THE DESERTED HOMESTEAD. The nrdcii gnlc, with rusty hlnc, Hwlinr, creaking In the Mlo wind; Anil TCeods choke, up tlie Kiiivclled wultl That erst with plnlt nnd box wore lluoil; And thistles flourish everywhere, Ami brier thrlvo where rose blew; And opiate puppies tunko tins nlr Hectu ilrow.y wheru tho lllllei i?rew. The porch, where loving hnmU had trained Tho prnlrle buh, wIumo blmsoins red Freighted the nlr with pleasant scents, I fallen, nnd tho built l ilea I i Wide yawn tho window nn 1 the durs, The chimney totter on tho roof, And moss nnd Ivy deftly now Weave over nil n wnrp nnd woof, Untouched, the fruitful trees demy; Unc.ired fonllet tho cllmlilnit vine No hand to pluck tho mellow fruit, No luuid to prevf tho purple Wine, And where tho household Ititnito camo To qunrr tho water clenr nnd cool, Nntigh t now remain, nf buhl, lint: spring Bixvo ulltiiy stone nnd brneklsh pool. Here, undisturbed, tho swnllmv come, And robins, with their ruddy breasts; And hero tho drotiluii wasp nnd beo With cminliHt hkllt contrive their nest. The spider trails it frastllo web Albwnrt the henvy oaken beam ; And comtiuitly thn death. ivnteh tick Within the wainscot's dusty Keuin. And those whoso voices echoed hen-, Whose feet had pressed tho Harden walk Who shnll of their lonx ubseneo tell? Or who their wnnderlUK can mark? Their vole may bo hushed for nye, And feet that resplto never knew Trom weary wnlks in life's Ioiir ilay, May linvu the gates of Heaven pns'd through. AGRIGULTUKAL. lllnti nboiit "Work. Pr.iuiAiV) there Is no more important tiling for a farmer to think of at this time, aftor ho lias harvested his crops for tho most part, and begins to seo his way clear through the Fall work, than his JhtiMini.i.A little labor upon them now will tell. A board hero and a nail there, and a few shingles newly set, will eavo many dollars' worth of Io-s or ex pense later in tho season, when winds and storms do their work, and rain anil snow penetrate. Warm, close stables, wlth good ventilation, should ho looked to. Mako sheds to shelter manure, if it is thrown out of barn windows and doors. No matter how good your barn yard, tho manuro is a great deal better kept under cover. Kven tho hog-yard ought to bo thus covered, though there should bo space for the sun to shine in, nnd make a warm place during a good part of tho day. Painting may bo dono In October tooxccllcntndviintage. Take timo after a rain, wlien surfaces are clean , and when there will bo no dust flying And in connection with putting the buildings In order for "Whiter above ground, do not forget tho Cellars. Hoth house cellars and root cellars should bo cleaned out, and well lined. If there is time put in grouted cement bottom, proof against rats, and mice, anil water. Cement tho walls also, first chinking them tip, that Is, lin ing in between tho stones with small ones. A good cellar is not only a com fort, but if fiost proof and rat proof, a great economy. Mako cellars frost proof by banking up outsido against tho wall, if exposed, and by double doors and windows. Livestock at this season require tho careful attention of tho farmer, for it is now that tho question of prolltsK really .settled. Tho weather is not severe, yet bracing enough to give animals an appe tite. There is an abundance to eat, and It Is not difficult to get stock in a good condition. Tho careful husbandman will husband thoo tilings which will keen best, nnd feed out tho-e which are of it perishable nature. Soft corn, nub .bins, grown grain, green pumpkins, nd tho fruits of tho orchard which are liablo to decay may be fed to cattle, or cooked for swine, and help to get them in first-rate order for Winter, before the grass falls, nnd wlillo it begins to atford not quito so good feed as is desirable. It Is ruinous policy to neglect Cuiccs ana tolls at any time, but es pecially give them a good start and let them face tho Winter with a good coat of fat on their rib, and if they look better than your neighbor's, you will bo very ant to keep them growing, by grooming them now and then, and pro vidlng nt least warm sheds for them Cows ought to bo yarded at night at nil seasons, but at no timo Is it more im portant than now. Tho nights tiro long, tho cows need somo extra feed, which Js.oest given in racus or trougns, or In tho proper stalls, and tho verduro they crop, consists largely on leaves which nro full of Inorganic or nsh con stituents, hence their dung is of more value than usual. Keep up tho How of milk by feeding pumpkins (without the Mjods), roots, soft corn, etc. Practise tho same courso of feeding for Jlceves, for they lay on flesh very fast now, anil will do fts well on grass and tho articles mentioned in liberal qu.mtl ty, as on much richer food later In the AVintor. Leave only to,finhhhnj to bo done by nnd by, and secure tho founda tionof fatin thlsmonth andnoxt inoutli With IToijs tho case is.n Uttlodlffercnt. They should ho putting on fat now for good, and have all they can cat of thoroughly- cooked, ricli food. Keep them clean, giving them nests nnd plenty of litter. juont tanners loso hall the hog manure tho most valuabloofnll mado on a farm, except that of fowls. Hogs thrlvo to much better for being