S"rrirr-! rp THE ..COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJ11G, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1866. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE; Y jjv nil moans lot Socrolary M'Cullocli 11 lllv It! bllU A A VilOlt 1 J IUIU1UUUII" Coxa urns Jiofj begun to tinker tho, s.t. ..II l...1t....4ln.rt . ii,i t w.t ...Ml . ,w... 1... ....il,.t.. r LUlMsJ. MVUtl own UU UllbiLUlV lICl'i lUMOAL sallow in tho .Ship of Slitto f - r, rinAH..Klt.. I. ' i - I y) caulk u. William L. Maduock and Co. dealers In flno groceries, No. 110 rlouth imru street, vO-.-pguiouiouini ruuaiiKi I'hlltulelnlitu. A horticultural editor want tho Congressional Grounils einuolllslcvtl. Tho Rudlcrtln lmvo niloptcd his sugged tlou,nnd aro organizing tltoltenrcsontn tlvo Cliutnbor into ft mammoth nation al hot-housu. Kveuv Saturday for this week con- talnu Charles Dickens's Christmas story, entitled " Mugby Junction," hi advanco of its publication In Eiif-laiitl. Our Traders will onlov a rlcli treat In tlm perusal of this story. Send to Tieknor and Fields, lloston, 5rassachusett-. Thk Peak Family of Hell Ringers an- nouneo an entertainment in tho Town Hall on Thursday evening next. Thoy are tho best troupo of tho kind In tho world, as wo have seen sufllclontly de monstrated. Wo doubt not Snyder's Hall will be well Mle'oR tho night in question. MUSHKS. llAHTON AND SNYDHU will soon open a hardwaro store in Snyder's Building. They ,havo just roturned from rhlladelphla with n largo assort ment of desirable goods in their line, not tho least attractive portion of which is an excellent assortment of skates for Indies and gentlemen. 481 Broadway, Now York, has Just pub llshsd " Nearest and Dearest," words by C. W. Baker, music by J. B. Thorn ai; " Donotllead tho Warning," words by Thoruas fanahan, mttslc bylfenry Tutkor ; and " Tho Bonnio Brown Cot togo,", words and music by W. C. Baker. l'lioVEssoH Bui.niNO lias lately re ceived an addition to his dancing classes ,'nnd his school is now on tho full tide of success. Wo have beforo spoken in laudatory terms of his mode of teach Ing, and can but reiterate our former expressions. Thoro is still an opportic nlty to Join hlB school, and wo advise attontiou to this fact at an early day Tun Congressional Railway began Its trips bn Monday, Decembor third on its winter timo-tabio. engineer Htevcns and Stoker Schenck look the! places at noon, and amid the ehoora of throo thousand black men and sixty whites, who had walked in procession lo tho depot, tho trnin moved off at in credible spcod. It is an express train and runs past almost nil tin old stations Teachers' County Institute. Tho attention of Teachers, Directors, nnd all other persons feeling an intorest in educational progress, is called to tho Teochors' County Institute, to bo held In Bloomsburg tho latter part of this month. Tho Institute will bo called to ordor at ten o'clock a.m., on Wednes day, tho twenty-sixth instant., and con tinue during tho remainder of tho week, holding threo sessions each day. It is of tho very greatest importanoo to tho txlucational interests of Columbia Coun ty that a special effort bo made by every individual to Eecure a full attendance of Teachers, Directors, and others earnest In promotluggeneral Intelligence. These Institutes afford peculiar opportunities to Teachers to acqulro knowledgo of tho best methods of conducting schools of governing and Instructing. They may, also, bo found benelleial to Directors, ly conveylug to them many Ideas of management and skilful instruction in schools, from which Directors, and par ticularly District Superintendents, may moro readily understand the condition of schools when visited, and form Intel llgont opinions of tho Teacher's compe tency. ,In truth, tho Institute is not only as beliovetl by many a mere per sonal benefit to Teachers, but results iu arousing greater earnestness in intellec tual pursuits with those who attend, and through them thosamosplrit of advance. jnont Is carried to tho wholo nconlo. It lj urged, thereforo, that all persons will use their best elforts to causo a success. fill County Instituto. Lot Teachers and Directors work together, and let there bo not only a full attondanco of Teach ors, but also of Directors. Experienced Instituto Conductors and hocturcrs will bo In attondanco throughout the session Joskph CJaiuuhon, Chairman of Executivo Committee. DiaoWKnuxn, Dacoinbor 15, 1H04. At tho dinner given to Mr. Peabody, In Baltimore, the capital represented by those who sat down to tho tablo Is estl mated at sovonty-two million dollars. James Paiiton, tho historian, is iu Cincinnati collecting data for an articlo ""on Cincinnati for tho Allanllo Monthly which ho proposes to do up at consider bio iongth. Thk Virginia Legislature has takon preliminary steps toward ropeallng tho usury laws, which aro allowing con tracts at a higher rato than six per cent Interest. Thk Incomo of Charles Dickons is from fifteen to twenty thousand dollars n year, half of which comes from his All tho Year Jtouml, and two thousand live hundred dollars a year profits from his readings. , Bkvo thousand dollars in gold and sliver were recently found by an old hunter, burled In a keg, near the Mis f isslppi River, below Wolf Island. The trensuro is supposed to havo belonged to Eomo rcUcl who was killed c,u.r,I,n;,'.iho war. Mnrhft Report. Whcnt per bushel , J1.V" " lorn " .,., 1'ioiir per barret... .1....... l'lovcrsocd.n Flaxseed , , Hutter , I'M , Tiitlnw ,...;.. Potatoes Dried Apples Pork Hams.. Hides mitt Shoulders Inrd irr pound liny per - Ill , 6ion . . l r , 7.1 . in ; A on . aw ' o-' ! u , Till , .1 l) . IS Zi . is . . 