The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 25, 1867, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN, B.LOOMSBU11G, FllIDAY, JANUA11Y 25, 1S67. 8flw dlotumbinm nLOOMSHUItO, l'EN.VA., JAN. i Wr. William Ij. Haddock and Co. dealers in flno groceries, No. llfi South Third Street (onnosltotlioaim rilUnnk) Plillniloliihln. Hooks, now ami second liand, paper, envelopes, Ink, etc., constantly for sale at tho Itecorder's office. A load of good dry wood wanted nt tho ofllco of tho Columiuav, on sub scription, nt once. Is an immense, amount ofsnow upon tho ground, and If It should go off with a rain, wo may expect n very high freshet. Ton tho propcctn, terms ofsuhscrlp Hon, rates of advertising, mid other matters relating to this paper, see first column of tho first page. Otm market report allows that clover seed Is pretty high. Among our new advertisements Is one of an invention for stripping tho seed from tho stalk, which Is worthy tho attention of fann ers. Edward Levers was serloily in jured near Catawissa station by tho cars, last Monday, lire. IJarrkon of Bloom, and Kobbins of Catawissa, am putated tho Injured leg. Devcrs was a brakesman on tho Ij. fc 1$. llnllroad. Some oi our town Subscribers have not directed how they desiro their papers delivered, whether by tho carrier, or left at tho Post Ofllco or at tho Printing Office. If they will indicate to us where I they would prefer to get them wo will tfo.otir best to accommodato them. JAttclls LMny Ape, made up weekly mostly from tho foreign papers and magazines, is generally excellent in its selections. No. 1181 is n capital one, containing Now Germanic Knipire, Georgo III, Memories of Moscow, Old Sir Douglas part 0 etc. $8.00 a year in advance. On January 8th, ISO", says tho Ber wick Gazette, tho Stockholders of the Berwick National Dank held an election for officers to servo for the ensuing year, with tho following result : President M. W. Jackson. Cashier B. It. Davis. Directors M. 10. Jackson, ,To.o Dow man, W. II. Woodln, S. D. Dowman, A. Miller, Francis Evans, and O. H. Fowler. Certain Cunr.. Frostetl limb?, it is announced, nre. permanently relieved by ono or two nnnlications of boiled, lyoof wood fishes, made so ttroniras to 1 s ' o , bo quite slippery between the finger?. This lyo should settle, bo drained dir, and liavo a largo handful of common salt to each quart of lyo mixed with it. It should bo quite warm mid the limbs bo submerged for ono or two hours. At a meeting of the stockholders of tho Lackawanna and IJlooniabur; Kail road Company held in Scrantou on the .Hth, tho following oQlcera were elected for tlio ensuing year : James Archibald, President. John C. Phelps, VIco President. Directors Moses Taylor, William K. Dodge, John Drisbin, John T. Hlair, Joseph Scranton, Payne Pctleboiie, James Blair, A. U. Keynolds, J. J. Al bright, T. F. Atherton, Samuel Jloyt, JohnC. Phelps, D. G. nriesbaeh. At tho annual election for the Direc tors of tho XiChigh Valley llailroad, held tit their office, In Philadelphia, on the nth instant, tho following board was chosen, viz : President, William W. Loiig.-lreth. Directors, Asa Packer, John Taylor Johnson, 'William H. Gatzmcr, .1. Gol llngham Fell, Klisha A. Packer, Ashbel Welch, John K. Hutchinson, F.dward H. Trotter, David Tliomas, Josiah O. Kteams, Joseph II. Dulles, Charles Ilarishorne. Tjie following named persons were elected to servo for the current year for directors of the Virnt Xatioiial liank of l'lymoutli : 11. .Gnylortl, .1. U. Smith, Draper Smith, T. P. Jl'Farlin, II. II. Harvey, Peter Shupp, Frank Stuart, H. Ci. Turn er, James Turner, Charles lltitehlnson, Ira Davenport, Oliver D.ivenporl, J. F. Keynolds. Henderson Oaylord was chosen Pres ident, John 11. sjmitli, Vice-President, Wilson, Cashier, and William W. Dries bach, Clerk. Amount of tax assessed in the Thir teenth Collection District of Pennsylva nia, for tho month of January, lsoil, to wit: 1st Division SS"0 51 2nd " U.7 M 3rd nad 4tU M St ttti SI 61 f,lh 7,510 IX) 7th " S'O W tb " W hS flth " 1T1 M IMU " Hl lltli " Stl .OS 12111 " II 0) ISth " l.tsil W ntu ! ss 15tU " IM Si ieth " '. iffltii l7Ul " '.'10 01 toth " 1W I'l aye i m Number of persons assessed dtiriii"; tho year 1SGG In tho Thirteenth Collec tion District, not Inclttdiu"; individual members of (Inns and companies, when assessed as companies, was eight thou sand four hundred ami Gmr. Market Jll'limt. Whent per l.uslirl "irn " :;!'.v.i.";".;;;.'.'":;;.'.;;.i I'lourpcr JmrrcL floveineed . ClnxKceil Hutu r lVm Tallow Potatoes Hrlud Apl'Icd H l'ork ItnuiH , tlc1e.-t friul hliouhlrin 'srit i"1" rouodv Ufij ft r fc,n . 1 ID W . 1! I" .. 7 no . 2. "i'l HI .rii 1 Ml . 2.D . Ill . l.l . v in THE KALEIDOSCOPE i . " A mniiof bnsylifg- Its fluctuation mid Its vast cuucci lis." No. 1, January 33, isnr. From my youth 1 lmvo had a propen sity to buy and read old books) to ox amino old inanucrlpti ; (o investigate old and cttrloin iiucstlon. Mostly I have been able to turn my ncttuUltiuin to account, and thus make tho hobby I may have been riding for tho time being, subservient to tho mcs or pleaMiro both of myself and my fellow-men. T.vcry man lias his hobby. Indeed 1 think no man oyer amounted to much without .somo such useful nnimal. t'pon It, whenever business Is slack or recreation Is needed, ho is sure to tako a Journey into Ids favorite fields or fancy, and ho mint indeed lie a dull traveller If hedoos not socomcthlngtoamtHeand InMruct. Hotter still, If tho fuller consideration of tho subject shall Mied a new light upon an old subject, and tend somewhat toward the amelioration of human mis ery, For several years thta hobby oniliie lias been inducing mo to make pretty thorough and extensive examination's into the lat wills and tc.