clean that it pay to wrt-h thoin. A watering can, aquur- Jus, or syringe will mako short work of it. Clean tho troughs dally ; havesepa r.ito troughs for water and feed, and let there bo n full supply of water at all times. A little salt in tho food is good, perhaps essential, bet hogs have nshes nnd They oven Ilko to root nuiong eoal-nshcs, anil superphosphate and a-ihes. Mr. Harris bay, they eat with avidity. Should any scour, give powdered chalk mixed In their feed. S't"cp, For butchers' early lambs (March) uso If possible South Down, l.eicest 'r. or Cults wold ram U '. month. Tho butt t 'ho lrn the hi tr r t,, Y rd v 'l'.i" !i hi a-' ii. , . i t'lO ' ' ' 1 I i u l 4 t . mt?'j h 1 1 - .11 un-ho'iM in"'., I e 11' 1 THE COLUMBIAN, I3LOOMS1SURG, SATOIIDAY, OCTOBER J 3. on trns.; tlicy will fatli'it innuh iiik-kor lor It when shut up for food In;; mitl will null i more this month than at tmyotlior period. Check scoiim hy loliittnp; thoo uillii?., mitl fcodlnir milk )orrldjroiinulo with lino whoaton Hour. Man inv. Watch tho niitnuro heap? wit li all Jealousy. (!ot in storo of iniiuk, loavo.i.iuid Utter of nil klmU, nml cither put it under cover in place convenient, or under any temporary rnntlii";, which will turn tho rain mid keep It dry until needed for use. 'The yard: should hu froitiiontly cleaned up, and all dropping:) thrown Into heap, and comported with litter or Mill. Dint nypsuin over tho fat-able floor., and on fermenting manure wheruvor it is; bring to tho hog yards potato tops, HWatnp grass, and any kind of vegetable matter which may be found, or 111! low spots In the barn-yard with it. Stack. coarM' litter which tho salt meadows or the upland swamps will cut for .similar uodurlng Hie Winter. .Mttko provisions to save llipiid manure, and pump It over tho solid manure as it is piled up, mixed with straw or other lit ter. This maintains fermentation, yet does not let It proceed tool'artuid causon loss of ammonia. WIT iND WISDOM. " Don cheap" Is nowtlellnedasmean- ing tho keeping of a canine without paying the lax. What should a man do when his boots leak'.' Why as they do in the same case of a ship tako to the pump, of course. "fsin: isn't nil that fancy painted her !" bitterly exclaimed a rejected lover; "nnd, woro than that, she isn't all that sho paints herself." Do you like novels?" akcd Mis Fitzgerald of her backwoods' lover'.' "I can't say," ho replied, " I never ate nuy ; but I'm death on possum." A t'ANDi DATU at an election, who wauled eloquence, when another laid, in a long and brilliant speech, promised great things, got up and said : "Kloe tors of G , all that ho lias said I will do." Dootii, tho tragedian, had a broken nose. A lady once remarked to mm : " I like your acting, Mr. Ilooth ; but, to bo frank with you f can't url orrryow none!" " Xo wonder, madam," replied he: " the bridge is gone !" K.vninit A-cint.YTi;. It is strango that the church dignities, the further they advance in their profession, be come the moro Incorrigible; at least, before they have gone many steps, they may bo said to bo post a cure. A Down-Fast Yankee, seeing an alli gator for tho first time in the Mississip pi River, said: "Well, ho ain't what you may call a hansum critter, but he has got a good deal of openness when he smiles." A iT.r.i.ow being awaken I by tho clerk of a steamboat, was told that ho must not occupy tho berth with his boots, lie very considerately replied: "Oh, tho bugs won't hurt them, I guess; they're an old pair." Miss Smith asked "tho pleasure of Captain Jones's company to tea." At tho time appointed tho Captain, being lit command of tho th rifle corps, made hi appearance with his whole company in parade dress. .V I,.DY at tho Louisville and Xa-h- vllle depot tho other day startled every body by crying out, " I've got tho chol era!" A tine Iny soon m ule hi ad vent into tho world, and it proved only to be a new kind of cholera Infantum. A csyiny woman promised to show two young ladies their husbands' faces ina pail of water. They looked, and ox claimed: " Why, wo only see our faces." " Well, said the gyp-y, " those faces will bo your husbands' when you are married." " Vi:i.r., Tom," said a blacksmith to his apprentice, "you have been with mo now three mouth, and have seen all the different point in our trade wi-h to gtvo you your choice of work for a while. "Thankee, sir." "W now what part of the business do you like best?" "Sbtittiu' up shop and goin' to dinner, sir." U.VL'i.i: S.vm h id a neighbor who was in tho habit of working on sUindav, but after nwhllo ho joined a church. One day lo met a iniuliter to whoso church ho belonged. "-Well, Uncle.S.ini,"said he, "do you seo any difference in Mr P, since ho Joined tho church V" "Oh ye," said Uncle Sam, " a great dill'er once, lletoro, when lie went out to mend hi fence on Sunday, ho carried his axo on ills shoulder, but now ho car rles it under his overcoat." " Wiii.l, Ma-tor Jackson," said his minister, walking homeward after scr vico with an industrious laborer, who wasaeimstant attendant" well, Maste Jackson, Sunday must be a blessed day of rest for you, who work so hard nil tho week. And you make good ue of tho day, for you tire always to bo,, see at