W.LU.'fJU1 1U.L.I.J THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1867. nam uloomsruro, penna., jan. , k, William L. Mad dock and Co. dcnlcra In lino groceries, No. 115 South Third Street (onposlto tho aim rdlianlO PJillndelphlix. Foil tlio prospectus, terms ofsubscrlii tlon, rntert of advertising, nnd other mutters relating to thig paper, seo first column of the llrst page. Our thanks arc duo to tlio Hon. Jut. McIIcnry, Hon. Thomas Chalfant, and Hon a. D. Jackson, for Legislative fa vors. Wo sliall preserve the "Record" for future reference. Avi'oimtmcxt. On tho fifteenth of Deecntbcr, Hcnjamln Ziuimermau was Appointed Post Master at llcaver Val ley, lu tills county, in placo of J. 11am bcrger who had resigned and gone West. Somh of our town Subscribers havo not directed how they desiro their papers delivered, whether by tho carrier, or loft at tho FostOfllco or at the Printing Office. If they will indicate to us where they would prefer to get them wo will do our best to accommodate tlicm. The Democrats of Illinois propose to raise ?25O,000,00 for the purpose of establishing n reliable newspaper in Chicago, to take the place of tlic Chicago Times. It will bo remembered that the Times, greatly to the delight of tho rail leal papers, camo out for negro suffrage, Van Camp Lodou I. O. of O. F. of this place, celebrated their twenty-first anniversary on last Monday. A largo delegation from Calumet Lodgoof Dan ville, participated, and other visitors were present from neighboring lodges, Though tlio Hall was crowded, there was an abundance of good tilings and to eparo. Speeches wcro made, and unl vernal good feeling prevailed. Van Camp is in a flourishing condition, and wo are pleased to know that the Order la doing much good. Wn offer to our readers to-day, tho flint of a scries of papers on the undo vclopcd resoureca of Columbia county, nnd on tho feasablo railroad routes which capitalists arc examining for the purpose of marketing the Iron ore, coal and lumber which abound on the north These papers aro prepared by a gentle' man who has a thorough personal and practical knowledge of the region ; who has bivouacked for weeks amongst its mountain fastnesses with pick and shovel j to whom its glens, ravines am hill-sides aro Atmiliar ; who has inveig' led tlio trout from tho limpid stream and hunted the red deer through its tangled wilds. The IIouso yesterday concurred witl tho Senate in passing the District Suf- irago nut over tno rresiuent's veto Yeas 113 : Nays .13. We thank the ma loritv for their fldelitynnd courasre. Af ter this, we trust It will bo nowhere denied that the Hepuullcansnrc lor Im partial buurage, jsortn, outn, nnu ov crywhere. A. Y. Tribune, Jan. 'Mi. Wo copy tlio above paragraph from tho leading radical paper, for solo pur pose of showing the people here, that tlio policy of tho majority is Xegro titif- rage, sugar coated with tlio word Im partial. Faugh 1 Trie defeat of Thad. Stevens for U, 8. Senator, is highly satisfactory, and If wo could boliove that it was in con sequence of his bad personal and pollti cal character, wo would regard it as hopeful indication. Dut tlio truth mu bo told: it was not that tho Radical liked Mr. Stevens and his principles leas, but because they liked Cien. Cam eron more. Titr. Tlririicals of tho Kunin Oiiicrcss have started a prayer meeting. It is not stated whether they worship Ilrah ma, Boodh, or one of tlio African Gods l'robauiy tne tatter. uoumwian. If such attacks are not blasphemou they aro at least an insult to the religious sentiment of tho age. So long as the leaders of tho modern Democracy thus sneer at wuat Is sacred is it any womie that as a party they f-hould dwindl nnd die? sCoiiimbia Co. ll?publiean. As a commentary on tho ubovo piou paragraph, wo call attention to fo (I following commendation in tho CWii liia Couuti JiVy)6Wcai of December tilth of a new Magazine : "Tin: Uatiicai,. Wo call attention to tho Prospectus of this new .Magazine ndvortised in this Kuo. wo eoiiimenu it to all who aro not too clo-ely wedded to their own opinions to tolerate free dom or inquiry aim earnest uisciis-iuii. Tho following is from a lato numbe of the above Magazine so lauded by on radical neighbor. " Wo must clear the ground and lay our foundations deep. Wo had bette como to the work nt once as a body of men who mean to do soiiutiin;;. W must undermine tho works of tho cue my. Tlio first work is for sappers and niincrs. Let us get our powder of lact nnd argument beneath tho walls of yon der citadel. Tear that down, tlio battle is won. Hut what is tlio citadel? Tho Ulble. lludicallsm will never do much until It conies out boldly against this Dible-worshlp. It Is tho foundation of nil present religious superstition, bond sigo and cxcluslveness. It must hoover thrown. Tho Christian world mint bo shown that Its religion is no more super natural, Its Christ no more an anomaly, than arc any of the religionists and re formers of tho great world of man. God Is no moro lu the Old or New Testament than lie Is in Cornell's Geography.' JllnrUet lllliorl. i Wheat per bushel lly " (mm " I'liiur per Imrrel Cloverseeil. .,, Flaxseisl ,. Ilutter EgU" Tallow I'olutocH Dried Apples Pork ..' Haiti. Hldi nVd Hhoulilers ., iVl i-r pound ri..f s.r lori fi T.'i . 