THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBUEG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 18G6. it (fyolnmbhim uiumor. ii. moohi:, kihtou. IIIaTOMSIUMIO, HATfUIUY, OCT. SO. 1W1. THE ELECTIONS. Wr. nro yet tinablo to stato tho exact majorltvof General Geary for Govern or In this State, but It is about lifted! thousand less than tho Republican ma-1 Jorltics In ISGt and ISM. Tho Republi cans pain two Congressmen In tho Schuylkill and Westmoreland district?, and the Democrats gain one Stato Sena tor In Philadelphia, and there and else where several Representatives. There will bo a decided Republican majority inthoLcglfllature,liowover,socurliigthe election of a Republican Senator to All the place of Senator Cowan, whose term expires on tho fourth of March next. The Hepubllcans have also carried Ohio, Iowa, and Indiana. Tho return ore incomplete, but tho majorities will be large In tho two former States. In In diana tho Republican majority is great ly reduced, and tho Democracy gain upon Congressmen. There has been somo singular voting in this State. Philadelphia gives a Re publlcan majority reduced four or live thousand below former votes ; Bradford gives Ave hundred more than was claim ed or expected; Luzerne gives tinny eoven hundred Democratic; and Rcrks a smaller majority than on sonio former occasions. In Luzerne and some other counties the vote Is greatly increased by natural ization. Largo numbers of foreigners did not take out naturalization papers for several years past, on account of the war. Hut this year, in prospect of an Important election, they came forward and were naturalized, and the Increased voto from this cause, which under other circumstances would Iiavo been distrib uted over several years, is accumulated into one. Wo suppose tho total voto in tho Stato will reach six hundred thousand. others contributed tho Literary Depart ment. Two Thanksgiving stories In lids number. Drawlng-roomnnd Library Cur tlu Decorations. New Mirslc ; Drawing Lessons; and aeountry Residence, with plan. Tiny present is a most excellent time to make tfj- clubs for tills magazine. Two copies for onti year can be had for . GO ; three copies, $7 M; four copies, $10; five copies, with nnextra copy totlie getter-tip of tho club, $11 ) eight copies, with an extra copy, Sill ; eleven copies, with the same allowanco to the former of the club, ?27. 60. Address Ii. A. Go- dey, northeast corner Sixth anil Chest nut Streets, Philadelphia. THE OFFICIAL RETURNS. Oi'Tic.u. returns from sixty-four coun ties In this Stato plaeo Geary's majority at 17, Ml. The two counties unofficially reported are Rutler and Forrest, both of wl.ieh are small, and decidedly Re publican. The olllcial figures, there fore, will not reduce deary's majority in the State below 17,0(10. The olllcial returns In the Thirteenth Congressional District show a majority of 1,'.7S for Mercur, tho Radical candidate. Tin: voti: run ciami:h. Adams "Redrord llerks Bucks Cambra Carbon Centre Clarion Cleartleld .... 21G !!!!o,i(i- .... fiOl .... 0.VJ .... -m .... mi ....1.0H7 ....1,130 THE VOTE FOR CONGRESS. The voto given to Judge El well in Columbia County is the llnest tribute ever paid to a eandidato by the people here, and ought to bo highly gratifying to him and his friends. Ills strength beyond jr.trty In tho election Is not to bo measured by the ditfereuco between his voto nnd Clymer's In tho county; for he carried some of his strength, out- sldo of party line, to the ticket upon which ho was placed. There can be no doubt that the Congressional question swelled, to somo extent, tho voto for Clymnr in tho county, and accounts for tho fact of a majority exceeding sixteen hundred for him in a year of general disaster or falhiro to tho Democracy. Ono thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven majority is a grand vote In a county of tho third or fourth class as to population, and wo repeat it is one of which tho friends of Judge Klwell may bo proud. It was given him be cause he had merits of a high order as a candidate, and represented the princi pies of Unionism, Justice, and peace in tho country. No man who voted for him will hereafter regret his vote, or wish it transferred upon the record to his opponent. But we must add, that this splendid voto for tho Judge was aided somewhat by the opposition of Palemou John. John's management or mfo-inunagc meat of the Republican cause in this county has assisted to runup the. Demo emtio majorities until they have pasted the number of sixteen hundred, and his support of Mercur nnd opposition to Judge Klwell this year was a valuable clement of strength to the latter. 1 John would only run a newspaper a few years in Bradford County ho would revolutionize this Congressional Dis trlct I Clinton G!K1 Columbia 1,018 Cumberland 5110 Elk r.iu Fayetlo 7!U! Kul ton -so Greene l'' Juniata $H Lehigh '."