1 THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUHG," FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1S67. PUBLICATIONS. rpiIK ItOCND TAIUjI?. A bATUIlDAY HKVIKW OF MTKIUTUUE, hWlITTY, AND AltTt Tim Hon tut Tn..1 UrfttnlilUlicri ftr tlicMinfllnoh Inez dlciiNsloii of llio fttihlrrl! iintiuil til Its I It If. Itnnrroe Is to bo utterly frrtrIot nnu ,.ntrnm mtflM In forming Kh opinions, nml to collect the muni, uriiunm mm scuoinny wiiifm in uiu i-imii' trv to nlve lliem oxnromloM. Home limv men- B.onnUy lio dttplonKctl ly tlio tono nml spirit wherein this 1 Mono, hut wo Itrunll such toron nlder In thf wonln of Mr. HiikIii linw much icsa nnrm 1 ilono in tho world ny uiignici'lul boiu new tlmn hr untimely friir, Thti Hamitl Tn I ile 1 lmtenenrieut In ltollt left. nn1 It will not hotltnto toconuenn or to UHtnln Hitch men or inemurr of whntovcr oct, rUquc, or Itnny ns mny serin to me (Minora io no irom imio o time In ft iNMltlon or nntntionl-tm or ollnnvIc to the mnterlnl Interim tt either or the inetmnoH tnn rotnniuulty or to those of the whole common Tlio Itonnd Tnl.lo exUl to ncrvo the ptiMlc. not IndlrMimts, mid contrllmtol nro request ed to avoid permuml pottery nnrl tint mad verrdou tf every kind, Vigorous writers niul nhte sncrlul correspondents nro lesulnrly emloe,l, but the coluinni or the. piper mu open to merit, let it come uheiico it may. Articles mav be sent through nny channel, but iv r win uiiid nu prrsnnai jiiiiiiitimin ir uiscut ton niHiwctlnr thorn! moreover, wo iniiHt do clinoheneefonvnril to return mmecepted MS,, niul to this rule, we wlllmnke no exception, A- I'ewms orderinij subscriptions will picnic renin uy puiim iiiuuey uruurn. viuircss im eom- munlcatloua to THK IKH'JCD TATtl.TI, octtMf 152 NtvH&nu Htreet, New York, "DUBLISIIKD THIS HAY. ANN S. JL BTKMIKXS'H yUW HOOK! XII C SOLninil'S OUPUAXft. Ity Mm. Ann P. Btenhen. ntithor of "Fnthlon nnd Famine." "TheOolu Urlck," "The Old Hnincslpnd," "Hi lent HtrufrRle," "Mary Derwent," "fiejecteil wiie," " ino iieircv "ine ne a e-ccrei, cic, This new book, by Mrs, Ann 8. Stephens, lint uccu pronounmi iy mi in ne ov nir mo wm turn mo i iiiuTPSiuiu eer wrnicii oy ner. n nnnenr rd in nionthlv IiifctulmcntH In "Peterson'H Alrtrn- elne',itiiriiij;tholnt year, hnvlnit been completed In the December number, where It prord to bn the most popular, imwerful, and Miccesful nocl that has over appeared In Unit Moifti7lne, and it Is now published complete and unnhrlilired, In one lame iluodoelmo volume, uniform with the "Gold llrlclc," " l-'ashlon and Famine," nml the other works of Mr. Aim H. Htenhens nuulIMied by u. It will no doubt proo to bo the most popular and Mioce-ssful work that has eer bcfoio been written 1 t bin talented American authoress. "Mrs. Stephens has Justly Income n favorite Trlth nil American leadprs of ntoso fiction, and iuu announcement or anew work riom tier riocc ftil pen is elieerful news to thousand of reader, And there In a rare treat in More for them, for In "The Soldier's Orphan" Mrs. Stephens hns, if nnvminsf. eciipsou mi ncr jorincr rnorin. Jiieie Is less redundancy or pcpuo nnd action, but thrro Is fur more nrtistfc excellenc?. nnd an elaboration of onuses nnd effects, attainable only by practised writers. The nction of the new novel transpires In Philadelphia, nnd beyond the limits of the city the outhorcRa does not permit herself to Mrny. The time selected by Mrs. Ktephens In recent, the late war, nnd Bho pictures with tvid distinctness the domestic suflerlng nnd wicriflefi entailed by nnd maite for the prund nnd heroic ftrugqle for imiiuuui uimyi imj pen. in un ui noMiiiiiug m terest, the characters are graphic transcripts from real life, stronclv ludl iduallred. and the con trasts formed by their Individual po-cul hi rl (!, lutmui nnu puytiicui, icnti a rure eiinrin io mis last nnd most untuned of Mrs. iStenhenVs tjooks," " The Soldier's Orphans" Is puuINhed coimlete in ono large duodecimo volume, l'rlco SI &) In paper, or in ciotn. sum. a.".1! n. biwju..ih riit:it woicks. The Oold llrlclt - H fit) Silent strucules - 1 &) The Wire's Secret- 1 SO The Rejected Wife 1 5i) Mary Per went - SI W i-nfiiiion a, Miminp i i TheOld Homestead 1 6 This Heiress - - 1 W Above nro in paper cover, or in cloth for each. The above books are for snlo bv nil Imoksellers, Copies of "The Solder's Orphans," or of nuv oinerornu ine nuove popular ijookh ny .Mrs-nu D nLcpiiL'iis. win ut wpiit io uuy ouc, iree ui pom ace, on receiptor price. Address nil orders to the Publishers. t. it. pnrr.itoN t HuoTnrrts, 3i)0CliestnutSlrePt.l'htladephia, Pa. And they will receive immediate attention. rpilE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. ihe ATLANTIC MONTHLY, bv tfcncrnl rnn sent, stands at the head of American magazines. jo, iiLinnnTM uiuuiik n cuuiriuumrs ino mosi piiii Tinti f writ nro nf lluulm- Imi t. In 1 i--,r .,,.,1 and its pages have alwaj s rellected what Is best! in inericuii i.iieniiiire. it jias rcacneu a circu lation neur betoro ixalned bvnuv Amorlcnninnp. or lno or this class, nnd it hns, by the long period of its existence and the worth of iu contributors, becomo firmly tlxed in public esteem. The following are uruong the luott prominent iruumi (.'tiniriifuiuru ; U. W. LOXGKKLLOW, It. W. KMLltSON, "WILLIAM OlTLLEN I1HYANT, J. X, THOWUltlUtil' DONALD a. MITCHELL, . . - u- UAZLWKLL, 