-taments re maining on file In tho register-' offices in several counties of tho State. It has been a very curious study of human na ture, anil, t fancy, from a point of view seldom if over occupied for that purpose. It was curious to observe how 3ti Iiar ristor left the bulk of ids property to bis children by his first wife : and how Jir Caroentef left Ills to those linrnn tn lilm v .ii pi. iiil ilii in- hi uiiL uoineio mm by Ins lato loving spouse ; nnd the inter- est was greatly heightened by knowing a little bit of tho family history which brought about that result. How Mr. O.ikford made provision against tho sec ond marriage of the weeping woman ho was about to leave a widow, and Mrs. Httlstod, whoso years or who-e face was a barrier to new engagements, was left perfectly freed from them. Originally It was my intention to ropy and publish about one hundred of tho mot singular, and among them many which had been litigated, with notes and comments, ethical, critical, literary nnd legal ; but doubts whether the pub lic advantage would bo commensurate with the labor, to sty nothingof tho ex pense, induced mo to abandon tho de sign ; reluctantly, however, for I am sure, it would make a volume of very curious, instructive, and entertaining reading. Themaklnsof one's will is often a sol emn and always an important act. A man's right to dictate the disposal, with in certain limits ond restrictions of the property of which he dies sr-lzed, is ono which should be ii-ed with great ludtr ment. The rltrht is a comparatively modern one. but It is now (Irmly estab lished, mid though oritrinallv it onerated only upon the personalty, it is now e lenned to every peciesof proiierly rif which a man can In- nrw'.sert. Tin-will sitnunnie drawn iivn person won leanieii ... j,... i e... il... . I. It. t lit. in lllf law, nil nil' luciiiiit.iiiui's una wliieli the courts have hedged the dis posilion of property, from a tender de sire to effectuate il. often defeat the te.? tntnr't) intention unle-s plainly tinilsoine tinicn teebnicallv expressed. The con fusion and repetition nnd nousriisp wifh which ninny wills are overloaded, make them without a doubt, the most nn tframmatical. spiwlesa mid bliiinleriii; body or leffal and literary doctiineiit.s in oxistenee. It h a work which mostly N, but shiittld not be, left to the la-t moment. A man does not neeeniily die beeau-o lie has made and executed a will, and if tf t. ...till,. l,it.,.,ir, .,t oil l,,,,,. 1 1 i-i niiiia !'"'",':" V i ii VOtir lll'OlK'VtV should lie distributed, it IS am-olvwm tli u'lillntiilnivefliednclimcllt so drawn, as that the direction will be rea-oualilv sure to be understood and obeyed. There are so many objects of a man's love anil lavor, tliereaieso many enntiiiironcies upon which a particular betpiest mav turn and tlnnend, that to leave anv of thorn in doubt byealliiiK in tho black-mlth or the carpenter to draw up a paper o important and pecu liar, is ti mint culpable earelc-nt'-s. In ceneral the children tiro the 'pedal ob jects of the testator's bounty.and there are comparatively few wills on record, wherein their claims have been either set aside, iirnnred, or postponed ; nnd still fewer, perhaps, where- tlio property has been uneiptally diided between them. And yet there are such instances. One I kiiow'where testator cut one son oil' with a nominal mum becau-e he win a Democrat in pontics; aim tniuiiiei where a dauihter wa similarly treated, because her husband was di-llked by the father. Another where testator u.ul married a woman mimed Klizaboth, by whom he had three children; when, belli;; In ill health, ho made a win ile-vi-lns ceitnin property to her nml to them, lie recovered, anil ins wne uy Injr, lie s'ltli-eqiicntlv niaiTied a second, u lioso inline was F.lizabelh. by whom he had other three children, and .lied. leaviiifr tho will mentioned stand. The ditto of execution proves it to have re ferred lo thetlrstwifeaiiilcbildren ; the death leaves It to lip applied to the latter. Hut J have almost wandered ironi my subject, and bavins' fullv exhausted my limits will resume tlio discussinn in my next. FROFEQSIONAL CARDS. E. II. LITTLE, ATroitNi:v-Ar- a w, onieeon Main Rliect, In wliito frame home, tie- low the r.xchauiio Until, Illoomvburj, ra. pnaEitT i'('iTuuc A T T O It N l: V- A T-1. A W Olllco corner of Main nnd Market sttoctt, over l'lrst National Hank, lllooni.Iiuru, Pa. TOIIX O. FUEE.E, O ,. A 1 T ll It s li s i . I, ,v , Ofllco tu UrsUlcr nnd Itecorder's omce, lit mo liasemcnt of the Court llou-e, llloomnauu, IM. flLLlAM II. AliilOTT, , T T O H N 1 : T - A T -1. A W. CATAWISSA, PA. M. K. JACKSOX, X TTOIIN II Y-AT-IiA W, Iteijvlek, Coliinilitn County, IVntt'n, jV J M. TitArciii, A T T O ll N i: V - AT- Ii A W. llerwlel:, Columlil.i C'o'.tniy. I'eim'n. J Al. L'VELLE, ' ATTOI.N I'.y-AT-I.A W, Ctntrnll i, C'oluinhl.i County, tfnw'n. -j-VU. W. II. IIIIADLEY, fljito Afcslstimt Jledleal nirector i. B, Army,) I'll V HI 01 AX A Nl M'lKHKlX, WOmceutlhci PoikH Hotel, IlloomshuKt, Pa, Culls promptly attended to Poih night iint day, Ploomhuis. Jan. I'. ' LEGAL NOTICES. T?X KCUTOlt',4 XOTK'K.-KSTATK All or David rox, n, iT.,w.i,.Lciterst(..du. iiiriitnry ni the estate of D.iUd l'ox, Into or Iai rut tuwmlilii, Columbia ciuinty, Pa;, hive been nrinitiMl liy tlin Register nr Columbia connlv tu Lloyd I ns uiid vtcr Yiieuiii. All persons lialiit! claims nanln.t tin-cstnte are rc,iiestiil tiipicsctit tlli'til fur -a ttlcinciil, nii, thiw Indebted In tho (slate will liuilic ii mi'iit in (Iip i:iM iilcirs with nut (lulu) , LLOYD I'OX, IniiunryIWw, "''ciui A DJIINIKTUATOU'H NOT I OK. jTY i:sTTRnrlI.ssMillciuvi:, i,vri:Asi ii.