- Luzerne I,uu Lycoming 677 Milllin 11" Monroe 1,001 Mimtirnmcrv l.lMi Montour W- Xorthamnton 8,011 'Northumberland ICS Pike i:j Schuvlkill 1,721 Sullivan Wnvno " Westmoreland LOdi Wyoming 1 York -',SS1 Total.... Tin: Alleghany Armstrong Beaver Blair Bradford Butler Cameron Chester Crawford Dauphin Delaware Erie 'orest Franklin Huntington ... Indiana Jell'eron Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon M'ICcau Mercer Perry Philadelphia . Potter .Somerset Snyder SiiMiuelianna . Tioga Union Venango Warren Washington .. Total VOTi: FOlt OEAUY. ,.!)7,!J!1 7,070 (iSO y. 7 1,0 HI 40(1 71 2,270 1,745 l,l!ll , l.ilS'j .'V-Wii 20 lil.t , 1,0(1!) 2,!1I0 Kill 0,002 2, i no 1,-nw 107 OS I 8(1 r,ws ... 7 l,!)o: 180 1,1 !l,l(!.- 70 ill!) l.ltfi SK f,,r,12 .i7,;ioi Geary's majority 17,15 Olllcial FIJI I, OFI'ICAIj IlllTUllNH or C'OIAJMlHA. COl'XTY. The following is tho full olllcial vote of this cou t: IMPORTANT LETTER. Tin: following lettar was written by Kx-Attoriiey General Bates some two mouths since, but for somo reason was never published until the ninth instant. It will bo read with Interest by all classes) shewing as It does tho views of Mr. Lincoln and his Cabinet on an Im portant question. It will bo seen that Judge Bates clearly proves that the po sition occupied by tho Radical leaders of to-day is completely adverse to1 that of the late President and tho Republican party during tho continuance of tho war t To C oloncl James Ov Jlroudhead, JSC. Louis : DeaiiSih,- You were rightly inform ed that President Lincoln did require of the heads of the dllloroiit Departments their opinions in writing as to both the constitutionality and expediency of tho bill " for tlie admission or tho Stato of West Virginia into the Union." And such opinions were given by all of them except only Mr. Caleb B. Smith (who had then vacated, or was about to vacate, his oillce of Secretary of the Interior). That transaction took place lu tho few last days of tho year 1M2. My own of ficial opinion bears date on tho twenty seventh of December, 18G2, and tho President approved and signed the bill on tlie last day of that year. I have occasion to remember those transactions very distinctly, for 1 took a verv uveiv interest in uiequesuon; ami indeed, it was upon my own suggestion that President Lincoln demanded our written opinions. I urged upon mm tho advantage of written over oral com munications on a subject so important, and chiefly upon these two grounds: J'irst, they constitute valuable muni ments of the passing history of the Gov ernment ; and snimd, they operate as a reasonable anil wiioiosoino cnecK upon upon us, the advisers of tlie President. The questions put by the President were in thomost brief and compendious form, thus: " Pint, istnesaiu act con stitutional '.' Second, is tlie said act ex pedient V" To two questions we all gave to tho President our written an swers: and lean only express :ny sur prise that they should have been so long witiiiieiii irom implication, seeing mat. tiieytoucii upon a principle oi tue great est magnitude, and bear directly upon a question wnieii lias produced great ex tement in Congress ana in the nation. I have the only copy of those docu incuts that 1 know of in private hands; but no doubt they may be found in the miner depositories at ashinirtoii. And n regard to your suggestion as to what those opinions may contain concernim: tue legal ami political siutus oi states in rebellion (as I have no time now either to analyze tlie opinions or to copy mom , l can omy say tnai not ono oi them contains a single paragraph tend lng to tho conclusion that a State Ordi nance of Secession, or tlie fact of open rebellion within a State, did or could tako a Statu out of the Union. The verv contrary was assumed as indisputable doctrine, nun argueu upon as a postulate. in lact, l tun not Know a iicpiitiiicau or mat day, in Congress or in tlio Execu tive Department, who pretended to be Ilcve that a State could withdraw itself from tlie Union by secession or rebellion. or both together. We all considered an ordinance of secession n mere nullitv In law and politics, and rebellion a person al crime, punishable by law. It never was tho doctrine of the Republican par ty in Mr. Lincoln's lifetime, nnd, 1 be lieve, is not now. that a Stato can get out of tlie Union by secession and rebel lion. That is a late invention of a few rii,t.,eit..;w1iw. ........ 1. ..!!....!.. ...I... nave labored In vain to lasten it upon the Republicans us ono of their tenets. President Lincoln and both Houses of Congress, by their repeated solemn acts. aro pieugeu to uic contrary, They pass od tho West Virginia BUI. which, ac cording to tho plain provisions of tlie Constitution, could not have been pused unless Virginia were n mate in tlio un ion, with a Legislature capable of eon seating to tlio dismemberment. The President, with tlio advice and consen of the Senate, did all lie could tooxtom 1 me judiciary system oi the United States iniu amies which nan paseu ordinances ol secession, and whoso people stood in GREAT FIRES. QUEBEC, CANADA, NEARLY STROVE D. HE- A Milo Squaro of tho City in Kulns, Flro Rnglng Unchecked for Thirtoon Hours. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED HOUSES BURNED. Eighteen Thousand Pooplo l.olt 1-IouhoIchs. Two and a Half to Threo Millions of Proporty Sacrificed, The Fire Dies Out for Want of Fuel. LOSS OF LIFE. GREAT FIRE FIRE IN ST. LOUIS THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE. Mux Who think cannot fall to per ceive in our country an alarming growth of iulluences calculated to destroy all real freedom In tho ttso or tho ballot, and to prevent anything like a fair ox lUbltlon of the will of the people with regard to public affairs. It is well known that during the campaign which terminated on Tues day last, bets were Iinado upon tho re- suit, Involving In tlio aggregate a Vast amount of money. In this, as in all gambling transactions, tho victims are those who suppose that only ordinary influences will operate to determine the contest, wlille those who have man aged ho affair aro shrewd, unscriipu lous, cold-blooded persons, who form combinations nnd provide means to produce the result which will certainly win their stakes. The modus operandi by which money Is made by betting on elections Is this: The "knowing ones," generally fur nished with means by the leaders of a party which can raise large sums for such a purpose, determine to bet cither upon the election of a particular eandid ato or upon his election bv a stnted ma- IN OTTAWA, jority. They then supply their under lings with means to make deposit) for stakes, and Instruct some of them toap- Icar enthusiastic in tlio belief that tlie opposing candidate will bo elected, and to make sham bets with confederates QUEIivc, October 15, 1801. At four o'clock yesterday morning a fire began in the house of Mr. Trudel, as a decoy for unsophisticated persons, grocer, on St. Joseph Street, near the who, judging from the tone of popular Jacques Cartler Market. Owing to the sentiment, believe that the opponents early hour of the morning few people of tho candidate of "tlio ring" are in were about. Tho wind, which had the majority. Operating In all parts of blown half a gale from cast nil night, the State by agents thus pecuniarily in had slightly abated, but still continued terested, a most careful canvass Is made, with such violence as to cause serious so that the leaders of "tlio ring" know apprehensions, which wcro afterward precisely what number of votes will be unfortunately realized. needed to win their bets. Tiiey can ai- By the time the brigade reached the ford to expend all the money furnished scene Trudel's house was enveloped in by party leaders and a considerable per flames. Tho sappers were already there, centnge of the stakes to be won to force ut there was some delay in laying the up their voto to the proper figure, and hose nnd getting sufficient water, which yet bo sure of making money. By get was not remedied for nearly an hour, ting their confederates into the posi Meantime tlio lire made rapid progress ; tlons of judges or inspectors of elections no less than ten or twelve houses were on the part of the parti they intended to on fire, and the lumber and wooden defeat, or by corrupting those who have sheds on all sides were ignited. not virtue enough to resist temptations. Bv half-past five o'clock eighty houses, they can falsity tlie count of votes at as all built of wood, were in a blaze. The many polls as their agents can control llames. driven bv the wind, were spread- and when this cannot be done they get iug in till directions. Athalf-pastsixover names registered and voto doubtful per ono hundred nnd llfty houses wero con- sons at two or more polls. There aro mimed, various other means resorted to to aid Tlie fire bv this time had run nlong this pernicious work which need not be St. Joseph and Notre Dame des Anges detailed here, for our purpose is but to St roots to the (unction of St. Valier point out the chief means by which Street, carrying everything before it. elections are made a farce and do not The Church of La Congregation stood indicate tlie win oi a majority or the in L'reat danger, but a sudden veering people of the wind saved It. Betting on an election Is an offence Crossing St. Valier Street tlie firo against tho law ; but tlio law designee soonafterwnadsspreadintoSt. Sauveur, to prohibit it is utterly disregarded and among its hundreds of wooden and many well-meaning but unrolled houses raged with defiant fury. House lng citizens aro by the craft of sordii nfter house fell a nrev to tho flames. It gamblers tricked into furnishing the - v was thought that the houses to the cast-1 money used to defeat their own party ward wo.ild bo saved; but tho lire crept back, continuing