J'-U"J-.!Lf i. 1 THE COLUMBIAN, ELOOMSETJllG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER G, 180(5. as. nation, what tire wu authorized to con clude '! Why, thnt Uteris lire, ns I stated In the commencement of my remarks, two capital subjects for the consideration of the people nt this time, mid for their Judgment In the pending elections t tho one, it (mention of tho restoration of tho Union, and tho other, the question of tho admission of negroes to tho right of suirrngo ut our election!). The policy of restoration la presented by tho President of the United States and by those who think with him, nttd tltc Judgment and action of tho people ltro Invoked lit ltd favor. On the other hand, tho question of tho admission of negro suffrage Into tho political systems of tho Stato Is presented by tho Con gresslonal majority. You have tire is sue hero distinctly presented, and you are to decldo It. By tho platform of the Congressional majority the .State which Icrmltri "'0 negro to vote shall hold her political powor under the Constitution, whllo tho State which refuses shall be stripped of r portlou of her power and degraded among the States. Tho platform of the President and of tho patriotic men who are moving In this election Is, that the Constitution Hhall bo executed and the Union fully restored, and that the subject of suffrage shall bo left to tho decision of tho States concerned. Between these policies "choose ye." You cannot have them both or approve them both, for they uro antagonistic to ouch other the one excludes the other, Gentlemen, 1 sliitu hopo that your cholco will be wisely mado; thnt you will select the policy of restoration and stand to It until it shall triumph, and reject the policy which would degrade mid corrupt elections to an extent fear ful to contemplate, Mid sow the prolillc needs of political convulsions and of so clal dcaiy. It Is for mo to state tho 1 mo, it Is far you to determine it upon those convictions which you shall en tertaln of policy and of duty at this Juncture In our public affairs. Gentlemen, I shall now mention some additional points in this same direction which should possess peculiar interest for tho people of this Congressional District. . Tho llouso of Representatives at its last session under tho lead perhaps I should oorrect tho expression and say tinder tho whip of its master, Mr. Stevens, passed a bill which I propose to read j it is very short : A bill extending the right of auf frago in Uio District of Columbia. lie it enacted, etc., That from all lawn and parts of laws prescribing tho quali fications of electors forany ollleo in the District of Columbia, tho word " white" , , be, and the sumo is hereby, stricken out, and that from and after tho passage of this uct no person shall ba disfranchised from voting ut any election held in the said District on account of color. Section 2. That all acts of Congress and all laws of the Statu of Maryland in force in said District, and all ordi nances of tho cities of Washington and Georgetown, incousistcnt with tho pro visions of this act, aro hereby repealed and annulled. That was a bill establishing negro suffrage for tho District of Columbia, over which Congress has excluslvo ju risdiction. It was passed by tho House of Representatives on the eighteenth of Jauuary, 18G0, by a vote of 11G yeas to 61 nays, and among those voting for it appears tho name of Mr. Mercur, tho Representative in Congress from this District. On tho fifteenth of May an other important bill passed the House of Representatives to amend the organic acta of tho Territories of Nebraska, Colorado, Dakota, Montana, Washing ton, Idaho, Arizona, Utah, and New MovL-o. Tho ninth section of that bill was in relation to ulTrnge. I moved to strike out that section In the Scnato, and It was debatod, tho striking out being resisted by Mr. Wnde of Ohio who had chargo of tho bill, and finally the qttes tlon went ovor without action. The ninth section oi the bill was In theso words : .That within tho Territories afore wild thoro shall bo no denial of tho elect ive iranchlso to citizens of tho United Statos because of raco or color, and all persons shall bo equal before tho law Hy tho way, this expression alluding to citizens of tho United States is to bo taken in connection with the Civil Bights Bill, which declares that all persons born in tho United States and owing no allegiauce to a foreign power snail bo citlzeus, Including negroes of course Tho bill goes on : And all nets and parts of nets, either of tho Territories aforesaid, inconsistent with the. provisions of this net, are hero- uy uuouiuu nun ami void. Mr. LcBlond of Ohio moved to strike put this section In tho House, which mo t tlon was disagreed to I by a voto ofiJO ypas, nays. Among tho nnys refus ing to striko out tho clause which I havo just read, appears thonameof Mr, Mercur, tho Representative in Congress from this district. Upon another occasion, in the House. Mr. Julian of Indiana offered a resolu tion Instructing tlio Judiciary Conimlt teo to inquire Into tho expediency of th3 passage of a bill providing for tho vory objects contemplated In tho bill from which I havo last road, and fur ther, giving