The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 25, 1867, Image 2

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SHItc $olumMan,
joiin o. rm:i:zK, kditou.
iiLooMnufita, ritm.VY, jan, 25, in7.
Only sovon years ago taxation was
lighter In tills country tlinti In any other
In tho world, and yet there was not
wanting thoso who clamored for n
change, and thoy got It. Let na see. In
a report recently made to Congress, It is
tinted that tho whole amount of revenue
raised by Interim taxation, during tho
year ending .Tunoao, 1SG0, was $:iin,()()(i,-
tSl,00, and from customs or tariff siliO,
CG5,2S2,00, making a total of $501,1.72,
2G0,00. Assuming the population of the
country to he thlfty-Ilvc millions, It Is
equal to sixteen dollars and four cents to
each man, woman, and child.
If wo supposo that tho value of tho
real and personal property of tho coun
try has Increased slnco 1 SCO, sufllciont to
ttiako up for the;ios.csnnddepreciations
growltig out of the war, the rate of tax
ation on property for tho last year was
about four per cent, on each ono hundred
dollars. During tho same year the est!
mated rato of taxation on property In
England, was about one per cent. It
must bo remembered also, that State,
county, and township taxes are not
taken Into the calculation.
Tho following tabic shows Iho amount
for each man, woman, and child, collec
ted by various forms of direct and indi
rect taxation In tho United Ktnfcs and
In tho leading States of Europe in 1805 :
United States, taxation per head ?!0 01
Great Urltain, " " ir, 2S
Franco, " " 11 10
Belgium, " " 7 82
Prussia, " " 7 (in
Austria, " " 7 37
Holland, " " u:t
"Wo make tiio following extracts from
tho report of tho operations of tho Trans
portation and Telegraph Department,
for tho year ending tho SOth ultimo :
Applications for transportation for tho
recovery of bodies of deceased soldiers
of Pennsylvania regiments have sensi
bly diminished since last year. Tho
wholo number of persons, to whom
transportation has been issued from tlds
Department, is threo hundred and six
teen, and from tho Washington Military
.Agency, as shown by tho report of Col.
Jordan, ono hundred and ten. Tho is
buo of transportation to tho Nashville
agency ceased on tho firstof April, ulti
mo, tho dato of Col. Chaniberliu's resig
nation as Military Agent at that point.
Tho number of accounts for reimburse
ment under tho commutation allowanco
of two cents per mile, when transporta
tion lias not been, or could not bo fur
nished by thoStato, and for tho expenses
of disinterment, has been largely in
creased. Two hundred and eighty-eight
such claims have been adjusted ond paid
during tho year, and there now remains
on fllo in this Department, for settle
ment, over one hundred more.
Tho establishment of National ceme
teries, thus gathering together the re
mains of thoso whoso lives wcro sacri
ficed in defence of our national existence,
scattered over tho many battle-fields and
lines of march of our armies, and tho
erection of enduring monuments to their
memories, Is tho discharge of a high and
eacred 'duty by the nation to her dead
heroes and their living friends.
PORT. Tho annual report of the Surveyor
General of tho Stato has been laid be
fore tho Legislature, and contains some
facts of interest to all classes of our cit
izens. From this report it appears that
during tho year ending November SO,
1S6G", tho number of now warrants is
sued was 272; Tho number of patents
upon warrants 252. During tho same
period tho State received for purchaso
money for lands, $13,407.27; for patent
and warrant fees, $1,000; for contrac
tor's fees, $14.20, nnd for copying fees,
Under tho act of Congress donating
public lands to tho several Stales which
may provide colleges for tho benefit of
tho agricultural and tho mechanic arts,
Pennsylvania has received her propor
tion, and has sold 300,000 acres of tho
eamo. Tho amount realized is $151,1:50.
Of this amount $18,100 has been invest
ed In six per cent. Stato bonds, and thu
balanco is in process of investment as
fast as bonds can be purchased at reas
onable rates.
Tho present prico of Stato lands is
thus noted by tho Surveyor-General.
All vacant and unimproved land is now
at tho rato of 10 ($23.001 ) per hundred
acres, except tho following; Lands ly
ing north and west of tho rivers Ohio,
nnd Allegheny, and Connowango Creek,
$20 per hundred acres. Reservo tracts
near Erie, Waterford, etc., prico fixed
by commissioners. Lands improved
agreeably to tho act of tho 3d of April,
1702, fifty shillings ($0,C0J) and .V
($13.33J) per hundred acres. Lands held
by Virginia warrants In tho southwest
part of tho State tho warrants show
tho terms. Lands wero taken under
Virginia warrants as low ns ten shil
lings per hundred acres. It Is tho prac
tlco In tho Land Olllco to charge for tho
excess of land above ten pn- eenl. on tho
fifty shilling warrants, at tho rato of $11)
por hundred acres. Tho warrant and
patent fees are as follows : Foo for war
rant, $1.50 ; for patent, except town
lots under ono-thlrcl or un acre, which
nro $1, and lots over one-third, nnd not
exceeding two ncrea, which are o.
A. H. Li:u. of Pmirlo Du Bochsr,
Randolph County, Illinois, about fifty
miles south of St. Louis, Is tho lucky
holder of ticket 880Q0, which drew tho
Crosby Oporu House. Tho ticket was
sold by Pitt and Leath, or St. Louis,
who immediately on receipt or a tele
gram from Mr. Crosby, announcing tho
drawing, started a )necugcr on horse
back to notify Mr. Leo of Ids good for
tune, Leo held but ono ticket.
