The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, February 15, 1867, Image 2

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joiin a. freeze,
ItliOOMSllUlUl, I-'IUIIAY, run. is, 180T.
Democratic State Convention.
Tifm Tli.mncrnlln Hlfltn Cnmtiilltee. nt. 11 meet
ing, on January -nth, nt Harrlshurg, adopted tho
following resolutions i
1st, -nun mo regular i-nnvention oi me pnny
for nominating ft randtdatn fur Ilia supreme hold nt ltorrlsburir. tin tho SECOND
TUESDAY OF JUNK, 1JC7. nt twelve o'clock M.
nnd that wild Convention bo composed or thetis
unl mimber of delegates. . .
Unci. In addition thereto. It I recommended to
the Democracy of Pennsylvania to FORTHWITH
cognlrcd position nnd lnllucnco In tho linrty, for
each Representative mul senator In their rc-o-lectlvo
district, who iilinll meet In MASS CON
VENTION, at Harrls'iurg, on a clay to bo fixed by
inn uuairman 01 inornate i,eiuraiviiiiiiiiice.
lly order of tho Dcmocratln state Cominlttro,
H. L. FoMTEn, Secretary.
O wing to th6 very precarious stato of
my health, nud tho necessity of ft cessa
tion from continuous ofllco lnhor, for
some, time to come, It has heen ilecinotl
necessary to Join with mo some ono
Who shall assume tho active and general
management of tho Columrian.
Cnptnln Charles B. Broekway, n, gen-
tlcman well known, not only In tho
county, hut In tho Stato, n incmhor of
tho Bar, a ready writer, andafluentand
forclblo speaker, has been selected by
tho proprietors, for that responsible
Captain Broekway's law offlco will
hereafter bo In tho Columbian build
ing, where ho can bo always found ; and
whero all our friends having business
with tho ofllco arc requested to call.
J. O. F.
Gov. Curtln, In his last message, re
commended to tho Legislature tho pas
sagoof anactfortheelcctlonof Jury Com
missioners in each county of the State,
by whom Jurors for nil the courts should
bo Eclected j tho Commissioners to bo
chosen in tho samo manner in which In
spectors aro chosen under tho general
election Taws. This plan is, as our read
ers aro aware, that each elector votes for
ono candidate, while tho two candidates
highest In votes aro elected. This is a
simple, though rudo contrlvanco by
which both parties may bo represented
in election boards, and though it docs
not attain to ideal perfection as a fea
ture of our electoral system, it is no
doubt most useful and salutary as a prac
tical arrangement. To bo sure, tho mi'
nority, aro given, in ordinary cases, an
equal voice with tho majority in tho so-
lection of an Inspector; but it Is to bo
romembcrcd that tho third member of
the board, tho Judgo of tho election, Is
chosen by tho tho majority, with power
to decido between tho inspectors if tiioy
disagree upon any question. The repre
sentation of tho minority upon election
boards, under this plan, is a very vnlua-
bio safeguard against unfairness and
fraud in elections and Is, wo believe,
generally popular with tho people.
But wo think that Gov. Curtin's pro
position for tho application of this plan
to tho election of Jury Commissioners
in tho several counties of tho State, Is
open to somo strong objections, which
wo will proceed to stato.
In the llrst place its effect (or at least
Its tendency) will bo to givo to the poli
tical minority, in any county, precisely
as many Jurors as aro given to tho ma
jority. Tho caso is not exactly analo
gous to that of an election board, which
consuls of threo members, ono of whom
is selected simply upon tho majority or
plurality rulo. Thcro aro to bo but two
Commissioners with equal powers ; tho
minority Commissioner to be in no re
spect Inferior to tho other. Ho can
therefore select as many jurors as his
colleague can, and mako a minor inter
est in tho community equal In influence
nnd power with a major one, so far as
this question of selecting Jurors Is con
cerncd. Tho complaint now is that tho
minority have no voico in tho proceed
ing: by tho proposed plan thoy would
havo undue and unreasonable power as-
Biened them.
In tho next place tho plan does not
provide for tho decision of questions
whero tho commissioners shall disagree
Tliero may bo a dead-lock ; thoy may
hold each other In check, and tho per
formance of their duties bo stopped or
abandoned in consequence. No other of
ficer can act with or decide between
them, bocauso no such ofllcer is provi
ded for by tho plan j nor is there auy su
perior authority which can luterposo to
eettlo their disputes.
Again: It Is likely that in ono respect
partisan considerations will prevail
moro than at prcscut, under tho pro
posed plan. Each commissioner will bo
chosen with tho direct object of aiding
as well representing his party, In tho se
lections mado. Therefore, actlvo politl
clans will bo selected to a greater extent
than at present, and Independent nnd
modcrato men bo omitted from tho lists
But sucli last mentioned men aro peculi
arly suited to Jury service and their elec
tion oucht not to ho diseouraired.
Lastly, tho Governor's plan iuvolvcs
tho Inconvenicnco and expense of two
additional officers In each comity. Can
dldatcs to bo voted for aro already sufll
elently numerous and their number
ought not to bo increased without strong
necessity, nor ought tho exponso of two
additional officers to bo incurred even
ii annum n nnnfl itl.tfu.1 unliibj rl )in. ,...-
ricr means of accomplishing It aro im
It is because wo aro strongly in favor
of n reform in tho selection of Jurors,
that wo bestow particular ntteutinn up
on tho lato Governor's propsltion. Wo
agreo that In many cases his plan would
bo much better than tho present system,
notwithstanding tho objections which
llo against it and which arostnted above.
In fact wo aro glad ho called attention
to tin? subject in his final comuiunltlou
to tho Legislature, thus placing on re
cord, in nnplllclal form, his (minion that
our existing system la defective and re
quires nmondmcnt.
Senator Shoemaker of Luzerno has In
troduced a bill into tho Stato Senate, in
conformity with Gov. Curtin's recom
mendation. Wo d j not know what jiro
sbect thero'is of Its passage. For our
selves, in viow of tho reasons abovo
stated, wo havo doubts of tho expedien
cy and wisdom of tho measure.
Washington-, Feb. 11, 16C7.
Messrs. JCditors : A hill was brought
boforo tho House tho other day, by Mr.