notice to all tho Territories that no Stato should hereafter bo admit ted Into tho Union tho constitution of which contained any discrimination on account of raco and color as to the elect ive franchise A motion was mado to lay that resolution of Mr. Julian's upon tho tablo, nnd upon tho question being taken, Mr. Mercur, your Member of Congress, voted " No j" that Is, Implied ly In favor of tho propositions which tho resolution contained. I havo troubled you with theso refer ences to tho Congressional record for the purpose of summing up tho argument, so far as wo aro concerned In tracing it rd this time. It appears, then, that our Hopresentatlvo In Congross voted for tho resolution amending tho Constitu tion of tho United States, tho main pro vision of which relating to sufTrngo is such as I havo described It. It appears alo that ho voted for a general and In discriminating suffrage in the Hj-trict of Columbia, enabling tho colored In habitants of that District, whero Con gress has Jurisdiction over tho question! to vote. It appears also that ho voted font bill to establish universal negro suffrage In nil tho existing organized Territories of tho United States In tho West; and tho bill went further, be causo It proceeded to repeal and annul everything that had been done by the people of those Territories In it contrary direction, that is, against negro suirrago repealed them all. By Congressional power It proposed to establish negro sulVrugo In all tho'o Territories Into Which our fellow-citizens go, and where they aro establishing political Institu tions for themselves. For this measure yourRepresentatlvc voted, and ho Voted also against laying on the table Mr. Ju- liun's resolution which contemplated just sch legislation for tho Territories, and proposed also a Congressional notice to each of those Territories that when they eanio to org.mlzo themselves as States they must form their constitutions with negro suffrage Incorporated therein, or they should not be admitted Into the Union. I say, then, thnt I havo proved to you I havo not asserted It merely thnt the Congressional majority have com mlttcd themselves distinctly upon this Issue, nnd In particular I have proved to you that tho Representative In Con gress from this district has committed himself in tho broadest nnd amplest manner to tho wholo doctrine of Negro SuffraM In nil tho Territories of tho United States and In the-Dlstrict of Co lumbla. And by this Constitutional amendment Which they and lie support ed it Is intended to force it Into every Stato in this Union eventually. This is tho record presented, and this record Is to bo held up before you in contrast to tho record of tho President of the Unl ted States, who is so much condemned and abused. Ills policy is restoration, whllo tho policy of his political antago nists is negro suffrage. They say so by their votes, they say so by their amend ment, they say so by their bllLs. You can judge them not out of the mouths of those who are opposed to them, but out of their own. Here they 6tand and from the responsibilities of their post tlon and of their acts they ought not to bo permitted to escape. I hear thnt our Representative in Congress ventured to suggest in some discourse nt tills place thnt the question of negro suffrage was not an issuo in tho election. At Blooms burg he proceeded to admit that ho had voted for negro suffrage In the District of Columbia, and endeavored to excuse It on several pretexts which I need not ropcat. In Towanda, recently, he was more outspoken. I have it from a gen tleman who heard him speak there with in a few days, that in answer to tho al legation that complaints were made against him on account of his votes, ho stated distinctly that he was In favor of negro suffrage, and that he did not ask tho votes of men who did not agree with htm In opinion on that subject. Gentlemen, as 1 said before, you nre sovereigns. Tho men who sit at Wash ington in either House of Congress nre simply charged with certain duties a your agents. Tho opportunity is now presented to you to interpose in public affairs, and to pronounce yourown judg ment upon all these matters which 1 have passed In review beforo you. You aro to form your opinions nnd pro nounce your judgment upon this issue, which Is so clear that no intelligent man ought to miss perceiving It and compre hending it. There Is only ono thing I wish to add on these matters before 1 conclude. In the speech delivered by our Representa tive In Congress at Bloomsburg, his most effective point with tho audience was made upon tho admission of Sena tor Patterson, of Tennessee, as a member of the Senate just before tho adjourn ment of Congress. Mr. Mercur in that speech nlleged that men of the South wero not to bo trusted as Representa tives In cither House of Congress even under what has been railed the " iron clad oath," which requires a denial on tho part of tho person taking It that he has bornonrnis against thoUnlted States, or assisted the enemies of tiie United States In any way whatever. Ho said tho people of tho South aro not to be trusted, and that Congress ought not to ailmit members 'from tho Southern States because even their oaths aro