THE COMIMBIAJSy I3LOOMS13Ull, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, JS6G. jl- LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A, Wins copious rnlns wo hiivo boon vis- ltcd with lmvu hud. strniiL'o to my. no ' affect upon the river, which Is us low its during iv dry season. Fon E.1I0 nt Peter Ent'.s store, nt Light Street, one thousmitl hurrcls pu re Whole VInc-Riir Cider. Also, twenty empty cider barrel "JoVVili.iam L. Maddock A Co., deal ers In lluu groceries, No. ll." South Tltlrd Street ( opposite tho Olriinl Hunk), ' i'hlludelpliin. Tim puhlle stile of ostnto of John San key, deceased, situated in .Scott Town uhlp, presents n excellent opportunity Tor Investment. Tho s-nle will take tilaco on Thursday, October lll'teenth. Tun report of the match Rfiino of ba-o ball between tho Pioneer Club, of this "5pce, and the -Live Oaks, of Danville, la unavoidably crowded out this week. It will appear In our next. George Reiswick. has discontinued tho sprinkling of tho streets. Ho did tho job well, and gave general .satisfac tion. A dry time during fair week will loam us tho difference between n good solid road mid dust half-wheel deep. Otni county has long been known for Its superior clover-seed. Years gone by tho county sent hundred. of bushels to market every season. It is on the in crease. Lime-, guana, and other fertili sers havo made clover-heads as plenti ful as blackberries " used to was." ' "Till: prospect has never been better ."than now for an extraordinary crop of buckwheat. Many of tho townships of this county arc largely interested in the cultivation of this kind of grain. If the season continues favorable, In a week or m lander it will be out of tltin jjjorof frost ... Union Meeting. A meeting of Un ion men who support tlio President of tho United State will he held at the Court House, in Hloomsburg, on Tues day evening, September twcnty-llfth, 18UG, to which tho public are invited. Tho meeting will be nililres-cil by Ma jor Charles II. Shriner, of Union Con nty. TIetween tho two Democratic candi dates for Assembly Col. Tuto and Capt. Chidfant we can have no choice. They are both bitter, violent copiierheads. 1 n roiilv to uumerous inquiries, wo say most emphatically wo cannot and will not support citier. as uiey nave got to flghtlug wo proposcstaiuling by and m-o them iiound each other. We enjoy the epurt. Lolumoia County Jfrjmoiwwi. Tho Doctor's assertions in print and those made verbally are in direct con llict. "Wo luivo it on unriuc-stloimhlc jiutliorlty that ho will vote for Colonel Tate that is, if ids own words do not belle his actions. Tiik Continental Vocalists, in tho costume- of our forefathers, give nn en tertainment in tlio Town Hall next Tuosday evening. Tho company ntiiii bors live members, Messrs. .1. W. Smith, JI. M. Rogers, T. M. Watson, and h. O. liuuson lormiug n quartette oi rare ability. Mr. Hernard Covert, tho vet ran ballndist and composer, is also i member of tho company. Our citizens have n. rich treat in store for them in tho programme which the vocalists Iiavc put forth. Tho price of admission is but twonty-flvo cents, with 'an addi tional quarter for reserved seats. A had nccidnnt occurred near Catu wissa, on Moniiay last, by which an es timable person lost her life. Mrs. Zarr, An elderly ludy, while walking on the .track of the CattawUa Railroad, was struck by a locomotivo of a rapidly np proacliing train, which resulted in her 'death. Tlio practice of walking on Ttiilroatl tracks is too frequently in dulged in, and is tho cause of many ac cidents. It should bo carefully avoided, from tho dlflleulty the engineer iias In ,lcnowing if a person in tills situation litis heard tlio signal of the approaching train. A curelessnes in this respect we understand to havo been tho cause of Mrs. Zurr's death. NEWS ITEMS. -1 CoMMononn NuT-rand Minnie "War ren aro to bo. married. ? Qknf.iiaij M'PniutsoN'rt monument Swill bo erected at West Point iustead of t Clyde, Ohio. ' 'Mattiikw Hai.dwin', tho celebrated locomotivo builder, died in I'lilhttlel ph'lft last Frithiy. Laiigk numbers of tho coal minors and iron workers of South Wales are emigrating to tlio United States. Tun Synod of the Gorman Reformed .Church of tlio United States will assem ble nt York, Pennsylvania, on tlio six teenth proximo. The school directors of AVilkcsbarro ro building a now three-story brick , achool-housu at it cost of about eighteen Vthousand dollars. ;' Fit.vuiM on tho aovernmont to tho amount of ovor one million dollars havo JiCou discovered in Hrooklyu. A ow . York Arm is Involved. "ii', firo occurred among tlio oil ' ' wells of ijurnlng Springs, West Vir ginia, on tlio tenth Instant, l-'lvo wells wero tlestroycd niiU thrco lives lost, - TitucoUonmorchrtiltaof New-Orleans mot on tho evening of tho eleventh Instant, and adopted a memorial to the Secretary of tho Treasury, rciiu!stiug that tho regulations for assessing anil collecting tho tux on cotton might he 'modltled. , Ik Lower Canada tlio crops has'o been seriously Injured by continued heavy roliw. It is estimated that, in inany