its work of de tructlon. At eleven o'clock tho whole centre of JwllHI JfAGAZII-TES FOR NOVEMBER, IIakpkk for November is tlio first of tho magazines to reach us for this month It is characterized by Its usual excellence lu illustrations and reading matter. "Tho Cider Mill" is pleasing poetry "Tho Work-House Black well's Is lnnd" is an excellent account of the manner in which this institution is con ducted, and the character of its inmates Being profusely Illustrated, It Isdoubl attractive as a modo of gaining inform ation on the subject. Wo would not ad viso any ono, however, to practically demonstrate its workings by an enforced sojourn beneath Its roof. A most ex cellent portrait as an illustration to a poem entitled " Venice" greets us at the end of our Journey through the work house. J. S. C. Abbott continues " He roic Deeds of Heroic Men," his subject telng "Florida: her Crime and her Punishment," A likoness of Qunoral Truman Seymour heads tho article, and tho illustrations nro commeiworatlvo of promlncnto-entslntho recent history of thnt State. The literary contents aro of n high order, und will bo found interest ing. For tho nuw volume, commenting with December, the Harpyrs anuounces a now talo by Oeorgo Harrington, the author of "Insldo: a chronicle of Seces Hion," entitled "The Virginians in Texas." Following Harper wo havo Godey's Lady JJook with tlio following excel lent tablo of contents: "Out of an Engagement," a beautiful steel plate. Tho Colored Fashion-plate contains six figures. "Riding In the Park," a tinted pinto. "Tho Moun tain Path." A very handsomo wood tut. In tlio wood-cut Fashions contain ing tho latest Paris dates is presented seven new styles of Paletots tho "Nina," tho" Gllda," tho " iKibelle," tho " Roxalenne," tho " Pepluni," the " Benolton," and a velvet paletot. Tho "Eleanora Wrap." A Oored Dress with Poplum Basque. Walking Dress fora Llttlo flirl. Bonnets, Opera styles. Tlio " Work Department" contains tlio uaiial variety. Marion Harland, Mary Janvrin, MIh Dorr, S. Annie FroJt, and iii-jtvi-r 17.1 Ti m il it.-. iT.i Ui'lllnn 171 .VI 171 .VI 172 17I lli'rwlrk llnni' 7 Ml 1,7 MJ M 7 lllonm ' mil Ki7 .'72 111 I'll) llll.Tl'ri'ok I.'.l 70 117 71 111 l.Vi IS! IUI HD 1S-I I!H lM IVntrnlln Ilorn'....l.1l N) Ml Nl It! (enlU' IUI ID 1117 Ml a Ciiliynulum Hi'l 7 17.1 77 17.5 17.1 KMltlli! Cri'OlC ilrt .17 Ml .11 il'l 217 I Kninklln. r1 m .11 .I'l .15 '." tlnemrnxl ...1H) MS W1 1.71 17ii 170 IIlIHllH-l IHl .11 lf.1 .11 IliS Hi .liu-kson in 3 '.i'l I 81 luo IwiihI 2U lit 212 1111 2V! SIS MiulUmi III". II ltll 4.1 lill l!U Miin inj ii mi ii mi mi Miniln aio si am :n mum 9 Mnnlniir ill -It) fit IS HI l5 MI. I'lO.lMUlt til 01 111 ft M !l llrilllKK 121 72 1'.'2 1','J l.'l l.'l IMlli" Ml frt M 31 K7 S7 lto.irlllKi:ivrlt 47 42 47 1 1 47 47 Si'lll .lift 1-VI 112 l.Vi l.VI l.VI mixnrlnaf Mi 21 ITi 21 110 IUI TutnlH ivtl lWI SM KW7 :Hi27 7l ltnii nw7 MiiJnrltirH.lilis In? open rebellion, by appointing District juuges in Virginia, Tennessee, Ala bama, Florida, and Louisiana. And oth I louses of Contrress admitted mem bers from Virginia, Tennensee, and Lou isiana. 1 remain, dear sir. with cordial re gards, your friend, EmvAKi) Batjjs. Ss -U. Vrut, Jltff, 0m, - 4 S 3 Ilmvrr Itflltllll IIitu Iclc llnni' llloun llrlnr Crrfk ... CntnwUsn l.Yulrulla Hun..! II IVnlri' 1117 rmiyiiuluini 171 Klslilnu I'li-i'lcitil I'rnnkllii .11 Uiet'tiwiMMl .. . .1111 Hi'inliK'lc ..101 .InckMin HO locust 2:1:1 MmlUon I!i2 Main H Mllllln 2n Monliitir ill Ml. I'lmumt. ... OI Oinnso 122 IMiic M ltimrhiK fieck... 47 Kcm it t 112 HiWirlnaf. :il .17.1 s .17-1 5". . I!7 mi ,sw ;ino .111 711 AH 1st) W) R1 77 .71 .VJ ii 11:1 ... :i lit) 11 n HI 44 iu on :u ri ivt 175 171 111 221 1M lis III 1H7 171 '2 HI :i'i mi im 01) '.'I'l ll mi 201) HI 01 17 112 IV, 171 171 7 211 111 112 111 llf7 17.1 SIS .11 1H5 102 :n 210 lira 1D2 Wl M 111 122 47 1.12 111 17.1 171 lT7 Sill 1.11 112 111 1!I7 17.1 iris .11 11)4 1112 117 in : un Sim ICI w, 122 M 17 111 1.11 17.5 172 IT? 211 111 112 Ml 187 17.1 iV i lil 1112 I'S '2I'I 191 Ifll !) M M 122 M 47 Ml Ml TotnlH.. .Wl IHTJ 111 SI SV.I .imil Wi .15117 SWS Mnjorlty... .lull TiUt', su 1:11 In llonrlck. Tin? old Roman capital in tho south of Britain has been unearthed. The main street and u street running from it havo been laid open, together with two largo Roman houses with tosselatei pavements. Tho walls which surround' ed tho capital wcro .threo miles in length. A cali'itiATIon of tho salaries paid to preachers In this country, nnd the number of sermons preached, accord ing to tlio Now York Observer, shows that tho average price paid forserinons, taking the land through, Is threo cents a sermon. NORTHERN EMIGRATION WEL COME AT THE SOUTH. As the Fall advances the immigra tion into tlio South from more northern regions heavily increases. With great interest we watch tlio northern immi gration, which, settling toward this part