THE COLTMiBIAN, BLOOMSBU11G, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1366. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. Not at all uppropi late- The Marty" the A'orti. 1 1 . Villiam j. Maddouk & Co., deal cm In lino groceries, No. 1 15 South 'J'lilrtl Struct (opposite the Cilnud Hani:), 1'hlladelphlu. H. O. AViintu.nit'rt International Clr rn performs hero on Friday next. Wo Imvu never wltno.:K'd Its performances, and so aro unablo to speak as to Its inerltt!. Jinur.v Diull. .lohn Wolf, of this place, U agent for tho Jersey Drill. FarmuM In Locust, lllnom, and other townships huvo purchased of him and arc testing its merits. Tnu Uloonisburg Lumbar Companay havo erected n plaiiliig-inill near the railroad In Fast lUoonnbtirg. Those lu want of llooriug boardsorothordrcssud material can eonsttlt J. .1. Hobblns or Fred. Kyer. Tin: Wyoming Canal Company nro building a new .aqueduct over Fishing Creek, near Itupert station. Tho Super intendent, William !. quick, long known on the North liraueh, is tho right man to forward no important an Improvement. Oun HupOrvisow have been up and down Market Street for the tlmolii the " memory of the oldest inhabitant." Do It up right, Messrs Hillnieyer and lioon ; you know what is wanted to niako tbu largest village In I'oiinsyl Vania look like a borough. TiiK l'eAuh crop of this county is a failure. Hero and there a tree In town hut somo on, but tho cold wet weithor la August spoiled the fruit. .lersoy hijii s.iy that all their tree havo tho "yellow.i." Can our nurserymen tell wkwt that Is? Let in hear from them. Tin: l)cniivt tnl Him; in its last Issue, m an offset to a correction wo made in tho " beading" to its "leader" of tho previous week, points out an er ror in tho botli of an article which was published in tliot'ot.u.Mnr.vx, and there by acknowledges tho Injustice of the local article that it published previously in conjunction with the ViVwMiiwi. A c()iiui:si'oNni:.VT asks whether we dltl not make a mistake in our coitmu talion last week of the circulation of tho Coi.UMlllAX. Not at all. True, they had three hundred anil ninely-oiie wee lxifore bust, but they were being niiimrit and refuted so rapidly that they had to M'titl one ol tneir noys" to canvass. He got thirty-seven. That runs the Hit no twain to within six ot what it wa tho week before. We hope our expla nation is satisfactory. "A corre.-pondeiit" must find the above anything but "satisfactory" when read In connection with the lollowtng, "Where is your arithmetic, Doctor ? The Clai'k and Duckalew organ boasts that it got " thirty-seven new subscribers last week." Only thirty-seven 1 And a man out canvassing nearly a week at that! Well, that runs their list up to Tin: Ni:w liouxTY Law. Some of tho President's enemies in this town are telling the soldiers that the l'resi dent refuses to carry into elfect the pro visions of the late bounty law. This is nn Inexcusable misstatement. Asboonas tho bill passed Congro-s it was signed by tlio President, and in nccordauct with ono of its provisions, a board of officers was convened by him " to make rules and regulations" for tho payment of the sami, who havo not yet publish oil their report. Tho real ditllculty in the case is that a JliuUvul Omyrexa made no enmropritdipn to pin (fiexi' liowitkx. They were careful to do that when they increased their own .salaries over twi thousand dollars, and rntcd three hundred dollars bounty to the neyroes. Let the Koldlcr.s place tho responsibility where it belongs; and remember, tholladicals voted ono hundred dollars more to tho negroes who did not servo their tinto than they did to tho white .suldiers who . fought for three years. NEWS ITEMS. 