The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 18, 1867, Image 2

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John o. rm:i:zi:, unnoii.
1IIA)0.MUUU1UI, rillt'AV, .JAW. IS, 1MT7.
Wo have been looking over tho Legis
lative Kccord, mul find that the rent
business of tlio session lias not yet be
gun, so far as law making Is concerned.
Tho reception of tlio message of Gov.
Curtln, tho canvassing for nmt election
ofa Stato Treasurer, tho preparation for
tho inauguration of Gov. Geary; and
last but not by any means least, tho
flcrco fight which has been going on
over tho question of who shall bo Uni
ted States Senator In place of Mr. Cow
an, lias taken up tho tlmo and attention
Of tho Lcglslatupc. Tho lladlcal ma
jority has not ilono Itself any credit by
Us action on tho last question. Tho
Boldlcr interest mul tho conservative el
ement wcro for Qov. Curtln, they havo f0nows .
uccn ignoreu aim oaso ami uisgrucwim j d hnticacl. Andrew Johnson. Vice.
jmiucnccs navo inumpiicu. President, and actlnc President of tho
uov. lAirim una scut, m eui-iui uais tt,,i.i cj(ntna r i,ii, prime. nn.l m U.
t A ..I ...1.1 ..1. 1 t,,l nH 1
ji utia which iiu iuia Diyui.-n ui ' Idcmeanors
nan uecorac laws wiuiout, ms si3iKuuru, T .,...,. ...,. llsl,rniltinn of ,,..
einco a session, iio now retires 10 pr mul vlo,ntiou of tIl0 ,aw ln tlmt i10
private nie, ana -iNO-proiix ueary , corruntlv abused tho ai.nolntlnir
Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, rising and speak
ing with solemn deliberation, said:
Mn. HpcAKnn ! I rlso to a question
of privilege. I rlso to perform a pain
ful duty, but ono which I feel to be im
perative, a duty which I think cannot
bo postponed, and cannot, without great
criminality on our part, bo longer neg
lected. 1 had hoped that that duty
would havo devolved on nn older and
more experienced membcrof tho House
than myself. Prior to tho holiday re
cess I asked a number of gentlemen to
Introduce) tho resolution, which I tried
to introduce, nnd which tlio IIouso re-
fused to suspend tho rules to enablo mo
to do. Conscious' that tho loyal peoplo
of tho country demand nt our hands the
proposition which I am about to sub
mit, I am determined that no effort on
my part shall bo wanting.
I send to tho Clerk's desk charges and
specifications, which I ask to bo read, as
nnd an apostate Democratic cabinet take
up tlio staff of office.
mains to bo written.
power. In that he has corruptly used
Tho Auditor General has very pro
perly given tho names and number of
persons employed about tho Legislature,
In hl lteport for 1800. ltcmcmbor tho
session only lasted about three months,
and tho amount paid each for that timo
can bo readily ascertained.
Pay, mileage, nnd stationery
lor iniriy-inreo mcmuers, fu.),ni8 uu
Pav of two clerks.
Pay of llvo Transcribing clerks
Pay of t hreo Scrgcant-at-Arms
ray 01 ten Doorkeepers
Pay of tlireo Messengers
Pay of two Librarians
Pay of ono Fireman
Paid forstationery, light, fuel
and miscellaneous
Paid for postago
Pay of pages, (boys to carry
Extra pay to twenty-four wo
men(prlnclpal pay included
ln miscellaneous)
Tlioro arc other items, but they aro of
less Importance and it is not noccssary
to glvo them. Tlio total nxpenso of tho
Senate Is given at S7U.030 20.
Pav. mlleaco nnd stationery
lor ono Hundred iuemucrs ?iu,mu uu
2,001 OS
,7,203 00
2,124 30
7,815 CO
3,113 od
2,450 00
705 00
8.G50 10
5,189 00
1,093 75
480 00
ineirmsiorj re- th(J (lonl, .)0Wcr- ln that ho ims
corruptly disposed of tho public proper
ty of the United States. In that ho has
corruptly Interfered In elections, and
committed acts, and conspired witli
others to commit acts, which, in eon-
Pav of three Clerks
Pny of llvo Sergeant-at-Arms
Pay of ten Doorkeepers
Pay of five Messengers
Pay of two Postmasters
Pay of eighteen Folders of
newspapers anu uociiiiicnis
For a week or two we havo been look'
tng over oifr literary exchanges and
Magazines which havo been placed on tcmplatlou of the Constitution, aro high
mo tauie oi hie woi.umhian, aim wu crimes and misdemeanors. Therefore,
ucciaro tnem to uc, wun ono or two ex- ij0 jj
ccptlon, unmitigated trasii. isowtnat jiegolved. That tlio Committco on Ju-
Blavcry is abolished and tho negro his dlciary bo and they aro hereby author-
own master, wo supposcu mo maga- nzcj to liKpiIre into tho ollicial conduct
zincs ana literary newspapers couiu 0f Andrew Johnson. Vice-Pros dent.
let him rest. discharcincr tho nower and duties of
But no 1 ho must ho ft man anu a President of tho United States, and to
brother, tho social and political equal of rcnort to tills IIouso whether in their
tlio white; and "Harper," tho "Atlan- opinion thosald Andrew Johnson, whilo
tic" and the "Young Folks" must ca- jn sai,i office, has been guilty of acts
ter to tho disgusting equality. For- which were designed or calculated to
mcrly "Littclls Living Ago," mado tip overthrow, subvert, or corrupt tho Gov-
oi foreign selections, was saie, out, late- eminent of tho United States, or any
ly it ueais in wmttier's negro twauuie, Department or officer thereof: and
and prates of copperheads.
So far, tho "Riverside Magazine,"
and the "Galaxy" aro unobjectionable.
