THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJItG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1867. PUBLICATIONS. PUBLICATIONS, DRUGS Be. MEDICINES. DRY GOODS. SEWING MACHINES. DRY GOODS, &o. RAIL ROADS. nniiK hound taiujE, A 8ATUHIUY IinVIHW OF MTEUATUUK, SOCIETY, AND AHT. Tlio Itonn i Tnblft liMtflhllRhcil fortho unflhirh. Ingdlscnswlon of ttio subjects immwl In Us title ItsmirpoRo is to bo utterly fcnrlcM nhtw.utmm niellort In formlnpr Ur oplnlmi., nw to rolled llio most uniiiniu ami Brimuiuy wiu-rs in i ne cum try to Rlo them expression, Homo limy mca elonally tto illpliied by tlio tone nnl spirit wherein thin is ilono, but wo bee nil nuch to ion-MUor-in tho wonls of Mr, Uuskln hmr inurh less lmriulsilonnhitho worltl by ungraceful 1kM new tlinu by untimely fear. The Hound Tnblfl Is independent In politic, ntnl It will not heaitnto to condemn or to sustain such men or meiwnres of wlmtevcr eet, rllqim or tmrtvns mnv &e.em to thn nitlinrM In lm from limn to time In n position of nnUifttmhm or othemiso toUioniiitcrlnl interests cither of the mctrupuli tnn community or to thoso of Uio w holo common rmmtrv. The hound Tnblo exists t( servo tho public, not Individuals and eontrtbutoU uro requestti to avoid personal puffery mid Animadversion of every kind. Vigorous writers und nhlo special correspondents nro regularly employed, but tho column of tho pnper nru open to merit, let It come whence It may, Articles may bo sent throuch any chnnnel, but We will hold tin t Ml mot ml (;xtilnnn.!lnnft nr HUnm. lons respecting them; moreover, wo must do- iiein-einrwuni utreiurn uuaccepieii mo., nuu to this ruin we will mnkn nn ntppntlnn Persons ordering subscriptions will pleaso tnanlcalloni to THK HOUND TA11M5, octl-tf 152 Nassau Btrcct. New Yort. PUBLISHED TUTS DAY. ANN & fgKi'iiEsa-H yuw dooiu TIIR ROIiDIEIt'R OIUUIANS. By Mrs. Ann B, MtPDhens. author nf "Fashion and Famine." ".TheOold Ilrlck " "Tho Old Homestwwl." " (41 lent Htmrales," "Mars' Dcrwenr," "ltolectcd Wife." "Iho Heiress," "The Wife's Becret." etc. This new book, by Mrs. Ann R. Stephens, has been pronounced bjniU to be by far tho best and most liiicrcKuuff eer written ny ner. 11 appear cd In monthly Instalments In " Pptprsnn'n Mmm. r.lue' during tho lust year, having been complelod in tho December number, whoro It proved to Xm tho most nonular. TKmeriul. nml mieeessful novui that has evernppenred In that Magazine, nnd It Is now published complete nnd unabridged. In one larRo duodecimo volume, uniform with tho "Gold Uriclc," " Fashion nnd Famine," nnd tho other works of Mrs. Anu 8. Htephcns publlshod by us. It will no doubt provo to bo tho most popular and successful work that has ever before been written by this talented American authoress. " Mrs. Rlephens has Justly Ikkjoiiio ft favurlto tviiii mi iinpncun ruuuers 01 roso nci.on.nuu theanuouueement of anew woik from her since fnl pen Is cheerful news to thousands or leaders. And there Is a raro treat In store for them, for In "The Holdlcr's Orphans' Mrs. Menhens has, if luiviiiiuK. wiii win Hit iirr lurmer euurin. iiiero is less redundancy of sceno nnd action, but there Is tar moro nrtlslto excellence, ami nn eLilKirntloi. of causes and elleuls. attainable onlvbvnrarttorHl writers. Th action of the new novel transpires In Philadelphia, nnd boyoud tho limits of tho city the authoress does not permit herself to stroy. Tho ttmo selected by Mrs, Btephens is rocent, tho lato war. und she pictures with vivid dlst lnctuerts uiouoiupsucsniicnDR nnu sucriuces eniaiien ny and made for tho grand and heroic strutrulo for national unity. Tho plot Is one of absorbing In terest, tho characters uro graphic transcripts from real lifo. strongly lndlvlduallcd, and tho con trasts formed by their IndUidtial pecullorltieH, mental and phyMical, lend n, raro charm to this last and most finished of Mrs. htenhens's books.' " The Soldier's Orphans" Is published complete in one uirgo uuouecimo vuiumo, i rico ?i ou in JHtJH. I, Of 34 HI CI'JLIJ. Ar. . bTlifJIESS OTHER WORKS, Tho Gold IJrlck - 31 GO BllentHtrujrgles - 1 CO Tho Wife's Beeret- 1 fiO Tiie Rejected Wife 1 50 Mary Derwent - 61 CO 1'ushlon & Famine 1 60 Tim Old Homestead 1 M Tlio Hoiress . - 1 ft) Above nro in paper cover, or in cloth for C2 each. The nboro books nro for snlo by ull booksellers. Copies of "Tho Holder's Orphans," or of any othor or all tho nbovo popular books by Mrs. anu nge, on receipt of prlco. Address all orders to tho Publishers, T. It. PETE1WON its MtOTIinRH. SOU Chestnut Sfrect. I'lilLulolphia, XVw Ana they will receive immodlato uttenllou. HE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. "i'ho ATtiAXTIC MONTHLY, bv ccucml can. pent, stands nt tha head of Amerirnn magazine. Abuuimwrs uinuiig nn L'Ulliriuuiora Uiu llluhl cull. nnd Its pneH have always rellecteil what lw boat in iiuericiiu ijiieiniurc. it jias ruaciu'U a circa Inllon uever before pilneil foymiyAmerlraiiinaa lirJno of tlili clusn, und It luui, by tho Ioiib ierloa of its exlstcnco nml tho worth of Its contributory becouio flrmlj- tlxeil lu publlo eiteem. Tho IblluwliiK uro amont; Uio mott pronilhotu il w. U)Nui-i;r.i-ov, U, W. KJIKItSONl WILLIAM ClJIJiTHe DnYANT, J. T. TItOWllltlDOB. 1KJNALI1 fl. MITCtllSIjL a CI TfA7KWi:T.T, j. a wiiiTTiKn. 