districts, at least one half of tho hay and grain crops 1110 rn'nei!, ami It I feared that much buttering will prevail the coming Wiuler. Hv recent arrangements effected by tho Postuiastcf-Gciienil, twenty hours' time will bo saved between St. Paul, Mlnm-mtn, and Winona, the niallsbelng carried by railroad instead of by boats. In Huntingdon County, Pennsylva nia, there were three deaths from burn ing last week two children who were playing with mutches, and n woman who attempted to revive n llroby pour ing eoal-oll on it. SmiKT.viiv Sr.WAitn, who was taken 111 at Pittsburg with cholera, has arrived at his homo In Washington. Though feeble, ids .symptoms aro not deemed alarming, and ids entire recovery is looked for in a few days. Tm: Hoard of Trustees for tho freed men's school In Washington City havo succeeded in nuking good their claim to a proportion of tho public school money of the city, amounting to thlrty 11 voor forty thoiHanddollarsperunnuiii. They havo also the prospect of recover ing a similar proportion from tho city government, duo tho board, which lias been withheld for n number of years and appropriated to the white schools. PiUV.vti: adviciM from Mexico state that S.m Luis Pohul was bMng evac uated by th" Imp rialist-t, and the Liberals wero fast arming new troops. Regular shipments of ariiH, olothtu,', etc., wero being received, and Americans wero constantly swelling tho ranks of tho Liberal army. l.,irgo orders had been forwarded to tho agent of the Re public In the United States, mostly for heavy artillery and ammunition. MARRIED. In Cntawlssa, ill Urn resldeneo of tlin bride's father, ly I lev. S.C. Swallow, PiiiksTi.Y llAltliKii of D.iuvllli-, tn Emma liiisii, of tlio former place. On tin- 1 1 -u 1 1 1 1 lnstmit, by Rev. I). 0. .Iiilin, nt tin- residence nf tin- otllciatlng clergyman, N.v- TltAN'IKI. II, W. IlllOWN, Ilf MlllllO TnWIIslllp of Miilit Township, In Miss M v i l 1 :it, ul Ciituwlssa. On tliu twcnly-clghlh ultimo, liy 11.1. King, IlKMtv Dddiii: Id I'MA:inrii Oulmvi.ii, Iwiliof Hemlock. DIED. In Kspytown, on Similny pvciiIiir, Si-pti-inlior nlntli, II MiiiiKT Ki.i.i-.n, In tlio i'lth yuur of ln-r nui', In I.llit Street, .Si-ptiinl)cr I'levt-ntli, Ai.iikut, pun ofOM-nr I, ntul Itiry J. lint, iiyc-l 1 yi-nr, 3 moutliH, mul 2 ilayn. LINKS O.N Till-. DEATlfOF ALIICHT KNT. Hit It V-ICIll. O, u-t-op tint for your liappv elilld, Ills Sin lour I'.illi'il lilin liiinit-; Tli it Iiim-Iv tiifiuit, su-i.-1't mi'l mllil, Is w lii-ii- no sorrow eotii,-, Vour llttli Allu'lt Is lrippy iioh, lti-lt-iiM-,1 trom pain mul win; A itowii of nloiy irn-.itlii'S Ills t,rov Not halt his Joys you know. Ills spirit pun-, not miIU-iI liy nln, Whn ill tor Ilcavi-uly joy : U, wNh not, thi-n, to i-nll lilin lnu-k Wlirro sii-kni-i-s iloth uiinoj I Ills llttli- brotln-r hi-soon will inert, Ami lulu- his harp will, hi-,; Vour nimi'I Ii.iIh-s with Joy vnu'll Kroet In llt-itvi-n'h elernal Nphi-rcs, Iteporl. Wlo-at per liiislu-l ltye " . f 2 fit . 1 JI . 1 mi Colli " I- lour in-r li.ii rel . P r!oelet-il , r, ini . U 7" 10 . It fin ! Ia--i'i il llllller IXv.s Tallow Potatoes llrle.l Apples I'ork - limns Slip's nijiil Kholllilers per poiiiul Hay pi-r ion . n no 'St '. Si ti lSTRAY. CAMK OX TIIK l'RKM J j lSKSof thesiiliserlher, In CenlreTownslilp, on or ahoiil the 1st ot .May last, a siuiy Hoir, ieluhlm;alsiut one liuudred pounds, 'I neowner Is ri-ipit-sird to come torw.ird, pion- pro.eit , pay ehiiiifes.or II will be dlsposi-,1 of aceordiiiir to law. si-pi -it im:ti:u spooNi:viu:im. prillilC SALK OF VAi.u.viii.i:, ustati: In pursuance of 1111 order of the Orphnns f'n of Columbia Coitlit.l. 1', liusi ivaliln. oil Sutlllr uirt lay the Ml! day ol OcloInT nett, ut 10 o'clock III the lolclt'MU, (ii'Olue . llllesliaell, Aillilltli-lrator, Ac., of lvliaheth ltli h.ild. late l:il..ilictli Drlis. bach, I. lie of Uloolil Toll llsllip, ill said comity, de ceased Mill e)Mise to sale, bj )iulille vendue, on the premises, aeeitaln lot of iiound, situate on the northiicst side of Third tercet, ot the town of UloomslaiiK, lu said county, and hcim; the one half part ul lot'l.aud boiiti'led us follows: Ite-Kluniu'-iit the coiner of lot No.'.l.on Third street aloiesald.lhcncu noithiiestwaiilly one bundled and sceii feel and a hall; thence sunt Invest wm ly stt-slx tcet, tothe lineoflot N'o..l;lhenei'aloiu; the line of lot Nii.rilsoillhellstwnrdll ouelltiudled mil seven mul a I1.1 1 lect. to 11 coiner on l htul street nforesald i theliee iiIoiik said 'Hip, I stleet slt. -sl leet, to the place ot lifKiuuilUf, w hereon ts elected a luo-stiuy Iraiuu house, with a base deceased, situ. Ue lu ifio Towil--hlp of itlooiiimul ciiuuiy aioiesaiu. .u.i. i-iu.c.M.x.s, cieut 11, L, IlLooMsiiUKn, Si-iiteinhi-r s, Isiw, conditioxs oi'' s.vr.i:. Ten per edit, of one lotirth 01 the purthnso molle to be paid h.V the pillcliascr to the lulmht- istriitor 011 the striking down of thu nronerti-: one fotuth ol tlu- plllch.lse inoney less ten per 'CIl 1 . 