not reliable, and ho cited tho caso of Senator Patterson as conclusive or at least pow erful proof on thl.rpolnt. I supposo ho mado tho samo speech here, and there fore! will answer him on that point, and then relievo you from further discourse on all this matter of the Issue between the President and Congress upon which I have hitherto snoken. Ho said that Judge Patterson, of Ten nessee, held an ollleo In thntState which Involved tho taking of an oath of alleg iance to tho Confederato Government j that ho nppoared at Washington ; that his caso was referred to tho Judiciary Committeo of tho Senate, composed of distinguished lawyers nnd statesmen from different sections of tho Union ; that that commutes investigated the caso and mado an elaborate report to the Somite against his claim to bo admlttod as a member; that subsequently a reso lutlon was Introduced allowing him to bo admitted without taking tho wholo of tho oath, allowing him to tako an oath from which particular words should bo struck out; that such a measuro passed the Semte and cum over to tho House, and tho Houso vory properly re Jocted It, after which tho Scnato voted that tho question of his ability to tako the oath should bo submitted to Judge Patterson himself, and upon so being suumttto.l to him ho c.uno forward and porjured himself in tho faco of Go.l nnd man, and toik Ids so.it tlnro lit dollanco or moral obligations resting upon him, mm in defiance of public decency. Hence tho conclusion was drawn that tho people of tho South will tako false oaths; that tho peoplo of the South nru not to bo trusted; that Representatives who como from thorn nro vile, corrupt, nnd wicked men, not worthy of ndmls- ion to Congress, mid you ought to con tinue such men iw you havo now In Congress constituting tho Congressional majority, andyoit ought not to weaken their power by admitting anybody else to sharo power with them. This was tho conclusion naturally to bo drawn from tho discourse. Now I propose to read to you, from tho Oonurcs.iionat Globe, sonio of the proceedings In tho month of July, not merely for the purpose of answorlngour Represen tative In O.mgresi upon this particular point, but also for tho purple of casting some little light upon the general question of admitting mem bers. Senator Patterson Is a son-in-law of tho President of tho United States. When tho war broko out ho was a citi zen of Mist Tennessee, and hu then held office as h Judge under the constitution of Tennessee. After tho Stato seceded he continued to hold that oUlce, of cou rsc under tho old Constitution, nnd under the former laws, and exercised its duties for some time, When ho was re-elected nt the lnstanco of and by tho votes of tho Union men of his district. I will now read to you what tho Judiciary Committeo of tho Senato said with re ference to his case. Instead of reporting against him, they reported in his favor, and they gavo sonio powerful reasons why ho should bo admitted. This was on the twenty-seventh of July last. The report was made from tho Judiciary Committee by Mr. Poland, of Vermont, a Republican member. Tho Committee consists of seven members, and six of tho seven united in this report, and alt tho members unanimously agreed In the statement of facts It contained as Mr. Poland explained. At tho couelu slon of their report tho Committee say nuptmr fll tlitj Hmn .Tnrlrrn Pnffnr. son was an open, avowed, antl devoted adherent to tho Union. He was incon stant communication with the officers of the Federal troops nearest that vi elnlty. and obtained and furnished to them Information as to the movements of the Rebels. He aided In concealing union men, and in laciiitating their es cane to tho Union lines, when they ecu orally entered tho Union service. Ho aided tho Union ncoiilo and tho Union cause in every way open to him, nnd too numerous for detail. By thcno means he became amenable to tho hostility of tho Secessionists, and was subjected to great dlfllculty and danger. Hu was several times arrested nnd held for some time in custody. At times ho was obliged to conceal himself for safely, and spend nights in out-buildings and in tho woods to avoid their vengeance." " The committee aro all satisfied that. during tho entire Rebellion, Judge Pat terson was an earnest, urm, and devo ted Union man, and suffered severely in support of ills principles. In accept ing thu olllce of Judge, and taking tho otlieial oath, he did not intend nny hos tllltv to the nuthority or Government of the United States, nor did he intend to ncUnowiedge any allegiance to, or any friendship for thu Confederate gov ernment, but acted throughout with a sincere desire to benefit and preserve tho Union and Government of the Uni ted States, lie always denied the au thorlty of the Confederate Government over him, and feels an entire willing ness and anility to take the oatli re quired upon his admission to a seat lii tho Semite. Tho committee recommen ded the following resolution : Jlesutvcd, That Uonorablu David T. Patterson is duly qualified and entitled to hold a scat in tho Scnato of the Uni ted States as a Senator from thu Stnte of renne-'seo." That is tho record of what the com mitteo said and of the resolution