OLD DLA.NDFOIID OHUItCII. nv thvosr rowr.K. Tltou hrl rrnmlilltm to tlio dust, old plld I Thou ntt hastening to thy fall, Atul around tluo, lti lliy loneliness, Clings tho Ivy lotho wall; Tho worshiper') arc scattered now Who knelt before thy shrine, Ami silence reigns where anthems roso In days of " AuM Lung Hync." And sadly sighs Ihe wandering wind, Where oft, In years gone by, 1'mycrH roso from many hearts to IIIiii, Tho Highest of the High. Tho tranui or many n busy fool That sought thy aisles In o'er, And many n weary heart around In still forcvermuro, How doth ambition's hope talto w lugs I How droops tho spirit How I Wo hear thedlshinl city's dill J Tim dead are mule below; The sun that shone upon their path Now gild their lonely grnvos, The r.cphyrs which once fanned their hrowi The grass nbmc them wave. Oh I could wo call the many hack Who've gathciod hero In vain Who've careless roved where w o do now. Who'll never meet twain I How would our very hearts he stirred To meet the earliest gnr.e Of tho lovely ahd'lho beautiful-- The lights of other days I AGEIOULTDRAL. fllnlinf;emnil of Dollllr). Bomi: time time since I promised you I would writo you my mode of inumtg ing fowls. First I will tell you how I treat the old fowls, and nt another time will tell you how 1 raise chickens. I keep say ten or twelve liens and one or two cocks, in n run of about one eighth of an acre. My houses are about sixteen feet long by six wide, divided in two sv room for roosting and another for lay ing. I feed corn, oats, fresh meat, shells, and vegetables ; such as onions, notie toes, cabbages, and this time of the year, tomatoes, which I think very good for both laying hens and also chickens. Oats I keep so that my fowls can get at them at any time. Tho shells I uo are a Email, soft clam shell ; I get them at tho sca-slioroj a hen will swallow the very largest of them. These I consider con venient, as it saves pounding. Tho fresh meat I get of the butcher lights nnd such and I tiso a sauage-cutter for grinding it. I feed meat about three times a week. with tills treatment I get eggs tho year round. Of course 1 keep my bouses clean and free from lice. 1 also have a placo where my hens can wallow. Thl j. consider inuispcnsiijio. I mix one bushel of wood ashes witii four of coal, and add one pound of sulphur and about the same of lime. Lieo will not stay on hens that wallow in this. Now a word in regard to the merits of Leghorns and Brahma. Mr. John 8. Ives, of .Salem, Massachusetts, says no linus mat .Leghorns are tender, re quiring a warm place in "Winter, and a good deal of extra care. Last "Winter I kept my Leghorns in a house that was not at all warm ; you could sco out of any of tho cracks: and they laid all "Winter. Neither do I find them as ten der as hesays. J have lost verv few this Summer by disease. The Brnhmns liko very well; they are a good Winter layer, but do not lay much in Summer with mo; they, lay a few eggs and then will set, and it takes at least four weeks to get them to laying again, while tho Leghorn seldom sets not more than one in ten will set at all. htcob Loekrou; in oumry uenuemaii.. Prriorvliig KgRs for Winter Vtr. A couxthy minister's wife writes to the Scottish Farmer : " Every evening I tako all the eggs collected dut'linr the day, and rub them carefully with butter or tlio llncst and purest lard. Every pore ot tiiosiioil must be thoroughly!!!! en, otnerwiso tlio air cannot bo exclud ed. I have ready n box or tin canister nnd plenty of salt. I put a layer of salt In the bottom of tho box, nnd then placo in rows my outtered eggs. (Jo on alter. nately witii layers of eggs and salt until you leave perfect room for tho lid elos ing firmly. Tho exclusion of nir is tho great secret of preservation. I have many different sizes of canisters stored in my pantry (on an open shelf), with preserved eggs. Tiiose canisters I get irom tlio baker orgrocer for a trifle. Mv ono and n half dozen canisters aro three penco each. My largest size contain ten ciozen eggs, anil cost ono shilling. Tlio lid is quite as important as tho box. Uo euro it is close iitting, otherwise von will bo vexed to find tlio eggs liko those ono gets in Loudon, very unlike wise- like Scotch eggs. Many ladies tell mo thoyhavonparticu!arjiOjitlonfori)lacln the eggs, but I find mino nro delicious after four months, by meroiv niacin them comfortably, without reference to top or bottom. To Malic Pure Apple Wlllc. ' Takk good, now cider, fresh from the press; dissolve In it sixty pounds of common brown sugar to each ilftcen gallons of wine, and lot it settle. Then put these fifteen gallons into a clean bar- rcl, and 1111 the barrel up witii clear cl tier, to within two gallons of beintrfull leave tho bung out for forty-eicht hours then put tlio bung in, with a small vent Let tho barrel stand a year tho wino is then fit for uso. It needs no racking mo longer n stands tho better. W glvo tlio abovo receipt on tho principle on which .noses tolerated concubinage, n is so much better to drink wino with out poisonous drugs, that costs but tweu ty or twcnty-llvo cents a gallon, than tno viio