On tho IGtli lust, thu Executive Com
mittee of tho Pennsylvania Statu Agri
cultural society met tit llarrlsbttrg. Tho
Treasurer Wnlcnicnt exhibited thetotal
receipts of the Society from all pources
to have been $13,0(11, and tho expenses
about the same. On tho 17th an election
forolllcers to servo for tho year 1807,took
place, with the following result.
President A. ltoyd Hamilton, Dau
Vice-President l'lrst District, .httnos
A. M't'ren, Philadelphia Second,
Cleorgo llllght, Philadelphia; Third,
Vincent L. Bradford, Philadelphia;
Fourth, A. 11. Cumnilngs, Philadelphia;
Fifth, Adraln Cornell, Pucks ; Sixth
William M. HoWelii, Montgomery;
Seventh, Hamttel.I. Sharpies-", Chester;
Eighth, Thoblas llarton, Perks; Ninth,
Jacob E. Kreybtll, Lancaster; Tenth
fleorgo H. Prown, Schuylkill ; Eleventh
Joseph Signian, Northampton ; Twelfth
Daniel U. Drlesbaeh, Luzerne, Thir
teenth, John C. Morris, Susquehanna;
Fourteenth, Amos E. Knpp, North
umberland; Fifteenth, George IT.
Ilucher, Cumberland ; Sixteenth, Daniel
O. Gehr, Franklin ; Seventeenth, Louis
W. Hall, Piair; Eighteenth, H. Mon-I
K11N, Lycoming; Nineteenth, 1L W,
Ihissell, Erie; Twentieth, Michel C,
Trout, Mercer; Twenty-first, George
Hhey, Westmoreland ; Twenty-second,
John Murdoch, Jr. Allegheny; 'Twenty
third, Williams. Dispell, Allegheny;
Twenty-fourth, Joshua Wright, Wash
ington. Additional Members of the Executive
Committee William Colder, Dauphin ;
Jacob It. Edy,-Dauphin; lienjamln J.
Peters, Dauphin ; John II. Z.iegler, Dau
phln ; John ay, Jr., Allegheny ; ox-
President Frederick Watts, ex-Prc-d
dent James Gowen, ox-President David
Tnggart, ex-l're-ident Jacobs, liable
man, ex-President Thomas P. Knox.
Corresponding Secretary .las. Young
Dauphin. Chemist and Geologist S. S.
Haldcman, Lancaster, Librarian, Henry
Gilbert, Dauphin. The societyadjourncd
until the third Wednesday of January,
'I ho President and Secretary wero
then instructed to adverti-o that tho
next exhibition wotdd bo held on tho
21th, 25th, 2lith, and 27th, of September
1RR7, and to invito proposals from placos
desirous of its location in them. After
which tho conunltteo adjourned to meet
at IlurrKburg on tho third Wednesday
of March, 1S07, ut2J o'clock p.m.
Tho Home Journal, by Willis and
Phillips, Now "York, is a handsome,
sketchy, gossipy literary paper;
avoiding politics, so far as we have seen,
and with nothing objectionable in its
columns, and much that is readable.
$3.00 a year.
The yew York Alias is a Democratic
weekly literary paper, and safe, sound,
nnd reliable. Wo do not speak of its
stories nnd tales, but of its political
teachings, it Is $2.50 n year in ad
vance. The SVew York Leader i a largo Dem
ocratic paper devoted to polities and
literature. Tho paper and typo aro of
a most excellent quality, and tho edito
rial ability displayed is such as to in
sure constant Interest, f 1.00 n year In
advance. '
Tho Ilarrisburg Patriot and I'nion is
ono of the spiciest and pluckiest little
papers going. It is tho only Democrat
ic paper published there, nnd deserves
to bo supported. It is dally at $7.00 a
year ; and weekly at $2.50 in advance.
The Aye, Philadelphia, is a large, first
class daily and weekly Democratic
newspaper. Tho daily at $0.00 n year,
and tho weekly at $2.00 a year in ad
vance. It is handsomely printed and
ably edited.
The Cultivator and Country Gentleman
is an Agricultural paper published at
Albany, Now York; and is exceedingly
entertaining. It comes at $2.50 a year
in advance.
AltltLBT OK T1IU Mayou op Wii.
mamspout. Tho facts in regard to the
arrest of Mayor Wood, as near as wo
can gather them aro as follows: Tho
prosecutor, Henry Shultz, makes infor
mation that about six weeks ago at 11
o'clock p.m., Iio was arrested at his
house by Constable Coder, and brought
to Wood's otllcc that when ho arrived
there ho found Wood and J. W. Harlan
present, that they told him that ho
was charged with employing Harlan to
set llro to a building which ho (Shultz)
had lately bought, and wanted to know
"what ho was going to do about it."
Wood took him into tho back room,
and said "It could only bo bellied by
paying $1,500, "which amount Shulta
paid, and was assured that would bo
tho end of it. About four weeks after
ho was sent for again, and on coming to
Wood's olllco found Wood and Harlan
together. Ho was told that unless he
paid $1,000 moroho would bo exposed
that ho raised tho money and paid it to
Wood, and was then told that Harlan
should leavo tho country. Shultz swears
that Coder had no warrant when ho ar
rested hiin, and ho believes it was n
conspiracy to levy black mail. 1 Iarlan
lias not been arrested as yet. Wood
and Coder wcro arrested on Friday
morning, and on a hearing beforo Jiis
tico Cramer, Coder was held under f2,
000 ball, and Wood $3,000.
A man by tho miiuo of Saukey, for
merly of Clinton county is also implica
ted and under $2,000 bull.
Peter Herdlu entered bail for Wood,
but surrendered him up in tho evening.
Ho could not get any of his political
friends to hall him, and on Saturday
Charles Dicliler out of sympathy for his
family, entered ball IbV him. Wood
has slnco paid back nlno hundred dol
lars to Shultz. Jersey Shore Jlerahl.
