tons of clwritoiruj. One Hounre, one or tlirie ln.-itlon,...,.. Jl fyj Hath uWUint Insertion Irs tlinu thirteen. Ono Square one Inotilli j fn Two " 8m Throe " ' mi h c 'our " -........., eiO Half column " iu ij One. roHiinn " ,n Kxeeutnr's nnil Administrator's Nolle ft to Auditor's Notices 3 w Kdltorlat Notices twenty cent jn-r line. Other advertisements Inserted according to sr clal contract. Mviuwe, Two Dollars Mid Fifty Cents, Adxkeu nil Utter to oEonnn it. moom:, Kdltor of tlio Colummax, Illoomsburg, Columbia County, l'n. VOL. I.-NO. 10. BLOOMSBURG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, I860. PHIOE FIVE CENTS. &hc (IpoIumbiaiT, X INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, M runLMiiio r.vtmr hatciiiiay, ih Bloomsburg, ColnmblA County, Pa, TtatMA. Two DoUnrt e. year, bi advance. If not paid In HT it I m ittfti iit Wy IP l w fll )p f If W4 DRIFTING. Is there rest for n burdened soul f Is there eaen for n storm'tossed bnrkf Is there light where dentil's surges roll? Will Ood nuldo tno across the dark? Vor oh I It Is hnnt to wait, To watch and to slh for rest, To Inns for the opened gate, To linger In Id la unrest. To stnnd 111 the pitiless storm, Astray In tho path of sin, And soo tha light, pure nnd warm, That streams from the gate within ; To feel the Waves, dark nnd cold, Come gurgling qulto up to our feet, To shiver without the fold, And loiif? for the welcome sweet. Tho river of life runs swift, And to I to Its brighter shore, My life-boat may never drift, For tho surges that roll before; My weak hands will novor guide, For tho wavos that threaten me ; Alono on temptation's tldo I am drifting out toward the sea. A NIGHT WITH WOLVES. Away wo wont nt whirlwind speed over tbo glistening sheet of snow which covered tho wholo country for miles around. Four splendid horses drew our sledge, nnd wo bounded nlong noiselessly, smoothly, rapidly, like phantoms. Wo hnd some thirty miles to travel ; but nt tho glorious paco wo were going, wo should accomplish it in three hours. It was now eight o'clock; wo might fairly expect to bo nt my chateau by a little past eleven. Away wo went! tho snow flew past us like a vast foaming torrent, while I could almost fancy that wo were nt rest, so even, almost Imperceptible, was our motion. Suddenly one of the traces gave way, nnd in nn instant all our four horses, young nnd high-spirited, were kicking nnd plunging fearfully. The broken trace was only tho least of tho damage tlono; and when 1 nnd Fritz, my ser vant, scrambled out, and seizing their heads, stopped their pranks, wo found that they had kicked themselves almost entirely free from tho sledge. Had they but done so, and remember ing what afterward occurred, I think of ttto terrible consequences and tremble. It took us n full hour's work to re pair tho damage, nnd even when this was done, wo were compelled to go nt a comparatively slow pace, for fear that something should again give way. I lighted a cigar, and, well wrapped in furs and cloaks, leaned lazily and luxuriously back, enjoying the gentle, easy motion, and watching the four horses ns thoy bounded along with the light sledge. On n sudden, however, I noticed that they seemed to afford Fritz more than ordinary trouble. I was aroused from my half dreamy state by hearing him devote thom to tho infernal gods, hi all the mingled di alects of Poland, Germany, and Russia, nnd that for a cause which seldom at tacks tho indignation of tho traveller , namely, for going loo fa.-t. Iu splto of his exertions they had burst into a furious gallop, llo cursed, vore, pulled, nud tugged In vain. "With alarmed eyes and erected ears the , ager horses disregarded tho utmost of , forts of curb and bridle, and dragged us forward with n velocity I should have thought impossible. As there was no danger, 1 was rather amused than other' wlso by tho glorious paco at which we were going. All on a sudden, however, Fritz ceos- ' cd to swear, and, with a hasty ejacula ' tlon, loosened tho reins, and allowed tho horses to tear ahead at their utmost t speed, without attempting to stop them The beasts aro right, right, by a thous ' and devils ! I ought to have known it I" " What do you meant" I asked. Ho turned in his seat, and said in a low voice, his faco palo with emotion : "The wolves!" I stood up lu tho sledgo and looked back, but for a long tlmo could discover . nothing. At last, however, I could discern a ' "dark moss in tho snowat distance. thought, however, that It was only ' trees, and laughed at tho terror of Fritz, j which oven tho horses seemed to share. In about ten minutes, however, tho Ijtcrriblo truth burst on me tho dark mass was in motion, and approached rapidly. 