The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 03, 1866, Image 4
- . -W -- -pi III 11 1 l ! ai WKmijiju nrw Mn r THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBEIt 3, 1866. THE l'RIBON IVY. IJV rttAnl.KS MACKAY. Tim ivy In ti dungeon grow, Unfed ly ruin, unchccrod by dew) IN pallid lenllets iinly drank t';ivii moisture foul mul odors dank I Hut through Iho dungeon grating high There Ml n Kiinlnam from thn sky J It slept upon thogialorul Hour In silent sadness ovormoro. Tho Ivy felt n tremor shoot Through nil Hh llrei to the, mot J It relt llin light, It mvr tlio rny, It strove lo blossom Into ilny. It grow, It crept, 'I pushed, It clomb Jjong had tlio darkness been Its homo ; Hut well It know, though veiled In liltilit, Tlio goodness mul tbo joy or light. Its clinging rootfl grew ilcop nml strong, ltd ntcm expanded firm mul long; And In Uio currents of tlio Mr Its tender blossoms nourished fair. It reached tho beam 11 trilled, It curled, It blessed tho warmth Hint cheers tho world ; Jt roso toward tho dungeon-bars, It looked upon tho sun and stars. Jt folt tho Ufo of bursting Spring, It heard tho Imppy skylark sing i It caught tho lircath of morns and evew, And woood tho swallow to I1h leaven. Ily rnlns nud dovs and sunshlno fod, Over tho oulcr wall It spread s And In tlio diiy-bcnm wui lug freo, Jt grow Into a steadfast tree. Upon thn solitary ilaco Its cnhirc throw adorning grace 'Xho mating birds became Its guests, And Hiuiij Its pralsos from their licitH. "V0uld3t thnn know tho moral of the rhymo? Heboid tho heavenly light I and climb. To ovory dungeon conies n ray Of G oil's lutcrindiahlo day. AQEIOULTUEAL. Home Plnntn. In spito of tho mnny difficul ties in tho way of complete success, thcuo who really love in-door rjnrtleninir, will contrive to havo somo growing thln;,M nrouiiil thom. Beginners in tliia work desiro nothing so much a? good advice; nnd wo now proposo to offer a little. First, then, in regard to nir. Bo long ns wo warmed our house.-) by ilrc-plticcs or open wood-stoves, and did not make our rooms air-tight, it waa comparatively easy to raise houso plants ; but with air tight coal atovot) and furnaces, and with hot, unvontilated rooms, it is very dilll- cult. Somo measures must bo taken to counteract this excessivo dryness of tho nir. Ono method is to keep a pan of water in tho hot air chamber of tho fur- nance; another to keep such a vessel on tho stovo In tho apartment dovoted to plants. And these parts of water should be so placed that they will evaporato boveral quarts per day. In addition to this, some persons ndopt tho following plan : Lot tho lablo for plants lio as wido nstho window-sill. Around tho edgo of thi3 table fasten cleats about threo inched wide, making a sort of sink or basin. Cover tho wliolo of tho wood worlc with two coats of paint. Put into this basin two inches sand, and cover tho sand with ono inch of fresh green moss. Sot tho pots on tho top of this moss, slightly bedded in it. Any ono can sco that this will servo to diffuso moisturo through tho atmosphere, for tho moss and sand will bo saturated as often as tho plants aro watered. This is only ono method of securing a healthy stato of tho air; let others bo tried, which aro practicable, for this is n very important matter. Of courso tho room should bo ventilated as often as possiblo without injury to tho plants from frost. Secondly, as to soil. Different plants rcquiro different kinds of soil, for their liigl unit I highest health and vigor, but for tho minority, tho following answers an ex- lellcntnurnoso: Acomnostof wind, lenf- iTWi: imTiiid, old manure, and earth from an old pasture, in equal parts, well mixed. Then, a few words as to watering, tem perature, etc. It is a good rule to give water only whon tho ground is dry, and then to glvo it thoroughly, so that it will run through tho ball of earth. No universal rtilo can bo given, howovcr. Tho African lilly, for example, needs water to saturation, whilo tho cactus family need but little. Watch tho foli age, und novcr allow it to tlag. ICxam ino tho soil, and never allow it to become dry. Experience will teach whon to water, by noting tho sound of tho pot when rapped with tho knuckles, or by its weight when lifting it. Of courso tho leaves should bo sprinkled ns well as tho soil. There Is ordinarily moro dan ger to our plants from heat than cold. As a general rule, sixty to sovenly de grees by day, and forty-live to fifty de grees by night, is high enough. Tho exceptions io this, must bo learned by ox pcrienco. Too Much Lund. The desire to own a very largo farm U natural, but often proves unwiso in its results, when a man wishes to nrac tiso a mixed husbandry, and his nreselif acres aro too few nnd unsuitable, it is (loui)tiess Wlso to annex moro territory Neighbor Jones has twenty acres of meadow land, which is snitablo only for liay or grain or hoed crops. Hut as ho finds a small dairy would bo prolltn- Die, ana snoop would bring in good ro turns, it would bo