-Lct-ters of administration to the estate or Hannah limine, late of lllooin township, fiihimhla cuntv, ''' "i'l. l"is been uianied i,y iho UcKhlrr ortii' iiliiMa county, to Wollliiston llnrliaini un,l t liiilcs A. JIiijit, wlm H Klilc In llliHiinMiiiri!, In HUM county. All pernm haMim claims ,.r ,1c. lilunds iiL'ulust tlu estate of tin decedent tire to lllc-tc.l to m.iltc I ll. Ill known to tllcllillilhll'lril. ton wttliuut cli'lny, nml all persons Indebted are lliJUCsted III tllllKl' pllVlllCllt. W 1 : 1 ,1, 1 N ITON 1 1 A I IT M A N, , I'llAllLDS A,.Mui:il. r.loomlairi;,.tan, l,'ln.7-iiv. Admi's, TTnTiMiiiMTiifHTA X nrMirtt.u.t. Itnino i.iiii i n, i.ukof iiioom lir.lNSIIir, ( ol.l-Mlll.v lolMT, Dl.ll si:tl. The lln 'irsUncd unpointed Auditor, liy Ihe (npliuu's Court ot tho County of Coluiubl.i. to settle and adjust the ratcii and proportions or the assets In U'f .'""."!'' "r. " 1 llintiiiiii, niliiiltilstrntor or Michael Relchc ili-ll.T, disulsct, accntdlll;! to the order established liy law, hereby alvcs notice to nil lillt!- t!itcti"tivl, tlmt lie wlirnttrwl to Ihc duties of his llppollilinctil, at the iillli-n or Mm Kecordcrol Dccils,iu lilooiiiliui4,lusall county, on satiirilay, tln twpiity-OMIi ilny or.tanu.nV A. II., 1MI7, nt ti'll oVlocli ,,r,, of salil day. All Jicivoik litvitm clalliH or ik'liialids niialiit the cstntf or tlio di'iTikut nto tc(iu,'ti'd lo on a'til llicln to tliv Auditor, or rmi'Vpr dolmlTi',1 Irolil conilni; In Tor n iiornou or the Mil 1 rmid, John ii. nti:i:i:, Auditor. llloom-laiif!, Jan. t, lsi,7, "I AST AT H OF JOIIX .SAXK1:yTspJ, All, lir.('i:Asi:i).-Ti) Jacob Siinkpy; Kuilllcl sankry John SanUry ('.viiiiSnnlii yi Jnims W Sniilii') : Mary Ann Sanluy, Intciinnrilod with "V" i-.vo.i raiiKi'y, inioi-liiairii'd Willi Jaliloi O, l'ili,j 8iiaultclulinlil; and .Mlll'V I'alh iirlni' Hclirliard ; Iho hod two uaniod iiu minors of l'olly salikcy.latc I'ollv Itiduhard.ili'cpa'Od, licit s and Ical U'lncicutatlx cs oi John Saiikcv,srdc- scd. You arc lieu hy cited to lie and niipear liefore I he Jiel i'( or our Oi'iiImkw' i i i , ,r. aroii nun: i.yu.i Malilioy, liitcilnal rloil Willi lli1"'iC.aiit to tin held at llloonnlani.', Ill said countv, tlin mt Monday or I'cliuiarvticxi, then "L':1,1' 'oi;eec,i or u-nivo tot.iUe'the real cs. tnte or the Mild John tfntilccy. Sr.. dee. nxrd. at tlir aiiir.ilsed alu illoli put upon It liy nu In.oict duly awardeil hy the n.ild emit, nii.l nutuud hv the. Mi, Till', or nhow uuno why the Mime shoul'd not he void, Wllhc.the llonnralileWllll unKhvelM'ieslili nt or our said Court, nt lllooiiislIUrK) the i-ltli ilnv ol llieelnber, A. II. Hsl. Jl.s'd. OlIXMAN, ClelKO. ('. lllooinshurir, lleeemtier-J, IMM. t 1 1 it )vs a i i 1 1 a is i :.m i :nt.-N( - 1 'I'll r. (II Nril!MATl(IN.-The lolloln nppralv, nu nt of n aland proieits set apart to Widows or decedent. h:ie lei n tiled In t. e olUco Ol the llejjisll I' or I ' ill II ill jlll t Otllll V, (III- iler ihe Ituh s oi t.and w HI he pi tiled rr III isolute,tolheOl-ihatlv' I'oUlt lohe laid lii r,liii,uislmrtf. In nnd lor said coiintv, on Wrij.NKsnw, Tin: Hivru Dv ok l-i:m:r vky, A. ll., Wi7, at to o I, n; In Ihealleruoon or said da , tulles- cc( ptlons to via h lonllitnalloii-i aie previously till d, or Mhl'-ll all nelsons lllteivslil 111 svld i -I Ues will lake not lee: I. Widow of Ilanlel Mimlan, of Scott (nwnsliln. de-e.ivi d J. Widow of John Trlt, of Siienrlimf ton nshlo, iheeas, d. :i. Widow ot flolworlliy l'h.hcr, of s'eolt town ship, deceased. 4. Widou of ii r. Uunyan, of Madison town ship, de.-iased. ",. Widowoi Josepli lloughlon, of rine town ship, il .ised. II. Widow of Jolin Hutton, of Centre township, ilei ( ned. 7. Widow or Ahndinm Itohblns, or 1'MiIuk' reel: tow llshlp, deceased. .ioiin i. nti:i:zi:, ltcKKter. lllooinsliuri;, .Inn. t, NIT. -)i:(;isti:u's xcvnci':. Xonci: is J V ill lil liv n VI n to all Intalecs, creditors, and other 1'clsous llitetesteil lit the estates ot tiiele speetUc del Lllitelits alTd lllltlol's, that the follow lii' iidiiiiulstlatloii mid uuatdiau accounts liuse liecn tiled lutlieollleoorihi' ltoaMcrol Coluillhlll cotuily, and Avllt lie picsintid lor coiilliniiitloii tltKl allow. Iliee 111 tile Ol ItllauV Clint, lo lie held j 111 Itiooaislilllif, hi the couiiU atoresn'il, on Wl l- M si, 'lilt s,i-i ii Ii v or I'l It1. 1 in, 1MJT, at t w,, el, if I. ill Hie tOlefii .,, ,.l il iv i j, Aeeonnt ofjulm llu-ner, ttu.u.llau'or .Ii.coh . .o.itiis, oiiiior, imiii oi s,.tiuiii-i .iiatiiH, ,ik a, Kits! and Dual account ol t T. All. W. Sler, e,,utoisol 1 h.ibi-th 11. llotllnail, late of flcl wlel.. d. e'd. :i. AcMiiint of r.liai Mctiitenhall, uuarilt.ill of ii. I . iveMer. nil nor i unit or .itw. K. Kester dee'd. 1. Aieountot Kltlllila Klllte, ailmliilslratri ,,r O. I.ow-iy Kline, late ot" Orange township, dee'd. a. Aceotiut ot .Inhn Maddon,.iialdl.uiol Susan lia Staddoll, ot lilei ttw ood tow llslilp. il. Istvotiil and tin d account of Samuel Ilenrv and Aliilnw Cleilill, cm eutols ol" Archlhald lleniy, laic or ( IrnliLie lownship, d ii. 7. set ond and final account of li lor I'veliind ntid .Ioiin i:elaud, iidlultilstrators of 1'clcr JAe land. I ite of I isliharcrcck tow-nship, dee'd. i. Aciniinl of Washllmtoll Adauis a lialnlstr.'l torof riMiuas l.'iiiiinilic-;s late of f.oeiist town ship, d, (!. il. Account of Ml, hP'l T.i lllon, ixeclltor of tile last will and tilanu nt of sat all. I. I'caler,! lie of rishillern ii touil'llip, dee'd. la. Actount ol l,e i Ali;taaii,ituarill m of