TEffi 'COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1SGG. 0 LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. My rnfurnnm In r.tir n1 vfirHlnn' ml. toning, It will bo scon tlmtit rnro oppnr- - ci rj - tuiitly is offered to purchase real estate estate, , Coi.ONr.fi Daniel II. Neimav. rail, !i (i 'nr - t - - - i ! ?i-M6r of tllO linntoWticilftncl, has been np- f. Mftonlnted Assessor nf flni Wnvniiili llln. f AUflct. m RWii.liam L. Maddook and Co., dealers in lino groceries. No. llfi .South i?flllrtlHlrp.-fc ntniiwltn Mm fllmril Hinkl , 1 1 tliolnl H.uilv) z "tFiraT Snow, On Thursday n,ornlnB ;; '.' Uio Rroiind was covered with snow, .! Itnltlrf flin first vn lmvo bnd t,1il) Konarin. "Tfliitl Fall season lins been reniarkablo for ' tlio lnlldnessof tlioweathor. tWnoxo. Wo observe tho erroneous )Yteni, which states that a " Mrs. Lewis fminlttcdsuicl llo," Is going Js wrong. Ti llttcdsuicldoby hnnglnf; near Dan, tho rounds of tho press, Tho sail niralr occurred In ;nRhlp, .Juniata County. llnyno Tow Montour American f- I rnr. Ilazletou Seiiflnel savs tho- Wnn' .. ... . . 1 wallopcn jiowder mill blow up on Thursday niglfftho first' Instant. Tho Jticcident was caused bv llin vvnHctiich iiilllug to keep the composition wet .' luring tho nrocess of crushlnir. No ono ?nfa3 hurt. Wccon?. wi: navo oecn snown iv new style of . . . . . . l. llkoncHS by Jfr. Ileadley which Is quito unique. If is taken in tho dial of a watch, nnd is very beautifully executed, Mr; Ileadley is n, superior nrllst, nud . . nianiicr oi pcnorining worK gives .' ' jl,,.,l r.,,.u.... '-L.iiiiA. J. GrtniTsoN', Esq., editor of tlio jMontroso Democrat, has received tho ;- '?appolntment of Kovcnuo Assessor for ttho Twelfth District, In place of W. II. Jessup, removed. It is a good appoint ment, and wo congratulalo "Jlr. Uerrit jbdn on this streak of good luck. IN EXT Thursday has been set apart as in'day of thankigiving and praiso by ttho President and many of the Cover- JlOW Of blatCS. A O SUppOSO it Will bo Bonenuiy onscrucu, especially ine por- tion mouay iiiat is set apart wr leasiinjr. vuur ruiuriiiiig irom cnurcil ll tamo wlthnturkcyonitisnotbadtositdown "io. Our turkey has not yet arrived, but thcro is yet time between now twonty-ninth. and tlio y.lNOENious House Tiiinr. At Wy vomlng, a week or two ago, a gentleman , Hmtuotir o-uiiv, buijij iu frmm Air..,,,...,,, TVT,., --...l- i food his liorso. Something Odd about thonnimal attracted nttention front ono of tho keen Trov hoi-semen, nnd hn li- J 4J ....... ... ...I covercu tnattno norso nail been painted. rito nnimal had been stolen some weeks lleforo. and traced to Wllkesbarro. ,ivhero tho owners renoi vil iiifi.rmnl I.,., .r. ....... w . , his whereabouts (atSliickshinny) on -paying fifty dollars. Tho horso had boon painted so as to dlsguho him. Do nny of our olhcers of tho law kuow about tho traiwaction "J.ecord. "Many persons who use keroseno or oil lamps, aro in tho habit, when going to bed or leaving a room for a time, of turning tlio wick down low, in order to . wavo a tnllo in tlio consumption of oil Tho conscqncnco is that tho air of the , room soon becomes vitiated by tho mi consumed oil vapors, by tho gas pro duccd by combustion, and also tho mi ... . . 'Jiuto nartieles of smoko nud Mint which i'ro thrown oil'. Air thus noisnnnd t J deadlv in its nlfecls. ami Iho wnndm- U tltat more persons aro not Immediately ;,i.i .in. .! e ,i... i, .seized with lullamniation of tho throat Jind luiiL's. headache, dizziness, nud "itnllv ininrnd i,v hi-r.oHiii.o- it tvi-ito. tlon ani nausea uro.amQii IU effects. 'Blow ur, On Wednesday lostabout nOOll, tllO town Was Startled by a loud 'report, "which was caused by tho blow- Ingr up "f ft boiler at Mr. William Bid- die's Foundry, fronting tho canal, Tiio boilor of the establishment was lifted from its bed to tho height of tlio second etbry, and then fell nearly on tho place ftom whence it started. Tho concussion throw down tho boiler and the englno house, a building somo forty feet square, Tito boiler burnt out at tho bottotn through weakness of tho iron. Wo ox- flmiued the rupture and found the metal not over ono-eighth of an Inch in thick- ness. Tiio only surprising thing is that it had not longslnco " burst up." Luck- Ily-.tho hands wero mostly at dinner nnacscaped tho danger. Ono of tlio WorKmen, A. Ilollncr, who wasslauUIng near oy at, tllO lllllO 01 tllO accident, re- celved'asliglitconcusionfrom apiecoof nllllnf.tllllhl.l-. 'I'hn lilllldlno. wnu o ,m. ' ,rr u,u urn,-, xiiu 4u.