ai, 1 he ($o hunt, fan, ANjfNDiSrflNDtmT JOURNAL, t 'l?i'miuani:n t:'Kiiv htukiiat, in , '' 1 ilidomibiirgi Col it In tilu Count)) ln. 'Jl-jllMS. ... Two Dalian a year, In advance. Jf not paid In , iMVarti'jfw'o lJolfnrs iiid Tiny Cents. Address nil letters to SJcrmii of (Uwli!iinr. (mefqnnrp.onoor three Irwrtlom J lfo I'aeh litciUcnt hiM-rlloii leM tlmn Ihlilei n. Oliohqunnonn 111011II1 2 id Two " " ' .. u VI Threo " " ......... ft no Knur " " 11 to Half cnhiirfn " ...Ml"! Ono (ohitim " I'll") lineMiliii'itiinil AilfnfnUtlntor'H Notice il i Auditor's Not lien , , i Hi Editorial Notices twenty cent per lino. Olhor ndverllsemcnti Inictlod according to upe clnl contract. tlmiUIR It. StOOT'I!. IMItof of tllO CoM'MlltAM, Illoonisburtf, Co1iimbla."otinty, l'n. BLOOMSBURG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 8C0. VOL. I.-NO. 2(5. PRIOE FIVE GENTS. II iff 1 Iff Iff if t )M lit W IP H w fill Ipl 1 fllw rA CUP TO THE DEAD. ; t'l Uimmi tluiPH, when wn havo heard nml read fco much about tho horriMi nnil rav-nre-of '-iiili.rii, tlio following remarkable poem will I mi rend with mtcrcit. It. Is believed to hive orliilii'illy rip fared In tlio St. Itclon-i .V-.'i-m. H ri-lnte-t to o early scrvloonri-'.iiulhhoiileois In Iiull.t, whi-h o nrmy was mowed down bv pi-illlcitee. Wlii'ii rt Mnrnnlnr'H tieciiiitit of lliii i-lfi-clx of pinnll In .Unclnml li l-omciiibi-U'd, ns It ili-si-rllio-i ho prpnrntlon (if brothers, -Otter, niut lovers, II will bo noon this poem idles, with wniulc rful eHect, what Is far nobler, however pi'lnrul, tlm 1 cry iioctry nf inllllnry dosp-ilr.bul still llivtlytiij together ot brothers In nuns. We meet 'noath tho niiiiiiilliin nilli.r, And the walls nrmiud nw lure, As" they ulioul to our pent of laughter, It seems that tho dead lira there. ' lltttttntul toynur Rliis-icn, Ktoiuly; c We drink lo our comrades' eyes, ' QuajT acup to tho dead ahcady; llarrnht fur tlio next that dlci. 2Jt hero are the RobtcWylowlnt;; Not hern Is tho vlittniro sweet; 111 mid, nn our hcarl.i nro -rowing, And'dsrltM thoiluum wo meet. t aland 19 7-inr i;lnsson, Klendy ; B'W?5jt ma Khali our pulses rIo . Acnp foj-Jlen.xUlilllo. " -'Hurrah. -' 'HtJolHi-it drUlPs "1 JJotnulfih fur ,. -CrUu th-u sintt; "Not a tear fortl. wJj;e-(i.'iiuiar;ito', We'll till, 'mldHt tin ,itMu ' . As route, ns Iho wlno UiiAy- ' So Bland to you r Elnsso?, n .Va TU thl thai tho replto In.. On ep to th Jo-ul nlie.idy ; ,. , ,JIurrlil fr tho next tlml dlei. Vlmow-M when rro frownrd nt nlhers; MrelbooRVitwcwirowlier then! Hal till ltttbein IWukof their muthciH ; ' aWKS htiff tto t1i-?ni nKln I . - ilfo I stand to yimr iflnsw-n, Mondy i ' .Tho lhmhl.lei.i are here tlio who , ' A cup to the S ead altrany ; Hurr Ah I for'the nest that dlo-i. Xhcro's many a hand that's s'latilii-?; ' . Thcre'H nnny n elif ek thut'K sunl; ; '"a 'Unt noon, though oar lirArtx aro hrcakln?, ; jThcy'll hitrii with Hi"' wine wo'vo diunk. "f. Ra 'nUCiid to your ulaisoi, Rteiuly, i 'Tin hero tho revival lies; l iA cup to tho dead already; Hurriih I for tlio next dlci. Thcro a mlit on Iho Rlan cungenllnR, 'Tin the hurrleano'H llery lireatli J Andthus duet tliV'Wnfintll of fe llu! ' Torn lco In tho (-rasp pf Death. "llol tnnd to your (luisei, sternly; ' Vix a moment tho vapor Hies; . Acuptit Iho dnd already ; JlBTr.ih I for tho next that dies. '". ' "Who dreads to tho dust reluriilim? "t Who Khrlnlui from tho nalilo .lior. ? -fi Wh'ero tho 1ili;h and hnuylity yeamlmt Of tho wml thatshallMliiiino nmto. Jfol 8toudloyourgK'isc--,stcady; ( .TUe world W n world of liiw i .A' cup to tho dead already; Hurrah! for tho next that dlen. Cut on from tlio land that horo in, T IlMniy'd by tho land wo find, ,r t Vfhcro tho lirlithtcht have Knne before un, " t And tho diille-.t remain behind. I Rtand! stand to your classes, steady ; 'f la nil wo have left to prl?.o ; aaCP to tho dciwl already; ., . Jturrahr for tho next tint dlcn. ALLIGATORS IN ENGLAND. .-. : . lJY C. II. WILLIAMS. I " Allioatoiis ill England! C'onio, .comp, Major, Is not that just .1 littlo too -chV" "Well,'- cflcii tlio Mnjor, throwing 'himself leisurely back, nml takliif-tvlony puff "nt his elgitr, " I would toll you why I think so, hut Unit tho tollin,' would invblvd soniothii'iff of n story which ; niight not, iierhaii-i " :- But ho was interrupted hy a chorus or voices, "A story! "What! u story !" ns if tliat wero not tho very tliin; our ears wcro nil thirsting for. Thanks to our friend's Renurosity, nnd tho KOoilnts of -.