THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. PUBLICATIONS. rpiIK HOUND TAHI.H. AfiATl turday review or literature, SOCIETY, AND AUT. Tho Hound Table Is established for tlipiinuineh- Ing discussion or tho subjects liniiioit lit its line Its purpose li ml uttoily feorlcssnhti ..ntiimi to bo uttoi ly fearless mm "'"''i; i,r inciicti in lorini most lirllllmiL n try to gtvo them expression. Homo inny ikp.t m nnn v imi u sn pnspit nv in ioiio mm g um . ......... - . witprriii nils niium-, inn wo iiiui u Mlcr-ln tlio wonN of Jlr. "V.1 V.!Vn.Vi.tI ( ThoItmnATaMoiS'iM,1ei It will not hcsltato to condemn or to sustain Mich men or measures party as mny to tlmo in a i to tho materln tan com mum Tho hound Table cxMs to servo tho public. individuals, mm niniriuuiom nre renueiu nvfilil fttrixttnnl imderv find nnimadx rrttlf .'.-."".., - ...... . - ...i every Klim. iErn wriirii mm nviv iH.Tmi i f-iirrfiuiiiiliitf urn Tnirlilni IV Pfiiitinvcil. niil. I m I forre-tpoiKlriits aro rrgulntly employed, but tho of whatever sect, clique, or ftf ti1PVi.liinni,f il... Aim-Hemi IVnnlct nnd Ihr i-wji SKWffiK of nil kinds, including Arc, I Si'SmJiSlVf1.? w !olom!non proprh n' Hotter',, Vlriiiu IV, ty or to those of the whole common t mb,H j itself tlio racy monthly and tho constantly on hand. lViVn- i!n mint ti,i, i,n,,i bo found In t ho raiiic coiiii4 In atiyother publl Artlcles may be sent throittrn any eliaunei, out ,.,... tilllt Pnllll, ,,M(ipr f,nriiotlcp iiushm wo will bold no pornonal explanations or discus. I ci'JreV" under our notice, nwawx nlons rcMpecthiK tbem; moreover, wo munt dc- ruiio iii'iifi'iurM urn uirfjiuni uiiiici'i'jxtii iir.,iiiiu iu win rum wo wnimuiio do cxccpijun. 1'errfons ordering subscriptions will please. ififfiVSJ mney raer8, AlMrCSS aU Cm remit mnnlfyil octO-tf 132 Nassau Htreet. New York. HDUBLlSItED THIS DAY. ANN S. X STXTJIENS'H MiW UUUIvI TIIK SOLDIKU'S OltVIlANS. By Sim. Ann P. Hlpphens, nuthor of " Fashion nml Kninlne," I Wlfe,""TlioIIclress,"''TboWIfo-feeict,"rtP. This new book, by Sirs. Aim S. Wpplipns, lins IPIU rMrimKlf, .,urv nunu-ni, nil been pronouneeil by nil to bo by far tho best nml ml In monthly Instalments In "PeteKon'sMnisa-1 zino "(luriuKtuoinsiyi'nr.nnvmg upeneonipieipu InilinDpormbernuinlier. wbpro It moved to tie tho most Donular, nowerfill, and suceessful novel 4l,t l,n nvprnLnuiiriul lit ( 1 . Mnirnt, nn. nml It is now puhllshpd completo ami uunbrldgetl. In I .mo tarso tmoupeuno volume, uniiorm wim 1110 "Oold Hrlek," " Fashion nml Kntnltip," nnd tlio either works of Mrs. Ann H. Stephens published by us. It will no doubt prove to bo the most ecn written liy this talented Amcrleanouthoress. I "Mr. Slephens lias Justly become ft favorite with all American readers of nrosp fiction, anil 1 tho announcement of anew workfrom her grace 1 ful pen Is cheerful news to thousands of leaders. And there Is a rare treat In store for them, for In iiip cornier s urpiians .trs. (5tvpnt;iia ,11m, 11 nnythlng, eclipsed nil her former eirorts. Ibcre IS less leuuuuoucv 01 mtiiuhiuhr-iiihi, mil I IS lar Iliuro liru.siiu liltiii-iiii-iihi mm i-iniiviuwi. of causes and effects, attainable only by practised writers. 1 no action 01 1110 now novci iijiu'imo in Piillndelnbla. anil bevond tho Units of tho pity the authoress docs not permit herseir to stray. I The tlmo selected by Mrs. Stephens Is recent, the laio war, nnn biio pictures witu vivm lllsIllH'lnes tliouompsiicsutU'rmK nun saenneps t uiun.-ii uj n,wl nxmtn fr tho trnitiil mill liProlc strticulo for national unity. Tho plot Is 0110 of nbsorblng In- tercsi, iiiu nuiiminn uiui;uiiiiiniii'iurnii,'ii, rpal life, stronttlv itnllvldunll7Ptl. and tho eon-1 irasta lortneti iy iiipn iiiuivmimi i-t-uiiin,in.-,, mental nnd physical, lend a rare charm to this last and most finished of Mrs. Stephens's books." "The Soldier's Orphans" Is published completo In one large duodecimo volume. Prlco SI uO in Tlio Hold Ilrlek SI 00 Mnrv Dpru-Ptit SI 50 I Silent Struggles - I SO Tho Wife's secret- 1 50 The ltelected Wife 1 50 Fasltlou A Famino 1 M I Tho Old Homestead I 5H Tho Heiress - - I 50 or in clotli for i'2 each. I Above are in paper cover, ,,,,,, I 'Jlie ftDOVO oooits nro tor soto ny mt uooKscttvis. IVinlns nf "Thn Stntitpr'.s flrolinlis." or of nil!' other or rdl tho nboo popular books by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, win no seui to any one, iree 01 post- 1 dita. nil rppplnt. of nrlpp. Address nil orders to tha rnbllshprs, t 11 l'lrri'iisnN- liitOTIIF.ItS. SOU Chestnut Sfreet, Pliiladclnhla, l'a. Ana they win receive unnieuinie niteniion. rpiIE ATLANTIC JIOXTIILY. The ATLANTIC MONTHLY, by general con sent, stands nt tho head of American magazines. It numbers among Its contributors the most emi nent writers of the day, both in Fintcaud Poetry, and Its pages have always reltectcd what is best 111 yvinericmi imeiitiuie. j. mis iiiiiiwuiiimii' int inn inver lipforo trainod bvnnv Americnn mag- nzlno of this class, and it has, by the long period of Its existence nntl ine worm 01 its coiunuuiors, bppome nrmly nxeti 111 puono psipein. The following aro nmong the most prominent rptrulnr contributors: H"W. LONUFKI.LOW, 11, W. KMFItSON, ' WILLIAM CULLKN BBYANT, J-T-m5.W!!.vM,-?Tf'ni:LL, C. C. HAZKWKLL, j. a. wiiiTTir.n. O. W. HOLMF.S, BAYAHD TAYLOR, 1IAUH1FT II. STOWn, GAIL HAMILTON. r. WHIl'l'LE. TCIIMS: Blngle subscriptions, four dollars per y'"1"- . ... - ui.un ltATUS.