THE COLUMBIAN, )LOOMSBURO,i SATUUDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 18G6. THE BACUELOn ANSWERED, nv mattir iiiiittm. Many thanks, my donridr, for your generous offer, lint cro 1 accept It, yim see, Tlicre'ii two or llireo iiucatloiia you might ns veil ntuwer Kro 1 niKwr lliosa you nskod me. Ami first, I'll remark, Just liy wny of beginning, I think you nro winding In tact; It tnkes nil tho romance from w oolng nnd winning To make It no muttcr-of-fucl. You take. It for granted Hint nil Hint Is wanted la simply that you should propose, And any to yourself, "Well, It's likely I'll UUo liar; tint first I'll 11ml out what she knows." Perhaps, Mr. lliiehclor, you limy discos cr Two slilcs ton bargain llku that! And unless you can answer these question to suit me, My " no" Is docldod nn J Hat. The enso Is quite plain, you unlovable tinner, In choosing rt partner for life, To keep n clean house, niul to cook a good dinner Are all you requlro In a wife, Vow, pray, do you think any sensible, woman Would marry to manage n houso? A house with n crusty old bachelor In it? I'd Just as soon marry n mouse. nutnow for my questions. I'd like you to tell mo ir I'd hnro lo sit up hnlf the night To wait till you made your appearance nt home, And find vou-a Uttlu bit tight? Would you plead "nn engagement" wheno'er I was lonely, Or slecn when I nlaved mr guitar? Would my lwst parlor curtnlns bo utterly mined l)y the sinoko of your liorrld clgnr7 Whenever I wanted to go out n-shopplng Would you look ns black as a hcuise. And talk of extravagance, foolish nnd wasteful, Because I Just held up my purso? In short, If you'd ever refuse, my dear Crusty, To let mo have Just my own way. You'd better look further ; I'm certain that we, sir, Could no'cr llvo In quiet a day. AGEIOULTUKAL. How to Make Good llutter. Although every year there nrc pub llshcd many ways to mnko tho beat butter, there is in fact no new way, as tho best quality of butter has been made many years, and the way to make it long ago found out. Thero tiro cer tain rules, which if fully carried out, no ono need to complain of having poor butter. In tho llrst place, wo all U now that thero must be cleanliness in every thing pertaining to butler-making, for there is nothing that will take and re tain n bud odor go quick as butter ; and unclcanllnoss is tho ono great secret of its flavor when it is tainted. Tho only way, then, to obviate this dimetilry, is in observe uerfect cleanliness. Great pains should bo taken with the milk pans i they should always be thorough ly steamed and cleaned, nnd likewise tho churn ; that, too, should bo thorough ly overhauled, steamed, nnd scrubbed, find should bo kept in good order. I havo reference now to thoso cases where these important requisites have not been attended to, as is toobftcn tho case. Then again too much caro can not bo taken in milking ; oftentimes tho stables are filthy, nnd this, of course, has a bad effect, as thero Is hardly anything bo sensitive- us milk. Two bad habits in milking should bo discontinued, milking with wet teats, and milking in tho rain. Only a pure clean cellar will do to keep milk in. When tho cream is churncft, itshouldbeiinmediately taken out, and worked slowly with cool, clean water, for the acids which nro In hard water aro sure to bo taken up by the buttor. to a great extent. Tho butter must bo worked slowly till tho milk is out of it, nnd great caro should bo taken not to work it too much ; but tho milk must all bo worked out of it, or it will turn sour In tho butter. It is generally a matter of taste how much salt should bo used to tho pound ; an ounce of pure rock salt to tho pound is tho general rule. When tho butter is packed it bhottld bo in tight, clean jura or llrkins. Earthen jars aro by fur tho most preferable. If you cannot pro cure earthen jars and aro obliged to th-o woodou llrkins, I would recommend thoso made out of ash as being tho best. Water should bo kept in tho firkin for (several days before using it, in order to take tho wood tasto out ; or it can bo slightly scorched inside, which will answer tho samo purpose, d. w. l. Gnrilen Management. Is tho garden ono should cultivato n variety, so as to have a seasonablo sup ply for tho table at all times. Of Spring growth, asparagus, lettuce, and radishes nro among tho earliest and best. If tho lettuce is grown in a hot-bed, and tho asparagus well managed, these vegeta bles may bo placed on tho table very early in tho season. Tart of tho aspara gus bed might bo covered with a cold frame; which would bring it forward, and so lengthen tho season. When the Spring vegetables nro gone, tho moro delicious ones of tho Summer growth supply their placo. Eurly potatoes henna, corn, onions, peas, beets, toma toes, cucumbers, and cabbages diversify tho farmer's living. Strawberries, rasp berries, and blackberries succeed one another In order, and continue tho sup- i ply until tho Fall fruits mature. There need bo no failure in growing these fruits. Nor should the garden bo with out a bed of celery for Winter use; nnd tho various vegetables whicirremnln in tho ground to bo iiwl when tho Winter frosts llrst sot in, should bo amply culti vated ,Jlural Kew Yorker. Management of Young Cltlclccm. A wniTKU in tho Kew York