1 IS . in i ii IH , 2&I hi it is no TIII3 KALEIDOSCOPE : ,, , " A Hint, of lnny liro Jt micliuitlonu it. .a lia van concern.," .Vo. 3, .Tnlll.nl)' 18, 1SIIJ. most famous llimtcr ai'.d flapper, ait iiiiiusiiisi ill encore, prouiKOU-ly Willi nfltni. roll o.wl full ,.r 1 s. . w. ....v. ...,a v J.ll.ia illlll U.Y- I lolts. Tho landlady, to my astonish ment got up a splendid supper; and, hat Is more, maintained her reputation for getting Up good tiling (luring tllLMsof ndmlnlMrntion to Uip eMntc orilnnimh wholo of our stay : and. let mo tell you. pnnqMnrftir tnti.rlfi r tl..in ..! n.ni,ui vi uuiu im'iuuuo (JlU aim tllC (USiaUCO iroill r j i i i i i i , j, i Vllizsuion. this was u clrcinnstnncc or rinio tinnnrlniiPn During tlio night a rain set in, which continued throughout the next day. It was a dntnpcncr on us, but wo niado menus by listening to the over recur ring words, "bucks," "docs," "fawns," l it ( ...in it At i i. I uurc," iVC. Willi WHICH lllC miK 01 OUr . . , i mn tug compai.lons was overflowing. lielr conversation Informed 1110 that I as but half equipped for it hunting ex cursion, lucking a hatchet and knife, and some other Indlspensablcs. Jlorning camoagal n, this time clear . , , i . i.t u turn. ii. .uiviiiruL uiu uariy siurieil t with one ilnv'n rntlniw nn.l lili-li Mi.trlts. 1, O"" J 1 tflrni'(la 4ittKin llrlifrm W? r rttitii1 many fox and "rabbit "tracks, but such smau gamo was Deneain our notice, After traveling about two miles, 'Jake' mid his dog stopped, with orders, from headquarters to take up their lino of march and uuiko a drlvo In precisely 1 .i).. ii. . ...I......... it . iniii. iiiu nil I ill i us. i H 1 u II 1 1 .1 II 11IU I Ttrl.l.rn nnt- in,iii. .., , a iJtlligC C tOOK tO tllO left, OVer What IS men tno -pigeon patn," wnicii icaiis i .. -... i ...tit. t. uiohk u riuKu en uiuuvreu Willi iieecn. Tlio first "runway" was assigned to ,,, ,.,, ,it,i 1,,,,,.t,,,,i ,..,,.(., ,,i..vi v..i. ,i .-5i.-iii.iivi, itu.1115 .1 igilaut foe, feel tho impornncc of his position moro than 1 did mine. Iliad been told of tho wonderful faculty of mell possessed by deer, and therefore had eschewed onions at breakfast : and of their equally surprising nlceness of ear, and had been especially warned not to blow my nose. i .... i nfit. ....... uuu mi; uui.-i u.iiii in mu iniiiiiii was hiviril. I meked niv mm .nml Im . latiently waited for tho animal to meet ills "fate." Just lit that moment tho ,, , ... iiiuuui. Liu5suu iii jiiiuu uuu uiiuus u.i.l-lll.ius lll'ic UiUiyLluus, uuu niiiB ..nt , ......... .1 ..... 1 no tinio to inrowiip urcastwoiKs, or eaii , , . , , , , ,, ,,,, ,. in reinforcements. I concluded to "llirht it outon that line" alone. However, the dccrleftmo "iilono in my glory," until I was joined by "Jake," who ordered me 'to fall in and cover tho rear." I did so, and wo soon came upon "Sam's" . , i, , , i "rilllWay." He had Seen tho dog but 110 l,.ne 1 tn nl.,i A.ll In nml ivn iie.innixloil (H'Ol. JIC lllsO 1011 111, tllKl WO proceeded to tho "big beech," where wo found mother of our company, bllt VenlsOll i- I'll l 1.1 1 1 , scarce. We still Heard tlio Hound, and In tlio interval bang went a gun, and we knew from the direction, that "Old In en" hud shot, We rushed en masse and pell mell, to the place, and found him bent halfdou blc. liortr the irrounil. la'urinir Iio nml bhot lihnMjlf, wo nUcd what was the , , , ir i., i ...i i ,.. . matter. In a very excited manner lie cniil "Tlilt If "T hlf If IlifwlHir.V" 'XVhyadocobo.suro. Three of them stood broadside to me, about seventy i yards oil'. I fired and must have hit one. Look sharp for slyns of blood and hair." Of course immediate search was made, but after tracking the deer half a : .1 ti . i,i,,,,,i .....1 lum-'.uivi iumiuH uu .Tiyusui uiuwvi mm jjuir," vu ynvu up uiu ciuisu. and another and btillanothe weremailo in different places ways, but without hiicce.ss, and night comininon. with weary limbs nnd tie presH;U spirits we traveled Long land ward Arrlvlngthcro, wo found an additional party of eight or ten hunters. Durhi; the night a Might fall of snow gave us hopes that wo could ".-till hunt," hut it did not prove Millicont to keep the loaves from cracking, wo therefore determined to return to the old irrouiul : the new arrivals, witli "Old Charley" iw their "guide, philosopher and friend." takln an oppo.-lte direction The day was windy and bitter com On reaching my old runway, it was Ue cided that as it was an out of tho way nlace. and no deer had ever been known to run there, and probably nono ever would, lima uencr go to some oiner lwilnt Avm'fllmrli 1 W; tifwtl fl lin.'irl l-uit... j.v- . . t illl 0111 IR'L'LII, IIR'iail.V COVi;ri'l llll IllltllL'S, IlllllillS, tlllll lUltO-l, i-llOWIIl, III Ip'.st thi' istini'illoii III which tlio lilato V i , tIj.'u'''"1,m 1,1 LIIIUI llll, jnill. was hi' hi. 1 at oiico iiriK-cct k'd to uarvo my own llliti.lN, illtei'lllllllljr till) liroCi'SS i - .... , : , i i .i. oy tiiuii'iiiu' suvi-nu lion iiiiin in liui-iuot' tlio liayiiij,' of tliu hound, to kccii myself from rri'O.iii''. After wait- inir iili'ttit two lioui'-', anil t'Diii'liKlini? 1 luul linen forgotten h.itli hy tho dwr, tho (lofiaml tho company, I liotToivctl tin' soiiiui aniiroiU'iiiiiL' mo: nut tno cnao lmsscil at a fonsiilorablo ilistani'C tu my num. uuu i ini'i-dHiy noiiriuiio voice in "Ulil Ingi'ii" fiilliiiL' for ine; I linrrieil lUMiiul wo Kavo i-lmw Koliowiiifr oil lliroiiltii i)iiiiiiuii',i nnu iirtiiies lur iinuui three mile.--, wo eimio out at wiiat h called tlie" I lay Miuh," when no longer Iipurini' tlioiloL' nor sceinir any tracli. wo concluded tliat wo were out of the courBe. mid hetran to retrace ourstoiis I wa iKMilyexliatistcd when wo joined our vaity, who were baliiiiir in tlio lieams of ii vousiii'' lire, after havln iirndo a raid on tho iiuarterii)!i-ter'.s lie nartiiicnt. ".lake" suliseuiiently im j-nrtJil to me tlio nKjriavntliiR iiiformn tion that tliecau-o of tho lonj; delay wa-. tlio fact tiint lie had made two "drives" tlio llrst deer ruiiiilni; by tho spot 1 had abandoned as u-cIins. I w.n di-Kii.