church." " Ay, sir," replied Jack son, " It Is Indeed a blos-ed day ; I work hard enough all tho week, and then comes to church o' Sundays, nnd sets mu down, and lays my legs up, and thinks o' nothing." Duiti.vo tha Initio at Hhlloh an offi eer hurriedly ro lo up to an aid and In quired for (irant. "That's him with tho lleld-ghi'a," said the aid. Whee lug his horso about, tho olllcer ftirlou-ly rodo up to tho lieneral, antl touehin hi cap thu addressed him ; "riheueral l wants to make one report, Schwartz battery is took." " Ah," s.ild the (Ion oral, "now was tlrttV" " ell, you see, siiiouerai, do shosJiouHt. eoniu up in 1 rout ot u, and do shtHlieiiHt 11. ink cd us, and do shushejulsts eomo up in do rear of in, and Sw.u'U's battery was took," " Well, sir," says tho (Idiinnil ' you of '(Ull'tf" I.e..) splkifl Hi,' yini,.' I 1 Ui I ) llr'i'ii t'l ill n- jJUODUKAl) & KAU11, Manufacturer and Wholesilo Denier In HOOTS AND HI 10 1 IS, No. 211 North Third Street, Philadelphia. riMlK UTION HOT Kb. J. Arch Street, between Third nnd fourth Streets, l'hllndilphln. ointtsT ,v wr.imn, l'ropilului'H. CI1AHLES HOTKIi, on Tin: KritopiiAN plan, Nos, GO, C, l, nnd m North Third Street, between JlniKet nnd Arch Street, l'hlhidolphlu. ciiAUi.i:sia.i:cKNr.n, Mnnnser. r IHA1U) HOUSE, v. ... . Comer or Ninth nnd Chesinui Mireeis, Philadelphia, , H, W. KANAOA, Vri'prletor. "yATSON & .1AXXKY, Importers nnd .louoers or SH.K AND 1'ANCY IMlHSrJ GOODS, SIIAWI.'s,.'. P., No.Sil.Mniket Street, Philadelphia. E. A. IlKXDltY, Successor to Hendry A. Harris, Manufacturer i"d Wholesale Dealer In HOOTS AND H1IOKS, No. fiS North Third Street, Philadelphia. II. V. PKTintMAX, MlTINfOTr A, with wiiomxam-: anocuits, No. 21 North Water Street, nnd No. 20 North Deluwnre Avenue, Philadelphia. . QEOIUiE lb PiOPiFltTS, Importer and Dealer 111 HAliDWAHl:, CClLlUtY, GUNS, AC, No. .111 Not til Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. EN.1A5IIN GKEEN, IValer In cAiti'iyriNns, window shadics, OILCLOTHS, MATS, .tc, No. ,"1 North Second Street, rhlladelphla. J. with P. DFAltD, LIITINCOTT, HOND A CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In hats, caps, runs, and stuaw goods, No. 11:1 Marl.'cl Street, Philadelphia. JVE, EUSTON & CO., Mamlfaetlircrsiind Wliolcs.ile lieuieis in CO1T0N YAlt.VS, CA111T.T CHAINS, 11ATIS, WICK'S, th: YAltNS, cohdagi:, HltODMS, WOOD AND WILLOW .lll. I.OOK-GGLASsr.S,CI.(lCi:s,l'ANCY 11 ASK 1.1 S, TAlll.i:, I'LOOli, AND CAHIUAGi: OIL CLOTHS, AC, No. WI Market Street, south side, Philadelphia. lb WAbTFH, I.tlo Waller & K'aub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND lUi:KNhWAItI2, No. 2)1 North Third Stieet, between Hace and Vluu Phlladelplila. E .STADbISHUD 1S20. JOHN lir.AKIUT A CO., WlIOI.LSALi: DHCGOISTS, and Dealeisin lIi:.MICAI.s. MIUUCINl'-S. l'ATKNT Ml'.DI- CTNi;s, SPICUS, PAINTS, GII.s, WINDOW GLASS, VAHNlSlir-S, DYIS, Ar., Ac, Soiitheust corner of Third nnd Callow hill Sts., Philadelphia. 1 UMUltl'STEK & UHOTUKH, jmjsirii is nil' i ju.i'sm i HOSIK'.IY, OI.OVIX, siiinrsANo nit.vwnits, iicrroNs, srsrHNDioits, lioopsKiius, iLNDKi:nf'ini:rs, THHHADS, SKWING SILKS, TKIMMINGS, POUTK MONNAII-S, SOAl'S, PF.lll'UMr.ItY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND notions oi:ni:hai,i,y, Also MantifacliiU'ls of HllUMlUS AND LOOKING GLAKSKS, and Dealer hi WOOD AND WILLOW WAIli:, HltODMS, ItUl'IX, TWINI-S, Ai' No. M Noith Third Stiecl.abuMi Vine, Philadelphia. JMlYAb & HOYUIt, Huccessors to Gii.ur.itr, noYAi, a co., WHOI.IisALK DItL'GOISTS, Impoilers and Dealer In DlU'CI-i, MLDlfINU, SPICI'.-i, PAINTS, OII.S, GLASS, DVi: SlVl'TS, Ac, Nin. u and 311 North Third Street, Philadelphia. QHAltbFS II. MAUPbK, In oorternud Dealer In IlllANIUHS, WINKS, GINS, LIQUOIW, WINK HI'lTKIt, Ac, No. lii North Third Stieet, above Audi, west side, Philadelphia, T.TA11FN, HOYI) it CO,, CD J I M I.s I O N M i: I !C J I. NTS, mid Wholesale Dealers In LK.U' AND M AMTALTIMIKD TOJIACCO, HIXI.Mts, ap No. (,l Nm lh Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors enn fjrwnr.1 lludr sto'lt "In lloud," wltli.illt ori imi ing the I lilted Sl'ites tax. M. MAIil'l.l' J01 IX BTKOUI' .V CO., successors in rumup , tiiuiuvii WIIOMISAM". lllIAM'.llH lN.l'lSIt, No. 21 North Wh irves, nn 1 21 N irl h Water fst rhlladelphla, JlbliKH & HOST, Successors to 1'rnnUln P. Seltzer .'. To., Importers and Wholesale Dcntrm In MQUOItS, WlNIS. C, Nos. 410 nnd ll'J North Third Street, rhllatli-lphln. E. .1. hFSTEH, Wholesale nnd He lull Denier In l'onnioN and DoMismc CAispirrs, on, cloths, window shadix, ac No, 2D North Second Street, opp. Christ Church, Philadelphia. JEXXKI)Y, STAI11S & CO., WlIOLT-SATd: 'Wit IinAI.KltS, Nos. I'M nnd 1.12 North Wharves, Philadelphia. J OS. 1UFGEL A lb S. FISTFIt, (Lite IMcrpI, Wlest Ilrvln,) Importers and Jobbers of DUY C100I1S, No. 17 North Third Stieet, rhlladelphla. Ai.i itKD nvi.nt.v, w.m. r- AMniimtr, s. o. smrr. jUSSKbh & WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealer In TOIIACCOS, CTOAUS, PIIT-S, Ac, Ac, No. 1.1 North Third Street, nbove .Maiket, rhlladelphla. TOHX 0. YEAC! Fit & CO.. Wholesale Dealer In HATS, CAPS, STlt.WV (iOODS AND i,adii;s' ruiw, No. 2.17 Ninth Third Street, Philadelphia. rJIbbFlt it EbUFIt, vi lion