....-.. rmi . - - . . ..... . . - 'Mr m i m ,4 ,fti;i mi a I 'll t'IMl SUNNY DAYS IN WINTER. SuMMrit In ti gloi Ions wwoti. Warm nnd bright mid ploiuntit t Hut tlio pnt Is not n reason To desplso tin1 present ! So, wlille health mil climb (be moimlnlii, And tho log lights up llui hull, Tlicro tiro isimny days In Winter, nftor nil I Spring, no doubt, hath tinted from in, Mnldon-llko In ihnruH J Hummer, too, with nil bur promise, Perished lrrournrms; lint tbo memory of Ibo vnnqiillicd Whom our lusv ti recall, Mnkcth sunny days In Winter, nftcr nil I True, there's fcirco n flower tin I bloomclh- Attthu Is'st nro dorid i Hut tbo wnlLHowcr still pcrfumotli Yonder garden bod j And thv nrlttitm, pearl-blossomed, llmgslts cornl ball! Tlicro nro sunny days In Wlntor, after nil I Hummer trees nro pretty verj , And I lovo them very well i Hilt tbo holly's glistening berry Notioof tboso ctec'. Wlillo tho Ureal! wium tho lnndscnpo, And tho Ivy clothes tbo will, There uvo mmny days In Winter, idler all ! Hiinuy hours In every m iison Wnlt tho Innocent TIiojo who hy.lo Willi lovo and reason Wimt their Hod h.itU sent t Those who neither sour too h'ghly, Nor too lowly full, Feel tbo sunny il ly.s of Winter, nftcr nil I Then, nllhoush our darling tl cuure J Vniililifrom tho heart; Then, although our oncc-lovcd plcnsi'ros Ono by ono deintrt ; TUous.li tho tomb ltvmis In tha distance) And tho moutnlng p ill, Tlicro Is sunshine, nnd no Winter, nftcr nil ! AGRIOULTUEAL. Brcnil-mrtMng How to Mnko Veaat. It is amusing to read tho receipts of your contributors for making yeast. Hops, potatoes, molasses, milt, boda, corn-meal, alum, sour milk, and what elso I cannot remember, nil for so simple a matter as ycast-maklng I Throw away all theso messes, my dear ladles; they only help to spoil bread that would othcru'so bo.good. Pray don't use any of them any more. For making yeast, Fift a pint or moro of good Hour Into a gallon stouo crock. Wtir into it about u quart of boiling hot water (be sura it is boiling); stir well, paying no attention to tho half-cooked lumps of Hour, and when cool enough, add ti leacupful or moro of good yeast. Put away in n place, cool or warm according to weath er, and in twelve hours you have half n gallon of as good yeast as can bo madq. Of eour.so everything clo put into it , that has no business thcro only nids in i "'"u ' l" Sl spoiling it. This yeast, strange to say, 'f f' " snow falling, ho took occa will keep better in our western country &ioll,1 tf his VS '"'I .. . ...... would nil bo iiiiilnnn. "We . s-iii! than on tho seaboard, as my better-half found out years ago. In both places she was In tho habit, l'i warm weather, of stirring in corn meat enough to thicken it, rolling out thin, and making into yeast cakes, which will keep good for six months. The receipt of 2Irs. Garnet (3radcliiio),foriiniklng brc.nl, isai good as can be. Tiiogieat art in making it fvsu1 tj ilin nmiuiT il.itt,,, t n,f litlf dozen diifercut operations of makiug tho yeast properly, ofsel ling thosponge, kneading it sulllciently, raising as it should be, getting tho proper heat in tho oven, and baking it right when you get il ; not forfeiting, in cool: stoves, to turn tho loaf round every few minutes, thai it may bako evenly. Bakers arc inter ested in makiug their braid as heavy ns Tiomnlo wirn komn I'lwvmnr liirrmi nml ?, . , -i-- - o f uie ncxi piace, no ui:cu lo near a man than good Hour. Ilcnco tho abovoj0f jCu-e. talk, slrango list of compounds, added to it !" " ,, byutireiIcclinghSasewivcs,initnitaliolilu., ld. Snt"""i who was King of these professionals, (.'ood flour and Vlth h,?.8,?1J1 w'?' i,ml wh? uul nl ,H.,nl nhvm ito,. ,vlfl. ,..1, 1 ,JCU'1 Ilott;l1 the casO With which IlO yeast mailo only of good Hour ns above directed, is till that is needed, after knowing how, to make the best aud ead; nnd none othor'J""' lo !l woan ? , if possible, in hot , V1 way CVry 0,,,,s al 1Ut' healthiest of bread bhould bo eaten weather bread sponge wauls to bo set away in a cool placo to keep from sour ing; in Winter, on tlio contrary, it must bo put in a warm placo all night, or it Will not rise at all. Inattention to theso littlo details, or, what is as bud, ignor ance of them, not unfreipteully spoils bread that olhenvke would bo goad. Country Gtntlanan. C.iiiflti of tirade Uot.' F. It. Ji.t.iott, of Cleveland, in tho Ohio Farmer, ascribes Iho bovero loss of tho grapo crop by lot this year in a great measure to tho overbearing or tho vhr nnd to i-.cvoro Summer pruning. There is no doubt that overbearing is n com mon fault, and that vines nro thus weal;- cned. Ono of tho lost grapo mnnuuers in tlio country says that ho regards all (statements of great crops as only con fessions of bad management, nnd lie will ' not allow his vineyard to produce more tiianiiireo tons per acre at tho utmost '"at ic thus: "Ll!;o a dog with her bo prefers two tons. Tho grapes