7. O. WniTTIEU, 0. W. HOLM FA I3AYAKO TAYLOR, HARitiirr ii. tsTowr, UA1L HAMILTON, K. i witiPPT.r; TERMS: Single subscriptions, four dollars per Cum Rates. Tuo copies for seven dollars: five conies for sixteen dollars; ten copies for thirty tlollnrs: and each nddltlonnl emiv tlirnt dnllnru I or every club of twoiity subscribers nn extra copy w 111 bo furnished gratis, or twenty-one co pies for sixty dollars. Postage. The postage on the ATLANTIC Is twenty-four cents per ear, and must iu all cases be paid nt th olllco wheie it Is received. SPl-X'IMKN t't)PIi;.S of the ATLANTIC MONTHLY will bo sent on receipt of twenty-ilvo cents. The ATLANTIC MONTHLY and our YOUNO FOLKS will bo furnished together at live dollais JM.T J rui. Special Inducements aro offered to tenrbers nnd postmasters to procure subscribeis to our perlodi- rfVB-"1 "jiim--"! tiiniuKiKiui wie eouniry Address TIClCNOIt & FIKLDS, Publlsheis, l-'l Treraont Street, Uostwn, Mass. fJMIE GALAXY, A FORTNIQUTLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. THE GALAXY Is published fortnightly, on tho Srstandfliteenthof each month, and has the nd- .iiuuiKvu tumult hi uiu rftmer jnicrmeauieiy between the monthlies and the weeklies. With the second number tho Magazine was en larged by sixteen ruires, making it io contain ilinety-alx pages of matter. r, IIS CONTRinUTORS. THE GALAXY will bo an original American Magazlno of the highest cla.s. Airongsmputs bae accordingly been made for regular contribu tions Iroru tho best know n and most meritorious writers lu the country; and moreover, the Editor will nlwnyi seek to elicit ami encourage contribu tions from new authors or real nbllltv or decided fcenlus, Thonrtlclesln THE GALAXY will fce fciCiied with the names of their author, who will bo allowed a widetreedom In tho exprr jslon of opinions. The first nnd second numbers of THE GALAXY, for May flrst and i!fh uith, UG,t, contain contrlhu tlous irom John Ksteu CtKikc, Prances Power Cobb. Rove Terry. Georso Allred Townsend, Ed mund C.Stedman, the Author of "Emilv Ches- ier." rroiessor i ierre mot, jr. w. 11, Draper, and Will continue In lm nnhllshixl ucrlaliv t. taneously wlththelrappear.inpoin England, 'I he back numbers or the ilngazlno containing these rtories may always be obtained from u uuwsdeuler Or from tho propiietors. , PKOFKS.SOU 11LOT ON COOKERY. In the second number or THE GALAXY was commenced a erles of nitleles on Cookery, by rrofensor Pierre illot, tho well-known teacher of the nrt. 1 hesearticlex will le madeof great prnc Ileal value to every family. Peslde many gustro nomlcal directions of essential importance, thry will contain lecelpts and practical suggestion which must securo for t hem thousands oi i eaders. TERMS Tho price of THE JALAXY Is 1 cents n num htn fj for the year of twenty-four numbers; l for six montlw-twfclvo numWs. '1 ho volumes for the year will iuclude 2,:HX) octavo pages. niuS. traWd by tweuty-IHe or more fulbpaco tngrav lngs, printed on tinted paper; besljo rnnuiner.i blo bmaller Ilhistiotlons, scattereil through the text. 1 ill. GALA X may be ordered nt theratt of twenly-llvo ccuu u number for my length of time desired, tt Specimen copies will bo sent on receipt of 2j oeust. Addre-6 , W. c. &, F. T, CHURrn, Proprietors. 89 Park Row, New York. 0 Ult YOUNG FOLKS. U'tJ rOHDCPtfllllr lnvttnnltHtittnn fn tlin fnlTtnlnr nolo from ttiuablotunl iKipuiur IH-imlv HIatoSu-leriiiti-mlent of HolionW for IVimsylviuilft! Mp8ra.TlLKulI ti I 'i hi, in, llontun, .Mu,. : OF.SII.K.MEX, I'. rjult in to lunsrHtul.itn vrm on the ntarked Mlmsi of "Our Voting J'nlf;!i." I rom tho Issuo of Ihu tint luimlwr 1 I..ii wnli-li-eil with much fcollclnMo ll tmin nml iharui tLT. well luiowlim tho hiunrnxe iiillutiH e. for koc1 or for pvll. It would bo llkily to irliiu. Juilulnu ijr the tone uhlchluui iirovalli'd In much of our Juvenile literature, both religious nml ni-iulnr, I fennel that It. contributors mluht huk thai rniuiE. hearteunobii whU litjn alono .inak to I ho chili. nature, or that the faith mi.t Iiikohuousihss 1,1 youth mlttht Iw tamprrcl with and dlr.pla til by a f.imy for the vices oud deceits of maturer uars. llapplly my four, have proved Kroundliks, and the whole community tint e to thank you for mo. tluclng n maaazlno m well mlaoted totho.lasi for Which It la InlcudcU, nnd t.o elevation nnd rciln. ln lu lu Inllueniios. HAMUKL V. liATlis Deputy Hlato Kuperlutcndcnt HcliouU, l'n. TERMS OP ourt VOl'NO TOUCH i t: a year, In advance! three copies .ti; flvo topic. t8; ten co. plcn, IHi anil each uddltlonal copy HM. Twenty pnplM, m, and a copy gruti. to tho pcrton procur. Idk the club. fcpeclal Inducements offered to teachern to net t agent., rinocl.1 copy nd circular cnt to nt. eon. wno wf.h to procure sutactlbtTi. for ten coatd. TICKNOft A riCLUS, J'ubllshera, Boiton, Mosj. UNGEIUCII & SMITH, WirOLFSALE OnOCERS, Ko, i3 North Third ftweot, Hillndolphli, PUBLICATIONS, T-T a him: it's ?;kw JtONTIILY "Unquestionably the hct MtMntncil work of the 1 hmd in tho World. Cttttrnt AVcf a n thf 7vt. It N the foreiriont .Magn?lno of thodnv. The flies Mo never had u more delightful companion, nor the million 11 more ciitcrprldug friend, than Hnrpir'H Magazine. Mttioiiht l'roteatant. Jlaltt more. ThomoM, popular Monthly in the world, .Yew York Owrmrr. Wo must refer In term nf nnlni?v tn Ihn blvfi tone and varied exeelleucleiof llaniei-'H Mnuii7.tue n Journal with n inonthfy circulation or about 17tf,0iH) cnptcH In luie pngen nro to bo round omo of tho choicest lJuht nml geuernl leading of thetlay, Wo calc of this wotk tm nn v Ideiiee of thoeultuinof tho American People; and the y It hniacMiilrcd ttinerueil. Vau U Mim- er ciiutaltiH fully 111 page- or reading-matter, np iiioprlately llluMrateil with go! wiMMbcutx! and it combines In Ucir the raej monthly and the inoie DhltiiKftOhlcul nnnrterlv. blended lth the best fenturiHof the (tally Journal. It hat great power in thedltsemlnntrouof n lovoofpurtf lit eraturo. 