-i wo copies lorsevenaouais! nyo in nlf for slxtcon dollniH: ton entiles for tfilrtv I dollars; and eaeli addltlpnal toiiy three dollars. Jonv w iik "rornls bed i-mtir,,V ; . - . : , ,"t,.-J " I pies forwlxty dollars. l'naT ntr Tim snrtsl PosTAOE. Tho postaco on tho ATLANTIC la ;"V1", ii.:"." "M';"" v bo nnld nt llio nlHco where it Is received HlK(UMKX COPIKS of tbo ATfwVNTIO MONTHLY will bo tent ou leceipt of twenty-tlvo cenii. Tho ATLANTIC MONTHLY and our YOUNO FOLKS will bo iuruhhed together at IlvoUolluis per year. tins tin. nst era in iiroeuro Ktibscribem to our nerlodi- AdUre" TIX.KOUVFIip5v 1-1 Tremont Street, lloslem, Mass. rrUIE GALAXY, A FORTNIGHTLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. TIIK GALAXY I lsiieu rorinigimy. on the i first und fifteenth o: ach month, and hns tho ad- vantage of comlnu to the leader intermediately I UVtM ttm UIO IllUUIUlit'N IU1U IllUWlTUIll'N, With tho second number the Macazlno was en larged by sixteen patfCN, making it to contain miieiysjs imyes oi iiuuier. ITS CONTHIllUTOItS. THE aAT-XY will bo an orlglnat American Jlagaztno or tlio highest class. Arrangements have accordingly been made for regnlureontrlbu- writers in tho country; and moreover, tho JMltor will nlu-ni-Hknol.- tnotlAlt tin.) minn.m.i...n.ilrll..1. Hons from new autborBfif real ability or decided genius. The articles in TIIK GALAXY will bo nt irned with the rames of their im thorn, whn will bo allowed a wide freedom in the expression of opinions. Th I'ho llr&t and second numbers of THE flALAXY fnr Wnv rtr A. nml flflfinlli liit cnnttiln oniitfihii, tions from Jolin lten Cooke, Frances 1'ower uouw, iiono icrry, ieorgo milieu jownenu, iu mund C. htcdrnnn. tbo Author of " Eiullv Ches ter." Professor Pierro lilot, Dr. W. II, Draper, Htlllman H. t'onant, (Jeueral Cluseret, and others. '1he ClaverhiRs " by Anthony TioLloiie, and (Vrehle Ijovell." by Mrs. IMwards. wero com rnenced In the first number of THll tIALAXY, r" . . ... ...... '. i'"""i''' it.;iij rtiiiii, taupousiy vviititiieiritpiK'ariiucGin l.ngtamt. ine back numbers of tho Mat-nzlno contalulUK theso btories may always be obtjilned fioin a newndealer onrom mo proline i or. ritOFENSOlt I1LOT ON COOKERY. In the fecond number of THE GALAXY was commenced 11 series of articles nn Cookery, hv jToicssur l icrro iiioi, 1110 weuKiiowu 1 'neueroi ine an. inesearncies win uemiMoni great piac tlcal valtm to everv tumilr. lle&ldn iiiuiiv imhtro nomlcal directions of essential Imnortniiee. thev will contain receipts and practical hiiggestlons which must secure for them thousands ot readers. 1 rii.AiM. Tlio nrlco of THE GAIVXY iineentHn.niim. ler; S for the jearof twenty-four numbers; il for Mx mouths twelve numijers. Tbo volumes for 1110 year win mcuue L'.fw cwtavo pages, iiius ings, puuiuu on iiuui ihijict; uesiue mnuiuera blu smaller lllustiatlons. beattered Ihroiurh tho text. Till! GAIVXY niuv bo ordered nt tbo rata of twenty-ilvo cents a number for ruy length of lime u raw in, Kpecimen copies will be sent on receipt of W. C. A. F. P. CllirrtCII. Pmnrletors. SJ Park How, New York. O UIl YOUNG FOLKS. Wn rpRneetfnllv Invite attention tn thn fnllowlnc noto from tho able and populur Deputy Htato Bu permicnuem 01 rieniKun iur lx-uiiHyiviiuiui MfKjira. TicKNOit tt FiKLDs. Boston. Mass.f GKSTI.EMKN, Permit mo to congratulate you nn tlin innrlft-il miCfHKH nf "Our Ynlini FiiIkm From the Issue of tbo first number I buvo watch ed with much solicitude 1U tone and character. well knowing tbo Immenso lntluence, for good or for evil. It would bo likely to wield. Judging by tho tone which has preuillcd in much of our Juvenllo literature, l with religious and heeular, I lt'rei null n luiiiiiiJumiM iitJKUi laen. iimi j uuuu lieirtedncss wlilch can alono sneak to tho child imtn re. or that tlio fulth nnd iiitFentinnttnehS of youth might bo taini?rcd with and displaced by ft fancy ror ine vices aim uceoiis 01 maiurer years. Happily my fears bavo proved gioundless, and ihH whnla community have to thank vnu for nro- tlucuigu magazine ho well udaptod totheclass for which It is Intended, nnd snolevattni, and refln. Ins In Us Influences. SAMUEL P. 11ATIX. Deputy state Superintendent Schools, Pa, TERMS til' null vuij.m l ui.ivMi e--n year, in dVHlieoi three copies, M; llvtuoples, JS; leu ts p, H; and inch iiddllioiial copy I.Jn. T enly iples, $.10, aud u copy gratis to the ihtsoii proeitr- TERMS OF OUR YOUNG FOLKS : 2 n year, In ad nlpi rfiolf In,. ttiM.'lllll. Kpeeltil indtieeniPiitg offpred lo teachers to act lUtltKi'llis. niK-imi i,H vii, mi .v.i, . ,-v.- sons who wish to procure stibscribeis, for tea CllllS. TlVylvvJlt & 1 l-U!lllk!lP!