Tho Spirit o Missions, is a most val
uable monthly publication, and should
bo found in uvery Episcopal family. It
only costs $1.50 per annum, and wo lies
Itnto not, to say that It Is worth threo
times that sum,
Mlc Canadensis, or tho Hemlock
Spruco Fir, Is ono of tho finest of ever
green trees. It is elegant from tho
symmetrical disposition of lis branches
which drop gracefully at their ox t rein 1
tles, and from Its light nnd yet tufted
foliage. Its beauty is most remarkable
however, in natural situations, while
young, or before It attains u height ex
ceeding twenty or thirty feet. When
It attains its full growth tho lower
brandies are usually broken off some
distance from tho trunk by tho heavy
snows of winter, or tho limbs become
dead by reason of thoencroachinentand
denso shade of .adjoining trees. lit
many ea-es ul-o, in extreme age, tho
summit of tho treo loes Its vigor and
deadens. In either case, in Its mutila
ted or decayed condition, it has a for
lorn aspect and presents an imageof de
crepitude. In Hemlock forests thcro
aro always unpleasant specimens of
dead trees, and rapidly-decaying trunks
prostrate on tho earth. Hut In open
situations, and particularly in enclosed
grounds, where tho trees have been pro
tected from Injury, their beauty is pre-'
served to great ago and they remain
finely limbed well down toward tho
The trunk of tho Hemlock is straight
and of nearly uniform size for two
thirds of its height. The branches are
iminoroiw and spreading, but slender
in proportion to their extent. The
bark which Is liglit-colured and smooth
on young trees, and dark-colored on old
ones, Is ono of the valuable products of
our forests) on account of tiio large quan
tity of tannin It contains. Tho leaves
are from one-half to eight-tenths of an
Inch long, fiat, and di-posed irregularly
In two ranks; they aro of u very vivid
light green, downy when young, and
with two silvery stripes underneath.
The cones, or seed vesselsare short, pen
dulous on thoextreiniticsof the branch
es, green when ung, but becoming
brown when ripe. Tho seeds arc very
small nnd winged.
The Hemlock is found from Hudson's
Hay southward to tho mountains of
Carolina. Near Quebec,u'nd In tho north
ern parts of New England, it is abund
ant, as well as in the mountainous parts
of tho Middle States. South of Mary
land and Virginia it is found only "in
very high situations. Tho Hemlock
was introduced into England by Peter
Collinson about tho year 1838, and thu
first treo produced there was, fifteen
years since, still standing with two
trunks, ouch about ono foot in diameter
and fifty feet high. Tho wood of the
Hemlock is not of high value for fuel,
and although it splits readily tho divis
ions aro not in straight lines. Tho fibres
do not form in an exact vertical direc
tion, in growth, but make tho circuit of
tho trunk in ascending, llesidc this de
feet, which is general, old trees are fre
quently shaky or cracked, which greatly
impairs their strength. This effect is
produced by tho winds which Have a
powerful hold upon the large, compact
head of-tlio tree. Tho wood Is found to
decay rapidly when exposed to tho at
mosphere and is, therefore, unfit. for tho
external covering of buildings and for
fences ; but when covered it is of great
duration, it is firmer though coarser
grained than white pine, ufibrdsa tight
er hold to nails nnd more resistance to
tho pressure of other bodies. For these
reasons it answers well for frames of
buildings, for lath, and oven for thresh-
ing-lloors. Tho bark should bo taken
from the tree in the month or Juno when
tho sap Is in active circulation ; that be
ing tho best time for the purposes of the
tanner. Its deep red color is imparted
to tho leather and though it is inferior
(o tho bark of the oak, It is an opinion
expressed by some that the baik of tho
two kinds. united are better than either
or them alone. Tho Indians are said to
u-e It in dyeing their light baskets made
ot red maple. Tho young twigs and
ends or tho shoots aro used as a substi
tute Air tea, and the essence or Spruce is
:uso extracted irom them.
The Hemlock Is found in ail parts or
tills county, particularly along creeks
and on the sides or sheltered ravines,
and is one or our most important tim
ber trees; but its uses as an ornamental
tree, or plant, nro but imperfectly un
derstood. There aro two popular ideas
concerning it which deserve correction:
l'ho ono is, that It is difficult or remo
val or or being transplanted, ami the
other that it is only hundsomo when
small and young. When transplanted
or set out into in tho Fall or early in
tho Spring, particularly when tho
ground is Imperfectly broken or pre
pared, it is atmo.-t invariably destroyed
iy the drouths or the following sum
mer. And the larger and finer tho
plant may be, tho more certainly will
tliis re-ult be produced. Hut tills lia
bility to destruction, under such cir
cumstances, Is not peculiar to it. Simi
lar treatment of other evergreens will
bo followed by like results. Tho 1 lem-
lock should never bo removed earlier
than tho month of May, and In back
ward seasons tho beginning of Juno
would bo u suitable time. The roots
should bo In an uctivo stato in order
that the plant may have power to adapt
itseir to Its new situation, jr removed
ill tho Full it should bo emly In Octo
ber, to secure a renewed growth of root
before tho plant Is oldiged to contend
against the severities of winter. And.
of course, in nil cases, tho ground to
which It is transferred should bo thor
oughly broken, and tho surface mulched
or covered with litter, manure, saw
dust, spent tan-bark, orothcr protection-
against drouth and told.
That tiio full beauty of tho treo um
bo preserved for a century or more,. Is
indisputable, whenever tho nece.-sarv
conditions exist or aro created. It is
only neces.-nry that tho tree have a
proper location nnd soil, and that it
shall lie preserved from depredation and
llio pressure ol other trees. It wlljj,
hh.ii jeiiuuii iiiuoeii to me eartii or
nearly so, and retain Its health, vigor
nnd beauty.