poisons which cost from tine to flvo dollars a gallon, that wo tlilnl the ebjingo would boan improvement. Mulus. una Commercial Gazette. llnkrd IIchus. O.vn quart of small white beans, pick cd and washed clean. J'our over them two quarts of boiling water and let them stand over night. In thomornliig pour on tlio water, and put tho beans into n kettle witii threo quarts of cold water and a tcaspoonful of soda. Boll Ill'teen minutes, then drain oil' tho water ; rinse them in hot water; put them into tho dish or kettle to bako; add a cup of ma ple sugar ; a pleco of pork ns largo as desired ; cover with hot water, and bake THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJ11G, SATURDAY, OCTOBER SO, four hours', .lust before the beans nro (illicit, illi oil" all tiio iiit Unit you ihhI bly win with u stmon. FOR YOUTHFUL JIEADL'RS. Tlir Hoy Hint let the tltaiil's Child fall Into the Will. Tn r.ur, was onco a giant and a giantess who dwelt In a forest. Hound about their habitation there wnro fruitful fields, ho that the giant's cattle were always in good condition, wlille tli people in the neighboring parts had poor and scanty pn-turo. This vexed theni, and they sometimes let their cattle graze on the giant's land; the conscqufnee was, that the giant, who was of an exceedingly llerce and cruel disposition, frequently attackeil the herdsmen and slew them. Not far from the giant's abode, there dwelt a poor woman who had an only son. lie was llttleand weakly, but very cunning and daring. One tiny the hoy requested his mother to make three cheeses. Tito woman did as he request ed. "When tho cheeses were ready the boy rolled them in the ifhes, so that they appeared gray and far from tempt' ing. At tliN the mother was angry, and hided him for having wasted theboun ties of Heaven, But tho boy begged her to make herself easy, for she could not know what he had in mind. Early In the morning the boy went to tho forest with Ills mother's cattle, and drove them on to the giant's hind, Here ho wandered about without hindrance iislong as tliosun was up. Toward even inghecollected his cattle, and prepared to return home; but in the ineanwhllo the giant laid become aware of his visit, and now came with great st rides toward him. The giant was highly incensed and looked so terrific that the boy, in spite of all his boldness, was not a little frightened. " What art thou doing hero in my pas ture'."' cried the giant. The boy nn-wered that he came to find food for his cattle. The giant wild: "Take thyself away this instant, else 1 will crush thee as I now crush this stone." Saying this the giant snatched up a largo gray stone that was lying on the ground, and squeezed it so that it flew in a thousand shivers. The boy said : " Thou art very strong, but 1 am not less so, though 1 am small of growth." lie then took one of his cheeses and squeezed it so that the water ran out On seeing this tho giant was all aston islunent, and thought there must be some deception at the bottom. He therefore, toik up another Mono and quoezed it into small fragments ; but the boy took another cheese and pressed tiio waler irom it as before. Tliisganie was played n third time, and the boy pressed tho water out of the third cheese "Well," said theghmt, "1 hadnoideii thou wast so strong. Follow me to my dwelling, and serve me faithfully, and 1 will give thee three bushels of gold But if thou do?t not ple.i-e me, I will cut three broad stripes out of thy bael; Hie boy answered: "The-so seem to mo very faircondltlons; but I nuistiiow drive my cattle into tho town." So they agreed to meet on tho follow ing day, and thus their interview con eluded for that time. On the following day the boy went to tho forest and met the giant nucordin. to agreement. Thence they proceeded to tho giant's abode. But the ghuit'j wife was so largo nnd llerce, that the Iwy stood in greater fear of her than of the giant iiim-elf. When a short time had elapsed, the giant and his boy went to the forest to cut wood; and the giant said: As thou art so strong, thou can carry my axe." Now the axo was uncommonly lar and heavy, so that the hoy could hardly lift It; he, therefore, said: It Is better that you carry tho axe yourself; thou I can go first and show tho way." In tills the giant acquiesced, and tjiev set out. On reaching tho place, the giant stopped by a largo tree, and s.ild as inou arc so strong, tnmi cans strike tlio first blow, and 1 will strike the second." "No," answered the hoy, " I am. not accustomed to fell with so small tin axe You can striko the first stroke, and I will striKO the next." Tho giant let himself be content with tills arrangement, took up the axe, and struck a poweriul stroke close at the root; and so effectual was It that the tree fell to the earth with a loud crinh Thus tho boy escaped, for that time giving a proof of Ids strength. Tlio tree was now to be carried home. and the giant asked tho boy whether ho would bear It at tho top-end or at the root. The boy said he would bear it at tho top. Tho giant then lifted the tree upon ids shoulder, but tho boy cried out that ho should carry It more forward. The