-K, Bovtott, Mass, rpiIE UNION HOTEL, Arch Street, between Third nnd Fourth Streets, Philadelphia. CUEIST t WEnER, rropilctor. PUBLICATIONS, 1.1 AUl'KJt'H NKW MOXTllliY 11 , maoainh. , , Unquestionably the bent sustained work of tlio mtlnil AVer. nf Ihr J'WM. It Is Ilin foremost Miimirlnp of the daw The fireside never had n tncm tlcllRlitliil companion. tlio million n moro onicrprislng fi li-n.l, tlimi The most popular Monthly In tlio wolld. Acic i.... m jmi, uunintii . ... In. Wolnust rpfpr In terms of eulogy to tlio "la" tniionnd varied exccllonclosof llarpcr'sMngarluo S;Vo f TlVnVl.oiwX lffitt iVKK1- Kenil taiK Sr icruuirc.1 ,i(,1it ... . l I no VdiiintPS iiniiTiii coiiiiinii oi iiu'iiiwivi" ii library of inNcolhuicous rending kuvIi ns cannot Tho rnblltbnrH huvntirrfi-rtod nsvstom of mall- U!?cklr i.rfli ntlv Ibelr plrd in by hlditbcy can Mipply tho Mnnfclnoand The 'ostnRo on Hnnier'n Jtn(;n7lno 1 SI cents n 5'enr, w htch must be paid nt tliusiiberlbur's post oiuce. TLIUIS. One eopy one year SI 00 An I'Xlni mnv nf phlipi till, Wpi'lilV fir Maca- subscribers nt il cach.luoiiorcmlttnneoi ornlx coulps for JU "iers can bo supplied nt any time. Volumes, In neat eloth blnillnit, will bo nent by pxpres, frelsht nt expense of purchaser, for ?- ppr volnmo. Hlnslo volumes, by man, posi-pai; , post - pnld. , , , v Muowripuonssem irom unini r- can Provinces must bonpiwnnanlpdwltliaieents additional, to prepay Untied Htnlos tmstnup. .li ..a I f ItlM'.lt .t- 1 till Vl'l I-.IIS. l'llllll- IP rranklln Wquare, New Yolk, ,, m,-.,-.,r TVTKW YOIIK TIMKS, 1 0K11 jjomestle News, Is pulillslipd u-u dollars per annum) with Sunday edition, t,u-. ,initnu 'pi1P hkmi-WI'I'KLY TIMUS, published on Tupsdnvs and Frldavs. nrlep llocints, Itiadill- u,,,, totlio latest general intelligence by leb grnnh iIt) i0 tle motnenl or going to tirpss, inerp 111 uo f,mn,i in each number the fullest Washington rsous. l'juroppo" isews, Wltn grnpiiie u'm'is inim our eorrespolllieiUS 111 1.0UOUI1 anil 1 ki, ni'4 n,0 miicof public fepllng abroad. Is mailt' 11 sjip. clai una permanenl li'tiiuie. in nuuiimn t" tri,ii n iim . nrn nt tonlt s of tho day. tho hHMMVIXKLY TI.M1M has n pngo of eau'iully- prcparpd eoniniprclnl matter, giving the latest M- nanelal News aim amritpt iteportsj items 01 g-1 rletl tural nml llomesiip illicit!, compnt-ii 110111 ......a -l,lr., nr.. t iprwlsn ItlOPPrss bin t tho Aint rlcaii leader: nnd mnrrliigcs und jtnrriagps aim j 'pa ins ui uiu ,-,-i, n, "SFMi.Wr.r.iii.v ltrconn." or NpwsSum- mnrynemg a ettremt synopsis mm timcsi ui inn lewstr tlio day, In alono worth double tho sub- scrlptlou price to tho paper, as It pu sprves in n condensed and eomenlenlly classified rorm nil newsnf intcrpst.niid must prove valuable as a THIOLS. Three dollars per annum. Club rates nw .11..,,, lito.t ti.o u't:t:i:i.v Tim-a. unhllsbpil at twndtillars n ypar, contains, in addition to tho latest general intelligence by telegraph up to the moment ot ,rntm tn urcss. ilu fullest Washington News. luiropean sews. witu khiihiii- i imn V . V, poirpwpouilents in luiton Itno i-aris, giving inw innnr,i,l.lln fVrlli Is lilililp 11 RIH'Pliil nnj permanent feature. In addition tn F.dllorlals on all tho curicnl topics or the nay, 1110 i-.i.iv i.v M'tMl'st tins 11 iwiiT,. nf riirprnllv-tireiiared coin. mi-lnl mnttpr. irivliicr the latest 'Financial Netvs and Market ltcpoits; items of Agricultural and Domestic Interest, compiled fiotu sounesmnnv of which nre otherwise inaccessible to tho Ameri can rcaiur ; ami .Aiiirnngesanu utauis tn 1110 it eeje. T HE NEW 3IAGAZIXE. IYcsi, llrigM, Instructive, nml Enterluintng. TIIK IUVHIlSIDi: MAOAZINE, I'Olt YOL'NO l'K.OI'I.C. Messrs. HUItD & HOUGHTON, Publishers, Ho. IjO Broomo Street, New York, xnko pleasure in antiouncittg the Immediate Issue of tho Initial Number of THE UIVEllSIDE MAOAZIE, l'ort yoiTxa, to iit.eniieii tiy iiunACE K SL'uiinuil (author of "Dream Children," etc., etc.), nntl published n-i. luirinise tif the Riverside Siagazlno w III bo to stu Isfvfhft tastes of tlio vountrpr nubile with instinct I fiml r.ttf rrtililiir vi.nil Itirr iimttpi'. i Illustrated lvv (.snntiptent artists, lit tho contri butions regard will bo had rather to the ittprlt of I the articles until 10 mo previous repiiiiti ton 01 mo nutbors.and all hcttlons of the country will bo fnllv vi'iireKontcd- j,,,, y ,n H(i moro popular forms will occupy a ..1. ...i -...i.i...,.!, nSr. fMtlV(.!,ofTjavel.Adventim-shi varbmseountrlc, "!!' KUCJI jnus"1!"""'1 nui.ii-m" in in tui.-i nv nun Itlniriit J1. V" i iVilTt"" " "i .V;.:.Vm ;V.V; i," 7. i roMiaro or atteutiou. With eneli Kiteeemvive number tbo varied work. amusements, and pleasmca of In-ntror and out door llfo will b portrayed, and tho Interest of tbo youthful reader constantly maintained. Tho llluvtrutlons or tho JlaijazlmMvill attract tho eves of tho youngest us well as pleno the old- II;' '... r.... i ...i.i.n.n.t..iii TERMS OF SUBSCRI1TION. S- .HI UT J Pill, III UllllllH'V, .,V"Iirn, cu "'i v'tiifs, SIO; 10 copies.SJO, and an extra copy grails: single poples, 20 cents. The first number Is now ready for inspection. Sample copies of lids number Audits nnti tJanvasserb wanted In every part of tue tountry. ..vuuress lillttll .v? HOUGHTON. Publisht rs. No. 135 Broomo Street, New York. TOBACCO & SEGARS. , rii-i rpiXE OxvIj 1 l'liAUJi tu tret tho best lU fc,VL UU ' " TOI1ACCO AND CIGAIt, AT WHOLESALE AND it ETA 11 IIUNGSUEHOEIfS, Is nt a fow doors below tho American House, lUoomshurg, l'a. Ho has tho largest and most fceleet of SMOKING AND CHEWING TODACCO over offered to tho citizens of ISloomsburg. All i . fl f lnov of SEGARS, and tho best Tine-cut and Plug CHEWING TOIJACCO, can bo bad at bis counters. tobacco vivm In great variety aro among his large Mode. DON'T rOUGET TO CALL. II, IL IlUNSBEltGEn. l n iiuun , wui I PI and Wholesato Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, BEOAUS, AC, No. CI North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stock Mn Bond,' without prepaying tho United Mates tax. TT W. HANI "WHOLES ALHl HANK'S TOBACCO, SNUIT, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. T) USSELL & "WOOD11UEF, JL, . 