011 luecoil.iriiiaiioo 01 iiiestuc; 111c lesuuie the laircliase money 111 one year trom tne cou- llriii.itfou, with Interest Iroiii tlio ci-nflimation lif. si, 'J ho piuchliscr to jny for deed mid stamps. UH.U11UI. l. IIUIIJSIIAI-II. seps-tt Administrator TTKNRY (iltJKR has oiiencd 11 llrsl-elass hoot, siioi:, hat and cap stohi:. nl hlsold stand 011 MalnStreet, Hloomsbm'.;. up stock Iseotnposisl of 1 he very latest and besi style eierotleri'd to the clilvus ot c.iluuiblii Counlv lie enn iicconimoilate 1 lu nuoi c witn tho to ow tin- ktoilsnoil oi-iees! .Men's calf hoots, Due V, (Dtofl IN) K 11. uoiiiiic sole .1 ,t..'i .! It.iys' child's boots 1 Tfi to I 7.1 Men's idove kid. Conmess. tvc 2 fin tofi 7.1 " llilinoral sIiih-s 1 in) toll 01 Men s, women s. oo s , mul misses move Km lasting jailers 1 tiio-i Women's liloi 0 kids, very line a 2.", to fi line uoai 11101-oceo uanuoiaiH .1 10 1 ini men s Uloloccotlllil callslioes 1 7ato collllll. ill shoes l.Nlto2fill Misses and child's siloes 11 21 till If) .Men s, women s. inlsies . Isivs. mul 1 1 il III s si I liners 0 2.i ill U0 lie also keeps .1 meal Miriety or HATS, CATS, AM) KTHAW ClOODS if every kind. at the lowest prlies, bolh fori nsh mm country pi-oiu-c, Itnmcmlier thellt Unci loll Is In our foods. Don be iiliiriiieil at the cry of hliih pi lees, but cull mid see loryoursolM'S. iiespeeiuuiv. 111..MH iii,i;u. puuuc sai.i: OK .Mil'Alll.l. IU..U1 lsj.ll x In pursii.inee of an order of the (Upturn's (Vmit ol Columbia County, Pa., onTluiisd.iy, the t-tli mil 01 iii-iooi-r ii'uni iiu iiii-iuii'iiiiiiii , i- .1 . 1.. 1... ...1..... 1 1. inn's it . rsiin.,- , .ii.iiii .-..ini.- j , .-on r-., 11 in-. and John UcUhatd. Keculois of the last will anil leslalili-lll ol Jo 111 S.I IllIO . late ol l elllle l ouniy, ueceaseii, win i-vpose to sine, ny piiimo veimue, on ine pii-mises,aceii.iiu piamaiioii miu tract nl land sltualu lu scoltTou iishlp.t'ouutv ol Colunibl.i, butiiiilod on th'i i-ast by land of .ilelll-u, 011 1110 sou 1 11 oy laiio 01 i cier ..loiiciwiiiiii the liulille load leiidlm Irom lllooiiisliurir to lu unuevtlle on the west, nv lauds ol David Walle and Aiidiow Cii'icllii' on the ninth, contain Ins one iiuuilii'il mul iwcuiy-scvcii aires more or less. Miiiicoii mu eieciiu a intire iwo-sioiy stone ilwellluK-housi', 11 laruo liauie burn, mid iiotlnillilui'rs. a well ol nood witicrnt the door ol thctlii'clliniMiuusc.iiii'l IMoiiiinleotehards. Also a Unci ot laud situate 111 Mount rlcusanrlowu- sli 11. colilllN aiou-sai'l. noi u' eu oil ine casi nv I.1111I of .lacoli llul-l'i II. oil the south hv lauds o! James (liliiu-s, 011 Uu- west b lainU ul John shlptuau, and -m tile south hv lauds ol John HI, Iter. 101111111111111 lilt-, acies. '1 11e111lncl11.1l nail of the iiboM- 11. id Is imod mishI laud. Irfilc the estate of said deceased, sliuaie lu Ihe'rownshlps 01 si-oll una .nouni i-ieasam, uui coiiiuy moie .11 I l-w I.- II l.'M V I 'I... I. Slid. i,.-... , U. , .. HLOoMHil'lici, Sept. 1.', Isia ti'.ums or sai.i:. Ten Di-rcent. of one third of the nurclinse mnti el to be palil by the puictiaser or piitch.iseis 011 I in- sll'lliUUdrniuof the propelt-i : one Ihlld less ilieiin per 1 cut. to be paid on the ilist dav ot A-nil. A. I). lvJ7; Itnd I lu- lial. nice lobe paid lu 111 n'pi'it payuu-nis, wiiu iiiieiesi 110111 -tli-lii-il .1.1,1 "I Apill, 1S7, When piisses.Un ot the pit'iii i-s win In- miu. I'm-li. is. it, 10 pay fm r(. 1 .1 md -linn.' .. s. pi II. "Hit KM I CM LIST X . Ilf the , , eleven nt annua. F.xitinmoN nf tin' con miiia cni-.vrv AoitnrriHtAT,. iior. TICl'LTl'ltAL A.M MECIIANK'AI. . . .... ASSOCIATION, In lm lii-lil nt llLOOMstltlHO TIIHWIUY, FRIDAY, AND SATl llliAV, OCIOIIHIl II, 12, 11ml l.t, tSMJ. I'ho lloiinl of Mutineer liuvi' determined to uso oierv exertion to innki- this l'ulr ns satisfactory nml Interesting us ihissIIiIo tn nil, ntul tlin citizens of this mitt iiilluccht counties arc earnest I v Imlli'il tn iillciid, mul 11I111 tuilii nil they inn tn iniikn 1 1 it liiiititlty nml quality nr stock nii.l articles fur ex lilliltluti tlm hitgcst mul best. Tin- iiiciuliuns of-li-n-il art. mnrii llbi-uil tlmii llion'iif miv tirevlous yriir. rr.Tln I iittclitlon Is culled tn rulo No. u. ituci uiitbci,tlttic. 1'. DRINKER, See.'y.J CLASS t. IIOIISIK, Jo.Ami li. tt'iiH'lrtNinicilntcmtcnt. Ili'M pair illiniglil hoi ji, 4 no o no H HI A til s mi fi no li) i) JJ earrliiiu "u J! Dimes, htnUlou ii er 3 years- olit, hrooil innrp.Vltli eolt ut lu-r liln,l liijtli oiuu-il b.v tho t-xlilbllur, ; dlnulo tiirrlngo horse, " " liiiue, 8 lJ ' 8 W r, no 4 UO t: nu i on 2 l I nu t III) I no 4 Ul II J KeMIni? ln-tiveeii 3 nml I years old, man " willing " 2lillll.1 " lilai'O ' ' horse eult " 1 ami 2 innri! " " : no horse or inaro enlt utnlcr 111 nios olil, 3 il il " " 2 110 " pair lnateli eolts tiniti-r 4 years Mil, ImiUeu to hiilliesK, 8 In) r.xhllillors lituh-r Oils . lnss wilt linvt. tlu-lr horses on the mound liy 10 o'cloelt on rrlilay inoinliiL', at i hull tliuu tho Jtnlges- will examine t ii.