THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 18GG. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. .41 -Tin: meteoric shower, so ntixloinly 'looked for, frilled to innko Its npiicnr ..suice. "K AVlI.I.lAM li. MaHDOOI AND tV). dwilcrs In flno tfrworlc, No. ll."i South Third Htrcet (oiiDoslte thu (.Urn rd Haul; ) I'Mliulol-ililn. Tun Democrat and SturU still Krttin blinp; about thu Coli'miiian. As Mr. ."Toots says in tho piny, " It's of no con 'quenec." , It Is a well-known fuct Hint n yotmg qontlctiinu ran awny with iv talented, beautiful, mid accomplished young lady of this place. It appeavs, from admls Ions uinilo by tho young lady, that the 'young man dressed In such good tn.sto that sho eould not resist him. Hut It pectus that tho young lady's father, who is of a quite practical turn of mind, saw thtf nintter in u dlireront light. Tho old icotitleiimii luw since purchased a suit of clothes at tho establishment patronized by tho young man, nnd became eon "vlnced, from actual experience, that no lady-could withstand the attraction of such elegant clothes. Cousciiucntly he neat for the erring pair, bestowed upon thorn bis pardon and blessing. It is perhaps superfluous to add that the 'Clothing In question was purchased at tho'ostabllshtucnt of J. W. Chemberlln, 'lu tho llartman Itulldlng. FirrKiMoN'.sMAOAZisT.. Wo aro In .the receipt of this popular Iady's Maga lno for December. It Is iv splendid number. Tho title page alono is worth ituo prleo of tho number, l-or many years " Peterson's Magazino,'-' in con Ncqucnco of its merit and cheapness, has had n larger circulation than any other monthly In tho United States. In 18C7 it will be greatly improved : the reading matter will be largely increased, and cacli number will contain a double elzo stool fashion plate, elegantly colored, ivlth from four to six figures making Peterson" tho cheapest in tho world. Tho tonus will remain two dollars a year to single subscribers. To clubs it is cheaper still, viz: flvo copies for elght dollars, eight copies for twelve dollars, or fourteen copies for twenty dollars. To every person getting up u dub (at these rates) tho publisher will :oud an extra copy gratis. .Specimens Mat (If written for) to those wii-hitig to ,gat up clubs. Address, post-paid, Charles J. Peterson, Ouli Chestnut .Street, JPId'adolphia. NEWS ITEMS. Tim cornor-stono of the capitol build- big of tho Hlnto of Kansius was laid at 'J!opeka on Wwlnesday. Tjikeu million rubles worth of grain Jiavo been destroyed In Itus.iia by littlo Animals called marmots. Vicky have an establishment at Port land which dries lumber by machinery. It is of sufficient capacity to take cure of irty thousand feet per day. Jni'i'KKKOS Davis' parole, which gave Idta tho freedom of Fortress Monroe in itUe day time, has been extended to 1loy him the.sauio privileges at night. Ix Is stated iJjat the Union League, ef Philadelphia, are in debt over sev nty flv.e thousand dollers, for money used in tho late election to corrupt the voters of tho State. Sunday week, during the great storm in St. Louis, ahoy In the Park was blown over a fence and lauded on tho roof of a- nhauty, without sustaining serious Injury. A W'khtt.iis' editor lak-Jy married one of bis compositors, another eonipo.-ilor Acting as bridesmaid, tho olliciating clergyman being a retinvl printer, and tho local reporter giving i he bride away. Majou Koitr.itT IIhai.i:, formerly Horgeant-at-Arms of the United States Henatc, and sulneiiuejjtjy M'urdini of tho District of Columbia Jail, died in "Washington on Sunday. At Bridgeport, Connecticut, the Ro man Catholics arc erecting a cathedral to scat four thousand parsons, at a cost of ono hundred ami fifty thousand dollars. A lMtiHos'cit in the Memphis Jail re cently picked tho pocket of one of tho Jailors of his watch, and sent It by ano ther Jailor to a confectionery, and had It pawned for flvo dollars' worth of cake.-, with which to treat his fellow prisoners. jL'Dai'.Gii.iiiiUT decided on Saturday, in tho Supreme Court, Kings County. Now York, that tho fact or a citizen hav ing Borved in the rebel army during tho wnrdocs not deprive him of tho right to vote lu thnt State. Joii.n UitADi.r.Y. Esq., ono of the prominent citizens of Vermont, nnd for fho last twenty years connected witli tho rUroad enterprises of Xew-Kng' Jand ami inuny of thoso in tho Western States, died at Poultney on Sunday lust'n iioiiio ll'oiiry Dlcsback died on Monday morning at tho Commercial Hotel, Cincinnati, of Injuries received at tho hands of (Ivo highway robber-, who attacked him at about midnight, lieat him on tho head, and then rubbed )ilm of a few dollars. At Cold water, Michigan, on Saturday rilght, a Mrs. Leach and Cieorgo O. Brpwn woro shot dead wlillo walking toge-t'io'r In the street. Mrs. Leach's husband was tho murderer, and Jealousy la supposed to huo excited him to tho eriino. Gol'ou has refused eight hundred l invitations to lecture during tho pre-ent reason. Ills stwton lasts from October first to May lirst, and ho delivers live lec tures ovcry week, making about twen-ty-flvo thousand dollars during seven inonths. Ouvi'its'oiv AVaud has appointed lion. Frederick T. FroHugluiysen Cnit- ei States Senator, t'o till tho vacancy caus(H. by the. death of lion. William