The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 03, 1866, Image 2

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(ii:uu(ii: ii, mooiu:, r.MToit.
1'rom llio HiirlnKlIpl J IU iubU-nn.
Cor.oNiX 1'oHNKY, In writing iullam
niolory letters from Baltimore, seems
determined toluwoa political row there,
If possible. The cnuso of tho quarrel la
tho conduct of certain police comniis
(doners, who nro accused of appointing
Incompetent Judguun" election, und us
ing unfair moans to deprive Conserva
tives of Uio right of sutTi HttO. Governor
Hwnnn has ordered tho commissioners
to appear beforo him to answer these
charger), i orny says they will not ap
pear, and If tho Governor undertakes to
reinovo them they will resist by force.
Ah tho law authorizes the Governor to
remove them for official misconduct, If
they fall to appear and clear themselves
of tho charges miule, Uio Governor will
nt least havo Uio law ou his tilde In re
moving them. "Wo Bhould liopo tho
Union men of Baltlmoro arc too wise to
he misled by such, plotters of mischief.
If it corner! to lighting, Colonel Forney
will bo conveniently absent, and tho
"mighty North" ho ho confidently In
vokos will not rush to arms to help any
class of Marylanders In violent resin
tnuco to their own laws.
From tlio CUlcngo llomilillcnn.
AVc not only deprecate, but wo heart
ily and unqualifiedly donounce, an dan
gerous to tho country and fatal to tlio
Itcpiiblicau party, tho languago which
Colonel Forney writes from Baltimore.
I'ennsylTauia and tlio North will re
ply that this Maryland quarrel must ho
adjusted according to law, and without
nnv rebellion on tho nart or union
men. If Governor Swann has tlio legal
right to romovo tho commissioners, let
him do so. If ho doos po from corrupt
reasons, impeach him. If tlio President
has tlio lawful power, us ho certainly
has, to order troops to Maryland to sus
tain Governor Swann in any olllclai acts
which Governor Swann Is permitted by
the law and tho court to do, let no loyal
Union men of Maryland flro on tho
Federal flag, for they ceaso to bo Union
men when they do so. Let us maintain,
in splto of every provocation, our allo-
gianco to tlio Union and our possession
of tlio Hag, and donounco us political
mountebanks and charlatans tho would
bo Republican agitators who would
throw us into tho falso position of rebel
ogainst tlio national authority.
From thn Ni-w York lVt.
Wo warn the Republicans that If tlioy
resist Govornor Swann by forco of arms
tho law will bo against them, and pub
lic sen 1 1 nuint must condemn them . They
(tho commissioners) arguo upon this,
that tho power of removal "gives no
power to tho Govornor to try for official
misconduct, or to pronounce them guil
ty." This seems to us manifestly ab
surd. If it wcro tlio truo meaning,
then a majority or tho Legislature
would hnvo tlio right, by tho constitu
tion, to keep tho commissioners In olllco,
oven though they had been judicially
tried and found guilty of olllcial miscon
duct. It Is of no uso to arguo that tlio
constitution intends that. It seems to
us clear that tho police commissioners
nro amenable to tho Governor during
tho recess of the Legislature; and as wo
have no doubt Uiey have acted properly
and lawfully, wo nro sorry to hco them
putting themselves In tho wrong. Nor
can wo think well of tlio attitude of tlio
Republican!) in Baltimore. They havo
taken for .granted that tho Governor
will do wrong ; this they havo no right
to assume. Thon they havo publicly
nnuouueod that they will resist the Gov
ernor's acts; and tho Mayor of Haiti
more, wo read, has now quito a formld
able army at Ills back. Is civil war mi
welcome and so profltublo that It should
thus he Invited?
Tho Potl further concedes that Gov
ernor Swann appears throughout this
unfortunato affair to havo acted with
"moderation and good sense."
From tlio Now Yorlc CYimmorelM Advert Nor.
Governor Swann has, we aro forcod to
bclfoYO, from n perusal of tho law erout
ing tlio polico commissioners of Haiti
nmro, a legal right to romovo such com
mlssionors. It says that In tiid recess of
tlio Legislature ho can romovo them for
official misconduct. If ho now choos
es to regard tho action of tho present
conimtssloncrs In tho appointment of
election Judges, in tho light of " official
misconduct," ho has a legal right to do
so, and tho aggrieved parties should qui
oily submit. If It Bhould then prove
that tho Governor had been guilty of an
viegai decision, 01 an exercise ot power
oil a groundless protoxt, let him bo call
ed to account In tlio manner provided
by tho State constitution, llo Is open
tolmpeachmontiflio, under tho shadow
of the law, pursues an Illegal course.
This Is tho redress which tho Unionists
of Baltlmoro should wait for, instead of
now listening to tho counsels of wicked
From tho Jfow Folic Tlmei.
Tho Baltimore American states that
Hhould tho Govornor proceed witli his
inquiry, and as n consequenco of it ro
movo tho commissioners, " thoy will ro
fuso to dellvor up tho books and records
of their office" And then a conflict of
authority will practically begin.
