The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 15, 1866, Image 2

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ououok it. Mooun, editor.
reported thnt ho presented himself nt n
primary school nnd spread torror
among tlio little chllilron by giving tho
teacher a long, nam, omui g nor N . th g w t Wodnosday,
use It upon refractory scholars "use it "u" "J
until tho blood comeilf tlioydonot sub
mit." JJotton Commercial, XbixmbcrSI .
whipping in sonooiio. .
Tub woman-whipping Bcliool enso,
which has reflected bo much disgrace
dlroctly upon Cambridge, and Indirect
ly upon Mas-iachusotts, is llkoly to result
In good, after nil, In tho adoption of a
rido forbidding corporeal punishment In
the Cambridge schools, nnd by a voto of
tho citizens condemning tho shameful
proceeding of tho Bcliool commlttoo
which Justified tho brutality of tho wo
man-whipping master, and his femalo
accomplice. At a meeting of tho Ho
publicans of Cambridgo, last evening,
to nomiuato officers for tho ensuing mu
nlclpal year, Dr. Wyman Introduced a
resolution doclarlng that, In the opinion
of tho mooting, corporeal punishment
of girls should bo abolished In tho
schools. Mayor Merrillopposcdthores
olutlon on tho ground that It would
look llko ft rebuke to tho school com
mlttcb. Ho deprecated tho Idea of
changing tho board; ho defeudod their
action. Ho did not think tho conduct
of tho master Judicious, but ho thought
tho master had only dono his duty. It
nppoarcd by tho explanation of Mr,
Foster, lather of tho girl who was whip
pod, that Mayor Merrill was tho man
who voted against a public hearing bo
foro tho school committee.
Dr. Wyman, In advocating tho reso-
Iutlon, spoko of tho schools of Prussia
as having abolished corporeal punish
ment for more than twenty-live years,
with beneficial results, and ho thought
the plan ought to bo adopted here. Ho
spoko of tho peculiar physiological de
velopment of tho female sex as being
totally at varlauco with the law of force.
They require tho law of love to govern
them. Tho codo of morals was far more
effoctlvo than physical force.
Mr. John N. Barbour, an old nntl-
slavery man, fully Justlllod tho whip
Do comber 12,
TitnOAtiAXT. New York! W.C.nniUM'.Clmroli,
M. 37 rum now.
This ontortnlnlng fortnightly for De
cember fifteenth publishes n variety of
Interesting matter. Mrs. Edwards-concluded
" Archlu'JiOvell," a story not ex
ceeded in Interest by Trollope's " Clav-
crlncs." continued here. J. W. nll
writes about tho "Environs of Berlin,"
and II. A. Dellllc gives us an Interesting
sketch of " Napoleon tho Third," por
traying hlscharacturlna most entertain
ing manner. "ThoCurrcncyof tho Unit
ed States," by Gcorgo A. Potter, will bo
found tobonwoll-wrlttenartlclo,oud ono
which is Instructive iw well. " An Old
Story," by T. W. H.,oiul "Tho Captain's
Story," by Mrs. H. II. Davis, tiro pleas
ant reading. " From Pig to Pork,"
plain as Is its title, is an article that
cannot bo passed by. Eugeno Benson
writes on " Tho 'Woman Question" In n
superior style. " Maccaronl," by George
Wnkeman, Is yet nnother of tho good
tlilugs which arc served up In this Hum
ber, not forgetting " Nebuho," by the
Editor. Tho poetry Is "Seen Onco,
by John Weiss, and " Christmas," by
PhceboCary. Wo would suggest that
eight numbers of tho Galax; makes
rather a largo book, and that four vol
umes In tho year would be a better dl
vision, besides being .a more natural
lKTE!tV)N'S MAOAZfXH. PlllllUlrlplllAI CllltflOi J.
relcraon, .No. nju uu-numi sirevu
As an cloning to tho Now Year Peter-
British Claims for Damages Against
tho Unitod States.
Fonirm Trembles in .Ireland
on tho Increase.
A Grcok Firo Manufactory Disoovorod
iu Dublin,
Bussian Sohomos of Intorvontlon in
Eastern Affairs.
Lomdon, WoJnusiluy, December 1J.
IN tho Commission to adjust tho Ala
bamu claims, tho claims of this country
nirulust tho United States, for losses of
British subjoins by depredations, etu.,
during the war, will bo brought proml
ncntly forward.
London, Wednesday, December 12.
