THE , COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUIIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1866. COMING HOME. Oil. brother nud slslcr, crowing oUl, Do you nil remember yet That homo, In tlio aim lit uf thn rustling tree", Where ouco lu our household met I Do you know how wo used to coino from school, Through the summer's plonsnnt liet Willi the yellow fennel's golden dnsl Oil our llml llttlu feet? Anil how sometimes In nn lillo mood Wo loltorol by tho way s Ami stopped In tlio woods to gather flower, Ami In tho rtcUU to ploy I Till warned by tho deeping shndow'8 full, Tlint told of Iho coming night, Wo climbed totho top of the last lotiB IUU, And mxvr our home In sight 1 And, brother nnd sisters, older now Than nho whoso llfo Is o'er, If you think of tho mother's loving, fneo, That looked from the open door? A1h, for the changing things of tlmoj Tlmt homo In tho dust Is low; Alid that loving stnllo wan hid from tin, In tho iUirkues, loin; ago 1 And wo liavo como to llfo'H last hill, From which our weary eye Can nlmost look on that homo that huIium 'Eternal In tho skies 1 Ho, brother! nnd IIm,mwo bo, Mill let us movu nn one, Always IngctTicr keeping step, Till the march of life Is done, ; For tlmt mother, who wnltod for 111 hero, Wearing n smllo no sweet, Now waits 011 the hill of l'urndlio For her children's coming feet 1 AGRICULTURAL. Cnre of Bee In TVIuter. If tho weather is cold nnd biiow hns fallen, all stocka should bo put into Winter quarters. I am often naked, " "What Is tho best method of wintering bees?" I would say, any method which will securo tho following condi tions: an even temperature, neither too cold, nor jtoo warm; proper venti lation ; freedom from moisturo j perfect darkness nnd quietness. A good cellar or room away from tho flro may answer very woll, or rt houso built for tho pur poso would probably bo better. To so euro proper ventilation with common box hives, they may bo inverted, and wiro cloth, or stiff net tacked on tho bottom of tiio hives to keep the bees in Moveablo comb Jilves should havo the honey board removed nnd wiro cloth or Btlir net put on in its place. Stocks that nro to bo wintered out of doors, if in box hives, shonld bo so ventilated that there will bo no danger of tho vontiln- tion being closed up by snow or ieo ; If In moveablo comb hives, all under ven tilation should bo closed up, tho honey board should bo removed, nnd after putting on tho wiro cloth, It should bo covered with com culw or dry straw- nil that tho cap or coverof tho hlvo will shut over. It having boon a very bad season for bees, whero natural swarm Ing was allowed, nearly all swarms will require feeding, and If not already fed, should nt ouco bo removed to a warm room and fed enough to whiter them, so that It win uui bo noooosary to iiisturo them during tho wintor. It would bo hotter to feed nstoek two dollars worth of sugar, rather than loso it. "Where artificial swarming was practiced, and swarms woro mado early, not much if any feeding will bo necessary. I would Impress upon tho minds of bco-keopers generally tho necessity of examining their stocks, as many will perish If not fed, and though feeding should Uo at tended to in September, yet, by follow ing tho directions givon above, many stocks may bo saved oven now. J. II. S7iomas, in Ouncula Farmer. Ilow to ratlin rnvrH. Ohviously tho farmer had better fat ten his fowls nnd send them to market himself. IIo can do it with les3 trouble, perhaps than he Imagines. Teed liber ally nt nil times, so ns to keep them growing thriftily, but nbout twenty days boforobcing slaughtered, feod them In this way: Make a coop for 0110 dozen fowls ; more should not bo put together. Tho coop should bo three feet long, two wide and two and n half high. Make the sidos and ends of bars about threo inches apart, tho bottom of round poles ' two Inches apart, tho top of a board. Placo this in a comfortable room, ele vated two feet from tho lloor, in tho bam or poultry house, whero tho cold winds will bo kept away, and whero tho light will be dim. Attach feeding' troughs all round tho outside. Coup menco foeding very light, giving llttlo but water tho first day. Then feed rcgu lnr thrco or four times per day with tho richest food, as oat meal mixed with milk, boiled barley or com. Observe tho utmost cleanliness, nnd glvonsupply of fresh water. . In twenty days tho poultry should bo killed, and for 3uch tho farmer will And plenty of greedy buyers, willing to pay tho highest prlco. liural Jew Yorker. Itolllllg IV hen I Flildi. Somi: farmers, I notice, roll tholr wheat fields In tho Autumn. "Whero wheat Is drilled I think this is not a good practice. Wheat fields should bo loft rough for tho shelter which is thus afforded tho grain through tho Winter nnd Spring. If tho field has been tra versed by tho drill north and south, nnd tho teeth of tho drill -woro in a slnglo row, tho wheat stands In the bot tom of n llttlo furrow, with a rldgo of earth on tho west. This afford a great deal of protection, both from tho west winds nnd from tho offects of frost In llOavlllC it out. SllOU' ul-JO loiltroaliV UThnnbovo books nre for snle by nil hookuellers. !i nu r , . . . bJfJ I" flOl'Ples of "Tho Solder s Orplinns," or of any tllCSO IlttlO furrOWS, Which Is KOOd fejrlidhi-roriilltla' above poiailar books by; Mrs..iuii wheat. Uut In tlio Hiirintr, roll. Do It na soon as tlio liotws can bo driven on tho Held. Also roll Siirinc grains, and tho meadows. Corm;)0)iitco Jlural iuio Yorker, Let Ilornn Koll, KvKnv person very much neenstom cd to liortw, will havo noticed tho nine rlty with which thoy will seek n rolllnrr placo on boltitr rellovc-tl from liarnor).