-a most. exuinplnry htndlord, our other thirst is in tho f.iiroit way of heinj; ttratifled. A comfortahli' room, lots of -oasy-chairs, an open window to admit .tho jnost fragrant of evening breezes ifrom tho bluest of seas, glorious wlno nnd -'moro glorious gopd-fellowship, thoro'is nothing wantcil but tho liiclli- ...fluous necent of some llasbnn or Jlej aioun, like yourself, Major, to send us 'all into tho seventh heaven of rapt ut- ',. tbntion ; nnd what narrator can resist .so Mr 11 promise V ISenides, you must .Jnotu'nderrnte storied; now-a-days ev erything is done by appropriate stories. Setting aside education in general, and -our .beloved magazines in particular, ijco what has been dononnd will bo done . wlth'them too. Isn't wine-bibbing and 'drunkenncsi nut down by pretty little . stories in pretty littlo books, and sins Tnoro heinous still eradicated by anec- .tlotesconipiled by lino, and rulp, and iflttcd to our reijulrcments by tho nicest tegrupulosity ? Shall wo not hear stories in ono pluco how that mercenary Ton. Was brlbCi'l to vote, and that noble Dick ' resisted the tem'pln't.011? And, in an other place, how but, faith, if I go 011 longer I shall be in tho position of npur- ' J-lhgn noble steed, eh, Major? and nt ilio samo time keeping the door barred ttgtilnst his egress. A thousand par doiisf'biit stories egad, I am not mire lmt-itlfat I should say. to tho "vuroal worlii" as littlo girls do to an obnoxious nlnvinato. "Oh. vou biy .-lory." , ; Well," f,aid the Major, " wliat 1 have (to tell you certainly dooj look vaporish ouough now it liai pa-u'd, lint thero '"were" awkward bits of granite In the .events themselves whichslill, at whiles, ,a trrato'' shariily upon my meditations, jind remind mo that tho elrcunutaiu'cs .iqttohti intra havo not been till of oil nnd roses. When J. wai somo ' 'twenty years nearer to tho'lifgiiuiln of all things than I am at.thl" present " iioro followed a lengthy pinT), " l vms staying at the house of un old friend 'of mv father's n ono of tho nortiiern 'countky in England. 'Hie biiuiro him 1 self, our host, was udvunced In years. ""'and wo saw littlo of I1I111, mvo at tho-e ', tliues when tho master of tho houso is h expected to stand somewhat prominent in doing its honors. Tho greater share, ,,lowever, even of this kindly duty de evolved upon his heir, his only son, u fiilr ivverago fipcclnun of hU.clriin, gen 1 tlemnnly, well-infoi ti'i-.l, rather rcth'ing in dispoMtlon; mid, I often tliouj-ht, moro likely, If K'U to l.iu.rvif, lu shut himself up In Ills ptudlo or laboratory for tho lnslrucl ion nnd benefit of man kind than to Interwt himself actively in the rough-iiud-tiiniblu of life. Ho wns not, however, without nn occasion til ftlnnilus from his father, who, as the representative' of un aneiont and well- entlowed family, deemed It incumbent upon himself and his heir, among other duties by no means neglected, to extend tho hnnd of good-fellowship to his neighbors, and of ho-ipltiillty to overy deserving Individual (ahem!) who came within tho quiet sphere, of his'ln lluciice. , 1 "Thus comfortably -nnti .satisfactorily things went oi vllh us, till the near approach of a day of considerable Im pedance to the family of our worthy en feituiner: nothing less, In short, than tho marrlngo of his heir to tho daughter of a neighboring proprietor; nmntcliin every way suitable nnd full of promise for coming generations of westertons, for such 13 tho namu wo will now know (Horn by, "The family estato wai strictly en tailed, and In case of tho death of the vuungef Weilerton, would go to n tits tani, couslu, then in mo army nnti on tlutv 1:1 Indui. rue old gent lemannati, In his vo.t'h, .iiiffered some rather sevcro lostj illaipointnicnt, nml was long sup nosed to have Ink ?n nn Irrevocable vow against any further dealings with the .vriltoroiB t-ex : iluriiiprutis period liwas th-.-t- Jio had his nciUew and heir to live with Mm; and tin; yountf man, seeing the fa'Jt of heirship rolled xl on every side jiiftnnilly came to look iipnn.liis nllimaW neccession w mo ioi'i-ij almost ft l.'WS 01 course, turn wn ni.. 'Oin'.ko!! tii" dew-drops mmi ins name,' and i,rovided himself with 11 wife, jvul In nc u"'c """w- the eitate, felt iw c 01 a atop amm.m. nf chagrin and dfs ppohitme'it. He had, however, no af T-retiSon 10 com plain, for hht.dvarce.u -nl in life w., as eaiefully looked to as if 1(0 hnd bsen ft younger son; which, I tako iU i ulj that, under tho circumstance, euiM reaso'imbly be expected. There wi.'S not Hindi' cordiality, I fear, but n evtnin amount of all-very-well sort ot intf-r-cau'rra kept up between them, their rel ative, position.-? being well itndeitood ami appreciated on both sides. " There was some troublesome war or other on hand just at the time I speak of, and we wcro accustomed lo look over tho news of tho day with the sort of in terest one is. expected to take in tho reU ntives of one's hosta kind or le.zy cu riosity to know whether tiny are going to bo made field-marshal-', or, in Amer ican phrase, had already gone under when wc wcro fctarlled by (ho arrival, tohdlv unexpected, of our cousin him self. Ill-health formed the plea for his arrival in England; the contemplated lipsmi of on his landing, for Ids presence in the north. " lie did not come alone. A wonder-, fill collection of Oriental curiosities ac companied him, from tho wing of a but-toi-llv to the handkerchief of a Thug; curiosities v.