Joncke., of llhodo Island, which lins
not received tho attention It deserves nt
tho hands of tho. press, l'lausiblo at n
first glance, and conrtnondliig Itself to
tho cursory examiner ns a mcasuro ben
cutting tho conduct of tho affairs of tho
Government, it lias all tho elements of
a popular measure to thoso who do not
look beneath tho surfaco of aflalrs. It
Is a bill to establish (seemingly) an ex
amining board hero to ascertain the
questions of applicants for positions in
tho different departments of tho Gov
ernment. Tho board will havo power
to establish subsidiary board3 at any
point they may sco lit; hut It is In re
ality a bill to perpctuato tho power or
tho Radical party. It Is very easy to
conceive how tills can bo done. itli
boards at tho central points In every
Stato, they can so work upon tho solf-
Intercst, as to control to an unlimited
extent tho political character of tho
country. Each applicant for n position
boforo tho board will necessarily bo an
electioneering agent for tho party which
thoy represent. No Conservative will
bo ablo to pass the examination institu
ted for liis benefit by those boards, ex
cept nt raro intervals, and Instead of n
benefit to tho Government, this bill
will lead to tho worst examples of polit-
eal debauchery that havo over been
witnessed in tills country. In time, ns
its influenco extends, wo shall seo in it
another phaso of corruption. Each ap
plicant for examination boforo tho board
will bo assessed a stipulated sum, anil
tho amounts collected In tills way will
bo used as a. vast electioneering fund.
It Is a return to a similar system prac
ticed in England some years ago, but
which had to bo abandoned for its noto
rious corruption.
It is n mistako to supposo that tho
ability to pass a theoretical examina
tion implies tho making of a good clerk
Tho truo test of fitness Is n really practi
cal trial. Thcro aro few men, unless
it bo thoso whoso calllug brings them
Into frequent practice of tlieso studio.-'
that can pass a satisfactory examination
in the numerous brandies of knowl
edge-, which form tho features of these
examinations. Yet many of thoso who
would fall in this examination aro men
who would bring a habit of practical
application to tho business in hand
which would go further toward a care
ful administration of tho officers of tho
departments than any other system
that could be adopted.
Thad. Stovcns has lost much of tho
power ho exercised in tho House at tho
last session. In fact, so palpable is this
that ho has not called a meeting of the
Reconstruction Committco tills session
Probably tho result of tho election for
Senator in your Stato, will still further
decreaso his influence.
Just now thcro Is much Interest felt
In a bill lately introduced in Congress
to establish a public park. This is an
improvement which will add much to
tho attactlvcncss of tho city, and there
seems to bo no good reason why there
should bo none.
Tho death of Hon. Philip Johnson, is
n loss to your Stato which can hardly
be estimated. Ho was highly esteemed
here, and his deatli is much deplored
Mr. Buckalew delivered air imprcssiv
eulogy, which was listened to with rapt
Tho prominent officials hero hold
brilliant receptions weekly, which aro
BON. Mr. BUCKALEW. Mr. President. I
havo certain resolutions to present to
tho Scnnto for adoption consequent up
on tho information Just received from
tho iiousom Representatives, ncioro
Hiilimlttltiir tluwn resolutions, however.
I must fay n few words which I think
appropriate to mo occasion.
Pifit.ti- .IntivsnN. ii Ronrescntatlvo
In tho other IIouso from tho eleventh
pniiL'resslonal district ot Pennsylvania,
Is no more. Tho Houso of which ho was
a member lias adopted appropriate res
olutions to do honor to his mcmory,nnd
to express, so far as any expression by
t mm can iro. tneir sincere eonuoiuiicu
Itlt his wifo and friends over the great
bereavement which they have suilercci.
I embrace tho opportunity to express
somo words, suited to tho occasion, and
thev will bo worus. not 01 warm or
nxtrnvncrnnt euloirV. but of sinccro ro
gard ami of gcnulno respect for tho
character ana memory 01 tno tie-
Mr. Johnson was born In Warren
county, In tho Stato of Now Jersey, on
t in i7tn 01 .innuarv. ihim. wni'ii uiiu
young ho removed with his father to
Northampton county, Pennsylvania,
whero ho has ever since resided. Ho
wnq ii student !nl nnd received his edu
cation at Lft Fayetto college, located nt
Enston, In that county. Subsequently,
lllrn innnv. nnrlinrmn tnniorltv of tho
members 'doing sevlcoln tho Senate and
Ilouso, no was ft teacner oi youui, ami
served for two years in that capacity
Attnrwnrii inwnsa siuuenini law. uuu
was I think In 1818, admitted to practico
in ino severni couiia ui xtuiuiiuuiituu
county. In 1803 ho wns elected to tho
iirmxp.nt upiiresenmiives oi 1110 i-icuis
laturo of my Stato, and was reelected
in tho year following, having thus two
vpnra of servlcn in that bodv. In 1800,
Just boforo tho commencement of our
iinnvnnnilnrl rlHllcilltics 1111(1 sufferings ill
this country, ho was elected from his
congressional uisirict to tnu iiiiiiunui
House of Representatives. Ho was ngaln
elected in 1862, and still again elected
in ism, tnougli moro twin twocieciiuns
to that branch of Concrrcss is unusual
n 1 10 nractica oi my estate, j ininit
that habit which tho people of
that State, and many otucr
States havo fallen Into Is nn ex
ceedingly objectionable one. However,
this is not tho occasion to discuss It.
Mr. .Tohnsnn was returned for ft third
time, tho noonlo of his district thus
iluvlutliiir in his favor from tho ordinary
poutcai rule among mo peopiu oi i-uiin-
of its pcoplo) that tho wounds of con
flict may bo healed ; lives Eiicrlllced may
bo replaced j Industries suspended may
resumo their activity! and that vice
and passion and crime, sown broadcast
from tho wings of war, may bo checked
In growth and subdued ly generous
Hliitpomnniililn mul liv Christian labor.