It Is ovldont that a mero deniol of Ju
risdiction hhould not, and probably will
not, Influouce tho action of Governor
Bwann. Ills right to remove tlio com
missioners when tho Legislature Is not
in session Is too plainly assorted by the
law to be successfully controverted ; nud
his right to Instltuto tho Inquiry which
tho commissioners refuso to acknowl
edge follows clearly and imeontostably.
A denial of Jurisdiction, therefore, will
not avail tho commissioners. Tho in
quiry may proceed In their absonco; and
if thoy permit tho caso to go by default,
they will havo no ground for complaint
ugtilnst u bontenco of removal. If their
resistance take no moro violent form
thiiu a refusal to deliver up the books
and papers of their office, tho chauco of
trouble will bo reduced to small dimen
sions. The law will bo available against
them ; mid to that, we nro glad to ob
serve, tho American no longer threatens
It is tatlsfactory to note that tlio rev
olutionary appeals of Mr. Forney, and
tho violent men for whom hovpenks, nro
condemned by the Influential Republi
can Journals of tho country, with scarce
ly an exception. Whatever may bo
thought of the issues involved in the
talked of removal of tho commissioners,
tho Republican party give no counten
ance to the threats and plans by which
a few extreme and reckless men have
striven to produco collision and riot.
Tlio influence of this outside opinion lias
already ncted beneficially upon tho or-
gan of tho Radicals in Baltimore, and
will, no doubt, help to prevent tho seri
ous occurrences whicli havo been tippro
(JUKriKC!, C. I!., Friday, Octubvr ID, 186(1.
'JXitlif l'co)hnf Omwlit,V those of IheMvlhtr (turn
try, and t'j the OinvfuiU'fumUtliif vxvry Ixtmlt
Twi:ntv-ilnm: years ago two conllag
rutlous, separated from each other by
an interval of but thirty days, reduced
to ashes almost two thirds of our city,
and left naked and on tho smoking
highway upward of twenty thousand
human beings. At tlio sight of so much
suffering tho whole civilized world was
moved to profound compassion, and
abundant contributions flowed In from
all sides to tlio suffering of such heart
rending misfortune. Cuiiudusttbscrlbed
liberally j tho mother country was su
perabundant in her gifts; and foreign
nations wcro not behindhand iu sympa
thy and generosity. Our agricultural
population, though impoverished by
adverse seasons, was moved to compas
sion, and contributed nil that it could
in money, but more especially in pro
duce. Wo wero then at tho beginning
of Summer; and nt the sight of tho
brilliant sun overhead, promising op
portunity and reward to' industry and
toil, and of such universally-expressed
sympathy, hope and courage took pos
session of tho hearts of so many thous
ands struck by misforttino.jfSoon tho
subscriptions poured in so abundantly
that the Relief Committee appointed by
the citizens wore enabled to aid them
In rebuilding; and this ivssistunco was
given on tlio condition that nothing but
incombustible materials should bo em
ployed in tho reconstruction of their
houses, Tims it was that nearly three
thousand wooden houses wero replaced
by us many of stono and brick, and
saved from total destruction on Sunday
last tho entire quarter destroyed by flro
in 18 W. But the high wind which pre
vailed, blowing in a contrary direction,
a couiderablo portion of the St. Rooch's
suburbs, also built of wood, has escaped
the disaster or iy to. Since that period
an entire town has been built in wood,
beyond tho Quebec city limits, and iu
n locality over which our municipal
authorities could exercise no control.
On Sunday last, at about half-past
four o'clock in tho morning, a fire broke
out ou tho west side of Crown Street, on
tlio limit or tho quarter whenco proceed
ed the conflagration of 181-r, destroying
all that lay beforo it to tlio eastward of
tlio same street for a length of over a
mile, and covering a width of about
half a mile. Tlio easterly wind, blow
ing a furious hurricane, carried tho flro
in every direction with desolating rap
idity, hurling to u great distanco tho
burning materials, and multiplied the
centres of destruction to. such a degrco
as to bailie every cxp"e"Uiciit and render
futile all efforts to stay tho terribio rav
ages of the destroying element. Tho
military authorities, and tho men of II.
M. S. -diirow, lent, under tho circum
stances, to tlio municipal body all the
assistance within tl.olr power, and many
times oven risked their lives inTft'orts
to savo property; and to them.wB owe";
In a great measure, that wo have not tWlim1, 'WiiJ4-'11 I'hillips and Butler are
utquuru a sun greater UHaster. in JU
great number of cases, blo&fg ip wiffl
powder was hail recourse tsprtho liopo
by creating wido breacheXjo Iolu?nnd
eireumscriDo tho flro, but without suo'
cess, for tho ilame.s'ditrfhoIr wjfrk of
ruin with tho impeffcosity of fi S. rrent,
hounding from nllttafo hr if 1
avoid obstacles and overleap distitnefc.'