sale HOOICKIU.LLIiS, STATlONlUtS, AND ULANK-HOOIC MANUI'ACTUIiinis. No. ail North Third Stuet, 1 hll.idclphla. Wall nml Curtulu Papers, nnd Statlonerv cen. ernny. hg.STAlJLISHKI) 182S. ii. w . i .i;i'i;.M i;it, ui:.xszi;y & CO., WIIOLIXVI.i: DltCGGISTS, No. 737 Mnihcl Stieet, one door below i:ihlh, riilladelihla. DltrGS, Mr.DICINIl, CHIl.MICAI.s, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VAltNISlIIX. HYIN I and every ftiher at tlclejiei tui n ln to the business, of the best ipiallty, and at lowest market rules, rEAVElt & SPltAXKI.F WIIOI.IiALi:GHOCi:i!Ii:s ANDCOM.MISslON MlUtCIIANTS, Nos. e;J.iniid ?J7 Arch Street, Plillni'.elphla. T I. lUntKHAHT, lni),oiter and Dealer In 1HON AND sn-'.KI, No. ft) riout Street, Philadelphia. JJAHCHOFT A CO., juipoiicrs aim .loiiuers oi STAPI.r. AND l'ANCY IUtY GOOIK, CLOTHS CAKMMKIIKS, IlLANKiriS, l.l.NHNS, DUY GOODS, HOSIDItY, Ac, Philadelphlu, A XDUFWS. WIl.KIXS it CO.. J:. ... jieuiers m l'OUKIGN AND DOMKsTIC DUY GOODS, No,. 7X1 .Market Stieet, Philadelphia. gXYDFK, HAltHlS & DASSFTT, .Mainiiaeiiirers nun .lotniers or MKN'S AND HOY'S (T.OTIIINfl, Nos. 333 Maiket, and 522 Commerce Stieet, l'lllladelphla. W. HANK'S l lllll.l.s.M.1. lllll.ll l.ll, Sl.Mll' 1' , A.MJ ciriAit waukhoi.'si:, No. 1 111 North Thhd Stn 1 1, between Cherry and Itace, west side. l'lllladelphla. QOTTHFbl, it AYHFS, noiesaie iieaiers in risii,cHi;i:sK, Ac, Ac, No. lull North Whanes, second door aboi e Anh Street, Philadelphia. J.JUKKAII FOH CATAW1SSA! .ii run ji.uii.i.-ss. Goods to compare with strlnsency of the money maiket. f,ook and compare pi Ices before pur. ebaslni; elsew here. Just cull nt tho favorite Inisl. lies stand of Mi'NINCH A SIIl'MAN, nnd you will be met by theoblhlui: proprietors or Ihelrclerks.nii'lslioMiitlirouub their meat vailcty store fienof i harp', nf course, 'lliev will lilve s "it ii fair cliancu to spend your loos,, clianae, thev trust mueli more prolllably I ban It can bo speiii elsewhere. Their - STOCK OI' DUY GOOI& till SirliiK U much lain'T lu nil Its vm Idles than muni. Their " itf""m LADIKS' DllliSH GOODS Iaro of the nicest styles In innrket. tluo llSSOlttlll'llt of They have u HA"!-, CAPS, HOOTS AND KUOKS. SUMMKIt CLOTHS, CAS.SINl.TS, t'ASMMKItl'.s, AND VKSTINOS, 1 nnd numerous articles common lo stn h establish- ineiils, besl.h'i u gi in ml uvsuiliiicnt of HAHDWAItK, TINWAIli:, Ql'LllNSWAlti:, AND GllOCKJtlKs, nil it greatly reduced prices, They wh to con- die 1 tlielr liuslii(t on the syatim ef "I'.VY AS 3'OU GO," uud (hoy think I hoy enn nllbrd to sell vcryehoap, They leltirn their Ihnnks lor ninny past lavors, uiidiisk Iho future pitnmagonf their former ens- turners uud the public generally, MrMNClI A SKCM N, (,VP it 1 1 !; - 'i MM IK KI.OHKNCK Am: tiii: hint in 'im: would. M.ilesiooms.CH Chestnut Sluet, Philadelphia, l'n. While li lurito number of Machines lane been offered In, lie public, somo of which possess points of excellence nnd nctoioulcdRed merit, wo naM' lonii felt what others linMiepcrleueeil, the nr. eesslfy of n Machine morn puted lulls mechani cal structure, coinblnlag hi tho iii(iiniT iir.onr.i: SIMPLICITY WITH DDItAllILlTY, nnd while capnblo of ilohiK n llANIir, W WOlllf, one that could be enslly uiidorslood and compre- hetldisl by llU. To supply n ScwhwMnchlnc free from the ob jections nttached toothers has been uneasy tasl:; for we not only hnd lo surpass oilier .Mneniiies, as they appeared years ni?u, but nlso as ImpioM'il from rime to time by more recent experience. This wo boldly claim has been accomplished by the liberal expenditure of capital, and the pa tient, uullrlnit labor of year! and In piescntlna our Machine to the public, we shall malio stronii assertions respecting It merits, which we urn prepared b) substantiate In etery particular. DlscardlUK (lie Chain unit iiop,iiriiiiisiiicues, M-e adopted the LOCK STITCH (nlllce on IhiIIi side of the r.ibrle), whlnh Is re Karned by the masses ns best suited lo nil hinds of woih. Hut to meet objections sometime nrjjo,l nsnlnst this favoiito stitch, wo have added the Knot, Double Loci:, and Double Knot, either of which I STItON(li:it AND MOIli: r.LASTIC than tlie LoeU; thus eii'ibllUK the opemtor to select n stllch pi:nrr.cri,Y simti'.d toevery made of f.ilale.antl wheie neci'ssary,.sew earn much stronger than It Is possible to do by hand. TitB ri,oni:Nci: makes rorit dii'i-i:iii:nt stitchi:s w 1th n iniu h ease ns ordlnaiy Machine uinko one, mid with us little ltuchltiery. The result of npeabst test ha been all wo could desire, and from its nrst Introdintlou Iho l'loieiice has (tallied hosti of trlends, anil been I ti'Karded n u norsr.HoLD Nncr.ssiTV; provhiK that the public fully nppreclate the many ailvantites combined In tlie riorence Machine. Over nil others, tho l'loieiice must bo seen to be fully nppi'cclatcd. We claim for tho 1'I.OIlRNCi: the following ADVANTAGES o er any and nil MKWING-MACIIINlvS IN Till', WOULD: iS-It makes four illllercut stllibes, the lock, knot, double-lock, and double-knot, oi. one uud the same machine. Kacb stitch being alike on both side of the l'abiic. itif Kveiy Machine ha the reversible feed mo tion, w.ilch enables the operator, by simply ttiiti- I lug u tlnuiib-sciew, to liave tho woik inn either to the right or loft, to stay anv part of the senin, or fasten tlie ends of seams, without tuiuliig tho fabric. iM-Cliaiming the length of stitch, and from one kind of stlti h to another, can readily be done wlillo tlie Machine Is In motion. ay The needle is easily adjusted, and does not skip stitches. tf.i'It Is uliniM noiseless, and can be used wheiequiet is neeessaiy. f,;It motions nro all positive; there are no I sja lugs to get out of order, and it simplicity en ables nny one to operate It, ajr It does notreiiulre liner thread on the under than for the upper side, nnd will sewucioss the lieni lest seam, or troui one to more thicknesses of clot 1 1, without change of needle, tension, break ing tbiead, or skipping: stitches. it.