A strict guard has been pluccd over
tho steamer Jloliear, which was seized
In tho Modway on suspicion of being a
Fenian crulsor. No nccess to tho shoro
Is allowed those on board. Tho captain
and malo of tho vessel, who did not
Join tho crow, say that tho vessel was
eon prints " Tho Lullaby," a steel-plato for tho aovorllmut of Columbia.
engraving; n colored roshlon-plnio;
"Au Rovoir; nnotlior stell-plato on-
graving, pattern for a hand screen, print
ed In colors; fashion cuts in endless num
ber; and a variety of minor Illustra
tions too numerous for montion. Tho
litorary matter in this number is
ping of whito school girls, nnd
action of tho school committco on
subject. But at this point in tho
meeting Professor Agusslz stepped for
ward and gavo his opinion upon tho
whipping of scholars. Ho said ho had
boon a cltizon of Cambridgo for twenty
years. Ho was nn Aniorican citizen.
Ho could not sit still without saying a
word on this matter. Ho bcllovcd in
tho opinion oxprcssed by tho first gen
tleman who spoko. Ho had been u
teacher slnco ho was fourteen years of
ago somo forty years and ho nover
struck a blow. Ho bellevod that tho
fault was mainly with tho teacher when
evor corporeal punishment was resortod
to. Ho wasln favor of Increasing the
number of schools, nnd also tho number
of teachers, as ho thought it impossible
for one man to control so largo a body
of scholars a3 aro gathered iu tho public
schools of Cambridge
Ex-Qovornor Washburn disclaimed
all connection with any party, and
would voto for any man who would
Btand by tho petition which -ho had tho
tho E00t' nml to ,lot tho leostaddition to the
tiin many attractions contained in this
Oonnv's Lady's IIook. Philadelphia: I.. A.
lioiley, rurUieiu,UirnerSIxlunnil CniMtnut bto.
The Lady's Book for January Is nl
ready at hand nnd Is a perfect beauty
Its contents aro : "Tho First Party," a
very suporior steel engraving. A steel
plato titlo-pago,containiug6overnl hand
some picture; colored fashlon-plato ;
brides and brldcmaids; a fancy slip
per, printed In colors; "On tho Wissa
hiekon," a skating sceno, printed iu col
ors ; " spending a Penny," a Handsome
engraving for tho Juveniles; latest
Paris fashions; novelties; " Work Do
partment," containing a varioty of fan
cy work for ladies ; drawing lcsssons,otc,
Tho literary matter in tho January
number Is by tho best magazlno 'writers
In tho country. Marion Harland, Mary
Janvrin, Sophia do Lamater, S. Aunlo
Frost, Mrs. Dennlson, S. A. Emory, and
others contribute, articles that mako this
number rank 03 tho best over Issued
The prlco of tho Ludy't Book is three
honor of signing somo tlmo ago, that dollars, with a reduction to eluba.
corporeal punishment, so far as girls
were concornod, should bo abolished in HENRY J. RAYMOND.
tho public sciioois. it was not with him wn shall ncvor forget tho wild cu
lt personal matter ; ho knew nothing of thuslasm thntspontnneously greeted tho
tlio parties concornod iu tho lato whip- patriotic words which wo quote below
plug case; H was with him a matter of when, In tho Philadelphia August Con
greater Importance Discipliuo was a ventiou, they fell from tho lips of Hen-
means, not an end. Thero Is no ncod ry J. Raymond, as ho was readinc the
Later. Tho Minister of tho United
States of Columbia has made a demand
upon tho government for the restoration
of tho sleamsiiip Bolivar, and It Is pro
bablo that she will bo given up to her
owners without further delay.
London, Wednesday, November 12.
Tho Fenian troubles In Ireland aro
Increasing. Anothor regimont has been
ordered and will soon proceed to Ireland
A factory for tho preparation of Creel
firo has beeu discovered by tho police In
London, Wednesday, December 12.
In tlio Itappahanock ease, tho claim
auts against tho United States have been
ordered to lllo an amended answer.
A 11 MY.
TAnis, Wednesday, December 12,
It Is now said that tho Imperial Com
mission will agreo upon a similar plan
to that adopted by Denmark for tho ro
organization of botli tlio army and the
London, Wednesday, December 12,
It Is rumored hero nnd on tho Conti
nent that the Emperor of Kussla has
proposed to the Great Powers that they
hold a conference to take, into considera
tion the position of the Christian sub
jocks of the Sublime Porte.
