THE COLUMBIAN, 13LOOMSBU11G, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1866. jttftji L00AL INTELLIQENQE . L. iMADDOCK AND Co. itcrltcrs in fine groceries, No. 115 .South Third Street (opposite tliuGlrnrdll tinl.) l-lilladelihln. t'AVnnre iinublo to publish this week theillst of premiums awarded nt thu luttl'nlr on Recount of the examination bytlio Executive eoinmlttee not taking i-htce until to-dny. - , , .. II. Iicr.iiiiu, welt known to our readers as the Junior of the Rrmorrat mid 'Star, has been succeeded by .1. IV Shuman, foreman of the olllee. We nro pleased to notlee this Instance of the advancement of u worthy young man. Mn. 11. SroNKit has bought a portion Of the. Itoblson property near our olllee. It Is now occupied by Mr. Vox. Wo nro told that the announcement In the "jtepublican of the purchase of the other 'part'by Mr. A. M. Itupert is premature. "Mil. K. II. Hiogs Is making a sub stantial Improvement to the town by laying down a most excellent pavement In front ofthe Exchango Mock. Will not.'pur other property holders follow suit? There Is great room for Improve ment In this respect. iBv reference to our advertising col umns It will lie teen that Mr. J. W. C'hcinbcrlnln has opened a clothing atoro in the Ilartman lliilldliig. Ills facilities for supplying citizens with ar . tides in his line of business are sttperi , or, and we udvise tliem to give him a call. fTltJl County Fair was a gratifying iuccess to the managers ami tho people nt largo. There was a large turn-out of tho'poople on each day to witness the numerous attractions of the Exhibition. Thcrcloslng day being a delightful one, thaj,falr wx took advantage of it, and woro noticeable participants in the en joyments of the occasion. ' P. Jiiiin crows lustily over the elec tion returns ouUitlc of Columbia County, but, complains that the Democracy in . many of tho townships in this county "fairly swarmed ;" all which means, ' where 1 John has run tho party nia "clilne the Hepublicans have been badly bent en, while their majorities else where, have been satisfactory. ' 'Tin: editor of tho Republican i-' m k much at fault iu his knowledge of arithmetic in computing the election re turns us he Is in giving the amount of , tho circulation of the Coi.u.miiiak. Af ter stating the number of votes cast for Clymer in thin county at !J,.1SH, and ' those for Geary nt 1 ,!.")(!, lio makes out ,tho' majority for Clymer to bo l.lilS! Wo publNh in another column acorrcet return. ""Wk understand that our friend and neighbor Judge Elwell made n speech In Franklin before the election. Hesult Judge Merctirran aiieailof theticket Columbia County Republican. . Tho above paragrapli is one of the numerous small lies contained in I John's last paper. We know that Judge Elwell made no speech in litis county nor anywhere else in ids Judi rial District in the late canvass, and we take it for granted that lie was never in Franklin Township in all ids life. Tiir. Republican Standing Committee sif tl&sesuuty havu it in serious con- Jtomplation to engage tho services of jtoucri r. liar;, i:sq., to stump tlie District atrainst Merour in IMS. lie made votes for us at every place ho poko tins i-jiiu .uou&ioiiU xunty Jiepiibiwun 3St. CUt3c poko upjjt tho Congress (gotwlftntii, 4Jia sfy t't ITJung Creel And -(IstsHiVftvX. In hoth districts JTuflgte Hlav-edl ftms aliead of Clymer. I n Orecmvood, Mercur liad a majority in 1864, but Is now beaten six votes. In Fishing Creek tite majority against Mercur in rlfty-ono greater than It was In 1861. The3C facts, taken from the figures in his own paper.showP. .Toltir, ycracity, or rather his want of it. "WKare continually receiving letter?, from persons in dllferent parts of this dUtrict. complaining that They can get: no replies to their letters to tho Ass?s inr requesting olllclal Information, and lOtherseomplainlng that they can never flnd him at his office. That these eom plalnts nro well founded we have rid iloubt, but we cannot relieve them, liet them forward their complaint to the Commissioner of Internal Hevtuue ivt Wasliington. -Columbia County Re publican. During the temporary absence of Mr. Clftrk', in Ohio, 1'. John publishes the fibovo paragrapli, which we are fntl.t fled is false in every particular. We "have reason to know that Mr. Clark's chief clerk is constantly in tlie olllee, nnd attentive to every reimcst by mail jfor.lnformatlon, and lie i more compe tent tliun 1. John ever was to perform tho duties of the place. We make this reply in tlie ahsenco of Mr. Clark, be cause wo believe this sneaking and ttcmpt Is made only bevmw ho Is nb- rjqnt. i f IMPORTANT LEGAL DECISION. , TjiKcase of tiie heirs of II, II. Harris, contesting the Haul fcottlement of Soc. 'j'arkei'i Administrator, whlcli was tried and argued at great length, somo time ligo, before lion. George II. Saunders, Probate Judge of Sumter County, and which was held up by him for couslder- fitlon.has been decided ill favor of tho Administrator. By this declnlnn, mi far a.1 this court is coiicernetl, tho following principles are settled : 1, Tho ordinance of the Slate Couven tion, nnd the dliTcrcnt acts of the Legis lature, for the protection of administra tors, executors, anil guardians, are valid ; nnd investments made by them in good 'falti, in late Confederate securities, under color of law, will now lie upheld ; tho' loss falling upon the estate, ami not mn'n I. lllllll ! Ill t I'll llll's. guardian". .'