,., WWW " "mil Columbian, bloomsbuug, Saturday, noyedrr 10, 18(50. lSIIIONAIlMl EipbtDERY. 1 1 InntllM ""I, ltll her face like .1 1 . V Sltlt.h.'n of win.. Wllh lrr fool i" tin' JnliiHwl slipper- W !V' . ... Si I ..ho know. How It el..irmi ' . r, .'tender, tnwrlmt lliW-. Ami ' .uvy-whltu Honi-clrcletl mm-1 Will, the V-ntlt looi.lnis ImcU tho .1 irk 0.0,! -IT. . wtr.it. wi.vyoml.ior hr.iflrl A n,l Ilmrlu-Ufwltl' MlnH"';' !'"', Al.a tKli'iuMutu, o rail i hioK'"kIii' l,,i,t 1l'',,'",", ,1"r '"""' VM ""' ,l11" "f u 'I1"""1' '.Mtlti lo-el irt.l .she tl.tlnyiy fashion, lluir shatllicil 1n llm ilolliuto (jrct n. Of, lln leave!, nor Hums Brent roMou Mies No hlm-wom ,.r Inul on,, cm. mime Hu f.ilr OA tjiu. fuoe Iw.uiili'S iiver j Tho glowing ciuhroMcry frame. A Mm lifted lior il.uk ImmI ,', then fc tliatitiltit ulnheo of !ici-m iiii'lerslinm" Tlnw wot, illy lltll,' tin' m Nt 't pri-w from tho IkioU h. my hand, 'Hint tlTe roup of her checl: kept h.ifiildlnu ' '(.It lleUf-llUl'llll K JIl till' Willie, Altillhn wlsn Ilttlii npiulh dimpled ovit 'With such 11.1 urch, in.ii.it tl.h mnllo? 1 . (Hi, her nooillis urn CtipM'f own arrow", And this pirlnn 1 n spell which she weaves 'lln'utpl my M.tl, while she riithhssly Htltilim .My ,pilvc.lm; hem tin tliooi lem ! AGRICULTURAL. I''n(tnlii(j Slot It In Autumn. 1 1 Siii!i:v or cattlo that are intended for tlio btttehor, either lato in tho Fall or during tho Winter, should bo pte-hed with grain while they are catiiijr grass In tho months of October and Xovciip ber. It Is economy to do this. And nioro flesh anil fat can bo laid on with ono pound of corn during those months than in cold AVinter weather with dry hay, instead of grass, for tho balance of tho food. "What is gained at this time of tho year can bo cheaply kept until tho period for marketing arrives. Kat toning stock frequently sullets and do elincs in weight and condition for lack ofsuiUcient food during tho seven or eight weeks preceding tlio time of yard ing or stabling for tho Winter. Grass is neither ,so nutritious nor plentiful as itshoiilil lie for their good ; pii-tures get baro' very quick", because there is no growth to replace what is eaten. Tho cold Weather, constantly IncrciWiiiR in severity as Winter approaches, sharpens tTfd appetite of tho animals, which, oil frost-bitten grass, they are scarcely ablq to satisfy. They arc consequently rost- tless ; they take much exercise, and their coats loso their smooth, glossy appear ance. They want richer food. If it is not given they shrink a good deal when changed on to liny, and it will take a month or two of Winter feeding to bring them to the same weight they bad on full grass. Xo matter how abundant tho gr.iis may bo at the period in the Autiimri'wo have indicated, it will pay ricltly to.feed grain. Sheep will lay on fat wonderfully with some grain at this limb, and they will go into tho yards without shrinking, and be fat in advance by tho llrst of J miliary of those that have had tho same amount of grain, but huvo eaten it wholly in tho yards, ami with dry fodder. A flock of wethers might hardly hold their own during the last sixty days or pasturing on ordinary grass without other feud, with a certain ty of shrinking and remaining station ary for some weeks when yarded and put on dry food; but if a half bushel per head were given them during this time, and under the.-o conditions, they would each gain at least llt'teeu pounds on it. Every feeder can figure the cost . of tho grain and tho price of tho mut , ton, nntl satisfy himself whether such feeding would bo a paying operation. Mural New Yorker. I'll violins l'olnti) Ilut. A couK!2U'ONJi:.vr of the North Brit ish AyrlculturM writes : " L'pon the llrst . appcaraucoof tho well-known spots seen on the leaves, I Immediately cut the atoms with a hook as eloaoly by the sur face as possible, and remove them from tho Held, thou eomproo tho drills with "a heavy stono roller, so that the plough vitli a good deep farrow may the moro ' effectually cover tho top of tho drill to '.keep tho roots from the influence of tho 'atmosphere. This should bo carefully ' done,' as 1 havo found more than once that cutting tho stem and not covering them up was of no avail in cltcckiti .tho blight. Tho only objection I can free from enchantment, and thus ho re boo against tho above mode of treatment j gained UU Florinda. is, when tho blight comes on early In I When ho awoke next morning ho be tho season, before tho potatoes aro Ailligaii his search over hill and valley to yrown, that it does not ripen so well, J nml consequently is not so dry; thoi moro so on heavy noils; but 1 havo never had any eauso to complain, as my pota- toon always uvo satisfaction. In all fctagos of their growth tho crop can be , . saved from tho effects of tho blight by adopting the plan 1 have stuted." k t ' I .. . l . . ,. .. ...u.. Ti. " KUt'a ha(ias may bo easily and chcan tyy ', Wintered in long heaps. Select dry ground, smooth with tho hoe. nnd Aaco tho roots in an oblong pile, not ' otfr four, feet wide at tho bottom, as high as can be qvenly and smoothly laid, niiflas lotions may bo convenient. Cov er ifys'heap with t everal inclies of straw, midust beforo freezing, with several litchcb of earth. If enough straw can easily bo obtained to make a compact Htratuininlno or len Indies thick, four . or live itlejies of earth will bo enough in tho Northern Stales, If only half us itiit'eji straw can bo had, tho earth should bo doubled. Ventilating holes, acb lllled with a wisp of straw, should bo placed Ihroe or fourfoot apntt along tho toji. Tubular draining tlio are best for tliuo holes. Kuta b:igiu aie (piiekly In jured by conllned or foul air, and ven tilation 1 1 Important. C'llarx may be nioilo In dry plttow In tho fl.Hd, woll wullud with stono In mortar, nud-yn-ered wtyh a doublo ioof, i uea.