Ho left us with his faith In tho destiny
of our country unsubdued and unbro
ken ; nud shall wo not shnro in that bono
and contrlbnto souiawhat to its fulllll-
mcnt? Aro tliero no duties upon tho
living to oxecuto tno designs nnti com-
iicto tno wonts ot tno departed i At
east let us bo hopeful also, nnd confi
dent In tho future of our country. If
ovlls ailllct us, If difficulties beset us, If
dangers threaten, If wickedness provall,
ici us "oato no jot oi ncart or nopu,'
but emulato that spirit, that indonilta-
Dio courage, witn which .union, om mm
blind nnd poor, within hearing of n, ri
bald court and surrounded by ft degeno-
ato people, snug tno advent, oi irutn,
ustleo, nnd brotherhood nmong men.
Mr. President. I offer tho following
llesnlvcd. That tho Senate lins re
ceived with deep (sensibility tho an
nouncement of tho death of lion. Philip
Johnson, lato'a member of tho llouoof
Representatives ironi tnostnto oi x'cuu-svlvnnia.
Jlcsolvcit, That tho members of the
Senate, as a mark of respect for tho me
mory oi tno deceased, win go mio
mourning by wearing crnpo on tho left
arm for tho rcslduo of tho session.
Jicsolced, That tho members of tho
Sonato will attend tho funeral of Hon.
111. tit.. T..1 ,,t 41. r.
x mull uuiiiinim iu-iuuiiui , ui iiiu jiuul
designated by tho IIouso of Representa
Jtesoircd. That, as a ftithcr mark of
respect lor tno memory oi tno deceased,
tno acnato do now ad ourn.
Tho resolutions were adopted nemtne
.It 71... i.n L!n.......
vuuitu C(((.t7(cv, ami uiv k-muu ui.
Wo regret to notlco tho death of
number of distinguished Democrats and
Conservatives, at n timo when tho
country can 111 afford It. Among tliei
aro Hon. E. F. Chambers, of Maryland
Hon. Henry S. Jfagraw, of Maryland
Ex-Governor Washington Hunt, of
New York; Hon. Philip Johnson of
Judgo Chambers was ono of tho most
distinguished men of his natlvo State.
Ho was an old lino Whig, and will long
bo remembered for tho singular purity
of Ills character. Ho was n leading
member of the Episcopal Church. Mr.
Mngraw was Treasurer of this Stato four
years, and died a member of tho Mary
land Legislature. Ho was always an
actlvo Democrat. Governor Hunt was
at ono timo n Whig, but ho recently
acted with tho Democrats. Ho was a del
egate hi tho Episcopal Convention, In
Philadelphia, In 18C0, and took a leading
part against tho few Radicals in that
body. Mr. Johnson, was tho represen
tative in Congress for tho Northampton
District fiu- n number of terms. Mr.
Buckalew anuounced his death in tho
sylvania in tiio election ot memoers to
tho other Ilnuso,
Almost at the end of his third term no
has been struck down. Ho will no
longer movo among us to givo ills
counsel or to utter tno?o worus oi en
couragement which aro as nece.-sary in
public ns In private llfii to tho honest
and faithful diselmriro of duty.
Mr. Johnson was my friend, and ho
exhibited Hint friondsliii) on more occa
sions than one. It is therefore a duty in
Which regret and pleasure aro mingled
to stnnd forward and cast upon his bier
nn offorintr of somo few. poor words.
Tho closing of a life career, especially
ot ono wiucn lias neon passed unuer
nub iu observation, is well calculated to
urresttho attention nnd to subduo tho
passions of thohuman breast. Wo know
time wo aro nil destined, sooner or liuer,
to nass throuerli the dark valley nnd ex
perience new conditions of existenco in
a futuro stato : and naturally wo feel
concern nnd interest in tho character
and fato of tho traveler who precedes us,
Human sympathy is roused in content
nlatliiL' ills denarturo from among us
to tuat uourno ironi wnenco nono niivo
returned to reveal to us tho dreadseerets
of the future. Such occasions as this
nliny paB.-aons, because thoy render the
contests of tho time insignillcant in our
eyes. Thoy nro mado to appear to us as
tno accidents oi an imperieci ine, ui-
tnrlv iinwnrfhv nf pnmli.'iriMm wlti
thoso transcendent possibilities which
lie hidden beyond tho portals of death.
What wecan ail'ect in tills life wo will bo
ant to think must annear of little mo
ment, in tno evo oi ino ijciiy. miner
whoso power aro the gates of life and of
ucatn : wno oponetn nnu no man snui-
tetn, andsiiuttetn and no man openetn
in whoso presence wo aro as the dusth
tho balance, and our proudest works as
Como, ye proud nnd lofty ones of tho
earth, whoso eyes aro lifted upand before
wnom men maKo abject obeisance.
Behold tho end of life, to which you aro
destined in common with tho humblest
and weakest-of men I Will you not
pcrcelvo lnthc august presencoof death
that wealth is nothing and fanio but
empty sound, and that your ordinary
aires nnd labors arc, but vanity anil
vexation of spirit I
But thanks no unto uou, wnoso power
and prcsenco 1111 alike the earth and tho
heavens, that He hath established a mo
ral government for the world, and that
whatsoever Is excellent and truoandno
blo and just Is pleasing in Ills sight and
accordant to His will 1 And that oven
Unite man. in Ids low estate, may 1
somo measure glorify His government
and ins laws.
Our departed associato had earncstne.-
of conviction and sincerity of soul. Ho
did not ever now uosoiy to -Mammon
ho did not scorn or scoff tho humble
ho was not abject before tho faco of pow
er: he was not subservient to,tho-pas-
slons of others: nor did ho shrink and
cower before difficulties and opposition.
Pardons. Tho modo of obtaining
pardons from tho GovcrnorofourState,
oven In tho cases whero lenity may have
seemed to bo Just nnd desirable, has
hcrctoforo been conducted too loosely
and clven lust occasion for complaint.
Governor GearyMwlth that prudence
mm lurcsigin which cxiiimts tuo eio
ments of a truo statesman, has Issued a
statement of Regulations to Inform tho
public upon what system pardons in
tho future, during ills Administration
can mono bogranted. iJurgess's Jiepu'j
Yes, William ; nnd In tho very llrst
enso that enmo beforo him, that of Ric
her, for rofuslng tho voto of a qualified
elector, ho violated every ono of tho
regulations ho had made. Instead of
waiting for tho recommendations of
Judgo, Jury, etc., tho man was pardoned
boforo sentenced. Wo may congratulato
ourselves, howover, that in tho civil
suit for damages, the Governor cannot
About thirty years ago, a member of
tho IIouso of Representatives, named
Lavcrty, representing tho counties on
tho Vest Branch of tho River Susque
hanna, was discovered to havo boon
corruptly influenced in tho support ho
gavo to somo legislation favoring tho in
terests of Mr. M'Coy, of Northumber
land, then nn actlvo laud speculator.