t!ie cs. Intent Alviina Mcllrlde, minor dilld of 1'. .Me. llrlde. latent llelaloi l! township, dee'd. I l.l.Aeeouiil ot.l.iliii It. Moi i adiiiliil-trator of 1 lUi'li''"' runner, I ileot III I township, lie, d. i l.. Aicouul ot M. . Aliltiieriu.iu ami Michael .ciaon. adnilnlslialois oi I tcr 1'. I'c.iier. li.te of I 1 ishlll-JiTeelv liivnislilp. dee'd. ii. ic, oiiui oi .lames iv. i . , r, iiumiiiisiraior ot Allillew' .1. i:.vcr. lateol Seott tow llslilp, dee'd. II.'lii in ii lliohst, iiiiinluisli-atur of Walter Ttow tilliie, l.ilu of I'eutie township, de i eas, d. 1.',. Account of John (;. Quid:, administrator of l)U tteitcl;, lale ol Montour lowiishlii, dei d, .iiiiin ii. i iti:i.zi:, itinKtcr. lilooinslaii'i:. .tanual.v I, Islt7. "t i! an u ,i rntjTts.l'uiM'jciTnuA- , ty 'ivrln, Imi7. lllofim cal. hl!arloii,Miithl.tsAni'leiiian,ClinrIc!, II. llcool, r. II, acr .lon.ittuin nreilliender. llcuion William l..(.'oIe,s iiiiuel M'llenry, Jacob Weill, or. Com nllain I'l'edelli k 11. Wolforlli. I nmliliu lolm Muwry. lliralu .1. Iteader. ileinlock l'lslier, 'Ihumai J. Vntuler- sllce. Locust Is ine Krwlne. Main I'll." les I Isher, .lohti (I. I !i at halt, .Madison Ins, ph Con-el, .lolm .Mollsir. Ml. l'liM-alll li.lhll. I I i'l'Ltt. Mllllill I'lil isllal: olf, l iralue IMward PoLoicr. Pine riai'Ii Whltmoyir, Klijali rullmer, Thomas .M'l.mle. Siott-l li.irlesS. Powler, T iI!AVi:itSFi JL'ltOlW FOIl PF1!- ni!ir Term 1-1,7. l;eai r Cliarii s .Michael, Stephen, liellloli .losepli Hess, sr. lioi-outh of llerwlek llii'ari U. Ilower. 11,11, auli ot Ci ntiatla William II, lUiieboId, I'.oli- I It tail lell, Illooni l'li tieliek C, i:v( r, Chirk M, llrown, S na inl .I.ico', , William It. K'oons, lianiel ,ee, 11 ll.mi sin il, r. Hilar cr, i k Hi nry Hoak, Piter Wctincr, Thom as A. Miller. c.itawi-s.i .bain Scott, William Maitlu, Jaine.iS, JPXillcli. Stephen llaldy, Ceiilre Jc-m- Illekb, Hoiiiali, Ileniy .pe- l.oll. (oiivimhatn Svtvester llotl'm.ui, Michael C'roue, Will. .,m lloaulnlld, 1 i-i.liu lei Ii i:ilas Ammerman, .lercinlaliircss '1 lion, is l.auildelli.ille'i, Alixaudil' C'inilier. I'riinlillii 'Ihoiaas Ilower. i ireeiiwood-doiui Johnson, Ctileli I-, Moore, Thomas ltecce. II.-mloil.-n.ild Wauiur, William P. i:ycrl, liireiii Applemaii. Madison sliephelil M. Illlliyall, M,.ii,imii' Ssinun 1 .a.i mi, Jacob Kriiwlnc, No.ili Jlou-cr. Mllllln lienlamiii ohe. tiliinge dalll IUI, .b.lltl Vanlicw, Pine Luther A. uni.iii. Itnallni.' Creek William llrleitia' ll. Scott (ii M'llnit, Joseph Lilly. f pit 1 A L LIST FOR FKIIltUAItY X '1' TKHM. 1mi7. .... 1. Susan seyliert by her net Uleiul tleorye (leoi't;e shiuu.ii. r. I.nos Adams, 2, Paxtou Kline i-. lane Kline. S. William L. IJillce i. Tllolii.isL'reilltlt',((. nt. I, Jacoli liairls i P, ter Ja, ohy. ,1. A. S. Saul i Ilenjamln Wlntersteeti, il. 1!. njatiihi Zarr mid wile n. Win. Sli.irpiens, 7. lMw.u-il Ili'llnei i.t'iu I.OU1SI .liitllll.imCuul and li,,n Ciinip.iiiy. s. .1. P. llackciiii, ik toi thi'Ucof M.Cliatnherlln i. Silas Ii. Pdar. 0. Jacoli liciiiioy is, Catawissa llailroad Coin In. lle'i'i'V P. Nus i . the llorousli of lii i wick, 11, I nu-1 A t "., i'. .loMpll I'll.'!!. 1. '. LII Jones is. Miles ('. Ahbitt. II. Sjhesler.l. 1'allX r. Isaac While, II. Schcstci'.l. I'au. it. Isll ie While, II, WtlLdil lliuthi s i. Pi ter Miller. 1.1. Jonathan Ktiltllc i . Wilulit Iluuho. 17. Maiv i:.ll'.en i.. Kobelt s. Howell, tt. ill, is. Jaii:esst-rner i. Allien llariiiian. pi. --o'oii'on siiiiiuau c, William Loncnberg('r. . Joan iV. I., i. Peici s, Jtishei, 21. Jolai Jalnesoi, i:. Sawrn, it. ill. John (.lell 1". Allied MoikI, Wo del A 1'olie 1 1. .lollll W. Lesclier. 21, Svl ester J, I'iiiix I. Isaac V hite. 2a. William A. Maun M.James J)jl;r, 2i), Henry T. lt-ll now for the use of Thomas Crevclllnr. Jr., I. Jesse C. Pellllllljtoll. 27. Sheter.l. I'iiun i. Willlurd C. (Iieen'i Ad- tnlulstiatori.. ... 2. Jaeolis. Lvniis rt. Will irdi'.flreeii-!, Ailiur s, 2.1. Y..S. Poliliins ii. Allien Hunter. ;.), James (ialinoll i. Michael Cienlil, ct. al. SI, .liuaud i I., lulls in. liouli.iiii tl. i.'nse. .12. dlsUKC H. Ill'oWtl It. U .V. .Slollelnall, 3.1. ('. W, Camiibell ft al, vt Almon P. Kae,i-tnl, .11. James .Miauser i (ieoitre.S' tileker. ar,, .straiiM r i. Oeorite .sirl, tier, fti, iSirou 1 ,s iiiown r.l ciiMdtuit. Notice -Ml pri'soti. Iinoiiliii; tluiu.diii lll.lo'.liil lo i llher of the iillilerslijlii il.oll Hook Nole.or Jiidutiieut, iuo ieiiiii.tid to nial.o piy tllfllt witlioul delay, If tliev would nivncostH. M'KLLVr.V NLAL CO., OBU WILLIAM Jl'KLl.VtV .Vic, LEGAL NOTICES. 'IjiSTATH OK riUiDKIUCMC llffifl, lli Dn'KAHClt.-. Tn .lorfiiilnli llcl Thtitrini HcsHt 1 1 un tin h IIom lntiTtuaiilcd with Mltlitwl llrii'lrisiiot.lKithorwlioin nrcliftU'vedloliodcnil, Ii'nliiK I win-1 Cnttmrlh" IIom iiitcrmnri tctl with ltt njntnhi Iti luk ; Sauili I Icti, Inli rnmn ktl wltli .lolnt tls! i:ilnln'tli Uvn, IntrnnnrrlP'l M'llli .lo4riih llffs i Mury Jlfn-", 1 liter mtirrletl with (ill Im rt llcsi vn, Anuiii'lii lies-, nit. 'itnarrlfii wlllt Alirnhniu Kline; rrrtlorlctc ltr( Lucy Ann lvi, fnlorinnrrU'il with hlinttj Murlu lli'sn; Hntiili Hex1- ntid lUrlimla 1vh, tho I'it M'M'ti bchiit tho children or John W. Jlt, ir t cntctl, nil tho iiIiom' nntiifil the hrlii nt law of I'lnlet It It llcNS-hTH-sed; emit hi id 1 other KniiH lnlcrcMi'd, (.ucllnji! ou nre hfh-hv rlti-d tn tn nnd niipoftr lirfom tltp.ltidifcstif our (tphntiV ('inn I tj ho held nt Hhtoinshurir, Cminly of t'olumliia, on tho llrnt Moiidny of t'flirimry iwxt, then nnd thcrn tonc enpt or rrfUHP to tnki1 tho H id i-ntntr of tlio ntd l-'irdn Irk lit dfi'i'i.fcd, tit tho niiprnl-cd n1ti ntton put tipo.t it liy an tuaU'-M ituly nu.irdctl liy tl v Nild t'oinl. nnd nHutned hy tin' flHiltt( or fdiow cnit i' whv tlio sunn1 hhould tittt In wdd. Wltn.sth.' llonoruhh' Wlllliuii r.lwidl. l'ir-.. dent of our n!d t'oitrl, nt ItlnomOmip, tlu thlr-tfi-nlh d-iy ot l)fc'iuh.'r. A, !., Imji, t 'OldlMAN.Cletlt ). L lllooinslmrK, Jniiunry I, ITjw, 17XK(Mvronrt xotici-:. kstatk .A J of IIWII'.L W. MOX'r(iOMr.UY.dtT.