-ing a foot or morl)f.yhutr, orilx or tight inches of s.ividtist. In in w citutirLs, in. ji . 1 1 r 1,,' used t ,r t!ii' i.'li.ir lidi. I1..1 J1.ti!.l. Mf.it Vm,..v , Vorli. mini cil. broiled, M?MV,, or holknl. Hy IIm-K (jr In vl" It : rinuiiincml ir-t rale !y rtll wiu'cvt ,1vii to n TlmlilKiv- t.ijr illtmrp-j ( ', nt,k,., tt,,,,,, n,t cHll.-iiH,jit Kli,i, nhvuya ttnto 6f sil ver, If ,! j,ny thi'in, mid If you nils? tltl'lllJ (,ny ,u.0 tllOtllll t( MWt UIDIV they (.01110 to. " Wry nleo Is f-fileken, but thoilinvest food upon the fitnn." " rou 1 try n moiv inii(,'ito tnnu tirollt, tmil tho lei- care luvtowi'd upon litem tin better." Tlt'n litis not been our dxperiiMii'o. Vi'o inteivedo for the " WilUleV' nntl bp Tor them 11 nttio in lenlloii tltut U I'KMtoweil upon their moro nml uimtt'iwtlve nelKhbor.s tltu plff. (live tliem 11 mir trim, mm uicy will pay any fanner for his care nnieh better than'iiltr-i, and will nupply hi.-t table with much renter lttxtirle.-', and at a much cheaper rate. Country Grit- tlvman. . FOR YOUTHFUL HEADERS. X'lniltuln nml Ktoi-lmli 1 O.mt. upon a time, in thornUM of a law thick wood, there lived an old witch by herself, lly day she changed her-elf into a cat or an owl ; but in the! evening she resumed her right form. Mho win able nlo to allure to her the wild animals ami bird", whom she kill ed, conked, mill nto; for whoever ven tured within a hundred steps of her ensile was obliged It) stand si ill, and could not eilr from the -pot until "-ho allowed it. Hut if n pretty maiden came i.ito the circle, tho witch changed her into a bird, and then put her Into a basket, which she carried into one of the rooms of the castle; and In this room were already many thousand such baskets of rare birds. Xow there was a young maiden nam ed J''lorlnda, who was exceedingly pi city, mid she was betrothed to a youth named Florindel: and just at the time that the events which 1 am about to re late happened, they were parsing tho days together in a round of pleasure. Ono day they went into the forest for a walk, and l'iorindel said, "Take euro that you do not go too near the castle." It was a beautiful evening, tho sun shining between the stems of the trees, and brightening up the dull: green haves, and the turtle-doves cooing softly upon tho May-lni-hcs. Klorinda began to cry, and sat down in the sunshine with I-'lorindel, who cried too; for they werequlto frightened, and thought they should die, when they looked round and saw how far they had wandered, and that there was no house in sight. Tho sun was yet half abovo the hills and half below, and Florindel, looking through tho brushwood aw the old walU- of tho castle close by them, which frightened him terribly, so that he fell oil' his seat. Then Florin-1 a sang, ; ' My lltilo hint, with lii-i wins so ii'il, 1 .sings .sonow, iiul so. row . an, I line; 1'iu' hu snis that mu tin-tU'-,loi' aoon will he ile i,l, O sorrow, inul sni-'nw, Juir, Jtej, Jtiv; I Florindel lifted up his head, and saw Florinda was changed into a nighliu py&, which was singing, "Jug, jug, Jug ;" and presently an owl tlew around thrice, with bis eyes glistening, and crying, " Tu-whit, tu-who." Florindel could not stir. There ho stood like a i:tone, and could not weep, nor speak, nor move hand or foot. Meanwhile the sun set, and the owl flying Into a bu-h, out c.inie an ugly old woman, thin and yellow, with great red eyes, and a crooked nose which reached down to her chin. Mho muttered, and seized the nightingale, and carried it away in her hand, while Florindel re mained there incapable of moving or speaking. At last tho witch returned, and said, with a hollow voice, " Ciroot you, Zach ifl! if tho moon shines on your side, release this 0110 at once." Then Florin del became free, and fell down on his knees before tho witch, and begged her to glvo him back Flo.'inda; butsho re fused, ami said ho bliould never again havo her, and went away. Ho cried, and wept, and groaned after her, but all to no purpoco; and at length ho' rose and went Into a straugo village, where for souto lime ho tended sheep. J le of ten wont round about tho enchanted castle, but never too near; and one night, after bo walking, ho dreamt that ho found a blood-mi fljwer, iu the middle of which lay aline pearl. This flower ho broke oil', and, going therewith to the castle, till ho touched with it was !k-'d such a llower. Xiao days had pa. -daway.whenatlcngthearlyonenioru mg he discovered it; and In its mitldlo was a large dewdrop, like a beautiful pearl. Then he carried the (lower, day ami night, till ho came to tho castle; and although ho ventured within tho I enchanted circle, he wa not stopped, I but walked on quite to tho door. Flor- I... .... iiiiiti was now in lilglt spirits, anil touch- - i Lpon. Uo entered, and passing through tho liall, listened for the sound of the birds, which tit last he heard. 