Times fays: " When tho chickens aro hatched, Jf beforo taking thorn from tho nest you would oil tho top of tho heads of tho chicks, you will destroy all tho lice thero "aro in tho brood ; for as soon as two or threo chicks aro hatched, all tho lico upon tho hen leavo her, and quarter themselves on tho heads of the chicks, and tho oil will kill them; und then with clean quarters for tho chicks on a Mart, and a thorough clean-dug of tho coop each week, you will not fail to raise your brood." Improvement of Meadows. Wukn wo consider tho largo proper lion of meadow land which hasforageo received tho wash from thnrattlo on a thousand hills, and is still of IlltlnvnliiB, wo find this to bo a subject of great Im portance', especially to tho fanners of New Knj,l md. FOR YOUTHFUL READERS. The Mother's I'm utile. " Headache again!" said a beauti ful girl, checking her hasty steps as she ntercmuiarKeneiteiiatiiuor ; " now un fortunate; every ttnio we nro going to have a right grand time our poor moth er must have tho headache. 1 am very surry." " It need not Interfere at all with the party, Augusta," replied her mother, raising her eyes languidly" I am al ways best alone. ou have arranged your hair, havo you'.' you will look very lovely to-night; shall your wear your diamonds?" " How can I think of going, my dear mother and you sick ? Oh I no, no ; nomatterfordlamonds and though my dress fits mu-t exquisitely, and Harvey Jllner will bo thero lo-nlght 1 wanted to set my cap for him, you know," she added playfully, "yet I will on no ac count go I cannot think of it." " And 1 shall Insist that you do," said her motliei, decidedly. "My head is noworso thi.n it lias been a thousand times I nm delighted at tho pro-poct of your pleasure, and this is tho first part of the season say nothing, Augus ta, I command you to go." Tho beautiful creature placed her hand upon her mother's lips, and stoop ing, kissed her repeatedly. " Say no more, mother, I see you will not let mo please myself and share your loneliness with you ; dear, dear mother, you shall see how well I look ; good by till I como back dressed for the ball;" and awny she glided, tho most graceful creature in tho world. "Dear child," murmured Mrs. Au brey, pressing her thin hand on tho temples that were hot and burning, " how lively and loving slio is, and so beautiful! Oh, I wish Mary was like her. 1 cannot bear favorites, and yet how can I avoid it Augusta is so iillbe tionate, Mary so cold and quiet?" At that moment asliglit ilgure, robed in white, came noiselessly into the room, and stood by her mother's side. She seemed in full, though simple dress; a white bud in her braided locks, and a fan of exquisite workmanship hanging from her slight wrist. " You aro not so well, mother," sho said softly ; and gazing round, she dark ened the twilight of the room to a deep er soiiibreness, and taking a vinaigrette in her hand, lightly proved back the dark locks and bathed her mother's fore head. "Thank you, Mary," said Mrs. Au bry, softly, for it relieved tho almost In tolerable pain ; " Are you going to wear only white? You look very sweet, my child oh! this throbbing! is An gusta almost ready? When will sho come in ?" "Here sho is, mother;" nnd the bril liant beauty burst uiioii her dint sight, lighting up tho chamber with tho al most regal splendor of her diamonds. " Ileautiful," whispered Mrs. Aubrey, shading her heavy eyes; "you will queen it to-night T expect, Augusta." "Hut, oh! how much rather would I stay at home by the couch of my sick mother, and minister to her want-!" said Augusta, her eyes meanwhile cov ertly seeking tho largo drowsing mirror "But you know you irouhl make me go, mother, so I havo given orders for a nice cup of tea and some toast, though I am so sorry you must eat alone." " Hero comes the carriage ; good even ing, dear mother; come, hadn't I better send it away and stay at homo?" sho murmured winnlngly. "On no account, my love," said her mother, returning her kiss. " Oo, nnjl sometimes think of me." "Sometimes! yes, all tho time my thoughts will he hero with my darling mother; now good-by ; take rest ; Ko?o is coming up to sit with you." And sho was gone. "Itoso, is that you?" asked tho in valid faintly. 'No, mamma, it is f;'7 and Mary camo softly round and stood allierside. " Why, Mary, aro you not at tho party?" " I preferred to stay with you, moth er," said Mary, quietly; " I knew that you were used to having papa witli you, and when ho is gone I cannot leavo you tilono." " You aro very thoughtful, my child," said MW. Aubrey, with emotion ; " but still I had rather you would go." " I have sunt tho carriage away, moth er, so that is impossible now; nleaso say nothing more about it I shall enloy myself so much better at homo witli you. I havo been getting you some toast and tea myself Itoo is too can less to wait upon tho sick. I hope it will make your head easier;" ami she rolled up her mother n casy-chalr, and drew np a tiny ebony stand arranged with such oxqul-.ito taste that It could not fail to tempt even an Invalid's tip- not ite. Very cosy was that littlesupper, with Mary, to sweet and Innocent, pouring out tea, and doing a hundred nameless delicate ollkes of love. Mrs. Aubrey's heart smoto her that sho had not fully appreciated the timid, quiet, but stron and self-sacriflclng affection of tills gen tie girl. After tho tea was over Mary again bathed her temples, adjusted her pll lows, brought tho beautiful boquet sho was to havo carried to the party to her mother's bedside, and then tnklm book, In u voice that was " musle rich and low," read to her till tho evening was spent, .lust as she was leaving tho ... 