arc! clothes on oho was buried." Hognvo il bolter and bring higher prices, and the ! crops mo moro certain and uniform. Llull ,N,)0I1.,, n1,.uit.i)ro(n ,nl, JUomovlng large quantities of foliage lZlil from any tree or plant, while in a grow- lt BOra , (llu lwrlor of n tiwcrliSlUn" ng lulo, touch to check nnd injure it. for tho stage-coach toe3 S Tho grape, It is true, moro quickly re- Adanditltd chap stepped into ti e room covers from such check than fruit trees iii, ,...,!,. t i,t. i1,,.. ' orless Injurious. A good manager, with mirro, ari..u ,., hi6 i,... . .U1(1 . f,ca,on, rubs oir ill nocdlws shoots, Ju,t .,lmtUimuu ou tho b0fll. Vflor llttItll(Ii. as thoy uro shir ting, ov by tlio imo they 11ziglnvhlle, ho turned to go o , wh I n havo reached tsvo or threo inches in'Atr. handolph nsked U.S length, ami instead of lopping or cut UH0 comoV" "Km, si v .m ting back severely, merely iilnches ofl" tho tips of tho shoots when thoy havo reached tho right length. Wo havo seen ti lino vineyard spoiled for tho season, tho grapes being small and badly mil dewed, by cutting away, into In Hum mer, the upper half of Iho shoots above tho bunches-. l'iiiloi'-tlral ii lu g. Tjik edllor of tbo Cincinnati 'J'lmri has what ho calh a little farm of t wen- J ty-ouo acres, ten of which are arable Tho operations upon this, for Uiu past eeason, havo been most unprotllablo, on account of tho lack of proper drainage. Tho owner sums up his losses by say ing: "In tho Ilrst place, wo had two and ii half acres In strawberries, which tho Wlntor o badly killed that wo har- vontod one hundred und fifty instead ot ono thousand dollars irorth. That Ub .,; , t-0 , i .p.dr,,!,,;,,,, f ,. i i - .i . THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, SATU1U)AY, DECEMBEll 1, with tile, ut Intervals of two roiK Then vc hml n patch or nrtsuoo, two Uilrili of which rotted hi L'onwturac'J of the wet weather. Hero wo lost onough to havo inilil for uiulcrMlmhuur.o twice over." Let others iirollt by lib oxno rieiiee. Vccitliirt Snlnc. An " old subscriber" to tho 2??w Eng land Furmw protects ugalnst tho prac tice of feeding awlno with tho refuse of tho .tlmighter-hotBo nnd butcher hIiojh, in tho shnpo of deeaylug nntl puiriu nicfit tiud tho like. Ho uteris that no niatterwhctherthcsobonilxednndfook ed with other materials, they Impart un unsavory odor to tho pork, besides ron (Icring It unhealthy ns tin urtlcloof diet. It l.s n prevalent idea that nnythlnft is good enough for tho hog if it will only make him grow; but experlenco nml observation lmvo induced a conviction that it U tv mistaken one. WIT AND WISDOM. Why nro fowls tho most economical slock for farmers? 5"rui.-e for every grain of corn they givo a peck. UUAitcn thine own heart I Within tlteo (hero Is n fountain of good, which will always ilow, provided thou diggest for it. AVhen theio is a "smacking breeze," send out tho pretty girls to take tho weather; whou there is a "spanking breeze," scud out the bad children. In a history of plants, the author no tices tho virtue of hemp thus laconical ly: " By this cordage ships are guided, bells nro rung, and rogues arc kept in iw." As tho weather, within doors, is al ways tho ilrst subject of remark-, so in tho open air, beautiful nature is tho I tick-penny and savings-bank of conver sation. A lady, helng a drunken man in tho gutter, said sho was afraid hu was dead. Put, who had been near enough to smell his breath, exclaimed: "Fitltli, and 1 wish I had hatr his illeu. ByniNG a great Florin on tho IMcifle Ocean a vooscl was once wrecked, and a Quaker, to-sing to and fio on a plunk, exclaimed, over (ho crest of a wave, to another who was drifting by on a bar rel, "Friend, iliM thoucall tills PiiciHc?" A countp.y fellow ciuno to tho city to see his lutonded wife, and for a long Uiuo could think of nothing to say. At would all bo undone. "Well," said she, taking him by tho hand, "I'll keep one of them." A fop, strutting about a tavern, took up a pair of green spectacles which Jay o'i tho table, put (bom on ids o.e, a ad turning lo tlio looklny-giasti, s,id: "Ltindlonl, liow do they become mo? Don't you tbinii they improve my iooks?" " L think they do" replied iho laiiilloril; "tiiey lime a pare oi your face." A hcuoowrASTr.il, who had an invet erate habit of talking to himself when alone, was asked what motive lie could have in talking to himself'.' Jonathan replied that he had two good, substan stantlal reasons. In tho ilrst place, ho iiKCti to talk to ti setisiblo man ; and in . . . , ' miuiagcd his spotisoj, o:i being nkcd to coinmunie.ito his secret, replied, "It is tho easiest thing in tho world. If vou j-ntiu iiuii i ii wuiiniu i)u;u wlio could stirvivo thui a great while." " WiiibY," sdid an iuteresliug young mother to her youngest hopeful, "do you know what thodlfforcnco is between body and suulv Tho und, my child, is what you lovo with; tho body carries you