1 Ie found tho room ami walked in, and there was tho enchantress feeding tho birds in the seven thousaud baskets. As soon as she saw Florindel, sho became fright fully enraged, and spat out poNon and gall at him ; but sho dared notconio too close. lie would not turn back for her, but looked at the baskets of birds ; but ula-! there were many hundreds of nightingales ; and how was ho to know his Florinda'.' While ho was examining them ho perceived tho old woman be cretly taking away ono of tho baskets, Itiidsllpplngoul of the door. Floiimlel Hew a fur her, and touched tlm basket with his llower, ttnd also tho old woman, so that sho could 110 longer bewitch ; fcnd at oueo Floriuda stood before him, ami fell upon Ids neck, an beautiful as she over was, Afterward ho dlouuhuiil ed all tho otlifr birds, and then return ed homo wllh bU Florinda, and for an, v y " 1 t's th'-y lived t. "'ether happl- , 1 t . I i ', 'j t.'.t Jr iv WIIO 11011 0K0IIAK13. I:.- ti eertaln village In thu far West wax tin atheist. Uo was a (,'reat lulniir orof Dale Owen ami l-'anny Wrlfeht, but ho uottlil .see no beauty In tho Christian religion. Of coiitvo ho never enteretl any plate of worship. In fruit sea.on he was specially busy on the Sabbath In (lefentlitiK lil nrclmnt from his ureal enemies, tho woodpecker mid the Idle, profligate per-ons of the village, who on that tiny usually made mil havoc mining his apples and peaches. Ono day, while at work with his son-in-law an atheist Hkohlinsclf.althoiiKh n more Kind and courteous gentlemen asapa.storof acourenatloii waspawlng, he, very rudely, thus accosted thoniin- later: "Sir, what is the me. of lirwicliliiK1 V I U'liot iiiwid (In vim ilo iv t" W IV do.i't you teach tbe-o ftillow.s better morals v Why don't you loll litem soniethln; in your H-rmons about steal ing, mid keei them from robbing my mrclmrdV" To litis the minister ple.wmlly re- ..11...1. i"1111 ... , Aiy near n , j mil sorry mm you am ... i , i t mmiiI.i i,,. i U I II m II iliini i il) hi i' i j uiiiu m". i l Willlmrl.v read the fellow- who rob your orolmv.l u leeturi! on thlovliiL' : but the truth Is, they uiv so like you and the Jta or here, that l never get a chance." "(itmd, good," replied tho Jmtfor laughing, on which tho elder athel-t blii-beil a little, ami, in an npologollcal t'liie, said : " We!!, well, I believe" It is true enough ; it is not tho church-going people that steal my apples." JOS HIM 1 S. DICLL, Mi'.mrnrtim r or ami Wlii'!i'ali- D.'iiU'i In Ci.onilNd, I't.iiTlIM, CA.KSlMimi--'., AND VIM'lNflS, No. II Ninth Tlilnl Struct, l'lilliuli'lphln. yATSOX i'v .IAXX1CV, ImportiTs nml .IoIiIh'.s of Stt.K ANII PANI'V HIUH(i(.K)US, KlIAWf.t, Ac., No.oil.MiirUi t Sln ct, IMill.iilHphln. T II. WAIiTKK, IJltl- WllltlT Ivllllh, Iinpo.ti'r iiiut Di'uli't' hi 1 1 1 1 N A , ( 1 1 . A ss, A N 1 1 li V Kl INS W A 1 1 U, No. ill North Thlul Stivit, lii'turi'ii llaiv mi, I Vine l'l!lla,!i!pl,ln. JSTAUIJSIIHI) 182(i. JOHN ItCAKtllTtt CO., W I ! ( ) I .KSA I ,K 1 1 1 1 1'( i (J IST.S, nipt Hi'ali'rs In (tiii.Mii'Ai, Miaui'ixus, i'atiint mi:di. CINUS, SI'It IN, TAINTS OILS, WINDOW (il.AS'S, VAltNlMir.s, I)Vi:s, Ac, Ac, Southeast eonier of Thlnl unit L'allowhlll tits., l"il!i!il,'tphlii. K.UHIiUSTKlt A U'i'.OTilKll, jinpom-rs mui .inuiteih 01 JI0r.ir.UY, ULOVIIX, t'lIIin'S AND DUAWr.llS, lU'TTONS.SfSl'UNDI Hi lul'KKIUTS.HANDUiaa'Il HIPS, Till. MAD.-.. M:WIN(i MII.KS, lltlM.MlNli.s, l'l.llTH MONNAIPS, SOAl'S, l'i:itl-TMi:ilY, I'A.VCV (if 11 IDS, AND NOTIONS (illNiatAI.I.Y, Also M'imir.u'tuivri r.f JlUfslIUS AND LOOKING lll.ASSI'.s, ami D'iili'i'.s In WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIH, UUOD.MS, UOPISS, TWINIJs, Ac, No. 3ufl :.iirth Thlnl Street, ahovu Vine, Tlillailelphl.i. JioYAli A ItOYKlt, sin 1-esor.s to (lILIILItT, UOYAI. .V CO., wiioLUs.'.i.i: DitnuiisTs, I nil Jo lel s mi 1 liealei h In Diirus, .mi:dicixi;s, srii'i-M, taints, oils, (ILAS-s, DYI! STflT'S, Ac, No-.. I'M 1111,1 .".II North Third ritrvtt, 1'Mla.l, Iphi.,. U1AKLFS II. MAltlM.i:, ih miner 1111,1 Dealer II. JIUAND1I.M, WINKS, UINS, LHjl'OUS, WJNi; Iiri'TLIis, Ac, No. liiNorth Tlilnl Slui l. nhnvi! Arch, h est sl.le, t'lillaih'lphla. TGTAOKX, J10YIJ A CO.. LU.ll.HIS,SU).N .MiaiL'HAMX, tu.'l Wholesale !enlorn In . . ... LKAP AND MANPPACI'PltKl) TulIACO, SKUAIts, Ac, No, lil Ninth Thlnl sitivet, I'hll.iilelplila, ( 'nip.i'.iior.ican fonvitr,! their slni-I; "In Jloiiil," m iiuoiit piepny.iiK lln l nlli-il Slates lax, Al. AlAltlMjF, NOTIONS, HOsuntv, (il.oYP.s, AND l'ANCY HOODS, No. M No . 1 1 1 TI 1 1 nl H I roe I , Phlliitli-lplila. JJHODUFAl) it ICAL'H, Miitilll'.ii-lliioii. Mini U'lii,!.... il,. Il...il..iu I., -ll00Tg.tAND hllulis, No. SI I North Thlnl Street, l'hlliiilolplilil. 'UK UXIOX 1IOTK1., Anil IStieel, helMi en Thli'n unit fourth Streets, l'lilliulUphl.i, WIIUMTA WKIIP.It, I'mpilctor!, jT, CHAllIilCy IIOTKh, on nn: i.rnui'i.AN plan, I'm, OH, U:, 01, me I 0. Nt I'th 'llllnt HtieeU, htiwiell Jlmluil llllj Anil IStI'DI'Ls, I'lillailelplllil, (UAULrH KM.WKNr.ll, Slantmfl- Q.UIAKU JIOL'HH, Cui'iicr of Nlnlli mui C'heiitiutt Wrei'tt, l'Ullai Iphln. :: w. i w t, , i'. op, j tur TOHX HTIlOUl' A CO., Hiii il'isiiiii liiMlrnill) & UrothiT, Wlim.IMAt.r. liHAI.KIIH IS l'lHII, No. 21 Nonii Wairi-',niil JiNirtJt W.UiT.st., I'lillnili'lpliln. " 5 11,1.1:11 a- host, JUJL Snwoi! to I'ninhlln l'.Hclli'f A Co., Inipoili'ri inul Wholi'wilolii'iiti is In I.IljroltM, WINUS Ac., N01. Hi) nml lUNorliri'hlril Slrut, l'lill.iililpliln. .1. 1.KSTK15, nmr.mx and im.mp.si ic cAitnrrM, mi. rumm, window kiiahis, ., No. SO Ntnlti Sciciml Stirrl, tM. flirll ChuMi, rniin.ipipiiiM. "JKN'MiDV, STAI US & CO., wnot.tXAia: r:su iihalkiih, No. l iOnii'l I't! North Whni vi s, I'lllllllll'lphl.l. TOS. HI KU V., & II. S. FISTKH, (i.iito iti.Ki'i, wi,i..i:iiti,) No. IT Nmlh 'llilnl Stivi-t, I'Mimidphl,. .u.n:.:.i nvnit.v, w;t. i:. .u.iiiiiniir, h. ti.smrr. """7.7" c ,,.,, mm"" OOlHlul' !, Whol('.tlr Doati'iK In TMHAiins.riiiAits, rtni, No. I'l North Ylilnl SI n i l, nhoi v l'hllaili'lplilii. '., Ac, InrUi t, JOIIX C. YKAUHIl & CO., Wholfsali' Di'iilrii In HAW, CA1-S, KTltAW ( 11)01 W, ANU i.aiiii:- rftis, No. a";T NollllTllllll StllTl, l'lilla t.