Wright. Mr. i'lvllngliuysoii has illlod ho oftlco of Attoniey-Ueneral of the tltHt (or tho last six years. Colonih, tfitAiT.vnn, of Kentucky, Is lu Washington presenting to tho Oov- emnient tho feasibility of his plan of removing tho rocks at Hell Unto by means of nltro-glyeerlne, which bo has already used with success ut tho Hoosuo Tunnel. Villiam Items, Ksq., one of tho oldest iiiul niot eminent members of the Washington bar, died at his resi dence In (Jeorgetowu on Friday of lust week. Mr. lletlln was born In Cam bridgeshire, England, in 171M, and set tled lu Georgetown In tho year 1S18. Tin: city authorities of Huston have accepted tho design of Mr. Hillings for a inonuiiientto be erected In that city to tho memory of the soldiers of the city who lost their lives In tho war. It will bo an obelisk one hundred and twenty feet high, built of Concord gran ite, surmounted by an appropriate lit; lire, andplacjil on Klagstalf Jllll. A woman named Bella Cal- well, of I'rle, I'oiimylvnnin, committed sulcldo by drowning herself and her young babe In the river at Detroit on Friday lat. She eloped from a board ing school with a young innn who took her to Detroit, seduced, and diverted her. MAItltlED. On tlio cliclitli instant, at llin Inkle's rptMpni'p, by lti'V. II. ('. Munro, II. J. M.mitii to Hannah S. Ill'.NUi.v, bntb nf Maillson Towiitlilp. In Oraniivllli', on tin- ttilnl tnitntit.liy tlv. W. C. llassiT, Unin:itr H. i i.max to IIu4i:ita (.'ci.e, li jtli of Mount ricasant. On llm plUlli liKtanl, nt llin brldc'i reslilrn :f, by ltov. S. ('. Hu'nllmr, Jiwri'ii Haktman tu I'.i. MIllA Dl.I.H, botli of CalawKi. on tlin sixth Instant, by Iti-v. John W. sti'Iu innt, IH.nihi. IIkiitow, of Maillson Township, to CltAliLurri: Movi:u, of CatawNsa Tuwnthlp. DIED. Oh thPtciiithlnvlant.ln PhlladHphla.MrH.llAN .VAlt Kl.I.MAKIIli, iisswl 7S. In Liberty 'I'owllilp, MoiilourCounly, llurmiN I ihias, son of (K'ornu I-;, ami SiiMiiiiiali l-'oust, au'i'd '-' yi'ars, :! inonths, ami 1 . ilays. .Itnrkt't Ili'port. Whrat per bushel Uyp " Corn " Klour per buriel Cloeleeil. riasse.'d lilltter Kir' Tullow Potatoes , Drleil Apples I 'oik Ilalus Shies a'ii'1 Shtniklei'S l.anl per poniul Hay per loll . fl on . I HI no .1 iki 3 l IS Jl I", n) Aililltnr'M S'ollvi. I-'h(M(e of CllrUI Inn l.allbarh. ileeea.'il, Th' lltiitersl;u.i Anilltor, ap nointeil bv the Omh'ins' Conrl of t'olnmbla ronn ty to make ilisttibntlmi of the balance In the hatiils nf Jonathan . I'ennlimlon, mlininistrator of the etate of Chi'ltian I.unliaeli, late of Colum bia I'onnlv, ileeeai'il. will meet the parlies Intei- e.ien. ror me iinriio.e oi ins aiiiHiiniineni. on i-ri ilav, tht .'nth ilay of Sovember Instant, at 10 oeloelc A.M.. lit his olllee In Hloomstuuir when and where nil parlies tnlereMeil iiiiki appear ami present their el. thus, or be ilubarreil from coming in ror a snare o! the Intnl. C. (I. liAUKI.HY, Amlitor. lllfionishun;, S'ov. I, lstiij.-lt AtluiIiiUtrator'H Aotlrr I.rf trim of Ail miliistriilion on the estate of Abiaham Uobhlns late of l-'ishlin: I'ri'ek Tow nsbiii. In the r.aintv o Columbia, ilei-ejiheil. havlm; lieen niMtitetl to thr lllldeislirneil by the KenIMer f WilN, all pelsons inoeoieo in sain esiaio aio reipiesien io maiii1 payment, anil those having elalms tealiiht the satu ehtatii to present them In DIANA ItoIiniNS. .1 M'K'SON I.ADlH l! rwilm; Creek, October HI, WHL'-tf riot let .All HTNOils Knoit Ihk Oit'liirl ves lllilehteil lo either of the tluilelslneil.oll liook, Note.or Jinlnii nt, are reqiu steil to make pay ment v ilhout ilelay, If they wouM sae costs. M'KKI.VKV. M:AI. A CO.. ami WU.I.IAM M'KKIA KV A: CO. To Hotel nnd fnlKHi kt-rprrN ff Itlonms hui'K mul ('olumbia (Vmnty. I lisut npiiDiiiti'd Mr. It. Slolmcr nwiit fur the suU'of my nltMoitti', In own Mont, mul beer, who will Mipjily j on at tlio muiii' pi Ico uiii'l with tin Kinio urtich1), us I i mi lit fiuiiNli yim I'mm the Itrrwrry. Knixtwlns thai hi' vlll he punctual tintl nttcntlc t all sut may fnnr hliu with tliolr trml-, I solicit for hhn your UiM)tt. Very trspcctfully, rmci) iAri;u, Htt-ata Ilivwi'iy, Koaillnn. Xotlf-f nriiiqurnt. Kittntrfif Jv 1 AkIiIuii, l.iteof Pine Township, deeeuM-d. Tolhohelrs and linsil repriwentatlves of l,e i Ashton, late of Pine Township, Columbia County, dceea-ed, to wit: to William .1. Hpioul, Ami Ash ton, Sarah Kes, who leslile In Columbia County, Steph'ii s prow I, of Watsoutoun, Xoilhuuiherlaml County, Apeneth J less, of Xew Columbus, Liuerno County, Loul-a pali11tu;and Allen Kvesol (iiimu'N Mills, Kile County, Stale of Xew YorU, Parvin Kves.of 4 ny ahna Palls, Summit County, Stale nfOhlo, nml lesso Kves, nf Califoinla, you and each of you are hereby uotllled that In pursti nice of a wilt oi partition or valuation Issued out of tht- Orplna's Cmrt of Coluiulii.i County for the putltlon or valuation nf the real estate of said deceased, sit uate in lhi Town-hip of Pine, In said county, to wit : a certain messu;iy;e nu I tract of land situate In Pine Township, In sad? cnuu-y, adjoining lands of iteiijainlu Kves on the north and com, lands nt .lolm IjOeoii the .south, and John I.e-ot on the west,eonlalulu' ten acre.