of whipping girls to mako them behave
Ho reiterated tho statement oxprcssed
by tho previous speakor that In flvo
cases out of seven the fault was with tho
teacher rather than tho scholar. If thero
Is a necessity for punishment It is the
right and duty of tho school committco
to remove the refractory scholar. Whip
ping Is a positive evil. It blunts tho In
tellect, and tho scholars lose all self-re
epect. Ho alluded to tho progress which
had been made in tho discipliuo of crim
inals and tho treatment of tho insane
In old times it was thought impossible
to havo our schools taught by females
that tho boys would overpower them iu
tho matter of discipline. But tho result
of tho progress thus far mado shows
'Address to tho Peoploof tho United
States." So thrilled was that great au-
dlcuco with tho power and Justness of
tho noble utterance that by unanimous
request Mr. Kaymoud ropoated tho de
claration, and with an emphasis which
clearly indicated that ho too felt tho in
spiration which his own well-chosen
words had produced. Iloro thoy are,
referring to tho " Auionilmont:"
"And tho ten millions of Americans
who llvo In tho South would bo
worthy cltlzons of a freo country, do-
A suit has boon commenced iu tho
Wuyno Circuit Court which, If tried
with all tho evidence, documentary and
otherwise, will not only provo interest
ing to all who arc Imbued with n mor
bid curiosity, but will test tho validity
of a divorco granted in a different Stato
from that hi which tho divorced.partlcs
woro married and for a long tlmo resi
dent. Tho caso is substantially as fol
lows: Tho parties were married several
years ago, and resided in this couuty;
but the husband being of a Jealous dls-
nnUHnn. fliov nnvnr livnil hnnnllv fn.
goncrato sons of a heroic ancestry, unfit Lethcr. Ilo ha3 accll?od hor of boIng
over to beeomo tho Klliirdlans of tho criminally intimate with a man rnsicl.
rights and llbortios bequeathed to us by lug In tho neighborhood, nnd charged
that a largo majority of tho teachers In the f(lthers founders of tho Bopub- that 0110 nlSllt ho caught tho Individual
tho public schools wore females.
Continuing his remarks, Professor
Washburn declared his conviction thnt
tho application of corporeal punlshmont
was prolific of evil. It could not bo
used on young children without blunt
ing their sousibilities, and lessening
llf If n.v ,.r,,,i,i ,m escaping irom nor ocu-roum window
.... " or tho truth or falsity of this accusation
j.m.H...K 0uu,.M.vueM, u.o iiumum- wo know nothing; but ho "made a nolo
tlons thus sought to bo Imposod upon ou't," nnd left her to got along Iu tho
them." world as best who might.
Tho husband removed Into anothor
JVbw Mr, Baymond Is urging these
very "ten millions of Americans" to
their confidence In thoir teachers, aud submit to tho very "humiliation"
tivory ono clso ; and no girl of ten years which, according to his own well-ex-old
or upward could bo whipped with- pressed words, would mako them " un
out hardening or ureaKlng Her heart, worthy citizens of a free country!"
Joshua uoiim, or .Nowburyport, Humor- "Consistency, thou art a Jewel." Au-
talized by Whituer, and a school teacher tlonal JtejnUtlicun,
for rorty years, was rough iu exterior and
I.. l.tlf 1.11 l.n.l 1 4.
luuuil iu Jiniuiiui, uuviuiuuuu uuuibua mlr !,, nfm.i. lu,tl..
SOU 03 a yiri S, IIIIU a CieOT Head. 1I0 lnt.I.niin nt nn nvnnnw t,f mm i,,nrlr.w1 .ln.,nhn,.f 4l.ta.nnii... nil iii
u,,nol-n T-nnw.nlliarn.l Mm innnLn. .... uvuuauvu, im,imi,ui-lll IUIWI IUUUUU
rv..w i-..w .w .....1 ... o thoiisniul nllnw.
iuucuihj, wiiuru inu suujcci, ui uurpo-
real punishment was under discussion.
State, subsequently applied fora divorco
on tho ground of adultery, and obtained
a decreo by default the wifu putting In
nodofonco. Ho then got married again,
evidently to a companion moro suited
to his taste. Tho llrst wife preferred a
chargo of bigamy against htm, nnd tho
last grand Jury of this county Indicted
him for the offence. It does not. how-
From Washington.
Tin; United States Consulato at Vera
Cruzreports to thoStato Department that
Maximilian was to leave Orizaba on tlio
twenty-eighth of November for tho
City of Mexico; and that tho United
Stutes Mission was likely to bo regarded
n a friendly maimer by tho French in
that Bopublle.
Tho principal business of tho IIou;o
on Monday was tho passage of tho bill
creating another session of Congrcas by
voto of nyes, 121 ; noes, 23. This bill
organizes tho Fortieth Congress on tho
fourth of March, and maRes tho second
sesslou commenco January first, 1863,
and tho third on tho first Monday nfter
tho first Tuesday of November lu tho
samo yoar. As a consequence, snouiu
the bill nlso pass tho Senate, the ques
tion of tho organization of tho next
Houso will cntor largely into tho busi
ness of tho present House.
Tho Select Committco on Frauds on
tho Revenue, of which Mr. Darling Is
Chairman, will pursuo its labors In
Washington somo time, and then, If
necessary, proceed eisownoro to investi
gate tho frauds lu regard to whiskey.
Tho Committee, of which Mr. Eliot,
of Massachusetts, Is to bo Chairman, to
hivcstlgato tlio New Orleans riots, will
proceed to that city to conduct Ita labors,
but will not leave, probably, for a week
or ten days.