-uod. Lrttrrs ti slnnh'iUnry on tho ilnte of Ji.inUd W, Mi-ntuinm-ry, luti'orOriioucvUlo.C'oluintdii I'min ty,lmo lie iipnuitt'.t hy tlH'ltcsfUtcr of t'ohinibln enmity to IVter Knt, of Uht Hturt, 1'ju All pi'i-stmi hnvtn rhltm imiiltivt tho rt'itt nrr n iii"t(', in picHcnt them lor ti tt lenient, nnd thoto Indclded to tho t'Ft.itc rlthor on mde or hook ac fount will make payment to Mm ftxeeiitnr w llh- out deiav. rinxit i:s r, Executor. dccHa Auditnr'A Entire. 31tite of Tniiii tt (Jlh- M'h, 1 ito of (het-nwooil Township, Cotuinhl.i rttimty, deccised. The undersinhed, nppKlntod Aiiilllor. hy tho Orphans' Court of tho owuty of ColutuhM, to Mttle and adjust tho rat en and pro nortlonsof thoitHsrN In tlio hands nf Ahniham miur, aduiliilvtriilor ot James (Hhnrin, deceased, to and nmoin tho ropooiivc ctedltors amirdimt to the order t t.ildKhed tty law, hen hy tflvrs iu ttco to all paitlen futeresteil that he will attend to tho dutle nf hh nppfilntment nt tho ollh. ct tho lloeordorof Deeds, In lHooinsburjr, In naltt county, on Sntmd.n , the tweuty-flxth day of .Janti. u'.v, A.n. NI7, at ten o luck a.m. or said day. All per kojis ha hu; elnhns ta'deiuands ncalnt tin- estutu of deeeilent, are leipiestrd to inesent th'-m to tho Auditor, or bo foievi r ileharu-d Irum cumhi In lor a poitlun of said fund, .ioiin o. rnn:j:, Auditor. Ulooinshurt;, Deeembor 1, lMi.-it Ijuiincy. The llrM iircnimt of Inline Srlc;- tn fd, eoioiulttt-e of )nreas t'mveHnn, a luuatie. All persons lulereMed will take notice tint tho neenunt of I-nae Helnfu Id, eommlttee t Uorc-as rievilln, a htu.ute, has been lUed In the Pro thutiritnry'M oillec of Cultimbla t'uunty, ami that the ,Ud neeouid 111 he jn eseuted to tile .hid ires ot thf t'oiut of Common i'loas, f said county, tor eMiinluatioii and cMillrmatlon on Tuedav, tho Illihd.i.v of relaunry uet. JINsll coLlIM S( rrotljouotary. Illoomshuri:, iHs-cmbi r lwi.-3t. REAL ESTATE SALES. hrAiHii-: iMtoii:iiTY AT I'lUVATi: sau:. Tho undersltitied nlPer lit orivnte hale tlm fol low lug de-Jirlbt d teal stale, to wit: a inn'si; and lot or (iitorNt), situate on Uallroad street, In houth Uloomsburtr, ailt s audition, jo. ui, iioniy i.v ruttNT riiTV rnirr and hi depth one hundred and thlrty-threo ft ot more or ies 10 iHiu-itheriy nuey. ros-eiMfn tui be u'li n Amll lit t. l'ur turns and eondltiont. (yiiutiou . juiiN n. nn:i-..i:. jiloomsimr,;, j.m. ll, isbT-tr. pnililC SAhK OK VAlilTAHM3 i IlIIAl ITA I'V.. The nndoi signed hoiom-h loollerat mdilie ale. on Jam-ahy Jlth iM.on i ho itremNes In Uenton towiisldp, i omnioia nnmu , me lonowiu uv-t rjueu muhii hleiealos.talo, vt.: A (loon I-'aum, -uiiishtliiK of in;xiiti:i) am 'ii:x Acm:sir land, idiont foitvades of which are cleared, whereon lik ercueuu A ( I Ul ST MTM, wllhthreorunorhlone: hSaw Mti.i., lfr.!.iNU llor:. It vus, and other outbuilding : an u pie orehatd and i 11 of oeelU ut w.ttor, Kile toium- meliee at 111 o . Iix-K, A. 1. it (i.ulitioit.s n S(f"'; 'IV 1 1 tier eon t. do. it one half tevs the ten jit n i nt. on ihe tltst day of Ajill, H'hc u iosse. ioiiw 111 lie tltli, aiul Ihe halaneo on leysonaltle time, 'lobe tAcmed by bend and i,iuitf;:tr'iou llu niemltt s. JUIIN SWAUnVOL'T. Jan. I, lsoT-t. pUlililC! SAIiH OF VAIiUAliliK 1 UIIAI, INT ATI:. Ill liursuanee of an older of the orphans' Court ol coliimiil.i county, on rnniAY, 'ini: rw'i.Nn-t'imi Uvv nv, si,7, at 1 l o elccii In I lie lorenoon, Kllaliclli liar rimitoii, a.lloiliistiatrK ol llailtins, lale of Siuatloif townilifp, III said county, lieciased, will, .hsc lo sale, l,y public eialiic, on llai pie ii 1 1-, s, a eel lain mcisu.urc and liact ,.f I uid, situ ate in loal tow nshlp, Coltlliibia is. mil V, ad loilull lauds of .laeob llaltlliatou and Ja pi r i.lilie, CONTAININU SIX'TV ACUIN, more or less, lale the estate of s.iid dcci ased, sit uate In tile tow nshlp and , mini v aforesaid. .Ii;ssi: (.'(II.KMAN, Clerk. t'oNuirtoNs or Ten per cent, of one lolu'tilol liie jnu'cliase nionev lo be paid at tile slriUinilow u ol I he properly; the ouc-lotirth less I lie icn tier ecu i. in i oe coioo uiai mil aosoiinc, aim I lie It maillllu: I luce, loll rt lis ill one ear III, 'If al ter, with interest the coiilliuia'.ii.n M. m. the deed and slumps to be paid tor by the plll'chas, r. 1. 1.1 .A 111. lli UAl.ltl.Milli.s., January I, 1m7-Iv. Adialiiisti.ilii. )UltLK' SA1.I-: OF VAIAWIILK I Ki:A I j IVl'A'J K. In nursnani'o ofonUrsof llio OrnhatiV t'ouilH nf Moulnur and ('ultiiidla i-ouniH", r.i imo lui'UTHiyni-o itoiuuiiiraiiu oi lhitmati Milla im, Into ot Township, l.M'omtnir 4'inihtv. di'cfLa- d. w 111 o.niimm- tu halo. b ptddlo .-jidtn-( at the Hotel of John riittaln. In Whlto Halt. M'-nbair I'otinty, on SATURDAY, JAXL'AltV L'Cll), nt VI m., a 'fi tain ) !( or parrot nf land Jtuato t.ull in .Mailo-int Tou-nhti, ('nhiinl-la (.unity, and pai tly in Anthony tow n-hi, .Montuttr ,ouu- ty, coniitiiiiiiK iUTi moro or jis, atuounn I-HkNI.i!. oi' U' Dllis, Wdiiam Ad.tmv. M. Kiiu and others; th linprovcmuit-. holnsa lo ImiiM'und oi Imiii. nu and about thlitv aoi'cs ch'.i n-d ; tlx- ludaui o v'll tfiuln'ii d. also, oio' oiiht l i oi lautt biiuato in .11, mi- 1-011 (ou nshlp, Cotumbiti cottuly, (.adjoinin tlio 11 1 a i (, l uid ot Adam M.inn,.', and otln i, roii- taininu - at ros and -I p'-rriu1-, laoro or lo-sand holna wdl thuUiod Udo lla- i-stato id f-nld (!on.i:iiiM'in A', Jan. 4, I-tT. J-liiilnlititit.jis. PUP.LIC SALE OF VAI.f.'