1..... . 41 1 1 , . i ' IUUIII, HIT HlUlllur CUUUII JIUT OUCK. "This has been a sweet, sweet even lug," sho said, tenderly Inking he hand, " mid I havo learned how much I am blessed in such a child. Mary, have not, understood you beforo to-night but now I can read your heart. Kiss me, my child; good nlghl, and may Clou bloss you." That night, tho hllhorto negleete ono prayed with tears, tluiiiktug her Mnl; or that she hud won at Iiisla moili er's love, "Oh! mamrn:', indud "v.a dc'.i'h fill !" said Augusta tin' next morning. ! If it would not be looking aln, 3 should say I eclipsed them all. Harvey Minor neenied devoted ; Indeed, mam ma," shecontlniied, with asllghtlatigh, " I think 1 have won him. Tho set was delightful, and I danced ercrj dance; I had scarcely time to think, except when I thought of you, mother," she contin ued, blushing; Indeed, dearest mother, I ( think of you in your loneliness" " I was not lonely, Augusta," said her mother, with a quiet smile. .lust then Mary raised her eyes, nnd thero met thoso of her mother fixed upon her with such a look of tenderness. " And shall uvnr bo lonely," she thought, " for my mother has learned to love me." J OS. Ill 1X11) L A 11. S. KISTKlt, (Ijito lllegel, Wlcst A 1 In,) Importers and Jobbers of DltY CIOODM, No. J7 North Third Street, l'liltadclphla. AT.riti:n nvrcnr.v, vit, l:. auuuoht, h, n. stvrr. ) USSKhli & WOODRUFF, Wholesale Dealers in TOllACCOS, C1C1A11S, PIPEH, ,U, AC, No. 11 North Third Sheet, above Muiktl, Philadelphia. TOHN C. YICAOKU it CO., Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAl'S, STI'.AW CiOODS, AND LAiinss' rims, No. 257 Norlh Third Stiect, 1'hlladelphla. s. L. BETThH, 111MII, 11UNNAC0., DIIY GOODS, No. 19 Noith Third Street, Philadelphia. with I 7111S11MUTH, unoTiiEn it co., wiioLus.vr.n todacco miAT.uia, No. 1 jl Norlh Third Street, flvo doors below Itaee 1'nclorlcs, Nos. 2S) and -B Quarry Stiect, Philadelphia. J V. liAJUUEKT, with IIOS .SIIOTT A CO., Importers nnd Jobbers of cloths, cassimi:i;i;s, vustinos, ac, No. 301 Market Street, Philadelphia. J H. LOXOSTHETH, PAPi:ll-HANGING WAitiMiorsi:, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. G. W. HIiAIlOX it CO., Manuf ictureis of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SlIADKS, Warehouse, No. 121 Norlh Third .Sluet, Philadelphia. jJ M. MAKI'IjE, NOTIONS, IIOSIi:i!Y, GLOVUS, AND l'ANCY GOODS, No. 03 Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia. I IKEXlX STOVE DEPOT. IlL'ATK.HS, llANGKS, AND STOVUS, Wholesale and Iletall. PATKNT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVli VULCAN UEATlllt, for healing two or more rooms. PAllLOlt, COOKING, LAUNDRY, HEATING, and every ariety of sjl'GVKS. JOHN I. 1 1 CSS, No. .110 North Second Slreil, Philadelphia. J'OHX E. FOX & CO., STOCK AND I'.XCIIANGi: nilOKKHS, No. 11 Soiilh Third Street, Philadelphia. and iiank-notix, ALT, KINDS Ol' STOCKS AND 1IOND.-1 bouijht and Milduiiconiml.-'.Ioii. Attention glcn to collections on all acccsMhlo point. JAGEX, 1SOYD & CO., UlJ.liail.lll .Ml'.HLll.. 1, anil Wholesale Dealers in I.IIAP AND MANUl'ACTUP.r.D 1011ACCO, SUGAltS, Ac, No. Ill Nol th Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors em forward their stock- "In llond,' willniul piepayins tho Cnlti d Stales lax. "ISTA HUSHED 171W. JOltDAN A lll'.OTIII'.n, wholesale ciiiociais, nnd Dcnlors In KALTPETIli; AND IIIIIMSTONE, No auu North Third Street, Phlladolphln, jyjMhhEK & HOST, Suoeiwxirs lo IVanklln l'.Seltzcr A Co., Importers and Wholewilo Dealers In I.HIUOIIS, WINKS, Ac, Nos, IlOand 112 North Third Stiect, Philadelphia. hl'STEH, Wholesalo and Hutall Dealer In rOItr.IGN AND DOMESTIC CAItl'ETS, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW HIIADKH, Ac, No. 20 North Second strci t, opp, Chrlht Church, Phllud.lphla. rObl)-7SffiV'VaI',OIt'EvT2HYHOnY. OmIuk lo the I.ito fall In fold, El'HIIAI.MW.ELWELL has reducil his prices to suit all buyers, cither at hntcale or tctall, if you vant HUOAlts, ( Ol'l-'EES, TEAS, HYKUIH, SPJCES, CllACKEllS, CANNED l'UUIT, DIUED I'lIUIT, WOODENWAliE, l'ISII, JIEANH, ClIEIWi:, l-'LOCIi, PEED, Ac, Ac Ac, lvalue a ml I. El'HJlAM W. l.'I.WEI.I, A U KIXPS OF DhAXKS can I'l at K". f : I!0I)1II:A1) it KAUU, Manufacturer.! mil Wholesale llciilors In noors fNDsiions, . No. 211 Nclh 'I bird Street, Piladelphla; 'JMIE UNIOX MOTKL, . Alch .Strict, betn-ren Third und l'ourth Hlreels, Philadelphia., Proprietors. gT. CIlAlthES HOTEL, ON Tl hi llUP.OPllAN l'l.AN, Nos. CO, W, 01, and (iO North 'I bird Streets, between nnd Arch Streets, Philadelphia. ClIAMXSKI.KCKNIllt, Manager. IKAltl) HOUSE, Jl Comer of Ninth and Chestnut Sliced, Philadelphia. v H. W. KANAflA, Proprietor. "yATSOX it JAJsXKY, Importers and Jobbers of SII.K AND l-'ANCY Dlllislj U001VJ, SII.YWI.S,AC., No. WUIaikot Street, Phtiidelphla. E. . 