. Contracts nnido during tlie war, " rtvogiil- the ht v ' Confederate I5ondsnnd Treasury Note, I .... hi ....l ....... and which were then valid, Will not now bo proilOUIICed Void. . Collections of debts dUO nn estate i .. it . ...... .1 ..j.,,,1.. II.. I., rv,., by tho personal representative, in Con- federate Treasury Notes, will 1)0 upheld If nmila III wn fMth, even though thu debt was due before tire war and the imiun ii-'i.iiiiu ui uncus 111 in. 111111113 ui the UI 1 II 1 1 1 1 is It'll 1 or. . Where rights had already vested neioro ute surrentier, or acts nave neon performed under then laws the in force, tin i.nlilt,. ....tint, tfliti.1i nvl-1,,,1 nt tlwv ,. 1 , ; i , ' i'i , ' Unto such rights accrued, and not pies- nt public pulley, Will control the lilies- Inn nf thole lixr ilttv . niul Infill I f t n , , 1 I the National Government does not re qtilro interference witli such past trail- iictlons, If honestly nude, mid in accord ance with tho laws of tho Htato at the time. ft. The administrator in tills cn-e, having In good faith. void a largeatuount of cotton, by the advice and order of the robato Court, in ISC'), for n fair price, ' and having taken a note for the purchase - ., , . , . IIIUIItY, Ulllll IIIU HUl.'llll.'t:i, ttlllLll ttll1! delivered to the guardian of tho heirs, and afterward collected by the guardian in Confederate money, he is not liable to Account again for said cotton ; although the sale was made with reference to tho market price In Confederate money. (!. The administrator, having distrib uted in kind to tho heirs all the specie and bank notes of the estate, is not now chargeable with the same. The counsel employed in the foregoing tse were, for the heirs, T. H. Comtek, '., Heu hen Chapman, Jr., Hon. A. A. Coleman, A. W. Cockrell, Ki., and Illllgeb. IllCC. I'Or tlie Atinitntstra- f iii.Tlwimiw ( 'nlilw Vat V W Stnitth tor l nomas tones, j.-cj., ij. . hinun, II., T. H. Wetlliore, ICsi.,!. Cl.Nall, i t...i tt-ltil tr i- i... .sij., nun .iiiuti tt liiiiiin iiuuu.i NEWS ITEMS. A MAN in IltuUon, New York, com milted Mtieide on hl wedding niglit. I'linv tire dying at tlie rate of twelve hundred a day, of famine, In India. siNtii.i: cornfield in North Carolina produces this year ten thousand bush is. Mn. Admiiiat. FAiiitAttrT is one of the haud.-oniest Indies in Washington. A Mns. Kiinvcit, one hundred and thirteen years old, lives in Ohio county, IVl 11LIIL lvY. 1 . . ()vi: t uiiiMinil new IitilliliiiL's Iinvo , , i -v- i i. ! .1 been put up iu Nebraska City tins ,,,,,,.. nllllllliei. Pin. 1. ,U,1 CJInf,, iwn 1, II 11 ,1 .will wiutw ..... t. . s.. fit.w, tlwi iiii.iiiI ittr uf i 1 1 it t 1 1 ro.t t .....s.- ... j v.. -'" lit llUIU lilts. lioumleil on llieuoitn ov lamis ot .lomi .teneu i'lli: convicts IU tlie State Prison ill bach, on the rust by Main Muet ol tai.l limn, on ... . , .ii I Trenton, New Jersey, have started a pajter called tlie Sitnbeiun, W. W. Avinm.i. has been appointed Consul General to tho liritiah North American provinces, A (lun.i.oTiNi:, to be worked by steam and capable of cutting oil' six heads per minute, is one of tlie contn buttons to the I'aris Expositsoii. Hi. 1. li.t. Hi. (t , i,.,.,,.,.i,.ir'.. l, 1, ' Li-rent Wuttem nreneher. writes that ho " ' lias spent sixty-two years as a regular itinerant preacher, and during that pe riod received but two years' salary, Tiik present tonage of tlie Erie canal equal to the entire amount employed bv New York's foreign trade when the canal was built. The project of em- ploying steam on the canal is attracting attention. MARRIED. On the tenth Instant, by Uov. J. F. Tustln, Hr.N" f.Y SlllPION to Oaiiiaiii.nk Wins, both oi F.lootiishurK. In iininuevllle, October eleventh, by Itev. W. C. Hesser, 11, sav tin: to.MAItv 11. M'IIksuv, both of Jat ksoii, Columlila Couuly, Feiinsylvaul.i. At tho same time ami place, by tho same, Fnt- MIS S. S.Miril to IIl'I.IIAIl It. Doiisos, botli of Denton, Coluinbl.i County, Fennsylvatiia, III niiHiiiisbiiri;, 011 tho thlrteeutli lust ant, by Itev. J.'lt. IlillllilI'lIl-.oll w.n M. D.vw.soK.of Dan ville, lo llA'nii: II. .tl., of this place. On tlie thirteenth Instant, by Ilev. W. .1. F.yer, l'.tnoN WK.wr.n to Fi.i.aui:ti Ilowr.n, boih ot Cataw ltsi, f oluinhlii County, l'cnnsylvanla. Ill Fort Carbon, on the lltH Instant by ltev, Mr. Low 1 y, C. W. .M 1 1. Mill, of llloomsbur, to C.tltA I.. KtilLUUAN, uf Ihe i'ormi'r place. .llnikcl llt'iiort. Wlk?r.ii Vrr talshcl ltte " , S2 7.-, . 1 Com " . 1 on . Fi (III . "1 no ! lour st iianei Clot Cl seeJ 1- luxseetl . llilMer. , . . 7.1 I'aWoti"'.'.' Zl'.ZZZ'.'..". Ft atoes w Hi led ,S Wdi 11 Fol'.i llalns . . II J " Sides iftul .Hhnllldcr.l is , ii oil I Jtr.l per pound Il'iy per ton . .ii. n. i.'