-I .1 , tn. jIliliKIl A- KLUHlt, i iioiraio ltO()ICsi:i.t,i:t, HTATIONHlW, AND lU.ANIMSOOIC MANUKAL'l'irillUiS No.2i)l Ninth Thlul Stu it, rhllaili'lplil.i. Wall nml Curtain I'api'ii, unit Sliitloni'iy ci'ii- rrally. J4STAIlLISlII-:i) IW, i.. . i aiii'i;.m ...i, in;.fv.i;i v i d., WIliiI.f.SAf.i: DltftifilSTS, No. T'iT Jlmlii'l stn i l, oiii' iloi.r lu'low i:iuhth, I'lillaili'lphl.i. Ditfcs, .mi:dicini;s, ciii'.micai.s PAINTS, OII.s, ll,ASS, VAItNISlllls, HYPS, I mi,l i'vi'iyollii'1'iirit,',' p,'italnlni to the buslm'-, of tlio l". ipi.ilily, iin,l at lowi".t m.irki't iMtri. riOAVIUl A- HlMlAXICI.lv WlIOI.lSSAI.KUIlolT.lillN ANDCOMMISSION MIUICIIANTS, Nos. -J'niliil L'.7 A.i-h Slreel, l'hlliiilelphhi. 1. IIUltKllAUT, Importi r nnil Di'.iler hi IKON AND sTKUI., No. 11 1'rimt Street, riill.Mhtplila. JAIUMIOFT iV CO., juiporieis ana jmiihts iu STAI'Lt: AND l'ANCY IJti v (IOODS, ( LOTUS; O'ASSLMLltr-s, 1 1 LAN Kl ITS, LINLNS, DItY (iOODS, llosiiutv, Ac, rhlliKlelphl.l. xmucvi's. vi"uc ixsa, co.. iii-iuers in rollKKIN AND DI).Ml.ril' DRY (IOODS, No.'M-I.MaikilSt.ict, l'hllaihlplila. QXVUI'Ut, IIAllHIS it 1JASSKTT, minimi. it itireis aim .loiiiiei-N 01 MICN'S AND HOY'S CLOTIIINli, Nos. sh Market, nml .Vi! CinuiiiereeStiiel, I'lill.ulelphla. IT W. It AX ICS IlOLliALI-lTOIIACt'O, SNri-'I', AND t'KiAit w.iti:iiorsi:, .. No. 1 10 North ThlrilSlreet, heti.een Cherry ami Knee, west sltlo, Phlliiiltiphln. LQOT'i'IUILli A AYItlvS, lioioMile iiemti'K in pish, ciinKsi-:, ac, Ai'., No, HW Ninth What ins, M-cotiil iloorahoio Aieh Street, I'hllnilclplila. jLJCItltAlI FOU CATAWISSA! Tills WAY J lilt ll.MiliAlNS, rtonils tn compare nllh Uliui-ni-y of the money liiarl;et, Look tin. I couiparo prlios hcfoie pur- ih tiiu I'l-eMhere. .lust call at the favorite htis. Iiesti stiiutl of ileNINCII A SIIl'.MAN, ami you Mill lie. net hy Ihcnhlhtliu proprietors nr lhi'lrcIeil;s,iitiisinM'n lliioimh their ki out variety stoiu I'ri'itof i haip'.of course. "''l"'y will Kin you f.-e , , ,'n' u ",',?; u fair ehaneu In r-pcml Iriisi iiiueli iimro protlinhly than it int. he spent ilscMheri'. lluir htock or pity (SoniM thlsKprhti; In iiiiu-h lariser It. till lis vatletlcs than I usual. J lielr LADIIX" DltKSS 000DS I mo of the nicest stylis In u.arket. They Jme n linn iissini.ne.it of IIA'W, C.VIW. HOOTS AND SIIOUs, SUM.MKU C LOTUS, CASSINirrS, CAKsLMiatliS, AND VKVITNUS, nml nttuirrotis iirlhies romuiou to such I'stnhlls!.. me. Hs, hesl.ltsii Ki ueral ni-soilmeut of IIAllDWAKi:, TINWAIti:, (jl'lIUNlSWAlli:, and (tnociaui, Hll nt t!iititly iishiicil p. lees, They Misli lo cnn. iluct i-4i.a' lilt.im nil the system of " l'AY AS YOU (il)," nnl lheylhliikll.,yeaiial!oi,lti..illveryUii'np, Tin v ii-turn their llianks fnr ninny pnt tuurs, itii'l 'ik the riiliiiHp.!tioiuiK'iit lluir I'liiiiieriiii.. toiiieriinnit the pulilleuetionilly, Mi-NINCU A- HIIPXIAN. riATAWli-'SA It.MLllOAl). ) I'dUllllll'l IlllerO, toiler '.'.iMtl, I ililtlillns Mill i' i-s i,i,.t ii ii- mi l. ii i.niM, Nmiiii -l hniia Mail nt I p.m.; I'll.- 'iVoiM, Sl'll TH'-Plillaili'lphla M.nl at 11 a.i ui. IVIm 1 ..pit.-") ,l 4 I M. (.iLolliji. iv iillD ' Ui t rPIIH FhOllKNCH I Mtr.Tiii! iii:st in tiii: woiii.d. ' Sali'ironni", ll l'lii'nllit.1 Sliei't, Phllmli'lphlii, 1'a. WI.iI.mi liiiui'iiiimU.r of Miii'lilhc linM- l i'i'ii olli'ii'il lothi'piililli'.'omoot vhl.'hP"lolnl'i of i,Mi'll, iiii'iii,liiiloiowli'iti-'i',l ini'ill, v lime limit lilt what olhi'iH hail' ixprrli'.iiTii, ti"1 m- irlly of ii Mai hln,' inuif piifi'it lulls iiiwii.hu- I'nlntuiitiiii', iiiinliiiilim in mi' tiimtixr Di:iitt:t: simi'I.icitv with dimiaiiiutv, mi,t while 1'iip.ilil,' of ilolns n tlltKATIIIt ll.VXdlltll' WOltlC, one thai foillil oo rn-iiy iiinii-i-ioiwi mi, - hi'iiili'il hy all. r.i ximtitv n Spiilini-M.ii hln,' fri"" from tlio oli- i.'i il.inniltai lii',! loothi ii has 1,1'ri. n y tnk lor wi not only liml m Mtrii hiiht Jii,ri,ii-,i llii-y apprari'il ywits iiko, lint nNn lis lmpt,nr,l flOIII 1 1 1 1 t,l ttllK ll.V llloll' 1 'HI I'NpC.ll'lll-O. I hh wo l,l,lly i'l ilm ha hi i n n, mpti-ni y tin' llhi'i'iil I'xpi'ii'lltnri' of iMplliil. inul tl'i' I'" tl.'iil, nnllrlivj lahor of ji'iir! nn l In pii".i nlliu our Jin, liln,' to tin- pulill,', wokImII main' Minli' inwi'illoiii hm.hi linn ll m.-rltii, wlili-h ur nro pu iuri',1 tosuli.tunlliil,' In ,'M'i.v piiMii'iiiar. liiar,lln Itii' Ulnii.i linn iiop, or ivnii Mill-in", Ml! llllopll'll tlio I.OI'IC STITl'll mllloi on hoth sMi'S of tin' fain Ii'), M hli h l-i n- K.111111I hy Hi,' iini'",i'ii'l-l kiiIIi',1 to nil nni'i f wor!;. Hal ton ni l i.iijiM iiiiiiMwuni'iiiiii'-iiiK' imnlii-t IhN l.ivm ID' -1 In li, hail' ml,i,',i mo Knot, Doiilil,' titl;, uti.t li.mlih' Mint, i llln-r m whlih li STUoNdlllt AND Moltr. lll.ASTIf ,,, ,. , l!j lliil-i ilinhlliu II"' op' ialnr In -i-li i'l a sllli-h i'i:i:n:rn.v spitmi) loi'M'i-y Kfii'li rr.ii.i I.-, mui wiii'io tipiHiii'y,cw .,'iiiiih iiiut-h troiiwi' 1 1 111 it It Is pii-nlli'ii' tml.i hy I Ii.m,l. tjiu n.oiti-'.N'oi: llllllil'S i-'oni i)!i-'i'i:iti:NT stitciiin Willi n mtirlii'iw as onlliiiiiy .M.ii-hlni'-i m,il:i' on,', an,l wllh tit lllllo uni'tilniT.v. Tin' 1 t-xii! t of i,'P,'iili',l 1,'kN Iiiii tiii'li all i' ihl .l.'sliv, nn,l fiimi IN llrit llil.