0. W. HOLJlES, UAYAttl) TAYIm, IIAItUIKT 11. ATOW11 OAII. UAMIri).V, E. 1, WIII1TLR TEIWSi Slngto BubucrliUlons, four dollars per year. C'i.un Hates. Two copies forneven ilollars; flva copies for blxtcoii dollars; ten coplfs for thirty dollars; uud each lutilltloual copy threo dollare. tor ecry club of twenty mbwrlbers uu extra copy will be furnlsliod gratis, or twenty-ono co pies forMxty dollars. 1'ostaoh. Tho iiostOBO 011 tho ATLANTIC la twenty-four cents jier year, anil must In nil ciihcs bo paid at the olllco where It Is received. , HPKOIMKN COl'IKS of tho ATLANTIC MONTHLY will be sent on receipt of twenty-tlvo cents. ' The ATL.VNTIO MONTHLY and mir YOtJNO FOLKS wUl bo rurnlshod together at live dollars per year. Special Inducements nro olTorcd to toachers and postmasters to procure buliscribeiH to our periodi cals. Agents wanted throughout tho country. Address TICJCNOIt t FIKLIJS, Publishers, 121 Tremontritreet, Ilostvn, Mnsa. rrUE GALAXY, Al'ORTNIOHTLY ILLUSTOATED MAO AMNE. TIIE OALAXY Is published fortnlchtly, on tho first and tlttrenth of each month, mid has tlio nil vantage of coinlmr to the reader Intcrnudlatcly between tho monthlies nnd tho weeklies. With tho second number tho Mugnzlno was cn larKcd by sixteen pages, ranking It to contalu ninety-six pages of matter. 1T8 CONTltlDUTOIW. THE GALAXY will bo an original American Wagnxln. ot tho highest class. Arrangement hae accordingly liecu made for regular eontrlbu Hons from the best known nud most meritorious writers In the country; nnd moreover, tha Editor will always seek tiirrii'li. mH rtnntiM,rUinirii.l.. Hons from new iiutbore of real ability or decided eenlus. The article In THK OALAXY will be signed with the names of their authors, who will opinion. freedom lu thoexpicsstou of The nrst'nnd second numbers of THE OALAXY. fpr May first and fifteenth, I6U1I, contain cuntrlba' lions from John listen Cooke, l'runces Power Cobbe, Itoso Terry, Oeorgo Alfred Townsend, Ed mund C. Hteilmnn, tho Author of "Emily ches iSTlV Irof!s,s,uf Herro lllot, Ur. W. If. 'Draper, B,.!1,L?,anJ?- Uunmt, General Cluseret, and others. Tho Claverlngs," by Anthony Trollopc, and "Archlo Lovcll,,T by Mrs. lilwnnls, were cum mcnceil lu tha first number of THE OALAXY. pud will continue to lm published serially simui: Uineously wlththelrappearancoln Englnnd. Tho buck numbers of the Magazine containing those stories may always he obtained froui a newsdealer or from the proprietors. I'ltOFEKSOlt HLOT ON rOOKEflY. In the second number of THE OALAXY was roiumencod n. Series nf nrthlfM mi fi.lui.w . rrofew.or Pierre niot, tho well-known teacher iff uio ru iiese nriicies wm uu made or great prac Ural value to every family, llesldo many giiVtro nomlo! directions of essential Imporlnnce, they will oontaln recslpts nud iiractkal suggestions which must secure for them thousands ol 1 eadurs. Tlio price of THE GALAXY Is 23 cents u num belt So for the year of tweuty.fouriiumbcrst&l Bir tlx months-twelvo numbers. Tlio volumes Sir the year will Include tflio ootnvopngos, Illus trated by twenty.fiveormoro full-png engrnv !'iBS'ErJi,itl,.!!ri !lntfa rmpeti be.lifoiimumera. ble smnller .illustrations, soatteiod through the text. TII1J GALAXY may bo ordered at Uio lata of twcntv-flvo cents a uuiubcr for rny length ot time deslreil, " Ijpeclmeii copies will bo sent on rewlpt of S3 oenst. Address W. C. 4. P. P. CnUKCH, rronriotors, SU l'ark Itoiy, New York. QUIt YOUNG FOLKS. We rcspeetfully Invito attention to tho following tioto from tuo able nnd iMiJiilur Uepuly tituto riu- Kriotcndent of tichooU fur I'tniiM lvanla; Msrs.Ticicson KirLTW, llocton, : UnNTLEMtN, 1'ermlt 1110 to eoiurratuUto you on the markeU meeem of "our Young KolltM." J-'rom tlie lixuoof the first number I luive vmh li ed with much Kolleitiule lt tono nud ehnrneter, well knowing tho Immenso Inlluenee, for tood or for evil, It would bo likely to wield. JudgliiK by the tone which he. provlled In much or our Juvenile, literature, iwth rellitloim and secular, I feared that lu contributors might lack that young. lieartnlneH. which ran nlonusnealc to the child, nature, or that the loltlt an ! lucenuousness ol youth might be tainpeml wllh aniTdlsiilaced by a fancy for the vices und deeeltsof mnturer years, llappily lay fears havo proved uroundleM, nnd the whole community have tn thank yon fur pro ducing n magazine mi well adapted to the elans for which It Is Intended, and so eleatlns nnd reiln. lug lu 1U Illliuencea. HAMUKI, l'.llATlii Deputy hlulu Huiwrlutcndent School., l'u. TKI15I3 OF OUIl YOUNO i tl a year. In advance; three ouplwi rlvoeople. tn; ten co pies, SIS) nnd each additional ropy jlin. Twenty copies, .!, and u copy umtls to thu perbou ptocur. lugtheelub. ' Hpeelal Inducements offered to teachers to net lis agent.. Hpeelal copy nnd rlrculnr sent to per sons who Vlsh to procure suliMTlben., for ton cents, TICKNOIt K 1'IEI.DS, l-uwirhei., Itoilou, TUXaEIUCII A SMITH, o. U Koi i h Third Btrtet, I'lillaUelphla, HAlll'Ell'S NKW MONTHLY MAOA71INI:. "Unquestionably the Uwi sustained work of tho kln.l lnl ho World. IMtteitt Xvtlrei of (ha Jres. It Is tho foremost Macanlno ot tho day, Tho llreldo never had n moro tleHnhtful eompanlon, nor tho million n moie entci pri'lu-tf friend, tlmu Harper's MnKMLiQMetmtul 2rotcsUint, JMti nurrc, Tlinmost popular Monthly In tho vorld. Vcw lnrk Ubnvrvtr Wo must refer In termii nf eulogy to tho high tone and varied cxeellenelosof Harper's ilaKazino n Journal wllhn monthly circulation of nUiiit 17lMW enplt's In wIioho pucts nro to bo found omof tho chnl est light and Kcneml reading of tho day. Wo speak of this Vtnrk as nn