about. This is your body," touching tho littlo fellow's shoulders; "but there Is something deeper in. You can fee) it now. What is it'."' "Oh, 1 know," Willy said, with u Hash of intelligence in his eyes, " that's my ilaimel shirt !" A Nr.wsi'Ai'iiu editor Inadvertently wrote about a woman who had not been buried with proper observance, tho fol lowing sentence : "Sho was burled Ilko a dog with her clothes on." ..Next week i ho saw his mistake, aud corrected It thus: "Sho was buried with her clothes on liko u dog." Tho third week, cxas- 1 perilled with the previous blunders, he stage comoV" "Sta;o, sir!" said tlio fop; " I'vo nothing to do witli it, sir'."' "Oh! I beg your part on," said itan- tlolph, quietly, "1 thought you wero tlio tlriver." How useless it U to rely for happi ness on "tho world I" If you would pass through life In tho easiest possible manner, shrink from nothing in itself virtuous and rational. Vciieruto only mar which is nuierently aud chauae louly right. Holenso your mlud from tho trammels of conventionalism, and suffer no ollmr ristralnl upon vour acts than that imposed by your coiielont:o and tho Bible; so will you ituuro a sweet immunlly from countless potty uirea and annoyances, and acqulro an over-increasing strength of character, iinti duiki on a mm unci durablo hm. that inward runiiect for vomvoii' v-i . t. .t . U iuadctilably moro to bo valued than ..j,,,,,,,! nnproval of artltlclttl i.eo- Tin:el''ht-hoiirsyslcm)9ercallnggre:it dissatisfaction in Indianapolis. Em ployes nro paid by tho hour, nutt thry cannot earn enough to support their families. It Is reported in St. Louis uniong Fe nians that an ctnmisary sent front Chi cago lo roronio lousccrtntii mo enances of rescuing Lynch nnd M'Mnhon from Jail, has returned and reported that tho prisoners nro tiurrou tided by two thous- nnd British regulars, nnd no chance of rescue exists. Tho story runs that a plot for that pttrpoo has been formed, but is now abandoned, and the excite ment tlicro is subsiding. A hunouy Irishman, not long since in London, mistaking a barber 's shop for an eating-house, bolted in nnd beg ged to bo served. Tho barber, suppos ing, from tho length of his beard, that hn wished to bo shaved, knocked upnba.ilu of suds, and placing It before him, with n wash-ball lull, went backward to got tho razor. Pat, without waiting for grace, supped up thosuds, nnd swallow ed tho wash ball, und, on tho barber's returning with the razor, coolly oosorv "Thrre Is no occasion for a knife, honey ; your soup is very good, but your turnip was not ipiilo boiled enough." So, pay ing his money, ho bade the astonished barber adieu. 1 D. ltOBBIKU & CO., inox MnnciiAXTs, 2orthenst corner of Hceolul nml VInoBlieers, rhllailclpbln. IRAKD 110 US 13, Comer of Ninth nml Chestnut Streets, rhllailelphla. II. W.KANAdA, Proprietor, S' T. C1IA11LKS HOTEL, ON Till: KUltOPlIAN I'IjAK, Not. CO, 02, 01, :md CO Noith Ihlrd Strvcto, between Market nnd Aich Ktrcetx, I'lillaUclplila. ClIAKI.liS Kt.nCKNKIt, 31 inntrci. OSF.I'H S. DULL, Manufacturer of and Wholesale IX'alcr In CXOTJIINU, IT.OTHH, OAHSlMKItra, AXU visnxas. No. 11 Noith Third Siticot, l'hll.'deb.hle. r'-TSON & JANN12Y, lmioitcrs nnd Jobhcrj of SILK ANI I'ANCY VUVJhii GOODS, SIIAWIJi, AC, No. Xi Mm kel Htrcct, ridladelpliin. J 11. WALTF.U, Liite Walter it Kr.i.l), Iuujorlirniul Iiudcr In CHINA, (IT.AKH, AND (IVilU.UWAlIK, No. all' North 'lhlrd Bircct, between Hnco and Vine rhllailelphla. JgSTABLlSlIKI) 180. JOHN 1UJAICIIIT A CO., wi loLiia Abii u iug a arm, nnd Dealers In C'IIEMICAi73, MKl)lC'lNi:w, 1'ATIJNT Mnl- ciNra, sricEs, imints, oiix, window aiyrf, YAltNIHHES, UYiM, Ac, &c Soutbcait corner of Third nnd Callowblll fjls., I'liilaiUlphla. lLMBUUSTFJt & BJtOTUKlt, Inil ortcrs end Jobbers of ItOSIKUY, (Jl.OVIil, Hiun'ra and dhaweks, II UTTONr I, H Udi'UH 1 VA l'i, iiooi,ftKnvrn,iiANi)Ki:r.cnii:i'a, TIIIlEAD.!, SUWINU HlLKS, TitisiMiNGi-, roirn: .mohn.mus, so, va, l'unruijijiiY, kaxcy coods, and NUTItlN.S OUNKIIALLV, Al so Mamilaeturere of 3IHL'HiIliSANDI.'jpi:iNariI,AbS!y, ivnd D. Mler hi WOOD AND WILT.OW WAKU, 11U00MS, IlOI'KS, TWIN1CS, .sc., No. 300 North Third Street, nbo ,-o Vine, I'lilladelplila. jOYAL i'i IIOYKU, fiuccessora to ClII.IllUtT, UOYAI. ft t'O., WI 1 0LK3AI.1 1 DilUd CI IHTM, Importers nnd Dealers In Disuas, MKDicjNn'5, ai'iura, I'.u.vry, oim, UU., DYi; HTUI'I'S, Ac, Nos. SOU and ::il North Third Street, 1'hll.idelplila, QJ1AKLKS H. JdAUPLK, Iu uoi ter und Dealer In UK.VNDIKS, WINJM, U1NH, LKiUOIW, WING BHTiatS, .cc, No. 122 Noilli 'riitrd Street, nboio Arch, wett li!e, riillibtolphlit. gAGi:N, BOYD & CO., COMMISSION MUUCUANTS, und WlinlcMilo Dealers in LEAF AND M.UJUl'ACl'UItHO T01IACCO, SKUA KM, A.Q., No. 01 North Thhd Street, rhlliJelphla. CoimUnoiseaiiforwiira their stock "In llond," """""i puimyniK ino uiiue.1 stales tn.v. jJ JL MAllPLB, NOTIONfl, ItOSIEltY, (1I.0VI, AND l'ANt'Y GOODS, No. 51 North Tnlrd Htrutl, 1'hlUi.lel 1,1a. IjUODHHAU et ICAUl), Mauufaelurei-) and WhoIOHala Dwilcru In HOOTS AND KHOrjrt, No. 211 Noith Third Street, I'lilbnlolphla. j-JlK UiaoX 110T12L, Arcli HUoel, Ulwcin Thlnl and t'ouilh sti ottt,, 1'IULulelphla. Uiitisi',vwi;tti;it. JOHN HTltOUP .t CO., lllccewirs tl Mnmp c j .nuner, WilOUWALU DllAUlllll IN nsif, Ifn. 21 Norlh Wh u vos, an t ffi S irth Water St., Ilill.tdi IpMii. jypLLKll fi HOST, (lueeeiori to riaulillu V. Hell wr .t Co., Importers nnd Wholrknlu D.