ii 1 1 in of u Kind husbnnd and father,
KII.i:.lli;ii!i:il-nn November l-.'lli, Is'ifi, Mrs
ruisiiou,, Hllenl H.1MU l.'llelllH-rKcr, ol Mliucy
... i,fli,,,rurU ner line,
JAMllv-lH I'eiilialU, Culuinbla county, on t
n.,i, in , .iiii.iiii ii
Isusaii Jninos, mutt i lnht lears, tlireu iiiuii
.tin iii-i., i.o.irics . lames, sou oi muiam in
-.III . M.IJ B.
H T It I 1' 1 E 11 .
r.VTr.Nri'.ii 0110111:11 j, isin.
This khiiple, though ellectlMUuni blliii Is i.ilmlu
tid hyall sclcnllMcoliserM-rs to blithe most dhoet
... , kiiiiu-iiiiu eiuver seen yei iiisisivureil
A lucre lilniu-ii nt It Is nillli-lenl liieonvluce tl
tllllst obtuse Iiihul of lis l.riii.lliiul iilllll,.
It stiips the eiuver bead from I Ilk stalk leavlni:
the shavi-slanillnn iim u, erouiul, Jt ! easily
.iiiinii iiy nn muse, ami rnpi in- initone inuiior
Isiv to woil; II.
It Is coiiipiict, simple In siiueiure, and not Un.
ble i In uel out ol l.lilel-, unit lull be i heiiply em up.
I he urent adv.iului!e in ibis machine u, ,i'
IniVPllickeid villhered 111 lb., ebair, leiuli- fi ,
cloler mill or hnller, ln.KI.-s sivluu- the meat
ciiathof I ineini.l iilsiriifiiiiiMlnit.baiiiiiinmui,!
tbr.shliu U friuii thesiraw, It illl also pay ev.
eiy f.iiimi liiKHIi-'r bin susl wjih this i.i.nlili,,..
i',','i'!'T',","i",!,f MY"I '.be seisl which , his
In the old way of itttlicrlux II.
1 tin i oiiliii iry liiiliieuiiu utsoll'croil Hiun-iei lie
men who wlali lu piiiehiiseNtiitaur (ouuty Itlulits.
I or irlh iil.iruidilreH "
JiiiCVlIT ' C'ohiiiibl.t Cuui.Vy'l'-.i,
ltiK tlunnplvc lnili liti-il to tin' iiiiili-r'.lKiiPit
on Hook Arrouitt or hy MiIp. nro rraui-iiiii 10
iiinkcpnyinrntiiythoiwviiiii-iii in .inrcii ni-ii.
TIiokp fullliiR to comply with IIiIh m.tlop, will
oil. I lliuir ii n inline, ivi jiiuv'i 111 m.- -
tin-liropcr olllw-r lnr collirtlon.
nn'il I)! K. HLOAN.
OrnliKi-vllli', Fi-I. 22, IW-Ot.
A KstatkokJiikki-ii IlonntSM, lim-'ti. Li lti r-i
lo I in- umuiuoi .iii-rim in i ii inn.
n na inn cumin oriignmnin hk'."!"! un vww.m
tlm 1n'fiknt tmi reim,,'t'',l to nuiku lliem
iowii to llio mlmlnMintor without tit-lay, nnd
(Hti'inviKnl,; ltI7-t AilmltiMrnhir,
JL nnil for Hip county or LVIunililn ! In Hip iiml
tor of tln iiotltlon of tin- KUiinlhin of l'llll.lf
KKLLKU, fur i-nlo of wiLI inliior'ti mil i-MMe:
Ainl ninv, to wit, Fi lirti-iry mucnlh, lKi7, l. M.
L,Vi-ltP, r.n., iii'"ihiti'il i-omml'Kluiier to ri-nort
thi" fju-tH with liw opinion, etc.
uy llio conn. i-rumiiitTuwrn. . . Coi.iiman, Clcrh.