Almost two thousand five, huiidfud"
-w . . w
dwellings wero thus reduced tcLoThe
In a little less time than twelve lflfu
and from fifteen to eighteen ,JJ
.... ii , - (
JlgJiteen .Drni:
jL-isun.-, in, mu uiqiroacil 01 a rRBTaus
Winter, left without food, wlthnfff .nW,t,
Ing, nnd witjiout sljefter. MiffiyTevenP1'0 uvlt of un '"ll't 1" earry ojit jho
pcrishciVfii tl
names, wnosij ci
wKeietons weri
rescued from jlmsmok
ing ruins after tftu day's dost? uiton was
i;i mu uuy-B ucsirumon was
heart bleeds atjTliAlgJit of
isolation and ulfno ntitfy
nfortunates flamorlug"fitf.
over. Tho heart
so much deso
thousand tiniortunates clauiorlug'fj,
urcau, sneiter, unit wiirmtli. "
On tlio night following tho disaster
the murfrtipal authorities aused foodie
bo distributed, and on the day follo'v-'
mg tho citizens met,. under tho piWl
doncy of tho Mayor, to organizo relief.
About thirty thousand dollars havo 81-
ready been subscribed among our c
zens, and thosubscriptions aro still gi
on, and even some distant loealTth
havo, with spontaneous generosity, ni.
ready lent us their assistance; but how
insufficient this will bo to cover looses
which do not fall short of two million
of dollars. Tho law which, within tho
city limits, compels those sufferers to
rebuild with incombuotlblo materials,
will bo for them equivalent to a forced
expropriation, unless wo can assist them
to a certain degreo in complying with
its terms.
To tlio generous-hearted of all coun
tries, then, wo direct our appeal, and, in
tho recollection of tho compassion bo
stowed upon uu in 1815, wo placo our
hopes to bo enabled to surmount the
appalling mlsfortuuo of IMiO. For tho
present tho sufferers find refugo In tho
und&stroyod portions of the city, in tho
surrounding parishes, and Iu tho sur
rounding buildings, whero food is dis
tributed daily by the Relief Committee.
If, asaliready related, tonic among tlicm
ha'fo-perlshed In tho conflagration, how
many others must succumb tlio rigors of
the Canadian Winter, or thoso dlseasos
which develop themselves, and often
propagate In a terrible manner, in largo
and crowded agglomerations of human
beings. Some of the pluces In which
they aro sheltered aro now so over
crowded m to endanger alike morality
nud existence In u month henco our
city will bo covered with tho snows of
a long Winter, nml terrible as was tho
scourge of 1815, from that fact alone, It
was less calamitous than tho conflagra
tion which, on Sunday last, throw over
our city so much mourning and desola
tion. For this reason, then, wohunibly
crave permission to appeal to you In our
distress, and to Implore your sympathy
and your generous contributions toward
tho relief of our unutterable misfortune.
joskimi cai'ciio.v,
Mayor of Quebec.
C. F. KVl'.qUF, n TI.OA,
Administrator of the Dloceso.
.J. W. IJUFUUt',
Chief-Justice Q.B,, I. C.
v. J. 'rr.ssiKit,
Speaker L. C, Canada.
w. C. JlKHi:i)lTll,
Chief-Justice, S. C, L. C.
Minister of St. Andrew's Church.
Rector of Quebec.
On behalf of the Executive Com
Tin: Tribune mildly protests against
the attack made on Generals Grant mid
Sherman by Wendell Phillips in the
Radical harangue delivered by tho apos
tle of progressive republicanism, on
last Thursday evening, at tlio Cooper
Institute. The diflorcnuo between Phil
lips and the Tribune is merely one of
relatlvo boldness and truth. Wendell
Phillips is tho pioneer of tho party of
"moral ideas," and is successfully en
gaged In educating the mass of tho Re
publicans up to his platform. Inas
much us Gem nils Grant and Sherman
seem inclined to obey the laws, and as
those laws are destructive of tlio safety
of radicalism, it is not strange that we
should find Wendell Phillips lament
ing tlio fact that Grant is general of the
United States army, and that Butler is
not invested with his powers.
The question of the impeachment nnd
deposition of the President is the first
thing in order with tho extreme Radi
cals at present. But as Grant and Sher
man, according to Phillips, aro equally
as guilty as tho President, it follows
that they, too, should bo called to ac
count and broken of their rank. That
this possibility will be broached at an
early day seems moro than probable.
flic enemies of tlio law and order evi
dently fear tho two chief commanders
of the army, who havo given every evi
dence of being en raiinort with tho
President and faithful totholr oaths.
The fact that Wendell Phillips is not
alone in his estimate of General Grant
is shown by the npplauo which greeted
his savage attacks on that olllcer. Tho
lesson to bo deduced from that testi
mony or satisfaction at his words is
simply that Radicalism holds the for
mer services of Grant and Sherman as
nothing, compared to their present po
sition as supporters of the President.