11 ex nr. y, Successor tollcndry & Harris, Manufacturer nnd Wholesale Dealer In HOOTS) AND HI10r., No. 53 North Third Street, Philadelphia. II. Mlth V. l'ETEKMAX, I.IITINCOtT A TIIOITI-.U, WllOMHYl.K GltOCr.ltsi, No. 21 North Water Street, and No. i North Delawaio Avenue Philadelphia. Q. r.O HOE II. HOHEHTS, lmportc rand Dealer In ItAP.DW AllH, CUTI.KP.Y, GUNS, AC, No. all Norlh Third Street, ul o Vine, Philadelphia. 'PEXJAMIX GHEEX, Dealer In CAItPnTING", WINDOW H1IAD1M, Oil, CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. S3 North Si coud Sjtrect, Phil ulclphla. J. 1', BEAIM), with I.lPl'INCOTT, I'.ONL) & CO., Manuf.ictureis and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAPS, ri'll-i, AND ST11AW GOODS, No. HI Market Street, Philadelphia. JOWE, UUSTOX it CO., Manufaclmers and Wholesnle Dealers m COrrON YAltNS, CAHP1.T CHAINS, P.ATrS, YICKS, TIE YA11NS, COllDACIi:, 1I110OMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAIIE, LOOK'G 0 LASSES, CLOCKS, l'ANCY 11 ASKETS TAULE, l'UMllt, AND CAllllIAGE OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. SM Mmket Street, (outh side, Philadelphia. I. H WALTEH, Iite Waller it Kiiub, Impotter and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND tiUEENSWAHE, III Norlh Third Strict, No. betw ecu Eaco nnd Vino Philadelphia. STAUtilSlIEl) 18:10. WIIOLISALE DIIUGGISTS, nnd Dealers In CHEMICALS. MEDICINES, PATENT MEDI CTNI, SPICES, PAINTS, OILS, WIN1WW GLASS, VAP.NISII12J, DYES, AC, Ac, Koutheail coiner of Third and Callowhlll Sts,, Phlladilphla. HMUHUSTEU it DHOTI 1 EH, i inpoi ICIS iiiiu juuuws ui IIO.Sir.IlY, GLOVES, SIIIltTri AND Dll.VWEIlS, nurroNs, susPENiir.ns, IIOOPHKIltTS, HANDKEIICHIErS, THItEADS, SEWING SU.KS, THIMMINGS, POUTE MONNAIEs, BOAPS, 1'EltrUMEIlY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GENEIIAI.LY, ,Ua Manufacturers of 11UUSHIH AND LOOKING GLASSES, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE. linooMS, llul'iy, TV'ISIV, Ac. No, 300 North Third Street, abovo Vine, Philadelphia. OVAL it HOYEH, Buoccsor& to OILDEltT, HOYAL A CO., WHOLESALE DltUGOtSW, Iintsirlcra and Dealers In D11UGS, MEDICINIX, SPICES, PAINIS, OUS, GLASS, DYE STUPES, Ac, Nos, 35J nnd 311 North Third Strci 1, Philadelphia. QliAHEES II. MAHI'DE, Importer and Dealer In linANDIES, WINI, aiNS, LIQUORS, WINE IIITI'EIIS, Ac, No. 122 Norlh Thlid Street, abovo Arch, wot bide, Phllilelphla, -ft riMiE AMEHICAX HAY JCTxrFI X AND I'OltK.-Wo tin. iiiulersUrtwl cllfens ui uuiiiiiiuiit i;ouuiy wiiiiesiiii uuMtriai or nav oriiH on me larm nr .Mr. rurmi -in lu-nilcl iiiwiisiup, mi .ii,i iiuv. May 7, 1mi. iietu-i I'li lb Ameriiiiu ll'n Knife and 1'ork mauutin'tuieil lc NI.H-EII, WALLS., SllltlN'KJt A- C if Louis. !;.,".'"' "" 1 niinuers paiiiil nay ilisili inn .iniiTiiiiii i-crK iiinii moro nay In mm draught loan the llunili I in lluee. Woarokalls. lied It will take us much liny lain tho iuow us I wo pind hnrs cull ilriuv, Wu uKo wiw It cutting ...... ...... 'jimms . . .uiii-H iii, iii-ui- iu u nay iviiiie, und cheerfully rci oinmend It as the bebt huv lork uii'i i.iiiii- mi- um e nu-j boen. ' '.I-.",1,'"1;?'''"1 i'"i On. V. c, Haiikihi.v, W. II, KnilNS, .lull IhilK, John Dmuiiii i, JMmiu, Novbu, II. DlOLBMIl.tKK, HVI.V1IKK PtllliSI,. 4iiLii.,Kit jiML.i.M(, .iujin ioi.r, I'hcy uUo iiiniiiifueiuro I ho celebrated Iliitkevo lieairund Muwii, ad other ,v.v.:rirul i,. ,i . '.41 . jJlIhiiKlt A liljDEH, Wholwalo nooKsi:i.!.t;its, stationhus, AND 1II,AN1M!OOIC MANHI'ACrtMlimS. No. 201 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Wall and Curtain Paperi, and stationery Ren-erally. JSTAlUitSIIEO ISilS. U. . LAI.I !.. 1 1. II, Jll.-n.i.l ,v .J., wiiomx am: imuoaiHTrf, No. 737 Mnikrl Street, one door below r.liihlh, Philadelphia. JJIUKIS Jti:i)K'INi:s, CIIt:.MH!AI.S, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, VAllNISIIIfi, DYKS, and every other article pertnlnlna to tho bttsltiess, of Ihf bi'st (itinllty, nnd nt lowest market I'ltii. I Vnid'AVM VI I.K1 VS A-C(l.. IV ' . iienicrs in l'Olir.ION AND DO.MUST1C DltY GOODS, No.CO-IMaiketHticct, Philadelphia. gXYDEH, HAHH1M t IJASriETT, .uanuiaciurers mm .loouers ui MEN'S AND HOY'S CLOTHING, Nc. o2j Market, and 522 Connncreo Street, Philadelphia. "YTEAVEH A- Sl'HAXKhE, W J101.1.SAI.1; ouoi iaes ,uu eeijuiissiu- Mr.HClIANTS, Nos. 2,', and 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. T I. BUKIvIIAltT, Importer and Dealer In IllON AND STEEL, No. ro Eiont Street, Philadelphia. jgAHUIlOFr it CO., importers aim jonners or STAPLE AND l'ANCY DIIY CiOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEIIES, 11LANKETS, LINENS, WHITE (iOODS, HOSIEltY, Ac, Nos. I0.j and 107 Market Street, nbovo 1'oiiith, noith side Philadelphia. J.J r. IIAXIC'S VJUIl-s.l.l. iuii.vuuu, rs.ui i ,1.11 C1GAU WAItEIIOUSE, No. 1W North Third Street, between Chciry and P.ace, west side Philadelphia. QOTTUKUj & AVJIMS, vnoiesaio neaiers in l'ISII, CHEESE, Ac, ile'., No. 10(1 North Wharves, second door abovo Arch Sliect Philadelphia. JJUIMlAir VOn CATAWISSA! THIS ff.U 1 Ull JiAHHAl.Si. Goods to compare with stringency of the money market. Look and compare prices before pur. cbaslin; elsewhere. Just call at the f.iorlle bust. uessfctand of McNINclISIlUMAN, and you will be met by thenhllulng pioprlelorsor their clerks, anil shown through thelrmunt variety (tore fiec of chaise, of course. They will yhe j,u a fair chance lo spend your loose change, the. trust mucli lnoiu pi olltably tbu It can be bpeut elscwlieie. 