advisablo for him to buy sovoral acres of rolling or hillv land adjoining. But.thlsaccomiilishcd. lot him stop, and bo caroful to buy 110 moro man no actually needs for Ids bpe- cuu purpose, i'or tins new land will havo to pay taxes, will havo to bo fenced, mid may need othor expenses laid out upon it. At any rate, it will add to ids cares, nnd perhaps will bring in 110 utlo- quato return, Wo know a farmer who, ten years ago, ownod ono hundred and fifty ncros, and was doing very well ; he now owns ilvo hundred, and Is worso air than boforo. And why'.' JJccauso this Jargo farm Is a great bill of expense to turn j no cannot afford to keep it up In good condition, and It hangs a mill Btono of caro about Ids nock. Ills wife and children, both eons aiul daughters, aro obliged to work Jtard to koep the Krcnt machlno a-running, Wo presume his boys doclnro thoy will leavo homo ns soon as thoy aro old enough ; and the girls say thoy will dio before they will marry farmers. Ncithorfcoiioiiordaugh. ters nro educated as thoy deserve to bo; thoy cannot bo spared for this from work on the big farm. Now wo declare Ihatnui'li a farm Isttonrso to Its possessor and his family, and an injury to tho wliolo agrli'titturitl Interest. If that man wants to savo himself and his household, ho should sell at least one half of his land, Improve the remainder to mako it moro productive, release his children from bondage, and try lo make his homo n placo of comfort. J lo will live longer, lay up us good iv property, and will train a moro Intelligent and a happier family. Jtechunye. High versus Low Stnlilrs. It is a fault with most (-tables, that they aro built for men rather than horses. Wo wish to point out two com mon errors into which not n few build ers aro liable to fall in constructing stables, especially thoso upon farms. Tlio first is in having tlio doors and up per lloor bo low as they generally are. On account of theso low doors horses instinctively learn to fear them, and they shy, rear, or praneo whenever led toward them. They aro also among tho most frequent causes of poll evil. The horse, when passing through them, is cither surprised by something it beholds outsldo of the building, or checked by tho nolso or gesture of tho person lead ing him, when up goes tho head, and crash comes tho poll against tho beam of tho doorway. A violent bruise often results therefrom, and a deep-seated ab scess follows. Low hay-iloors also pro duco the same trouble. Tho sudden ele vation of tho head is, in tho horse, ex pressive of very unexpected emotion. Tills etl'ect is always noticed whenever you enter tho stable rapidly or at 1111 tin usual hour. A sudden noKo will also occasion tlio samu upward motion of tho head. With low stables an injury to the horso Is almost Invariably sure to follow. Maine Farmer. Cooking Cnullflowcr. Cut tho heads before they become loose, and boil in water slightly sailed never with meat. When tender, which will usually bo with twenty minutes cooking, take up and drain and cover with drawn butter (white sauco made with butler, flour, nnd water), and servo hot. They are usually eaten without other addition, but mjhic dress with pepper nnd vinegar the same as they do cabbage. WIT AND WISDOM. An Irish girl on Sunday was accosted by tho priest: "Good morning, daugh tor of tho devil." Kho meekly replied " Oood morning, father." Tjin Secretary of tho Treasury has Just mado a statement of tho public debt showing if diminution of about a millioi per dny for the last sixty days. An oxchaiigo,describingaee!ebration snys: "Tho procession was vcryfinoand nearly two miles in length, as was also tho prayer of Dr. Perry, the chaplain. A Wisturn young lady whilo on her way to bo married was run over and killed. A continued old maid savasely remarked, " She has avoided a moro lingering and horriblo destiny." What makes you look so grum Tom? "Oh, I had to endure a sad trial to my feelings." " What on earth was it?" " Why I had to tio on a pretty girl's bonnet whilo her ma was look lug on." An old gentleman who had spent nil Jus life in statistics, says ho never heard of but ono woman who insured her lifo. Ho accounts for this by tho singular fact of one of tho questions be ing, "What Is your ago?" Tun alderman who was lately Injured by tho accidental discbargo of a duty is reported tobe in a fair way of recovery Hesays he'll novcr bo caught that way again while in tho full posossion of ids senses. A (, speaking of tho mar ried stato before Ids daughter, whom ho" wished to disauado from matrimony f-ald, "Sho who marries does well but she who does not marry does better." " Well, then," said tho young lady, " 1 will do well ; let those who chooso do better." Education Is a companion which no misfortune can depress, 110 crimo can de stroy, no enemy can alienate, no despot ism can enslave. At home, a friend: abroad, an introduction ; in solitude, a solace; and In society an ornament. It chastens vice, it guides virttio, it gives ai oneo graco ana governmental