-.ijc, A'JTiUl.VKY-AT-iaW, Ciwf ridL'i, Columbia Ci.u'iily, i It. 2rocktt.ty, ATTi!tNi:Y-AT-I.AW, Olllee on Main Mi eel, tlrstiloor west of the Court lloiise Itobcrl I". Clnrli, ATri)ltNi:Y-AT-I,AW, t.irner of Main an I Market Streets, J'Jrst .Valli il iMuiuk. AVIUiiim II. Abbiitl, A'lTOltNKY-AT.IiAW, Calutvlssa, Fa, over the II. l.ltllc, ATl'nKNIlY-AT-IiAW, Olllee on Main Street, In whllu fraian house, he low the exchange Ilolel. otlcf . .Ml ll l suits liliotl lug (lll'lllsf 1 s lllilebleil to either of Ihe llluli I'slglled.on Hook, Nnie.or .ludjiiicnt, an' rei,uesleil lo malm pii.t mull without delay, If Ihey inaild save costs. M'KFI.VilY, .VFAI. .V CO., and Wll, MAM M KKI.VKV A CO. Ullilc .Notice The I'ltsldllll mill Milliit- t;i'l.toi nil i aiaw issa in .iue oioniii,t ii.iii-i.n-day dci laied it illt Id.'ii.l of :l per ifiii. 7'i cents ner slur.i.n.'i the eapllal sloek of Hi.- Conipanv loi Mat last six m. milis. n iviihle lo Ihe sloekfiold. cis or their legal reiit'eseiitailves on or ailcr the li.lil llisiiiui. .11111 isii.tlll-l.l..--, lieu.-.. Cai.wiss,v Hi: i hi . i: hi v in;, tii t, I, Isiiil, :tt 'l'u llotrl unit Saloon t.l-rlifl-i. or Itlnouis- l.u.g and iVuinhla Ciaiui.i, I hatn iippolniutl r. 11. st ohm r agent for Ihe saleot my ale, poller, blow u shall, and 1 iger luvr, who will supply you at Ihe same pi lee (a i id w II h the same article), a 1 irntilil punish .loll fioin Ilia biewcry. Knoowln; IIP ' I lull he "HI hi' l'UH'IUl lllld IlltelltlVe to all Wll ' i.i.i. .... mat iiitoi him w ill. Ha ir trmle, I solicit lor htm j mn' .upiiult. Yel) lespecliiill) , I'llKli UM'Flt. u Nniiccnf imuc.i,-:-tntcuM.rviA.iiioii, uiieoi i 1110 liiitusill p, tioccnscn, lomeiiciisimu ,,,,.. r,Mr,..otltnnvo!, f u.vl a,,,,,,,,, )n,,. , 1Mlll, Township, Columbia County, iloconsed, Id wit! to ttiniuni.i.sprowl, Ann Ashlnii,-..imhi-.cs, who rcsnio in uouimniil l iu niy, r o iliou i-prowi, 01 u,.i,,i,. v,.,,i.,,,,,i.,.,-i, ,,.i A,,,.,,,. ai...,,..ii. II." - ., of Nuv ColumbitM, lAir.uriu County, IjuUii HptiMlummil Allen KVM,.r Orii.lii' MUM, V.tle ITgKuin .lesso J'vos, or California, you iiml iwli nr yon uru hereby iiotlllcd (tint In put su. men of n writ of j;ttr', ,m; "J V' . ,..T., T .', . ' valuation of thu real estate of said deceased, sit twin in tin' Township of fine, in said county, tu w" t corlnln messuage nnd tract of land slttttilH In Flue Tow nship, In sold county, ndjnhitng lands ,,f iiehjatnin Eves mi the north and ousi, land, m John Lou-on the south, and John Loggot on th west, containing ton acres, mom or Iris, ninnn-i It... ..,tu .l , .....n.,l,,,,.nu ,.f II... ,,, ,. ccuscil, I will hold an Inquest on tho siilil proinls- I rs, In Pino Township, on Tuesday, the 7lhilay of Not ember next, nt 'it o'clock In the forenoon of snlil il.iy, when nml whciu you nro rcquiTUs! to attemt If you think protier, SA.Mti:i, fNYIlKIt.Hherlir. Mi-rlirV Olllee, llloonn'iiir, Sep. I., .Vlutlloi'a .Vol lie. Kslnle of Villlnitl KAItNS ileceilveil. The All. I toralmo lltei hV the Drpliaiis' t'oiirl of I'olumhla County to make ills- - 1Yi" - '"n,,,I tlJi;li,V,VZ,,LV,Ao,!!;!!;l"i-!.r!.l'i'iii win m.'it tin- panics inicrcsicii, tor tin; pnipo-c ot his appointment, on satunlay, ,nvcinli,T ...n ... ,.. ..'..I... 1 . .. ... l.tu 1.. niooinslitiri;. ra when aiul where all permits in tcri'Mleil can attemt tl' tliev hcc nioner. ami lire sent their claims, or he itchurrcil from coming In lor n winre in mo. iiinn. (;. n. niiDCKW.w, Auiiitor. CI iette copy. M-p'J-U I:M(ntr of Alirnlinm ?Ii'iiKclii ilrccnHrit. Letters of Ailliillilstttilloll lllioll Ihe estnle ol Ah- riih.nn Alcllseli, late of Idietisl Towifhlp, 111 the County ol Columbia, ileeciiM-il, ha Inu been fxraiilcil to the unilerslmieil, nil persons hnvltn! claims or ilenuimls against the estate of the halil ileceileut ale it-iittcMt-il to luaUo the Mime know n Wlllloiu neiav, aim mote imieiiieil losuni esuuo to make liinncillate pa'ineut In .v.ii.i i u. tu or ClIAltl.KS MHNHC'ir, Uoarln? Creek 1.0., (ohimlila C ainly, Ca, nCUIilC SAEE OF VAi.rAnr.r., hstatr. i pVM,an(0 of an onlcrof Hie Orphans' Court of lloluinli m'ounly, ri'iius.t Itanl.i, on s.itunlav, .. ..... f v(1vciniicr next, at iu o'clock m ihc lorcnoMii.tfohn Ashlciuan, Ailinlulstiatorof III said county, dcceaseil, will expose to sale, by " . poone veonoe, on nil' .n'ioies, n ii'i iiiin pii-ee, niii'i'.'l. or triit-t of l.niil. sltllule In .hlcksou 'town. ship, lu the eouut.t alon-saiil. eontaiiilutt Ihhty et en ueies more or less, ii.llolnlm; liimls of Sam uel Unbelts on tlie soulli ami west, lallils ol Minis M'lletiry on the north, lands of rritukllu Nale on llie easi, on ttiucii are ereiicii a ino-snuy liaioeihvellliiK'hoiive.a small nt liaiu,aad oilier oiitbiilliliims. A vrood spring of waicr at tho door of the duelling. Tlie aliote properly is mostly clealcd laud. Late the estate ot s.ild decease I, situate in the Tovninp 01 .laeKson aiul county aloresaiit. .u-i-. i oi.i.Ma.t, t lent IIl.OOJIlllL'IKI, IK'tOIICI' I.I, ISM.. CDVllITIIINS l IF WAI.t:. Ten ner cent, ol one foul lb ol the nurchasi! money stiiill lie ial.l at the strtkilm down of the iiiooertv: the one lolirth h ss tlie ten tier tent. at tlie colillllilatloll absolute; anil the temalniliK three hunt is in one vcar thereaiter. Willi lull t from the eontlllliatlon III. l, l'urellaser to pay lor decii and siaiiips. ll.'lT-lll .ll'll.l .V- I l l.l ..M.l .t.l.ll I, -i)VAC SALE or VAi.r.iiiii;.iu;.i, i.