It Is u valuablo treo to break wind nnd
can be successfully planted for that pur
pose; nnd as an ornamental treo It Is
excelled by few If any among tho faint
ly or the Firs.
The great valtto of tho Hemlock ns a
hedge plant, Is only Just beginning to
bo recognized in this country. In Eng
land It, nnd the American Arbor Vitae,
are extensively ued in ornamental
grounds for Inner lines of division, it
licarM tho knife better perhaps than any
other evergreen, and may bo made to
assume almost any height or form de
sired. Its foliage, always bright and
graceful, may be mado to trail upon tho
earth and become denso throughout tho
whole elevation assigned to It under the
discipline of the knife or shears. In
short, It may be manipulated at will
and bo made to assume precisely the
height nnd form desired, with complete
preservation, for nn Indefinite period,
or its vigor and beauty. There aro
beautiful Hemlocks In tho nurseries of
Western New York, and specimen ones
in private and public grounds in other
parts or thu country. We mo begin
ning to learn, from England, one or the
leading uu's of nu American tree. At
some future time, not remote, our beau
tiful but neglected native will bo seen
trained In Innumerable hedges, after the
English example, and will constitute
ono of the principal adornments of pub
lic parks and gardens, nnd of private
There Is n dwarf variety of Hemlock
that does not grow higher than two or
tlirco feet, which is well suited for
planting in certain situations where a
low plant with buliy habit is desired.
Wo will only add, that tho Hemlock
is ono of tho few plants which will, for
a long time, grow well and flourish in
tho shade of larger trees. Thiscoiisli-j
tutes ono of its merits both for lawns
and hedges.
Tho restoration of tho Mexican lie
public is now proceeding with remark
able rapidify. Lately we have had the
important news that Juarez has made
n triumphant entry into Duraugo, (lie
Capital of the State or the same name.
Duraugo is about equally distant from
Chihuahua which so long served as a
place of reruge to Juarez while nearly
the whole or Mexican territory was in
the hands or tho Invaders and tho city
or Mexico. Hut Duraugo is for from
being tho Southern frontier of tho ter
ritory nnder the actual sway'of tho Re
publicans. South of it, Zatatceas, San
Luis Potosi, and even Quereturo, which
is only one hundred and ten miles dis
tant from the City of Mexico, aro in
undisputed possession o the Liberals.
Tho French havo wisely concluded not
to leave tho country in detachments,
but at ono time. The losses which they
continually sutler even under this new
arrangement clearly show to what dan
gers they would have been exposed had
they left one-third or tho army behind
Tor u wholo year.
As to Muxilian, a glance at the small
tract or land that is now held by his
partisans, makes it very doubtful whetli
er ho will get away at all If he does not
leave with tho French. Tho movement
of the Imperialist troops against Mon
terey, which a Matamoros letter re
fers to stands no chance what
ever of permanent success. Tho
French themselves clearly indicate by
their attitude that they have no faith in
tiio ability of Maximilian to main
tain himcir and, as tho olllcial commu
nication from the representative or
Franco to tho Mexican people, indicates,
aro anxious to decline any responsibili
ty ror the defeat and overthrow of the
The star of tho Republic is again ris
ing, and there would bo good reason
for renewed hope if only tho deplorable
quarrel between Juarez and Ortega
could bo stopped. This ought now to
bo tho great aim of all Mexican patri
ots. Sterling patriotism, wo should
think, might suggest to both thoclaim
antsor tho Republic means for settling
their rival claims in an amicable man
ner by leaving the decision to u new
vote of tho people. We wish with
Ortega, that tho Mexican Re
public may become as pros
perous as the United States ; but if this
aim is to bo attained tho leaders of the
people must learn to show a greater
amount of disinterested lovo of their
country than hitherto.
Notici:. Tho proprietors of tho late
Coi.ujtntAX newspaper, have inudo ar
rangements with the publisher or this
paper for carrying out and executing
their existing contracts with their sub-
cribers and advertl-ers, as follows:
1. That subscribers' who have paid
their subscriptions! in advance, shall he
furnished with this paperwe q' charge
until thoir.siib-criptions expire.
2. That (iwadvertisementsextonding
over futuro time, shall bo continued in
this paper without charge, until tho time
paid for expires.
3. That this paper shall bo tent to
those subscribers who havo not paid
their sulvcriptlons, (during tho time
those subscriptions aro to run,) and
that the amounts note due thereon, as
well as those hereafter accruing, shall
lie paid to tho publisher of this paper
without account to tiio former proprie
tors. .
I. That Hi;)r?(ndvertis'oinciits, extend
ing over futuro time, shall bo continued
in this paper during tho times con
tracted for, and shall bo wholly paid for
to the publisher of tills paper.
Subscribers and advertisers inter
ested, who receive tills paper without
notice of objection to tho publisher, will
be eon-ldered ns agreeing with him
upon tho above terms and conditions,
for tho continuance of their subscrip
tions and advertisements. Thcro will
bo no increase of rates of charge for ad
vertisements, continued as above, al
though tho circulation or this paper
will bo moro than double that or tho
late Cor.UMllIAX. J, Ci, I.',
January 3, 1807.
The Church IterUir, published quar
terly by N. S. Rlchard-on, D. D., or
New York, should also bo in tho hands
of overy churchman of intelligence.
Thu January number is out. Subscrip
tion $3.00 per annum.
i:t,t:cTni.v or a hexatoh'.
Isni.iMAi-nus, Juminrj- 22.
Governor O. P. Morton was elected
United States Senator to-day over D.