evidence of thncultureof tho Atnurlcnn People j nnd the popularity it hnsacmilred Is merited, Kach Num Imt contains fully lit pages of reading-matter, ap propriately illustrated with fiood wood-cut i and It combines lit Itself the racy monthly mm tho more philosophical tmaiterly, blended with tho best features or tho dally Journal. It has trrcat power in tho dissemination of n lovoofpuro lit erattuo, Dntbner't (Jutds to American Literature, London. Tho volumes bound constitute of themselves u library of miscellaneous -reading such ns cannot bo found in thetumccoinpnss in any other publi cation that has corao under our uutlco. Jutoi The Publishers liave nerfected asvsfeni nf mall Ing by which they can supply tho Magazluonnd Weekly promptly to those who lire for to tecelvo thoir pcriodicida directly Hum tho oUlco of publl cation. Tlio postago on Harp'r,s Mngaxtno Is 21 eonts a nixi, wuwii iuun ue p:iiu ni inesuuscnuer posi n THUMB. Onoconv onr year 91 0(1 All CXtrn notiv nf nlthnr thn WVplilv nr Mmm. r.lno will be Rtipnlled gratis for every club of live rMiiMiTiucrH in eacn, iu oiio renmumeo; orniic copies inr llack numbers can lo snnullfHl nt nnr time. A Coin) ile to yet, now comprising Thirty-tltrco Volumes. In neat cloth binding, will bo fcent by express, irelght nt expense of purchaser, for $3 i 1 00. I'lotb cases, for blndiuir. 03 cents, bv mall, post-paid, Hubserlptlons sent from British North Amer ican Provinces must be accompanied with 20 cent additional, to prep,y United Mates pnstng Ad dress llAUPlilt A nUOTHKllH, lMhllsherH. 1-rauKiin bquaro, sew Yoik. KW YORK TIMES. TII13 DAILY TIMPS. i-nntnltilnff thn In twit Vnr. eign nnd Domestic News, Is published dally, nt ten dollars per unnumj with bunday ctlltlun, twelve dollars. Tho HKMI-WKP.KLY TIMES, published on TucKdaysond Fridays, price five cents. In addi tion to the In test general Intelligence by telegraph ip to tho moment of going to press, there will bo found in each number tho fullest Wabhlngtou News. European News, with graphic letteisfroin ourtoirespondentM In London nnd Paris, giving tho tone of public feeling abroad, Is made a spe cial and permanent feature. In addition to l'dl torlals on all tho current topics of the dav, tho H1SMI-WKLKLY TIMh has a page of carefully, prepared commercial matter, giving the latest H- naueiai isewsnnti .uarKci iteporiN; uemsor Ag ricultural and Domestic interest, comnlled from sources many of which nro otherwise lnacccsMlble to tho American render; nud niarilagea and tiiiiiriiixi " mm I'u.uiiiuj uiu wits, Tho ''Hkmi-Wkkklv llKromi." nr T:pws Hum. mary being a careful syuoinls und digest of the news of tho day, Is alone -worth double tho sub bcrlntlon price to the itaper, nn It preserves tn a condensed nnd conveniently cinssitJetl form all news of interest, nnd must prove valuable us a imiru in uu i line, TLHMH. Threo dollars per anuum. Club rates are discontinued. Tho WEEKLY TIMEH, published nt twodollars nyear, contains, in addition to tho latest general intelligence by telegraph up to tho moment ot going to press, tho fullest Washington News. European News, with graphic letters from our ruriefeyuiiuenis in ioiuionnnu i nns, giving in wi'u . (iiii'iit; iiuii iiuiuiivi. ii uiuiiu ii Pfirtmi and pcriimuent feature. In addition to Edltorlids on an ine current jopicsor tneuay, mo VEEK IiY TIMUS lias n pago of carefully-prepared com mercial matter. hivIiie tho latest Vinanein.1 Kmvw nnd Market lteports; items of Agricultmal aud iwiiiiiuu uut'iiM, uuiuiuieu liDiu sources many of which nro otherwise iuaccoMslblo to tho Ameri can render ; and Murrlnges und Deatlw of the week. T HE NEW MAGAZINE. XVttA, Jirtght, Instructive, and Entertaining, THE niVEUSIDE MAGAZINE, fou youno rroru:, Meesra. IIUIID & JIOUGIITON, Publishers, "No. 410 Uroomo Street, New York, Toko pleasure in nuuotiucing the iiamedlato iisiujui mu juiuuumutToi THE IUVEItMIDE AIAGAZIi; FOR YOUNO l'LOl'LH, tolwedltod by IIOUACE E. PCUDDEU (atithor of "Dnaiii Children' etc., etc.), nnd published monthly, commencing with January, utfr. Tho purine of the ltl ersido Magazine will bo to naU isjy uiu wsiesui uia younger jiuojic wuniur.truct- ivo anu cnKruuning reiuiing matter, attractively illustrated bv comnetent itrtlts. In thn erinirr. butfons regard will bo had rather tn thn merit, nf i no aiiicie-s man 10 ino previous reputation or the authors, nnd all Bectlous of tho country will be History In its moro popular forms w 111 oecupya prominent place, nnd, as appertaining to this. Nar ratives of Tra el, Ad ventmes in various cimulricH, Alanueraaud Custonm of dltlcrent N'nttmw nml Mich Wogrnphlcal Sketches as will interest and profit tho young, while tho dlti'erent departments of Natural Illhtory nud Scienco will receive tht ir duo Miare of attention. With each sueeehtvo number the vailed work, nmusemonlK, and pleasures of In-door und out door life will be portrayed, and tho interest of tho youthful rfadereomdnutly maintained. ine niusirauons oi mo jingazinowm attract the eves of the .vounecstns well ns nlotisn thn rtM. er children. Mr. II. L. Stephens will lurnKu u full-pngo humorous Cartoon for every number mroughoui ino ycar.aim witnnrtitts will con tinue to give now rcadinga to famlllor tliemoH. TEUMS Of rtUIWCUIITION, S2 ft) ner veor. in advance! .in 'iennl.. ilO; 10 copies, 3J0, nnd an cxtm copy gratlM; Mngto eophis.yj cents. Tho first number is now ready for inspection, ftimplo coplos of this number i