-The lleinmer I easily ndjuted, and will turn any w Idtii of hem desired. KIT No other Machine will do so or at a range of work ns the l'lorence. sx-lt will hem, fell, bind, gather, braid, iiillt, 1 nnd gather nnd sew on n rullle At the same time. It has no springs lo get out of order, and w 111 last lu lifetime. jj'lt Is fully protected nnd licensed by Kilns 1 Howe, Jr., nnd our own Letters Pnteiit, Tho hiking up of the slack-thread Is not per formed by the Irregular eoiitinclloti of n w Ire coil ior uncertain operation of springs. The piecblou uud accuracy i ith which tlie l'loienee draws the thread Into the cloth Is uuappro.ii bed by any Sew'lng-.Madiliiu hitherto olleied In the world. We furnish each Machine with "Hal mini's Self- Sewer, which guides tlie work it self, and Ls or In calculable Milne, especially lo inuxperh lice opei ators. While possessing the above, nnd many other advantages, the I'torcnce Is sold lit c,vi responding pilccs w 1th othei ilrst-class Machines, and a can - fill examination will billy substuutlale nil Unit we have claimed for It, and Justify the assertion w now make, that It Is the best Sewing-.Machine In thcAiorld. We waraunt every Maehlne to be all that we claim for It, uud to give entire satisfaction, uud will ghe a written warranty, If required. Llbenil iirrangemciilsmail- with those who buv to sell again, l'lirlher Inl'oriuatlon may be had by Im losing stunipi to the General Oltlceof tlie I-'loietico Scwing-Maehhie Coiiipaiiy,iWCliestuiit stint, l'lllladelphla, lViuisylvaiila, ritlCKS OK MACHINKS, No. I, Plain. Till M.uhlne inalies the lock uud knot st !tf!ics,!i lid has the i everslhle feed...$'L) No. if, Horence. Gold-ornaiueiited Machine, with dinner, nnd light cover, without lock; iinikes all Iho four studios, nml has tlie re versible ked $73 No. :!. Silver-plated Machine, oiuauicnted ; table olbllul. bed walnut, with heavy half case, lock and dinner; makes all tho four stitches, and has the reversible teed yj.... fSl No. I. SUM r-plaied .Machine, highly orna- liieiileil.uiiil makes nil the lour stltche ches. uud has the reverslblu feed. Polished mahogany table.,.. relished Itoscwond Table,.,. No. n.-Walnut table, hi nil,., Mahogany table, lu oil Hosewoisl table, In oil No. il.-Waliiul, oil llnlshed... Mahogany table itosewood table G. G. I IVANS, General Agent, IBM Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. gCU Kbb, H'fi.(TKit .t "( ( t (U'.NKItAL (HMMIsSION MKUCIIAN'I'S Dealers In 1'ISII, SALT, CIIIIKsK, PIIOVISIONS, Ac, No. liliind 121 Norlh Whai'M's.nbovo AlchSt, I'lillndelphla, Solo (.gents for Wilcox's Wind Grease, In liar. rel. Kegs, mid cuiis. F.ST. .initKAN .v nmTiii;n, i860. rpiIE HOUND TAUhFJ. .. t i,i.iii.'f nl t.tTL. tATUKf:, A SjVl l III', I I nr..,,.', " SOCIKTV, AND A HI', .,, The Hound Table Isestnbllshed fnrllintllilllm Inn discussion or the subjects luiimil In Us title, Its iiurnoMi l tu he ntteily fearless and Ulitrnm nu ll, d I n foi inlliK 11 opinion, nnd to colli t t tin most brilliant and sdiolnily nilteis In the conn ..... .. ..1. i.. ., ,.,, .ilnn. Si.lnc lilav Keen- sliiti.illv be displeased bv (be 'one nnd spirit ubiieln (his Is done, but We licit nil null tiieon-sl.lcr-ln t !' wolds or Mr. lltiltln-how tunc i less hnim Is done In the world by utixriierful bold ness than by iiutlni"l lenr, , ,, . I he Hound 'lablc Is Independent In politics, uud It w til not licsllate loeiiiideiiMi or to sustain such men or measures or whatever sect, Miiie, or partv a mav seem to the edltots tube from time nartv a may seem to the edltots, to be mini time oil ne In u ,os t ouoriiiitaaoiilsnioriuiierwise o the inatellil interest either of the iiietropoll. tan coiumunlty or to those of the wholo common eouiury. , , ,.. ,, ,., ,., "Z..Wk?:VnZ e! n oh, "el . air the .f ,m,,.ii III me It. let It come w neiice li may. . we will hold no peisoiial eXilniialloii or discus, slons lesnectliitt tlieiii: mo ver, we must ile- Ariicii's may no seni iiiroumi hh.i , ,,,,,., ... . clhio heiicetorwaril toieluiii unaccepted MS,, mm to this rum we win mane no except ion. I1ATIX 01' HI'IISCIIIPTION, Onn coiiv. one year SI li ndvnnco, one copy, six moiiuis .v , ,.,, . Ten copies to onu nddress, one yxar, ID In ml- Tocieritymen nnd tenchers, one year, !1 lu nil- 'Clw. ,.,wlnfr on Ihn Itolllld Tilbte I five CCllt n iiuarti ror a paid In ndvniico.eltliernt the,,,, ,,ni,.,. , ,,m,, ,r ,1,'llverv. Subscr ber will bear tills lu nilllll, lllel lll lllliso lur uiit posiaKo on mo isi'i-i in iusuiuivh, hu...., "- Pel sons oi derlnn siiliscilptlnn will plense renin ov posiai money onicrs. .mhiicss an coin' munlcatloii to 11 II, Ul'l .)N i.iim.i., octO-tf M2 Nassau street. New Yorh. EV YOKK liEADHK. motnliur. Teniis, Invuiiabl.i , ensli lu uilvnnci i. ....... k..,,i l.v mull nt Hip i Uk or the sender. Si'iisdMiTloN ItA'il.. I'or ti simile copy, threo mouth, SI; torn shmle copy, six month, &!; ror u simile .M ar, l J fun r eople for one year, SI.