The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 15, 1866, Image 1

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    She Columbian,
An independent journal,
is ruuLimiau cviiiy saichuay, in
aloomibnr(r, Columbia. Comity, Pat
Two Tkrilars i year, In advance. If not pidd In
5 mliance, Two Dollar and Fifty Cents.
Aildrces all letter) to
fli'onai: it. moouk,
JVlllnr of IIjo CoLVMniAJf,
Hloonnburg, Columbia County, fn.
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1)0WK ncrivii tlio lilil'n low brow
A nlotiiler, llvcr fillet
Motlilni; In io mimical
As my lltllorlllct.
Ah! tlint ImiRliIni: onR of your I
tKillrolcly trill It.
Hliall t fret yon, hnsty lirooltf
Shall I ninr your jcoh
Vunvnr, wnavlns Hllvor threads
ltminil about anil In and out
Tlio sunniest of places;
iirirfcf your trpBflos In tho clime,
Bill iibout tliu Imrder
Uf J nn garden wall, tunl catch
A lilrMritit, iiny marauder 7 shall pl(sio my Invn of onso
As yolir sweet disorder.
While the Motld pirs Joking oil,
Prosontly I miss yoil j
I.lfe Is nmdo of other Mil IT
Titan your limpid tissue.
Turn n mill, ynu lar.y rill,
While I wait I ho Issue.
Let the lipcllc whllo nwny
The Kummer with his drumming,
roam you nt the w hlrllni; wheel
And baliblo to lis humming.
Toll away the llvelonit day
It Ls moro bcomlng.
treep h6ncnth tho swccplnp: hongh,
Whllo each ripple twinkles,
Btarllke, In n sky of leaves,
And your frothy crinkles
Vol in n leather apron there,
rull of creamy wrinkles.
When the luM nnd brazen day
Hath donned his dusky visor,
Htlll you How n-down apace,
While nlKhtV myrliWl eyes nro
Wutrhltis you j for what they lew
Noun nro tho wiser.
JIY IV. li. 11 lJ..
" What I'm now going to tell you,
i boys, must bo kept under the seal of se-
rcreHy," .mid our first clerk, iw he squeez
ed n lemon Into liis tumbler.
Vo Hint Is to sty, I, Ned IJolton, the
present writer, Herbert Engledue, and
'young Hurry Chester, all Junior clerks
In the bunk of Uaskervllle, Ti-otitinan,
uand Co. solemnly promised that tho
fseal tlint wivs to lock up the coniinuni-
.i'cation wo were about to receive should
.Jj, never be broken.
"And yet," said Mr. Minton, with
.itlve kettle iu his hand. " I hardly think
' ,'I'li let it out to you youngsters ; it's all
Hgainst myself."
X Harry Chester's eyes looked eager ap
'Tpeals, and Herbert said :
"Oh now, come I say, Mr. Minton,
.'you shouldn't have said so much, you
know; nnd then to talk about not let
ting It out, you know it's so jolly mys
f "Well," said our cheery chief, "as
hero litis treated usao well to-night,
'foil make some return by trying to
'amuse you boys with the account of
'nn incident that happened to me some
. years ago."
We were delighted I especially so,
being the host for the night, and anxious,
ns such, that things should go oil' well.
Wo drew up to tho lire, glasses were
, tilled, and the relics of the contents of
ttlio hamper, which tho dear peoplo at
Jioiue ltad sent me, were removed. The
Jfovmber winds howled dismally over
tlio London roofs, and rattled at the
'Window as if anxious to Join so pleasant
, n party. Mr. Minton took an approving
"alp of his hot grog, drew his lingers
through his iron-gray hair, and began:
"In tlio year forty-six, I had been
omc seven years a clerk In the bank
' Our Mr. Baskervllle's father was the
principal then, nnd a very shrewd, cute
void fellow hu waif, I can tell you. Mr.
Troutman was then it clerk, nnd Junior
"to me, but every one knew that ho
would bo a partner some day, as ho had
married Miss Unskervllle. Young Hns-
kerville, who looks grave enough now,
;wis n boy ut Harrow, and used, in holi-
uiay time, to run in and out of tlio bank,
nnd stare at the piles of sovereigns, Ju?t
' as he liked.
; "I had I mil some troubles then, and
was looked upon as a grave, sedato
young man; and, as Mr. liaskorvillo
. told my poor mother, 'as steady as the
f funds.' In cous-eraumce of this gravity
of manner ami character for steadlnts,
I liad several times been employed in
matters of a confidential nature, and
my conduct In thcso had been ap
proved of. Ono afternoon iu tlio lat
ter part of August, In tho year 1 speak
of, I was sitting nt my dek with not
Very much to do. 1 had been thinking
iv good deal about my own all'alrs, and
gono back over ground rather painful
or mo to tread, and was thereforo
father sad that sunny August afternoon.