genius; witnoutit, winit is man? A snleiidid slave ; a reasoning savage. Ab 0110 of tho Dover (England) vol- untecrs was passing along, riilo in hand, ho was accosted by a precocious urchin, who called out: "Who shot tho do"?" This saying our friend appeared by no means 10 reusii. ho, turning, bo said, " If you aro not off very soon, I'll shoot a donkey." Whereupon tho boy called out to ono of his companions, relolncd. " I say, Dill, look hero this fellow is going to commit suicide." A jurton'ri namo was called by tho cieri:, and 1110 man advanced to the judge'sstand unds-ald: "Judge.I should ni:o to bo excused!" "It is lmnossl bio," cuid tho judgo, decidedly. " Hut, Judge, if you know my reasons." " Well, sir, what aro they?" "Sir, the iwk in-, nun too limniiesitatcu. "Pro ceed," continued tho Judgo. " Well. judge, if I mustsayit.l'vegotthoitch." mo juilgo being n very cdato one, turned to the clerk and Bald, "Clerk. i.l. ... ' ' ecrumt tuai man out." Somk timo sinco a traveller stepped into a nam: 111 inonoigiiuorhood of- and immediately nflor his entrance pull ed off his hat, coat, and cravat ; this uuiio, ue cast a iook at tlio cashier, who was seated in a comer, "calm as u Sum. mor morning," and withueommnn.llmr shako of his head said, "Sir, hadn't you bettcrbo getting tho water heated?" Tlio teller Informed him that ho was in 1110 wrong "shop." " You'roiunbnnb- sir, nud not in n barber shop." "A iNiiiK, eiiY" ejaculated tho blraugor, "dang mo, thoy told mo it was a ahav. lug shop!" HORSE AND ItlDEIt. lit cross-country riding the horso that knows liN work will nlways do it best with tho least Interference. When men talk of sparing their horso here, and nm kin? play there, they aro stniply uxtirplng tho credit of that Judgment the horso himself will employ. You may chooso tho part of tho fenco you wish your horso to tako, but he'll take himself in his own way far better than any suggestion of yours could Intimate to HI 111 . Tho horse, too, will " tako off" boforo his leap with far greater accura cy If loft lit a meauro to himself; and In the measure of Ids stride, as ho nears his fence, tho animal will bo guided by the amount of ell'ort ho is called on to make. I speak, of course, of a well trained horso a hunter; not those fiery, reckless animals that breast their walls and flounder Into their doublo ditches, und to ride which is as lialr brained a feat as a man can well per form. Tho great test of good riding is tho " consent" tho spirit of union es tablished between tlio horso and his rider tho intuitive knowlcdgo of what your horso can do, being Joined to your own power of conveying your wish to tho animal. That attained, there Is no moro to bo gained. This is not every man's gift, still rarer is it every wo man's. HlackwootV Jfaffashe. JOSEPH S. DULL, Manufacturer of nnd Wholesale Duller In clothing, cloths, cassimehes, and vf.stingw, No. V, North Third Street, Philadelphia. "yATSON & JANNKY, Importers and Jobbers of BILK AND FANCY PRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, Ac, No. 3il Market fitroet riillnilelphln. a KOHIUN'M & CO., IKON MUKCIIANTH, Northeast corner of Kecond nnd Vino Street, Philadelphia. I. 1L WALTER, Lalo Walter A Knub. Importer and Dialer In CHINA, fll.ASH, AND UUHHNSVAUB, Na SJ1 Noith Third Sheet, between ltaco and Vino Philadelphia. JJjVSTABLISlIICD 1820. JOHNHIIAKIUTACO., W1IOI.US ALP, 1 ) t UO U 1 STS, nnd Dealers In CllUMICALS, MEDICINES, PATENT StEDI UINIX, SPICES, PA1NTH, VlUt, WINDOW C1LAKS, VAUNIS1IUH, DT.S, &c, Ac, HouthcivMt comer of Third and CullowhlU HU Philadelphia. jmnmusTEH & buothek, importers ana Jobbers of 1IOS1U11Y, OI.OVPK, fcUIIlU'S AND DltAWKlW, nurriiNs, suspknduiih, IIOOPSICmTH.HANPKllP.rilllirH, TlIItEADS, SKWINO SILKS, TP.IMMINGS, POUTK MONNAIPS, BOArS, PUtFUMlillV. PANCY COOD.S, AND NOTIONS GUNmtALI-Y, Also ManufactureM of llltUSIIUS AND LOOKING GLASSES, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WARH, IlISOOMS, ItOPIX, TWINKN, Ac. No. 300 N'oilh Third Street, ubovo Vine, Philadelphia. jOYAL & KOYElt, Successors to OIM1KUT, llOYAI. A CO., WHOLESALE DltUGG BO, Importers and Dealers In DHUGH, MEDICINES, SPICES, PAINTS, OILS GLASS, DYE STlPPS, Ac., Nos. SOU mul 311 North Third Street, Phlhidelpbla. QIIAULES II. MAltl'LE, Importer and Dealer In HKANDIES, WINl, GINS, LIQUOItS, WINE I11TTE1W, Ac, No. 122 North Third street, above Aieh, west tldo, Phlladclpblu. Lj-AUKN, 1JOYL) it CO., COM M ISSION M lUtOHANTH, and Wholcmlo Pualers In I.EAr AND M.VNUPAUTUltED TonAC'CO, SEOAltS, ic, No. 01 Nortli Third Street, riillndclpbla. Consignors Can forward Ibeb-kt.w V t t. 1 without pn. paying tlio United Slates tax. Jl' M. AlAUPLE, NOTIONS, HOSIEKY, GLOVHS, AND PANCY GOODS, No. a North Third Street, Phlladelibla. JKODHEAD & JCAIJIJ, .jiunutactureu ami Wholetnlo Dealers In 110UTH AND SHOI, No. 211 North TlUid Street, Phlludelpbla. n 11 IE UNION hotel; Auli Street, botweiii Third and l'ourth Blrotbi, I'hll.uleliihla. CIUtlSTAWEIlEIt, Proprietors, gT. CHAUl.ES HOTEL, " ON