which they reported for the action of the Sen ate. Subsequently in tho debate, Mr. Trumbull of Illinois (tho only member of the committeo who dissented from tho majority as to the legal conclusion to bo drawn from tho facts, although ho entirely concurred in tho report as to its statement of facts,) proposed to tho Senate that In order to avoid discussion and to save time, a resolution should be parsed dispensing In that particular caso with that portion of the oath which requires a man to testify that he has not held office tinder a Government hostile to tho United States. Although there was a majority of tho Senato, and a very large one, as was shown afterward, In favor of admitting Senator Patterson without further question, yet to save time, and because there could bo no ob jection to it, Judgo Trumbull was In dulged In tho Introduction and passage through tho Senato of a resolution ad mitting Judgu Patterson, upon taking an oath In a modified form. That reso lution went over to tho House, and what dhl the House do with it? Here ras tho caso of a man who had under ono great sufferings, unci against whom nothing in the world could bo alleged in connection with his conduct toward tho Government of tho United States. Ho had been very serviceable to our Government; he had adhered to our cause in thu darke.it days of tho Rebel lion ; he had been persecuted and hunt ed even to tho mountains and to tho caves of tho earth, becausu ho was our friend. Now what did Thaddeus Stev ens and his faello Instrument, thu member of Congress from this district, do in this caso of Judgo Patterson when brought beroro them by the Senato res olution? What did Mr. Stevens, tho master of tho Houso, Mr. Mercur, and other men of the majority of tho Houso do in thu caso of this loyal man from Tennessee, who camo up covered all over with tlio affection nnd attachment of nil the men of that Stato who had adhered to us during tho war. AVhut did they do? Thoy voted down tho resolution ; voted as far as they could that ho should not get his seat In tho Senato; voted that they would not dis pense with tho technicality of the oath In his caso; voted that thoy would slam the door of Congross In tho face of ono who had struggled llko a patriot amid appalling difficulties whllo thoy wero nt homo taking their ease, and perhaps making a little money oir con tracts and tho distribution of Govern incut patrouago nnd favor. Mr. Slev ens and Mr. .Mercur wero for refusing oven whnt tho only member of tho Ju dlciary Committeo of tho Senate who dissented from tho conclusion of tho ma jority asked for, a dispensing resolution to tako away tho technical objection, as ho held it, under this oath. Thero is Mr. Mercur' voto on record ; ho euid no" to tho resolution of tho Scnato, nnd so said the Radical majority of tho House. Observe, these gentlemen In the Pat tersou case wcru not objecting oh, what n falsehood It Is, what a mean thing It Is, to say they arc objecting I to admit ting unrepentant Rebels Into Congress those " red-handed" men Whoso hearts nro yet sour and contaminated with se cession and with hatred of us! Ah! they want to keep such men out! Do they, Indeed? Wo have not been dis cussing that question. Wo havo been Insisting from tho beginning thnt each 1 toitso.shult take up each member's case, and decide It according to the facts and nccordlng to the Constitution nnd laws. But they say nobody shall come In. That is their platform; that Is their ground ; that Is what they have assert ed. They say here, that Judge Patter son shall not come In, loyal man though he was from the beginning, nttd with such a record ns that which I havo read to you front their own committee; Judgu Patterson shall not como in, nobody shall conic In; and why? "Because their power will be divided ; they will not riot as now In the political powerof this coun try; they will not control everything 1 There can be no other coneclvnblo mo tive ; and this appealing to your pas sions; this talk about " red handed reb els ;" this endeavor to waken up the old passions which ran riot over the land during tho wnr, and which were then timely, perhaps, which wero natu ral at least, but which aro now out of time and out of place nil this Is simply that they may disguise tho true issue, which is, shall the Union be restored, shall the States resume their former places In the Union, shall tho policy of Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant, as announced in December and January last, be executed, or shall it bo delayed Indefinitely until these gentlemen can secure for tho negroes of this country that right of suffrage which the negro has not asked, but which they would thrust upon him in the hopo that thoy may get useful allies for future political contests nnd thus bo enabled to contin ue their rule and their nuthority In this country. Yes, Mr. Mercur voted against admitting Judgu Patterson, ns proposed. The Senate was informed thnt tho Houso would not pass tho resolution, and thereupon the question nrose again directly upon the admission of Judgo Patterson by the Senate, it was deba ted and determined finally In the Sen ate about four o'clock in the morning of tho day of adjournment, nnd speeches mado by myself nttd by other members of the Senate, upon that occasion, arc lying beforo mo in the Congressional Globe. 