-liMi wero under the c.-pe dal charge of a Hindoo retainer, (ilmlnh, and a retainer's retainer, wlio, 11 iney were not Thugs themselves looked, I could not help thinking, eminently well qualified for the dignity. That ho should have brought thc.-o woriines witn nira vxcited our surprises but that he ex nlalnod bv informing us of their devot ed attachment to himself, for sonic vital service rendered to them in India. 1 think it was the saving of Uholnb's life ; but whether from a tiger, a bullet; or the fallows, I will not undertake to say. " Both Cihohib and his master were much occupied about tlio museum of eti rio,ities before mentioned. In truth, I think I never came upon the former but that ho was rubbing, polishing, or m some way working upon fome queer, mirnuth lookiiiL' obleet or other. Ouco 1 canio suddenly upon him in a planla tinn at some distance from the house, and, as my curiosity had always been oniowlmt excited on his account, 1 stood fur Koini) moments observing ills labors lii.i'oro ndvaneiiiL' on him. You know what bangles are?" " To bo sure. Indian ornaments for tho ankles." " .1 ust so. Well, our friend was busily engaged in altering and shaping what appeared to mo to be nn ornament of Uiis description, adding to it a strong lipping I'l'i'ing, and a link or two ot hain. Ho started up when he became con.-elous of my vicinity, with a gtrater inpearaiKV of fright nnd a moro wild ne.-s of ge'.iture than 1 deemed the oei-.i' fi'in instilled, though h-viuum Oriels tal, ami wo were 111 a plantation nt uirt distance from tin English squire hall ; and in reply to my simple question as to what ho about, uttered mine unintelligible gutturals, and gesticulat ed In tv maniiw meant possibly to bo ox plumtory, but which had, to me, an np pearanco wonderfully .R'semiwng iv. pus-,v.,of ll-orr Presto, tluJt'onjttror.wnt'.ii e-iiecial!y bent upuir.v. process 01 bam biei.ling. " i'ut this nnd many" other small mat ters besides, which luwo since acquired significance, pa" 'id away from my mind at loanlfroni thesurfaceoi n to long themselve.s, however, in thoso my.steri ous recepluchs where I do believe every atoinle all'ectiou on our soiisorla, at any time experienced, is Indestructibly lylni; and still eaiiablo of being nindo proml nent, either by some mental inagle be vond our research, or by Mime ympa thetloand approprinto eombhmtion of external ciivunialauces, Vi e shook our ielv(n down with our now arrivals bi -t o i.iiv.iit, and teturu-il in mil' versjou.-, tauli,' 'a iui'U o.i J..-uji bo reckoned one, especially with tho younger portion of our party. I don't wonder at it, ai thore wns a beautiful hike on tho grounds, with smooth gruiy margins all along tho rich meadows; nnd shallow enough to bo safe to nil, but winding oil' Intosomo thick plantations on high ground, where it became of cor responding depth, and whero sovornl rocky Inlets broke its surface, and ren dered It, if somewhat gloomy, exceed ingly picturesque and solemnly beiittti-. fill. Young AVestcrton was an excellent swimmer, and especially delighted in tho refreshing exercise, so nitieh so' that ho would not uiifreqiientty spend tho greater part of a Summer afternoon hi and about tho lake, striking out boldly from tht) more open parts, and revelling liken very Triton among the rocks and sunken trees of tlio deeper nnd less ac- cesslblo portion. Sometimes ho would lie passive on the surface of tlio water, floating almost motionless, or 'gently paddling hither nnd thither in tho full enjoyment of youth, health, and vigor "Tnumttsingeontnist with young Wes terton'slovcof tho water wastheextreme horror always manifested by the Hindoo f iholah, whenever he wan compelled to approach its bank. Nothing less than tho most positive orders fro n his master over brought him near, and it was hull erous to seo tho speed with which ho hastened from its vicinity as soon ns, having discharged his service, he-roeolv cd his master's permission to retreat The latter accounted to us for this strik ing disllkoby relatingan incident which occurred in one of tho Indian rivers near which tlholab's childhood was passed. Ho was one day, 111 company with an other youth, paddling about in tho stream, when suddenly a largo alligator roso close upon them, seized Ids com pardon, nnd disappeared suddenly with him 111 bis jaws. 