-tcd, thutlotr wasdlslieartened, nnd even "()iii iiiKen" could nothelpoxclaiiilnu' "iikIi." Tlio hunt for tlio day was abandoned I'non reac uiiL' t no note wo Jinn tno sat isfaction I for misery loves company) of fliidlnif thootlior party como in with no hotter luck than our own : if. indeed, wo except a laryo pui'cupiiio which tiiey cai.iureii. Tlio ffootl cheer of tlio hotel caused in to forget our trounios, aim tno ovenius WHS spoilt III lira. lllX and tcllilip; yarns. Upon considering tlio wholo cno, we oimi'luded Hint as wo had only conio out for fun, and had certainly, with all our trlhutation-, enjoyed the tlilnjr nutreiyi Hint wi would on thenextiiioi iiini' take our lino of inarch for civilization, unit relievo our anxious friends at homo. Wo did so, nnd here wunre, with tlio full determination, when tlio proper M'iwhi returns, to ourselves return to Long I'oml, tooiljoy tlio recreation, Jfimu Clieer, out in uuur, iree, eii-iu, uiiinn mountain air which relnvlirorato tlie body, dear tho iiilml. nnd itivo u man n .iv .rMnllfB. LEGAL NOTICES. PXKCUTOU'.S NOTICH ESTATE jill..aHtn. aj or i DAVID Mix, DF.rr.Asr.ii.-I.ctte 1 111 111 1 11 TV I ill Hill nslllti, nf tVifl.l , !.(.. I I cut township, Columbia county, pa!, have been Cl-fUltfrl 111- tlin l!i.lBti.r r.r f '..r,..nt.ln I 'j'".yi1 l nx ,n"l P''tcr Yocum. All persons having "'in. ' scmcinc..., una thoso indebted lo tho :.. . ." ." ,,m"c "''l-io -P? .-.SCf" 1!!" Willi- mil lll'lll . J. 1,111 II ll., peter yoci'.m, Executors. January 18, lw-fiw. ltlNISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- ic casV ' . t , ys "'""'"; Mi'i'ibln rouiity. to WYIIInLrtrm Iljiitmnii nmt ClmrhMA Morrr. Who rrMi.t 111 llionnia.nr. In ..i i ii' . . . : ... . v "V ; . lvr,""w ihivhiu cinimi or up 1 (iiipitid to nmici) thpin kiumn tn tim n.ittih.i.fi... n itiiiuticmy,nnl nil iwifluiti indebted nro lnilltit(Inil tit tilnl.-n linvtiiniit W'l i 1 t VitT W IT tin t 4 f'llAIIf.I'M A MllVI'lt lUoonisburrf,.tiin, I,l!l7-(iw. ' Admr'B, A UDITOU'S NOTICIC.-KSTATK XVoKMirilAKl. ItKii'iii.i.mit-t-.it. i.athhv lir nnM Towstiiii' ilor.rMiirA i-oi'ntv. nr--Aviv ti tindcrsUned inmolntpd Auditor, by tho urnhnn'ii fa LOUrt Of tlio (JoillltV of (Vi limit H. tn Hi'MUi uinl n.lluvt tho rntr nnd nrnt.rth,i w ,.V i hm nfi i, r it it i inliiiinn i. v.. i -. T i iMc?!? orilcr ctnlillheil hy law, herchy kIics noilcc, lo ilullcH of hlH apiiotntnieiit, at the, oilleii of tho ltccoriler or 1 leeils, In llluoiunhurir. In nalil county, oiiSaturilay, tho tHcnty-slxlh "fay or Jiiuuarv i,,.,u,,ii,Mi-i.,iiuii Mm uncoil ui .ui. A. 1).. 1H7. ut ti n o'clock A. M.. of snhl ilnv. All rtenuiiw tuivlnii cl.ums or ucmnt.il.H nKUlnst tho i"tnto of tin. tlcccile.it nro reiiuciti'tl to.lircsc.it 1'icni in iiic .inuior. or nc lorcver .icun.rcil irom cumiuif in lor u iioruon .ir me unlit luiul. , ....-"i'i-f-0- Auditor. IHI)1IIMIU1C, .lilll. 1, lllll, Euxtawr illlll,V ..nllll KiltlttfV, IVriiyU,ii,l,f f,li.i.. M Knnkcy: Mnry Ann sunkrv, Intcnnnrrleil will. Allfllli W'nlr, T.v,l,l Unlilmt' I ut ,t-tn,i tr!,l ..-111, Ji.im.fl. KrlU; 'smimlichiWil! anil .MnryCnth- urine uci",!i:iru ; ine mi inn miinco nrelil.llors or l'ollvSuiikcv, lute rollvltelsharcl.tleccn.eil.licln nmt lcK.il .c.ircfcntutlvci of John sniikev,srilc- eeiiscil. You nni heicliy clteil lo he inul ripppur ' s :.1 1 .v," ::"." "'"."" .mil ll" voui I lo ttf ne ui hi iiiooiiisuuril, ... hi. H. I count v, I he llrnt jiouiliiy or Fpiiranr.v licit, the.. inul thereto accept or icfUM-tolaketholenl en. " V... .i .... 1... i... .'..i. i ...v.. j. .'.-::...'. ,,"!"',,,;"';,"'" ," V nothei - oiii. wiincss.ne uoaomnic M iinaiil lilwell.rreslilent in t nr sat. .;onri, ui luooinsimnr, theilxth uay .11.1, l..ll,I..MA, i.icricu.L. Illooniilmrg, Deccniher 2i, WHI. WIDOW'S APP11A1SHMKNT.-NO- i tut: or coni'iusiationtih. roiiou-im nppraSc.iici.tMof .cal anil personal propcty t,ct npiut to Willows of ilcccilciits, liiim hcci lllcil In ice in ue oi i ne lieu Nicr oi ni i id ii coniiii'. ti i. ilcr the Uules or Ouu t, ntul will he prcsent'ei! lor Wminfshay, Tlin HtxTit Day or Krniiv uv, A. D., Ini7, at twoo'cliick hi thiniteruoou ofM.ld u.iv, unless exceptions in Mien conni niatioiis are I'tSV1. .'--" "J"J If "!lU'!'!1.11 l'-ons lulcie-lcd , ' widow of p.mici Mordan, of seott township. -'. Widow of John Frit, of Sug.irloaf township, deceased. " m-rrfi-i'ti u. W idow oi t lolworlhy Fisher, of Scott town Sll 1. IICCIIIM'II. ..Widow nm. V. ttnnvnn. of ir,.dkn soip.iiiii'iiseii, .i. W idowof Joseph Houghlon, of Pino shin, ileceaseil. ", c.1.,0 iow.,mi,p. i. alow of Abraham Hobblns, of ITslihigercck IOW lisilip, llt'CCUS'Sl. ,iwi.. u. 1-1U.1..U, iiegisier, llloomshurg, Jan. 1, 1N!7. 1? KGISTElt'S NOTICE. Notice, is .1 v HllllTiv oivn.v to all lciintees, ireilltors, nnd other persons Interested In the estates of the re- Siecll u till e.lilents unit minors, that the follow lilnlslr:il im and eiiuiillini iiiioi.nls l,nv been tiled Intheolllcoof the Register of I'olumblii I'oimti. nod will be oresenteil for cniitlriii'il Inn and iiflnwnnro ll. the Orphans' Court, lobe held 111 lllooiusburg, In theeounty iifniesald, on Wkii- USOl, IHliiSIAlll ll.U lll' ,' KIIU.J.XUY, IMlT, lit ii. u o eioi ii in mi' ill ii'i no on in sii in liny. 1. Apponnt of John Itfinor. irnnrrllnn nf .Tncnli w .ii.uu,, ii 1 1 1 n tr i ii i it i ui r-.miut-i .