giant did so, and thus got tho whoh trunk In equllbrium on his shoulder Tho boy then jumped up and hid him sou among tiio boughs of tho tree, When they reached homo tho giant wn.s very tired; but tho boy said hu thought it quiion ngnt job. On tho following 'day tho giant said ho would go out, and that tho boy could remain at honioand help tho giantess to churn. Soshobroughtachurnfiilof milk but tho churn was so largo that tho boy could hardly lilt the churnlng-staff. lie said, therefore, to tho woman: ".Mother, this seems a light sort of Job; but 1 should bogla'l If you would just show me how to go about It." Tho giantess did us ho desired, and began to churn, while tlio b iy stood looking on. At this moment tho glant'i child began to cry, anil tho erono said "Do thou tako tho young ono with tlieo to tho well and waMi her clean ; will churn while thou art away." The hoy went, hut without In the lens hurrying Iiim-elf; and on reaching tho well at which lie was to wa-iii thochlld, who was somewhat less than himself, It fo happened that tha child rolled Into the water and wa drowned. flio boy thought this mlshnp wnfl (if no great consequence but, at the name time, was of opinion Unit thenceforth might bo as well not to remain with the giant-folk. When the boy returned the giantess had finished the churning. "Thouhnst staid n long time," said ho ; " but what hast thou done witii tho child?" Clio boy nnswered : "As soon as 1 had wahed her she ran into tho forest to meet her father." " Very well," replied tlio woman, "they will then boon como homo to gether." 1'owurd evening the giant returned from the forest, and was very tired. The crone, on seeing him approach, 'ailed to iilui : " Father, what hast thou done witii the child V" The giant answered : " 1 have seen no child." The giantess, on hearing tills, was frightened, and began to cry and lament The hoy proposed that ho and the giant should go to the wood In search of the Infant, and they set out accordingly but after looking in every direction, It s needless to say that they did not find It. After wandering about for n long time, they camo to the boundary of the giant's land. The boy then said : " Father, I am now not far from home Glvo me leave to go to my mother, who expects me. To-morrow I will come again, and help you to search." The giant answered: "Thou mayst go, as thou hast served me so faithfully ; but come back soon." Saying this lie took forth threo bushel: of gold, which lie gave tho boy In re ward for his services. The boy thanked him, and said that next time he would serve him still better. The giant nnd the herd-boy now went different ways. Tho boy returned to his mother, and gave her all the gold lie had earned ; so that from that day they were rich and fortunate. But the giant wandered about in tlio forest scekin his child. I. II. WALTEK, Ijito Walter A Kauh, ImHHter and Dealer In CHINA, (1I.ASS, AND (1U1313XHWAHI2, Xo. L'll Noith Third Street, between Ilaeo and Vine l'hlladelphla. j.STABLISIIIOl) 1820. wnoi.KsAi.n nitcimisTs, and Dealers In ClinMIOAI.S MllDICINi'.S l'ATKNT MKDI CIXIiN, Hl'ICI, TAINTS, OILS, WINDOW (il.ASS, VAISNISIIIX, DVUS, Ac, Ac, Southeast turner of Third and Callowhlll St., l'hlladelphla. A1 BMHIU'STEH A- UHOT1IEH, Importers and Jobbers of IIOSir.llY, (II.OVIN, SHIUTsi AND DltAWnUS, IIU'ITONS, SUsil'KNDKltS, HOOTHKIIITS, lIANDICi:ltlTIIl:i'M, TIlllKADS, Si:VIN(i SII.KS, TItl.MMINCIS, l'OHTI-: .MON.VAUX, SOAPS, l'Kltl'l'.MMIlY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND Nl mo.VS G KNI3I ! A I.I.V, A1m Manufacturers of IIIIITSIIUS AND LOOKING tit.ASSUS, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAltll, imoo.Ms, noi'iis, twiniis, Ac No. .KW North Third Street, above Vine, 1'hlladelphta. OVAL & ltOYElt, Sncce-sors to fllLIHIKT, HOVAL A CO., W1I0LUSAL13 DllfGGISTS, Importers and Dealers In DIlUGS, MKDICINKS, Sil'ICttS, PAINTS, OILS, liLASS, DY1-3 STUFFS, AC, Ni. W and North Third Street, Philadelphia. T'llAHLES JI MABl'Li:, Lroortornud Dealer In lillANDUX, WIN1, (il.VS, LKiUOlts, w'ini; iirn'i:its, a-c, Xo. 1J2 North Third street, above Aleli, Must side, Philadelphia. j. AUKX, BOYD A- CO., COMMISSION MKIICIIANTS, ami Wholesale Dealeis In L13.U' AND MANLTACTUllKD TOIIACCO, SLGAItS, Ac, No. 01 XoilhThlidhlrect, Philadelphia. i onsisnors can forward their stcxlc "In llond,' mum, )iu-m, nig mc , nneii Slates lax. M. Jf. MAlli'LL', NOTIONS, IIOSIKllV, (JI.OVKS, FANCY GOODS, No. il North Third Street, Philadelphia. AND nitoDiu VI) A KAUB, .Manufacture is unci Whole de Dealers In JIOOTS AND SlIOIX, No. Sll North Thlul. Street, Philadelphia, 'JMIE UNION HOTEL, .miimnci, oeiween I mm mill Foilltll Streets. Philadelphia, ciiitisTcv wi:ni:it, Plopiietors, gT. C'llABLES HOTEL, (in tii K i:duoj'i:ax plan, Nos, CO, w, oi, nnd Ul Xortli Third Stieets, between Mnilict nnd Arch Slieets, Philadelphia. CIIAIII.I3H KLliCICNLIl, Manager. Q.IltABJ) HOUSK, Comer of Xlnlh and Chejtlnut Streets, Philadelphia, II. W. KAX.VO.V ttciftimot, JOHN KTltOUP t CO., HUceessoH to Mroup i.roioer, witoi.KsAu: i)i3At.i:us in nsit, Xo. 21 Xortli W'U irves an 1 J' X rth W.tter