-4 at tho closo of n warm day's labor. What particular benellt tlioy derlvo from roll Ing In the sand wo donotoxactly know; but the horses undorstand it, olso tlir-y would not liidultro In that species of pa9tlmo. It may servo to allay an itch ius of tho ekln eaiisfd by perspiration, or the perforations of their great enemy, tho files. But whntevor bo tho reason, nu liiilitlgeiieo lu this speoles of plcnsiir nfolo cxurclso nliould 1o ticcoi'deil them whenever their lndlnntlou proniuts to the performance. Winter Protection for l'lniits rmtl Tree. Many of our shrubs, viiiM, niul w pcclnlly young oriuuncntnl evergreen and othor trees, nlthongh qulto hardy In toino Winters, tiro ngnln, by some extreme toniporuttiro of only a night or day, killed ijulto to tho ground when left fully exposed. A slight protection of hemlock or other evergreen branch es, stalks of com fodder, ordinary branches of dcvlduoiw trees, plaited In with ryo straw, and set around the plants or trees, to shield thorn from both wind nnd sun, will often render a treo or plnnt h'nrdy whllo becoming estab lished, tlmt, without such protection, would bo dl-icarded ns valueless. JJEW YOltK TEIBUNE f,.ll.ll"l'.ll( Tin: LAiumsr and ciinAnxr. HSU UGt.7HhT OV TIIK 1HI.Y, RKMi-wnnKLr, ft 1) WKr.K Li TKIHUAl.. NhnvHlntinnlhiR tli fuel that thont.o of Tills uliiut.nk 11, w imm'u nit'iriUM'U imniuinm Miuiiurw-li-r, Uiu prlii u 111 rrmnlu tin-fame, NHW M TIIK TIM li TO ML'lWJttllK VOIt Till-: GltllAT l'AMllA' nWSL'AVi:it. Tin: youk vi;iskiv Tinnrar. Is itrlntcil mi u In mo (lotibh-tnLKllnm sheet, nuik ItiK Hulit ikms of nix hrniul columns each. It rontnlns nil tlio Important KilltorluN publlthod 111 mi. uaiijV iitiiii'H, uxivpi iiimn 01 uniieiy loont lntrrt'st ; uIm. Uterm-y ami Scientific Intel llirenci'l lti lt'WM nf tlitunot Itnnoi tniil anil In- tcrt'Htln mv Ktiylcs; tlio lii-tli-in from our luro corps of corri'spoiitlcntH' tlio lntcst now rrcolwvl hvTvIcirniiihfrom Wiishiimton nml nil other h of thn country; tiHimuimry of till linportmii in tclllucnc) of this city niul clscwlicrr ; u KvnopsN of the procmllnK of Omnrcss nnl State LckIsWi UirmvlicM In Hcsslon; the Forrlcu Vis ret civet I hy every steamer: llxcluMve llejmitKol tlio pro cfoillnir of tho Tanners' riuliof tlio Amcrk'an Instlluti! Talks about I'rult, unit other Horticul tural ami Agricultural InfDrinntlon essential to country residents; stiwlc. Financial, rattle, Dry (iuoris, niul (ieueral Market Iteports; nuiklnj; ft hoth tor variety nml eoinplete!U"-s, altogether tho most vatualile, Interest Intf, ami lnstrurlto Vi;i;k j.y Nhvai'Ai'i;u iuibllheil lu tho world. TIMl.MS. Mall f!iiheilhcrs( kIukIo copy, 1 yonr $2 00 Mall huhicrllHMd, clubs of live ii UO Ton copies, adilriw-setl to names of nubscrlbors'n fid Twenty coplen, do. do, aim Ten copies, to one address 10 00 Twenty copies, to one add less.. ) ou An extra copy will be Kent or each club of ten. Till: NKW YOltK BIIMI-W JHKI.Y TItIIU?Ni: Ih mililWii-d every Tuesduy niul l-'rldny, nnd eim t ifnif nit the lMlturlal nrllele-i, not merely loenl In -huraetcr; Literal y Ileiews ,rt C'rltlclsin.; Letters fiom our larye corps of Korean nnd lo mestlo trresponilent.s; hpeelal and Associated 1'resn Teleciaph liei.palehe.s; nenreful nnd -nm lileteHiimiiiaryof rorduuuud Domestlo News; j'lxclu-'lvelleportsiinhe rioeeedlnj;sof lliol'arm ers, l-luh or Ihu Amerlean Inslllute; Talk-! nbout l-'ruU, niul otlii-r llorlleultuml nnd Agricultural luformatlon; .Stock.rinam-lel Cattle, Dry doods, nllil (Ii-neml Market llepoitn, ulili-h aietaihli .hed in tiii: daily TitinuNir. thi:hk.mI.wi:i-:k. LY TltllllJNi; nisi) t'lvcs, In the i-oiirsuof n year, three or four of tho ltr.sT AND LAT1NT I'OPLLAR NOVm.S by living authors. The cost, vr lluse alone, lr hoiiKlit lu book-ronu, v.-oulil li. rrm six lo.-lKht dollars. If puiehased In lh I.imlMi innlnes. Iroin which theyuro ctircfull.i selected, the eo-.t vould hu three .ir tiair times that sum. Nowhere else can so much current Intelligence nnd perma nent lltciary matter he had nt so cheap n rate iu III the Bi:lI-Vi:iiKLY TUIlliINi:. Thosuwhu bclluVo lu Hie jnliiclples and approve of the ehar neter or TiiKTitinirx!: can lucieasfe Its power and hittuenco byjoinlim with thlr neighbors In rorin bur clubs to subscribe for lvlltlou. It will lu that way lit- supplied to them at the lovet prke for whlui fcu;h a paper can bo printed. Mull subscribers, 1 copy, lj-cnr, 101 numbers. ..81 fJ do. Peoples, do. do. ... 7 110 do. f copies, or oer, each copy.. ;i eo Persons remit tlni: for 10 copies S.lo vlll receive un extra copy for six nioutbs. Persons remitting for 1.1 copies s-fi will meelvo nn oxtia copy one year. Till! NirV YOUK DAILY TIMM'Ni: Is pub. llsheil etei v niornlna iitnl eveiiliih'isuiiilays ox eepted; at 10 per year; ." for six niuullis, Ti-rnis, caoli In ndvnhci'. Drafts cm New York, or jost-op,lec orders, pns'n bin to TiluTutmTN'i:, belni; safer, ale pri fi iablu to any other mode or n mlltance. Address Till: TltllJl'N'K, New York. rpiIK ItOUXlJ TA1JLK. ASATUItDAY KHVircW OK LITKUATUUK. hocii:ty, and aut. The Hound Table Is established for (linini lllm h. ItiK discussion or Iho subjects namul lulls title. Its latriioso Is to be lltteilv fearless ant. ..rifrimt- inellnl lu lonnliiL' lis opinions, nml to collect tho most oriiu.mi hum Hcuoiariy wrueis in tne eouii' try to utve them exnresstiai. Smnn nmv ofci. Rlonally bo dlsplenseil by tho tono nnd splril w herein this Is done,butwe bea all such to con sider In the words of Mr. ltuskln how much less jinrin is none in tlio worm uy uiijineelul bold iivs than bv untlmelv fear. T be llouinl Tablo is Independent In politics, nnd It will not hesltulo to condemn or to sustain such men or measures of whatever sect, clique, or till lis iiiiiv scein lo liiii eimors 10 lie iroin nllil. .otfmelu n tmsttlonof ntitaeoiilsm orotherwlso to the material Interests either of the nietrmioll tali community or to those id tho whole common country. I he Hound Table exists to perve the nubile, not Individuals, and eontiibutols nre reouestnl in avidd iicrsonal pullery nnd nnlmadiersloii of eery jvijn i. morons wruers ami nine special correspondents are rei;ulmly employed, but Iho coiiiioiis 01 iho paper aiu ojten 10 merit, let H come whenco It may. Article may lie sent IhrniiKn nnv chnnnel, but w e win noui no iicrsonal eMilauatlous or discus. slons resnectlll-f tbem moreover, we must ile. eline henccrorward toretuiu unni-eepted MS., and to tills rule we w 111 make no excuntion. Pei-soiiH orderln subscriptions will plinso lumit uy ii-isiai money uruers. iitnires., ail eoill- inuuicalions lo Tin-; jtot'M) TAiu.r, oetlMf 132 Nassau Street. New Yoilt. 