-!, more or lessi, amonu the ln'irs and le-;.il repi escutatlveh ol the said de ceased, I will hold an Impiest on the snld premis es, in Pino Township, on Tuesday, the iSt Inlay of Xn ember next, at 11 o'clock In the lorennon ol said day, when and when- u aio refpicsleil to attend If yon tlilnlc pmr. SAMPKh SXYOP.K.Shrrlir. Sherlirs Ollle-, IIliMninbur(,',Hep, lMl.-Ut . Auilltoi'H Oolite INtiile of AVtUlnm K A UN'S deceit -ed. The Auditor appointed by tho nipuaus 1 011 1 1 01 1 01 urn 11.1 roiiniN 10 mane 111 liilailloii ui die balance hi thehundsof IheAd- inlulsirator id uid d used amonu his creditors, will meet the p trtles Interested, lor (he pun sl ot his apiHiiutniciit, on Salunlav, Xoember 17, IMJI, at M o'clock A.M.. at Ills u)ee 111 lliooiusiiutir, Pa., when and where all per-ons in terested e.,11 attend If the see proper, and pre sent their claims, or m debarred from com I nt; lu for u share id' the fund. C. II. UltocKWAY, Auditor, (iar.ette copy. sep.'- It IX ale of Abri'liuui ?Ji-iiicli, iliraul. Ketterh or Admini-ilaitoii Upon Hie esiaie 01 ,o l'.ihiiin Melivb. late ot Koeiut Township, in the County ot Columbia, deceased, ha hu l''h granted to tfie undeisiuuud, all pei-ous iiasinu' claim or demands against ihe estate ot the Miid deetsleiil ale leum hied to maUe the n.tine know 11 without ilelav, and t'lost In h bled to said csttit to make immediate pa incut lo AM'.I CUAIO or ClIAIUJIs MKXSCJ', Itoirinii Crock P.O., CoIiiiuIjIh cnuil, Pa. illKltlKK'S S.M.HS. I!Y VIltTCK J ot Ktiudrv writs ot ffiul.luuii mi-i'. lo Hi'- Hi ci led. lsneil out ol IheCoiliI ot 1 omuioll Pans In Ihe Count of tsohimbi:(. w 111 be exposed to punne sale, at ine ruiiu uoiiu', 111 iniMiin-ourK, on iMoiida , :td day ot Ih-eeiuber next, at J o clu-u Hi tue aiteruouii 01 mi in ua ,;ine 101 aw .nmeai is late. to w II : All dial eertalu niece or tract o laud siluale In siuailoal Tow nship, Colmuhla County, i-nutalhlir.i set eiitysl acies more or li s-, bound ed oil the south by lands ot Joshua Jlchs; 011 me west b laud d l)atd Kocheri on Ihe JWith by lauds of .leieiiilah lles; 11 ltd on theea-t b lull N of .fames Kobeils. whereon U erected all old lotf bain with the appurletiances, Seized, tal;i n in evecutloii.'ainl to be sold as the nio.teitv ot JAXK Sit Kl,l'( Adtiilin-U'alrix ot .Jaiue.sSlclile. Al.M) A it-it ilit tru-l ol laud Mluatn in Catiiwlssa rnwiisinp, roiumbia County, eoutniiium iwciim -lour acre, moteor les. bounded oil Hie east by lands of .l.u'ob llriimhclh-i'.oii the Mtulb bv laiii.s ol Solomon PaL-elev.mid 011 I lie lioel h and wot bv luiidf'd Hdi'mAiieil, w icreon are fleet d a 104 House and iv Itumo "lal H with t leappurttu- U'HVh, Seli d. biken in oxf ntton, mul to behold Us tin lU-opeiiy ol lUvNJAMIX .1, PliI.K, A KM) lot nf tn'ifiiud and water pi Ivllrne, situate In urentwooM lowiisipp, 1 uiuiuna oam.v, ton 1 thdit'j h Ivt ro'1s. piore or U x. boundei un tho nririli bv I. Moi re. an I on tin 1 nsi, in id, and i- ed bv lmi't- of Kativi! AJj'i't . i'i, tilt (Imi red 1 md, wall Un- ajipurtuntiuecj. rHfd, tali n in eM'Ut ini,.,tiid lo bo -o d un tbr pu,erty ot WIKSOX Adl-K, witn u fife totnri, 'in iij. Ornntl Jiirm-s for Dcccmhtr Term, 1S00, lllnom Jnlui Pcnm-man, ltoburt llunn, Wlllliim lloldlehiah. Heaver Peter Shollhniiior, (Jcorgo 1'. Drloilnich. llciitnu -Abraham A. Kline. Coiiytighuin Isnna W. Hum. rciiirc-Cimrks II. lii-ltlrrlili. Fishing Clock lliigonliuch, Joseph Colo tnuh, (Iroi-nwiiol Andrew ,1. Alhertson. lli hllni k John .M. llultnu. Hugh A. Ilnrllilflll, William A I 'j ilc 1 1 1 u 1 1 , Luvl SVrli;nt. .Tuc l;n,n Jnlui F, Dcrr. ltoust Lioutird Adums, (Jeorgo ltmip, John I It rni r. Mndlsou, Stephen Wcllhor. Mnlii Aaron ll.itnlugcr, Joseph Uclgor. James llosa. TriM i mg .Tutors lllonm Thomas Knurr, Abraham Try, Lowls Mans, Isaac llariinuii, Wlllliini Itatib. 1 leaver SiiintU'l Fisher, Jacob Keller. Honloii Lhi.iuticl Lnuhach, lluiuiiuli or Horn Ills Is.iluh llowcr, l.ovl (rtt homier, John Douk. lit Crook D.n Id Miller, John 1'rcn.i, Centre Isauo Untwine, Allen Hlu'lllmtiiur. 1'lslilng Clock Mm tin Amiiiuiiuuii. Franklin Dunkl Khlltlo. llrooiiMond D.tvld Drolblebls, I.ocust--Cornclliis ltd n bold. Madison Keillor A. ISiultli, Julm Domott, Kte.uncr. Montour William Hollliigshond. John 0, llulck, Levi W'raUT, Mt. l'h'iiHiint AJam Vclller, lloiijamlii Klutlor, saniiti'l Johnson. .Mala William tillllln. Mtllllu wtcplieti (Kin halt, orange MliSi.iv! Iliiviiliuuli, Isuns Dlldltm. run -sioim 1.01c. It.iurhi.r I 'i'....!:. ll.ltltct Tvilll. Scott llioiii.ri'lrulicli, hllus 1). Klluo. Mil of Causes for Trial. 1. f.'h.lrles Nuss i'j. Haiah S'liss. I'.ixloii Kline i . .lane Kline. J. William 1.. Umee i j. Tiioinas CrevelhiR, tl. al. 1. aiikm . i le.nner t. i;in iii.iii Miuinaii. 5. .laeoll Hairls m. Peter .laeobv. I). Amltew .1. Mnyiler i . Jolin siaeatlur. .laeoi) smiiiian m, ibiistian Won. .laeob vs. Jaeoii llattvel. 1. A. S. Saul tx. lieu ttmln u tntersteell. lu. Haiimel Henry i. .laeoh llosiei, William iviinetoii.tiun (iineou jioMer.iaiu 1111111111; 111 ttie nun name 01 1 toiler & Co. II. Amos W. cieaiuer is, Catharlna Howell, nil- iiiuusiiaiii 01 r.iioeu iiueu ueei asen. Amos W, Creamer vi. Caih.irlne Howell, ad mlulstiatilx ut Ihioelt lluwell ilei.eai.eLl. 1.1. lMwanl llellner i.. thu Locust .Mountain Coal unit Iron Comnnuv. II. J. P. Ilaekeiilieii; lor the. Use of M. Clianihurliii i. Mints 11. l-.nuar. IV John lllntei liter 1 1, John Jameson. 