fl., l'hlladolphla. jJlLLKH .t HOST, Hueccsfois to I'raiildln V. fcltrcr & Co,, Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers hi UO.U011X, WIXI3M, AC, Xos. 110 nnd 412 Xorth Third Mlreet, I'hltadelphla. E. LKSTEB, Wholesale and llctall Dealer In 'OU1310X AXI) DOMUSTtO 0AUPr.TS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SILVDI3H, Ac, No. a Xorth Second Slrcet, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. JENXE1)Y, STAI11S & CO., wholesale; fish Dn.vLi'.iw, Nos. 1,10 and lti North Wharves, Philadelphia. JOS. BIEGKL & H. S. FISTKlt, (IjiIo IUcrcI, Wlest A Hrvln,) Importers and Jobbers of DltY GOODS, Xo. IT North Third Street, Philadelphia. Ai.ntF.n nvr.iit.Y, wt. r.. At.numiiT, s. n. scott, USSHLL A WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers In TOIIACCOS, CTOAItS, PIP13S, Ac, Ac, Xo. 11 Xorth Third Stteet, nbovo Market, Philadelphia. TOIIX 0. Y KAUH It & CO.. Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAIss, STUAW GOODS, AXD LADIF.S' FL'ltS, Xo. S",7 Xorth Third Street, Philadelphia. M" ,l,EIt & KLDKK, Wholesale IlOrilCSIU.Ll'.ltS, STATIO Nl'.ItS, AND 1ILANK-1100K MAXCFAl.TUItLIl1. Xo. S)l North Third Street, Philadelphia. Wall and Curtain Papers, and Stationery con orally. I.STABLIHIIKI) ii. v. (j.uit;.n i i;n, iii;.nszi".y a CO., WIIOL13SAM3 DHL'GOISTS, No. 787 Market Street, one door below F.hihth, Philadelphia, linCOS, MF.DICIN1-3S, CHKMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VAHXIS1II3S, DYIi and every othcrnrtlclc pertaining to the business, of the best quality, and at lowest market rates, "yyKAVKK & Sl'BANKLK, WHOLI3SALK G110C13UIRS AXDCOMMISSION MI'.HCHAXTS, Nos, 225 nnd Arch Street, Philadelphia. AY T I. BUBKHAHT, Importer and Dealer In iuox axd sti:i:l, No. CO Front Street, Philadelphia. jAltCHOFT it CO., Importers and Jobbers of STAPI.I3 AXD l'ANCY DltY GOODS, CLOTHS CASSLMHItF-S, 1ILANK1-3TS, LIN13NS, DltY GOODS, IIOSII3KY, Ac, Philadelphia. N'DltKWS, 'VVILKINS it CO., Dealers In FOUI3IGN AND DOMI3STIU DHY GOODS, Xo. 50.1 Market Street, Philadelphia. gXYDKU, UAItltlS & BASS1CTT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MI3X'S AND HOY'S CLOTHING, Nos, Market, nnd o'J2 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. J.J AV. BANK'S WHOL13SALF. TOIIACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAU WAItllllOL'sn, No. 110 XoithTliird Street, between Cherry nnd Ilaec, west side Plillndelplila. QOTTBELL & AYKKS, Wholesiilo Dealers In fish, ciii:i:si:,ac,ac, Xo. 100 Xorth Wharves, second door nbovo Arch Street Philadelphia, J.JUHUAH FOB CATAAVISSA! THIS WAY FOlt ll.Vlta.VIXS. Goods to compare with stringency nf tlio money market. Lisilt and compare prices befoie air enasinu eisewnere. just call at the lavorlle busi ness stand of McXIXCII A SHl'MAX. and yon will bo met by the obliging proprietors or their clerks, and shown throuah their meat variety stoio free of chaise, of course. They will glvo y,n a fair chance to spend your loo-o elianne. thev trust niueli more prolltably than It enu lie spent eisewneie. uieir STOCIC OF DltY GOODS this Spring Is much larger In all lis vnrietiin than usual. Their LADIISV D11F.S.S GOODS nro of tho ulcoNt styles In market. They have a nne assortment ot HATS, CAVS, 1IOOTH AXD SHOIiS, SU.MMi:it CLOTHS, CASSJXF.TS, CASSLMlIltliS, AXD VF.STIXGS, and numerous nrt Icles common to such establish. meuls, liesliles a Kcueial assorluieut of HAIIDWAIti:, TIXWAItll, QUKI3NSVVAII1-: AXD (illOCF.Itllis, alUil ciently reduced prices. Tliey wish to con mux iik ir nusiiiess mi the system of "PAY AH YOU GO," and they think they ran alliird to soil veiychoap, 'I hey n luni their thanks for many past favors, nndiifk the ruluio .ittiuinuo or their founer cus toincisnud Ihe public Kcnerally. McXIXCH A HIIUMAX. f ATAAV1KSA HA J LltOA I) J From and alter Octob, r 2, Is.iv uu linss Itltoell as fullnws, the trains will Goixft Xoiirn,-i:iinlm Mall nt 1 p.m. l'.rle Gois.0 fcncrn'-i'ldlatlelphl.i Mall ut 11 ,.m.i GUOUr.t; VXHJI, Bupi M1E l-'LOltKNCR sr.wixti.MAcuixr.s Aiti: 'inn iiir tx this would. Saleroom", m Chestnut Httcct.Phlladclphta.l'a. While n lane number nf Machines have been irered tn tlio Public, sumo of whleli possess points of excellciKeniidiicltnowledited merit, we have lon felt what others havu cxpcrlcncoti, ine ne cessity of n Machine more perfect In lis mechani cal structure, combining In tho liKiiiiisT i)i:cini:i: SIMPLICITY WITH DLMl.VlllLtTY, nnd while capable of dolnn a (llt13ATI3tt llAXGH OF WOltK, one Hint could be easily understood and eompre. headed by all, Tosumilvn SewlnifMachlne free from the ob. lections attached to others lias been no easy tasus for we not only had to surpass other .Machines, as they appeared years hum, but also as Improved fiom thno tollmoby more n nt exx rienee This wo boldly claim has been accomplished by the liberal expenditure of capital, and the pa llcnt, untlrlmt labor of years: and In presenting our Machine to Ihe public, we shall malm stronK assertions respecting Us merits, which wo are prepared to substantiate 111 every particular. D scardlnix Ihe Chain and Uiop.orKiiusiilcnes, we adopted tho LOCK STITCH (alike on