0 . 25 00 MAIUUED. On llio twentieth ultimo, nt tlio homo of tho ljrlilo's father, In Hemlock Township, liy Itiiv. W. O. Hemcr, (l':ouiJU Karvkk to Maiua c. Mim.i:ii, IsHh of t'oltimbln County. lly tin; Rev. M. 1'. Croalhwnlto, on tlio iilntli In nlantjJoitH C. PnsM.s'uroN.nf 1'ultmountTown ship, Lurerue County, to Roiiema A. Hun kiily, of sngarloaf. At tlio ro.sldonco of llov. I!. I'ulMcr, John A, Kllno, of llciiton, to Clarissa York, of Hugnrloar, this county. Atiditm's Notice. I'stnlc of .liuiim (llh- son, late of (IrK'tnvooil Township, Coltlmbl.i County, deceased. Tho undersigned, appointed Audllor, liy the Orpliniis' Court of tin' t'ountyof Columbia, to settle ami adjust th rates ami pro portion nf tlin nwln In tho halliln of Alunlinm YinniE, ailmlnlstrator of James (lllwou, ileeenveil, toaiul anions tho respective cteilltorHneeortllnu tlee lo nil pnr'tle Inlernnteil tha hovlll ntti'iul to hodutle.sor lil.Hnppolnlmcnt at tlieonieeot tlio leeorilercif Deeill.lii ltloomhuii.. in wnlil roniitv. on Hatimluy, tlio twenty-slxth day of January, ai ten o ciock a.m. oi am nay. All per in hnvlm. elahn onlemnmln ftcr.lut tho etnto T ileecilelit. are l-eouestril to Di-enent them to the Vuiiltor. or ho forever debarred from coming In fur a portion of said fund. .iiiilo i. I ur.ijii., Auuuor, niiMiinsburK, IHjeciuber !.", 1.SMI.-II Lunacy. Tlio llmt account of Inane Sell: freld, committee of Dorca Urovclliu. n lunatic. .Mi jxTHOim iniereMeil wm lime ntnico llial ine iTounioi Isaac. iMUKiroiu, commuieo oi irea 'revellni.. a hiuatle. lias been Illed In the Pro- luttintnrv's I Illicit of ( 'nlutiililii (Viilntv. nn.l Hint tho fiiitd account will bo oresciit'.! to tho Jtldires of tho t'ourt of Common rleiw, of said county, for examination and continuation, on Tuohday, tho nun nay oi i eoruarj- nexi. .ll.i"l'i v.uijl'.lA., rroiliouo lary. Illoomsburir, licceinber li, isi!0.-.")t. Nollcr. AH pcrrtiliiH KUM lllf; tliciiisi'lt cs Indebted to clthcr'of tlio undersigned, on ltoolc N'ote.or Judgment, arc rciiuesled to make pay ment without delay, If they would Have costs. M'Kl'.t.VKY. NKAI, A CO., and WIIJ.IAM si'Kni.vr.Y A I I). AilinlnlNtrntiirN Notice. I.t'ttcmvi. oTAil- . ...... . .... .r . .... l..l.l.i..u 111IIIO.I Itll lllll Ull UIOt MlllHUI 4V.'l.tll..U. ...Uli.llin. Into of KIshliiK Creek Township, In the County of Collimoia, oecenHea, linvilitf oeen kiioucu iu mu underKlKiied by 'tlio Heslster of Wills, all peisonH iiienieii in Kn o esraie nro leoiiesicu m iiinu ......... .. ii.i IIu.ua linvlnir nliilttts HealllkL llio mid estate to prcHcnt tnem in , va JACKSON I.A1IOUII, FlnlihiR Creole, October :i, lMW.-tf Tn Hotel nnil Saloon keeper-, of llloomn hurt; and Columbia County. I linvo npiiolnted Mr. 11. Stohuer lusent for tho Baloofniynle, poller, brown stout, and Inner beer, who will supply you at the same prlco(imd with the samunitlclo), an I would furnish you from the brewery. Knoowln? that ho will bo punctual nud iittentlvo to all who may f.ior him with their trade, I HOllcit for him your support. Very respectfully!. I'lU.U IjAUKII, Rtenm Ilrowery, Ucadlnjr, 1'iv, tfutfttfi nt Altrnltnm Mcmcll. lleceimril. Letters of Administration upon tho estate of Ab raham Meusch', Into of Locust Township, in tho County or cotumuin. .iiceeaseo, navinu neei prnnttsl to tho undersigned, all persons havlin claims or demand nualnst tho estate of the .silt iii.c.iietii nn. rcnoesioti m ma te me same Kiio.ru without delay, and those Indebted to said 1.8 uto lo inairo imuicuiaio payment to AM.I CUAin or CHAltl.RS MKNSt'lr, Uonrliis; Creek P.O., Columbia County Jlti. s IIEUIFF'S SALES. BY VI1I UJ nf writ of fieri facing to lllC AUITct Uqno.l nut nf tho Colli t of (VmuilUl 1'ltilS In tho County of Columbia, will bo oxl.'1 tn public iuU nt tho Court JIouhi la Ulo'lnshiti, on HaturtlAV. 15Uh of Doct'inber next, at 1) o'clock In tho forenoon of mwu day, tho followlnliviil luln tn wit n i... s..ll,;.lr. rani Aolnln tlirt nrniiiirtv Thomas, Hltimtc In Oituwis.i lowiislilpVlu tho ()untvof Columlilii, iHjumli'd ami tlosciLoi. as followw, to wit: Ju thu outh by laiuls ii kcoro ,.irr j on th ciutl by minis oi wui.uii ii ivy, Solomon lR'lwitf, nnd Josoph Clcwell; n tim north bvlHinisol .(ovpn Jiiritn, wiinuu nun nmn.iuul William Collmun; ana on thojreM by lanus or namui uusu'uoaiiui'i, cujiiihiik oik. tiMini r.wl titif I fniirtri-n ncrcs nnrl (111 v-HlXl'n-h(" on which aro i'nctcl u ijrUt mill, haw mil, thrcu doubU framfldw.'liiuK-lioiisci, llvo bUi frame Iwollln-hoii'si'S, a oanit imiu, nay miii.miiiu lon.scCt'n slabfcsMind liJramc'buifdlnvlucuntJy OLCllOKU U"S U biuii.