Tho fact was disclosed by his attempt
ing to collect by law, tho amount of a
note, which was, it seems, tho corrupt
consideration; and this was after h is re
election. Knowing well how such
crlmo would shock tho moral senso of
tho times, Mr. Lavcrty did not como to
Harrlsburg to claim his seat, but left tho
countrx', and a new election was or
"Wo think we aro correct in this little
bit of history, and if wo aro, the thought
very naturally arises: what has caused
thegreat revolution in public sentiment,
which to-day allows bribery to go, not
only unpunished, but in fact, rewar
Unquestionably, bribery nndcorrup
Hon in tho Legislature, took its rise un
der tho Administration of Governor
Ritner, and chiefly, as wo think, owin
to tho lnllucnco and loose morals of
Thad. Stevens. It was not heard of be
foro: it has been gaining gradually but
surely over since, it has taken fearful
strides recently, all over tho country,
and is now a fearful evidence of tho de-
ray of this Republic.
Tin: business of Life Insurance Is In
creasing in favor and importance, nnd a
largo number of companies are already
prosecuting tho matter with success.
Tho " World Jiutuai Liio insuranco
Company of Now York" has somo spe
cial features, among which is n clause
relative to non-parttuipating premiums,
For Instance,' n person nged thirty, de
sires to insuro his llfo for $100,000. If
ho desires to participate in tho profits.
ho pays annually, $22.03 ; but on tho
non-participating plan ho pays only
$10.12. That is to.say, ho could tako ft
policy of nearly $1,100, nt tho samo
price ho would havo to pay $1,000 In tho
ordinary method.
Tho General Agent for tho Stato of
Pennsylvania, is J. F. Fruoauff, Holli
daysburg, Pa., to whom all applications u
for insuranco, agencies and Information
should bo addressed.
It is generally understood that tho
testimony taken thus fnr by tho Judici
ary Committco has no relation whatev
er to tho official acts of Mr. Johnson,
slnco ho became President, but Is con
fined exclusively to nllcgcd reports of
what ho said boforo ho was over nomi
nated for tho Vice-Presidency. Tho
Houso by resolution appropriated $10,
000 to enablo tho Committco to procuro
ltncsscs, etc. In oil probability thoy
ill discover somo startling testimony
soon ns thoy begin to disburse this
fund. Tho ovldenco must bo had, lot It
cost what it may, and if $10,000 Is not
enough, moro will ho promptly voted.
Tin: coNsrinACY.
Our readers will notoln the proceedings
of tho Houso, somo significant remarks
Mr. Boutwcll, of Massachusetts,
hlch clearly foreshadow tho introduc
tion of a bill of Impeachment ngalnst
tho President. Boutwell is n. member
of tho Judiciary Committee, and is re
garded as tho head and front of tho Im
peachment conspiracy. Ho is tho intl
mato friend nnd confldnnt or Butler,
and lias frequent privato consultations
1th that notorious individual.
Tho bill, based on tho report of tho
Committco on tho Now Orleans riots,
for destroying tho present Stato govern
mcnt in Louisiana, and erecting In Its
place, ono based on universal negro suf
frage, and limited wliito franchise, was
passed by the House, by n voto of 113 to
18. Thcro Is one fcaturo of tho bill
which is worthy of especial notlco, and
that is the section giving tho President
all tho power of appointments under it
Tho day's debato came mostly from tho
Democratic side. Mr. Boyer, nuthor of
tho minority report on tho New Orleans
riots, mado an excellent speech ngalnst
tho bill, in which ho fully exposed tho
Radical game to upset n Stato govern
mcnt in peaceful and successful opera
tion. It commanded tho attention of
tho Houso and tho crowded galleries
Tho Republicans who voted ngalnst tho
bill were Mcssjs. Baker, Bingham
Blow, Latham and Whaiey. Raymond
was in his seat, hut squarely dodged, ns
did Schcnck of Ohio, and Dodge, of
New Yorlc.
Tho Nebraska admission bill has bo-
come a law over tho President's veto
by tho current two-thirds vote of both
louses of Congress.
Ii 1 U Ii B li II A u Ijl i w.wiuih
nlway to bo found nt tlio OrniutcvlUo Hotel, In
Urnllttevilie. nuio, u-tnui 1 i-;-i-v ?
.n.j..i rt hMintiiu- mul (in i-pfifloiinhle termi
. onsisnmemn rohcihii unu u m ,n
nhnro of liiiWtoMtrunmto respectfully nollcltod.
Ornimuvlllo, February l , lmiMm.
PiiENTicr. says "Massachusetts has
moro dead Hons and moro 11 vo Jackases
than any other member of tho Union,
and overyono of tho latter is flinging
his heels nt somo ono of tho former,"
Tun grentcst milHanco on earth Is n
printing ofllco lounger. Ilisnoso is in
everybody's business but his own.
While ho was gentle and generous to
tho appeals of friendship, ho was coura
geous und bravo In tho presenco of danger.
uut tnat leaturo ot His character as a
public man for which I bespeak particu
lar commendation and prafo was his fi
delity. He was no changeling. During
tho last hours of his existenco ho had
faith in and stood by that creed which
had fired his zeal In boyhood by tho
banks of tho Delaware. Ho did not
mako shipwreck of his faith : ho did not
abandon his honest convictions when
solicited by temptation or assailed by
disaster. Jlo was Hrni and intrepid in
defending what ho esteemed to bo tho
right, and In denouncing and opposing
what ho believed to bo wronir: and his
blows upon political opponents, whether
of defenso or of aggression, wcro both
manly nnd effective. Ills warfaro was
honorable, while his sagacity adapted
him to leadership and secured him with
in tho limited Held of action frequent
uuu niiuu iiiiiiiipus.
Ho mado no pretentions to hlirh nhll
ity. Ho claimed no front rank among
tno men oi nisoge. uut, tno place which
ho l-ho.-O to 1111 lin llllpil pnimilotolv mul
with honor, and his chief ambition to
bo considered tv truo man by his fellows
wns coinpieuy realized.