1 Wholesale Denlcrs In TOBACCOS, CIOARS, P1TES, Ac, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, nbovo Market, Philadelphia. j71USIlMUTII, UHOTllEll & CO. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALERS, No, 151 North Third Street, live doors below Haw. Factories, Nos, Oil nnd 111. IJliany Slieet, IHll.vlelphla. DRUGS 8c MEDICINES. THUO AND CilKMlCAI, STOllK, XJ Illoonisburg, l'n. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY and toilet ahticmx. i:yi:u a jioyi:u respcrtfully Invito n continuance of putrnnngp, Their Drugs nntl Medltincsntenll selected with . ... tit... t. . . .hi ,,,u Krcnicsi. cnrp, avouting ns iiiucit ns poniiiio tlio lntnxlurtloii of delirious nostrum., mul nro country. .TnynoV, Hollo lloollnnit'8, Ac, COAL Oil, AND ALCOHOL ItAlIt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND . cumins imuBiins PAINTS AND ClinMICALS of every vnrlvty, nml of Die l)ct iiunllly. FANCY TOILHT A1IT1CLU1. Tlio ru'illo mny lcly nt nil times on procuring tlio nliovo nrtlclcs, with nil tho lu-sv nspfnl prppnrn loll hH't 1,1 l10 ljcs' eomUicticl cslnlilWiments. THYSICIAN'S I'RnSCIHITIONS inml rnmlly lleeelpts eompounileil w 1th tho great" pt nccurncy nml illspnteh. I7I11KS1I AniUVAIi OF XFAV HOODS. Tho uiHlerslnneil hns Just arrived ,, , . ,, , ., Meillclncs,rnlnls,011snmlshe.s,aiHU)yobtunv, itcnily - Mnilo Clothing, rerfiimerv, Toy nml I'lincy Articles, Druggist's Glnsswnre, llrnhes, Trubses ,,,1Klmnrtr ,,f,i'nlnnitiiiriitcifpvprr. nulKupportcrs,nimngenernini,soitmeuioiecry' thing that belongs to n well-appointed Drugstore Also Patent Med lelnes of all kinds, suih as Jnjne's, Ayci's, AVlsUnifB, 'Ytlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Troches, Swain's runncea, linker's Coil Liver Oil, Hoollnud's Hitters constantly on hand. Also moiiocco lt;atiii:ii, kid, rnriNcn Monoc- CO, FIinNCIt CALFSKINS, PINK TIUMMINOS, IIINDINOS, . ..if,.,, ivr v - . Ir...,, ,,,, innw vl,rpiipn In tho ilrmr lmsl. HaMng bad n lnigo exporleuco lninotirug nusi ncSs, I would respectfully Invite thoso wishing ' , , , iinyiiung m iiiat miu nium aim mu mj .lw, i;- fr,,,,r(.i1t,,,.i.,,..i10r.. " iuinedlclncsouallty tOrO piirCliaSlllgtlSC llCrt. iU llteutl.lIH.S 4UaitlJ is of tho tlrst liniioitanee.' JOHN H. MOYF.Il. JOYAL st IlOYKll, successors to GILBFUT, IIOYAL st CO. WnOLHSALU DIIUGOISTS, Importers and Dealers in imuus, jiudicinf-s, spicks, paints, oils, OLASS, DYL! STUFFS, &C, Nos. SOD and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. JgSTABLISHEU 1820. JLflt.S iti.lVllhl U., WHOLUSALF. DIIUGGISTS, nnd Dealers In CIItMICALS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDI CINES, SPICES, 1'AINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VAUNISHES, DYES, Ac, Ac, Southeast comer of Third and Callowhlll Sts., Pliiladelphln, "I7STA1JLISIIEU 1823. sJi3-L-"-J"-,lollJ-'i-' l0-;1' G. W. CARPENTER, HHNSZEY & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 737 Market Street, ono door below Eighth, Philadelphia. DRUGS, MEDICINF-S, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS GLASS, VARNISHES, DYES, nnd every olher article ppitalning IrHho business, . , . . , i . of the best quality, and nt lowest market rates. GROCERIES, &c, noon 'Evs for kvkiiybody. Owing to tho late fall In gold, KPHRAIM Y, VLWCLh has reduced bis prices to suit alt buyers, cither at wholesale or retail. If you want HUOAUS, THAR, HYItUl, 8PJCUS, CItACKi:itS, CANNLD FUUIT, DHIED FUUIT, "WOODENWAltn, FISH, . BEANS, CHIiESE, FLOUR, FEED, AC, Ac. Ac, Klvam" n call. Emit AM AV, EIAVELL jonx STuour & coM Kuccessors to etrotip x urotner, WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN FISH, No. 21 North Wlnrvos,anl2Nort!i Water St., IMiiladclpbla, JENNEDY, STAIRS & CO., WHOLESALE FISH DEALERS, Nos. 130 and 132 North Wharves, Philadelphia. "VP EAVER & SPKANKLE, WHOLESALE GUOCEBIES AND COMMISSION MEUCIIANTS, Nos. 25J nnd 227 Arch Street, rhlladelphlo. gCUELL, REHGEU & CO., Dealers In riSII, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 152 and 121 North Wharves, aliovo Arch St, Philadelphia. Rolo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In bar- I rels, kcks, and cans, E STAUL1S11ED 1793. JORDAN & BROTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONE. No 209 North Third Slieet, Phllitdeliilila. QOTTIIELL it AYHES, Wholesale Dealers In FISH, CHEUSE, AC, Ac, No. 100 North Wlutrves, second door above Aich Street Philadelphia. J.J V. PJ3TEH3IAX, til LIPPINCOTT vt TROTTER, WlIOLraALE GROCERS, No. ?l North Wilier Street, and No. SONorlh Iielauaro Avenue, Phllailelphla, Q 1). KOI111INS & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, Not thiast oonior of Second and Vine Stru ts, riillniUlphl.i. DRY GOODS. II "TUKHA1I FOH OAT AW J S3 A I THIS VAY I'OIl HAltOAINM. (loml lo pomimro with xlrliiKcuoy of tho money market. look nml ronimiv trlpo liororo rmr chalng clipwhero. Jt call nt the fnvorlto IjiisI noHsntainl of McNINCll.'iHIir.MAN, nml