W. Voorhees, Democrat.
.Maiiiox, W1k Jniiimry 22.
Hon. T. O. Howe was re-elected to the
United Stales Scnato to-day.
The resolution Instructing Senator
Doollttlo to resign was finally passed by
tho Wisconsin Legislature to-day, by n
strict party vole.
Wo learn that Secretary Stanton, In
conversation with a friend, gavo it as
Ids opinion that tho country Is In moro
danger to-day than at any time during
the rebellion. Ho thinks the proposed
Impeachment of tho President will, if
prosecuted much further, lead to u war,
the result or which it is'difllcult to fore
tell. The Secretary Is represented ns
being very apprehensive lest Congress
should take soino fatal step in that di
rection. NATtO.VAT, hank t t ititiixrv.
The amount of national bank curren
cy issued during tho past week from the
Treasury Department was $17,720, mak
ing the total amount up to dato $300,
802,(121. From this is to be deducted tho
currency returned, including worn-out
notes, amounting to $2,150,031, leaving
in actual circulation at this date $203,
025,(1?0. The securietics held by the Treasurer
or tho United States, in trust for nation
al banks, reported to-day, were as fol
lows :
I'm' rlroulallna "! MI0p'i.".110
l'urilt'iosits in' imblli' muiu'yi Ssr.TTJ.W)
i) m-p.i.o Tin: vi:i:k.
Tho following sums of money havo
been disbursed at tho Treasury Depart
ment during tho week ending January
nineteenth :
War Di'patlmrnt $',r,,0(Vi
Nay Dni.iitmi-nt itts.-,j
Interior IJi'imt Uncut ln;j,'.Ni
Total s;,;,i;7
ixrnnxAi, nnvi-xui- isix-utras.
Tho receipts from Internal Revenue
for Saturday wero $192,735,01, making
tiio total amount for tho week $2,200,
780.81. rr.ACTioxAi, etniKi-.Ncv.
The amount of fractional currency
received at the Treasury Department
from tho printers during tho past week
was $527,500. Thoamount shipped dur
ing the same period was $18I,83S.33, to
national banks, and $100,000 to (ho Assistant-Treasurer
at New York City.
During tho past week there lias been
redeemed nnd destroyed at tho Treasury
Department $317,700 in fractional cur
rency. I.UAOUi: IHI.AXl).
Tho Senate Com mi tlco on Naval Af
rairs had the subject or tho League Is
land Navy-yard beforo them this morn
ing. Senator Cattell, of Now Jersey,
made an argument in favor of accept
ing that site. Tiio Committee agreed
to the House bill for tho purpose, with
out amendment, and recommended its
immediate passage.
Tin: si'iui::mi: col-jit.
Among tho novel propositions in the
form of Congressional bills, etc., 1 havo
to record a measure introduced by Mr.
Representative Williams, of Pennsyl
vania, on Monday last. It a-sunics'to
set up a rulo for tho Supremo Court
of tho United States, by declaring that
no decision upon constitutional ipies
tions or acts or Congress shall bo or any
force unless concurred in by all tho
Judges. Tliis is a very petty proposi
tion to come from a party which is con
tinually inserting and boasting of the
rights of majorities, even to tho extent
of changing tho fundamental law of tho
land, nnd depriving tho citizen of pro
tection thereby.
WAsirrxn-mv. .Tm, ik
Tho President's ovouingorgan says of
tno Administration that, "if necessary,
its strong and iron hand will bo invoked
to stay tiio course and movent tho eon.
summation of Radical treason, The
great oath or tho President to iiroter-t
and defend tho Constitution will not bo
forgotten, and the people who sustain
nun with their 500,000 majority of tho
voting population, North and' South,
will not foivet him. Events imvn
already brought tho Government to tho
very verge or another revolution, ir
the Radical majorityin ConeTossimrsuos
its treaonabIo courso much longer,
tho (lovernmcut, in order to sustain
itseir, will havo to arm its suiiDoiters
At the call ot tho President, all his
mends North, and South, and tho arm v
and tiio navy will respond. In such 'a
contest tiio issue cannot bo doubtful.
Congressmen may bo valiant lluhtcrs on
tho iloor of Congress, but when they
comotoleud their cohort? into tho field
it will bo another thins.'. Tho real
armies and great soldiers or tho Reptib-
nc win no loumi lighting under tho fiag.
Wo advise ion ofthodetcrmin-
ed and fixed fact, that Andrew Johnson
will servo but his constitutional termor
London, Jan, 17.
It is rcnorted from the pnnMncnt Hint
a desperate nlot lias been discovered fur
tho assassination of thol'nclmof Egypt.
J no plot included the subversion or
tho government and Investing tho reins
of Bovernment in tho hands or Sellm
l'.ichu, and who Is said to bo at tho
head ot 'he movement. Tho eonsnii-n.
ey was happily discovered nnd friis-
Pa KiB, Jan. 20.
Tiio Emperor Napoleon has Issued an
Important decree. It orders that the
address of tho Chamber in reply to tho
speech from the Throne shall bo'discon
tinned j grants to tho legislative body
tho right of questioning the govern
ment, nnd proposes that olfences of tho
press shall bo tried in thu convlctlonal
courts j that tho stamp clutters shall be
reduced, and that tho right or tho poo
pie to meet in public shall bo limited
only by thoso regulations necessary for
tho public safety.
Tho decree concludes by declaring
that thoso reforms will now crown tho
odlllco of tho Stato founded on the na
tional will.
Tho members of Iho Cabinet havo
tendered their resignations to tho Em
peror. Athuxs, Jan. 10.