I havo reason to ueliovo that our de
ceased associato. in snlto of tho denrets-
ing inlluencoofdiseasoandof what ho re
garded as unfortunato ami unpropltlous
occurrences In tho political world about
him, was not dispirited and unhopeful
of tho futuro of his country. Ho looked
beyond tho clouds to that Unlit which.
though It may bo obscured, m not bo
uxiiiigiustied. mm wiucn will surely re
turn nfier a timo to ndom and beautify
tho earth. Ho know that war gives
way in timo to peace ami to tho works
of pence; that charity and goodwill,
though they depart from a nation, will
return to its councils ami to tho hearts
Texas is tlio largest, and Rhodo Is
land tho smallest of tho States of tho
Union, tlio former containing 27-1,330
square miles of territory, nnd tho latter
only 1,300. Tho population of Toxas 1
rapidly increasing, almost as rapidly as
any of tho Western States, and .was, In
1800, 001,215; Rhodo Island, 171,020,
Toxas is nearly as largo ns Pcnnsylva
nin,ev York, Oliio, Michigan, Indl
anna and Illinois, combined, about six
times ns largo ns Penniylvania, but
has no representation in Congress, bo
causo of tho arbitrary refusal of tho
Radicals and Revolutionists, to nllow
the Southern States to bo represented;
and tho Union restored.
rhllaileliihla Murketi.
WEDNFJinAV, February 11,
Flour. Tho market continues vcr
unsettled. About -100 bblssold In lots to
tho homo trade Including
Northwestern kunorftno at tt.Ofta
Norlhwcstem pxfm H.rM,) it.
Kortliu-eitcm family U.7.V312.;
1'enuHvlvanla and Western sunerfluu... 8.ixif
rcnusylMinla and WeKtern exlra......... I'.OilfalO.!
l'enuss ivnniaaiui weniern minuy 1 1 ..jka,i.i,
Pcnunylvanla and Western laucy ll.uopiu,
liyu nuur I,
Wheat of prlmo quality has been 1
good demand, nnd holders aro firm In
their views. Wo quoto Pennsylvania
red at $2.75(213.10; Southern do. at $3.10
(3.20, and whtto at$3.20&'3.-10 ; Pcnna
Ryo ranges at nbo'ut $1,115. Corn
is.nctlve, with salesof 8,000 bushels at
05c, and 00 for now .yellow, nnd $1 for
white. Oats aro selling at 07(V5Sc. Tho
receipts to-day aro as follows: 000 bbls
Hour; 2,500 bus. wlieat ; 7,760 bus. com
3.000 bus. oats.
Provisions Continue very dull, but
prices aro unchanged. Small sales aro
making nt $21.50 per barrel for new
mess Pork; KiGiUcT lb. for plain and
fancy bacon hams ; 12(f 12Je for pickled
do,; 8JC'0ffor salt blioulders, nud 13
l!ljc t' lb. for prlmo lnrd, inblilsnud les
eei3 Clovorseod Is In demand
nn advance. -150 bus sold nt from $3,
(ii $0.25 per bus, tho latter rnto for choice
timothy sells at $3,7501.00, nnd flax
seed at $2.0053.00 per bus.
f.. Mm f'.iiMitv nf fVtlnmltlii! In the Hint
Wr of tlw mtnto of 'WILLIAM KltlTZ, Into of
.ni,nf. .ivih Wit? ttin fYiurt Himnlnt iW. II.
i.J.i '...'.. in I. .luifll.ntlitii fit I in 1ml.
nneo in mo muiui m iiwuiiiuiiimfM " "" " V
Horn, lly the Court, From the record.
Tl,on,1H,ir nlmva ilnmnil will III tcllll to UlO
clutter oniHnpHtnlment,nthliomcp in lUfMinis-
ira, on wuitmny iwumy-iiuru uny h umii
interested may aueno. .,. ..,
February 13, 1S07.
and for tho County or roiumoiai in ilia nun
'i..ifllinOKtntiior.IAi:011 EVIUIIIAHT. lato of
OraiiRo township, deceased. And now to wit,
l-'ehruary nrth,lN.7, on motion of Mr. Urockway,
attorney for legatees, K. II. Little, Kwj., was ap
pointed auditor, on exceptions mod 10 ino ac
count of Augustus Kverhart, executor of mild de
ceased, and to ninko distribution.
ny tno court, i roni ino roconi.
The auditor tibovo named will attend to tho till-
tlen of his appointment, at his ollleo In lllooins
burs, on Saturday, Iho twenty-third day of.Mnrch,
1 Vjt, 111 leu o etuea a in., winu nuu uviuiui ji,,,-
tlcs Interested may attend.
il. 1.11 1 Jill, llllllllVl,
February 13, 1SC7.
ok rF.asoNAi. rnopi-.iiTY.
Witt lin exnnsrd to ntililln sale, nt the resldeneo
f the Hiihscrlbor, lnlatuo township, Columbia
County, on
at ten o'clock In the forenoon, tho lullowlnir per
sonal properly to wit !
one ninek Hawk Colt, coming two years old, throo
rrosll milcll COWS, ono m-ccuiUKeow lino ,nuiuiv
wllli tila-. threo shonts. fourteen head of sheen.
ono light fonr-horso wagon with two extra wheels,
ono new ton buinty, ono sprlns wngun, ono sulkey
one now sliiolilll nlow. nlows. harrows. cultiva
tors, one wheeUiarrow, ono liny hook with rono
nnd pully, rakes and forks, one-seventh part of a
Clover seen miner, one iiii-.Nt.-y i ten per, onu jiuuh-
-yo lieaper, ono sei oi iiiukcc Harness hiki ono
loublo now set of carrloire harness, four barrels
of elder for vinegar.
half dozen new chalis, lot of barrels, corn, oats
uu poinioes uy me uusnei. icrius iinniw mum 11
n dny of sale, NATHAN MHiUUt.
.losr.l'll il ijiTriifjTiiu?, iiiciio'irer,
February 15, 1M7.
Mnrket Report.
Wheat per bushel...