'their STOCK Ol-' DltY GOODS this Spring Is much larger in all Us vmletles than usual. Their LADIES' DItr.SS COOIW are of tho nicest styles In nuukit. lluonssorliiieiitof They hnvo HATS. CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES. SU.MMEII CLOTHS, CASSINETS, CASSIMEIlEsi, AND V1WTINOH, nnd numcroui" ai tides common tostiih establish, incuts, besides a Kcneial ussoitnient of IIAP.DWAIIE, TINWAIIE, QUEENnWAllI AND ailOCEUIES, all nt Kreatly reduced prices. 'Ibey wish to con duct their buslni ss on ibe bystiui of "PAY AS YOU CO," and they think they can nll'ord to sell very cheap, They return their thanks lor many past fuors and asi iho I'uturo patronao of their former cus tomers and the public generally. McNINCII it SIICMAN. jj IUjKU'.S STOI1K. PltESII AltlllVAE OP SPllINa AND Sl'MMElt CiOOn.. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another l.iro nnd select assort luent of SPIlIXa AMI SUMMElt (lOOIH, purchased In New York and Philadelphia nt tho lowest llKiire, and which he Is determined to sell on as moderate terms as cm bo procured ilsc wliero lu Hloomsbury, Ills stock comprises LADIES' DIIIS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, coml-stiiii; of iho follow ing urllclcs: Carpets, Oil Cloths-, Cloths, Cashmeres, hlinwls, Hamicls, milis, Wfttloaooa!, T4iiviii, 1 toon Skirts, Milillllt, Jtollowware, IJoU-uwiiro (iucctaworo, Hardware, Uoots;atui;Jlioe8, Hats nnd Caiw, lloopcts, "1''cHs Loolilnu-fllasiji, "i'obaeco, OoUie, Slignr?, Teas, . Hlce, . Altephv, Olniter, Cliiiiuinon, Js'iltmons, ASlt NO'KO.S'S OEKEItAMA-, In short, overylhlns mually lu country Mous, to which ha Invites Iho ntleiillon of Hu public ueueially, Tllohluliest inleowlll bu p.dd fir countiy prnUuco In exeh.ingo for goods, K. II, MII,I.l!Il, Arwiilu lliilldlngs, IllooiiKhiirg. p, pATAAVISSA HAIiaiOAl), V7 1 roiu und ufler Oclobcr S. 145. Iho tober !,), tho trnliw will Pius l!np, rl im follows lloHiu Kouiii.-illiulm Mall ut 1 p.m., ii Express ut .tilWAiJt. I ,oi S'll Vi -I K..-TII.- I'bill.l(l.l Mjlil Ht II A MLK GAliAXV, rOlir.NIfllll'I.YlLLCKTltA'lEDMAtlAJ'.IN-E, -rttl.irllT A-VV I. ,.,il,il1iAl foittilchtlv. on Urn first and llhei-nth of each month, and bus the ml. vnntauenf coinlnK In tho render Intel mediately bi lweeii the mnnlhlli'S mid tho weeklies. Willi tho second number th" Mnmul in was on. larked bv slxlecu sites, muKllnt 11 lo eonuiin liluety-lxpiiKes..rnia.iir. Till! GALAXY will be un orlHlnal Atncrleaii Mamntliie of llin hlKhest els, ArraiiReiii"iiis have u rdlnglj bvcii itiH-li- ror risjuinreiiiiir nu- tloiis from the best known nnd must meritorious writers in the cnimli ; and moreover, the Editor Mill IllWU. MCK loilieil mill enisiiiiiw-vimi thins from new uiithoisof real nbjlily or di ehl ed Kenlus. Thearllcles In THE OAI.A.W Ml" '1; slulU'l Willi me niiiiHsiu iiii-ii iiinii.-,, ' be allowed n wide Irculom In Mm expression tit V.) ''," , .i ,i,,,,fi ltl'. GALAXY. for Mav llrst and DUci-iiMi, lswi, coiilaln eotittll'U llons hum John i:lni Cooke, 1 lances l,o":';r Cobbe, llose'Teiry, tleorue Allied 'i'ownselu , I-.d-tiiiind C. siislmini, Ibi) Author of "l.iullv t lies- ti...r iit...i lil.i lii 1 1 . I lr;i tit V. tlilmnns. I 'ouant, (leiieial'ciuieiet, and others. " 1 lie i rueiiiiicv io , ......w,.. , An hie Lnvell." by .Mrs. Lduiirds, were com menced In the llrst number or Till. GALA.X1, and will continue lo be published siilully siniul- laneousiy w u a I lieu uppi u iii ,i.-i- iii .I,..; if . .. i .l..,.. f Mm l,ni no eolitalnltllf these slurb's m iv alttavs be obtalnetl from a newsdealer or fioni. the propili Uirs. ,.,..,.,,.. rum i.oiv hum -"a)iu I . Tm iliPHciMind litiinbei' of TlIK (iAIiAW won ,..,i.,w.i.,1.t r.rl.t nf nt-tlcli tm 'inkrrV.LV loftNor IMcrrn IMuI. Hit' well-known tcncluTof Uu'nrt. Thi'MMivtlolfSWiU U-mn'l'Mir arviw pmc- lU'iu villi io loovcrj iiunuy. inline inuiij- i.uu- nnmUil rl I f .t..f 1 Mtl llf I-4 Wi 1 1 1 111 I I 111 1)1 IF till I Pi'. llll'Y will eriiihiln icci'lplH nti-l piiirllrnl KUKxnitjoiin lllUl Sft'Ull1 lor nn in iiumwiinnui n i' i-. Thf prlM-nf Till'. (JA1AXY U erntsn mitn cr; M tor the voumf tcnly-rmr numlippn S.1 r six ni'-iitli. twfl nurf.iM'ra. The olunnn ir Hit- i ui' will Include (K-t-lVfi vatl, tliuv (ti.ra I il-l 1 1 1 in I (ill "Hllli.ll tl.ltli V' lit -si I It" ItlllttllK III' Utl KtlUllli r lllllinilinim, MjHm'iru imuuttii tuv- tiii.'cm v v mm' ho .ii'ilciitl nt tliniatu (if lwnn,-no friiH ii number fur my length or liiiitMicslrcil. sprcliTK'ii c(plts bo prut on receiptors &) i'arli Uow, Nuw ork. H AKl'KU'S a'ki:kly. TEEMS. One copy ono year s i y One eopv lor tliiee months - 1 00 An.i mi nvtrji eouv will be allowed lot every bib of Iho subscriber", nt SI Weach, or six copies lor 20(10. i'a luene niMiri.ioiy linioviiiiiy. 