11. .laeob Kemlcy i-a, tataMlssa Uallroail Com- I11II1V. IT. William A. Case rt. the Township or Ceiilic. Is. Joseph My r. Cntliarlue lnii;. in. Henry 1'. .n'iiss . tnu lloroimn of llerwlek. W. .1. Anii tcli, rt, ill., i . Wllnaiii P. ltyou. I, 1. 11 Jones is. .Miles L. Ahbolt, t(, ill. llreemiu.) 1 Tow limtli is. N.utltlel lloiiatl. '. Henry llossler 11111I NVliu i-s. Charles .Seliusslur aim lie. Jl. Wrliiht Hiiahe.s v. Peter Miller. 1. liavnl I .at iw. Mount l'ieasatit Township. 31. .lollll II. 1)11. line, if. ill., 1.1, Carvlll M.lslcls. 1. .louaiiian Knuiic 1... v iikiii iiimne. t Mary 1 Oreen 1 . Uohert Ilouell, vt, ut. 1. James Harry r. Itoin it (iorrell. ;m. John Iiverus e. Iiaiuey .SPlhe.irt. II. .sotouion Seyharil 11. the Pownshlnof Centro. u. Isaac .0. iieiiiou 1 v. isaae iiewui, Kt. .solouion Miuman n. William Lwinjeiibcruer, il. .101111 M. 1,1'seiier I I'tlel Is. UIMI'.. ii. Henry T. Itelly now tor the use of Thomas i revellni;. .11'.. 1 . .lesse C. I'elill lulon. .10. H. it. PurM'l s use i'i. II. (i. Ktit'.s ailin'ls. llailiaru stump, b her uc.u Irieinl, KraueU 1 , Lewis 1 1. .101111 .laeoo niiliup. T r .'MIV1M.1.' 'I'll 1,'nt It l I 1 - ........ ...I.W1,W..V .VI. 11. hCHIIOl.. Hie I'all leliu beiran Senium- .. ... Ttie l-'acillty oftitsliuetloll e.msl.sts ol lour resldeiit aud ioui nou-resklcnt protessuis, and n iiik.i. j 11. iii.ji ii it 11, iiioi.-aie jiiuiik men lor the Chlistlau Mlllistn. Thele Is a I'ti'lialulorl class tor those who hate not leeelved a collegiate 1 neat loii. line inuiitri'tl and sixty ilollais a year an' tinmen io oeueiieiaric-, w 1111 an vlllll III stieet.ll call's. '1 lie Initio!!. Use ol Lllilarv atiii tet-hool;s, are liee to all. 'the .school wa-s louinled ! the I'ultaii.iii and Chrisllau denomi nations, but l open to all Who llclll'M in Hie di vine oiikIii ol ciiiisllaully. 'Hie Llbiaiyconsists Annlicntltui may be made to Itev. A. A. mole, l'lcMl.lcnt oi tile Hoard ol lllstllletlou .Me.lilville, r.l. IliiviT-ly 1 "JHOTOOIIAIMIIC. V.. A. It. T. ANIilDNV & CO., Manuracturt'i's of Photoinplilc .Maturlul, a'iiui.iam: ami ur.iAii, .Ml Hl'.OUtWWY, X. Y. In fiiWitlon to our tu ilti tiiwliios( of IMIOTO filtAlMUC .MA'nilllAIwoaicai'i.iliiuarturNfor iiif itiiiiiwin . jr..: srr.i:i: WiiM s'n;ui:oscoi'H' vi i:vs, of,Aiiurt-aii ami Poiclu fltlcs and I.amNcup.' Uioill, Sluiuai.x , etc. .sn;ui:osfupiL vu;s or Tin-: n, Protii iii'LMtKcH iiiitilc In the v.irlotiH caiiiiialirii nit'l To: mum a (oiiijtlt'ti Pliotorai'lilo h Story or the Knat contest. KTKUIMM'nPir VII'AVK OX OI.A, Atlaptfil for I'illior tin yiisU Lantrrn or lla hn'U'usfopt. iur rnlaloiiiM will U hctii to an aLlircs on icct'ipl of rtatup. piioriHiu.UiiH; amip:.w. W'o tnnmif.H ttric imni larmiy tli.iu any other houv)', about 'Jut aiitli s from .VMvnls to Orticli, Our Al.Ill'Ms hiii tin ivpntiiilnn of lninj supi- noriu iii'iiiuy anu umiioiiuy loanj owim. L'.int Phut JKiapln of ( It-net als, Stat cnincn, Actors, I'll'., cic. Our CatalnRuo I'lubracrs over PIV1C Tliors M itlilrn-nt -ubit'ii. tueliiillu'' irnriMluctlous of the most ct'lcbratnl i:ii!,'iaiiiKH, PatniiuxH, Mnliif-, etc. Catulouc-'MUit on rt-i-i-lpt ofhlaiup. I'loio-rraiilicrs ami ol hereon crliu: nti n l.l' w 111 plcaM' n nut St per tent. of the mnoiint with their onler. Jv The prlers and quality of our pnoils rannot f.ill lo ha i l-f , ii.s,s,.tro.-ly VAI.l Alll.i; KIJAIj ijstati In Dursiiance of an order of llio Ornhaiis-Court nt ( nlunibia County, Peimsyhanl 1, mi Saturday, me 21111 nay 01 .-sovemner next, at iao eo. u in tlie loieiioon, .oliii Ashleman, AdiuinNlr.itor ol William W . Uoberts, late ot .lui-uson lownshln. Ill -aid e unly, deetasi-il, w 111 expose to sale, by public vendue, on Ihe preml-i'.'-, a ceilaln piece, pat eel. or tract of land. ltuate in .Iael;sun Town ship, lu the count., atoresdil, euntaininn thlrt- seen acres moie or less, ai.oiumi; iann 01 am uet Hohetts on the south ami west, lauds of si I e .M'lluiry mi the uoith. lands ol lM-aul;ltu Xaule on the east, on w lileh ate erected a lwooiy l'iaiuedwetliii-hou-e,a -mail lu' barn.ainl othel ut hull llm:'. A L'ioit Ktirlii'' ol water at Ihe door of the dwelling. The above prnocity is mo-tl.v eleaie.l laud. Kate Ihe estate or Mtiil lccea-ii', itnate In the lowiediinot Jaeksnn and coiriiv ato.e-ald. .IKK ('t)KKMAX, Cloili. lli.ouMsuii:;, Octolier 1(, lM-ii, coxiurioxs tip ham:. Ten per cent, of one foiuth ot the nuichase money shall be paid at Die sirilcln down of the pi onei ty ; the one Imirth Ifss the leu percent, at the confirmation absolute; and the remaining thicc toiuihs In one ear thereafter, with lute- t tron 1 the eoniirni.illoii m. aL 1111 chaser lo pav tor deed and stamiw. H'llMil iMlll.t, ,MII1l r, pUHhIC SAM' OP VAM'AIIKK ItKAK P-STATK. In pursuance of tin order of thf- orphans Court r co iiuib a cottniv. 'a., nn hatckiiay. 