Wo trust they may remain so, for they
whether tho said Andrew Johnson has
been guilty of any act, or has conspired
with others to do acts which, in con
templation of the Constitution, aro high
will supply a great want. Wo need to crimes and misdemeanors, requiring tho
encourage the lltcraturo or wnito men, interposition of tho constitutional now.
and wo shall do so. er of this IIouso : and that said Com-
mlttco havo power to tend for persons
BLBKASka, and papers ; to administer the custom-
On Wednesday January 9th tho Senate ary oaths to witnesses.
took up tho Nebraska Bill on its final Mr. Ashley, of Ohio, moved tlio pre-
passage. Mr. Buckaiow addressed tho vious question on tho resolution.
Sonnto In opposition to its passage, on Mr. Spauldlng moved to lay tho reso.
forao points not previously discussed, lution on tho table. The motion was
The debate was participated In by sev- negatived yeas 39, nays 105.
eral Senators. 1'h main question having been or
The bill was reported to tho Senate dered, Mr. Hubbell, of Ohio, moved to
without amendment. reconsider tho vote by which tho main
Mr. EDMUNDS. I now movo the question was ordered
, . T , ,.. iiio voio ivns mis
eamo amendment which I offered In i,,u I"1" " '
,v,m t ,!,! lt, fll,l Jiuuuraius-vl.-iu) TO IKIVS, -iO. oo U1U
additional section: a? ion to "wnslder was laid on
J., t t . . UIU1U.
jinaoen junner enacted, 'mat t ils m. .. i i.
act shall tako effect witli tlio fundamen- .T.jrf.T ".,..," n ' . " "
tal nnil nprnotiinl rntifl tlr.n tlint w Mi ii """I1""" u mu iravminuu. xhu uiu
tho State of Nebraska there shall bo no was taken by yeas and nays, and result
abridgement or denial of tlio exercise cd. yeas. 107. nays. 39.
of tho elect! vo franchise or of any other There was no manifestation of any
BnyV t" '7 reason oi racoor kiml on tho announcement of tlio re
,r ' ' "l u,-XLl1- . suit. Tho following is tho vote in do-
jur. vivui.. cauou mr tno yeas anu tail of jIr hloy's resolution:
nays, anu they were ordered. Yi:as. Alley, Ames, Arnell, Ashley
mt. fnifciwiA. x no not mtcnu to nf Nevada. Ash lev of Oho. Baker,
prolong tho debato; but I was absent Baldwin, Banks, Baxter, Beaman, Ben
when tho vote was taken on this samo iamin. Bldwoll. BliiL'ham. Blaino. Bout
proposition nwliiio ago, and I wish now well. Brandesee. Bromwcll. Broomall
simply to stato that I am in favor of Buckland, Buncly, Clark of Ohio, CHrk
ndmittlng Nebraska without any of Kansas, Cobb, Cook, Cullum, Dar-
amenumcnt, without any qualification, ling, Defrces, Delano, Denning, Dixon
without any condition, and I think It Donnelley.Driggs, Eckley, Farnsworth
Is an unwise policy to impoe condl- Farquhar, Ferry, Garlicld, Grinnell
tlonson tho admission of Nebraska ; Harding of Illinois. Hart. Hays. Hen
but still, as tho friends of the measure derson, Higby, Hill, Holmes, Hooper,
think that tho declaration drafted by Hubbard of West Virginia, Hubbard of
tnobcnatorirom Vermont will strength- Connecticut, Ingcrsoll, Jencks, Julian
en tno mn, J am ratner disposed to vote Kasson, Kelly, Kelso, Ketclium, Kuy
xorit. I oeiieve it will DO entirely nu- kenda . Lawrenco of Pennsylvania
gatory. I do not think that wo havo
tho power by an act of Congress to re.
htrain tho peoplo of Nebraska from
framing such a constitution, ifflubllcan
in lorm, as tney cnooso. ' inHtyo no
doubt they can amend this constitution'
or they can disregard this condition ; it
does not onerato on them : it is not real
ly in tho nature of a condition. I voto
for It simply because I believe its adop.
lawrenco ot umo, .Long, iongyear,
Lynch, Marotou, M'Keo, M'ltuer, Mcr
cur, Miller, Morchcad, Morrill, Moul
ton, Myers, O'Neill, Orth, Paine, Pat,
terson, Pcrliani, Piko, Prieo, Randall
of Kentucky, Randall of New York-
Rice of Massachusetts, Rico of Maine,
Sawyer, Schcnck, Scofleld, Starr, Ste,
tion will strengthen tho main measuro vens, Stokes, Thayer, John L.Tliomas-
anu enablo us to admit tho Stato of ;c- Jr., TrowUridgo, Upsou, Van Aernnm
braska Into the Union with her Sena
tors anil Representatives.
Tho question being taken by yeas and
nays, resulted yeas 20, nays 18; as
follows :
YEAS Messrs. Anthony, Cattell,
Chandler, Conncss, Cragin, Creswell,
Edmunds, Fesenden, Fogg, Fowler,
jjano, jMorrui, roianci, iiamsoy, jtnss,
Sherman, Stewart, Sumner, Van Win-
Ward of New York, Warner, Wash
burno of Illinois, Washburno of Indi
anna, Welter, Wentworth, Williams,
Wilson of Iowa, Wilson of Pennsylva,
nia, Windom 107.
Nays. Ancoua, Bergen, Campbell
Cooper, Dawson, Davis, Dodge, Elridgo,
rinck, Glossbenuer, Harding of Ken
tucky, Hawkins, Hise, Hogan, Hub,
bell of Ohio, Humphrey, Hunter, Kerr,
Latham, Leftwitcli, M'CuIloch, Nib
NAYS Messrs. Buckalcw. Cmran.
T t I1 1 -r L t -r '
drlcks; HowardHowc, 'Johnson Mor- 1'VlL"u,1,u"' 1 1,C,I'
can. Nesmlth. Norton. Patterson. Rid- of Pennsylvania, Raymond of Ni
die, Saulsbury, AVIlloy aud Williams York, RItter of Kentucky, Ross, Sloan
Strouse, Taylor of Tennessee. Tabor,
AUSliM' AlCSSrS. Brown. Davis. Tnvlnr nf W Vnrt- 'I'rimlilo
on., n. II...!. It...' ' .
iumiiiiiiioni, uiimwiJ, aiuiiw, null" I WhnW V illflelll 39
WASui.vaTos, Jaminry II.