Tlin I'nfmitfvcfnnpr nlwtvo nnlnpil will litti-ml to
llio iltitli-ii of liln nniioltitiiH-nt nt tliu oilh-p of
Win. II. Ahholt. lo i'iiIiiwIimi. folitmlilii county.
on WpiIik-siIhv. tin Iwentltth ilny of Mart-h, W7,
lit kn 0'iiorlt, ii. in., w licit nnil v horu nil purlieu
inii-rp.iii-ii limy nupiiu. . . .
.M. .M. L'VEI.I.i;, Loinhiiemuiier.
Fibi-imry 2!, 1-U7-II,
.L 1M'!AL RSTATM In litimu.-tnce of nil oNllT
oftlioorplmm- Court of Cnlumliliii-oiiiily, P., on
nt ti-ll oVliM-k In tho fon-noon, Tholiifin Hl-mh, Ex
i-xilior oi I- ri-lll-ririv iirt, lino oi rii;:irii:ii ion n-
nhlp, In will! c-oimty, iU-i-ciispiI, will p.mwikp to wilu
hy public M'ltilup.on tho premises u certain iiieii
uiit" nnil trnet of l.inil.Hitiinte In Siuinirlonf tou n
shlp.l'olumhlii county, lioumleil hy liiiuli or 1 lenry
Hen, Collins Hutllll, Iinnlel Kverhnrt nuil oilier,
eoiitnlnliiK iK'Niunm and TimiTY-Fivr. aciiiss,
rnwre or Ichi, on which U erecteit a l-'r.nno House,
iiiul llnrn. There U alio u flue orchnril on thu
premlsei, nuil part of tho land iu a KoiHlMntoor
cultivation. Ijttc the estate of khIU ueueneil, nit
unto. In tho towimlilp ami county afureialil.
i oi.r.jiAn, ll'll.,
nioointlmrif, February IU, ISO".
ftitittltinni nt AVie. Ton npr cent, of oliA.fniirlli
of thp purchase money nt tho (striking down of
the proH-ily : tliu one-fourth leu llio ten tier cent,
ut tho continuation absolute, unit the rrmaliiliiK
three-fourths In one year thereafter, with Inter
est from the conllruuitliiii ntri. The purchmcr to
pay lor uecu huh sunups.
February 22, lti7-(!t,
HKAT. KSTATIC In lutrstiniico nf i intern ttf
tlin Hi nlinixi' fViiirtu if Mnuttiltr nnd Col til ill till
rnuntlfs, Til.. Itn tnuteinUneil, iu1inlnttriilnrnf
I.vrmiiltit i nuntv. ilcccjisfil. M 111 t'XItosc lt Will.
by iniMIe rtniiii', nt llio Uoti 1 ttf.lohu Itrlttain,
In wlilte Jltill, Mont din' county, on
nt twelve n'oloclc Mn ccrtuln iUto or parn-l fit
bin cnunly, nml iinitty lu Anthony township,
Montour county, containing
mnro or less adjoining ,uU lati of Win. Kills,
in. Aiiaiih, umu; mm uiiiirft; inu imiirovv
lIU'lltH iK'ItlK 11
an orchard, nnd uljimt tlilrty ncics cleared ;th
uuninru wvii iinu'tTi'ii.
yIM'O, Onu other pu rcidof land, sit uuti hi Mad-
Ivittt Invrnuliln I 'olitmlihi (iiiiiitv. mllolnliii tint
atHiv', laiitl of AdainHiiriiiK, ninf others, contain
ing iwemy-nvo neres nun ivveniy-oim perciicn,
tnoiL'or U-Ht.nnd lKlng v timbered land, lato
UK rilitH' dl nil U I IH-Cl-UHftl,
M IC1 1 MIL WIN 1 :t I a uixi:ii(
February Ibtu-it. AdiiilulstrntorM.