1 shall not detain you with a recital of tlio arguments of Senators, although such recital would constitute a triumphant vindication of the decis ion arrived nt. It Is sufficient to say, that It appeared most manifest nnd In disputable that Judgo Patterson had never borne allegiance to theConfedera ey, or given it "aid nnd comfort;" that ho had never as Judge, enforced any one of Its laws; that tho oath to tho Confederacy taken by him, had been taken under duress, and was ac companied by an open protest nnd dec laration that he should not regard It as binding upon his conscience or conduct, and that in his Court nnd out of it, and during tho whole war, ho was active and ardent in his unionism nnd wholly devoted to tho Constitution and Gov ernment of tlio United States. Now,gentlemen, I havetaxed your pa tience wdth this case of Judge Patterson because It illustrates tho unreasonable lengths to which the Congressional ma jority go in opposition to tlio policy of restoration, and to expose to you tlio fact that they object and they voto against the admission of tho most loyal men who can be selected within the limits of the country, whenever It comports with their Interests or their passions. And here let mo add, that after tho debate In the Senato, Judgo Patterson was admitted to his scat early In the morning of tho day of adjournment by a voto of twenty-one yeas to eloVen nays. The yeas, according to tho rec ord before mo, wero "Messrs. Bucka- lew, Cowan, Davis, Doollttle, Fdmuuds, Fesseuden, Foster, Guthrie, Harris, Henderson, Howe, Johnson, Klrkwood, Lane of Indiana, Norton, Poland, Rid dle, Sherman, Van " Inkle, Wllley and Williams." By n vote of two to one, the Senato of the United States, composed of three fourths Republicans to ono-fourtlrtDem ocratio members, admitted Judgo Pat tersou to ids scat, nnd admitted him rightly under a just, liberal, and proper construction of tho laws of the country And yet tills man is held up to you as a wretch who has perjured his soul nnd Is covered all over with Infamy, and you are asked to delay tho policy of tho res toration of tho Union and to go with tho Congressional majority foran indef inite period of tlmo in their work of mischief, because such men ns Judgo Patterson como forward nnd honestly take oaths under the laws of tho land, and tako seats In Congress by tho votes oven of persons politically opposed to them ! Gentlemen, I am done with tho ills cusslon of what I understand to bo tho truo issuo beforo tho peoplo of this country as to policy. I will add a word or two as to men, and close. Tho gentleman who has been named for tho ollleo of Governor of this Stato, nnd who has been beforo you I mean Mr. Clymer and the candldato who has been named for tho post of Reprcsenta tivo from this Congressional district, Judgo IA well, do correctly nnd truly represent that policy of restoration in favor of which I havo spoken to-night ; and their antagonists rcpresout tho op- polto policy. In acting upon theso two nominations youaro called to pronounce Judgment distinctly nnd clearly upon tho Issues which 1 havo presented to night. I trust that so far as you are concerned, your decision will be in ac- eordaneo with Justice, with right, nnd with publiu policy : that It will b In J favor of acomplcto restoration of nil the States of tho Union to their proper places by giving them representation In tho Government of tho United Stales; that It will bo lit favor of pfitcc,of har mony, nnd of concord In this country In future and from your decision given With these objects wo may hopo tho most auspicious results. ciKoum: if. Mount'!, iuhtou. ni.OOMtfllUltd, HATUItPAV, OCT. (I, iW. Tin! following secret circular, Issued by P. John, in tho name of Colonel Knnrr, Chairman of tho Republican County Committee, has been detected, and the scheme of trading votes it con tains exposed by publication in thocam- pnlgn sheet of the Democracy. The disgrace of this business ought not to bo charged upon tho Republican pnrty In general, but upon P. John nnd his clique. The iniquity is theirs. But so long ns John is allowed to lead, his Had leal friends must expect to get into scrapes and to bo disgraced by him. OirrtCK lturmiMCAM STAMPING Com.,) l!l.ooMsnuitc, t'A., October 1, IN'A J Tw. . c... lirui. ...lt T you the regular Republican ticket. You ui tf nil una iiitiii j. 01-1111 win see mat, iney nru got to the polls early on Tuesday morning. Make It your business to s,eo that this is done. wu nave no candidate ror Assembly, nor for County officers. You will see that there arc but two ballots for our ticket tills Fall. This is in accordance with tlio new law. One is labelled "Stnte," and contains these words, "Governor John W. Geary." When this ballot Is folded the word "State" appears on tho outside. The other is la oeiied "County" and contains these words : " Congress Ut.Yssr.s Mr.uci'n." "Senate Ai.EXA.vmm J. Fuick.' When folded the word "Cotintv" nn- pears on the outside. To accommodate those Republicans who desire to vote for Colonel Tato for Assembly, in order to break down the liucKiuew despotism in this county, the " Democrat and Star" havo printed the Republican ticket with Tutu's added. This matter is left optional with our friends. As wo have no can didate nnd if tho friends of Tate are willing to vote for Mercur. we shall of- icr no oojecuon. 