So far as it has hud an opportunity of
showing its quality, the Radical creed
has been that whoover oppo-od It is
" disloyal" and a " traitor." It lias bo
judged President Johnson, and this is
the aeration that is harboring against
the tj most prominent ofllcers ot tho
With a creature of Congress in the
Presidential chair, and Ben. Butler in
ciWiinuud of tho United. States troops,
tyo full Radical dream of unlimited
.power and proscription would bo rea-
now'golngjilfyutth-o country with this
ptiBjiUsu in 1cjy. Tho ovations which
thiijfitadicals havgiven to the latter,
ajuHdie nifplauso .wJiich followed Phil-
supposition that Butler wero In
'nt's Dositfarlttiifrord a fair illustra
te tlit' tendf-hcy of. tho RailicaH
mind. TboJJirent to impeach and dis-
jrioso'lhi' Prrarlpiit Involves thosacriitco
iuf npUJils friepdsfand inasmuch as
Generals Granfe anU Sherman, nmoiur
posed to " obey orders"
iimi liueriero witn two una en w leino.
mt wotfld bo ridicuhj?ito supposo that
Ji resident Johnson's enemies would! in
v llilvo 'u just power ot tno
army tmd navy in .tho hands of men
hiistilo to thur designs.
jj" vloW of thoiirobablo ultimate
osijaelsm oencnilf Grant and Slier
hfliii bS'thoTtaiilcals that VI in 'Vltnfiii'
Wouhtless damns the former with u faint
ruuiiKo 10 riiiuips's partnership. The
Tribune Is cauikxus not to get out of
sigiit of tlio lumljTidJicuco its elevation
of eyes nml. lujfid? at 'Phillips's propo
sitijfcirlUjt einio'day, when tlio Trl
Imn&hn been jSroperly educated by tho
course of events, it will ho fotyul shout
ing Down with him I cruclfud. cru.
An excursion .party started from St,
Louis, on Wednt'sday for Fort Riley,
Kauius, to'celebrfto thebponlng
UnloirPacifl.c Railway (castor.!
ion) to that point. A Iari;e nurtv fron
Pennsylvania andhio will participate
in tno excursion, r .,
Miss Sf.kiii:h, a'oungfKUy oftevo.
iuiiu, wirrujviy escjieu boraiieu'rjji
Fridayighttl, by gas citplng from
a Itufiier Iu lyr rodiii. Wltfn discover
ed she was barely ull,ve, biitby tlio Im
medlaj&appijcatjou'ef restoratives she
Ilo.v. C. R. Conun, State Superin
tendent of Common Schools, has tender
ed to Governor Curtln his resignation,
to take effect on the llrst of November.
Professor J. P. Wlekorsham, 1'rlncipul
of tho State Normal School at Millers-
vllle, Lancaster C(uiity, U UBuiedaa Mr.
Ooburn'd wtccessor.
Oolonol Oampboll Sent as Ministor to
tlio Juaroz Govornmont.
Tho Hubstanco of TTifl Ofli-
cial Inistruotionts.
Thoy will Furnish Forco If It bo
A Loading Army Officer to Accompany
Ministor Oampboll.
Mosico Codes a Largo Ter
ritory to tho United Statea,
WASiitjtoTD.v, Montlny, October Si, ISO).
Coi.okki, Lr.wis I). Camimium,, tho
United States Minister to Mexico, left
this city last evening with credentials
addressed to tho Juarez Government,
and with full Instructions, conforming
In every respect with tlio tripartite ar
rangement between tho United States,
France, and the Republic of Mexico.
Mr. Campbell will probably visit his
homo in Ohio, route to Mexico.
Under the arrangement now perfected
Jsapoieon is to commence tho withdraw
al of tho French army from Mexico
noxt month; and although ho has a
year from that time to complete the
evacuation of Mexico, it is moro than
probable that tlio whole army will be
withdrawn by or baforo tho first of Jan
uary next.
Of course, with the withdrawal of
tho French army Maximilinn takes his
departure, and the farce of an empire
on tlio North American Continent is
It is proper to state that this determi
nation of the political government of
Mexico has been attained through ami
cable negotiations with all parties in
terested. In view of tho great political changes
anticipated in Mexico under the adjust
ment of her govcrnmentalatriiirs brought
about under this management, and the
weakness of the Juarez Government
after the protracted wars that havo been
forced upon it, to liiaintuin its existence
it litis become Imperative in tlio inter
ests of all notions concerned that a
stable government should bo guaranteed
to her by .somo responsible power. It is
po-siblo that the term "guaranteed" is
rather strong to express the relations as
sumed toward the Republic by tho Gov
ernment of tho United States; but the
Administration undertakes to extend to
tho Juarez Government In Mexico a pro
tectorate, which is to bo operative, bow
ovor, only hi ease of an emergency. In
plainer terms, our army on tho Rio
Grande, and our iloot in tho Gulf, aro to
bo held Iu readiness to assist Juarez,
should such assistance boeomo necessary
to him in establishing his authority us
President of the Republic, mid iu bring
ing to work hi full vigor tho machinery
of a republican government.