-ituu'-. r.Mrt rtthnr nmnnrtv. knmvn asunrout lamlhclonir vi lo j. r. riui'iH'r ana nuci iihhiiimiuiuu irtly In ilnlii Township nnd parlly in (VVuSsa nwiisldn. Ill tho Comity or coiuuiui.t, ixiiiuicu aiHI (IfhCl'lNCti lis wuuns; " "l i.i'i. . i.um- lu. iitur llir tfl f tilt IK'Irf 1)1 I tlX.I 'It Ml IHI OllK'lS; Oil, UU' IKJ11M I'i lilll'l in imi i i m i nil l iioniaH: on mu wi-m oy uu utau t.u orrt: and onthosoutnny lanusoi rifpnen j containing ein;my-uvn acres uuu iuiijftu 'not impiovwi." one othorlracl known as sprout land, helu King r rinclior iV Tiionias, Miuaie m Jiam iuw roitald, bounded on tho south by lauds o sllll saji ihst vttiT A Co on tho tioith by land beliuiidnr I nfti.ii A- " Kilinin; nt I I 111' eilM IV I'lIKI Oil tho lich'K ot Isaiah Shuiirm, do 'easoil ; nnd i (ro .t nv inn uniawjsh'i muiiuuu, cujiuuuniii llxty ncrts "not iinpioca. ntliertinet belnni'luir to l-'lneher A Til. situate In Jlalu Township nfoiesald, boiiude ineeasi oy uuui ui n..i' i imn. , .v i.....,.....i. north hv land of li'hichor Jt Thomas: on the tbu by tho Citawlssa lt.iilro.ul; and on the soul hind of said Plncher .v. Thomas, contatnlni; acics, " not iiiipioieu.'- oneothcrtr.'ict beloimliiK tosald I'lncher A-Tl! ns, Known its niuoui i.iuu, situaie iu iiun Township, (Utility of Columbia, bounded an vf.su le ad llbi II lISiOlIOHS! Oil 11IO lll'Sl II.V III" MllPlll ipa.ilni! from M'lvclWs Mills to lMher I'm , it, ilin smith l,v land of James Header: an , Lt.t iti.r, nciiAi nv 1 111111,1 i.i lut'i 1 iriivi linn v.i ftltu ffintiiliiln": t wenl v-li veneres and t1u ty-seven perches, "not Imjirovcd," wlthluetp. i.iii Inn. ini-es. I ' ....... ...I .. I., ...,!nn nn, I I., nul.A rlJll'U, lit Kl."ll Ml l An iiii'iii, linu ... .'u dw.v win roiwrty or .una. tiiiuiam. niihn same tlmn and nlace. hv vlrluo of a wrl! tvnrffionl ermiin, a certain tinet of hind sllili In Calawlssa Tow nslilp, Columbia County, ill taintiiKono nunuren aim Hixivucre, uioieiu- h liouiididoii Inn north by lands nt Hurry Hill;1 the west bvlaniHof Minor lilies; on lhein l.u- li.nrls nf thn helrk nf .Iiitin Vt-neerand Itel ni In Folk j and on tlio south by lands of Jin Druniheller. whereon nro erected two fin dwelllUK-liouses nud two frame barns, with stniz,..r tAhen In execution. and to be sold n.s t property of Oil) i on aumit. 1 1 ' HAMUI'.I, HNYDKR, Pherll! Illoomsmirf:, Dreeiuoer 1 1, imn, N1 UV CLOTHING AND OKNTLl MKN'a FUUNISHIKa KTOUK. Tho iindotsignisl rMpoetfiilly nnnotince to 1 many friends Uiat ho li.-w opened n now Clolhinj nml Cientlcmon'H Furnishing Ktore, In tho lowoj room of tho llartman Uuildlng, southwest eorue of Main and Market Htrcetn, UloomsburB, Pa, Hnving Just returned from Phllndolphla with Ijirgo Btock of PALL AND WINTr.ft CLOTHING and OKNTLLMKN'S PUItNlHllINO GOOttft, Ac, nn uaimrif uiniseii inub uu tu nuiHoan. jh stock comprlsoa MEN'H, BOYH', AND TOUTUH" CLOTHING, such na DnKSf) COATH, HACK COA1X, OVKUCOATS, rANTH. VLWTH, HI11I1TH, I'NDKaSHinTB, ' nnAwr.itfl, rOLLAISS, NLTK-TIliS, HOSIUKY, Hi'spnNDr.as, hanpki:uchii:fh, UMIIIICLLAH, tic. nnd In fact ovciyUilnit In tlio Clothing or Fur nishing lino at very low price, III addition to tho'flboVB ho litis nn elegant ft, nortment of CLOTHS, OAfiSIMKItiyi, AND VI'.STIN CLOriilNCl JfADK TO OIlDUIl AT THK HIIOnfUHT. notici:. Call and no befora purchnslng eltewherc, nnd HECUKK (ilinAT J1AUOAINH, s. ,.. cclHy J. W, CIinMULIlLAi:? QNYDKU'S HALT., HLOOMStlUlta, THUIWUAY KVKS'O. DEC. S). Tho world renowned PEAK FAMILY, SWISS Bi:LL RINGERS. VOCAUHTS, HAItriSTH, riANIBTfl, 4c. houj KTAfp nni.t, ri.AYi:us, Tho only TroUpo of Hwlss Dell Itlngnrs In the United Htato. Oi tfanlzcd In 1S30 by Wllllaft I'cnlt, Ht. Adinlssloii... ..0 cents Children under ID yours of ago .VicenW Doors open nt 7 P.M. Concert to commonco nt lmlr-p.lit 7. TlcliclH Tor mlo nt Itenltley's KeWs Pcpolt WILLIAM l'I'AIv, Sr., Proprietor and Maunder. V. A. KlIYIX, Jluilness Atxcnt. T niK NEW MAGAZINE. 7'Vi, Jlrtght, Instructive, and IMertatntng. THK lllVKIWIDi: MAUAZINII, KOI! YOfNfl l'lMI'I.K. Meiers. IH'ltl) it ItOUaitTON, rublliherr, No. Til) llroomo Street, New York. Tuko phasoro In iinnouiiclnR tho Immudlato itsuu ui uio iniiiai ."Numucror THK HIVnitSIDK MAOAZIK, pou You.vn it.opi-i:. tnlipcst ltl liv Hull VIM.' I' f'TnTlT-T of "Iiream Children," etc., etc), and pulilUlunl nuiiioiy, comiiieiicing Willi January. ISU7. Tho mp'isooi mo iiiersiue uu:a7iiie win lie tosat- sfv the tastes of tho vitltlerer iml.ll.. ti-ltl. Ii.,r..... Ivonnd eliterlallilliK leaiUnu matter, attim tlvelv lllllstratisl hv eomlii'teiir mtlvls. l il... -I. hiitlons rena'rd will bo had rather to the merit of in iii-iie. ui iiinu in me previous reputnnoit or tho aiithors, and all sections of the country will bo ...... ,..ii".i.-i,i.u. Illstoiy In Its more popular forms will oecupva prominent plaeo,aud,asnppertalnlnstothIs.Niif. nt t-i, ,iveniuii.N in various commies, .Manuel s and Custom nf illiritr,iif VoM.uiv .....I Mali IlloKrnphlcal Sketches a will Interest' and i""i mi' viio na, wiuio mo iiiucrcut McpiiumcntH i.i infill, iiiiuiitn-nii! win receive uieir diu share of iilteoltitn. i uu cam successive number tho varied work, ntnuseioelits. and iileiistirns r ln.,l...r .,,i.i r...,. door llfo will bo imrtrayed, and tho Interest of tho youthful reader conslnntly maintained. The illustration of the .M.iniluowlU attract mu ...vi s oi mo youngest as well as please the old or children. .Mr. 11. I,. Ktenlipnn ti'ill r.,P..iLi. . full-puw liuniorou Cnitoon for ovoiy mimlier i niiimiioiii uio yenr.nnn Willi artists will coll tlnuu tutflvu new readings to famlllor themes. TK11MS Of SUIlSCltll'l'IO.Y. sj () tier vein, tn advance, .leinles ifi.vi. r. ni,ii $1": lo copies, sM, anil an extra copviiratls; sinuto eoploK, Lii I'enis, The Hist iitimber Is now ready for inspect on. Sampio copies of this number sent by m.ill, postann paid, on recelnt of a) cents. .iKi iiiii viiiniisei!, wiiuieu in every pan ot ...UVUIIIIUI. JIUUIC HUJtl) & IIoroilTON, Publishers, No. lid DroomoHtrcet, Now York. TOUVIN'.S KID fiT.nvio r-r.i'AV t Kit l!Klnllllktll..t II t r. 