-While I was meditating and idly draw
ing, ilgures on my blotting-pad, the
tmnk messenger eanio to mo nnd said
that Mr. Haskerville wished to speak to
'mo. I went Into his private room nnd
found him seated nt ItU dosk, nnd in an
firm-chair lieldo him sat a middle-aged,
nynlii. looking limn whoso handsome
iuco woro a peovUh sort of expression
'tlmt soomed to bo pormnnont, Mr. lias.
kervlllo said :
""""This, my lord, Is tho gentleman
Whom I should have tho greatest confl
uence In employing In tins matter.'
JTho stranger looked at mo languidly,
unci slightly Inclined his head as 1
no wed.
"Hather young for such work, Is ho
not, naskervillo'."
" ' No, my lord, I don't think so. Mr,
Minton Is gravo and steady beyond his
years, and tho firm has very great con
fldeuco in him.'
"'Well, I vJll trust to you, nnd I
think you fully understand all that !
wanted, I would rather not give my
self tho fiitlguo of entering into expla
natioiia with tills young man, If you
think yon Ihoroughly understand what
i Want.'
If you will leave It to mo. my lord.
I will undertake that Mr. Minton shall
receive full instructions. Just sco if
Lord Valdano's carriage Is nt the door.
will you, Mr. Minton.'."
" 1 returned with tho requisite infor
mation; and his lordship, after being
carefully wrapped up, took tho arm of
one of his men and went to his carriage.
"Mr. llaskervlllo then asked me to
shut tho door and sit down be-ltle him,
and proceeded to glvo mo full and com
plete Instructions as to how I was to act.
" It appeared that Lord Valdano had
three daughters, besides several sons.
The youngest of his daughters, when
Just sixteen, had caused great Trouble
and distress to her family by falling In
love with n violinist, who had come con
stantly to tho house to glvo ono of her
brothers lessons on his instrument.
Tliis Imil been discovered about a year
before, and had given riso to great re
criminations, anil the young lady had
had shown an amount of obstinacy and
temper which had qui to alarmed her
friends, so foreign was it, apparently,
to her nature. She had utterly declin
ed to glvo up her lover, and had openly
declared her intention of holding any
communication with hlni that opportu
nities might olfer. I. nder the.M)clreu in
stances, and In consideration of her
youth, her father determined to send
her to n school kept by a Kngllsh lady
In a village about fifteen miles from
Brussels, nnd hoped that n year or two
of entire change and absence from homo
would make her get over and forget an
affection begun at so early an age. Whe
was accordingly sent to Miss Slater's
school, but that lady had just written to
Lord Valdano, at the end of the first
year, to say that she could no longer un
dertake the education of Miss Valdano,
us her conduct was of such a kind as to
utterly destroy tho-e relations which
should exist between mistress and pu
pil. Lord Vaklane had, therefore, de
termined to bring her back to Kngland,
and ho the more readily consented to
this arrangement as lie had bad infor
mation that Mr. Arno had left this coun
try for America. Having no servant
to whom he could trust the duty of
escorting his daughter home, Lord Val
dano had come to Mr. Unskervllle, wit'
whom lie banked, to nU that some con-
tl.dential clerk might he sent to Antwerp
to meet Miss Valdano, nnd bring her
homo to Iter father's liou-e in Katon
Square. A servant would be sent with
her as far ns Antwerp, where she would
bo met by the person chosen to escort
"I nsked Mr. llaskervlllo if it was
thought that the young lady would re
turn homo willingly.
" 'They imagine that she will do so,'
said lie; 'she has complained in her
letters, which have been very few, of
her IrMixporlalioii, ns she called i.t. It
is most probable that her youthful pas
sion will have died out. This fellow,
Arno, is described to me as an eU'enii-nate-looking,
though elegant man, but
wanting in many of thine manly at
tributes which ure (o most women the
chief attraction in n limit's character.'
"Mr. Uaskerville told mo to come to
him again for a paper of instructions
that he would give me, as well as a let
ter from Lord Vuldane to his daughter,
directing her to place herself under my
charge. He also told me that she would
be accompanied by her maid, a young
girl, nnd ton inexperienced to be trusted
with the duty of nn escort.