Tho first petition for tho Impeachment
of tho.Prcsldent in Congress comes from
ono hundred and fifty-two citizens of
Stark County, Ohio, and was presented
in tho Houso on Monday by Mr. Eek-
loy, of that State. Tho memorial Is lu
printed form, and is a duplicate of that
which has been circulated In tho North
ern States during tho post two months
Tho memorialists charge upon Mr. John
son usurpation of rights and nbuso of
power devolvod upon him ; selling par
dons ; neglect to execute laws ; abuso of
power in appointments and removals ;
inciting tho peoplo to disobey laws, otc,
The project for supplanting tho gov
ernments at tho South, nnd making Tor
rltorlcs of the States, is assuming shape.
and- thero Is uo doubt but what tho
measuro will bo pushed forward and
through without delay.
Thero is tho best authority for saylnjr
that tho President has positively deter
mined not to interfere In tho case of
Jeff. Davis, by ordering his roleaso on
parole, but that ho will remain where
ho is until arraugomenta can bo mado
for his trial somo tlmo during tho ensu
Ing Spring.
Mr. Stevens, from tho Committco on
Appropriations, has been instructed to
report a bill to cover deficiencies am
ountlng to about two million and a half
of dollars. It contains tho appropria
tion asked for by Secretary Seward of
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,
to enable him to prosccuto tho cases now
pending boforo tho tribunals of England
and France, growing out of tho lato Be-
belllon. Mr. Slovens will probably put
tho bill on Its passago as soou us it is
Tho Houso Military Committee on
Tuesday authorized a bill to bo reported
conferring upon tho President power to
confer brovont rank on ofllcors in tlio
Begular Army who havo distinguished
themselves, In tho volunteer sorvlco.
Under tlio present law no such authority
exists. Tho Commlttoo also had under
consideration tho bounty question. Tho
bill passed at the last session is not re
garded by tlio Comniittoo as satisfactory
to tho soldiers or just in Its provisions.
It is proposed, therefore, to framo a now
bill, with a view of remedying that
crude and ill-considered meusuro, which
was hurried through during tho lost
hours of tho session.
has never gono to trial. Sho has now
A key of ono of tho largo record safes applied for a divorco on tho ground of
Many of thojeachors hod udvocatcd a "o State House of Cplumbus, Ohio, adultery ylth the second wife, and may
frequont oxerclso of it. "Sir. Coflln rose,
nnd In about ton words ended tho do
hato, and settled tho Question. "If,"
fcnld ho, " I wanted to mako a boy a ras
cal, I would treat him as If ho was one.
If I wanted to mako him manly, I
would troat him kindly and generous
ly." Professor Washburn eald ho had
never yet found a man or a woman so
bad hut that they had a tonder point
which could bo reached If thoy wero
treated us human beluga, and as ono's
own sister or brother. After speaking
or tho progress mado In recent years In
tno maucr 01 discipliuo in schools, and created no llttlo oxcitomont in Now
tho amelioration In tho treatment of York a fow mouths slnco, Is Just now
lunaucs, convicts, and sailors, Jio closed the sensation In! London. Ah English
uy uccianng corporeal puuisnmont to Journal has this paragraph: " Doctor
ou mormiy aim pnysicauy wrong, ami Mary Walker vlsltod Mlddlesox Hos
having been lost, a holo was punched obtain a bill by default, In which event
through tho back with a crowbar lately, thoro will bo no trial In thceaso. If tho
Tho roar wall of tho safo was found to bigamy caso should bo tried, It will bo
consist of two thin sheets of Iron, with tho means of ascertaining whothcr a
a layer of rotten bark between. man can tnko up a resldcnco in another
Charles H. Sweetseu has with. Rto and obtain a divorco, which is too
drawn from tho liowul 'JXible, and leaves frequently tho result now-n-days of a
it on tho hands of Messrs. Gardner and oroKerago system wmcn is bo oxtensivo-
Sedloy. In his valedictory ho says ho ' r"'i on, especially m tho Stato of
"hasanaturul feolhur of naln In thus 0, wuw.
dotachlng himself from tho Jluuml
Jitble, with whoso career ho has been Tin: wound which Garibaldi reclvrd
associated from Its beginning." at Aspromonto, nnd which had
Mrs. Doctor Mary Walker, who cdfromthofiUiguoof tholastcampalgn,
... . . n linn, 1. ry. ....... t .. ,.1 . I t. , 1
Is now becoming dosed ugain, and tho
(Jenoral looks forward to soon resuming
his agricultural labors.
llunn and IIo'uohton annouiico for
speedy publication Lord Macaulay's
urging tho ndoptlou of tho resolvo as a pitalon Saturday, niu( was conducted orations nnd poems, with tho report and
duty which tho mooting owed to Itself through tho establishment. Tho stu- notes on tho Indian Penal Codo, In tho
and to Cambridgo as a soat of learning, donts woro somewhat surprised at hor stylo of their edition of tho history.