. 1 10
. lI
. in mi
,. 7 00
-'lour per barrel
Dried Apples
-one u
hides aid Shoulders
.aril tier ihiuiui
lay per loll i 0u
SlTAFFKll LIJK-Qn the 7th Init.. nt h!a icst-
ilcnco I iy iicv. J. it. Dimm, .Mr. John KhimtT, or
jtlooinMmm. to Miss LyUla Ann IjCO, of Kcott
iwp., VOiumuiii coiinij ,
fiLAGirr TIOGA IIT On tho 31st of .Tiumnry, by
uev. 11. 1. ivinff,.Mr..MnrK hiJtmi.oL wninomow
to mNh Mnrguret K. ltogart, of Franklin town
bhip, Jyeominj; county.
riTMAXSUOVMAKim-Oi tho 7th Inst., nt
i no resilience oi ino urine Miner, uy ino stunt?
Mr. Ahrani Tttmnn mul Mis Kimiia Hlioeinu
Kcr, uomor lam, (Joluinuin couty, 1M.
llOWELIr-VAX.VlCLKXTx Itloomsburir, on tlio
m tnst., uy uev. J). J. waller, .Mr. .loiin now
IIOIIIIIXS In Iola. Columbia countv. Mr.
UU .1.
CV1.S7J At Ilavrorta CJraco. Md.. of IMieumon!
on me an nisi., jurs. iiaciiei uuio ageu oi years.
JIA tCw In Beaver Valley, Columbia county.on
ino inn uu., iihh jane uauvu ugtju u yoars,
MILLUlt In Jerseytown, on tho Otli hut., Hob-
rrv , winter
inn it iium, mm iuiiiKiiii-1 in jyi, u. miju unit
Mary W M'Kelvy, ageil one year, nine mouths
'Qol took theo In Ills mercy,
A Iamb, uutakod, untried;
Ho louRht the light for thee,
Jlo wow tho victory,
And thou nt t sanctlflcd.
I look around, nnd seo
Tlio evil ways of men.
And nh I beloved child I
I'm moro "reconciled,"
To thy depnrturo then.
Tho little hands that clasped mo
The Innocent Hi thatiuvst ;
Would they havo been ni pure
Till now, as when of yoro
I lulled the on my breast?
JCowlIko a dow-drjp shrined
Within a crystal htone,
Thou'rt sufo In Heaven, my dovo(
Kafo with tho sourro of Ixivo
IHooinsburg, Tehruary 13, is7 Cok,
letters of administration on tho estato orjull.
ami llower, lalo of Centre lowimhlp, Colombia
iviuniy, uei-easeu, navo necn grained liy tho lie:
iMi-r oi hin-i couuiy 10 jiauiei uower,
t no lowilhliln and eniintv nfmohniil. All m
having claims on tho estate, aro reiiiiefcted to y
All persons
iont them duly nuthentlealed for sot t lenient, and
tiioso knowing lliemselveH Indebted to tho Cbtate
win maao paymcui loriliwilli.
llANIlII. nowi:rt.
February 13, 18117-Ow. Adinlnlfctrator.
I J or ii.i.iah ItouuiNs, Dkckaskd. U'tters
leninnieiiiary on ino estato or William uoiibins,
mio oi i- ikiungcrcen lownsiup, Columbia eoun
ileeeased. halo been i7r.niliil in tin, Unf.1i.lpr
mid county to c. 11. Wliito und M. A. Ammerman,
Ail nelsons having claims nualust llio efctatearc
lenuekted to nrcunt tliein lor settlement, and
inuso iniienieii io inn estato win make pnymeiii
I. HM.lit-r?.
jf. A. AMMi:ltM.VN.
1 ehruary 15, lSU7-lw, 1 :.ccuto,
XVplians'llmrt of tho County of Columbia j
lislalo of JOHN WAl.TClt. deceosisi. Tho anil
tor appointed by tho Court to mako distribution
or tlio balnnen of tho cstutoof salil deeeased, In
tho liiiudH of r.liaa John, Unecutor of tho nald
Jolm Walter, lata of Ixwiiat lownslilp, In salil
eouiiij , oecousuu, win nicei mo parii-N lor
purpose of his appointment, on Tuesday, A
niiiiii, a. i. iOT, ot ten o'clock n. m ot his oil
In llloonisburcF.
l-'obruary l-l, 1607,
ltOlll-JUl' !'. CLAIM;.
i j it;ahi;ii.-To Ann .UWnn. William J.Hproul
Ktfphen Hproul, Asenltli Hess liiterm.rrtod with
Nalhan lless, Sarah lives, Ijjuisa Kpeldlng Inter,
married with John Hpeldlwr, Allen lives, Tarvlu
. ... -,... u.a.D MI-UN OI llOVl AHIllOU, lie-
ease,!, aud to nil other persons Interested, greet
You are hereby cited to ho and appear before
llloomsliiirg, County or Columbia, on tho llrst
.Monday of JIny, next, then and thcro to uc-
, vi,nii iuiuhu iu inivo mo reui esniieortiio mi
IawU Ashton, deeeased, at tlio appraised val
........ i.uv ,fc ,.v ,i iuiiii-sii uuiy aw.irueti
the said Com t. ami leiiirmHt l,v ihu Khurio-
Hbnx eiinvi. wUv lin, ui,m uiinnt.i
Witness tlio Itoiiorablo William Klwcll, I'nul
dent of imr said Court, ut llloomsburg. llio UU
nay n i uuruarr, A. I)., W17,
n, r-'.,,lHAfJ?r-n5'AN.kO.C
J Al li "i
tavlng had tiiueli cxwrlence a n I'ubllo Von.
duo Crier, has taken out n
and takes thin method to Inform his friends and
tlio public eeneriilly, Hint lie can alway. bo louud
at IIarton's htanii, lllooiiisburit, ready to
iiltend to nil t alis In 111" line. lfcbS'07-ly.
S T R I 1' r E R .
l'ATUSTEI) OCTOUlill 2, 1SO0.
Tills simple, though cirectlro tnachlno In admit
ted by all Bcleiitllleobserverstiibolheinost dlrecl
device for gnlherlng clover wed yet discovered.
A inero Rlnneo nt It Is sufllclenl to convince Iha
most obtuse inlnd of Its practical utility. ,
It strips tlio clover head from tlio stnlk luavlftg
tlio straw BtandlliK upon the ground. It la easily
drawn by ono horse, anil requires butono man or
boy lo work II.