-i,,liii-tlon the I'lori'in'c lia pilncit Iimti ot niomW, uliu will rt'iMiiltil a" a liofsuiioi.D Nf.ci:ssrry; inovliithnt tho pul,ll,'lullyiiipn i-lntptlrommiy niUntitaui's I'Miuliliii"! In tin' I loii'iii'u .m ,1 i 1 1 1 1 )vi-r all otlirri, Hu- 1'lon'iuu mtHt hu Mvntoh, fully iippnvlaliil. We claim for Iho n.oitKNci: the tollowlu;: ADVANTAfU'SJ oMi'iiuy 1111,1 all SI-:WIN(l-MACIIINfS IN Tit!-. WOULD: A.) -It makes r,illl' illllerelit stlil'hes, the Inlli knot, iloiihli-liK-k, ini'l il'iiilile-knol, 01. one ami the same miii'lilne. I jii h sthi-h hein;; alike on I hothsliles nf 111,' I',, In If. fit Uiery .Mai-lilne has the reverslhle fee,l itn. tlon, wlili-h en, ihles the opi'ialoi-, hy r.llilit- till II- llU a tllUltlh-M'l-ew, In hall, the will k I on ellller to Hie ll'.'lll or tell, In stay llll p ll-l of tin- M-lllil, or tiisleu the ends of m'iiiiis, wltliont turiilu;; (hi1 f.ihrlc. J.'i Chaiiiilim I lie 1. -li'.'lli of sllle'i, nml fmiii one Mini ot stilt h lo miolhei-, can le.nlily he ilini, Mhlle the .Mai hlne Is In unit Inn, Jt;r The neeillu Ls easily i,ljtisli-il, ami ilous not Milp stlti-hes. A-It Is altiinsl nolsi'U'.ss, nti'l e.m lie useil Where ipt let l.s neei ssary. ii'Jts niotinns are nil positive; therein,' 11 Ji.prlnus tn -i't nut of ot-iler, uml Its sltitpUehy mi nhles any one tonpunte It. i'ti It uik's out n fju Ire thier thieiul on theiui'ler than lor the upper si, le, nn, t will sewaeioss tin, lieni lest seam, or liom 0110 to mme Ihli'ktti v., of 1 1'lth, without ell.'lllyeof lleeille, tells, ill, hreali liiK thieail, or skipping stllehi'K. ivii The neiniiier l.s cnslly a,ljiisei, nml m 111 turn any wMlh ot hem ile-tre,I. x:i'N,i other lai-hlne will iIomi ur at a rain of woikns the l-'Inrenee, It Will lli'tll. fell, llh.,1, Kiilhi'l', lll'ilhl, unlit 1111,1 trailer ami sew i in a initio (it the name I Inn It has in, spillikin (jet out of onler, ami will last a llletlnie. r3J- It Is fully pioti'i li'il anil lleellseil hy Ullas llime,.lr.,miilourowu Leller I'utent. The taking up of the slai'k-thre.i'l Is not per- Inlllleil hy the lll'i'iilllnl'i-olitliii'tlnu of a wile enll or lim-i'lt.illl npi'latlnll of springs. The pleel-i an, I iueurai-1 with wlih-h the l-'loieiu e ilr.iw.s tin llneail Into 1 1 ilnlh Is iimipproneheit hy any seMliiK-Maehinu hllhe.loolleri"! In the wo.lil. We tlll-llMi, ui'll Mi'.elillle 111) " r..ll'lllllnV Self- Sewer," will, ll entiles the Mori; Itself, Mini Is nf III ealeulnlile vnlue, espei hilly to IncNperlenee ojier iilois. While piisso.-!!,,. ii,,, ahoM', ami many nl her iiilviinlaiios-, Hit. linienoo Is nilil at t-m I'esjsi.iiHm; prices with nlhor llrst-cl.i.ss .Mai hlnos, nnil n en re fill e.Mllllilllltlnl. Mill lull) Mlhslaiittate nil lll.it Me hine li.iluioil fnr II, Hint J u-t 1 1" the :, i-i IPm wi no- make, that It Is the host soMinx-Mai hlne in the M ia li. We watiiant every Machine lo he all Hint Me lialii. for It, nml to tiiie cnllie hiillsi'.u tlnn, uml MillKlveii Miltten M'ar.uiny, If reipihoil. Llhoral nnmiKi'tiientsnmil Mith those Mint I un to sell inxulii. Piirlhor luloriiiallou may he Inul hy lll.-lft-.litc stllllllw to the (lo.ieinl Ollloeof the liolellis- Si'Miim-.M.lchhio Colupaliy, ltjUClieKlll.lt Stieot, liiil.iilelphlu, l'ei.u-jivanl.i, I'KIti'.S Ol' MACHINUS, Nn. 1, 1'ialli, This Mnchh.e makes Iho luck uml limn M Hi hi's,ani hiisilieii'vei-lhIetotsl,..s(: No. 2, Viol cms', (iolihlll'lialllt'lileil Miii-hlue, Willi ilniMor, nnil lUhtcoicr, uilhnul lock; niaUi's all the tour studies, unit has tlx ic- k., .-siUer.iiateliliaiiihiermuaim'niiHl ""'l'il"l '.-l"t. Oh heavy hair: verslhh' loeil trr, case, luck anil ihaMerj makes all lli fiiur stlliiios, nml has the leierslhle feisl 1 No. I. SIIier.ilaleil .Machine, hh'hlv ornn. iiii-lileil.iin.l tiiakos all the lour .sllktns, (1111 lias the icioisllito foisl, Pollslioil mahogany tuhle Jcii Pollsiusi Hii-oM-oott Tattle it No. .1. Walnut talilo, In oil it' MnhoKany tahle, hi oil im ItOM'MO'lil tuhle, III oil. ,.,.,,.,. , pi-. Nn. II. Wiilnut.oll llnltiii'il in Aliilmmuiy liilili' ii", HosvivoikI tahle jji O, (I. 1 IVANS, (ji'iii i'iil Ar.'.il, Itlachestniil Stt-eet, Phlliulolplila, yCMKId., UK1U1KU it CO., tlKNKUAI, CO.MMIs.s1oN JIKIKTIANTS lielllerslll 1'i.sii, halt, riii;i:sj:, piiovisionh, at,, Nos, lii .m,t ii Xoj-th Whin 1 c,tihuo Arch SI. ' I'hlliiilolphM, KiitA tiimiitu f.,-. lll..,.v ll'l I n ,.. t ... t...... ,.,..,,. ' . "IS'l' 1!L1S1 1 I'M) ITlli k j JDUDAN ,V llllUTlti;!!, WJRlLi;sAI,1i (Utiiciias, ntul penlers 111 SM.Tl'irtltl-: AND UUIMsToN-p, No i.Ji Noith Tl .r.l Muvl, I'lilLiUelphia. J A. littXllKY, Httrtiwunr to 111 nury . inoim, Miinuraitlllri nml WlKilnniln Htnlvrln ltDtiTXANDPIIolJ', Nii,MXiirtiri1iliilWrw'l, I'lillii.li'lplilfl. .J- V. IM'.TKKIA.N, It'll l.ll'I'INt'oTTrtTllOTTHIt, wiioi.iXAi.r.nimi'i-mH, No.'Ji North Wiili'i'HI.i'it, mill No. SI Ninth Di-liiMlili' AM'iuii', l'lilliuli'lphln. ri HOltUK II. HOllK.llTS, w , Importer mat Drtih'r In HAllDWAlll-:,i,l"l'l.i:itV, (It'NM, &c, .No.. 'Ill Nnrlli TI1I11I Mtn-i I.iiImim- Vine, I'hllmh'lphlii, Ikx.iaiix oiti:i:x, tv.tlor In (AI!l'i:TIN(l.s, WINliilM'SHADlW, OIf,Pt.OTIIS,.M.TS,Ae., No. !!i Ninth Hi'i-oil.l Stlu'l, Vhlt.iih'll'lilii. J" 1'. 11KA1U), Mh I.tl'flNt'OIT, 111 IN 1 1 A ( O., .Miiiiiilai luri'iiaiiil Whoh'Mili' IVali is hi HATS, t'AI'S, I-'PltS, ANlXH'ItAW tliiolis, No. Il l Maihi'i Sllii'l, l'hllaili'lphlii. MVYK, IH'STOX iv CO., Miiiiiif.ii litleis inul Wholewile I'eaieiHin I 1 1 I'll IN YA HNS. CA 111171 CM A I NS, it.vrrs, wicks.tii; yaiins,coI!daiii:, llltODMS, WOOD AND Wll.l.oW WAUl:. LOllK'U (t!.ASSi:S1C!.OCKsl,rANCY H.'Uirrs. TAHI.i:, l'LOOlt, AND CAltHIAtli; oii,clotiis,.U'., No. Minki t Stn et, Miiith Klile, Pliltailelphln. ' t ItllATlMCNXSYIiVAXIAllOFTK I loll,,' NOltTII AND WI'.