Tho Radical programmo for impeach.
4,510 10
4,002 30
8,030 70
1,001 10
2,100 30
14,410 CO
1,557 CO
'ay of two men to attend tho
water closets
Pay of three men to attend to
tlio 11 res
'ay for contingent expenses,
stationery, ami wr women
to sween and clean un. 15,583 55
Extra pay for the women
aforesa d 1.300 00
ay of pages (boys to carry
papers i,iuo iu
There aro other items, but theso will
bo qulto enough to show how extrava
gant the now party is, that now unfor
tunately has the control of the State.
Total expenses of tho House of Repre
sentatives $193,017 05, which added to
that proviously given of tlio Senate,
makes a total $272,077 25 for the Legis
lature. It will bo observed that about
eighty men were paid as officers and
mployccs, besides many boys and wo
men, In tlio very face and in defiance of
Mr. Buekalcw's law of 1855 limiting tlio
number to thirty-three, which to-day
stands unrepealed. Twenty years ago
such cxtravaganco in tho Legislature,
would have doomed any party to cer
tain defeat, that was responsible for it,
Aro wo to como to tlio conclusion that
tlio public mind is hopelessly corrupted,
and that not oven tlio heavy taxes, en
tirely without example In any country
In tho world, will induce tho peoplo to
consider ?
Tho Auditor General's Report is a
valuoblo document. It is however noth
ing moro than tho receipts nnd pay,
mcnls at tlio Treasury, and not as some
bupposo, a journal or record of official
duties performed. No ono can judge-
tho amount of work in thatdcpartnicnt
by tho Report nor have any idea of tho
responsibility resting upon it. Tho re.
port is mado out by tho Chief Clerk, and
that post is now very well lined by
Daniel C. Maurcr.
Wo glvo tho receipts from tills and
Montour county.
NosconecU Urldgo Co., tax on stock S67
l!Ioomljurg Iron Co., " 1)0
Columbia county, tax on real and personal 1,171 12
" "' " 11) Ul
lNoomsnurg Iron Co., tax un net earning 2,574 ,V)
Ncsconeck Uridiro Co., " GO HI
Jpss Coleman, l'rot., tax on writs, etc.,.., 211 C.
John O, freeze, Itec'r., " ... 415 2
" " col. inheritance tax &0 21
John J, StUes, Trcas., tavern licenses 730 2-"
" " retailers' licenses... 1,167 10
" " distillery licenses... 59 07
" " cutlnghousollccuso
Dan'l f Henry, la!o Tieas., "
101 so
Hank of Danville, tax on illvMemls
" tax on stoel:
Danville nrldgo Co., "
D.mvillo Clas Co.. "
Montour county, tax on real und personul
i mill tax
Dorough of Danville, tax on loans
Montour Iron Co., tax on net earnings
Dauvllki Cas Co., " ,
Danville rjrldjo Co., '
George D, Butler, tax on wrIU
Win. C. Johnston, "
" col. Inheritance tax
Win, M'Nlnch, Trcas., tavern licenses
" retail licenses
' " theatru licenses
" eatlnshousellcenso
" " distillery licenses...
' M InlUcnt tax
1,113 00
220 CO
Gl 00
co a
411 07
17 01
110 12
1 W
100 DO
ni so
I j 19
417 00
124 50
57 00
derson. Kirkwood. M'Doucall. Nve.
Poinoroy, Spraguo, Trumbull, Wilson
nnd Yates 14.
Ko tho amendment wna nr-reed to.
Tho bill was ordered to bo engrossed inK nml Jisi'ladng tlio President was
for a third reading, and was read the stlu developed in tho House to-
tlilrd time,
Mr. BUCKALEW-I call for tho
yeas and nays on tho passago of tho
Tho yeas and nays wcro ordered ; and
being taken, resulted yeas 21, nays 15;
as follows:
YEAS Messrs. Anthony. Cattell.
day, in tho chargo mado in a written
speech by Loan, of Missouri, that An
drew Johnson was concerned ln tho
conspiracy to assasslnato President Lin
coln. Tlio House sustained tho decision
of tho Speaker by a party vote that buch
a statement was ln order. Mr. Halo, of
row ork, u Conservative Republican
Chandler, t'onness, Cragin, Creswell, solicited sorao particulars of evidence
Edmunds, iMigg, l'owlor, Henderson, on which this chargo was mado, but
land: I a,, ,HhoVln v' L- wlt" " '" than Ashley,
Sumner, Van Wynklo, AVade, Wlliey claimed that as ho had Initiatod tho im
and Williams 21. pcachment movement lie would nt an
NAYS Messrs. Buckalow, Cowan, other time nnd placo furnish what ho
Doollttle, Foster, Grimes, Hendricks, called his proof of complicity in tho
jV". "i v!;,n."' Vs""l" consp nicy.
Norton, Patterson, Rlddlo and hauls- ' 1
bury to. TjtENowYorkyWiwichasourthanks
ABSI-T Messrs. Brown, Davis, for n ci)py of tlio " Tribuno Almanac"
iiiT aLt-,A V'Cn ' t,"'.,' for tho year 1S07. It is certainly a very
Spragu'e, Trumbull, Wilson and Yates valuablo compendium of statistics, and
-M8. Is autliorlty among tho radicals. Prico
9o tlio bill 'M pafwd. twenty cent
Charles F. Mann, Esq., andcx-ShcrilT
Furman, of tills county, lately mado
business visit to Virginia. On their re
turn they speut n few days in Washing
ton, D. C. At tlio hotel where tliystoj;
ped, they met a gentleman, a rclatlvi
of ox-Oovernor Wise, who Invited them
to the house of his father, whero they
spent tho evening. Tho conversation
naturally turned upon tho events of tlio
last few years, and as a memento of Into
occurrences, Mr. Wise presented to them
a weapon found upon tho person of "Old
John Brown" when lie mado his raid on
Virginia, before tlio outbreak of tlio
Tho presentation was mado by Hon.