'lYubner VaUle to Amcrivrtn Lttcrttturc, The volumes bound con.tttuto of themselves a library of tntsccltnucouH reading such us cannot bo found In thnNainci ompa-e; in nny other publi cation that hut come under our notice. 1 foston (Xurler RU1WRI1TIONH-1SG7. Tho Publisher hae perfected unystem of mail ing by which they can supplv tho Mnwulnannd Weekly promptly to those who preTcr to lccelvo their periodicals directly Itom the otllce or publi cation. Tho poihigo on Harper'i Mnga?lno l 21 cents ft year, which muft bo paid nt thuiuhbcilhcr'(i pott- ollice. TP.RMS. One copy ono year I 00 All cxtm copy of either tho Weekly or Mann zlno will bo Kupnlled Ktatls for eeiy club of live subscriber at $1 each, lu one lcmittance; or six copies for 5JJ. Rack numbers can Ijouuppllednt nny time, A t'oinpleto set, now eomprlslng 'lhlrty-threc YotnmeM, in neat elolh bltuung, will bn Kent by expreNi, freight at expense or purcha"i'r, ftir $2 23 per volume. Hluglo oIumes, bv mall, post-paid, ?3 Of), cloth case, for binding, i3 cents, by mall, post-paid. V subscriptions sent from TtrllWi XorUi Amer ican 1'iovincesi must bo accompanied wlthVSH'cnts mldltlonal, to prepay United states postage. Ad dress HARPER .t IIRtvniEIiS, PnblMiern. Prankllu hquaie, New York, N TEW Y01UC TIMES. THE PAILYTIMUS containing the late-t For eign and lumei,tlc Ne8,ls publMie4 dally, at ten dollars per utinum; with bundny edition, twelve dolinin. The 8EMI-WEEKLY TIMES, published on Tuesdays nnd Friday, price fivectnls. In addi tion to tho latest general Intelligence by telegraph up tn tho moment of going to pi ess, there will be found in eath number the lullcM Washington News, lluropenu News, with ginphle letteis trom our correspondents lu London nnd Paris, yl lug the tone of public feeling ubrni'd, is made a tpe elal and peimanent feature. In ndditton to Edi torials mi nil the current tophs of tho day, the SEMI-WEEKLY TJMI.S has u page f eau lully Irepared commercial mntter.glvlng the l.itebt I I nanclal News nnd Market Reports; Items of Ag- ricuuuroi nnu iiomesue iiuercsi, eompueu irom sources many of uhlch are otherwise Inaccessible to tne American leuticr; nnu liiuniugc' and Marrinires and Deatlmfif tlieweel:. Tim " ShM i Wkkk i.v Ri:coiii," or Newsfium mary being n careful syno)sIs and digest or the ncn h ui uiuuuv, is unnie wunn nouoiu uie biio script Ion price to the pnier,ia it jiri'servtM In n condensed nnd conveniently chthnliied rnrm ull newHof Interest, and must provo alunbIo ns u ii'coni niiiii iniitr, Tl :il.M. Three dollam per annum. Club rates nri dNciintinued. The WEEKLY TIM EM, published at two dollars a year, contain, in nddllioti to the lates-t general lntelllgenco by teltgraphup to the moment ot going to prehK, the fullest Washington News. European News, with uraphlc letters fiom our eorreHpounenis m iiuoou nnu I'liris, giving ins toncol public feeling abrond. U made u special and peimanent teat me, Iu addition to Editorials on ull the current topic or mo uiiv, tho WEEK LY TIM KH lniR n iititr. nf fnrft 11 1 1 v.nrmiii n 1 cm, nierclal matter, giving the latest rliianelal News nnd Market Reports; items or Agricultural and iinmesuc mirrehi, commit u nom tourees nuinv 01 wuicn oreouirrwiso lnaccet-sinip tJ me 4ineri. can reader; nnd Marriages and Ueatlts of tho week, rjMIE NEW JIAGAZINK. IYnh, llrtght, Inttntetlee, and Entertaining. THE IlIVERSIDE MAGAZINE, 1 Oil YOUNQ ITOPtE, Messrs. IIURD & H0UOHTON, Publishers, No, 430 Broome Street, New York, Talio pleasure In nnnouticlnir the iimncdlato iuu ui iuu jiiiimi .Miniuer oi THE ItlVEIISIDE MAOAZIE, rou youxo rEon.K, tobeclited bv IIOHACE E. SCUPDEn (author of "Drenin Children," itc.,etc. nnd ptibMslicd monthly, commencitiir with Jniinary, IsoT, The CuiTioeoi inc. iueiKuio .iaLTa7ino will uetosat ty the tasten of the younger public with Instruct tve unu eniertainin reiullnir matter, nttructlvely Illustrated by comiietent artlstt. In the contri butions reiznrd will bo had rntlier to the mnrlt it me articles man iu ine nrevious re iiiiaiinn or tint millions and all kections of tho country will be iiniv rcpiesciin-ii. History tn Its moro jiopulnr forms v.i occupy a J1 'till II, 11 V , II. M I'l'.-I ,1,1 111 11 II, 11,1.