- wo iiavu ioi jituiu tauiuuiuu. JJUiiviuv umaityai- cer. .lIMrOHTANCl! OF ADVEHTISINO, TllO .rollowing from tho Pittsburg Gazette, a HetAli nr n 1111-411104 linns,, in tlint-. rolw I la alalr. Illustration of wiiat all 1. -.......... x,-.. . who tlin Hiihloot lnvn , . " , . . .7 . - . " tuuiiu in wu u iiiuiii itiiii iiiiiuuiHii UU5I- J10S3 iruui: mauriOI inierviCWWltll one 01 our most liberal patrons a fuwpiw. daysBlnco, we inquired his exporiouco Mho policy of advertising. Wo re cord his answer as noteworthy, and com mend it to tho consideration of others. Ko'B.Ud tho same kind of business in wlllch ho Is engaged had been carried on at tho same stand for ten years by one, and nearly ten years another prodeets- Borl' That theso men gavo diligent at- tontlon to. their business, and wero sober nnrl frno-al. hut. sriont.iiritliln fnr iiilvnr. . ' - o- . "i n Using. Tlioy wero just baroly able to mako out a living. That ho bought out a concern ton years ago, and begaudebtor for the wholo establishment. Ho felt poor, and only exponded fifty dollars por . annum In each of tho business papers the first year : but subsequently ho increased Ilia oxnonses to sovcral thousand dollars annually lor auveiiisiiig, ami 1110 result , . . , ; iius uuniuiisinms.1 11a inai vi'iiuusiiiiiii v, ni l,nlj tn ,la, ,i.i.(li mm 1,,,,, -li-i.il i,i,l .as no Is to-day worth ono muuircd and " .eoventy-llvo tllousaud dollars, and his Rnnuai prolUS Oro COnsltUltiy lUCrea3s I T Tltn licnltbltcuH III tllO Inst I.SSUO lias two imriitrrnnh.. slntimr thill tho Nation- CT t - ' I ill Unloll Cillb of Wlishimrtoil liflH bo came lMtikrupt mid Its furniture sold - . . i - "y o Mieriir. Tiio best answer to these misrepresentations Is Uio following card from tlio bankers of tho Club WAiiiN.,"rof, Monday, November 17, I860. To tiv.JMifoK V the Chronicle'. T'io paragraph quoted In your paper in 11 mor 11 mr iro in mo ..now vnrk iw. Ahic, to tho effect that tlio liesldont National Union Exccutlvo Committee wu1 "IdeMCd to OUr blink III tllO Hllhl of tlllrly thousiuul dollars la untrtto in ovory respect, nicro is eons t omb o uainuro 1 1 In. rt.Ti.llf T t... rU...i.iU I ,,,o booWof our inslitutl: InlSii,,,,,.,.,,,,,' . II Is cvillilllt. Hint tlio 'ri'il.ltlin hna been Imposed ui.on byson.o designing lIHUVHUllll. llv irlvintr tliU nn iimorllnn In din Allele on wlU eonfe? n favor on your.9 truly. iiiTTr.Nitousn, i'Owr,r.u & co It Is a well-known fact that a yomiff gentleman ran away with a tnlontotl, ''Ulftil, acco.m.llshed young lady 1 of tliH pliu-e. It nppeaiv, from adniis- sions nuuio iiy tlio young may, that tho young man dressed in such good tasto T. . . . ... . I that rho could not resist him. 5ut It i. .. ....... . scenis that tho young lady's father, who la "f a quito practical turn of mind, unw tho mailer In a dilferent liirht. Tin; old Urcnllcman has since purchased a biiit of clothes at the oftnbll.-Oimcnt patronized by tho yoling man, and became con vinced, from actual experience, tlfat no lady could will s .vnd tho allracllon of . ... ' .1 such elegant clothes. Cone.pienlly ho sent for the erring pair, bestowed upon them his pardon and blessing, it is porhnps superlluotts to add that tho .. . . . I doming m quo.11011 was purcnascd at il, ,.ji..l. ltd. ..i,.n I r,r r w i 'l. ..,,.!.,. ..is.. I VJ -v-"" "'. " '"-"''""1 ill the llartmau lluildiug. ' Om COMMKUClAl, Cor.r.KOE. Thero . . . is In tins city an enterprise, which, though llourishing, is not as familiar in all its parts lo the young men of this and other counlicsas it should be. Wo ro- fer to tho t'oininercial College of (lard- ncr and Wheeler. U is a mistaken idea that some voiinc men have, that thev ut attend one of tho larger colleges located in someof on r larger cl lies Too' nmnv of mil- vimni. frlniuU by tho hlL.!c of aiscipliuo insucli institu hiw nm,,ii,N,r. tiir,i,,.i,i ii M'finl nllonilnnpn nt Criiin,i,.iv.!nl fVI1ow In tho Ka3terii Cllios. Hero In Scranton we are removed from tlio degrading In fluence.- which surround young men in places like New York, Philadelphia LSoston, and Pittsburg, whiloatlhosanio lime wo have a College surpassed by none. It is provided with alt tlio ad- , ,... ... ......... vauingesoi otiiuriiiKioiuei insiiuuioiis, aiuuuo siuuenis win now do cnaoicu io 't''' " practical as well as a theoretical 1iKtf M'linf Mi ot ii ! lfioftil'tfi" I ' 12 L . .. . , ; . " ' . V?.! "u numum-si, -'0,,u,,ccoa,,al,tltro,li,u ll so v.'ell do serves.-,S'tTltfoit Jhylstcr, Indian Summee. Wo Iiavo been having for an unusually long period the glorlcdof the true Indian Bummer that bright and beautiful lime, ami too gene rally oriel as bountiful, concerning which thcro lias always been so much dispute. Homo aro firm in their belief that it comes in November, nay, thero aro thoowho put oil its advent till tho latter part of that month. Hut there Is no real room for doubt or question. It is when bky and latul-scapo are flooded with this peculiar tempered warmth and light when tlio horizon and the distant mountains wear that thin and delicate veil of purple haze, a half" smo ky" "oho of woven light and color-and 1,10 alr m'0:ltIlC:j Unv from tlio voutli or M)iithwet lust freshlv cnout'h to stir tho tliwct Just freshly enough to stir tlio remaining leaves, ami set tiiem wiiL-por- ing among tiio chestnuts and oaks and lurcnes on uio mountain side and a stillness, as of a pictured dream, reigns In the half Jeatlcss wood, whero "Tho rich moist uncll of the rotllns leaves' is mingled with a hundred odors wild and bWtot. Now is been