THE EUItOPIUN PLAN, Nos. 01, (2, (, nllll Cli j,orlu -j.,,,,.,, Btr(cU between Market nml Areli Strivts, Philadelphia, CHAltLm KLECKNEH, Man age r. Q.IUAKD HOUSE, Cuiiicr of Ninth and Chestnut SUeots, l'lilladeliihla. II. Vi KANAOA. Proprietor. JOHN STItOUl' & CO., Kuceeinors lofitroup A Ilrothcr, WIIOUIMAI.B DliAMirW IN I-'IHII, No. 21 N rl!i Winrvoi, an I Ti NjrtU Water ;Ht Philadelphia. jlliLKll & HOST, Hu.vessors lo Franklin P. it. Co,, Importers nnd Wholealo Dealers In MQUOltH, WINIX, AC, No. 410 mid 112 North Third Ktrcet, Philadelphia. J. LKSTEIt, Wholesale anil llrtnll Dealer In POHUION AND DOMESTIC CA1UT.TH, OIIj CLOTHM, WINDOW SIIADIW, Ac, No. 20 North Keconil Htreet, opp. Christ Church, Phllmlelphla. JENNEI)Y, STAIHS & CO., wiioi.rwAi.n Pisn dhai.eiw, Kos. 130 nnd 1.12 North Wharves, Philadelphia. JOS. 1UKUKL & II. S. FIST Hit, (Iilo lllegel, Wlrst & Ilrvlii,) Impoilers and Jobbers of DllY GOODS, Jfo. 17 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Ai.rnnn iivnnt.v, wji, i:. AMmimtT, k, ti. scorr. J USSICLL & WOODUUFF, Wholesalo Dealers In TOHACIW, CKIAllS, PIITX, &c, Ac, No. 13 North Third Street, nbovo Market, Philadelphia. JOHN 0. YE AO Kit & CO., Wliolesaln Dealers In llATri, UA1H, HTltAW UOODH, AND i.adii;s' rait, No. 257 North Third fitroet, PhlUdelpbla. jJILLEU & ELDEIl, Wholesalo llOOKSELLKltS, STATIO NKHS, AND 1ILANK-11O0K MANUl'ACTUltEItS. No. 201 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Wall and Curtain I'ajicrs, nnd Stationery gen erally, ISTAISLISIIEI) 1S28. . W. CAUPENTEIt, HENSZEY A CO., WHOL1XALE DltUOGIMTS, Na 737 .Market Street, ono door below Eighth, Philadelphia. lir.UOS, MEDICINES, CIIEMICAI.M, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VAUNIS1IES, DYES, and every other art Irln pertaining to tho business. 01 mo lu st nuallty, anil at lowest market lab s. "y-EAVEH & Sl'JlANKLE, WHOLESALE OIIOCEP.IF-S AND COMMISSION MEItCHANTH, Now. il-.nnd 2J7 Areh Street, Philadelphia. "y 1. DUItKIfAIlT, importer nud Dealer In IltON AND STIIliL, No. 00 Pront Street, Philadelphia. JAltCllOFT it CO., Importer? and Jobbers of SCAPLE AM) PANCY DllY GOODS. CLOTHS CASSIMEItES, llLANKlCTS, LINENS, DllY GOODS, HOS1E11Y, Ac, l'hlladelplilik NDIiEWS, WILlvINS ik CO., Dealers lit POllEIGN AND DO.MUS1TC DllY GOODS, No.50.tMaikot Street, Phllmhlpbla. gNYDEH, HAItltlS & DASSETT, aianui.iciurers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND POY'S CLOTHING, Nos. 5ij Maiket, nnd r,ZS Conimeieo Street, Philadelphia. II W. JtANK'S W IIULi;SAI.ETOIlACCO, SNUPP, AND CIC.'AIl WAItEIIOUSl:, No. 1 10 North Third Stieet, betweun Cherry and Pace, west side, Philadelphia. QOT'JTiELL & AYitES, lioiesalo Diulei-H In PISH, CHEESE, Ac, Ac, No. 100 North Wharves, cccnml door abovu Areh Stieet Philadelphia. JJUItUAH FOU CATAWISSAI THIS WAY POIl DAltGAINS. floods to coinparo with stilugency of the money ' i. mm 1 onijiiru juices befmo pur chasing elsewhere. cull nt tho favorlto bus! McNINCII A SHUMAN, and you will bo met by tho obliging proprietors or im.iri-icriis.niiiiHiinwn tlirough thUrgri at variety sloro freoof cbnrge.of enursu. They will glvoyim a fair ehani o to spend your lonso chango, they trust much more prolltubly Hum It can bo spent STOCK OP DltY GOODS this Spring Is much larger lu nil Its varieties than LADIES' DltUSS GOODS aro of tho nicest styles lu market. They haven HATS. CAIW, 110OTH AND SHOIiS, HU.MMEH CLOTHS, CASSINEI, CASSIMEItES, AND VESTINGS, and numeroun articles eonimon to such ostubllsh., a geiieiui assoriiaeul of HAltDWAIlE, TINWAltE, QUKBSSWAllU AND UllOCEHIIiS, 111 m prentiy reduceil prices. Thoy wish to con. unit umiiicvi on tno system of "PAY AS YOU QO," nd they think thev can nflhnl in u..n 1 lllnl- riilinn t ti. I ,. ....... ' nil ,, U , V, V.. . ' " ''"kt N I'tiiiiMiuiiu 01 inoir iiirio. ....j. lomers nud tho public, generally. McNINCII A HIIl'MAN. UTAWJRHA ILMLllOAD l'Kiiiuintl Kttin.if.i... ic.t t .rKHitniu.if ..Vft.11 tliotmliHwill UltlMl N'mirii 1. rn . EMuVssat iiVAVji. uu" "l 1 r'M'i woiD, eupt, rPHE FLOItENCE skvino-maciiini:b A11P. THE ltIT in 1111: woitt.n, Salesrooms, OX) Chestnut Slieel, Philadelphia, Pn. While n larce nuinbrr of Machines havo been nflVrcd tnthe publte.soluii of which possess polnls of fXcellenconniliiiliiiowieilijeil merit, o navi long felt Mhnl otbi is lmviM"(perleiiiTd thn lie- eesslly of a Machine iiioie pel feet lulls median!' cul stiueture, coinblnlng In the IIIOIU'AT DEOHEl! PIMPLICITY WITH DUltAIIIMTY, nnd whilo cnpablo of doing 11 oni:ATi:n uange op woiik, one that could bo easily uudoMood nnd coinrc' bended by nil. Tn supply n Sewliiu-Machlue froo from tlio nU "Clloiisntlaehed lootheiii has Ik fit noeay bisk for wo not only had to surpass other Machines, as they appeared years ami, but also as Improved from tlmo In t lino by morn recent experience. This wo lsildly claim has been iiccnmplMicd by tho liberal expenditure of capital, and tho p v tlent, untiring labor nf years' mid In presenting our Machine to the public, wn shall maltn stroiii: asseitloiis respecting Us merits, whleli wo aro prcpircil tnsubslantlitlo In every juu tlcnlnr. Discarding the Chain nud LoopirKuttHlltehes, wo adopted tho LOCK STITCH (nllko nn litl; sides of tho fabric), whlcJj Is re- gamed by thb masses ns best suited tn nil kinds of woik. Hut to Ineet object lonshomctltnesurged against thl.l favorlto slltcb, wo bavo nddcil the Knot, Double Ijck, and Double Knot, either of whlih Is fiTitoNanrt and Monn elastic than tlio Lock; thin enabling the ojicmtor to select iv Mitch PEP.I'ECTLY SUITED tn every grndo of fabric, nnd where trcccwiry, sew seams much stronger than It h iKisslblu lo'do by uauii. T1IC PLOItENCC niakei POtm DIFI'EItKNT STITCHP.S with ns much easo ns nrdlnnry Madilues make one, and with as little luacblnery. Tho result nf repeated tests has been nil wo could deslrn, and from Its first iiitinducliim the l'loieneo hiw, yalued hoslu of friends, and been regaruea ns n HOUSEHOLD NECMSSITY i prtivlngllmt the public fully appioelato tire many advantages eoniblned In thn Florence Machine. Owr all others, the Ploreneo must bb heinlobo ruiiy iiiiuisiateil. Wo claim for tho FLOHENCH the follenrlng ADVANTAGUS overnny and nil BEWING-MACHINKS IN THE WOULD! 3-It makes fourilllliirent stitches, tbo ln. li knot, double-lock, and donble-kimt, 01. ono and thn same machine. Each stllch being ullku on uoiii sines 01 1110 ralirle. K7r Kvory Machine has tho rexcrslblo feed mo. Hon, which enables tho operator, by simply tinn ing a thumb-screw, to havo tbo work run either louiengni or left, to stay any part of tho seam, or fasten tho euils of sifanis, without turning tbo iiiuiie. e-Clinnglng tho length nf stllch, nnd from onu kind nf Mitch to another, can readily bo done iiuo 1110 jiacuino is In motion. -Tboneedlo Is cosily adjusted, and docs not snip siiieues. TO-It is almost noiseless, nnd can bo used wnuioijinei Ls iiiH-osssry. JSS-Iti mollons are all positive: thern nrn tin springs to get out of order, nud Its simplicity en ables any ono tn operate It. C5- It does not require llnor thread on tbo under than for the upper side, nnd will sew across tho bom lest si-am, or from ono to 111010 thicknesses nrcloth, without change yf needle, tension, bleak. Ing thread, or skipping stitches. A3-Tho Henimer Is easily nitjustcd, nud ivlll turn any width of hem desired. o-No other Machlno will do so or l'iin of work as tho Plorenee. 3It will hem, fell, hind, cathcr. hr.iM ,.,ni and gather and sow nn a rnlllo at tbo same lime' It has 110 springs Ui get out of order, nud will lm.i a lifetime. 3- It Is fully protected nnd licensed by KHas Howe, Jr., and our own Letters Patent. Tho taking up of the slack-thread Is not per formed by tbo Irrigiilareontinctlon of a wbn. nii or iiiieeilaln operation of spring. The i.iveisioi, mid mi uniey 1th which tbo PloreiiCH draws tbo thread Into the elnth Is unappioaebed by any Suwliig-Mnehlne hitherto ollered In tho world. Wo furnish each Machlno with " Ibiinum's Keir. Sewer," whlehgiildes tbo work llseir.anil Is 01 in ealculiiblo value, especially lo Iiiexpeiieneo oner alors. While possslng Iho nhove. an.l ,.n,.. iidviinlages, tbo Plorenee Is sold at cntrespmidln-' prices with other llrsl-clns-j Machines, am! a can" fill examination will lull) suhslanlLitoiill that mo haui claimed for it, and Justify tbo iussertlon wo now m.ike, that It la tho best Sewing. Machine in tbo world. Wo wnraant every Mnehlno to ho nil that .... claim for It, and tn give eutiro satisfaction, and will glvo a written warranty, If reuulred. Liberal nrrangements inndi-with llinsfiwim 1.,,,. In tell iig.un. Portlier Information may be hail by inclnsliii stamps to the (ien.-ral Ollleoof the PIoienieSewIng-MaeliInoCniiiiiv.(.!ii:i...t,.i .list., 1 iiimuejpuin, Pennsylvania. PltlCES OP MACHINES. No. 1, rialn.-TIHs .Machine m.ikej tho wi iiiiilIiiiotstItches,anilhasthoiuverslblofeid...S03 rioieini.. uoiii-nriMiuenteil Machine, ', lion 115111 cm r, wiiiiout lock j makes all tbo fouf stitches, and lias tho ie verslhln feisl No. 3.-Sllvir-platnl .Machine, oiuainentei'n 75 mine nll-llnlslied walnut, with heavy half twe, lock and drawer! makes all tho lour "mines, mm Jills 1110 ie. edible r, e.l Nn. l.-Sllier-plated .Machine, highly i'nZ mentin.nnd makes nil tllu four stlt.Oics, nnd has the reveislblo feid. 1. . . . . . ...i-n. iiiniinginiy laliio oj Polished Itixewnnd Table i.o ..... niiuiHi lanie, in oil S',. (I . .... . ' ."Wiling my table, In oil nusuwond lablo. In oil """ No. 0,-Wuluut, oil (liiUhisl j laungany table Ilosowood table -.'