-., A. Milliners and Customs of dlllercnt Nations, unil fcuch llloijraphlcal Sketches as will interest and lirollt the voumr. Willie thodlirerent ilctmrttiients of Natural History and Kclcnce will lecelve their nun snare oi aiieuiiou. With each Mlccesslvo number the vnrleil nmuseinentj., nnd pleasures nf in-door and out door life will bo iHirtraycd.nnd the interest of the yotithlul lender constantly malntninetl. iuu iiiuMiaiiiJus oi iuu .iiaKuzine win ntttaci the eves of the vountrefct as well ns nlense tho nhl. cr chllilren. Mr. H. 1 Sitenhens will tnrnUh n full-pace humorous Cartoon for eery number iiiiiiuKiioui hi,- j , -in, Mm, iviui iiruKis win con tinue to l;1vo new rending to lamllior themes. Tjai.M'i Vf HI'IISUJIIITION, 52 .7) per year. In advance: 3coph,S0 .V); Scoplcs, flO: lileoples.g'Jl.andunextracopvKratls; slmtto copies, 'JJ cents. Tho tlist number I now ready sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of 20 cents. Agents nnd Canvassers wanted In every part oi UIBWUUIIV. .Mllll I'M J1UK1) iUOU(JIITON, Illbllkbers, 'hers, f YifrU. No. loS llroome Htreet, New TOBACCO 8c SEGARS. rpiIE ONLY PLACE to get the best T0I1ACCO AND CIOAIW, AT WHOLESALE AND ItEl'AIL, Is at HUNGSBEItaEIVS. a few doors below tho American House, Illoomsburg, Pa. He hsa tho largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING T0I1ACCO ever offered to tho citizens of Illoottisbure. All tho fancy brands of BEGAIIS, nnd the best Fine-cut and Plug CHEWINO T0I1ACCO, can bo had at his counters. touacco nrca . In great variety are umong ills large stock. DON'T FOHOET TO CALL. ir. ir. HUNsnn'itOEr.. J.JAOEN, novo & CO., lAJJUlialu;s .MI.HUIlANTS, and Wholesale Dealers in LEAF AND MANUFACTUKED TOBACCO, BEOAIW, 4.C., No. 61 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stoclc "In Hond." without prepaying the United Btntcs tax. TJ W. HANK'S WHOLESALE TOUACCO, SNUFF, AND cioAn WAitEiiouen, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Itace, west tide, Philadelphia, JUSSELL & AVOODUUFF, Wiolcsale Dealers In Torucco.s, ciOAns, ripisi, ac., 4c, No. 15 North Third htreet, above HarUet, Philadelphia. pmsiiMUTir, DUOTHEB & CO., WHOLESALE TOBACCO DE-VLEltX, No. 151 North Third Slreot, five doors below Itico. Faetortej, Nos. 133 nnd CM Quarry Street, niHadelplilt, DRUGS & MEDICINES JUUO AND CllKMICAL STOHE, Bloomburg, Dituad, niKMicAt.M, rAiNTO, rnm-UMEity AND TOIMVT AUTlCI.ns. r.vrit a Jioviitt lcpectfully Invito n conllnunncu of pntronniso. Their Dttiai and McillelucnrenH nek t til With tho irreatcvt caic, avoiding an much nn posntblo tho Introduction of dcllrloiiH nostrimiK, nml nro purchnscit froijt tlio best Impoitthii kuuc In tho country, l'.YTllNT MEDICI MM of all klndt, Including Ayer'n, Jayno-fl, Hollo. way', Hostetter'H, VishartV, Ilootlaud'K, Ac, constantly on hand. COAt. OH, AMI) AI.C01I0U 1IAIH, TOOTH, NAIL, AND clothes imusiir.s I'AIXTO ASU CHEMICALS of every vnrkty, nnd of the bcU quality, l'ANCY TOILET AUTtt'I.l'.S. Tlio public may rely nt all time on prncurinn tlio above articles, with all tho new useful prcpara. Hons kept In the best conducted cbtnbtlihmehts. 1'HYMCIAN'S I'lUSCIHPTIO.VH and Fnmlly Receipt i compounded with tho grcnt. est cccurac' and dispatch. 17JIESU Altltl VAL OI-" NEW JU GOODS. Tho iindcrslmic'd 1ms Just nrrlvcd fnim tlio City with a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Vnrnlslics, nnd Iiyo Stuir. ncndy-MadoClothlng, Pcifumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Drugelsl's Glassware, llrushcs, Trusses and HupiMirlers, nnd n general nssortmcnt of every tiling that belongs ton well-tippohited Diug Stoic, Also Pntcnt Medicines of all kinds, such ns Jay no's, Ayci's, WIsimrt'B, AVlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Ilrown's Troches, Swnln's Piinncea, lt.tUer's Cod Liver 01), IIooflnnd'9 Hitters constantly on hand. Also MOItOCCO LEATHEH, KID, FIIENCH MOROC CO, FItKNCII CALFSKIN", PINK TKIMMINGS, IIINDINGS, by tho dozen or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ar. Having had a largo experience In tho drug busi ness, I would respectfully Invite those wishing anything In that lino to call nnd see my stock bo fore purchasing elsewhere. "In medicines quality is of tho tlrst iniportauce.M JOHN II. MOYEIt. JOYAL & ItOYElt, Successors to OILUEItT, KOYAL Jt CO. WHOLESALE DUCGGISTl, Importers and Denlets In DIIUOS, JIEDICINE-l, SPICE.-, PAINTS, OILS, OI.ASS, DYE STUFFS, Ac, Nos. 303 nnd 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1S20. JOHN 11EAKIUT A CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and Dealers 111 CIIMIICAIJ5, MEDICINF-S, PATENT MEDI CINES, SI'ICIM, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VAKNISHES, DYES, Ac, 4C- Southeast corner of Third and CiillowhiU Sts., Philadelphia. JSTA15LIS1IE1 1S29. G. W. CARPENTER, HENSZEY A CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 737 Market Stiect, ono door below Eighth, Philadelphia. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, DYES, nnd every other article pertaining to the business, of the best quality, nnd at lowest market rates. GROCERIES, &c G' 1.001) NEWS FOU EVEItYUODY Owing to the lato fall In gold, KniRAlM W. ELWELL hns reduced his prices to suit all buyers, either nt wholesale or retail. If you want SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, SPICES, CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, WOO DEN WARE, FISH, DEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ac. Ac, give m n call. EPIIRAM W. ELWELL JOHN STItOUP & CO., Successors to Htroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No.StNorth Wliuvei, an t 2 North Wator St., Philadelphia. JENNEDY, STAIItS &. CO., WHOLESALE FISH DEALERS, Nos. 1 and 132 North Wharves, Philadelphia. yrEAVEE i S Pit ANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, New. 2i5 and 237 Arch Street, Philadelphia. gCIIELL, BERGEIt & CO., ULL.NEHAL, COJIMISSJION MERCHANTS Dealers 111 riflll, HALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. 