-'T. I'OPlt DAILY TI1ANINS. ON AND .MTP.lt .MAIICII IJ, NKI, Irnlns Mill loiiuMs: A . . Le-ive vtishu. Lome Hallu. l-Apl-ess .Mllll ..lirju a.m. n.nn a.m l'.':l,i e.M TrJn e.M Will CM l'l.l I. 111. ..Tl'VI A.M. ,..):Sil p.m. ..T: I'l p.m. Pit 1st hi ii; nml i;rie i;x... . PlIUIaiiKainl l'.Iinira P. TWO i'HAINS ON St'NDAY, ICiumeellimat ll.iliiiiiu.,,i Lean' Wa-lihmloii at .':li uml T:H) e.M. SI.P.KP1NH CAKS ON ALL NKI11T T11AINS. LOW I "A UK AND (il'U'K TI.MP.. Cm-s i-iili thi-niliih ll-iuil Haltllilole to Plllslillli:. I-.rle, or l.liulra Miiiioui iiiaiiKi'. i . . i, i ,. i, , Sllpt rllilenilelll N.C.I!. 1! "MIlI-AllKl.IMIIA AXI) K1UI P. A 1 LI OA D. Tills L'reill Hue tlavei-es th. II, ,1 thel II anil no) lliuest l-nlllllit-Mit PelllLsi 1 1 ill i In o Ihe oily of Klie, of Luke Krle. It has hull h'lise.1 inul Is nlH'inli il liy On' l'i; NSVI. .M. li. 1 1.1,1 1. 111 ll.lll'A. 1 . 't'lnio nl Piissein;i r 'I rains nt N',n-tlniinln', I. mil : i.imvi- Pasi-m-aiiii. Pi it M.,11 'l'l-aln. Il:ii e.M Krle Kniu, .-s Ti.iln, .l:i"i A..M.: i:hiih.i .Mull Tinln I.KWK I s- Al.'ll. -l.l'le .11:111 11'nlll. .1 A.M Kl'le !'Npio.s Train, T:l I I'.M.: Lllnlra Mall Tinln -h.l'i p.m. I 'nvs. iiL-erearsiiiu throiiuli on the l'.rie Mail an l'Apioss 'I'nilii v Ulmut oh. lime holh muj.s l.e tMteu I iiiiaitoipm i nun i.ne. Xi.w Von! l'i'M,rriiA.-Leave Ni w York al A.M., in rive nl Krio nl li:l."i a.m. ; I .ea o I :i le nt I:.'. P.M., all lie ill Noi' l nllc at ":tii P.M. Kleullllt sle. Iiill'; t-lll.s oil all lliull. trains. Pnl' iltfnl'lli.-ltlnll I , -spool hit; pasM-i,".-i- tii-.ln,'ss npph nl Hi, iiior nl t'lili.l.tli nti,t Mai kt S(i-o,-s, 1 lillatlolpiii.,; nun Inr lioh-lil laisini ilio t '.aiiiniov's ntit'tits. S. It. K jllus'lt in. .1 ivenlllernfTu, I fill ntul Mai lie Sll-iots, I'lillatletpltl.'t; .1. W. lie lioliN, Klie; Wll Ham HniMii, Ai-iil N.C.H.H., Lnllln-.m-e. II. II. I HII's-I'l l, ftelieial Pn lulu Au-lll. I'lnl i l.'Iplil.l. II. W. IIWINNI'II. (lent r.il Ticket Aite.it, Plill-i.lolplila, A. L. TYI.Llt, (leiioial Siipi'iluknilenl, Wlllltiui'-poil. M.-troh il, Wh;. T ACKAWAXXA AXI) IM.OO.AIS- l J HI'llll II MI.UOAD. i m ntul all or M. noli 11, Is-il, lassonorTi.'.his Mill run us inlltiM's : Sneiiiu'inn. Lome Si'inntnii nl Itin p.m. ami ."i:.'l a.m.; Kiimstitii at n p.m. ami ".'-Vi a.m. : Hlniims. I nine nl s;-i i p.m. mi, I "fjn a.m. Airheat .'.'oiiliinii hoiliiii.l ut !,:i,i p.m. an, I I'l. fi a.m. N'liiruw iitu. Lome .Nnrthumln'.kinil at T a.m. anil .1 p.m.: ItlnniiiniM al M-t i.M. una ii'-l p.m.: Si-i-antini nt 1 1 ;.).", a.m. a in I a p.m. Airlio ul Scran Ion nt L': I'l a.m. nml liU'i.'.v. II. A. l'ONDA, Kurt. Kinwstnn, M. ucl. 11, Will, Till: A.AIF.lllCA.X HAY K'XU'F. A AND I'llliK.-Wo the llll'lor.slK!ii'.l clli..i'lis nl Cohlllllila Colinlv M-itnosM..! ln (il.il nf Itil'ks nil Oie li'lln nl Mr. Pillsol, ill Ifolnlmk TnM llslllti. nil Miilli, IV. Mav 7. Pllii. lielM.-oll the Alil.-i li-111 II. IV ICnllenuil Pink liiiiliuti't-luieit hv Sl.IPiat, WALLS, SilltlNPH A Co., nl' LeMls- i. mi;, r.i., lino ni" Kiiii'ioi s . ai out i. iv iinni;. Ilio lllol-lcull Polk ll.lt'l lll'ile ll.'tv 111 line IrntPilit tlinii the ltunili-l hi lln-oo. ll't'iii,- s'ths- lleil 1 1 Mill .like lis inll-li li.i Ititn I ho mtiw in lun uniitl linrses can tlraiv. M'e iihti s.im il o-.ullii HIV. anil llilnl: II eltlllliit he heat ns ii lei v li u I to. uml olli'olllill.l lootuii.ueliil ll iis the hod Iki;, Pnl. lllltl Icntle Mi li.n e eor M'oli. C. Hl'l I I.N 1IKN lll.lt, Hit. P, C, IlAIIItl'ON, W. II. KollNs, .ll.lJV Done, .Ions- Di-.ri.iiiri;, Dwtr.i, Nm i n, 11. Diin.i..Mii.i.i.it, tt r.vi.s-ri.ii Pi usi:i, MllllAUI. 111. I.I. I. It, .hlllK Yl'lll.I . 'I'hoy lilsn iiiailtlf.it tl.ie the oelcl.lnto.l It'lclteve lion per uml Mom'i r, inul other uetlcullui'iil Imiiii- mollis, G. ULA BOX & CO., M.iiiuraiti.HTHol' OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW MIFADKH, Wnrcliniw, No, lil North Thlnl stroet, Phllaihiphla. plKKXIX STOVK UIvl'OT. llUVl'iatS, liANIIIJt, ANDKTOVP.S, Wholi-sali'iiuil Ilelnll, l'ATILNT ANTI-Dl'IST l'00KlX(i KTOVl'.. VL'LUAN IIIIATiat, for heating tivo or inure Tooiiim, PAUI-i.lt, COOKINd, LAt'NIIIlY, lIHATINn, ami ee.y v.irlety nf KToVIX JOHN I. TIl-Xis, No. 'll'l Not Hi tU'innil Street, l'hl!,tiolpiiln. J" V. LA.-ilUKItT, Mllll ItUSS, SIIOTJ' & IU, Iliipii.iclKlii.ll .lohhciHiil CLOTHS, CASSMi;i;p.s, VliS'lTNliS, Ac, No. mil 4M.irkcI Slice), Phllnilelplila, I,. IMCTTLK, Mlih III'SIMIITNNACO., JiHYliOOn-t, Nn, lUNorthThlrilMriYI, liillailclphla. T II. LONtlHTJU-ri'ir, f.r PAi'i:i:.iiAN(iiN(iM-AimiiorHi:, Nn. 12 Not Hi Thlnl t-trect, Iiillaili-lpliiii, jlllKllAll'TII, imoTUHIl it CO., WlIliLHH.VLl-i TUIIAIVO DKALUIls, No. 1M Norlh Thlnl Street, Hi i iloiirs holniv It.u e P , ti.ilos. V. . '"l '1 .j-'-,()(1.n , I'l I, ' I i pi IK (IAI.AXY, A rollTNIttll'I'I.Y IliU'sTltATr.D.MAtlA.INi;, lit: IIAI.AXY I" huhiMieil fnlltilKhtly, mi the linn mui I iilh or " m h iimnlli, ami has the i.,. vnni'ive ,,i iiiiiiiiw lii tin' leniler lulerini'illnti y In'lli, en the lo'ilillllli " nn,l Ihe vUllen, Wllh il enli, I lllinihel- the .Mniliixllli' Wie- eli. Imiieil hv xlxlei'ii pnei-, luaklnu it to loiitalu nlue.y-l.xp.,u.-ori.ylle,. fllK (IAI.AXY Mill he nil iiilulniil Atnei-li m, Mnniizlne or Ihe hluhesl I.'h. .M iiilii'i ineiil. 1,...,. 1 iiiii.rii-1,. i',i 11,11,1,' lor nviihir 1 mui 11,11- llntii. Irnm Ihe hesl ktmuli itlnl most iin'riloi-lou M llels 111 Ihe ,-,i,ll,l rvj mm mm eon r, uie i.iiiior Mill nlwiiVKMi-l! to 1 III ll iilul eninlliii'ieeonlilliii. tlmis linm new iitil li of real ithlllty or ileel,l uillliis. 