.',"' O. O. PVANS, General Agent, 0.10 Chestnut Street, Pblladelphia. QCIIELL, DEitUEH ifcca; UL.MaiAL COMMISSION MEKC1IANTS Dealers In PISH, HALT, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, Ac, Nos. lilnnd 121 North Wharves, nbovo Archht. Philadelphia. Sole ngents lor Wilcox's wi..,ei n. ... . ... lelh.U.Ks.Hndr,,,,, " STAllLlSHEi) 1703. JORDAN A HUOTIlElt, WHOLIWAI.E QROCEIUS, nnd IK-ah-m lu SALTPETRE AND JlIUMSTONl-:, No ail North Thlul Street, Phllndelphia, 1 A. HEN'UllY, fiuecen'or lo IIndry A iinrm, Manufacturer nnd Wholesale Dealer 111 J100TH ANDHlIOEH, No. ft .Vorl h Third Street, l'hlla.lelphln. w ilh ' Mrt'INCOlT A TUOTTEll, wiroi.ivsALP. aitocp.ns, No. II North Water Klrecl, nml No. 20 Not Hi Delawnto Avontie, Phlliidelphla, Q.E0110E II. ItOUEHTS, Importer mul Dcnlnrlti JIA11DWA11E, CUTLEIIY, OtlNS, Ar No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, Philadelphia. JgEXJAMIN CMHEN, Dealer In CAtirP.TIN(lS, WINDOW HITADP.S, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 31 Ninth Second Street, Philadelphia. J 1 KEAItl), with LII'PINCOTT, IIOND A CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Denlers In HATS, CAPS, PUItS, AND STHAW GOODS, No. 113 Mm ket Street, Philadelphia. jTM)WE, HUSTON & CO., Jlatiufncturers nud Wholesalo Dealers In COTTON YAIINS, CAltl'iri' CHAINS, iiatis, wicks, tie yauns, coiidage, P.HOO.MH, WOOD and willow waue, LOOK'G GLASSKS, CLOCKS, PANCY IIASKETS, TAllLE, PLOon, AND CAIUIIAGU OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. 530 Market Street, south side, Philadelphia. G i.KEAT I'ENNSY 1 jVA XI A 110 UTE tnl ho NOUTII AND WEST. FOUH DAILY TIIANINS. ON AND AI-l'Ell MAltClt 12, ISOfI, trains will leavo ns follows: Leavo Wash'n. Iavn Ualtn. E.spress Mall lii'Ji a.m. 11.00 ,.i. V.1 bill" fiitl A.M. lftllll-.M. PiUsburgiind Erlel'.t. I:.'ai e.v, 7:'.1ii,.m. I'itlsbuij; and Elmlia Kx....T:IO l'.M. Pit; TWO Tlt.MNS ON SUNDAY, (I'nlllli ctlllg lit Hull lllioln,) Leavo Wasblngton at ;l.iiiiid 7:10 1'.sr. SLEKl'ING CAPS ON ALL NIGHT THAINS. LOW PAKE AND tJUICK TIME. Calx run through from llalllmore to Plttsbuig, Erie, or Elluira without change. J. N. DUIlAHHY. Superintendent N.C.lUt. liHILADELlMIIA AND EltlE JL ltAII.ItOAD. This great lino tiaverses the northern nnd not tliwost counties nf Pyinsvlvimla tn the city nf Erie, nf Ijiko Erie, ft has been leased and Is npcrated bv the PENNSYLVANIA ltAII.ItOAD COMPANY. Time nf Passenger Trains at Nnrthiimlierlsnd: I.KAvn EAsrw.Min. lirlo Mall Train, 11:3.1 1. v.. Erin Express Train, .'Wi A.M.; Elinirti Mull Train. llll'i'lA.M. I.kwk Wr.sTWAun. Ilrlo Mali Train, fl a.m.; Erie Express Train, 7:11 i-.jt.j Elniha Mall Trnlu. l: '."i l'.M. Passenger cars run through on the Erie Mall nnd Express Tinlns without chanuu both wavs lw. tween l'lilliiilelhbl.t nud Pale. M.w oiik CnNNi.cnuN. Leave New Ynrk at 0 A.M., nrrho at Erie at 11:1", a.m.; Leave Eilunt 1:35 l'.M., arrive at New York ul :i:Iu i-.m. Elegant sleenlin; ears mi all iiIl'IiI trains. Pnr lllfnntialton lesneellnir im..iii!er hinlm.uu at tho coiner nf Thirtieth mid .Mini.-,.! Streets, Philadelphia: und for fielidit business of mo I ninnaiiy-H llgeuis. ... in. i. 11. 101 nei 01 1 h 1 1 1 111 una Ainriiei Streets, Phlliulelplil.i; .1. W. ltevnnlils, Erie; Wil liam liruwil, Agelll ..u.1,,1;., lliillllniire. II. II. IIIU'MON, General Freight Auent, Plillnilelplda. II. W. (IWINNHIl, General Ticket Agent, i'hllailelplila. A. L. TVLEll, General Superintendent, WIlllainsiKirt. March IB, 1HA T AOIvAWANXA AXD 11LOOMS- J J llUltd ItAILliOAD. (111 and after March 11, ItM, ransanrjer Trains will run as fntlnws: r-nuriiWAuii. Leave Serantnn at 1:10 p. v. and iOa.M.! rvtllL-slmi lit I! i-.m. nml i:.v. 1 , . liuiKiit'iaii-.M.andO.-ilA.M. ArrlvoatNorlliuni bei laml at 0: ill p.m. mid a.m. NtlKIIIWAKIl IllloXnrtlitllillir.rlnn.l nt r a .r 1111115 p.m.: lllnnmsburg at Wi a.m. and 0.- at 11:01 a.m. mul II p.m. Anlw nt Scian- inii 111 i.ij A..-1. nun io;i-i p.m. ,., , , , II. A. PONDA, Sunt. Kingston, March 13, 10, ' 1 'PIIH AMERICAN HAY KN1FI3 1 AND PoniC Wo t ln nn, I, .rvl. ...... I ,.H....., 01 Coluiiihl i Cnunlv wllnesseil the 11I11I nf hav fnlks nn the Mini l.l Mr. Purse!, in lleuilo. b lnwnlllll, nn Mniiilay, Jlav 7, lv:ii, between tbo Amer call lliiv lnll.. mi, I l'ri ....... ,.r. SLIl'Ell, WALLS. SltltlNEIt A I,-,... of l.... 'l iiiu-g, Pa., nnd thu itiiinlel's Piiieni Ihiy llnok. Ille Aliierlemi 1WI.- llri..,l 1. 1. .... VV-'.'Vf1' ..,.,'i".tl1" hi three. Wi-are satis, lied It will lake ns much hay into (he mow ns Iwn wind hnrsis can ibiiw. Wn alsn wiw II t titling buy, and think It cannot In- b,.,it iimi liv kulte! nnd cheeifiilly reeomiiiend It us thu best liay tori: V ' '.' V- "'"N1K. Dll. P. f. HAltlilSO.V, . II. Kiiuns, .Ioiin Dii ik, ' JllllV llMKUIfh-, ilANIKI, Nt.YKII, II. IMiii.n.Mii.i.M!, PciLsix. J II IIAKI. JlM.t.KH, John- Wui.k. ' 1 lll-V II Sll 1111111111:1,-1 nrrt III.. ,.,.!.!.. ...... nii'i'i'is' M,nvL'r "ther ngrleuUurul Impie Q W. 15LAHOX & CO., Manufaeltiren or OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, No. 121 North Thlid Street, Philadelphia. 