The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 18, 1867, Image 1

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VOL. I.-NO. 3.
A Democratic Newspaper,
U icnLiaiiBU rou thr rnomiKTons nr
nioomibarg, Columbia Count)-, r.
TlITi principles bf this pnper nro of tho Jefferson
tan School of politic. Thoso principles will never
ba compromised, yet courtesy nud klndcss shall
not bo forgotten In discussing them, whether with
individual, or with coutetnporurlos of tho Press.
Tho unity, happiness, and prosperity of tho coun
try la our aim and objeetj and as tho means to
ecuro that, wo shall labor honestly nnd earnestly
for tho harmony, success and growth of our organ
It lias seemed to tho IToprletors that tho re
guTrenicnts of o County newspaper havo not been
horctoforo fully met by their predecessors or con
toniporarles i and they have determined to, If
posslblo, supply tho doflclcucy. In a literary point
at vlsw also this paper will aim at n high stand
ard, and hopes to cultivate In Its renders a correct
Usto and sound Judgment on merely literary, as
well as on political questions.
The. news, Foreign and Domestic, will be care
fully collated and succinctly given; while to that
of our own Btato and section of the State, partic
ular attention will bo directed. Important Con
gressional and Lcglslatlvo matters will bo fur
nished weekly to our rendcre In a rcodablo nnd
lelkiblo form j and votes and opinions on Impor
tant and leading measures will be always publish
ed j so that Our parcr will form a completo record
of current political events.
The Local Interests, news and business of Co
lumbia County will recelvo special attention ;
and wo will endeavor to make tho paper a ne
cislty to the farmer, mechanic nud laboring man
upon v. bom at Inst nil business interests depend!
Tho fireside and family clrclo will be diligently
onsldcrcd In making up the paper. No adver
tisements of an Improper characterwill ever, uu
tier any pretext, bo udmltted into Its columns.
Its Conductor is dotoriulucd that lUhall bo en
tirely free In all respects from any deleterious
doctrine or allusion, so that o ery man can place
It In the hands of his children, not only without
fear, but with confidence In Its teachings and
tendencies, riomlslng to use his very best en
deavors to fulfil In letter and spirit the announce
ment above act forth, tho Publisher of The Co
IXMDIAN trustfully places It before thepeoplo be
lieving that it will answer and a want hi tho
community hitherto unsupplled.
To ConitEsroNDENTO. In ordtr to moko The
Columbia an completo a record as posslblo of
all facts and events, necidents, Improvements and
discoveries relating to Columbia County, wo re
spectfully Invito correspondence, accompanied
with responsible names, from ull points. If f.icls,
dates and names aro carefully given tho Iilltor
Vf 111 put the Information In proper form.
Trains of BuuscBimONi Two Dollurs for one
year when payment Is mado In advance; and all
subscriptions not paid la advance, or by the first
day or April, 1807, will Invariably bo charged Two
Dollars and Fifty Cunts. All contracts of sub
scription and for advertising will ho made with
the Publisher; and all payments therefor enforced
In his name,
. The Colombian will bo delivered through
tho malls,to subscribers In Columbia County, free
of postage. To thoso outside of tho County, five
vents per quartor in advance, paid at tho olllco
where received.
Terus of Advertising s Ono square (ten Hues
or toss) ono qr threo iuseitlons SI,"K); each bubse
quctit Iuscrtlou50 cents; one bqunre one mouth
11,00, two squares S.1,00, thieo quints fcj.iio, four
squares 50,00, half column 510,00, one column 13,00.
Executors or administrators notices S3,ii0; Audi
tors 82,(10. Sditorlal notices twenty cents n line.
Other advertisements Inserted according to spe
cial contract. Transient advertisements must bo
pro-paid. Jobbing of all kinds neatly and prompt
ly executed.
Nrwsi'AlT.n Laws. 1. A liostinaster Is required
to give notice by letter (returning the paperdocH
not answer the requirement of the law) when a
subscriber docs not take his paper from the ofllce i
and to state tho reasons for its npt being taken.
A neglect to do so makes tho postmaster responsi
ble to the publisher for tho payment.
2, Any persou who takes a paicr regularly fiom
the post olllce whether directed to his name or
another or whether ho has subscribed or not,
Is responsible for the payment of tho subscription
S. If a person orders his paper discontinued, ho
must pay up all arrearages, or tho publisher may
eontinuo to send it until payment Is made, nnd
oollecUhe whole amount whether It is taken from
the office or not. There can bo no lcgul dl.coutln
banco until tho payment Is made,
4 If a subscriber who is in arrears orders his
paper to bo stopped at a certain time, and tlto
publisher continues to send It, tho subscriber Is
bound to pay for It If he takes It out of tho post
dueo. Tho law proceeds on the ground that n
loan must pay for what ho uses.
C, The courts have decided that refusing to take
xiewspApcrs and periodicals from tho post olllce,
or removlug and leaving them uncalled for Is
Jiri'na facie evidence of Intentional fraud.