both sides of tho fabrlcl, whluti Is re named by Ihe innvses as best sillied In all hind of work. Hut to meet nhJcetlonssonictliiiesurncil nealnst this favorite stitch, wo have added the Knot, Double Lock, and Double Knot, either of which is sTitoNor.it axd Mom: elastic than the Lock; select n stitch thus enabllui! tho operator to PKltFLCTLY SUITF.D to every (trade of fabrle.alid where neci-isary, Hew seams much stronger than it Is possible to do by hand, TIIU FLOltllXCK makes fouh DiFi'Hituxr sTiTcnns with as niniii ease as ordinary Machines make one, and with as little u achlnery. Tho result of repeated tests has been all w could desire, and from Its lirst Introduction the Florence has gained hosts of friends, and bee lcgnrdcd as n llOUSFlIOLD X13CCSS1TY i proving that the publle fully appreciate the many advantages combined in the 1-ioicncc Maehlu Over all others, the Florence must bu seen to hi fully appreciated. We claim for the I'IJI!i:XCI3 the following ADVAXTAG13S overany and all SLWIXO-MACIlIXIiS IX Till: WOULD: JS-It makes fourdillercnt stitches, the lock knot, double-lock, and double-knot, 01. tho Mime machine. Kadi stitch being botli sides of tho fabric. ono and ailku on TS- F.very Mnchlne has tho reversible feed mo. lion, TTliicli enables tho operator, by simply turn lug n thumb-screw, to havo Hie woik inn eithc to tin, light or h it, to stay any pari of the seam or fasten the ends of seams, without turning Ihe fabric. Hi- Changing the length of stitch, nnd from ono kind of stitch to another, can leadlly be done while the Machine Is in motion. -Tlie needle Is easily adjusted, and docs not skip stitches. -eij-lt Is almost noiseless, whore cjnlct Is necessary. and can lsi used ffo-Ils motlnns nro all positive; there are no springs lo gel out ul' order, and Its simplicity en nbles any one to operale it. C3- It does not require liner thread on the under tlian for tlie upper side, and will sew across the heaviest seam, or from one to more tiiii knesso of cloth, without change of needle, tension, break lug tlucad, or skipping stitches. 3-The Ileiuiner Is easily adjusted, and will turn uu width of hem desired. B- No oilier Mnclilno ill do so or at a range oi wont us ine r iorence. a- It will hem, fell, bind, Rather, braid, cjullt aim gainer ami sow on a rulile nt the same time n nas no springs to get out ol order, and will last n lifetime. C7J- It Is fully protected nnd licensed by Ellas Hour, Jr., anil our own Letters Patent. Jiio taking up of the slack. thread Is not per formed by the Irregular coutraeUon of u wire coll or uncertain operation of springs. The precision and accuracy with which the Florence draws tho thread Into the cloth Is uirippionchcd by nny Sewing-.Machine hitherto oll'ered lu fhowoild. We furnish each Machine with "Ilarnum's Self Sewer," which guides tho work itself, nnd Is or In calculable value, especially to luexpeileueo opcr- aiors. Wlille possessing the nhove, and many other aovauiages, ine ! Ioience Is wild nl urre.siuidln; prices Willi other lirst-class .Machlni. nml a rare- nil examinaiiou will fully Milwtantlato all that we havo claimed for It, and Justify the insertion we now make, that it Is the licit Sewing-Machlue Hi tlie woilil, Wo waniaut every Machine to be nil that we claim for II, nnd to give entire, sallslactlon, nud win give a written watrnnly, ir reiiuiied, Liberal arrangements made with those who bin- to sell again. Further Information may be had by Inclosing slumps In tlio General Ollieeof Ihe l iorenee Sewhig-Maelilne Company, MJ Chestnut hlieet, l'hlladii,hla, Pcnusj Ivaula, PIHCF.S OF JIACHINF.s. No. I, Plain. Tills Machine makes the lock aim Knot si Itchos.and lias Ihe reversible feed...Siil No, 2, Horcncc. Golil-oruamenled Machine, Willi drawer, ami light cover, without lock; makes nil tlio four studies, and has tlio ic vorslblu feed ;.-, No, .1. Silver-plated Machine, ornamented ; table olbllnMied walnut, Willi heavy lialf case, lock and drawer; makes nil the four stllches, and has llio leveislble feed S No, l.-Sllor.pIatcd Machine, highly orna mented, and makes all tho four stitches, and has the reversible feed. i-oiisiieu mahogany table ;) 1'oiii.iieii itusewiuiil Table rj .o. ii, v ninui uihie, in oil (f. .Mauogniiy mine, 111 oil ,j llosew ikhI table, In oil jir, iso. u. wuiuut, on iinisiied m .Mnnogany table j iiosewmsi mine j-,. fl. G. I3VANS, General Agent, MICIieslnut Street, Philadelphia, gCIIKLL, BKBGEH it CO,, GHNLItAl. COMMISSION MLIICHANTS Dealers hi FISH, SALT, CJII3I3SK, PIIOV1SIONS, Ac., Xo. 122 and 121'Noilli Whar os, nbovo AuiiKl, Plillailclplila. Sole agents for Wilcox's Wheel (1 reuse, In bar Ids, kegs, and cans, JSTABLISHEI) I7!l.'l. JOItDAN A llllOTHLIt, WHOL13SALI3 GHOCKIW, nud Dealers hi SALTPlTl'lli: AND HItlMSTONI-3, Xniol North Third Kneel. l'lilLidi-lphia. 