-in. .iiimm .loshun lu Fowler, Seottt I;, 51, Wunllii, llelllfoek: .loseoll W. lteese. tll-fftlllooil ! Anion Suiitli, J It nil, k k ; Joshua .Memlviihall, I'lnuklln, class ii. i-A rri.i:. Juhmo.i IL ier, tStti-rltitrnnrnt, Ihtlttun .S'iieA'. lteit hull 3 years oltl iiud upwaril 81J on l) 00 u uo 1 INI 3 no 2 no 2 INI II between 2 anil 3 years oi J, " " 1 and 2 " a ,i ,, calf under 10 months old, cow 3 ears old and upwnnl, heifer between 2 nnd 3 years old, " tulf under 10 months old, Dcvtni Stui k, bull 3 ears old and upward, betu ecu 2 and 3 years old, lnnd2 cnlf under 10 monllis old, cow 3 years old nud upward, liedfer between 2 and 3 years old, eulf under 10 months old, AUttmcjt AeeA, tiiill 3yeuiso!d mul upward, between 2 and 3 jwirs old, .. t,,, u eulf under 10 months old, eow 3 j cars old nnd upward, heifer between 2 and 3 years old, ealf miller 10 mouths old, (Irtnlrtl .Slack bull Syeiiisold and upiincd, " be! ween 2 and 3 years old. I INI 4 INI 3 in i INI 12 1)0 I) 00 II INI 4 INI 3 INI 2 l 2 INI 1 no li INI 4 In) 4 IN) 3 ini 2 W) 12 IN) II INI ti no 4 Ul) 3 ID 2 IN) 2 IN) 1 IN) ti tl 1 IN) 4 III : ini 2 UO 12 IN) II (i) li 111 1 II) .-; 111 2 ini 2 in) 1 IN) I! ID I UO ealf under 10 mouths old, eow 3 j ears oliUmd upmird, heifer bet ween 2nirl 3 years old, " ealf under in molitlis old, Ai!ile.SiW.'. bull 2 years olihmd upward, between 1 and 2 years old, ealf undeMO mouths old, eon 3yeatsold and upwntd, heller hetireen 2 and 3 years old, " e.ilf under 10 luonths, Ojih itinl Mi'rrf. yoke of oxen, oi lied mid worlced by the exliliiltor. j( t( oke of steers lietween 1 nnd .'lyeais 1 II) 3 HI 2 UO II III 1 HI 3 in 2 III 2 INI 1 II) Il INI I no 1 III 3 INI 2 IN) f IN) 3 11) 4 III I'.-tlllbltors will have their stoik tcndi-for the Judges to examllie liy 10 o'clock A.. it. on l-'rhlm . .ifiM- Johnson II, Ikeler, liiccmvooil; John iimiman, iicmioeu; 1:11 .Mcinlenliall, l'.,-nloii l. II. roiiler, Cent'; Henry lIolllngsheml.L'ata wlss.1. ('LAVS III. SW1NI. 7.7.ia JtttymuH, A'11 in rintimlmt. Ilest ln-ur, ' brood sow, "1 (Nl :! no 4 III li (Nj sow and plus (li or morel. Il INI lot of . or more tihrs uiulerH w'lrsolil. :t 111 2d " " " ' " " 2 ID " lot stonk hogs ('I or inoie), 11 oil .. .. .. .. .. .2 M il,( i 1.1 sua linvmmi. llu-eiiivooil i will am .-in, j.eiiiiociv, .iimicw r icas, ..c-lllie. CLASS IV. SULK)'. Jusrjih Sctitlcujtunl, SitprrintcmU'lil. Fine H'oof. llest buck, 81 IN) I II) I ID 3 ti) MiiMlc Wool. buck, ewe. 4 ID .". ID I (10 a in) vOII' 1IW. buck. 1 no Id " :i i) " OWP, J INI . ... . II HI ,iirr, -.losco 1 senlleriroisl. i-lnef Alu-l Tlutm. us, uai.iMiss.i-, liauici iiauuuu, urcelllioo-1, CLASS V. 1-ot'L'lllV. JVoillilv J)ulliii(lilt Niiprrintrtttlrtit. llest and largest display or poulliy, pair chlckens.jiialo nnd female, " " tut keys, " " " a 1, 1, ,1 a " " Bi-ese ii 11 ,, ,, i ,, f .l 00 2 ini 1 (Nl r 1 01 fio 1 (N) fin iluck-i, 1 IN) " mul lai'Kesi display of tame plceons, fij Jilifi)! Thomas D.llllnan. Scott ; .lolili At. 1011,1,100111; wiiiiam it tuu-r, iiciuiocit, CLASS VI. (illAtS AMI MUHS, ,uvrpl .liM(cl', HuiH-niitciuhnt, llest lialf-biishel elm er seed, " " timothy" $.1 (11 1 .VI :i in 1 tnishel red wheat, " wltltu " a ini a 111 1 1 buikiiheat, M hiilf-busllel ground seed corn, 11 .ellow " " ' smoke 11 " " ll.ixseed, 1 fio 1 1 1 .VI liushel oats. 1 Jtul-i 1 Joseoh Masters. Madison f Inlm.-l Vance, Orallije: Saiullel All, Hemlock; Clinton .ncnut'ii 1111 . 1 rnuKiin : jusenn iiemii-rsiiot 11IOOII1. CLASS VII. Vr.!I.TAIII.!l, llrnry '.uiilntjef, Sitp rinti ailntt. st bushel Pilnco Albert potatoes 2 no men er " ' icach hlow " KKtllL-t Chill " 201 " " uisiycoii 41 CU.C11 " 2 (1) " na i-inisiici cany uoo, r c 1 secil In potatoes, -jon " halt-husliel sweel potatoes, 2 (n " bushel Held till lllps, 2 111 o " ruin bunas, -j im " lulf-busliel Miiair licels, 111 " " inunijolil, I hi " " 1 c.-ts. " " cariots, j id " paisiiiiis. M OlltOIIS, J INI " half-ilo-icu veaeliiblniiystersCsiilslfyi, I m a fiel k lollllltoes, j imi o :i heads cahhaue, 1 m ;i iiiincnes eeieiy, " I run plants, o 2ipiarts llnia benus, .1 2 .1 Carolina" 2 " soup " :l squashes, " 11 Held pumpkin-,, 1 l) I III I INI , HI, '. I,, III , S.l,.lll!K- , II OOlll .lolm (ior. don, cutuwissii-, .1, iinncy creMiiiiii,Molt, clasi. viii. itoi-smioi.ti jiAMirAcrfitus, irNffnin Nrliuiiler, fitwerintciulatt. Ilest in yards lliiuiiel, fi 10 10 woolen cloth, l-aipel, 10 " plain linen, 10 'i diaper, Lull wool stocUlnus, ' " milieus, ' coltou stockings, liolue.uillilu btltlt, collou Ipllll, 'A iialr wool blankets. 2 " " linen sheets, 1 o home.luade Inlile-eloth. I .;i(i'c.-WllllaniSchuylir, Scitt; Maty A. Wll son, Madison; Mrs. Joseph 1 Conner, Centre Mis. UU, 1111 Itccder, L'atnnlssa; Mis, Caleb liar ion, jiioom, CLASS IV. POMrjirid MAMTA(Tl'ltr.S, itMftMi, iSi.jn 1 inhttitcnt. llest loaf tircad, Ji " pouud i.llie, j) M M to fit) fio no ft) m ft) ,1 IN) 1 INI 1 III ni'im- ouuur, pfiieli plum " , i Krni.d " ' Kiillon orKhlilii1iJ. ' iiiieil laim, Jm roll tiuttcr, not fhstliSin po'iu'i'. 