'Ill, mill lis III lilt; IIAI...M Will l,n Mlle,l llllll Ihe 1, allies of tin ll' lllllhols, who Mill 1.1' UUOUISI ll ,",- HU ","',, ". "" I t .vy.. '''riie'ilivt iilnl si reii'l liliml'i rofTIII-: (IALAX Y, for Mv ilr-l 'Out llllu nlhi lmi, i-otilmn eoiiirihii. linns linm .Inllll ltell l ooKl', -lllllies I ,mo ( ,1.1 I- ttu-e Ti I'l.V, lleolKi' A III e,l toll h'-otto, l.il tiiuml' ( '. sti'ilmii'u, Hie Anlhor of "l.mlly fhe.. lei," I'lo'essor I'h-rre Hint, Dr. , 11, Drupi i. KlIIIIIIMIlS. I'nlllllll, (lelielill Clllselel, Illnl olheli, "The I I'IM I llltfs, oy .i,i, ' , ",' uhle LoM'll,- hy Mm. IMwiinR wen; i-nni' ...I It. II.. I f,l-k, tlllllllH-C III 1,1. I .II.A anil M III colli llllie to he pllhllshell serially sllillll- liillinllsiy Mllll III, i-ii niiiiii, , .in. ...'. '. .' hoik iiiimhers "I the Miiunllie enlilnliilm; tin sliulisiiia.i iihiii.islieohliilnisl Irniiiu lieM,luiler n' lit, l ue lnupi ,,'-. , l'll(iJi:.'sMil! 1II.OTON COOK '.It.. In (lies ml manlier ol 'I'l 1 11 UALAN lias nllllll, m ist 11 M'lle.. of i Ie on Cijikely, hv l-nlevsia- I'll .1" Hint, I'l ' Ml ll-kllnwll tl llehi r of Ihe ml. T,e,,--,lH,-leSMlll l,e llllllle III K1IHI piUC- tlenl Mlllli lo ' M iy lalllliy. lii-si.ie ilini... mi-;...- ii. .ml, Ml ilire, Hons nf i-i.-,'tillal Impuilanie, thry Mill innlillll Mlllpls llllil pllll'lle.ll Ulimi'sllolH Mhleh must MH'iue lor them IIiiius.iiiiIhiiI ri-inli lsi. Ihelill fl'tir. (IAI.AXY iM'J-ieilllHIllllllu- .'. fm- ihe Min-iif tMenl.v-fiiur.nimhersj rt lor Vl niniiths-iMi-Ixe numhelM. 'I he Miluiiies Mi Ihe year M ill ili huh' '-VHO oi tlivo plles, II 1) -. Il'llleil 111 t M , llt.l -111 e or I mil-pnae eimiin- llic., piiiili-,1 on tlnli',1 paper! Pes ,le liiiiuinein- hle smiller lllllsllllllnlis, sratll'leil tllllllllll Hie e.M. I IIIKI M.AN limy he onlerf ,1 at the inle ol ieiiiv-tlM' i-i-iils ii nuinlier r,ir my Irnulli ol Ullle llesil'I'll. ... . ,. Ill, 'lllietl enples Mill lie M'lll oil llini'i", l-ellls. Ail, less i . i , .. i . i . tiii in ii, i a ':;' ', ,ei Pin I; !!-. Neil' ink. II AKi'Kit's avi:i:ki.y. TKIIMS. One ropy one year " oneiniti 1,0 in in, mills ..... I lai Ami nil extra onp will he nlloMitl lor ooi v Illh i ' IHo siil.M'ill't'ls, al - I Kl eaoll, or K loples loi'Sjnim. PiimiioiiI Imiirl.iiuy hi iiouiiioe. I lie llnlllnl ''Utlni's in innpeiK iiooiti.i iinni Hi en no meinoiii Mill i' soul in any pan in i no I illleil -iiiles, Ilie ol inriiaue, upon ii-t-t'ij.iui nut inii '. t 7. i , t nun iiiiKiiio; "' i" . " . . Hull Mnmoto .. I JNI " ll VoIiiiii lilallis Ihe .Nlllillie.M for Onu M''i.'iit Ti MiVPIl'I'IsPltS. dins ttolltir nn.t tlllv oeuls per lino Inr luslilo, iMirtloll.i.s per lluo li.r'oiii.siile Aiheril-omoiils, eaeh Inseitlon. IIAHPiat A IIHOTIIi:il,Pul,ll.shoi-i ! KADI NO HAI1.HOAI). Lt St'.M.MI-at AltltA.VIl.MKNT. Aprils;:, Wiii. (Irenl Tiiink Line tiom Ihe Ni.i 111 uml Northwest lor liill.i.li Iphl.i, New Yotk, Itea, Hiik, Ptiltsviilo. Tiitni,,Uii, Ashlanil, Lohnnnii, Alii nloMii, Paslnn irnllls ii-ae iinrrisinii'j mr .see, jnii, us loMs At a, 7:iii, iiiiillui'i a.m., iiiiiI a inul sa i'. emu, r, -llm: Midi linllar liains mi the l'liin-jl- v ,-iiln Hiiiiri'-iti, mm nrrivnur ut .eiv ioikiii i:h mui In .m mill .1:111 anil lutH'i p.m. slot plnu ins imp in Hie a a.m. ami '.'.--', p..m. irauis, -miiiioui Lo.e o Ihii iishuiKlor HoiiillUK, PiillsvlIle.Tn.n.'i ini i, Millet s IHo, Ashlanil, Pino (ll ove. A llenloiiii, nml phitaili Iplila at 7: Hi am., ami i uml Bii'.ii, stnpplni; nt i. ei union mui principal w uy ,-sim inns, tlio -Jn p.m. 1 1 nl 1 1 i link I ii;; no close cm moot ions lor Pnt.silllo'ir I'liil.iiliiplii.i. l or I'onsvlllo, isolillll. kill lli.von, ami Auhutli, Ma Schuvlklll inul sus. j n i -1 1: i , , i in H.iiiinnu, mm' i nn i isi mm in i i.i p.m. Ill-nil 11111-;, H'llti .sett nun lit u .wi, i. .iihiiiiii S; !l ..M. 1 lilllllllolpllla 111 S 1..M. II llll. 'Wll P.M.! Pulls- illlo at :', a.m. 'mil '.tn p.m.; Ashluiul al II nml I kl'i am., mnl l:u"i .'..'(.; Tniumpi.v ut U:l." a.m. ami I nml s:Vi p.m. Lome Pntl.si llle Inr llnrrMiiii'.', via Schuylkill Hint Sllsipiohllllh.l U.lllln-lil, lit 7 Af. HeiitPim Aooiimuil-ilioii 'I'r.-ihi h lives Honillut;av II a.m., rclumim; tnnii Plilliiilolphln at P.M. ( '. .1 ii in i -In Unlliii.nl Trains hale 1 ti-iul 1 tiw at HrJn llllil li; I "t P.il. lor P.phratll, Llll, Colli lllliill, Ac., Ae. On Slliul.il.. loiilo Nom Ynil. nl M'lll P.M.; Phil i ilolpht.i nt x a.m. ntul .i:l-"i p.m., I he s a,"m. train run uloKonli' to Itoaillui;; Pnttsi lilont SA..M.; Tiimn oiia at 7:'li I.M.: Han l-liui.;ut W a.m.: ntul Ilea, I Im.' ut I:) .v. tor 1 1 :iri l-lmi v. n iu I ni:.u a.m. lot New S'oik.iinil l:-1 p.m. lor liillailtiphtii. Coiiimiiitilloii, .Mileage, Season, P.xciiiKhui, anil School Tickets at ieihici',1 lales to ami lroin nil points. Il.i.'u.n;!' chockoil lliiini'jli. 1.14,111- pnliliJ-. o( tj.iii.nct' ulloM-nl each pnssi-in?,.'. (I. A. NICOLI.S, (lell.Slipt. ltciiliux. l'i. April 21, 1'-ul. '-jHK ATl.AXTIC AKKVi'lTfY I lie ATLANTIC MONTHLY, hy ci-ni nil con sent, Mnmts at the Inn,) ol Auiclicii.i liuicitlitc-. It liumliois tuiioni; lis t out rlhiilors the tiutsi oiiii-ll'-lll M'l llors ot the llll.l , I ml It ill Pit 'so mnl pot 1 1, i , nml llsp.ijre'i hne nlM-n.l s tolloi led Mhnl Is host In Amelitali l.ileialiire. It him ti aeheil il i itcil- l.itlon ii, i i hi-ioi i- u.iiuoil oy iin.i A tiioi lomi uiiii;- line of this class, ami H has, hy the hill.; peilm! if lis e.i-.i no s nml the i., n in ot its t-niitriliitlois. hoi nine 111 inly ItM-it ill pilltlic i-steom. 