Advices received from tho Island or
Cnndlastato that tho Cretans have fought
nnother battle, In which they claim a
victory over fivo thousand Turks. Tho
Cretan Assembly has Issued a call to all
the powers or Europe to send agents to
("and In to witness and report tho condi
tion or the country.
Titiiwi-n, Jan 20.
Reports rrom Mnramar state that tho
Empress C'arlotla lias quite recovered
from her severe Illness.
P.wus, Jan. 21.
All tho members of the Cabinet ten
dered their resignations to the Emperor,
but six of them wero not ncceptcd.
The resignation or M. Fould was
among thoso which wero accepted.
M. Rouher remains in tho Cabinet,
and at present will preside over tho
Financo and Stato Departments,.
M. Grenoullly will take charge of tho
Naval, and M. Laraquetto of tho Agri
cultural Department. Tho rest or tho
Cabinet is unchanged., Jan. 21.
It is staled In official circles that tho
powers or the Senate will bo Increased.
The majority oT tho Journals or this
city, in their editorials upon tills sub
ject declare the reforms announced by
the Emperor very liberal.
A rumor is current hero that nn order
lias been issued which relieves Marshal
Bazaine of his high powers in Mexico.
Paius, Jan. 21-Evcning.
Tho Jfonltcur to-day says tho govern
ment is anxious to explain to the French
its Foreign policy, and will accent ques
tions on tho subject at tho opening of
the session, which will be substituted
for tho usual debate upon tho address.
London, Jan. 21.
It is said that there is much excite
ment in Paris over tho changes in tho
Imperial Cabinet, nnd it is thought they
indicate a more war-like policy on the
part or the Emperor.
The French press applauds the reform
mado by Napoleon.
London, Jan. 22.
The Court of Admirality lias just giv
en a final Judgment in favor of tho Uni
ted States in tho Rappahannock case.
Tliis makes the third steamer recovered
by the United States Consul Dudley in
tho courts here.
Atiiuns, Jan. 22.
Tho chief oT tho insurgents in Candla
lias written n long letter to tho United
States Consul hero, thanking tho Amer
ican people through him for tho sym
pathy extended to tho Cretans. Ho nlso
petitions the Consul for American ships-or-war
to carry away tho women and
A Papi:ii pou evi:ky Family.
And wo mean not only every family,
but single people ns well, when wo com
mend to all the American Agriculturist
tho nio-t valuablo and tho cheapest
journal in tho world. We have receiv
ed tho first number of tho new volume,
which begins tho second quarter centu
ry, and find it of unexampled excellence
and beauty, while tho publishers an
nounce still greater tilings to come. Mr.
('lift, ono or the most popular and prac
tical writers or tho couutrv. is to ioiu
tho editorial force or the A'jriculturht,
anil regular contributions are promised
from tho well known "Timothy Hunk
er, Esq.," tho " Down East Farmer,"
The Ayrivullurht is a marvel of value
and cheapness. Each number lias .10 to
10 largo double octavo pages, containing
2." to or moro costly, beautiful and in
structive engravings, and is packed full
of useful, reliable information. Tho
publishers promise to expend tho nres-
ent year at least $10,000 in engravings
mono, mm Slo.000 in procuring and pre
paring sterling reading matter, adapted
to tho work or tho Farm, tho Garden,
and the Household, including an enter
taining nnd instructive department ror
children nnd youth. Nothing less than
a circulation of over lfiO.fino. wliieh in
duces the expenses to n small sum each,
could enable tho publishers to furnish
such a Journal -for SI ,00 a year. Wo
again advise every person to subscribe
for tho Agriculturisl. It N adapted lo
city, village, and country. Orango.Iudd
and Co., Publishers, 11 Pari: Row, New
lone city.
Phllmlilphi,,,, January 13.
I'i.oui:. Tho market continues very
unsettled. About 000 bblssold in lots to
the homo trade Including
Northwestern superfine at ST.Wm 77.-,
-Vnihwctern extra sru.
Northwestern family P.MUk.i
-,,-.., -Mima nun n I'siei u superilne... H.n.,.. s 7,1
'innsyl,in.iaiid Western extra imWcj.ii
Pennsylvania and Western famllv 1 j.iklw 1.1 m
1 euhsyivanlaimd Western f incy 11.00m! lC'-it
ltf t'.OUr fV; of primo quality has been in
good demand, and holders ni-ft firm In
their views. Wo quote Pennsylvania
red at SiT.V-? 0.10 ; Southern do. at 0.10
(0.20, and white at $.1.20.1, 10 j Penna,
tiye ranges at about 81.33. Corn
is in fair request, ami sales of .-1,000 bus.
new yellow wero effected nt sl. nt
wero in better request, but prices have
receueii. tales ot .'1,000 litis.. Penney!-
vailla at 5.(7, S0e. Tim rivnlulu (r,.,lo
aro in follows: O.'O bblsllourj 1,000 bus.
wiient i 2,000 bus. corn, .'), 100 litis, oats.
PltovisioNS-Contlnuo verv dull, lint
prices nro unchanged. Small sales nro
making at s21(2I.W bbl. ror new
mess j'on; ; H(iFc r lb. for plain and
rancy bacon hams: 12f 121c for nlefcl.xl
do.: Klf7i Ui fne solf. fclimibloes n,,.l 101r,
15c 'j! lb. for primo lard, hi bbls unil t'bs,
Bi:i:i3 Contlnuo dull; small sales
tiro making nt $7.73(20 for clover, $3.75
for timothy,, and $2.35(33 bus. for
l,v Ilia linv. Wm, J, y.yn, Mr. Nnthan c V 5!t
lorf In Mh l:il?.abolh llroomliacli, bgtUnV m,"1
tour luwiiililp, ' u,u"o.
loth lint., .tliu E. At.plcmnn of llriUo i.'loM
lH'Il.i A. Wilson, ot NcwColumbui. ,l0J""
ult.,liyllov.ri.r, Jl'Nalr.Mr. (IcnrS. i
ncr, of Klimiiokln tuwnolilti. Nortliumberffi
f-otmir, to Ml?i Httson Bmllli of Madlion i!?
ltimbla county. ' l0-
CtX. Vnn-Yr..Uli:n-M tlm M, n. Parson...