-ah rs In I.IliUor.s, WINlf, At:, Km. IIO nnd -H2 North Third Street, 1'hllndclphla. g .). LKHTUlt, Wholesnlo and Iletnll Dealer In l'OItiatlN AND t)().MI'.STIO CAIU'ETrt, on, cloths, window hiiadhs, ac, No, 20 Koilh Serniid Street, opp. CluM Chinch, I'hlladelphlii. JEXNEOY, STAIUS & CO., WHOLESALU Visit DHALK1W, Noi. 13J and 132 North Wharves, Philadelphia. JOS. ItlEGKIi it IL S. FIST Hit, (Lalo lU.-gel, Wlest A Ervlu,) Importeri nml .Tn'jbers of DiiY ooor, No. ITNoilliTlihdKlicct, l'hllndclphl.l. .M.vnrjn uvi:ni.v, w:i. i:.'Ai.ni:taitr, s. c. scorr jQUSSFXL & W001RUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOI1ACCW, CIO All, l'HT-S, Ac, &c No. I'lNorth Third Street, nhovc Market, l'lillndolpbla. JOHN C. YUAliliK & CO., Wholesalo Debaters In HATS, OA1W, 11T11AW GOODS, AND Lnu:siruiw, No. 2".; North Thhd BtrocI, Philadelphia. M ILLKK it LLDKlt, Wholesalo I100KPr.LT.KRS, STATIONKIisi, AND III.ANK-ISOOK MANVPArrrUnilltf!. No. Kl :.'orth Third Street, Philadelphia. Wnll nnd Curtain Pnpois,nnd Stationery yen endly. ,'TAJLmiIFI) 182ti. u. w. caupi:xtei:, HKNszrA a co., WIIOLUSALK DIIL'UCISTO, No. 7.77 Mail-.et .Sheet, ono door below lCI;;hth, Philadelphia. DltDGS, JIEDJCINl, CIIlIMIOAI.fl, PA1N1VJ, (111.1, OLAPM, VA11N1SHF.S, DY1', and every other article pertaining to thnhuilncis, of tbo best (tuallty, nnd at hmvsl maihi-L rales, rEAVlitt it 81'IiA.NKLF., W1I0L2SALI; lilt'Ki:i;i!':s AJIUCOMMPiilOX MKIICIIAN'IS, No -. 22i and 27 A Mi Slice!, Phliaileli hl.-i. i. iiUTUiit.'.ri'i', Importer und Dealer In IKON AND STEHL, No. 001': out Street, Philadelphia. J) AJtCHOFT & CO., Jmpoiteni and Jobbers of QTAPI.r. AND FANCY DIIY GOODS, CLOTHS CABHJM1UIKS, 11LANKETS, LINUNS, BUY GOODS, IIOSIEIIY, Ac, Philadelphia. NLUtEWS, WILKIN3 it CO., Donkis In I'ulllIIUN AND DOMrai'IC DIIY GOOD.?, No.&U JIaikfct Street, Phlladelpliln. gXYDKU, lIAltltlS & I5ASSKTT, Manufacturers and Jobbrra of Mi::,"S AND HOY'S CLOTHING, Nos. j23 .Market, and 522 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Jl W. RANK'S WIIOLICSALi: TOHACCO, HNUIT", AND Clii.UI WAItl jxouhi:, No. 110 Ncrlh'lhlidSkctl, betwi cn Cherry und lhico, wcU Bide Philadelphia. QOTT11ELL it AY UI53, Wholesalo Dealeis In PISH, CHICLSi:, Ac, Ac, No. M Noith Wharves second door nbovo Arch htrcct, Philadelphia. H UltHATI FOU CATAWIi'SA! THIS WAY t'OH HA'.tUAINS. GoihIs to comparo with Urlnaency of the nianey market. IoU anil co.iiparo piiccs befoio pur cJuisliu eh.ewhei e. J u.t mi: nt tho fnvorlto bui. lieu htuud of McNINClI A SIIUMAN, and you will bo nut by thu obliging proiirietorsor 1 1 i-o i . i . v.... v.. .-.,..,il..i,if,vi,l,ji,H.jSui(ieji-Kreai vnnt ly storofiienriharue.i'fooiii'fcr. They will lvo J ou u lair chimin to kpi'iid your Ioomi channo, tbiy tiiistiiuiUimoropioauibly than 11 can bo (pent elsewhcic. Thctr STOCK OP DIIY GOODS tills Sprlna Is much laiver In nil Its vui letlcs than liquid. Their J-VDIirs' Dl'.EHi cooro nro of Ibo nlcei.t stylos ill luaiket. Thoy havo u Uno nnortiaciit of JIAT-J, CA1V, HOOTS AND SHOES, KUMMUll Cl)lJfH, CABSINIITS, CAKSIMKItlii, AND VliSTINGS, nnd luiiivroinnrthlesconiinon tofcuchostablUU inculs, lfcldwi n Koiicnil (isMiiiiuent of HAimwAitij, TiNw.vai:, (imii::;HWAi!i:, and ar.ocjutius, nil nt area'.'y reduced prlcej. They wlh to i on duet thill bui.liiu& on tl.u tyttcm of "I'AY AS YOU GO," iui.1 ihuy think they can nirord to toil very chenp. Tiny leluin tbelr thanks lor nniny iuul lnvor, unit iisk the lutum uiirona of ihclr former cus. loiucrs and tlio public nei.on.lly, MoNINCH A SHHMAN. flATAWlBHA ItAILltOA 0. iVi AVjSrf iSi'Jtt 1N"' v 111 i:itr-1u-'l,nurl:'m1''1 Ma" at 1 - 1!fU- iloiMiH..rw.- i'lilladelphia Mull nt 11 a.m.i l j: . I. .J j, ..1 y men vTun tuuw '"MLG FLOllKNCl'l J- l-l',. i.,ief-Ai.,iiiiiiJ.o Aiu: Tin; mht in tih: wout.ti. SalosroonilaiOnicliiutHlrci't,l,hlladcliliIn, PA. u'l.tin u.ir mihiiH r nt MiLphhipH have been l I. ..nl.lln mln.'nr U'llL.ll liorhl OollltS oi cjsd'lleiieeniidncltiimvloitii'pd nn rlt, ivo lmvo lonil fill what others linvocilierieiieeu, ino lie ecsilty of n Maebhio more pen'eet lulls nieihniil. eal Nlrueture, combining in tlio itiaitmr i)i:oitr.n SIMPLICITY WITH DUHA11ILITV, and whllo capable of dolnj n OIlKATEIt HANOI OV WOIIK, ono that could bo eailly inidcrstool nnd compre hended by nil. To supply n RewhiK-Maehlno free from tlin ob ject Ions nttaehed tootheislhnbien nocay tnnl.i fur we not only had to