13IHEXIX STOVE DEPOT. IIEATEIW, RANGIM, AND .VTOVIX, Wholesalo tind Uelall. PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. VULCAN HEATER, for healing two or more rooms. PARLOR, COOKING, LAUNDRY, HEATING, ami every variety of KfO VP-S. JOHN I. HEMS, No. S13 North Second Street, Phlladi Iphl.i, fJ V. LAMIJEUT, with RONS, SIIOIT A C'0M Importers ami Jubbersuf CLOTHS, CAKSIMEUES, VIKi'INGS, Ac. No. 301 Market Sired, Philadelphia. g L. KETTLE, with 11PSII, I1UNNACO., DltY GOODS, No, l'JNorlhThlrdSln-et, " Philadelphia, H. LOXUSTllIOTH, PAPER-HANGING w.VHEIIOUSH, No, 13 Nuilh Third Strut, ll.n,i.. "piAflllMUTJI, imOTHUIt it CO., WIIOLP.SALI! TOIIACCO DEALERS, No, 111 NoilhThlid Klrwt, llvodnois beluw Race, Pactoiles, Ntss nud w, Quuny liticit, l'lilladclphl.i, rPIin OAItAXY, .U'onrNiOlITt.Yll.liUSTllATP.DAtAOAZINtV THE tl LAXY Is bllbilsbed forllllghtly, nn tl,a flrt iilid lllteetiili of each ninnth, and lias the int.- vaiitmre of (omliig ng tn tbo reader llilernudlfttiiy iltlilles nlid the worMlcs, ' d niiiuber the Mngn.lno was in belwi ell the Inullth Willi the sni mul nillllber the Miiua.ltio Wns tn. Iniged by slxleell pni!i-, lilaKIng It to Itiiitnlit nineiy-oiK nm ui iiim," ., ITS coMiuiitrroits. TUP. (l.VtiAXY will bo 1111 original Alnrrlenn Mimn.llii! nf the highest class, Arrangement!! hnc nccnrdlligly bieii made Tec regiiliircontrlliii. llmis irniu the best known nml limit meritorious Willers Inthecnunliy; nnd mnremcr, tho Edltur will always seek In elicit nml ciicouraHMcniitrlliM tlniis fiom new nuthors nf leal nblllly or ili cldwl genius, 'Ihonitltlcsln Till'., GALAXY will Vsj signed with the names or their ntilhois, who n lit he allowed n Wide ficidoni 111 tho cxprtsslon of "'The'llrMiind second numbers nf THE O ALAXYV for May llrst nnd liriei nth.-lswi, t ontnlii conlrllui tlnus hunt John it 11 V'yPr. Prances Powci Cobbe, ltose Teuy, Georgii AlttisT 'rjirrlsclid, l&. luund c, Sleillnnn, Iho Author nf "Krtlly t'lin. ter," Protcssur Pleriu Hint, Dr, W. II Draper, Stlllmnn S. t'oiiaiil, General t;l!i"eret, iiflAii.rH "Thu CI11M linns." by Atilhony Trollopo.-ninl "Aiehlo l,ovcll," by Jlrs. i:dwanls. Were fY.m. 1111 need In tho first number or '1 ill' GALAX 7, nud will cuiillntie to li published serially slmiil. lam ouly Willi Hit lrii)'penrnnri! In England. '1 In, back numbers of the .Miign.lno containing these Mnrles may always be obtained from 11 new silcaler nr from the prnprletms. PltOPlSOll 11 LOT ON COOKP.UY. In Ihe pecniid number of THE GALAXY ww commenced a scries or nillcles nn (.uikcry, hj 1'rofessnr Pltrio Hint, the welbknowii teaehri.f the art. These art klcsw 111 bemiulenf gieat pro tlenl value tot-wry family, lleslile mnny ga'lro linmlcal tllti-cllnns nf essential liumrtitncc, tin- will cnntnlii ieeel)its and practical suggestion w hlch must .secure lw ll-.cnt thousnuits nf rendorn. TEfiMS. Tho price of THF. GALAXY IsH-ccnUlXrnun. berj S.j lor the yearnf tweiity-fniiriiniiibcrs', J3 fur six mniilhs tuolvc tiliuibers, Th vuluinn for the year will lueliiibi ts-tiivn pages, lllui. Iraled bv twelity!lve or more fulbpngo engrnf. lugs, printed nn tinted paper: beside Iniiumeru. blo smaller Illustrations, scattered through tlio text. THE GALAXY may bo ordered nt the rsl nf ticnty-!lii mils u number lor rny length of time ileslri d. Specimen cnpltn will bo sent 011 revelpt of 80 cents. Atldiess W. C. A. P. P. CHUItCH, Pronrlutors, 3'J Park How, New Yofk. 'Hlt'S WEEKLY. TEitMS. Ono copy ono yeni- ft 00 One copy fur three lnnnths 1 cq And 1111 extra enpy will Is- allowed for rrerr club of live subscribers, lit 1 00 ench. or slxcoplt s for fill no. Paynunt Invariably lu nilviinre. The Itoniul N'nluincs nf lltirtn-r's Weeklv from the cnmuii-neement will bo sent tnnny imftofllia I'nltisl Slates, freo of carriage, upon receipt oflbt price viz. : Ololh iiindlng 97 nn per Volnmts. Half Mnr 1 ( Each Ynhimo contains tllu Numbers for Ou Year TEllMrt TO ADVEIITISEIW.-Ono dollar ul llfty cents per lino for Inside, two dollars per has for uutslde Advertisements, ench Insertion. ilAltl'Elt A llItOTHEIl. Publlslisrs 13 EADIXO HAHjUOAI). XV Sl'MMElt A 1 1 1 1 A N G K M EN T, ,nrirjl.lnai. Great Ti null Lino limn IbnNnrth and Nnrlliwm for Phllnili Iphlu, New Ynrk, lti-nilliig, I'nttsrUls Tuimiqiia, Ashlnnd, Ibannn, Allen town, JCustoa Ae., Ac, Tinlns leavo Hnrrlsbarg for New York m M. lns: At ;t, 7:10, andli:i" A.Jt., nnd 2 nud N:20p.u ennuis ling wllh slmltiii- Irnliis nn the PaiiiistI. vnnln lbilhimd, and arrlilng at Nuw Ynik ntVis and IOA.M.,aiid.'l:l'land Mr,x, Sleupliig Cais nirninininy thu.1 A.M. unit te'JU l'.M. trains, without change. Leave Ilnrrlshurg for Heading, Pottsvllle.Tama qua, Mlnersville, Ashland, Pine (Imve.Allentoifu and Philadelphia at 7:10 am., nud 2 and K-JUp.x Klupplugiit Lebaunn and principal Way IhnOi-O p.m. train making uueluso cunneetiniisfor Pollsvllleor Phlliidelphla. Pnr Poltsvllle, Scliujl. ..... ...... .1, .in,,, 11, 11, .11. r iiui miii 11 in 1 rtiis. ijiiehaiinn Itallined, leiivolliin-i.sbnrgnt l l.'n-.M. ltelumlni.', leavo New York at V ax., hi M.,an4 S:1ili-.M.; l'blliidelplilaatKA.M.nnd.'yiili'.M.: Polls. 1 lllo at siO a.m. and &IS i-.m.; Ashland nt ft and 11:1) am., unit i;ii3 p.m. ; Tumtitpia at 0:13 a.m. rmit 1 nnd s:.Vi p.m. Lenin Pi.tlsvllle for Harrlsbllrtr. via Kclmvliriu and Susipiebiiuiiii Hnllrnnd, at 7 a.m. Heading AecoiiunlallonTiiilii leaves Ilendlngst 0 a.m., lelurnlng fiom Phlliidelphla ntfir.M. Ctilumbla Hilllroiiil Truliis lrnii. Tt.