2d ," " , ' ... " ' . i' " ,, 50 HI llpplnple, i stiiopie yensi, in " " linrd soap, fin olt " fin Jwliji I.toyd 1 'as ton, Jlonloitr! Itnehel s, lives, (th-cmiood s Sirs. Conrad Ulttentiender, llloomi Mrs, Marwuct Warner, Jlciituii; Mrs. II. 1'. I.uu, lllomii. CLAS X, PASCV AltTlCLESVlNI) I'LUWr.llS, Clmrlrt N. I Ui (it, Niuvrliitenitenl, Ui'Stlinlt shawl, 810) ;; " iiullt, lui) " I Idy, 1 0U " tlltliu; work, 1 in) " speehiieu bead work, 1 uo " shell " 1 ui) " burr " 1 id " leather" 1 uu nan- 1 no " WlIT ' 1 III " drawing, 1 w " palnllng, 1 111 silk embroidery, 1 uu worsted ' 1 Uo cotton " fio worsted mat, .V) cotton " fin hull l'ollsh boot, Go Molkcd slipper, fin fancy pincushion, fin taad-iliess, fin illsiilayol moss palntltiir, 01 collection dahlias, fin " iirtllleial lionets, fin " house plants lu bloom, 80 ' dried crass, ri " " llowcrs, 60 vnrlety llowcrs, fin stieelliii-li lielilmltisllln. 1 111 r...l,.A. 'l l. U i.. .... i I.,.. sit. u t- t'atawlssaj Mrs. i:.' M, Wt'iillu', iicmloekj illsi ..iiiKiu -i. nanus, ..ii, I'leasaoi, CLASS XI, FLoUlt, SlllVr.s, TINWAIli:, AND LK.N- Tisrilt, John ltcltx, iSut'trtntemknt, llest fii) poiiuds wheat tltmr. $3 uo ' ."il b'kn irt " x 00 " fi1) " rye " 3 in) ' . " corn until, 3 no " (iiokliiK stovu wUlillxturcs, 2111 " parlor " ' 2 lit " set iillllli-lnl teeth. 1 in Jmtfii s -I.ilin Ilelts. lleiulocu: L I), row Ier.llL-t nlek : lllljah 11. Ikeler, lllooni. .ASSXIL AUlUcrLTCIlALIMI'I.KMKNTSAM) AIA- Cltl.NLIIV. .Si'rctfcr I'ttrict .Sttii'rlnUnJi'ht, llest plough for Kciieiul use, s: 00 corn piouuli. 1 uo 2 in) coin plainer, tliicsliln-i machine. " rcnis-r mid'uiower uunblncd " faunhiK mill, " horse liny rork, coin sheller, " main drill, " larin waioii, ' straw or tislder cutter, ' holse rake, " porlahlu elder tnlll and pross. ' sled, " clothes wrlnucr, " M'tisliiu iiiaclilue. " suns iki- " ' cloier liullcr, 2 if) 2 (JO 2 (I) 2 INI 2 00 2 UO 1 00 1 110 I III 1 IN) 1 ID I UD 1 IN) 1 ID .VI inurn, wlieelharroM', roller, ii'ctSi liesl, -r l'ursi'l. Hemlock! I.el &l A. llutciilusoii, Ceutie; Coincllus Hellas, Oriing;!-, class xtt. VKIltri.Es, Jtwob (,'ii'Min, Aiijic'iatiui'iif. ll.'-st family eiinla-c, 2 (Nl ' top hiny, 2 inj " 011011 - 2 ii) " Hl.-ixli, 2 do " siukev. -J o i.,.t... 1 '.i.,ip..r.i n. n.,,(,t.....i ri. ........ 1 ..... eiiee,.Moiiut 1'lea's.iut; Jeiry seesholt.. Item ink, (LASS XIV. lll.K.S AMI IIKKIIII LS. Wiltiaitx l A'tfcr, NitinrintcnUuit, llest swallil ol bees. !2 III 1 " " I 111 sample tivo poitiuls 01 Honey, 1 ini hi clllM'. I INI w-W 1111 r. Keller. M lulu; Hiram J Itccder, l-'raiikllii; John ltmit., Jackson. CLASS XV. WINIM AMI I.H110I-.S. Iltittm IK . lV'cnoi, tSiiitrt inttntU'nU llest ipiait ciiriaut wine, 81 () 1 U) 1 no 1 IN) 1 til 01 i.oerry, - Krn'K' '.! 11 i-heriy, " " " vy whiskey, " cider vinemir, T...1 . Ill II .....I......... Tf 1....1. . 1 ill 111 David MoulKoincry, Altilliu: ulwood Hiuhe Ccllllc. , CL M XVI. (-AllINin iVAIII-. TANNKIl S, MIOKM IK lUl's, TAII.OK.S, I'lllTKi: s, AMI lllill'I.MAKI.K'S w Olil.. M'lilitnn T, Shamnit, tSttjtriintcmtfnt, llest bureau, dressin-. stand, display ealilnelware, o set wlnd-orthiiiis, " sprln-seat cli.ilrs, " locking chair, " settee, ' best made suit of clothes " blooms, " Set Silllde lllll llt-ss, " double ' " two sides sole lither, kips, " " " calfskins, " pair calf liisits, " kip lot e.irlhenwarc, " salnnlo i-roeks. 1 til 2 no 1 in 1 INI 1 III 1 HI 2 INI 1 HI 1 UO 1 III 1 III 1 (II 1 ID 1 HI .iii.yi W. T. shunian. Mnln; H. I,. Oearhart leenuolsl! W. II. llelricll.'llsl! John I.' llulililiisuii, 1 isiiing uu-cu; .Miles . willlauis. uraiiye. CUSS XVII. Klll'lT. P. It. Wi-iliirr Hiijnrinttitdent. Rest i. bushel Toilllikhis Cuillltv kiln' IIlllS, f 1,1 Rhode. Island grcciiUii l.illen walcr. II ) 111 1 111 1 in 1 uo 1 uu 1 UU 2 III 1 III miiM-nsteln, V, " Tjilldwlli J, " hiililiurilson monarch " ;j " iieiuiowur, display of apples; pears, peaches, tplltlll's. 2 III 1 III 2 INI doen 1 III fill S clusters grapes, display " 1 HI 2 III 1 HI .7) 1 clusters ci cvelhur ii - ciinioru " fi " illalia " " 5 " dcl.iiinres " " fi " Isabellas," " lot of fox grapes, " lisplay lasplieirles, " sumnlo dlli'd anliles. .'Nl 1 uo " " " peiiches, ,V) " " " cheriles, stoned nnd 1111- stoned, dried. fill JwlarsV. 11. Wenner, llrlar Click; Aaron Kes. ter, Mount l'lcasaut ; William I1. l,ciily, Iteuilis k; .101111 u. iuiciv, .110111001 , 1 taiiu ,, ijit-eu-wood, CLASS XVII, TIttU. (IP lIDItslH. ."irlui'l I.Ul. J 'mt Tiut, est trotting horse, man-, or gelding, SUD uo 1 1 aitmiicc ice. St'1.1 If less than lour horses am enleied, for caih 11 rso less itiau lour sijsnau bo iteuiK-ieii irotu the premium ullctcil. A e-iad Trof. llest trotting horse, ui. ue, or gelding, 8V1 (11 ll.iliiiiuce ice, ;!".) If less than four liorsesiiti-entcied, for each horse less than lour 5iu su.iti no iieuucteii Jioiit ine pieintum olli-reil. Iitrmrr' llest trotllm: hoi-si-, m.ue, or gelding, 52'i (kl (Kntrauee lee, S-l.) 11 less than lourliorscs are entered, for ccdihorse Iiss man loin- ?i snail uu ueiiuiicu irom tun pi'ciiifum ollereit. -No 1 oiciiiliuus Mill be nwatded forauvi.f the abine Unci- lints 11 less II11111 1110 hoise.s nppcar to inipeie 101- ine iirciniiiuis. Mile hials, In hut ness best out of three. .Iittt'it i onrad Iviiinier, Madlsou; .losenh (). Winleistelii. .Mlllllu: Samuel Kostoiibordu-. Cut- uulssii. CLASS