'J ho shock was so great that the poor fell.nv, who was sin cerely nltarhed to the unlucky victim, never quite got over its eilccts, but rc tained the pietura of that horrible inci dent in Ids memory, to be Ireshen'ed and Intonslfictl by any combination of wood ahd -water at all resembling the scene of ti'.e vt catastrophe, ' u wonderful rcseni bkmce to which,' snidCiusin Westert.'ui some narts of my uncle's domain do certainly exhibit. ' " We wero now within 11 fortnight of tho projected marriage, mid I was ono ay out on a shooting expedition, when, inppening to pass near tho turnpike-. road, I saw a gig rapidly approaching mil the direction of the Hall, and soon hoard myself hailed by Cousin Wester- ni. I felt that under ordinary eircum- auees lie would hardly haw taken the trouble to greet me, as wo somehow Had not-grown to care much for each other. was therefore with some curiosity that 1 went up to the gig, winch ho lul drawn to tho roadside, and in which he was standing in evident expectation of my approach. ' "'1 have stopped to say good-by,' cried he, eyeing 1110 keenly tho while. 1 anvculled oil1 by business of the very i-it importance, and should not be sur prised 11 i una m.vscu tojsmg on my outward voyage to India instead of dancing at my cousin's wedding. l!y the way, whjd o'clock is it ? My watch ha is stopped. Can you give me tlio ex- t time? Very provoking, is it not? mean having to leave Just at this par ticular Juncture. What jolly days of it on will have. Half past twelve, you ;uy. TJiank you. My uncie qui to sees thoncees-lty for my going. Good sport, hope. Which way do you return ?" " I pointed in a direction which was not toward tho lake. '"Hal I Seo; through tho flneU cov ers on the estate. Avoll, I 'must not de tain you. Half pint twelve, you say. flood-by, good-by.' " And ro he broke ofl his almost so liloquy, which either the impatience of hor-o or his own excited manner leading to repeated checks at tho bridle, onlv lo bo balanced by compensating touches of the whip, had mado a decid edly uncomfortable proceeding. Ho wn. soon out of fight, and I on my rounds. " After a while I dismissed the keeper and his dog', having determined to saunter quietly back alone. It was n lovely afternoon, with warm, balmy breezes Just fanning the trees and hedge rows Into graceful animation ; tho rich ornlands lying luxuriously in tho vaie with their fringed robes of Autumn- tinted woodlands drawn irregularly niv.l negligently about them, and in the dis tance tho elopo and swell of many un- lulutuig hill', whose varied curves of fatitv .stood out In the rMi bluo sky In endless variety of lovellne. We- terton Hull, with Its well-ordered gardens nnd plantations, stood in tlio mid-distance, and I was jul wishing for somo bit i,f actlvo life to givo moro human interest to tlio scene, when from itsgatos emerg ed n single bowman, who galloped not merely swiftly, but, as It seemed to me, frantically in tho direction of tho town. Of coin-so f hastened at oiicotothoHall. A stinngo dietid came over me, and my thoughts settled with involuntary !ina Ity on tho ogitated manner displayed liy Cousin We.slerlon when I met him 011 the road; but he, I reasoned, could not havo been cognl.anl of any unusual oc currence, or lio would at least nave in formed 1110 of It. JJeildes, might I not bo needle.-" ly alarmed ? Not so, howev er, for when I readied tho houo I found that young Wosterton had Just been brought In dead drowned, as It appear ed, In the deepest part of tho lake. "No 0110 had witnessed hli death. Ills companions oil this occasion, as had .1!'.. .1 !v.-n il.j'. bcfoie. left hllil wli -;i w' s ... v j'nUci elf i.uo ti.e wil.l.r and moro secluded parts, whero 110110 of 1. ...... ,.it... tnein cared to loiiow, nover tuiiioiiug, howover, that when tired ofjoxcrciso and exploration, ho would return as usual, and Join their party wlten even ing drew nigh. Ileforo this, However, accident revealed tho body to fi keeper Who happened to bo passing.! If had got entangled among somo roots or branches, mid. but that It wns lying over one of those, it is probablo thatthp dis covery would not havo been lhdilo'so early, as, from being thus caught, ns it were, it was prevented from sink ing into the depths of tho lake. Llfo was qttlto extinct. "At what hour," I asked, ".did ho Icavo tho house ?'' " At 0110 o'clock; nfter lunch-time." " Whero wero tho Hindoo9?"' v -" In their master's apartments, pack ing up and preparing to be gone. One of the ' house-servants had seen them busily engaged in doing so ; Indeed, so fully wero they occupied withthelrtask that they plainly showed him theyMish ed his absence, nnd iminedially after lie left locked their door, and so had kept It over since. I went at onco to the rooms, impelled by some shapeless -jus-picion, of what I scarcely know. The door was now unlocked, nnd I went in to find them both eagerly engaged In tho manner represented to ine by the servant, and as, to' all appearance, they had been overslncchis visit. I luflthcm to themselves, though I declare n shep herd's dog, whosuspeets, but is not quite certain, that some vagabond curs havo been worrying his master's sheep, and longs to ily at their throats, must fed very much as I did "An inquest was duly held. All the ordinary