somo time ago, continues increns lng in volume, and brings with it the constituent properties of n prosperous people capital, intelligence, enterprise, and industry. Welcome, thrice wel come, to all who, seeking to Letter their condition by honest means, como to cast their lot with us. There is one aspect in which wo view this immigration from northern regions which is especially pleasing, inasmuch ts it shows that the persistent false ro ports of pestilential sectionalisU of tho stato of feeling In the South toward Northern men, of tho insecurity of their lives and property, the humiliations to which they are ex post d, and the wide spread combinations to nnd expel them from nmong us, have no effect on tho minds of those who, In great num hers, como to bo with us anil of us, and to assist lu restoring this fruitful south ern laud to Its former prosperous con dltloii. It may be, and doubie.-s is, tho case that some of w ho havo selected this re gion as tlio field of their future enter prise havo their minds Influenced lu somo degree by tho bitter and keenly uiijnsi prejudices wnicn ortnern l)ls- unlonlsts, alas, with too much success havo striven with might and main to bring tho Northern people to accept as gospel truths. Well, they also aro wel come. They will havo tho opportunity of Judging for themselves of tho truth or faUlty of tho lessons dinned into them by tlio-o who aro a disgrace to American citizenship. Wo havo no fr.irs of tho result of their inquiry. Wo have nothing to conceal. Wo court tho strictest investigation. All wo ask is faithful, truthful, honest report. Will that from our incoming citizens tlio Northern mind wilt bo gradually dis abused of its unjust estiiuato of South orn character nnd opinion. AViw Or team J'leayttiie, Intelligent men need not bo told how powerful Is tho influence of wealth oven when but indirectly exerted Where employment, and consequently the district lying between St. Sauveur subsistence, depend upon the favor and the lower streets running parallel tlioso who own capital, very many will with tlie river was a charred and bar- yield their desiro to sustain correc ren waste, and having nothing to feed principles at the imporativo demands on there the conllairration distributed which home comforts require. At the itself in opposite directions; tlio wind present time a vast portion of tho capi increasing again, and blowing in gusts tal of the country is in Midlands of mon frnm nvei-v direction. Threo separate of the Radical party, and very llttlo eontlagrations wero observable at one toleration is shown by them to those time. St. Sauveur Church, Dunn'ssoap who e.thiiiit a inaniy disposition to uo md candle factory, Rees's ropc-wnlk, what they think right In political af- and other large buildings were 111 lairs. flames navo repeaieuiy sponen 01 1110 iVlong St. Valier Street, toward the m 111:11 1110 "" 1'oiiufiiins control toll-gate and tho streets surrounding tlio very great extent an mo msiru (ieneral Hospital and Convent, another mentalities which mould the opinions terrible tire was raging with even great- of "c'- lurches, schools, l.o ks, er fury; while at tlie back of Crown magazine, anil-moro potent than all Street, along Prince Edwards, Jesuit, others-tho newspaper press, havo been and Rilard Streets, tho flames wero """ " " .u creeping back and enveloping street might almost as well supposo t int per after street iu spite of the almost super- mw would grow up Christ lans in a Mo- Iimilllll.'MilM UWUJlUUIlllJ' US LU t,.IUUb UlU youth of our nominally free States to A M'.c.ito has been admitted to the Philadelphia bar. our educating institutions, bo used to deprive citizens of a free and intelli gent uso of it, voting Is but a mockery, und our liberty but the siiauow oi u name. It is much to bo feared that there aro too few among us who read the signs of the times with stililclcnt care. 1'hllu- dclphlu Daily yews. IMPORTANT TO DISTILLERS, Ti tv. following circular, concerning the connection of stills with receiving cisterns, has been issued by tho Com missioner of Internal Revenue', OKKIC-KIIK ITK'lNAt'HKV'tSeK, 1 Wasiii.nuiuX, Octnlwr 11, Mi).i Information has been received at this olllco that ollleers of Internal Revenue In various parts of tho country aro pur niltting dlitlllersto continue, under tho new law, the old practice of separating the low und high wines, by allowing them to run Into separate open tubs placcdnearthcoutlet of thestlllorworin. It Is understood that the almost uni ver sal custom In grain distilleries has been to place near the outlet of tlie worm two open tuns, into one oi which um wines ure conveyeu, iui" mm mu oyn;. the low wines the former connected by Iocs with tho Iiigli-wino cistern, nun ii,;, i.iiti.r u'itli tlin st 1 or doublcr. Tills arrangement is not consistent With the terms oi iiiBAraui uuiywin u..,ii. lu. Wi.i.tlnn ill Miar. l'Jol of that act