'Clin .....,.l articlo for Instantly cleaulnir Kid f!lovs. Tlie- c.in ho elenni d while upon the hand, nnd worn linmedlutely. It Is Iniidorous, t)no bottle will clean ;ti pairs. Prleo.'Kcentn. ltetalleil bv nsi imiikkisis anil l aney Mlores. iwinlcxalc liv Do tons flames A. Co.. I'. n. Wi lls Co nml of !.. y New York. nov2l-Gin pllOTOOBAPIIIC. i:. A H. T. ANTHONY &.CO, M.imif.icturer.s of Photographic Material., Witotr-SALi; and mvr.ui., 501 llltOADWAY, N. Y. Tn ntMllloii to our main huslne or TMrrVTn. nilAPIIIC.MATIUlIAL'iwonrollcailiiuaileisror ttiu j.iiu.ii ititi, viir,,: HTKHKOHCOPliS .t STKltEOSCOPIU VIKWH, Of Aniericjin and Foiein Cities and Ijindscapes, KTKltKO.sCOPIO VIEWS OF THK WAIt, From neirallvcN mndo in tho various eniiinahriis. uinl lorminjj a eoiitileto I'hotosraphlo history of tho reat t ontest. KTiniKoscopic vikws o.v ar.Afif, Adapted for either Ihn Miutln Lauton nr the Mcrenscopo. Our Cat.iluuo lll be si,nt tuuny uddrcss uu iec.!pt of stamp. PIlOTOtiltAPIHC AIJll'MS. Wo manufacture miirn liirpK limn iine.itlmr liouse.abollt 0) Vlllietlestloln .lei'lits tn .lle.icli. Our Al.llL'MS have tho reputation of hoinx sitpe i lor In beauty and durability to any otliei. Card Photographs of (Jener.ils, statesmen, Aelors, eie eic. Our Catalnzun embrace. over 1'IVi: Ttrnrw. AND tlitt'erenl sllbieets. inetiifline li-oitsliictiiiiis of .tlio most cclcorutod l.iiL'iavlni.'s. Paiiitlie's. htatltes, etc. Cataloi;uesscii on recehit of stamp. 'hotcraoheis nnd other. ordei-l tar eoodsC.i i.n.. will plca.su iciiilt aiper cent, of llioiunouut with llielr order. Bcr Tho price. and quality of our goods cntinot fall to satisly. .novt"-lv rro ALL WHOM IT MAY CON X Ci;itN. Ph ase tnku nollco that I, Ir.i nail iirinel, of Centieilllo, Columbia County, having boubt tho following list'of property fiom Peter Hower, do declato that It Is my intention to lend tho Situio to tho snld 1 lower, to wit: four beds; ono dozen chairs: one lot of dishes: one cup board; one bureau; twenty yards of carpet; ono cooklug stove; ono parlor stove; one two-horse waon; one two-horse carrlno; ono double set oi lnrness; ono single sot of harness; two tables twoplRH. IltA KOADAHMKU DIES AND GENTLEMEN'S ItITACltANT. 11. II. STOllNIin has fitted up a J IJUl-lliAT uiu.mi r.i.mi, whom ladles nnd KonUemen cjii besiipplltsl with tho dcllcaclc-i of tho season. A fciippl of ritUSH 0YSTEU3 nlwnys on hand, FniUl IlltKAD, CAICIil, AND PIIX, FUCNCH AND DOMIiSTIC C0NPECTI0NS III ocry stylo nnd variety, Nl'TM, I'HL'ITS, and cverythlns usually found 111 n rilVST-CLAKS CO.NFlX'I'IONIUtY ftTOHH. "VUlt STAHCII OLOSS 1)l0 on)y nrUcIo usl.a ,. .-jjist-clarh HOTKLS, I.A('NnitU, AND THOUSAND OF FAMILIICS, tt elves a beautiful tiolish. ninklmr the iron nass smoothly overthecloth, saving Mri'i! timi: and Inlior. (ioisis none up w uu il Keep eicnu much longer, conseiuieniiy win uui wear uui bo soon. IT MAKIH OLD LINKN LOOK LIKI5 NHW. OUIt IMPKIHAL iilui; is Tin: wissT in Tim wohlp. Ae.l jt , snhiblaln hard n woll n son water, II. Is lilt upin the safest, neatest, and must euuvonlcut iiuii ot any oucrcu m mu pinun;, r IS WAltHANTI.D NOT TO KTItKAK Till: CLOTH lis. Agents wnnteil everywhero, tn whomwooTer iraoniui.iry iiniiiccinciiis. auiia'M Nl'.W YOltK RTAUCII OLOS.S CO., iepI2-Cm iuo tils Pulton Street, Niw York. XKUUTtm'.S NOTICE. 1CSTATE 'j of DANIEL W, MONTGOMKltY. deceased. ttiirs tcstamentilry on tlio estate of Daniel w. mtgomery, lateof ilrnnKeville.Dilumbla Conn- lmvo iieeiicrnnieu uviue iieuisieri a uoiuuioi t inity to Peter Lilt, or i.ignt istieet, 4-.1. All SOUS IIIIVIUB Cl.llllis UKUlllsv III" vSllllO 111 i" 1 1 sletl lo presctll tnem inr seiiieiiieui.auu iiioso ebhsl to tho estate ulthet on note or liook ae nt will mako payiiient to tho Ku rutor with. ileiny. Pl.lliil J.vw, isxecuwir. ei-iii E A DVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL. Tim Pall term began Heplein . The Paculty of luslriiellon couslsla of four ent and tour non-ieslilent prolessois, and a PI", 'llio object Is In edueato young men for tlli'hr'HWil Ministry. Thero Is a picparatoty ell for those who have not rucclu'd a luillegiato pil.itlnn. Ono liundietl and Blxty dollars a year ;innttl to iieueneianes, wiiu an aoiiiiioiiai lo soeclal cases. The tuition, use of Library texl-lsioks, uro fn o to all. The School wius inillisl by the t'liUuriiiu uinl run. nun uenonii in. Int. but I oiien lo all w ho ls'lleve iu tlietll vl.lirlglu ofChristiaulty. The Uhrury consltts oi in volumes. .... A lii'utlmi mav he mndo In nev. A. A. Liver. mil Presldint of the Hoard ot Instruction, Milwlie.lii.. novJWy jEW STOCK OF CLDT1LINU. l'rcsh nrrlvnl of TAI.t. AND WINTKR OOOlW. DAVID J.0WKN1IKUU Invites nttentlnu to hi stock of CHK.M' AND l'AfUiI0NAHLi;Cl)THIN(l. nt liU store on MnlnStroot,lwodooMtitioVo llioAmerlcnitlloaso, Hlonmsljurit, l'a., " whrro tin Inn Just recelvcil from Now Vorlt ntnl l'lillmlulphln n full nsnortmnnt of MI'.N AND nOYS' crOTHINCI, Including tho most fnshlonablo, durable, MiA haudsotuo DH1S.4 0001W, consisting of iiox, hack, ritoeir, ami, and oii,-cr)TH COATS AND PANTS, of nil sorts, sizes, nnd colors. Ho liM nlo ropleii" lshod his already largo stock of 1'AI.l, AND WINTini HHAWI.S,. BTltll'KD, riaUltKD, AND PLAIN VEHTfl, H11IUT3, CllAVATO, STOCKS, C0LLAIW, II A N I )K KUCH I KI'H, CI 1 JO VIS, HUfU'KNDP.nS, AND FANCY AUTICLKS, Ho hn constantly on hand n largo nud wnll-ao- leeteu assortment of CLOTHS AND VHSTlNOfl, which lin Is prepared to mako to ordor Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nud In tho best manlier, All bis clothing Is tnndo towoor, uud most of It It of homo manufacturo. GOLD V.'ATCHIX AND JEWP.LUY, nf every description, flno nnd cheap. Hltciuoof owelry Is hot surpassed In this place. Call nnd e.unluo his genutut aswrtmcnt of CLOTIIINO, WATCHP.S, JlSWF.I.nY, Ao. DAVID LOWUNnUlia. jypLLKlt'S STOKE. 