.IlLi: llPAL HsTATi:, Will lie sold by the lilnii islfrni il rseclltnrs of me last win ann lesiuni, in oi ,n,un i-1 u.. uee ti.. ill public saie.ou Din prcinisis, on sitmiiav, the se "Olio i l.l v oi i- corn. ii v, I ai icn o ciiick io i nu toicuiNai ol said day, I lie follow Im; ilescrlii, d al- n.ilile 1,-al ( state, to wit : Accttallt lot of L'l'ouinl sil'l ite ill llelltoll Township, e,ainty o Coltillllii.l, liiillliueil ana ilcserincu lis lonow s, 10 w 11 : .Mljolll-lle- land oi' Paul' I II utiu in on the we'd, land of Ahi-am Voiiu-j on the cast, laud nl Cathaliuo 1 I'll till HI oil the Mitltii, and land of Pal 111 Mas. ti Is oil tile north, eolitalult'.l; till e iiuaitltbllt all a. I'e, mole or less. A Iso ll ci I'taltl iracl ol anil s:ill..lelll .nic'ison Towu-liii, county lift Hi said, hounded audtlencl Ib id as i iliows, to wit: A'lionoia; land ouici Koliblus on e east, l-illil-nl .b.iiu I'l lls'w tile wisi. and Ian Is o imiii ViH'imi on the math, contain.: title u in n-s and one huud'i ,1 and Hai tian" perches. Also a ci rtaflt tl'lti t of Ian' I, situate In Jai ksou Town-lnn. In said coiintv hounded and di scrils-d as lollows, lo wil : Ajoinil. ; laud of 1'antil l.oli- bins on tlie last, lands ol I ll.i .ll locum oil tl.e lloltll, lauds of M'lieiiiy and I o.ou die west, and lauds ot Joshua Savtmeoll Hi. -"ll I !i. cnlltuhiilcr one hundreil-ind twenty-two acies nnd and one hiindied an I tlfty-llvi- peicli. s, ihreo acres of which Is lii'.li'i'd ialal, und balance Is well dm. bend. CONPITIONsTill' SALU. Ten per cent, to be paid down nt tho utrlklm; down of the pi Opel tv, one lia! I ot the billnticotu lie paid on the Hist day of Aplil, 1-07, when iw. session of tlin premises Is to be tlvi'iit nnd the lial.iias" on the llrst day of April, Willi Inter est tromtho llrst of April, lMi7. Purchasers loiuy for ilei'ds nnd htamps. 1 l.yi'KILL lTtlT. iii.uitui: p. riiirz, llxeculoi's. MILLINER. Y GOODS. LUO-MsiltUlUi FANCY T1UM- MING AND IlOOK-Sl'OltK. heeond door In low Haitmaii , latn fitrret. Just r.i'elved u new .tuck i.l lU'llYIlS, WOOI.IIN AND COTTON YAHNS', COUSIN'S, J,ACI, l.MllItOIDI.lillN, .MUSLIN P.DGINCiS, THIMMING's ana ovcty vurli ty of iirllelcs usual! kept In n I'ANCY bTOllI'- Also hClIOOI, HOOKS, HYMN liOOK. DItlLr.S, SUNDAY.sniOOI. nOOKS, and a larjo !t of MISCKIXANr.OL'.s nOOKfi, ACCOUNT AND .Mr.MOItANDL'51 P.OOKS IILAN1C DlU'.Ilis, PONDS AND MOItTOAarjs, nnd a general nml well-seltxled uanoitment of j'Ai'Li;, n.s'VCLOpns, ac ;a. p. wr.nn, IRON, TINWARE, &C. rdoomslntrKt t'olumhla County I'it, Tho Bitbscrlber, proprlotor of I ho uImho-i oned pxtc-nslvn (tdahtlshniont, Is now irel'arod io ccivo order for all kinds of MAcitiNi:HYi'(mcoi.ui:im;H,jiLAsT rtrU.VAClIM, HTATlON'A V llNdlN!, MtUTllUUSUIX .MAL'IIIXIH, AC Ho is also i-rpinwsl tomalco Hloesofall wlzos and iiatteius, riouMirn, and ovorythlnj; usually made in rirKt'ilass rtatndrles. Ills oxttttslvo facilities and practical workmen warrant him In reeolvln tho largest contracts on tho mojsi leasnnabtrt terms, flraln of alt kinds will ho taken In exchange for!nn, 'lids establishment-Is located near tho IacH watum and Ulooinshurt; lUillroad Depot. rirn:u iuij.mvi'h. TOVRS AN'l) tinwaui:, A. M. Itfl'llUT ulinounces to Ills fileiuls mid ttlstoincvs that ( outturn h llienbovo lnivlncx.i at hNgld place on .main s-iiii:i:t, m.ooMsiiuiia. Customers can he accomodated with l'ANCV NTOV1M of nil hinds, Ktoeplpei, Tinware, and c.cry n. tlety of arllclo round lii a stove and Tlnwaie lis tahlMiuient 111 thei lllty.uud on the most ICKson. nhlo ti rin. lleimlrliii! done nt t he kIioi tint uotf , 2 DOZH.V MILK-t'ANrt on hand for sale. jAGlilC I'OUN'DltY. joui:i'itHitAitri.iM, ltloomiliurt;, l'.i. stovix of i:vi:itv vauii:ty, l'l.OUOllSltAUl'ls, I'JiOUllllrOlNTfl, mid nil hlndt of Ciisllnss, on hand or Ftipplted on the shortest liotlen mid nt tho iheapest rates. CastliiKs for CDAl. llltllAKKr.S AND I'OAI, SCIIL"! US made to order. piKKNIX HTOVi: DKl'OT. lllwVTlIltM, lt.VN01, ANIJHTOViy, Wholesale and Uotall. l'ATKNT ANTMlUMT COOKINO STOV1I. VL-I.(.'AN lIHATiat, for heattm; two or moiu rooms. rAUi.on,i.'ooKixri, r.AL'Nur.v, iii:atinci, and L'ety vnilety of HroVlN. JOHN 1. HIXs, Jin. Sin Noitli Second Street, rhiliulelphla. r 1. UUltKII.MtT, Importer and Pealer In ikon anii kti:i:i., No. Ml'roiit.Strc.ct, l'lilla.lili.lila. QEOIKiH 11. ltODFHTsJ, InilHiitcrnnit lieaUrlu HAP.DWAlti:, l UI'LLUV, IIUN.H, Ac, No. M! Ninth Third Htrect, nboie Vine, Philadelphia. HATS, CAPS, AND FURS. (.'. IIOWE1S, hu.i oiionotl a Ilrst-clan ItOUT, rtllOi:, 1 1 AT AND CAT KTOUi:. al tho old h tn tul on Main St root, lllooinOiurif. 