-siati;. In tui rsimnee of nn older of the Orphans Court , !'i,imbia comm. Fa., on sa-mmiday, tin- loth ilav of NOVK.MllKlt next, at llloeloi k lu I lie 1.., .., w-mill.. 1 A.'lienli.leli. A .llollilsl r.ltur ol' .losepll 1 III ' hllTst , late of UlUHU'e TllWIlsblp, ill ,, .... ti t s.-. i ecensei . w niHw ii vii e. bv nil i lie Vendue. o!l I the plcnii- cllalll lot or plee ,,r uniiind i sltuale lii tlie town of maiiu'et llle. in llle lottusoipoi i'i.iiii. iii i iii i-.iiiiiiav iiioieviii.i, I lie sttuin i.v i.iii. i ..I oi in-nif. in iiu, inu, .in i.ii- u-,.st by lamisor i.owami A)..t iimn. 'nititiiiiiiu one lltlllilli'il ami siMV'eiKiu in i in 111.01,11110 0110 huuilieil and ttieiity-tlte bet In depth, more or ievs, wliereolt are elected a two-story Inline and other outl'tulliUm!. I.nte the estate ot salcf deceased, situate ill the Township ot (llaliue, and iiaiiily nfoiisaiil. .IF.Ss.1: (.nI.i:.MAN, Clerk. lIUMOHlll'Wi, tseplcmllCl'-T, tNjII, rr.iiMK iif sai.i:. Ten cent, of tlie (o be paid on llle nay 01 sale; oneiilirn less 1 in- iimi jier v one tillril Ic lit. on tlie 1st tiny ot April, iMi?, w lu 11 possession ot the premises w 111 be (;It inn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 till I lie 1st dnv of April, 1sii, with interi t 11010 the 1st il.iv 01 April, l-ii, ; onet 1 id toreuiHin lu tlie premise' nut the llle ol tho widow ol said iIccimm il, and llie tiieieof to I,,- uniiu.iiiy and nwilarly naiii to sat. wlilow nvino inireri.istT on ine isi iinv ol Aoill. lsii. ami eterv lii; tier naiiirai inc. riui-uiis.-i to iinv lor deed I aiul slump. SA.Ml'l:! CII:miai 11, Adm r. nellMIl pi'HLlC SALE OF 1AI,L'.1II,I'. lll'.Al. l.rl.tll.. Iii mirstiaoce of an order of the orphan's Court ol Columbia County, Fa., on 1 bin ,luy, the Jsb ' V'jV-''V.Vi'.'r's'i..0 L!'r.l.V.':il,.,.;.,,!;;,"i!' and .lolui ItelKhaiii, Fxeculors' of the lust will all.l leslillllcni 01 .10011 nauivcy, line 01 tcuue Coliolv. deeeased. W I exiiose to sa e. bv mil) 1c vendue, on the piemlses.aeertalii plantation and trio I 01 land .situate In Scott Township,! 'oun l oi Columbia, bounded on tho cn't by laud ol II, It. Mellck, on the south by laml 01 ivtcr AleiicK.aml tint nubile road le.ulllcr Ironi Itloolllsburir to 111- atmtnilleon the west, by lands ot Patld Waller and Andrew Cretellie 011 tl:c ninth, contain- lnt; one huudicl aiul twenty-set en acrca mole or less, whereon are eleeleil 11 larire two-storv stone tlwellin-hoiise a l.iri:e li-iiuie bain, and outliuildins, a well of iroo.1 water at tlie door ol t hod well inu-ho'ise, and two apple orehanls. Also a tiaet of hind sltuale ill .Mount Fle.iMiul town ship, county atort's.ud, luiiin.leil on the east by 1111. 1 ot .liieob ltartr.ell. 011 the south bv lands ol James lirllues. on lite ius ov lamls 01 .lonn Shipinan, and on tlie south by lauds of .lohu stetler, conlaiiiiiiK llltyaeiev. 'j'he iirincipal p.,rt ot tlie above tract is Kooil wothl Ian. I. Late the est.ite of sa il ileeens.-.l. situate 111 tlie township of .scott and Mount Fleasanl, ami county u!uc sain. .ii.--.1-. i.tii,c..ii.t., v.ieiii. ni.on.Msiii'1111, sept, r.', iv n. THItMS OK sai.i:. Ten per cent, of omi third of the purchase mou nv in lie ivild bv the iiureh.iser or liurchaseis ot the sli Iking down ol the property: one tiiit.i less the ten per cent, to lie paid on the llrst day ol Aiuil. A. D. lsiiT: ami the balance tube li.ild In two ootial aniiiial payments, wlih inlerest from ..... . .....I lv.17 l.'l,.... ........1... ..I'll... picinlscs will be glt'cn, 'i'lircliasuis to nay lor Lieetls an i siiiiop-. sept i il. nn Tiuirm.'it' Pi'.N'i'n at. RAIL- Mi WAV. I tllltC.I-l' ItllFTF. XI lit 1 11 AND SOUTU. Through bi tweell ll.illllll.ile and Itocllestcr ttlllllll 1 I n.i.t.u. .. ' i.i it.-s. On and inter August o, ismi, ttaius will kuvo as follows; 7.llllllLtV.tlll'. lll'FFAI.o F.XFI1IS leates llaltlmorit 10:10 tl.dlv; Flilladelplna F.M.; llairisblirg .'.ll'i A.M., ileli'tiiiug passeiigcis at Norihuuibi-rl.iml t:. .1 .31., Uil l rain no im -i.iiwuoii.i initi i iiti.iiosiiiiiK f.i r.t.iil. lent in . 11 . A..M.. ir V L' ill li.llltlli' .MO A. .11,, liloolllsi.ini; rt-,j .ti.ti., ASilisiiin lu.t.i A.M., Scl.inloll 1J llmill. M A 1 1. I. 'itves lt.illlliiorii (Jli'i A.M.. tlllllv fexcertt; Fhil.ulelplila Idslu A.M.; llmilshurg iSirt F.M., dellti i nig pa-.-teiigers ai .Miitnuiniic i- laud l;.)l I lor liani on i.'u aatiaiuia ami iiiiKHiivliiiiif H.illioad. leavhui tlieleat lir'l F.M.. arrliing In li.nnille t F..M.. Illooinslaiig t,:l.i F.M., Ktllgstoll II I ,.tl., .-siTUilioo i.iji j; jiroi-eeoiog uoi iu uml aii it iim In v, uii.iiiisiiiiii ai omi r..ti 1 sl Ll.M. lean s l t.lli inline ti.iu.v lexeepi isiiu l..v, I'Slti I'M l!iil.uli'lolila Ii M. : llailisburg t:ln l':M. ; Northuinbeilaudii. II F.M.; ii-iiialuoti r night, and e Hie iniiowiug morning ui ,iitri. lug lu scninmii m. i-viMtf.sis rltAlN leatts Noithumhirland 11:8a F,M.,ilally O'xcepl isiuiuaj-sj, leeeiving p.isscngei' I., .fin.. Seruitliiii 1:10 F.M.: Flltston ri:.n 1 ..M. KUlgslOll 11 ; l!001lSOUl-g s;. 