1 111.411 A1UUVAI, Ut'' HPUINO AND SUMMIiU C100DS. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cllffo with another larso and selisrt nssorttuent of SPlllNll AND SUMMEIt (300D3, purclineed In New Yoiknnil Phluuletphlant tlm lowest iu;ure, and which hu Is iletcruilneU to noil on ns moderate terms as can bo procuted eLno- whero In Uloonisburi;. Ills slock comprises I.ADIia' Dltla GOODS of tho choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n lari!o;asortment of Dry floods and Gro ceries, consisting ot Uio following nrUclun : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, CubslmcroA, t tihnwhi, .. . Vlann.il, Hllks,; ' , Wliito aoo.l. Linens, ' Hoop Sklrtu, Muslin., Hollowwnre b Cedarwaio Queeiiswaro, Hnrdwaxo, Hoots nud bhoeis, lints iuuI Caps, HoiipNels, Uinbrellai, Looltlnn-Glnssos, Tobacco, CotDsj, tJiiHuj a, Tas, Itine, Allsploo, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, AND NOTIONS anxnitALLT. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ho Invites the attention of the public Kiiier.illy. Thohlxhcst price will bo paid for country produco in exchniiRC for good.. K. II. MILfJ5It, Arcado llulldlngij, Illoonisbur,;, Pa. J.JENBY GIG Ell li.w, opened a first-class P.OOT, Sllni;, HAT AND CAP STORDl nt hlold slond on MatuSticot, Iilooiobur!:. HI stock I com posed of the very latest am I bosi styles eMirolieled to tlic U7ens of Columbia l (illlily. lie can accommodate tlio nubile with tlio follow ing Kiihis ami prices; Men s calf hoots, tllio " lilp, tloubto sole,.... 0) to S 00 .. 3 -r, t , S TS 1 7."i to 4 7.i 2 M to5 Ti I M to :i 60 mhses' I 75loi 7S Hoys child s niwjts, Men's glove kid, Congless, Ao.. liaimorai snoe.s . Slen's, women's, hoys', and eliiM) Iclil lastlne: trailers Women's nlovo l:ld. v erv tine. m as ton line goat uioiocco oaunorats -;,riottM w " men's moioccoaiid calf shuns 1 7.i to 3 .V) common times I fy) to 2 3) Misses' and child's shoiw 0 2."i to 1 00 Men , wont.i s, misses , bois , anil eh Id's slippers 0 Si to 1 00 Ho also keeps a great variety of HATS, CAPS, AND STItAW GOODS of every kind, nt tho lowest price., both for cah aim funnily protlliee, ltemembertheattractlon I In our goods. Ism' be alarmed at thu cry of high luicis, but call and soo lor ourselves, llospevtfully. JI.OOMSBUItG FANCY jl'KIM- MING AND liOOKSTOItlJ, second door below Hnrtmnn's.Maln Htroet. Jutl recolt ed a now stotk'ol EPIIYItS, wooli:n AND COTTON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES. EMIUtOIDIiP.ILS, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TUIMMINGfl and every variety of articles usually kept in a FANCY hTOP.K. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN HOOKS, IliniJii, SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, and a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM I500KS, ULANK DEEDS, IIOXIH AND MOltTGAGIX, nnd n gcuctal and woll-selccled norlmont of PAiT.tt, ENViu.opra, Jtc, A. D. WKnil. RATIONAL EOUNDBY, Illoomslnirg, C'ohimbla County, Pn. Thn subscrlhcr, projirlctor of tho abovo-t amel extensive establishment, Is now prcpareU' to. eclvo ordcts for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIEIIII?!, I1LAST FURNACES, bTATIONA Y 1TNG1NIX, MILLS, THRESIIIN MACHINP.S, Ac Ho ts also prepnred to make Stove of all slicn and patlerus, Plow-lions, and ocrylhlng usunlly niailoin flrst-cla.s Foundries, Ills extensive f.iellltleH and prnctlcnl workmen warrant him In receiving tho lutgcvit contracts on tho most reasonablo terms. Grain nf nil kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings, This establishment I' located near tho laeYf wanna and Illoumshiirg Itallraut Dpot, pirrp.it niLLMvr.rt. TUNGEltlCH A SMITH, WHOLESALE fworKitr., No. H Norlh Third Blrect, Philadelphia. GJ.UAND OI'ENINO I tlllANI) DPKN1NO GRAND GRAN'I) GRAND OPP.NINtl OPENING OPKNINU PALL AND WINTER GOODS, PALL AND" WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND W'l.NTER GOODS, FALL "AND WIKTI'R GOODS, consisting nf consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting It DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY (1001)1, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, HATS AN'D CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATH AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIN, HATS AND CAPS, noors Horn's HOOTS, HOOTS HOOTS AND SHOES, AND SHOIX, AND SHOES, AND SHOES, AND HIIOKS, READY-MADE READY-MADE HEADY-MADE READY-MADE HEADY-MADE CLOTIIINO, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTIIUIG, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING 'GLASSES, LllOKINfl-OLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSE. NQTIONS, 'NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAtNTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS AND Oil."", AND GILS, AND OILS, AND OILS, AND OIKS, GnOCERIF., GROCERIF-I, flROCERIF-S, GROCERIES, OROCERIIiS, QUEENSWAIli:, ttUEENSWAKH, QUEKNSWAltE, QUEE.NSWARE, HUEENHWARE, IIARDWAP.E. llAUDWAP.K, HAUDWAHE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWAltE, TINWARE. TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT, HALT, SALT, risir, FISH, PISH, FITH, nun, GRAIN AND HEEDS, IIUAT.V AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, Ac, AO MiKEI.VY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAJi McKELVY, NEAL C'O.'S, CO.'S, CG.