In order to an intelligent exercise of
this possible armed intervention, tho
Administration has determined to send
with Minister Campbell a military olli
cer of Idgh rank, eminent abilities, and
sound Judgment, clothed with power to
act in tho emergency referred to. Lleu-tcnaut-Gcueral
W. T. Sherman Is now
spoken of in this connection, and also
Major-Gencrul W. H. Hancock. Tlio
responsible mission, it Is strongly indi
cated, has .been tendered to General
Sherman ; but should lie decline, Gen
eral Hancock will undoubtedly be sent.
it is no part or tho plan to move any
United States force into Mexico until an
occasion shall arisu to render such a re
sort necessary. Rut It is hoped that tho
attitude assumed by tho United Slates
thus publicly, in sending an olllcer to
Moxico clothed with this power, will bo
sufllcient to overawe tho various politi
col leaders of that country, and tho nuj
nierius rival factions that beset the laud,
and lead to a unanimous submission to
and support of tho only government
that has any pretensions to regularity
and constitutionality, or any ability to
egJLabliah and maintain itself.
Un consideration of tlio friendly offices
thus assumed by tho Government of
this country toward Moxico, the Gov
ornmcnt of that country, wlgth is thus
recognized and established, ngreu ito
cedo a portion of their territory to tho
United States. Tho precise boundary
of tho territory tjius to bo ceded it is
not possible to give? but the future
southwestern boundary Hue of tho Unit
ed States will probably leavo tho Rio
Grando at or near tho point whoro It
now does, but taking a more southerly
course, will run in a straight lino to tlio
Gulf of California, striking that Gulf at
a point south of Uuaymus, so as to in
elude that important seaport within tho
limits of the United States. We then
gain tlio wliolo of tho peninsula of Low
er California, with tlio moro vuluablo
portions of Sonoraand Chihuahua, with
all their immensely rich deposits of pre
cious metals, tho undisturbed naviga
tion of tho Gulf of California, and u
much shorter and moro practicable
routQ to thoUluluc coast.
Aj a late meeting of tho .Hoard of
irusiees 01 wcstnunsior college, Penn
sylvania, Hov. Auilloy Urowno, D. 1).,
of New Castle, was elected to the Pres
idency of tlio Collcgo. Tho Westmin
ster College Is undor tfio euro of the
United Presbyterian Glyjrch, und Is lo
cated at Now mi"t'toul Lawrenct)
Cojmy. t
TnuRuUalo Courier learns from au
thority it regards reliable that somo
time ago. beforo tho slroiiL'th of thn
Crown's ovldenco In the caso of tho Fen
ians under arrest was known iu Fug
land, instructions had been rocolvod
from tho homo Government not to ro-
eort to extreme mcasura1, oveu. should a
conviction bo had.
From Washington.
DI-.ATIl OP A ComitiM-ONlK!T.
FnAN'ic IlnNiiv. well known as a
Washington correspondent of various
Northern und estern papers for sever
al years past, und for the last two years
connected with the Western Republican
Press Agency In this city, died on Mon
day evening at Fasten, Pennsylvania,
after a protracted Illness, llo was well-
known among tho profession, mid had
acquired a reputation for industry nnd
enterprise which mado him a useful
correspondent, llo leaves a wlfo and
threb young children.
A Comniitleo consisting of tho em
ployes In the Quartermaster's Depart
ment waited upon tho President on
Monday morning for tho purpose of ob
taining from him n reply to their potl
lion relative to tho reduction of their
pay. The President dissents from the
reasons of the Quartermaster-General
for tho reduction, and in a commuuic.i
tlon to tlio Secretary of War requests
him at once to designate competent olll
eers as a Board to niako inquiries, and
report to tlio War Department the rates
which should be allowed. This order,
ho adds, will apply to the two petitions
accompanying the application to which
these instructions refer, and will for tlio
present .operate against any reduction
of the wages of the employes In whoso
Interest they havo been presented.
Tim wau emeu.
Tho impression that General Grant
objects to tlio appointment of General
Sherman as Acting Secretary of War is
entirely erroneous. On tlio contrary,
when thorotlromont ol Mr. Stanton was
determined upon, the President, anxious
to have harmony between the Coninum-
der-ln-Chief and tho War Department,
consulted wltliGoneralGrant as to whom
he should appoint. General Grant has
had reason to regret n want of harmony
between himself and Secretary Stmiton,
and was anxious to remedy the evil and
avoid tho dilllculties resulting there
from. Ho desired tho appointment of
General Sherman to the position, because
satisfied of ids hearty co-operation in
tlio important work of reorganizing tho
army. At his request General Sherman
was sent for. Thero is also no question
of rank in tho matter. General Sherman
can only bo Acting Secretary of War
unless ho resigns his Licutenaut-Goncr-
alcy, which ho has not the remotest
idea of doing. Indeed, it is said that
he will not accept the post ad interim
but is to return immediately to tho
est. In case of Sherman's declination
General Grant will, it is believed, ask
for tho appointment of General James
15. Steednian. General Grant and the
latter have compared notes on tho sub
ject of tho respective duties of tho Sec
rotary of War and Commander-in-Chief,
and the former issatisfled that he would
have the co-operation of General Steed
man if appointed Secretary of War
Tho latter has been for somo timo past
strongly urged upon Mr. Johnson. Ho
is a positive man, of flno administrative
abilities, and would bo an excellent ex
change for the obstinate Stanton.