you will Iw met by theotillnliiK proprietors or their elciki,nml nhownthroiishllielrarpntMirlety utoio fiecof clminc.of eourc. They will give yu n fair clmnee to spend your looo chnnne, they trut much moro prollliibly than It tan ho spent cliehcre. Their BTOCK OK DIlY 000DS thU Pprlna li muih larger In nil Us varieties Hum usual. Their LADIliS' DIIIXS (10I)S nre of tho nicest styles in mnrket, They have n line assortment ui HATS, CAPS, HOOTS AND SII0LS, SUMMmt CLOTHS, CASSINITiW, CASSIMI'.UUS, AND V1'.STIN0S, nnd numerous articles common to siuli establish- tents, besides n general assortment of liArtDWAiu:, TiNWAitu, QUi:F.NsVAiir:, AND OHOCIUtllX, nil nt grcnlly reduced rrlces. They wish to con duct their business on the syhtcm of "PAY AS YOU 00," nnd they think they can nirord to sell very cheap, They leturn their thanks for many past favors, and nsk tho future patroungo of their former cus tomers und tho public generally. McNINCII & SHUMAN. KMBKUSTEIt & BKOTI1EII, iiiilut lets mm uuuuuis ui H0SH3KY, aLovr-s, SIIIUTS and imAwr.its, BUTTONS, SUSPLNDCriS, HOOP SKIItTS, HANDKEIICIIIFFS, TIIIIUAUX, SUWINU SILKS, TIUMMINOS, POIITH MONNAICH, soaps, rcnrujiFiiY, fancy goods, and NOTIONS GF.NIUt.YLLY, Mso Manufacturers of IlltUSIIUS AND LOOKING GLASS US, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAIUl, mtooMs, nopns, twinls, Ac, No. 300 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia.' g L, BETTLE, l VUSH, BUNN vt CO., DRY GOODS, No. 10 North Third Stieet, Philadelphia. jyj 31. 3IARPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVUS. AND FANCY GOODS, No. 51 North Third Street, Philadelphia. J. IilCSTEll, tv uoiesaie anti j.ciiiu jipatcr in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, No. SO North Second Street, opp. Christ Church. Philadelphia, JJARCKOFT & CO., importers tutu jooocrs ot STATI.E AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMERIX, BLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDKEWS, W1LKINS & CO., jipatprs in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 003 Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, - vianin.iciurcr ot anti t tiuiesuio ueaier tit CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, No. 11 Not th Third Street, Phlladelplila. "yATSON & JANNEY, Importers nnd Jobbers of SILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. SilMniltct Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. QUIl STARCH GLOSS Is tho only nrtlclc used by FIRST-CLASS HOTELS, LAUNDRIES, AN THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES, It id vph n lienutlfnl lifillsh.makint! the Irnunnss smoothly over the ctotlt, saving much timi: nntl itioor. oooiis itoutt up witu it Keep t lean mucu longer, eouseuifeiuiy wttt nut ivetil out so soon. IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKE NEW. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. It is soluble In hard as well ns soft water. It 1 nut ttnlii tlio sitlcsl. neatest. and most convenient 101111 ui tiny vlliClCVl to inu puouc. IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CLOTHES. Aeents wanted ever.vwhcie. to whom wo offer cxiutuiuiuaty iiHiuccim.uis. .uupss NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO., fcep22-Cm "IS Fulton Stieit.New Yolk, JOWE, HUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesalo Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CAHPirr CHAINS, BATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'Q GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASICinS, TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 500 Mtuket Street, south side, Philadelphia, EA D VJ LLH T 1 1 EO LOO 1 (J A SCHOOL 'I ho Foil term beiran Senleni i ,,. i iw i iipiniv oi iiisiriipiiiin ,'oiisisis in 1,111 resilient nnn lour iitiii-restui'iit proiessors, and tutor. Tho oblect Is lo educate voiiiur iiwii tn tho Christian Minlslrv. 'l'hprn Isn iii.'tiiiiiitdrv class for those who litivo not rcpplvcd a collet-into eiuiv-iiiiuii. vine iiitiiiirvu iiim sixty tiiiuars a year aro Kruiiteil to bpncili laries. wiih nn additional Mini lusiipclal pases. Tho tuft Ion, use of Library nn. i,-Ai-ii,jivN, itiu tiru in mi, mo nciiisii founded by tlio Unitarian nnd Christian dpuout lintlous. but is mien lo all who liftli'Vi, In llinill. vine origin ot Christianity, The Library consist Application niay lsi made to Rev, A. A. more, President of the Boaid ol liislitnll MeniMlle, l'a, nov!7-ly TOUVIN'H KID ULOVE CLEAN i.kiaiiiiueti vi yptns. Tho only nisi urtlclo fur lusiiiullv eleauliu lild lil'ips. The can iioeip.tueu viiuto upon ino nauii,nuii wort liuiiuillately. It Is inodorous, (mo bottle t tlean :n mlrs. PrtpolH penis, lti t.tlleil by moi llriiLrulkls mill l-'niifv SUnri Vt'ti,.l,,v,,l.. n... mas llii'iies A Co., I', C. Wills A Cu nnd nlbcr, .H IWlv, UOV.IHllll SEWING- MACHINES. MIH FLORENCE SEWING-MACHINES Aim THE BI'.ST IN Till! WORLD. Sulcsiooms, awciicstliut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Wbllo it Initio number of Machines hae lseii lieretl to the publlp, somo of whloh iosess points xep leiippaiiilntkiiowlPdBPd mprii.wu tune I hum felt what otlicis have experieneed, tho no- sslty of n Mnehlno moro iwifcct in its mechani cal structure, comblnlnR In tbo HIGHEST DEGREE HIMFLICtrY WITH DURABILITY, and while cnpablo