and felt tho re turn ol Iho departed hummer. Hhe comes in tlio bland anil golden interval that slides silently in between the dark and dismal " northeasters." of October, and her presenco ismado all tho dearer to appreciative hearts by tho very in tensity of tlio contrast it allords, ant) lliu knowlcdgo that it is all o brief. Thcro is a warm mist in the vales and on tlio waters; and along tlio hillsides whero tho scanty remaining robes of the maple, the dogwood, tho elm, and tho beech still glow with brilliant and varied colors, homo rainbow has surely fallen. MAnKIBB. III Lowlsburg, November ll, by Itov. r.l). Marr, Ilr- 1'-t;- u umisox, of uas place, iojaxecami:- m, " "imviuu, ui uiu "T"ti.i.ie,, on October -.'I, by r.ov. WUliamJ. Eyer, IrtA i;rnuuMi;i.loEi.izAiii;ini3oji)jrAK,bolhof Can I tmlla. On Novcmlier is. nt tho Exchanto Hotel In this place, by llnv. It. J.'. Wilson. Itoi.ANncs HiaiiiiM: to i.ccv A. Firnxn.M in, nit of uusi 'ruwnship, DIED, -"uncy, .lovcmner w, tit's isxaii, w:io oi 1WVM Ellcnbeiwr.uaedCJ years,.? months, and 1 Mdays Inljcust, November lj.nminfCA, wife of James In Orangovllle, on November 11), fif consump tlon, Dr. Dam i.I, Mu.Mta11if.nv, naed about 53 years. Murl'it Ilcpiu-t. Wheat per bushel ? I llyo " 1 -Ji Corn " 7.1 f .,, i. ' i'illtu;'"1 " " "ZZ"ZZi:ZZ"ZZ ttj i'otatoc's"'!;;i."':;!;.V.V."!!.'.'.'.'.'."!;i 1 .. All "V.u -IU-- 3 UI 1 i 111 1. .... IS Hams 1!3 Hides irtul Hbiaildeis 11 I .It'll per poilllil 11) Hay per ton 13 10 7tJ IJADVIIiMO THKOLOGlCAIi Xli. s SCIIOOIlWI'Iio l-'flll lerio liMUnli Sent,, 111. ir,i. 'Inn 1'uciilty of Instnvilon consists of tour lesident and lour 11 in-ris.di nt luolessors, and a ir,0,,ciirisViim'JMtn!s.:5t;. A TUS-JS??,, S v ,'1!1'? ''!r.'.llu:K '1".1','t',''w!vl iicoih-niato ,.,li,f. it i,ii ilnn 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 1 ..... I .,.,.1 .1. (.. . I. ,11 ...... ........ p Brumwi iiriiui mnw. mm nu au'iui, sum In special ea ies. Tho tuition, iiso of I,lb: unn leM-uoouii. are tree 10 nil. 'i 10 He uniI f'Uiulel bj I lie I ml irl 111 and I 'hrl. ilnn ilenoiul- I M ii;,m. but is onen toati who i-ii, ,. in tbedt. ,r !vVrlJi Ii ,Vu.VJ tr,'"ilu,,,ty 'lllL' '"""O'"0''-'''" Appiicattoumay bo maiio to uoy.A.A. Liver- i iitnn', it nttii'ji i nw jtoani 01 jinn in i inn, Hrnml .Iiiror for December Turin, lfinO ''V.'0'1?.!''!" I'o'mcimfli, Robert Roan, William llLMIIinillllll. . ltenyor IV tor Shell Iinmrr, Ocorga 1, Drlcsbaeli, ijiiiviiinin - iwiin w.iinti. m - iuiiii Aiiruiimu Ai uiiin'i Mi'iiiim ,iirnimiti ,. it.11111. FH,hig creck-wiiiiam iingi-i Wllllnm Hiigcnbuch, Joseph Colo- Mail. Gi nwood Andrew .1. Albcrtfon. Hemlock Jolm M. llnrtott. Hunlt A. llartniull, win lam Aiiiiirtii.in. Levi vi- n it. Jackson John r, Dcrr. iirnst i.coiuiu Adams, ucorgo miup, Jolm Heme r. Madison, Stephen Welllvcr, Main Anrtm llnriilntrt.r. .losorih Golircr. Hugurlouf James Hess, . Traverse .Turni-i. Bloom Thomas Knnrr, Abraham Fry, Lowln Ainu. Isaac. Ilnrtlnnn. William lbihh. Beaver Samuel Flhor, Jacob Keller. Itcutnn Emanuel lmbac h. Unl - ttnirti nf Itcrwlclr IhiiIiiIi n,ie,r. T.nvl Itrsul. Centre Isaac Krliwlnn. Allen Nhi-llhamcr. ffiffMTIft,Kl.IJl1vncn,,al, (IIWMWIHKl IlllVlll llieiljIfDIS, l,'"'"! (-'inirluu 1 ui nbl,. "flXSti A' Hml1"' Julm m'", Co,,ra'1 Jlniitimr Wllllnlit ltolllii"ilirnl,.rolin O. Quick, Ih'VI Weaver. Ml. l'lensimt Adam Welllvcr, Itutijaiulii Klstlcr, n.iiiiiiri .iiiiiisiiii. HffinSiVIM Jlnln-Wllllniudlttllim. lJ';ll;irIi?ro.1,,lvtonlJUc1," rs,laa Ilutluo' fe'V,. Kuc ... 7.1st nf CntiRcs fir Tilnl. 1. Charles Nun t.. Knmli Ntisa. I IIXIUU iVllilU IM. .IHIIU limit', winiam i-. ijml'ot.iiioiiiiwCrovciiiiB,rt.oi. I, Ahum W. Oiuiner i. t'lirltlan Wliiuuaii. 6. Jiu'oti Harris v. I'etcr Jnrolij. (I. AmliewJ. Htiyilcr t. Jnlm Hhoaller. 7. .IlicnliMliuliiau , t. i;iuluali Wiiir. h, Jm-tiliMhuinall tw. .llii'oli llurtzel. IL A. S. Haul in. lli'lilnmln Wllllerlreu. 10. Kiliiui'l llr-niv t. Jaeuli Hurler. Wllllnm jviMuion.iuiii f.iiiieoti iKisiur, lalu traulug in m,1 iiriu u ai it! ai jiusier .v i.u. It. Alum V. L'n ainri' i. I'atliatliif Unwell, al- inlnwiralrK nt r.uiH'li llnueUOmiisisi, 12. Am W. Cieainer rs. t'ailiailue llmwll, inV llllllvilIIIIA.IIJillIMllll,l-ll IIUL'CIISI'II. 13. Kawar.i iieiiuei vj. iiioi.ount muuuuuu (mi h.. j.i"n.V.'Xn','r iu,c of M. cinmbcrim ,,, il0,;, in,;eVi!i!iJ:.i.i.n Jn.newn. m. J.u'.)i) ueiniey ij. catawii lt-iiuoail Com l". wVi'lilimA. i-asei?. tho Township of contro. IS. .lllxOltll Kll I.-. I llLll'lt'llll. I. ,1)1 ji,; h,T,Viy i'.Xu'nm, 'inls iimVmiiuiiri orwic Ic. ltyou. - v. . I. '. AiiMi nil. ,'.(.. n. Wllli.ua 1 i ,li J.mes ,s. .Miles U. AWiolt. it. ,tl. hi:, un winM Toniisiiiitt. annuel liognri. . ueinj lnisvurunu m no is. cu.inea tcim.s3l, ntui Wile. "' Wil.;IH lliuliev. lVler Mlller. Lii. D.ivnl I.I11KI1 vi. .Mm lit rieasautTnwiisli In. hw. .luimo. niuiine.cr.tK., u. l'arviu .MasierH. & ilVJlV 'itoit,1! HX,a, r;: ft"; jfniy M.jVrea.tr. H.1. - Miiiniii.in Neyhani ii. tiio'immtiiini of Centre, C. Isiiaij .M. lii'inolt t. I "imp liewllt. 