1DUI5LISIIK1) THIS DAY. ANN S X hti:piii:n.s-s .new hooki Tin: SOLDIP.IfS OIIP1IANS. lly Mrs. Ann H. Miepnens, niuuor or "1'asiiion nnd ramlue,' "Thellold lillell." "Tlio Old Homestcnil" "Ml. lent Ntriiintlcs.'' "Mary Derweut." "Helected Wife," "Tbu Heiress," "Tho Wlfu's Seeiel," etc. This new book, bv Mrs. Ann M. Sletitietis. tnw "- i ii ei.iieniie i-u tij mi i,i lie IIV lill IIIO IJCM am mostliiterestliiK i-er wrltleii by her. It appear ed In montblv lllstalmeiits In Petcrhon'MMiuriL. ?.lno" dm lie Hie Inst ji-ar, havliu; been com jililud III un I'Lirilliiri iiiiiuiit'i , i in in l lOl III go (HI the most popular, iioucrlul. and sucivsslul nuiel Hint has ever aiijieaii-il In tliit Maunilne, and It Is now tiubllsbed comnlete and llnahrlilireil. In one laixe duodecimo volume, uniform with Iho "(fold Illicit," " Fashion mid I'amliie," nnd thn other wtirks of Mrs. AnnH. rtepbens published o.v lis, ii iiiii no iii, noi juoiti iii in ine nio.l popular and successful woilc Unit has ever beloro been written by this talented Ainerlcaiinutlioiesi;, "Mis. Stephens has Justly heeome a laoilte with all American readers of muse lletlon, and inn announce mem ui a new worn irom ner Klace fill lieu Is cheerful news to thousands of leailei-s. Anil there Is n rare treat In stout for Ibem. lor In "Tho Soldier's Oi plums" Mis. Meplicns hn.i, If anviniuu, eciiise(i nu n-r lornu-r euoris. lucre Is less redundancy of scene and nctlon, but Iheio is inr morenrusiie excellence, ami an eiatiorntion of causes and elleets, attainable only by practised Winers, i no aeiion in ihu new novel iranspiris in I'llliancipni.l, linn oeyuiui ine Ullius ill ine clty tho nuthoress does not permit herself to stray. Tho time seleettsl bv Mis. Uti-nhc us Is recent, t tit Into wnr, nnd Klin pictures with vivid distinctness Ihodouiosltobtitrcrlnx nnd sacrltlccx tntnlled by nnd made for the urand nnd heroic striiL'Klo for naiionni unity, ine pun is one or niisoimm; in terest, the ehnracteis are uinphletraiisi-ilpts fiom cm uie, Miioniy iniiiviiuiaiiren, nun ine eon. trusts formed bv tlieli- liiiliviihinl ncctiHiii'm.-is uiental and physical, lend n raio ebnrm lo this last and most Mulshed of Mrs. Stephens's books." "The Soldier's Orphans" Is published complete In one Iiuko duodecimo volume. Prleo fl il lu paper, or in i-ioiu. jius. ass h. Mii:iiin.Nsa nriirn woitKs. The Hold llrlclc SI ft) Silent struiodes 1 fi) The Wile's Sis-ret. 1 m Mnry I lenient . (1 m l-asiiion A rnuiliie 1 w TlieOld lloniesteiul 1 .VI The llejecti-d Wllo 1 0) Tho Heiress 1 W Above mo lu paper cover, or ill elolli for (i ( ueli, vVdditwiinll orders to Hip I'ultllslierfi, k . T. H. 1'K'ITHHON A. HU(TirKIW( l!.t' ..'...l .,.....? I II.IIa.I I .t. And tin id IliM' ' iicvtiini, r-iii i i, i ii i iiiii ri in j. , , ik will receive liumedliilo attention. QDTTIIKLL & AYHK8, ' Wholesnlo Dealers lu I'lSII.ClIEIill.AcAc, No. 100 NortliAVliarvcn, ussind door nbovo Arch Bti el Phllndelphln, CM'SQUEHANJfA HOTEL, U ( 'ntnwlsMi, Pu. Tim nbovo Hotel has lntely been purchased by IIKNHY J. (T.AIIK, nnd has Is-eu tlioroiuhly re. modelled, ifjailml, nnd n funilsluvl, It will be loiiim now, ui llsiiriuiiBciiiout mid npiwlidincnts, a flntclat Hotel, unrt second to jone In Uio eonntrv Peisonsln cities wlhlns to spend the hot mnntlis In tiio country, will do well to slvo no proi i ioior a can. TOHKPJI 8. DKIJi. O ' . . lnmnncmrcror mm w nntcrnio ucnicr in CI.0T1I1N(I, CI-OT1IH, CAWSUtiailS, AND So. W Not III Tlilnt Street, l'lilliulclpliln. "yATtiON A JANNJ-JY, IiiiHorlcm nnd JoIiIjcm of Sir.K AND 1'AXCY DIU'-SH HOOKS, HIIAWI..AC, N(,321Miirlirt8trrct, l'hlliMh'll.hln. J II. WALT Kit, Lnlc Wiiller A ICniil), i Importer nnd Denier In CHINA, UI,ASM, AND HUKUNaWAni:, No. Sll Ninth Tlilnt Htnet, lielweeii llnce nnd Vine I'lillnclelpliln. I.STAULiyilKI) SM. U JOIINlinAKIllTACO., wnoi.iwAi.i: DituaiiisiM, nnd llenli'M III CIIhMK'AI.M, MlllJlCINr.S l'ATHNT JIKDI CINKH, Hl'ICI'.H, PAINTS, OII, WINDOW GI.Afl, VAUN1S1H'., DYi:f, Ac, Ac, Kouthenit i-orncr of Third nnd CulUm hill Stsf, I'lillndiliililii. UMMtUSTHlt & imuTHEll, Importers nnd Jobbers of HOSlliltY, OLOVIX, BiiiUTS and Druwmis, HUri'ONB, SUHPIINDLIW, IIOOl' SKI UTS, lIANDKKItUIim-'H, TimuAiw, nr.wiNo silkh, Tltl.MMINOS, POltTi: MONNAIIJS, boai, pr:iiruMi:rtY, pancy hoods, and NOTIONS UUNICIIAI.LY, ,Vlso JInnuracturcrs of DllUSlIPS AND LOOKING GLASSES, nnd Dealera In WOOD AND WILLOW WAltH, I1UOOMS, UOI'l, TWINIiS Ac, No. .VJ North Third Street, ubo e Vine, Philadelphia. JOYAL ct HOYUK, buccessors to GIL11KUT, IIOYAI. A CO., wiioLiisALi: imuooisrs, Importers niul Dealers 111 diiugs, mi:dicini:s, hpictx, paints, oils, GLASS, DYi: STLTI'S, Ac, N'u-..ajOnudSU Noi th Third Slreot,' Phtlndelplili. QI1AKLKS 11. MAltrLK, iiroorter mid Dealer In IIUANDIIIS, WINUS, GINS, LIQUOIW, wini: nrrrmts, Ac, No. 122 North Third Street, nbovo Arch, west side, Plillndelpliln. M. JtAlll'LU, NOTIONS, IIOSinilY, GLOVES. AND I'ANCY GOODS, No. 53 North Third Street, Phlladc'lphln. IIIK UNION UUTKL, Arch Street, between TUlrd nnd fourth Blrctts, I'ldladelphla, cmiisT a wnnnit, l'rojirletors. OK Till: IILTltOI'lX PliAN, Nos. W, C-', CI, nnd 60 North Third Street, between JIarliet uud Arch Btreets, I'hlladelphU. ciiAHLiw Kr-ncKxr.n, Maniifier, 1.1 A HP Klt'S XVAV MONTHLY X I. MAOAZ1NI5. LiiiiuebtluJiumy the hist Mistalned work of the Kiim m inu oriu. It li the fiireiMOst Miini7.ltii tif ilfiv. Tim uretnM' iu' it iimu u innre in lignum ennipaninn, nir tin uitlllfin a nune eutorpiNiuu fileii'l, than more. 