'i'l,.. . ,i, t.i viiiittiii.s in in iTN iri'Kiv ii.iii. the eomnienecnient will bo sent tunny pai tof tbo I'nlted Slates, ireu of carrkiKe, iiion recclptoflhe price, vix. : , i lot ii imuni ii v i'ii . I'litiiti,, M,.r,,r..,.i 1 11 " l'.icli Volume' contains tho Numbers for Ono Year , . ,, , TI-.KMs m All lull isil.ll. emo u'Hiai- nun nriv, is ner line for Inside. I wo dollars per lino lor'outslde Advertlseim Ids, each Inserlion. iIAitri;u i. riiDiuiicis. HAiti'ini's MAOAIM'. XKW MOXTJlliY TEItMS. nn.. mnv for one vear. 51 All I xlra copy itralls, fureverv club of llvo nunscilucis, M siuu iwli, or six copies lor tWl ). llAtii'i-n's Mauazisi: and llAiu-nii a Wkkkly, tosetller, one , car, ;sti. CIltCULA'lloN 112,0fi0. Tho 1'iililUbei s will accent a limited number Of llr-t-rl.iss advert Iscmeuts for their Musai.lue, nt tbo lonowim; low imes : one rauc tv Half 1-.ii.i- 12'' ("J ejJlnller I'aRe 70 00 Or Si Tin ner line lor less space. Avorairo tlcht woi-ds to a line. .v. inn vi uiiias, I'uousni vs. 17VEKY SATtTHDAY: si:m;cti;d I'uom ronr.iciN cuukcnt i.inn.ATirua Much of tho hest. llternture of Ihe day it found In th" KimlMi nnd .'outlmntal majiaini-s and peii-ndji-als; and It la thenlm of the publWheri ol thlt new Journal tnu piodmu thecholetbt s-cleetlniiH liom IheM t.ti" Atnerleau leaders, in a folia at mice nltraelUe and inexpi nlve. 'J he puhlNherH liellevt that suli ii Jouin.d, cendut td upon the plan lilch th'.v prptse. wtll hu not only enler hiliihiL' and hisiriietlvi! In ItM-ll, hut Intert'stluir niul viiln.ihle ms a lt-tlex til' loreiun iH'i-l'lieal Ut- errtture of lite d.iy It wilt he, lu Mini t, (he aim of It pul 1 lAer Sunt may Mian com mend lf-.elt Pv Its fnhuess nnd MtrleU to all rinses of Oil. ill.r..nt .,11,1 llllll-'itxit I'.eulni's. Kl.TV S'lllll'. day will euntahi earh wei k thhty-lwo laro o'-1 t.ivo iiae, niiiniiriiii!' iv pmiiuu in tiouuio ctii limus, with nn i iu;iuved title, '1 hltMs. Mngl uuintierH, 10 cents; nihscrlp Hon piiei1, inr year, In advance. Mouth)) parts will he rolled, rolit nit lilifi l-" pities each, liathKoim ly hmntd In an altiaelle coer, price . t eiiis. Nuh-si'ifpthai pile', ." per ear,inad- .ne'e. Miti.erdiers loanv oj i he other periodicals puMMicd hy 'I'lekitttr 1 it Id- will utefvo Jeiy Watenlay for ?l per year, in advance. TiUCNUlt A rU'Ll), PuhlKhers, lit Tl'elllnllH Ml'eet , liiMnll, niX(f UAILUOAD. SfMMEIt AllllASdEMENT. Ai.illl. W.ii. Cleat Truul: Line in, in the Ninth nnd Northwest lor Philadelphia, New York, Itcadinir, Potts llle Tiini:iilla, Asldnnd, l,cbuno!l,.Mli-lilou'ti, liiston .sc.. Ae. Trains leave Il.urlsbuii; for New York as fol lows: At :i, 7: in, and ):uia.)i and and lOi p.m., lonitei-lln wllb similar (nuns on iho P, im- t v.iula Ualltoad, mid aril .!,-( nl New Vi ik at -i:ij and lo a.m., and ":l" and l:lii'.M, Klcplii" I'urs accompany the:', a.m. and 1':lV r.M. trains, without cliuiiue. Leave lliinisbuiir for Ifi-i'lln, Poiisvtlle, Taina ipia, Mlnrrsvllli-, Aslil.nul. PliieC.roM'.Alli mown, anil Philadelphia al 7:1" a.m., and 2 and him p.m., stopplniiiit Eebanoii and principal Way staltous, tin- li'Jil p.m.. train loiikiu no dose eoiineeiions fur l'otisvllleor Plilladelphhi. I'm' l'ollsviilc, Ki lui.M kill HaMMi, and Atilniiu, via Seliuyilitll and Sus fiueliailiia ltallioad, li-avo 1 Inn Isliuri; at I lri P.M. Hi-turnint:. b'ae New York at a am., l'J M.,nnd s:'ip.M. ; I'iilladelphl'iat s .M.nnd-S:i')p.M.; l'otis- llle ut s: io a.m. ami an p.m.: Ashl.nul nt 0 and ll:lr, M.,an(l h'Oi-.M.; Taininiua ut ti;lj a.m. ami 1 and s;V, i'.m. l.i ino iVittsvlllc for llnrrlshurR, via Schuylkill and So-ijii, baulia ltailn:.i, nt 7 a.m. lb .el i ui: A-i ouioit.iiloii Tiain b aves Ib-adlnc at 0 A.M., ri-liinilPK fi i Philadelphia ut .1 p.m. I'liunnbia Itailniad Ti.dlis l,-ac lb adins at 0:'J0 and t-rl'i for Cphrata, I. Hi, I'olutuitia, .tc.itc. On sund.i s lease New Yolk al S:'io p.m.; Phila delphia al s. a.m. nnd ;t: 1 1 p.m.. the sa.m. train run nbei otilv to Heading: Potlsvllieat sa.m.; Tnina iiuaat 7:10 a.m.; Ilai'rls!nirnntt':VA.M.: and Kead biK al 1:-W a.m. for HuirlshniL', nnd lii:1i a.m. fur Ni w Yoik, and p.m. lor Philadelphia. i 'otnuiittatlon, Mileage, season, Excursion, and Hehuol llckcls al reduced lates to nnd fiomall points, IIiukjiko cheeked tbroiiKh. Eighty pounds ol bnircaso allowed inch passenger. (I. A. NU.OEI.S, fp ., Supt. Heading P.I., April SI, lsfid. 1 n.nK AT IMiN X,S Y 1 , VAX 1 A ItOUTK VJ to tbo NOItTII AND WIST. POUIt DAILY TItANINS. ON AND AI-TElt MA11C1I 12, 1SW, tiahis will leave us lollows; ,. Leave Wnsh'n. Leavo Hallo. Express Mail i :J0 a.m. a.m I'asi Llm 7;a.m. l'JdOi'.M. I'lllsbun: niul CrloE t;.lnp.M. 7:Jo p.m Piltsbui'gaud Eliulra Ei,...7:W p.m. im', p.m. TWO TU.UNs i in SUNDAY, (ronnceiiiiKKt IMlllniinn.) Loaxe Wa.-hlnstoii at !Slj und 7:10 p,;i, SLEEPING CAUS Oli ALL NIGHT TIIAINH, LOW PAl'.E AND gVlCK TIME. Cars lun from llalllinoro to Pillsbuig Eiio, or Eliiiu.i ilhoal change. d. I.'. DIUIAEUY. Pllpi 1 lldendiillt PHILADKLIMIIA AXI) KHIK I Ii MLIIHAD. Tins great line traverses tho northt round uoithwest ciitmPcsu! l'tinnsvlvanla to Ihe cily of l.ile, ot Luke Kile. It h. been kated and Is oln i.ili .1 by llio PE.NN-sYI.VAMA RAILltuAD COMPANY. I line ol I'luseiim-rTialns at Noiihumbcrlaiid: Lkam. I.AsTWinn. Erie Mall Train, Ihiip.jr Lf le Expn-iH Train, li:lij a.ji. j Lliulra Mail Train, Lkavi: WErVAr.ii.--r.rle Mall Train, .1 a i Erie Express Train, 7:11 p.m. j Elmlru Mall Tialn'. Ij'ti P.M. Passenger ears run lliroughoii the E-o Mail nnd Express '1 iiilus willioul rhulliio boti v,iiy ,i.. iwi-.n l', Iphl.iund Erl.-. 