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. Northwet corner nf Main and Market Streets, Noithwest corner of Main nnd Maiket Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Maiket Streets, Northwest corner of Main nml Market Streets, Northweut corurr of Malu nnd Market Streets, IlLOOMSHimo. PA., HLOOMSHUltG, PA, HI.OOMSllUr.O, PA., HLOOMsni'llO, PA., llWOMSHURG, PA. IllOJf I HON IltOM IHO.V IIIOM AND NAIItf, AND NAIIs, AND NAIIf i A NI NAIIX, AM) NAILH, tn large 'lUaruItliii and al rcducnt rates, elway on hand. D HUG CHEMICAL STOKE, i-iwirn, in. DRUGS,' ClTRSt IcA lit, 1'AtNTS,' lf UMERY A'1 TOILET ARTICLia!'' P.YER A MOVER respectfully Invito n contlminncn of ixitronngp. Their Drugs nnd Medicines nro nil seleetisl with llio Krtnlcsl enre, avoiding ns much ns xslhlo thn intrtsliictlou of tlellrlous nostrums, mid nro purchased from tho best liupoi Una houses In the country, PATENT MEtllCISEH of nil kinds, Including Aycr's, Jnyno'ii, Hollo way's, HotlelterV, Wlsliart's, Iloofluhd'i, Ac, constantly on Imlul, COAf, OIL AND AI.COIIOL, I.Ull, TOOTH, NAIL, AND clothim nnusnns PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of tho best quality. FANCY TOIL17T ARTICLIiS. Tlio public may rely nt nil times on procuring tho nbovo altlelos, Willi all tho now useful prepara tions kept In the best conducted i slabllshmuuts. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCKHTIONH nnd Family Receipts compounded with tho great. rt neciuaey nnd dispatch, rpiIE ONLY PLACE to got tho best T011ACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAtt, Is at lllLVGSHEP.aER'S. n fW itis)rs below tho Atnerlcnit House, llloomsburg, Pa. He has the largest nnd most fdect of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOHACCO overoirored to tho citizens of Dloonisburg. All tho fancy brands of SEGA KS, nnd tho best Finn-cut and Plug CHEWING TOHACCO, can bo lnul at his counters. TOHACCO riPES In great vnrlcty nro nniong his lnrgo stodc DON'T FORGirr TO CALL. i H. II. HUNSHEROER. gTOVJ2S AND TINNVAKE. A. -M. Kbl'1.111' announces to his fi lends nnd customers that continues the nbovo business nt hi old place on MAIN HTItEET, HLOOMSHUltG, Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOV1J1 of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nml every va riety of articlo found Iu a Ktovo and Tlnwnro Hs. tabllshment In the cities, nnd on the most reason. ablo terms. Repairing tlohunt the shortest notice. a DOZISf MILK-PANS on hand for sale. JgAGLE EOUNDBY. JUMUlMl UJIAIU'LESS, Dlocimshurg, Pa. STOVES OF EVERY VARIETY, , PLOUGHSHARES, PLOUGIIPOINTS, nnd nil kinds of Cnstlngs, on hnnd or supplied on tho shoilc-st notice and ut tho cheapest rates, Castings for COAL HREAKERS AND COAL SCHUTES mnde to order. IItESlI A1UUVAL OF NEW X GOODS. The undersigned has Just nrrived from tbo City with a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paint., Oils, Varnishes, nnd Dye Stutr, ltcady-Made Clothing, rerfumery, Toy and Policy Articles, Diugglsfs Glussware, Ilruthes, Trusses anlSuiipoiters.andagcnciTilnssortincnt of every thing that belong ton well-appointed Drug Store. iVlso Patent Medicine. ofnll kind, such ns Jayno's, Ayer's, Wlshart's, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Troches, Hwnlu'H Panacea, Halter's Coil Liver Oil, Hootland'a Hitters coustuutly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINIC TRIMMINGS, HINDINGS, by tho dor.en or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, &c Having had n largo experience hi the drug busi ness, I would respectfully Invito thoso wishing anything hi that lino to cull nnd see my stock be- foroptirehiislngcNcwhcre. "In medicines quality is of the llrst Importance." JOHN R. MOVER. 17XCIIAXGE HOTEL, v V ' 1 I it 4i V I J 11111 LjIJ. ItLOOMSHUmX CUMJM1UA 1 -i Tho imdeisUnod having purchased this woll known and rcntrally-locatod Iioit-p, tlio KxchaiiKo HotH, Mttiato on KTHfcTr, In HIooniRbtin! immediately opposite the Columbia County Court IIouso, rospect fully Inform hU frleinl.s.iind tlm pulilic Jn pciwral that his hou:o Js now In order for thn rC'Cfptlon and i-ntertnlimiont of travellors who may lie disposed to favor Jt with their cus toin. Ho has spared no expense In preparing tlio Kxcliane for the ohti italumcnt of his ku.'Ms, neither shall there bo anything wanting (on his p irt) to minister to tlx Ir personal comloit. Ills house w spucious, uud enjoys an excellent busi ness location. Omnibuses mn al all times between tho Kx- chaneo Hotel and tho vaiiot-ralhoad depots ly which travelleis will bo pleasantly conveyed to anil from tho iepectlvu stations In duo tlmo to meet the raw. JOHN I CAW LOW". Ulooimlmrrf, rnch 22, WA ponies HOTEL, iii.ouijii v. jiavoei., proprlotnr. Tlie nbovo well-l;nowii hotel has recently under gone radical changes hi its internal arrangements, nnd its proprietor nunoti nces to hla former custom nnd the travelling publio