11. Siilotiion siituiiau Wllll.uu l.uin;enberger. II. .Inlm W. Lcse'ier i. 1'elerW. 1Usi,m. ,Jj. Henry r. Ilelly now lor Iho use of Thomas I level inr. Jr.. rs. Jesu r iininiflon. :'.(). H. 11. l'ui-hel s lue ix. It. U. lint's iiilurrs. 57. ll.uliara sunup, hy her next lileml, r'rnncu TOUVIN'S KIU CihOVli CLKAN O Kit. IMabllshed 12 J-ears. Tho only unod arllele lor Instantly ele.inlu Kid (tlovei.. 'lliey e.tn le elealled uhlleunou iho hainl. anil woiu lmiiiedl.itelj , It Is Inodorous. Ono Ii, it I lo will ete.m pairs. rileo:ti cents. Itetalled Iiy most DniitslMs mid F.iney Mtores. WhoIeMilo hy l)e mas itiirncs Co., 1-. C. WelU .V Co., and others. -Nt-w lorlc. . nov21-t)in JpilOTOOJlAPJIIO. i X II, 1 . A.'illlU.NV .V: CO., jrimuraetuivrs of PhotoKraplite Malell.ils, ii-iioi.i-.sAi.i: ash r.rcr.ui., al llItOADWAY, N. Y. IniuMltlon to our main business of VIIOTO. rillAI-lllc MATEIilAl.SwetuuIleaduuarleisfor """"s,o" ' ,,,,,,'1.' ,, , .,, ' , ' .' Hi r.r.Eoscorr ,t bteiieoscoi'ic views, ( Irnniw St til ii.it'v. tl i. wri it m nu " MTEltEOM'OPiO VIEWS 01-' THE Y"AlIt rrom nriratives made In tlio various cimiiatirns. and tormina a complete photographic hbtuiy ol i lie mim cumcM. STEUEOSCOPIO VIEWS ON OI.AS, Adapted for ellher tho .Maale Lantern or Iho Ntou-os.t-opo. our C-itatiHiuo w'Jll bo sent lonny aootessoii lei-eipi ,ii siainp. PI rOTOf UtAPIllO AT.T1U.MS, Wo limiiurirlKie ltion lartretv t hall anv other li iiiso. aiiotit 'Jm vai ii'lles irom iiUeenls to fc jiie.u Ii. 1 1, ir AI.lir.MS have Hn- reputation til helm; tunc- lior in tieauty and diiraoilily lo any oiners. Card Photojnuphs of (lencrals, Statesmen, Actora, eie.. ete. Our Cntntotme embraeeM over FIVE THOUS AND dlUWi'iil Miliieets, Including leproductlous il the most eeieinated Enuravlnus. r.tiutlus. .stntiies, ete. Catalomicseut on tceolpt ot sunup. Plan i, yrapiieis and olliei soi tiering puxlsc.o.li., will please lemit 2 percent, of the amount with their order. 1 lie i, rices and nualltv of our noods rannut l.lli io hati-iy, novii-iy pUIJLIC SAIiH OF In tiursnniu'O of nil ordT of tlio Chiilinns Court of roliimbU t'oiuily, )Viuwyltiil.it mi Natimlny, i nt 'iin nuv ui iHoM'iiiin'r nei. in i" o t'ittcic in th" I'tifiiniii), John AsliliMmm, AiliniuMrntoi of WilllaiiL v. Itolu'iN. of .Ku'kson iownhin. in sahl ioitiil , dfct'iisi'il, will i puo to sale, hy jhiIiMm wiiiHu', on Hit' iinMiiNt-s, u irrtain plt-ci', put'frl, or tract of linnl, sltuuln ia Jackson 'lown- i in . in tJiu (uiiulv i.iorcs .nn. nn auiiiiii 11 in- ii'Vcn iM-rt's iipin lc-s. mlioinlnn lands of .iiii- uel ItolM-rt.H on tltt'Stnitli unl west, hwulv, of Silas .M'llrliry on thn north, lam Is of liatiltllii Xaulu on tho ta.st, on 'which aio rnvlrd u twoiry (ritnu'MWL'iiniK'hoiiso.u 'null lo hani,;ina otiior mi I lull iliiiL's. A I'oiwl srrint: of vatrriit lint iUmr oi iii.' itu'i'tlfnu. Tin- ahovi) proptTly Is mostly iiumti.) in tho 'iowiiHtiiii oi .iiifiison uiut county UliOOISKUKfJ, Octobov l'l, lMrtl, co:;i)iTro.NM of ralt:. TVn rtr cpur. of ono fonttli ot tho tmrclino pro y? in uio eoiuii itiaiion aosoiuie; alio uio remai oio liuee tourtlts in one y,ar Iberealter, Willi Into list Horn tlio eonrlriiiatlou nt. si. Purcliasur to pay t'H deeil aiul e,tiaiiis. m-imh .mm, .-s .vr.ii 1,1- ,1.., ,ino r. rtm-'.UTKK'fi SAT.RsJ ltV VIII'IMM-'. V J ot sundiy ults of vviuitllnnl 'rrtninitx. to me illie-led,Nmed out ol llteCollltot IVmiiinu Pleas ui lle County of Columbia, will lie , xpo,-l lo pubtif sale, at tlii ('out! Houto, In JUoomsliinir, on Mondiiv, ,M ilay ol lii-eeioher ner.t, at in', loci; ill the iiiteiuo.ui of said d.iy,;ttie lollowln.'rre.il ( ' - late, to wit : All ih.it ci i tali! niece or tract oi la. id situ ite In su'jarloai'ToivnliIp, Columbia Countv, i-oiii iliinweiity-sl. acri s more or loss, houud- i,t on i 'ie siiiuu in i.i.ius ,11 losiuia iiess; on ine st hv land ot n.iMd ivoeiier: on the north Iiy lands of Jeremiah I lc-s: and on tliecast bv lands of James ltobcits, wheieon Is ereeteil an old lo,: barn w-itli the apptirtciiuii, es, r'eiet . taken m oxis uuon.-auu 10 no soui as i ic Pinpcrtv of JANE H1CK1.E, Administratrix ot James tjieiwic. ALSO A eeiLiin tract of taint situate In Catawlssa Towuslilo. tl.iluinla Con lit v. coulallilii,' t went v- fouruere, momur loss, bounded on the east Ity lauds of Jacob lirumtieller, on thohouili by lands of Stilomon r.itfelcy, and on tbenoethnnd it o, lannsoi uioefiii Ariioi, wnereoii uro ereeteu a li lioiiso uiiil it IraiiiosUiblu with the appuileii- anees. Kcl.td, tiileen In execution, nud to bo Bold as tho property oi iu;.jA.ur. j. 1 ut.K. A lot of irround and water lirlvlleue. hltuate In Oreeliwoo.l Townsioii. Columbia Countv. con. talulntt -iuhty-eli:lu roils, mora or less hounded on Iho north by muds of Moore, and on the n i'.i, Miu i ii, alio e i-it oy lanus oi isamuei Aiucit son. all eleai'ed laud, with tbu anmirtenaiicos. rsei..eii, ititen ui evecioioo.anil li no soai as inn iiropcity oi ii.iu.-s Ai.iii, Willi nolluo toKJ-iir RAMI'Ef. PNYDEIt, Khcrllf. L VDIlii' ANI) GHNTLEJIKN'S IttiiTAUltANT. 