'iho most popular Jioiithly In tho world. A tic Ytirk Uhicvrrr. We nui!t refer In termx nt eulonv to tho I1I2I1 tono nnd varies t oxeelleuelesof Ihirper'x Ma,ilne ix Journal with a nionthrv elreiilatlnn ot ahuiit iTtMHit) eonlos 111 uhowo ltaires nre to 1m tuiirnl homo of the etiolrest llht uud sent rnl readtnif of ineuay, e t peine 01 uus woru an nn eviueneu of the eulture of the Amerlean IVople; nnd tho Mijiuuu 11 y 11 inwaequireu i meriieo, ia( u .Mini lereoiitatUH tullv Hi naire oi'readlie'-iiiatter. ild- Mi-.iu-ifiti.iv t.tiiii In,,i 1.-,.iui.,...tu . '.,. ,t It eimihlnVs In ltst-if the raey monthly and the more phllosophleal tiiuuleily, hlemleil with the ui-pii ii'iuuirmn iiieoauy journal. 11 nas leai miwit 111 ine oissi'mm 111011 01 a joveoioire 111- erature. Trubncr'a GuUio to American IMtrutun' The volumes hntiml eoiifltiifn tt theinwcteeH n llhraryor mUeellalieoiiH reailln Mich as eanm.t he loillid In the niliHM'iJimi:i4 In niieitlliiT i.nhli. ration that hast eonio under our nutlee, r utiriir, siMmcniiM'iovH iw. Tho l'lihlinhf ik have perlreted aH.vstein of mall Ini; hy whleli they enn supply the .M.UMzluo and u teiuy pnuupiiy 10 iiihsd who iireier 10 reeeivi thHtr ixrtodlcaU directly trom the olllco of puhll The noHtac on Ilnmer's Jfiniitnn U?J-nU year, which Jiiusl bo paid at IhuMib-icrlbi-T'ti post lllltVL'i - TTlll.M.i. One copy one year S I no An extra copy 01 either the WeeUly or Mnicii zlne Mill lie Mionllcd gratis lor eerv elulinl 1U1 Kiiliseiilieis ut til eaih, lu one uiiiltlaueo; or six V.lllll". I'll flack llllllllicrs can lie Klinollei! at any thiwi A t'oiiiiiete Kt, now eounirWiii,' T'filrlydliree Vo Oilier, ill II1.11I clutli l.linlfii 1 ivfll I... w..,il !. i viuesi, lii-Uht at exiien-e of puichn-cr, for ii per volume, niiisie voiuiues, uy lilatl, poit-pald l no. Cloth ciiMM, lor blndltn;, .,- eenu, hy mall Ii4t-pald. SllllM-rlotlntlil (-ent from HrltUli Vortli Atnnr. lean Pi'uvIiuuh niust he aeeoinitaiilcdivithii cents ainiiiiuuni, 10 prepay i nili-u males pota.e. Ail ureal .v nip iiui.iiM, i-unilKher-.. I'lanklm Knuare, New York. UH YOUXO KOLKH. e ront etful'y luvltenttentlon to the foltowln note fiom tin ahle and pojiiilar Deputy htate Sie Mel 1IIICI Ii II IIL 111 rl' ell lis loi 1 l'IIIIA.YI Villi III I Messrs. TlrKNOI! .V 1'iui.n.l. lliMnn. Mass.i tlKNri.i:Mi:s, I'einiit me lo eoin;iatul.ite you nn uio niariveii sucees.s oi "iinr loiin rolKs.' l'loni the Issnn of I lie llrsl nomlici I Imoi cnt,.i. v.d Mllii iiiucli hollclluile IU tono mid eharaitur, well Kuowlnit the Iiiiiiicuho lnllueuce, lor U'shI or for evil, It Mould he likely lo wield. Juilidiiu hy the tono which linn pievailt-d In much of our juveiiuo iiiciaiure, noiu ii-iikioih unit Hcculiir, J feared tlitil Its eoiitillintorniiiliihl hick that youtn: hearlinliies whleli can alune sneak lo lln- child nature, or that the lallh nnd inucnudiisiic-et m OUIlllllllftlt he talltnereil l llh mill iltsnliieeil lie i tnni'V tor the Icen and di-celts of unit on r vi-urv llniilly my fears have pioved KroundlcsK, nnd Die whole loniiuiinlly haie In thank you loi urn. ilurlni; a iiiiiualue so well inliinted lo the class for wnicn 11 1-4 inieiioeii, nun sni 11 uiint;nnii letiU' mi; ill us iiiiiiiences, r..ll'l-.l, r. hatum Deputy r-lalu Hupeiluieudiiit Schools, lu Ti;itMSOron; YOl'Nd I'OI.KHi fJnyenr.ln ndiance; threo tuples, f.i; live eoplei, 9S ten eo. ple, 6l'i; .mil filch uddlltonal eoiy ll.'v. Twenty y,iifn, 9.1,111,11 a eoiiy tiiaut 10 1110 peison nroeur1 IllIC thee hill. ( Induceinenls oll'ereil to tenehers In net a-, iii'iits, riis-cliil copy and elri ular sent lo per sons who wish In 111 ik (ire siihscllhels, for ten tcius, 1 ii.iv.uit tv I'll., I'lioilslieis, Un-dou, Mass, Q.IUAUI) 1IOUSK, Corner of Ninth niul Cheitnut Streets riUUdi lpli.ii, II, V lasMOA, ft jjuictiir, JOHN STItOUl' A CQ., , Hticccfuors to ntrutip iiroinw, WHOMXAT.r. DUAI.linS IK 1'ISIt, No.2INorthWli.rvM,im lilN'ortli Wntor Ht., l'lillndelphln. jIliIiHH &. HOST, . BuccesRorn to Franklin t'. Seltzer A Co., Imporlcrs nnJ Wholrxnlo lH-nlor lu UtiUOltS, WIStS, AC, Koi. UO nml 112 Xorllt Third Street, riillndcli'liliu J. LK3TKH, Wholesale nun jieinn lienier in l'OltniON AND DOJIUSTIC CAltl'in'H, Oil. CI.OT1W, WINDOW SIIADHS, Ac, No. ai North Becond Street, ofp, Christ Church, riillndelplilft. "JliNNKDY, STAIIIS it CO., WIIOIXSAtii: FISH DHAI.IIIW, Nos. 19) nnd 13: North Wharves, I'lillndelpliln. JUSSHLL it VOODnUFI-,l Wholesale Dealers In TOIlACCOf), CIOAIW, ril'IOH, Ac, AC, No. 1 Norlh Third Rtrect, nhovo Morkut, I'hlladelphln. JOHN C. YKAQKlt & CO., Wholesnlo Dealers In HATS, CArS, HTltAW CiOODH, AND I.ADIUI1 rUfvH, No. i;i North Third Htroet, I'lillndelpliln. ILLKU & KLDEK, A holesalo nooi:sni,Li:ii.i, stationiciis, AND IILANK-IIOOIC MANUfACTUltllltS. No. 201 North Thltd Street, I'lillndelpliln. Wnll nnd Curtain Tapers, and Stntlonery ten ernlly. JST AB LI S 1 1 EI J lS-'i. U. W. CAlll'KNTEIl, HKNSZUY A CO., WIIOLUSALE DltUGaiSTH, No. 737 Market Street, ono door below Elchth, rhlladelphla. DitroM, mi:dicini, ciii:micai. PAINTS, OILS, UI.ASS, VAUNISIIliS, DYUS, and every oilier article pertaining to the business, il Iho heat quality, nnd at lowest market rales, yyHAVEtt it ai'BANKLE, wiioLiisAi.i; auocninus .vnd commission MKIICIIANTS, Nos. 2ij nnd S.7 Arch Street, I'lillnilelplila. y I. BUKKIIAHT, inilorter nnd Denier In IKON AND 6T1XL, No. CO front Street, Philadelphia. 2 AltCIlOFT & CO., Importers nnd Jobbers of STAfLf. AND FANCY DRY GOODS, CLOTHS CAasiMIUUCH, I1LANKLTS, LINUNS, DUY GOODS, HOSIIIHY, Ac, nilladelphla. NDUEWS, NVILKINS & CO., Dealers lit roitUIdN AND DOMESTIC DHY GOODS, No, CmMurUct Street, flillailelplda. gNYDfilt, IIAIUUS & BASSETT, aianuracturcrs nnd Johliers of MEN'S AND HOY'S CLOTHING, Nos. 5i5 Market, nnd ,U1 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. H AY. BANK'S Wh6liwali:tohacio, snuit, and cigar WAitnuousi:, No. 1 10 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Knee, west side. ridlndelphla. Q 1). BOBBINS & CO., IISONMI-IIICIIANTS, Northenst corner of Second nnd Vino Streets, Philadelphia. 