iikatu of Tim UAUtuiTtn oi' sncmn-AriY sbw
Miss I-annio Seward, daughter of
William II. Seward, died on Monday
morning at four o'clock. Miss Fannie
was the only daughter of tho Secretary
The funeral coremonies took placo at
Washington on W eduesday, after which
tho remaius wero taken to Auburn, New
General -Sherman had another inter
view with tho President on Tuesdav
after tho session of tho Cabinet, at which
he accepted the military-diplomatic mis
sion to Mexico which wo state in an
other column had been tendered him
I lo will therefore leavo for Ohio WednA
day, and after arranging somo privuto
allairs, ho will leave for Mexico liroba
bly within ten days, acconiiianied bv
Colonel Canipboll, Minister to that Re
public. Tlio Administration is gratified
at tlio prompt action of General Sher-
man,.aud tho liopo is confidently enter
tallied that the presence of an olllcer of
such rank and distinction will bo a suf
flcient Indication of tho earnestness of
tills Government In tho measures It is
takiug to aid tlio restoration of tho Re
public, mid that It will render the ac
tual prosenco or United States troops on
on Mexican soil unnecessary. General
Sherman's preciso misslou is both mili
tary and diplomatic. Ho goes to sustain
Minister Campbell iu all tho diplomatic
relations which may bo rc-estublisho d
and empowered also with full discretion
as to tlio uso of military power lu any
emergency requiring it. Tho very im
portant nature of this work Is thus ap
parent, mid the PresWentls anxious
that it not only shall bo In safe and able
hands, but that our representatives shall
reach tlio sceno of action as boon oa pos
sible. OBSEQUIES 01' MIS i-awmii: SKWAlin,
Tho fuueral ceremonies over tho re
mains of Miss Fannie Seward wore hold
in St. John's Episcopal church cmWodes
duy. Tho exercises wcro In accord
unco with tlio ritual of tho persuasion,
and tfbro of a most impressive charac
ter. Tho Rev. John 11. Luco was the
principal oulclatiuir oleBirvhiaii. lm,i.
dent of tho United StaTos. all tlio mem
horsof tho Cabinet, Generals Grant and
Mherman, together with tho representa
tives of foreign governments resident in
Washington, distinguished ofllcers of
tho army and navy, and the families of
our most respected citizens, wore pres
ent. Tho Stato Department had been
Closed at tWClvoo'cloi-k Innrili.rllinl II,
ofllcers and clerks of tho Department
might havoiiuonportunltvof attending.
Tlio solemnities concluded amid the
tears of many lu tho congregation. As
tho venerable father of tho de -eased fii .
lowed tho collln containing the remaius
of his only and beloved daughter It
would have been unmanlv not lo imv,.
rjyiupatliltt.'d with him ju profound
bereavement. The remains wcro Bent
to Auburn for final Interment by special
car tho samo ovenlng.
Commlsf loner Wilson, of tho General
Land Olllco, has completed his annual
report for tho fiscal year ending Juno
thlrtloth, ISliO, and has forwarded it to
theSecrctaryof tholntorlor. Tho Com
missioner has paid imrtlcular attention
to tho question of actual settlement
under tho Homestead Law, and has em
bodied In his report tho result of an ex
perience of many years, In reference to
tho development of our coal and mliio
ral lands, nnd tho preservation and
growth of timber. His report will
provo a valunblo paper to those Interest
ed In extending the (settlement and Im
provement of tho rich and fertllo w est.
WON Till! 1'ltUSlllHNT.
Tho Cloveland Soldiers' nnd Sailors'
committee, of which General Gordon
(Iran iter Is chairman, waited upon tlio
President on Wednesday, Generals Den
ver oud Esty being tho principal spokes
men. No result .ntlsfactory to the com
mittee was arrived at.
Yesterday afternoon, shortly after ono
o'clock, Charles H. W. Rent, who Is
very generally known In Nashville, and
for some eight or nine years past n rusi
dent of tlio city, was shot In Cherry
Street, near Union, by n young man
named Hugh McGavock.
Tho affair was tho result of a bit of
scandal published in the papers of that
city about a week ago, Implicating tho
mother of the latter lu connection with
Mr. Rent. Tho occurrence is ono of
those Mid episodes in society with which
the Journalist occasionally has to deal.