1 he Hull da nf XOVKMIlKIt HeM,at la n't dock In the lbiennou, Samuel Aehenhai li, Adinlulsttator nf Joseph ilavhut-l. late ot tMMiiL'e Towns 1 p. In sahl county, deeea-ed, will e.po-e lo sale, by pub ic vendue, op the Pletlltses, , ceilaln lot or piece d trround slluato iti the town of Oianiievil e. In the Township ol ( inn me, In the county aloiesald, hounded on the north by lands ot John Aehen bach, on the east by Main St 1 eel ntVtid town, 011 tin- si u Ih b laud of ( 'oiueluis Hellas, nnd 011 the west by lauds nt how and Appleiuan, eonliiliilnu one hundred and -eit:hl teet lu trout, and one bund led and t: nt -lle leei in deiitli, moie les. wiieteoii un elected a Iwo-storv frump tlwellli'u-house, a W'ajoii-maUer'h shop, stable, and other outbuildings. Kate the estate of hald leeea-ed, slluale ill the luwii-lilp nf UraiiL'e. and county alorecaid. .IIs: CdKKMAN, CU-rk. lli.ooMSHL'Uu, sejib'iubcr '.7, ImU. TKUMs tip sam:. Ten percent, nf the pureha-e-uionev toluMiald on the dav ot sate; one third lews the ten percent. on itie 1st day ot April, Jv, when possession o the premises w ill be Ldi-n: otte third 011 liie Ni d.ivnf Aiafl. Nk-t. wilh Interest Irom the 1st ilav 01 April, ri'7; nueitiiPi loieiuaill ill Itie pleuilses iiunu ine uie 01 ine w vmw 01 baiu m-eeuM-ii, aim the Interest Ihi-reot lo ) annuall.x and lemilailv pahltohuid widow bv the purclriser op the 1st day of Api II, Hj and cwrv jeur theiealter dur inu her natural llf'. Pun baser to p.iy tor deed mil stamp. SAMPKh ACJIKNUACil, Adm'r. lK-Hi-hl L A 1)1 ICS' AND (iKNTl.KMKN'S iir.siAriiAM, li. 11. HToii.Ni:r. has flltoil up n rilM'.l'I.ASS KATIMI HAI.OO.N, ivlirrn linlli'4 mill urtitli'ini'ii ran Ikfiiijii1 with tin' lltlUMl'lcilll 111!' MIlsOll, A mijiI of l ltliSII OYHTJIIW ihvn.vsnn liaiul, 1'itixii iii;i:ai, fAicix, and iuivj. riiKNcii ami )omi;stk! (ximtctionp In I'vi-iy hlylo mul viulrly, Nt-'TH, ntlTIX, Tin I rwr tlilui usually fmiiid In n nit ir-fi, ss l wit. 'rraNi'.uv stoiii: HOUlUN.S & ( u., IlVi.V MI. Id 1 1. Wis, Nonn'n&t corner of Stronrtaml ino htrof tf, I'lulvlelrhln. jTHW STOCK OF CLOTHING. l'"ieli arrival of Hl'UINO ANI8UMMIUU100D. HAVIO UlWENIUHtO Invite attention lo tils nlock of C:iII'AI,ANI)FASItIO.NAllt.I,CI.minNO. nt tils ntoio on .M0I11 Htreet, twmlooni nhovc Iho Aincr lean Home, niootiuburi, Tu., whero ho luvs Just reeelveil from Now York mul riillnilelphlu it full iu,sol tment of MP.N AND 110YH' CI.0THIN0, Includln? II10 most fxshlonable, iliirubto, Mill haiiiUomu DllK.SS OOOIM, consisting of IlOX, HACK, ritOCIC, (1UM, AND OIL-UI.OTH UOATH AND I'ANTM, of nit KiirlK.ntrPN, ntut eolors. 1I law ftlno rpli!A- Isheil Ills nlreuily liirn" stock of I'AI.t. AND WINTr.UHIIAWI.S, Hritll'KD, ridUUKD, AND PLAIN VIWTH, HIIIItTS, tUlAVATS, CTOCKS, COI.IMUS, HANDICl-UCIIII'.lH.GIVU1", HUHl'IONDKltS, AND I'ANCY AUTICI.KS, Hn hn.s constantly on luuid n lartjo and well-so- usjlu'l iLssortmeiit of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS. which hi) Is prepared to niako to order Into nny kind of elothlm:, on very short notice, nnd lu llm best manner. All his elolhltiR Is ixndn to wisir, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. (KILD WATCIIIttANDJUWIil.ItY, nf every description, flno and cheap. Ills cast of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place, Cull olid examliiu his p'ticra! assortineiit of CLOTI UNO, WATCH US, J UWULltY, .40. david unvnNnuuu. AA-IWH STOHK. ntusit AtituvAt. or HPUIXO AND SU.MMIUt (jTJOIM. Tho Mibseriber Inwjust rutnnied Irom tho rilk with auother largo and select n-soi tmont of KPUIXO AXISUMMi;it (iOOltrt, purcluwsl In Xow Yoikmid Plillndrlphla at tlio lowest lluu and w hlch hu Is detcruilued tu fell on as moderatu ttfrnis iw (sin bo proenrud rlne- whe.ri In Illnoiiishurtf. 1IU htock comprlrtc kaihivs mux oooiw nf tlio uhnlcst stylus and latest OuhlonH, toctether with u laru-D 'u-ssnrttnetit of Pry 'ioyda ivnU Oio ocrles, coiihIstIni;of thu following uitlcluj; C'urpels, Oil Cloths, dull is, C'aAsImores shawls, Plunnulst kUks, WhitoOwirn. Lliiuns, lloopHMit-v Mtullns, llullowwaro Cidtn waro QttecniwntA HurUwwo, Jloota and bhoes, Hats and Caps, J loop XuU, L'uibrullnH, Look 1 1 ig-0 In s.i w, Tobacc-.t, Coift-o. SllgMIS, Ti.v UIw, AUifliw, Olnsor, Cinnamon, Xuinifgs, AXI NOTIONS OlCNCItAMiY, In thort, fTerythliiij usually kept In country stoics, tn which ho Invitee tho attention of Uic publle neutrally. Thohlhet jrlcowlll bo paid for cotintry proiluco In Bxciiniiixo for k(h1s. S. II. MIM.KIl, Arradn Uulldlnxs, lllnouislniru, Pa, JKNKY tilUKH inis npoiH'il 11 tli'sl-t'lnns iioi it, sikii:, hat Axn cap KTona tit llUoliI stiuitl 1111 Mtlllltli'i't, ltloiilui.iiii-i;. HW . lock Ki'iiiiiiiosi'iI nt I to vim y lnti'itiinil lit'siMtvli'S olli'io.l 10 tin1 1'llit in ol l.ulumlim ( nuiity, Ili cull Hrfomiiinil.uo tlio liiiollc Willi thu rollovr ln UI111N anil ori 1 .Mnra calf IhioIk, tlin ("I to i lJ " I. n. ilmllili'.Milo H 7..1..6 Ilos- i-ll!l.l'i liootv 1 7.". lo i Mi-ll'h ulof ltiil. I'olllil'i'ss, ,VR 2 .'il) Ion iiaii.ioriii niocs luuiuuou Moll 1. W'Ollll'll S. lKIN. llllll 1III-.S0V irlovo kill 1. isl rur L'allt'iN I Wonii li s tilovo liliN. vory tint' :i ii. toA llliouoai inoroi'oo oaiiuoiais j a'tio i w o liloirstiiorocooiiinl.alfj.lloos I 7." to 'J "1(1 ' pollution sllncn l.iilto'Jf1 Mis-os' ami olitl r shoos 0 si lo 1 W) Moll s. W'OlIlt H S. Ill SSOS'. iHllh, llllll l llllll SSlllipol'S 0 SllU 1 ll Ho also lioojis :i uroat vurlt'ty of HATS, l.M't AND STItAW CiOOIi.4 it ovorv kiml. at tho lowest nrloc , liotu for r.uli mul ooiiniry ino.iiit'o. lll'llll'l tool l i' mi- II is in niir uihh h. linn tio aim moil at lliiwi-yor Ii!nh orhi s, but mil ami soo lor youi solves, iicspvuiiiuy. iii;m;y (iiukii, II.OO.M.SIH'UC FANCY TUIM minii and uooiwroitu, Ms?oml iloor lu'low Hnrtmau's, Main Fitre!t, Inst lori lvoil n ncv.