18((, A. HKN'MIY, Huccessor In Hendry A llarils, Manufacturer nnd Wholesale Dealer In HOOTS AXD H1IOI3H, Xo.M North Third Street, Philadelphia. ill II. I'KTKHMAN, LippixcorrATUorrr.il, WHoi.usALi: onocr.iis, with Xo.2l Xoith Wider Slieet, and Xo, 20 Xorth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. ni'OKOE II. BOBEKTH,. m . . ... . Importer ami Denier in II AllDWA M; Cl'TLF.rtV, OCX1",' C," Xo. ".II Xorth Third fM rt, nbir.'" Vlnr, I'Ullnllel'lih'lrt"' EN.IAMIN UBEEN, Dealer In CA1HT.TIXGS, WINDOW SfIAD13S, OILCLOTHS, MATS, AC, Xo. ,tl North Second Street, Philadelphia. J B. BEABD, with L1PPINCOTT, HONDA CO., Manufacluiers and Wholesale DcalcJ-s In HATS, CAPS, Fl'ItS, AND STUAW GOODS, No. 111 Market Slrcet, Philadelphia. jjmVE, KUSTOX it CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Jieaicrs in COTTON YAHNS, CAlll'iri' CHAINS, n.vrrs, wicks, tik yaiins, cohdagii, llllOOMS, WOOD AXD WILLOW WA1113, LOOIC'G GLASSF.S, CLOCKS, FAXCY 11ASKI3TS, TA1IL13, 1'LOOU, AND CA1IUIAGF, OIL CLOTHS, AC, No. SB Maikct Slrcet, south side, Philadelphia. G It KAT I'KXXSYLVA X I A BO UTE to Ihe XOHTII AND WI3ST. FOUll DAILY THANINS. ON AND A1TKH JIAIttil 12, 1MW, trains will leae as lollows: Leave "W asli'n. Leave Hallo. Express Mall 0:20 A.M. H.i a.m. Fast Line 7::..M. 12:10 l'.M. l'lllsbuigand i;rlei;x imi'.si. 7:.u r.M. Plttsbuigaiid Klniha i:....7:l0 P.M. i;15 p.m. TWO TIIAINS OX St'NI).Y, CiinlieeUngat Ilaltliooie,! Leave Washington at 2:l"i and 7:10 l'.M, SLF.KP1NG CAHS OX ALL NIGHT TIIAINS. LOW FAUi: AND (JUICK TIMI3. Cars run througli from llaltltnore to Pittsburg Krle, or lllmlra without change. .1. N. DUI1A1UIY. Supcrhilcnilcut N.C.It.ll. 1"HILADKL1MIIA AXD EBII I ItAILItOAD Tills eient line traverse the northern and northwest counllesor IVuusvlvani.i lo the i-ily ol Idle, of Lake Lrle. It has been lea soil anil Is oiieialeil liy the PENNSYLVANIA 11A1I.IIOAD COMPANY. Time of Passenger Trains at Northumberland : Lijavi! Eastwauii. File Mall Train, HS'H'.m,: Erie i:.press Train, :i:2' a.m.; Elmim Mall Train la:i"i a.m. Lkavi: WixiWAiin. Erie Mall Train. .I a.m.: Erie ExpiessTraIn, 7:11 p.m.; Elmlra -Mail Tinln PVi e.M. Passenger ears run tliroughou tlie Erie Mall and Express Iraftis without ihaiie both ways In1 tween l'hlliidelnhla and Eiie. Ni.w Yoick Conncc-i nts. Leave New York at 0 A.M., ai rive at Erie at H:I"i a.m.; LeaeEileat l:.V p.m., ai rive at .M'W lorK a i a:ui cm. i'.ieganl sieciliigcars on all night trains. For Information lespeiiing passenger busini1 anolv at Ihe coiner of Thirtieth and Maikel Streets, Philadelphia; and lor freight business ol l lie i -onipany s agents. s. 11. Kingston, .lr.,eoriierorTwelflhiinil Maikel Slrecls, Phlladeiplila; J. W. lleynolds, Ei,.; VVI1 Ham llrown, Agent N.C.Il.lt., liallliuoie. II. II. HOUSTON, General Fi eight Agent, l'bllailelphln. II. W. (IW1NNEII. General Ticket Agent, Philadelphia. A. !,. TYLEIt, General Supeilnteudcnl, Wllliainsport, March 22, lsi,(l. Ty ACKAAVAXXA AXD BLOOMS- Ill'HG ItAILItOAD. On and alter March II, Will, Peasenger Trains will run as ioiiows; SoL'THWAiiit. Leave Scranton at bio p.m. nnd .:.7 a.m.; Kingsionat 0 p.m. and ti:.Vi a.m.: lllonins burgat sj'jnp.M. and 11:20a.m. Arrlvoat Norlliuin berland nt IWO p.m. nnd H a.m. Noin 1IWA no. Leave Xortlniiiiheihmd nt 1 a.m. and S p.m.; llloomsburg at S:2."i a.m. and fi:e p.m.; Scranton at I km a.m. and 0 p.m. Airhe at Sciau- ton nt 12:10 a.m. and lud.i p.m. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, March IS, IWI. rpilE AMKHICAN 1 1 AY KNIFE X AND I'l litis. We the undersigned cltlens ol Columbia County wiluessed the trial of hav forlis on the r.uni or Mr. Pursel, In Hemlock Township, on -Monday, Mav 7, InW, between Ihe American Hav Knireand Fork inaniiracliited by SI.IFEIt, WALLS, SlIlilXElt A Co., or Lewis bmg, Pa., and the Iluiidei's Patent Hav Hook. Tlie American Fork lined more hav lu one draught than the Ilundel tu tluee. Wu tire Mills, lied It will take ns niueli hav Into the mow as two good horses can draw. Wo also saw it cutting hay, and think It cannot be beat as a hav knife, and ehuerlully recommend it as tin, liest liny Turk and knire we hae ever seen, c. llinr.xnnsnhit, Du. F. c, Hauuisox, W. It. Koons, John Do IK, John Dim nine, Danii:i. Novkii, H. Dllll.KMII.I.KII, SVI.VUsllll PfltsKI.. Mk iuki, IlKi.i.i.u, John Woi.p. They nisi, maniltacture Ihe eeleblated Illlckeve lteapcr and Mower, and other agricultural imple ments. G BLAHON it CO., Manufacturers of OILCLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES, Wnrehouse, No. 121 North Third Street, Philadelphia. piKEXIX STOVE DEl'OT. liaVTEIts, ItANGIX, ANDSTOVF.S, WholesalHand llelall, PATENT ANTI-DUST COOKING KI'DVE. VULCAN HEATEll, ror healing two or mom rooms, PAULOlt, COOKING, LAUXDItY, HEATIXO, and every vailety or STOV13S, JOHN I, HF.SS, Xo.:ll!l Xorlh Second Shod, Philadelphia. J. with V. LAMHEHT, uoss, siiirrr a co Importers and Jobbers ol CLOTHS, CAKSIMEItES, VESTINIW, Ac,, Xo. 301 Market Street, Phlllldelphlil. s. with L. BETTLE, HUSH, 1IUNX A-CO., DltY GOODS, Xo. (OXnilh Third Hlri i't, Philaihlphla, JULSIDIUTH, BltOTlIElt it CO., WHWLUS.VLi; TOil.VCl'll PK.M3H4, Xo. 131 Xortli ThlnlHIivet, flvo doors below' lUce, Uactoiles, Xi.22tmi. 225 (Jumry HI reel, Ilillnildplila. H. LONUSTUETII, PAPUIt-HAXGIXG WAHEIIOI'Si:, '..i. l.'Niii, Hi,, 1 , t, l'l,lle1,'liH,i fjMIE GALAXY, .n'llP.TXIIHtTI.Yir.HWTIlATKll.SI.VV.VIHK. THI3 GALAXY It pubilshwl fortiilirliUy, on Un Hist