11. II. STOHNEU has lilted up n 1' JIII51-I.1.AW1 t;.Vl t.-lU MALUUi, whom ladlosnnd geiitk-inen enn bo supplied with Iho dclicnclcM of tho season. A suppl of I'llESU OYtSTEES alwnya on hand. PltESII UllEAD, CAKES, AND PIES, 1'ltENCII AND DO.MISTHJ CONI-'IXTIONS In ovtry !tylo imd variety, NUTS, 1'ItUITH, and ovcrythhia usually found In a PIErT-CI,.H.- CONI'V.O WO Ni l HY STOItE. C. ' ItOUlHNa A; CO., 1H0N MEPX'IIAN'if, Northeast corner of Reconil nml Vino Blreels, Philadelphia. Q.IHA1U) 110USK, Corner of Ninth nml Chestnut Btrcets, 1'lillmlelphl.i. 11, Y, KANA0A, 1'rorijKtur jq-KW STOCK OF CLOTIIINO. l-'rcsli arrival of HWtINO AND BUMMHIt 0001)3. DAVID llWKNllHUO Invllci tittenllon lo hi utoek of ClIHAl' AND I-'ASHIONAIIM: CIX)T1IIN0. nt his Mora on Mala Slreut,two'tlooranbovo tho Aniorl'cAn'lIouso, nioomsburg, l'a., whdro ho hai Jttot received from Now Vorkrunl l'lillndclplila n full nnortmcnt of Sll'.N AND HOYS' CLOT1I1NO, InehidltiR tho most fashionable, durable, tmd hnudsumo D1U--S3 000D3, conslstlnj nf 110X, HACK, rilOCK, OUlf, AND OlL-CIOTil COATH AND PANTO, of nil sorts.slMs, nud colors, llo luw nlo roplon- Islied his ulready largo nlocli or l-'AUi AND W1NTEH HlfAWIf , BTllU'i:!), KIOUllED, AND TLAIN VESTH, S1IIUTS, CUAVATH.OTOCKS, COUJVILS, HANDKintuiiiiu's, ar,ovr.'t, HUSrENDlIIW, AND FANCY AnTICUJJ, He hni eoimtniilly mi hand a Inrtjo nnd wull-stv lected nisortmcut of CUmia AND VEaTINOS, wlilrti ho Is prepared to mnlto to order Into any Kind nt rlothluR, on very shorHiollco. and in tlu, lest nmnner. All his clothing U luado towoar, and most of It l.s of, homo mnmifecturc. OOI.l) WATClIIvS AND JUWKI.TIY, of every ilescrlptlon. flno ond cheap. Ills eno of Jewelry Is not s;irrised In this place. Cull and cxtunmo Ills general assortment of clotiiino, WATcniis, jnwi:r,MY, Ac DAVID LOW-ENHUlta. jj" IhLEU'.S ST011B. ritKSIt AlUHVAL OF BPniNO AND BUM M EH ClOODSi Tho subscriber hasjust rotnrned from tho clUes with another lame and select nssortineut of. HPIHNO AND HUMMKll OOODIs, purcluwed In New York and Pliltadclplilunt tho lowest IlKtire, ami which ho Is determined to bell tut n.s mndcruto terms ns can bo procured else whero In llloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DItliJSS GOODS of tho ohotccst styles nud latest f ishlons, together with a larao lassoitmcnt of Dry Ooods tinil Gro ceries, consisting of tho followinrjaitlcIOH: Carpets, Oil CIot1i3, Cloths, Casslmere, . (Jlinwls, Klannola, Bilks, Whlto Goods, I.lnenii, Hoop Sklrt'i, JIusllul, Hollowwaro Cedarvt-aro Qucenswaro, llardwai-e. Doofi'niid Shoos, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, ' Umbrellas, I..ioklns-OLisflCfl, Tobacco, Collbo, ' Busnri, Thin, 11 Id), Allspice, Ginger, ChmamoiH NutmcKs, AND NOTIONS UENEHALI.Y. In short, evcrythliiK usually kejit In countr- stores, to which holm-llcs tho titleiitlon of tho publlo ccuerally. ThohlBliest prlco will bo paid for couutiy produco III Oichange for goods. H. II. MlI.hEIt, Arcndo I'lilldlngs, llloomsburi;, Pa, TTI2NHY GIG Kit hiis opened a, flrst-dnsi HOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CAr STOIta at hlsold stand on Main Street, liloomshurc;. I"' slock Is com posed of 1 be cry latest and best styles ever oiVeri il to Iho elllens ot Columbia Coiiuly, Ho can aeeoiiltnod.lto tho public with Uio follow ing kinds and luiees: lell s e.ur Dools, line.. un ton 01 11 kill, llollllle solo...- I jst..n Invri' etllld's biHits 1 7o to 4 7j tcn's ylovu 1:1,1, Coimress, .tc 2 fto to o 7a " " Ualmoial shoes 1 IK) lo 3 GO Men's, wnmuV, boys', and ml.-Aes' Klovo kid lastunr jailers 1 7.", to .1 73 WoioeuV kIomi kids, ery line .1 Si toft T5 " lino i;oai. morocco naimoi-ui.s z 11 to 1 eu " men's inoioccoaud calf sbiKui 1 -.jtoL'.vi '- common shoes 1 ftl to '1 .U) Misses' and child's shoes 0 23 tot (iu Men's, women's, misses', bo.s', and child's slippers 0 23 lo 1 DO llo also keeps u (treat aiiety of HATS, CAPS, AND STUAW GOODS of ovciy kind, at tho lowest prices, bolh for cash Hid eouiury iiroiiuc", lteioemlier ihoatira,'tlon Is In our noods. Don be alarmed at Iho ci v nl lilab mices, but call and nee l'orjour.-elve.s. lCcspeai'ull.v, illj.SlVl V.lltl.i,. -J-lJ0JLSUUlia FANCY TKIJI- MINO ANI) liOOKSTOilU, second door below Ilnrtmnn's, Malu Street. Just iccelved n new stock ot KEI'lIYItfl, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS, ConsETS, UVCJX, EMIlKOIDEItlES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DUIMS TUIMMlNOfl and every vurlcty of articles usually kept In a l'ANCY STOUE. Also SCHOOL DOOICft, HYMN D00K3, IIH1LE3, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HOOKS, ' and n lari;o lot of MIScf:LLANEOUH liOOKH, ACCOUNT ANI) JIE.MOItANI)U.M 'llOOKK, llLA.N'Iv DEEDS, DONDS AND MOUTGAGES, nnd aguucral nml wull-tclecled assortment of PAPElt, ENVEIXIPli't, &( a", i). wunn. JtATIONAIj FOUNDHV, Uloomslsirg, Columbia Comity, Va. Tho sutiscrlher, propilotor of thn utsive-rnmed extcnslvo establishment, Is now piepnrtd ro colvo ordeiH for all kinds of