I returned to my seat and thought
over all that I had heard, and all I was
to do. 1 confess 1 did not like tlio work ;
It was not tho kind ofwork that I hail
bargained for on entering a bank, ami
seemed to me to bo more the duly of a
superior servant than of a gentleman. 1
knew, however, how much depended
upon my making-myself useful to the
firm, anil so I determined to put my
pride into my pocket.
" Before 1 left the olllce T got my pa
per of instructions, anil returned home
to read them, having llr.-t received from
the cashier, by Mr. lla.-kerville'.s orders,
u suflicient sum to defray all possible, tho-e of tho young lady and
her maid included. 1 found that I was
to start for Dover by that night's mail,
and go by the llrst boat to CMeud, and
thence to Antwerp. 1 was Instructed to
bo very firm with Mls.s Vuldane, and
was advised to avoid any attempts at
intimacy on her part. I was simply to
bo her escort, and as far as po-sible to
relieve her of all trouble. She would
expect me, asu letter had been written
to Mrs. Slater, desiring her to send the
young lady to Antwerp, under charge
of a servant."
"Uy Jove, though!" said .Herbert
IJilgledue, " wouldn't I Just like a little
thing of that wirt to do!"
" Walt until you hear the end of my
story, and you will think differently,"
said Mr. Minton; "no ono likes to bo
fooled, and that was what happened to
"I slartod, according to my instruc
tions, by tho night mull fur Dover, and
at onoo'cloL'k tho next day found myself
at the door of tho Hotel St. Anfoine nt
Antwerp. I Inquired if -Mi-s Valdaue
hud arrived, ttud was asked to step up tun
drawing-room on tho second floor. No
ono wa- iu the room when I entered,
but in a few minutes a respectable-look.
Ing, nilddle-aged woman came in, with
an expression of anxiety on her coun
tenance. " ' Are you the gentleman from Lon
don, sir?' sho Mild.
"'1 am,' said I. 'When will it bo
convenient for Ml Valdano to set out
oil her journey',"
" ' Oh, sir,' t.ii.l she, Mis-i Valdano lr
very unwell, and has been obliged to go
to bed. This has upset all the plans
that had been arranged, nnd I don't
know what to do.'
" ' When did this Illness conic on '." 1
"'Why, sir, Miss Valdano seemed
very well when wo left, but as we got
near Antwerp she complained of head
ache, and was obliged to go to bed di
rectly after wo got to tho hotel. The
worst of 11 is,' said she, offer a pause,
' that I have to return by tills evening's
"'Tho young lady has her maid, J
understand'." said I.
" ' Oh, yes, sir, she is with her, cer
tainly; but sho is young and flighty,
and 1 haven't much eonlldence in her.'
" 'Has Miss Valdano seen uuy medi
cal man?' said I.
'"Oh, no, sir, she wouldn't hear of
ono being sent for.'
" ' Well,' snid I, ' It cannot bo helped ;
you mut return to your mistress, and 1
must wait hero until Miss Valdano is
able to travel.'
"In the course of the afternoon, and
after Mrs. Slater's servant had left, 1
sent up my compliment to Miss Vnl
dane, nnd requested to know how she
"'Ml? Vuldane's compliment, she
was so much hotter that she hoped to bo
down stairs in the course of an hour.
"'Chirf was good news, and I immedi
ately stabout inquiring as to trainsaud
boat". I found that by leaving Offend
nt half past three the next morning, the
young ladycoiild beat her father's houe
lit tinio for lunch tho .-amo day. 1 ac
coi'dingly made the roqullte arrange
ments, and awailed Miss Vuldane's ap-
"IIor maid shortly afterward came
down with a me.-ugo to know if it
would be convenient to me to have an
interview with her mi-tress. J,ofcour.-e,
assented, and directly afterward a young
lady came into the room.
" I bowed, and looked at my charge
with some curiosity. Her appearance
surprised me. Sho was dark, and had
large, tender-looking eyes, but in oilier
respects was by no means good-looking,
and seemed to want the easennd suvo'n
aire that I should have imagined a
girl lu her rank would have possessed
She was well and handsomely dressed,
but was decidedly not elegant, and there
was a want of freshness and youthful
ne.-s about her that made her anything
but un attractive-looking girl. She ad
dre.-scd mo iu a constrained and rather
unmusical voice:
'"You nro tho per the gentleman
that has been sent over to fetch me'."
'"I am, Miss Vulditne; when will it
be convenient to you to set out on your
journey '."
"'1 don't know,' sho said pettishly;
'I wanted to see the pictures and the
cathedral, but 1 suppose I shall have to
do as I'm told.'
'"I was instructed,' 1 said, 'to escort
you home without delay.'