indications of death by drown ing weie of course exhibited, and there Was nothing more, with the exception of certain bruises about tho right ankle joint, which might havo been occasion ed by striking against tho rodes orstubs in tho lake, though, as ono of the Jury ob-ers'cd, they presented a remarkably circular and lund-liko appearance. was myself present, uud a good deal struck at tlio limy by tho words. They escaped, however, without comment, nnd, na I could not connect them in any way with anything leading to suspicion of foul play, nothing further was said, uud the eireumspinco passed from my miiid, to return, however, with ternbl distinctness nnd meaning thereafter, i sudden seizure or cramp was taken as the cause of death, a verdict returned accordingly, and youn.,' Wosterton, Just about to step into tho arena of native life, was laid stark and disfigured in tho vault of his forefathers. " If thi3 wero an ordinary talo I am narrating, I ought 1 suppose, in this place, to descant upon tho dreadful shock (though that for'a while it certain ly was) this sad event o?ci-io'i?d lo the bereaved bride to send her, with dis hevelled hair, into tlio woods, or to find her lying lifeless at tho foot of some frightful precipice. Tlioro risei, how ever, in my mind's eyo the vision of : still comdy d.imo, not without sundry olive-branches springing around her, which quite produdes tho propriety of that unusually orthodox te111in.1l ion. Not that Ids intended wife wasliOArtlejs or unfeeling. No r while sho mourned fir him, she mourned for him sincerely; but time, with its nlloviations, temper ed, though It might not obliterate, tho smart, and his remembrance faded into one of tlni-o gentle .sorrows which we must of necessity cause lo stand apart from those active duties life still brings with it. As to the heart-struck and hopeless old father, let us draw over him the veil of deep and silent sympa thy. " Moro than two years now passed rnvdv. and 1 w.i. on t.110 uauus 01 me . il . !-. J.I. burning Ganges. My duties earned 1110 to ono or the le-iser towns oil the river, whero timo soon began to hang rather heavily on my hands, oeea slonally I would, out of tho merest idle ness, turn Into theeourtof Justice there, but was seldom rewarded in my quest of adventure by anything moro than tho most petty illustrations of the doings of tho Indian Themis. At last there came a change, and of o startling 11 character that, neither during the re iiiaiinlcr of my sojourn there, nor for a long timo after, hud I anything to com pkdn or in tho way of listlossncss or apathy. It chanced that 1 ono day en tered tho court-house at 0110 door just as a mixed crowd of guards and offend ers wero lenvlng it by another. I had luft lime to recognize among them tho, to me, unniistnkablo features or the Hindoo Uholab, but whether there as a custodian or Intruder of tho laws I was llieiinnablotoni-ike out. It mattered little, however, 11 1 1 know where to ob tain easy and certain information of any ind everything connected with tho ad ministration of Justice. On my return to my quarters, I found that tho very men whom I wished to meet with wero there.aiidwerotheii discussing wlthsnmo brother ofilcers tho details or a crime of an extraordinary nature, which Jiail Just come to light hi that district, hove- ml Hindoo girls had siuldenly and mys terlously di-aiipearod under tho waters when performing their ablutions in the acred stream, drawn under and devour ed by alligators. Such was tho general bdlef, until tho body of 0110 of them chanced lo bo nicked up lower down tho river, totally iinmutilated, and de prived of certain valuable ornaments wliich the young devotee was known t have hud on when sho went In. I or a good while Ju-tlce was completely at Pipit, but t'e.e orimuruils h ww,' ne nue'.l to the pouioa of two lueu over whoso doings tho strictest watch Was preserved, tho result was that they were apprehended In a covered boat moored In the centre of the stream, al most In tho net of despoiling 0110 of llielr victims. It was supposed that a skilful diver, watching the opportunity of 0110 being separated from the rest, we through the waters, fixed a Htrong ligature to ono of the lower limbs, and then dived off, while a confederate In the boat, by means of a ropo and hold or purchase of some kind nt the bottom of tho river, drow the struggling swim mer Irresistibly down, when death soon put nn end to all efforts to escape. " While these particulars wero being narrated 1 became moro and more agi tated, until I cotild no longer keep my scat. 