surpass other Mncunic, they nplwared yenr.1 nun, but utsu as Improved from Uiuo to thuo liy moro recent eAi?rleni'e. This we boldly cIaIiii bin men nceonipllsbed by tho liberal cxpi'iidlturo or eapltnl, nnd tbd pa thnt.unllrlnslalsirof yeaisi! and In pri'scnthu! our Machine lo the public, wo shall inako Mrim nsM'tjlous rcpeetlnii Its merits, which we uro pictured tosubstatitlato In eiery puitleitlar. Discarding tho Clinlu ami inip,ur Jiiinsiuciies, wo adopted tho, LOGIC STITCH (alllso on both sides of the fabric), which Is re- uarneil by tho inasKesns bit suited to nil Kinds of work. Hut tomeelolijoctlonspoinetliiiesuniid nrnlnt. this fiiimlli) Mitch, wo Invo lid led tho Knot. Double Loch, and Double Knot, either of uidciils sTitoNorn and snmi: iilastio than Iho I!tj thus enabllns Iho operator to select n htlkh pinii-'i:cn.v smrnn to every grade of fabric, nnd wlwro neccHwiry.eW scfims iiuieh stronger than H Is pujlblo In do by baud. Till: FLOltHNCK makes POUIt Dll'lTJltHNT STITCHES with nsninch ease ns ordinary Mnihhics niah.o one, and Willi as Utile ir ncblnery, The result of reisjatt'd tosts has been all wo could desire, and liom Its ilrst lulrodiirlloii the 1'loienco bus gullied boils of friends, nnd been leyuided as u HOUSKIIOLD NKCraSITYi pinvlnt! that Iho puhllo fnllyni'prcclntetlio ninny ndvaiitimes lomhlnid In Iho l'louneo Maelilue. Oier all otheis, tbo I'lorcnco must bo teen lo bo fully fippuclatcd. Wo claim for tlio l'LOItKNCi: tho following ADVANTAGES over any and nil SEWING-MACHINES IN THE WOULD! i!3-It makes loiirdlll'eri-iit stitrhes, tlio lock, knot, double-lnek, mid doiible.kniit, oi. olio and tho s uno machine, lichstitih belli,; ullko oil both sides of tlio fabile. AtJ- Every Jhifhlnn has tho rovutdhlo hod mo tion, which enables tho oisjiator, by slmily tune Inij n thunib-vciow, toHiaio tho work run cither lo tho right or left, to stay any part of tho scum ori'iuilcn tbo imU of .scams, wilhoitt luiniu;; tbo labile. 3-Chancing tho lensth of tttlch, nnd from ono kind of utllch to nnotlu r, can leaillly be done vvhllu Iho 31achhio I la nioUou. f3" Tho needlo Is easily adjusted, and i1(k.'S not s..ipttiteiK. fcr-lt ti nlmnst noiseless, nml can bo used wiicrouuiei h neeessaiy. 13-Its mollims aro nil iiosltlve; there are no (pi-Miss to got on', or older, and llsslmplUily en iibles .my ono to operate it. US' It does not require finer thread on tho under thin ior the upper side, and will sew across tbo benvlc-t M'am, or liom ono lo moio thicknesses oi eioin, witnout cliansoof in edle, leiiblon, break iug Ihlunl, or fcklyphi;? (ditches. 3-Tho Hcmmcr Is easily adjusted, mid will mrn nny wiutn or ncra dciired. 3-No other MndilnowllldoEo or nt;arango oi woiu ns ino Florence. C3-lt will hem, loll, bind, palher. braid. ouill and fattier and sew on inutile at thouuno lime. il nas no springs lo get out of order, and w 111 hist a iiieiime, FZ'lt Is fully protected mid licensed by Ellas nuHip Jr., linn ooroii'u i.eiiers 1'aient, Tho talchii; up of tbohlnck-lhread Is not. i,rr, lorioed by llio Irregular contraction ot n wire coll or uncertain operation oi sprlti". The pivelslijn and aeeuracy wltb ivhlch tlio Floieuro draws tlio loieiiu imo me eioin is un appro iciied by any S.iislna-Machiiio hltheitooilircaiii tho world. We furnish iwh :.tiif hlno w llh " liarniun's Self-Scv.-er," which uuldes the turk liwlf.iind is or In. nib ul.iblo value, cspcually to inu.vpcileueu opu- Wbilo po--esslng tbo nbovo, an 1 many other udauta''Ms. tho Fli.ven.i. 1m n.iI.i ni. .-..,...k,......it.... prices '.villi other llrst-clam lliichium, nnd a care .in uAiiii.iii iiit.il win iiuiy sunsiaiitl.ile all that wo havo f.h.tntcil Oi, Il ,n,l tn.i it.- - ......... r,,J ....I II Mil It'll. wo novv.iiiake, tliat It is Iho best Sowlmj.M.iUiiuo ill UIU WOll.1. Wo warannt cverv Ifacbiim In i nil n,i ... claim lor It.uiul to Klvo entho sallsl.ictlon, and win bivo n wriuen M-nrranly, If required. LlbiralarraiiKomcnls mad-wiib thnioulio buy lo i-eu I'MH. j'urtlu'r liilonnatlon may bo had by liiflostiM shimi.s to tlio General ii'li.oof tbe 1' ion net. fc.iwiUK.Marhhio Coi.ipany.li.'g Cliestmit isirect, 1'i.nai.ipiit.i, lVnusylMinl.i. P11ICE-1 01" MACIIIN1X No. 1, Plnhi.-Thls JIaehlne makes tho Jock and knot stltelies.and has tlio reviisliilo feed., No. 2, rioience. Go'.d-oi name ntetl M.u liliie, with drawer, and llshtoovcr, without loelcj makes nil tho four Mltcho i, and has tho lo- vuislblc feed No. n, KIIVLi-.plated Machhie, otnamcntud j table oiI.tIni.shed walnut, with heavy half. ease, lock and drawer! makes nil tho four stitches, and has the reversible feed No. l.-Sllvcr-plated Machine, lihilily onia- menteil, nnd makes nil tho four stitches, mid has the reversible feed. Polished mahogany Initio Polished Iioscwol Table No. 5. Wabiui lid.lc, in oil MulH4'.,iny tnbl.t, in oil Itosinii(.d table, in nil ","', No. il. Walnut, nil tinUhed I.'..,.!.'