(i,iiiih, u o U. l- iixt nnd miiiluprountorr. t. a is. w. stwv pM-piitoiKof j:itiibulh It. Hull man, Into of llcr wit k. ilt-p'd. ;i. Ancount of l.lJiiH Mcndpnlinl . cnnniiaii of J. 1 . JvPtHlT, Illllior LIIIUI 111 .JUS. Jv. lYl'MA'l- I IPC 11. I. Account of l.Mnttta Kline, ndmlnMinmx of a Lowry kiiuc. into of unuiw township, deeM. Aepnutit of John Stnddon.KUiiidl.mot husun im Kniiiuon.oi uicoiuvnoa Towns i in. ii. ri'p(jiiii nml iiiifii iippfiiniL tti .iinnpi iipnrv nnd Andrew Crowding, expoutors of Archibald iit-nry, i m p oi uiiiiiKo lounmp, mp u. 7. Sppoihi nnd final n ceo nut of l't-tcr i:wliind ntni .loiin Jjvpinnii, niiininisiritiors or i'pteruc lnnd. Into of I Ishmtrrreelt towiislijp. dri- tl. h. Apfomit or w usiiinuton Atiain. tuiiniuKirn- torofTbomus Cinniulnu. Into of Locust town- si 11. dl'C'll. II. Account of Mlchnpl Lemon, exeputor of the last win niio ipsuunriu ih iirun j. I'caicr, iuio 01 in. Ai'connt of I I Aikiimn.'iiuardhin of tho p tiitoot Aiveriui .MPiithip, minor pmid urt.lc- Ilrlde. late of llcinlot lc Utw nsliln, ,, A.-emint ot John It. Mo nr. ndmliiKtrntor of (H'P U, Andrew . . 1 er. Inle ol spoil towns i n. i ce il. 1 1. Account of 'I homas Ilmbst. adinliiKtiMtor of niter Truwbildire. late of Centre township, de nased. l.. Appount of Jolin n. On pic. ndinlnlstrntorof Kilns IMcttcikk, lal of Montom township, due'd. Mm? ti. 1- iu.i..i;p icegiiur liinninsuiir, .juiniary , nu, pilAND .IUHOHS, FOH EEDRUA- ry ierin, in,,. llloom Caleb lt.irton,Malhlas A i.pleman, Charles ll, iieoiiicr. lle.ii'i'i' . .liiiiathaii llredliender. llenton William L,Cole,faniucl M'Henry, Jacob eiuvcr. Cimyiuzhaiii FicilcilcU R. Vnlforth. I iniiKuii .loiin .iiiiMii . iiiniiii.1. iieiiiier. llemlocli William Fisher, Thomas J. Ynnder- slice. Locust Isaac Erwlne. Main Ch ules t'l dier, .loin. G. Gen. hart. Madison Joseph Cm I el, John Mullser, Jit. l'leasi.nl llahrli l Fa erett. .Mimiu-t'hiistlnu Wolf. I lr:iiiiri Edward I li'Loll!;. ruin . u.riv i. iiiiiiioyer, i-.iijnu r uiiiucr, mourns .ii'to itie. Seott I'h.irles S. Fowler. rP-YiVrm w-' juitons i-'on feu- ilvVi-.i'irarips jiui l'...tilnn .fdM-lill lies lincl, Stciiliin Lehr. ,,r lV1-,..,.t.lr..i.. It iri.ti.ir . ; ,,,(..,-, mlla-Wllllam 11. llll.ebuld.rtob. e.l (iorrell. llloom I'nslerlelt ('. Eyer.Clail; M. Ilrown, San. nel .Ineoliv, William ll, Jioolis, Daniel Lee, VU . ',.' im, .,.,. Dri.ir C ek-llenry Doak, Filer Winner, Thorn us . M fi'. ,.,V,;lw.V1i-.lohn Reolt, William .Martin, JamesS. M'Mtli'lt. Meiuieii ii.uuy. Ci'iilic Jesse lllclcs, Jfsso Hoffman, Henry. Di I .ill (.in. nuh.im si l ester HolTman, Michael Crone, w'luiiun lIo:iLd.ii.d. Fishing i "ni I: Ellas, inmei man, Jeicmlnh Hess ThotiKis uiuniic.i,:u.i'ii, .ic..iniiei' ciamer, T'l mi 1:1 ill 'I'tiolil.is 1 lower. Uieenwoud Jolin Juhn-on, CUIeh F, Moore tlioin.is Ktvie. ii,.,,ii,it Ii.uiil .iguer, i.iiiiiuu i, j.yeiiy iiimm .iiieua.i. J Irnwluc, Nonli .Mouscr Mint In lieu. ami.. Yohe. Oiamje Adum Hul, J'hll Ylinllcw. I'lne l.uiller A. i.iriiian. it,.ni1n, I k Wlllliiiu Drlesliach. hujU' Allreil (.Tevelllig, justui i.iuy. rpniAl. I .L TERM. W.7. D1ST l'OH EEHHUAHV 1, Misan sih.nunn hy her next lilcuil Oeorgo i.eoini' 1 1 ii 1 1 no. ."" ....i,., n litiin lvlh.ii tit. Ji.tiii lsllne. J, Willi. mi L. Ijiiii e . . Thomas Crevellng,t(, nf. I, J.ll'OO 1 1111 1 IS I .. J'l'llT .iiii-oii. , .i. A. s. Haul i. Ilenj.iiuln Wlnterslcen. n .t.'iiliioilo nrr and wile t-ir. Win. Shalliless 7. l'.d. tinl Helliierm. the Locust Mountain Coal nml trim ('oriioa.il. S. J. P. llai lienlieiiiloi ihoiiscotM, ChamlH'rllii rt. Mais ii. linear. I), Jacob lliiuley u. Catawlssn Railroad C'om- lo. llci'i'iy F. N'uss ii. the llorottgli of Rerwlcl: 11, l' llllsl V I II., I . .losepil 1'11,'s. I. '. Ell .loin s i s. Miles (!. Alibi tt. I I, svlvester.l. I'mix Isaac White, II, Svilci.ler.1. Flint ... Isaac Willie, IV Wrluht lluahes r. IVIcr Miller. III. Jonathun.Knllilo n. Wilxlit lliichcs. 17. Ma.y E. (Irecli t. Roberts. Howell, f. nr. i. i,ui.s s.ti,itii'i i. Allien lli.rtniau. p.! Solomon Miumiiii i. William Imuenherser. :M. John . l.i'sclll'1' 11. reicm, llisnei. Si. John Jami son i. E. saves, ot. ni, !. John (I. ell l. Allreil Moojl. L'l. Woolcv .V Polio I I. John W. Lesehcr, '.'I, svlM ster J, Faux i. fsaan Whlli g ;!MryV Thomas .. ..11 f ali, 1 llAIinlllirlmi 27. Sylvester J. Faux 1 1. Willlurd C. Ureen'sAd is. Jacobs. Evansii. WIllnidC.OreeirsAdinr'K Sl. Z..V. 1'obblllS l-J. Albeit Illllllir, IM, James (i.iunoi. .-. Mlehael Cleam, et. al. 31. . I mo tula ,. Ii.ivls n. Ilnnham ll, Kase, 1 1. ........ I ( Hi...,.',, . I. .V .vtniieimiii. i-T I' w7l'nn'iibclt et al, iiA'Imon P, Kase, et nl. i,......,.. . . n,..,.,, 1' IHUir .: . i.lstrauser r.iie,irg;;:';irl.'kcr. ilti. .Slioud it Ilrown n A Crevtllng. j,,i,.u i.fr.n. knuniuKiuriiisrive ,nllu,t t,j t.therof tho uiiderslgncd.ou Hook xule.or Judgment, nro reiuesieu to luaun pay- n, wttiiout delay, if ihey would save cut. m'kti.vf.y. neaL .pp., and WILLIAM M'KGLVEV.SW. it i nl Account of M. A. Amiiierurm and Ilch.ud the ten percent, iitthpconllrnintlon nhsohito, and r "drive" T.pmou, ndiuinlstrntorsol 1'eUr I. IVnler, lato of the lemaluinj: thrpp-tourlhs m imp ypar thereat- itd nm i iiiiincrceii iuv niiip, .ni-u. Iter, Willi interest ino coniiriii-moii m. m. mo diui uiu" 1 1 Account of James K. liver. ndmlnKtrutorof ii....i nnd stfiitins to bo naid fur liv the nurehaser. LEGAL NOTICES. 1WTATK OF, FRKDE1UCK HUSH, I1.! llPlM'AMt'tl Tn .Wtnh i ttia. Tlin.nnsl lln It......-!.' IIm t,i,.r,,.n..,..,l !. l If Imnl I llciidcrshot.lmtliiirwhom nrolicllovoiltolHidcnd, ln.l..Hl....nlt.ll.n.liin Itilnri.inrrli..! wltli Umjaiiilii llrlnfct snrnh jless, Intermarried with .lonrnli Hpmi Murv Hess, lnlertnnriled with Oil- bert jIpmi ARnllrKN.AiniiiHlallt'ttfi.liitcrmiirrk'it Willi Abinlmm Kline: I rptlrrJck I Cm. Lucy Aim lien! Knrnh lien, nml Hen mid II piss. (Iio lust rocii being tho children of John II run, do- ...l nil !. n1.nvn tu.tno.l 1 Ua linlP. nf 1 n Us of ruderlek Her,deccnidi nnd twill other Per- sons iiitcrpKipii, Krpptms! !' !' !?' ?, , ,'.,"p"n Monduvnf rrlirunrv tipxt. then nnd thero tonp. oi.i.f nr't.