1 ,.11, ; llll IVIll. ill l'lilladi li.hla 7 A.M.; llair.sbuig aw A..M.; Itollliiiini' i A.M. MAIL THA1N leaves Northumberland l'WO A.M., dally except Mindayiii, leccivlng iiasseti-....i- i.nviim Keiaulon .'.:.'.' I A.M.: l'ltlslon i.:.'i A. ,i.; Kingston i.: i -t,..i, ; inisiius..iiiu r.i Danville nil A.M.; und aiiivlug In llarrisbiirg kl.U'.M. ; Fhlhulilphiii j:"iiiF.M. ; U-illlinoreiU'..M. Ut Illlsloui.' Ill Iglll lli'in iiiniimi, r-n-i'i il"..'.. Hlli'lge, ltocllt sit I, and Caliand Iglui, or all) inter mediant nnliii on tiie New York Ciiilial can be slniMied ilirough, when lu lull car loads, t.i aiit liolllllill Hie i-ii iv ni.iiiii., i.i.'i ii.......i...i. m. .- si. I. without liit liking bulks, nates ot iieigiu and iMissi-ngi rs fate a low a ny any nun r nunc, i v in. utility I's. ul .MI. (Jcn'min'l. llaiilsbuig, Fa. Hen I Fass. Agent, ittt .'i. i-t 1 1. i .... i .i 1 1. !. ., CIcll'I Western Fielglii KelH. Ilulliilo. toLC.MltIA C()l'NTY.SS. ---IN Till' '' Couil of Cohiiiibla I'liunly, lu llu mailer ol Ihe iiaintloii and taluallou ot tiiees. int.. ..l i 'li.ii on 1 1 1. ltlckelti. late of I Ira Hue Tow-II- ki.ii. .i.......ik...l. 'l'u the heirsol Ciiitrlclii . I'. . i. .1... I .... . . . r V . I . . I .. . 1 1 Itiikells, John nn kills, iiuin iiiiner, .miium llil' ll, Fleasanl suns, aiul i .tiian u. lllcuetts. in id ,,..i I.... Mini mi liiuutslwlll ho held at the lot- dill lllllg-hollse ol I'li lllUel 11. Uli kells, ilei illHed ill ihe Township ot uiiiuge, ''ounlv .il i 'oliiiuhia, mi .s.itind.iv, the '.'llh day of .November, 1m.ii he. Iwet'll Ihe lloursol 11 n cioi ii , anil 1 ociih-i. .. 11 .a ,bii. lor ihe iiuriHiso of m ikim i mil lion nf llle I't'.i esljte of said decc ised lo alu .ii.i.iin. his ehll lien ami legal reluct lilallves, , Ihe same call be done will. .all pr jlldlee lo ol spoiling of the whole, olherwls,- lo tabic mid ap- t ul place ton are rerun! c l loul'ui I il nii think l." .hit si .a I i. " ' I 'i.i. . '-.hi '.I. .lw I-., I QUH HTAHCII GLOSS Is tho only nrtlcln nscit try t'lltHT-fl.AHM 1IOT1-U.H, I.AttNWtlr.M, ANII TIUIUHA.NllM OK 1'AMII.lIiS, tl elves n heniiliriil nollsli. innltliia thn Ironnnss unoolhlv oter tho cloth, mivlnu Ml ell iimi: ami lahor. tlooils ilono up Willi It keep clean iniicli lunKer.ronHi.uimly wlllm it mak,:s old linen will nut I'm tint nu ninjii. I.OOIC Mien ni:w. oun i.Mi'i:niAi, nun: is tup. iii'-st in Tin-: woui.d. It Is wiluhlc In Imnl as well as soft water. It Is tl mt In the surest. neiilest. Hint most convenient onn of any olleicil to tho pnlillc. IT IS WAItltAXTnn NOT TO HTUIIAK Till! CI.OTIir-S. Airents watiled everywhere, to whom wo offer cxtiaonllnary liiilucciiiclits. Athlrcfis NKW YOItlv STAUCH (H.OHS (.'O., ttn-nc 2IS I'lilKti StrrctiNi w Yolk. R(,P- AH III AGE MANUKACTOHY, liloomsburg, Fa. M. 0. 8I.OAN A IIHOTIIKU, tho successors of WII.MAM SLOAN A SON, continue the business of makliiK CAimiAfJi;s, liutioir.M, aiul every style of l'ANCY WAOONS, which Ihey have con'stantly on hand to suit cur toiucrs. Never ushu; any material hut the bcht aiul omployln the most I'.xperleiiecil workmen, Ihey hope to continue us heretofore to i;lte entire satisfaction to etery customer. An Inspcitlon of their work, aiul of the reasonable price u.ske.1 for the same, Is sure to liiMire a (.ale. JiEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE .Mli.N'N rCIlNINlIIM) HTOIli;. Tho iimlcrsluneil respectfully nniiomice to his many frlenils that lie has opened a new Clothing ami .(Jeutleiueirs rurnlshlng Store, In tho lowu room of the Ilartman Ilullillnu, soulhwest corner of Main niul Market Streets, Moomsbiiri;, Il.ivlnsjiist retnrnet! fioin rillladclphln with ft Idire Stock of l'AI.I, AND WINTint CI.OTHt.Vf) and urcM I.KJIKN'N I UltMSIIINti (lOOl)S. 4c Ac ' tie u.iuei'H inmself that he can p!er.oaU. llli stoelc comprises MF.VS, HOYS', AND YOUTHS' C'l.OrilINf), such as DItlXS COATS, SACK f.'OATS, VKSTit, OVKltCOATH, SIIIltTS, COIJ.AItS, l'ANTS, r.VDinisiIHtTS, DHAWKItS, NF.CK-TIF.S, iiostr.r.Y, SC.SFF,.Vl)i:itH, rjiiiiini.i.As, iii. iiANi)Ki:itciin:Fs, anp III fact everything In tho Clotlilns or Fttr- nlslilnir lino at very low prices. in nildltlou to thoabovn ho has nn el.'s'.int ns. f-nrtuictit of Cl.llTilsl, CASsr.MF.ltRS, AND VFSTIKfM, CUITHINO MADF, TO DllDKIt AT TIIF. SIIOItTIXT notici:. C.-ill und sen purclia.slin; elsewhere, nml Si:i'Flti: flltFAT IlAltdAI.VS. nctn-ly .1. W. CHAMIinitt.AIX TOIIN E. FOX A CO.. STOCK AND F.XCIIANdF. IlItOKFIW, No. II South Third Street, Flilladelphla. SFFCIi: AND 1IA.VK-NOT1X, ALU KINDS OF STOCKS AND IIONDS bounlit and sold on commission. Attention slven It llecilous on all aceisstlilo points. YATS0X & JANN10Y, Imporlers titul Jobbers of SII.K AND FANCY Dltl'SS O00DS, SHAWLS, Ar., No. Sil Market Slrei't. Philadelphia. QMNIHUS LINE. The tin lerslKiied would respectfully niiununcn to Ihecltleus of Itloonislinrg and the pulillc gene rally that he Is running an OM.VIIII'S I, INF. between this place ami the dlil'erent railroad do pots dally iSund lys excepted), to connect with tho set ci al trains going South nnd West nn the Cata- wlssa and Wllllamspoit ltallrond, and with tliosn liu Norlh and South on tlie Ijickawnntia and Hloomshttrg ltnllrnud. Ills tliiiullatssi..s are In good condition, comiuo- llous and comlortalile, an.l charges teasonahle. 