MACHINERY KOU COLLIEUUM, I1LAST l-'UHNACES, HTATlONAltY lfGINI-'.s, MII.L8, TIIltESHING MACIUNliS, &o Ho H nlso prepared to mako Sloven of nil slr.es and patu.rns, Plow-Irons, nnd ovcrythlni; usually mauu m nrst-cias.s, I'ouimries, His cxlcmlvofuclllllc nnd prnctlcnl workmen wnirant liliu iu rcrelvliiK tho largest contracU on tho most reasouablo terms. Grain of all kinds will bo takcu lu cxchuuKO for Castings, This estnhllshment Is located near tho LacVr waniiu and lilooiusbiira ltallioid Depot, PEl'Ell llILLMYETt, TJIPIUU SIIUTTbK SEWING-MA I 1 I'lIIXI'JS a,o Kimerior lo nil olbelM for I AMII.Y AND MANt'l-'AlTOItING prilPOSI'S l ml -ilu all I be latest improvements; iiiespeeuy iciis.'i"vs"iuiiuiiiei aim isiy in hoik, llluslialed Cin ul rsirxi, Ah'iU' wauled. I,il t nil illmHmlalloi.xd, Noconsienmcnts inatle, Adillt i I MP1IIE H. l. (i niul-ly cis Uro.ilw.y l-VwYoru GUANU OPKNINO (MIAMI ol'JlNINtl Olt.VNll Ol'i'.NINO (IttAND OIT.NINO OIIAND OPENING PALI. AND l'AM, AND 1'AI.I, AND I'AI.I. AND l'AI.L AND WINTElt GOODS, WINTER 0001 W, WINTER GOODS, WINTI'.ll GOODS, WINTER GOOD.S, ennilstlnp; of comhtlni: of consisting of (siusistlni; of conslstlut; of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS AND AND AND AND AND CAtfl, 0A1-S, UA1M, CAPS, CAPS, llOOTil AND SHOES, 1IOOTH AND SHOES, HOOTS AND H1I0P.S, llOOl-S AND HIIOKS, noma and hhoes. READY-IADE CI)TIIINO, HEA D Y-.M A DE CI.OTI 1 1 NO, KEADY-JIADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKINO-OLAHSIIs, l.OOk'INO-OLAKHES, LOOKING-OLASSIX, I.Ol llvING-GIHSE.S, 1 ,00 IC ING-O LASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOI'lONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, I'AINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAIN1-S AND AND AND AND AND OIl.s, OILS, OILS, on;, HUH, (ip.ocr.iiiKs, GROCERIES, JIROCEltlES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARH QUEEXSWAR1-:, IIUEENSWARE, tll'Ell.N'SWARE, tiUEENSWAlli;, IIARDWAIIH, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, HAI3T, SALT, HALT, PISH, l-'ISII, PISH, I-'ITII, PISH, (DtAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND HEEDS, AND HEEDS, AND HEEDS, ANI) SEEDS, AND HEEDS, .to., McKELVY, ItclCEI.VY, McKELVY, MtKKI.VY, McKELVY, NEAT. NEAL NEAI, NEAI, NEAL CO.'H, (1VH, CO.'H, CO.'S. uo.'a Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Noithnest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Mahinud Market Blreets, Northwest corner of Mnln and Mntket Street", Noilhwi&t eornr of Mvilu itnil Market blreets, llLOOMsnUP.O, PA I1I.O0.MSIICRI!, PA. UliOOMHIIlllld, PA., 11I.OOMSI1URG, PA., llLOOMSllURO, PA. IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON ND AND AND AND NAILS, NAHX, NAllJs, NAIIt, AND NAIL', in lartio rpiaulllics and at retimed latis, utway ua liBnd jQUUO AND CHEMICAL BT011E, llloomsbttrff, lit. DRUds, ClIE-MtCATfl, PAINTS, rnni'tlMEHY AND TOILET AUTICI.IM. EVER A MOVER rcpoi-lfiilly Invito n ronttntmnco of pntrnnrco. Their Drum nml Medicines nro nil soluctcil wltli thn greatest omv, nvoldlni; ns much n posslblo tho iiitroilurlliin of delirious nostrums, nnd nre imrclutsed from the best Importing hoiiscn In tho country. PATENT MEDICINES of nil kinds, IncludliiR Aye.r's, .Inyno's, Hollo- way'n, Hostctlcr's, Wtsharts, Uoolland's, &c. constantly on hand. COAL OH. AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES IIRUSHEH PAINTS AND CHEMICAIi of every variety, nnd of tlio best nnnllty TANY TOILET ARTICLES. Tho publlo may rely nt nil times on procuring tho ntwvo nrtlcles, with all tho new useful prepare- lions kept lu tho best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S I'ltESCRllTIONS nnd I'nmlly Receipts comtxiundctl with tho grunt est nccuracy nnd dispatch. MIE ONLY PLACE to get tho best T011ACCO AND CI0AR3, AT WHOLESALE AND IlETAIt Is nt IIUNGSBEROEIPH, a few doors below tho American House, llloomsburi;, Pa. Ho lmi tho largest nud most scleot of B.MOKINO AND CHEWINO T011ACC0 ovcrofTercd lo tho citizens of llloouisburg. All tho fancy brands of BF.GARS, and tlw host Fine-cut nnd Plug CHEWING TOItACCO, can ho had nt hLs counters. ' T011ACC0 PIPEH lu grcnt variety arc nmoiiR his largo stoclt. DON'T I-'ORGET TO CALL. H. H. HUNSHEROEH. QT'OVES AND TIN WAKE. A. JI. RUPERT nnnonnros to his friends and customers that contluues thoabovu business at hlsold plftcoon IIAIN STREr,T,,llLOOMSUUllO. Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY ST0VI5 of nil kinds, Stovoplpos, Tlnwnro, nnd ci-cry va riety of article found In a Htovo nnd Tlnwnro Es Inbllsbmont In tho cities, nnd on tho most reason-' nlilo teriiLs. Rcpalrlni! dutio at the shortest notice. 15 DOZEN MILK-PANH on hand for sale. "PAGLE FOUNDKY. JOSEPH SlIARTLISS, Woomsljurg, Pa, BTOVES OF EVERY VARIETY, 1'I.OUGHSHARES, PLOUGHPOINTS, nnd nil kinds of CnMlnss, on hand or supplied on the shortest notlcu nud nt tho cheupest rates, Custtii,rs for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL BCIIUTES made to order. 