uuviiisi-iTs vunw;u iu every part oi juuju) s. iiiJuuiuuN, fuhiuuors. No. I5S Uroomo Ktrtct, Now YorK. TOBACCO & SEG-AHS. npiIE ONLY PLACE to get the best TOBACCO AND ClaAlV, AT WHOLESALK AND RETAIf. Isal JIUNagBERaEK'S, a fow doors below tho American Ilonso, Bloomsburg, I"a. lie lias tho largest and moot select of SMOKINO AND CJIEV.'INQ TOllACXX) everolu.rod to tho cltlicns of Bloomsburg. All the fancy brands of SEQAItS, nnd the bet rino-cnt and I'lug CIIEW1NCJ TOBACCO, can bo had nt his counters. TOBACCO rn'JiB In groat variety ore among his largo stoeilt DON'T JonOET TO CALU II. II. UUN3BEI10EU. IJAaEN, BOYD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, end VholO!ale Dealers In LEAF AND MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, SEdARS, 4c, No. 01 North Third Blrect, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their stock "In Bond," without prepaying the United States tax. TT W. BANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND ClOAR WAREHOUSE, No. HO North Third Strict, between Cherry nud Raco, went side, Philadelphia. RUSSELL & WOODUUEP, Wholesale Denlcis in TOBACCOS, CIGARS, TJPIJs, Ac, Ac, No, 13 Norlh Third talrcet, nbovo Malket, I'hlladtlplila. pinSIIMUTH, IJItOTHEH A CO., WHOI.KSAI.K TOBACCO DEALERS, No. 151 Noi Ih Third Street, five doors below Race, raciorlct, Noj. U) und 2Ji Quarry Street, rbltaililj'hla. JQIIUQ AND CHEMICAL ST0M2, HlooiiHhurg, Tn. DRUHf), C1IEMICAM, TAINTS, I'KHFUMKnV AND Ton.ET"AlmCWW. EYEIt A MOYEH rciMetfully Invito n ronllminncn of patronfige. Their Drnas nml Medicines nro nil helectcd with tho jrrentcHt rare, avoiding ns much as piw.slb!e the Introduction or dellrloin hmtruini, and nro purclmwl from tho best Importing lioutcs In tho country, l'ATENT MEDICINES of nil hinds, Including Ayer'a, Jayno'a, IIollo way's, ltoftctter's, Wlhart'3, lloolland's, do. cotutnntly im hand. COAti OlI AND AIXXIHOI. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES BllCSHIW TAINTS AND CHEMICALH of cn cry variety, and of tho best qu.illty, FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Tho publlo may rely at all times on procuring tho ulxno articles, with all the new uful prepara tions kept In the best conducted istnMlslimcnts. niYsiciAN-a VREscutrTioNs and Family Hecclpta compounded with tha great est accuracy and dlspntch. IiUtESII AltRtVAL OF NEW ? OOODS. Tho undersigned lias Jnst arrived from tho City with n largo assortment of Drngs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Dye Stuffs, Rondy-MadeClolhlng, Perfumery, Toy and Fancy Articles, Druggist's Olasswnre, Brushes, Trusses and Supporters, nnd agencral assortment of every- thin j that belongs to a well-appointed Drug Store. Also Pntont Medicines of all kinds, such as Jay no's, Ayor's, AVishart's, IVlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Troches, Hwnln'a Panacea, Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Hooflaud's Bitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROO- CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by tho dozen or nalf-doren. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n largo exporlenco In tho drug bus! ucss, I would respectfully Invite thoso wishing anything In that lino to call and see my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, "In medicines rpjnllty Is of tho first Importance" JOHN R. MOYER. jjOYAL & ItOYEH, Successors to QILBERT, ROYAL A CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Doalcrs In DRUGS, MEDICINES, SPICES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, DYE STUITH, Ac, Nos. CUO and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. JgtjTABLISHED 1820. JUll.N JIUAK1HT CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and Denlers In OIIIIMICALS, MEDICINES, PATENT MEDI CINES, SPICES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VARNISHES, DYES, Ac, Ac, fouthoast corner of Third and UillowhIU fits., Philadelphia. JgSTAlsLISHED 1828. U. W. CAItrENTEK, IIENSZEY A CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS? No. 737 Market Streot, one door below Ehth, Philadelphia. DRUGS, MEDICIN1X, CHEMICALS,' PAINTS, OILS, GIuVSS, VARNISHES, DYI3, and every other article pertaining to tho business, of tho but quality, and at lowest market rates, GROCERIES, &e., OOD NEWS l'OH EVERYBODY. Owing to tlio Into fall lu gold, EPHRAIM W. ELWELL has rodueed Ills prices to suit all buyers, cither nt wholcsalo or retail. If you want SUGARS, COFFJJES, TEAS, SYRUPS, SPICES, CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, WOODEN WARE, FISH, BEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ac. Ac, glvo ins ncall. EPIIRAM W, ELWI'.M. JOHN STBOUP & CO., successors to stroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DIULL'RS IN FISH, No. SI North Wharves, and 25 North Wntor St., Philadelphia. ENNEDY, STATUS & CO., WHOLESALE FISH DEALERS, Nos. 130 nnd 132Ndith Whaives, riUladelphln, "yEAVEB & BPBANKLE, WHOLESALE GROCERIES ANDCOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos. 223 and 227 Arch Stroot, Thlladelphla. gCIIELL, BEKGEH & CO., UCNiaiAli COMMISSION MEItCIIANTS Dealers In FISH, SALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, AO, Nun. 121 and 1SI North Wiiarvo, above Arch St. Philadelphia. Solo agents for Wilcox's Wheel Orcase. hi bar- rels, kegs, and cans. ESTABLISHED 1793. JORDAN A BROTHER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, nnd Dealers In SALTPETRE AND BRIMSTONB, No SO North