; . 77 wiu miiiwuiHiw, ur n seems imuBiiu unsnot aiso umnert wuiioy. bcciuij Ills liner
u... ,, .,, t.iu.unmiiiui,, nun omy uouueii inoiu.i). but tho brooch- and less rumlllur Poems," edited by
It was passed. In nominating a board cs as well. Sho wears a low-orowuod Frcdcrla M. Bird : "A ll ton 1 1 1 " n lni.
of school coinmltteo, nil tho old board plain felt hat, a dark plush coat, not niatlo poem, by J. C. Hoy wood, and
. ut .in. fU n-jixieu. Among uioso quito reaching to the kneou, and black " Venotlnn Life," by W. D. Howolle-
"'"n'"' " """J u " cioin trousers." eocond edition. eularf?ed.
An amondmont was adopted at the
last session to tho Diplomatic Appropri
ation Bill, striking out tho appropria
tion for paying tho Minister to Lisbon,
which was Intended as a rebuke to Mr.
llarvoy, who held that position. Mr.
Hnrvoy Is still at his post, occupying tho
position, but draws no salary. Tho
Committco on Foreign Rotations of tlio
Senate havo under consideration tho
question of recommending tho appro
priation for keeping up wild mission.
Mr. Suward is very anxious that the
salary should bo restored, and Mr. llar
voy allowed to remain. Mr. Sumner,
who .Is Chairman of tho Committco, Is
fivorablo to it.
It is ascertained that tho members of
tho Senate Financo Cominlttco, nnd tho
Ways und Means Commlttoo of tho
Houso, aro so ovcnly balanced upon tho
Important question of inflation and con
traction that It Is very doubtful as yot
what will bo proposod iu eithor Com
mlttcQ, though there seems to bo but
llttlo doubt but that Mr. M'Culloch's
recommendation Will very nearly bo
concurred In. In Its presont form Mr.
Boutwcll's bill for tho salo of Govern-
ment gold does not appear to moot tho
approval of tho Commlttoo of Ways
and Means, and it will therefore bo
amended before being reported to tho
House; If, indeed, it Is reported nt all.
The Houso did a varioty of business
on Tuesday, but completed nothing of
momout except tlio passago of a MU
regulatiugthe dntiw of thoCletk of the
House, which was reported by Mr.
Wilson, Chairman of tho Judiciary
Committee. This bill Is tho samoas tho
old law', oxcept tfiat It provides that tho
Clerk, In making up tho roll of rnom
bcrs In each Congress, shall pluco therp
on only tho nnnies of persons claiming
seats from Slates which woro represent
ed lu tho next preceding Congress. It
further provides thnt if tho Clerk shall
from any cause bo disabled from per
forming tlio duties dovolved upon hlm
by this act, tho Sergeant-nt-Arms shall
assunio them ; and In caso of ills disa
bility thoy shall bo pcrformod by tho
Doorkeeper. A violation of tho provis
ions of tho uct Is to bo deemod a felony
Another bill from the Judiciary Com
mittco providing ngalust counting lllo
gal electoral votos was reported, but al
lowed to go ovor until Wednesday and
be priuted. It Involves a very import
ant question, and will bo extensively
A brief discussion of boiiio Interest
took placo on Tuesday on n strange
proposltiou reported by Mr. Lawrence,
of Ohio, to repeal tho statute of limita
tion In trials for treason, nnd providing
that any man guilty of treason may bo
tried anywhere nnd at any time. Mr.
nvrenco, whoso Intentions aro always
a good deal stronger thau his Judgment
or his logic, gavo tho very concluslvo
reason for his bill that unless It should
bo passed we cannot hang Jeff. Davis.
Several members took legal exception
to Mr. Lawrence's position, but Mr.
Stevens went still further; ho said ho
would rather see every traitor in tho
country cscapo than seo ono of them
hung by n law passed after his offence
and for tho purpose of hanging him.
He denounced such legislation as utterly
unlustlllablo aud discreditable. More
over, there ought to bo a statuto of limi
tations cspoclally for casos of treason,
which would always bo regarded as in
part political offences. Legislation on
such oifencos should be for healing pub-
lie ovils and not for keeping them opou
indefinitely, and tho healing luiluenco of
tlmo should always bo allowed. Mr,
Stovous said that ho did not bollovo
Davis could bo tried for treason, nor
tlmt ho had been irullty of treason. His
offence was that of a belligerent, not of
a traitor. Ho had not opposed tho efforts
made to bring him to trial, but ho had
not favored them ; but ho was utterly
opposed to any legislation of tho1 kind
proposed, which should make thomodo,
tlmo, or placo of trial different from
what thoy wero when tho offenco was
committed. His remarks wero heard
with general attention. The bill went
One of Mr. Stevens's favorite crotchets
received a summary qulctusou Tuesday.