XIX. HIOT-ISACIXa. Ilest run onio toiind course, Js (n) , ' - -1 ID 1 Utlunco fee. ,V) cellls.) If less than linen persons enter for the tun no premium w in ue uiinnusi. .)fd,in tram Deri. Jackson! (i. ltickells. uiuu-je; Isaac u, I'ursei, iicimocK. Iiri.lM AXD IIKOI'I.ATIONS. (Altleli third ol the eolisdtiitlini ii-inifres ncr- sons to pay to the As-ocUtlou one dollar 10 eon. sin ute membership. Tho print Ice licretofoiu has 01-1 11 10 ouy 111 k -is on i mr uuys, uuli u.iu uaiucs reeoiiieii at tne time.) 1'iul, l A ery person hftvlnij articles for exhibi tion or foiuiictlllon. must become 11 member of the Al-sis'latlou before 1 ulellllg tlielll. Ai'conrf. ,-iiluoiscau iieiome meiuliers or exhib itors 1hc11 their 1 1.11 cuts mu mciulK'rs. T1I11I. The Held of competition Is open to all persons from other counties mid stales can Is--come chtlillors 111-011 tho same terms us cttUus ot this comity. tiiurih. All articles nllerrd mr ronipetltlon 11111H bo OMUed by lhn l-otilltctltor. I'rult, vegetables, llowcis. ilc, must botlio grnwtliof the competi tor, and all limmi factored uitlelcs must bu niiule by the competitor, J'ytli. All slock entered must be what repre sented, 01 jirctiihuus will Ini forte ltcd, Ntzih. All ntllcles lor exhibition or competition must bo entered hv fi o'clock l'.M. Thmsdav. tlin llth, mid eic)it lu liutsisslblo eases, bo on tho gioiiud ut thai time, and remain there, until fi o'clock 1-..M. of l'llday, the Uth, mIicu they wilt he III l lie HIS-HISII 1 ,11 1 in-1 -.s 11 11,11,, is, tkinith. Stands for tho sulu of he obtained by appliiutlou 10 tlio sccrctaiy or to 11. 1 . iiaiiiiiau, UwMh. No license will Ik granted stiinds thai sell soli ltnons or malt Itinera. Judges appointed to eninitnii tlio dllleiciit classes M'lll i-onler 11 tavor on the Assoctallon by i-alllug it the Secictary's oillciM'.iily on I'rlday lil-illilug, lonuiiiiu iiii-ir uisiriii'iioiis. Tlclci-ls to the l-'alreail In, obtutm-il at thodlf- feient stor.-s bciuru the l-'alr.or ut the ticket oillru inning i niriiays, jdsi.i ji j -, iu.s.m.ii, i res 1, r. r, uiu.Mitit, bcc'. bcrii-u Rlniter " sample preserve,) " fiult Ji-lly.l tnTiliilo pleservi-s,! eui uinli. r pli Isles) . . . piTltlesof nny (illfr Kiii'l, (TJ.RANM) OI'KXINd VA (IIIANH tll'UN'I.s-d , (IIIA.N'I) (ll'KXINtl tlltANMl Ul'KNINfl OltASI) Ol'KXINO HIMUNd AND "tl.MMIlll HOOliM, HI'llINd AM) OOODS, SI'llINO A.N!) HIIM.MCIt (IOODS, HPItlMl AND .Stt.MMIIlt (lOOlH, ril'ttlNO AND HUMMKIl (1O0D.S, ctmslsllng nf consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of imv oootw, DHY OOOIH, DltV flDODs, J)HV (IOODS, DltV GOODS, ItATS AND PA1-S, HATS AND CAIM, HATH AND CAl-S, HATS AND CAIH, MATS AND CAI'f, hoots HOOTS IIUOTS HOOTS llOOTrt AND SHOCS, AND H1I01X, AND SIIOIX, AND SHOCS, AND HIIOC.M, nn.nv-MADi: ci.otiiino, ItnADV-.MADK CI-iiTIIINtl, ltl'.ADY-MADU CI.OTIIINd, ni:.DV-MADi: ci.o-riiiMf, iii:ady-madi: ci-otiiini;, LOOKMNd-OLARiCt, I.()()KI.Ntl-lI,.ssii, I.()()KIN(i-OI,AssC.s, I,()OlvI.N()-OI.ASSX, I.OOKINa-OL.WSKfl, Notions, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS AND OIl.s, PAINTS AND OIl.s, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OIl.s, finoor.imst, ItUiMT.UII-X, (tit(ici:uii:s, imocKitiivs, (ilttlCKUIUS, (MIC.KNSWAHII, lil'r.KNSWAItH, IJCHIINSWAItll, tjCCCNHWAUK, itri-:i-:NswAiti:, HAltDWAUi:, llAUDWAIli:, lIAHDWAIti:, HAitnWAiti:, HAllDWAItl-:, tinwaui:, TINWAIli:, tinwaui:, tinwaui:, tinwaui:, SAf,T, HALT, SALT, -SALT, HALT, PISH, 1USH, PIsH, VITII, l-'ISII, OltAIN liltAIN (iltAIN (llt.MN (IltAIN AND sunns AND SIIKDS, AND SC.KliS, AND si: Kl is, AND sr.lIDS, Ac., MrKIILVV, NIIAL mi-ici-:lvv, nkai. McKC.I.VV, NCAL Mi-KULVV, NIIAI. McKKLVY, NKAL CO.'H, CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'H. Northwest corner of Main and Markft Hit eels, Noithwest coiner of -Multi nnd Market Htrocts, Northwest corner of Main nud Market Streets, Nortlnvest coiner of Main mid Marki t Hi rets, NorthM-cst cornr r of Main and Market Streets, HLOOMSIllTltn, liLoo.Msiiiuta, HLooMsnuitd, IILOO.MslUiltd, lILOOMSUl'IIO, PA., PA., PA., PA., PA. I HON I HON I HON IKON AND NAII.H, AND NAII.S, AND NAII.S, AND NAILS, lltON AND NAIIX, In largo (pinntlllrs nnd nt rfdnccd inte,Mnny 011 hand. QMMIlCS 1.1XK. Tlio undersigned would respectfully nnnoinico to thncHIeiis of llloomslmrg nnd the public gene. lully that ho li running nu OMKIIVCHMXn Is-tivcen this lilncotilld thodltrcrclit tnllrnnil de pot dully (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho soM-rnt trnlns going smith mul West nu theCntn- mIssii nnd Wllllnmsporl Itnllroad, nud with thoso going Jfoith nnd Roulhon tlio Ijicl(aw.iniin nnd Hloomsburg Hallrnnd. Ills Onilillmsscs nre In good cnndltlon, rmuiuo- llous nnd comfortiiblo, nnd charges lensonnble. Prisons; wishing tu meet or'seo their filends de li ut t, enn be iiecomodiitcil uirtinrciisoiinhlochnrge by Ien Ing timely nollco nt nny of the hotels. .t.U.'OH I,. fllHTON, Proprietor. JOHK'S 110TKL, ui.ouui; w. MAUGTH, Proprietor. TIip nbovu well-known hotel has recently under gone rndlcul changes In Its Internal nmingeinents, nnd