Third Street, Philadelphia. QOTTUELL & AY11ES, Wholefcalo Dealers In FISH, CHEESE, Ac, Aa, No. 100 North Wharves, Bocond door nbovoArcliStieot, rhlladelphl.i. JJ V. I'ETEHMAN, with H TT1NCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GHOCEIW, No. 21 North Water Streot, aud No, 20 North Delaware A euue, Thlladelphla. Q D. BOBBINS & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, NortUwwt coiner of Bacond and Vina Street, Thlladelphla. jTUIlUAH KM CATAWISSA! THIS WAY roil BARGAINS. Goods to rompnro with stringency of thn money market. Look nud eonipnro prices before pur chasing etsewhero. Just cull nt tho favorlto busi ness eland of McNINCH A HHUMAN. and you will lie met by Ihoohllglns proprletovsor their clerks, nnd shown through thelrgreat vai Icly sloro frcoof charge, of course. They will alvoyeu n fair chance lo spend your looo change, they trust much more prolltubly limit It can bo spent elsowhero. Their STOCK OF DRY OOODS this Prrlng Is much larger lu nU Its varieties thnn usual. Their LADIES' DRISS aOODfl aro of tlio nicest styles lu market. Tlicy lmvu u lino assortment of HATS. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SUMMER CLOTHS, CASS1XE1S, C.VSSIMERia, AND VESTING3, and numerous articles common to miclicsluhllsh mcnts, besides n general assortment of 1LVRDWARE, TINWARE, QUEEN3WARE, AND GROCERIES, all jt grently reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business on tho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they think they can afford to sell very eheap. They return their thanks for ninny past favors, and nsk tho future patronage of their former cus tomers and tho public generally. McNtNCH A HHUMAN. IIMBHUSTEH & lJUOTHEH, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, BUTTONS, SUSPENDERS, HOOP SKIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, THREADS, SEWINO SILKS, TRIMMINGS, PORTE MONNAIES, BOATS, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, Also Manufacturers of BRUSHES AND LOOKING GLASSES, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BROOMS, ROTES, TWINES, Ac, No. aw North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. s. BETTLE, BUSH, DUNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. 49 North Third Street, Philadelphia. jJ M. MAItPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES. AND FANCY OOODS, No. K) North Third Street, Philadelphia. Jg J. LESTEK, v noi&iaie nnd Ilelnll Denier lu FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADED, Ac, No. 29 North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. pABCnOET & CO., Importers nml Jobbers of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSIMERES, BLANKETS, LINENS, DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Ac, Philadelphia. NDItEWS, WILKINS & CO., Dealers In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOOD'S, No. 603 Market Street, Thlladelphla. JOSEPH S. DELL, Manufacturer of nnd Wholosnlo Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTILS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, No. 13 North Third Street, Thlladelphla. yATSON & JANNEY, Importers nnd Jobbers of BILK AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. 323 Market Streot. Thlladelphla. MISCELLANEOUS. QUB STABC1I GLOSS Is tho only nrtlclo used by FIRST-CLASS HOTELS, LAUNDRIES, AND THOUSANDS OF FAMILIES, It gives n beautiful polish, making tho Iron pass nmuuiiiij u,.-i lliu liuill, ml, lll MUCH JIMK niUI labor. Goods done up with H keep clean much lunger, uuuiuuii.c!uiy wm nui w 'ear out so boon, IT MAKES OLD LINEN LOOK LIKE NEW. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. It U snlublo tn hard as wt II as soft wate r. It Is put up In the safest, neatest, nnd mast eouvwuluut lunu oi uuy onureu lo uiu pillule. IT 1H WARRANTED NOT TO STREAK THE CLOTHES. "h""" " ' ' "'J ' ' JIUI1I W U DUCT uxirauiuiuary inauccuicms. Auuress NEW YORK STARCH a LOSS CO., 218 Fulton Strcet.Ncw York. JOWE, EUSTON & CO., Manufacturers nnd AVholcsalo Dealorx In COTTON YARNS, CARPET CHAINS, BATTS, WICKS, TIE YARNS, CORDAGE, BROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOOK'Q QLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, TABLE, FLOOR, AND. CARRIAGE. OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 630 Market Street, south side, Thlladelphla. 1 TEADV1LLE THEOLOd Tf! A T, ifVt S.V"f,.OUr7'rll5.I'nU ,t,r" '"'a'"1 Septem her a. tho I acuity of Instruction consists of lour leMilent and four non-resldi iit professors, und a tutor. TllOLili eil 1.. tn iiliinnl.. v.,1,.... ....... r.. .i.iinu .uiiiiMr. iiiero is n piepavaiory elacs for Hioms who have lint reiclvedacolliglalo oducntlou. lino hundred and slxly dollars n year aro Kiunttd to lmierlrliirle), with nn additional sum In .pietnl eases. Thn tuition, use of Miliary .... . " ,"iv i hp . mi. am; rriiiHii was foundeel by the I'nliarlaii and riirlsiinn donoml. nations i, but lsopeu to all Mho ImiMuvb in the ill. V 1L Or 2 11 111 I'lllKlh.t.llv 'I'l, I .tlVn ........ 