Ho nronosed that any man nominated
by tho Presidont and rejected by tho
Senate shall bo disqualified for holding
any olllco for a year. Mr. Halo, of Now
York, In a fow well-directed humorous
remarks, completely extinguished It.
He Insisted that it put in tho President's
hands tho power to put n brand on any
man, and oven to disqualify Mr. Stevens
himself for any olilco in tho United
States by nominating him for Com-
mander-in-Chlof of tho army or for
Chaplain In tiio navy, as tho Senate
would bo vory likely to reject him.
Nobody but Ashley, of Ohio, Hotchklss,
of New York, and slxteeu others voted
for.Mr. Stoveus's proposition.
I learn from tho best authority that a
majority of tho Committee on Banks
and Currency aro opposed to any in
crease of National Bank currency and
thoy proposo to remedy what Isdeemod
an unjust distribution of national cur
rency in tho North, nnd furnish the
South what Is requicd by a pro rata
reduction as now furnished to tho exist
ing banks,
A dispatch was received by General
Grant on Wednesday from General
Sheridan, dated at Now Orleans, ou
Tuesday. General Sheridan says: "Tele
graphed you last c'cnlng of tho good,
condition of affairs on tho Bio Grando."
Tho act of General Sedgwick gavo rlsa
to no complications. In fact, General
Escobedo allied on mo to 'ask mo not
to hold him responslblo for It. Tho
Caualos faction having been submerged
I was onablod to relcaso General Ortoga
upon Escobedo promising that ho would
look out for him. Thoro Is not a city or
Stato In Mexico which takes issuongainst
Juarez's government. On my return I
mot General Sherman at Brazos, Santia
go. Ho hud Just como rrom vera Cruz
and was en route with Mr. Campbell for
arrest of thd cousplrntor Surratt while
ho was ou British soil, I can stnto upon
excellent authority that It was doomed
Impracticable to do so, because of tho
ulmost certain probability that English
public sentlmont, as well as Kugllsh en
forcement of tho extradition treaty,
would regard Surratt's crlmo-as a po
litical one, and that therefore his nt-
tomntcdnrrcst ou British soil would re
sult not only In u failure to secure tho
assassin,, but lu his own advantage by
being mado tho subject of protection by
Great Britain, whoso oxamplo other
European governments would not havo
been slow to follow.
To respond in a reasonable tlmo to tho
resolution of tho Houso requiring a
Statement of the pardons issued, tho
names of thoso who rcconitnond them,
etc., It will become necessary to mako
an appropriation tocnablo th Attorney
General to employ eight or ten clerks
In his oIIIcq. Even thou It Is estimated
that theso eight or ten extra clerks
would, find employment for about a
month. Sonioof tho cases are volumin
ous, and tho petition of Albert Pike is
cited as In illustration of this fact. . Mr.
Pike is aMason, high up in tho Order,
nnd Ids pardon Is recommended by
most of tho leading Masonic Lodges of
tho country, aud Is signed by tho oillcers
and members of thosovoral liodgos.
Senator Trumbull, evidently under
the impression that tho facts in regard
to tho appointment of tho Philadelphia
Fcdoral oillcers wore such as would re
qulro overhauling In tho Senate, Intro
duced a resolution In that body, which
was passed on Wednesday nftcrnoon,
that tho President bo requested to inform
tho Sennto whether any porson nppolnt
ed to nn office required by law to bo fill
ed by and with tho ndvlco and consent
of tho Senate, and who was commis
sioned, during tho recess of the Senate,
previous to tho assembling of tho pres
ent Congress, to fill a vacancy, has been
continued in such ofncc.and permitted
to dlsehargo its functions cither by tho
granting of a now Commission or other
wise since tho end of tho Senate on tho
twenty-eighth day of July last, with
out tho submission of tho namo of such
person to tho Senate for Its confirma
tion ; aud particularly whether a bur
veyor or Naval Officer of tho Port of
Philadelphia has tlius been continued
in olllco without tho consent of tho
Senate ; aud, if any such officer has per
formed tho duties of that office, wheth
er ho has received any solary or com
ponsatlon therefor. Upon inquiry of
tho Treasury Department I learn that
tho facts as to tho Philadelphia appoint
ments do not fit tho propositions cm
braced In tlio resolution, nor is tliero In
tho Treasury Department a single In-
stanco of tho character sought to bo
brought to light by Senator Trumbull
What tlio showing in tho othor Depart
ments may bo I -cannot say upon tho
best Information, but I understand that
so far as tho President is concerned, no
appointments havo been mado under
circumstances identical or similar to
thoso sot forth In tho resolution. If any
such nppoiutmcnts havo been mado
thoy have been mnde upon a misunder
standing of tho condition of tho par
ticular caso or cases. Tho reply of tho
President to tho resolution will bo
tho nogatlvo, especially as to tho Phila
delphia officers named.
again with nil my might, making
deep cut on tho loft sldo of tho bead,
I thought If I didn't kill hoi sho would
kill me, But I didn't Wmlt to kill her.