'iwaccommodato those Democrats who vote for Mercur. the full Democratic ticket with Mercur's nnmo substituted for that ofFlweil will be sent you. lours, SAMUEL KKOIttl, Chairman Standing Committo. Tho following is tho bogus DeniO' cratic ticket printed by Doctor John and headed " The Regular Democratic Ticket." STATE. Governor, Ileister CJymcr. JUDICIARY. Associnto Judges, Peter K. Herbein, lram Derr. COUNTY. Congress, Ulysses Mercur. State Senator, George D. Jackson. Assembly, Levi L. Tate. Prothonotary & Clerk of Courts. Jesse Coleman. Register & Recorder, John G. Freeze. Commissioner, Montgomery Cole. Auditor, John P. Hannnn. A SPEECH FOR THE TIMES Wk have for some time intended to furnish our readers before the election with somo conservative speech discuss' ing tho issue between tho President and tho Radicals in Congress, nnd in vlndi cation of tho former in regard to the policy of restoration. With this view nn arrangement was made to havo the speech of Major Charles II. Shrlner, at the meeting held hero In the Court House, by him duly reported for ou columns. It turned out, however, that a report of Ills speech could not be had Now, on tho ovo of tho election, we find it convenient to glvo Mr. Buckalew recent speech In Danville, as It was ta ken down by a competent reporter for publication there, and wo surrender u a great part of our space in our present number In order to furnish it entire. Without endorsing everything con taiued in the speech, wo can say with confidence that It furnishes a fair dls cusslon of the President's policy of res toration, of tho resolution proposing nmendments to tho Constitution of tho United States, and of Mr. Mercur's re cordns a Member of tho Lower House of Congress. It will bo the more ncconhi ble to our readers becauso it Is tiota par ty speech of tho ordinary typo, nnd uoes not ueai in personal denunciation AN ACT. Section I. Bo it enacted by tho Sen ato and IIouo of Ilepresentntlvcs of the Commonwealth of I'ennsylvnnla in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by tho authority of tho same, That all persons who havo been muster ed Into the military service of the Unit ed States, and havo served therein for n period of not less than nine months, In tho war to suppress rebellion, and their property, and those persons who have ueen discharged from said servlco on ac count of wounds or physical disability contracted In such servlco nnd their property, and thu widows and orphans of such persons anil their property, shall bo exempt from tho 'payment of all bounty nnd per capita tax levied, or to bo levied, for paying bounties to voltin teers in tho several counties of this Coin monwenlth, and such persons .shall also bo exempt from tho payment of mllltla fines. Approved tho thirtieth tiay of March. A. 1 . ISfiO. THE RIGHT OP SUFFRAGE. Tb thf (01eTi 0 Itit Itltelhnt unit Otitiu n (b- tumtita Hiunlyt Ah District Attorney for this County, nnd underobllgrttltmiWHticli topron-ctilo offenders ngalnst the laws of tho Com monwealth, 1 deem it my duty, to call our attention to n question of Voting at the approaching election. In tlio Constitution of tho Stnte, you will find thoqtiullfientionsof utyjk'ctor, ilalnly set forth; nnd until there be some Htullcal change In that Instrument, we must necept It as It Is. Tho General Flection Laws moro ful ly rcclto these qualifications, and these laws must bo our guide In dermlnlng who shall, nnd who shall not participate n tho privileges of tho ballot-lox. It has been maintained by some, for political etrcct, that n class of persons commonly called " deserters," are not entitled to voto at Stato elections, and that nn election bonrd must reject their votes. On the eleventh day of June, 1800, nn act of Assembly was passed Intended to carry into effect tho act of Congress passed on tho third of March, 1805, de prlvlngccrtaln persons commonly called 'deserters" of tho right to vote. Sub sequent to this, tho Supremo Court of this Stato has pronounced thnt the act of Congress cannot bo enforced by ciec' tlon boards, thoy can only act after trial and conviction by competent tribunals. Judgo Strong who delivered the opin ion of the court, says : Tho act of Conirress means that tho forfeiture which it prescribes, like all other penalties for iU:irtIon, must bo adjudged to tho convicted persons, a k- TKK TUIAI. HY A COU11T MAIITIAI. AND Hr.NTKN'UK At'rnovEt). For the con viction and sentence of such u court, thcre.can be no substitute. They alone establish the guilt of the nccused, nnd fasten upon him tlio IclmI consequences. Such, wo think, is tho truo meaning of tho act, a construction that cannot no denied to it without losim sight of all previous legislation respecting the sub ject matter, no part of which does this act profess to alter. The' ground taken by Judgo Strong is, that there must bo an nccusatiohi K court a trial a conviction a sentenco an approval of that