'Why, MaJ6r,rs"aTrtonp,' 'you seem disturbed; can thero be anything in the doings of these wretches of suffi cient pungency to quicken ' "'Stop,' said I, for 1 saw he was about to qui, my equanimity, 'don't treat this matter lightly. I confess I am not u little agitated or n littlo confused nt piesent, but I havo heard all you say, and, what is more, I have seen ' " ' What have you seen '." " ' I have seen the face of ft man whom I never thought, and certainly never desired, to meet again.' "'Of whom do you speak?1 "'Uholab.' "' Why, that is the name of one of the villains accused, as 1 havo Informed you.' " 'Great Heavens I' lexclaimed ; 'but no, no, it Is impossible; ho could not approach a, much less and here, here, of nil places; his dread of water, his pitiable shrinking away from its vldnity' "Something very like a burst of laughter rrom all assembled in the room here greeted me. '".".ly good Major, dread of water! Pitiable shrinking away from lis vicini ty! Why, this fellow, Uholab, is 0110 of the mod (if not thu most) skilful, and enduring divers East.' daring, of tho " In a fever of notation I demanded to be shown the remains of the late: victim. I lak :n to whore they lay. The attendants were to disrobe the upp"r part of tho body, when I pointed to the feet, and bade them un cover it there. They lifted tho mat with which it was concealed, and there round the slender ankle, was the eiroti lar, band-like mark, the exact counter- purl of that which I had beheld long before, when Uu happy home of one oC my do.irct friends was turned into a hulls-! of bitterest mourning. " Unknown to tho licensed, I was present at the trial. Uholab the other was hardly a sane being in turn accus ed tho alligators, many of winch mon sters infested the stream, and vocifer ously protested his innocence, even when tiio bangle-Iiko fuller, chain, and ropo, which had bjjn the instruments of murder, and which, us well as the ornaments of the poor victim, had been traced to his possession, wcro laid on tho table b -fore , him. When these things were produced, 1 e.uiio from' my tntion soniywhat in tho rear of the lic ensed, advanced toward tho table, keep ing my fa eo averted from them, and then taking up the chain and fetter, turned slowly round and confronted thorn with thu evidences of guilt in my hand. For a few aecon'ls the ga '.-' of lolub, though pierdng a id intense to the last degree, evidently more of wonder than alarm; but suddenly rec ognition shut into his brain, and may I never again behold such terror and des pair in tho depths ot a hum in soul (for In his glowing eyeballs it seemed all unveiled) as wero then opened up like vision into ll.ulm before me. He tood rigid, imiiDvablo, tnul whan the trial wont on souko never a wordag.iln, though so fiercely animated before, rstill tho trial went on.iindthejudgewasabout to pronounce sentence of d-.'.itli, when, startliiL' sml billy from his s-jiiiiug ranee, Uholab threw up his arms, and with a wild cry fell bade In a fit of hor rible convulsion,. Tho unspoken sen tence of a Jttdgo more potent had not only gone forth, but had been executed too: tho man was dead" "And you think tho circular nbru- lons around the aaklo of young Wost erton wero-r-" "Tho marks of tho alllgalur's teeth." " And what bocanioof tho otlr.-r the cousin." "Ho did not live even to inherit. rho old squlro dragged on a broken life for sumo timo, evincing littlo Interest In anything, and raroly showing himself yondhis own doors, never beyond his grounds. One day, however, ho seem ed suddenly to have formed a strange resolution, which was neither more nor less than to drain tho lake ; ho summon ed a largo body of laborers, and set thorn to work to purforni tho almost impracticable- task. His nephew, who had not been near tho spot .sincotliocat- astroplio which ic.storeu mm 10 111s uiu position of heir lo the Wosterton es tutifi. as soon as ho heard of the old man's doings, urged either by appre hended dumugo to the property or by apprehensions of a far moro formidable character namely, lest something nilirht bo revealed hastened down nt once, first to use his inlluoucu with Ids uncle, and, that failing, to stop the work on his ot 11 authority. As to the old man, ho could nut bo prevailed on to consent to do so, steadily refusing at last to utter even a single word on the sullied of his nephew's complaints, but pile- ly pcrsewrlil", wllh h. do-ij.ii. hi fer .iiidrj'.'u uo latter ii.Ki.oi to the workmen, and ordered them to desist. I'ho foreman, howover, having hoard how matters stood, refused tostopwork without the direct orders of the Hqulro himself; a refusal which so enraged Wosterton that ho seized the man by the throat, mid a personal altercation and struggle ensued, which ended In the homier being thrown back into tho wider. Of course he Wnsiiuleklvextrl- ated, but, through the neglect of prop er-precautions, u severe cold nnd fever ensued, which, passing through tho stage, of n delirium, in which he utter ed words now best forgotten, finally led to his death. " ho shall say whether retrlbiitlvo Justice did not show itself in tills? At all events, whoever they wore who participated in the death iff my friend, tlioy