3 c NbW oii. ( iinni.i'I ion-. l.eino N", vi ..I ii A.M., ill rive ut Clio -it 'i 1.1 a.m.: Leave Erie ui i:,y, .. i ui ..i-.i 1 liH .11 l ... Eleuttllt sleenlmr ears on nil niirlit tralnu i'or Inloinialloii rospei Unit ivisseiu-er I'uslness f r", "iV," . l. 11 1 1 111 Jimiicin niul Jlurkc-I Mieels, Philadelphia) und lor Height business of Iho Cuiniiuiiy s ngi iiu, Is. II. Klugsiiii.,r..coi ner of Tin lniun,.! i,-i,,., Stleils, Phlladelplila; .1. W. Ileynolils, LrluilWit, ll.iiii Ihown, A ut .S.C.H.H., lliilib',c. Ulf"' II- II. IIUbSiTllN, Oellcml l lcighl Al, nl, I'bllad. Iphlil, ,, , lb .W. IIWINNEll, General '1 lcket Agi ni, Phlludoliihtu, Mnieh('-1'lsr;l ''trlnleiidcu'l, Wl'lliam'sport, T Ai'KAtVANXA VXD IU.fKiM.j- ij in ft i 11(1 ll.VII.Itll II l',',',,",',v'1i,"!i',''.1 " 1 raw w Tiiiius win oi'iiiW Min.- Leave f-cranoii at 1:10 p.m. nn, .'.mi a.m. : Kingston ut II i-.m. jiml r: v, i.m . i, , , uirji nt ni p.m. niul a.m. Noilluii I bcrlandiil ": i i'.m, mid I'W, a.m. oiiuuni- . :Ni' V,',,,-,'l?,w' nl 7.s.m. ami ft p.M.j lllramudiinv nt ma .i.j, a nil n'ii ., Kcrunum at Ihu". a.m. niul U p.m. Aril" ai bilmii: ton ullftiu a.m. and ifcl5i'.M, ivftuun- KtWluli, March 15, ISOB.'1, Al Wl1' ""'''' juxoi:mcii a wutii, wiirn.rsii i- r rui'i-'nu, HMlKLTi, UEltOEll & CO., i"M(ll!NEltAI, COMMISSION MEHC1IANTH Dealers 111 l'ISII, HALT, CHEESE, PltOVISIONH, do., Nos. 122 nnd 121 North Wharves, nbovo Arch Ht. Philadelphia, Hold rtKChti for Wilcox's Wiled Urease, lu bar. rds, U'x, and cans. 'PHE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. iho ATLANTIC MONTHLY, bv cenernl rm sent, stands nt the head of American maxahics, 11 iiuiuoeis nmoiiK us eoiurinuioin me iiiosi euii. ,i Hli.t-a of I lir, rln i. In ,11 1 111 Prnsi, nntl P.nl7.. and Its pnKes have always reilcctcd what Is best III Alllenum l.licrnnre. n mis reaiucu u circu tniiou tinier before uatned bv nnv American innt.. nlneoi this cluss, and it has, by tho lonu period or its existence ami inc worm oi us contributors, become llriuly llxed In public cstc.em, ' tbo loliowinx nrc iimonc uio mosi prominent' ltKiiliircoiitribiitors! II. W. I.ONtn-ELI.OW, 111 i I il I j i V Wii i WILLIAM CuLI.EN BUY ANT, J, T. TllOWllHID'lE. DONALD a. MITCHELL, C. C. 1IAZEWELL. ' J. a. WIIITTIEIt. U. . IIU1..M1 JS 1JAYAIII) TAYI.OU, HAllKIET 11. STOWE, OAIL HAMILTON, E. P. WHIPPLE. TEHMs3! Single subscriptions, four dollars por CM'ii P.A1 r.. Two copies foricven dollars! flvo copies for sixteen dollars' ten copies for thirty dollars; and each additional copy three dollari. l or norv ciuo oi iweniy Miusciioers an extra copy will be furnished gratis, or twenty-ono co-pl,-s for sixty dollars. Posi-Adi:. The postaRO on tho ATLANTIC Is twenty-tour cents per year, und must In till cases bo pi Id nt Iho olllce where It Is received. Sl'ECl.MI-.N COl'IliS of tho ATLANTIC MONTHLY will be (.cut on receipt of twcnty.n8 WTIh' ATLANTIC MONTHLY nnd our YOUNG rOLKSwlll bo liirnlshcd together at llvo dollars per yt ar. Inducements are olTorod to teachers and posiiinislei s lo procure subscribers to our periodi cals. Agents wanted throuKhout the country, Address TICKNOlt A FIELDS, Publikhers, 121 Trcinont Street, llostvn, Mass. a an VOUKG FOLKS. Wo rcsnoctfullv lnvltenttcntlon to the followlnt notu from tliu nblu nnd poptitnr Deputy Hlulu Hu piTintundciit of Schfxils for I'dinylvniiln: IrsslS.'IlCKNOH A Kin.!).), llu&ton, MltbS.J'N, Permit mo to conRrntulnto you on the muikcd MiretsH of "Our Youn rolK." 'i nm tho lsMioof the llrst number I have watch ed with much sollclludo its tono nnd clmractcr, well knuwtiift tho Immrn&o lnllueiice, for tood or fur evil, it would bo likely to wield. JiidKlng bv the tono whteh has prevailed in much of our Juventlo llUrature, both religious nnd bceulnr, I u-jired t hut Its contrJl)U tors iniKht luck thnt young, hcnrtediiess wlddi can alono fi)euli to tho chllJ. nature, or that the faith nnd ingenuousncrss ol youth niijdit ho tumperi'd wJtli nnd dlsplnct-d by a l.mcv for the vices and deceits of inaturcr year. Happily my foarn Imvo proved groundless, and the whole community hno to tlmnk you for pro duein n inunlne ho well adapted to tho claw for whh'h It K intcndcil, und so piovatlnL' nnd relln iny in its IntlUPiues. HAMUK1 I. llATr.H, Deputy State Huperlntendent Schools, lla, TIZUMS nr OUlt YOUNG FOLKS: $2 n year. la advance; Ihieu eoplts, gii llvo copies, Sa; ten co plet Mi! Mid each additional copy 81,50. Twenty copies, $-W(niid a copy gratis to the pcnon procur lmr the eluh. peell inducements ofl'ered to teachers to act lasunents. Soeelal cony und circular sent to toi- urns who wiMi to iirocure suoHcrioers, ror ten tenw. TICKNOlt A I'lKLDS, l'uhllsliers, lioston, Mass. JKW YOItK LEADER. The IXAPJ'K is puhllbhed every PaturdflV moniini:, lenus, inariuhly, cash in advance. Money sent hy mall nt tho rj:I: of the sender. suilku'TIon lt.VTi.s. KornbhiKlo copy, thrco inouths,SL; hiru sln-lncopy,hi" months, ft; foru sinr'lo copy, one j ear, 81; Jour copies for one year, Sl.j; eiuiit copies tor ono year, One extra copy to Iter-up of clul)S of elf;lit, in reily to several njiplieations, nrrnnementd have teen mado lorn special VatcrinR-llaeet.ub-sci lotion to the I.I'Alu.K, which is pie-eminenily u W ntei tnii-l'laec Paper. Tho paper will lie mall ei 1 to subscribers for three months for one dollar, and tin addresses of city suhbciihers will be changed upon application nt tlilsi oil ice, m that thuj-e who visit iho Hummer resorts may not bo deprived of ibis u eeldy photosrapli of political, literary, artistic, diamntlc, and boclal lite in the mctiopulls. All cuutributions, booUt,, hut,lnet,s letters, communications, etc., must ho addressed io uiu i.jJiitui ur im; itKA in-Ai, 11 FranUtort Stiect, New York City. JEW YORK TIMES. 