and lllloeulh of cadi luoulh, uliil hsH Hm.j. vantage of coming to the render liilnriuwlMlt betwien the monlldlesnlid thn wseklleii. ' Willi tho second number the; Mnfc-iir.lilu wasca. bilged by Flxleeii tmged, lunklliK It tu isjntu'j, nlnc.y.srxp,ureornm;Uir.it)TOn(i Tlir. GALAXY wilt bo mi original Atnrrlm.u Magnrlno of the highest c'lafs. Airniiinrnia have accordingly l ' " made fur tirulureomriu. Unn hoin the bent known nnd most murlturlin,, wrllon In Ih unlryi iind inoriowr, tl.'i l,nVit will always seek lo elicit and nieoui age rami ,!,,,. lions from new lullhorji of ival nb'llly or d-IJ,j gehllis. IIICilHleh'slil illl'3 OALAXY will y. signed with the haHlcsnr their aulhors, win, v ill be allowed a wide rieidom 111 the vxpitMlwlv( '''''lhe 'l'l','l and second unlabels of Til K GALAXY, for Mav llisl and llltcenth, I'l'l, eonlnln eoniri!,u. tlons irom John listen Cooke, ('rain es l'o .Cobbe, llo Terry, (leoige Alfiul Towns; till, fiM-iM V sieibttau, tlirf Aitjlift of S'.IImllv i!..... ,.., i,,..r..uu.., I'liMrtf libit. Dr. u. 11. Tlrsiv.. stlltiuan s. Con'ant, !cm nil (insen t, nnd fiiUu "i'lie Claverlius," bv AlVthony Trn1lf,,(., ,i. Vrc i e Lovell. 1S .ns. cownnis. were ctu .....r.'. i , i, , Ji.o'nrsf number of Till! GAI.AiT. mid will conllnuelobeiiubllshed serially "Imul- ' (l')Cf !" ,V wionne ra :v""ii"v;i" v.. ,"3 "i Mtt'if'f'fibwi'T'rtr'Ht1 Mtmr.M lyiiUiimui 11,.., stories may always be oblablMV.V-ifj-icnir.Ti or from the proprktyis, In the seVoiui 'biimber of TIIH GALAXY a coiiiiiii iiced a series or nriie cs on wswrrr,! Piolissor lielie mot, tno wcii-uuiMiii iwinrn the nrt. '1 heseaithies will bemilcor greiitiru Ileal value to eery faiully. P-esldJ bhuiy gastrv. noiulcal directions of essential liiiporUUHi'. tliy will loutaln iieelils and practical xui;Ritisji which must sccuio lor them thousands of n iklrrt i I'.H.Mr. Thenrlceof T1I13 GALAXY Is 2.'ieenl nruiro. her: M for the ear of tw entv-four mimlv-ra; B lor SIX inouios IWHIIC iiiihih,-is, iiik uiw,jii for the Mar will liiiiude it, urn octavo pages, lllu,. tinted bv tweiily-IIieornioie lulbpago intHi. lugs, prliited on tinted paper; beside Inniiimri. bio smaller Illustration, scattered throuiili u, text. Till', GALAXY may beordensl at tlicm'.t or twentjiMlvu ccnls n nunibir for my luimU! Seeeinnn 'copies will ! sent on recsilptii eellls. Addlesai , , V, C. A. e. 1'. l lll m i', 1'rnrnrinrn an Park Itrw, New York. JI ABl'EB'H vVEKKLY. T13UMS. One copy one year .fl ta One copy lor three months 1 is And no estl'n eoov Wilt be llllowid tor ,'V.r club or live subscribers, nt frl nOench. or HlxivrtM lore-Tin,, ill, 1,1,111 ii,,ii,,,Lf,,, .,, , tuirc. The Hound Vohimcs of Harper's Weekly frora tin mini necUH nt will b sent lo any srtofiu United slides, iree or carriage, uihui rcielptofu. price, vlr. : lioin iiinuing c impcr niu:iiK Hair Moiis-eo I no , Each Volume coiilalus tho Numbers for Ou TEIIMSTO ADVEHTIHElts.-Oiie ilollsr u, till v cents per line for Inside, two dollar per hi, for outside Advertisement .each Insertion. HAKIT.K ,V lIKWIlll'.ll. lrUlilU,L,in IlK" ADIXU ItAILItOAD. KUMMEIt AIIKANGEMI33N T. Anrii an. i sink Ureal Trunk Line lioin the Xorth and Xor'Jiwm ror riuiaai ipiua, .m-w torn, iicauing, i-oiunu Tiiiiuiqua, Ashliiiul, Lebanon, Alleutowu, Iju,u Ac.. Ac. Trains leave llinrlshurg lor Xew York m hi. lows: AI :i.7:lo. and 11.0.1a.m.. and U nnd o.ixir.w eontiecUng with similar trains on the IYiipmi. v,-.ulii ltallroad, and arriving ut Xow York nt and 10 a.m., and :i: 10 and lu::i"i p.m. Slreplnii Oji necoiiipauv the.) A.M. and !:2J p.m. trains, witliotl cii.iuge. Leine Hnrrlsburgfor Heading, PotlsvUI",TIUl ou , Minersvllle, Asldand, PlnoGrove.Alli'iitofli., and Philadelphia at 7: Id AM., and 2 and l':'.i-.i, Klopplugat Lebanon and principal Way statu r. Hie 02o p.m. train making nodose ronm clous for Pollsvllleor Plillndelplila. For rottMllle, soiaitl. kill Haven, and Atilairu, via Si huylklll ami Sa.. ipirhaunn ltallroad, leae Ilarrisburg at I lie lieliiinlng, leave New York nt II .Ol., 12 M.,M s: p,M. ; l'lilladiiphlaatl a.m. nnd.T'iOi'.M.; lw llle at S'.'IO a.m. and 2:l." p.m.; Asliluud i,l 9 si1 Ihl'i AM., and 1:0.1 P.M.; Tiuuaiiin nt VM a.s, "i.J 1 and S:.Vi P.M. I. eae Potlsville ror Harrliburg, via SchyjikW and Siisiiiichiinii'i ltailroad, at 7 a.m. lteaillng Aeconiod.itlon Tialn leaves Kmdlnml 13 a.m., rettunlng from Piiiladi hdila nt A p.m. Columbia ltallroad Trains hne IteaillugntO ami 0:11 p.m. for Ephiata, Liliz, Colombia, Ar.tM on Sunday.-! leave New York nt s;30 p.m.; 1 hili ddphla at s. a.m. and .'Jill p.m., I lie Sa.m. train ii.v iilug onlv to Heading; l'otlsvllleat s a.m.; Tsiftt iiua at 7:10 a.m.; 1 Ian b.burg nt ftor, a.m.; and lt.! Ing at l::vi A.M. ror llairlsburg and .t A.M.frf New York, and l:2." p.m. ror PhlliKlelphla. Coliilnutatloii, Mileage, Season, E.scuulon, srt School Tickets nt reduced rubs In and rionmil points. II. lggnge checked through. Eighty pouuiil 4 baggage allowed each passenger. II. A. NICOI.I.K, (ivu.HarV, Heading, Pa., Apill SI, 1VM. T MIE ATLANTIC .MONTHLY. ihe ATLANTIC MONTHLY, by general s sent, stands at Ihe head of Aiueilcnn masxIrM It niiiubeis an mug lis conn ibutors tin- most mi ncnt wiiteisol liieday, botli in Prosennn I'l'.ty and its pages liai' always rellected wii.it 14 il lu Aiiieiieiiu Lhciature. It has reaheil ailar lation iicmi- beloie galniil by iiuy AnicilcniiuiM alne of lids el.iss, and It litis, by the loiu i , rM or Its exlstencrfind the worth or lu cnutrihiitwri bciome 111 m I tlxed ill public esteem. The following are uiiioug tlio juost ia-caliji,fil regular contrllailois: II. W. Lii.NGI'ELI.oW, It. W. EMEllsux WILLIAM Ct'LLEN IIHYANT, J. T. TltOWIIItlDdft, DONALD It. MITCHKI.K, C. C, IIA3.'