- stool; ol zr.niYiw. vooi.i:.n and cfirruN yah.nh, iDioirw,'I'.s, i.'Mimoiiiniiiii's, MUM.IN HlKll.Nd.S, DIll'.SS I'UIMMIKllb ami iivci.v variety of nrllclos iihiially kept In n l'A.NCY STOIil'. lMI K'liooi. iiooi:s, hymn iidokh, ninuv Hl'.NDAY-SCIIllUl. DD0K.H, ami a largo lot of MISCIU.l.ANIMr.S llOIIKH, AlVOlWT AND .MIISIOIIANIU'M II0Oi;H, iii.ani; uncus, ikiniw and jioinxiAaix, ami a KmiL-ral hih! woll-holotitisi niorltnotit of i'Ai'i;u, i:.NYi:i.oi'r.s, Ar, A. D. wv.mi. AATJONAL I'Ol'NDHY, Illooinslniri;, Columbia County, I'ru Tlio Milisorllnr, proprlotor of llm nliovo-i finioil oMonslvo I'hUilillslmicni, hi now pupa nil 'olvo onlois for nil kliuls of MAriu.Nintv nut coi.j.iiiitnjs, iilakt ri.'IiNACK.s, STATlitNAltY I'N(IINIX, .MII.IX,THI!r.slH.N(l MACHINIX, Ar Ho In nlso pn parrsl lo innkn StoM'a of nil ! ami pattoriis, riow-lrons, mul i'or tliliii; usiifilly nnilo In ilrst-olass l-'oiitiitrli'i.. Ills oxtonslM. ru'UllioK anil luariloal workmen i arrant lilm in Hvolvlim the lari;eM isintraots on tlio most ruiMinalilo ti mis. liraln of nil lilii-ls will ho tiilti n In rxclimiKu for I'listinus, Tills oolaWlshinint Is Im-nliil nonr tho Uiclri naniuuiiul lllwrnobur;; Dopot, I'CTI.It llll.l.MYr.I!. 1?M1'I HV, Si triTI.K SKWlNli-MA t J 'll INi mo Kiniortor to nil ollioiK for I'AMII.Y AND M Nl'l Al I'l'ltlNU I'I'IU'OSKn i iiiiHiii.iinni- iiiiom irnpr""iii) .1-, .tic i.pmi ij.'i'. i.'ss - iio.i iiiii. , .lull 1'iib.v in wot';. il fironlsrsirio. .VKinthuantftl. J U crnl illhoonnt Ailouy.1. 'oo.n.-i?nnient omiio. X'lilrois f MI'IIU H. I f. tiujUy SlOJirtajMiy Ktv York. .ItANl) Ol'KNlNG 1K HltAND OlMININO HIAND OPI'NI.NO OllAND Ol'KNINO OHAND Ol'KNINO TAI.I. TAI.I, 'AM. I'AI.I. 1'AI.I. AND AND AND AND AND W'INTKIt (100 DH, WINTIilt (H)0l)H, W I NT Kit (IOD1W, WINTini (HK1DH, WINTKIl UIWIH, ponilstlng of miiHlHlltif of' cotHliitlnK of oinslstlii;! of ooimlillUtf of I'ltY DHY DHY DHY, (IOOIW, (lOIIIH, (KiODM, (lOOlH, DltY CtOOlxsl, HATS 1 1 ATS 1 1 ATS II ATM HATS AND OA I'M, AND CAW. AND l.'AIN, AND (!AfS, AND AIS, 111 KITH AND HlllllX, llijiiw AND HHOIXk IIOHW AND SIIOIls, IliiDTS AND SIKIIX, 1KJUTS AND HllOUS, IlKADY-MADi: lIUrrillNfl, III'.ADY-MADK fl.OTIIINd, ur.AHY-.MAl)r. CLOTIIINO, Itr.ADY-MAIir. (.!. ITHINO, UUADY-lIADi: i:i.OTIUN(), i.ooiciNC-w.Assr.'v, lXJKINIMII.AHSI'X, 1MlKINII-fll.ASSlM, 1.II01'IN(1-(1I..HSS-.S, lAJOKlNW-UUVHSLS, NllTIONH, Nl ITIONrt, NOTIONS. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, VAINTS I 'A I NTS I'AINTS PAINTS I'AINTS AXD AND AND AND AND OII OILS, OILS, flll.S, Olt.S, (lltOCCl'.IIN, (IllOI.'illtllvS, (lltlll'CltlKS, iiitoi'i:i:ni, OltOC'lIltlliS, (lUr.KNSWAHl. lilMinNHWAUK, tit'iir.NswAitr., IJl'I'-rNSWAItls, iL'i:t:NsVAiti;, HAHDWAUK 11 A ItDWAItls. IIAItDWAItK. IIAHDWAIIK. llAUllWAltl.-, TINWAHI", TINWAltH, I1NWAKU TINWAItK, TINWAltH, HALT. HALT, HALT, SALT, HALT, riHii, riMi, risn, KITH, I'iSII, I HA IN (lit IN (IIIAIN ClltAIN II It A IN and hi-hds, and si:i:hh, and m:i:ds, and m:i;ds, and hkiids, Ar., A"., Mi'KI-I.VY, .Mi'Ki:i,VY, MiKr.LVY, Mr KLI.VY, JU'lCr.I.YY, NI'.AL SKA I, ni:ai. NHAI. ni:al roH. t'O.'S, ro.'s. f .'s. CO.'H, Northwint rorner of Main nml Market StnvU, Northwifst corner of Main nml Market Street, NorlliMcut corner ot Miilnnnil Market Stiortt, Nnrlhuisst corner of Main ami Market Streets, NurtUMKlis-irtirr of Mivlu ami Mullcul hlrrot.s, Itr.OOMKIintfi, IlLOOMSIlt'lKI, IlLiiOMSIHMWI, ll,i)(IM'-Ill,ll(l, ilUjOMSIIl'ltll, l'A 1'A. I'A., I'A., l'A. ir.0N IltON 1I10N 1 HUN AN r AND AND AND NAIL1', NAII.S, NAIIs. NAII.s. 1IIOX AND NAILS. In lirj rjuiintlllci aaJ nt rU4ettl rulos, aluny ou hand. pjllUU AM) (JllHMICAL HTOUH,' llloonilmri?, Viu iirtuos, cnr.MiCAi.4, I'aints, MittruMKriV AND TOILLT AUTKJMM. KYKIl A MOYLH nupoelfKlly Invito n miitltniniien of ivitroniw. Tliolr Druiri mid Miillclm urn till nekctel villi tliu Rrontast rnro, nvottlliiff if lmtoh im xiviibln llm liilroilui'tlon of ilollrluin iiimtrutni, ruiil lira purchnsnl from tho Xn.f.1 Importlhn liuusea In tlio uoutilry. l'ATHNT Mi:i)IClNIH nf nil lilnili, Incliullnu Ayer'n, Joync's, llollo- wuy'n, Itioitctlcr , WlAhurln, lIiilUiliil , AO. vumtnntly on Imlul. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL 1IAIII, TOOTH, NAII, AND cumins nuuHiiia I'AINTS AND CHi:MIC'AI of fircry vnrloly, ntut of Ilia lieHt ijmillty. FANCY T01LKT AUTICLViS. Tlio pntillo may roly at nil llmm on procurltiK tho uljovn nrtleliH, with all tlio now useful prepnrif tlolis kupt In tlin lifit ronilmtoil rlHlillliinont. l'HYMICIAN'H l'ltlWCHIlTIONS mul l'ninlly HisjelpU isiinpmmilisl wltli tho gnmt. oxt neciiraey mul ilNpateh. MMIH ON1A' 1'I.AUK tU UUt ItlU 1)OHt TOltAat) AND cin.vits, AT WIlOI.IXALi: AND U1.TAI1, Uut llCNCSllintdlMfH, a fw iloois liolow tho Amorlcnn llottAn, lllooiiishuri;, l'u, Ilo luu tlin hirKi'St mul most Meet of SMOKINd AND CIIKWINO T0I1ACC0 rverotreroil to tlio clllrein of Illoomtiburg. AU thu fancy brands of Hr.ClAltM, niul llm Ihv.1 I'lno-eiit mul l'ltn? CIIWVINU TOIIACCO, can bo luvl M IiU tsnmtori, TOIIACCO 1'II'IM In grout Variety nro iuiviiik hl lari(o toi-tu 1XJNT I'(3ItOLT TO C.W.U II. II. lIL'NSIIKttdllll. roVllS AND T1NAVAUK A. M. ItriT.UT minotiiKsvi to IiIh friemls nnd citKtntnorA