'is.ins wishing to meet or see their friends di pint, can he accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving liinely iuitlctat any of the hotels, .IACOI1 I. C.IiirON, l'roprlelor Two iailies fought a duel in Texas re cently. rjMIE ItOl'NU T AISLE. A MA I 111 'A 1 HliVlfiW III- 1.11 i.HA I U ill. SOCIFTY, AND A I IT. Th" ISoiiud Table Isestnhllslieil for thu uiiliincli lug ilit't'iissloii ot the subjects iiaini'd In lis title lu iniriHi-i.' .m t.i I... nitf.rlv l.'iirii'ss Iili.l lintriiiii. lleil In form nt: Its onluloiis. nm toco lect tlie most oriiuaui ami bcooiaiiy Winers in iiiecoiin irv to nite them cxtiiesslon. some iniiv occa slotially he displeased by the tomi and spirit where n lb s Is thine, iu we licga I such tnt'oll- d.ler 111 Ihe words ot Mr. Iliiskln how much less inu in Is done 111 llu- world by iiugraceiul I slid es Hum ic. nut lnii'l.s tear. n The 11. .nil-1 'ruble Is llldi licmlcnt 111 politics, ami il will not hesitate tocondeii'ii or to sustain such men or iii"asures of whaiever sect, ciuine. or party as in ty seem to the eiliiors to he ironi tlm.' in time lu a position of aniagoiilsiu orollierwise to tlie material Inicicsis t Ithcr of ihe metroiioli tan com lu unity or to Ihoe of tho whole coin moil country, I lit' I LOI 11 111 1 11.111' t'AI-IS II, SI -I t I- 1 1 It- I 111 U I IV. It'll individuals, uml Cfiultihutols are leiiiesled tn Itnlil personal puuer.t ami iiiiiiuaiiteisioil in M'l't liliei. t igoioits wiueis no. i special oi rcnomlcnts aie lTiru arlv eino tit etl. but til. -iiluiuus oi the liincr ars- open to iiicrit. Icl It .mill, w hence II mil v. Aruca's may lie sent iiirougu any cuailiiei, out ire win lioui no personal expiauiiuons or iiiscus- inns lesi t'.-i nil; infill: ni.iieiivei . ill, lonsi tit.- line heiieetorwai'd toreliiru luiaccenled MS.. unit to iiils iuio we win iimi. o no oxcepiion. UATIX OF HUHSC'ItHTION. One copy, ono year Sd lu advance me copy, si. inoiuns i in anvauce Sllllu l oliles, tieellts. Tell copies to ono iitldicss, uno yuar, SI'I lu ml can.'c. To elergymcii mid tcuchors, tine year, 81 lu ad vn nee. Ihe pottage on the ttoiimi lame is live cents a i tin ri i-i oi a N i ar, If tuild lu advance, cither at the aiiiilhig iillli .i or olllee of delivery. Suhserlbi is , ill pit use o, ar i ins iu mum, aim arrange ior uie in-rige on Hie piiier,u uiu oiiu-e ai w iiu-n ine.i i-i'..eii.i II. Ui ivi'sons ordering nihscrlpllons w III please 'elllll ot po.iat iiinuey uincrs. .ueircss uu coin nun eat lom In Till': UOF.VD TA11I.F, oclli-tf IMJ Nassau Sliecl. New Yotic, T() A Lii WHOM IT MAY CON 1. CKItN. l'lease take nollco that I, Ira nail t . tii.-l, of Cciitii'Vllle, Coluiiihiu 1'i.illlly, having louglil Ihe lollowliig list of propeity froin Feier 'lower, do il. elalo that It Is my Intention lo lend lie K ime to the said Ilov.i r, to wit : I .ur beds nn- tl i.en chairs; one lot ofdlslio.; one oil 1 siard: one bureaus twcnly yiuds of enrpec. oin tMikiiig slove; one parlor Move; one two-horse I'agoiii om iwii-lioi-e carilage; oncdouhlo set ol i.iruos; ono single tvt of liurncsb; two tnblts wo figs. IltA IIOADAHMI-I.. JEW HTOUIv OF CLOTHING. 11 vail arrival of HIMtlNfl AII8MMl:U000I)!. davii) i.owi:niii:uo Invites ntlentlon to his utock of ClICAl- AND rAHIIlONAIlLi: UITIIINO. nt Ills store on Mutii Ktreut, two iloori aliovo tho American 1 lounc, Itloonubure, l'a., whero lin hius Just recelvcil from Now York and l'hiladclplila a full nssoitiiient of MKN AND HOYS' CU)THINCI, tncliullns tho most fnshlonnble, durable, and handsome IJItUSS (100DS, consisting of IIOX, SACK, KIIOCK, (HTM, AND OIIi-ULOTII COATS AND I'ANTS, of All sorts, slws, and colors, llo has al) tpt- Ished his nlreaily lari;e stock of FAM, AND HIlAWIt, KTllIl'i:!), KKIUHKI), AND TI.AIN VliHTH, HIHinX, CUAVATS, uroCKH, COIJ.4.1W, HANDKKItCIIIUFS, OI.OVRS, SUHI'KNDliltS, AND FANCY AUTICI.Kft, lie hits constantly on hand a lare and woII-no-leeUsl assortment of CI-OTIIS AND Vi;STINOf-, which hrt Is nrciiared to makn to ordnr Into nuy kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu the best manner. All Ills clnlhllnt Is made, lon-uv, niul most of It Is of home mnnufacture. 00I.I) WATCIIliS AND JKWKI.ItY, of every description, line niul cheap. Ills nm of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Call ud cxatnltui his general assortment of fI.OTIII.VO, WATCIIF-S, JI'WRMIT, Ac DAVID IlWKNIlfltU. pLLEH'S STOHE. HtliSli AllltlVAI. or SI'ltINO AND Stl.MMKlt tl00Is, The subscriber has Just returned from tho islUtw with another lai,;o nnd select assortment of HFItINO AND SUMMKH GOODS, purchflkisl In New York nml Phllndelphln nt tho lowest llKiire, nnd which ho Is determined to soli on n.s tnotlernle terms n.s can Ih procured eltuy whero In lllooiushuri;. Ills stock comprise I.ADIIW DltlHS HOODS of tho oholcest stylus nnd lntcst fashions, Us'lhec with a larpolassortment of Dry OoikU nnd arts oerlcs, ooiiklstlni; of tho following article