1 heard, too, a sound in tho distance which at ilrnt I thought was tho whistling of the wind. ui It was tho howling of tho hungry and .jjjerodous pack of wolves on our track. .Closer ami closer came tho dark mass; -plainer nnd plainer tho dreadful howls. Tho territied horses could hear them now, and dashed on with more desper ate energy than before. Nearer and nearer they came. Wo could notouly hcarthelrdrendful howls, rxbut oven tho tramp of -their cursed foot, . us thoy galloped along tho frozen snow on our track. Tho arms wo had con sisted of two fowling-pieces and a braco "of pistols. Unfortunately, wo had but a very scanty stock of powdtaiitfid ball, w nnd not moro than enough tip two or J threo discharges. " " What is to bo done'.'" I whispered 1 pto Fritz. " " "Fight I fight to tho lastl" ho re. piled; "wo must bo overtaken. Tho : horses cannot hold out much longer. It is yot qulto twenty miles to thochateau, 5 nud they will be upon us in a few lulu utes. Ha!" fio cried, suddenly, " I had t ' forgotten thero is yot a gleam of hopo !" S," And now ho lashed tho horses, already f nt tholr utmost speed, and even stabbed them repeatedly with Ids hunting-knife, m to urge them on to fresh exertions, ,1 Ahead of us was a small forest, or " rather wood. It was dlstant'somo two miles, but, owing to tho white sheet of s now between, looked ration nearer. "If we could only reach It I" ho ut tered, furiously lashing tho horses. Tho chaso continued. I stood ready with my fowllng-pteco to flro Immedi ately when they were within shot. Tho fleetest of the pack dashed ahead of tho others, and approached within a few yards of tho sledge. Their howls wero fearful. I fired two barrels, and threo wolves fell dead or wounded. In an Instant these wero surrounded by tho others, who quickly tore to pieces and devoured their fallen comrades. This obtained us a respite but n very short one; for in less than n minute nothing remained of tho wolves I had shot but their bones. I again loaded my piece, and nga'In tho pack dashed on in pursuit. We had not gained half n mile when they wero again up with us. This tlmo they eamo on moro furious ly and boldly than before tho brutes had tasted blood. When they wero near enough, I again fired, and two wolves fell. This tlmo, however, the dovouring of their com panions did not take so long, for I had only wounded two. Once again I reloaded the fowling- piece, nud found that all our ammuni tion was thereby exhausted. " Do not lire," said Fritz, when I in formed him of tho fact, " till the last moment rescrvo your flro for our hut chance." " Is there any?" I asked gloomily "One, and one only. Not far from this, In tho woods hence but I do not know how far, perhaps not more than a mile Is an old hunting-lodge ; -It we can reach it wo are safe If not, wonrelost. On eamo tho wolves and they were many, and quite close upon the sledge, Two terrlllc great monsters were ub solutely abreast of us, and were striving to get nhead to the horses, who, poor brutes, could hear nnd see them, and tore away at such a terrible pace that oven the swift wolves could not gain upon us. "Fire! lire!" shouted Fritz; "lire, and aim well; for if those brutes reach tho horses, wo are lost." I fired a barrel at tho wolf on my left, nud over ho went with a bullet through his body. I very nearly missed tho second, but fortunately the ball grazed the bono of his leg, breaking it, and causing him to fall. Hut several others took their places. "Keep them off I keep them off! shouted Fritz, " but for one minute, nud we are saved. Tho hut is close by." Frantically he Hogged and shouted to the horses,and desperately they respond ed to the call. I llred the two barrels of the remain ing fowling-piece, and then, sticking my pistols in my belt, I shouldered my gun, and standing up, struck right and left at tho howling pack, which wero now rapidly accumulating on our rear. Tho next moment, and we pulled up short at the hut. " Firo your pistols right in their faces!" shouted old Fritz. I did so, and had the satisfaction of seeing tho howling pack fall back for minute. This gave Fritz an opportunity of Jumping out and cutting adrift the horses, who immediately galloped off. "Now, sir, now!" hu cried, holding open tho hut door" haste." Still holding tho fowllng-pleco by tho barrel, and swinging it around me, I leaped to the ground. Some of tho wolves had dashed off in pursuit of the horses, while others wero between me and the hut. I struck viciously at tho howling brutes, and rushed through them to tho open door. Ono monster sprang at my throat, but, fortunately, I succeeded in striking him down, and he was content with tearing a piece, with his horrid fangs, from my leg. Tho next Instant, faint and bleeding, we were safe In tho hut, and