2AC!EN, BOYD it CO., COMMISSION M UiCTIANTS, nnd Wholesnlo Dealers In LIIAf AND MANUf ACTUIILD TODACCO, SIXlAltS, Ac, No. 61 North 'rilul Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward their slock "In Uoml,' wiiuoui pxepayint; ine united Stales tax. J.JUBUAII FOlt CATAW1SSA! THIS WAV I'OU HAUGAINS. to compare Willi slrlnseney of the money mantel, iiou and compare irlces before pur t huslng elsewhere, Just cull ul the fj orlto busi ness stand of McNINCH A- SHUMAN, nnd you will be met hy tho obliging proprietors or iiieireierKs.nnilKliou nihrnngiiiiieir ereal varlelv sloro free of eliarKe,of t-iairse. They w III f-lve you n fair chance to spend your hsiso chain;.-, they trust much mnm prulltubly Hum It can bu spent fisevncrc. jueir STOCK Of DUY GOODS "i lids Spring Is much lnrcr In ull its varieties than ilstiul. Their LADIUS1 DIHS GOODS nro of the nicest styles lu maikel. Ilueiissoitiueiitof They have hats. curs. iiooT-s and snof-s SL'MMflt CLOTHS, CASSIXins, CASSIMfltliS, AND V1'.STINGS, and niiiuerons articles common tn such ostnbllsh incut, besides u yeiieral nssurlment of IlAllDWAltn, TINWAIli:, QUKliNSWAIti:, i AND GltOCi:ilIf-H, nil nt ureslly reduced prices. They wUli tot-on uui-t their business nu Iho system of "PAY AH YOU GO," nnd they think Ihey can nflbrd to sell verveheai They rclurii Ibelr thanks for many past fawns. iiiHiiisii iuoiiiinreiironngonr their former t-us miners mm tliu public generally. MeNJNCII A- SHUMAN. flATAWISSA BAILUOA1). v" 1 111111 nnd nlterOcloberi', l,s(i"i, the Irnlns will pass l ins-lt us follows 1 ' , mi iniius win lioiMi Noinii.i:indm Mall nt 1 p.m.i file fipiessnt Ais.i.m. v'"!1?" T"-" ' hll.idelpld.i Mull nt 11 A, sr. auouai; WKim, supt, rpIIE FLOItKNCH X BliWINCLMAClIINHS Ann tiii: dixt in tiii: would. Halenrooins, 0 aiestnut Street, riillnilelphln.l'n. WMlnnlnrac number of Mnelilncn have been olfered to the publle, Homo of whioli possess points of excellence And nUnowIcdged morlt, wo hnvo Ions felt what others havo oxperlenceil, llui no-ei-islty of n Mnchlno more perfect In Its liiuihiuil" ml structure, coiublnliiK lu tho maiiLvr DUortKK HIMI'MCITY WITH DUltADIUTY, nnd whllo cnpnblo of dolus n ani:.Ti:n hanoi; of wouk, one that could bo easily understood nnd compre hended hy till, To supply n Hewltiii-Mnehlnc free from tlio oi- lecllniis iiltiuhed to others lias been lioeasy tnsk', for e not only lmd Ui surpnsi other amenities, na they nppenreil yenrs into, but nlso t.i Improved from time to ttmo by more recent experience, This wo lsjldly claim has been neoouipIlHhed ny the liberal expendlturo of capital, nnd tho pn- tlent, uiillriiiK labor of years j nnd In prcscntlni; our Mnchlno to llio publle, we shnll mnlie stronn nssertlons rcspectln-ji lis merits, which we nre prepared to substnnllnto In every particular. Dlscnrdlng theChiunnnd IxKip.orKtillslitclics, wo ndopted tho. LOCK STITCH fallko on lioth sides of tho fabric), wldoa Is re' earned by the masaos ns best Milled to nil kinds of work. Hut to meet objoctlons sometimes urged inlnst this favorite stitch. Mo have added the Knot, Doublo Lock, and Double Knot, either of which Is STItONOKIt AND MOItK ELASTIC than tho T,ock; thus enabling tho operator to select 11 ntltch rnnrncTLY suiti:d to every crade of fabric, nnd where necessary, sew seams much stronger Hum It Is possible to do by hand. T1IU 1-LOltf.NCK mnlte KOUIl DIFKfHf.NT STlTCHfS with ns much ease ns ordinary Machines mnkc one, nnd with us little ltnehliiery. The result of repented tests hns been nil wo could desire, and from Its first Introduction the Florence hns gained hosts of friends, uud been regarded ns u HOUSftlOLD NF.CnsSITYj proving thnt the public fully nppreelato tlio many advnntages combines! Ill the Florence Machine, Over all others, the Florence must bo teen to be fully appreciated. We claim for the PLORKNCi: the following ADVANTAGE ; over nny nnd oil HRWINO-ilACHlNHS IN THC WORLD: fiS-H makes fourdlHercnt sltlrhivt, tho lock, knot, double-lock, nnd double-knot, oi. ono nud tho same machine, fjieh stitch-being ullko on both sides of the fabric. f.very Mnchlno hns tho reversible feed mo- lion, which enables the operator, by simply turn ing u thumb-screw-, to have the work run either to the light or left, to stay any part of tho seam, or fasten tho cuds of seams, without turning the fabilc. C7r Changing tho length of Mitch, nnd from one kind ofstllcli to niiother, can readily be doue whltu the Machine is In motion, ITS Tho needle Is easily ndjusted, nnd does not skip studies. - It Is almost noiseless, nml cnu bo used wheie.tulet Is necessary. 3-Its motions nro nil positive; there nre no springs to get out of order, and its simplicity en nbles uuy ono to operalu it. S- It does not require finer thread on the under than for tha uppi.-r side, nu.l will sew-across the heaviest seam, or from one to moro thicknesses of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break ing tiireod, or skipping stitches. 5-Thn Ilemmer Ii easily ndluited, and will turn uuy width of hem desired. -No other Muehlno will doso or nt a range of work us the rioreuee. S-It will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, quilt, ami gatueriuid ew-on a rnnle st the same time, 1 1 has no springs to get out of order, uud will last a lifetime. era- II is fully prnt-vctod nnd licensed by 1211ns nowe, jr., uud our own Letteis I'atont. 