-. eluht' conies for one year. fi. Onu extra eonv to ,;i'ii,'i-u, in ,-,,,u. , mm. In lenlv toseieral aiillculloiis, arraiiacinenls hae been maile lorasi.eclal W nteiliwl'lnceMiii- scllptlolitntllo 1,i;adi;1(,wii1c1i lsue.einiiieiiuv .. ij..,...i...,.i,i,,,.. ls, TI.,. i,.ioir will bn mail ed to subscriber lor time months lor one dollar, anil the u,ldtcscs of city subscilheis will be ..1 .l , nmllf-.ittrill 111 lilts lltllcC. SO tlltlt thosi" wiio visit the suiiiincricsoits may not bn d. pllved of this weil(l plliiloiirapl i I po iiicin, Illerni v, nitlstle, drani.itlc, and social lite In the liietropolls. All isintrllinlioii, books, imslue letters, colllllllllllcatlolis, etc., must be nddlessed to thu i;iu inn in i in. i.i. .ii. i. ii, II Pinuklort stiei t, New Voik City. G t in- ATPF.NXSYbVANl A ItOUTE tothe NOHTII AND W1XT. l Oflt DAILY THANINS. ON AND AVTKIl 1....VI. r.tllnUH, MAllCll 12, train will Leave Wnvli'n, Leave Hallo. l.'im, Malt Ill'H A.M. Ml A.M. Past l.lm ":.)i A.M. l'ilfl I'.M. Plitsburgatiil CiieK.x l:ir.M. ":'-M e.M. Plttslairgand Klinlin Kx....7:lii p.m. 0:15 P.M. TWO TItAINS ON Sl'NDAY, (Collltectlllgllt llallllliore,) Lenve Washington at iiCiiiiid 7: in p.m. SLKKI'ING CAHS ON ALL NIGHT TItAINS. LOW KAIIK AND QUICK Tl.MK. Cars urn through from ll.iltlmoio to Pittsburg, I. lie, or li it in Willi. mi i linage. .1. N. DI-HAllltY. Superintendent N.C.K.H. niflliAliFbl'IIlA AXI) FHII I HAII.ItoAD. Till meat Hue traverses the lioltheril and mat Invest eoltlltiesof Pellltsyliatll.l to ttie city of Kile, of Lake Kric, It lias been leased and Is operate,! hv the I'KNNSYLVANIA llAII.UOAD COMPANY Time of Pnssenner Tialtis at Noltlimiitierland : l.r.AVll I!AslW'Alll.i:rle Mull Tiuill. Ibll'i I'.M l'.rle Ksprcss Tialu, a.m.; Kliulrii .Vail Tiain in:, i ...i. r.Kivi; WllsTWAltll. I'.lie Mull Tra 11. 3 A.M. Kile KxpiessTTnln, 7:11 p.m.; Kliulia Mall Tiain, i--r, i, )i. Passenger cars run through on the Krie Mall and Kxplcss Trains without ibange both wavs In Iweeli 1 '1 1 1 h U' 1 1)1 1 1 11 and Klie. .M'.w 1 olllv i onnm-i ion. i.enve .New i on; in ' A.M., arrlle nt Krie nt i:l i A.M.; Leave Kile at l:,Vi p.m., nrrlient ew i ork nt .::in p.r. i.:ieiratit sit eliimi on all nl''ht tlailis. I'or lutoimatliai resiieeting passenger business noiilv at the corner ot Thlilicth nlid Maiket sheets, Philadelphia; and lor Height business of I lie i otiipany ngenis. S. 11. Kingston,. I r., corner nf Twelfth nnd Maiket stn els, I'luiinii l ima; .1. v. jieyuoius. tale; wit limn lb own, Agent .N.l .K.l!., I :. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,i -. H. II. IIOCSTON, Genernl Krelght Agent, Phlladelplila II. W. GWINNLU. General Ticket Agent. Phlladelplila. A. L. TVLKH, Geueial Suieilntendent, Wllllaiusport, .iiurcu , i-'io. T ACKAWAXNA AND HLOOMS- ij until HAii.itoAD. I Hi nnd lifter Man li II, Iscil, Passengir Trains will inn as follows: Soi'TUW i:n. Leuve Scraiiton nt 1:10 p.m. and .':.i.f a.m.; Kingstonat iip.m. audi.:. .3 .m.; ltloonis. burg iits;-.Mp.M.nnd H:'-H a.m. Arr.veut .Vorthum- I ii' i laiul ui n:.i'i p.m. nml ui;:.i a.m. Noli r n w. mi. Leave Norlliumberlnud nt7 a.m. unit . i p.m. : moo'iisiaiig ut s:2 a.m. ami i.:5 p.m. Seinnton ut 11.03 a.m. nml !i p.m. Arrliont Scinn- ton nt IL'il'l a.m. nml 10: 1.3 p.m. II. A. FONDA, Supt. jsmgsiou, .uarcii 1 1, 1.SMI. T MIK AMFHirAN HAY KXIFF nt foltttillilil I'liimlv U Ihn t rln I i.f Imiv turlis on !ln f.i i m f Mr. Tup-i'I, In Ili'iiilncl; imviiMitp, on .Montlay, Mnv 7, 1 lii'tuvt'ii the Atncrloiiu IInv Kulft1 ninl Korlc manurnctincd hv smtjmi, waij-s, siii!!ni:h co.t or iwii. nm. I'a.. f'ti'l th' KuihI.'I n I'airiit Hay IIooU, TIio AiihtUmii I'ollc llltcil luoio Imy In out (Ilium it In. tn the Kninli'l in tliri we nrr tlcil tt will ItiUo us iiincli tiav Into tlx mow two K'loit norm's ftm iir.iw. WraNosuw It cntttm lm . ami think it i nimot Ih Iw-ut nmi 1i.iv lsiili ami hu'itullv liroinint ii(l It a Hid best llay fori; IIIMI Kill 11 ( l- VSi'l' htl'll, I Hi. V. (. HaimmsoV. t . J I. IIP.-, .IIMl.'N j'lllii, John In:iri:itK, Uanikl Novnt, II. Pi(n.i-Mti.t.i:a,; riiti:r, Mit'itAii. ili;i.i.i:i;. .Ioiin U'oi.k. TlH'V also lllUlllltiu MllO tin i-i'lclifiititl itcajM ratio Slower, aiil oIIht tiKra ultural Itnjili r W. HLAliOX A- CO., t Maiiur.icturers of Oil, CLOTHS AN I) WINDOWSIIAItJCS, Wnrchouse, No. I'.'l North Thhd Sheet, riilladeliihlii, piKKXlX STOVH DKI'OT. HKVTKIts, ItANOlX, AND STOVKS, M'lioh'siilennd Itetnll. l'ATKNT ANTI-IU'ST I'OOKINd STOVK. VULCAN IIKATKII, for hi'iithc; two or inoio room. 1'AUI.nil, COOKINd, LAUNDUV, IIKAT1NO, nnd ev ry Mtriety of KTDVIS. .It MX I. IIKSS, No. .119 Xorth Seeonil Street, riilliidelphla, T V. LAMIIKKT, wllh UUSS, SHOTT & CO., Imiiorter and .lubbers ot CI.UTUS, CAssntKltKH, VISsTINdS, Ac, Xo.:iol Marhet Street, riilladelpblii. s. Willi L. 11KTTLH, JII'II, lll'NN.t fl)., I'ltV (ii)li I IS, o, I'l North Third Street, I'lilladelpliln. pltlKILMUTll, lllK)TIIi;i iV. CO., WIlllI.I'JSAr.K TDItACCO DKAI.KKS, No.rilNiulliThlrd.stieil, live doors In low Have I'.ntorlcs, No,, "ilniul Witjll.uiy t luet, l'lill'i.lelpliln. 