James Androw Wise. 1 Io said :
"Missus. Man.v akd Fuumax, Gen
tlemen: In tho name and In behalf of
my father, Mr. Willinm 1). Wise. 1 beg
leave to present you with ono of tho ori
ginal "John Brown pikes." Somo In
terest will nttach to it as a relic of an
event that was followed by no insignili
cant consequences in our country's lih
tory. Hoping that weapons of no kind may
ever again bo drawn by American citi
zens against their own countrymen.
either in hostilo raids or internecine
war, ami that an eternity of peace may
compensate us for our national sufferings
and short comings."
Sheriff Furman replied as follows:
'Gentlemen: On behalf of my friend and
myself I accept this weapon, not to bo
used in fratracldal war, but in defeiiso
of tho wholo country, should it become
necessary, wo most ncaruiy respond
to your wish that never tttrain mav
Americans beset in hostllo army against
each other ; but that all our hearts chas
tened by buffering may bo knit together
in overlastlng brotherhood."
Tho pikoabovo mentioned can bo teen
t tho office of tho Colummax.
for Iho Columbian.
Tho lmnortanco of tho Rail Roads
now building, and projected in Colum
bia and tho odjolnlng counties on the
North, their ltiilucncoon tho ruturo oi
tlio county, tho rich mineral and vast
lumber region that will bo developed
by them, is very llttlo understood by
many of tlio peoplo of this County.
Even somo of our ilrst business men
have but im imperfect Idea of tho ad
vantages to bo derived from them gen
erally, and to our iron manufactories In
particular. Having beeomo familiar
with tlio region to bo developed, nnd
with tho Rail Road communication
now being established ; I will endeavor
to glvo fcomo Information to your read
ers with regard to them.
Tlio region to bo developed lies in
portions of Columbia, Sullivan, Wyo
ming and Luzerno counties situated
midway between tho North nnd West
branches of tho Susquehanna ; surroun
ded on nil sides by a thickly settled re
gion, nnd by lines of connection both
by Rail Road and Canal. It has been
known only to a few, and thoso few,
tho hunters and anglers who resort to it
annually for the speckled beauties to bo
found in its pure mountain streams, and
to hunt tho red deer In Its deep ami
magnificent forests. To a still fewer
number has the 'fact been known that
this is ono of tho richest mineral regions
n tho Stato; und presenting also extra
ordinary inducements to the lumber
man and tho farmer. But tho few to
horn theso facts wcro known, years
ago realized tlio advantages to bo de
rived from tho developments of this re'
gion ; and railroad routes were survey.
cd from Bloomsburg nnd Shickshlnny
on tlio North branch, to tlio head wit
ters of Towauda creek, In 1858 or '50.
Tho routo from Bloomsburg up Big
; ishing crock was found to be tho most
ractlcablc, and tho North Mountain
was crossed witli a grado of eighty to
inety feet to the mile. Then, if there
had been any energy displayed by the
people of Columbia County, and tlio re
luircd assistance reudcrcd ; tho outlet
for tho minerals, lumber etc., of that re
gion would havo traversed tlio centre
f tlio county ; and tho magnificent wa
tor power of Big Fishing creek would
have been taken advantage of and its
banks dotted with furnaces and other
manufactories, making of its present
secluded villages largo and prosperous
towns, opening nn excellent homo mar
ket for tho produco of tho county, and
resulting in great advantages to tho
peoplo of tho county in ovcry way. But
by the singular lethargy and blindnc:
of our people, this rich chance lias cs
caped them and tho outlet has been di
verted into an entirely different cliaiv
Itisstlll.possiblo to build this road
if tho proper effort was made. A road
of twenty-eight to thirty miles
length would connect with tlio tcrmi
nus of tlio road now being built from
Townnda, southward, and among Its
other advantages, would be much tlio
shortest routo North and North-west,
Tho discovery of largo deposits of
coal and iron ore, aroused tlio enter,
prising peoplo of tho ndjoiningcountie
on tlio North anil North-west, to the
importance of opening up that region
and a continuous railroad from tho
North to tlio West Branch of the Sus
qiichanua, running through tho heart
of tho coal, iron and lumber region of
Sullivan County, is now a fixed and
nearly an accomplished fact. The Road
from Towauda to tho Loyalsock,
contracted for to bo in running order by
tho first of September 1807 ; and of tho
Muncy Creek railroad running up Bi
Muncy creek to tlio Loyalsock, nearly
ono half Is already graded, tlio tie
and rails nro on tho ground, and
it will bo rapidly laid for tho di;
taueo graded. This road will probably
bo completed within a year. Ono of
tlio best vouchers for Its speedy complc
tion, is the fact that it has for its Pre;
dent a man of tho greatest energy and
determination, and to wlioso indefati
gable efforts, aud great enterprise, we
tiro mainly indebted for tho develop
ment of that region.
Tho terminus of tho Townnda and
Muncy Creek roads will connect at tho
coal openings on tho Loyalsock. Tho
original intention was to havo had the
Muncy Creek railroad strike tlio Phila
delphia nml Erio railroad at Muncy.
But to induco tlio Atlantic ami Great
Western, tho lessees of tho Catawissa
railroad, to build a road from Rupert
Station to Hughesville, they changed
tlio direction of tho lower end of the
road, and it now runs from Hughcsvillo
up tho river to Wllliamsport. Tlio road
from Rupert to Hughcsvillo would run
up Llttlo Fishing creek, and tints tra
verse a largo portion of Columbia coun
ty. I have been Informed by good au
thority that tills road will undoubtedly
bo built, probably within a year or two.