132 and 121 North Wharves, abovo Arch St, Philadelphia. Sola agents for Wilcox's Wheel Greaco, In bar rels, keg, and cans. E '"JR'l'A m.lm.'n itii!1 JORDAN A ER0THER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, and Dealers In SALTPETltE AND IJRIM3T0NE, No 205 North Third Street, Hillade!4ila. QOTTltELL & AYItES, holcsale Dealers In FISH, CHEESE, Ac, Aa, No. 103 North Wliarvcs, second door abovo Arch Streot Philadelphia, JJ V. PETEIOIAN, with LI 1TINCOTT A TROTTER. WHOLESALE GROCERY, ' No. 21 North Water Street, and No. 20 North Delawaro Avcnno, Philadelphia. "1 D. ItOlIHINS & CO.. IRON MERCHANTS, NfthMit corner of Second and Vln (Street, Phlladelrhli, DRY GOODS. H UIUtAlI I'Oll CATAWJSSAI THIS WAY FOU CA110 AINS. Gooils lo comparo with stringency of tlio money market. I.ook and compnro prices boforo pur chasing elsnwlicre. Just call at tho favorite busi ness stand of Mi'NINCH A SIIU.MAN, nnd you will be met by the obliging proprietor nr thelrclcrks.ntid shown through their great variety storo frcoof charge, of course, They will give yen n fair chanco to spend your loose change, they trust much moro profitably than It can bo spent elscwhci e. Their STOCK OF DRY O00D.S I III Spring Is much larger lu nil Its varieties than usual, Their INDIES' DRESS GOODS nro of tho nicest styles In market. They hn e a lino assortment of HATS. CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, SUMMER CLOTHS, CASSIXE'lt, CASSIMEKE, AND VESTINOS, nnd numerous art Icles common to such establish, mcuts, licsldcs n general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, QUEENSWARE, AND GROCERIIX, nil nt grently reduced prices. They wish to con. dut their business on tlio system of " PAY AS YOU GO," nnd they think they enn afford to sell very cheap They return their thank. for many past favors, and ask the future patronage of their former cus tomers nnd the public generally. MoNINCH A SIIU.MAN. ItaiBKUSTEH &. lillOTIIEIt, Importers ami Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, H00V SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWINO SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, SOAPS, PERrUMEEY. FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Mauufactuier of 11UUSIIIS AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, 11ROOMS, ROPES, TWINES, Ac No. 300 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia s. L. BETTLE, with RUSH, 11UNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. W North Third Street, Philadelphia. jyj M. MAItPLE, NOTIONS. HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, No. M North Third Street, rhllndelphia. J. LESTER, Wliolcsalo nnd Retnll Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Ac, No. 29 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. JAltCIlOFT & CO., importers ami jobbers or STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDUEWS, WILKIN'S & CO., ijeaiers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY OOODf), No. 501 Market Street, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, juanuiuciurer or nnd Wholesale Denier In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, No. 11 North Third Street, Philadelphia. ATSON & JANNEY, Importers nnd Jobbers of BILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. 323 Market Street, Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. QUlt STAHCH GLOSS Is the only article used by FIRST-CLASS HOTELS, LAUNDRIES, AND 'I'HUCMANDS OF FAMILIES, It clve a beautiful llollsh.ninUIni' the iron nnu 111.,1 ,11, ... II IIIU Vltllll, oil, -in.cn IlMnilll laoor. eioodsiiuue up Willi ll Keep clean much longer, eonseuqently will nut wear out so soon. IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKE NEW. OUU IMPERIAL 11LUE IS THE BUST IN THE WORLD, ji is sniuim in nam us wen a boii water, II I i. hi 11,1,11 ii,v ni,t-i,iii-ni,-nit, unit II1UB, CUIlVWUieUI iorm of any otlered to the public. IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CLOTHES. Agent wanted cvervwhrrc. to whom w ,.ir..r extraordinary Inducements, Address NEW YORK STARCH 0 LOSS CO., fep22-m-no ls Fulton Mieit.Ntw York. JOWE, ICUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealer In COTl'ON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, RATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'G GLASSIW, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, TABLE, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 530 Market Street, south side, Philadelphia. MEADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SClIf1(ll,.Tho I'nll leim began hentei... . . !" '"'"'ty of Instruction consists of tour resident ami foui- nmi..t.i.1,1 ....... tutor. Tlni objei i 1 to educate voung men Mr thu christian Ministry. There f a pieparatnrv i iiis nir uiosii wi.u nave not rewicd n e-eillegliito edueatloii. tine hun.lr.-d and sixty dollars a year siiuiln siiecinl cases, The tuHiou, uo of Library aim tcjit.bo.Ah , arei free lu all. 'Ihe (school was founded bj--the I'nltni Inn -,nd clirlstlan ilenoii i. nations, but I open to all who b.