Fritz bar red and bolted tho door, leaving tho pack outside. For a moment or two they scratched mil gnawed at tho door, and then dash ed otf to Join their companions in the chase after the horses. Soon after wo heard heart-rending and piercing screams. " All, I thought so," said Fritz sadly, 11 my pour horses! They can stand a ,'reat deal ; but when ono comes to be torn to pieces by wolves, It Is no wonder they cry out." It was not long boforo the furious pacl, returned : for, having devoured tho horses, nndappareutly not half satisfied, they surrounded tho hut on nil sides, and nothing could bo heard but their horrible bowlings. We could hear them scraping, scratching, and tearing tho wood-work of tho hut with their teeth. Next they attempted to climb to tho roof, and soon some succeeded, for wo could hear them crawling about outside There was no chimney to tho hut, but merely an aperture iu tho roof for tho sitioko to escapo, Tho hut in which wo had found tem porary safety consisted only of four walls, matlo of rough but strong slabs of wood. It contained a rudo fireplace, nnd, for tunatoly for us, there wero still embers smouldering. There was also a lit tle green brushwood in tho hut, which Fritz hastened to cast iu tho lire. As it caught and burned up, it gave rise to dense volumes of smoke, which, pour ing through tho aperture In tho roof, ef fectually kept tho wolves at bay. Hut after a time tho smoko began to clear, tho green wood was all gone, and the wind, which now was high, blew I nsldo tho smoko from tho hole in tho roof. In n very short tlmo wo perceived tho gleamlngeyesnnd red mouth, half open, of a monstrous wolf looking down on us. We struck at him wltli tho butt-end of our fowling-pieces, nnd soon brought him, stunned nud bleeding, to our feet. Fritz took 11 piece of burning wood, mounted to tho nperture, and waved It around. Wolves, like all wild beasts, aro in mortal dread of lire, and wo soon heard them all scamper olf tho rcof All through the long night wo heard the howling of tho ferocious pack, who laid now regularly terrified us ; for, al though scared by the flro, they attempt ed tho roof no more, but nil remained around tho hut. All things havo their end, nnd so at lost had this long and dismal night. Thoday broke at last, anil Fritz, arous ing himself, piled on tho flro every available bit of wood ho could Hud. For full threo hours after sunrise noth ing occurred beyond howling ; but what nn awful three hours were they ! Suddenly our eyes, which were fixed incessantly on the nperture, saw the hideous forms of our enemies. Threo of the lnrgest wolves had climbed the roof and were looking down upon us. I fired my fowliug-pieco our last charge of powder. This drove them away, and tho dead body of ono fell through the aperture, and Into the hut This, however, procured us but n short respite; tho brutes knew the way; tho sun was now bright in tho heavens, and tho fire-brand was now useless. Soon another and fiercer lot succeeded those wo had driven away, and wo had now no moro powder or shot to drive them back. Clubbing our guns, wo struck furious' ly at them, all the time shouting loud ly. Several fell wounded and incapable of Injury into the hut, but others at once took their places. The furious monsters, ravenous with hunger, which the two horses and their comrades they had devoured but seem ed to whet, glared down upon us from the roof, howling incessantly, and wait ing tho moment to spring. At lat one great brute set the exam ple, and crouching fornn instant, sprang right at Fritz, at tho same time giving a terrible yell. Fortunately old Fritz was enabled to spring on one side, and tho moment the wolf lnndcd ho dashed out his brains with tho gun ho wielded. Hardly was this accomplished than another and another leaped down, and these wero followed by still more, which all our efforts could not keep back. Fu riously we fought with the desperation of despair, for we had almost given up hope. Several times I felt the fangs of the wolves in my ilesh ; but by almost superhuman exertion freed myself, and laying about me right and left, sent tho shaggy brutes sprawling under tho ter rible force of my blows. In vain ; as fast as thoy fell others came leaping down, and the hut was now alive with tho wild, savage beasts. With a short prayer, and nerved with a fierce determination, I threw myself in their midst, and giving all my strength to ono last desperate ellort, 1 created fearful havoc among tho crowded mass. The cry was still they come. Weary, faint, and despairing, I staggered, and was about to fall prostrate on the ground among tho horrible sea of glar ing eyes, white teeth, and red throats which surrounded me, when a loudshout from