nro gone where' tho shortcomings of human Justice nro un known, and, let us add, whero tho lim its of human long-suffering nnd human mercy are far exceeded." A RESURRECTION STORY. Somh years since nn eccentric old gen ius named Karnes was employed by a farmer living in a town somo slxorsev- en miles weslorly from the Penobscot River, Maine, to dig a well. Tho soli and substratum being mostly of sand, old Ilarnes, after having progressed downward about forty feet, found ono morning on going to work that tho well had essentially caved in, and was really full to the top. So, having tlio dosiro which men have of knowing what will be said of them after they aro dead, and no ono being yet astir, ho concealed himself In a rank growth of burdocks, by the side of a board feneo near tho mouth of the well, having first left his frock and hat on tho windlass over the well. At length, breakfast being ready, 1 boy was dispatched to call him to his meal, when lo and behuld it wai seen licit rarnes was buried in tlio grave un consciously dug by his own hands. Tho alarm being given, and tlio family as sernblod, it was decided to fir .t oat breakfast and then send fortheeoronor, Iho minister, and his wife and children, Such uputliydid nut Hatter Barnes's self- esteem a bit, but he waited patiently, deterifdncd lo hear what would bo said and see what was to be seen. Presently all parties arrived, and bo. gnu prospecting the scene of tho cat as. trophe, as people usually do In such cases. At length they drew together to 1 xchange opinions ns to wlmt should be done. The minister nt onco gave his opmi jii tliat tlioy had better level up the well and lot Ilarnes remain ; " for," said he, " ho is now beyond the tempta tion of sin, and in tlie day of judgement it Will mnko no difference whether he is buried livo feet under ground or fifty, for lie is bound to conic forth in either case." Tho coroner likewiso agreed that it would bo a needless expense to his family or the town to disinter him when he was effectually buried, and therefore coincided with tho minister. His wife thought that us "ho had left his fiat and mat it would hardly be worth while to dig him out for tho rest of his clothes," and so it was decided to let him remain. But poor old Barnes, who hnd had no breakfast, and wns not at all pleased with the result of tho in quest, lay quiet until tho shades of evening stole over the land-capo, when ho departed lo parls unknown. After remaining incognito for ubout ihree years, one morning he suddenly ap peared (hatless and cootloss as ho went) at the door of tho old farmer for whom Iohad agreed to dig tho unfortunate well. To say that an avaliincho of ques tions Were ruined upon him us to ids mysterious reappearance, etc., would convey a feeble idea of tho excitement which his bodily presence created. But tho old man horo it quietly, and nt length informed them that, on finding himself buried, ho waited to bo dug out again, until his patience was ex hausted, when ho set to work to dig himself out, and ho had only tho day before succeeded, for his ideas being much at random, Instead of coming lirectly to the surface, he came out in tho town of Uolden, six miles east iff tho Penobscot Itivor. No further explanations wero asked for by those wito wero so distressed and .sorrowful over his supposed final rest ing-place. A PLEASING INCIDENT. YrsTniuiAY, a poor one-Ioggcd Con fodc rati) soldier, still clothed with the remnants of bis w-u-n gray jacket, sunk down exhausted on the steps of tho Story l!iilldini;s at tho comer or Camp and UravicrStrcets. A Federal .sergeant pasv ing at the time, looked on compission atoly, and nttcr pacing on some dis tance, In order not to attract attention, quietly returned and dipped a con tribution Into Ids hand. Ddicaieiy ami inosteututiuiisly as this was done, a h.i.ids-omo pair of eyes wero watching, and witnessed tin lit tie tribute or chari ty and kindness. All honor to tho bravo soldier ! Such as he can never bo our oncinloj.and such tvS, by challenging our admiration and our sympathies, do moro to restore and consolidate the olden" Union" than nil tlio fieedmen's bureaus, reconstruction committees, and Radical legislation that could bo crowd ed Into 11 century. When will our New England political dodors learn that klinlnc-.- is, nfter all, tho touchstone of the iSjiithcrn character, and Hint no living pooplu more thoroughly exem plify tho old and beautiful muslm that "One ( i-eh .r kindness moKcs th H-orll uliiia." AVi.- 0-'-T .