provides that all the spirits distilled luring each day, of twenty-ioi r nours, l,n ,.,,i,viivi'l mi that dav into one of tho receiving cisterns prepared for that purpose, and mat such cisienisimu im ..mim'etiMl with the outlet of the still bv suitable pipes or other apparatus, so constructed as always to no i ... t.T thn itwnpcmr. This language clearly prohibits the use of open tubs for separating low and high wines. The outfet of the still or worm must bo connected with tlie cis- i,.,,, i. tiling nrot terai inirams u.miusuu . ..i 41... j.w...i.,r riiwm tubs to wo view in iiiviiio,"."".. are not " pipes or other apparatus" con templated by law. Tlio intention oi the law, as is well known, is to cut oir tho opportunities for thecommis-ion of fraud heretofore existing. To this end. tho design was to Keep me spuus, n were, under close guard, continuously, from tho worm to tne ooiuieu wi ru i.r.,,,. i.irihn n of a nine, connecting tlie worm with the cistern, by having the cistern in n safe room under tlio lock and seal of tho inspector, and by having rim ui, r in. miller t no in cuinic inspec tion of that officer, drawn off into cask or packages, which, alter neing uiuy gauged, proved, and marked, he is to seo removed into the bonded warehouse, which, again, is under his iock an i key. Now, to permit tlio spirits to be run from t in worm into oven inns, ior vue ostensiblo purpose of separating the low frnm l ie im' i wines, wuum ue u n ni trate the grand object of tho law, nnd render an oiuor saieguiuus iiiutim-u H. Iini.- wlinllv llllL'lltorV. PnllsPMIlP ntlv. distillers must in all cases bo required to connect the still or worm with me receiving cisiern uv n1nr4 nr other apparatus, which must be so constructed as to convey the spirits directly to tlie cistern. Ah it. is necessary for the interest of tlie distiller to prevent tlie low wines I mm riiniiiiiL' into the high wine cistern. and as the use of tho open tubs for this purpose cannot be allowed, it becomes necessary loanopisomuurruugeiiieiu u.v which tins can no none. it, is deemed entirely feasible to seiKV rate tlie low from tlie high wines by tho use of a glass vessel which shall be con nected with and made a part of the pipes or apparatus connecting the out let of tho still with the receivingcistern The precise form of this apparatus for separating the low and high wines is not now prescribed, but distillers must bo immediately untitled that somo such arrangement must bo adopted and put in use by tho fifteenth day of Nt- veniPer next. Any iiisuiiery wiucu, after that date, shall bo found without such apparatus must be closed up und proceeded against according to law. MIKIMAS JIAKI.A.MJ, Acting Commissioner, GENERAL PRESS DISPATCHES, i i --if' From Washington. riKwiiii'.sii or Tin: I'ACino iiAU.nci.iu, Ai'i'i.ic'A'i'IoK lnw boon inndu ty tho Secretary of the Treasury by tlio Union Pneiflo Railroad Company for bonda for twenty-live miles of tho road from tliu one hundred and fifth mile-post, making ono hundred and sixty mllorf, including tlie Ixjavcnworth branch of the eastern division. Tho bonds will bo Issued to morrow. The Omaha division rewtved to-day bonds for an additional section of twenty nllei Just completed and In spected. tiik MAs.Aciii-ir.rrti iitiTntcT-ArroRNiT, The President appointed on MomUy Hon. Oeorgo ti. Hlllard, tho einlnont lawyer nnd author, to bo United Statw? District-Attorney for Massaeluuuttn, lit place of D.iun, resigned. ISTKUXAI. BKVKXl'B TAX, The Commissioner of Intern.' Re?. enue has decided mat me giaxiin; ur brown earthenware dow not suhjivjt it to a higher tax than two and a half per cent., and tho well known Eastorn yul low Is taxablo at ilvo per cont.,,that nut being included In thodescriptlou of com. mon or gray stono ware. tiik Distiller I'illNTKIH ASK AS W.tllM. ittcHMsa tr human exertions of tlie soldiers and the seamen of tlio Aurora. Tho conflagration ceased at about five o'clock, when there was nothing more for It to feed on. A moderate computation plncos the havo true ideas of political affairs, when nearly all their teachings nro false and sophistical. That a mercenary prc&s is a curse to a ... i M1 , . .1....,..., i nninl,r.r,.n,I,1wl.siIo,tmved1ittAVitlioiis. cuiniiiiiuiiy iwu nut uu iiuiiuu, mm .....i it.... I,,,,,,!-.,! .,.,,1 ,i,n I-j ,,p r.nil iiiat iiieie is iiu c.imiur in iiiu uiiuruiices '""""-"i"" i ,.r tu i...i:...,i ...,-f.. property at from two millions live hun- J""'" ,lr..,l flw,iw,ui,l tn lliron million "J'U "J i iwutu uui vuu ti.,. mi .r nf ,w r..n. tenipoiiiries cannot dispute. During dered bo,.,..le.,s is estimated at eighteen tIlc nmt axn0M, while-their columns - J I .1.11.. 