1... of s,l volumes. """""""" Appllmtlon may bo mado tn Rev, A. A, Mvir l'!"riV ,',;',lilc,,t ot "l0 io:m of lHktiiutlon, Mendllle, Pa, novl7-ly .T,VnVI,' Kip HI JOVE cli:an- "., ,1'R- I'JitablUheil 12 years. The only eood nrtlclo for Instantly cleaning Kid Olenes. They can bo cleaned whllo uiwii iho hand, niul worn lnimi'ili.itcly. It Is luodoious, i)nu. Initio will clean a palls, l'rleo.rieenls. lLitallinl by ni.k.t JiniBRlkls and I ancysiores. Wholesale In-De. mas luriic. A Co., I'. C, WillJ a Co., and oilier-, rPHE ELQBENOE SEWING-MACHINES ARE THEliraT IN THE WORLD. Salesrooms, 030 aicstnnt Streot, Philadelphia, lit. Wlillo n largo number of Machines hnvo been oiren d to the public, somoof sess points of excellence Mid acknowledged merit, wu hnvn long felt what others have experienced, tho ne cessity of n Mnchlno moro perfect In Its mechani cal structure, combining In tho HianUST DEGREE SIMPLICITY WITH DURABILITY, nud wlillo cnpalilo of doing n GREATER RANGE OF WORK, ono that could bo easily understood nnd compre hended by nil, ToMipplyn Kewlng-Miichlno free fininlho ob jections attached to others has been uneasy tuskj for wo not only hnd to surpass other Machines, ns they appeared years ago, but also ns Improved from time to tlmo by mcno recent oxcrlrnce. This wo boldly claim has been accomplished by tho liberal expeudtturo ot capital, nnd tho pa. tlcnt, untiring lnlwli of yearsj nnd lu presenting our Machine lo the public, wu shall make Mrong assertions respecting Us merlls, which wo nro prepared to substantiate In every particular. Discarding tho Chain and Loop, ur Kult stltchoA, wo adopted tho. LOCK STITCH (alllto on botli sides of tho fabric), whlob. Is rr- gnrncil by tho masses ns liest salted to all kinds of work. But to meet objections sometimes urged against this favorlto stitch, wo hnvo ndded tho Knot, Doublo Lock, and Doublo Knot, cither of which Is STRONGER AND MORE ELASTIC than tho Lock; thus enabling tho operator to select a stitch TERFECTLY SUITED to every grado of fabric, nnd whoro necessary, sow seams much stronger than it is possible lo do by hand. ME TLORENCH makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES with as much eoso ns ordinary Machines mnko one, nnd wllh as llttlo rcachliiery. The result of repented tests has been nil wo could desire, nnd from Its first Introduction tho Florence has gained hosts of friends, nud been regarded ns n HOUSEHOLD NKCIISSITY; proving that tho public fully oppreclnto tho many iHlvantagcs comblued In tho I'lorenco Machine, Over all oUieis, tho Florence must bo seen lo bo fully appreciated. We claim tor tho FLORENCE tho following ADVANTAOI53 over any nnd nil BEWISa-MACniNES IN THE WORLD l CS-It makes four different stitches, tho loci knot, double-lock, nud doublo-knot, ou ouo am: tlio sumo machine. ptitth being alllto on both sides of tiro fibrlo. JITS" Every Maehlno has the reversible feed mo tion, which enables the operator, by simply turn ing u thumb-scrow, to havo tho work ran either to the right or left, to stay any part of tho Benin, or fusion tho ends ef scams, without turning tho fabric B- Changing tho length tif htlteh, and from one kind ofstltch to nnr-ther, can readily bo eleno whllo tho Machine Is In motion. 3- Tho nendlu I cosily ndjtbted, and does not skip stitches. X-It U nlmo-st noisclces, nnd can Iki used wheiequlct Is neecsfenry. JT-TIs mnflnnn nrn nil rw.lrivn- irnunmnn springs to gel out or emior, and Its simplicity en nbios any ono to operate It. KB- It does not require liner thread orrthe under than for tho upper side, nud will sew across tho henv lest seam, or from ono to moro thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, temdou, break - ing inrenu, or snipping stitches. f3Tho Hommer Is easily ndjiutat, nnej will turn nny widin of hem UeMrcd. S- No other Machlno will do bo or nt rango oi w on. ai euo i lorcuco. TO-It will hem, fell, bind, gather, br.ilel, quilt mill IMltlll.P fiml u..- nt. i. ruflln . tl.n ,1 It has no springs to get out of order, nnd will last a iiiciimo. tor It Is fully protected and llconstd by Ellas, uiaii'ijr., uuu our own ijciiers 1 aieuu Tlio taking up of tho slack-thread Is not per- formes! by the Irregular contraction of a wlro coll or uncertain operation of spriugs. Tho precision nnd nocuracy with which tho I'lorenco draws the thread info tho cloth Is unapproached by nny now lug-jiaeumo minerto oileresl lu tho world. W'n furnish Tftolilnn i.hli iin.,....M'n 0.. 1, ...... j.t.iiuju n null' Sewer " Wllll-ll irlllrlac tlin ,1'ni.ti. It.nlf nn.l l.nfln ealeulablo value, especially to luexnorlL-neo ooit- Whilo possessing tho nbovo, and many other nu vantages, the Florence Is told lit coriesnondlne pilecs w 1th olhcr flrst-clnis Maciilnes, and a care ful examination will fully subs 'ant lato nil that wo imvo claimed for it, nnd Justify tho assertion wo now make, that it Is tho best Sov.iug.Mncb.bjo in 1110 wouu. Wo wnraant overy Muchlno to bo nil that wo claim for It, and to giro ontlro satisfaction, ruiel wm uivo " wiiueu warranty, tr required. Liberal arrangements made with thoso who buy lo sell again. Further Information may bo hael by Inclosing stamps to tho General OIIUu nf the FloleitC'U Knu Imr.M.i.lilmt f..ii.i. ...w flln, M.,. n ...uv w..,.... , VJV uvfllUUl (J.Ar., til. II.. .1 .I..1.I t. "ii vvt, uuauuiiiuiu, 4.1111 U&yi VIUUHi PRICES OF MACHINES, No. l.Tlalu.-Thh Machlno makes tho lock and knot stltchcs,and has tho reversiblo fecd...J3 No. 2, Floreneo. Gold-ornamented Machine, with drawer, and light cover, w lthout lock makes all tho four stitches, and lias tho ic vcrslbio feed 75 No. 3. Silver-plated Maclilue, oruamcntod; tablooll-flnialied walnut, with heavy half, case, lock and drawer; makes all tho four Hitches, and has tho rccri.lblo feed ti No. l.-Sitvcr-platcd Mnchlno, highly ornn- uieneeu, una makes nil tho four stitches, nud has tho roversiblo feed. TolUhed mohngnny table M jsj Tollsluil ltosowooel Table n- No. 6. Wuhint table, lu oil i Mahogany tnblo, In oil 00 Rosewood table. In oil m-s No. fl.