This road, when built, will enablo tho
Iron men of Columbia and Montour
Counties, who nro rapidly exhausting
tlio ores in their immcdiato vicinity,
to obtain tlio Iron ores from Sullivan
County by a comparatively short route.
1 may in a future articlo speak of tho
geology und topography of that region,
of Us minerals and its lumber, its agri
cultural facilities and romantic scenery.
Juittpcrus Vlrgtnhma, or tho Virginia
Juniper, Is found abundantly in tho
ioutlicrn counties of Pennsylvania, nut
seldom In our northern ones. In this
county there nro trees near tlio mouth of
Roaring crock, nnd also upon tno norm-
crn bank of Fishing creek, on the farm
of Rev. D. J. Waller, two miles from
llloomsburir. It does not seem to grow
as finely hero, in natlvo situations, as It
docs farther South, und we havo noticed
peclmens In Clinton County which
arlv appeared to be degenerated, m no
Red Cedar (which, it will bo observed,
a truo species of Juniper)' nttains n
height of forty feet with a dlamntcr of
ono to ono nnd a half feet, and lias a
Ido distribution In tho United Stntes.
It is however found mainly nnd in great
est perfection near tho Atlantic coast and
south of Now York.
The nnmo of Red Cedar lias reference
to tho heart wood of this tree, which is
of a beautiful red, while the sflp wood
perfectly white. It is very strong and
durable and admirably fitted for subter
ranean water pipes and other uses re
quiring great resistance to Influences of
decay. It is used in ship-building for
posts, and for various purposes in inc-
chanics. Pails, casks and stop-cocKs nro
manufactured from It. It is also used
n tlio manufacture of black lead pencils
It makes ndmirablo fuel nnd would bo
largely used in tho construction of build
ings If it were moro abundant and cheap.
Tlio Red Cedar llowcrs hi May and ri
pens Its fruit in October. Tho berry is
dark blue, and covered with a white
resinous meal. Tho male and fcmnlo
llowcrs aro small, not conspicuous, and
nro homo separately on the same or on
different trees.
Tho Red Cedar varies exceedingly
from seed. Somo plants are low and
prcading, while others are tall and fas-
tigaite. Tho foliage in somo is ofa very
light huo; in others it is glaucous, and
in some a very dark green. As an orna.
mental tree, or largo shrub, it is highly
valued, either for planting singly on
awns or In groups along with other
trees nnd shrubs. It is not, however,
well adapted for hedging.
In our section this tree is almost in.
variably found in rocky and exposed
situations and is nowhere abundant,
Liko tlio Black Spruce it appears unablo
to bear tho competition of moro vigor
ous plants better suited to ordinary sit
uatlons. It therefore takes refuge in
particular locations where it is not ox
posed to competition, us tho Biacl
Spruco takes refuge In swamps, But
its capacity for growth in stcrill soil and
exposed places, fits it for planting as a
wind-breaker whero other plants will
not flourish. It is ono of tho longest
lived evergreens, enduring for a liun
dred years, and is comparatively free
from the attacks of insects. It is onf of
the favorite trees for planting along av
cnucs and in cemeteries.
RoMf., Friday Jan. 11.
n Interdict has been laid upon tho
eniitlniionco of religious vices
Scotch Protestant Church of this city,
by tho Papal authorities, nnd It Is wild
uy tno in m. "'. " " ? " " n.i, and somo holders ask an advance.
itc1 ssami; dsM ,n 1018 to tho
, London, Jan. 12.
Tho Times of tills morning has a long
nriruiill'lltatl VU lilt do 011 the subject of IVnnsy viinln nnd 'lern family HHitvlU'o
, bl" " , ; . , ,,,, r ,i, fennsylvnnlii nnd Western fancy liuuiirnj
Impeachment of tho President of tho ityc, nur j.j-
United Stales, and says tno sciicmo Witil.vr oi primo quality lias becit In
looks llko a fatal blow nt tho Const!- good denmiul, nnd holders nro llrmn
Vif.N'NA, Jan. 12.
Tho morning Journals of this city to
day contained officlnl announcements
Unit the Sublime Porto has called i(HV
000 men Into service, to suppress tho wt,rc in better request, and prices have
Greek insurrection in tno -ncuitcrrn
Paius, Jan. 14.
Thcro Is n vncuo rumor afloat, but
which is not confirmed, that a desper
ate plot to assassinate tho Emperor Na
poleon has been discovered ami frustra
ted by the officials.
London, Jnn. 15.
Tlio ico on the lake In Regent's Park are making tit $3(is3.7o for clover, $3.25
broko through to-day while crowded ;';; 'l umouiy, aim .y-Jiao p uuj,
with skaters. Over two hundred per
sons were precipitated into the water,
EUROPEAN NEWS, coercialintelligenct,.
IMilliuUlpliln Mnrktta.
Wr.iiNiWDAY, Jnnunry H
GltocnillfS. Coifee, 175 bags of ln
in tlio 801(1 nl 1"' 1 ' K"" u .sugar
tliero is lltlio uoing.
Ft.otni. The market continues very
trado including
NorthwcKtcrn nuiierflno nt S7.7.V& k
Northwestern extrn s'ftlu'or
Norllnvi "(tern fiunlly Itf.uwtiiV.
Vnnylvnhl:i nml Western miirrnnc. t-'t
IVniiyivimin mm csiein exim w.utiu
their views. Wo quote Pennsylvania
red tit &Z.7i"iM.3.10 ; Southern do. nt J3.m
(,3.20, and white nt$a.20(i3. 10; Penna,
ilyo ranges from ?1.21fol.30. Corn
Is in fair request, and sales of 3,000 Ijuj,
new yenow wcro eiiecicu nt ?i. unta
advanced. Sales of 2,000 bus. Pcnnsvl.