HCAIi llSTATi:. In mu-MLUiei1 of nu order
oi iiiourpiinns'cuurioi vouumua couuiy, on
nt ten o'clock In the forciKHiTi, Samuel Ilverett,
iidmlnMralor of tieorire Kfell. Into of Oiuiilm
towimlilp, in said county, deceased, will cxjhjm to
halo, by public vendue, un tho prenilsen, u certain
ultnnte In OrntiKO township. Columbia enmity,
uuuiun'ii uy uimiitii ifuuii'i jvieier, n Hiiiw liny
man, Henry Ktlner, C. U. Coleman, Jacob Itoup,
n ik1 Uauk'tLirn. WiiLrnn Shed. Ae. AKd ii cimhI
Spring of Water al tin; door. Iitu the estnto if
Hald deceased, hltuate in the township or OniUKU,
and eouuty aruresalil,
.Ikssi: Com;ma, Clerk,
inoomsburjjt, I-'ebruary IU, lsu7.
Oumlitluni uf Snte: Tin nereeiit. nf (ino.ftmrfh
the purchase money ut Ihestrlkln down of tho
property, one-fiiurtli less thu ten ter cent, nt tbo
confirmation nbsnlute, and tho remaining three
fourths Inoin jear theii afler, with Interest from
confirmation nisi. The purchaser to imv lor deed
and Mauti 8. hAMl'KI KVIilllXr,
, eeorimiy ss, in,7-.)1. Administrator.
X IlKAr lXTATi:. In oursuniieo of an order
of the Orphans' Court of Columbia County, on
nt ten o'clock hi tho forenoon. WW Uohbtiw, ad
inluKtrator of Abi.ibunt Itobblns, late of Klshlni;
eieek townshln. lu hald eiiiinU'.decciihod. will 4t.
jmisp to Mile, by publlt! veiuluo, on the prunLsci, a
i-ciiiuii ini'S'siiivyii iuiu
situate In KUbliu'ereek townshlo.Cnlointihi n m ii.
ty, Ixainded by lauds of Ilaruian Ijilwir, Uot.
bins, l).tld Coleman and other, conlaliilnt;nliic-
n-uii iiciuN, more or ies, on w men is erected n
l''BA3IK llOUSK Al) 11AHN.
There Is nisi) n thrifty younituppleorchnrdon the
ln.-iiusi-s. iiiu uio c.siiuu oi Hum iicct-astsl. Mill'
uto In llio township nnd county ufures.nd.
... , J kiwi: Coleman, cleric.
lllooinsburg, February III, Isli7.
amtitiom nf .Stiff .-Tlin one-thlril of tho pur
chase inoiicv to reninln churned iimm ili., nrnii.
Kesduilui; llio natural llo of Dlnnii llobblns,
wlilow ol llio said dei eased, ami thu Interest
thereof to I hi nnnunlly und nnulnrly pnld bcr bv
tho purclinsi r on the llrst iluy ol Miiy of each anil
every year dnrliiB her natural life, nnd nt her
death the principal to lie, paid bv the liiiicluiHCr
to thu persons h l-iiIIv enll led llieietn.
Ten per edit, of iiiie-fourtli of thu tH'o.tlilriU of
i'iu 1'iiriii.iso iiuiue.v io no piuii in 1110 strllitllK
diiwnof the prois rly; tlioone-fnurlliof the two
thirds, less the ten pur cent, nt tho cnuilriiiattou
ubsoluli', unit the i.'inalnlii;: two-thiids ! one
yenr Ihereiiflcr, wllb Interest from tho eoidlrma
linn inn. Tho inirchnser to pav for dud nnd
Minimis. l?l I liniiiuvu
IVbru.-iry 22, lsOT-Ct. ' Ailmlnlstr'.-ilor.
or TUB
Jiillnnry Ut 1HO0, to Jniiunry 1st 1BU7.
Tilt: Allilllors i Itcled In selllu mul n.lln.l II,.
public a mils of Columbia I'minty, n -im irmly
Ih-k leave to lepoit that llu-y hawi eMimliicil the
s unn uiiiu 11,11 him u.,y in J.lUUIirV, ., II, Ollf
tholls.inil t-Iiflit binidri .1 nml slvli'.vlv i.. 1 1... nh
day of Jiniuaiy, a,ii. one thousand eluht huiulied lespeclfully lay heiore the
lloiioialile Jiulsesof the Court of Cunuiion l'leiis
of li.l d Couiltv. Hie fultnwln-j Ktnli.iiH.i.t n...