'Hio Inking up of the slack-thread Is not tier- formed hy the Irregular contrnction of u wire coll or unceitniu operation of spilugs. Tho precision, nnd accuracy with which tho Florence drnws tho thread Into tho cloth Is unappro.ielie.1 by nny hewing-ilnctiluo hitherto olleied lu the world. Wo furnish each Machine with " Rirnum's Sulf. Sewer," which guides the work ltself,aud Is of In. calculable wilue, especially to luexpuilence oper ators. Whllo possessing tho nbova, and many other ndviintages, the ITmence Is sold at corresponding puces wllli oilier first-class Machines, nud it cure ltd exainlnallon will lully suhstanllato all that wo have claimed for It, uud Justify the assertion wo now make, that It Is the best Suwing-iliiclilno In the world. We wnrnnnt every Machlno to bo all that wo claim for It, and u give entire satisfaction, nnd w 111 gli o ii written warranty, If required Liberal arrangements mnd." with thoso who Imv lo sell iigsln. Further Information nuiv bo had by Inclosing stumps to the lleneinl Olllco of the I- loiencoS.iwlug-Ilui'hluo Company, GX) Chestnut blieel, Philadelphia, Fcmisylwiulu. PRICKS Of MACHINF.S. No. 1, Plnln, Tills Mnchlno mnkes the lock and knot sMtchcs.nud has tho reverslhlefcedSC3 No. , r lorencc tlolil-oruaiuenle.1 Machine, w Ith drawer, and light rover, without Its-It ; makes nil the four stllehes, nnd hns tliu re versible feed $73 No. 3. Silver-plated .Machine, iiruauiented table oll-iliilshed walnut, with heavy half ease, lock and dinner; makes nil the four stitches, nml has the reversible f. ed 581 No. , Sllier-plaled Miiehlne, highly nrim menle.l,und makes nil tho four slllclies, nnd has the reversible feed. Polished mahogany table Polished Rosewood Tnble No. .'i.-Wulnut tnblo, lu oil,, Mahogany tnble, In nil RosewtHsI table, III oil No. (1. Wnlinil, oil llulshod. Miihogsny table Rosewood table -V O, O. RVANS, General Agent, 830 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. gOIIELL, BE1U1EB it CO., GRNIlRAL COMMISSION MRRCHANTS Dealers In PISH, SALT, CHf.lXR, PROVISIONS, A"., Nos. 132 nml 121 Norlh Wharves, nliovo Arch St, Phll.uUlphln, Solo ngents for Wilcox's Wheel niense, lu l,nr- reis, negs, nnu enns, 2STABLI,SIII-:i) 171W. JORDAN A IIROTIIKR, WlIOLKSALf GltOCflW, nnd DealuM In ruyrpimtf. and iirimstoni:, No Sl Norlh Third Street, IlillndolrJiU, A. IIENDBY, Successor to Hendry Harris, Munufncturernnil Wholesnlo Di-uler In HOOTS ANDHHOIX, No, M North Third Sllecl, Philadelphia. II. with V. l'ETEIUIAN, MPPINCOTT A, WHOMXAt.K aitOCKIUS, No, 51 North Water Street, nnd No. 20 North Dolnwnro Avenue, Phfladclpbln. QEOBUE 11. BOUEHTH, Impoi ter nnd Denier in IIAHDWAlti:, CUTLi:itY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 Norlh Third Street, nbovo Vine, . Phllndelphln. g JgKNJAMIN QUEEN, Denier In CARPUTINGS, WINDOW HHAIlKS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, AC, No. M North Sncolnl Street, Phltndclplitn. J 1'. BEAIU), will L1FFINCOTT, DON!) A CO., Manufacturers nnd Wholisnlo Di-nlers lu HATS, CAPS, FURS, AND STRAW GOODS, No. 115 Market Street, Philadelphia. JIOWE, HUSTON & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In COTTON YARNS, CARPRT CHAINS, UATTS, WICKS, Till YARNS, CORDAGi:. 11ROOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAR! I.OOK'Q GLASSl'.S, CLOCKS, I'ANCY ItASKLTS, TAULU, FLOOR, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOT! IS, Ac, No. M0 Jlnrltct Street, south sldo, I-hlladelphln. Q. Vs. BLABON it CO., Maiiufneturars of OIL CIiOTIIH AND WINDOW SHADIiS, Wnrehousc, No. 121 North Thhd Street, rhllailQlphln. pna-JNix stove bebot. mvrinw, rangrs, and stoviis. Wholesale and Rilall, PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVK. VULCAN HfATRR, for healing two or moro rootn-v. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY", II RATI NO, nnd every variety of STOVIJt. JOHN I. IIHSH, No. SID North Swond Street, Phlbidelphln. J. V. LA3JBEBT, with ROSS, S1IOTT A CO., ImtiorterHnud Jubbornof CLOTHS, CASSIMRRIiS, VEftTINGS, Ac, No. SOI Mnrltct Street, lMiUndolphln. g L. KETTLE, with 11USH.I1UNN A CO., DRY GOODS, No. 13 North Third Street, I'lillndelpliln. J 11. LONGSTBET1I, f API :U-II ANQING WARRIIOUSI-J, No. 13 North Thhd Street, Phllndelphln. pnisiiMUTir, KHOTI1EU & CO., WlIOLRSALi: TOIIACCO DIliM.RIlS, No, 131 NorUi Third Street, Ilvo doors below Race, raetorles, Nos. 121 nu.l 2Ti quarry tllreit, Philadelphia. UIIILADELI'IITA AND KHTl X RAILROAD. This great line traverses tho northern nud northw rift counties of 1 Vmisvlvnula to thn city of Rile, of l.iku Rile, It has been lease., an.i is oneraieu OV lll.l PI'.NNSYLVANIA IIAII.IIOAD milPtvv Time of Passenger Tinlns nt Noithumheil.ind: Luavu RAsrw.Mtn. Frio Mnll Train. Il.-il p.m. J-rl" l.xpu-ss Train, a.ii.i,.it,; l.lmlia -Mail Tialn, 1U.-I.1. I.UAVU Wr.STW.lltll Frta Mnll -I'riiTn r. . , f.rlo l-'Apress Train, 7:11 P.M.; Rliiilra MhII Traill l::ii p.m. Passenger cars run through on the Trio JI.ill nnd ..,, , . ,uin. .llllllu OOlll WtS 110' tweell I'll aile lib iiaiii l i e Nr.w- Yoiuc CoNNr.iTioN. Invo New York nt II .s..n,, noiu- ai ai n:i.i a.m.; is-ave l.rleat 1 P.M.,uiiio nt Now Ymk nt ":IU i-.M.'.int steentlinr on nil nhrlo ls,ln. For lnruinuillon respecting iuS.seiiger business npnly nt the corner of Thirtieth mi Mmi....t Sheets, Phllndelphln; nnd for height business of til" ollip.lliy's ngellls. S. II. Kingston Jr., cornernfTweirih nnd Mniket Streets, Philadelphia: .1. W. Reynolds, Rrlo; Wil liam Uruivn, Agent N.C.K.K., H.-iltlmoie. ' , ,, , , " I'- HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, Phllndelphln. , II. W. tlWINNUll, Geiieml Ticket Agenl Plihadeildii, ('iiernl Supoilntendeii't, Willluiiisport. rOIv AAVANNA AND BLOOMS 1IFIIG RAII.III1AI). (III III ill and iittel' .Mau-b II. lsiui. I'nsK.oii-r.r-riiii.o .iu Souriitt-AI-.n. T-.1VO Sernntnn nt 4:10 p.m. nml (i:.iO A.M.; Kingston nt II p.m. nnd a.m. : illooms- .in kuiiwh-.h. aim ii;jia.m. .rnvont ortluiin berlnnd at i:.V) p.m. am lihi-i i ir . NonriiWAiiH. Leave Northiiiuberlnnd nt 7 a.m. mnl r, p ir . in,,,. t.ivi, , if.. . it u.',-. . ....u .. .. . .. ..-": ... ... in ii i iiii r,.ii, Scrnnlonnt ll:Ui a.m. nnd 11 p.m. AirlveatSeruiv i-i. "V .-.ii. .i.'i. ..nil i;i.j p. ii, , ,,..,,,, A l'N'"A' 1'' MMIE AMEHICAN HAY KNIF X AND 1'llltK. We the lllulei signed cltlen oi Columbia County wllnesed the Irinl of hav lorlts on tint liiim or Mr. Putsel, in Hemlock 'lowiishlp, ou Monday, M.iy 7,, betwc-eii th,, LV?i'-r.l.'o,1il,,.'1.v,l.Cl'11'',"11'' m.inufactiiie.1 bv . "" '..' .