-llevii lu the ill- .vppimuioii may be mado to Rev. A. A. Liver moie, Pun dent of tlio Board of Distinction, MiT.ilvlllc, Pa. noW7-lv .T,M,VI,t,f? lP. S I0 VK CLEAN. , ffiiuHi-iimi i. ji-uri, nu oniv muni article lor instantly cleaning Kid Gloves, f hi" fS.',1,w!Vi''.V!!.tl1 iV'i"". "I'!"' Illu '"'' wo" imniedliitely, H Inodoroui. lino Isittlo will rrssr lork. nm'lhi ' SEWING MACHINES. rpiIE FLORENCE SEWING-MACHINES ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. Salesrooms, CIO Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. While a largo number of Machines have been ollcreil to the public, somo of lilt.1i posies points of cxecllctice and nvknowledgcd merit, o liavo long rclt what others have experienced, tho ne cessity of a Machine more peifect In Us mcchaul cal structure, combining In tho HIGHEST DEGREE SIMPLICITY WITH DURABILITY, and while capablo of doing n GREATER RANCH! OF WORK, one that could bo easily understood and compre hended by all, To supply n Sewliig-Maelilnc free from tho ob JectlonnttnclH'd toothers lias been uneasy tasks for wo not only had to surpass oilier Machines, ns they appeared yenrs ago, but also as Improved from time to time by moro recent experience. This we boldly claim ha been accomplished by tlio llliernl expenilltuio of capital. nnd the pa tient, untiring labor of ycarj nnd In presenting our Mnchlno to the public, wo shall mnke strong ns'-crtluns respecting II merits, which wo nro prepared to subslnntlate In every particular. Discarding the Chain and Loop, or Knit stitches, we adopted tho LOCK STITCH (alike on both side of tho fabric), which Is re. gamed by the masse ns best suited to nil kind of work. But to meet objection sometime urged ngilnst till favorite slltch, wo have added Ihe Knot, Double Lock, nnd Doublo Knot, either of which 1 STRONGER AND MORE ELASTIC than tho Lock; thu enabling tho operator to select n stitch PERFECTLY SUITED seam much stronger than It is posstblo to do by hand. THE FLORENCE TOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES with n much eno ns ordinary Machines make ono. nnd with as Utile iruchlncry. Tho result of repented tests ha been all we could desire, and from It first Introduction the Florence lm gained hosts of friends, and becu regarded ns a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY; proving that Ihe public fully appreciate tho many ndvautng combined In tho Florenco Machine. Over all others, tho Florence must bo seen to bo fully nppreclatcd. We claim tor the FLORENCE the following ADVANTAGES overnny nnd all HEWINO-MACHINES IN THE WORLD: 3-It makes four different stitches, tho lock, Knot, double-lock, nnd double-knot, oi ono nnd the same machine. Each stitch being alike on both bides of tho fabrle. Every Mneiilno has the reversible feed mo tion, which cnaUes tho operator, by simply turn lug n thumb-screw, to have the work run either to the right or left, to stay any part of the seam, or lastcn tho ends of scams, without turning tho fabric. .13 Changing tho length nf stitch, and from one kind of stitch to another, can readily be done while tho Machine Is in motion. 3- The nrcdlo Is easily adjusted, nnd docs not skip stitches. 6"2r It 1 nlmost noiseless, nnd oan bo used M hei c quiet Is necessary. ii-Its motions nre nil positive! there are no springs to get out of order, nnd its simplicity eu nbltss any ono to operate It. S It doe not require finer thread on the under than for the upper side, nnd will sew across tho heaviest seam, or from one to more thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break ing thread, or skipping studies. if The Ilcmmer is easily adjusted, nnd will turn any width of hem desired. O-No other Machine, will do so or at'n range or worn a tho I- loreuco. It will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, onllt. and gather and sew on a ruflle at the same time. 1 1 has no springs to get out of order, and will last u lifetime. -It Is fully protected anil licensed by Ella Hoe, Ji., and our own Later Patent. Tho fflklnt- tin nf tbe klnr.lj.tlirA'i.l U unl " - -". - formed liv th( Irrrt.nlfii n,lr.Titln rt n ..-lm or uncertain operation or springs. The precision nnd r.ccurncv u ith wlili-h itm I'lr.r,,.. .iP.i...u ,t... thread Into the cloth Is unapproached ny nny ouwiii,'-.iacumo hitherto ouerud In the world. We furnish each Machine with " Barnnm'a Self- Sewer," which guides thework itself, and is of In calculable value, especially to iuexptile-iicc oper ators. While nossessln? thn nWn nml ... n... advantages, the Florence Is sold at corresponding price with other tint-class -Machines, and a care- ,u I'.iiimiiiiuiuii win limy suustantlateall that we have claimed for It, and Justirytha assertion we now make, that It Is tho best Kini-hi!..M,.i,tnn In the world. Wo warnant every Machine tn bo nil that we claim for It, and to give entire satisfaction, nml vui Kivie wimcu warranty, ir requited. Liberal arrangements made with those who hnv to tell again. Fin titer information mav lie lm.i by Inclosing (.tamps to the lie-ne-ral Olllcaof tho i lorence sewlng-llaclilno Company.CIO Chestnut Strict, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. PRICES OF MACHINES. No. 1, Plain. This Machine make the lock nnaitnoistitches,andhastheieverlblcfeed...503 No. 2, Florence, Gold-oru.llncntcd Machine, wiui iniwer, nnu iignt cover, without locks makes all the four stitches, nnd hns tlio re versible feed No. 3. Silver-plated Machine, ornamcntes! ; iiiinouii.iiuisiieu walnut, with heavy half case, lock and drawer; makes all tho four stitches, and has the rnvt-rlbl, i r.....l aj, No. l.