43r- It Is, In a! caret, more likely to bo satisfac
tory, both to subscribers nnd to tho Publisher,
that remittances and all communications respect
lug tho business of the paper, bo sent direct to thu
troomf publication. All letters, whether relating
to tho cAltor Ul or buslncf s concerns of the paper,
And all jiayments for subscriptions, advertising,
or Jobbing, aro to bo made to and addressed
john o. rnnrai:,
"Cblumlian Oiler,"
lH-ooMsnunn, Pa.
rrlnrod at Itoblson's Ilalldlngs, near tho Court
Homo, by Ciiah. M, Vaniieiuuce,
Thank H. Skjduu.
Tho undorslgnod having purchased this well
known and centrally-located house, tho Kxclutugc
Hotel, situate on MAIN hTItCI.T.In Illoomsburg,
ImuHstintoly opposite the Columbia County Court
House, rospoetfully Informs his friends nnd tho
publlo In ccncrul that his houso Is now In order
for Die reception ami entertainment of trut llers
wnoinoy bo disposed to favor It with their ins
tall, Ho had spuria! no expense In prepaihu; tho
racbange for Uio entertain I'lent of Ids guests,
neither shall Ihoro lo anything wanting (on his
part) to minister to their personal comfort. His
houso is spacious, and enjoys an cxctllcut busl
nera location.
Omulbui'ses run at all times lKdwcen tho Kx
thaugo Hotel and tho uilo' railroad depots, by
which travellers will bo iloasnntly comcyid to
and from tha respoctlo stations In duo time to
wet tho ears. JOItjr r. CAHIAJW,
SOvsiuburj, Sf iuls , 1.
Miss Ettlt Jump, or PI) mouth,
Onco moro has tho sun In Its annual rotation
Consigned to oblivion another short year.
Ah, seasons of pleasure, how short your duration,
lteluetnnt we bid you adlctt with n tenr.
01 1 Time's rapid motion exceeds all expression,
Days pass like a. dream, or n nluinlon appear,
Weeks nnd months have revolved In rapid sue
cession, And brought us onco moro to the closo of the year.
What various emotions nro caused by reflection,
Whllo on our past furlunes our thoughts aro eon
fined i
The scenes of ourchlldhood nwnko recollection,
And thrill through the soul as they fall on tho
How on do wo wllness with pleasure or sorrow
Prosperity's smile oradvcndly's tear,
We fondly anticipate pleasures to-morrow,
Yet sigh with regret at the eloso of the year.
And now lo tho (lad of all grnco I commend you,
With blessings untold may your cup overflow,
.May peace and prosperity ever attend you,
As on through the Journey of llfo you shall go.
Ono wish of my heart you'll permit me tn mention.
And while I express It believe me sincere;
Hay Heaven reward you Tor yourklnd attention,
And grant you dear little, n Happy New Year.
And when you at last shall elosn up your probation
And Jordan's cold waters shall roll at your feet j
May you enter tho valley without hesitation,
ltejolclnj In hopo your Hedeeinur lo meet.
Ami when he shall niter the kind invitations
" Como ye blest of my father, partake of my Joy,"
May mansions of glory bo your habitations
And praise and thauksgtvlng your endless em
ploy. 1- w. ., or n, ii.
Her hands are cold, her faco Ls white,
No more her pulses como and go ;
Her ojes aie shut to lira mid light;
Told tho white ventures, snow on snow,
And lay htfr where tho violets blow.
Hut not beneath a graven stone,
To plead for tears with alien eyes;
A slender cross of wood nlono
Hhull say, that here a inatdcu lies
In peace beneath the skies,
Tor her the mornlni! choir will sing
its matins from llio branches high,
And every nitnstiel voice of spring,
That thrills beneath tho April sky,
Hhall greet her Willi its earliest cry.
When turning round that dial track,
Uuatward tho lengthened shadows pass,
Her little moumeis chid In black,
Tho cricket sliding through tho grass,
.Shall pipe for her an evening mas.
At last the rootlets of the trees
.Shall find the pilsou where she lies,
And bear the hurled dust they seize
In leaves and blossoms to the skies;
Ho may tho soul that warmed It rlsv.
If any, born of kindlier blood,
Hliould ask what maiden lies below,
Say only this; "A tender bud,
Tlmt.trlcd to blossom in tho snow,
Lies withered where tho violets blow."
Those only are the bravo who keep their ground.
iviui Keep ii lu uiu lusi, jmor,
KviuiYiionv in narmouth knew Lit
tlo Johnny, with his crooked luck and
tiny crutch, witlt which ho couhl (jet
over tho ground a good deal taster than
most other people who had free Use of
their logs. A great favorite was he witlt
tho liluir, weather healen henchmen,
who ofted used to tako him out witlt
them in their xhore-houts to tho luprjrcre
when they were bringing their night's
catching ii-borc. Then they u?ed to
make him siiig, for lie had a capital
voice, nnd had learned to give out the
"Death of Xel.-on " and "Tom How
ling" witli nautical emphasN and spirit
not to be expected in n child of ten.