" ' Oh ! by tho way,' mild she, ' there's
a schoolfellow of initio and a great
friend going with us. Sho wanted to
go home, so we agreed to travel to
gether.' " How strange, thought I, that the
servant should have made no mention
of this other pupil. But I suppose she
was so much engrossed with Miss Val
daue's Illness that she could think of
nothing else.
" ' I wits not aware,' said I, ' that you
would have u companion ; but J sliall
bo very happy to be of use to her.'
" ' I'll call her down,' sho said, and
going to the door, she called, or rather
shouted, ' Amy, come down.'
"She forgets, 1 thought, that sho is in
a crowded hotel, and not at home. 1
heard a light, trippingsteponthestairs,
ami aflersomo little giggling outside the
door, Miss Valdano eanio In with a very
pretty, niNchiovous-looking blonde, who
could not present tho semblance of
gravity when sho was Introduced to
" ' What on earth are you laughing at,
Amy?' said my charge.
"' You mustn't mind mo, Mr. Min
ton!' said Miss Manvers; 'I'm rather
slllv, I'm nfraid.'
" K,itlior.!lly!' said Miss Valdano;
'ho thinks you a littb; torn-fool, and
he's perfectly right in thiukingso ;' anil
before I had time to put In a disclaimer
to this opinion, sho added, 'I don't
know what you people are going to do,
but I'm going to dine.'
'"Shall wo ditto at once, Mis Val
dano'." said 1, ' and then wo can leave
Antwerp at half past seven, e.Uch tho
night mull at o-teud, and bo in Lon
don by mid-day to-morrow.'
" ' Jiut as you like,' said sho.
" ' I ordered dinner for three, and that
finished, the young ladies went to their
rooms to proparo for tho Journey.
" I could hear Miss Valdano whistling
as sho packed, and I must say that tho
young lady's 'collection of tunes was
very varied, If It was not very select.
" I could not help wishing myself
back again at the batik and my hands
clean waihetl of my cvotitrio charge.
MUs Valdano embarrassed mo very
much as we were leaving tho hotel by
interfering with the various directions
that 1 gave, ami when wo git to th.i
station she hud an altercation with a
porter, which exhausted all my rather
scanty stock of French to set right. Ml-s
Manvers remonstrated with her friend,
but always as If more amused by her
vagaries than annoyed.
" It Is needless 'for mo to detail all tho
worrying events of tho Journey to Os
lho young lady's spirits, and she lay on
a bench on deck with n stlllhh glass of
brandy and water beside her, and held
her tongue. Miss Manvers was a riddle
to me its well as her friend. In a great
deal that she said and did, and lit her
manners and nddross, sho showed the
education and refinement of u lady, and
yet she encouraged rather than subdued
her friend's eccentricities by her evi
dent amusement.
" Upon our arrival at Dover, I found
that the next train to London did not
leave for a couple of hours ; so, after
Ivlng directions for the examination
of our luggage, I went with tlio two
girls to tho Lord Warden, and ordered
breakfast. Hero Miss Aluiivcra announ
ced her intention of leaving us. Sho
had her friends living at Dover, with
whom sho was going to stay, and she
would go to them after we had left, as
sho wished to seo as much of her dear
CoiHtanlia us possible.
"After we had had breakfast, Con-
sdintla asked mo to walk out and sco
the place, as we wished to have some
private conversation with her friend.
I accordingly dawdled away a half-hour
on the pier, and then returned and
found that wo must start at once if we
wished to catch tho train. Tho two
girls parted in tlio most airectioiiato
manner, Miss Manvers seeming more
amused than everntthd cxtrannlinary
expressions of aH'cctiou Indulged in by
Mls Vuldane, who-o conduct would
1 have brought down the hou-e' in a
" Wo went to tho station together,
Miss Valdano having left her m lid to
look al't'-r her friend and eoiiieon by the
next train, another thing which would
have n-ttoiiMiod me, if I had had any
capacity for that feeling left. Upon my
asking her that luggage she had, she
"'Just a portmanteau.'
"'Nothing more'." said I.
'"Not a thing.'
" Accordingly I found a not very large
portmanteau, which Miss Vuldane said
was hors.
"'Ju-tsee and have it put into our
compartment,' said sho; 'and, I say,
tell the guard to let us have the carriage
to ourselves; you're not afraid of me,
and I'm sure I'm not afraid of you.'
" I was going to disregard this last
order, as 1 had no wish whatever for a
(,-te-U'trte ; but C'onstantia came up and
gave it herself, together with half a
crown, which had tlio elt'ect which she
" We found the portmanteau under
the seat, and, taking our places, the
train started. Not long after she said :
"'Object to smoking'."