-fnti. I., inkn tlin wnl vntntn at tlin iint.l -,-.-...... - - - -.- rpuiruu iipih . iipccnwi, niino ,i.lnUf.l fnl M- ntlon nut niiii.i it lir 1111 Itioiipnt dtifv nwjrded lv liiPHfiMi ('ouu. nnti reuiniPfi uy um nnrryi, or Mhmvi'iumo wliv tho unnin nlmuld not bo sold, WitneMi tlin Ilonornmo iiunni j-.iwpii. rrrsi dent of our until Court, nt Ilbwimlmrir. tlio thir teenth dny of ItpppmiKT, A. !.. WA lllooinMiurg, Jniumry i, 1hT-.5w, XKCUTOU'.S XOTICK. KSTATK of I)ANIi:ij W. 5IOXTCJOMi:UY,dpppnspd. pttprn tPKtiiiiipiiinrv on thp pfttmo oi lmuipi w. I1' ''"V" VVlYi " .V'Xl""UV. ilonliromery. lritoof Orntiizeviik'. Couuniiin L'oun is Mffii Kriii"" ") '"' vvLt'"lv' " vlu",v,J !,,,,to,i t present them for Ri'ttlcnirnt.aial those count will iiiakopoyme.it to the ,Hii ,i,.nv 1 ' i-KTUtl E ,ieci-ul (,,,, t tin. rstale cither no uotKoMiooi; ne ic Kxeeutor with EIsT, Kxocutor. Autlltor'H Notice l.tnle or .Tnmc. Jlh- snn, hite of (Ireenwood Township, loluu.ma SlKhciV,' nVl"nte''l of tlio County of INllinty, ilcceuscil. The ...tilcrsllll Amlllor. hi the l.rohaiis' Tourt of r'olimilit.i. to settle ami iiillust the rates anil tiro portions of the assets In the haiMs or Ahrahnm Young, nilmllilstrnliir of James (litiniii, ileceaseil, tonniT'iiinons the respect Ive crcrlltors accorillni! I ton.ul iilnons .he respective crcouors accorumi; to the onler esliihlKhcil hy law, herchy itlves no. tico to all parlies niicrcsieii tiini ne win aiienu .o thoili.tlMnf hhtippolntincntut thoolllcou! tlio I .PCorilcr of l.CClU. ) 11 ltlnon.slll.rir. 1.1 hfl ll COUlltV. on KnturiUy, the tvc..ty-lxlh tjiiy of Jiuiimry, ." io,, ui icn o ihkk a.ji, ui nii m., . .... i"-i- "oni lmvlns clnl.ni onlc.i.iiniN nm.lnl tlieetnto of tlcccilciit.nro iciiptr.l to inesent them to tho Aiulltor.or be fo. ever ilcharml from conilng lu ", .r,v-,;i curiae ....m. ... . . 1 . ' . ' t iunnniijurf, Dcccniwr u, 15W1.-.1 i,,ii.nc,-.-Ti.pfir.tncco?...iori.nao st rreid. coiuiii.iicr or iiorcnn irevcincu lunauc All i.cisons lnteieMe.1 will take notice that tho account or Isaac Kelnrrclil, comiiilttce or Dorcas ITcv. llnsr, a lunatic, has hceu Illeil In tho I'm thonotarv'H Olllct. or (.'oll.mhla County, ami that the Kiilil m-coiiiit will he tircsellteil to the Juilecs ot the Court or Common Vleus, of salil county, for cxnnnnutlon anil coniiriuaiion, on iiinsuay, me nun uay oi i coruary iwu t JI.-1I, 1l fill, .11.1. , I lUlllOIlllllll J Woomsfour'', tieccmher lo, lyiO.-ot. REAL E8TATE SALES. Tr; V AIATAULK PKOPKIITY AT PRIVATE SALE. The tllideiMnncil lifters at tirlvnte sale tho Sol- lotting ucscriiicu real ts.aie, in wit: A HOUSE AND LOT 01' OI10UND, ""' Ihillromlstreet, In South Uloomsburg, Scott's lldditiou, .No. Ml, being IN FRONT FIFTY FEET and In depth one hundred nnd thlrty-thren feet more or less to lllaeklierry alley. l'osessloii will be given April Hist. For teiius nnd conditions, Cull lipoll JU1L U. 1' lll-.L..!.. jiooniMjur, .itiu. ji, i?u,-ii. VMAC RAhE OF VAIjUAIUjE llllAI. FSTATE. Thuunilerslmicil lmmoses otlernt .'.lb lo snie. on iiiritsiiAv, .iamaii. :illl inii.dli im1 pri ini'ip.', in mmm iuwiihih., UOlUlllOlil POUlliy, mu 1U11U unninni bleriMlfHtutt. vi.: A (loon 1'aum, eimslMhiK ot oni; nuxiiti:i am tkx acukhoi-' uvnd, nlxjut forty nt-re-j ufwhUh nro denrcd, Uiercon nio ciecK'Uu a aniST JiiiiL vltlil1irppriiiinfntnm! n HAW Mlt.t,.l)vrM,IXO Hocsi:, liAKN, nnd oilier outlmildtngs; nu npplo ordiniu aim wpiifii pxpoLipninii-r. aiumcoui' menci' nt lo o clone, A M. ir t)uitiitiim ((.vti;.' Ten vpr pent. down one' Ili - ilt 1ps t ti li-n ncr ppiit. on t lit? llrst dnv of Anrll. I I It'll ih)-'i'--.hhi will no ii.'ii( uim iuv i.iu.iuun on HHM)nni)lPtlinp. Totjo secun-ii ny uonti nnu inoiignguou uiu intim. Jim. I, I"i"--it. ri'itr .ir' u t .1.' nio " V T .IT l IT .I-: .L ltKAL 1TATK. In pursnnnpp of an order or tne uri-iinn-' Louri 01 uonnninn ihiuhij, on r ItlDAY, 11IK 1 w HMYl ll lll U.IV itv .1 AWtiAHl, 1M.T. ut i i ti riocK in i no lorciioon. iMizuncin liar riii'rtrni. mini In 1st tutrix of Tlmnins Halt t-r. lato of Sutrnrlojif Iovnsliip, in nahl pounty, dpppnsed, i will expnso to fcuit', oy puunc cininp, n 100 pre inlsc. urprtnlii inctMiiufo and tract of land, situ- mlsps, a certain mctfiintio and trnct of land, nto lu Sin;arlnaf township, Columbia comity, nd nltiing lands of Jacob llnrrlngton nnd Jumper .11 ue, CONTAINING SIXTY ACHES, movo or less, latt the pstute of said deccaspd, sit- UlllO m lliu low usuip mm couniy iiioh".hi i. Coxihtions of Svli:. Ten prr cent, of one- fonVV . ..rthn ..i.rVl aCe , (,n.v tn be mild nt tlin IM.IZAllETH HARKING l'( IN. .Innuary 1, Ifa.T-iw. Adinlnlsirutrlx. T)CI!UC SAIjE OF VALUABLE X REAL liSTATI.. In imi-suauco of ordcisof the (null. ins' I'oiiils of .Montoiir unil Liiluiubla CilllllllCS, 1 II.. lllll luiul 1 Milieu 111111111111 i.uitir. u. llaimuli .'llliii-im, i.'i.o of .iioreiauu iuwiisoip, I .veiniilii I'liimlv. ilecensed. will eMiose to sale. Iiy inibllc endue, at the Hotel of John firlltuln, In White i inn, .iioniour coumy, on SATCKDAY, JANUAHY 2fitli, at 1J M., a ci i lain piece or parcel of land sltuato IMitlyln Madison rjiiunsiiii, I'oiumhi.i enuiiiy. nnu imruy in .iunony towiisiiip, .iionionr loun. tv. finit.i n tiif lir' ucl'i'S mole ol ess. 111 nililli! h'lliilsl.ileot William F.llls, William Ad.ilus. M. Kl. nf noil others : 1 he liiitirovemel.tM lii n.n l house nud oii barn, an oiclinrd ami ubout thlily acres cleans. ; me oainiKe won iiinocieo. . so. one ol ncr naicel ol i.iuu siiuaio in .naun son to.vnslilp, Coh.mhlu county, .aiijoinlnii the iilnive.liitiil.il Ailain Snilii1'. and others, con- till ti in'? .i aeie.s tin, l -I iitTclies, moro or icsniel beins well timliered liiiel. litethe estate of said ili ceiised. (Kil l. I I Sl l I t-.A 1 1. 