of dolus n GREATER RANGE OF WORK-, one that could bo easily understood nnd coniprc- icndcd by nil. Tnsnmilvii Sewlns-Mnehltie freo from the on- Jectlonsnttnched tout hers lias bpen noensy task! for tte not only had tn surpnss oilier iint nines, as tltey npimirctl yenrs ntro, but nlso as lmptoved from tlmo to tlnic by mote rptrnt exppilpnce. This wo boldly claim has been ncnmnplMiptl by the liberal expendltttrp of pnpltal,nnd tbo pa- tlpitt, unllrlnR labor of yparsj nntl In prppnllnE our Jlaelilne to tho public, we shall make stronu ssertlons reppctlitR Its merits, which wo nro nrpiinred to sntistnntlato In every particular. Dlseardlni! tho Cham and Iiop,orKiut stiiciips, wo ntlopted tho LOCK STITCH (allko on both sides of the fabric), which Is re Binned by the masses ns best sultid to nil kinds of work. But lomeet objectlonssometlnies Urged ncnlnst this faorlte stitch, wo have ndded the Knot, Double Lock, nnd Doublo Knot, either of w lilcli la STRONGER AND MORE ELASTIC thnn tho Lock; thus enabling tho operator to select a stitch PERFECTLY SUITED toevery grade of f.tbrlc.nnd where necessary, sew seams much stronger than ft Is possible to do by hand, THE FLORENCE makeq. TOUR DIFFERENT STITCIIF-S with ns much ense ns ordinary Machines make one, and with ns little ir,uchlnery. The result of repeated tests has been nil wo onld desire, nnd from Its flist introduction the Florence hns gained hosts of friends, nnd been regarded us a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY; proving that the public fully appreciate tho many advantages comlilneil in tho 1 lorenco Jlacntne. Over all others, the ITorenco must bo teen to be fully nppicehited. Wo claim lor tlio FLORENCE tho following ADVANTAGES over nny nnd nil SEWING-MACHINES IN THE WORLD: It makes four different stittltes, tho lock, linot, double-lock, nnd double-knot, m. ono nnd lie same machine. Each stitch being mike on both sides of the fabric. Every Machine has the revcrslblo feed mo. tlon, which enables tho operator, by simply turn lug ti thumb-screw, to have tbo work run either lo tho right or left, to stay nny part of tlio f-ennt. or fasten the ends of seams, without turning tho fabric. 7" Changing tlio length of stitch, nnd from one kind of Milch to another, can readily be doue while the Matltluo Is in motion. irtT"Tlio needlo is easily adjusted, and does not skip stitches, 2 It is nlmost noiseless, and can bo used where cpilct Is necessary. Its motions aro all positive; there aro no springs to get out of ordor, and its simplicity en ables any one to operate It. jrj It does not romiire finer thread on the under than for tho upper side, and will sew across the heaviest seam, or from ono to moro tliicknesse of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break. ing thread, or skipping stitches. 3-Tho Hemmer Is easily adjusted, and will turn any width of hem dvslied. 3 No oilier Machine will do so or nt'u range of wotlc ns tho Florence. C3-It will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, quilt and gather and sew on a ruHlo at tho samo time, It has no springs to get out of order, and will last a lifetime, T3-H Is fully protected nnd licensed by Ellas Howe, Jr., nnd our own Letters Patent. Tbo taking up of tbo slack-thread Is not per formed by the irregular contraction of u wire coll or uncertain operation of springs. Tlio precision and nccuracy with which tho Florence draws the thread Into tho t-loth Is unappriMched oy any Sewlng-Maeliine hitherto oifcied in tho world. Wo furnish each Machine with " Barniim's Sulf- Sewer," which guides the work itself.and Is of in- c.ilcultiblo value, especially to inexperience opcr ators. Wlillo possessing tho above, and many other advantages, the I loience is sold nt correspond!!!! prices with other nrst-cl.iss Machines, nnd n care- nil examination will fully substantiate all that wo htie claimed for it, and Justify tbo assertion o now make, that It Is tho best Sewlng-Maehiue in tlio woild. UTn ii-ntviniil m-nr,. tn l.n oil ,1..., claim for It, und to give entile satisfaction, and win give a written warrant-, ir reivurutt. Liberal arrangements made with thovowho buy to sell again, l-urllter Information may bo ha by inclosing stumps to tho Oeneitil Ollleoof tho I'lotencoSowIng-Maehlno Company, C39 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. TRICES OF MACHINES. No. 1, Plain. This Machine makes the lock nud knot stllches,nnd lias tlio reversible fced.-SiU No. 2, Hoit-ucc, Goltl-ornniiipiitcd Machine, with drawer, nnd light cover, without lis-kj makes nil tho four stitches, nml has llio re versible feed No. :i. Sllscr-pluted Machine, ornamented; table olMlnlshcd walnut, with heavy half case, lock and drawer; makes all tho four stitches, and has the revcrslblo feed SSI No. I. Silver-plated Machine, highly orna mcnted, and makes all tho four stltihes, und has the rc crslble feed. Poll-died mahogany table ;n Polished RoseuotHl Table (12 No, 5. Walnut table, In oil it. Miihogouy tablp, in oil (hi Rosewood table, in oil ja- .-so. ti, vnmut, on nnisiietl m .Mahogany table i RosewovKl table jjj O. 0. EVANS, Agent. USD Chestnut Slreet, Philadelphia. 