outside, followed by a rapid and sustained discharge of lire-arms, gave me fresh strength, and once again nerv ed my arm. At tills moment a wolf, leaping from tho aperture, alighted on my shoulders, md endeavored to fix his horrid fangs in my throat. I tore him away, and flung him on tho embers of the lire, re- jardloss of a dreadful bite I received iu the hand. The sparks Hew in all directions, and tho darkness of tho hut was illuminated by a flame of light as tho fire blazed up. Tho wolves wero steadied by this for a moment, and in that moment I notic ed with joy that no moro were on tho roof. Another shout outside, and a stillclos- er discharge, informed us that friends wero near. Shouting words of encour agement to Fritz, who was terribly torn by tho teeth of tho brutes, 1 again at tacked them with my llttlo remaining strength. Fritz, too, ably seconded me, and iu half a minute our remaining en emies wero killed or disabled. Scarcely had tho glaring eyes of the last disappeared, under a furious blow from tho butt-end of my gun, than, ut terly worn out by tho tremendous exer tion of tho last ten minutes, bleeding from half a dozen places whero the wolves had torn my flesh, nature gave way, and I fell forward on a pile of our dead enemies, nnd fainted. I'lio next moment the door was burst open, nnd our friends from the chateau, who had como to tho rescue, rushed iu, and raising the apparently lifeless forms of myself and Fritz, boro us out Into tho air, where, laid on tho void snow, wo soon recovered con sciousiiess, and found that we were saved. Thus ended thisadventure; but assur edly, wero I to live to bo as old as Mo thusalch, I shall never forget our night with tho wolves. A Mi'.itciiANT suddenly died after writing a letter to ono of his correspon dents. His clerk wroto nt tho bottom, "Sinco writing tho above I have died," and scut the missive, AN INTERESTING SCENE. Wasiiisotos, I). C, August is, lf(M. Tin: committee consisting of two dele gates from each Slate, nppolnted by tho National Union Convention to Wnit upon tho President with nn ofnclnl copy of tho proceedings of tho Convention, met this morning and postponed until ono o'clock tho tlmo for tho interview. It was originally intended that ten a.m. should bo tho hour nt which tho recep tion would bo had. About 0110 o'clock tho committee, headed by a band of music, reached tho White House. Thoy wero conducted into tho Fast itooui by Marshal Clouding, ' and were so arranged as to form n circle. The delegates to tho Convention who were in tho city wero then Invited in, nnd took n position in tho rear of tho committee. Tho Presldentsoonupponr ed, nnd was accompanied by Secretaries M'Culloch, Welles, and llrowning, and Postmaster-General lUmdnll. Tho Hon. Iteverdy Johnson, of Maryland, then advanced and said : Mn. Pi( nr.KT : Wo arc before you as a committee of tho National Union Convention, which met in Philadelphia on Tuesday, tho fourteenth instant, charged with tho duty of presenting you with nn authentic copy of its proceed ings. Heforo placing it in your hands, you will permit us to congratulate you on the object for which tho Convention was called; in the enthusiasm with which, in every State and Territory, the call was re sponded to; in tho unbroken harmony of its deliberations; in the unanimity with which the principled it lias declared wero udontcd : and moro especially In tho patriotic and constitutional character of the principles themselves, we aro confi dent that you and the country will find gratifying and cheering evidence that there exists among tho people n public sentiment which renders an early and comnlete restoration of tho Union as established by tho Constitution certain and inevitable. Party faction, seeking tho continuance of its misrule, may momentarily delay it, but tho principles of political liberty for which our fathers successfully contended, and to secure which they adopted tho Constitution, are so L'larliiL'lv inconsistent Willi the condition In which thocountry has been placed by such misrule, that it will not be permitted a much longer duration. Wo wish, Mr. President, you could have witnessed tho spirit of concord and brotherly affection whichanlmated every nii'inhnr of the Convention, dreat its your confidence has ever been in the in tclligcnccnnd patriotism of your fellow citizens, in tholr deep devotion to tho Union, and their present determination to reinstate and maintain it, that eon fldcnce would have become a positive conviction could you havo seen and heard all that was done and said upon Hie occasion. Kvery heart was evidently full or Joy, every eye beamed with pa triotic animation; despondency gave nlaco to tho assuraneo that, our late dreadful civil strife ended, tho blissful reign of peace, under tho protection, not of arms, but of the Constitution aim laws, would havo sway, and be in every part of our land cheerfully acunowi edged, and in perfect good faith obeyed You would not have doubted that the recurrence of dangerous domestic insur rectious in tho future are not to bo ap prehended. If you could have seen tho menol'MassacliusettsandSouthCarolina coming into tho Convention on the tlrst .invnf its moetlii''. hand to hnud.nmia tho rapturous applause of tho whole bodv.awakeuedbylieartfeltgratillcation at theevent, filling the eyes of thousands wltli tears of iov which they neither could nor desfred to repress, you would havo felt.ns every person present felt, that '.ho time had arrived when all sec tional or other perilous dissensions had ceased, and that nothing should bo heard in tho future hut tho volco of harmony proclaiming devotion to a common country,of prldoinbeing bound together bv a common Union, existing anil pro tected by forms of government proved by experience to bo eminently fitted for the exigencies of either war or peace In tho principles announced bytheCon volition, and in the feeling there mani fested, wo havo every assuraneo mat harmony throughout our entire laud will soon nrovail. A o know that as in former days, as was eloquently do dared by Webster, the nation's most gifted .statesman, Massachusetts and South Carolina went "shoulder to shoulder through tho ltovolution," and stood baud in hand around tiio Admin istratlon of Washington, nnd felt hi own great arm lean on them for support so will thoy again with liko magnanl mlty, devotion, and power stand round your Administration and causo you to feel that you may also lean on tiiem for support. In tho proceedings, Mr. Presl dent, which wo aro to placo In you bauds, you will find that tho Convention performed tho grateful duty imposed upon them by their knowledgo of your "devotion to tho Constitution anil law; nnd Interests of your country," as Illtis trated by yourentlro Presidential career, of declaring that In you they " recognize a Chief Muglstratoworlhyof tho nation, nnd loyal to the great crisis upon which your lot is cast;" and in this declaration It gives us marked pleasure to add, wo aro confident that tho Convention has but spoken tho intelligent nnd patriotic sentiment of tho country. Kver Inac cessible (o tho low influences which of ton control tho mere partisan, and gov erning alono by an honest opinion of constitutional obligations and rights, nnd of tho duty of looking bolely to tho tmo interest, safety, and honor of tho nation, such a class Is Incapable of re sorting to any bait for popularity nt tho expense of tho public good. In tho measures which you have adopted for the restoration of tho Union, tho Con vention saw only n continuance of the policy which for tho same purposo was Inaugurated by your immedlnto prede cessor, In his re-election by the people after that policy had been fully indicat ed, nnd lind been made ono of tho issues of the contest. Those of his political friends who aro now nssalllng you for ternly pursuing It, forgetful or regard less of tho opinions which thcirsupport of his re-election necessarily involved, being upon tho same ticket wltli that much lamented public servant whoso foul assassination touched tho heart of tho civilized world-wlth grief and hor- or you would havo been false to obvi ous duty If you had not endeavored to carry out tho samo policy; and judg- ng now by tho opposite one which Con gress lias pursued, its wisdom and pa triotism aro Indicated by tho fact that that Congress has but continued a brok en Union by keeping ten of tho States n which at 0110 tlmo tho Insurrection xlstcd, as far as they could accomplish it, in the condition of subjugated prov inces, denying the rigid to be represent ed while subjecting their people to every species of legislation, including that of taxation. That such a state of things is it war with the very genius of our Government, inconsistent with every idea of political freedom, and most per ilous to the peace and safety of tho country, no reflecting man can fail to believe. We hope, sir, that the proceedings of the Convention will cause you to ad here, if possible, with even greater '.inn- ness to the course you uro pursuing by satisfying you that tho people t'.i'o with you, and that the wish which lies near- t to their hearts is that a perfect res toration of our Union at the earliest mo nient be allowed, and the conviction that that result wm only be accomplished by the measures which you aro pursuing, And in the discharge of tho duties which these impose upon you, we, as did every member of tho Convention, tin for ourselves Individually tenner to you our profound respect and assur ance of our cordial and sincere support With 11 re-united Union, with no foot but freemen's treading or peritted to tread on our soil, with a nation's fnitl pledged forever to a strict observance o ill its obligation, with kindness and fraternal lovo everywhere prevailing, the desolations of war will soon bo re moved ; its sacrifices of life, sad as they have been, with Christina resignation, be referred to a providential purpo.-e, of fixing our beloved country on a firm and endurable basis, which will forever placo our liberty and happiness beyond tho reach of human peril; then, too, and forever will our Government chal lenge the admiration and receive the respect of the nations of tho world, and we In no danger of any efforts to im peach our lienor. iVud permit me, sir, in conclusion, to uilil, that great as your solicitude fur tho restoration of our domestiu peace and your labors to that end, you havo also a watchful eyo to the nglitsof the nation, and that any attempt by an assumed or actual foreign power to enforce an il legal blockade against tho Government or citizens of tho United States, to use your own mild but expressive words, 1 will be disregarded." In this deter mination I am sure you will receive tho unanimous approval of your follow citizens. Now, sir, as thcehalrmau of this com mittee, and iu behalf of tho Convention, I have the honor to present you with an authentic copy of its proceedings. The allusion lu the above address to tho determination of our Government to disregard tho attempt of an assumed or actual foreign power to enforco an illegal blockade was greeted with loud and continuous cheering. When Mr. Iteverdy Johnson liad con cluded, the President said : .Vr, Chatriwm and Ctenttnne-n 0 the OtnunUlee: Lanouauk Is Inadequate to express tho emotions and feelings produced by this occasion. Perhaps I could express moro by permitting silence to speak, and you to infer what I might and ought to say. 1 confess that, notwith standing tlio experience I havo had iu public lire, and tho audiences I have addressed, this occasion and this assem blage aro well calculated to and do over whelm me. As I havo said, I have not languago to convoy adequately my present reel lugs and emotions. Iu listening to tho address which your eloquent and dis tinguished chairman has Just delivered, the proceedings of tho Convention, as thoy transpired, reeurrod to my mind. Seemingly I partook of the Inspiration that prevailed In tlio Convention, when I received 11 dispntch, sent by two of Its distinguished .numbers, conveying lu terms tho scene which has Just been described or South Carolina and Massa ehusetts, urm-in-arm, marching into that vast assemblage, nnd thus giving evidence that tho two extremes had como together ngaln, and that, for tlio future, thoy wero united, as they had been in tlio past, for tho preservation of tho Union. When tho dispatch informed mo that, In that vast body of men, distinguished for intellect and wisdom, every eyo was suffused with tears on beholding tho scone, I could not finish reading tho dia patch to ono associated with 1110 In tho ollleo, for my own feelings overcame me. I think wo may justly coneludo that wc nro moving under a proper in splrntlon, nnd that wo need not bo mis taken that tho finger or nn overruling nnd unerring Providence is In this mnt- tor. Tho nation Is in peril. Wo have Just passed through a mighty, a bloody, momentous ordeal, mid do not yet find ourselves free from tho difficulties nnd dangers that nt first surrounded us. Willie our bravo men havo performed their duties both officers nnd men (turning to General Grant, who stood at his right) while they have won lau rels Imperishable, thcro aro still greater nnd moro Important duties to perform ; and while wo hnvo had their co-operation In tho field, wo now need their support in our efforts to perpetuate peace. So far ns the Executive Department of tho Government Is concerned, tho effort has been mado to restore tho Union, to heal the brench, to pour oil Into tho wounds which wero consequent upon tho struggle, and to speak In common phrase, to prepare, as the learned and wise physician would, a plaster healing In chnraeter and eo-extenslvo with the wound. We thought, and yet think. that wo had partially succeeded. Hut ns tho work progressed, as reconcilia tion seemed to be taking place, and the country becoming united, we found n disturbing and marring element oppos ing us. In alluding to that element I shall go no farther than did your Convention and tho distinguished gentlemen who has delivered to 1110 the report of its proceedings. I shall make no reference to It. That, I do not believe, the time nnd tho occasion justify. We have witnessed In one department of the Government every effort, as It wero, to prevent the restoration of peace and harmony In tho Union. We havo seen hanging upon tlio verge of Government, ns It were, a body called, or which ns sumes to be, the Congress of the United States, but In fact n Congress or only n part or the States. We have seen this Congress assume nnd pretend to be for tho Union, when its every step nnd net tended to perpetuate disunion and make a disruption of the States inevitable. Instead of promoting reconciliation and harmony, Its legislation has partak en of tho character of penalties, retalia tion, and revenge. This has been the course and policy of ono department of your Government. The humble indi vidual who is now addressing you stands tho representative of another de- lmrtliUMit. nf tlin tlnvnrimipnt. Tim manner in which lie was called upon to occupy that position n I shall not allude to on this occasion ; suffice It to say that ho Is here under tho Constitution of the country, and being here by virtue of its provision, lie takes his stand upon that charter or our liberties, as the great rampart or civil and religious liberty. Having been taught 111 my early lire to hold it sacred, and having practised up on it during my wholo public career, I shall ever continue to reverence the Constitution or my fathers, nnd to innkc it my guide. I know it has been said, and I must bo permitted to indulge in tho remark, that tho Kxemtivo Department of the Government has been despotic and tyrannical. Ijt me ask this audience of distinguished gentlemen around mo hero to-day to point to a vote I over gave, to a speech I over made, to a single act of my wholo public llfo that has not been against tyranny and despotism. What position havo I ever occupied, what ground havo I over assumed, whero it can bo truthfully charged that I failed to advocato tho amelioration and eleva tion of tlio great mass of my country men V So far as charges of that kind aro concerned, I will say that they aro simply Intended to deceive and delude thu public mind into tho belief that there Is some ono in power who is usurp ing and trampling upon the rights and perverting the principles of tho Consti tution. It is dono by thoso who make such charges for tho purposo or covering their own acts. I havo fclt It my duty, in vindication of principle and tho Con stitution of my country, to call atten tion to tlioso proceedings. When wo como to cxamiuo who has been playing tho tyrant, by whom do wo lind that despotism lias been exercised V As to myself, tho elements of my nature, the pursuits of my life, havo not mado me, either In my reelings or In my practice, aggressive. My nature, on tho contrary, Is rather defensive in its character. Hut I will say that having taken my stand upon tlio broad principles of liberty and tlio Constitution, there is not power enough on earth to drive- ino from it. Having placed myself upon that broad platform, 1 havo not boon awed, dismay ed, or intimidated by either threats or encroachments, but hnvo stood there in conjunction with patriotic spirlts.souud Ing tho tocsin of alarm when I deemed tho citadel in danger. I said on n pre vious occasion and repeat now that nil that was necessary In this great strug gle against tyranny and despotism was, that tho struggle should bo sufficiently audible for tho American people to hoar and understand. Thoy did hear, nud looking on nud seeing who tlio contest-, ants wero, and what that strugglu was about, they determined thoy would sot tlo this question on tho side or tho Con stitution nnd or principle. I proclaim horo to-dny, a.s J havo on other occasions, that my faith is abiding in this great mass of the people. In tho darkest struggle, when tho clouds soonied to bo most lowering, my faith, instead of giv ing way, loomed up through tho dark cloud far beyond, nnd I saw that nil would bo safe iu tlio end. My countrymen, we all know that, In tho language- of Thomas Jefferson, ty ranny nud desj'Othm even can bo WW- ciscd nnd exerted moro cffectiinlly by 1110 ninny tlian liy tho one. Wo hnvo seen n Congress grndunlly oncroach step by step upon constitutional rights, nnd violate day nftcr dny nnd month nftcr month the fundamental principles of tho Government. Wo hnvo seen n Con gress tltat scorned to forget thnt thcro was a Constitution of tho United States that thcro was n limit to tho sphero and scopo of legislation. We haveseen a Congress lnn minority assume to ex ercise powers which, if nllowed to bo carried out, would result in despotism or monarchy itself. This is truth, and because others ns well ns myself havo seen proper to nppeal to tho patriotism and republican feeling of tho country, wo havo been denounced inthesevorest terms. Slander upon slander, vitupera tion upon vituperation of tho most vll lnlnous character, has made its way through tho press. What, gentlemen, has been your and my sin? What luw been tho cause of our offending ? I will tell you. During to stnnd by tho Con stitution of our fathers I (Approchlng Senator Johnson.) I consider tho pro ceedings of this Convention, sir, as moro important thnn tnoso of nny convention that over nssemblod In tho United States. When I look with my mind's eye upon thntcollectlon of citizens coming togeth er voluntarily, nnd sitting iu council, with Idcns, with principles, nnd views commensurato with all tho States nnd co-extenslvo with tho whole people, nnd contrast It with the collection of gentle men who nro trying to destroy tho country, I regard it ns more important than nny convention that has snt, nt least, sinco 1787. I think I may also say, that tho declarations thnt were thcro mado nre equnl with the Declaration of Independence itsolf, and I hero to-day pronounce it n second Declaration of In dependence. Your nddrcss nnd dcclnrntlons nro nothing moro nor less than n reaffirma tion of tho Constitution of tho United States. Yes, I will go fnrther, nnd say that tho declarations you have mado, that the principles you have enunciated in your nddresn, nre a second proclnma tlon of emancipation to tho people of the United States ; for in tho proclaiminsr nnd reproclaiming these grent truths you havo laid down n constitutional platform upon which nil can make com mon cause, and stand united together for tho restoration of tho States and preservation of tho Government with 01,1 Hcnco to party. The query onlj onlr is tho salvation of the country, for our country rises above all party considera tions or influences. How mnnv nro there in tlio United Stntes that now re quire to be free ! They havo the shack les upon their limbs and aro bound as rigidly as though they wero In fact in slavery. I repeat, then, that vour dec laration is tlio second proclamation of emancipation to the people or tho Uni ted States, and offers a common ground upon which all patriots can stand. Mr. Chairman and gentleman, let mo In this connection ask you what I havo to gain more than the advancement of tho public welfare? I am ns much op posed to tho indulgenco of egotism ai nny one, but here, in n conversational, manner, while formally receiving tho proceedings of thi3 Convention, I may be permitted again to nsk, whnt hnvo I to gain consulting human ambition moro thnn I havo gained, except in ono thing ? My race is nearly run. I havo been placed in tho high office which I occupy under tho Constitution of tho country, and I may say that I havo held, from lowest to highest, almost every position to which a man may attain in our Government. I have passed through every position, from alderman of a vil lage to tho Presidency or the United States; nnd surely, gcutienien, this should bo enough to gratify a reasonnbln ambition. If I wanted authority, or if I wished to perpetunte my own power, how easy would it havo been to hold nnd wield that which was placed in my hands by tho measure called tho Freedmcn's Bureau Hill. Withanarmy which it plac ed at my discretion I could havo remain ed at tlio capital of tho nation, and with fifty orslxtymilllonsofappropriationsat my disposal, with tho machinery to bo worked by my own hands, with my satraps nnd dependent iu every town nnd vlllago, and then with tho Civil Ilights Hill following as nn auxiliary in connection with nil tho other appliances of tho Government, I could havo pro claimed myself dictator. Hut, gentlemen, my prido nnd my ambition hnve been to occupy that po sition which retains nil power lu tho hands of tho people. It Is upon thnt I hnvo always relied. It Is upon that I rely now. (A volco, "And tho pcoplo will not disappoint you.") And I re peat, that neither the taunts nor Jeers of Congress, uor of a subsidized calum niating press, can drive mo from my purpose. I acknowledge no superior exeopt my God, the author of my exist ence, nud tho people of tho United States. For tho ono, I try to obey nil His commands, as best 1 can, compati ble with my poor humanity. For tho other, in n political nnd representative senso, tho hlgl( bohosts of tho peoplo havo always boon respoctcd and obeyed by mo. Mr. Chairman, I havo add more thnn I had intended to say. For tho kind allusions to myself contained iu your address, and in tho resolutions adopted by tho Convention, let mo remark tltat In this crisis, nud at this period of my public life, I hold nbovo nil price, nnd. shall ever recur, with feelings of pro found gratification, to the last nwolu. tlon, containing tho cnijorseiuvut gf
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