1. It, aiicii.ij':i. vi.M':u.iiii.Ni:ii. Jan. I, 1S07, Idmlulstiators. puniiic SALE OP VALUA1U.E REAL ESTATE. Will ho sold hy tiie miilcrst-mcd exei'iilors nf tho lust Mill and testament ot Jolin 1-rlt. tlec il. at iHihltc sale,nn the premises, on Satuulav, thu sectiim uay oi . eoru.irv, isn, in icn o ciuen nt me. lorcilisin oi sain il.iy, (lie ioiiowiiir ocserioeu vin ualileie.il estate, lo wit : A celtalu tot ot iioiiud situate It. lleutoi. Touuslilp, cnuuiy oi I'oiuiiliu.l. Iioniideil and desei ilietl as tollows. to wit : Ad n !. inif land ot 11... del ll.irtlnall on tin. west. I. unl of Alirjm uiiiil' on 1 he east, land ol I iiln.irlno llartman on ine soulli. nun taint oi ran in ..las. lersini the noi Hi, eoutattilnt; I line iiiaiteisot an acre, mole or less. Alsiiacciiaiu tract or iai.il. Riiuaio in j.ieuson To., nshlp, county atnrcs.ild, liouuiled and desri Hi. das lollous. to wit: Ail oiniuir iai.il ol Daniel Robliius on (lie east, lands of John FrlU on tho west, anil lands ui ii.ivid .oi-iiui on ine norm, cntitunu: nil 1 1 ii ncrcs aim one nunuieii ami nity t. tn r iii.relii'M. Also a i'1'i tain tract nf land, sltuntolu Jackson Township, In said counlv Imundt d and described ns tiilloMs. to wit : Atoinlt.ir I. mil of l.aulel Roll Uius on the east, minis ol l.lljnl. .ocum on ine norlh, lands ol M'llcnry and Co. on tho west, and lands of Joshua Suine on the south, contiiiutti!' iiili'lledaiid ti.enty.t.vo acies ami nnu one bundled nud tllly-tlie perches, itireii acres or i hlclils deal nl laud, nud balance Is well tun. neieu. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Ten ner cent, to he paid down nt the striklm itoii-ii of tin, iirooeitv. one hall of tho balance to be paid on tho Hist day of April, lMi7,whell pus. session of the preliilsi'M Is to l-o Klwii; nndlbe li.Un lice oil the llrslil.i oi Ai.ru, isns, w nil nil est iromlliH llrst, of Apill, l-si;. I'uichasei rs to pay tor deeiU and slami'S, EZFKIEL FRITZ. UEURtiE P. FII11Z. i:.ccutois. MILLINERY GOODS. 1-1L00MSDU1K5 FANCY T1UJI X) MINO AND IIOOIi'STORE, second door below Hartinaii's, Malnfitrct, Just received n new stock ot ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS, COItSl.TS, LACES, EMIiROlllERIES, MUSLIN EDOINC.s, IiRESH TRIMMINCIS ""l "very varlcly of articles usually kept In a F.VNCY STORE. Also , SCHOOL ROOKS, HYMN ROOKS, UHILES, SUNDAY-SCHOOL ROOKS, and a largo lot of I MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM ROOKS, HLVNK DEEDS, RONDS AND MORTGAGES and ft geiierul and well-selected assortment of PAPER, ENVELOPES ic :a. P. WEDE. IRON, TINWARE, &C. "VTATIONAL FOUNDRY 1 - " ' MoomnUtrg, Colnmblri County, Vu. Tlio subKcrlher. tmmrletor f the nbovoi tuned. oxtennlvo estnblMmient, Ii now prepared ro celvo orders for nil klndi of MACIUNLUY FOll COLLICIUCS. BLAST furnaces, stationa y enoineh, MILLS, T1IRCS1IIX MACHINES. Ac and ratten.,, piow-irons, mm everything usually His extensive fncllitloB nnJ prnctlcnl workmen warrnnt htm In receiving tho largest contraction tho most rcnsonnblo tprmq. (J ruin or nil kimli will bo taUen lu exchnngo for TliWcstnbllMimrnt In lor?nte't near tho Lncbf wnnnii nnd Illooimburg Ilullrdinl Depot. gTOVKS AND TINAVAHK. ... , luiuouiici'i 10 ins iridium nnu ciisiomcru ium th..ta. ........c M hh.M lcco: MAIN MTHKUT, IlI,0().MSllUlia, Custoincr can ho acco.noilatcil with I'ASCY HTOVra of all klnils, fitovrplpc, Tinware, aiyl every va rlety of nrllclo found In n Wove anil Tlnwaru Il tit'll'hnicnt In theilllcs.nnil on the most renson. ablo terms. ltcpnlrltiKilonc at the shortest uotlco. i uu,j..i iiiii,ii-i'iia on hni.it for sale. JAGAjE foundry. JUSl.l'll MllAlll'ljU nioomsburB, Tn. BTOVi:s OF I'.VEIIY VAIHCTV, rLouaiisHAitr.s,ri.ouanroiKTs, anil alt kliuls of Castings, on hand or supplied on tho shortest uotico and at tho cheapest rates. Castings for coal miEAKnns and coal schutis mado to order. JpilOCNIX STOVE DEPOT. HE.VTEUS, RANGES, AND STOVES, Wholesale and Retail. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING 8T0VE. VULCAN HEATER, for heating two or more rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY, HEATING, nnd every variety of STOVES. JOHN I. Iir.HS, No. 310 Norlh Second Street, Philadelphia. "Vr I. DUltKHAltT, jinporicr nnu iieaier in IRON AND STEEL, No. 00 Front Street, Philadelphia. QEOPGE H. HODEltTS, Importer nnd Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, OUNS, Ac, No. 311 Noith Third Street, nboo Vine, Philadelphia. HATS, CAPS, AND FURS. H. a 111 hus oi)ened n f 110WEH, opened u nrft-cinss uuvn. ojiuij, ux u Vv.ir diuul nt tbcold fitnnd on MntnStrpPt, IlloonislmrK, stoplc lseonipo.pt of the very latpst nnd bpst BtylpH pvprollered to tho citt.ons of Columbln County. Ho can nccommod.uo the public wltU tlio follow Imi' kt iid4 iinil nt ftif-nn nilees! .Men's calf boots, tine, luen's kin. double iolp, Hoys' clilldV boots, Men's ulovo Kid, Congress, Ac, Alpn s Kiove Kid i.iiiniorni shops, aipu'h, women n, boys', nnd misses cloe I: id Instlnu ealtPrs. Wo men's kIovo kids, pry Hup, Women's line Ront morocco Imlmoinls, Women's meuVmoropeoand Pnlr slines. (-011)111011 klmes. Misses' nnd child's shoes, Men's, womenV, misses', boys', nnd child's slippers. Ho also keeps u renl nrlety or ILVry, CAIN, AND KTH.VW (300DS j of every kind, nt tho lowest prices, both for cash nnu country piouucc, lECtiiniiiiier iiitiniiiiiriifiii I t in nnr unniis. i Kin be alarmed nt tho cry of hlah prices, Tjut call nnd sco for yoniaehes. llusjiect fully. ii. c. nownn. JOHN C. YEAGEIt & CO., Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS AND LADIES' FURS, No. North Third f trcot, Philadelphia. J I'. 