Vtinia tit 5!)((C0e. Tho receipts to-thy
nro ns follows: 1,750 bblsflour; 2,100 buj.
wheat ; u,.nu bus. corn, u,ruo bus. oats,
PiiovisioNSContinuo very uuu. but
prices tire unchanged. Small sales aro
making at $21(21.60 ri bbl. for new
nicssl'oric; iiwitc p in. ior piam ami
fancy bacon hams ; 12( 12Jc for plcklvd
do.; 83(!'c for Ktilt shoulders, and 1211,4
lilu V. for prime lnrd, In bills and tl,
i:i:is coiiunuo tiuu; sinau saiw
for flaxseed.
and thirty wcro drowned.
Nai'm:s. Jan. 1C.
,V violent tempest visited this bay
last night. Twenty-four ships were
wrecked, but only n few lives wcro re
ported to have been lost.
Pa it 19, Jan. 15.
A detachment of French troops from
Mexico havo Just arrived in France.
IlAitiiisuuna, January 10, Tho Dcm
ocratic members of tho Legislature hav
agreed to sustain Edgar Cowan as their
senatorial candidate. Tho names
Senator Wallaco, of Clearfield ; Judge
Woodward, and Hon. Samuel J. Ran,
dall, wcro also mentioned, but Mr. Cow
an was finally agreed upon.
The Radical caucus met this evening,
and tho flrst ballot resulted in
tlio choice of Simon Cameron, by tlio
following voto: Cameron, 10; Curtin,
28; Stevens, 7; Grow, 5.
Tlio following is tlio vote In detail :
For Cameron Messrs. Brown, of
Mercer, Coleman, Council, Cowles, Gra
ham, Haines, London, Barton, Brown
of Miillln, Cameron, Chadwick, Do Ha
ven, Donohue, Freeborn, Ghegan, Har
bison, Hoffman, Humphreys, Kennedy
Kerns, Klmmcll, Kinney, McCamant,
MeKce, Lowry, McConaugliy,Ridgway
Stut.mun, Worthington, Hall, Mann,
Mochling, Molly, Stumbaugh, Seller,
Subers, Sharpless, AVoddell, Sliuinan,
Wcllor, Whnnn, Woodward, Worrall
Glass, Wright. Total 40.
For Curtin Messrs. Adair, Espy, M'
Creary, Allen, Ewing, Royer, Chase,
Gallagher, Taylor, Colvilie, Gordon,
White, Davis, Lee, Pennypacker, Day,
Peters, Pillow, Quay, Wharton, Wal
lace, Wingard, Watt. Total, 23.
i-or sievons .uessrs, uigiiam, Koatn,
rnistroiiL', Stacy, Richards. Steliman.
Wilson. Total, 7.
1-or Grow Messrs. Brown of Law
rence, Leach, Shoemaker, M' Plierriu,
weou. xouu , 0.
Simon Cameron was elected on last
Tuesday, Jan. 15th. He received in tho
Senato 10 votes ; in the IIouso 02.
The President sent to tho Senato the
namo of Senator Edgar Cowan as Mln
Ister to Austria in place of J. Latiirop
Motley, who has asked to be relieved.
It Is duo to Senator Cowan to say that
lie did not solicit tlio position and did
not know of his appointment until his
name was sent to the Senate.
Tin: Democratic State Central Com
mlttco will meet at Jlarrisburg on
Tuesday, the 20th. As business of Im
portance will bo transacted, It is Im
portant that every member of tho com
inittec shall bo present.
Tin: Democracy tof Connecticut call
for the meeting of a Aatlon.d Conven
ONtho 21th of December Gen. Dix
presented ills credentials at the French
Court as United States Minister. Nei
ther the General nor tho Emperor said
anything In relation to tlio Mexican
dilllculty, between the two nations.
Till: election for Stato Treasurer took
place 011 Wednesday of last week. Win
II. .Keniblc, Republican of Phlladel
pliia was re-elected. John F. Spanglcr
of York was tlio Democratic candidate.
mnrus'ianr-r.cKiioTii-un tim third in.
Wlillcniuht to.MUs .M:rllm i;ckrole, all a
Columbia county.
Itrlilo 8 lamer, near epv.on lim leniu nisl-itit,
livllcv. .1. It. imnni, vtiumm w. loore, I'tui
Muster nt irfiKiinsviiiP, Clinton county, to MU
J. Acheubneh, of the former place.
1 110 nnuc H ill l lie 1 . 1,11 1 iiu 1,111 11 iiiMuni, ny imy
11. M'Vcy I'litliimt, Dr. C, 1. Kricklxvuni to Mim
Mingle t'uUmer, both of fottstjrovo, Nortlium
herlaml county.
J0.VJ?-;iV.A7W:.V.I.V Atlho Forlu Hold,
ill liiuuni-i'iiiK, " '" i-nij -i.iiii .11 uii., uy
Itev. A. Jliittninu, air. wnimin m. Jones or im.
nreieel:, to MNt 1zzle KUnjjenunn ofllcucli
ID 1 13 I'D .
Itoyn In llloomslmrir, nt tho residence of her
Inolher-ln-laiv. Win. real. on TliurMilav nftpr.
noon, the hi'ventecnth of January, Wi7, llHtimh
Kllzit, il,iuhter of .InluiC. nnd llaunali IlijM,
nttcrn lnniinnd protracted Illness, acd ub,jut
linri -MIA I'tllS.
IIUXTIU!- Aiditnnd, nn tho tlxtli Instant.
Mrs. Sarah .lane, wire or Jonn A . Hunter, into
or this enmity, aged twenty-one years and nlno
MUHICl.llln Oreenwood townMilp.on the tenth
lnsumi, rai-nn.iiu, uauumcr oi nauiei aim .Me.
Unda Merlclo, aged clgltt months and ittout)'.
blx ilay.s.
ciMNKH, LctturH of rulmlnlstrntloii on thointnla
of Eleanor N. Cutuitli'll, Into of IVntro townMiip,
i'oliuunla count v, drcrnseil, have been Krnnti-iUy
Cmnptictl, nf Cciitrn tmvmlilp, niul county ufon
Hiiltl. All persons Imvlnu claims iiKnlnsl tlictv
tato or tin itcfcuent, nro rt'qiicKU'ii lo imscM
thrm for Kcttlcincnt, nml Uioho imlcbtcil tollis
Chtnto will innite payment without iieiny.