thut his necoinudatlous for tho comfort of his guests are second to nono in the country. His table will ulwnys bo found sup plied, not only with sttlMnutlul food, but with all tho delicacies of the season. Ills wines nnd li quors (except that popular beverage liuown as ".Vi'eiirj"),purehiied direct from tho Importing houses, nro entirely pure, and freo from nil pot. unions drugs. Ho is thiiikful for a liberal patron, ugo In the past, and will coutliiuo to deserve it In Uui future. GUOltOi: TV. MAUnillt. ("jOOD NEWS EOIt EVEUYIiODY Owing to tho Into fall In gold, KPHRAIM Y. niAVIII.L has reduced his prices to suit all buyers, cither at wholesale or retail, If you want suciARt, coni:it, ti:as, hyruph, finci-n, CRACICKR.S, CANNED PRUIT, DIUI'.I) PRUIT, WOODENWARi:, I'Ifill, 11EAXH, CllV.mr., ri:i:n, Ac, Ac. ic give in-j ftcnll. EPHRAM V. ELWELL J U. I'UHSEL, ' UARNESS, BADULU, AND TRUNK M AN UPACTU Rl '.It, nml dealer In OAltPCT-HAGH, VALIHIS, FLY-NETM .Ac, Main Street, llloomsburg, l'a. poWDEH KE(!S AXD LU3IHEH. W.M.MONItOEACO.. Jtuperl, Pa., Mantifactnrers of l-OWDER Kr.OH, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMIIER, glvo notice that thcr nro pu'pnrc.1 to nrconiodnt (heir t nstom with lUs'patch, ami aa tl.b chCHpc. terms. JNEW YOUIC TIHBUNH THIj.LAUOI-ajT AND CHlArEST'. llCRJHUfcT Q Till: Illl.Y. HKMl.WIU-KI.ri .Y, HI-MI.WJ mm xfi 1 1 1 u v n ic No twl t ImSBTflPt-1 bill TltlliL'NK bus been lnerea.sed morl ter, tlio prtco will rcninln the snme K iw is thk tim in Mtiiisi'iti nn rnK THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER TI1H Nf.W Yfllllf WKKKt.Y Tlttllt'fili Is printed on n largo double-ineillum sheet, mnk' Inu etibt tiagea or six liroad column each. It contains nil tlio liupoitiint llltorlals publlshisl u run iiaii.t iiiiucNr., exeepi inoso oi niereir ru'iil loteieslt also I.tternrv and Selontlflo Intel ligence) llnvlewsof tho tnost important and tn terestlmr New llnoks: the I'tlen, from our largo corps of corremnilehts: tlio lfiltst news recelvod uy j elcgra)ii Jioiu luouugion aim nil oinerpnru, of the country! nSnmninry nf nil lmiortnn UU telllgence of this city nnd elsewhere) n SyiiOjil of tho proceeding1 nf Congress uud Statu Legisla ture win n in sosslntit the Foreign News reeelvisl oy every steamer: li.xciusivo iiejioristii me pro ceedings of tho Karinerd' Club of the Amcrlenn Institute! Talks nbout Fruit, and other Hurtlcul' titrnl and Agrlcitltural Informatloft essential to country residents) stock, Flnnnclnl, Cattlo, Dry unou., nun ijeiterai Ainritei lieporis: innKingii, both for variety nnd cntnpletetiesH, altogether tho most valuable, Hileresll tig, uinl ihstructivo WEKK I.V NhWBl'At'IUl published In tho world. 'lEHMS. . . Mnll Btibscrlhern, single copy, 1 year .82 (B .Mall subscillicis, clubs of llvo 9 (U TciicoplfH,ndilicsscdto!inmcofsubscrIbcri!'l7 to i w eniy copies, no, uo, .u iw Ten copies, to ono address 10 00 Twenty copies, to ouo ntldrcssH va 00 An cxtru copy will bo sent jr each club of ton. THE NEW YOltK HEMMWRKT.Y TnlnUNE Is published every Tliesdny nlid Frldny,nntl con tains all the IMItorlal articles, uot merely local in ebarncter; I.llerury Reviews nnd Art Criticisms j,t tiera iroin our inrguoorpsoi roriign nnu do mestic correspondents; Mpccini aim Associnicu Press Telegrnph Despntchesi nenreful nnd com plete Hiiunnnry of Foreign mid Domestic News; Exclusive lti-isirtHOf the Proceedings oft ho Form ers, Club of tho Anicricnn Iuslltulo; TiUlcsnbout Fruit, nnd other Ilortlcullurnt nnd Acrlcnltnral liiformation; stock, Financial Cnttlo, Dry Goods, nnd General MnrkelllepnrtB,whtchnropubttsheI 111 1111'. UAlliI'llllllUHi:. UI12MK.lH-WKt.it- LY TRIHUNE nisu gives, In the cuiirstf of il year, three or four of llio ... HEMT AND LATENT POPLLAR NOVELS by living author. Tho cost of these ntotio, If bought III book-form, would bo from nix to eight dollars. If ptlrcli.ued 111 the Ehullsh magatlncs, rrom which tneynro cnreniuy selected, me eost would be tliree or four times that sunt. Nowbora else cnti so much cttrtcht Intelligence ntld perma nent lltejnry matter ho hail nt so cheap a rato iu In tho SEMI-WEEKLY TR1H0NH. Thosowho bellevo In tho jirlnci pies nnd npprovo of tlio char acter of Tun TmiiL'NK can lncreaso Its power nnd llilliieneo ty joining wiiiiiiieirneignixirs in runn ing clubs lo subserlbo for tho Thk h km t-Weekly Edition. It will In that way lie snnnlled to them ut the lowest pilco for which such u paper can bo prlntetl. Mull subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year, 101 numbers. ..SI 00 tin. U copies, do. do. . 7 tn) do. fi copies, or over, ench copy- 3 00 Persons remitting for 11) copies $30 will rcceivo na cxtm copy for six months. i ' Persons remitting lor 15 copies Hi will receive na uxlm copy ono yenr. ' THE NEW YORK DAILY TninUNn1 Is pub llshed every morning nnd evenhig(SundayHa ceptcdj ut ill) per year; E5 for six mouths. Terms, cash In ndvnuco. . Drafts on N cw York, or po.t-offlco orders, pnjrrv bio to THK Tin hum;, being safer, aro preforauiu til liny other undo of remittance. Addles THE TRIHUNE, New York. HMIE BOUND TABLE. A SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE, SOCIETY, AND ART. The Round Table I cslabllhetl fortho unflinch ing discussion of tlio subjects nameil in lta title Its purpose is to bo utterly fearless and untram melled in forming its npf nlons, and to collect tha most brilliant and scholarly writers