1 tie lonoMiLi me iinumj; uie juum piouniJuai "iilarcnitlilluilnis: II, W. Lo.N'OPl'.l.l.oW, It. W. K.iliatMtN WILLIAM li'LLKN HIIYANT, J. T. THliWIIItllil.K, DONALD li. MlTlill'.Ll,, C. C. llA'.HWKl.L. i. ti. wiiifniat, o. W. 1IOI..M1.S, HAt AHD i'AYI.OH, iiai!p.ii:t ii. s'l-owi:, (IAIL HAMILTON, p. p. wiiippi.i:. TI-HtMS: single nihscrlptluns, rmir ilnllnis per ear. (T.rtt llA-lt-s. Tivn cnnlcs for seven ttnl la t-s: flu cnilis forsllicn iliilliu-s; tin (ujihs fm- Uilriy ilolluis; mui i ach uililitioniil lopy thlce ilnlliirs. I ur eveiy clllh nf IMollt.l Mlhsi 1 Hit-is nil l'.tl.l iu will Ik tiir.iishoil mat Is. or twi lit -one co pies tnl-sKt. tlnll.l.N. PoslAtll-.. The pnslnuo on the ATLANTIC Is tMelll.v-l'oul! ellls pel- j our, unit must ill nil cum s ho palil ill the i. III. i- nili-le It Is locoheil. sVl'.iiUI.N Ci PII.S ol the ATLANTIC MoNTIHA Mill In suit on rooiipl ol iMinly-IIMi The' ATLANTIC .MONTHLY nml our YOPNll I'ol.Ks will he lu.ni-heil iLKi tlierat Ihe ilollais pi r year. ?-pooiiil iiiiiuiemt'iiis me nuorcil in I'mclit'l-s unu 1 1' ist 1 1 lusters to liroi-ule sli hscl i it l-s lo inn- oei iiull- i.ils. Agents wutlli'il Ihl-nimhniit the cntllitl.i . Aililres TICKMIH A- PIIH.DS, Piihllsli, iNl l'-l T'reinont stroi I, Itostnn, Muss, 0 I'll YOl'XO FOLKS. We ri'sii.'cttllllv llll Itentfolltliill In llii. follou III'' unto finiii the ahh mnl piipular Depuli stnle su- p.'lllltollilollt III Sohonls inr Pi llllsylvillltli: .tn -si. i ii Ksuii , i n.i.ii.s, liosiuii, .Mass.: iii:.srt :..hi-:n. Penult me to. cninniituliitn von on the lu.iikeil snouts ol "our Youim Pullo.' I tOIII the I woo ,,r Hi,. Ili-st lllltnliol I Imi o i nli-h- oil i. Itii mui li sollolliiile lis tune ntul i hainiier, Moll kti'iMimi (In Imiiiotise lutltiemo, for conil ei Inr ei II, II win i hi he likely In Michl. XiiiIijIim ll.V llll lone V. hll-ll ll'.s movnillll ill lliucllot nlli Jiiieiilli lllonilure, lioili nilKii'iis uml secular, I I lire, 1 1 iin i its coiii . tnin oi s m ii ii luck Unit youii; ho'irtoilnos t liioh i nn nloue slie.'lk to the llillit i.aluio, or thiil tin lailh uml lii;oiiuoiis.iess ol youth miuht ho liii.ipon ,1 iiilli uml ,llNi!ai i-il In u I'li'cj for Hi" vi, e-nml ilecoltsni inul 1 1 r lei, is. lli'pp.l.i inv lean. Iiiim- pinMii ci'iiiimlloss, ami tin- m huh i ii ii 1 1 1 1 ii n i t hiue in lluiiik you Mr pio- ll.oill.' II Ilit-U.O'lll- -n Moll nilitpti-il tn Ilie i Inss ll'l Miiuh il I iuii ml. ,1, ami so . loMitlni; uml rente lln; In ll 1 nil lit lies. SA.nl LL P. IIVTPs. Del ul) Mute supi-i i.itcmli nt Si-hunls, Pa. TPlt.MSOPOfll Ynl'Nd POLKS: n cnr, In nill.llioo; tin siplis, the enploK ,-S; len co pies, -I iiiii nu ll niiiiiional copj il,.iii. Twtmlv eoplis, t-m, anil nmpy Kintis to the person piiiiui Hw tin tilth. spiiiut iiiiiiici'.noiitH nlli toil to loiKlicrs toott Us 111X1 III i. Spoi inl copy uml i In ul. ir sent to pc iil wlsli In pini-nre sulisol Ihors, fnr ton '11. I.'- i.u .t. i.ii.i t. n..i.ii:i soils who 'lloMou, Muss. T:Y YOH1C TlelLS. llll. li.lll.l l 1.11 1.-, lellllllnlllK llll' 111) eiaii mnl Dniuestic Neu , is iiuhllsheil i ton ilollnr,, 4'r iitiiuim; with Sunday tu Ive ilollais. Till-; llAII,VTT.Mi:J, inntlllnlllKthelntlTt I'm- Ulillslieil iliilli , i l etlltlou. 'Ihe SI..Ml-Wl'!M.'I.V TIMI'sl o, .1.11.1.,., I ,. llli'.'lillsmiil lll.lnys, i lice lilt l ililv, in ml!' lion In Ihe lutost (.-I'lii'i'iil Inl, .ll'K,. in ,. ,v ( rli p I n I Up In Iho uionie.it ot uiilUK lo pi ess, there Mill 1 Inllllil ill iiilli lillllil.il Ihe liillcsl Wilshllo.'tol' Ni'M-s. Piiiopoati Ni-ms. M lih uriiphlc letters In. in out coriirpi.uilciii. in 1 ..ml, hi -mil I'uiIs.bhiiu the tolu ol puhPe lei Ilm; alnoilil, Is lilnile il spi -Cl4 1 nml pei-lP'ineiil lo.iliuo, Jn luidllloli lo I ill. ii!,ts,,J,,".!.V ,'),' .,.,.ll'.Virl'' '" ("i'lcs of tlui ilny, lln SDMI.WI-.LKI.Y TT.MI.S has ii pane ot caiellilli pieparcit lonlniercliil iiiaili-r,-.ii Inn the lalosi I I niinclil .Nei.tiiinl .Mmknt lieiiortdj lit ins ot A--lii'llllllllll unit Dolin stie lulolesl, colllpilcil ll' ", M.ureet,niany ol uln, Ii uritollienilse lnaiiiwn.1'1' to Hie Aiiieiiiiin lo.iiler; inul inaiiiaiseh unl Miiirl.ii'oianil Hoallis of ihe Meek. Tlie si-..Wi.tM i lti:ciiiii, or Nell's Sum lllnl',1 belli-, a outiinl sj tiupsis au 1 1 f-ft III lln) ueii not llii il,i, alone not Ih ilonhle the su' sollplliiii pi i -t in Iho paper, us piosories in I il.tl'lo.i.cil unit cnliM'lllciuly classified lot in all nei.snr hiliiisl.miil must ptuie Miluahle us a Ii cold In all time, 'iT.ltMS.--T'hri eilnUarsi or annum, (inh mh i inv illM'i. mini,,. 1. The WKHKIA TT.MIvM.piihll.hcil at iwnilnll irs a yenr, inniiiiiH, In nti.iiiion in tin. i.tt i-t miu-i..l luliillKi'.iei- hv h h-miiph up ti, in,, moil, mi it tfollIK III pres., the l,lli. .,mloll Ni II- l- uiopeali Nnis v. Iili unipiiic h'tlei-H Hum "i' i-oii,piin,Ii nu In I mulon and Pni Is, m. Inu tone ol ptlhl .- r. tllllK lihrnlld, Is ui ido a sim, I llll.l liel m.ltll ill ft-aluie, In ilililillt'ii tn I ..l.i I 'I-V'i-'! .', ! ".' ''"r" ' i'1" (r tlie ilny, the Will. Ll II Ml S has n p.,.;,. of eiii tiiH,i.iri nn ! i' ',- uici-cliil mnl i.l'.inniho,il,'s Plnauel'il Nt mill .Mi.itil llepinis; Hoinsnl Auiliullinnl " 1 11 ,1111'Sli,. Illicit I, l-l ,i, ll I'limi HUM, i.l ol Mldch iiioiiihoittUo (naoiessllilo to Hie M" ' einri'iidi i iiiud llaiiiaaeKaii'l p. 'iHi i'iIh " yrMiFltini a sjirni, V llul l s.l I' Illtlll PP.S, . ' V ii Ih Thn.l -Hi it, 1 inl. nnil ' l'l- 0