Its proprietor iiniiouncestn Ids former custom and the ttavelllug public thai Ids accomodations for the comfort of his guests in c second to none In the country. His talilo will nlwnys bo found sup plied, not only with substatitlnl fisxt, but m-UIi nil the ilellcnclesof the si-iisoii. Ills M-lucs nnd Il linois (except thnl popului - bevcrngo known ns .leMii-i"),piirchnscd direct from the lmiHirtlug houses, nro entirely pure, nnd flee from nil poi sonous drugs. He Is thankful for 11 liberal pat ion- age In the past, nnd will continue to deserve the fillllle. aiUlUUi: W. MAUCJKIt. J 11. RURSKIi, llAl.Miss), SADDLI., AM) TliUMC MANUCACTUHKlt, nnd dealer III CAitPirr-iiAos, VAi.isix, rr,Y-NnT(s .Ac, Slain Street, Hloomsburg, Pa, "pmVDKR KKGH AN'I) I.UMIJKR. X w. M. monp.oi: A CO., Itupcit, Pa., Mamifactuters of Knos), and dealers In nil kinds of HUM Ili:il, give notice that they nrc picparcd to accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest terms. j"KV STOCK OK CLOTII1XO. l-'rwsli arrival of KPiiiNd ANDsi'Mjinn noons. DAVID LOWUNHKHO. Invites attention to his stock of ClIHAP AND CASIlIONAnLi: CLOTHINO, ul his store on Main Street, twodoors iiIion 0 tho Amcilcftii House, rdoomsburg, Pa., where ho has Just received from New Yoikuud Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHINO, Including tho most fashionable, dtirnble, nnd handsome mus goods, consisting of pox, sack, rnocic, or.M, and oil-cloth COATS AND pants. of all sorts, sl-c, nnd colors. He has also replen Illicit his already large slock of PALI. AND WINTIUl SII AWTf, STHIPKI), ncH'HKD, AND PLAIN VUSTS, SIIIItTS, CItAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKHItCIIILTS, C.I.OVIX, SL'SPKNDEl W, AND PANCV AHTICLES, He has constantly on hand a Lugo nnd wcll-sc lecteil assortment of CLOTHS AND VKSTINGS, . which he is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, mid In tho best manner, All his clothing Is made I o wear, ntul most or It Is ot home inanufactuie. GOLD WATCHUS AND Jr.WHLUY, of every description, tine nnd chnnp. His case of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Call and exuiuiuo Ids general assoitment of CLOTHING, WATCHLS, JHWIXItY, Ac DAVID LOWJINBUItO. Q ARMAGH MANUKA CTORY, Hloomsburg, Pa. M. C. SLOAN & HUOTHEH, the succcssoi s of WILLIAM SLOAN & SON, continue tho business of making CARRIAGES, 1SCGUIES, and eveiy style of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to suit ens tumors, NiM-r n-lng nny material but the best' ntul employing tho most cspoilencod workmen, they hopo to continue as heretofore to glvo entire ittsl.icttou to every customer. An Inspection of their work, and of the reasonable xulco asked lor tho same, Is sure lo Insure n sale. TPRKSII ARRIVAL J? GOODS. 'j no undersigned OK NEW d lias Just nrrlvcil from U10 City with 11 largo assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, nnd Dyo Stuirs, Ready-Miiilii Clothing, Perfuiuery, Toy nnd Fancy iticles, Dingglst's (,'lasswaie, Hrushes, Trusses and S11 pportci s, and 11 general assort nient 1 if every thing Ihnt belongs to a well-appointed Drugstore. Also Patent Medicines ofnll kinds, such as Jayne's, Ayers, Msiiarfs, wiiisIom-'s Soothing Syinp, Hrown's Troches, Swain's Pannccu, Haker's Crsl Liver Oil, Hojllaiid's Hitters constnntly on linnd. Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, HINDINGS, by Iho dozen or naif-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, 1'ISHING-TACKLE, Ac Having had a largo experience In thu drug bust ness, I would respectlully iuillii those wishing anything In that lino In call mid scu my stock lie- foiepitichuslngi'IseMliere. "Iniiit-dlclnesqunllty liupoitanee," juii. 11, .11111 r.u. C. ROniJINS A CO., IRON MERCHANTS, Nortlienst corner of Second nnd Vino Streets, Philadelphia. JOSEPH S. DELL, .unnuiaciureroi mm ii nniesaie in-aier in CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CAS-sl MKIUM, AND VI'.STINGS, No. NnrtliThlril Street, Philadelphia. pool) NEWS FOR EVERYIJODY. Owing to the lale fall lugold, EPIIItAIM W.ELWI'.LI. has redueed hi" prices to suit nil buyers, cither nt t hull-sale or 1 dull. If you want SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, KY1HTIV!, SPICI'Js, CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, W00IENWAHF, PISH, 11CANS, ClIEIi-E, I'LOCn, l'EED, -ti.. A''. Ac, lv 1111 r. mil. 1PIIRAM W. ELWELL IXCIIANOK 110TKI,, J J lILOO.MHIIl'ltd, COLU.MlllA Tho uiidcrslgtKst hmliig purduisod this welt- known nnd ccntmlly-locnlMl house, the I-'.xclinngr, llolel.slluiitomi MAIN NinKIlT, Hi niisstn-buiK. Imtncdlnlelyopposltotlio Coluinbln Cniinl) Cotnt Iloiiso, resK!etfiilly llifornis Ids friends nnd tlm pulillo lu geui-rnl 1 1 111 1 his tiou-u Is now In nrdur for tho reception ntul mti-rwdtimont of tnn.cllrrs who tuny lm dlsised to fivor II with tholrtus. toni. Ho lins spnrod no i-xis-nso In prcpnrlng tlin ixehnngo for tho rntrrtnlninctit of his guests, neither shall tin re he iin.thlng wulilllig (on Ills pint) to minister to their pcisonnl rntnfott. Ills housii Is spacious, nnd enjoys, nn excellent buil ness loentioh, Ouiulbitsscs run nt nil times between tlio Ex- hnngo Hotel nnd Iho various rnllnsid driols, liy which linvellers will bo pleasantly conveyed tu nnd from the respective stations In due tlniu to meet the cars. JOHN C. CASLOW. Hloomsluirg, Xlnrch 22, lsiyl. Sl'SQUKIIANNA I10TKL, ClltllM lssil, Pa, The iilsivn Hotel has lately been pttrclinsed by IIHNItYJ. CI.AHK.nhd has liocn thorouglily re- moilcllcd, repaired, nnd refurnished. It will bu found How, lu Its nrrnngetucnt nud appointments, 11 llrst-clriss Hotel, nnd second to nono In tlm ountry, IVrsonsln cities wishing to sK-nd tlm hot moiitlis In the country, will do well tu gio the pioprfetnr n call, L A 1) IKS' AND O KNT1 1 H3I UK 'H ItKfSTAt'HANT. 11. II. STOUNI'.H has fitted tip (I r iii.