4 .1.... ...ii,. II. .1 .. . .1.. thousand wuru uuny teenuii Willi iiriicie.s lie MM,,. l,n,K. nf mm., bnrnod almost tn uouncing t-resi.ieni joiinson as a trai ' I 1 A.. 11... i... ..I 4 1 1.1... a crisp, was dragged out of a house in to i .o jmu v , .i.e.. eiecuni ....... wo St. Smivmir. near St. Val or Street. It "- l'u"" could not bo identified. Sergeant Hughes, of tho Royal Artil lery, was blown up and badly, though not dnngeroiisly, burned. Lieutenant Douglas, of the -ltirorw, was severely hurt by a falling building. Several of the .seamen received contu sions, but as far as H known no ono was seriously injured, Lieutenant Ilenn, of one of tho regi ments, had Ills urm broken by a falling beam, HymjiHllilri ami Suhncrlpllmi In Mnnti t l MoNrnr.Ai., October II, 1W. Tin: fire at Quebec: by which two thousand five hundred houses have been ed them to out a single principle enunciated in tlie platform of the convention by which Lincoln and Johnson were nominated which the President has deserted, but not one of them dared to attempt it. Wo again and again demanded, as an act of justice to tlio men of tho Union party who sustained tlio war, that they print tho Raltlmoro platform in their papers, and show from it why they condemned Andrew Johnson. Wu could not extort from them any reply to this proposition, but they went on to tho end denounc ing the President and his friends i,s ren egades Irom their parly. ho far as our Stato is concerned the destroyed nnd thousands made homeless over ; and there is un appn- has excited the deepest sympathy hero. 1 majority In favor of so altering the A subscription has been started for their al Constitution as to dcprlvo tho subscrij: relief. States of the right of determining, each for Itself, tho qualifications of voters, and compelling overy ono of them to make citizens of negroes. We believe Largr 1'lre III Ollni A, CauimIa. Oitawa, OcIoIiit 15, 1'SW. A l.Aiim: fire occurred hero yesterday morning. Tlio whole of the block of that If this question could have been buildings between Murray and Clarence presented to tho people, f Pennsylvii Streets, opposite tlio Market Square, was "in, separated from all Improper Infliien destroyed, Tlio loss Is estimated at from w, that not ouo lu ten of them would thirty thousand dollars to llfty thousand have voted to redttco themselves to the dollars, with only three or four thous- htvel of tlio African and dollars Insurance, principally in the The aim of tho-o who organized the llrltlsh American and Loudon and Llv- States which by their union formed our erpool offices. The lire was the result KrW1' Republic, In giving tlio elective of uu accident. Flrr n St. Limit. Sr. Iiuih, Oi'lnlicr 11, IsM. A planing mill, carpenter' shop, and two or threo buildings adjoining, be longing to H. Kennedy, wcro burned about noon to-day. Loss from twenty- i fi o to thirty tluuaud dollars, franchise to tlie people, was undoubted ly to enable thorn to tako earn of their own Interests, their security, nnd their la-edoni; but if a vast portion of the community bo constantly deceived by venal knaves, who propagate fiiiunhoods to keep their masters iu power, and the mighty power of wealth, as well as all at PROPOSED IMPEACHMENT Tun Nowburyport Herald thus com ments upon tlio proposed impeachinon of President Johnson: "Now to ou minds tlie proposition of impeachment is one so full of danger that ho wh fathers it must bo shortsighted or tcrri bly depraved. There is not a rational man in the country thnt docs not see that It carries upon ita very face the commencement of a civil war, by tho side of which tho late Rebellion would appear as child's play. Ueforo any one accustoms ills mind to wander too far in that direction, let him inquiro If ho Is prepared for a stato of anarchy that would destroy tho value of property that would repudiate national and pri vato debts together, that would darken tho sun of republican liberty that till century would not seo its fauo again and would make human blood run I tho streets till tho very dogs would lai it like water. If any man of lighting ago favors tlio deposing of tlio Pres dent in tho present stato of tho country let him join u military company once, and drill as often as he eats; and if he Is not of that age, but has boy that are, let him call them to him on the first opportunity, and looking Mieni fairly lu the face, decide which of them or how many, ho is ready to seo die rather than have Andrew Johnson President of tho United State till the fourth of March, 1809. "It Is tlmo this insanity ceased. If wo aro not all crazy, or drunk, or mad. we shall tell all men of all 'parties, who propose such schemes, away, devil we'll none of you. Wo want no moro war no more slaying of tho first born no moro maimed men or disconsolate widows or orphan children upon our pension list. We want no moro public debt, anil no higher taxes than wo now have. We want no President who would put State against Stato and man against man In deadly array by ignor ing tho representatives of tho peoplo ; and wo want no reproentntlvo so lost to reason, right, and public duty as to propose tho deposition of tlio