'"No, thanks, Miss Valdane; it's
very good of you, but 1 don't smoke.'
'"Mind if."
" ' Well, no,' r said ; ' not much.'
" f stared blankly at her while she
took a cigar-ca-o out of her pocket, and,
selecting one, lighted it, and settled her
self comfortably in her seat.
" L sat as far as I could from her, and,
looking out at tlio window, tried to for
get her.
" ' You're a very pleasant companion,
I must say,' said she, after a time.
'(.'nine, say something, man, and don't
leave mo languishing here. Hero we
might have a very pretty little bit of
flirting, if you would only say tit to
my tat.'
" ' ExoiHo me, Miss Valdane,' I said;
' but it was business, and not pleas
ure, that gave me the task of escorting
vou home; and I shall make no apology
for saving that I have had no pleasure
whatever in the mutter. You will, (here-
fore, permit mo to finish my business
iu the way 1 think best, which is to'
band you over to the care of Lord Val
dane with as much dhputch and as lit
tle talking as possible.
" ' If you won't talk you must work,'
said she. ' You surely won't object to
oblige a Italy so far as to take that port'
mauteau from tinder lho seat and un
strap it.'
" I complied, to save further words
She thvt-w her key at me, and said :
"' I'nlock, and throw o en the fatal
" I did so, nnd saw the usual contents
of a gentleman's portmanteau. There
were the in-.itly-1'ulik'd shirts, the brush-
es and shavlng-tacklo lltlod In here and
there, visions of very gentlemanly-lonk-lng
garments below; in fact, nothing
whatever that ought to belong to a Italy's
wardrobe, I was really rather pleased
than otherwise, and said :
" ' You've managed to bring some one
else's portmanteau.'
" ' No 1 haven't, you clever man; I'm
rather given to foreign cti-toius, and af
fect what you, you mass of propriety,
would consider eccentricities in my cos
tume. However, before making tho
requisite changes to fit mo for meeting
dear papa, let mo fell you a little story,
as you seem In want of amusement.'
" ' Your clover people In London,
backed by the wishes of Lord Vuldune,
sent you over to Antwerp to bring home
that nobleman's refractory daughter.
who, it was hoped, had forgotten her
disgraceful engagement, ((five me those
balmorals, will you? Thanks.) You,
accordingly, beluga very clever young
limn and an admirable accountant, were
of course eminently fitted for the work,
and werofhet'eforechosen to do It. (Just
seo If you can tlud a blue striped flannel
shirt ainong thoe. Thanks, Hang it
over the arm of the seat to air). Well,
your noblo client wrote to the school
mistress wind would have been a most
plea-ant loiter, If It hud not been quite
heron having recovered from her little
attack of love, and saying something
disparaging of the poor lover, who was
In America. (If you will take that coat
and trow, well, those things under It,
and hang them to the roof, the creases
will coino out. ou won't? that's
rude, nnd not proper conduct to un un
protected woninn.) But to continue my
story, as I see you are getting restless:
By a wonderful chance this forlorn dnni-
sel snw Iter unfortunate lover shortly
after she got papa's note. She shouldn't
have done It, but sho did. They put
their heads together they'd done that
before, but they did It In a different
manner now, and they made up a little
plan. The young lady went down to
Antwerp under charge, and she got so
poorly as sho neared thestation, and her
head was so bad, and she had, oh I such
n pain here, and ah ! such a twitch there,
that to bed sho must go ns soon as she
reached the hotel. The elegant and po
lite escort arrived, and was met by a
domestic who-o face showed longitude,
if Iter Instructions did not admit much
latitude. (By the way, where do you
get boot-laces? Look at this thing,
broken oil' iu the middle.) Well, the
manifold her story, and lho youth lis
tened, and then homo goes tho maid,
leaving tlio youth in sole charge. Short
ly afterward downtimes Miss Valdane,
recovered and charming; Introduces
Miss, Manvers more charming still.
They dine, this delightful trio, and
away they go. (Tiio advantage of this
apparatus is, that you hang up the glass
like this, and then you can shave at
leisure. See what a good lather this
makes!) Well, our three graces arrived
at Dover, and then dear Mi-s Manvers
makes her bow, and the other pair of
turtle doves go oil' together, only, and
now please attend, for I come to tho
point of the story- only Miss Valdane,
for whom Mr. Minton was sent, and over
whom he was to exorcise the tender
ness of a parent, with the authority of a
guardian, docs wt accompany that gen
tleman to Loudon.'
'"Then who aro you'." 1 almost
'"Felix Arne; and now, my good
fellow, the farce is played out, and I'll
take oil' this trumpery.'