Standing on tho shoro you could hear
his notes sounding over tho water, and
presently tho shouts and hurrahs of his
audience when became to a conclu-io'i.
Johnny had no mother; she hail long
been dead, having only lived to bring
her child into tho world, and then ias
ed quietly away as if in a peaceful sleep.
Tho only vestige that remained to mm
of her was a green mound under thu
great yew treo in tho corner of Ilar-
niouthchuiThyai'il,andthi'roevcry .Sun
day after tho morning tcrvice, he and
his father would bo found hdiitl-in-liand,
silent and sad. l'or though he had lost
lib wlfocloseonlialfascoroofyeais, Joe
liarton, rough and iron-hearted as lie
was, had not forgotten iter who for ono
brief twelve mouths mado life sunshine
to him. " Poor litdo woman," he would
say, turning away; ami as no passed
through tho gate that led out ot tne
resting-placo of tho dead a great salt
tear, as big as a pebble, would force Its
way out, and slowly creep ihfwn his
brown cheek, lie and Johnny lived in
n comfortablo cottago outside tho town,
for Joo had beeiiasiieces.sfitl man j from
a fisherman he had gradually become
part owner of a lugger, then solo pro
prietor, and then at last htul no less than
three boats of his own. Ho lu course of
time lie secured a very nice littlo nest-
egg, which ho invested in tho shares of
tho county bank, anil then having in
ured long nnd well, retired to rest mm
for tho remainder of his days, Tho bank
bill! a local branch at llainioutli, nnd
most of tho fishermen and Inhabitants
deposited their money there, llowas
wont to say " That It did ills neari goon
to hear tiio waves, nud that they used to
talk to him fur all the world liko human
beings." When ho gave up fishing he
lind built a small pIcaMire-boat, which
was christened with great ceremony
The Suiicy Jack, anil n smart, trim lit
tlo craft she was, with sailing powers
something perfectly miraculous. All
through tho summer aim was kept fully
occupied, nnd heart-rending wcro the
appeals Joo had to listen to from tho
Juvenile frequenters of tho beach to tako
them out for n sail with him. But ho
always had plenty of company, and
whut with his ben stories nnd biscuits
nnd glnijer-lieer Joo Hurton wm nt last
worshipped ns a hero. Johnny over
went with him on theso mnrlno'
slons, and despite his deformity nnd
ovcr-nttendant crutch, without which
he could not move, ho had learned to
handle nnd ninnccuvro Tho (Saucy Jack
with tho greatest case, nnd was ns expert
at taking in a reef or " putting about"
ns the oldest salt in Ilnruiouth.
It was a glorious summer's dnv. tho
sea so smooth that it rippled on to tho
oeacn without noise, nnd seemed to bo
coyly kissing the pebbles. So hot, too,
that tho rower? In tho ninny boats tlnnl-
ing about wcro leaning listlessly on their
oars, allowing themselves to drift lazily
along with tho tide. All Ilarmouth
seemed to bo on tho water; everything
in too snnpo oi n boat was engaged. The
(Saucy Jack alone remained idle. Thoru
sho lay, about a hundred yards from tho
shore, securely anchored, and every
thing us neatly fastened up as when she
had been left the night before. Many
and anxious were tho inquiries for Joo
liarton, ami general wero tho express
ions of regret that lie should not bo In
tho bay on such a lovely day, Xo one
knew whero ho had gone, not oven
Johnny. All ho could say was that his
father had received a letter tho night
before, lifter reading which ho had sat
silent ami gloomy all tho rest of tho
evening, and gouo out before six o'clock
lu tho morning, when ho was a-bed,
without saying a word. So The Saucv
Jack remained idle all through that live
long summer's day.
Evening came on nnd Johnny, who
had been lounging nbout uneasily, for
ho could not bear his father to bo away
from him, began to feel very tired and
sleepy, and thinking that a nap on board
would bo cool nnd comfortable, hailed
ono of tho passing boats, nnd was duly
transported to The (Saucy Jack. Creep
ing into tlto littlo cabin at her bow, in
which spare sails, empty gingcrbcer bot
tles, and such liko wero kept, lie soon
fell into a sound and heavy slumber.
How long it lasted ho knew not, but
when ho woke ho was startled by hear
ing a rippling sound above ids head ;
it was quite dark, too, and tho boat felt
as If sho wero moving smartly along.
hat could have happened? Had she
broke away from her anchor? l'or a
moment lie lay still, frightened in spite
of himself. Then slowlyJio raised him
self on his elbow, and rubbing his eyes,
peered through tho narrow aperture
which lie had entered. Ho could seo
tho main-sail bellied out with tho fresh
breeze, and that was all. But was it
not enough? lie know ho wa3 out on
tho sea, but how had ho como there ?