-I'lj , r..iiii..H ,V I it., or ).r burg, Pa., uud tbu Riunlel's Patent liny II inn American rone lined moro iav In on. draught Ihnn the Runde In three. v ,,r .. . L ;. Ile.1 It will take ns much hay Into thu mow as two r,, v n .1 TiiiniJ' ii .V, . V. I"w! mw " eull ng lln! ki'YrV""' r,',,"m",lll"l " tbu best liuy fori', JV. II. hoovs, ;Ioiin Doak, .IllllN Dl.TKIIirK, DVNIri. NllTI'lT H. Dim.uMii.i.mi, Svi.VF.srKit l'i-i!si'i. MliiiA.i:i, llm.i.Kii, jot I-w 1 "Sl1'' llieyuiMiinanuraeliirn the celebinled lluckt-M) iiieiits -"'"ivri mm oiner iigneuiiural luipl QMN1BUS LINE. The undersigned would respect fully niiimiinre to Ihttcltliens of nioomsbiirg mid Uio publlo gene rally that ho Is running un OMNI11UH I.INR between this place nsd the dlllerent rnllrond de Itolsdnlly (Sundays excepltHl),toeoiinect with tho several trnlns going South nud West on tho Culn wlssn nnd Wllllainsport Railroad, nnd with tin going Noun nnd South on tlio Lntlcnwniiiinnnd llI.Kiiiubiirg Railroad, Ills Oiimlhusses nro In Koo.rondllon,eoiniun dlons nml ronilorluble, mid i-linigis. reasonable. lono-.s wishing lo meet or see their tin p til (.t ail be ntconiodatc.l upon tea ;otiablorliBr; b) leaving timely notice nt any pf the hnel, JACOU I, OIUION, 11'ipUitor, ATOHTII EBN CENTBAL BAIL 1 WAY. Dinner nofTi: north ajjh south. Tlnolli between Itallltnore ntnl ltoehestur WITHorT CHANOi: )! CAItS. On nnd tiller Augul u, luu), trnlns will leuvo ns ioiiowsi .Mllt l lll Altll. llttFFAt.O fXIMtlXH leut-s Hull tnnrn Ift-lil I..II... t I l.t.,l t.ll I.. (I I t. , 1 1 M I'flsl II I ltf '.'.(L. .1 t dellveiliig pnsi-iiL'i-rs nt Northumberliiiid t.iA AI., for train nu Laekawnniin mid lllootnsburg llnlliond, leaving at 7 A.M., urilvlnii lu DniiMlIu Tt to A.M., Illoomslitirg s:ii Alii., Kingston luiM ,. n., -seraiuon i noon, .MAIL leaves llnlllniorn A.M., dally fexcent Suiidiivs); Philadelphia lfnii) A.M.! llarrlsliurg .':oi I ..M., oeiiii-ring ims-ii-iiitcrs in .soi iiiiimncr land l:"il P.M., for (rain on Uieknwnuna niul llliHitiisbuiu llallioad, leiivlng there nt titsi P.M., arriving In Dunvllle I. I'.M., lllooiiiburR (!: P.M. Klngslon u P.M., Sci anion loill: tuocec .ling north uud arriving tn WllllumM'ort nt lltll P.M I'AHT LIN F.Iuivesllnltlmoio dally (e-srept Sun dais), l-'ilu P.M, I Philadelphia 12 M.: llnrilsbiirz 1:11) Pt.M.i Norlhiiiulierlaii.lH:i:IP.M.; renuiluour night, a n.i ieac me ioiiowiii inoiuinai t,nrriv Inglu seriuitou 1J M. ,., SI IU III II .11.1'. UXIMllNS ritAIN leaies Northumbeilnnd lh.m .M..ilatlv(,reielvlnapiiseiiiiprs leaving Seiaiiton I: ID l'.JL; Pulsion Mil P.M.! Kingston II P.M.: lllooiuslaiig fsi? P.M.: nrrlvhij lu Philadelphia 7 A.M.; llairlsburg ajo A.M.; liailllliore i ,.si. -iMAIIi lilAlis leaves .soriiiiiniucriaiui in:) ,..l., ill.ll.V ICAC.'ia r-iiieu,,. s. kv.i.iiiu jui.-bi-o- gers leaving Seraiiton fc.'iO A.M.: Plttstoii il:jij A.M.! Kingston i;:.V A,.M, i lllootiisburg H:7 A.M j Danville !:. I A.M. : nnd nrrlvlni lu HarrWmrg : I u .ill, , l iniieii 1 1 1. 1 ii i."-1 1 ..'i. , iiiiuiniuir u i ,.n, Uy this route frcMit from llullalo. Susncuslun Ilrldge, llochesler, and Ciiiiaiidngua, or nny inter mediate point on Iho New York Central enu bo shipped ilii'iiiittli, when In full tnr loads, to any liollll on ine uii Hiiwiiiiiiii hum iiesiinsoiii k ivaii. ioa.1. without bieiiklng hulks. Rales of freight nu.l pnsM-ngcis f.ue ns low ns by any other route, v , ..7,, i i - I.- u vnevi ,1 . . . ll. lli.l.l.l, s , .. i-.. , I. ,, Gen'l Sup't, llnrrlshutg.P.i. OenT Puss. Ageul, i n.i iinorc, TtAAC'M.SCHOKMf.UIltmN, Gen'l Western I'leknt Agent, llullalo. T) EADING BA1LBOAI). J Vi SU.MMRR ARRANdl'.MRNT. April ;i, 1MM. (Irent Trunk Line lioin I he North nud Norlhwt for I'hllaili'liihlli, .New lorn, i.ea. ling, i iuisi in.,, l ama. in.i, .siiiaiiii, j.en.iiioii, .tii.-iiiuii u, ..iisiun it I'., Ac. 'I rains lenvo llnrrlsburg for New York ns fnl. lows! At ;i,7:l'i, nnd li:if a.m., nnd 2 nnd V-M t- m eomiecllng wllh similar trnlns mi the Prnnsyl ttnllroa.l. nml nrrlvlmi at New York nl.VM and in a.m., and .": to nud I0:.l1 p.m. Sleetilng t ars uccompnuy ine j ...ii,iin.i e;.v i-..n, minis, wiinuut change. " Leuvo llnrrlsburg Tor Reading, PotlsMlle.Tntnn. qua, Mlnersvllle, Ashlnud, Pine Giove.Allentoiui, and Philadelphia al 7i 10 am., and L' nnd (i.-Jii-.m., stoiilngat Lebanon and iiilnclpal Way Station-., the Ii LM p.m. tinln making lutelose eonnectlfiiisfor I'ottsviiieor riiiinueit ma. i or l ousviiie, m-iiuvi. kill Haven, t. ml Auburn, via Scbnylltlll and Siis. iiiehnnna Railroad, leaie lluirlsbiug at I l'.etlirnltl-;. leave New Yolk lit ! AM., l'i M..iiint S::ip.M.; l'lilludelphlantfl A.m. and. ".::) p.m.; potts. lint m s: in a.m. ami .:w p.m.; .asiiiiiii.i ni n aim 11:1.1 am., inn! l:Uil'.M.; Tiimuqiin ul II: F, a.m. nud 1 nnd s:'n p.m. . Leave l'ottsvlllo ror llnrrlsburg, vln Schuylkill nud Snsqiiehaiiun Rallrond, at 7 A.M. I'.ea.llmf Accomo.latiriuT'raIu leaes ltea.lltw.ui II A.M., lc turning from Philadelphia nt .1 p.m. t'nliimhlii Railroad Tinlns lcuM- Rending at fi:'.1!) nud ll:li P.f. for I'ihratn, Lit I, Columbia, Ac, Ac, On Sundays It-mo New- Yolk at S::!IJ p.m.; l'lilln. delphla ut a.m. nnd ll:l"t P.M., the S A.M. t mis rim. lung oil iv lo lieai ling; i-oiisyii.ii ai o ,wi.; 1 Ulna qua at 7::l a.m.; llnrrlsburg at 11:0,1 a.m. ; imd Id na lllg ill i:.iif A.M. mr iinrrisoing, nu.l i.i.o a.m. 1. 1 New Yolk, niul 1:21 I'.M. lor Philadelphia, Cfimmutiitlon. Mllentre. Season. Ilxc urslon. nnd School Tickets ut reduced rates to nud fiom nil points. liaggage ciiceiieu inrougii. i.igiuy pounirs ei baggage allowed each passenger. it. ,1. ." I1.-JI,17, 11.11, .... lit, Rending, Pn., April in, im. ' rpilE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Ihe ATLANTIC JIONTHLY'. bv cellcrnl coll. sunt, stands ut the head of Aluerltall lmig:i7ilics. it nuniticis uiiiong us contriiniiois ine m.i"i eui. nent wrltersnf Iheilay. both In Prose and Poetn and lis tmges have nlw ays relleeted what Is hist in mii. -mini i.ueraiure, n lias i.