" I fell back in my seat, and watched,
with dizzy brain, the shedding of the
feminine and the assumption of the
masculine attire.
" ' You infernal rascal!' at last T said.
" ' Now I'm not going to mind any
thing you say, lor l ilare say you arc
rather hurt. The thing was well arrang
ed, and has ansu'ered capitally. You
can tell your employer that it's no sort
of ue making any further ftiss about
me. I wtis married to his daughter
some months ago, but did not intend it
to be known yet, only his precipitancy
alters matters. Someday we'll toll him
how we managed it. We determined
to have some fun out of the gentleman
sent to fetch Mrs. Ante home, and, its
ho had boon so good as to pay both our
fares back to Kngland, wo could do no
less than provide him with company to
town. Will you play n game of billiards
with me while 1 wait for the next train
to Dover? Don't say no, if you'd rath
er not. Tickets? That gentleman has
mine, guard. Ta-ta! Sorry you've no
time for a game; best love to papa-in-law."
And taking his portmanteau, he
sauntered down the station.
"How I got my story told at head
quarters 1 don't know. Mr. Iiaskcrvillo
llr.-t frowned, then smiled, and finally
roared. 1 entreated him to keep my
failure from the other clerks, and you
three lads are the first who know it."
" Did you ever hear anything more
about them?" said I.
" Yes ; it was not such a very bad af
fair, alter all. lie was a gentleman by
birth, and some uncle of his, delighted
at having an Honorublo for a niece, left
them some money, nnd I believe he set
tled down as a country gentleman.
Lord Valdane has, however, 1 under
stand, never forgiven them; and now,
boys, 'Homo, sweet home.' "
I thanked our good-natured chief for
his story; and, when we met the rtiine
morning at a later hour, we youngsters
could scarcely believe that the grave
ami sedate gentleman, who looked its If
"money articles" were his only litera
ture, was the same who had been the
hero of tho story of which he himself
was also tho relator.
Titr. Glasgow VhrUthm Acwwgives the
following its no Action, but the plain
truth : " A young man and Ids wife
were preparing to nttenil a Christmas
party, at the house of n friend, some
miles distant. ' Henry, my dear hus
band, don't drink too much nt the party
to-day j you will promise me, won't
you V" sitld she, putting iter hand upon
his brow, and raising her eyes to his
face, with a pleading smile. ' No, Mil
lie, I will not; you may trust me;" and
she wrapped her Infant lu u soft blank
et, and they descended. Tho horses
were soon prancing over the turf, and u
plensiint conversation beguiled tho way.
'Now, don't forget your promise, whis
pered the young wife, as they passed up
the steps. Poor thing, she was tho wifo
of n mini who loved to look upon the
wine when red. The party passed
pleasantly ; the time for departing drew
near; the wlfo descended from tlio up
per chamber to join her husband. A
pang shot through her beating heart us
she met him, for he was intoxicated; ho
had broken his promise.
" Silently they rode homeward, savo
when the drunken man broke into
snatches of a song or unmeaning laugh
ter. But the wife rodo on, her bubo
pro.sed closely to her grieved heart.
'Glvo mo the b.iby, Millie.' I can't
trust you with him, she said, as they
approached' n dark swollen stream. Af
ter some hesitation, sho resigned her
lirst-born her thirling babe, clo-ely
wrapped in a great woolen blanket to
his ariiH. Over tho dark waters tho
noble steed safely bore them ; anil when
they reached tho bank, tho mother ask
ed for her child. With much care and
tenderness hu placed the bundle in her
arms,; but when she clasped it to her
arms no babe was there! It hud slipped
from the blanket, nnd the drunken
father knew it not. A wild shriek from
tho mother aroused him, and he turned
round just in time to see tho little rosy
face rise ono moment above tho dark
waters, then sink forever, and that by
his own intemperance! Tito anguish
of the mother and remorse of the father
aro better imagined than described."
STcrmji of gidwriisinj.
Oneflqnsrf.onoorllirff liioit!nn fl M
liieh sulwtiiient liisi.rtlou less Hum Ihlrltdi.
One Hqutiro Olio month 2 01
To " " Sin
Three " " , M r, (,
four " " , ........ II ml
Half column " 10 (0
Ono column " f, i)
Kxecutor'snnd Administrator's Notices s in)
Auditor's Notices.... ,. '.' M
l.'ditnrlal Nutlet's twenty renin per line.
Other nilM-rllieinclits Inserted nccoidltig tospr.
clnl contract.