.EWIXL, J. (1. AVliriTIEIt. I). W. HOL.ltES, HAYAHII TAYLOIt, IlAltltlET U. STOWE, GAIL HAMILTON, E. P. WHI1TLH. TLItMS: Single subscriptions, rour del lorn f year. (i.iii Hatim. Two copies rorseendollarii;lii" copies ror sixteen dollnrs; tin copies ror Ilili,; dollars; nnd each additional copy tlins' do!l:i For ocry dub or twenty subscribers an ,xta copy will be rurnlshcd gintls, or Iweiitr-oi.rw pies for sixty dollars. I'osrAdi:. 'Ihe posing on the ATLANTIC k twciit.our ccnls per year, and must lu ii11ish be paid at tin- olllce where It Is reci Ived. Sl'Eli.MF.N COPIES or the ATLANTh MONTHLY will be sent on receljil or twenly-S" ccnls. The ATLANTIC MONTHLY and our YOl'Ji FOLKS will bo rurnlshcd together at lledoilo per year, special lndiiccnienls are oll'ered to tench, rnr! liostiiiasieis lo pris'iue suliseribers to our ir.tk cals. Agents wauled tbioughout the is.unlr; Address Til'KNOlt A FIELDS, IV.b'.hlii r,, 121 Trcinont Slreel, l!oi-tn, Mjm. 0 UK YOUNG FOLKS'.- Wo respcetrullv Invlleattentlon to ll'ie follonM note iioiii the able nnd popular Di puty hUtosi perlntendcnt or ScIiikiIs ror Peiinsylvnnla: Messrs. tickmiu A Fiki.iis, Ilostou, M.i-s.: Gi:mi.i:mi:n, Peimlt ine to iongratul.de r on Hie in, uked succcsn or "Our Young 1'ulu Fiom the Issue or tlie llrsl number 1 hne wntilr ed with much solicitude Its tone and liiawkt well knowing thn Immense luihicmc, lor 1 ""I ' ror evil, 11 would bo likely to wield. Ji.iUiri by the tone which has pievailed lu much eta. JiiNcnlln lllerature, both religious mid sucuU cured Unit Us loutiihuiiirs might indcthaljo'iil lieartedncss wliieh can alone sis ak lo tin' ihllJ naluie, or Hint the lalt'i mid liigMiiuouMii-" .vianhuilglit be liiiupeied Willi and dll',.ina c?' raney lor Hie li e.iand decclti ol malurer wf, Happily my fears have tnoveil grouudles,!" the whole eoinniunlly liae to llinuk you fi-riw iluehign niiiKn.lneso well adapted totneckv whu h It i Intended, unit so clouding mm n lug In lis iiiiluences. SAMUEL P. 11AT13S. Diinil Stale Supeiliiteiident Sehoob.il. TF.ItMS OF OUlt Y( IUNG FflLKS: 52 n yrrr nilvance; llnee copies, i.1; live copies, jv I' l " iiis, Sl i; and each addltlnii.il ,opy il..Vi. Turn' eojiles, t.in.aud a cojiy gulls to the pciton W- Ing Ihe dub. special Inducements mi'oi oil to tencbeis tot a agi nts. special copy and circular font tu sous who wbli to puu'iire suhscrlbcis, li w eents. TICICNOll A FIELDS, Publish, n Ilot-ton, Miv'- JKW YOHK TIMES. 11II-. DAIIi TI.MI,eonlnliilliglhi)hibi-tl'' elgn and Domicile News, Is inibllslir I il dl leu dollars per milium; with Mllidiiy .i'.U twelve dollars. Tlie SE.MI;yi:EKLY TIMES, puhll.liisl l llesiliiysaiid I'lldiiys, loicii live ct lltK lon'l' lion to the latest geueiuf lunlllgencelij liair, tip lu the moment ol going to press, tin i. Tll found In each number Ihe fulled WwiuM'' News. I.uinpean News, wltiigini hle letleisin oin-correspondents in t(onilomind I'mKi:.' Ihe tone or publle jedlug nbioad, Is niml.'iiT ctnl iiud peiiiianent lealine. Hi addition t I I'l'-iii".'.'!1,,'.' ,1.',li,u...'.!!":" lollies of the day ' SL.MI-W LEKLY TIMES has ii pan,, of can ml . ireied eoinineii lal niiitler.glvlng the l.ibt iuiliiial'NewKand Mnikot Ifciioii"; lu i.is . licultiiral nnd Domestki Inti lest, eonipll"! i' siaiiiei, many ul which ale otherw le I Pieces. 1 to Ihe Aiuiiieaii lender; nud iiiiiiiliucs .Mai rl.iges nnd Deuthsoi the weik, Hie "SKMI-Wixiav HunllD," or Xiwsu inary lie ngn ,-aielul synop.lti and dlgisl ' news or lhedn,lN nlone worth Uounle lb- " scilpiiuiMiiiie In lliu paper, us it piesilli'" l!" coli'lensed nud lonvenlelitly liasslt'ed foilu newsol Inteiesl.uud must move valuable ' leiol'd loull lime, TEltJIs.-Tliieedollaisiwrniiiium, Clulu' llle lllseiinlllllieil, The WEEKLY TIMES, published ut twoil'"''-' jtyear.umla us, hi iiddltlon to Hie lidci-l tin ' llllell uellee bl let,.,., ,n,l, ... ,1... ,.,i,l,l ' going 10 press, (j,,, nniesi' Wiishlnglon N' Kiiiopeaii News, wllli graphic lelleis I1..111 iiuispondenli In Loiiiiou iiiid Paris, ijlvliu1' lone 01 publle feeling abroad, hi made a M "' ami porin.iuent l.atuie, Inaddlllou to Edie f i'v'!.". ',"J'',",vnl lopleKor Ihe day, Ihe l l II-MIJs Iiiinu pageor etirelnllv-piepnnsl v llltililll IllllttiO- idvln.r II,., ll,,.,Vr,., ..,l S H and Maikct lleports; iuinsof .irleiiliuriii' liiinieslle Inleiesl, lomplliil mm Minus s i" or which lire otherwise Inaecessllile to the Mu caiiii ailen nud Mai riages and Heaths ot ll ' ' yUNUEltH'H it SMITH, WHfl.F'J.VLi: OIlyCKJV", ..' t. id :.lll, lllll J Slld, Il.ll,,b-ll.h-..