1 ; 11. 1 1 lit il, riMlF. OAbAXV, X tjUTNioinf.viunATumiAaAziNi:. At itlftMUdllltisint " ,'";", ef llitermviMmel b ,Sui;vT,MeeiV p..aes, m.lkl.m ''"l in ie, ' i "--;;!J.lVitnrT(ms . "ln",y- ii."'e,r wis.V'xft-nKSJssa. Tlti: HA,. " be'.' 'wbdororrcculnriontrlbu. Mr,,i,i,. of " iVimWAiiiild most inorltorliiii, havoiiccoidlin.1.1 nnd moreover, thu I Jllor tl"!!"";!!'.!1'." '"...!... ''I'V'ffiuVe rM.; alw Vs se I to cll.'l. - CIAMXY. will ) ' ....... ,,,,ii,.,is,.i iiutfffM. wlio uei his. The articles In Till. se cJrisisluutif Kei ins, siKiiiii u """ ; ' " , be n lowed n wide Ireedoin In t. 'fVS' opinio .., ,mm)(.r(f THI'. . f. m.. a,.., i,,i iifieenlli. 1MI. contnlii i ,"r " Pfe-sor P l.lot, Dr. W. ... W Ml llllllll M. ('Olinill, Jcneril I. luscni, li , u mum. Tlie riiiwilnm." by Anllioiiy 'irouopo, una "Archie I,oell," by Mrs. I.dwnrds, were coin, ineiu ed In the first number ;of l llh OALAXT, nnd will continue lobe piilillshcd serhilly lintib tniuously Willi tiii irnpnenrnuc,, in i-.nunum. ins buck ntiinbeis of the Mnicnrlno conUilnlnu tluon stories may aiw nvs neooiiiinvu nun, , vnnu,i,r or Mffl on cookkuy. In tho second liuinner oi iiu, uamai wu cotiinu iiceil a series oi nrucies on i.u,,n,.,, y Professor I'lcrio iiioi, me si unouwii ii-vurr,a ll.o nrl. These articles will be tnndnof Rrcnt prsv. tlenl Millie to every family, licsldn many gn-stru-liomlcnl directions of essential linportnnce, thy will contain receipt nnd prnctlcnl siiKitestlon which must secure lor ineiii mutismi'iiui 'll.ll.)ISI, The mice of Till: GALAXY Is U'lCenU n ntiio. bers io for Ihn year or Iweiity-rour iiumueri; x for six nu.ntlis-twelvc numbers. 'Ilin volumi lor the vent will Include SfW noliiyo m. UIui. tinted bv tweiity-flioorniore full-piiKe etiKrnt. bias, minted mi tinted i.nper; beside Iniiuiuer. bio .smaller lllustiatlolis, scallereu "iriniKii urn text. TIIM GALAXY may be ordered ut the rut. or tueutv-llMi cents n number for rny IsiirIU of ''spc'chiieii1 isiple will be fent on receipt of t, cents. Addles ,..,.,. , M . L, A. 1 , 1. I 111 lll-li, 1 l,,en,,i,M, XI I'nrk How, nw Yr. II J AHPIOH'S WKFICbY. TIllt.MS. One copy one year l ID lino copy lor lliree iii,miii.s i w A,t ,,,, t.Ttrti r-nov will be lilliiwiid fur etrr bib of live subscribers, nt SI WJeaeli, or lxcoil for ali. l'aynietit Invariably In ndvailce. Thollolliul Volume Ol Jinrpcru iutkij rroiu thei'oiiimeiicenient will bo suit lontiy pnrtoflln I'nltcd states, free of cnrrtai;c, upon receiptor lta- PiA,...- m...i-i l lOlll lllieiOIK V, .WtUUlW. Half Morocci IM . " ljich Volume- contains inc .-sumuers ior un TKllMt TO ADVKItTISKIW. Onn dollsr ui,l flfly cenls per line for Inside, two dollnrs per llu lot ouiMue .,iveriis,.iii.iu, ,,-,, ini.,-, ,,u. HAHl'l.ll .v iiuui nr.u, ruoiisnnri. 1 IADINMS ItAlbUOAl). SU.MMKIl AllIIA.MILJVI.M-. Aplll Zl, 111. Great Trunk Line from the North nnd NorthwM tor Plilladi lphlu. New York, Heading, IWIjitIIU Tuiniiiiia, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentowii.tmtiu' :- .' . Jialll leave iiarrisourg ior .sew mis ns i lows; At :i,7:IO, and li:ViA.M., nnd 2 nnd VM r.n., eomicctlng with similar trains on the Pemij. v.mla ltallroad, nnd arrlilng ut New York nt&w nnd in a.m., and :i:4i) and Im V, Sleeping Csn accompany the S A.M. nnd li;S0 P.M. trains, wlthonl chaiige. Leave Ilarrlsiatrgior ueniunc, poiisviiie, inni- qu i, Mtiiersvllie, Asiiiiinu, riiieurove.Aiii'iiioKB, anil l llll.uieipiiia ui ,;e a.m., nii'i 110,1 viv r.,, stoipiug nt Lebanon nnd principal Way Station, theli'Jn p.m. train mailing nodose connections fur I'otlsvitieor cmiaueipnia. ror l ousviiie, nrunri. 1:111 llnveti. anil Auburn, via Schuylkill and Sua, iiiehauna ltallroad, leave llarrlsburg nt 1 13 r.s. l.eiurillllg, leave -sew I, , lis in i, .si., M.,iim USUI p.m.; Philadelphia at S A.M. nnd ."bin P.M.; Polu. vllle ut Xfi) a.m. unit 'J:ii p.m.; Asmnmi nt u nui 1 1:13 A M.. uud 1:D.3p.m,; Tuuiaitia ut !:I3 and S: i P.v. l eave Poitsvllle for llarrlsburg. vln Schuylkill iiii.l Susquehanna Halhoad, nt 7 A.M. Heading Accomodation Train !ene HeadliiKsl 11 a.m., returning fiom Phllnilelphln nt ,3 P.M. Columbia Uiilinad Trains lcae Itcndlng nt t nnd ii:l.3 p.m. lor Lphrutn, I, HI, Columblu, Ac. A'. till sununvs ICilM' isew l oris ill s;.i I-..M.; i mis- delpbla ut s A.M. nnd 3:13 p.m., the 8 a.m. train run. nlngonh to ltindlng; PottsilllentSA.M.; Tains ilii.iat 7: "Ji a.m.;; nnd ltnwl- ing m i:hi a.ji. ior nan isonrg, uno i":r. a.i. iur New York, and l:'.' i p.m. for l'hlla.l, Iphln. Cotumutittlou. Mllenge. Senson. r.xciirslon. suJ School Ticket nt reduced rates to uud from nil point. baggage checked through. Highly poumli M baggagu nllow ed end; passenger. A n.,,1.1,?, uru.nafi Heading, Pn., April SI, PiW. T M1U ATbAXTIC MONTHbY. j ho ATrAXTIC' MONTI IIiY. by tcrni-ml con. sent, standsat the liciul nt Ainrricnu nmpiitiiM. li numiii tn ainouK it mini nninrn ua iiiohi t mi unit wrltcrMot tin day. hotti In 1'roMuind pm-try. and its imes ha ala.s iftltclt'd ui U titut in .ineiican i.iit'raiurf. n iuw rracnrn a rjn-u-Intlon ill'Vit ltt'turv mtliii'd hv anv AnitTlcati mi- alni' of this rl.i-s, and 11 lias, hy the Iodk ptrl(tl of Its iwtstt'iHt' and tht worth ot ltii roiilrlhutcru, iHTotm nrmiy in puijiil CMi-ein. 'Iho following aio anions tho most rouilniat n-uular I'ontiihnlors; II. W. LONdl-KId.OU, WIJJ.IAM fl'FJ.KN 11UYANT. J. T. TliOWKltllKifc, DONAIJ) (i. MITl'HHIJ.. C. C. lIAi;VEl.L. J. (I. WIIITTIKU. IlAYAllll TAYLOIt, 11 AUUI KT a. HTOWK, UAII HAMILTON. K. I'. WJIIl'IM.K. 'IT.aMS SIiikIo suhscrlmlotiN, four tlolhin yt'jir. Ci.uh Hatkn. Two CDpfi-H forflPwnriollurH! flti ronlcs for lt',n dollars; ten t'ftph'H for tltlrlf dollais; anil each addltlonnl ropy ttiffi tlnltnr. For every v uh of twrntv miIimt Ihth i.n nu ropy will lit. tinnMiod gratis, or twi'iity-uin tt pies ior sixty ominrs Posta(ji:. The lMntriL'o on tlin ATLANTIC H teiity-tonr it iits per rar, and must lu till fw oe paio ui uie onire wnere ii is rceeivcu. SPi:ciMKN' COPIKH ot tho ATLANTIC MONTHLY wilt ht-setit on rcct-ipt of twintj-U? ii. Tho ATLANTIC MONTHLY and our YOL'NU roLKSUl U- luriiKheiltoirethtriitUvriloltiirs prryear. leeiai incemrnts are nltervu to tenciirrh una postniaKte.. to ptoeure snlweribfrs to our ptTli tnls. A-ntK wanted throughout the eutinlry. Addtt'ss TU'KNolt KIKLOS. PubllftlH-r, lit Irt iuontHtriet, IIoHtkii, Mhm. 0 UH YOUNG FOLKS. Wo 1'eMiPCtrnlIi Invite nt ten Him trt tho fnllovr Iim iioie iiom uie nine niul ppumr Dcpuly hiuurn1 peuim-nm-ui uj .cihhum ior I t'iin l ailia . .m'M'1, 1 l K.-NOli'tV J'JKJ.DM, ilUhlOll, iUllh, iU:nii.mi'.n, l'einilt nn, to cuUKnitulnte rw on tlio linn Uiil sucu'ss ot "Our Vouni: rok. I rom the Issue or the llrsl nuuiber I hnie tcw Ld Ith much solicitude Its tone nnd clinriiili', wen Miouiiiu uio iiuinense liilliietice. ror K""' w for evil, it would bo likely to iicld. Jwlglnit bv the tone wbli'h has In iniii-b of Mil Jtiveiille llleraliiie, both relleiou nml seciilsr, I icaieii nun usioinriiaiiois uiiuiit lucK unit J mu' lieuileiliiess which enn iilonesiieuk to tlie chill' nature, or Hint tho tattli and liieciiuousiiii.. " youth inlstht be taiupi'ied with mid displaced t I'.iinj lor tlie liesuiid deceits nf imitunr yin Happily my bins hiivo piovcit t:roiindless,iir.J tlie II bole collllillltlllv llnvc In llmnk vnll for rris ihichiu n iiinunlnc sii well iiilanted totlieclnssl'' wiiii n ii is iiiieiiui'ii. uud soi luviitinp nmi nun' l,. In lit. I,ll,i,w..u SIIMI'I.'!. l lll'l'l's! Ill'' 111 lis lllllllcuces. SA.MI'KI. I' IIATIX iiepuiy suite Miperinii'iiiuiii heiioois, r Ti'.itMS oi.' oru vorxn rm.KHi iitvnt.ii ndvunci", tblee copies, S'ij live copies, S trlie pte, Sl.i: nii'l i iicli uddlllouul ropy 81. .VI. TwitU) copies, ,lii,ui,d n copymiitls lo thopcrkon jinsm- i,,K ,,i, special liidiiceiueiits oll'cred to tenchrrs ton-i ns iitrcuts. Sl'erlnl i oliv mid ehcular Kiait to irt SOUS Willi M'Nll to lillH'UU, sllhscrlltcrs. for Ut cents, TIL'KXOII .1; 1'IKI.IIS, I'liblMierf, Huston, Jin"- IIA II.Y TI.MKS, lolitnhiln! the Intuit Fs !'K" """'"- Ncus, Is published ilull,' iuiii," (dllM tut'lM' dollais. v.,, K.iim n ,Ki aiiiiuiii: Willi huutlltv The Ki:.lI.Wi:i:i."r.v 'riMco ....i.u.i,..i m Tiiesiliisiiud Kildnys, iirj,.,, nvo'cenls. IiisiM' ,., ,i. min.1 klinlin uucinticneciiy iurtwv up Hi llli lltoiiielit or Ko, . i , xhrtv will V loiiud In inch iiuiiibcr the Aillrst Wiuhlnei News, lauopenn Ni'ws.ttlihttriiplilc Icttersln' iiiircoriespondciiu lu London nnd I'nrls.Khl" the lone i,i public tcelluu nbioud, Is inmb iisir ci.i nud pciiiiaiiciit lealiiie, lu addition lo li ''i1;l,'!,,!'.iiV..") .u"' eilllillt loilcs of theil.l)-,!,1' sl.MI-W KI.KI.Y TIM Kb has i pniie of cfti.m",' pu p. n o eoiiinii iciui mutter, ulvtnu the latin ' iiiiiiiIiiI Newsand .MuiKet l(e,orls: Hems of .lr llculliirnl uud lloinestlnliiii i st. lomnilcd lr' soiiii es mini) or iiicb nreollu i w Ise lnni-i-sll lu the Aiui'tlcun render; nml niarriiiu's, um .Mai ri.ines mid Dinlhs of the week, in,' Ut.lOllll," or M'lisr"" uiar.v ' uu n caii'ini s n,,.iu n,,a ai...t of i Uewsiit llleiiav. Is iilimi, ...i,,l, .l..,,l.l.. il,.' sin I feci litlou prii e to the paiier.ns It presents In,' eoiidensed nnd innvenleiilly clasnlllid feint " in ns i lllieiesi.nilll lllllst pril p OlIIUUIC S" ' icconl to nil nine. TKlt.MS.-Tbieedollaihi ernnnuui. Cluhrf''' Hie illsi'HTit llllioil. The WIlllKI.V TIMKS, piibllslusl nt twndolUe n year, eouliiliu, lu uddllloti tu Ihn latest Kit"' liitelllpnee by telemiiph up lo the inuim !'l pilim to press, b luiict Wnshliurlon l.lllopiull NlWs Mill, Kiiiphle lettcis fi mil ' fit respondents 111 ljilubx, nn.l Pnrls t'lvlin: N' loiieut puhllo feilliiK,i iniiile li sif. uud in i mum nt icatuie. In In Kilimw V'M.11,.1 ettliem toptcsot the day, the W.OJ; l. ir.U " iiukc oi enn 'ully.picpnrcil o i i .v .- ,,,, ii, uirr, nivilIK Hie laica 1 inilllClsl ." ' nod llcp.jitsi Iteiuici Al'.rlCrtlHira' "f, ti'.'.nstlc inter. t Ki-fli.lled fiom sources "ulv i ,i, i ci - hie to the .Mi'1. " ! ', .,no ''cnthsnrtlieiK" 1' ,in 'I iv H.M1TU, vl I liOl'KItM, sis'-