Could nnybody out of spito have seat
him adrift? No; ho knew of no ono
who had a grudge against him; sud
denly hcj was startled by a groan as if
of pain. His heart thumped ngalnst
his side, tho presperation broke out in
great beads on his forehead, ho neither
moved hand nor foot. Then ensued an
agonizing silence, and then a voice
hoar.-o and broken witli emotion, burst
into a passionate prayer. Johnny was
braver now, and dragging himself along
on his hands nnd knees, as quickly as
his Infirmities would allow, ho made for
tho entrance, and thrust ills head out.
There was no moon, but tho stars shone
out bravely, and in their light lie could
seo tho ilgtiro of a man with his back
towards him, rocking backward and for
wards, ids face buried in his hands, and
murmuring to himself. AVlio could it
bo? Johnny essayed to speak, but his
lips were parched, soundless, and glued
together, his tongue rough and dry. IIo
started at tho black shadow as if it wero
a spirit. Between it and him tliero was
a seat running ncro-s tho boat ; ho tried
to reach it, in order to pull himself
ilong, but could not. Tho figure moved
its head, nnd in a momentary iiasli of
summer lightning Johnny saw that it
was ins father. Ho sought to sneak
again, but ho could not, while his eyes
eagerly devoured his every movement.
IIo saw him move his hand down to the
sent beside him, ho saw him raNo his
arm with something that glittered In
tho silver light, ho heard a click, nud
then its if by inspiration, tho truth burst
upon him. Hurling himself forward
witlt tho energy of despair, ho caught
his father by tho arm. There was a
llip-li, a report, and then ho licit some
thing grazo his lingers. Hut ho heeded
it not ; seizing tho pistol from his hand,
ho threw it with all his strength intp
sea, and then sank fainting into tho bot
tom of the boat.
Black grew tho clouds, higher roso tho
.wind, beating up tho waves into angry
contention. Thero was every appear
ance of tho advent of a boverc storm.
The Saucy Jack, left to herself, was
heellngoverinthotroughot tho sea in a
perilous manner, but still Joo Barton,
for It was ho tat witli his faco in Ids
hands ; still Johnny lay silent and
motionless in the bottom of tho boat.
Presently a great, green wave came curl
ing alongand dashing against the boat's
side, wetted both to the skin. It roused
Joo from ids stupor, it rousctl Johnny
from his insensibility; In another mo
ment they wero in ono another's nriris.
Still tho wind freshened ; still the
waves roso higher and higher ; tlioso
two clasped In that linn embraco heeded
them not, for tho mercy of (.iod was In
their hearts, nnd storm and tempest had
nn fiwr for them.
It blow uf?nlu that night andmoming
nnd a largo vessel went ashoro on
lliirmouth sands, but nollves weru lost.
Thewivcsof thollsherincn lay sleepless
nnd uneasy iu their beds, for their good
men wero out oil tho nngry sea earning
bread for them and tho children. Tho
hoarse volco of tho wind and tho angry
roar of the waves font a thrill to their
1 a Villi I J.J. 1UUI, I'll 1 1 IK. KIVK. (1K.N' 'S.
hearts as they heard them, nnd many a
prayer stolo up through tho black sky
and gained the car of tho Unseen. When
tho morning sun broko bravely through
tho drlftliigeloud.s, tliero was a heartfelt
shout of thanksgiving to tee tho tollers
of tho night como safely Into harbor.
Hugo wero tho breakfasts eaten, sound
was tho c leep that followed, for it had
been rt hard battle between man and
tho elements.
Later In tho tiny a knot of men wero
lounging on tho shore. " Where.s The
(Saucy Jackt "asked one. "An't Joo
liarton turned up yet? said another.
VlillooldMurtoch, tho patriarch of tho
group, mumbled out "Sheaint drawed
up, she nlnt nt nnclior; I'm blessed If
I don'tthlnkslio'sgoiiedown head first.
Tills Inaugurated it covcrsiition nbout
Joe, and various nnd singular wcro tho
reasons given for ids continued nbsenco,
Whllo they wero engaged In this dis
cussion a man, bareheaded and breath
less, rushed frantically down over tho
pebblcss, hisfaeepalo as death, his eyes
almost staring out of his head. "When
he reached tho group, ho stopped anil re
mained speechless. "Hullo, Silas,
what's wrong, lad?" inquired one. You
look dazed, man, " said another.
"Tho Bank," ho whispered hoarsely.
"Well, what of tho Bank?" asked
old Murtoch, Impatiently.
"It's broke," ho gasped, and then,
without vouehsaiciiigany further infor
mation, rushed awny as quickly as ho
had come. Tho news he brought fell
like a thunderbolt in the midst of tlioo
to whom ho told It ; they seemed stun
ned for a moment, nnd then hnstened
up to the town to lind if ho had spoken
tho truth.