President. Tho times nro full enough of danger without nny such madness. Every gooil aniUruo man who loves his race or his Ood, will seek peace, not war; restoration, not destruction ; prosperi ty, not anarchy; and lovo to all men everywhere, nnd hato to none, and nial Ico to none." Tho Columbia Typographical Soeluty, at their meeting on Monday night, adopted an nmciidnieiit to their scalt of prices, as follows: Compositors itnil pressmen employed by tho weok shall receive not less than twenty-four dollsr a week, eight hours to consitute a day from October first to March thlrty-llm, and ten hours to constitute a day from April first to September thirtieth, lutiu- Hivo; for extra work, nity centa por hour ; after midnight, seventy-live ceatii per hour. Time work iu all offices x- ceptlng morning papers, which has hith erto been forty-flvo cents per hour, shall be Increased to fifty conta. A commit tee was uppolnted to inform the employ es of ashington that the new scale would go into effect on Tuesday. Tfca Rookbinder's Association also held h meeting and p.wsed a law to work frjm one hour after sunrise to sunset from October first to M.troh, induiivf. cucsTriicKir riVK cimr eiiix. counterfeit of tho now flVo orut oin is in circulation. It may lw distin guished from the genuine by the soft ness of the metal. limiUNATtOX Of SKCKKTAKT MTAXTrtK. It is stated upon high authority that Hon. Edwin M. Stanton has, in wrltlox, requested tlie President to relievo. Idia of his position as Secretary of Wnr.mid that Mr. Stanton will bo sent to Kpnia as 4linister oi mo uniieu hmiics, in place of Mr. Halo. Lioutoniint-GeiuTil Sherman will bo requested to R.saura the duties of tho War Department, u acting Secretary of War. WIDOW'S 01. VIMS TO It llOCKTlrrt. In cases where tho additional bouutj provided by the Act of July twentieth, 18t!0, is claimed by the widow of n uV oe.tsed soldier, she having remarried, il hits been decided by tho Second Comp troller of the Treasury that If Mm r marriago took place beforo the p.vsnsuo of tho act she is entitled to receive It, I! married after the passago of the acv, then tho widow would not be cntltlol totlie bounty. TIIK AVKHU'AN KCNIASS IX I1lSI.A!t D KIM On Tuesday the Government ruoolr- ed official intelligence that tho tho Fenian prisoners in Ireland, vi claimed to ls citia.'iw of Ujo Unltuii States, had Iwon released by th Rrltlitl. Government; that his Urearui.s, etc. had boon returned to him, and he hi'l been shipped for his homo upon r. rn bound for this country. SAI.B OF GOVKllXaKXT rilDI'KKTY. The United States Direct Tax Com inissioiicr will sell to the highest hicttli: the following Government property, nil tinted on the islands of Port Royal, L dies, St. Helena, Hoosa,iuid Parry. Tin sales will commence as follows: November 1, lSGii. Fortv-four lot and houses iu the town of Reaufort, November.';. Nearly three thoin.tiu lots iu the newly lald-out City of Po; Royal, at the southwest end of St. lit lena Island. December ft. Thirty-tlitW whor farms, all improved, and eontainlnx h the aggregate six thousand twros. These sales aro to ho mnde. 'under th ud of July sixteenth, ls&J, which j r- vidos that tltHschajlfanm In Mm Pari' of St. Helena, South Carol! iu, shall l sold, suljcct to any lease.s of tlio saun on or before January first, 1807,. at ni less than ten dollars per acre, and tho lei lu tho City of Port Royal, and tho lot and houses In tho town of Ucaufon which havo been bid In by the Unite States at tax saks, shall bo sold at pul He auction, and tho proceeds of uuc sales, after paying tho expense of iui voys and sales, shall bo invested i United Stated bunds, tho Interest o which shall bo appropriated to tho to port of tho schools without dlhtiiictl.i of raco or color, on tho islands, la tl. Parishes of St. Helena and at. Luk. monument or Si cilian marble weighing eight tons. Tlio champion's dog is represented guarding tlie entrance to Mm tomb, and above is a medallions of tliPil.-iviw.l, Ah n man, accompanied by hh wlf nnd child, was riding lolsurcly on ti road between Columbus and Fall Rlvf Wisconsin, one day last week, two hoi' aged twelvo and fourteon, domamlc his " money or life," anil, no attentlo being paid to tholr demand,' gnn,i tho bridles of their horses. The old;i at the same tlmo drew u revolver an fired, tho ball coining In proxlnil!. to the gontlonian's head. Tho report i tho wuupon startled tho team, wide left tho precocious urchins standhii' I'.' the roadside, Tho boys havo been ' rested. Miss Caiiom.nk llui:wi;u,agedliboti seventy years, died lu tlio Alms llou In Portland, Maine, on Vrlday last. N' had been an liunatoof tho house for tli last thirty-fivo years, and had m spoken an intelligible word In all i'" tlinu, Having been disappointed I' lovo, in early life, she niadora vow nevi to speak another word, mid aho rH glously kepi her vow till hor toiijju wn j nrttl.wMl In deulh.