-iuliin. nt s-'is nnd r.:n p. v. Inr Epbrnla, Lltlz, Columbia, .l A, On Sundays haw- New York at K:3o p.m.; Phil, ilelphiaat a.m. and .1:1.1 p.m., then a.m. train run. iiiiik'hii.v in iicnninir; 1 oiisvint-ai n a.m.; Tiuss iua nt 7: CJ a.m. ; Hart Isbuntnt (WIS mul Hunt, lug nt 1:311 for Harrlslnirg. mid 10:5a a.m. for New ork, nnd l:'i"i p.m. for Philadelphia. (Vmimiilutton, MIIcuki-, Season, Excursion, mul Sclinnl Tickets nt reduced lutes to and from nil piiiiiii. Hau'U'nge ehis-ked throngh. Kighty jouinlit tf Imggngu allowed inch passenger. ,, , 11. A. NICOLLS, Gcn.Unpt Reading, Pn Apill 2t, 1MM. rJHE ATLANTIC MONTHLY" 1110 Atlantic MONTHLY, by gentirnl con. Rent, stands at thn head of American mngailuM, It iiiiiiibeis among Its contrlhutni's tin- must end. In-lit wrlteisnl the day, both lu Prosit nml Pot-trT, and Its pages liave always relhs-ted wlint is U.l In Anieilenn Llteraturi'. It has reacJied 11 clrcti. lation neier bi-loro gained by any American msif. uziiinof Iblsilats, and It bas.bytbo long irM oritsuxlstenconud the worth of Us contributor, beennie llnnly llxed ill public esteem. The fullowlng aro among tlio moot Drunlueai regular cnntrlliiitui's: II. W. UiNGFELLOW, 11. W. K.MEHSON, WILLIAM CULLEN I1HYANT, J. T. THOWKlllIKlft. DONALD (1. MfTLTflUA j.o.wirirriEit, cuumi? O. W. 1IOLMPA HAYAHD TAYLOR, HAHHIET It. STOWn. GAIL HAMILTON. .,.,, , , , , E. P. WI1I1TI.K. yisir fil,iRlo subscriptions, four dollars pe t'l.uii IlATix Twn inples forsvvtn dollars; dm enples for sixteen dollars; ten copies fur tfilrlf dollars; and tacli aildltlonal copy threti dollnris I,".r,.''v!M-v.'1".1' !-enly mbserlbers an ojlrs . t'f""1, ''iriilshed gratis, or tuenty-nno e pies forslxiy dollars. 'nil A ill'. J in- postage on thn ATLANTIC B w nli -iimrccn Is per year, nnd must lu all catw L'H'i! ', ' ''Ji'lllce whero It Is received. lm-T ,tMv:N .',"l'I,:S "f 111,1 ATLANTIC isiiis bosentnn icceliitof tHi-nty-fUii ,.,T!1','.iTr,';,NTI(; MONTHLY nml our TOPSO I OLIvSwIll bo luinlshedtiigitherntlliBdolInrs pel ear. Special Uiibu-ements nre nllereil to Wnchcrs nnd IKistmilMers In pils-llln snbserlbel to our IKirllxll 'iu,i iV,. i!,'V,!,s,.,1y''.",1,'11 lluniighnut thn couiitry. Aildress IH'hwoit A FIELDS, Publlehers, 1-1 'iieiuont Street, llnslim, IIiish. QUIl YOUXU FOLKS. ,:. ... .'m'"1 y. hivltonttentlon tnthe follnwlofl ,1 ,.h .ti .' '.' Ih.1''!..",1"" Popular Diputy StntoHu. p rhitti dent of Si honls tor l-ennsy va hla: !tl?;, ' N,,l!,i ' ir'-'-s, llosttm, Mass.: .,1! in. ','?'?Ji:s,71Vril,lt ," 111 eongialulate ytm I V11111 llii 1 i' t'i,.V''h.S t,f "(),ir V" f'"11'"-" , , H . r ,"" ",f, ',,n, 'uiinbor 1 have wtitck. u ,m i- ,' V"lf.""V",u,u nl"' character, w ... 1 " ""'Immense Inlluenie, for goisl r f. ,U ' " ho likely to wield. Judglm Sv , il" Vu V.i''hU'!'i l'"lhtl In mucliofhour 1 1 lili!"1",r!''i "' " r'"gIous and sucular, I I'lllniVm .Hi i i 1 h)-nk 1" Iho ebllil- i . i , ,',11, l!-,t," '-'h i iimf iiiponunusntiss nt 1, iii i , Km "uupeie. wllh nnddlKpluccd by a II ninlie n . Y'"'N ",lul deeells ul maliircr year.. I'ipP U , my leai-s have pinved urnunillihs and l a in ";.lV,:',',mi,mMll'1,,i ''intluudc yol fnr, vll , f,'.',"!"i kV wU '"'"l.ted tulhnclass fur in., in iii. ? , "''"''"I. mid sn eleiiillng nud lellu Ing 111 Its llilllicllies. SAMUEL P. HVTliS i'liui Ululo Siip(rliili-iiilent Schools, Pa. ailVa ,-. "n i1"1 11 Yf"'!l POLKS: 82nyer,la t ! "",'!U eoples .",, live copies, $s; ten V.i ,, ' VV ""' ! "'h "'I'lhlnnal ctw tAj" Vwonly Ini ! lb.', elub'."11 " t"1'y K""18 "' l,c'''," P""1" .. Spoelul lli'ducenieiitsonered to teachers tyit ?. Nt.-elal isipy nnd ebcular sent io rsw- wins who w 'l it 1 vi 1 it ''em o subsci ibers, for lew lUli.SOll A FIELDS, l'ubllsbrs, Hnstun, Miw-i. t cuts. JJEW YORK TIMES. ' .liV!'md'"Vin.?JiMI'i?'oulnll''l'Klho latest Pup 1 ? 1 11 Duliieslln Nums, Is ill!illsheil il.illv 11V tVudui'dnlla,1.::'' '"""""i w"'' uml"y '-dillmb The SE.M I.U'eri.'T.v n....,.., Tuesdays mid Prilb, ,,rh-, , Z: ' lir Iw ;n 1. fhe latest ge.,e11,, IniVl gc, ty' tel.S ui" iiiiuMM I'Uhlla li't'Ji ii; u muul i.4 kim'. in !lsJ.,1,rn,!iUZl,',,,,,ri'-. A IS toli'l- SFMI.Wi'Ki-i v0.i i's Wi'i l"l'u 'f Iheday.tliii to'tii'o "v'il,','5r,"f W,U " "'"''therw s o I , '' i?, 'M,,'WfcK!'iV Iti'initn," or NmmSuiii. si 11 1 ii 1 1 ii i i i i rni uni nui uiu miu re;?.?,rfol,,i,,l,",,;:m',""" m,it y TKHMS IIiii..i',iii,.u ... lire illsennllllllisl. 1 ' "mium. I inn men Thu WEEKLY TIMIX, Mtbllshtd nl twndnllnrs Rilng in pr., tlm"Vu h ' ,sY, nA' ! "n Vs. s Z,!i!!,ie:;ri,.M f mi"'"' " V..m ."r i nes,oii cuts In Irftlnloil lllltl Purls L-lvlnir tlm u 'l'is rJnan J'iV 1 ''''""' W madV sitfiiM llunii kiiii 'i ' '" ills in Agrn-ii llillll nun nt wbbO ,, . m '' ' ''"'J'lh'd flnm sou, ,-,.H nisnr lllllei.i ler. . ...I i I'liiid-SMIilo 111 IIIO Alllctl '"ill'idi -rjiunl Mairliigesuiul IK-nllis nf lie n is-li. UNUEUICH .t SMITH, WIIOI.ltALl:f!HiK'i;Itf, No. 11 North TliliilfJtuet; Plilladi'lplila.