that coutluiuvs the aboM bust nous nt lilnold ptoco on jiain sTitr.irriiLooMsiiuno. Cintotncia cull ho accomodated wlUl FANCY 8TOVKS of nil kliuN, Stoveplpi's.Tlnwnri, nnd every rn- rlelyof nrtlelo found InaSUiMinnd Tlimure Ur. tabllshniont In the cltle, anil on tho most rcmiou. nlilu terms. HepalrliiK donn nt the Kliurtont llotloj Si DOZUN MIUC-1'ANS on hand for pale. JAULH iODNDllY. JIIS1..1-11 SIUXUI'LIISM, Illivimsbm-R, 1"il HTOVIN or F.VintY VAUIlJTTi, l,IlU(llI.SlIAItES,l'I.0l.'01Il'0I.NTS, nnd all kinds of Castings-, on hand or mippllod on tlio shoitost nuliisi mid ut tlio chcnpobl mt4vi, Ciu.tlns fur COAL lmnAKF.I'.S AND COAL SCI1 UT11 iii'ido to order. lHKSH AlUMVAli OF NKW .L HOODS, Hie!ii('d lnu Jnsl nrrlvwl from the City with u lure;e lusttoitinout of DruK, 3lodli'IiuN, 1'alntH, Oils, Varnlslior,uiid D.e.StuiIV( Itoaily-MiuloClolbliiff, l'erfmni'ry. Toy mid Fiiuey Arllclon, Diujinlsfs (lla.swnro, llnuhm, Trusnui, aiiISiipiKii'ters,aiidiim'iieial iissortiuent of every. th lug that belongs ton well-uppulnted Ding Store. Also l'.itont ModlcliieK ofall kinds, such nsjaynu's, Ayor'n, Wlshart's, AVlnslow'K Soothlui; Syrup lliown's TrocluK, SwalnV i'muus-a, ltakor'H Coil LIor Oil, lloolland's Ultloni isiiiBUmtly ou hand, A No MOliOCCO LHATirun. KID, I'ltr.NCII MOUOC CO, FUHNUII CAI.I"SKINS, l'INK TltlMMINOS, lll.NDINC, by tho dozen ur .lalf-dozon. Also KlIOIM-INDlNO.'s, riSIlINO-TACKLK, An. Havlm; had a largo us;porlenci) In the drug bind boss, I would respectfully InvlU thos wishing anything lu Unit lino to call mul sec my stock 1h- fore pu relinking klsowhoru. In ineillclnivi quality M of the first Initxirtmicc" JlUl.s. li. .inn l.ll. JOIUCS IIOTKL, iii.uitiii; w. 3iAi ur.ii, l'ropriotor. The above well-known hotel linn recently under gone radlenl i. hangi In lis liiterunl arrangements, mid lis propiIotorminouuccN to his former cunloin and tho tinvcllliig public that his accomodation:. for tho comfort of his guests are second to non lu llrt- country. Ills tablo will alwayH be found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with nil the dolioaciesof tho season. HU wllu-a mid 11- plot's (except tltat popular beverage kuuiin nil "Jeiiir.("),puiehas(sl direct from tlio llilljorllllg houses, nro entirely puie.mid free from nil poi sonous drugs. He l.s thankful forullborul patron age In tho, and will continue to di-serv. It In the future. (ICOlKiK W. MAUOKIt, ri00D NKWS I'Oil KVKHY1)DY. Onlng to tho late fall In gold, F.PlIItAIM W. r.i.wr.i.L has reilunsl his price-? toHiiit nil buyers, olUier nt wholiHale or retail" If you want suoAiis, cnrrnix, tkas, myuuivi. spictn, C'ltACKF.U.S, CANNIH) FltUlT, DHIUD FHl'IT, WOODI.NWAItn, FISH, UHANS, CHEISsI-", FI1UU, it:i:d, &?., &c &c, ttl to man call. F.l'HItAM W. r.IAVF.l.L J IS. l'UIWKL, HAP.NFMS, HADDLK, AND TKUNfC MANUFACTl'ltHU, .mil dealer In CAHl'lTr-IlAOS, VALISIH, FLY-NITTS .Ac, Main SiiiM't, Illoonmburg. Pa. poWDKH KWIH AND l.U.MUICH W. M. MONHOKiCOj, Huperl, Pn, Manufacturer nf FoVDr.HKi:rs and dixilorn In all kinds, gln notlco tluit tU- nn preixisl to nci-siiniKlat their custom wlrrriirspateh, mid on Ihu cheniHn terms. lXCIIANfJi: 1IOTKI.. I j lUiioMsmnto, i olfmiiIa The undersigned Inning purchasivl tliln well known and contrally-loc.itnl hoiiso, the Kxehnngu Hotel, sltuiite on MAIN sl'i:Ki:T,lu llloooisburg, lliiuiisllately opposltt thrf t'oluuililu County Courl House, respeelfully Informs bis frluids and the publle in general that his houte is now In order for the receptln.i and eiilertalinienl of travellers who may bo disposal to favor II with their run loin. Hu lus span d no expense In ixcpnring the Lxrhniigo l".f the enli rtolni'ii nt f his guests, neltber slmfl Ihviv be anything wanting (on his p irti to minister to thuli K-rsonal tomforl. HI house K spacious, und eujujs mi iixeilleul busl ness lisMtlon, Omnibusses run nt all limes belwerii Ihu F.. (Imnse Jloti l und tlio arlo depots, bv which ii.ivelleis will l plrur.inilv runvoyed t and froni the ripcctho sunious u. mie itmn io meet i ho curs. .KiHN F. CM-l-XAV Dloonubuis. MhicIi 12, IW. QUI! 8TAUC1I OUm U tho only nrtlelo ttseil Ity I'lItNT-CLASH HOTl'.IA LAllNDIttm, AxU thouhAnds or I'amimks, Hplvisih IliViVitlful tllKli, mnklne tliolrniiimiw Kiiux.t lily over tho cloth, iwvliui Jircti timh mul labor. Cloixli ilono up with It kixp .eiin tuned longer, Lonsourionlly will not wear out bv flooti, IT MAKIH OLD LIKI5N I)Ok L1KH MUW, OUIl IMl'LllIAL llt.tlR w Tin: ulsr In tub would. It lii nolnlili- 111 llnril nn well nn sua wnlfh It K lull up In llm Mili't,!H'itUf Unlt'l tllont touvfiilMJt forni of nny oirorcl lo tlio public, IT IH VA11UANTKD NOT TO BTUHAK THU CIXIT1IKS. AnenW wntitoil nvory whero. In wliom wo vCt oitiiiordliuu-y liiUiicoiiKntK. AdilroRH NKW YOHK HTA HC'II OIJSSi(X)., ojia-fin-iuio iilH Fulton Ktrcot.Nnw Yoiki JEW CLOTIIINO AND OKNTLiH' MKN'S FUHNIHUlNa 8T0HK. Tlio uiulerslgnml resiiittfully nnnouuceH to hU tunny frlciulii Hint ho has opnueil n lunr ClotblliR mul (loutlonion's Furiilnlilns Htoro, In the luwo room of tho llnrtmim UnlMIng, nouthWcut eotnrr of Main mul Mnrket 8lroet, llloonuburR, l' Hnvlngjiist rotunieJ from 11illadolihli with n IjrgHUick of FALL AND WINTIIH CLOTllINrl. nml (i:nti,i:.m kn's ruitNiwiiNa goods, &., , ho flatlcrn liltnnolf Hint ho nui plea