Alasl it was but too true: tho Comi
ty Bank being unable to meet a rttii up
on its resources on tho previous day nt
tho chief market town, where its head
olllco was, had been compelled to stop
payment, niid close nil its branch estab
lishments. Considerable assets, howev
er, were expected, tho number of share
holders being amply suiUclcut to cover
all liabilities. It was some time before
the Hnrmoutli iishermcn could bo mado
to understand that, If they wero only
patient, they would havo nearly all
their money back. They stood In a
body outside tho Bank door till tho
darkness took them homo worn out and
sail at heart to bed. Thero went out
no boats that night from Ilarmouth to
Tho morning following tho dny on
which tho Ilarmouth Bank had stopped,
a boat was seen somo distance out mak
ing lis way 'for tho shore as well as it
Could with, a broken most and a ragged
sill. All eyes were strained towards
It. "Whoso could It be? AVhcrc was it
coming from? Old Murtoch, shading
his oyo with his hand, gazed silently
out over tho watery space. Then in a
moment lie dropped his arm exclaim
ing, "Well, bless my heart, if it aint
The (Saucy Jack, with Joo and tho kid
aboard." Immenso was tho astonish
ment ; some said "it couldn't be," but
by-and-bye, sure enough sho glided In
past tho pierhead, Joo at tho tiller,
and Johnny making himself useful In
hauling in the sails. They both looked
palo and weary, but tho shout of wel
come with which they wcro received
lit up both their faces pleasantly. When
The (Saucy Jack had I ecu mado fast,
Joennil hi.i boy came ashore. All wero
eager to tell him tho news, but nono
liked to, for h wfis well known that he
was a largo shareholder in tho bank.
But he seemed to understand their
whi.-pering, and taking Johnny's hand,
ho merely said quietly, "I know nil
nbout it. It's been and ruined me, but
that's neither hero nor there," nnd then
moved olf towards home. But cro lie
had gone many steps ho took Johnny
up in ids arms, crutch and all, and car
ried him home nnd up to his bed in his
own tiny room. Ho would not un
dress him, for already was tho poor lit
tle man in a deep slumber, but laying
him down tnnderlv on the outside of!
tho counterpane, that great, strongman
fell on his knees, and with his faco rest
ing on the hands of his sleeping child,
thus remained for a long, long time.
What ho thought, what ho prayed,
what thanksgiving burst from his very
soul only tho Book wherein ills life is
written can reveal. It was ono of thoso
times iu tho existence of a man when
the days that aro gouo aro lived over
again, and tho lessons that they havo
taught nro appreciated. Then the
clouds roll back, tho dawn breaks with
promise of flno weather, and ho nerves
himself anew to faco tho future, bring
it sunshino or storm. Thus taking
courage, Joo Barton raised himself from
Ids knees, no longer tho craven nnd
cownrd, afraid to moot tho Ills of life,
but ready to.grln nnd bear them. Ho
was an altered man. And who had
been tho mysterious agent in tho hand
of I'rovidenco that had wrought Ills re
formation? Ills poor, little, tlefurmed
child, who through tho night of storm
and danger had been near him with li
on heart and dauntless courage, who
had taught him that mercy is extended
oven unto him who would tako his own
A few words moro. Years pasted on,
tho expected call had been mado by tho
Bank, anil Joo's goods nnd chattels
wero all sold j but ho neither groaned
nor grumbled; ho set himself manfully
to work onco ngaln nnd though his
hair grow grey, nnd ho was not quito so
hearty and strong as of yore, yet all
wero willing to lend him a hand, nud
lie soon began to And his circumstances
improving. But for ono circtinistauco
ho would havo been happy. Johnny
hailnavcr been thoroughly well since
that dreadful night of storm nnd disas
ter ; his back had grown rounder, and
ho complained of a pain in his leg fre
quently. Joo grew very nnxlous; ov
cry sparo moment was dedicated to his
child. Ono day ho took him to London
to seo a groat tloctor, nnd when liocnmo
back ho lookod ten yenrs older, for
there was a gloomy prophecy gnawing
nt his heart. loin that day Johnny
took to his bed. Ho was a good, pa
tient littlo follow but ho would havo no
nurse but his dear old daddy; and his
thin, palo faco used to light up tho mo
ment Joo entered tho room ; mid when
his fat Iicr sat down by him ho would
put his hand Into his homy
palms, and smituns if supremely hap
py. Ouomornlng Joocamoin to break
fast, and as usual hounded up stairs to
seo ids boy. Johnny was lying on his
back, his eyes turned expectantly to
wards tho door. Tho window was
wido open, and a delicious soft breczo
from tho sea came playing through it.
Tho sick child was going to his rest;
tliero could bo little doubt about that ;
ids eyes wcro unnaturally bright, his
cheek strangely Hushed: inn few mo
ments tho ebb of tho tido must set In.
Joo sat down besldo him, and then, as
was ids wont, Johnny put his hand in
ills, and then slowly nud quietly spoke
thus :
"Dear daddy, I'm going home. Tho
doctor was right when ho told you I
weren't good for long. I feel as if I
hadn't got no blood in my body, and
my legs feel so strange Hold mo up
In your arms, daddy ; I want to whis
per to you."