-Wnluut, oil finishes! ' m Muhognuy table p,3 Rosewood tablo .'.".Z lio O. O. F.yANS, General Agonl, CW Chestnut Street, Thlladelphla, OT. CIIAKLES HOTEL, ON THE EUROTE.IN PLAN, Nob. Wl, C 61, and CO North Third Streets, botweeu Maiket nnd Arch Slivcls, llilladclphla. CHAIILUJ KLECKNEIl, Mau-syei, iVviYv'Ara ","i' "," '"!''"'- hniumeii'iel s nr . ii?iy linKi less-durublu: nnd easy to work ' ,U"KW, lilii'lniteil l.'lrcu(rKfr.-e. Agentswnnlisl 1 iiv. crat "''tollowoa. No eoiulgimiinirs inade, .tiuiress EMI Htl'l s, M CO Bl,,i'"'' CIO Bioadwny, Now ifmy BAND OPENING . ORAM) IIPKWINU GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OTKNJNO FALL AND WINTER GOODW, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of cwudstlng of dry aooia, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, D GOODS, I GOODS, HATS AND OARS, HATS AND CAPS, HAT'S AND CATS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CATS, BOOTS AND BHOIS, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND MIOEM, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE t'LOTIIINO, READY-MADE CLOT1I1NO, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, RUADY-MADE CI.OTHIHO, IX)OKING-OLARES, LOOKING-GLASSES, IK1K INll-0 LASSES, LWOKING-OIASSIiX. IJOKINO-OL-VSSliS. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OHfl, i'AINTri AND OII.S, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, OROCEUIES, QUEENS WARE, QUHENSWARB, QUEENSWARK, QUEENSWARI!, UUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, HAItDWARH 1IAHDWA1IH, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARH, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, FITH, FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND BEKDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ati., Ac. Ac, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, MeKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. MeKELVY, NRilL A CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest cornor of Main and MnrktStreiot, Northwest corner. of Main nnd Market Stnsjts, Northwest corner of Main and Market Htreuls, Xorthwcst corner of Main and Market Streets. Northwot co rner of Malu uud Markot StrceUs, BfflOMSIlllRfl, PA., RLOOMS1HTIIO, PA. IIUIOMSBURO, PA., 11I.OOMR11URO, PA., BLOOMsnURO, PA, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAHM, IRON AND NAHM, IRON AND NAHM, IRON AND NAILS! onfcjiuS'lUlUrtUlt 1"'a " ri"autc1 ratoi. alwf y G EADINO KAIIiBOAT). SU.VIMER AIlltANGEMENX, iprn i, iissi. Ore-nt Tmnk Lino fioin tho North and Northwut for Phllndelplila, New ork, Rending, Pottsvm, Tiimnqiia, Ashland, I.ebnnoii, Allentown, Eoslou Trains leavo llarrlsburg for Sew York ns fal. Ion-Hi At 3, 7:in, niidlHOA.M., nnd 2 and ti:20r.jc conneellng wllh simitar trains on tho IVnnsyJ vanln ltnllroatl, nnd arrlvltm al New York ntSto nnd 10A.JI., nud 3:10 and 10A1 sleeping Cm. necompaiiy tlioS a.m. nnd V.20 P.M. trains, without change'. Lcaeltnrrlbursfnr Reading, Pottsvllle, Tarns, qua, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, Pino GrovcAllrnloM-n and Philadelphia nt 7:10 am., nnd 2 and 0:2Up.mJ stopping nt Id'lianou and principal Way Stations. Iltellisi r.M, train making noeloso comiettlonsfof Tottsvllloor Philadelphia. For Teittsvllle, Scluul. kill Has en. nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Sie.' qiiclinnun Railroad, lene llarrlsburgat 4 15 j-.n. , Itctiiriihix. leave New Yorknt u am., 12 i., and' 8:30 p.m.! Thllnclolphlnnt8A.M.nnd3:a)p.M,;Poi vllie nt K:'lo A.u. nud Z-li I'.M.; Abhland nt 0 and; 11:15 am.. nnd l:Wl'.M. Tumnqna at U:13 A.M.anJ 1 nnd (i:M p.m. I-nvo Tnllsvllle for Harrlsbuig, via BcliuyUem and Siisipirhannn Rallrnail, at 7 a.m. Rending AeeomcHlntlon Train leaves Rending a 0 A.M., returning from Philadelphia nt 0 p.m. Columbia Rallrnnd Trains leuvo Rending nt 6 2) nnd (1:15 I'.M. for Ephraln, I.lllr, Columbia, A..," On Sundays leavo Neev York at S:30 l'.M.j Phllo. delphlnnt ti a.m. nml ;::!" I'.M., Hie SA.M.rTalu runs nlng only to Reading: PottsvlllcnlSA.M.s Toiua. qua nt 7:'W a.m.! Harrlsl.urgni MO A.M.! nndlloAiL Ing nt 1:.H) a.m. for Harrlsburg, nnd 10:02 a.m. fi New York, and 4:2.1 p.m. lor Philadelphia, Commutation, Mileage, Season, Excursion, and School Tickets nt reduceel rules to nud fromtul tiolnts. llagmge checked through. Eighty pounela baggage allowed each passencrcr. fc 8 fl. A. Nll'OLLS, Gen. Bupt Rending, Pn., April 23, 1SU0. NOIIT1IEBN OENTKAL RAIL, WAY. DIRECT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH. Through l1wecn Ilaltlmoro nnd Rochester WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On nnd nrtor November 19, IKiO, trains will lean) as folluws: - NORTHWARD. BUFFALO EXPRl'.SS leaves Baltlmoro lOiH dally; liilladcl phl.iS: 10 P.M.: Harrlsburg 2:05 A.M delivering passengers nt Northumberland 4:m A.M., for train on Lackawanna nnd Bloomslmrv Railroad, leningnt7 A.M.. nrrivlng In Danvllli, 7:10 A.M., llluoinshurg 6:25 A:M., Kingston 1(C.MJ A.M., Herautnn 12 iumiii. MAIL leaves Haltlmoro 0:15A.M., ilnlly (except Sunders); Philadelphia 11:50 A. M. : Hnrrlsburg i:'J) P.M., delivering passengers nt Northumbei? land for train on Lackawanna nnd llloomsburg Railroad, leaving at (1:20 P.M., rneeeillug nortfl nnd nrtivlugln Wllllauispnrt nt 0:15 P.M, FAST LINEleaves llnltlmnro ilnlly (except Bnr dars), lili) l'.M.j Plillailelphln ll:.5i) I'.M.; Harris. burgl:10 P:M.; Northumberland nillP.M.; pnssen. gcrs by this train remain orer night at Northutn bertand leaving the following morning at 7 A. U arriving In Scranton 12 M. " SOUTHWARD. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Northumberland il-JX P.M., dally (exe-ept Sundays), receiving passengers lenvlnit Mcinutonnt 4:40 I'.M,; Plttston 5:20 P.M.I Kingston fl P.M.; llloomsburg 8:07 P.M. ; nrrlvliia in Philadelphia 7 A.M.: Harrlsburg 2:30 A.M? llaltlnioie 1 A. M WaslUngton 10:20 A. M. .MAIL TRAIN lenves Northumbcrlnnd 10:14 A.M., dally (except Suudas). receiving passeu. gers leaving Hcmntnn 6:60 A.M.J Plttston A.M.; Kingston 0:53 A.M.; BlooinsburgB:OT A.M.; Dnnvlllu H:6I A.M.; nud nrrlvlug In llarrlsbnra 1:15P.M.; Phlladclplila5:loP.M.;7laltlmoroOp.ic By this vtiuto freight from BulRilo, Suspension Bridge, Rochester, and Caunndnguu, or any luter mediate liolut oil tho New York Central can U) shipped tlnsiugli, when In fnll car loads, to any point on the Lackawanna and llloomsburg Rau road, without breaking bulks. Rates of freight und passengers fan- us low as by any other routo. S. N. DullARRY, E. S. YOUNO, Uoiii Sup't, Harrlsburg, Pn, Gen'l l'ass. Agent, llaltilnore ISAAO M. SCHOEMERIIORN. Gen'l Western Freiglit Acnt, Balliuu. PHIIiADELPHIA AND EBIE RAILROAD. This great lino travomes tha northern and northwest esiuntlcs of Tennsylviiula to Hie city eif Erie, nf Lnko Erlo. it has been isi-n iiii-i is niieraii'U oy 1110 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. Tlmo of Tasi user Trains nt Northumberland: Leavk EAsrwAmi. Kilo Mall Train. Ha", p.x Erlo Expiis.4 Train, 3:25 A.M.; Ehnlra Mall Train. 1V.23A.3I. Luavb WtATWAitn. F.rlo Mali Train, S a.m.; Erie Express Train, 7:11 P.M.; Elmlra Mull Train. 4;:i3 I'.M. Ilissrnger cars run thrnuplinn the Erlo Mall nnd Express Trains without ehniigo both ways bo tween Phllnili'lphliianil Elle. New Yoinc Connkction. I,cnvoNow Y'ork nt9 a.m., arrheat Ei lent 0:13 a.m.; Leavo Erlo at 1:53 l'.M.,nnieat New York nt 3:10 P.M. Elegant sleeping ears on nil night trains. For Information respecting passenger business apply at the corner of Thirtieth nnd Market streets, Philadelphia ; and for freight business of the Company's agents. S.B. Kingston. Jr., ceirncriifTwcIfthond Market Slieels, Philadelphia; .I.W.Reynolds, Erlo; Wil liam Blown, Agent N.C.H.R., Ilaltlmoro. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Acent, Philadelphia, II. W. G WINNER, Gencial Ticket Agent. Philadelphia. A. L. TYLER, General Supeilnteiidcut, Wllllamsport. March 22, 110. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS 11IHIO RAILROAD. On and after March II, 1300, Passenger Trains will run us lnlliiws: SouTMWAiin. Ixavo Scranton ut 4:10 p.m. and 5:50 a.m.; Kingston nt op.m. und 6:55 A.M.! lllooms burg al R:20 nud 0:20 a .sr. Arrlvo nt Northum. bi'i land nt i':5i) p.jr. nnd 1ii:.'1.i a.m. NoitiiiWAnn. Iicavo Northumberland at 7 A.M. and 5 p.m.; llloomsburg nt K:25 a.m. nnd 0:23 r.M,; Sernulnii at 11:03 a.m. and u p.m. Arrlv 0 nt Scrou tou nt 12:1 ) a.m. and 10:13 p.m. U. A. FONDA, Bupt. Kingston, March 13, 15(30. pA'CAWJSSA BAILBOAD. J Finm and nlier October 2, 1S3, tho trains will piu-s RnpiTt ns loiiows : Gui.Mi Nonrii. Eliiiha Mall at 4 p.m.; Brio T.xpivs at 2:1s a.m. Gouso SoiTH. Philadelphia Moll nt 11 jLK.1 Nw York Express at 4 p.m. GEORGE WEBB, Bopt. fkINIBUS LINE. Thoundorblgned would respectfully annoone IS the citizens of Bloomsbnrg nnd tho publlo gone rally Hint lio Is running nn OMNIBUS LINK. Iietwoeu tills place and thodliTorent railroad da pols dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South nnd West on the Cat wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with thaw going North and South on tho Lncknwnnna one) Bloomsburg Railroad. HisOmnlbussesaro In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charge reasonable I ersous wlshh'g to meet or seo their frlondi de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonnblo eharea by leaving timely notice nt nny of tho hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor. rpiIE AMERICAN HAY KNIFE 1 AND FORK Wo tha iiii.iAih.i.1.i oiAa of Columbia County witnessed tho trial of hay nw? V? ",U 0l"",uf lS- IMrsel, lu Hemlesfc Town.hlp, on Monday, .May 7,lsiiil, between tho SLlVl'V-W Im IP, Tn., find tho RundoPH Patent liny Hook. V' American Fork llltoel moro hay In ono '. "'"i-'lit than Iho Rundcl In three. We ars sails, lied II will lakn as much hoy Into Iho mow as two good horses can draw. Wo also saw It cutting ........ .....ii u. ,i iiiiuiut uu neai as a liay Kline, nml cheerfully rccoinmi ud It ns tho btst hay fork and knlfo wn havo over seen. II"- ITTP.MJtJIJEIt. III!. F. C. nAIUtlSOlf, W . B. Koo.NS, John Doak, John Dituuick, Daniei, Notuii, H. Diiii.r.jiii.ucit, SvLviTEit l'uieuti, MtrjiAKi, llKLLi n, John Wolf. I hey nihil mnuufatturo tho eclobruted Bnekeyo Reaper nud Mower, aud othor agricultural Imple ments. H. WALTEB, Late Woltcr A Knub, Importer nud Denier In CHINA, aLASS, AND QUlCENSW.VItE, No. 231 North TUrd Btrcett, between Bce aud Vino Philadelphia. ' JJENJAMIN OBEEN, Denier In CARPETI.NGS, WINDOW HnADBS, OIL CLOTHS, MATH, Ae., Na It North Booond Streot, Ililladelphla. Q W. BLABON A CO., Mamifiictureni of OIL CIaTTHS AND H'lNDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. Hi North Tldrd Street, Thllad.lphlu. J II. LONGSTBETII, TAPKIMIANGING WARIiilOUSH, No, II North Third Street, lUIaelelrhla. It