15EAUD, with LIPri.VCOTT, 110ND A CO., Manufacturers' and Wholesalo Dealers In HATS, CAPS. FURS, AND STIt.VW 000Dl, No. -113 Market Street, riilladelplila. WINES AND LIQUORS, jyj-ILLEH & HOST, Successors to Franklin P. Seltzer A Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In UIH'ORS, WINES, ic, Not. 110 mid 112 North Third filrcct, Philadelphia. QlIAKLEsi II. I.VIIPLE, liriiorier ana iieaier in IlRANDIEsl, WINES, GINS, LIQUORS, WINE lllTTF.iW, AC, No. Ii! Noith Thiul .Slrw above Arch, west side, Philadelphia. QAlUUAai: lANUFACTOUY, iiioQinftimrg, i n. M. C. SLOAN A. IJIIOTlIKrt, tho Rnccosors of WILLIAM SLOAN A BON, routinuo tho business of mnlilng cAnuiAans, nuGciins, nnd overy stylo of I'ANCY WAGONS, which they havo eonstnntly on Iwnd to Milt wis tomers. Never uvina uny material but the Ijm nnd employing tbomo-t cxperleneoil workmen. they hopo to eontlnuo ns heretofore to kIvo entire Bntlsfactttni to every customer. An Inspection cf their woili, nnd of iho rcnsonnblo prleo n&Iccd for i he snine, Is suro to Insure t kvip. C. UltOCKWAY, ATTORNEY' AT HLOOMSIlURfi, LAW, PA. I tirKirn First door l.clow the Court House, nnd ndjolnlng the Post Olllee. Authorized na. nl for illie eoiiei-.iou oi i.ouiiues, ,n-u no , i ni-iHii., nnd nil other demands against tho btatn and Nn llonal Oovernniiiits. Jan.l U7, m1 flLLER & ELDER, Wholesale BOOKSELLERS, STAT10NE11S, AND RLANK.I100K MANUFACTURERS, No. 201 Noilh Third Street, Philadelphia. Wall nd CurtBln rjpers, and Stottc-aeryeeu. trally. CLOTHING. N JEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. rcsh arrival of FALL AND WINTElt O00D3. david LownNm.ua Invites attention to his stock of CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE CIiOTTllITO. his storo on Main Street, two doors nbovo tho American IIouso, Bloomsbuif, Pa., wliero lio has Just received from Now York and 'hllauelplila a full assortment of MEN AND noYH' CL0T1IIN0, Including tho most fashionable, durablo, mkI liaudsomo DRES3 OOOIW, consisting of 110X, SACK, FltOCIC, QUM, AND OIL-CXOTIt COATS AND PANTH, f all sorts, sires, nnd colors, Ho lias also replen ished his already lorge stock of FALL AND WINTEU 8HAWL1, STRIPED, riOUttCD, AND PLAIN VESTS, HHiriTS, CUAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, ANDKEncIIIEFIS, OLOVES, eusrENDEa", and fancy autict.es lift hns constantly on hand u largo nud vreU-se lected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho Is prepared to inako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd lu tho best manner. All his clothing Is inado to wear, and most ot It is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELIIY, of every description, flno nnd cheap. Ills case of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Call and xamlnn his general assortment of CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEWELRY, do. DAVID IiOWENIlURa. jTEW CI.OTIIING AND GENTLE- ii.. a r uii.if5iiiisu rsiuiii. Tho underslgucd respectfully aunounccs to his many friends thnt ho lias opened a uuw Clothing nnd Gentlemen's Furnishing Store, In tho lowo room of the llartman Ilulldlng, southwest corner of Main nud Market Streets, Rluomsburg, Pa. Having Just returned from Philadelphia wllh a Largo Stock of l'AI.t. AND WINTER CLnTTItNO and GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, 4c, &o, ho llnltcrs himself that ho can plcasoall. His lockcoinpilscl MEN'S, HOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, such as DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, OVERCOATS, PANTS, yE-STS, HIIIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS. DRAWERS. COLLARS NECK-TIES HOSIERY", SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEFS, UMRRELLAS, 40 and in fact everything In tho Clothing or Fur nlshli.g line at very low prices. In addition to the abovo ho hns an elegant as sortment of CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, AND VESTIN CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Cull and seo before pui chasing elsewhere, and SECURE GREAT 11ARGAINS. octlMy J. W. CHEMRERLAIN gNYDEH, IIA1UUS & UASSETT, .iianuiac. lit ers nnu joouers oi MEN'S AND HOY'S CLOTHINO,. Nos. 52j Market, nud 52! Commerce. Street, Philadelphia. J. V. LAMBERT, ROSS, SHOTT A CO., Inipoi ters nnd Jobbers of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES VESTINOS, Ac, No. Ml Market Street, Philadelphia. HOTELS & SALOONS. ADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S I RESTAURANT. R. H. STOHNER has lilted up a I J RST-CLASS EATING SALOON, hem ladles nnd gentlemen can he supplied with the delicacies of the season. A suppl of FRESH OYSTERS always on hand. ntlMH I1READ, CAKES, AND PIES, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS lu every stylo and variety, NUTS, FRUITS, and cvcrylhlug usually found In ft IRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE. JORK'S HOTEL, ui.uuiii. v. .MACiiEii, rroprictor. Tho above well-known hotel lias recently under gone radical changes In Its Internal arrangements. and Its proprietor announces to his former custom and the travelling public that his accomodations for Iho comfort of his guests aro second to nono lu thu country. His table will always bo found sup plied, not only with substantial food, hut with all tho delicacies of Iho season. His wines nnd It quors (except that popular beverage known ns ".lciVir,!"), purchased direct from tho Importing houses, are entirely pure, nnd free from nil pot sonous drugs. Ho Is thankful for a liberal patron- ago lu the past, and will continue to deserve it In tlio future. GEORGE