IiiiiI.iikiii-iiI.I.v lo thu Iwenty.seeoliil Ms-llon of
the Act ot (leneial Assemhly till-. Columiiii.
, tin i ii, iiiisrii un- ii iu 1 1 1 uny oi April, ,, ii lsit
JOll.V .. STIIJCI, Tieasnrerof Coliinihla Coun.
J I m iivi uuui ii ii s.ilil LOIIUiy,
Will. Jan. 1. To amount oulstnudliu: fur
IsiMiiiui iiiviousiars jvjiy jji
..ii.w.iiii .-ntii n-eci"eil 111 1 1.111 I ."I I leury
lale livasuicr, us per Auilllorii
lepoll, sl CI
tin dish lecelveilof ll-inll lMll.,i..
laieTiiasiir.r. fiirMiiiilry lnea
l eb. .j, I ui Kiniin l Kelcliner, of llrl.
iircicric lowiisliui fur ki-eiilni;
Catharine Suit,
l-eb.ll. Cash of II.. 1,, r, fur plank,
l eb. IS). Cash of I.iwtoii.l.iiul re-
7 B0
;V"'",T5-.,.',"lf MnklflU-r.fnrliilek.
May III. Cash ofHaiunel isnnler, Wierlir.
costs ,ti- in Milt ol tho Couuiy
2 I'JI
2 75
It. III. Slellci- colliuorul foil
.vilunam towiislibi.
I'oainiiiiul of Cuunty lax iissck.
13 IU
Jnne?i CashofileoiKo Illdlay, land re.
At!:!. ("ash received for tnves nt, Lr.l,..l
l"lii ,j
U,,1 i .".llll1""'""l hinds relumed, MIDI
N-pt. 1. Cash ofKiiiuifl Kc elm,,.. ,.i- i!Pi.
lirci-ei-l( township, for lieeplliu
CntharliiHMili, 77 10
k-I, 'i'oiiiiioiiiitteiiilaynssrssiiicnt In
iu in I,1""""""'' of IU i wick, 10 Nil
l.l-n illHl lllll S 111 Jl SSI" l,OIO.
nail, I'rolhiiiiiilar), i;o ml
luianiiijiiiiij nix lUUU 1UI1I1 IIS
i-cssiirii for l"W,
Aiiionnt nutslaiiilliiK, balance.
1 o sundry lams,
J I I. I
(,'rl in
lly nmoiiiit oulstandliig tor si,ii,hh, ,,ie.
luiis .ii-ai's, ifin is
lly ("xuuor.itiiiu. iiIIum-is iiill.-ciurs) ii.l -n
iiv i uiiiirrtssi incr - ion .vi
j., ili i in i i'iiiii.v iiiuers lisli-eloeil 17.7UI II
lly lieasiiier smiiiiuls.loiisiin u.-n' .17
at luurjM-rei lit., - i.lil ii-i
iiy isiiauru line v litlltiy, ytsJ
dis.lllll 37
JII.V ., .V7.KV,TieiiniriT of li.lnnil.l.i Couu.
t) . in iu count w fill the l.ii on iliis.
Amount oitlsbitulluit fur lsd'unul prel.
oils .veins, ESID IX)
i assessed lor s(l, 1,'iVI 3ii
" diirj'rciisurer, jij S1
Ufitt HI
Amount outstiitulliutntiil tilusillcctisl, $il7 in
exouc unions uiiinvcii toiicciors, IUI Of
" tsiininlssloli, r,
' sbeenliililai;e, orders reilei'lneil. l,tw 75
" paid iissessins lor iissessiucnt or
tux fur the year l.siii), hj m
" Treastirer'N eommlssiiiu on $1,.