Joo felt Inclined to resist for u mo
ment, for ho would havo gone for tho
doctor, but tho child's manner chained
him to his seat. Butting his arm round
him, he brought his head close to his
shoulder. Johnny nestled himself
cloe, pressed his lips ngninst tho big
bushy whiskers, nnd then continued:
"Daddy don't loso heart again, l'rom
isomo that, won't you? Bemembcr,
daddy darling, tho secret. I I've kept
it; you keep it too, won't you?"
Pressing his hands to his father's
face, ho looked eagerly into ids eyes,
passed his fingers over his check, and
murmuring, "Tho secret, remember,"
in a moment was dead.
They laid him in tho corner of the
churchyard, under tho yew tree, by Ills
mother, and on Sunday morning, after
service, Joo was now to stand nlono and
gaze on tho spot where rest tho two be
ings ho loved so M-elJ. But his secret
is buried fhero too. What secret? That
having received a letter to acquaint
him of impending ruin, and found its
Information correct, ho had sought to
escape meeting ills disaster by himself
destroying tho life that n merciful Crea
tor had given hint. How ho was saved
from this crime lias been told, nnd tho
secret that was, is a secret no longer.
A tint Judy's Magazine.
The followingstrangestory translated
from the French, contains the account
of rather a singular rencontre of four
individuals, who made themselves
prominent in Franco during the mid
dle and end of tho sixteentlt century,
and is as follows:
One stormy evening, as tho rain fell
in torrents, an old womau who lived in
a miserable hut in tho forest of St. Ger
main and who passed in the surround
ing country for a kind of witch, heard
a loud knocking nt her door. She open
ed it. and a young man on horseback
presented himself and craved hospital
ity. By the dull light of a lamp which
she heltl In her hand, she perceived
him to boa young nobleman. Ho ap
peared to bo quito young, and his dres
denoted rank, tho old woman lighted n
tiro and inquired of the stranger wheth
er lie was hungry ami desired food. The
appetite of n youth of sixteen is liko
Ills heart at thu same age, craving, and
not dlfllcult to pleaje, and ho immedi
ately accepted tho oll'cr. A morsel of
checso nnd a loaf of black bread from
the cupboard was nil thcold dame could
produce. "I havo nothing more, said the
old woman ; tills is all that your grind
ing tithes and taxes leave a creature to
offer a traveller; tho peasants, too, in
tills country, calls mo a witch and bor
corcss, and mako that excuse to their
conscience for stealing from mothellttle
that my poor old Held produces."
"Mafol!" said tho young man; If
ever I become King of Franco, I will
suppress tho taxes and teach people
"God grant it!" replied tho old wo
man. At these words tho gentleman drew
to tho tablo to commence his ivpast,
but at tho fame moment a fresh knock
at tho door arrested him.
The old woman opened it and per
ceived nnother horseman drenched with
rain, who nl-o begged for shelter. The
same hospitality was Instantly granted
him, nnd on tho stranger's entrance,
she perceives;! that tho man was young,
nnd, judging from Ills appearance, of
noblo descent.
"What! Is It you, Henry?" cried
"Yes, Henry," replied tho other.
Both wero named Henry.
The old woman dlstovered from their
converKitioii that thoy wero of a num-
! her of a largo hunting party conducted
I by the King Charles IX., which had
DCeil llisjii'isiai UIUBIUUJI.
"Mother," f-ahl tho second comer,
"hr.vo you nothing belter to offer us?"
"Nothing," replied she.
lll'I.An aiM ho -rt .t-lll r-n sliariss."
1 1111) f.T, r,w,....,w.
Tho first Henry demurred, but glan
clngnt tho resoluto eye, nnd tho strong
framo of tho second Henry, said In a
somewhat chagrined tono
"Agreed ; wo shall share equally."
IIo dared not express his secret mo
tive, but ho feared, if not shnringequal
ly, his companion would appropriate
tho whole. Tlioy accordingly sat down
on cither side of tho table, nnd ono had
nircatiy begun to cut tho bread with
Ids dagger, when u third knock was
heard nt tho door. It was again a youth,
a nobleman, and a Henry. Tho old
woman looked at them with astonish
ment. Tho first comer wished to hido tho
bread and chceso. Tho second replaced
thorn on the tablo nnd laid his sword by
their side. Tho third Henry smiled.
"You do not wish then, that I should
sharoyour supper?" said ho. "Well,
I can't wait; 1 have a strong stomach."
"Tho supper," said tho first Henry,
"belongs to him who knows best how
to defend it I"
Tho third Henry becamo red with
nnger, and said hnughtlly
"Perhaps it belongs to him who
knows best how to fight for It."
Thoso words wero scarcely uttered
when tho first Henry drew his poignard
and tho two otiiers their swords. As
thoy wero just beginning tho affray they
were startled by a fourth knock at tho
cabin door. A fourth young man. n
fourth nobleman, a fourth Henry was
introduced. At tlto sight of drawn
owords ho produced his own, and at
taching himself to tho weakest party.
Joined in tho combat.