..,'." Mahnriuy tul-tc lio-cuisKl table Sl G. (I, EVAKpS, Gcncitil Afjcnt,. d Chedtnul Street, Philadelphia. gCUELL, HEltGKIt it CO., GENbllAL COMMI-sHION MKIiCHANTS Dealers lu . I'MIl, SALT, CIIEIKi;, ritOVISIONK, Ac, Nos, is mid 121 Noi Ih Wka vw, abovo AicJi hi. Phlladcliihlj, Sole nseids for WIlcor'M WI.....1 .!..., i.. .... - ....v.. U.UWL. ,1, .... nils, Kens, and tniir. CSTAULlSIIiCU 17!)y. JOHDAN a nitorin:n,' WHOLlALE ai!l)f'i:ilil, end Denieis in s.'.i.TPimti: ANn whmstoni:, No :) Noi th Third Street, I'ti .id lliln. 1866. A. HUNDKY, Succeswr to Hendry s Harrh, . Mauufacttner nnd Wbolomlo Ddaler In llOOTHANDFUIOK", No. tS North Third Strcd, Plilladclphlii, JJ V. I'HTKIOIAN, wini" LiPPiNcoTT a Titorrr.i:, WHOLIWA t.M 0 ItOCKIlS, No. 21 Norlh Wntcr Sliect, nnd No. SI North Debiwnro Avenue, Philadelphia. p.Eonar, ii. ltoiiiniTs, -A ... . Importer nnd Denier in HAlinWAUi:, CUTLHIIY, OUNK, Ac, No. 311 Noith Third Street, ntioi o Vine, Philadelphia. gENJAMIN GltELN, Denier In OAHPiri'INOS, WINDOW HHADKS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 81 North Second Street, l'hlladelphla. J 1 ISKAKD, with LIPI'INCOrr, IHlNI) A CO., Jlanufactiirci-s and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, 1'UP.K, AND STUAW GOODIl, No. ill Market .Street, Philadelphia. "O OWE, EUSTON it CO., J.v Manufacturers nnd Wholcalo I nlcrs In COTTON YAIINS, CAltl'i'.T CIIA1NH, 1IATTM, WICKS, TIE YAltNS, COltDAGE, nilOOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAltE, LOOH'G GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY llASK'LTS, TA11LE, I'LOOIl, AND CAItltlAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. ) MaiketStieet,M.uth side, y Pbllndeliihla. G It (CAT I'UNNS Y LVANI A HOUTE to till. NOllTH AND WKV1'. '. rOL'lt DAILY THAN INS. ON AND AlTEIl MA1UTI 12, lhW, trains will leave lis niiiows: lA'.ivo Wnsh'n. Leave lialto. I'xptcss Mall rs.il a.m. itnO a.m. l'al l.liic .ivia.m. 2:liii'.M l'hlsbiirgiinil ErloEv lit) P.M. 7:2(1 P.M. J'iilsbui'K aud l'.hulm E....7:W I'.M. Hill l'.M. TWO TltAlNSON SUNDAY, (ConiKcthiKUt Ii,iltlniOre,l Leave Washington at 2:lj and 7:10 i:r. SLEEPi:;ci CA11S ON ALL NIGHT THAINS. LOW FAttE AND QUICK TIME. Cars inn tliioUKh from llalllmoio to Flushing, Kile, or Ebulra without cliange. .1. N. lU'llAllllY. Superintendent N.C.lt.It. IIIIiADEIii'irJA AXJ) E1ME t K ILl(OAI.-'i'liK great line traveisi's tlio norlberii and northwest .oimll.'sorPeiiii.vlvaul.i to the illy oi liiie, of ljiko Eile. It has been lutM'd ami Is titii iate.1 by tho PENNSYLVANIA UAILIIOAD COMPANY. Thi.ool l'.is.sciuer jL'i.tlnsnl Noitlnui.tt. Hand: r.i.Ai r. Ks-r.v.i:o. Eile M..II Train, lis,. ..m.j File E.pr(a Tral.i,y.2iA.M.; Ehiih'u Mall 1'ialn, luril a.m. Lcavk WnTWAi;n. Kilo alall Tnibi, 5 a.m. Erie i:pressTi-.uu, "ill r.M.j Elmhii Mall J'mlii, 1:.ii l'.M. l'a."sen;'erenr.irun ttiioughon th"i:iIo .Malt nml r.sprcss i rams wiuitjui enaitgo itoui ways lie' tween I'hil.iili litbln .mil lirie. Ni:r oiik Ciimhi in ion. Leao Nev Yoik nl II a.m., arrlvoat Erie nl 0:13 A. v.; I,oaui Eite at 1:.V. J . ... i;i rive in .sew lone m -Mil l'."f, lih"CUlt hlei Dim: cars on till nl-rhl li'i.lnw. For liiliir.ilatli.il resieelhlg asM iiger business nitl.lv at the eorii"!' of Thlt'llelit ,m,l l, (Uleets, Philadelphia; and lor blight, l.lloilleis of Hie t'l.l.lnllliy's JO'ell's, n. ii. k illusion.. i r corner or Twelfth and Mm Let r.in . -.s, i-jiii.i.tc.tiiiit- ,i, n.jitis, j.;rii. vii. llaiu lhowu, AKoiitN.l'.lt.lt., linltliiiuro. 11, II. HoCMTiiN. General Freight Aernl, I'hllit.lelpiii.i, II. W. GWINNi:ii, GciieialTIcket Agent, Plillailelpbl.i. , General Siipcrlntcudeiit, Willlanisilort. March 22, lsoi. T ACKAWANiVA AND BLOOAlS S J nu til itAii.noAi). On and after March II, IHO, l'ai-seiigur Trains will run us follt,iv; SouTiiu-Aiii). Leave Scranton nt i:IO i-.m. and W iO a.m.; Khigstoiuii(ip,M.andl.:.V..i.M.: lil.snas. ui.,4 iite.-. j-.ii.iiiiii v&iA.-n. Arriioat Norlbum. bcrlanil nt :.S) i-.m. ntnl Hi:Ti a.m. Niiiiimv.iitn. U'avoNorllniiiiherlaiel iiI7a.m, ttiet i-.li. ; jiiitt.iiiM.iir al N2 A.M. ale) ti:2)i.M.; t.mnti2;i:;xM:;mdiu;i5,.::v:u-'""""-- inngstou, March 13, lSa'.",A- ")!fUA' 'iMlV, AMEIIU'AT HAV K'TO-Tvr.' il' 1A N i).1'V.aK'.n '.'t11,1' '""l.'lsli-noil citizens VV ""' t,1,1'"1,"1' Mr.'lHrsei, i 'ifcinitk V. . ii ""'" :'o;l'i.v. ") , m iw.cn iiic i i'i. 'A w1,vi1"i!,".'.1:,,s,,:,'li niaiiiitacliiied by slii i-it, walls, Mii:M:it ,v c ,,f r,. wis. burg, l'a nml tl.., Uumlel's I'atejit (lav Iltsik. ..... ..iiie.Hiui iiiis ii m.iiu hnv in one draiuht that, tlio liiui.lel in three. Wear,' ,,,!'. lied II Mill lake us much bavhito tlie mow lniW i-o.nl litiiveM ..in (iniW. w.i nisi, ..w H cull he hay, ami .h'nk It eanniit be lteiit as n li.-ty knlit an! k nK H't.'XV'.'.r.!!.'!''!, " th" 1", tl i i!i i n ni M.i n, jit',, v. c. Haiiiusom, W. II. i..oxs, .),.1IS. ik,.,.. .Iitiiv Dr.u mi l-;, Daniiu, N.tVhit, If. Imii.).Mii.Li:it, h i.vkstki: l'i ilsi:r. ,-.'