sentence ; and n record showing all these must precede the punishment. Not until all this has been gone through with, can nn election bonrd legally reject tho vote of any of that class of persons called "deserters." All persons arc presumed innocent till they are proven guilty. Thoy nro not to bo punished without urcouu evi dence or CONVICTION. By the one hundred and third section of the General Flection Law of second of July, 183!), it is provided : If any Inspector or Judge of any elec tion snail Knowingly reject tno vote oi any qualified citizens each of the persons so unending, shall on con viction, be punished in tno manner nro- scribed in the one hundred and seventh section of tho act, (i o, by a fine of not less than titty dollars nor moro than two hundred.) By section one hundred and ten of tho election lnw above mentioned it is pro vided that " If nny person shall use or practise any intimidation, threats, force, or vio lence with design to influence unduly, or overawe any elector, or to prevent him voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person on conviction hall be fined in any sum not exceeding live hundred dollars and bo imprisoned for any time, not less than one, nor moro than twelve months." By the act of Assembly just recited it appears that tho voto of every person qualified under tho Stato constitution and laws must bo received, that its re jection is nn indictable offense. This question has been fully decided by tho Supremo Court of tills State, nnd therefore cannot como within the prov ince of an clectjon bonrd. No man's private feelings can bo consulted in this matter. Wo have laws laid down for our guidance and control, and wo must observe them in determining tho quali fications of a voter. It Is desirable that election officers and citizens should pay due attention to tho laws of this Stato regulating the right of suffrage. It is tho duty of nil good citizens to observo tho laws of tho land and see that no qualified voter is denied the prlvilego of tho elective franchise. In all cases whero there may hnvo been a rejection of legal voters, or nn intimidation of voters, it will bo incum bent uion mo as representing the in terests of tho Commonwealth toseo that prosecutions nro promptly Instituted nnd duo punishment inflicted. M. M. TitAUOir. District Attorney. PcooMJniT.n, Octolr J, lift). IiETTEIl OF DECLINATION. To Hie Democracy o Columbia bounty It having become "patent" to us r.! thnt tho contest on the Ikq.rcsentatlvo question, If continued in this district, wottui uo nKeiy 10 complicate, to some extent, tno general questions involved in tno coming election, nnd to some ex tent tojeopardizo tho value of the force or the Democracy here, and being ex ceedingly anxious, ns I havo always uvi.11, ur me success 01 jjemocratic prin ciples, and that nothing on my part should bo done to Impede tho onward march of the moral and political fureo which mu.-t eventually control tho country, I deliberately nnd thoughtfully retlro from tho field, as a cnudldato for Hepresentatlvo in tho Stnte legislature. This I doforthereiu-nnsnhovoiisslmii.i nnd not because I was not foieK. ti, choice of tlio Democracy. leaving whs question undiscussed, I shall bo found now, ns at all former times, hat tllng boldly for tho principles of our time-honored party. Thankful for tho ardent support of my numerous Mends, I am, very respectfully, Your obedient f-ervunt, Levi L. Tate. ltfloMiHUItil,OotolM.-r S, law. Ilrlilttfi Nnttr T. in . . u pendinroion tho eiinlt.il si-t ,.r 11,. ',s" V1..' .' I'll or hVli1?."".""''"' liable t tho Mockl'in f. Cataw,,a IlKtlqe i'fVtrr, Oct, I, iSl. it. M. 1VV.1L, ATT011NKY-AT-I.AW, CUllrnlln, Coliimtiln Cmintr, fs. ATfOHNnY-AT.l.AW, Otnoo o Mnlll Mlrvrl, Hrt ilnor wmt J,i llolitrl CUrJt, AVroltNKY-AT-I.AW, OdVo rnrtu-r of Main Mid Mfirkot mtru , K. II. I.IUIf, ATTOKN K Y-AT-1 .A W, OIlM on Mrtn Mtrwt, In whltn frim lxm,!, low 111 Kxrnunxe uoiti. .In tin d. Vrfti, ATTOIINKV-AT-I.AW, Ollten In Ilnjlitcr nnJ nfmrdfr'n onie, n iKKcmi'tii or inn conn moiim. TVJEW CLOTHING AND OKNTlt MEN'H FtlltNISIIINO BTOHH. The uiiclcrslnnetl tonprclfnlly unnonnfm hj, mini)- frlcTuln Hint ho hfw optied ntw dott'i, ril ICIcnllsmon'n KurnUhlnrf Htnrn, lu Hi. !,,, room of tho Itnrttnitn UutMIng, ou11iwmI n,n, ot Mln un l Mitrklt HtrMU, Illooituburs, . lluvliig Jiiit rrlnmM from rbtldltiU iu, Irge Stock of v fai.Ij aj1 wiNTEti cirriiiiru nnd GKNTI.KMEN'H FtmNJBHINCl ClOOPH, .,!, lm nnttrra lilmirir tun n ran ikj nil, stock comprint MEN'S, BOYH', AND 0mW CIXTHIJIi, Mich u ' vnrm COATH, Jm, HACK CO OYKIOOIH Bnwn. PANTS, VESTS, UNPKRSlUnTB, DltAWEIUI, coi.uw, NECK-TIE iiohiitut, NUSi'ENPtl H.tNDKEItCTIIEFH, UUIUIKLUIS, nnp In fcl everything In Hi CleUitng r ftr. ntnhlnK line nt ytty low prlcM. In Addition to tho abort ht hm n tlttiM ortmcnt of CI)TJIfl, CAKHIMUUnfl, AND VCTTIROd, cirmiNa madk to ohdeii at tiu fHHOltTEST NOTICE. Oil and co before purctuutnK rliswlsra, ml HlXUrtE OUEAT IIAUOAINH. oet-ir J. w. citAunr.nuti pUBLIC SALF. OV VAMTAltU: KBAI, KMTATt Tn nurnnnnre nf nn orilr of thi- OrntmnK' Coin of CoUimliln County, I'n.. on HATUIIPAT, IM 10th dnvof NOVEMlfcll iVdt. nt Iftii'clw'k Inttli forenoon. Siimucl