17IIES1I AlUUVAL OP NEW X GOODS. The undersigned has Just nrrlvtd from the City with n largo nssortmcut of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, nnd Dye Htuirs, Ueady-MndoClothlng, Perfumery, Toy and Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Brushes, Trusses. and Supiifjrters, nnd n general assortment of e ery- thlug that belongs to n well-appointed Drug Store. lso Patent Medicines of all kinds, such as Jay lie's, Aycr'H, Wlshart's, Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup, llrown'K Troches, Swain's Pauneca, Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Uoolland's Bllters constantly on hand. Vlso MOROCCO LEATHER, 1CID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, FINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by tho dozen or naif-dozen. Also HHOE-FINDINOS, FISHING-TACKLE, &a. Having had a largo experience In the drug busi ness, I would respectfully Invlta those wlslilng anything In Unit lino to call nnd seo my stock be fore-purchasing elsewhere. '-In nicdlclliesquallty Is of tho llrst impuruthec." JUXl.S Jb. .llUll',11, pOKK'S HOTEL, UJ.Ulilll, IV. .-llAUIJClt, lToprictot Tho nlsno well-known hotel has leeently under gone radical changes lu Its Internal arrangements, nnd Its proprietor announces to bis former custom and tho travelling public that hisiiccomodaUons for thoeomfoit of his guests aie second to nono Ui the country. Ills table will always be found sup plied, not only with subslnntial ftiod, hut Willi nil the delieaclcsof tho season. Ills wlneM and II- piors (except that popul.tr lieverago known as ".lryiury"), purchased dhect Irom the Impottlng bouses, aro entirely pure, and free, from nil )miI- soiious dings. Ho islbaiikfulfornllbcrnl palron agu In tho past, and will continue to deserve It iu the future, GEORGE W. M AUGER. G KlOn TfKAVH FOll HVKUYIiniJV. Owing to the lata fall In gold, EFHP.AIM W. ELWELL lias rodnceil his prices to suit all buyers, cither nt wholesalo or retail. If you want SUGARS, COFFEIS, TEAS, SYRUPS, SFICIS. CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, WOODEN-WARE, FISH, BEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, tic, Ac, glvo man mil. EPHRAM W. ELWEIJ, J II. PU11SEL, IIAUMiSS, HADDI.i:, AND TltUMi MANUFACTURER, and dealer lu CARPET-BAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. nOWDElt KEGS AND LUM1JE1! W,M. MONROE A COt, Rutiert, llv,, Manufactiii-urs uf POWDER KEGS, nnd dealers In all kinds nf LUMBER, glvo notice tlmt they nropreiiutl to neenmodut their custoiu with dispatch, and on Ihu chcapiw terms. 17XC1IANGE HOTEL, ,VJ BLOO.MSBURti. COLUMBIA Tho unilerslgnetl having purchnsed this well know n nnl centrnlly-liK-alt il house, tho Exchange Until, situate nn .MAIN STREET, In lllisiiushuig, Immediately opisislle Ihe Coluiubla Couuly Couit House, respettlully Inlorins bis Irlends and Die publlo lu gcnctiil that his house Is now In order for Ihe ret eptioii and enliilallMiii nt of travellers who ma) In- ilKpoM-il to favor It ullh tbeirtus lom. lift has spared nn expense In pit arhig the Esi li-ingo lor Iho i nteitaliii'ient of bis quests, ueilber shall lln ie bo anything wauling (on lili. pail) lo minister to their pei-Miuul tojulrt. llii liouto Is spacious, and enjoys nu excellent busi ness locution. OinnlbiiM-cK run al all limes between tho Kx elnnge Hotel aii'J. tin-lar't, ,.ii)l. .til itt-HiM, by whieh ti.ivellei. will bo j le.inii) isinveyetl t -and front me n.pttliui st.iuons in dm- un t-, meet lilt cms. JtUlN f lAtl.oW rj.uo.'Q.a.tr(; Mntvll-. it A QUK HTAKC1I GLOSS Is tho only (irtlclo ucl by I'lltHT-CLASa HOTELS, LAUNDRIES, AND THOUSANDS OP PAMII.IliS, II rIvcs n hoautlfnt polish, maltlnit tlio lronpasa sinootlily over tlio cloth, Knvlnft iwccn timh nnit lalsir, Gofsls dono tip wltli It keep cJeAli tnucJI longer, coiiseuipjntly will not wear out so ku, IT MAKES OLD t.Wr.K LOOK LIKH NBW. OUR IMPEIlIAt, ht.Ul5 IS THE BEST IN THE WOULD, It Is rnhibln In hard iu woll as soft water. It W fut up in tho safest, neatest, nml most coilvonlont orni uf nny otreml to tho public. IT IS WARRANTED NOT TO BTRKAK THI) UITHES. ARcnld wnntml PVPrsTi-licrp.to whom wo offer extraordinary lnduceinenls. Addrosn NEW YORK STARCH 0L0S3 CO., BcpIS-Cm-nio 2181'ulton etrtet,Nciv Voik. jVJHW CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S PUUNISIIINO STORE. Tho unilcrstgiird respectfully announce to liM tunny friends that ho has opened h tloW Clolhlhrf nml aciiUemon's Furnishing Store, lu tho Iowa room of tho Hortmnn BuUdlng, DoutaWost corn of Main nnd Market HtreoU, Uloonuburg, I'm Ihtvlns Just roturnod from PhUadolpbla with A Lnrga Block of PALL AND WINTER CLOTHINO nnd GENTLEMEN'S FURNI8IIINQ GOODS, &0., Ac, ho flatters himself that ho can plensooll. lib! stock comprises MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTHINO, such n.1 DRESS COATS, BACIC COATrf. overcoats; BnillTS, PANTS, VESTS, UNDEIWHIRTS. DRAWER3j COLLARS NECK-TIES, IiaSIEllY, SUSPENDERS, HANDKERCHIEF!, UMBRI-riiLAS, da. nnd In fact ovarythlns In tho Clothing ot Fur nulling lino at very low prices. In addition to tho nbovo ho lias an