1?MPI11E SHUTTLE HEW1NO-3IA- ,s-j . iii.sivnrtisiiiiprior loiitt iiiupi-M lor V AM1LY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSI v iiiiiiiiiinii iiiii uiii-vi iiupiovt uipiiis; urespe uolvi-iiH-'diiriitilo; and easy to work. JlliiMriitcd (iieulsrsliee, Agellls wanted. I.ll run iiisi-oiiiiiituuweit. ociiusignnieiiis niade. Addtess EMI'lltl-: H. si. in. ' nugl-ly 010 llioadwiiy, New- -sijoY gT. CllAHLJvS HOTEL, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, Nos, 1)0, W, (II, und CO NorthThlid Streets, betwein Mm kit und Archlstipvl Philadelphlj. CRARUKI,r.tK-M;R, Manager. DRY GOODS, &c. 111AN1) OPENINO ... (IIIANU Ul''t GRAND OPENING (IRANI) OPENING (IRANI! OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOOUsJ, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER (K)ODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting tif consisting of DRY 0001)9, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, I) GOODS, D GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIH, HAT'S AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIN, HATS AND CA1W, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND S1IOIX, BOOTS AND SIIOF.1, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, 1 1 EA 1) Y-M A DF. CLOTI 1 1 NO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIlflO, LO0KINO-GLASSF.S, LOO K I NO-G LASS I '.S, LOOK 1 NG-G L ASSI '.s, LOOKINO-OLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSIli NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, altOCERIlX, GROCERIIH, .GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, ('UHENSWAEE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, FITH, FISH, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ao., Ae. McK'EI.VY, NEAL A CO.'S, MiKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S, McKELVV, NEAL A CO.'S. MuKELVV, NEAL A CIVS. McKELVY, NIML A CO.'S. .sorlliwest coiner or Main and Market Streels, Norlhuest corner of Main and Maikt t Stiei ts, .-soiinwen coiner or .tiaiu mul Maiki t Stieels, Jioiiiiivpstcni-nei of .Main nnd Market SI ippIk, oriuwesi eo rnf r of Main und Muikel ,streets: IILOOMKIUTRO, PA., HLODMSIU'RO, PA, lILOOMMIllltd, I'A., lll.Otl.MSiliritG, PA., llLOOMMlU'RO, PA, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND .V.Mlt, IRON AND NAILS, In Itiigi ,ii,uitttles nnd lit itdtuid lulw, tilwtty on hand. RAIL ROADS. 1 UADINO UAILllOAU. XV SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. April 21, lfl. Great Trunk Lino fiom tlio Noilh nnd Nortliwi.t fur IMiiliidpiiihlii. New York. Rpading. l'otisvtu.. Tainit'ii.i, Astdaiitl, Lpbanoti, Alipiitown, Eiistisi' Tniln's leaie Ilarrlsbtitg for New York as r.t. COtlllPClitlg w ith similar trains on tho lvuim'ytf vanlti llallismd, nnd arriving nt Now Yotk at fi n and 10 a.m., and $10 und HWil'.M. Slopping cur, uirompatiy tlio 3 A.M. and 0:20 P.M. trains, without ciiiumi-. , . ..... .. .. jicuve narrisourgior itpnoing, I'otisvtiie.Tninn tiii. Mltiprsvtll Asllbllltl.PltloGrovp.Alti nlo- nnd Plilladplphlunt 7:10 am., nlul 2 nml H;'.D i-.u ' stopiilngnt Lelmiion nnd irinppnl Wtty Slntlons t uti ii-'i t'.-vi. 1 1 a i ii iiiinviiiK iniwiw-'vi oiini-v-iions for isiitsvlllpor l'hllatlellibln. For Pollsvlltp. kpIhiv t. kill Ilaven. and Aiihuut, vln Schuylkill ami n(u. inu-hanita Itallroad, b ale Ilarilsburgnt 4 r, p.jf, lll'llll Ullltl, 11 ill .v,v itiiiviii. 1 n .-I,, i. .ii,, nlul ;r:vi'.M l'hlliiilp n ilaittSA.M.alid.ti.mi-.M.ll'iiii.. vllln nt nrw a.m. nnd 2:1 p.m.; Ashland nt II ntnl lillAMniid liUii'.M.; Tiinintiua ui v.i-i a.m. and Ij'iivp Poi'isvlllo for llnrrlsbure. via Schuvlkiu nnd Siitnii'hatina Railroad, nt 7 a.m. Itt'lllllllg .IPI'illlloillllliiii I nun ii-iivi- ivi-iiiiiug at ,.si reluming fiom liillatb-lpbla nt t r.M, Coltimbla Rallroail Trains leave Rpodiiig at 11:20 ltd 0:1.) P.M. for Epbrata, LIII7, Colltmlila, Ap.,a tin Stindnvs lpitse New York nt S::t0 P.M.: Plill,i. dplphln nt s a.m. and 3:l.i p.m., tho 8 a.m. train run. tlllgniliyio ivi-ituiiig; i-uiisvnieiii n; iimtii. iuaat7::VI a.m.; nariisburgatti:U-iA.M.: and Rpa-L Ing tit ii'Ui a.m. for Harrlsbui-g, and 10:.V2 a.m. tot New York, and 1:25 p.m. for Phllitdplphitt. t'.itiiiniiliitton. Milpage. Season. Excursion. n,l Schmil Tickets nt reduced rates to nnd from all loints. .... . Baggage eiieciten tnrnugn. i.iguiy pouniM 01 luggage allowetl each pnsspngpr. h b G. A. NICOLI-S, Gen.Supt. Reading, Pn April sri, mi VTOltTlIEHN (JENTUATj HAIL IN WAY. DIUECT ROUTE NOUTlt AND ROUT1I. Throueb between linlllmore and ltoehestcr WITHOUT CIIANtlE OV CALLS. On and after November l'J, 1S(W, trains will leaTO as follows! Miiniiv.m. IIUEEAEO EXPJtEss leaves Jloltlmnro loio hilly; Phlladelphlnb:li) P.M. ; Ilarrlsburs&iVi A.M.. lellveritm pasneimers at Northumberland J:M a.m.. fur trnlii on I ju-knwanna nnd llloomsbtir Hallroad, leaving at 7 A.M.jnrriviUtfJn Danvlll.i r ; l 1 r iiuniiiiiuiik, o.w it.i., ivuiiuil iVittf A.M., Scranton V2 noon, MAIL leaves Halt Imoro M't A.M.. dally fexcent Hundavs); Philadelphia lh'ii) A. M. HairUbur 1I13J l ueiivcriiiK imfiiBtTi nil amii i n ii in i H?r hind for train on l.nckawanna and Dlmnasbum Itiiltrond. leu vln if nt P.M.. roeeedlm; nortii and arriving In Wllllauivport at 0:lo r.M, I ami lilcli leaves iiaiiitnoreoniiyiexceptwun lnvs). 