Without, however, reproducing the
story detailed by tho Louisvillo papers,
wo shall give only tlio particulars of tlio
melancholy result which trauspired yes
terday. About ono o'clock, as above
stated, Mr. Rent came out of Cono's
bookstore, on Cherry Street, and in com
pany with a young man named E. P.
Thompson, connected, wo believe, with
the tax ofllce, turned up toward Union
Street. Ho had gone but a few steps.
howover, beforo ho was confronted by
McGavock. That gentleman stepped
out of tlio ice-liouso, just across tho al
ley, pushed Mr. Rent from tho pave
ment, probably to get him clear of Mr.
Thompson, with whom ho was walking,
and thon drawing ills revolver, fired.
Not a word was spoken by cither party.
Mr. lleut, after receiving tlio shot, walk
ed leisurely across tho street in nn ob
liquedircction, never once looking back,
nud was continuing ids way up Cherry
Street when McGavock ilredagaiu. Mr.
Dent thon ran to tho corner, turned up
Union Street, and continued his accele
rated pace until ho readied tho alley
just beyond Curry's undertaking estab
lishment, whero he fell dead. Mc
Gavock, after llring the second shot, ran
up to Union Street, and was about to
shoot again, but was prevented by the
cries of so vend persons who called loud
ly for him to desist. He then turned
back down Cherry Street, whero lie was
met a moment or two afterward by
Ofllcers Conley and Mansfield, who took
him into custody.
Tho body of the uufortiinato Rent was
taken into Mr. Curry's shop, whero an
examination showed that both bliots had
taken eilect, tlio first entering tho loft
arm near tho shoulder and passing
through tho chest into tho lungs, tlio
second In tho left bide, entering from
tho back and passing out u few inches
below tho nipple, severing tlio left ven
triclo of the heart.
Much excitement was produced by
tho occurrence, and a largo crowd was
collected about tlio establishment of Mr.
Curry, where tho body was carried. Tho
'cu.rcmer Was notified and an inquest was
hold, which resulted In a verdict in ac
cordance with tlio abovo facts.
An examination of Mr. Dent's person
showed that ho had two pistols in his
pockets ono a small Sharp's four-shoot
er, the other a Smith and Wesson and
why lie acted thus passively, under tho
circumstances, Is perfectly unaccount
able. Jir. -uciiavock after being arrested
was taken before 'S.iuiro Wilkinson.
and there appearing no prosecution, ho
was released on live thousand dollars
ball, James Sloan mid Jacob McGavock
entering upou tho bond. Xashvitle Dis
iho Westminister Advocate contains
the following account of a recent fehoot-
ing affray in that place: "Lato on
Saturday ovenlng, us the people who at
tended tho mass meeting wero quietly
dispersing to their homos, everybody
was startled by ti report that four men
had been shot at Sheets' Hotel by
Henry Bell, u well known Radical.
This was a milo and a half front the
piaco or meeting, and at tho lower end
of tho town. Many different stories wero
circulated, and tlio oxcitement which
prevailed was naturally intense. It is
reported that somo men passing Henry'.-,
Hotel hurrahed for Johnson, which was
met by a coqptor hurrah on tho other
side for Jeff. Davis.
" Ouo of tho party called back, " You
had better hurrah for Joo Shaw."
Henry Dell, who was ono of the parties'
tried and acquitted for tlio killine- of Mr
Shaw in lbUO, immediately followed tho
parties ciowu to Sheets's Hotel, about
three hundred yards further. Ho was
luu ""uuiig mo uar-room door at
Sheet's with his hand in Ids pocket covor
Ing thobiittcndof a revolver. Herothero
wiisunimiberof persons, somo of whom
had been drinking, mid enjoying them
selves us usual on such occasions. Wo
liuvo not heard any reliable statement
as yet us to what happened there beforo
tho tiring commenced, It is certain
Hell fired threo times, and that four uien
wero wounded thereby.
" After he fired tho first shot It is said
that some one btruck him with it chair,
and that ho was wmiuwlmt bruised: At
the second eliot tho landlord, run to tho
bar-room, nnd as liojopciied tho dlnlnj.
room door seized Roll around tho u2
and throw hint around Into thoillnli,!.
room, whence ho fired the third kk
past tho landlord into tho Imr-riy,
Ho then escaped out of tho hack of
houso nnd concealed himself In a .! .
whenco ho was soon taken by thoSlieri?
and lu a very short time landed In
" William Lafferty was shot thrnn.
tho upper part of the thlglt, t0
passing near tho femoral artery, u,
bled very profusely and lay as If
Tlio attending physicians, Drs. Iieltzaf
Hering, thought his caso was very crip.
cal; but ho rallied after mldnlglit,
is now thought- to novo a good ciinu
of recovery. John Stewart was thy
through tho palm of the bund near tl:
lingers, having probably grasped at h
pistol, a short-barrelled one. Tho la,
thon grazed his cheek-botte, glamlc
over the nose. Roth thoso men are cor,
parutlvcly strangers, having resided in,
a short timo iu tliu neighborhood '
"(Joint Loveall was shot In the ncti
near tho Jugular vein, tlio ball pu.j.