nil. HU stock comprise MKN'S, HOYS', AND T0UT1I3' CLOTHINO, Allell M DltliSH COATS, HACIC COATS, OVUHOOATS) Hllittrt. l'ANTS, vr.sTS. FNDi:itSIIIHTS, DUAWhlWj, COLLAIW NKCK-THM, HOSIHUY, RUSl'UNDUIWi HANDI'intCHIHI'S, fMllItni.LAH, Aa. mid In fact everything In tho Clothing or Fur nishing lino nl very low prleoi. In iiddltloli to tliaiibuvo hi) lia.1 Mi elepiul Nurttuetit of CLOTHS, CASSIMIiniH, AND VFTUCOvj, CIJTIUNO MADU TO OUDI'.H AT THU WHOHTIiST NOTICIi t'4ill nnd roo beforo purcluuitng vlsewhero, mi.1 HIX'UUK OUKAT HAnOAlNT-. oito-ly J. W, CHKMnnitLAIN rOUTUKUN eHNTKAL RAII JA . . . WAY. lllltfA-l 11UI Hi .MI11T1I AM) SOUTH. Through bi'tween llultliiioro and Itochestvr WITHOL'T CHANOi: OK CA11S. On and after August II, le, trulun will KY (ur IIJIll.W Si NOItTIIWAUD. UUFKALO F.XI'1HS lenves Jlaltlmoro 10:10 dally, Philadelphia U P.M.; Hiirrlsbtirg ":U A.M.. ilellvi rlng passoiigera at Northumbi rland 4JA A.M., lor lialn on Lackawmiua mid ltlooiiihbnnff ltiiilroad, lea lug at 7 A.M., arriving In Iinnvllln 7iW A.M., lllooiusburg b-.a A:M., Kingston IWO A.M., Seriiuton I'J noon. MAIL lene HaltllnorcOiS'iA.M., dnlly (except SumlayH); PlillaiUlpliln luilil A.M.: Uarrlsbiirg iiij P.M., delivering passengers nt Nnrlhuiulior IuiiiH:"iI P.M., for train on IjickuMiiunn mul lllooiiibbiirg llnllroiul, leaving there nt t:ai P.M., arriving in HaiivllleU P.M., lilooinsburgiliti P.M., Kingston y l.M.(Scrnnlon 10:15; proceeding north and arriving lu Wlllluimpurl at Wi I'.M FAST LINi: leuve-s Ualtiinoru daily loicent Sun daM, I'.'ilO P.M.; Philadelphia ll!M.; HurrlshurK l:l P:M.; Nortliiimberliiinlimil'.M.; remain over night, mul Itiave the following morulngat 7,urrlv lug in Miaiitun 12 M. SOl'TinVAHD. FPItlisS ritAIN Ii-jvok Nortlmmberlniid ll:Si) P.M., daily (except Mlliila) ), reeeivlngpassellgerK leaving Scianton 4: lu P.M.; Pittston ftail'.M.; Klngsion (I P.M.; llloouisburg h.i7 I'.M.; arriving In Phlladelihia 7 A.M.; llarrlsburg i3u A.M.: Italtiluoro 7 A.M. MAIL TltAIN leaves Northumberland lftltf A.M., dally (exeopl lsuudvli). receiving passoll gers leaving iscrtiutmi o:."4J A.M.; 1'Uti.tun il:'JU A.M.: Kingston (Ji.'ViA.M.; lllooiiisburg tifTA.M.; Danville Ml A.M.; mid airlviiig In Harrlsonr IHiP.M.; Plllliidtlpht.i&VlP.M.; ltaltlinore 6 P.M. lly this route freiglit fiom lliiltalo, Hiihpeuslon llrldgo, Uim'Iii sler, and I uiiundagiui, or any lnt"r uusllato point on the New York Central cm b hhlppcd through, when in full enr loads-, to any point on tho Ijickniiantia nnd llloouiMburg UaIm road, witboiil breaking bulks. Ituto.s ol freight and jiiiM-engers faro a.s low iw by nny other route. .r. .V. DfllAltKY. K.H. YOUNO, (Jen'l sup'l, llarrlsburg, To. Ceii'l I'nj,s. Agent, llaltlinorii. ISAAC M.SCHOKMHllllOltN. (len'I Wnstern Freight Agwnt, Ilulfnlo. QA1UUAG K 51 AN CIWCTOH Y, llloouisburg, Pn. M. C SLOAN A UIlOTHUIt, Ihe MiccCA.sor-1 of WILLIAM HLOAS A KO.V,' ixinllnuc tho liuslue-is of mnklni CAIH'.IACIES, 11UOQI1M. and every Mylf of FANCY tVAOONS, which thoy hnro conwt.-intly on hnnd to Bull en toiuers. Never using any material hut tho luil and employing thu most (xvurTifrnei-d oTkiDn,. Ihey liopo tocontlnuii as heretofore W glwi eutlr Batlsfactlou to every customer. An Inspection of their woi,nnd of tlicreu.'.onabli. price unkod for the same, Is sure to lunuro a sale. JOHN C. I'OX A CO., tlT(X.'K AND HXCHANCK BUOKKIW. No. II South Thi.aKtrcot, I'hlludrlplilh. fil'UCIi: AN111ANK-N0T1M, ALL KINDS OF STOCKS AND 1I0NDS bought nnd Hold on commission. Attention given' lo collection! on all nccosnlblo'jiolnu. QU.SQt'UHAXNA SIOTKIi. yj (tntnwlssa. Pa. The al-vn'u Hotel has lntcly lieen pnrftiasiMl by HKNltY J. CLAIIK, and lias boon thorinighly ri mislelled, reimlrod, nnd refurnished. J will Iki found now, lu llhiirrnngemeiit nnd appointment,, u llrst-elasH Hotel, mul second f nono In tliv country, Persons In cities wishing to upend tlin' hot tunnclis In tho country, will do wvll to glru' ho pn jirletor n call. QMXllJUS J.INK.. The ri-iderslKnisl wnnM respectfully nrinnunc to lliortslreiis of Illoomslinrjr nnd tho jmbllo uiiie ,rullji flint lie In ninninirn OMNIUUKMNK iH'tnifti thli plncennd tho different rnllrnul d Kit dally (Sundnys e.ceitisll, lo connect wlth ttio several trains going South nml West on tbaCntn wlssn nnd VIUIainsmrt Ilallrivid, nnd witli tSso giflng North nnd Soiillion tho lAcUawnuim nnd UUsimsburg Itaflrnnd. HlsOmnlbnsosnre In Kood'cnmJItllm, cominc. dlous nnd comfortable, nml charges rensonshlo. Persons wishing to meet ori their friends do pnrl,cnutHinccnmodutcd upon leiLsonnhlochargo by knvlll thinly notice at nny of tho hotels, J.vnoil L (HHTON, Proprietor. 'PO AU WHOM IT 5LA.Y- CON J. (T.ltN. lleaso laku nolloo that I, Ira nail nunc!, of t'Diitrevllle, Columbia Count,'', having bought tho followlug llsfof properly Uriii Pcler I lower, do declare that II Is my Intention to lend the smite In tho Fnld Hower, to wJt.. tlnir beds; ono doen chnlm; ono lot of dishes; ono cup board; oi.o iKiiinu; twimty yards of cariH't; oiu. Hioklng Hove; one saiIor, stovo; ono two-hirs. wagyn; cno two-liorso carriage ; one doubl set of. harneiis ono single set of harni'ss; twir tnbliss two pigs. IHA HOVIiAnMi:L. TUNGEHICII A SMITH, vnoLrsALr" oiiorEKp, No, H North Third Ftrcct, VrdUdilrhla. VKMuudiubni Miitnaf a i ii" -