It Is compact, simple. In structure, ami not lia
ble to pet out of order, nnd con lie cheaply Kot uii.
The Kreat ndvaiitnKo In this machine is, wo
havo the si-ed HAthercu In tho chair, ready for tlm
clover mill or liuller, besides savins tlio crcal
lenKlllortlmeand labor of lnowlliK.handllni; nnd
threshlnn; It from the straw. It will also niy ov
en farmer to (oithcr his seed wltli this machine,
on account of the savliuf of tho seed which Is lost
In I ho old way of tnitberlna It,
J-iXirnoruinary luuiicciueiiisoiieruii iuunvrKOl':
men who wish lo purchase Stato or county Ulhu.
lor pariiciuars unures
1 aa-pTiiiv x Tir-rvunr.-ii
HTHAJt rowr.n rniNinns
,3-19 Choslnut streot, A fiS South l-'ourth utreet,
niiiiAuniiriiiA, ia.
They luakoa speciality of furnishing TN'ntlonal
nanks, County. Ofllcers, Insurauco Companies,
Hanking Houses, etc., wllh
lavliiR lnachlnery specially adapted for all work
Ihey may require feU8'u7-ly.
I. itl-IAT. I'-MTATIC In luirsuanco of an ordor
or tno urpiiaits- ijoui i. oi i;oiuiiiuia ijouniy, un
at. ten o'clock lii the forenoon. Ilcnrv llolllmis-
head, administrator of Oeorno It. llayhurst, lalo
of Catawlssa towiishlji, In Mid county, deceased,
will cxlioso in sale ny puoue vcimue, on uio pro
mises, (lie followlni described real estato to wit:
an i uai, iL-riniii
eltuato In the town of Oatftwfssa, In tho county
aforesaid, bounded In front by tho publlo road
lenuiiiK ironi uaiawissu iu umiiiviwu, uu um cii.ti,
by a lot of Henry IlolUngshead, on the south by
tho public road leading to Malnvllle, and on tho
nm-Lli bv an nllev. on which are erected 11 twt and
stable, und other outbuildings. lao the estate of
said ueceaseu, suuaioin ino lownsiup oi -uuu-wlssa
and county aforesaid.
J1S1K WUl.ll.UA., LIUIK.
llloomsburg, February 7, 1S07.
Ctmdillont of Kate : Ten nor cent, of one-fourth
nf thn iiiiri'liuso mrmev to be nald br tho mirelm-
her (ill llio uny ui nubj Dm-imiiiiiii'si inu it-ii ii-ui
cent, on the absoluto conllrmation of sale, nnd
ino uu la nee in one year iroui ino connrmaiiou oi
sale, Willi lmeresi iruni ino cuiiuriiiaiiuu niai,
I'uirciiahcr iu imy mr unu mm niuiuni.
February 11, 1SU7, Administrator,
UKAIj USTATK-In luirsuanco of nn order
. tl... I lunliutKi' I'aiiH (If fT'iIiiiiililri rVullill' mi
nt ten o'clcook In tho forenoon, Jacob Kankoy,
James W. S.mkev. John Sankev and John Heicn-
aro, i;xecuiors oi ino lasi win nnu leMaincmoi
Jolm tsankcy,Hr Into of (Jentro county, deeensed
will exnoso fosalo hv lmbllo vendue, on the nro-
mlses, tho following dehcrlbed leal estate, a lot or
sltunto In Keott townshln. In tho Countv of Co
lumbia, bounded on tho north by land of Mary
Itettle, on the cat nnd nuuth by land of II. II.
Mellck, and on tho west by laud of Andrew Crev
ellns.conUiInlUir seventeen acres, all improved
AlJtO'X eeitnln tract of land hituato In Sit.
I'Icasant township, county nforemid, Itounded tn
tho east by land of Jacob Jlnrtzol, on thohimth
bv land ot James Orimcs. onthtS weit bv lauds of
joiui Kiupman, nnu on uie nonnuy lauu oi jouii
about thirty acres of which Is elenred land.
AUSt.-A town lot, bltuato in LUdit Htreet, nnd
cnuuiy'i, Duunuuu on mo htniui ny 101 oi
jiaiTiei ij er niui .inuu icucic,ou inn wesi n;
lotof FUrabeth Mtller. on tho north bv y.
street, antluu thn east by tho main rojtd leading
from nioomsbun to OrniiKuville, whereon nro
eicLieu a iarRc in aim one-uau ttiory
a Storo Houso. and a two-story Framo Dwelling
jiutiiu. iiili i-.Miiiiiui mini uecciiHisi, biiuuiu
in me inwnsnios oi mcoil n u .liotuit I'lfimniit
nuu couuiy aioresauu
Blooinsburg, February 7, lb07.
GmtlUtons offiate: Ten nor rpnt. nf thn nnr.
chao money to bo paid by tho purchaser or pur
chasers in tuo duv of Halo, ono fourth of tlm our.
chaso money less tho ten per cent, to bo paid ou
tho absolute conllrmation of halo, aud tho bal
ance in ono year from tho absolute confirmation
with interest from confirmation nM. Purchaser
us x urciutem io pity lor oceus mm siamps.
.1 AfVm MA MK-ls'V
rebruarj' IW7. Hxecutors,
HILVTj 1 -STATU In jmrsuanca of nn order
. w.t.uul. , uvubwi uuiuiuum ii-uuillUU
at ten o'clock In tlio forenoon, John Appleman,
admlnlslratorof llallls Applcmim, lato of Hum.