'I HE DAILY TIMES, eonlalnlnir the latest l-'or. i-i'ju and Donustic News, Is published dally, at ten dollari. per annum; with feumlay edition, twelve rloliars. 'the hl..Ml-VEEKLY TIMES, nublishcd on Tut nml I'rldays, prico llvo cents, lu addl- llou in iho latest ccnorul Inlelllueiicoby tclcerunli up lu Ibe moment of koIiik to puss, thero will bo loiind In each miiubcr the lullcst Wusliliiuloa News. Eiiiopenn News, with graphic lcttcrslrom our correspondents In London und Paris, glvliu; the tone of public leellun abroad. Is made a spe cial and permanent feature. In addition to Edi torials on nil Iho curicnt topics of the dav, tho SiE.MI-WEEKLY T1.MEH has a pafie of carefully pi ep.iied eoiunierclal matter, Rlvlni; the latest I'l nanelal Newsnnd Market lteporls; llims of As licutlurai and Douiesllc Interest, compiled Iroin souii-i s ninny ol whiili are otherwise luacccsslblo lo the American leader; and marriages und .MaiTi.mes and Deaths of the week. The "SKMi-Vi:rKi.Y ilLcoiin," or Newsfiuin ni.irjbcinu a careful synopsis nnd digest of tho news of lla-day, Is alone worth douhlu the sub scription nrleo to tho paper, as It preserves In n eondeiisi ,1 and conveniently closslllcd form all news of interest, iiud must prove valuable as u moid lo all time. Tl- H.MS. 'I hi co dollars per milium. Club rates are itiii-i.uiimicii. Tin' WEEKLY TIMES, published at two dollars a ear, contains, In addition to the latest Kcneral Intelligence by telegraph up to the moment of 1,'olns to press, Ihe fullest Washington News. i.nrupean .m'wi. wiiu nrnpnio letters Iroin our correspondents In London und Purls, giving tho ) lone ol public feeling abroad. Is made u t.pccir.1 and neiniancnt fentuie. In addition to Editorials on all Un- cuuent topics of tho day, tho WEIJi LY TIMES has a pagu of carefully-prepared coin I meiclal imttler, gh ing tho luiest Klnnncinl News I mid .Market Itepoils; ilcms of Agrlcullurnl and .'.IUK--SIIU .iiic-ji-si, i-ojiiiuicu liom sources many ol wlilch ate otherwise inaccessible to the Aineri i un leader; und Mnrrlugcsund Deaths of the week. jKW YOKK T1U1JUNE ENLAHGED. THE LAIiaUST AND CHEAPEST. i.Ki-Ar.cmpsir or inn uailv, sumi-wkckit, A.NIl WTJIKLY I'KIllUNE. Notwllhslnndlng tho fact that the slro of TUB 1 uiut'Ni: has been Increased more than ono quar ter, tho prleo will remain the same. ;' is 1MB timi: io sunscninE ion THE GUEAT l'AMILY NEWhl'Al'EIt. , THE NEW YOItK WEEKLY TltlllUNE Is pi luted on a largo double-medium sheet, malt ing clht pages of six biond columns each. It loiitainsull tho lmpuitnnt Editorials published lu Tin; Daii.v 1IIIUUS.K, except lliosoof merely local lnteicst; also Literary und bcicntltlo Intel llgeme; Ucvlewsot the most Important and in leiesitng New Hooks; the Lctlcis fiom our lorga coii s ol loirespoudeuts; the latest news received by leh graphlrom Washington nnd all other parts ot Iheiuuutry; a huiuinary of nil Important in tellucncooi this city and elscwlicro; a Hynopsls ol the i roeei'dings of Congress and State Leglsla uue when m tcsslon; tlio l-'orelgn News received by eery steuuier; Exclusive lleports of the pro ceedings or tlio l-'urmers' Club of tho American InMitute: Tulksnbout Fruit, and other Horticul tural and Agrlcultmul Information essential to country riblJcntsj stock, l-liianclnl, Cattle, Dry Oonds, and Ocncrul Mm Itet lteporls: making It, both lor variety und completeness, altogether tint hum vulumile, Inicrestlng, and instructive Week ly i;r.wsi'Ai'i.ii published In llioworld. .. , TEllMS. Mull subscribers, single copy, 1 year $2 00 Mall Lubscriliers, clubs of live 9 uo 'I en copies, addressed touanusof iubscrlbcrs'17 fti Iwi my i..pii-s, do. do. 31 M Ion copii s, to ono address pj (io Twi mj copies, io ono address ;iij w An oxtiu ci py will bo tent it each club of ti i i .riiN.l'V VDItKSEMlTw'ir.KLY TIUI1UNE i pnbl ,li.-,l eveiy 'iuesdiiy nnd I'riday, and con tains nil the Editorial m tides, -jot merelv local in chuiucb l ; Liu nil y llevlews Art Cr'illclsnis: Li lt'rs liom our huge corps of Foreign und Do luesile Coiiespoiidciilsj hpeelal mid Associated I ic.s ii ligiaph Despiitchisj iiuirei'iil and com i.l. leMinini.iiyot rnrelgnund Domestic News; I xelu-lye lteporls of the PiiH-is-illngsol Ihel-'arm-""' V ",u Anierlenii Institute: Talks ubout l iull, and otlu i Ilorllculturai nnd Airiieullurnl s inioruiatloii ; stoclt, I'liiuneinl emtio, Dry Goad; hreViiVfomViMbe tl' COUlhu vt 'lur' I vmS.-'l! J"VrWr 1'OrLLAIl NOVEW 1, n uythois, Tho cost of iheso alono, lf i ? 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Powcis rciilltlnn for isiples tt-5 will receive au uxlui copy one yeur. .Tiiji Km Yoni: daily triiiune is pub. lhhiHl evirv inornlns nnd eveuliiK(Riiiirtays if cer,d)ut tiO per yean jjfor su moiithk. 'IV'ims.costi lu ndMime. Drill sun . i-w Yoik, or poBl-olllieoideiB, pyu " ' i ' . ,-, r Vt, preKraUo Vs 'Ullf' ilICS -1 11 1 I M Ncv IV