January 1, 18(7-fiy, Administrator,
(iiie .ssisiaiu Jiemcni uirecior u. . .inny.j
IJlnoinsburg, Jan. 18, 1SC7.
"In Tiiunn nny person you would
particularly wisli mo to marry?" said a
widow expectant to her dying spouse,
who hail been somewhat of a tyrant In
nis nay. ".narry uio dovil, ir you
liko!" was tho gruir reply. "Oh, no
my dear, you know It is not lawful to
marry two brothers."
" I say oxcuso a bit of sarcasm," said
bmltlt to Jones j " but you aro an in
famous liar ond scoundrel." "Pardon
a touch of irony," replied Jones, as ho
KiioeKcd him down with a poker.
Kentucky has rejected tho Constitu
tional Amendment.
Xotici:. Tho proprietors of tlio lato
Colummax newspaper, havo mado ar
rangements with tlio publisher of tills
paper for carrying out nnd executing
theirexNting contracts witli their sub
scribers nnd udvertl-ers, as follows:
1. That subscribers' who havo paid
their subscriptions in advance, shall he
furnished with this pnper';f charge
until their subscriptions expire.
1!. That paid advcrtisementsextcndlng
over future time, shall bo continued in
tills paper without charge until tho timo
paid for expires.
3. That tills paper shall bo fcent to
thoo subscribers who havo not paiil
their subscriptions, (during tlio time
thoo subscriptions nro to run,) and
that tlio amounts ;ioto due thereon, as
well as thoso hereafter accruing, shall
bo paid to tlio publisher of tills paper
without account to tho former proprie
1. ThatiHnriWadvcrtiscmcnts, extend
lug over future time, shall bo continued
In this paper during tlio times con
traded for, and shall bo wholly paid for
ioiiio pumisiieroi this paper.
Subscribers and advertisers inter
e.stcd, who receivo this paper without
notice of objection to tho publisher, will
uo considered ns agreeing with him
upon tlio ubovo terms and conditions,
loriuo continuanco of their Btibscrlp
Hons and advertisements. There will
bo no Increaso of rates of charco for ad
vertlscments, continued as above, al
though tho circulation of tills paper
will bo moro than double that of tlio
lato Columbian. J, a, F.
January 8, 1807.
niltnn ni fl.n I'j.rlru Tlnlal aliuim.lmm Ta
-V. in. I. r T A 1 . x 1,1.. I ' !
j inu wiuui diuuiury, mu ,icgism- Calls promptly nttended to both nlcht and day,
turo met in Joint convention and coun
ted tho voto for Governor.
John W. Geary had 8(17.271.
Hicster Clymer had aw.DSlO.
C. LIGI1T1C & CO.,
Manufacturers of
P I A X O P O It T E S 1
Geary's majority, 17,178.
ST. LOUIS, Missouri, Jan. 15. Chnrles Polo Patentees of I.luhte's celebrated Patent In-
D. Drake was elected United States Sen
ator for Missouri to-day, by a vote of
112 to 47. Mr. Iilair received 33 votes.
The Illinois Senatorial election to-day
resulted in tlio re-election of Mr. Trum
bull, who received 70 votes, and Mr.
Dickey, Democrat, 3S.
In tho Supremo Court of tho United
States to-day, Associate Justico Field
said ho hail been instructed to deliver
tlio opinion in tho case of John A. Cum
mins, plaintiff hi error, against tho Stato
of Missouri, involving the constitution- The iowo state rnlr!
nlity of the test oath of that Stale,
Tho plaintiff was a Hoinaii Catholic
priest, and convicted by the courts for
nd vising and preaching without having
first taken tho required oath, and was
sentenced to pay a lino of five hundred
dollars, and committed to jail until
Hiitated Iron Frame. Arc alho makers of tho vtr;
beit Piano Fortes In the market.
a Jinn i can woman's r a i ni
and the Inhibition of thoIuduMryof allNattMU,
besldcH numerous other
together with testimonials from all tho most itlv
tlUKUlshcd Musical celebrities ln Kurovo ual
iVmerlcn. 1 hey havo also Jut received
tin: jiiGiiubT i'hi:mium
M tho Illinois State Fair!
1 ho Indiana State ra'jl
The Supremo Court decide tho Test of tno rnuilof I'onnn'm l-lciis In the 'County I
Oatli to bo unconstitutional.
Friday Dec,
jeri I'urhi-I, on tho west by loudsi
,r It.
dcipnia and tho counties of Ducks,
.uonigoiuery, Chester and Delaware,
Long Island, in tho Dloicsoof Xew
onc, is malting vigorous efforts to
form itself into a lllsliopric, with the
title of tlio Seo of Brooklyn. Tho Dish,
op of ew oik has signified his full
assent, nnd thero is no doubt of the sue
cos's of the movement.
Tho Wisconsin Stato I'alr.tti
In competition with tlio most eclehratid Manu
facturers of New York. l!oton, Philadelphia,
Italtlmorc. tte.
Warerooms, 121 Ilroomo street, near Broadff.17,
New "orl;Clly. Orders by mall promptly atten
ded to. Semi for Circular. JanlVC7.