In Calan in, nn tiio loth lint.Hiy llev. fi riHV
tow, .IcwwJ-lcaviT of Ontmlin, to Mli
Ycagt-r of Hear Oap,
j;01IMA.I.--rf7.T.Y,f.V-On New Ycnr'itv.
at tlm ri'slilenoei of tli lirlilo's father, br iilb
W. C. Homer, Sir. ('. P. llowtnatiof NrVft,i!J-lmi,-lato
or Now Mexlco-to Mis 1). b. CrerJ'
lnof Columbia county, ,.
(;.7..IW:-Ou tho Oth ttist., In Hemlock tn...
ship, at tho rcsldenco of Mr. P.sau Olrton jji
i.u'lll linill-intllucuillKlllLHlltirH. ' H
,SVItOOT.r.Yn West Hemlock township Mf,
tour comity, nn the Til Instant, Mr. An'iiiii
Kdioolcy, HBed about ('i years, '
t'OXh Locust township on tho 17th of Decern,
ber last, David Pox, aged SI years.
;i7.--Near Mtm Ille, on tho Hth Inst., Mr. Cim
l.ves, aged about 7U) ears.
I cltcrH of lulmlnUtratlon on tiio cstato of Jacob
Keller, lati-of Heaver township, Columbia countr
ilec'ael, havo been cranted by the KcglMer of
salil eountlo John Mlehacl. All personshnvlna
clalinifirtlemaniUfiRiln-t tho salil citato nra re-nue-tteil
to present them for settlement without
(telny, amt all person Indebted to maUe payment.
JOHN .MICH.VF.L, Artmlnlurntor.
January 11, 18ii7-f.
.1 UNION. Tun CrvTiivt. Dr.MocnATioOn(iA
ni- Tin: sr.Tt:. The Weekly Patriot nnil Union
N published every Thurlay by tho Patriot nn-1
Pnlon Printing ami Publlshlin; Assoelatlon. it
Is a double sheet of eltiht paKci, and contftln,
forty-elfrht columns tif matter, made up of Lltr
nry, AKrlcnltural, Nows.Tradoand Mlhcpltincoui
Helerttttni, UoporH of CoiiKresslonal and LopM.
the Prueeedlngi, Hpeeehes, Political Ksays, mi.
torlals, etc.
One copy, ono year, cash 9250
" " nIx months 11 1
Ten eontt , otio yeai, and ono to putter up of
Club a 05
Tvehty conies, one year, and ono to getter
up of Club
will be furnished to mall subscribers for $7.00 p
lluslness letters should bo addressed to tU
" Patriot ami Union," HarrlRburp. Pa.
WM. It. MILMUT,Truiltsi.
WM, I). IJOAM, Publisher.
This simple, though etfeetlvo machine It admit
ted byall seientltlc observers to lio the most dlroct
dc lee for c.itherluq clover M'ed yet discovered.
A mere Klaueo otitis hulllelent to convince thu
mo-.t obtitso mind of Its practical utility.
It MrlpH the clover head from the stalk leavlnii
the straw standing upon the ground. Ills easily
dnnvn by one horse, and rcciulrcs butono man or
bov lo work It.
It Is compact, slmplo In structure, and not lia
ble to ir tout of order, andean bo cheaply gut up.
The great advantago In this machine Is, 9
have tho seed gathered In the chat!', ready for tho
clover mill or huller, bcsldeu saving tho great
length of llineaud labor of mowing, handling ani
IhteMiluglt from tho straw, It will also pav ev
ery laimer to gather his fceed with this machlnn
on account of the saving of tho seed which Is lost
In the uld way of gathering It.
l.xtraordlnary Inducements nfTered to enersotlo
men who wish to puicliasubtato or county ltlghu.
Por particulars addres
J.mSVtj,. Columbia County, Pa.
A 1)31 IN 1 STJt ATOH'S N OTIC E.-
ckaskii. Letters of administration on tho cstAW
of P.lcnuor N. Campbell, lato of Centre township
Columbia county, deceased, have been gran ted by
the Iteglster or Columbia county, to Nathaniel U
Campbell, of Centre township, and county afore
said. All persons halng claims against tho Ci
tato of the decedent, aro requested to prosen'
them for settlement, and those indebted to til
estate will make payment without delav.
January 13, llCT-flw-. Admlnlstiutor,
Whp.iirah, Ibellon.'WIlllam Klwell, President
.Itidgoot the Court of Oyer and Terminer and
(leueral .loll Delivery, Com t of (iuarter Sessions
of Iho Peace and Court of fomtnou Pleas and or
phan's Court In tho Jltli Judicial District, com
nosed of tiio counties of Columbia, Kulllvan an 1
Wyoming, and the Hon. Iram Dorr and l'eter K.
llerbeln, Associate Judges of Columbia couuty
luvo Issued their precept, bearing dato the aith
day of December, in tiio year of our I,ord( ono
thousand, eight hundred and sixty-six, nndtomo
directed loi holding a Court of Over and Termi
ner and Oeneral Jail Delivery, fleneral Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and orph
an's Oiiii r, In Diminishing, in tho eouiitv of Co
lumbia, on iho ilrsl Monday, being tho 1th day of
l'cWuarj next, to continue ono week.