73i 7i) SI
WM 01
AUDITOlts' AND CMMlK'rt l'AV. '
Miiount paid Ainlllors nnd clerk, Sn 11)
" 10 Wirt niiilltlmr rrolhoiiolary
" und lteijltiti-r'ii nceouiit, law
Ml id
Amunnt puld assessors for HiirliiRiUsMniH-
iieni, enn H
llltllXli: COSTHACTS.
Amount paid David Kuviu;i', brldKO In
iieiiion, jvj-i oi
W. A. Kile, brldci! Ill KIsillltlK-
IHl'lt, IV) ID
' W. A. Kile, brldKu lu Hncarlisif Nil ij
" 1". Ii.mitiiumi l'rankllii lVifi
W,S5l) IX)
nuiDui: Hiu'AitKi.
Amount pnld John He;
" David Hi
J'HI 01
HO 61
Itrj a
71 U
"li 3D
tf.'i I.S
a .',1
7.1 HI
lit .11
Ha aire.
Aitrun Kester fur plank,
1 iiarimau,
isnmuel Apiiletnnti,
M. C. WiHulw-ard
John Kyer,
rhlllp t'mwfiiri! for Htoho
.I0I111 Moiiluu,
William I-Iycr.
Joslah II. t-uriiinti.
Sundry persons,
Montgomery Cole,
M m
llflu) 111
llIiANK 110OKC.
Aiiiouiit paid for blank Issiks for lm
thoiiolury nnd lti-KlsU-r, (lu a)
,moiiut paid suuilry persons fortniitcrl
ills fiiriilsFiiilniiil workloprlvy Oilia (i
11 for repairs nt Court llouso nml
Jalltlurlni; the year, Ac., Din
;i.i:axix(i couut houhi:.
Aiumiut paid to sundry persons, J. m
CO.MM I8.1IOX llll'rt ATTOllNKY.
Aiiionnt to W. Wirt, Commlssloncr'H At
torney, J70 ID
Amount to M. Coirinuii fur tliu year lxuil, f,7 ,',)
Amount paid to the several IVmslnblm
diirini; year.
SH.7 a
Amount paid to sundry iiernoin, 5117 g-j
Aiiiouiit paid T. .7. Vaiidersllce,Coiuiii!h.s'r (Im 10
.vneu ."iiiuii, ani io
' " .luhli t l-'owler ni
11 " Montiroiuery Colo at ui
" " H. C. I'rult Clerk. a 11)
' " oxpenwn to liar-
rlshur m in
Amount pntd 11.11. 1.lltle.lato lllsl. Atfy. SIH 10
" " M. M. TrallBh, 11 UJ
1". I.KUT ION EX l'llNH EH.
Amount lstld sundry tiersons for Hprlhg
ehs tloli Bl M
" paid suiulry persons for Poor
House nuil general election 711 75.
JI.IW 11
Amount for coal 100d for Cunrt Honso
miilJull tl'H'A
Amount to suudry personH 873 a)
incidi:ntai. i:xrr.Nri.
Amount of slat loner-, etc., fur i-ourt. til M
Atnoniit to I.yeoiulni; Mutnnl Inn. Co., t2S 70
Amount to J. (1. tiilck, l'.sii., on V, Wal
lers, to Win. M. Hoitijlauil un Thou.
111) SI
to.1. 11. tksn, M. ! fiTiimlnlriK
bisly of Samuel Wuniuco ill
Wi 11
Amount to Jurors nt tho several c-ourU
ihiriin! tho yenr SI JIM U
Aiuouut paid Dr. V. iMIairison, utteml.
linen on prisoners, J 50
Amount imld Jcsso Coleman, I'roth'y 81!5 Ili
Alllollllt to W. If. Jncohy, f Isi) n
liij.s.rkiiiiers, IMln
to I.. I.. Tale, aim
to 1". John Q 111
t-!H III
Aiiionnt pal-l 1). A. Iicckley, 1". M. W .'D
Amoutit paid Ii, S. IViiltiiitliiry,nuiisrl-
linteonvlcis, 8ltli
" lKiid statu l.uuatle Hospital for
, thu fuiprl of Catharine. Suit 157 W
6'ril It)
Aiiionnt palilsuniliy peisons for rixuluud
lirldBo views, $14) u)
Amount paid Thomas Knurr, Illootntp., (79 VI
" " Win. Klliie..lael-son tp., lu m
" " .1. W. li-lt, llrlarcreiktp., )
" " D. A. llowiuau. xaw
" " Andrew- I-'rc-ts, " 15ii in
" " W.I(.ltobbliis,tlrt-eiiwisUi. I'll"
siir.mrF's iin.L.