CarpMs, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cassltnerivs Shnwls, Vlannnls, Silks, Whlto Ooodv, I.llllitlS, Hoop iSklrtH, Muslins, Hollotcwars, Cudnrwnrti (Jueonswnre, Hardwnre ItootA and Shoes, lints and Cups, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, IiOoklltfz-Oln.HActi, Tobacfsi, Cofleo, Suftrs, Tivts, ltlro, Allsphstf (iluor, Ctnnamnfi, Natoii'KS, AND NOTIONS (fKNUHAI.I.Y. In short, everything usually kept lu country stores, to which ho hit lies; the attention of Uie public Rcuorully. The hlKlut.prlcit will Imj ,ild for country produco lu exclmiiKe for kooiIh. S. II. MII.I.KK, Arc.ulo UulldhiKs, ltloomsbuiv, Fa- NUY (J Hi EH lass opi opened a llist-class HOOT. S1I0F, HAT AND CAI1 STOim at hlsnlil stand on Main Street, Uloonishurg. Ilin stock Is coin posed of the very latest a lid best styles ever olleleil to llle ciu.ens oi i oiomoia l ouniy, lie call accommodate tho public w ith the follow ing kinds and piices: Men's calf limits, Hue i" 0) to II Oil k p. ilounic sole a ,.'i i.. n ,.t Hoys' child's Imots I 7.1 ti. 4 75 Mens glut' lil'l, l ongl'"s, .vc - .'il lo A ,.'i " llalmotal siuh'S t aoioxtio Men's, women's, boys', and misses glovo kid lastlnggnilets 1 7.Stoft7 Women's glote kids, ter line ;t ii", toA "S line goal morocco oaioioiais . .m in l w " men's innroccouniloi.lf slims I 7.1 to 2 M ' eiiniliioll sillies 1 50 to 2 VI Misses' and i hild's shoes 0 Si lo I en glen's women's, nilsses', boyi.', ami cb Id's s oners o i lo t tw lie also keeps a great vaiiely of HATS, CAI'S, AND STItAW OOODS tlm lowest prices, Into for cash ami couiury prii'iuee, t KelllelllliCI Illl'.llliaciitiu isnrnui K.'.iun, i nH alarmed nt the cry ol high piices, but call and see for yourselves. Hesiiectfullv, JlK.Hl MlltCill. IlLOOAlSIUJKfi FANCY THIM- MINO AND HOOKSTiliin, fcccoud door below lintlinau's, Main Htrettt. Just received n new stock ot .FFHYItS, WOOI.l-lN AND COTTON YARNP, COItSKTS, IiACFS, FMHKOIimitlF-S, MUSLIN F.IHilNfiS, DHFJSH TUIMMWOa and oveiy variety of arllrlca usually knyt lu a FANCY SToniV Also SCII00I, H00ICS, HYMN HOOKS, I1IM.M1, SUNDAY-SC1I0OI, UOUKrl, and a large lot of MIM'F.I.I.ANKOCS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MF.MOHANDFM HUOKH, 1U.ANK Di:i:DS, HO.VDS AND MOUTflAHW. and a gitiioral ami well-seh cted assortment of FAFKIt, i;nvi:i.ofix. An. A. D. W15I1I1. RATIONAL KOUNDKY, HloouistAirg, Columbia County, Fa. The suliscrilier, proprietor of the nbovp-tuimod extensive cslalilMinienl, Is now prepared tn l eclve orders for all kinds of MACHINF.ltY FOIt COI.UFItll-S, 11I.AKT Kl'UNACI-'S, STATIONAUY FNOINIX, MII.IX, TIIUI--SIIINCI MACIIINl'S, Ar lie Is also ptepared to i.iakn Slotesof all sin s and patterns, Flow-hous, and eterythlug usually made lu llrst-class Foundries, His extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving thu largest contracts on tho most reasonable It rins, drain of all kinds will he taken In rxehnugo for Castings. This establishment Is located near tho Iju'Wa- w.intia and lllooiiisburg Ua 1 1 road Depot, FKTFU HII.I.MYFIt. 17Ml'IUE.SIIUTTIiEKEVIN(J,OIA- I j CIIINIX aresiiperlnr In all others lor I A.UIIiY AND MANl'FAITI'HIMI FIIIIFhM.s Contain all Ihe lalesl linpiot I'lnt-uis, uiespi-cdy mil .eh'ss-'diirahle; ami easy to woi a. Illustrated Cirenlsrsfiec, Aiicnls wauled. t ral discount allow t.. . oiisigniiii ids iiiudt.', Addicn fMl' llt. K, M. . nujl ly tiO Hroailwuy, cv "lotk. Git AN I) Ol'lONlNG OttAND Ol'KNlKfl (111AND OFKNINCI OltAND OFF.NINO OHANI) OI'llNINO OV I'AM. AND WINTF.ll flOODS, FAI.I. AND WINTF.Il OOODS, FAI.Ii AND WINTFIt GOODS, FA Mi AND WI.VTFlt flOODS, FALL AND WINTIllt CI00D3, conslslliiR of consisting of cotiltln of consisting of consisting of DltY OOODS, DltY OOODS, DIIY OOODS, DUY flOODS, DIIY OOODS, HATS AND CAIf, HATS AND DAI'S, HATS AND 0A1-S, HATS AND CA1S, HATS AND CAIS, HOOTS AND RH0F.S, HOOTS AND SIIOF-S, HOOTS AND S1IOF.S, HOOTS AND sitor.s, HOOTS AND HIIOI'H, it i:a dy-m adk criTii i no, HF.ADY-MADi: CU)TIIIN(), ItF.ADY-MADF. CI.OT1IINI1, nKA DY-M ADK CLOTIIINO, ItnADY-MADl-: CLOTHING, I.OOKINO-CII.ASSF-S, IXlOICINil-dLASSi-s, I.OOKINO-I1I,ASSI1, I.O0ICIN0-t!l,ASSF.s, liOOKlNU-Ol.ASHr.s), NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND OIl.s, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINIS AND OILS, onocF,mr.s, aitiicFitiF-s, (iIt0CF.ltIF.S, (lltOCKHII-'S, OIlOUKItlLW, QIir.F.NSWAUi:, QIIKKNSWAHI (il'F.F.NSWAlli:, QUFF.NSWAItK, (U'lIFNSWAHi:, HAllDWAIIi:, lIAUDWAIli:, lIAF.DWAIti:. HAItDWAUi:, IIAIIDWAIUI, TINWAHK, tinwaiik, tinwaui:, TINWAHK, TINWAHK, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, I-'ISII, FISH, FISH, KITH, FISH, (iltAIN OliAIN (illAIN CHAIN (lltAIN AND Sni'.DS, AND SKICns, AND SFF.DS, AND SF.F.DS, AND SF.KDS, ic, Ac. Mi'KEI.VY, NKAL A CO.'S, MCKEI.VY, Nl'.AI. A CO.'S, MrKF.LVY. NKAL A CIVS. MrKELVY, NKAL A CO.'S. McKF.LVY, NKAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Strcels, Noilhwest corner of Main ami Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main and Market Street", Northwest corn-r of Main and Market Streets, HLOOMSinmil, FA,, lILOOMSHltlKI, FA., HLOOMSHimil, FA., iii.ooMsinmo, fa., HUlOMSIIl'ltll, FA. 