-)i-i.jiiv5 uiu.iu n.iiiu.s, wlicra ladles nnd gcntlciiicn enn uosuppllsd wltU the delicacies of tho season. A suppl of rilDjH OYSTintfJ nlwnyfion hand. KUIMH HltHAD, CAKIM, AND PIIX, l'UKNCH AND DOMESTIC CONFUCTIOXS lu every stylo and vui lily, NUTS, l-nUITH, nnd rverythlng usually found In ft 1'IUST-CI.AS.S CONIT.CTIONi:nY STOHi:. JRUG AK1) CHEMICAL STORE, Hloomslinrg, Pn, DHUOH, CHHMICAI.s, PAINTS, PHItl-UMEltY AND T01LHT ARTICL1H. EYEIl & MOVER respectfully Invito n contlnnnnec of patronage. Their Plugs nnd Medicines nro nil selected wltU tho greati-st cine, avoiding ns luucli us possible thu lutrodiiclloii of delirious nostituns, nud nro purchased from tho best Importing houses In tho country. r.VTENT MEDICIN1S of nil kinds, including Ayer's, Jaync's, Hollo- wny's, Hostcttcr's, WlsUnrfs, lloolkuid'b, Ac. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAHt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES IinUSIIEfS PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of ovcry viuli'ty, nnd of tlio best ipiallty. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, l'hc public may rely at nil times on procuring tlio iiboe articles, with all tho new useful prepara tions kept In the best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S rnr.CRIlTIONS nnd Family Receipts compounded with tho gi cut est accuracy nnd dispatch. jSATIOXAL KOL'KDRY, niooinsburg, Columbia, County, Vn. Tho subscriber, proprietor of the nbove-namect extensive establishment, Is now piepareil to re ceive orders for nil kinds ot M ' 1 'H I N 1 '.llY 1' OK COLLI ERIE'S, riL AST PUltNACES, STATIONARY lrNOINr.t. MILLS, THUESIIINO MACIIINKS, Ao He Is nlso pi-epnred to mnln Stoves of nil sizes and patterns, l'low-lmns, nnd CM-rythlng usually made In llrst-ilass Foundries. 4 His extenshe facilities nnd prsctlcnl workman wnrmnt him in 1 eeelvlng Iho largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. Grain of nil kinds wUl bo taken In exchango for Castings. This establishment Is located near tho Lacka wanna mul Hloomsburg Rallioiul Depot, PETER HILLMYER. B1 LOOMSHURG FANCY TRIM MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door below Haitmnn's, Main Street. Just received a new stock of ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS. CORSETS, LACES, EMHU01DERIES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS and eve) y arlcty of articles usually kept lu a FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL nOOKS, HYMN HOOKS, HICLEf, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HOOKS, nud n Inrgo lot of MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM nOOKS, I1LANIC DEEDS, nONDS AND MORTGAGlv'', nnd 11 general nnd M-ell-sclectcd nssortmcnt of rArER, ENVELOPES, Ac. A. D. W'EHIt. rjAHE ONLY PLACE to got tho best TOHACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, lsnt HUNGSIIERGER'H, n fow doors below Die Amerlcuu House, Hloomsburg, Pa, Ho has tlio largest nud most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO everotl'ered tn tho cltlccns of nioomsljurg. All ilia fancy brands of BEO.VRS, nud tho best Flno-cut nnd Plug CHEWING TOHACCO, enn l0 hml nt his counters. TOHACCO PjrEH lu grcnt variety nro among his largo stock. DON'T FORGET TO CALL. IL II. HUNflnERGU. gTC o,i:s.ANJJ tin v auk. A. M. RUPERT nntiounces to lils friends nnd customers Hint continues the above business nt Ids old place 011 MAIN STREET,-HI.OOMSI1URO. Customcrt. cau bo uvcoiuodiUt.-d wllli FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwnro, nnd every vn rlety of nrtlelo found In 11 Stovo mul Tluwaro Ks tubllshment lu thccllles.anil on Ihomost nnson- nblo terms. Repalilngdouoiit thohgrlestnolUs, SI DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. TAGLE FOUNDRY. J JOSEPH KHAHPI.r.HM, llloomsbiii'g, I'll. ftTOVIS Ol' EVERY YARIlTrV, PLOUGHSHARES, PLOtrGHPOINTS, and nil kinds of (vtlng, onlintidorsnppllrsl on the shortest notlro nnd nt the cbenpest rates. Castings for COAL I1REAKERS AND COAL SCI1UTES made to order. "17MP1RK SHUTTLE iSKV1NG-MA-1 J CHIN lis nro sins-rlor to nil others for FAMILY AND M ANVFACIl'ltlNtl Pl'HPOSF.S Contain all the latest inipioM iuents', are speedy noiseless; durable; and easy lownrk, lllustiated (.iiculsislice. Agi-nlsMiinted, Lib eral discount alloiitsl. No eousiLiiuieiils made, Adiliess rMPIItl, S U CO., aunl-lj 'lid llro'.elwii.v. ,H Veils