1IU htiu'k NotmpiMod ot tho v y latost and host styh'i ov r oih'roii io ino t iiions oi , oiumuia lomiuv lit ran at' tho public with tho fultou itiihiH :um tu nrap pi a-os; Eton's citif boots, tint', nu'ii'h l;fp, donblo sob', ltu child's boot--, Mi-u s Blow Kid, c'oiii;risAo, Mon'n Kl'rto hid llatinoial sho.'s, Mou't, wttmon', boys', and niis-iV filovo bid l.iitlnn tzalb-iv, 'n tin ti's k1"' Kid-, ory flue Women's lino pal inoroci ii balmorals, Wniiu-irs mon'siuoiocooand i tit -hoo-, I'omiuon shoe, Missus' atid iblld's sl.'K'", Men's, Monii-n s, mi 's', i toys. and ohlld slipper, llo tUo's a throat arkty or 1 1 ATS, ('AIM, AN 1 1 STUAW (JOUUS of oi'iy kind, nt tho lowest pth-i., bulk fur cash and country prodtn'i-, Itt'iiU'intior tho alt r.u-t Ion Is In our pooiN. Don't he alaimod at thociy of hiiili prices, but call and see lurjouthehot. lIuftiOLtluily, ii. c. iiowki:. JOHN V. YKACKIt A CO., Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAI-S.STItAW GOODS, AND LAIHliV PUP.M, No. 217 Not tli Third Street, Philadelphia. J. with p. wcAim, I.llTlNl OIT, POND & CO., Manilf.ictnnri.and Wholesale Dealers lit DATS, CAPS, IT1IS, AND STIlAW GOODS, No. II I Market Street, Phll.ul, Iphla. WINES AND LIQUORPJ, II.LKlt A HOST, Slti'iesiols to Prallktltl P,Selter A Co., Impoi'tirsaud Wholesale. Dialers In i.inrwy, winiw, Ac, Nos, 110 and 112 Nut Hi Third htrect, Phtladilplila. c til AKLlCri II. MAlll'Li:, In- oorter nnd Dealer In i:nNiiii:s, winks, gins, lupous, WINK IlITTKlf, AC, No, 12Z North Third street, above Arch, west side, Philadelphia. QAKItlAtiK MANUIWCTOUY, llloomsljui'ij, Pa, Jt, f, SLOAN & llIiOl'UKrt, tliomecessorsof WH.I.IAM SLOAN A SON, continue tlio business of mnklUs CAItl!IAOI!, lICGCiir.S, nnd every stjlo of I'ANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand tn mlt cits toiucis. Never usim: any material but tho tied1 nnd eiiipliivlni; die most experienced iioiktiun they hope to i ouiliiue ns herctoforo to give i ntlro satisfaction t i every customer. An luspicdou ( f their voik, and of the reasoualile price asked foi Ihe same, Is .lire to Imure u t-ale. Q 1!. IHtnCiaVAY, ATTOIINKY AT LAW, HLOOMSIU'ltG, PA. OFFien Flr.t door below thi Court House, and ndJolninalliuPost Otllee. Aiithni le. auenl lor the collection of llountles, men pav, Tensions, und nil nthi r iletum ls uyaluH the State nud Nn. Iloiul Oincnimt nt, lJut,rii7. rii.LKit t j:LDi:it, Wliulemlo nooi,t'ni.i.i:n-, riTATioNi;r,s, AND IIUVNK-IIOUIC .AIANUl'AcTUlllX. So. J)l Nortli Tlilrd Hlieet, I'lillodolplila, Wall nni Curtain rap''l, anJ Mationer rn erally. CLOTHING. jTi:V STOCK OF CLOTHING, Fresh orrlvnl of l'ALIi AND WINTCH (jOOPH. DAVID LOWllNllintCI lllllles nttentloll to tits Ktodc of CHi:APANDl'AHHIONAllI.HCL0TIIINtl. ill his stoic on Main Htrcit, tw o doors nbo o the American House, lllooinsljurg, P.i., wlteru lie law Just rrcclviwl from New York nnd Philadelphia n full nssoi linen t of .mi:n and hoys' clothimi, Inclu linir tho most fashionable, ilurahlo, mid hnii'lsome llMHSUOODst, cntislstlnic of HON, SACK, PltOCK, (1U.M, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND PANTS', if nil soit.,sle, nnd colors. Ho tins also rcplon- Ishcd his already law stoik nf PALL AND WINTLIt HII AWlX, STltlPLD, l'lOL'ltllD, AND PLAIN VLMT3, HlIIP.TSt, CI1A VATH, STOCKS, COI.L.V1W, HANDKi:itClIli:i'M,(lLOVUH, H'JsPP.NlinitM, AND I'ANCY AltTICLUS He has eonstautly on hand n large nud wull-sc- lecled nssortlnent of CLOTHS AND VUSriNO-t, whlili ho Is piepared to maUo to order Ititunny kind of elothluK, on very short notice, mid tu tho best mnnuer. All his clothing Is lnada lowear, ntid most of It Is of honm manufacture. GOLD WATCHLM AND JUWLI.ltY, of every description, fine nnd clienn. His case of Jew dry Is not surpassed in this place. Cnll ntid rxumluu his uencral usroi tnient of . Ct.OTHINd, WATC'HKX, JKWHM'.Y, Ac. DAVID LOWLNllUltO. HW CLOTIUNfl AXD CJlCXTLi;. JlliJ II i Lli.Nl-illlM! HTUlIla The tiiuiersUncd tcspeclfnlly announces tu his many friends that he lias opened a now Clothing nnd ijcnllemcn'H I'urulshin htore, In the lowo room of th," Hartmiiii llulldlm;, soulliwest comer of Main nnd Market Streets, Illoouisburt;, l'a. HavluJust leturui'd from Philadelphia Willi a Lnri;e stock of PALI. AND WINTi:it CLOTH1NO nnd (ii:Ni'i.i:Mi:.N .4 puhnishing goods, ic., Ac. hit llaltcirt lilmself that lie cnu pleasuull. His fitoik comprises MUN'S, HOYb', AND YOUTlla' CLOTlUNtl, such as DKU-iS COATS, HACK COATd, PANTS, vi:-ts, undliu-iiihth. OVintCOATis, BHinT.--, DUAWKP.M, CO I. Ii AHS ni:ck-tii:s, itoinitv. KL'HI'LNDKItS, IIANDKPKCIULPS, UMIIUP.LLAH, Ac utidlnfait everjtblni! In tho Clothing or Pur nislilng lino at very low prices. In ad litlon to the ubovo he lias an elegant ns sortlnent of CIU'Ilsl, CAh'sl.MKIira, AND VUSTIN CLOTHING JilHi: TO OltDCIt AT TIIIJ HIIOltTLST NOIICi:. Call and see befoie purcli'islng clsew here, an 1 sncuiti: oih:at iiAitoAiNs. oclMy J. W. C'HPMlli'.ltLAIN gXYDKll, IIAIUUS A: UASSHTT, .lauuiai'iiiieis ami aouiier-, oi mi;n's and iiovs ti.oiiiiNd, Nos. 5-1 JIat liet, and 5 Omnia reo htreut, l'llllndelplila. V. LAMHKItT, with itots-, snorr a co., Inii(iilcr.s nnd Jubbersot cLuTits", LAs-,i.Mi:m:s(, vintinos, ac. No. JI M.irkitbtteet, I'hlladeliihla. HOTELS & SALOONS. L VDIICS' AXI) CiKXTLKMlCX'S lllNTAUIlANi'. ill. II. STOIlNElt has fitted up a i iiiii-i i..--i i;.vii.u .l.ul., uhera larllen nnd Keiltleiueu can be supplied ultli the itelleaeles of tho ueason. A hiippl of I'llUSII OYhTEIW always on linnl, ri:i:-ir i!i:i:.i, caku-i, anh vm. ritllNCH AND DOMESTIC CO.STECTIONS In e cry idylc nnd vurlety, nui's, ritui w, nn 1 CMTytldus usually found in a. I'lll-iT-C'liASS CoNriXTIONEUV STOHE. ponies 110TKL, tiiAnuti'i . m. lii.ii, rropiieior. Tho r hove welt-known hot. 1 has tecently undor- gouo radical thanges In ltn Internal airanments. nud Us pioprletor announces to his foimer ciMnm and the travelling public that his nccomodatloiii for tliccomlort of his gu-Msnie seecuid to none In tho country. His table will always be found Mti plled, not only w ith MtlMuntial PmhI, hut with nil the delicacies or tu season. Ilh wines ond II o.uor- (except that popular he vera go known as MAcarj"),putcha'ed direct fiom the Importing house-, nro entltoly pure, and fieo from all id- honous drugs. lie Isthaukfulforallh. nil pntroiv ago in the pa it, and will conlhuto to decrvo It in tho future, (u:oit(ii; w, MAroi2U, Cr.SQlMMIAXXA 1IOTKL, IJ latawlssn, l'a. The nlwivo Until has latil. lieen illl' by IIEN11V J. LT.AIIK, and has been thuruiiiihly t modilled, reiialrwl, nnd lofunilslu-d. It will lw found nuw.ln Itsarr.iiitfi'nieut iiiulupiHitnttnciits a tlrst-elass Hotel, ami i.ccond til nono In tlio countiy. IVrsuiis lit iltles wIshliiK (impend the liut moutlis In the country, will do wUl to gtvo the proprietor n cnll. QiitAitn noufii:, Comer of Ninth and Chestnut btreets I'htladelpliln. II. V. ICANAOA, Truprletor. mii: uxiox iiotj;l, Avd Strocl, lictwein Tlilrd und fourth utrcrta, Vhlladilplil.i. ClIliWT.V WEUElt, rroprlctoif, T li, l'UltcUCL, 1 " JIARNra, HAPDI.E, AND TRUNK MANUrACnURElt, nnd dealer In CAIU'KT.IlAOJi, VALISES, I'LY-NETS .Ac, Mnln htTffi, liloomsbur;, IM. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QUAHU-y V. 8NYUEU, Df A1.RU im ii a n i) av a n k, i hon, naux, hti:i:l, AC, AO., AO. MAIN HTltKKT, HLOOMSJlUHO, I'JI.VN'A. Tnko thU iuctho-1 of lnformlmj; the tlllruof Co lumbia couty, lhat ho lias opened nu extrmtlv IlarduarofdoreonMnln otroot, In Ulonnuiburit, nonr Iron street, and that ho lin( on hand n LAHOint BTO.'IC AND UIITTKIt AJWDUTim limn can ho found any whna olso In the county. And which lie Intends to sell nt prices shlch dof competition. CHAINS, AX MS, STKEL, I HON. X hao chains, all ftlze. nxc, all tuuko nnd Wright, steel, all, Iron, all Rhapes, and nil cry low, nun, i) iju'b ti a n w Ann, of every dehcrlptlons. NnlW, axo ))Ulloy unsh cords, I nt eh os, lock and lcnobn,hnlt scr(;ws,sih fasts, window nrrliufi. haso knobs, strait hltiffei. Clasps and staples, hooks nnd staples, nud In fact wveryinliiK needed in tlmt line. COACH A WAWON MAKI2RS1 HAUm'AltI2. embracing nlmott every thing In that Hue, AUo UAKM2S8 MAKilW HAItinVAIti;, ltuckles, Japanned; buckler, .Uver plated ( Lilts of every kind , llAJlt:-, Iron j pad trees: Hamm, woo.1 ; saddle tiec, gig trees, jjlrth web, worsted and cotton : thread, silk, nwlsaud needle, Ij-jU of all kind. HlIOKMAK12It'fl HAItDWAltli, full avortment forearpenters. I havo pianos all kind, saws; lmnd,iannel, rip, andcompasK, squares steel, iron, nnd tryjborlns machlnoM,' chlsles, augers, bcels, tnnllcts, brneos, Ktigov, plows, ruttft, bits, aim about everything for wr pcnterH. ron tiii: pi:oru2 oknlhallt I have coat hods, coal shovels, scoops, coal sifters, hmt erns(tflbleeutlcry,pocket eutleiy, plated spoons, plated folks, seVver", tea and cof fee pots.buttcrkntvevutllsaws, cross cut saw, circular saws, gangsawi, flies, horse shoes,wienchestrlvets,ham mers, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, gruh blug lioes, shovels, spades, spading forks, hoes, rakes, bed pin's, twine, skates, plow, roflln trim ming, lituery, red chalk, while chalk, wire, horse, nails, meat cutters, scales, wash boaitls, horso huekets, wooden palls, cl6thca pins, kIuo, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn oppers, paint Lriuthot, Inrso brushes, slelgU bells, heel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kcttlcd, stewkcttles.sauca panH,hroad axes, nails. Hlcdes, curtain fixtures, Thmtblcskclus and boxes. Tumps, lead pipe, etc.. Tarred rope and hundreds of articles not .enu merated constantly on hand at CHAIUXS SKYDCIl'S, Main btieet, Itloomsburg. DRY GOODS. QltEAT IIKDUCTION IX I'RICIIii AT I'I'.TEtt UNT'H STOUE, IN L1CUIT STUEET, or FALL AX1) WIXTElt COOD3. THE KUbscilber haa Just iceelved and haa on hand nt hh old btaiul In Light titreet, n largo and udeet ASSOimiKXT OF MEnCIIAXDISK purchased at the lowest figure, and which lioli determined to hell on us moderate terms as can bo procuted cKowhcre In Light street, ron cash on couxmr rnoDUcc. Ills stock consists of LAD I ICS DItESS GOODS, choicest htyiesatid latest Lishlona, Calicoes, Mii-dlns, filnghams, ITanncU', Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, HEADY MADE CLOTI1IXO, KallnctU, CtsattiiotH, Cotlonudes, Kentucky Jenns. tC.t AC, iC. G It O C E It IBS, Qucnswnre, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Unigs, Oils, Taints, Ac. BOOTS &. SHOES, HATS & CAPS. luhhort everything usinlly kept In n con u try store. The jiatronago of his old friends and th public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest matket prico paid for country pro- due, rirmi i:nt. -laht Strut, January 1, 107. MIL iLKlt'.S STOllE. I'ltlMI AltltlVAL or HI'lUXCI AND bUMMEU GOODS. The subscriber has Just returned from tho eltlo. with another largo and aelcct assortment of Pl'llINll AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased ln New Yoihand riilladclplilnnt tho Ion est figure, und which ho is determined to cell on tu moderate tirtns ns can bo procured cUo where in liloomsburg. Ills &tocl. comprise I.A1I1' DUESS GOODS of the choicest slyles nnd latest fashions, together wlthulnro;nsortmetit of Dry Goods nud Gro ceries, consisting of tho follow lug artlclos: Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cufclmerc9, Bhawls, rinunolA, Fllks,; White Goods, Linens, Hoop fiklrti, Muslluii, llollowwar, Codarwaro Quccnswnre, llitrilwar Hoots nud bdiocn, Hatu and Cups, Hoop t, Umbrellas, I.uoltliiK-Glasi, Tobacco, Cotree, Fugnrs, Teas, liloa, Allspice, CI Inzer, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, In kl.oft, rvcrythlns usually kept lit country lores, lo which lio Invites tho nttcntloti of tho public Bcnoriilly. Tlio lilghent prlie will bo isild for country prudueo In etichange for goods, P. II. MILLER, Amnio r.ulhliiigs, Dlooiiubiirg, l'a. pOWDLlt KKfiS AX1J LUMliLU. Y. M. -MONROE 4 CO., Rupert, l'a., Muiiuftictiinisof I'OWDEU KEGS, and dealers In nil kinds of, give notlco that thiynroprr"'''l to nc-otnodit thIr cusiato. with dliisitch.'aad on th ohvi terms. 4 1 i