round to the hind part of tho neck,
made a very narrow escape, as .
wound is not thought dangerous, is
Green wits slightly wounded, the U
grazing Ids left nrm. These two la
aro citizens of Ilatnpstead District, j
Tin: following very sensible nrti,
is from tho Albany Journal, tho centi
Radical organ of New York. Wo try
that its warnings and lis cautions v,
bo heeded in the quarter to which ftr
aro addrosscu. ir they are not, fi
darkest and worst chaptor to thelihtf
of tho country Is about to open. rt
Journal says :
If an impeachment woro ordered
would not merely bo tho trial of Andti
Johnson, but also tho arraignment o!
party whicli represents a very great n4
nority, and exceedingly active minor,
(largo majority, counting the South n
of the American people. That par
accepts tho President as Its lender a
exponent. It sustains his policy n
energy and determination. It ilefi-ni
upon What, lc calls Constitute
grounds, the very acts which are nl,
upon to justify tho process of urr.iig
nient. It; says that any attempt to wit
draw this power from tho Exerutii
would, in itself, bo usurpation. Wee
not doubt that if articles of iinu-j
ment wcro to bo prepared, the liun
racy would consider itself as Iiau:
been placed at tho bar would rcpndii
tho judgment as tho fulinliiation of o.
party against tho other, and wouhUtat
ready to uphold the President in nr
fusal to submit, oven though that rifiiM
should result in civil war, as would i
most likoly in tho excited btate of tl
public mind cortnin to prevail.
Let us imagine the condition of nfc
A chief magistrate condemned Lr
court wlioso jurisdiction is denied nt""
outset by boveral millions of tho Aw,
lean citizens. He refuses to obev f
cess, Tlio Seuato declares him Im
oftlco; but ho persists iu tho exenk
prerogative. Congress then, reprint
ing tlio Government, undertakes tun-,
him; but he summons to his aid b
military ho can command, mid if
pares to test the question of force. .Mu
while, tho violence and turbulciiciM
gendered at tho National Capital ext.i
through overy section of a country n
yet fully recovered from the delirium
war. Parties are developed in i
town, city, and hamlet, holding cir
cdly to tho most pronounced opiniot
on ono side or tho other, and v
light for thoso opinions. A spark uii;
nt any moment drop into such a map
zine, and then what then? Woof t!
North yet hardly know what civil v
means, as they have learned it wlmiin
seen street divided agaiiwt street, f.uni
against family. law obliterated, on
destroyed, civil securities overtliron.
aud neighbor arrayed iu mortal enrai:
against neighbor.
R. R.
PiutiomcAi.riV, Congress nnd t!
Press breakout upon tlio subject oh
air-lino railroad to Now York, Ever
body knows that at present the liar
moro and Ohio Railroad controls I
travel from Washington to New Yr
by the possession of tho road from lie
tollaltimoro; and many think tlwtbi
tlio ovil of tho monopoly ends,
truth, the monopoly of travel to N
York is but tho smallest evil Into
upon the community. The groat ei
lies in tho fact that, by the po-si
of tho power of checking biurp.
through from this city to main ioi:
West, tho Daltimoroand Ohio IUiilr
to a great extent, also controls that I i
of travel, notwithstanding tho super,
merits inspeod and comfort of thf gr.
Pennsylvaniarouto. TheostablKhnir
of a lino from Washington to York.
Pennsylvania, would at once placet
tho roads on a footing of equal ceni
tlon, and in prices, decent trentiw
rapidity of travel, thocominuulty wit
bo immensely benefitted.
Go to tlio Haltimoro and Ohio tK"
and ask for a ticket, and you meet
a supercilious treatment almost lin
ing. At the biiggago reception cow
you are, In nine cases out of ten, in
to pay extra for what should pass u
out extra charge, even according t"
exacting rules of the road Itself; u
you expostulate, you aro told you w
not go if you don't wish to, whicli,
ing thoro Is no other way to go, U-,
ing injury to insult. Tho lavish nf
dituro of-moneys by which this ui'
oly Is kept up has boeomo notork
and howover much fault our Hl:
may occasion us to find with H-
Stevens, wo cannot help feeling gW'
to mm ror his honest efforts to w
down an insolent monopoly, perpit'
ted by corruption, and Insolent thmu
tho wealth It has bv these dl-trw
means acquired. Lot us have nil
lino road beforo tho Thirty-ninth'
gross expires. WuahinuUm Hw
A YouNii lad named Johnson
burned to death at Oneida, on I'''"'
lost, In a ham. Johnson anil his
or had started a flro on tho barn l'1
with some matches and shavings, d
spread so rapidly that they l'l!
alarmed, aud one of them hid hi"1"
In tho hay. His remains wer- ftmn-'
the embers after the b.iru win lirl"