Tho old woman, terrified, hid herself,
and the weapons struck everything in
their reach. The lamp fell down and
was extinguished, but they continued
to light In tiio darkness. Tho noiso of
tho swords lasted some time, and then
gradually becamo less, and at length
ceased, altogether. Tho old woman
ventured to Issuo forth from her hiding
place, nnd, relighting the lamp, sho
perceived tho four young men stretched
on tho ground, each having a slight
wound. Sho examined them carefully,
and found that fatigue, rather than loss
of blood, had overcome them.
They roso from tho ground ono nftcr
tho other, and, ashamed or what had
transpired in the heat of their passion,
thoy began laughing, and exclaimed :
" Come, lotus now sup together, with
out any moro fighting.
But when they como to look for their
supper they found iton the ground, all
trodden under foot .and stained with
blood. Meagroaslt was, thcyregrcttedit
In addition to this the cabin was des
troyed, and tho old witch, seated In a
corner, fixed her palo red eyes on tho
four young men.
" Why dost thou staro on us thus? "
said tiio first Henry, who was troubled
at her gaze.
" I am reading tho fates written on
your foreheads," ren'i dsho.
Tho second Hciii commanded her
sternly to discloso them, and tho two
others laughingly acquiesced. Tho old
woman replied:
" As you havo all four met in tills
cabin, so shall you all meet in a liko
destiny. As you havo trampled under
foot and stained with blood the bread
offered you by hospitality, so will you
trample under foot and stain with blood
the poweryou might mutually share. As
you have devastated ami impoverished
tills cottage, so will you dovastato and
lay waste France. As you havo all four
been wounded In tho darkness, so you
will all four perish by treason nnd
violent death."
Tho four young noblemen could not
refrain from iaugliingat tiieold woinnn's
The four noblemen wcro tho four he
roes of tho League; two as its leaders,
and two as Its enemies.
Henry of Coude; poisoned by his wife
at Saint Jean d' Angely.
Henry of Guko; assassinated at Blois,
by tho Forty-five,
Henry of Valote ; assassinated by
Jacques Clement, at St. Cloud.
Henry of Bourbon; assasslnatcif at
Paris by itavailiac.
Tin: following story illustrates the
point: Did you ever hear of old James
Therrall and his crooked stick? I will
tell you about him. James Therrall,
nn old carpenter on Salisbury Plain,
said to a young Christian who complain
ed that sho was unworthy to servo the
Lord, "I useil to think as you do, hut
tho Lord (aught mo otherwlso by n
crooked stick. One day my son went
to a sale of Umber, and in tho lot ho
bought was a piece so twisted and bent
Unit I .-aid, sharply, "It will be or nn
u-c." "Walt a bit don't fret; let u
keep a look out, father," said the lad;
"there is a placo somewhere for It."
And so It proved, for soon after I was
building a houso; thero was a corner to
turn In, ami not a stick In tho yard
would fit. I thoughtiir tho crooked one,
ami fetched It. It seemed as If thu treo
hail grown nsido for that purpose.
"Thero," mid I, "there's a place for tho
crooked stick after all j then thcro's a
place for poor Jmne., Therrall! Dear
Lord, show him (ho plaro Into whMi
ho may lit lu tho building of Thy Heav
enly Tmnplc." That very day I learned
that, poor and unluurucd as I wok, there
was u work for inc. Anil m (hero Is a
work for you to do, and nobody ebcenn
SnutATT ii on his way to th& JU-
United State-' lu tho i.iatiira.
Tho Inst nnnunl niessngo ot Governor
Curtln ls too long to publish entire In
our columns. Wo givo below tho ma
terial points of it, omitting of course,
tho mere political clnptrnp which Is un
derstood to bo intended to securo tho
United States Senatorsiilp. Wo may
hereafter nlludo to ono or two matters
iu tho message. The Governor says :
Tho condition of our finances Is ai
follows :
llnlanceln Treasury, November 30th
im ...! j2,ru,M3 U
ltrcrlpls (lurliiic nscat yonrendlngjs'o
vcmberiio, lsw) .7. - 8,M9,CC3 SI
Total lu Treasury for fiscal year ending
November ), isdll ,. R,aVt,OT M
lVyineuIs for sumo period havo been 0,102,3X1 4t
llalancc tn Treasury, December 1, ISCfl, 1,711,033 21
mi '
Amount of ths public debt, as It stood
on tho tlrst day of December, liil....S37,t70,SM M
Amount reduced at tho
Htato Treasury, during
the fiscal year cudhiK
Nov. 100 ,6 per cent.
hut tl,s2S..WI M
l' per cent, loan 2S,onn on
Heller Holes CM 00
Domestlccredltors certl-
llcales 1 03 1,MI,SGJ M
IMbllc debt, December 1, 1SS0...
3.1,0i!,Oj2 19
Towlt, funded debt:
(1 per cent, loan tltn KVt M
5 per cent, loan 5't
IU nsr cent. loan.