- - srs-Jirj u. ui. jj
You should have seen his eyes flash
and lho smile of triumph break over
his face, "as hesiiids "Mother never told
me a lie, sir, but you have been so long
on tho way."
What a lesson of trust, nnd how this
Incident shows tho eirect of never de
ceiving children with tnles.
tend an I the voyage to D mr. During 1 so dictatorial i and he also wrote to his
A Mu.w.vt'Ki:i:, Wisconsin, paper
says that about a month ago, n ragged
little urchin called upon u merchant for
fifty cents, for which ho promised to
glvo his note, bearing interest at ten per
cent. Tlio merchant, struck with the
novelty of the proposition, and with the
evident straightforwardness of the boy,
gave him tho money, and took his noto
as tho boy insisted upon giving it. He
had almost forgotten tho occurrence
when ho was surprised to seo tho little
fellow walk Into tlio store ono day am
ask to redeem his note. Upon inquiry
the merchant learned that he ha 1 lu
vested the money In papers nnd oranges
ami had aiready made about forty dol
hit'.-, which ho was about placing in u
savings bank, lie bail no father nor
mother, and did chores at a friend'.
house for board. That boy will make
his murk yet.
GllAl'IXiltOWIllt Llt.NflWOIU'Il Wll
Introduced the other day to poet Long
fellow. Of tho llKcncss of their names
the poet said : " Worth makes the man
tlio want of It the fellow."
Tltucorn crop lu Virginia has been
Tm: head-clerk of u largo firm in
Churlostown promised un old customer,
ono day, half a bale of Kussiu duck, to
be on hand precisely at one o'clock,
when the man was to leave town with
his goods. The linn were out of duck,
ami tho clerk went over to Boston to
buy some. Not finding a truckman, he
hired a man with a wheelbarrow to take
It over. Finishing other business, on
his return to Charlostowu the clerk
found tho man not half way over the
bridge, sitting on his barrow half dead
with heat.
What was to be done? It was then
half-past twelve, and tho goods woro
promised at one. There was no time to
lose. In spite of the heat, the dust, and
his line, light Summer clothes, tho
oung man seized the wheelbarrow and
pushed on.
Pretty soon a rich merchant, whom
the young man knew very well, riding
on horseback, overtook him.
What," said lie, " Mr. Wilder turn
ed truckman !"
"Yes," answered tho desk. "The
;oads aro promised at one o'clock, and
mv man has given out ; but 1 am deter
mined to be as good .as my word."
"Good, good!" said the gentleman,
mil trotted on.
Calling at the store where tho yoioi;
man was employed, ho told his em
ployer what he had seen.
"And 1 want you to tell film," sunt
the gentleman, " that when ho goes into"
business for himself my name is at his
ervico for thirty thousand dollars."
Beaching tho store, which lie did in
time, you may bo sure, tho price set on
his conduct made amends for nil the
heat, anxiety, and fatigue of the Job.
Kt'cpiii! hii word. You see how ini-
nortaut it is regarded. It is one of the
host kinds of capital tt man can have
l'o be worth much to anybody a boy
must form a character for nt lability
Ho must be depended upon. And you
will like to know, perhaps, that this
vouug man became one ol the most
eminent merchants of his day, known
far nud wide, both In Kuropoand thi
cmui try. His name was S. V. Wilder
and ho was tho first President of tho
American Tract Society. Child's J'a
jthu hitter, the sia icuaiuiy did suinutei.'tc.t.j.'i. to. (laughter, cjnoKuiil.iiiiig -011011 Jy injuud by the diou0lu.
Tin: Anulii-Amcrkwi Times, publish
ed in London, has an article upon tho
Memphis riots, which closes with the
following remarks: "Andrew Johnson
has 11 gigantic tusk boforojhini. Few of
us can appreciate the enormous dllllcul
ties with wheh ho has to contend. Few'
of us can understand tho means bv
which ho hopes toperform tho solemn
promise he there made. Ills meas
ures may not appear to us directly to
lead to such 1111 object, nnd wo must
not forget that the children-of Israel
passed to their promised land through
forty years of sull'oring In the desert,
and that their leader was only per
mitted to get a glitnpso of tho coun
try which Providence had marked out
for his follower. There are thoso who
believe that the President's heart lias
fulled him in the tusk ; that helms fallen
oil' from tho stern resolve required for
the weary struggle. Hut wo do not de
ll ve this. We believe Andrew Johnson
to bo 11 patriot with his hi'iirt fixed on
the grand object of reconstructing tho
Fnion, of giving to the South the law,
peace, order, and equal ' rights of tlio
North. It Is 110 fault of his if slavery
its so degraded it largo section of tho
itli'.ons he rules that nothing but yours
f patient legislation and strong gove
rnment can elevato tho lawless peoplo
into the highest lack of a civilized com
munitythai of governing Its own pas-
At tho Alcazar Theatre, in Bio Ja
neiro, says the correspondent of tho
Provitlenco .oiirofH", " I saWonoBussian
olllcer bring in at tiniesduringthoeven-
Ing all the llowers he could carry, and
bower them upon an actress. Tho
next day he sent presents to the amount
of 11 thousand dollars. This gentleman,
when his floral offerings hail given out
and no more could bo obtained, finished
his gifts by scaling his cap at her. This
was tlio signal for a scene to commence.