-Wlver-plattd .Machine, highly oriial inciiu-ei, mm manes all tho four sjltehes, and ha tho teverslblo feed. Polished mahogany table Polished Rosewood Thhl.. No. 5. Walnut table, in oil Mahogany table, in oil Rosewood table. In nil No. cl.-Walnut, oil nnlslied.....!!!!!!!!!'.','.'.".'.'"'" .-untuuaiiy lauio Rosewood table O, O, EVANS, General Agent, WO Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. EiIiIvVSnUTLKSKWNa-MA- .1 J ( rIlM't nro MihHJrlnr tnnll nt). f-.- i- a Mil a Avn hi vim. ;-:.:.::,;:.'.".!"!" r. H.fV, , ,,, ''"Itl PUIII-OSES noiseless d ,n iiieVnmd Xym 'Ski "rU "1H Cly emi dintViiowe;.: ,'.co'len,S!la,!e:, iy 610Rr,!w'a,;...,. gT. CHARLES HOTEL, " ON THE EUROPE.VN PLAN, Nos. CO, 02, si, and CO North Third streets, between Market nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia. OHASLES KLECKNF.II, Hnfr. DRY GOODS, &c. G HAND OPENING ... . UIIAM) Ul'I.l.iCl GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER OOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER OOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of eonststlng of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, D GOODS, 1) ' GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAl-S, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPJ, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHiriO, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASS E.1. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, QUHENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE. HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, UN WARE, BAI.T, HALT, HALT, SALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, FITU, FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, ait.VIN AND SEEDS, AO. Ao., McKEI.VY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY; NEAL McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S, co.'.s, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwest corner of Main mid Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market streets, Northwest corner of Mnln nn,l M.,rt..., ... Northwest come r nf .Mnln and Murket streels) Northwest co rner of Malu and .Market Streets, BLOOMsnURG, PA., BI.OOMSIHIRO, PA. BLOOMSUUIUI, PA., BLOO.'ISUURG, PA., BLOOMSUUUO, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAlI.-il ente,'lU'IB,mM '" Rl rB""-t M',alwny tit&Xtf ROADS. T) EADIN'O ltILIlOAI). JLV SUMJIEIt A'MtANfJEMENT. April Si, isim. Orent Trunk Line front the North nnd Northwest for l'hllndiliilila, Itew.Ynik, Rending, Poltsvlll. Tniniuiu.i, Aslilanel, Lbaniin, Allcntowti, Eastou ' Triiln lenve llnrrlslrtrg for New York ns ft,i. lowst At it, 7: 10, nnd t':0 .M.,and 2 and e:2i)r.jt connecting with similar train nn tlio Pcnnsy). vnnifl Rnllrnnd, nnd nrrlvlfi nt New Yorkntftto nnd inA.M.,niidil:liinnd ID.'Vii'.st, Bleeping Cars ncesimpany thc3 a.m. and II. -V p.m. trains, without I tin i Ilarrlslittrg for llendlnit, Potlsvllle, Tnina. qua, M hiors v-lllc, Ashlnml, Pine f)rn e.AIIcntown. nnd Philadelphia lit 7: W A.M., nl.'d 2 n tut ll:2il p.m stopping nt Lebanon nml princlp.-tl WnySlntlons. t lie 112" l'.sr, trnlu tnnking no close connect Intisfor Pollsvllleor Plillnilelphla. For I'ottfrfllle, Sclnln kill Haven, and Auburn, via Schuj Iklll and St'ij. tiiii'hnnim Ilnllrnad, leae Ilnrrlsbuigrll I It, i-,m. Reluming, lenve New York nt 0 AM., 12 m nnd' P:Hi p.m. s I 'lillnilelphla at 8 A.M. nnd a.:tn p.m. Pot t.' vlllo nt K'M A.M. and an p.m.; Ashland nt 6 and 11:11 AM., nnd liMl'.n, Tninmiun nt 0:13 A.M. Ana' 1 and ni.m r.M. Ij iiM- Potlsvllle for Hnrrlsburg, via Sclmjikll; and KuiUi'hnnna Railroad, at 7 a.m. Heading Arenmislntlnii Train leave Reading at 0 A.M., retiunlng Irom Philadelphia nlo t'.M, Columbia Italirrmd Trntns lento Rending nt fl:20 nnd 0:11 p.m. lor Epliniln, Lltlz, I'oliiinbln, Ac., Ac. onsundn.eslcaeoNiiw York at Ki'M p.m. ; Pbiin. delphln nt n A.M.lind&li t'.M., the 8a.m. train run nlngonly to Rending; PottsMllent N a.m.; Tama iiuaat7:'l'i a.m.; Ilnri lsliuri:ntH:0.'iA.M.; mid llenil. Ing nt 1:10 a.m. fur Ilurrlsburg .anil K':-2 A,M. fok New York, and kil p.m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, Excursion, and School Tickets nt reduced rutcs to and from all points, Bnggnge checked through. Eighty pounds ol baggage allow ed each pnssenger, II. A. NICOLLS, Gen.Suph. Heading, Pa., Aptll SI, I'M. "VTORTIIERN CENTRAL RAIL- IS WAY. DIRECT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTIL Through between Baltimore nml Rochester WITHOUT CHANGE OF CAR On nnd n Tier November 10, lsiiil, trains will leavo ns follows! NORTHWARD.. BUFFALO EXPRESS leave Baltimore 1M dally; Philadelphia S:I0 P.M, ; Harrlsliurg2:(ii A.M ilellicrlng passengers nt Norlhuitiberlaud -I:u3 A.M., for tmin nn I jn-kaw-ann.