-. POLITICS IN THE PULPIT. Tun parsons having returned from their Summer vacation resumed their pulpits on Sunday for a new political campaign. They appear to be refreshed with the waters of fushionoblo resorts, salt and fresh ; but the " waters of life" do not appear to havo inspired them much toward tho fulfilment of their supposed mission tho spiritual regen eration of their Hocks. With few ex ceptions tiie sermons preached on Sttn dny wcro political harangues, somo cov ert ttnd insidious, some open, bold, and nlniost blasphemous. )r. Bellows, whllu taking his text from tho Bible, descant ed, not upon the duty of man to his Creator, but upon tho elections ; dragged into tho pulpit the " glorious nows from Maine nnd Vermont;" speculated upon the prospects in Pennsylvania, Ohio, nnd Indiana; and concluded by a pray er to the Almighty that Ho might guido the people to vote tho Radical ticket at the coming elections. Such language ono might expect to hear In tho gatherings at street corners or in bar-rooms ; but your political par son thinks that they aro subjects good nntigh for the houso of God. These re joicings over elections past and prophet ic, auguries of the result of elections to coino wero mixed up with tlio most un dignified abuse of the President of tho United States and his Administration. Aro there no souls at all to be saved in Dr. Bellows's " Church of All Souls?" Aro tho ways or tho politicians of moro liuportanco to his congregation than tho way, tho truth, nnd the life," which ho is supposed to lead them to? Rev. Theodore h. Cuyler, too, opened his discourse with a prayer that tho President might bo led "through dark- nq's into light," that is to say the dark ness which envelops the upholders of the Constitution ttbe ethereal light of Radicalism, with Its symbols of blood and tire and a new civil war. The oilier political preachers wero more delicate in their Illusions. J)r. Tyug informed ids audience that ho had his tirado bot tled u, but would open it on a futuro occasion. With such an example before) them in tho pulpits filled by white preachers wo cannot bo surprised that the poor blacks of .ion Church were en tertained by their colored pastor with somewhat similar, though much moro moderate and Christian language; nor that When he announced that the Sa viour hail died for colored as well as white sinners, one of tho congregation cried out "Bully for him," and tho whole crowd roso to their feet, shouting, stumping, nnd screaming. This was, no doubt, most unseemly conduct in n. church, but not a whit worso than tho Indecorum of tho white parsons who introduce politics, profanity, a spirit of uncharitubleness, and a firebrand of dis cord into their pulpit speeches. It is the general opinion that the business of ministers of religion is to save souls and promttlgato tho doctrine of charity to all men ; but ministers of Dr. Bellows's, and Dr. Checver's, and Dr. Tyng's stamp despise all such old-fashioned notions. They evidently regard tlio pulpit as a political rostrum, and In.-tcad of being the nioulh-piece of tho gospel they havo become the agents of politicians and tho Evil One. A'eic Vork JkraUl. WHAT THEY EAT AT XENIA. The " Fat ('ontributor'igives tho fol lowing experience of endeavoring t- get dinner at Xeniu, on tho Little Mi.uii 1 Railroad. " Twenty minutes for dinner,'-ishout--d tho brakesman as wo approaehod Xcnia. Arriving there, I entered Iho dining- room and inquired of a waiter: " What do you havo for dinner ?" " Twenty minutes," was tho hurriod reply. told him I would try half a dozen minutes raw, on tho half-shell, just to seo how they wenl. Told him to make aminuloor it on hisbooks. Hoscratcli cd his head in trying to comprehend tho order, but finally gavu it up and waited upon somo ono else. 1 approached a man who stood by tho door with a roll of money in his hand. "What do you have for dinner?" "Haifa dollar," said ho. I told him I would luko hall a dollar well dona. I asked him if ho couldn't send mo in addition a boiled pocket- book stuffed with greenbacks, mid sum i seven-thirties, garnished with jiustage- stamps and .ten-cent scrip. Also a Con federate bond, done brown, with lettuco ulono (let us alone). I would like to wash my dinner down with Xatiumil Bank Notes, on " draft." He said they wcro out of everything but the bank note i, and he then ordered the waiter to go to tho bank aiid draw Sjine. A GOOD CHARACTER. A noon character Is to a young iim-i what a firm foundation is to an oru t who proposes to erect a building -m d , ho can well build with safety, mil a.1 who behold il will havo confident - i 1 its solidity it helping hand will i'.e' l.o wanted ; but let a single purl i f this bo defective, ttnd you go on a haranl, atr.ldstdoubtingand distrust, and it 11 to ono it will tumble down at bust, mlnglo all that was built on it In ruin. Without a good character poverty Is 11 curse; with it, scarcely an evil. Happi ness cannot exist where good duo act --r is not. All that is bright In tho hope of youth, and that Is calm and bllsiful in tho sober scenes of life, till that is s-.u-.h-Ing in tho viilo of years, (.-nt-. s in and Is derived from u goal t-liiir.u 1-'t'ln-wfi'iu acquire this of tin- lit'-' i'--' v.duuble p.o'l. E: .rrn