Notice Is hereby given, to tho Coroner, to tho
Justices of the Peaco and the Constables of tho
said counlyof Columbia that thev bo then and
there In their piopcr person at ten o'clock In tlm
fiueuooii or said day with their records, Inquisi
tions and other remembrance to do thoso things
w hlcli lo their oiilccs appertain to lo done. And
those that are bound by rtssignlznnee, to prose
cule ug.ilusi the prisoners that aro or nwr be In
the Jalljir I lie said county of Columbia tube then
and there to prosiTUtiUhomnsshnll bo Just. Ju
lorsare rcqiustotl to bo punctual in their attend
(T )auce,ngive.ibly to tht-lr notices. Dated
L.S.. Vat llloomsburg, the isnti day ot Ilecem
t" v '1 her, In tboyearof our Ijfird, ono thous
and eight hundred and sixty-six, and In the
ninetieth year of thu Independence of the United
states of America, (don savk thk Common--wijAi.ur.)
llloomsburg, December 2J, ISM.
J of sundry wrltsot Vewlitioui JJiromit. Ijrart
iwnmind 7 V rt J;kuu, to me directed, Usued out
,Ule Court of Common Pleas in the County of
( olumbi.l, will be exposed to public sale, at tho
l,',".1tt,.,.,."V.'-''l.hl niooliisblllg, on MONDAY, Kr.IS
Ul'AUA loUItTH, ls(j7,t, ,i,o o'clock ln thofif
tcinoon, the lollowlug ical eslato to wit :
A lot of ground ..Itualo In the borough ofCen
liall.i, Columbia county, being nay feet Iront tin 1
one hundred ami forty leet deep, being two lw
rouRh lots, bounded on tho noith by lot of
1 cn-termachrr.nn thu west by an ultcv, on the
south by lot of Win. Zelgler, and on tho east by
1 rautwliie stiect, uhcicoii Is elected n two story
Ilamoduelllng house, with tho appurtenances.
sUcd, taki ii In e.iecutioumid lo bo sold as lua
piopcilyof K L. Um-ri lll.Y,
A certain tract of laiid.sltnato In Hemlock loim
ship, Columbia county, containing one hundred
ai-i, s, nioie i or less, hounded on tho norUi by laud
',!,' ,l;l,','t'ct ' u.1.'"1'1,-"" ! west by hinds of lloubim
1. 1 filU and lleuben llogait, n the south by laud
',7"'' l'jirs, ami on tho cast by lands of widow
... ....... .,,.,,., m,. erecienapaii iramu nuua
silt log house, and a part log undiipnrl framci
b.irn,.M lib ho appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold n Uu
piopelty of Hl.nhy T. Heii.y.
A lot of ground, sltuato In tho Imrough of Con
nulla, ( o mob la county, containing lllty feci 1b
flout, and on., hundred ami forty feel deep, Ikjuii
I V. i"." 'J'!',",'.'"1,1'' '-"fust Avenue, on tho north
by ot of 11. Kuittlu, on th , nst by an alley, nn
on the soulh by a public- road, whfieon Is erects
',1 ,Y,'V';r; f'"1'';iaiern and dwelling
a laige siable, with the appurtenance.
"rlV" '" pv''uuu and to bo sold as ti
property of Pcri:u Howr.u,
si,'o''7-1'V" ' W of l!'" situate In Gitawlsaa tout
si lp, Columbia county, containing twenty-foui'
acres, more or less, bounded on tiio east by lanJ
of Jacob Druinhe fer.on tho south by land of Sol.
iino n 1 ege y, and on tbenorth unci west by Inm!f
,, i ii lUi'' "l,',,.ln 'Tectod a Ins houw
and liamp stable, w uu tho nppurten.uices"
, ,f. !,.! ".V;11 1,1 fxctutlou und to be sold as the
piopertyof IIunjamin roue,
.iiof V."!!).","!'' of 1:iml "Ittmto In Hemlock town-hn,',-,.V'i
'',nlllni """. containing about on.
,. ! ii P , , ' ''"mi'lod and described , followi
..,, ii, ,:. , n,lil'u!1'"'l,l'l'v T Jacob Klnne.T
w M i- .' . '.I,J l,,ml1 of Wrinuu tnd
iirV.i i V'l "" 'uo 8"iUh by lands of&imuol
in iiglcr, ami on the wist by lands of .Mmnt.
i ni, , , i '"'W0.'! " nnmo dwelling house und
a bain with the appurlenanccs.
v..'.', .',J' lallt ". 1,1 ''Xeeulloii mid to be sold ns th
!Si ) ,, K 'o, Ana'w'HS C. Itabb, wlmtnlsimti
deceased u"""1"11 "f HCKiir,
i fV.cL,.all,.lot..f Ernl"! tluatt In tho village of
Light ist eit, Columbia county, containing forty
eight rods, mom or h , bounded nu the south by
lot or w in sehii) ler.on the west by itrcet.on
J.0,""", 1 l,y '',""f wl7uw K""1T "'! ' '-'
f 5.,' ,,,"i1,!!''li,U"."'"u '"',rVl t!'lt't''r.vnud Hbalf
fian e dwelling house, with tho iippuftenancel.
NeUcd. tllLell 111 eXM"" nn ,iit t,. I...., 1. 1 ....tli.i
proputyof Isaau Soiiuswoitju.
. . r i .i?.f P1!? 1 "K '1 ":- I mesMiaKe. tract or pleco
i.Si , oV l,V''"V1"' '"Wilt Tho suiiiliwest onu
mii pin in my pliuitat on lobe nuukod out by
lines nnd eorneis hcreatter, "
: !"ki'!1 In execution awl to bo sold ns ths
property of Jacou Hms.
nioomtbitre, Jicnmry t rv.