Ainonut paid Kimuel Snyder for lionrd
hilt prisoners
" " conveyliiKNatliaiileirerry
lo thu Uoiise of Ilurueiiiiiiil
Is.iau lllnl I0K.H. 1-enllell-tl.iry
" M eoiiveylncAbmbninVcnler
" " tn tho r.. 8. reiilu-iitlao
Amount raid toMindry iktsohu to wit:
ItliHiui township
lleiilon "
flleenwiiisl "
llilarercek "
l-'lshiiiereolc "
Jiiekson " a
Madison "'
Mallui "
Mt. I'le.tsaiit "
Moulour '
Ilenibs-k "
Hi-uit "
Mllllln "
e 11 m
117 (II
HI! Ml
II 0
211 1'l
ii l
11 UI
ir.'j .V)
su ui
in 1 iw
Amount paid layliii; out Slate Itoulthro'
Columbia and l.iir.criio counties 1 !
Til' STAVi:.-).
Aiuouut jsild nl the several courlH (el '
TAXlis iikfundi:d.
Aiiionnt of toad. M-lmiil iiuileounly taxi.
U-ttitiilcil by the several IowiisiIm SlfiJ) S
Aiuouut ofonlerN Issued fur the year liM Sl'VilO M
lied net nun unit of hbis-pnrilerti
Issued lur I he year Will $1,1711 7.1
taxcHlcfuiidciltiKownslilps ,!C) IN S l,-Vl
Ai-lual expenses for year lMiil 13.mii Ol
Wr. Iho iindersUueil Andllors of Cnlumbla
eounly, bclnj; duly cleclisl to iiillust ami utile
IheiicisiiiiilsiirihiiTrcasiireriind Colnnilssliuicn-,
do cerliry lhat we met nt tbo nillcci of the Cum
inlssiiiucrs lu liloonisbiiri.', nml eurcriilly eiaiu
I1111I Ihencrolillls and vouchers ol the same final
the first da v 1 if .Iniiom 1 . 1. n. lsldl. In tin. ilrt ilav
of .lanuary, a. 11. isirr, ami Und thcin corns-l 11;
set forth In the forinihiK stiilemciit, nisi itlul
11 balance due Ciiluiulilii Coutitv of two tliuuMili-l
elullt hull. In d and el-ihty-tw 11 doll. us and sc en-t.v-slx
cents is-.'.ss-! 70) front John .l,.Srii.i:i, Trrn
surer of s.ild eouuty,
(liven under our liauiWIhli- iii;titlt day of Jam
uary, A. llunis-iuili Ijlu huiulreiiud slxt)
seven, Ii It Itl'lij-MtT I ""'"'
At'tAl. IHnii.i. r.ric, rhrk.
"V. til" lllulel-sUiieil, Coiiiiiilssliineisof Cliluia-
i'l 101111U . il-ii i i llly thu toiei-iilliK is 11 cor-
-i-t Kl.llelneltl ,il II,;. lu nr J7.I.I ..ntili- fur
the year lsut.
llni SI.ISH- liamls, January i-l-ihlli, Isii7,
.1. I'. I'uw I,l-:il, U'omurri'.
MONT. Ciil.i:, I
Alli'l: t, Klin -iiiAi-M, ml,
At'l-iiov.ii by llu- Cuutt, rebiuiiiyfoiir'r. M7
lit M lUIIIII. ) ... ,11(i,.,.
i k, iii:iiui:1n, AhSU-
lllisimsbur.' Feb. H, so7.