W. MAUOF.R. QUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, O Catawlssa, Pa. The abovo Hotel has latoly been purchased by HENRY J. CLARK, and has been thoroughly re, modelled, repaired, and refurnished. It will be found now, In Its nrrnngeinciit nnd nppolntments, ti tlrst-cla-s Hotel, nud second to t.ouo In tho country. Persons In cities wishing to spend tin, hot months In the country, w;ill do well to glvo tho proprietor a call. QJHAItl) HOUSE, Corner of Ninth nnd Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. H. W. KANAOA, Proprietor. T MIE UNION HOTEL, Arch Street, botwecn Third nnd Fourth Streets, rhllndelphln. CHRIST iWERER, Proprietors. T li. PUIISEL, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, nnd denier 111 CAKPET-11A0S, VALISES, FLY"NETS .la, Ititn ftreft, nixicitiars, r, HARDWARE & CUTLERY. QHAllLEB W. 8NYDE11, DtAt.Kn JM II A It D W A' it E, IROX, NAIIJi, STEEL, AC., SC., AO. MAIN STREET, lIl.OOMSIll'HO, 1'ENN'A. Tako this method of lnformlli? tlio cltltensof Co lumbia couty, that ho has opened an cutenslvo Hardware iloro ou Main sheet, In lltooiDsbunr, near Iron street, and that ho hns on hand n LARQER HTOCIC AND 1IETTER .WORTEI) than can be found any whero clsoln the county, atnt which ho Intends to sell at prices which defjr competition. ClIAINS.'AXES, STEEL, IKON. I havo chains, all sizes, nxci, all mako ami weight, steel, nil sltci, Iron, all shapes, and all very low. ituiLDEit'8 HAnrnvArtn, of every descriptions. Ifolls, nxlo pulleys, sash cords, latches, locks nnd knoM.hntt screws, sash fasts, window springs, b.ite lihol'S, strap hinges, liaups and staples, hooks and staples, and In fact everything needed In thnt lino. COACH & WAGON MAKERS' HARDWARE, embracing almost every thing In Hint lino. Also HARNESS MAKilW HARDWARE, Ruckles, Jnpanued; buckles, sliver plated; bltU of every kind , Hames, Iron ; pad trees I lUn, wood saddle trees, gig trees, girth web, worsted and cotton I thread, silk, awls and needles, tooU of all kinds. SHOEMAKER'S HARDWARE, A full assortment for carr enters. I have pinned --nil kinds, snws; hnud,panticl, rip, and compass; squares steel, Iron, and tryilwrlng machines, chlsles, augers, bevels, mallets, braces, gauges, plows, rules, bits, and about everything for car penters, FOR THE PEOPLE GENERALLY I have coal hods, conl shovels, scoopn, conl sifters, Inht crns.tablc cutlcry,pockeA cutlery, plnted spoons, pin ted forks, servers, tea nud cof1 fee pots.butter knlves.mlll saws, cross cut saws, circular saws, gangsatcs, riles, horso shoes.wrenches, rlvcts.ham mers, hatchets, mattocks, picks, forks, grub bing hoes, shovels, spades.spadlng forks, hoed, rakes, bed pins, twin., skates, plows, colfln trim mings, Emery, red chalk, white chalk, wire, horso nails, ment cutters, scales, wash boards, horso buckets, wooden palls, clothes pins, glue, door mats, porch mats, par lor mats, corn poppers, paint brushes, horso brushes, slelgU bells, heel calks, enamel ed kettles, brass kettles, copper kettles, Btcwkettlow.sauco pans.broad axes, nulls, Sledges, curtain fixture)-, Thimble skeins nnd boxc, Pumps, lead pipe, clc, Tarred rope and hundreds of articles not .enu merated constantly on hand at CHARLES W. SNYDER'S, Main Street, Rloomsburg. DRY GOODS. pitEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE. IN LIGHT STREET, or FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received nnd hna on Hand nt his old stand lu Light Street, n largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nt Iho lowest figure, nnd which ho Is dcleiinlnedtosellon ns moderate terms ascau he procured elsewhere In Light Street, roi: c.tsir or couxmr ritonvcz. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles nnd latest fashions, Calicoes, Musllus, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, HEADY MADE" CLOTHING, Satlnctui, Casslmers, , Cottouades, Kentucky Jeans. eCC, AC, AO. GROCERIES, Quecnsware, Cedanvare, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Faints, Ac. ROOTS &, SHOES, HATS & CAPS. Iu short everything usually kept In a conn try- store. The patrnnagu of his old friends and th. public generally. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market prlco paid for country pro duce. PEriOR ENT. Light Street, January 1, 1M7. ILLEIVS STORE. 1 illsil .Illlll.YL, Ul SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Tho subscriber lias Just returned from the cities with another largo nud select assortment of SPRINO AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased In New Yoikand Philadelphia at ttia lowest figure, and which he Is determined to seU on as moderate terms as can be procured els- whero In Rloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles mid latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following artlols t Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casaltnercs, bhnwls. Flannels. Bilks,;. Wlillo Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Musllus, JlollowTvaro Cedarwoxo QUeiuwaro, Hirdwaru Hoots and Shoett, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellaa, Louklng-OlMsu, Tobacco, Coffim, Sugars, Teas, Rloe, Allsplco, Glngor, Cinnamon. Nutm., AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ho Invites the attention of tlio public generally. Tho highest prlco will bo paid for country produce lu exchange for goods. S. H. MILLER, Arcade UulMli.gs, llloomsburg, Ps. pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. W. M. MONROE A CO, Rupert, Pav, Mnnufietr.reisof lWVPim KEGS and d(lcrs lu all kinds of LUMIIKR, give noftco that they aro prepored to cimodt thlr esMtom srlth fljvtnli, nl cm th. h.rri term. -1-Wiiaunfi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers