r Asa THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSBUEG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1866. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. WlLLIAM L. M.VDDOCKit C(l., dun. cm tit llnygroeerlw, No, 1 !5tiouth Thirit .Street (oppoiltu tho G Irani Dunk), Plilliulolj.lilii. It Is mltl that Mercnr U uslnrr Ills extra two tliuu-jtiuj dollar m an I'luo tliinwrliiL' corruption fund. l)uw iinv- body kuow whether that helped the iolt.Ux Columbia Couiitv'.' A black bear was killed last week by Junius Connor, In Denton townshiii. This Is a rare occurrence! In this section of country. AVe learn tlmt Mr. Conner bad only n shot gun with him ut the time. A Democratic meeting was held In " "tho Court House, in this place, on Thurs day evening. Speeches were made by General William H. Miller, of Harris 3buryj Fmnkllii 11. Gowen, 1'Nip, of I'ottsvlllo; and Senator lluckalew. Captain Dees J. Millard has ro ' ctilvud the appointment of 1'ostniu.ster ut Untturuvill", and has taken charge of . jllie otlke. Captain Millard served in tliu army faithfully, and richly deserves .-jXthis compliment. Tnu friends of Judges Elwcll are junking u vigorous fight In Bradford, lu Kullivan, and in Wyoming. His ..majority in Montour will probably reach six hundred! Let us do our wltolo . duty hi this county and victory will be mvurcd. AVu urgo all our renders who arc elect t 'cits to vote against Mercur, tliu negro iftjvimirmge and disunion candidato for Congress, on Tuesday next, and In favor 3m of Judge Elwcll, the conservative can--! dldate. Tlio peace, harmony, andpros ' -'t- purity of the country reqtiiresucii action by the patriotic men of tills district, in "S.a'dependent of nil party consideration. f. Wh learn from Dr. Ilarrlpon, of this jiluco, tiiat a novarium tuber weigliing J near twelve pounds, and containing more than twenty-two pounds of water, was removed from Mrs. Wart., by Dr. ' , At Loo, of Philadelphia, a hhort time Hlnco. Tins dllllcult operation was per formed very successfully, and the lady It doing well. Colonel Tate law retired from tho field as a candidato for Representative, .' The main reason appears to bo the allege s- od complicity of 1. John with thuinovo ment in Ids favor. Jolin can touch notli- , lug without making it odious. His J touch is contamination, and his coin , jpimlonsliip di.-grace. We give the Col onel's Iotter of declination In another column. Mr. P. M. Traugh, of Berwick, in a ..field of sixteen acres, has raised one 'thousand shocks of corn : fourteen hush- V'ls of onions, from tiie seed; four tons or nay ; ono Hundred iiusiiels ot pota .aflttoes; ono thousand lieads of cabbage; four hundred bushels of ruta-lmgas; fifteen loads of lninipkins. Tlio writer ' ' states tills, to a great extent from per sonal ob.-ervation, and has the assur ance of tho neiglihors that it is rather under than over overstated. Accident. On Wednesday of last rweek, Mr. Michael Brittnin, a resident "of this county, while engaged Ingath . erlng ajiples near Light Street, was pre cipitated frnm tiie. tree by the breaking ',of tho limb on which ho wiw, striking the ground witii such force as to cause a compound fracture of tho leg, a por tion of the bone of which cnino through 'the boot. We learn from Doctor Jlar -rlsou that lie is doing as well as could "ibe expected antler (ho circumstances, ,'tind that lie has hopes of saving the leg. Tin: Swiss Bell Ringers-. "Wo - ropy tho following beautiful extract "from the Christian Advomtc, compli ''inentury to the world-renowned Alle--- ghutiiuns, Vocali.st.-3, and Swiss liell liingers, who appear at Snyder'.s Hull 4on Saturday evening next. It says: .'They are all talented and gifted jmt- formers, xud nKish and. Wesr-ed mission . in theirs, going from city ta city, find trom village to village, KpeakiJig- itt the great hiai-t wf Inuiianity iws' ut itJuj Ktirrixig notes of high auil jjJjIp mg, nd again in tins sweet .cud notiiing strains of beauty thqydMtuilnistcrs of good, reaping in fields uliieli the Mime : truth, dresseil in emer garb, would icaw shttavolcsO :Y- : ' . KEWS ITEMS, "Nr-w Jnusuv clnicklw over hor cran- ', bf rry crop. Toomiis, of Oeorgln, i taking a Swit Mrland tour. V fiix of tlm Xow York dallies support tho Prtvjiilent. .'ATLANTA, OcOI'glll, Is to llllVO ft rCV- nnJy-tlioitsaiul dollar oj-cm boune. 'fjuiedltiOMiii IiulLoiimiollstiro t'ow hldlitL' eacli other. . QiJKr.N Victohia has given the' cholera siiirurers twenty-live hundred "Ilolliirs. '"l'ln: Oreeks in Staniboul aro said to bounder tho protection of tho American OHuUter. ' Thk Troy J're f-uyn tiiat Tliurlow Weed has knocked Mr. Greeley's hat so vfar over Ids eyes tlmt only tho phlloso- '-"phtirV boots uro visible. Tins Ti-Wttiw reports that General Bhoritlim bad reported to Washington tlmt hoclety in Louisiana and Texas was in a coiidltlun of anarchy Is denied by the General. Somi: merchants In Xew Orleans are .pignlng a card to tlio elfect that the riot was the work of abolition fanatics, and that no persons are disturbed, or ever havo been, for opinion's sake. . Thk Was hlnglonCooiiWcstatestiiat tho Marino Corps Is now full, and on Saturday recruiting for it ceased. At tho licndimnrter In Wa.-lilngtoii there pre at preswit over three hundred en listed men, Tin: Attoitiey-deneral lias decided that tho President has not the power to designate districts In the Southern States, especially for the collection of the tax on cotton, distinct from those for other taxes. Tin: ltadicals of New York are mak ing great ado about wlint they call Pres ident Johnson's excessive leniency and nhute of Ids pardoning power, Just as If their candidate for Governor had not outraged Justice by pardoning convicted criminals without a pretence of serving tlio public interest. How about Zeno Hurnhaiii? O.vr.of the largest whiskey distiller ies in Milwaukee Is now In tliu hands of tlio Ituvcnuo Department for trying to evttde the law. The oH'ence charged Is instituting and using a fac-tliiilleot tlio Inspectors Mump, and thuse.-i aping the payment of duties, and putting their whiskey into tlio market as Inspected, when it never had been. Tin: Chicago Joiiriiul says that the facts about the late frosts, as regartls their clrect on tlio corn in Illinois, may bo briefly summed up thus! Jn the Southern part of the Statu no damage has been d6nc to the crop ; in tlio cen tral part, tliedatnago lias been butsllght; and in the northern part, the damage has been great, probably destroying, in the aggregate, about one third of the crop. Kxcculor's Notice. Kstnte nf John Mor gan, itceeused. l-tlcrs testamentary upmt (ho slate nf John Morgin, lull nf the Township nf Bloom, In tlw County of Columbia, deceased, hav ing been granted to tin- undersigned, nil iersons Indebted to until estate urn requested to nuke payment, ninl those having claims to present tin-in to CLARK M. HltOWN, Executor. or ROBERT 1". CLARK. scpl.'Mt. Attorney for tlio estate. To llolrl mill Snlonn Ict-t-pt-r! of ltloom- ImrK iiml t'oluuiMii County. I linvc- appointed Mr. U. Stolmi-r nmMit for tliu Mile of my nlo, porter, row n Ntout, ninl laer lu-er, who will supply im at tin- siime prire (antl wttli the name nrtli-le), (in I wotiiil I'urnMi iiu Iroin the lirewery. knoowin that he will he puniMiial inut attentive to till who may favor hliu with their trade, I solicit for him yourHUpjMirt. ery respeet fully, kri:i) r.Aur.rt, Strain lirewery, Iteiidlin:, I'a. tfMtntr of Alirnllnm 3IrllNrli. ilercnnrtl.-- la-nets ol .u nun isirai ion iim,u ine esiaie 01 .u rahaiti .Meneli. late nt I.ik-us1 Townihln. In the County nt Columbia, di ceakeil. havlni: been m'tinled to the undeir'lni'd, all persons havinu rlalini or demaii'li ima usjt the estate of thusal ileeedeiit an- u-iiui'steil In iiiake tho same known wnnoui oeiay, an-i iiiom) umenieii 10 sum eiiau1 to make Immediate payment to i.'l.l i ll.l,, or CIIAUI.IX MKNsCir, Itoarlm; Creek P.O., Columblu County, I'a. iVuilllor'i, o(lce. KNlateof l'cler Mtnvrcr, deeeai'il. The 1,'KateeH and all cKher partte-l in terested In the estate of Tcter Mowrer, ileeeaseit will take uottee that the undersigned, npHiluted by the Ot plum's Court of Cotumlila County audi tor, to audit mid make distribution of the balance In the hands of the executor, will meet the pat- tics Intcicsted in the said estate, at the otllce of the Auditor at llloomsburt:, on Saturday, October l.lth, Itxtt, at IU o'clock a.m., when and where all par ties Interested can attend If they see proper and present their claims or to be debarred from cumlui; lu for a share of the fund, KeplA-lt K. II. I.ITTI.E, Auditor. Allilltor'Mn'ollur. INtittcor Jlnrj I. JIlIls late of Madison Township, Columbia County, deceased. The legatees and all other jiarttes lu teiested lu tbeeslaleof Mary 1. Mills, deceased Mill I.Ike notice that the undelslmied, appointed by the Orphan's I'oiiit of said county auditor, to audit and make dUtilbutlou of the balance lu the hands of Daniel Knie-t, survMnn executor of the said Mary 1'. Mlll,i!iceascil,wlllliici I the parties Interested in Ihes.ild estate, uttheolllce of the Iti-Kl-ter of Wills, lu and for the County of Columbia,, at llloomsbuiir, on Thiusday, the Mb ilay of November next, when and whein all par' tics Interested call attend If they see piopcr, and present their claims or be debarred from coming In for a sham of the fund. seplJ-lt. i:. If. 11AT.11Y, Auditor. Aiitlitor'M Xollcr. lu tiie Orxilinn'ii Coiti-t for the County of Columbia, estate of Alev.md thiiietsou, ileeeased, 'i'he auditor appointed by the Court to make distilhutlon of the estate ol Alexander larretson, lain of Columbia County, deceased, in the hands of Jacob (t.uietson, sur viviui; executor of tliu last will and testament of the said AlcxatKlcrtiatrctsuu, deceased, will meet the parties Inteiested lor the puipose nt !., ap IKjlutment on Thursday, October at 10 o'clock a.m., at tils otllce on the corner of Main and Mar kei Streets lu the town ot IHnoiushurH. ItlUIKItT l- CI.Altlv, Auditor. cplft-lt. Ti'otlfe orinqur t, K-tntr of Lrs-l Asliton, lAteori'liK'Tiriihlp,di''ijeil. To the hell sand bvpil represnl.illveo.f f't I Abhton, late of I'iue Township, Columbia tUiutity, di-wm-.l, to w it : to William J. spiciu), A ii u Aslitou.s.irah lives, who reside In Columbia County, .Stephen rtproivl, of Watsoutowu, Norlhiiuibcrland County, Apemtli Hess, uf X.'W Columbus, Luzerne Couhly, lamina .-ij.aJdiifKaud Allen Kcs, of (Irlltln's. JIIII,I.'ile Cuuuo, Stuteof New Yoi I:, r.irvln i;vei,of City- iiU'U JVI1( Suiuialt C'ounty, .Statu of Ohio, mid I!wj, of California, you and each of you jueiiereby untitled that In piiisiiaucu of a writ ol Iti.Hi'llUou or valuation issued out of the Orphan's Court of Columbia Comity for the partition or valuation or the leal estatu of said deceased, sit uate In the Town-hip of I'he', lu said comity, to w It i a cei tain messii.uto mid tract of laud bltuate lu l'lno Township, lu said county, adjoining lauds of UenJ.iiulu J '.vcs on the north and east, laud ol John ,vcoii the south, and Juhu Le-;;ot on Hie west,contalnlim ten acres, more or less, anions the hells and li-nal rcpivscntntlw's of tlm said de ceased, I will hold ail iiMiuest on the said picmls es, In l'lne Township, on Saturday, tho '.'Itlnlay of Oclobir next, at Uo'cIih Ic in the forenoon of mid 'Uy, when aiel where you are renm-stcd tu nlteml if you think pioper. ..Ml'i:L SNYDKU.SIieriir. SlierltT's Otllce, lllooinstnir, Sep. 11, lsi!i!.-jt riOLUMUIA COUNTY SS. IN Tl I K V' (.iriiliims' Comt of Columbia County, In tlm mntlrof the partition and valuation ol thees tato of Cletnucl il. Itlckctts, kite of Oriiu'iiTowii. slilti. ilcciased. To tlm hells of Sarah Ciirtr !it, decciised, Mnrv M'liitnsh, the lu lls of l.llabclh Itlcketts. Jolin lllcketts, lli'tli I uber, Nancy Cm II. I'leftsautHlms.iiiid KIIJ.ili O, Itlcltcl s, take notice that an liniuest will held at tin- late ilwtlllnij.lioinorif l leillliel II. Itlcketts, deceased, lu tbeT'oviililiof Oriiiiit", County of Co unibia, onsaluid.iy.tlu- 21th d.ij-of .Noei)iber, Isi'l be. IMecn inn Hours oi v it nmit m... . .......m i-.M ol saldil.iy, lor thn purposiiof making part I ,i.... ..r il... i.kinii. nf j.iild deceased to ill ul iiinmm Ills clilldicn and legal repieentatles, If Hie same can l. done wiihoui prcjiiiuce i i or spoiling of the whole, otherwise to value and a or.ilse tin, same according to law: at whicii iinie - ii ill pittvuyoilliro leoion-o ,o '"IV"'' ,'' ".'.'i roiicr. SA.MI'KL SNYD1CII, Hticrltr. Illoomsblirg, October'.', IMM. . . . , . .. i. ...i ......1 ir ....i. ii.i.il 13 LOOMSHCHG I'ANCY TTUM XJ Ml.N'll AND llOilKSTOHK, second door Im-Iow IlarlinanV, Main Slrei 1. .lust iccelM-d a new sloclt ot zKi-jiYits, vooli:n AND COTTON YAUNS, COIlsin, LACKS LMIIltOIDr-UIIX, MUSLIN LDOINGS, DKIXS TUIMMINGH atnl every vinlcty of iirtlclcs usually kept in a I'ANCY CTOlir.. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN HOOK'S lilllLUS Sunday-school hooks, and a large lot of MISlT.LLANnOUri llOuKS, ACCOUNT AND MKMOIIANDI'M IlOnKS, 1IL.VNK DI:i:DS BONDS AND MultTOAOLS, aiel a general mid well-selected nssoiimeiit of I'Ai'Lit, i;n i-.lu'i:s, a. p. w i.un. QUll STAllCll ULOSS Is tlio only nrllde tued by nilsT-ct.AsH iiori:i.H, i.AitNrmiK.s), and THOUSANDS Ot- I'A.MII.llCS, It llvrl n lienutlful tKillsli.makltiu the Iron nans siniHillily oM-r thu cloth, mivIiik Mt cll Tlxi: and laoor, noons none up w iiu n Keep clean niiicil longer, cotiscu'icutly will not wear out ho noon. !T MAKIM 01.11 LINKS LOOK I. IKK N'l'.W. OOK IMI'r.UIAI, lIM'i: la tiii: inuT in Tin: would. It Is nolublc lu hard ns well ns noft water. II In nit upln the safest, neatest, mnl most eoiivcnleiit oim of any ollcicd to the public IT 1H WAUHANTKD NOT TO HTltttAK TIIR CL0T11IX. Acent wanted cvrrvwhere. to whom we offer f'Xtinimlluury lndueciuents. Ad. I less NI1W Y01UC HTAIICH (II.OSH CO., Sf piS-tiii-n.te Vis Fulton Htucl,Niw Yntk. rVO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON JL Cl'.ltN, rieae take notice that I, Ira ii.nl nrmel, of t'entrevllle, Columbia County, having bought the following list of property from rcter Hower, do declare that It Is my Intention to lend the same to the said Hower, to wltt four Im-iIs; one ilo7.cn chairs ! one, lot ofillsliesi one cui boardl una buienu; twenty yards of carpet; ono cooking stovrj one iwirlor stove; one two-horse wagon; one twodmrse carriage; ouedoulilesct of hirness; one ultigle set of lmrness two tabkn twoplits. IUA 110ADAUMKL. QAItlllAGK MANUFACTOUY, jiioomsourK, l a. M. C. HIX)AN A UHOTlir.il, the successors of WILLIAM HUIAN A- SON, continue the business of maklnt; caiuhaoiss, nudoir-sj, and every style of I'ANCY WACONS, which they have constantly on hand to suit ens lotners. Never uslni; any mnterlat but the liest and employing the most experienced workmen, they hope to continue ns heretofore to ulve entire satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection of their work, and of the reasonable price asked for the same, Is sure to Insure a sale. TTKNltY Old fiiU oiu'Ik J it tlrstcli HOKU opened a tlrstclass HOOT, HltOK, HAT AND CAr 8T0UU at his old stand on Main Street, Illisimsburi;. His stock is composed of t lie very latest and best styles ever olleted to the eiti7ens of Columbia County. lie can aecoiiimodate the pubttc with the lollow Inif kinds and nrices Men's calf boots, line. 5 m ton l - kli, double sole .t.it.. a Hoys' clllld's tMMits 1 T.i to 4 Men's ulovo kid. Comm-ss. ,ve rio to r " 11 Uallliolllt shoes IUUto3fjll Men s, women s, hoys', and misses' lilove kid lastiui; palters I T.'toA Women's etove lllds. verv tine It Hi to A " tine Kont inoriM-eo tialmoials 'J fri to t Hi) ' men's moroccoatid calf shoes 1 7." to '2 .7) cominon shoes H 1 frl to 2 ,"ii) Misses' anil child's shoes 0 ii to 1 00 Men's women's, misses', boys', and ihlld s slippers 0 Mtol fO no also keeps n yreat variety of HATS, CAIV, AND STItAW HOODS of every kind, at the lowest prices, both for cash iin-i couuiry prooiice, lteniemtiei (lie attraction Is In ,air eikhIk. Hon' be alarmed at the cry of IiIkIi prices, but call and see for yourselves, ltespectluliy. HKNllV OIOKIt jyUW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of Sl'IHNO AND SUM M Kit GOODS. D.vvin lowi:nhkuu Invites attention lo his stock of CHKAl ANDI'ASniONAIlLr.CLOTHINd. at his store on Main Street, two doors above tho Amcricau HoUBe, nioomsburfr, I'a., wiiero lie has Just received from New York and riilladclphia n full assortment of mi:n and iioys' clothino, lueludliiK the most fushiouahle, durable, mid luiiilsoiiiu DUKSS CJOODS, conslstlnij: of 1IOX, SACK, I'HOCK, UM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND l'ANTS, of all sorts, sles, and colors. He has also replen Ishcd his already huge stock of CALL AND WINTLIt SHAWLS, STltll'IU), l-'KIUItKI), AND TLAIN TJsTS, HI 1 1 UTS, OKA VATS, STOCKS, COI.LAI1S, llANDKIUlCHILKS, OLOVr.S, SUSI'ICNIJIUIS, AND I'ANCY AUTICLTX, He has constantly on hand a largo and well-se lected assot tinent of CLOTHS AND VKSTINOS, which lie Is prepared lo make to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and mo'.t of It Is of home manufacture. GOLD WATCHKH AND JKWLLKY, of every description, flne anil cheap. His case of jewelry Is not suriwissed In this place. Call and examine his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCH KS, JKWI'.LKY, Ac. DAVID LOWLNIlLTtO. riLLi;n's STOUK. Fiiusir AimiVAL or KI'IIING AND SUMMKIl GOODS. Tho subscriber has Just relumed from tho cities with another largo and select assortment of SrilING AND Sl'MMK.H GOODS, purchased In New York and Vhiladelphln at the lowest llgure, and which lie Is determined to sell nu as moderate terms as can bo procured else where In llloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIKS' DltUSS GOODS of thi choicest styles atid latest fashions, together wltli n largo 'assort ment of Dry 'Joods ami Gro ceries, consisting of the follow lug articles ; Carpels, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cnsslnicres, Shawls, Flannel", Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirls, Muslius, Hollowware CeiUrware Queensware, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-GlaAsi-s, Tobacco, CofTee, Sugars, Teas, Itlee, Allspice, Glnucr, (Inuaninn, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS ft KN Kit ALLY, III short, eu'rythlng usually kept lu country stores, to which he Invites the intention of the public generally. The liLshcst price will be paid lor i-ouulry piuditco In exchange for goods. fs. II. M1LLKU, Arrnde HulHIngs, lltoonisburg, I'a, 4. LL KINDS Ol' 1ILANKS (.AN UU HAD AT lillo OITKL, PitUMlUM LIST of the l't.r.Vf.VTtf AVNtrAI. T'.XlMtttTtnv of the. C01.UJII1IA CnUMTT AilUICri.TCIlAI., HOIl llCUl.TUIlAli AMI .Mi l HAMlUAIi ARsoci.vrtiiv. to bo held at III.IIO.MMHIMUI TIIUIlNllAY, I-lllOAY, AND fs.l I HIIAl.i'l'll'I'l.lV II, li, llllll 1-t, 1SIKI, The lloanl or Atiiiiatfern have determined to use every exertion to make this fair ns satisfactory ntid lutcrestliiK as possible toall, and the eltlrz-ns of this and adjacent rnu titles- are earnestly Invited to attend, and also to do all 1 1 icy can to iiiakn the iiuautlly and iuallty of tock and article tor ex- iiiiniioii uie nuucsi anil ih-si. i lie premiums oi fered ant more liberal than those of itnv nre tons year, Upeclal ntteiitlon Is called to rule No. U, which mil be imitlic. 1-'. 1'. Mtl.NKKlt, Heo'y. n.Ass I. IliiusK.s. Jnihui it, ltnlir,?Hitvrtiitcnttcnt, Itest pair draught liorsivs, SH ) & in 8 no S w k ou BW 111 CM S Ol 8 III t, In) 4 l 2 Ol I m 2 111 4 IU) 4 l I Kl "( carrlaHO " " maref, ,i ,. staUlou oyer 3 .J-ars old, hrrsst ma re, with colt at her -lde,1 bolli owned by the exhibitor, single rarrlaito horse, " ' luare, Kcldlng between 3 and 4 years old, mare M Kcldiug " 2 and 3 " iiiaco " " M horse colt " I uud2 ' man. " " I. 4 l ;i on 3 ll liors.. or nmrn roll litidf-r 10 loos' old. .-nil !d " " ' " . ' " 2 (II) " ruilr match isilts under 4 yejtrs old. bioken to liarness, 8 (H) l.-lillillnrs lltnlep IIiIh rlfiSH ulll line,. Itinlr horses on the urounil by P) o'clock on l-'rlday moriilut;, at which time the judges w ill examine tlieiu. jmiur Joshua 11. I nwlcr, sksitt; J-iM.Viirdlii, llelllfock! .losenll W. lleese. Orecliwissl i Aaroti Miilth, Hemlock ; Joshuii Mcudenlmll, Kranklln. CLASS It. t'ATTI.K. Johnson 21, 1 kctcr, &uitrtntcnncnt, Ititrlttiui Xlirk. llest bull 3 years old mid upward J 12 00 V on o oo 4 III 3 00 2 00 200 between 2 and 3 years old, 1 nnd 2 " i a a a calf under 10 months old, cow 3 years old and upward, heifer between 2 and 3 years old, " " cnlf under 10 months old, llfiim AtvcK, bull 3 years old and upward. 'I between 2 and 3 years old, i,md2 " cnlf under 10 months old, cow 3 years oldnntl upward, heifer between 2 and 3 years old, " " calf under 10 months old, -"tlcriir,SVis.-A'. null 3 years old and upward, between 2 and 3 years old, ,, .. ,. land 2 calf under 10 months old, cow 3 years oldnnd upward, heifer lietweeti 2 nnd 3 years old, " calf under 10 months old, Wradrd Xlvrk, bull 3 years old nnd upward, between 2 nnd 3 years old, lnnd2 calf under 11) tnonths old, cow 3 years old and upward, heifer between 2 and 3 years old. 1 to tl) 4 (II 4 00 3 00 2 U) 12 00 U OO 0 tl) 4 00 3 00 2 00 2 ID 1 00 tl ID 4 til 4 00 3 II) 2 00 12 00 V III e 00 4 ID 3 00 2 00 2 (I) 1 (II 11 II) 4 00 4 00 3 III 2 00 12 OO V 00 0 III 4 no 3 00 2 00 2 ID 1 00 0 01) 4 II) 4 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 4 OU 3 III " " calf under 10 mouths old, Yiir Vis.-A-. bull 2 years oliUiud upward, between l aud 2 years old, calf midt-r lO months ohl, eov 3 years old and upward, belter bfttween 2 and 3 years ohl, " ' calf under 10 mouths, Orfn mul ,Si ere. " yoke of oven, owned and worked by the exhibitor. 2 tl) 2 00 1 00 t IU 4 II) 4 HI 3 HI 2 00 r no 2d 4 ' .1 tu " yoke of steers between 1 and .1 yeais 4 in t " " ' " ' " 2 on Lxlilbltors will have their stock reailv for thu Judges to examine by lOo-clis-k a.m. ou 1- rlday. .nil .lounson ii. iivi-ier, iireenwiKsi; .loiin Hartman. Hemlock: l.ll Menilenhall. Uetiton: tl. H. l-'owlcr, Centre; Henry Holllngshcad, Cata- wissa. CLASS III. swikb. J-'llxha Jliiyvimi, -ij-iriiifeiuoif, Hest boar, ii 00 3 (i) 4 IIJ briusl sow, 3 ID G Oil sow and nigs f6 or more), lot oi a or moie pigs uuuer w ksoiu, a iu .. .. -i i,i lot stock hogs (3 or more), 3 oo - ' ' mi Jii(.-. r.llsha Havnian. GicchwoimI! William Ohl, Hemlock; Audtew l-'ieas, Centre. 1'I.ASS IV. MIKKI', Jo.cih .SV'ottrw, tSujM-nnti nttenl, fine IIW. Hcst liuck, 2d " ei e" 2d " " " liurk. 2d " ,' ewe, 2d " buck, 2d " " ewe. 2d " il 00 I 4 W 3 00 MUUUt W. 4 00 3 00 4 00 3 00 4 10 3 00 4 no 3 00 Isiny Tle'.f, .u'fci .loscnli Seattrrcood. Tine: Abel Thom as, Catawlssa; Oatilel Shannon, GreeuwiKKl, CLASS v. rout.TJiv. llest atnl largest display ofjioultry, $.1 nn 2 tl) 1 oo ft) 1 00 ft) 1 00 ft) 1 (I) isilr chickens, laalo rind female, turkeys, ducks. and Iariesl dlsnlav nf tame li art :eous. Jutlw i. Thomas lialluuin, Scott ; John M, Hur- ton, Hloom; William Webber, Hemlock, CLASS VI. OltAIN AXI1 SLEDS. Jmrih .lacM, .S'l'KTiii-inffiif, Hest half-bushel clo er seed, t3 00 " " tlmotliy " 3 iii " 1 ft) ' bushel red wheat, 3 u) " while " ' 3 III " rye. I -i" " " buckwheat, 1 ft' " liatr.bitsbel eroiind seed corn. l.ll) ' scllow 1 ft) " " smoke ' 1 ft) " " lluxseed, 1 ft) bushel oats. 1 ft) inil'iea Josenh Masters. Madison ; Michael Vance. Orange: Samuel All, Hemlock; Clinton .Memii nu. in, lllooiu. Friiukllu; Joseph Hendershot, CLASS VII. vraKTAIiLKS. Hfiirn Ziipuinmr, Siiprriiileniienti Hest bushel I'rlncn Albert potatoes, 2 (I) nu-recr 2 00 " " iM-nch blow " 2 00 " ' garnet Chill " 2 ( " " illslyeiMt " ,2 01 o a cuisi 2 00 a hnlMaishcl earlv Goodrich stedllng potatoi-s, S l " lialf-luisliel sweet nolutoes. 2 ID bushel Held turnips, 2 in " " ruta hagas, 2 DO " lmlMiushel sugar ImhiIh, I m " " miini'old wnrtzl. 1 in " " blts, 1 01 " " carrots, 1 oo " " lsu-sulivi. 1 id onions, 1 Oo lialf-ilo7.envi-gutuhlBoyslers(alslfy(, 1 oo neeii totn'itiM-s, 1 tl) 3 heads ciihha'j.c, 3 bum-lies eeler)', 4 egg plants, 2iiitiuts lima beans, 2 " Carolina" J " ump " .1 sipilltll A, (I field laimnklns. 1 ii) I ftl I Ui 1 ID 1 In 1 no I in 1 in Jwlm Henry '.iijipinger, Illreim; John don, Catawlssa; J, Harvey Crevellng, Scott, John Gor- CLASS VIII, ItlU'sKllnLll JlANl l-Al-rl-f.lM. HVfi'i") twhitylrr, tiuiierliitendt nt. Hest 10 ye. US b'li'llcl, 1 ft) I in 1 ftl 1 ft) 1 id 1 fti 1 fti ft) fti fti 1 VI 1 ftl 1 III 2 III 2d ti " wiHih .i cloth, 10 " carpet, VI " h ID " plain linen, 10 " 1II.IIST, knit wool stis'Uings, " inlltens, o cotton stiM-klngs, homi'-uiiulc shin, cotton quill, 2.1 2d pair wool blankets, lllli'll Mtf-I-I", II t.nt.i..niiili. lMlilf...lnMl 1 III 1 HI Jiuhm. Wllllaiii Hcliuyler, Scott ; Mary A. Wil son, Madison; Mrs, Joseph 1'. Conner, Centre; MrisHlinm Itcodcr, Cutuwlssa; Mi. Cali-I) U.ir. ton, Hloom. C1.AS.S It, IloMK.SUl' MANfl-ACrfltr.S. .".vl lulvn, iVijicrfiiMioifi III Kt lisif lilf J'I, " jxuud. cake, GO M m M fill M Hi M m hi 3 CI I 00 1 no fil) M ft) ft) ft) graiie uatron snrehutn. illoi cured ham, roll butter, not less than 3 pounds, samnle siilisnirii. 2d ;; nppleple, " sample yeast, " ' nardsoai), " " soft ' JiHlffri Lloyd raxton, Montour! Itarhcl h. Lyes, Grei iiwissl ; Mrs. Conrad lilttciilM-u.ler. lllisim; Mrs. Margaret Warner, Heuton; Mrs. r T. Lulr., Illooni. ft) n.Ass X. i'Ancv Aimri.r.s anii iiawkiis. f.'uirtrj K. li,rtfr. Hui,rrttfiUnr llest knit shawl, " I Idy, " tilting work, Kis-elmeu Is-ad work, " " shell " " burr " " " liather" " " hair " ii m I 00 I III 1 00 1 () 1 00 1 00 I IU I 00 1 00 I III) 1 If I I 00 1 00 .V) .V) ft) ft) ft) ft) ftl 1 Ul ft) " " wax " " ' drawing, " " painting, " silk embroidery, " worsteil " isitton " " worstisl mat, " cotton ' " knit Polish lsKit, " workisl sllis;r, " fancy pincushion, " head-driss, " display of moss painting, " colhs-lion dahlias, ' " artlllctal llowers, " " house plants In bloom, " ilrhst grass, " " " llowers, ' Vltrlet v llowers. ft) ft) ftl 60 50 I U) " sjvivlmen iieiimanshlp, JiidM Charles s. Fowler, Ksi -snv! Miss Hue Ever. 1 4iiiiw issn; aits, r .si Warillu, Jleiuluvk; Miss Maggie M, Sands, Jit, Pleasant. CLASS XI. llIUlt, HTOVr.s, TINWAIIB, AND I)K.t USTItV. John llctl, iSnerintemlciit, llest ft) iHiuuds wheat Hour. J.1 00 ' ft) " hkwh't ' 00 " ft) " rye " 3 00 " ft) " corn meal, s oo " cooking sto e with fixtures, 2 W) " parlor " " 2 ou " set artificial teeth, 1 00 Jiulijn .tohn lletts. Hemlock; C. D. I'owlcr, ller wlck; KllJah It. Heeler, lllooiu. CLASS XII. AUlllCL-LTl.-llAI.I.MI-I.nsiSMTS AMP MA- ctiisKiir, NyWcxler 1'imcl NnpcrinlmdtnJ, llest plough Tor general use, il 00 corn plough, l u) " coin planter, 2 00 " Ihreshiug machine, 2 00 " reaper and mowrr combined 2 in " fanning mill, 2 til " horse hav fork, 2 til " tsirn slu-f ler, 2 on " grain drill, 2 00 ' larui wagon, 2 on ' straw or fodder cutter, 2 00 " horse rake, l y) M H,rtable eider mill and press, 1 00 " sled, I ii, " clothes wringer, 1 u) " washing machine. l ul " sausage 1 oo ' clover liuller, 1 ai " churn. 1 no " w heelliarrow, ftl " roller, SO Jutlpm Sylvester I'lirmil, Hemlock; Levi A. Hutchinson, Centre; Cornelius Hollas, Orange, CLASS XII. VIllltL'LbS. JitcttO Grrraril, .Viipci vifrndr nf. Hest family carriage, top buggy, " oi.en ' " bfelgh. J eij 2 Hi 2 00 2 00 sulkey. 2 00 .7uicj?i .laeol i Gerrard. Greenwood; George I'a v- enee, .nimiii j-ie.is ini; jerry rteesiioiii, liernieK, CLASS XIV. I1KKS) AMD tir.KlUVtS. nvi(ii . Keller, iinpirinUiuttnl. llest swarm of bees. ii (il 2d " " ' 1 ti) " sample live pounds of iionev, 1 oo " Ihvelilve, 1 10 j,(7,.villlmu F. Keller, Millllu: II Irani Jl ltceder, Friiukllu; John Itanti, .lackson. CLASS XV. WISIM AND LIQCOH.S. Jltrum I), Amlciiimi,,SiiptruitcmUnt. Hest quart curiant wine, ' ' bl kberry, " " " grape, " SI in 1 on 1 id euerry, 1 tu rye whiskey. 1 ! 1 III Cllll r vinegar. JmUirs- -Illram D. Appleuiau, Hemlock; Dr. l)avi( -id Montgomery. -in ttUIn; hllwood Hughes, Centre. ASS X V I. l 'AltlNETWAItK, TA.VNKIl'.S, SIIOUMAK- Lll.S, lAll.UltM, rullKll'S, AMI tllllCKMAKhli'M WullK. ll'illiam T, .SAiorula, iSHjHriiu'rfitfraf, Hest bureau. 8i ID 1 in " dressing stand, ' display catilnetware, " set Windsor chairs, " spring-seat chairs, " rofklngchnir, " settee, " liest made suit of clothes ' hulf-tloicu brooms, " set single harness, " double ' two shies sole leather, 2 ujj t iii' 1 in 1 lu 1 in 2 10 1 00 2 III 2 00 1 HI 1 OO 1 00 1 (I) 1 no 1 00 kips, call, Iskllis. " pair calf IhsiIs " " kip " lot eartlieuware, " sainple clock-, .ii) Jiid'teit W. T. slium.in. Main: TL L. Gearharl. Giccnwood; W. 11. llclilch, Locust; John F. llutclilusun. Fishing Creek; .Miles S. Wltllutns. oiaiige. clvss xvii, nmiT. r. It, M'auter .S'ieniiciiifciit. Ileal J a liuslit l Tompkins County king apples, oi cr 1 ........ ......v. kllUMIII,, I. " l.lllell water, H " gtawmstclu, " 3 " lialdwin, " JJ " hubburilson mnnarcli " y. " bellllower, " display of apli-s, 1' ,1 Ill.n.1. til I ,..,,1,,,. 1 to 1 00 1 10 1 ii) 1 Oo 1 to 2 00 1 no 2 (O 1 to 2 00 1 00 ftl 1 00 2 tO 1 00 ft) ft) ft) ft) ft) Ji 1 10 ftl pears, peaches, quinces, Uori-n clusters grapes, display 5 clusters crevellng " 3 " enneoru " " .", " dlana " " 3 " delaw ares' " s " Isabellas, " " lot of fox grapes. ' display rasplierrles, sample uriuu apples, ' peaches, o H cherries, stoned and un- stoncd, dried. ft) JiuhietV. II. Wenner, Hilar (.'reek; Aaron Ke- t....... .vfit.l. U'i .mi 1 1... ile. Iletn ficlf Jolin ). iutck, Moutuiir; Frank 1. fves, Green- WIS Hi. CLASS XVII. TIIIAL. or lioasiss fyHirtttvj JMt, I'irsl Trot. Hest trotting horse, nunc, or gelding, J1C0 (0 (Fnlrunce lee, Sl i.) It less than four hopes are entered, for each Horse less Iltliu tour 5ii snail uu ueuucieu iroiu the premium oucreu. .Sceoul Trot, Hest trotting horse, mnre, iir gelding, UuO 00 (Kittramsj fee, Jlo.) If less tliiin four lioisesnroeiiterisl, for each horse less man lour did siuui oo iieuucieu irom nu- premium ouerisi. Mirmlfn' Mil. llest tniltlng horse, mare, or Holding, t- 00 ti-.iiiraucu ice, t i.) If less than four horses aro entered, for each horse less man lour M snail uu iicuilvieu iroiu um iii-iiiiilinii ottered. x'o nrcmltims wilt ho nwardeil for any of thn above three trots If less than two horses appear lo coiupi-ie uir iitepri'iniuius, m iii. iii.iiim to liirness iii-sl ii t ni inree. .... i i' si ...ii..... . t..u.ni. n Wilitt-rstolu. Mllllln: Samuel Kosteulsirder, Cat auo.ve voiiuet iviiiue i. -ii'o-"n, ...if.. tivlssa. CLAS.S XIX. rOOT-IlAUIMJ. nest run once round course. ts () 2.1 i W (i-;tiirnneo ice, m cenis.) If less than three persons enter for tho run no l.ii.ri.i.,liiii, ulll lm tiwnrdisl s1. . i . . I...... i....i..,.. . 1 il ll..t.nlu iWIJI -I irilil! I" ll, .invisst.it, ii, vj liunvil. Orange; Isaac (1, l'ursel, Hemlock, liri.ns AND IlKGULATIONS. (Arllclu third of tliu constitution reoulrt-s per sons to jay to the Assoclatlou ono dollar lo con stitute membership. The practice heretofore lias been tu buy tickets on Fair days, and have names recolded ill thu time.) Firtl. llvory person having articles for exhibi tion or coiiiiK lltlon, must become a member o tliif Association bctore enteriiu ineiii. .Ni-f.iiff. Mlnoiieaii brs-onie members or exhib itors when their parents are members. 7Vifn. The held of competition Is open to all i.rdi.tiu frniii iithin- i-otiiitt.'K and Stales call be come mtlilbltors niiu the same terms us cltlr.site of this county. ,, JXmrlh, Allattlclesotnired for nitnpotltlnn must bo nwneil by the coniis-tltor. 1'riill, vegetuliles. ttowers, ,e., iniisi oeiuo grow-iuoi ioe .i,ni..-ii-tor, and all manufactured articles must Ik' inwte by the competitor, tilth. All stock entered must bn what repre sented, or premiums will bo forfeited, ,Viri, All articles lor exhibition or competition must Is' entered by So'chs-k i-,m, Thursiliiv, the llih. mul evcetit lu llilliossllile i-ases. In, nil tile ground at that time, and remain thero until A OCIIK-K l'il. Ill I lliiay, inn l.lll, Wlll'll I lie j viu Hi nt the dlssisal ol the exllibllois. .Su i I'ttttt. Stands for the sale of refreshments cMl be obtained by iippliciitlon to tho Secretary or to II. I'. Hartman. , . ., . r.itihtlt. No license will bo granted stands that sell spirituous or malt liquors. Judges nppnlntist to exai .Ino the dltrerent Ciasiscswilt cnilli-l -a liieir .. hj s '-; , ' eallltig ill tlm Sccretiiry s otllce earl oi. rrlday tnortifiig, touiitaln their Instruclloiis. Tii.irt.is lo (tin Fair can bo obtained ut the dif ferent stores beiiire the Falr.or at tlio ticket olllce Jl to during rntruay.s. jusciu r,vo.i'Lit, j-msm. j)' r, i; ubi titvi rn tvpi-ii ginger " sample preserves, , " , fruit Jelly, toumto preserves, ellcuiiilier pickles, pickles nf ntiy other kind, apple butter, peach " Plum " GUAND OI'KNINO HIAND ol'KVI.s'O OilANI) Ol'KNINtl GIIAKD OPKNINO OHAND OPENINO l-'Af.r. AND WINTF.Il GOODS, l-'ALL AND WI.S'TKIl GOODS, FALL AND WINTKlt GOODS, FALL AND WINTKlt GOODS, FALL AND WINTLIl GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of cotislsllng of IUIY GOODS, DHY GOODS, imv goods, MIY GOODS, DHY GOODS, HATS AND CAIft, HATS AND CAIH, HATS AND CAFS, HATH AND CAHS, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND RHOI'.S, HOOTS AND HUOra, J100TS AND HHOKS, HOOTS AND 8HOF.S, HOOTS .ND fiHOIH, HKADY-MADE ClAlTHINO, HKADY-MADK CLOTHINO, ItKADY-MADE CIX5THINO, ItKADY-MADK CLOTHING), HUADY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKINO-GLASSF-S, LOOKING-GLASSIX, LOOKING-OLASSF-S, LOO K I NO-G LAHSF.H, LOOKINtMJLAbSFJJ, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS FAINTS AND OILS, l'AINTS AND OILS, I'AINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND OIIX, GUOCEIIH'.S, GHOfJKIlIKS, GIlOCHItlHS, GItOCKltllS, GltOCLHIlX, QtTI'.KNSWAUK, (M'KKNSWAHi:, Ht'I'.KNSWAUi:, QCKKNSWAltK, QUKKNSWAltK, HAUDWAUL', HAllDWAIti:, HAItDWAIti:, HAKDWAItr, HA ltDWAIli:, TINWAHi:, tinwaiik, tinwaui:, TINWAHK, TINWAItH HALT. SA.1.T, SALT, SALT, HALT, nut, FISH, FISH. l-'ITll, FISH, OHAIN AND BEEPS, (1HAIN AND SEEDS, (1KAIN AND SEEDS, GHAIN AND SF.EIM, GIIAIN AND HEEDS, Ac. e.. McKELVY, McKELVY. McKELVY, McKELVY, McKELVY, NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL Crt.'H, COS, CO.'S. ai.'s. CO.'S. NEAL & Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, HLOOMSHURG, PA., HLOOMSIUMtO, PA., HLOOMKItintO, PA., BLOOMSIIl'ltO, PA., HLOO-MSHCRG, PA, IRON IRON IRON IRON IRON AND NAILS, ANII NAIL'S AND NAIL. AND NAII, AND NAILS, til lai(iiuniitllles mul nt lisJltcisI ruto", tilwuy on Hind, JUUa AND OIIKMICAL 8T011K, rtloomshtifg, To. DHUtifl, CIIEMICAW, VAINTP, rcnvUMrHlT AND TOILET AHTICLTH. I'YKrt ft MOYi:n resp,cl fully Invite n contlnunnc of pntronsgfi. Their Drugs and Medicine uro Ml selected with the greajjfst cnre, nvoMltuc ft" much ns posslbln the ltitroducllon of ilrllrlous nostrums, and arn ptirchnsci from the btot Importing licmsei In the country. rATEXT MEDICINFfl of nil kinds, Including Ayru-'s, Jnyne's, Hollo way's, Hostetlcr's, WIshul's, llooflaud's, Ar, constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL HAIlt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND cLonrra nnuBHEH PAINTS AM) CirEMICAI4 of cvtry variety, arid of tho butt qnnlltr. FANCY TOILET AHT1CLL.H. Tho public may rely at all tlffln on procuring lh aliove nrtlclcs, with all the Dew useful pr"par Hons kejit In the liest conducted mtntillslimcutrt, PHYHICtAN'8 PKESCIUlTlONa and Family Ilecelpts comrmunded with th gtaaU est accuracy and dispatch. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Hloomshurg, Colombia Oonntr, To. The sntwcrllier, proprietor of tlio nhove-namM extensive estalillslimcnt, Is now prepared lo ro colve orders for till kinds of MACHINEUY FOIl COLLrEIHlS, HI-.VBT FUUNACEH, I5TATI0NARY F.NOINm MILtis, TltrtESHING MACIIINEH.-lO He Is also prepared to make Ptoves of all slieit nnd patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually made In first-class Foundries. Ills extesslve facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contract on the most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be Uikon In txcliango for Castings. This establishment is located near the Lack wanna and llloomsburg ttnllrond Depot. PETER F.ILLMYEH. rpiIE ONLY PLACE to get tho best TOHACCO AND CJGAIlfl, AT WHOLESALE ATs'D ItETAJU Is at HUNGSDEItGER'H, a ftiw? doors below the American Hous Uloomshurg, Pa. He has tho largest and most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO ever oft'ensl to tho citizens of DloomsbarK. All the fancy brands of SEfJAUK, and Iho bct Flne-cnt raid Plug CHEWING T0n.CtiO, can Iw had at Ills counters. tobacco ripns III great variety aro among his largo stock. DON'T FOUOET TO CjliU IT. II. IIUNSHElUjEIl. CTOVES AND T1NWAKK. ' A. M. nm'ERT announces to Ills friends and cusloincm th continues the above business nt Ills old place on MAIN STREET, RLOOMSIIUHO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd OTCry va riety of article found lu a Stovo and Tinware Es tablishment In theitlles.and on the most reason able terms. ltepulrlligdonenttlieshorlestuoUcA, Si DOZEN MILK-PAJCH on hand for sale. "PAGLE FOUND11Y. JOSEPH SHARPLras, Hloonuburg, Ihk HTOVES OF EVERY VARIETr, PL0CGHS1IARES, Pi)uaui-oisfr3, and all kinds of Castings, on hand or supplied on the shortest milieu and at tho cheapest rate. Castings for COAL BREAKERS AND COALRCUUTKa made toonlcr, IJMIESII ARRIVAL OF NEW ; GOODS. The undersigned has Just arrival from the City with a large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Dye Stuffs, IteaJy-MadeClotblng, Perfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Brushes, Trussen and Hupimrters, and n general assortment of every thing that belongs to a woll-appolnted Drug Htnn Also Patent Medicines ornll kinds, such as Jayno'n, Ayer's, Wlshnrt's, Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrnp, Brown's Troches, Swain's Panacea, Baker's Col Liver OU, HoolIand'K Hitters constantly on hand. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, PTtENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by the rtor.cn or naif-dozen. Atso HHOE-FINDINQS, FIsniNO-TACKLE, AC Having had a large experience lu the drug busi ness, I would respectfully invito Uiose wlshliuc anything lu that line to call and se t. -'..A be fore purchasing elsewhere. "In modlclns quality Is of tho first Importance." ilUll.l IV. AJW II, IS, Q D. ROIUUNS & CO., IRON MERCHANTS, Northeast corner of Second and Vino BlreeU, Phlladclphln, JOSEPH S. DELL, Manufacturer of nnd Wholesalp Denier tn CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CAfiSIMEHES, AND VEHT1NGS, No. North Tlilrd Street, Philadelphia. Q.OOI) NEWS FOR EVERYBODY. Owing to tho lata full In gold, KPHRAIM W. ELWELT. has reduced his prices to suit all buyers, either at wholesale or retaU, If you want SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, HYRUPH, BPICE3, CRACKEIW. CANNED FRUIT, Dill ED FRUIT, WOODENWAHE, FISH, HUVNS, CHEESE, FIiOUll, FEED, !., Ac. AC., glvonmncall. EP1I1IAM W. n.WCLL J 11. PURSEL, ll.lv?II--'vs, tS.VllJUil., Al' 1UU.SIS MANUFACTURER, nnd dealer In CARPET-HAGS, VALISIi?, FLY-NETO .Ac, Main Street, Hloomsbnrs, Pa. poWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. 'i M. MONROE A CO., Ruport, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDER KF.OS, and dealers In nil kinds of LUMBER, glvlTnot Ice thai they are prepored to aorornodnt their custom with dlnsitch. and uu the cheat-rat t rcu,