12:10 P.M.! Phlladelnhla IhriO'P.M.iIIiirti hurKbl') l':M,; NorthnmbeilandUiill'.M.: pn-shon. gers by this train remain overnight nt Noithutu berland leavlntho following mornlugat 7 A, i.I arrh ing In Scranton h! M. 80UTUWAUD. EXPltIS.4 ritAIN leaves Northumberland li-rw P.M., dally (except Sundays), receiving pavsencers leavln Hcratitonnt 1:10 P.M.; PUtston fi:JU P.M.; KinirMon a P.M.; llloomsburR 8:(T7 P.M.; arrlMna In Philadelphia 7 A.M.; lliirrlshurg 2:m A.Mj MAHj TItAIN leaves Northumberland lOdO A.M., dally (except Hundavs). recelvlmr jmsseu cers leaving Hcranton A.M.; Pittsfnn l!;'J0 A.M.; Kingston (l:.V A.M.; Hloomsiiurg 8;(7 A.M. ; Danvlllo i':5l A.M.; nud arrlvinc In IlarrMnirif l:lriP.M.; Philadelphia 5: 1U P.M. ; Jlaltlniore 0 P.1H ltv this route lielht fiom PuJlalo, Suspension llrlitue, ltoehestcr, and CanandaKua, or any Inter mediate point on tbo New York Cential can ho shipped ihioutfli, when In full car loads, to any poitiL on ine jacKawauna nnn iiiooinsnurK luiu load, without break Inc bulks. Hates of lrilsht und pasenirers fare as low as by any other routu, J. N. DuItAIlHY, E. S. YOUNO, Gen'l Wuii't, Hiirrliljurg.I'a. Gen'l I'ass. Atiunt, jiuiiiinoru. ISAAC M. SCHOEMEltHUUN. Ocn'l Western Freight Agent, ltutTalo. PHILADELPHIA AND E1UI3 UAIIdlOAI). This great lino traverses thq northern and northwest counties of Pennsylvania to tho city of Erie, of Iako Erie. H luw bten leased ami Is operated by tho PENNSYLVANIA HAlMtOAD COMPANY. Time nf P.issenucr Trains nt Northumbeiland: I.BAVK IJASTWAUP. 1. 110 MMl Tmill, lll'ii VtV, Eric Express Train, Elmlra Mull 1 rain, HW A.M. to LiiAvi: Westwaitp. Erlo Mull Trabi, JT a.m.; Etle Express Train, 7:11 p.m.; Elmlra Mall Train, b'Wl'.M. Passenger cars run through on thoErlo Mult an l Expiess Trains without change both ways be tween Philadelphia aud Erie. NhW Yoitic t'oNNKLTiox. I-eavo New York at 9 a.m., arrlvo at Eile at lt:lj a.m.; Leave Erlo at 1:15 r.M., arrive at Now jork at a:I0 r.M. E.legant t-leeplng cara on all night trains, l'or information respecting jtassenger bimhifM apply nt tbo corner of Thlitletb and Marktt Streets, Phllailelphla; and for freight busluesaef thn Company's agents. H, 11. King-don. Jr., corner of Twelfth and Market Stricta, Pbiladelphln: .I.AV.lteynnhls, Erlo; Wil liam lhuwn, Agent N.C.H.H., Jfaltlinoru. 11. II. HOUSTON, General 1'relght Agent, Philadelphia. IL W. OWINNEll, General Ticket Agent. Phlladetphla. A. L. TYLElt, Genrral Buperlnteudent, WllliauiMmrt. March 'i, Imhj. T ACKAWAXXA AND BLOOIUS- .IJ lJUItO UAILUOAD. On aud alter March 11, lMtf, user Trains will run us followH: souniWAiin. Leavo Scranton nt 1:10 r.M, and .V a.m.; Kingston at II r.M. aud :V a.m.; lUnuias burg at s:2i) r.M. and a.m. Ai ilvu at Norlhuui borland at t):W r.M. and HWW a.m. NoitniWAr.n. Leave Noi thumberland at 7 A., nnd . r.M.; llloonivburg at Wit a.m. and t:i v m., Scranton at I !:(." a.m. and 0 r.M, Arrlvo at Scnui tou at 1 : H a.m. and lu:lj r.M. II. A. FONDA, Bui. Kingston, March 13, ISCfJ. pATAWISSA UAILUOAD. J Fioni and alter October 2, INK, tho trains will pass 1 til pelt an fnlloMs; Goinu Nokth. Elmlra Mall at i r.x.; Erld Exjaessat ilS a.m. (fin vn Soin ii. Philadelphia Mall at 11 A.M.; New York Express ut i r.M. GEOUCJE WEHU, Bupt. 0 JIX1UU.S WXK. Tho iinilerslgned would respectfully nnnouneo to tlie citizens tif Illoonisbttrg nud tho public gene rally that ho is running nn O.MNIIUIS LINE between this plnennml tho different rnllrnM da potsdaily (Sundays oxecpted), to connect with tho, several trains going South and West on tho UiU wlssa and WHliainsport Railroad, aud with tUo) going Noith nnd South on tho Ijickiiwnnimiuil lJlootnsburg Railroad. Ills Omwlbtisses nro In good condition, commo dious and comtortable, and ehnrges leasonnlile. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends do part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable cluiTijo by leaving timely notice at any of tlio hotel, JACOII L GIRTON, Proiirietor. MIV. AJIKKICAX HAY KNII-'U AND FORK. Wo the nndeislL-ned 1III71IH I L'olttlllbl.t t'ottlltv wiltli'Sseil Ihn III 1 It. V forks on the farm of Mr. Pursel, in Hciiiloil: Township, on Monday, Mav 7, 1 si III, betueni Anierlmu Hay Knife and Foils muuuf.ictiucd 'i.v SI.IFER, WALLS M1RINER .V Co., ot I.-lv burg, Pit., nud tbo Rtlliders Pnlpnt liny Iii. Tito Anierleaii Folk lltit-d moie bay In ono draught than the Rtiudel In three. We arcs-ins-tied 11 will take as much bavinto the mow us 'an gotsl boi-M-s can draw. ve also saw it etitihi. hay, nnd think it ettunot bo bent us u hay l;tiii timi ehi eifuliy recommend it us tlio best I1115 furlt and knlfo wo have ever seen. ". lliTTi.Mir.Miun, int. F. O. HAi:r.iso, W. 11. KlItlN.s, .ItlllN DtlAK, .Ions lu:ri:itii k, Dami:i. Novku, II. 1 H(i i.i:m 1 i.t.i-it, Hvi.vr-sri:it Pirsi.L, MiniAi:!. llr.i.i.ui!, John Woi.f. They also inanuiaeliiro tho celebrated l!n l;-y Ilea ppr and .Mutter, and other agricultural iui) u incuts. J 11. WALTKU, L'lto Walter vt Kaub, Importer und Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No. 211 North Third Stieet, between lluco und Via" Phllailelphla. JJKXJAJIIN Q11KHX-, Dealer In , CARIirriNGS, WINDOW SHADIM, OIL CLOTHS, MA1X, .U, No. .11 Noi th Second Street, Phlladclpliln. O AV. ULABOX & CO., Manufatitircrs of OILCLOTHS AND WINDOW HIIADI-S Wurehouse, No. 121 North Third Strcut. Philadelphia. t 11. LoxcisTnivrii, tr . PAPER-HANGING WAlHCIIul l No. UNiiilhTlilldMiei-t. nill.trielplu.l,