Instantly hats of beaver, fiilks, and vel
vet were showered upon lho stage, and
rings, gloves, canes, and umbrellas. Kv-
ery one seemed to bo trying f o outvie his
neighbor in shouting fmivo nnd viva; tho
din was (errille. One ninn in thegallery,
iu his excitement, seizoil a. large glass
from tbeohandelier,and hurled it toward
the stage, but missed his mark and shat
tered it upon your correspondent's
boulder. At this point be thought it
time to leave, which lie did, nud with
four of glass globes and 11 lunio arm for
monitors, has not patronized the Alea-
ar since.
Somk time no n boy was discovered
in a large city, evidently bright and In
telllgont, but sick. A man who has the
feelings of kindness strongly developed
went to him, shook him by tho shoal
tier, and asked him what ho was doing
" Waiting for God to come for me,"
he replied.
" Wimt do you mean," said tho gen
tloman, touched by tho pathetic tone of
the answer and the condition of the
boy, in whose eyo nnd flushed face he
saw evidence of fever.
" God sent for mother nnd Uttlo broth
er," said he, "and took them away to
11 is homo up in tho sky, mid mother told
1110 when sho was sick that God would
take cure of me. 1 have no home, no
body to give me anything, and so 1
cauio out here, and have been looking
up in tho sky for God to come and tnki
cure of me, us mother said He would
Ho will come, won't lie? Mother novel'
told 1110 a lie."
" Yes, my lad," Mild the man, over
come with emotion, "Ho has sent nu
t'j I'ihA lute of .vou."'
iV i'aniiio.vaiiw: but ignorant young
lady, desirous of purchasing it yyuteh,
was shown a very bountiful ono, tho
hop-keeper remaking that It wont thir
ty-six hours : " What, In tme day ?"
An American citizen residing at
Slielliehl, Kngland, has sent 0110 hun
dred and forty gross of knives and forks
toaid the Portland, Maine, faiullies,thut
were burned out, In resuming house
It appears that the Knglish Govern
ment has had its equanimity consider.!
blydisturbed by tho revival of tho Fen
ian scare. Three regiments have already
been dispatched to Canada, and others
aro to follow soon.
I'm: Commissioner of Agriculture;
gives notice that ho is now prepared to
distribute to tho agriculturists speci
mens of superior Mediterranean white
wheat, which will be put up in quart
packages, and delivered free upon re-
olpt of applicaton.
Tin-: following story Is fold of n
captain of Austrian artillery in Italy.
His company was under 11 tremendous
lire, nnd at one gun thero was only ono
man left to work. Tho captain went
and helped him to servo tlio piece, nnd
round after round was discharged, till
thu olllcer suddenly, lu nn interval of
loading, exclaimed, "Schmidt! how
dure you havo your shnko on your head
In u way contrary to regulations ?"
Secretary of the lntrior has received
from n gentleman in New Jersey, sam
ples of paper manufactured from Sedgo
gnu-s, a gra-s which grows in great
uhunduiu'o upon all tide-water Hats.
The paper Is very white and clear, nnd
will undoubtedly provo n good substi
tute for ordinary writing paper madoof
cotton and linen rags. It is estimated
that it can bo manufactured for twenty
percent, less than any variety now iu
use, nnd this clrcumstanconlone renders
the discovery. of great Importance to
the printing Interests, of the country.
Mi:.v do not leap the bill of vlrtuo in
a moment, nor do they descend into tho
valley of death or pit of vice iu an 'in
stant. You took up your newspaper
this morning, dear reader. Tho cruelty
you shuddered at the wife-beating, thu
murder think you these have sud
den Inspiration? No! they are the out
come of habits, of thought, action, of
long and steady preparation. Youm-m
the volcanic flame; you se. tlicsinoiild
erlng embers; you seo tlio broken
bridge; you did not co thellttle madre
pores eating Into the timber. I'.ven in
fln-.-e great sins it has been "here a lit-
l!.J lb- I li'l'e."'