IJ ni undiy wrllsof Vcniltlioul i.Vpoaai, .clnrl
jr-iic.'iatiii 1 im iirelo., lomoiureelcil.lHiifHiem
,if tin- I'ouil of Ciuuinoll 1'lens In tho County t
1 oiitniiaa, Mill in- eiriseil to public sale, ai nm
Court House. In ISInoinsburi.'. on MONDAY. I'rB-
Itl'AltY I'tll'ltTII. 1.1111 oVloclc Intluu:-
terniKiu, the r,,ll"iii(; iciil estato to wits
A lot of mound situate In the boioutth orcvn
t rutin. Columbia eountv. hclnaflftv feet fionl mil
rtrr one hundred iilltllurty leetdeep, beln two t.-
rp.r., i i c-i 1 ,,ni , , rouah lots, hounded on tho north by lot of-
J Hi: lit. IlOV. Steplieil Elliot, Bisliop rensterm u-her, on the west bv an nlh-y, mli
noni-irln itlil ,.,. ,1,, .,..(... 11.. .... south bv lot or Win. Zehilcr, and on the "'t ly
UCOlgla, died ery Unexpectedly 011 Trautwlni.stuet, whereon k erected iitmiMr
1st 1 Sfi(S 'it thn ni'n of (ill framedellliiK house, with the iippurteli uu'w.
tst, loon, ,u 1110 ago OI bU noleil.taltcii lii execution and to bosoldasto
pmiieiiy 01 u, u, iuriTi:itLV.
r.... -r..n. it 1 p. , , . . I A eerlHln Irnet (irliitnl kltnnf,. In i r.-tnlni-k Inirn-
-ucuiouisi irientis ntivo nrougnt ki i. ,1,,,, , , , ViV-.' ...tni, . ;. ,i iri
their protracted mcetlntr to a close. AVo '":'!. 1,:" hounded on the north 1 ij
. . . . w "I HOI
nro iniornieii somo elglity persons havo
prolesseil conversion. This is a largo
result ior ono denomination,
T. Folk mill Hi llhell lliiimrt in, Hit, ki.ulli h
of .fesso Hears, and on tho east by lands of vsl"
,, uii..u, ii,-i,--,ii hi ii d id! 11 pari 11 nun' "t
ii.u t li house, and n part loa iiuduinut tun
b.1111, villi the iippiirtenances. ,
Seieil. taken ill executinii tmil tn he sold OS U.
propeilyof llr.Niu T, Heii.v.
A lot of m-ouml, situate in the lmromrh off.-ii-
A Vimv decided movo is being mado
to erect a now Episcopal Seo in Penn
sylvania, to COllinriso thn fit v nf 1'hlhi. !."', ''ohiinbla county, cpntalnlns liny f;e" '
r . ' , --' - iioui, aim one nuniircii unit forty leet uiep.
ueii on ine west by locust Avenue, on tin
nyiomi u. Kiilltlc, on tlio Hist by an iiuei '
oil the south liv a liublli- rniul. wliermn is 1 rei'l'
n two slory rraine tavern nnd ilwellillK liouse-ur
u larKO stable, with tho appurtenances., iitiii ii in execuuon aun 10 00
pioperiyoi ixrKit llowi.n,
-I MO,
A certain tract nfland situate In f'alawlssal 'fTl
slilp, Cnluntlila county, coutalnliu; teiit-s
acres, moto or less. iHiuudtsI on the east l' lal
of Jacob liriuuhellei'.ou thesoutli by laud "j"
onion IVitely, nnd 011 the north nnd est by Ian
or Gideon Arndt, M hereon Is eieeteda ln! lieu
and frame stable, with tho appurtenances.
r-rl.i-il, taken ln execution and tu bosoldiuti-i
property of He.njamin Folk.
A certain tract of land sltuato In Hemlock town
ship. Columbia county, containlnu nlmt
liundrcil acres, bounded and described nsMl""
tOUlt! (Ill III., tu.rlli l I, in, 1 ..r.busib K ntn7
on the east by lands of l.el Wrlnbts tad, I'1'"'
aVN Episcopal 1'arish was organized
in tlio town of Franklin, N. V in Jan
18(15, and a Church built nnd paid for.
costing $10,000; number of persons con- hyerkhelser. on tho south by land-1 of SiwiiJ
n,...,.,.i ,!..., no 1, ., Homier, iiiul on tlio Mest by landsof- Mo""1!
1111m.11 ffiinu 00, jmptizctl III. N Cry "iieie irceiectisinfiamoilwellini! nousi.'",-'
few of theso persons had been broutrht " IK ffi'-S '"ffSSVa sold n.
1 .1 t f it .... t limnorl.! A It.., i Hnll, ...Imhl'siml'
u, main- tut an 11 utience, nnu UUS blir- w,iK Vl.f. will mmod of ilKNilv IiVnmiiiaua,
iuisniji resiui is enieuy owing to tlio "i'""'i.
.1... l . - .. . . iren
iiiri iiuii mu pcopio 01 mat town aro .,..,,..,, , ',,, lbrf
tired Of political preachers. Llxlit Street, Colmnbla county, eonlalnlua ('III"';
,'IHIII IIHIN, 1111,111 ,11 II'SM, IKIllllllt-ll 1111 III- " 7 ,
lot of Will. Si-hlivh r.iin Ibeu.-sl bv streei
Tin; revival still continues in tho !!
English llaptist Church of Illoomslmrg. """!" 'V'1 !",,"";. "i1!",1'";'",", 'LTtM
'P.,.l.. !,.... i. ii , . . Sel.isJ,talieliliiei-euliim and lo bo sold a"1"
1 weivo iiavo already bcon Immersed In property of isaau souhswohtii.
tliol lshtngCreok by Elder J. P. Tus
tin, 0110 last Sunday, mill cloven on tho
bumiay hefoie. Thislsthosanio mini
ber that iio immersed in tho same place
during each of the preceding winters,
ranKlng thirty-sis In tlireo years.
TIiefnllowlnBdeserlhrd iiiisua?o, tract
of l.iud, situate In tliotounshlpot huipulis'T"''
t Viunly of l 'olu III bl.l, to wit! T lio sollthwvsl o
hair pail of my plantation In bo marked ouiw
lines and eoriicrs hcreulier, ... ,va
Seized, taken In i vecutloll and to lw sou na t-'
pioperlyor Jacsiu Himm. ,, ,
Iiloonnburp, J.muiry II, J5W,