1HON AND NAU.S, IHON AND NAII.S, I HON AND NAII.S, IHON AND NAII.S, IHON AND NAIIJs, In laittaijuantltlcs end at reduced ralci-, u'wny i on Umd. HUO AND CHEMICAL STOHE, Hlooinslnirg, I'n. DllUtlS, CHIIMICAI.S, 1'AtNTH, l'lIItFUMISUY AND TOII.CT AUTICI.ll's. I'.YKIt i MOYF.Il rcspoct fully Invito A cohtliitifiticn of pntronngo. Their Drugs nnd Medicine nro nil sclcclcd with tho grentest care, avoiding as much as iiosslhle the Introduction of delirious nostrums, nnd nro purchased from the best Importing house In Un coil n try. I'ATHNT Mi:DICINI of all kinds, Including Ayer', Jnyne'-i, Hollo Wny's, Hosteller's, Vlstinrt'(", lloollniid, Ac constantly on hand. COAI. Oil. AND ALCOIIOI IIAin, TOOTH, NAII, AND ciiOTiiiw nnufliica FAINTS AND CIIIIMICAII of evory farlety, nnd of tho lient qunllty. FANCY TOIIilTT AUTICI.I-J". The public may rely nt nil limes on procuring tlm above nrtlcles, with nil tho new useful prcpnni I lolis kept In Ihe Is-. I rohdlicted t slahllshiuclit'. FHYSICIAN'8 FUF.SCIUITI0N8 nnd Fntnlly Hccclpts comiioitndcil with tho great est nccufiwy and dlspntch. fMIE ONLY PLACE to get the best TOHACCO AND ciaAn.-, AT WHOI.F.SALi: AND Itin-AIIs Isnt HUNOHllKUOIin'H, n fow doors below tho American Housb, lllooiiisburg, Fa. Ho has tho largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND Cill-TWINf! TOHACCO rTeroirerrsI to tho cltliciw of HliHimsburg. All tho fancy brands of SEOAIW, and tho liofit Fine-cut nnd Plug CHKWINO TOHACCO, can Is? had at his countcrD. TOHACCO wwa In great variety nro among hi largo stock. DON'T FOItCH-rr TO C.1I.U ii. ii. iitTNsnr.iionn. OTOVES AND TINWAHE. a. m. iiui'i:iyr aniiounccn to his friends and customers, that t-ontinltcK the above business at his old placoon MAIN KTUECT, 11I.O0MSI1UUO. Customers call In? iicc-omo.latcd with FANCY ST0VIJ4 of nil kinds, Slnvcplpcs, Tinware, nnd every Tn- ilctyof nitlcleruttliil InnStovonnd Tlnwnm Vj tubllshmcnt In the cities, nnd on the most rciu-nns able tonus, Itepalrlngiloliont tho shorti-Mt notlcj. 21 rjOZF-N MII.IC-l'ANS on hand for stYlo. lAGLE 1'OUNDUY. JOSFFII SIIAHFI.F.SS, Uloonishurg, Fa. RTOVKS OF r.VKUY VAF.IIJTY, Ft.)UOItSltAHli, 1'I.OUliHI-tDINTS, and all kinds of Castings, on hand or supplltsl oil tho shortest notlco and at tho cheapest raU-k C'lLstiugs for CO Alt nHFAKUieS AND COAI. SCHUTF3 made to order. "lrntESIt AIUUVAL OP NEW X flOODS. Thu undeiKlghcd has Just arrived from the City with n large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, I'alnlK.Olls, Varnlshe-t.nnd Dye Stuffs, Heady-Made Clothing, Fcrfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's (Ila-ssware, HrushcH, Trussc. andSuiiiiottei-s.aiidatrclieral nssortmcntofuvcry- thing Hint lickings to n wolbapiiolntoil Drug Store. Also Fatcnt Medicines of all kinds, such as Jayno's, Ayer's, Wlsliait's, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrtip, Ilrown'n Troches, Swain's Fanacen, Haker's Cod Liver Oil, lloollund's Hitters constnntly ou liand. Also MOROCCO LKATIinn, KID, FUENCH M0H0O CO, FUENCH CVLFSKINS, FINK TllIMMINOS, HINDINOS, by tho dozen or inilf.iWoii. Also SltOl'.-FINDlNClS, FISHING-TACKLE, tc. Having had a largo experience In the drug busi ness, I would respectfully invltw those wishing anything in thai lino In call nml nee my stock bo roro purchasing cKcwlierO, liimUc.liien,u.-illty Is of tho tlrst liiiportiUico." . JOHN It. MOYElt POHK'S HOTEL, GFOlUli: W. MAUGEII, Froprlctor. The nhovo tvell'ltnov n hotel has n-cclllly under gone radical changes lu Its Internal arrangements, and its proprietor announces tn his former custom and the travilllng public that his accomodations lor the comfort of his guests are second to none lu tlie country. Ills tabto will always lie found sup plied, not only with substantial food, hut with all tho delicacies of tho season. Ills wines nnd II ipiors (except that popular beverage known as "McIIcnry"), purchased direct from tho Importing houses, are entirely pure, mid froo from all poi sonous drugs. Ho Is thankful for n liberal patron- ago In tho punt, and will continue to deserve It In the future. i OEOHQE V. MAUGFJl. Q 1). KOHIUNS A CO., 1U0N MEUC1IANTS, N ortticnxt col ner of Second and Vino Street A, Fhlladelphln. JOSKIM1 S. DELL, lanufai-ltirer of nnd Wholesale IienlcT In CIjOTIIING, CLOTHS, CASSIMEHI-S, AND VF-STINGS, Nn, il North Third Street, Fhlladelphla. Q.OOD NEWS I'OH EVEHY1IODY. Ow ing lu the late fall In gold, KPIIHAIMW. ELWELL has reduced his prices to suit all buyers, cither Kt wholesale or ictull. If you want SFdiAHs, COFFEES, TEAS, SYHI.'I-S, SFICES, CHACKEltS, CANNED FHUIT, DIHKD I'lllHT, WOODENWAHE, FISH, DEANS, CIIEE'tK, FLOUH, FEED, Ac, Ac. AC, give mo a cull. KI'IIHAM W. EI WEI.I, T 11. I'lJltSEL, IIAF.SF.SS, SADDLE, AND THI'NIs MANUFAC'1'L', ami dealer In CAUl'in'.HAUS, VALISF.S, FI.Y-NirTS .Ac, Main Street, lllooiiisburg, Fa. P 30WDEH KECiS AND LVMHE1'. W. M. MONHOF. A Cil, llllp'Mt, Fa., Maniifai Hirers nf FilWDEIt KEGS, and ik'alers Iu nil kinds ol I.UMIUIU, give notice Hint Ihey are pri'mrisl tn nci-olntslat Ihelr custom with dispatch, and mi the clieapi-s ttrms. i LL KINDS OK HLANK.S "" CAN UE JUP AT THIb OFFICE, l-S-W-.