I was making application for a divorco
from hor nt this tlmo. When sho fell
to tho lloor 1 Wa-4 very much scared.
It was Sunday ; I did not want It Bald
wo had a quarrel on Sunday. I thou
went to Mrs. Lawson's and told her that
my wlfo fell down stairs and killed her
self. " Phccbo was not dead when I went
to Mrs. Lawson's. But I know alio
would not llvo long. Sho didn't live
two minutes after I struck hor tho sec
ond blow. After leaving Mrs. Law
son's, 1 started for tho doctor; on tho
road I met Esquire Crawford. I told
him tho samo story, that my wife had
fallen down stairs and killed herself.
But I knewrightnwayhodldh'tbellovo
I say again I nm sorry I killed her.
" My parents both died when I wan
child. My father was a soldier three
years under Napoleon. I have a brothor
living in this country.
I will dlo happy in tno itomnu
ithollc faith. I am prepared to dlo."
Tho Houso Committee on Bauklng
and Currency finished a new bill amend
atory of tho National Currency Act on
Wednesday, which will bo offered as a
substitute for tho ono now before the
Houso. Its principal features are as fol
lows :
Firtt, Redemption In New York.
Second. Reduction of tho circulation
of existing banks to tho amount of
thirty-one millions, by scaling down
tho circulation of all banks whoso capi
tal exceeds threo million dollars and
limiting tho total circulation of any ono
bank to ono million dollars.
Third. Distributing thirty millions of
this circulation equally among Stato
Banks yet to bo converted Into Nation
nl Banks, nnd to now banks In States
that havo heretofore secured tho loast
ratcablo proportion of clrculotlou.
ITaurth. Fullor and moro comploto re
turns to tho Comptroller of tho Cur
fifth. Moro power to tho Comptroller
to cioso up defaulting banks.
Sixth. Scvorer punishment for coun
Willi reference to tho failure of thi
Government to take measures for the
We publish tho confession of Peter
Bota, the wlfo murderer, who was
hanged at Wllliarasport recontly, as it
may by of somo Interest to tho citizens
of Bloomsburg:
" Guifcmon. My wlfo Phcabo and
lived unhappily togother. Sho had
four husbands bosldes mo. Tho peoplo
at Harrisburg told mo that sho killed
hor husbands. This they told mo afte:
wo wero married. Shortly aftor wo got
to houso-kecplng, near Montoursvllle
Phcobo gave mo a tumbler of something
that looked llko blood ; she told me to
drink It, that it was soda-water; of
eourso I didn't do it. I told hor, do vou
think I am green? I said, soda-water is
white, this Isred. Mychildronlived with
us. Ilmvoonly twocldldron; thoyaroby
myflrstwlfo. Myoldostisaboy, naraod
nfter me, Potor Bota. Ilo was ten years
old last Octobor. Tlio other is a girl
named Amanda, agod seven years last
October. (Iloro tho prisoner, lu speak
Ing of his children, cried llko a child
nndexclalmed, "Oh I my children!")
' I lived with my second wlfo nearly
threo months. PJuobo all the time
wanted to got tho papers (deed) of th
nunsu. ono nam sno penoveu tho pa
pers wero In possession of Mary, my
first wlfo, In Willlamsport. I told her
tho papors woro safe. By and by you
will find thwn. This conversation oc
curred on tho morning of Sunday, the
fourth of March last, at tho breakfast
tablo. My llttlo son asked mo to let
htm go to Willlamsport to seo his moth
or. I said, oh, my llttlo boy, tho road
Is too muddy. My wifo said I had
hotter leave him go, as ho could got tho
papors frommy first wife. Mary hadn't
tho papors at all. (Here tho prisoner
gavo way to tears.) I was sick at this
tlmo. Sho grabbed mo by tho shirt
and nock with ono hand, In tho othor
sho had tho small hatchet tho small
est of tho two produced In court. I
took hold of tho handlo of the hatch
et, I pushod her back to tho bench,
whoro the water bucket stood ; thoro
was ii largor hatchet on tho bench ; I
took hold of It nnd said now lot mo be,
or I will hit you ou tho head. Sho mado
no answer only frothod at tho mouth
" I then hit her with tho polo of tho
hatchet, not Intending to kill her. Sho
still hold mo by tho throat. I could not
stand this. Sho said If I did not tell
hor whero tho papers woro sho would
cut my head through. I thought sho
was In oarnest. I thought sho wou'd
kill mo. I thou turned the sharp edgo
or tno uatchot, and cut hor on the ton
of tho head. I felt weak : I struck her
Anotheu largo robbery of Govern
ment sccurltlo was successfully perpe
trated In New York lust Monday morn
ing. Tho Royal InsUrnuco Company,
of No. 70 Wall Street, was victimized
In this Instance. It appears that during
the forenoon two well-dressed, respectably-appearing
young men called at tho
olllco and asked to seo tho agent of the
Company. Thoy wero at onco shown
Into an Inner room, where tho agent,
Mr. M' Donald, was at tho tlmo engaged.