213,3X1 00
G per cent, loan, military, per act
Mny j. lsin
Unfunded debt, leilef notes tn circula
tion Inteiest certificates outstanding
. " " unclaimed .......
Domestic creditors' certificates
2,820,730 0
wyes oo
13,nsa m
4.IIS .H
119 67
isfii-fra is
Assets in Treasury:
Honds 1'ennsylvanla railroad com-
. puny tfl.COO.OOO 00
Ilonds Philadelphia and Krlo railroad
company 3,100,000 00
Interest nn bonds or Philadelphia nuil
i:rle railroad company 1,2!,000 CO
Cash in Treasury 1,711,033 S7
1.1,030,033 It
Liabilities In excess of assets, 21,5.10,018,69
M,0S2,O33 14
Liabilities in excess of assets, Novem-
. berjf'.ltll f2fl,ll',O00 34
Liabilities In excess of usselH, Novem
IKT.W, ISM 22,(30,018 M
Improvement InTrensury since 1F01... f,012,011 47
Tho extraordinary expenditures dur
ing tho war and since its close, in pay
ments growing out of It by acts or As
sembly, having amounted to upwards
or flvo millions or dollars, which, ad
ded to ;tho actual payment or tho in
debtedness or tho State, nnd money in
tiio Treasury for that purpose, shows
tho revenues, abovo tho ordinary cx-
jjicndltures, to havo amounted to $10,-
blL',000, which would nil havo been ap
plied to tho payment of tho debt of tho
Commonwealth In the last six years; A
careful attention to tho revenues of tho
Commonwealth, with such Just nnd pru
dent changes as may bo required in tho
fttture, and a wise economy in expend
iture, will, in myjudgment, ensuro tho
entlro payment or tho debt within tho
period or fifteen yenrs.
The time fixed for tho redemption of
$23,108,020 i of the indebtedness of tho
Commonwealth having expired, I rec
ommended that provision bo mado for
its redemption, by making a new loan
for that purpose, payabjo at such peri
ods as tho prospective revenues will jus
tiry. juim:s.
By our existing laws, Juries aro so
Iccted by tho sheriff and commissioners
or tho respective counties. As theso
olllcersare gencaally or similar political
nihilities, the system has always been
In danger of being abused for partisan
purposes. During the last six
has been frequently so abused, and In
many of the counties.
To secure as far as possible, tho ad
ministration of equal Justice hereafter,
I recommend that Jury commissioners
shall bo elected In each county, lu tho
same manner as inspectors of elections
aro chosen, each citizen voting for ono
Jury commissioner, and the two persons
Having the highest number of votes to
be thcfjifry commissioners ortliorespcc
tivo county, to perform tho same duties
in the selection or Jurors, that are now
imposed upon tho sheriff and couuty
1 again recommend tho pasago of
general laws when it is nt all practica
ble, and in tills connection, recommend
the passago of a goueral law regulating
railroads now existing and tho incorpo
ration or now companies, so that so rar
as possible tliero may boju.-t uniformi
ty in the franchises granted, and equal
facilities afforded to tho people of all
sections of tho Commonwealth.
I re-nppolnted Hon. C. It. Coburn,
.Superintendent of Common Schools, on
tho expiration of ids tonn in Juno lost,
ami lie continued at the head of that
Department until tho first of Novem
ber, when ho re-lgiied, nnd I apiwilnted
Col.. 1. P. Wickersliam. It is duo to
Mr. Coburn to say, that ho fill II I led all
tho duties of ids olllco faithfully and
I'llUIeiitly. it appears from his report
that there were iu tho school year of
181)3, l.t-ti'ltchool districts in the State;
l!l,ll schools; 10,111 teadicrif, 73,31
puplM, witli nn average attcudanco of
I7S.0M. 'i'he toial coat of (ho school
svslcm, for the entire Shite; including
taxes levied and State appropriation,
was for thu year $l,W,'Vi(l.
'I'he increase iu the number of school
districts was -X; iu thu number of
school-, Hi; iu tho number of children
attending school, I'JMI; in the avcrngo
ntlciidauceat school, l,!)l", In the total
co,t of (ho fyskiu, &Vi 1,03)112. I Invito
vour attention to tho valuable Mitf
gcstioibt made lu his rcix.rt, and that of
Col. Wkkcrshaiii. ami infiiiiifiMl our
system r public lulriictlii (o Him con
tinued foetcrinx iitreof tho l-e."i!atiiro.
TlietriiMwwif tho State Lunatic hos
pital rcpnx'iil llmt It U Iiii.IIjIo for
lliem t avomnioJateamicur' fur tho
nuiiiU-r of iatlwitsi committed lotbetn
under the luws re;utlatiiic MdiniswkirM
Into the bopitul, ami tariMtiy rteMti
UHituI tlmt pnivl-brti I iiuum! fur lu
crcHM! accommodation.
1 m-w I not my tlmt the limitation I
r. fnlK- Miirlissiiiiiinlrallv nuMMd. or
1 to rf-r to the srsit !fl It h prUucwl,