In tho coun try to glvo them expression, Sotno may occa sionally bo displeased by the tone and spirit wherein this is done, but wo beg nil such to con sider Hi tho wolds of Mr. Ruskin how much less harm is tlotie 111 tho world by ungraceful bold ness than by untimely fear. The Round Tablo Is lndejienilent In politics, anil It will not hesitnto to condemn or tosustnln such men or measures of wlintever sect, clique, or party as may seem to the editors to be from time to time In n position of nutngouism or otherwlso to tho material interest either of thu metropoli tan community or to those of tho wholo common country. '1 no Hound Tablo exists to serve the public, noi Individuals, nml eotitrllmtiils nm renurstcu tn avoid personal pullcry and animadversion of every kind. Vigorous writers and able special correspondents aro regularly employed, but tho columns of tho pnper lire open to merit, let U come whence it may. Articles may ue scut inrougn any cuannci, nut Wo will hold no peisoual explanations or discus sions respecting llieni; moreover, wo must de cline henceforward to return unncceptod MS.,auii iu mis ruiu wo wiumaibO no exception, 2- Persons ordering subscriptions will pleas remit by postal mouoy orders. Address all com muuicatit as to THE ROUND TAtlLE, octO-tf 133 Nassau Street. Now York. PUIiLTSTIKT) TUTS DAY. ANN S. KTIU'HKN.SS NKW BOOIvt TIIH S0UIK1VS OUrHANR. By Jfrs. Ann S. Sti'plieni, autlior of "rashlon and Famine," "ThcCiold llrick," "The Old Homestead," "81 lent 11151,.-' "Mary Uerwent,1 "lUjccted Wile," "Tho Iluiiesn," "The Wire's Secnst," etc. Tlds new bnolc, by Mrs, Ann M, Htcphenn, has been pronounced by all to bg by far tho best nml ino ititerptlnt! ever wrlttm liy her. Itapnear od in monthly instalments iu "I'ctcrHon'sMaEa ino" ilut Ihk tho last year, ba Ins been completed In tho December number, whero It proved to be tho niot popular, powerful, and successful novel that has ever appealed In that Magazine, nnd It Is now published complete and unabridged, In nno Uvuu duodecimo volume, uniform with tho "(iold llrlelc," ' Fn-dilon nnd Famine," nnd tho other v,orkN (if Min. AnnH. fitepheiin published by iH. It will no doubt provo to bo tho most Iiopuiar and successful work that has over beforo .ecu written by thin talented American authoress. "Mvh. Ktpphem Iiuk Justly beeomo n favorito with all American readern of prose fiction, and th announcement of anew wort; from her Krace lul pen in cheerful news to thousands of readerH. And there la a rare treat in store for them, for In "The Koldlor'K Orphans" Mrs, Btepheus has. If anything, eclipsed all her former efforts, Thero is ich redundancy ot scene and action, but thero 1m far moro artltfc excellence, and an elaboration of causes nnd effects, attainable only by practised writer, The action of tho now novel iraiiftpircu in Philadelphia, and beyond the limits of the city Uio authoress doos not penult heisolf to utray. Tho tlmobelected by Mrs. hlcphens is recent, thu Hto war, and sho pictures with vivid dUtlnrtnesa tin? domestic snllViJiitf nnd bacrUiees entailed by and made for the grand and heroin ft n.KRlo for national unity. The plot is ono of absorbing In terest, the characters are graphic transcripts from real life, stmnuly ludlvldnaltred, ami the eon trusts formed by their Individual peenllarllies, mental and jthysleal, lend a laro charm to thlr Jiet and most Jlnlshed of Mrs. htephens's books."' "The Soldier' Orphans' 'Is publUhfidcompieto in ono larso duodecimo volume, l'rlco 81 oU In p.ipcr, or S- in cloth. Jl. A? , lT.riIKHH 11TJIKH iVUtUvnt The Uold llrlek - 1 SO Mary Derwent - 81 tn I-'asblon & Pamllio 1 .V) HIlentHtruggles - 1 m Tlio Wife's Keeret- 1 &) The Rejected Wlto 1 6(1 'I he Did Homestead 1 .VI Tho Heiress - . 1 no Abov u are In jiapcr cover, or In cloth for it each. The ahovo books nro for salo by all boolcscllerji. Conies of "Tho Solder's Ornhnns." or of miv other or all the above popular hooks by Mrs. Aim H. Stephens, will bu seut lo any one, frco t tiost pge, on receipt of price. .Yuuress an ortieis 10 ine i-noiisiiers, t. ii. l'lri'EiiHox .v iiRo'riinnfi. SoilCliestiiiitSfreet, Pliilndelplila, lVi, And tliiy will receive lmmedlato ntteullou. Q AKRI AO E 31 ANUFAOTOlt Y, Uloomsburg, Pa, M. C SLOAN A RROTIIER, tho i ucceviora of WILLIAM BI)AN A SON, ' eonllnuo tho ImslncM of iii.ik.tin; CARRIAQI-i, BUOOini. nud oveiy style of TANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to suit ctu tomers. Never nslng any material but the best nnd employing tho waist uxperlcncisl workmen, they hopo tucontinuo an heretufbro to give entlro satisfaction to every custonicr. An lnswctlon o their work, nnd of thorcasounblo price asked for. ti e same, Is suru to Insure a sale. QOTTRELL & AYItES, Wholesale Penlers In C1' PISH, CHEfSi:, Ac, Ac, No. 10G North Wharves, second door nbovo Arch Mrect, Philadelphia. ' Q.IHAUD HOUSE, Comer of Ninth nnd Cliesttint 8troet, Phllailclphl.i. 1I.W. KANAflA, , Proprietor, Ql'fiQUEIJANX'A HOTEL, -O CnhtnUsi, Pn. Tlie nlwiti Hotel lins lately lieen rura)iasl by HENRY J, CLARK, nnd has been thoroughly re nKslelletl, repaired, and refurnished. ItTwlll h found now, In Its nrrangeinent and upfolntinentt, a Unt-vlas Itplrl, nnd second to nojifc In llio country. Persona in cllloa wishing to spend Ihn lint months In the conatry, will do smll to sir be proprlttor n nil.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers