THE COLUMBIAN, ULOOMSBUHG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1SG6. Convention emanating spontaneously Jrom Uio grout nines of tlio people. I trust iiml hoio that my futuro fiction may bo such that younnil thoConventlon yon represent may not regret tho assur ance of conlUluucu you havo expressed. Before separating, my friends, ono ntul all, commlttco and strangers, please ac cept my sincere thanks for the klml manifestations of regard anil respect you Imvo exhibited on this occasion. I repeat tlmt I Blmll always continue to bo guided by a conscientious conviction of duty, nnd that always gives me cour age, under tho Constitution, which I have inndo my guide. At tho conclusion of tho President's remarks, threq enthusiastic cheers were given for Andrew Johnson, and thrco more for General Grant. Tho Prcsldont and General Grant then retired arm-in-arm, Hnd were immediately followed by the committee and andiencc. OEOItClU II. MOOKK, KMTOK. Ii;.00I8UUltO, RATUKDAY, HV.1T. 8, lsoa. GENERAL GRANT SLANDERED. Tun Republican of this placo finds It Impossible to control or curb Its disposi tion to slander. Even General Grant cannot cscapo ita venom. In an nrticle in this week's issue it is falsely asserted that General Grant, is a Radical. But what is If posslblo still worso and more Uisultlug to the General and thocountry Is the assertion by tle Republican that "Grant owes everything to Wash burne," a Radical member of Congress from Illinois. The Republican, so far as' wo are informed, Is the first paper in the North which' has attempted to de cry and disparage tho merits of our most illustrious general. The public are in formed by this patriotic stay-at-home editor that Grant is tho creature of a politician. They are told that nothing Is due to his pure patriotism, his unri valled strategy, and indomitable valor. Such languago Is most becoming and appropriate from tills editor, if what wo liavo heard bo true. Refusing to bear arms himself, refusing to permit young men In his employ to enlist, and further, refusing to contribute money to pay a bounty to volunteers until a raid was made upon his olllce by ids subscribers for tho purpose of discon tinuing Ids puper, wo can well con ceive tho gusto with which ho embraces every opportunity to malign nnd abuse General Grant. Let tho soldiers 'who fought under our gallant and distin guished hero remember that tho Colum bia County Republican has thus assailed the reputation and character of their favorite general. CONGRESSIONAL CONFERENCE At n meeting of tho Conferees of the Counties of Bradford, Columbia, Mon tour, Sullivan, and Wyoming, compos ing tho Thirteenth Congressional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, held at the Ex change Hotel, in this place, on tho sixtli instant, there were pre-out RradordC. S. Russell, Edward Hcrrick, Jr. Columbia Hon. J. M'Rcynolds, E. Ikeler. Montour 3. W. Miles, J. C. Ammcr man. Sullivan G. D. Jackson, J. S. Dee gun. Wyoming R. R. Little, C. D. Gcnr-hart-. Hon. John M'Rcynolds was called to tho chair, and 0. S. Russell was chosen Secretary. On motion of Mr. Miles tho Hon, William El well was unanimously nomi nated a scandldatc for Congress. On motion of Mr. Jackson a commit tee of two was appointed to wait upon judge Jewell nnd inform him of hi; . t it . .. ... iiuiiuuuiiuii, mm request jus acceptance of tho snmo. Messrs. Jackson and Am merman were appointed such commit tee. On motion of Mr. Hcrrick tho Con ferenco unanimously adopted tho reso lutions and address of tho National Union Convention hen. at Philadelphia on tho fourteenth of August last. The committee appointed to wait upon Judgo Elwell then returned with that gentleman, who in a few brief and per tinent remarks accepted tlio nomina tion. On motion it was resolved that the next Congressional Conference meet at Dauville, 011 tho Thursday following tho first Monday in September, 1808. On motion tho proceedings were or dercd to bo published in tho Democratlt aud Conservative papers of tlio District (Signed) J. M'Rv.ynoi.ds, Chairman. C. S. Russuu,, Secretary. THE RADICAL COUNTY CONi VENTION. Pursuant to tho call of tho chair. man of tlio Republican Standing Com niitteo, tlio Convention assembled at tho Court House, In Bloomsburg, on Wed nesday, tho tlftli of September, 18CC. at ono o'clock l'.M. , On motion Jonas Hnynian, of Green wood Township, was nominated as President of the Convention. On motion Captain C. G. Jneksou, of Berwick, and Captain M. M. Brobst,of Catawlssa, wcro appointed aud elected Secretaries. On motion tho following named per Bons, wero admitted as delegates, to wit ; B!oomftnfhony Wltmnn, Pith-moil John,; Borough Berwick, Captain 0. G. Jackson, John M'Anall; Briar Creek, Rceso M. Eck, Gideon M. Hosslcr; Bea ver, Isaac Davis, TlllmiinRlftcnhouso; Benton, E. M. Kline, Furmnn S. Smith ; Borough Centralla, William M. Houg land, Stephen Thomas ; Catawlssa, Cap taliiM.M. Brobst, J. S. Eck; Fishing t Creek, William B. Kcster, Jonas Doty ; '.'Green'ood,Joniwnayman,ElishaHay jmm; Jackson, John llimtz, T. W. Smith; Locust, Mark Williams, George Mnrt7,j Main, Wllllnm II. Ult, David Yetterj Mifflin, Aaron H. Andrews, Georgo A. Bowman ; Montour, Jacob F.rwinc, Henry Buss ; Mount Pleas ant, J. II. Vandorsltco, Isaac Culp 5 Orange, Wesly Bowman, Mlchnol C. Vanco ; Pine, Richard W. Lyoti3, .Sam uel Scattergood ; Roaring Creek, David It. I lower, William M. Meyers; Sugar loaf, Kara Stephens, James Roberts ; Scott, William Chrlstman, Lott Parker. On motion of A. Wltmnn, George II. Wllllts, of Montour Township, M. M. Whltmoyer, P.John, and J). A. Beckloy, Bloom Township, were appointed Con gressional Conferees, to meet similar Conferees of tills district, and that they be Instructed to support Hon. Ulysses Mercur. At this Juncture John Ilartman and H. M. Wardln, delegated from Hem lock, and Samuel Iloagland and Daniel Howcr, Jr., from Franklin, claimed seats from their respective townships. On motion of Captain C. G. Jackson, of Berwick, it was resolved that Jacob Mellck, of Scott Township, and John Ilartman, of Hemlock Township, lie appointed Senatorial Confeiees, to meet similar Conferees at Danville on Wed nesday, the twelfth instant. On motion of Samuel Scattergood, of Pine Township, it was resolved that Dr. Jacob Schuyler, of Bloom Township, J. II. Ikeler, of Greenwood Township, bo appointed Representative Conferees, to meet similar Conferees at tho Ex change- Hotel, In Bloomsburg, on Wed day, tho twelfth Instant. On motion of P. John, of Bloom Township, It was resolved that Colonel Samuel Knorr, of Bloom ; M. C. M'Col- lum, of Scott; Captain C. G. Jackson, of Berwick; EllshaIIayman,of Green wood; Richard W. Lyons, of Pino; N. P. John,; and Hamilton Clark, of Franklin, bo tho Republican Standing Committee for this county for tho ensuing year. Tho delegates from Roaring Creek Township otrered the following resolu tion : Resolved, That n full county ticket be mado by tins convention. Upon which resolution P. John made some remarks to the effect that It would bo unwise to form a county ticket at this time, several persons speaking in favor of ncn'iiating a full ticket. P. John observed to Mr. Scattergood that to make a county ticket would jeopor dize their chances for Congress. On a vote being taken on tho question as to "county ticket" or " no county ticket" the Convention resolved that it was in expedient to make county ticket. On motion of John Ilartman tho Con vention adjourned. The resoiutio'hs, which were offered by P. John, we will publish next week. SENATORIAL NOMINATION. Tin: Democratic Conferees represent ing tho several counties of the Fifteenth Senatorial District met at the Forks Ho tel, in Bloomsburg, on Tuesday, Sep tember fourth, lSiifi. They wero as fol lows : Columbia Peter Billmeycr, Richard Fruit. Montour Moore, Samuel Oakes. Northumberland David B. Mont gomery, J. Woods Brown. Sullivan James Deegan, Michael Mcylert. Upon proceeding to vote Messrs. Bill- meyer, Fruit, nnd Montgomery voted for Levi L. Tate, of Columbia. Messrs. Moore, Oukes,atnd Brown vot ed for William A. Dean, of Montour. Messrs. Deegan and Mcylert voted for George 1). Jackson, of Sullivan. Successive votes were taken, and sev eral adjournments without a result, the vote standing as nbove, or scattered dif ferently among the candidates, without a majority of the whole number being given to either. Finally, after taking tho ono hun- drcth vote, tho Conference adjourned until eight o'clock in the morning of the following day. On Wednesday the Conferenco again met and voted several times. At this session Colonel Tate obtained tlio four votes from Columbia and Northumber land, Montour, however, voting for ueau, ami Hinnvun for Jackson, no nomination was ell'cctcd. The Conferenco then ngaiu took a re cess, and upon reassembling a uomlmi tlonwas made by tho following vote; lir Jackson Messrs. Moore, Oakes, Montgomery, Deegan, nnd Mcylert 5. J'or 'lute Messrs. Billmeycr and rrult -. For Dean Mr. Brown 1. This was tho ono hundred and twenty' flrst vote, and thereupon Georgo I) Jackson, of Sullivan, was declared to bo tho Democratic candidate for the Fifteenth Senatorial District. RADICALS IN CONVENTION. The Philadelphia parti-colored Con vention commenced work on Monday. A grand procession was formed In the morning to escort tho Southern delega tions to tho Union League House. It was composed of tho "Boys in Blue," tltc Mitlonai Union Cluh, tho lire compnu Ies, tlio Loyal German Club, Generals Butler, Burnsido, Governor Sprngue, and other organizations and Individuals. A speech welcoming the delegation was mado by the chairman of tho commit tee. "Jack" Hamilton answered on behalf of tlio visitors, and then the Convention was called to order, the speaker using tho identical gavel used In tho South Carolina Convention when tho ordinance- of secession was passed. There wore only two or tiireo colored delegates on tlm floor, but tho hall was formerly an establishment for negro minstrel performances. Thomas J. Du rant, of Louisiana, was elected chairman. A con'iuiitteo on permanent orguiza tlou was- appointed, and tho Conven tion adjourned until morning. A meet ing of tlio Northern Kadlcnls was held simultaneously with tlio Southorn meet tig, at tho Union Leaguo House. Gov ernor Curtiu was elected chairman, and a number of Stato Governors wero made Vico-Pmldcuts. Fred Douglasi was. proposed as one of tho Secretaries, but ho declined in favor of Theodore Tllton. Speeches were delivered In tho even ing by Henry Wilson, Horaces Maynard, Colonel Stokes, nnd others. Mr. Wil son was Indulging in his usual abuse of tho President when a man announcing himself as an American soldier, declar ed that lie would not hear the President ovlled. Ho was promptly elected, nnd the meeting after that was harmonious and undemonstrative. hi'.co.vd day's i'Koci:i:i)ix(iH. The Southern branch of tho parti- coled Convention of Radicals continued their performances ot tho Negro Min strel Hall In Philadelphia on Tuesday. The permanent organization was com pleted by announcing Ex-Attorney Gen eral Speed, of Kentucky, as President, sixteen Individuals as Vice-Presidents, and the same number us Secretaries. A delegation of strong-minded females, under command of Miss Anna E. Dick inson, entered the hall and distributed themselves among the Vice-Presidents on the plattnrm or the delegates on the floor. Mr. Speed delivered a somewhat lengthy address on taking the chair. Committees on resolutions and on the address of the Convention were appoint ed. A resolution demanding tho publi cation by President Johnson of the pro ceedings of tho Military Commission Investigating tho New Orleans riots, was referred. A resolution, favoring negro suffrage raited a storm, which did not subside until tho President com manded order with the secession gavel, and the resolution was referred to the committee for a fair hearing. Other resolutions were ollered accepting the Constitutional amendment, forgiving but not rewarding secessionists, and de claring that suffrage should be conferred on none but tho loyal and Intelligent. A dispatch was received saying that General Grant and Admiral Fnrrngut had left the Presidential party, Vhieh was received with tho loudest applause. Tho Convention then adjourned. CALL FOR A SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' CONVENTION. To the Snldlcra nnd Sndnrti who served In the Army tint! A'my of thv Unittd .States during the late J.'ebcllion .' In pursuance of a resolution of a meet ing of soldiers, now or lately in tho army, held in tlds city last evening, wo invite those of you who approve the res toration policy of tlio President, and the principles announced by the Nation al Union Convention ot Philadelphia, to assemble at Cleveland, on the seven teenth day of September, for consulta tion 011 tho momentous Issues now con vulsing our country. Wo need not argue at length the im portance of these issues, nor your duty to take part in their settlement, after fivo years of fierce and destructive war in whhjh our arms wero gloriously tri umphant. Tho Union for which we fought is still practically unrestored. Why Is tills? We struggled to maintain tlio rightful supremacy or tho general government to conquer all who in inns disputed Its authority, anil to make every rebellious citizen yield to Its laws, we hem throughout tho war that tho Union is indissoluble and its powers as expounded by its courts su prcme; that 110 State can of its own motion withdraw, or, at tlio will of its sister States, bo excluded, and that the duty of each State to maintain tho Un ion nnd its right to take part in tho Gov eminent, are alike absolute. Every ob ject 01 tne war ever recognized uv or known to the army or navy has been thoroughly achieved. Tlio Southern people, decimated, im poverished.and subdued, have for more than a year past abandoned the Rebel lion, and now only ask that tho Union for which wo fought may bo recognized as oxistiug, and that they may bo dealt witli as tlio Constitution and laws pre scribe. In their anxiety to restore tlio Union and bring harmony to its coun cils they have gone beyond ameresilent submission to its laws. Through their delegates at the National Union Con vention they solemnly renounced the doctrines of nullification and secession from which the war arose; repudiated tho Rebel debt, and declared of sacred obligation the national debt; proclaim ed the nation pledged to the continuance of bounties and pensions to loyal sol diers and sailors and their families ; de clared slavery forever abolished, and tlio freednien entitled to equal protection of law in person and property with their former masters. Their platform is not only ono of emphatic loyalty, but it is moreover most liberal In spirit 011 all tho great Issues growing out of the war. Tho character of tho men who repre sented tho Southern States iu that Con vention precludes us from believing this enunciation of principles to bo Insincere. They sent tolt their foremost statesmen, who, llko Rives, Graham, Orr, Parsons, Sharkey, Houston, Brockenboro', Hunt, Manning, and Stephens, wero known throughout tlio hind before the war as men of tho highest character and Influ ence. Among the fivo hundred delegates from tho South there was not a voico or vote dissenting from tlio resolutions adopted by tho Convention. If tho best of Southern peoploaro over to bo believ ed wo must accept theso declarations us sincere. Wo do accept them as conclu sive evidence that a great majority of tho Southern people, sick or war and anarchy, and longing Air a restoration of freo government, are ready to bear truo allegiance to tho Constitution and laws of tho Union. Wo are therefore unwilling to Hce the Southern people held longer in vassalage. They are our countrymen, citizens of tlio United States, who liavo Incurred penalties, but who have rights. Those who wilfully participated In tho Rebel lion, and are unpardoned, are subject to tho penalties prescribed for treason ; but though Individuals may be tried, con victed, and punished, communities can not, nor can tho Stales and their people, without a plain violation of thu Consti tution, lio denied tlio right of represen tation, through men personally quali fied, in tho councils of (lie uatlou, Tho intention of Congress seems to be to deprive them or representation Just as long as It suits the purposes or the Radical party. Many assort that It will concede tho right whenever tho Consti tutional amendments shall have been adopted, and each prescribed Stato shall have ratified It; but It Is quite certain that the amendment will not bo ratified by three fuurtlp or the States, and there fore that It will not bo adopted. Some, perhaps many of thuNorthcrn Slates will reject It, and wo cannot expect Its legal ratification bynny of the lately Insur rectionary States. If there wero 110 other reason why tho Southorn States will reject It, It Is enough that It propos es to disfranchise nearly all the men in the South who have Influence over the masses of tho people, if mino wero to 1)0 disfranchised except olllcers of the Rebel nrmy, wo still would not expect the South to adopt It, for a largo majori ty of men In tho lately Insurrectionary States, through compulsion or choice, served hi tho Rebel nrmy, and their votes alone would overwhelmingly de feat It. Would Union soldiers, to recover po litical privileges, disfranchise their lead ers, whom they love and revere for their heroic virtues? How then can wo ex pect Southern soldiers to disfranchise aud degrade their old commanders? As there Is no probability that tho amend nient will bo ratified by three fourths of tho States, the plan or restoration which Congress appears to havo deter mined on is at tiie best impracticable. That proposed by the President and ap proved by the National Union Conven tion is feasible, and wo believe safe. Wo have no fear that tho South can ever overthrow thu Federal Government, or ever disturb Its career of power and glory. They will be the last of tho States to rebel; and if they shall again rise in insurrection the loyal people can and will subdue, and, if need be, destroy them. Thu Government has asserted its power for self-preservation, and the devastation and misery of the South proclaim to this generation, at least, tho crimes and terrible penalties of treason Beholding their woes, and Contrasting meir weakness nnd our strength we could afford to show the confidence and courage of magnanimity. u might well let our vanquished op ponents arise, and like James Fitz James of Colluntogle Ford, staunch their wounds and forgive their treason. But wo are notnsked tobomagnaiiimous,but only consistent and Just. Thiswucannot refuse to be without a violation of tho Constitution of our country, and a risk ol' hs utter overthrow. Wo seek aud will have no association in political ac tion with men North and South who are not avowedly, and, In our opinion, sincerely faithful to the Constitution and the principles for which wo fought but if men who have taught or practised treason now openly renounce their er rors and maintain with us tlio true prill eiples or our Government, wo shall not reject their co-operation. When tho restoration of the Union and the preser vatlon of our form of government are in issue, however much wo regret to sever cherished political associations nnd to co-operate with former enemies, wo must prefer to act with those who havo been wrong and are now right rather than with those who were right and now are wrong. Believing that our Government I again in peril, we appeal to you who have fought to save it, and who hold it dearer and more sacred than all party ties, to come to tho rescue. Let tho sol diers and sailors agreeing with us in sentiment, but who cannot In person attend, send delegates through the ac tion of their secretary or of local con ventions. Let us meet in force at Cleve land, on tho .seventeenth or September, the anniversary or tho day when tho Constitution was proclaimed by our forefathers, and let us aid in restoring the Union it created and tho liberties it was ordained to secure. G. A. CrsT.vit, MnJ.-Gen., A. D. M'Cook, Maj.-Gen., L. H. Rossjiaix, Maj.-Gen., G 1:01101: Cnooic, Maj.-Gen., S. MKiiiMiiTHlreVjMaj.-Gen., Tito's. Ewixo, Jit., Brev.Maj.-Geu., Committeo on Address. Washington, August W, lsdii. Wo cordially approve the call for the Convention, and recommend the hold ing of local conventions to co-operate in tho movement. Signed by Generals Dix, Steodmnn, Blair, Slocuni, Sickles, Granger, Couch, Franklin, and nearly ono hundred other olllcers. GENERAL GRANT. Tin: "Red Republicans" are Intensely annoyed by tlio position of General Grant, aud arc Industriously endeavor ing to explain away his presence at tlio reception of the committeo appointed by tlio Philadelphia Convention to wait upon tho President and present him an ofuclul copy of tho proceedings. Some of them allego that tho General was there by accident, nnd others thnt ho was sent for on official business. Neither of tlic-o statements is true, although It Is not doubted that tho General was in vited to attend. The editor of tho A'eies was presont as a member of the committee, and knows tho fact that General Grant took part In tho proceedings from choice. This was manifest from his wholo conduct. Ho entered tho East Boom after the com mittee, and after tho President had taken his position, and was careful to mako his way through tho crowd nnd take his placo by tho shin of tho President, grasp ing his hand cordially as ho did so, It Is Idle for tho revolutionists to count on Grant ns being with them. Ho has never voted with them, and nover will, nnd when t lie Impending struggle conies ho will bo found as over at tlio head or tho Army or tho Union. Daily News. Tin-: Memphis Avalanche attacks General Wood, commanding Missis slppl, becauso im threatened a county whero the negroes wero being driven off with tho presenco of a garrison to pro toct thorn. GENERAL PRESS DISPATCHES. jTrom Washington. TIIK Mitt' ISTKHNM. IlKVIiXM! LAW. Tin: new Internal Revenue Act went into operation on Saturday. Under It the Commissioner lias discretionary power In certain cases, nnd 1ms accord ingly decided not to require distillers of coal-oil and of apples to comply with tho requirements of tho new law in re lation to spirits, nnd they will be allow ed to proceed In accordance with tho provisions of tho old law. The enforce ment of tho law requiring payment of the tax on beer to be made by afllxlng n stamp to the barrel has been suspend ed until tho department Is enabled to furnish stamps to all the districts, which will 1)0 in about two weeks. Until that time the tax will be collected as hereto fore. iir.i'nnT of Tin: I'ttii.Anri.i'iiM conviintion. Mr. Sutton, elder or the official corps of the Senate, has Issued a pamphlet, comprising four numbers or the Re- porter, a weekly publication managed by himself aud the brothers Murphy, of tho Senate corps, a verbatim report of tho Philadelphia Union Convention, with iiccompanylngdocimients and com pleto list or the delegntos, which will bo or great value for reference. A 1'KTITION FOIt TIIK 1'AIHION 01 Ml. ML'llIl, A petition Is circulating among the citizens or thu lower counties or Mary land, and being generally signed, fiir the pardon of Dr. Mudd, convicted by tho military commission of complicity in tho assassination or President Lin coln. It is understood that it will bo presented to tlio President on his return from Chicago. TUANSroltTATION I'OIl sOMIIMlS NICEDINU AllTI KUIAI. I.tMIIS. An order Just issued from tho War Department provides that discharged soldiers or tho United States who have been disabled In service, as well as those not yet discharged, who are tp Jpo pro vided with artificial limbs n't thu ex pense of the Government, will bo fur nished with transportation by tho Quar termaster's Department to and from their homes nnd the place where they may bo required to go to obtain the ur tlflclal limb. Tho Medical Director, or other officer designated by the Surgeon- General for that duty, shall, In addition to each order for an artificial limb, give n requisition on tlio Quartermaster's De partment for transportation, stating tho points to and from which tlio transpor tutlon is to be furnished; and such re- quisitlnii shall be the evidence upon which the Quartermaster will furnish the transportation. A HKlUI.AT'ON UNIinil THE HOr.STEAI law. The following regulation has just been issued from the Land Ofllco: " Where a party makes u selection of a tract of land under the Homestead Law and thereafter desires to change the same mr other land, ho cannot be per mitted todo so, as tho 'law makes no provlslon'for .change of homestead en tries. When, howover, a homestead party is actually settled on one tract and by an error in the description in his ap plication a certiflcato of entry is given to him for another and different tract from that covered by his actual settle nient, the error is treated merely as a clerical ono in tho papers, ami will be corrected so ns to award him inceptive evidence or the title for tlio tract em bracing ills actual settlement." COTTON IN Or.OKOIA. Advices received from Georgia at the Freedmen's Bureau, on September tho third, state that the cotton crop in that Slate looks well, but is menaced bv tho caterpillar, which has already begun to hatch In largo numbers. COTTON IN TKXAS. A letter received from General Kid doo, Assistant Commissioner for Texas, states that Texas will yield a larger cot ton crop than any previous year, not excepting the immense yield of 18G0, TIIK SAI.ISIIUKV 1'IIKON CASK, Tho findings or tho Military Commis sion, of which Colonel W. W. Wheeler, of the Twenty-eighth Michigan Jnfan try, was President, nnd before whom Major John II. Gee, lato commandant of the SalNbury Rebel military prison was tried, liavo just been promulgated in general orders from headquarters military command of Nortli Carolina There wero two charges against Goe the first, for violating tho laws and cits toms of war, and the second, murder In violation of the laws of war. Of both charges set up that whilo Geo was in command of tlio prison the prisoners wero in a condition of extremo want and suffering, as well as many or them ill and dying by reason or tho utter nut continued insufllciency of tho rations clothing, shelter, and medical atten dance, and of the cold and exposure to which they were constantly subjected and of tho small and narrow limits to which they wero confined, and that tho saitl ( Jeo did rail to pro vide or cause to be provided for said prisoners proper or sufllcient rations, clothing, fuel, shelter, water or hospital attendance; that by reason of such failure tho prisoners wero never supplied, etc. Tho finding: proceed, and tlio commission, attaching no responsibility to tho said John II Geo than for a weakness In retainln position when unablo to carry out the dictates of humanity, and bellovin that higher authorities of tho Rebel Government wero fully responsible for all tho alleged violations of tho laws and customs or war, tlntl or tho spec! ileatlon not guilty. And tho commis sion also find that ho Is not guilty of all the other specifications, und accordingly acquit Major Geo. A somiieh of tho Government, sta tinned in Michigan, has been convicted of murder by thu United States Circuit Court, and sentenced to bo hung. Sev oral years ago capital punishment was abolished by theLegUlatureorthatStato and tho criminal cannot bo hung within tho State Jurisdiction. To avoid any conflict with tlio State law, tho murder er Is to lie executed on tho Fort Grntiot Hesorvatlon, which Is United States property. JEFF. DAVIS. l.v a very fow days,! have excellent authority for stating, the press will he ailed upon to announce the release from tinllneineiit 'of Jeif. Davis, on puroluor ball, tout all times rentier hiinsell amen able to the process or the court, which It Is expected will dlspo-e ol his cfi:0 next October. As his release on this condition Is now probable, it sceiiH ! uroner to mlvert, at tlio risk of appear- lngegotlstleal,totli3U,'c:icy to which tho coming event nuy bo chlolly ascribed. In claiming for the Herald, through us humble correspondent, the credit of ef fecting this benevolent design on the part or tho Executive, it is not liiicuuea to make light of tho zealous efforts of the devoted wire aud distinguished counsel or the prisoner; but it may snfelv be asserted that neither the tears nor entreaties or Mrs. Davis, nor tlio arguments or influence or Mr. O'Conor. wero capable or producing the least ei fect on tho President so long as there existed tho slightest grounds for believ ing that Mr. Davis was accessory to tho murder or Mr. Lincoln, iiio exposure by thu Herald of the conspiracy to con- vtct Davis by suborning witnesses, anu of tho fradulent proceedings of the Ju diciary Committee, led the President to dl'rcet'inqiilry to be privately made into those subjects, which resulted tii satis Mug his mind that not only had nn atrocious conspiracy been concocted by certain Radicals to hang Davis In order to complete thu humiliation of those represented by him during thu Rebel lion, and continue, or rather revive, with Increifed intensity, thelraninioslty to tlio people- or the Nortli, and thus prevent the perfect restoration of the Union, but that there really existed no evldcncu of Davis's complicity in tho assassination, and no grounds for doubt ing his entire innocence. I lie exposure at the same time encouraged renewed efforts on tho part or Mr. O'Conor, and Induced tho President to order a medi cal inquiry into the physical condition or Davis, the result and report whereof leave no room to doubt that the health of the prisoner is rapidly declining. The following letter nddres-ed by Snevel, one or the suborned witnesses, to Sandford Conover, at Washington, will give the public some idea oT the maimer in which tho national exchequer is robbed to further the unholy schemes of the Radicals and their pet bureaus: WKsn-iimTKii Ilorsii, 1 Xkw Vokk, NowjiiIht 11, NV.) Mit. Saxdkoiu) Co.vovnu Dear Sir. I have been looking for more than a week for tho five hundred dollar draft promised me from you or the Judge, but liavo been disappointed. I don't think I have been treated exactly on the square, for Campbell has bail more by nearly one thousand dollars than I have, and yet I stretched my conscience just as much as he did, and my testi mony, as you anil tho Judge both said, was just as important as ins, I don't llko to Hud fault, but I like still less to beg or to borrow, as I tun obliged to. from I'amnbell. when I ought to be lust as well oil' us he. I don't mean to com plain, for I know you have much to at- ...tut f .mil i,,if ili. ....iittH.ti,. .if mi, .i 11.111. 117, tlllll l.ll. kl!.V.l..J llllll 111 1J1I1.1,, but as all the rest have been better paid than myself, I ought not to bo forgot. Please do not fail to send draft by return mail, for you know this Is an awful place to be in without money; and your petitioner win ever pray. Respectfully, yours, Josiu'ii Sxnvni.. Here it will bo seen that this perjurer, ns far back as November last, had re ceived from tho government crib, through tlio Bureau of Military Justice, a large sum of money, and was then waiting for fivo hundred dollars more, which had been promised him, and that the perjurer Campell had at tho samo time received still more by nearly one thousand dollars. It will bo remember ed thnt it appeared by tlio correspon dence between the Judge Advucati - Jen and Conover and Campbell, pub lished In the Herald of the twelfth in sttmtjthat In March another five hundred dollars was sent by the Judge Ad vocato- General to Campbell, and at the same timo a sum not stated in tho correspon dence, but probably not less than five hundred dollars, to Snevel. How much these parties received between Novem ber and Marcli they and their patrons only know; but I am credibly inform ed thnt they each received not less than ono thousand dollars more. When It Is remembered that seven or eight other witnesses were suborned and paid as liberally as the parties named (anil Snevel charges thatthey wero paid more liberally), and that several agents were employed nnd had to bo paid forsiiborn ing aud training them, it is not diillcult to see that this Radical eonsplracv ha.- robbed tho Government or an immense sum or money. The followingjettcr by another of the suiiorncd witnesses, a clerk in thoQuar termaster's Department, is written on tho back or a quartermaster's order in blank for transportation from Baltimore over tho Northern Central Railroad, and enclosed in an ofllcial eiivelopo marked, "Official business, Depot Qiiuitei'nia-- ter's Office, Baltimore, Maryland:" quAKiKiiMAsriiirsOmn:, April 27, jv, Dl'.AIt CoNOVim. I received vcfoi- day morning n letter fi-oin ( 'imiiilwill from New York, threatening to rn iK.. ioro mo .iiidiciary i oiniitittco and ex po-o an that has Deen devised In the yavis case, uudiisKiugniotoncconipanv mm, as no anu tin who will, will get large sums rroni Jell's friends for doing so. 1 started Immediately for Washing ton ami sttw General Holt, and gave him Campbell's letter. Tho General as stiretl mo that he hnd known of Camp bell's defection for somo time, ami mm .vim nun wniicu mo chairman of t ho committee iiot to examine him, mid that lie himself hail arranged to send a Judgo Advocate to New York that ev ening to see you, with full instructions, and that you would no doubt bo able to get tho scamp In the truces again, or keep him away, ami let only Mich coino be- tore uio committee ns can be-relied on. God grant that you can do so I In order to bo of soiuo assistance In tho business, 1 beg leave to introduce you to Mr. Mason, thu bearer, or whom you havo heard mo often speak. Ho inn give you i Komosecrotsnr Campbell's Ilfo, which, ir known to tlio Distrlct-Attor-"Wi wmiul get him ten yot years in the State Prison, and you may tiso them to frighten tlio traitor into loyalty again. Mason Is quite a stranger In Now York, i i I. T0 y,m ,my Kpt Ulllt-' to fhow him tho elephant. , Tf- fj mil vol film. o'clock, and the ( ul ntlmitiw.i'fMiiji l-i tti.f r ii'vm imii i-" ,-,i,iv',i:t,1i i"' vet open, and 1 havo not a sheet In my ilesk. Write me by Mason, on hi re turn, all the particulars. . Truly, as over, CutTim. Tho following Is from tho Judgo Ad-vowile-General to Conover,. Introducing Colonel Turner, sent by hjin on Uuj, bus Iness referred to In tho preecd,l'iig.l6tter'j WAK flBt'.lltTMKNT, ) IlniKAi! or Mii.itaiiv tlcnrirc, V WasiiI.swun, April ai, Ifil. ) Alii S vni'dtiit t'nVdVI'.II Drit Sir, This will bo presented to .you by Colonel Turner, Judge Ad vocal?, whrf, ... ...i.i. r. .li.. i. ..... Will coniinuui-'aie wan you tuny in re gant to the business which takes hliu to New York. The Judiciary Committed of tin Ilntiso of Representatives urn anxious to secure at as early it day a- possible the attendance or the witnesses named In n list in Colonel TurnerV hand", and I write to request that you will at once ucnll your efforts to secure; that result. You probably .know tho whereabouts of most of them, mid through your personal exertions, allied by others, may succeed In bringing" these witnesses, or at least the grtwitcr tmtt il' i Iwmi . ltnforn 1 lin riiiiiinlttt n. 1 saw Mr. Wilson this morning, Who read mo your letter, aim it is ai ins in-finnco that J write you. having no doubt but that, from the Information you have and vour past faithfulness, you will be both . .. .....I ...Mil ... 41. t..l..-.w.t UDIC aim willing iu uu ju iiul-iqi hi truth and public, justice what is now re quired, oi you. very respecuuuy, Your obedient servant, J. Holt, Judge Advocate-General. That the bearer of tho above did com municate with Conover in regard to tho business which took him to New York, nnd coiiiinunicato more than it was easy or prudent to say by letter, there can bo no doubt ; but nevertheless Campbell, as the public tire already aware, was push ed before tho committee nnd retracted every word or what ho had sworn for the Bureau of Military Justice. Tho strategy by which Davis's friends managed to get Campbell before tho committee after his avowed defection and threat to expose the Radical plot may bo explained in a few words. As soon as the apostacy of the wily perjur er was discovered, extensive measures, as disclo-ed by tho forgoing letters of " Curler" und the Judge Advocate-General, wore adoptetl to return him to thu fold, when tlio reprobate pretended to repent his treacherous designs, nnd promised, in consideration of another largo sum, to repeat before the commit tee what ho hnd tleposed to tho Bureau of Military Justice ; but no sooner was he ushered into thu committee's august presence than ho forgot his last promiso to the conspirators and told tho truth, anil need it bo said actually mado Jack Rogers laugh. . Tho following letter from Conover to John Patten, at Washington, another of tho perjured witnesses whom ho had promoted to tho rank of Instructor of bogus witnesses, will show what ho thought of Boutwell und Holt, and some of the other leaders in tho consplr cy, and what ho expected from Stanton in case of need: Kl'IUIATA Mor.NTAIN ll0URK,JllIin8, lSCrt. My Di:ai; Patti:, Yours of tho sixth was received this p.m. Your as surance that Thomas made a faux pas does not surprise mo in tlio least, and you give him altogether too much cred it when you say that he minion dimmed fool of himseir, for nature dhl that for him over thirty years ago. But in nil this I do not seo sufllcient eaiiso for des pondency, cheer up, nil desperandum. Make Tabor rehearse a dozen times a day until he can play his part llko a Kean, aud with tho two boys 1 havo here, who are improving charmingly, we will mora than make up Tor the Ions of Campbell ami Snevel. Still it is pro voking to remember what tin ass Bout well made of himself. Had he suspended the examination of Campbell when ho saw that he wtis damaging the case, or had Wilson been possessed of wit enough to adjourn the session, with direotioiiK to the wit nesses to appear next day, which Camp bell would not have clone, or had Holt, after the committee did adjourn, display his usual sharpness and nrnmess, mid ordered the damned traitor to bequietly taken out of sight, all would have been well. Iu truth, all Is well enough as it stands. H Campbell don't kcephiiiisclf shady Secretary Stanton will come down on on him for his bounty jumping, numer ous desertions, anil other military. offen ces, which will enable the Secretary to placi him where his tongue can do no harm ami would soon ceae to wag.' Ho has been notified what to expect If he Is not quiet, and I am sure wo shall hear no more from him. M'GIll is coming down in the morn ing, und will iK'iir my letter. Ho will bo able to give you tho news more easily than I can write it. Take thoeuclosed letter to Mr. Stevens us soon as possible, as It Ls Important that he should have it at once; I think his number is 27!) South II Street; but if not you must go to him at the Capitol. 1 wrote the Judge yesterday, should you bo obliged to coiiiinunicato with him again before I cemo down do so bv note, as there is no doubt but Jeff's friends havo spies around tho Judgo' ollice, and they might mark you. Keep uii good courage ami attend to your pupil, and if wo lose the game it will bo through the stupidity or our friends or Irresolution ot our patrons, and not through any fault of our own. If wo are driven to tlio " last ditch" and publicly exposed, wo may derivo somii consolation from tho fact that several illustrious heads are as deep in tho mud as we are in the mire, and wll bo oblig ed to share tho obloquy with us. Yon will seo me within a week, nnd need not wrlto again unless something transpires rendering it ab.-olutelv ne cessary that I should hear from voiu Yours, truly, g. Cono'vkh'. It will bo seen by tlio abovo letter that thu conspirators did not riremnlr making out a strong ease ligalii&t Davis wr a considerable timo after the. open treachery or Campbell, ami hml several sharp witnesses in trainlm.'. In mvn overwhelming evidence ngalnst him: but as soon ns tho Herald evinwoii tlio oompiruoy nnd tho underhand proceed. nigs oi tho Judiciary Committee-, nnd gave a report or Campbell's deposition iiiriuo jiureaunt .Military Justice, and his contrary testlmonvYi ofhril Dir. Willi. ml t too, they abandoned tiuir.iinviiisli enterprise, and thought-only. or saving themselves froth oxnnsnrn.-' Hid. Hinv could not-all escape ; s'omo- havo been driven, and others will last ditch," so dreaded byv. Conover, and In tho mud nnd inlro wo nro von tent to leave them. U'ashhwton Mens. l-.vetiso trniier. pondMx A'cw York Hcruh!.- -