Achenbncti. Adnilnt-drAttir t' Josi-pli Itnj'ImrM, Into of OninKO Township, II nn.lt! county, dt'cent'tl.wHI cxtHftc to Milr.by pub lic vendue, on Hip premised, n ccrtnln lot oi plot of ground sitiuttn In the town of OrHnuevllti., la the Township of Ornuge, in Ihe oounly HforrtiiM, hounded on tho north hy lnndn of John Acl.ii hnch, on the emt hy Mnln Street of Anlrt toit,on the south hy land of CorncliiiH IteltuK, nnd on it,, west oy inuilH oi lowhimi Applemnn, conlnlnlni one imimrt'u mm HixiyeiKni en in jrom.iuvi otie hundred unit twentv-flve feet In denth. mnr. or lesH, whereon nre vreetcd n lwo.tory four dwellliiK-houxe, n wnjjoii.iiinKer h s'inp, Mbli, nnd other outbuildings. Ijite the etnte of rni deceiwed, Rltnnte in the To'vr.nhlp .f Ornnpe, mil county nforefnld. JISiSE COI.EMAN, CUik. llliyioMsuciio, September 37, 1WI. TEIIMSJ OK HA I.E. Ten nor cent, of the iturehn-se-nion v to be tlA on thedny of unle; ono third Icm thotwti prrit. on the 1st dny of April, 1S(S7, M lien possesilotif tho premise- will he clven; one third on the In ilny of April, lstls, with Interest from tlio lililit; oi .prii, jvif ; oneiniro loremuin in tnitpreinu.i during the lilcof the widow of 5nld deceased, ftiij ine inicresi iiiereoi 10 ue nnnuniiy ami reKUUrir pnIdtonld widow hy the purchnner on the In dny of April, INiS .nnd every yenr thorciifluf ilr- in,; ner niiiurni nie. irircii!tcr to . rnrrhitfcr to imi- ' for ilel nnd Htnmp. HAMUEI. AC1IEN1IAC1I, AJitiT. pUBLIC SALF OF VALUABLE UEAI. KSTATE. In pursnnnco of nn order of the Orphnne' Cenrt of t'olumhln County, Pennsylvunln, on HattmUr, .he Dili dny ot October next, nt 10 o'clock In tl.i orcnoon, Oeorsie W. Drteshnch. AdmlnmrnW, Au., of Kllznhelh Itlchnrri, Into EllinlX'th IJrW Inir h, Inlr of niootn Towiinnlp, In sold county, (li censed will expose tosnle. by public vendue, en the premUe,n certitin lot of ground, eltunte nn the northwest Hide of Third Street, of the ton! llloomshuri!. In .mid county, it rtrl Indne the eni Imir part of lot No.-Vl.nnd hounded m follow; ) Klnnfni! tit tho corner of lot No. M, on Third Stmt nforesuld, thence iiorthweetwnrilly ono liuudtci nndneveit feet nnd nlmlf; thence outhwcxtu:irl7 idxty-slx feet, to the llneoflot No.M: thence eloni I he lino of lot No.MHoutheastwnrdly oiiehiin,lril nnd Keven nnd hnlf feet, ton corner on Thlri Street nlore.snld: ; thence nloug Kiild Third Strt-vt Klxtv-slx feet, to the ntnen of heulnnltit uhron It erected n two-Htory fro me house, with n be mi nt nnd outhulldlnKs. I.-ite tho estntv of atl-t deceased, slttinto In the Township of lltoom tl county uforcsnld. JESSE COI.KMAN, Clerk O.C. UI.OOM.SBCUU, Scptomlier H, Ifa). CONDITIONS Ol KAI.K. Ten per cent, or one fourth of the pnrtim money to he paid hv the purchaser to the lelmlu Istmlor on the strlklni; down'of the propurlj; 0110 fourth of tho purchase money lrf ten tr cent, on tbecontlrmntlon of thrtiolu; Uw nillii of the purchnso money In ono renrfroro tlmcen. ftrmntlou, with Interest from tho .cunflriniktUu nf. rf. Tho purchaser to pay for deed mul atutnri, OEOltdE W. imlKHIIACJf, "cpMt Atlmtn titrate i oe pUBLIC SALK OF VALUABLE HEAL EMTATK. In pursuance of nn order of the Orphan' Ceitt 01 uoiumnin uounty, rn., 011 Thurs-duy, the t'ln dny of October next, lit 10 o'clock In the foroiiouii. day of October next, at 10 o'clock In UinVoruiiooii, Jnmcs W. Sunlcey, John Snnltey, Jacob Sanki-J, jiwiics tv.r nnd John nnd tcKtnmcnt of John Snnkey, Into of (VMM County, deceased, will expose In enle, hy puMU vendue, on tho premise. uccrlalri plantation anil Hciunarii, Kxrcutnm of the lnl win tract or mini nltuato In HeutlTownshlp.Coiinir 01 Columbia, iHiunded 011 tho east by land of If. a Mel ilk. on tho south lie hunt nf lvtet- Ml tclr. and the public road lending from 111 001 ns bur in Or niiKcvllli! on tho west, by land of David Wllr nnd Andrew Crevellnis on the north, contain. Inn 0110 hundred nnd twcnty-uvcn r,.B ,,icit or Icsb, whereon nro '......,1 ,, . , .j mono aw'i,vM. l-ne two.sU , ,,,, .."' " , , ,vj " '?rW frnmo bnrn, miJ the ' '' F"V-,vc11 F'od wi.t. rnt the itwir ( 'i1' !dnre,:uy,,n,hVU!n:i!!d irennrda. AIM 'luiisnut Tutn. ?!.':' '.f J.m:"1' HnrUell.'on the soul hi lm.d, eJ ....men urimes, on me wet hy lands of JoUn H ilpninn, un,l on thu aouth by laivu or 15 HU'fler, eontalnlUK fifty ncr"". ?h( .? l,wl w of the lilmvo rnct t eoul wimiY laiul iVle. lha o.KcotV'aV.'lV of Scott nttd Mount I'leasni,!,,.) wvty for tkhms in-' ssVUi, v?J!!!?.r.'fi,i1i thta(t al the purchase mens ft JlV.S.l1.1' hv ,'Utchry.cr or purchaser oo. UoMrlktiwilrtwnnr hi" property! one third l ft fj! ' IwldW tlio first divot ws ,lVil V. ' f1"7 , t.tt. t lAo. hiilnneo 10 he paid In ih wieiY IJW l.vttwitwltli Interest from .Vedsnnd stantpi. 10 jy"r Auditor' V ........ - ..,..;. Ill Mite; will mS ! h2f.M,l.'J ,lf " lUnoiiB his creditor.., Vf .i?,'.""? If'l'dori-Mwl, for Dm pur 1 1 iV':ll.1i""'.n.'. iWrslay. Nr.vc1.1t r " OCIOCK a.m., ut h odlcii in lent ,m'l';'il!!,"',"l. " pfpf. ' JOHN 13. FOX & CO., HTOCK AND JIXCIIANOK DHOKKUe. No, H South Third Hireet, J'hUftdelpUU, nri:cm anpiiank-notim, ALL KINIW OP HTOCJCH AND BONIW bongbt and Hold on commission. Attention gtTM to coUuctlouj on all occuMlnle poni