.', V" ...I, .lllll-i Wtll.K. I'en. ' 1'''':r'J1"l."l:ll-''mo the ceiibr.itetl liuckcvo iiieiils ' w'"i' "Biicuiiiinii impie Q. W. 15LA130N & CO., Manufneturcrsof GIL CLIJTIIS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warclionse, No. 121 Noi lb Thlid Street, Phllatleli.hla. piKENIX STOVE DEPOT. HEATElW.liA.NGICS.ANDSTtlVKS, Whoh sali) nnd Iletnll, PATENT ANTMil'ST CO0i;iNG STOVE, VULCAN 11EATE11, for healing two or more rooms. PAIIUJI!, COOKING, LAL'NHIIY, HEATING, and every variety of STOVES, JOHN 1. 1IESS, No. aiJNorthSccond Street, Phll.idel.hl.'i. J V. LAAlUEHT, with JtOHH, SlIO'lTACO., Importers nnd Jobbers of C1.0T1 W, CASSIMEItl"S, VKSTINGs', Ac, No. fail Mai kcl Street, Plillndclphlu. L. J SETTLE, Willi UUSIl.ItUNNACO I) It V GOODS, No. I'J North Thhd Blrcel, Phllitlel.hln, J 11. LOXCJ.S'1'itETli, PAPEIt-HANGING WAIU'.IIOUSE, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. jjMlIfWMUTH, HHOTJH'JIt it CO., v, nwi.ljs.M,!.; T01IACW DEALEitS, Nn. 1M NnrthThlrdStrivi, lie lloor below Itace. 1 'I twlen. No,. Jon,l 'J.lJ.iany r-m-it, I'lUladclpUi,,, rtJIH GALAXY, Ai'onrNicmTr.Yir.LirsTnATEDMAaAzi.NT,. THE GALAXY Is published forlnlKhtly.onii,. (list and litteenth or each tiiontli, iimr has tluM)lI. vaiilaceiiriomliiir to tbo lender liittrmi.ill.it. i beliMcli ttieiiioiithllesniid (ho wiklles, ' Willi Ihoseeoiitl iiuiiiIht Iho MiiKmtliransi.n. Iiugeil by hlxleeii pages, making it lo cuntnbi iilnety-iifx pieo s of matter. v' lir.l.t.l..l..l'.in.'. , Till! GALAXY will bo nil urlulnnl Ame.i,. Mii'-iwlli" of tho highest class. Arniugihi!. bao iicwi'illngly been mode for nwibiriomtlii,,. lions fioiu tlio best kliimn mid most uietlli tli,u, witters liitheisiiilitrvi nnd laoieovcr, the Mit will always sei k tin Hell nnd ciie.iorime)nirn.u. tloiis irom new nnlhorsor real ability or dccld. d renins. Tbonillclcsltl 'J'HE.GALAXY will k,. nl'ittcl Willi tho names of their authors, who i'i be allimed a wide. freedom In the cxpiesslunof 't,'!'!"-.... f.ti,.. 1 III' nrsi nieiftti'ti't niiiuiii.ii.ii. . ..t. .,.,AJy. f'ir May ilrst. nnd tllteentli, iwm, contain ce.nt rlbu ,li..,u hn.,. .lnl.il Ksten Cooke. Frances l'i,,.. Cobbe, ltoso Terry, George Alfied Tonentl, m. niund (!.Stedman,llio Author of "liinlly Ui. ter," Proiesvor 1'lcrro Plot, Dr. W. II. Druf., Stlllmnn S. (.'oiiant, General Cluscret, nml atlim - llie I ii.e....g?, ..,....-... . .niui.', nuT "Arehlo lvell," liy Mrs. L'lwnrds. fern coin, minced 111 thn first liuiuber of THE GALAXY. nml will contliMiotobeiutillshedscrlnll.i Minui. buieously with their niipcamnco In Lnglaiitl. iho back numbers of tbo Mnguilno contnlnbig 11,,,,,, Hol los may nlways lioobtalneil from iiucunilciUcr or fiom tlio laoprletors. PIKii'esSOH 1ILOT ON COOKEHY. In Ibo second number or THE GALAXY wa, commenced a scries or articles on Cookery, )n lrolit-sor 1'lcrro Hint, thn well-known tfiifhcr.It the nrt, TbesoiiillclesM 111 U'lnadoof great prnc tl( id valuu to every family, llesldo loaiiy grutr. liomlcal directions of essential Impoitance.tlirr will contain receipts and practical Btiggestlmi, which must sceuro for I hem thousauds of reuibi,, TEUMS. Theprlcoof THE GALAXY H23cPlilsnmitn. her: f for tbo year of twenty-four numbers! (j for six montbs-twelvo ntnuls'is. Thovohunf, for tlio year will Ini lude 2,'!i) octavo pages, ill,;., tratcd by li.cnty-llve or moro full-niiKe eimiai. lugs, printed on tinted paper; beside liimiini ra. bio smaller llhi't nil Ions, scattered through tbo text, 'J ill', GALAXY may booidcrednt tliurm, of tweiity.llvu cents il number for ruy length o tlmedc-dud. ... . , , . Spicimon eoiles will ho fent on receipt of a ceiih. '1' j, v dliritcir, Proprietors, aj Pai I: ltow. New York, H Altl'Elt'S W1CEKLY. TEUMS. SI en Onoeoi.y ono year, One e'ot.' lor three months l V) luh of live siihscilU is, at SI HO each, or six conln AIM nil CMlll copy ..tit tie .iinM.eu inr evt rr fur fin iw. Phi meat Invnrl ibly In nilvanee. The Hound Volumes of Haiper's Weel.lv from I he commencement will be sent to any parlofili,) Cult, tl Males, iieo of cairlage, upon lccclptofllw Itrlee, vl. : cloth lllntllie; $7 (0 per Volume, Half Moiocis. 1JI , Each Volutin) contains tho Number.) for Om i'eIIMS TO ADVEUTISEItS. Gnu dollar nntl ft fly cents per tine for insido,lto dollars per ling for oiilsldo Advertisements .each Insertion, HAltl'Ell A liltllTllKU, Publishers T EADINO KAlliltOAD. j SU3IMEU AltltANGEMENT. Alirll lit, lHlh!. Great Trunk Line fiom the Norlh and Noithweti ior l'hll.iiklibia. New Yolk, Heading, I'olhivlllr. Tain.iiiu.i, Ashland, Lebanon, AUciitown, Ac., Ac. Tialus leave Harrlshurg for New York ns f. lows: At .'i,7:ia,auill:irA.M.,mid 2 und !i:2tii',s, comicettng with similar trains on tho Finn v.inli. llallioail, and arriving nt New Yoik ut.Tiii) and l' A.'l.. Hint -I; lo nli'l IH:.l'. l'.M. sleeping ( nr., accompany the 3 A.M.iuid V-M l'.M. trains, wiihoia