Adjoining this room Is tho largo vault,
In which nro kept the books and docu
ments belonging to the Company. At
tho tlmo tho young men were thero,
thero was also lu tho vault a tin box
containing tho Company's ifecuritles,
two hundred and fifty thousand dollars
In Government bonds. Ono of tho
young men at onco engaged Mr. M'Don
aid lu conversation, stating that ho de
sired to obtain a policy of Insurnnco on
his lifo. Whllo Mr. M'Donald was ex
plaining tho matter to him the accom
plice of tho young man stealthily enter
ed tho vault, secured the tin box, nnd
hastily took his departure with tho
booty. The other ono soon afterward
left, without tho object of tho visit hav
ing been suspected. When tho loss of
the bonds was eventually discovered,
tho bold thieves were far boyond reach.
Tho pollco authorities wero at onco noti
fied, and from tho description given of
tho thieves by Mr.'M' Is thought
their arrest will bo speedily secured.
Tho securities' stolen hnd only bwm
brought from bank a short tlmo previ
ous to tho robbery, aud it Is bellovcd
that tho thieves had their oyos upon the
box from the tlmo it was taken from th
bauk until they had secured possession
of it. A reward of ton thousand dollars
has been offered for tho recovery of tha
Tux last discovery which comes to us
from Nevada Is agricultural rathor than
mineral, but very Important. It Is of a
new textilo, such as was eagerly sought
when tho Rebellion broko out, but un
successfully. Tho plant now discovered
has Its homo In tho Humboldt Volley,
where It grows in largo quantities, and
can, of course, be mado to grow moro
thriftily by cultivation, whllo, if It has
tho values which are ascribed to it, It
will soon bo removed to other fields,
and propagated among regulur crops.
Tho plant is said by tho discoverers to
bo superior to any tcxtllo now In use.
Though styled hemp, It Is so called on
account of its closer similarity to that
than to any other growth. It lias a
stronger nnd firmer fibre than tho pro
per hemp, and a much longor staple.
In proportion to tho wood, too, tho flbro
Is much more abundant. It can bo moro
easily separated than flax or hemp, and
can bo strippod clean from tho stalk
without preparation. Nevada lies be
tween thlrty-sovcu nnd forty-two de
grees north. This corresponds with tlio
latltudo of Northern California, of San
Francisco, Salt Lake City, Indlnnopolh,
Columbus,and Philadelphia. The Hum
boldt River, along which tho new h'emp
grows, runs from tho mountains of that
namo westward, through a mountain
ous country. If, therefore, experiment
proves what Is now claimed for this tex
tile, it can bo prolonged in its cultiva
tion from Its original habitation to our
own doors, nnd will onhanco tho valuo
of tho hemp harvest In thoso States
whoro it is now an important feature.
Philadelphia Gazette.
Tin: London Weekly Timesot Novem
ber seventh says : " A you ng lady was put
In a train to go nlono to London. As
tho train was on tho point of starting,
gentleman rushed up nnd got Iu. At
this hor friends, who woro scolng h&r
off, wero rathor annoyed, but thought H
did not much signify. Shortly after tho
train had started tho gentleraanjumpod
up nnd oxcalmcd : This carriage Is too
heavy, it must bo lightened;' and
straightway his carpet-bag disappeared
out of tho window. Ho sits still for
fow minutes, when ho begins ogain,
and this tlmo his coat and waistcoat
follow his bag. After a llttlo whllo ir
said : ' Let us pray for tho Duke i
Gloucester.' Down they go, tho poc'
girl, only soventcen, too frightened U
do any thing but obey. When thi
was douo, thoy prayed for tho DuVt
of York, and then for anothor In fai
through a wholo string of dukos. They
then sit down, tho young lady frighten
ed out of her senses. After a fow min
utes, ho boglns ngnln : ' It won't do; '
can't stand it; tho train Is too heavy
Either you or I must get out ; I don'!
waut to, bo you must go I ' Tho girl
In despair, says: "But wo" havo ne
prayed for tho Duko of Northumbef
laud.' ' Ah I no moro wo havo I' Do
thoy go on their kneos, when luckll;
tlio train stopped nt a station, aud tl
young lady willed tho guard, whoa I
was discovered that tho gentleman wto
ti lunatic escaped from Henvwell."