elegant' as sortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEUES, AND VESTIK CLOTHINO MADE TO ORDER AT TUTS SHORTEST NOTICE. Cull (nd coo beforo purchasing clscwhcro, and SECURE OltF-VT BAROAINtl. octO-ly J, Y. CnEMJIERLAIN NOKTIIERN CENTKAL KAIL WAY. DIRECT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH, Through between Baltimore nnd Hocbestur WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. On nnd after August , trolus will leavo tA follows: NORTHWARD " BUFFALO EXPRESS leaves BalUmoro 10:10 dally i Philadelphia UP..M. j HarrlsburgaiiS A.M.. delivering passengers nt Northumberland :5S A.M., for train on Lackawanna nnd Bloomsburrf Ralhoad,caJngat7 A.M., arriving In Dimvillo 7:o A.M., Illoonisbun; A:M., Kingston 10:W A.M., Hcrnnton 1- niou. MAIL leaves BalUmoro 0:23 A.M., dally (except Sundays); Philadelphia 10:10 A.M.; Hnrrtsbnin 2:0.3 l,.M..delhering nasseneers al Nortbiimlicr- iiniu no, ioi- iiuiu on idicmiwannn ana Bloomsburg Railroad, leaving there nt 6:3) T.M.. arriving In Danville 11 P.M., llloomsburgCUS P.M., Klngstou 0 P.M., Hcrnnton 10:15; proceeding norUi and arriving iu Wllllamsport at 0::13 P.M FAST LINE leaves Baltimore dally (except Run days), 12:10 P.M.; l'hllailelphInl2.M.j Harrlsbura 1:10 P.-.M.; Northumberland G:t.'!P.M.; lcmalnovtir nlglil, and leavo the following moruUigut 7,urrtv lug lu Bernutou 1- M. SOUTIIWARD. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Northumberland 11:30 P..M ., dally (except Sn inlays), lecelving passengers leaving Heranton 1:10 P.M. ; Plttston S.a 1M. : Kingston ll P.M.; Illoomsbnrg f :rT P.M.; arriving In I'lilladelphla 7 A.JLj Harrlsburg 2:30 A.M.j Ballimore 7 A.M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Northumberland 10:29 A.M., dally (except Sundjys), lecelving passen gers lein tug Hcrnnton 5:50 A.M.; Plttston (1:20 A.M.; Kingston C:MA,M,; Bloomsburg S:7A.M, ; Dimvillo l):.3l A.M.; and arriving In Hnrrlsburir hMl'.M. ; Pblladsliihla 6:."i0 P.M. ; Baltimore (1 P.Jli By tills routo freight fiom Bullalo, Suspension, Bridge, Roebosler, mill Canniidagua, or any lnter medtato point on tin, New York Central can Is, shipped through, when In fall ear loads, to any point on the Laekaii anna nnd Bloomsburg Rail road, wllhotit breaking bulks. Rates of fi eight and passengera faro as low ns by any other routo. J.N. DUBARRY, . E. H.YOUNG, Gon'I Sup't, Harrlbburg.ra. Ocn'l Pass. Agent, . BalUmoro. ISAAC M. 8CHOEM ERI IOI IN. Gcn'l Western Freight Agent, lluu'nlo. QAKUIAGE NJSZg UFACTOKY, Bloomsburg, Ilu M. C. SLOAN & BUOTIIER, tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN & BON, continue Uio business of making CARRIAGES, I1UGGII?5. nnd every stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they hnvo constantly on hand to eult rurt tomcrs. Never using nny mntcrtal but the bet and employing Iho most e.xperloncetl workmen, they hopo toeoiitlnuo as heretofore to glioentho satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection of their wotk, artd of Iho reasonable price nskod for tho same, Is sure tu Insure a sale. JOHN E. FOX & CO., 8T0CK AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 11 South Tln.tl Btreot, nitl.stlelphla, BPECIF. AND BANK-NOTES, ALL KINDS OF STOCKS AND BONDS bought nnd sold on commission. Attention given to collections on all accessible point,.. CUST)UEIIANNA HOTEL, O CnUlwl.ssa,.Fu. Tho nlKivo Hotel has lately been purchased by 111. Mil j, ulaiik, and has been thoroughly r modelled, repaired, and rcfimilshisl. It will rx found now, lu Its arrangement nnd appointments, n llrst-ehu-H Hotel, nnd second to nono lu thn country. Persons In cltle wishing to spend tlui hot lnouths In the country, will do well lo giro ho proprietor a cull. QMNIIJUS LINI The undeitlgncd w ould rosiectfiiUy nnnotiiico to thoelllA'iis of llloonubnrg and tho publlo gono tally Hml ho Is running nu OMNIBUS LINE between this place nnd thodltreriut rnllrond tin pols dally (Sundays excepted), tocomicct with tho several trnlus going South and West on tho Cntn- wlssit and WUltiimsjiorf Railroad, and with those golns North nnd Knutlion Uio Lftcknwnnna and lllmiiushiirg Railroad, HlsOmnlbusssnro In goml condition, commo dious and eomlorlable, nud chargea rcnsonablo. Persons wishing lo intvt or seo their friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable chargn by leaving timely notice nt nny of tho hotels, JACOB I, OIRTON, Proprietor. rP0 ALL WHOM IT M'AY CON ,i. CER.V. Pleaso take nottcn that I, Im oatl armel, of Centrvllle, Coliunblu County, bailiig bought tho following llslVif iiropcity from Peter Holier, do declare thai It Is my liileiitlou lo lend tho sumo tu the said Honor, to wit: four bod,; one dozen ch.iirtt; one lot of dishes; one cup li.ird; ono biiliiiii; twenty jardt of carpet; oua cooking stove; ono parlor stove; ono two-horso wiigon; ono tno-lioisoc.trrliise; ono double set of harness; onu single bit of harnessf two tabhvi twopl,-s. IRA HOADAll.VEL, Tl'NtiEHlCll & SMITH, M il If, M l (.P.tii i Ik No, North Thtro hires;;, l"h.ig.tlvrh.i IN...