-i nnd Blooiusbnrg Itiillroad, lenvingnt 7 A.M.. nrrlvlng In Danvilla 7:l A.M., lllisiuisburg 8:2- A:M., Kingston W:H A.M., scrautou 12 noon, -MAIL leaves llnltlinorii 0:li A,5I., dally (except Suiidnvs); 1-lillndeliihla 11:.VI A.M.; Hnrrlshurg Ifji P.M., delivering passengers nt Nmthumher land lor train on I.acknwnnna and Illoomsburg Italtro.id, leaving nt t::2i P. 31., roeeeiling liorttj and nrrielnglu Wllllamnt nt Bill P.M, l'ASl' I, INI! lease Baltimore dully (except Sun days), l-Mo P.M. ; Philadelphia U:.V) P.M. Harris burahl'i l':M.; Nortliumberlando:II P.M.: passen gers by till train remain overnight nt Northum berland leaving the following morning ut 7 A. M arilMug InScriiiitou 12 M. SOUTHWARD. EXPRI!SS TRAIN lenves Northumberland UM P.M., chilly (except Sundae si. lecelvlng passengers leiiMug scranloiint l:l) P.M,; Plltston &S) lV.M,! Kiiigsion 0 P.M.; Illoomsburg s:07 P.M.; arriving lu I'hllnilelphla 7 A.M. ; Ilarrlsliurg 2:.m A.M.: Italtlmore 7 A. M., Washington 10:20 A. M, MAIL TRAIN have Norlhlimlieiland 10:11 A.M., dally (except Sundays), receleing passcn gels letielng Scianton .r,:.V) A.M.; Plttstou 6:20 A.M.; Kingston ibVi A.M.; Bloomsburgs:U7 A.M. Danville 0:il A.M.: and nrrlvlng In Hnrrlsburg l:l-iP..M.; Plilladelphlii.'iiMP.M.; Baltimore BF.MT lly this route trelght fiom lUlllnto, Suspension Brltlgc, lloc-hi'.stcr, and Cauandiigua, or any Inter medl.ilo point on tlio New York Central eau bo shipped tlilougli, when In lull enr loads, to any IHilutou the Laekaeennna nnd Illoomsburg Rail, road, without lireakilig bulks. Rules of height nnd passengers fare as low as by nny other route. .1. N. HullAIlRY, E.S.YOUNG, Gen'l Sttp't, Ilarrlsliurg, Pa. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Baltimore. ISAAC M.SCIIOEMEItllORN, Gcn'l Western Freight Agent, Bulliila. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE X RAILROAD-Thls great linn traverses tho nort lie-in nud northwest count les of lVuusyivnnia to the city of Erie, or Iil:o Erie, It has been leased nml iKiiprrntcd by tlio PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. nine oi i .iM-eiigci- irnin-t in .soi iiiumneriaiul : Lkavi: Eastw-auii. Erie Mail Tialn. 1 1:2.1 p.m.; 'rln Express Tialn, 3Si A.M.; Elmlra Mall Train, 0:2.1a.m. I- 10: I.kavi: wi.sxw'Ann. Erie Mall Train, fl a.m.; Erie Express Train, 7:11 rjf.f Elmlra Jlull Train, l::!'i P.M. Passenger cars run through on tlio File Mall and Express 'i'rains without chango both ways bu-twee-n Philadelphia anil Erie. Ni:w Yoiik CoNNix-noN, Leae'o New York atl a.m., arrive at Erie at I'MiA.M.; LeaeoErloat l:.Vi f.M.,arrlve at New York at .1:10 p.m. Elegant sleeping cms on all night trains. For information respecting passenger business apply at tho coiner or Thirtieth and Market Sheet'., Philadelphia; and for freight business of the Company's agent. S. II. Kingston ,.Ir.,eornerof Tevelfthnnd Market Stiect, Philadelphia: .1. W. Reynolds, Erie; Wil liam Brow n, Agent N.C.R.lt., Baltimore. II. II. HOUSTON, General Freight Acent, Philadelphia. II. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia, A. L TYLER, General Snpcrlntcaelent, llliamsport. March 22, lsui. L ACKA WANNA ANJD ULOOMS- Bl'ltfl RAILROAD. tin anil nrter March II, IsM, Passenger Trains will run as follous: SouriiWAiMi. Iave Pcranton at 1:10 p.. and 5:.VI a.m.; Kingston at ilp.M. niulKViA.M.; HI, mi lium nt n:2u p.m. nud l':2u a.m. Arrive ul Northum berland lit I):.jD P.M. and lli:.li A.M. Niiim.iti.Le.iu Northumberland at7A.K. and .'i p.m.; lllnnmshurg nt h:S",.v., nnd il:2S p.m. scianloiint 11:0.1 a. M.nnd 0 p.m. Arrive at Scran ton at 12:10 a.m. nml 10:13 p.m. Klnrston, March li. m"' A r0NDA' Sult- n A T A W I SiS A 1 ( AT 1 .1 ( n A n .V,lVnrSt,'n.nr,W1,,lMM (iot.vo SofTir.-rhllailclphla Mail at 11 a.m.: New ork Express at 1 p.m. ' GEORGE WERT), Burt. 0 JINIRUS LINE. The undersigned would respectfully announce to lliocitimis of Illoomsburg nnd tho publlo geno rally that ho Is running nn OMNIBUS LINE between this plnconml tlio different railroad do potsdally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South nnd West on the Cetu wissa and Wllll.imsport Railroad, nnd with thoso going Ninth and South on tho Lackawanna and Illoomsburg Railroad, Ills Oinlbusi.cs are In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charges rcasonablo. Poisons wishing to meet or sco their friends do part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notice nt nny of tho hotels. JACOB. L OIRTON, Proprietor. riHIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE .L, AND FORK. Wn tho un,h .-signed cltlrens ... .............. ...,,,,, nminvTl IIIU ITllll 1)1 UIIV folks mi tho fai ni of Mr. Puisel, lu Henilin.lc l owiishlp, on Monday, May 7, lsoi, between tlu SLIH ItVwlu. EsV MiliiNEltACrra lung, Pa., and the Ruiulel's Patent Hay Hook. I lie Amerlnin Fork lifted more hav lu nnu lau'jhl tlian the Rundcl in three. Wo aro sails- III' 1 1 II U-ll I ttll.'i. nu ..in. .Ii I I l.n - "... ... ......it ,ni, iiiiij in,; iiiiim ui nu pood horses can ilrnw. We also saw It cutting hay, nnd think It cannot bo bent as a hay knife, and i liecrfullv recommend It as tho best hay fork and knlm we have I'verscen. I-. JIIJTFNIIl.NliKll, im. v, C. IlAlllUSOS, ). B. Knox, John Do K, John Di:ikiik k, Damkl Notkr, II. Iii(ji.i:mii.i.i:ii, Hw,vimifii PuiLskl, MiniAi:i, Ilm.i.i.it John Woi.r. iiicj-uisoumuumciure tlio ivlebrated Buckevo Reaper und Slower, iilnl nlltt.r ,irl.,,l,,.i..il I ..,(... ments, " H. WALTER, iJito Walter A Kaub, Importer and Denier lu CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE, No, Sll North Third bti cut, between lkiconud Vln Philadelphia. JgENJAJIIN GREEN, Dealer In CAHPETINGS, WINDOW SHADES, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ae., No. SI North Second Street, Philadelphia, Q. W. I1LABON et CO., Manufacturers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warolioue, No. 121 North Third Street, Phlladolplil.i. J H. LONOSTRETH, PAPER-HANGING WAIIEIICUSU, No. 12 North Third Slruvt, llillnd-UhU, ni