COIlllge. Leave Ilnirlshurg ror lteinllng, Pottsvllle.Tnisi. ijua, M I nets, tile, .Ashland, Pine Grove.Allentttv n, anil I'lilladelplila at 7:IOA.,aud 2 mid li.."J imi , stopping ut Lebanon and principal Way Slnllim,. Iho !)2ii l'.M, train iii'iklng nocloto e ounce lions!.,, PoltsvllleorPhll idelphla. FeiV Potlsi llle, Scliiiji. kill llavi n. and Auburn, via Sfliuy Iklli ninl itih. ipicliamin ltallroad, leave Harrlshurg nt I n cat. Iteturnlng, leavu New Yorknt I) am., l2M.,iiiii 8:'Vli'.v.; I'liiluilelplili' nt S A.M. nml S.: i-.ji. ; I'oin. vllle ut S:K) a.si. and tsfi l'.M.; Ashlanil at ii nml lhl'i a si., and hoji'.M.; Tamanua ut t):Ti A.M.rna 1 ninl .s:0-i e.M. Leai o P.ittsvlllo for Harrislmig, via Schuj 11UI ami SiiMia haunii llalhoail, at 7 A.M. Heading AeeouiodnllouTrahi leaves I'.cadhtgui (1 a.m., leliiruir.g liom l'lilliulelihla at r. p.,i. Coiillilbl.l lt.llhoad Tlllins leave KeMillligat l.'.'l mid O'I". p.m. for Ephiala, Litis-, Columbia, Ac.,fi (In Sundays 1. uo New York ul e.M.; I'M'. delthl.i nt s a.m. anil ":l'i v.H., IIio8a.:i. tialu ru : niiigonlylo Heading; PottsvJIloat sa.m.; Tnim. tpiaat7: JO a.m.; llanisbuigatUilCiA.M.; mid lU'it'l. lug nt un) a.m. for llarrlsburg, nhd 1U-..2 a.m. tit Ne w Yolk, nnd !:'.'.". l'.M. for Pliilailel.hla. Commutation, Mileage, Season, Excursion, :.nt Seb.s.l Tickets at l educed rates to ulul fiouuli points. V.ivsi ere checked throunh. Elahlv nounots el baggiigo allowed I'acb passenger. G. A. NICUL1.S, Gcn.SupU n. adbig, P.l., April 'it, IMS, ' rHK ATL AKTIOJMONTJ J L Y. 'Jhe ATINTIO MONTHLY, by general ron pent, stantls al tlio head of American magir.iin., It iiumlterH uniong its i outrlbtilors the mit cin. nenl willcrsof tlieilny, both lu l'liisqnutl I'mti , nnd Itsimges liaioaluays rellccled wli il i '.i,: In Ami ilcan Literatim1, It has i.achetl a elnu latli.n never beloro galiii d by auv Amrr'x.iuiiiii;. a7lm of (bis class, and It has, by the lotiK pi uci of Its eMslent e mil the woilh oi its citnliiliuUift, beeonuj lliudy IKcil in pulilleesleeiu. The tollowlng i.io among tho luosl prouiltiif, regular i out rthulors: 11. W. LiiNi.t'KIiLOW. It. W. EMKlusON, WILLIAM CttLLEN I1IIYANT, J. T. TltOWllUIDOF. Donald- g. mitchkix, J.O.WHITTIEn, f.H.EWEL. O. W. HOLMES, 11AYAKD 't'AYI.OIl, HAltltlET It. STOWB. GAIl. HAMILTON. n,r.,.r. ... , 1:- WlUPPf.n. ymr slnHl0 subscriptions, ruur dolkin is- t'l.vn l'.Aiui. Timeoplcs forsoveiidofacs: m isipies ior ilxleeu eloilnn,; ten coulia ibr tlnnr dollars; nntl taili niltllllonnl eopy time tlt.ll.in, .or eveiy iluli of twenty Mibscrlbers iui eiu copy will be farnMied mails, or twenty-emo hi pies lorslxty iloll.us. I'nt.T in:. Tin. poslago on Iho ATLANTIC I) tuenlv-lour cents per ) inr, and must iu all ran lie paid at the olhee when, it Is received. M,,.siV;',?1:,',(,'"1'J1':rt of ATIfie (eiits " be uint ou rcecipml twciiiy-iiio The. ATLANTIC! MONTHLY and our YOl'N'I lOLKSwill bo iurnlshed toi;ctlieratllio(luli.us per j ear. 'M.-lnl inducements en oH'crctl lo tcnchcisi'inl postmasters Ii. pi.s uro Mib-erllteis to our p. iltll call. Agents waul, it ihniuglioiit the ciuinli). Address TICKNOIt A PI El w, PublMn rs 12l'lienionlStiee(, JJoMuii,M:i-. 0 Ull YOUNCi FOLJCS. "We it MiioflOiin-1 1. ..It ........ ., . . ' '. 1,1,1 ,,.,"t t tie I til en. iti- noie Ii. hi. 1 lie. hi.. un. 1 p.ipiilnr P. pmv Matcbu- I IPI line. uli .lit nt K..I i.... ii 1 ... :. i . . .M. ssrs. I ii knoua l'n:i.i..s, liostnn, jis,,: Gi:.Sll.l.,I.!S' IHmIi ..... t 1 t.t ...... ....-... niiiu-. .ti -i.ur jentlig r.iii.s. i rom (lie l.-sucoi the llit number 1 liaie ualili (it yltb iiuieh Millcltudf ltn tone and ehioailfr eii Knowing mo Iiiiioenso lutluence. for gisl tfll I'.ll 1. .I'i.i.I.. .... .11...,. ... ...r. 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Ti nt' . . t eopy gmiis to tho person piuect- Speilul Iii'ducemeutsotrcrcil to teachers towi as iif.i l. viiu .t,ii ........ ...... , ... ... .... ..... . . .. .....','., ei..-.iuir bi'iu Hi I" sons who wish to riocuio nibscrlb.rs, lor teu icnls. TICKNOIt a FIELDS, Publishers, lioslou, -Mm JEW YOJUC TLMES. THK 11 A ITA'Tfr-u ...... , tel,u,l,,llaiV. """"''J' ui, 'I'lllt UI.'M I H'l.M'cr IF n... U!M vi.iL "i'-i.'':'1'1' mi')"'cr iTm titllest Washliu.." Ne is. l.iirownn .News, wlthginphle letleuf ' 'th, VY,'.,,?A'V;''.,VM',I!,',.Jl',.i-'',,,,' 'in'l P. St'ivas nl , , i . . I.1'.' 'll1' h ' lhig idinstd. Is made a H' L1,1, n!,",i'"tu'"IU11'' I" iiildltlon to l.li s 'i i i i-i m'sJ",..';1!!"1 "l'hs ot tbeilitj.ilii i is,....,, .i ...... . . ',-'"" "as ii pngo oi carcniii," prei: u d commerelal mailer, gl Inn tlio Intel H rl It 't't'rni'Syi Mllt,kvl l'orts; V.,s ot A; rieullurnl and Domestlo lntciet. comiiilcd from lo'tlm "in W ,U"'." 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( i.ieNiiini il, mips OI Till M" I UXCi ElllCII it HM i.TI r,' . . W IIoLI.ALE(,IM(';ns, ho. ii.Si'itiri'iihd street, X'lUlailcipliiu. 1