."in I1, iii M.ui couuiy. ueceaseu, vvlllex,
IH1Q to snlo In' mihlin vo, ,il,,i nt. tlm ..m... t. ..o
llio following described Heal Kstato to wit: Alt
Unit certain tract of land, sltuoto In Hemlock
township, nforesaid, adjoining lauds of tho heirs
ui jui-uii jiiiriiuaii on ino west, other lands of
sa il decedent on the north, lands ot Jacob Km
mitt and Dennis l'ursel on ihu east, and lauds of
ii. viiki. null uliiucs IhUUIlllcy Oil II1U 60UIII,
nioroorless; about sixty acres of which Iseleared
land, whereon nro erected a two and one-half
iiiv.ui. iJivi.iiiiiu jiuuHi;, a stone
iviicueu, ii larKo iianic nam, n wiu;on Hied and
cow Mable, a well of waler nt tho door of tho
unt-iiinniiiiiiM-iHiiii uu nppio orcn.iru,
ATMi: A 1 Unit certain Irncl r Inn, I tlfnl,
lnthotownsliiii aforewild, bounded ns follows!
ndjotnlns lands of tho heirs of John llruuler on
tho noith und went, tho abova doscrlhed tract on
.uuui, n,i lauu,, ui dui, J-.I1UIIUI on mo east,
mOrO Or leSS. llll Cleill-fd Inml Tlin fret nlirt.-n,)
crlbedlssubiccflotho Huht to mine, mul tnko
... iiuMi iimf.Hiiii iiiil'ss, cKreitw nnu
redrew in, to, nnd upon tho said prcmlHCN, IjUc
the estato of isald deceased, filtualo in tho town
buhi ui jiciuiocit, ami couuiy nioresniti,
fFJisi: Colkmax, Clerk.
CbiiiUttnti nrfiuf' flirt nr ......
Widow of s lid deccoved, and "tho Intereiit theri-of'
ii, iiiiiiuiiiv iinii rciriiiiiriv liniii iii iim m ,
purchaser or purclinseis, to mild Margaret Apple-
llUltl. Oil Iho lll-st duv nf Mav nf C,li-I nml ,.i-..r..
year ilurlni! her natural life, and at her death tho
pilnclpiil to bo ild by the purchaser or purcba.
fcers to tho persons lot-ally entltloil thereto. Ten
ii r ti in. oi iiiieiourill oi llio two-tlilrds or tho
tiurchaso mntici. In In, nnt.l n fltn ln.. r.f .,iiD-iuuiiii ii nn, lii ii'iiuius leij, ino
ten per cent, on tlio ub-oluto ronltrmatlon of
bale, and Iho balance of tho two-lhlrds Iu ono
year trom tlio continuation, with Interest from
continuation nU, rureliaser or puirhasers to
Klvo bonds and inortKiiL'c on tho premises to to-
J, , uuu icuai lipl'cxi'iuallve.s or
tho mild diwensed tho principal unit tnterestof
tlio ime-tlilrd above meutloneil, l'urchtisors to
pay for deeds unit btampii.
,, . ,T , JOHN Al'l'I.EMAN,
rebruary l W. Adiiilulstrutor.
V . 1 . 11IAI.I A j
Golutnbla County, rii.
S T A T I O N E it S,
to got the best
a few doom below tho Amorlcau Uua&o,
llloomsburg, I'a.
Ho lias tho largest and most select of
ever ofTercd to tho clttzorui of Uloouuburg. AU
tho fancy brands of
nud Uim best l'lno-cut and Plug
can bo liad at hla countors.
touacco ripcg
In great variety nro among his largo atoolt.
and Wliolesalo Dcators In
No. 01 North Third Street,
Conslgnora can forward their ittock "In Bond,"
without prepaying tho United Stated toi.
Vilui.l-3il.l-. lUllAliLHilUri-, wsi
No. 110 North Third Stroot,
botwenn Cliorry nnd Itaoo, wont aldo,
Wholesalo DoiUers In
No. 13 North Third Street, abovo Market,
pilISmiUTH, BnOTUEU & CO.,
No. 151 North Third Street,
flvo doors bolow Ilncfl,
lYctorlos, Nos. 23 and 225 Quarry Street,
To lintel ami Saloou keepers of lllonmt-
burg and Columbia County, I havo appointed
Mr, 11. Stolmer agent for thosaloof myale.portor,
brown stout, and lager beer, who wUl supply yon
nt the same prlco (and with Uio samo nrtlclo), as I
would furnish you from tho brewery, Knoowlng
that ho will be punctual and attcnUvo to nll.who
may favor hint with lliclr trado, I solicit for Una
your support. Vory respectfully,
Btenm Mrowcry, Roadlns, Pu.
11. .t H. T. ANTHONY A CO.,
Manufacturers of photographic Matorhtls,
Wllol.l-.SALK ANll UETArU
fiul HHOADWAY, N. Y7
In addition to our main business of PnOTO-
GUA PI 1 1(1 M ATEHI AIJi wo aro Hoadouarters for
tho fotlowlng, vIt:.:
Of Amerlciin and I'orolgn Cities and I-nndscapoa,
Groups, Ktamary. etc.
From negatives made In tho various campaign,
and forming a comploto Photogranldo history ot
tho great contest.
Adapted for elthor tins Mania Lantern or thn
Stereoscope. Our Catalogue will bo sont to any
address on receipt of stamp.
n manufacture more largely than ony othe
houso, about 'JuD varieties from 60 cents tn S-V) each.
Our AI, HUMS liavo the reputation of being supe
rior In beauty and durability to auy others.
Card Photographs of GeneraIs,Statosmen, Actors
etc.. etc.
Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUS
AND dlll'ereut subjects, Including reproductions
of tho most eelebtateil Engravings, pulntlum,
Statues, etc. Catalogues sent on receipt of stamp.
Photographersaiulothers ordering gurus C.0.1.,
will please remit 25 per cont. of tho sjnouul Willi
their order.
4- Tho prices and quality of our uootU cannot
all to satisfy. novM-ly
yj k n 0 II A N D I fi E ,
To my friends and tho publlo generally, that oil
kinds of
are constantly on hand and for salo
niiOOMSllUllO, UY
.1 Mll l.- evi'i,
irt- t(i,f!ole Agent for ELt.iV Piiosi'iiATr.iir
j-irgo ioi constantly cm hand. tfcM 07,
IiuiMirters and Jobbers of
cloths, CAssiMi-inns, vestings, c.
No. ail MarkeT Street,
Ilupcrt, Pa.,
Mamifaeturers of
nml dealers In all kinds of
givo notlco Hint Ihey aro iirojuixod to nocomodst
their custom with dl.teh, and nn tho fhoipe
Successors to rranklin p,Seltcr A Co-,
Imporlers and Wholesale Dwilcrs In
Nos. 110 and 112 Norlli Third Slrort,