-aiiieu a ciuu. latlou never hetoie gained by any Ameil. an iiute nluoof this t lass, and II has, by tho long peii.l of Us existence and the worth of Us contilbulors, heeonie tlrniiy llxt-d In public esleem. Tho following me uiiiong the most promlueat regular coiiti ihu tors ; 11, V, . l.u.MU r l.l.uw , It. l . r..ill-.ltr-11-s, WILLIAM CFLI.l'.N I1RYANT, J. T. TROW'llltllll.F, DONALD (1. t- (!. IIA'.I.WIU.I. J. a. WHITTIRR, o. w. iioi.mi:h, llAY'ARD TAYLOR. HARItlirr P.. bTOWK, GAIL HAMILTON, K. P. WHIl'PI.Ii TCRMS: Single (lUbscrlptloiis. four dollars pir year. Ci.un Rat i-s. Two copies for seven dollnrs, (I tit copies for slxleeii dollais; ten eotilos for tinny ii, i, ,iis, i.ini i-.ici. iniiiitiiiiiut coii tnree oonai-i. I-'or every clidi of iweniy suhs.-illn rs an evr.t copy will be iiiiulsliid grails, in-twenty-one cu llies forslMy dollars. PosrAiii.. The ioslago on the ATLANTI t twenlv-foiir cents ner ear. and must In nil i.t- a be paid at the olllce where It Is reccUed. mi'i;i-i.mi; ini'iKH or the atlamu MONTHLY will be sent on receipt of twenu litu ceiils. The ATLANTIC ilONTIILY nnd our YOl Ml FOLKS will bo furnished together ill tho dollars in-r year. Special Inducements nie ofl'. ie.l to teachers mi l pustm.istfis to procuie suhsciibers to tun- pcrMi. c.ils. Agents wanted thromilinut the .uiinlij, Addiess TICKNOR A- FIRLDs, Publl-hirs, l'-'l Trenmnt street, llostun, Mn-s. N JEW YOBIC TlAlEtf. riir! tir.v-riTi-si ..,.,,ti,itrr ti.n ini..ui iv... l lgll and Domestle News, Is imhllshed th.lly ill leu tlollnrs per iiunuiuj with Sunday idlll'ii, twelve dollais. 'i no timfs, pubii.iic.i mi Tuesdays and Fridays, price live ci ins. Inn-lni Hon tt.tln- latest g, Intclltg, nee In tflicinpli iii In the inouient of going lo press, Uieii- will i. found In each number the fullest aslnnet n News. F.uiopeau Nt ws with giaiihle letteislii.ui our em respondents In Loudon nud PmN, gn in Ihe lone ol public l.-ellug nlirond, Is mad.- a H c.lal and peimaiieiit i.-atuie. In ii.ldllloii o torlals on nil the cinient toiilts of C .Ui.ilni si:mi-wi:i:kly timfs imsu pngeu: imfiti- lirepared lommei'cliil matl. r.glilng the In i"i l iiiuirlnl News and Mai kit Iteports; Ut ins of A, lleultllllll uud llomestle lnteiest, eon. piled frei'i somces many of which inn otherwise Inncc - to the Amerl.-au leader: nnd inarihiges uu'i .tiitrriages an.i ii.-iiinstu ine wieu. The "Si mi-'i:kki.v l!r.roun," or News siu-e maiy beluga carelut s noii.its and digest ol iim newsof the day. Is alone Moiih double Ih.- s"1' sirlillou tulce to the It pr.seives m n eon.ened end couvi nit ully classiii.-.l Inuu H newsof Interest, uud must pioe valtul'l. i." reinr.l to all time. TRRMs, Tluee dollars per iinnum, Club run i nre dlscentlmi. d. The V l.l'.K LY TTMF.S, published nt twotlntii a year, eoiitaliis, in addition to the hitesi p '- ' lutelllgeiico bj telegraph up to Ihe iiinm. in 1 going to picss, the tallest Wiislilliglun V Riiropean News, with grnihle Ittleis In m eorrespoinlents In Lnmlounnd Pnris, cit n i tone ol publle ieellng abroad, Is niade a i and iiennaiient f. ature. lnn.lillllontol I"' on all thocmient topics of the ihiy, tin- u " LY TTillCS lias a page of earelullv-prepnr. e inei-clal mutter, giving the latest Flnaneia and JIaiket Reports; Hems of Aurlcttmnu ' Dniiiestle Interest, compiled from souiees iimn of which nr.- nlheiwlse iiiaeeesible to the Minn eanieudei ; mid Marilagesand Iieiilhsnl tin k fJIIE GALAXY, Ai'ORl'NIOIITI.YII.I.USTR.Ti:i)31AOAZ'V THF. GALAXY Is pul.ilslied fnitnlglillv 1 first iindtlileeiith of iiionlh, nnd lu " yaiilage of coming to the reader 0 helween the monthlies and Ihe weelth.-. NMth Ihe second numiiei thu il,tu, i 1 1- - "'' larged by slxleeii iages, making it to leiii-1 nlialy-slx pages of iniitier. ITS CONTItllll'TORS, . Till: GALAXY will be an orlelnal Amcr i Mngallie of the highest class. Ariang- ' have nccordlngly lieen iiuide lor in' : tlons Horn Ihe ben knowii nu.l nui-t iii. ni ' wrlteis In the tountry ; nnd nioreoiir tin I 11 ylll nlwuysseek ttiellcll and encoiiriiKi " lions fiom now aiilhoisnf real nbllllv or u- " ' genius, The nitidis In Till: f LAa " signed Mlllilhenamehiit their iiuih.ns. m . be allowed ti wide Ireedoiu lu the wtpiMM-m" opinions, ' The Hist nnd second numbers of THF ci ' JfV, for May llrsl and tllleenth, 11.1, eontaln m 'I'1' I Ions Irom .I.ihii Kstcn Cooke, Fiiiiii-. 1'"" ( obbe, Rose Terry, (. i oiue Alfud Town "i in' h iiiunil ('. Stediiian, Ihe Aiilhnr of "Limit i LMl. ''"'lessor Pleire Hint, Dr. V II I "'I "' H.U K- I'onnnt, tJeneial Flnsf ii-I, nml ni'i "I lie ( uvfriuss" by Anlhouy Tiollois-, "Alible LoNi-ll," j,.- Js. i- ' iuence.1 In the llrsf uumlier or 'J 111! ti.U, and w II eonltniii. to in, i. i,i,iidii.i iiniit Mi aiieously wlththeiruppenriinceln I.iiglau l , ' hack numbers of tint Miig.ndne eonlninln-l " stories may nlw nys be obtnliied Inuu it m J' - or Irom t lit pt-nprlt tors, , l'HOFIs()R !'.ot ON COOKKin . In Hie second number of THIS (1AUN 1 '! ctmiiueiiecd u seiles of articles on 1 rolessor Plene Illol, the well. known t.n'l"' I n- in I, Theseurtlcleswlll bu inudeof giclf I It-ill vnlun lo every rmnlly, llesldu imiiit i-!-iioinlciil dlieetlons nf tsseiilliil Iniporliin. ' , w 111 contain iccclpls and pructlenl sin- 1 which must sciiire for them thousand. of ' 'l-l lltlu The mice of THi: GALAXY Is 2.1 cents. ir-bt-r: m lor Ihe earof twenlv.fiair iiiiril"" for six monlh.s-twtli-tt nnnil.eis. 'lie m for Hut year will Include ts-tnvo wge. 1 ,, trilled by twenty-ilvtiiiriiioro fiill-itiittt- r lugs, prlnle.l nn ilultil paper; Issl.le Inm hie smaller Illustrations, senlteit-d Ihr ,, text. Till! GALAXY lu.iylsinrileri-il ill 'la of tweiiiv-llvii et nis a number lorruyl'" SM-eliiieii copies will bo sent on in'iir' cents, Addiess W. C. A, f. P. CHl'llCH, Pmpr ' " Ull I'urk Row, Net! 4 IM IM BE HI 1 UTT LE SEWIN 1 l i ITIINI'.Sniesiiperlortiinll oilier !'.' v FAMILY AND M AN FF AIM' I'll I Nit fl HI' " Contiilniill Ihe lull st luiiriiviiueul; airi) .rii M-'iiiiliuiii-i Hint t'lisi ill ti in ... , , Illii"tiiutilCl.iul-rliee. Agents nn' ernl discount alloued. Noeoiisl. -in..' Addi.-s f.MPIJU i- M ' , nusl y tT-lllioadwn- N" "