'Jin: c'holoru is reported to bo Iiicreii.s lug lu KngJ.'mil. It Iri ri'Dtirtoil tlmt OcueriU Fremont will bo iv caiHliiltitO Xor I'liitod StutCH icimlor from rli.-s0iirl. rn ".ni: ro two miliioiH of neres of raimvues u the United Stutiv. n'irv ftiMlhi:! milltlti nro (irilliii? in anticipation of anther Feninn invwion Hvnta AxxA'ri i'o'.HKHicti iirojicrty In Mexiw) U worth He-'!iiteen million dollnrs. Tun Loglilfttiire met at AiiUn'l,xlls onthoaixtli ia-tant, mid was n:'J' ur banized. Tim town of Mariposa, California, was destroyed byilro on the twentieth .Ins taut. Tin: corn crop inVcniHylTOnlaakinn tlio nverngo Of the entlro Htato, nover iroinltfed to bo inoro abundant. Tun Moxienn Liberals havo declined tliQ proffered eervico of neneral Kanta Anna, Tho reason given is they havo 110 confidence in him. A lurco roward U to lie given by a Jew l-ili merchant of Creslau to the fir-t 1s- rtelilowlio ia promoted to tlio rank of ofileer for his courage. (Htuus had been made to retain tho French soldiers in tlio nervlco of Maxi milian hy inducing them to re-onlist, Which would secure tho homce ot mir teeu thousand foreigners for tlio Mexican tpmplrot Tni: Incorrigible bachelor who " rutiH" tho Churlottivlllo (Va.) Chronicle, ad vises tho men to avoid urgunients with tho ludlcs. He nays that in stplnnlns iHWnt Unions sti;s and sntlni, a man is Hiiro to ho uoi'sted; ho is also mho to get twhted. and in danger of gelling dou bled and When a man H doubled anil UclrU'd, he may ho considered n outul 3f..toiiCytt$iM'imi hat arrived as spi't'lalrcnwjfioiif .Ireland to Stephens. Tho "Irish organization, it la said, nro determined to light It out, aid or no nldH Jural Ameilca. ' The Masons vecently had a celebration in the City of Mexico. At tho meeting a toast was oll'ered atnld great cnthtixU asm for tho Hpcedy rc-estiibli.-htiiont of the Heptibllo and the complete success of brother Juarez. A littlkoiisl, near Milton, I'ennsyl vanla, was ?ent a few duyn since to carry lunch to tho Held bauds. Hematulng away longer than was necessary search was made for her, when slio was found strangled todeathbyablacksuako. The reptllo had colled Itself several times around licr neck, and had to bo cut in two before It would release Its hold. .Si;vi:it.r. burglars recently entered a room in thoCJulnes House, at Dubuque. Iowa, where four young 1, idles were sleeping, administered chloroform to them, and were on the point of robbing them, when one of them began to re turn to con-iclousness. One of the burg lars drew a pistol and held It to her head, but by this time one of tho other young ladles had awakened from her tuporand made an outcry. At this the illalus lied, taking nothing valuable with them. Sto(.'K-1!AIu.'i Is becoming an Im portant feature lu Texas. Some Mictions are said to bo overrun with cattle, nearly wild, belonging to any one who has the facilities for catehingand brandlngthein. Phis laxity of ownership, however, is fast beliiL'sunerneded bv tbu nrrh'uls of " . ' - . large numbers ol emigrants, wno nro Hettilug in those -sections. Tho ftlVor with which the prepared South Aineri- m Dee has men ri'i'i'lvcil lu lkimiin i , .it tin i , I mi." MtiKi".-irii urn iirutiiLaoimy vi hum ar enterprl.-es in Texas. MAimiED. In r:m Tn nilil, Ililt county, mi tin' four- iiulli nf July, lH, by I.uIIut A. (I irman, i:si, HAiti.cs P. Minkh, nl Jmitim Township, l,y- eiiiiilni! Oninly, to V.rnr. Swhhiui, of tliu a.imu pl.U'U. t Uio K,i!ii pla"!', Iiy thp Hamt', on tho twnnty- tllllil of AlMllil. Wll.l.lAjl HTACKltllt'SI!, to UAir A. KII.K, lnah ul Joiiluu Towiuhlp, l.y turning Coiint. DIED. In lllonnislnuu, on the tueuty-fonrlli nf An mist, JolIM Moun.v.N, need ot years, 1 month, mid 'Ji ill! s. In lU'i.iinslnilK, on the twenty-tlilrd ultliiio. GEomii: Wasiiimhos srorr, sou of Ii.iniel nnd Kcbeen Ann lupoid, uyed II jo.irs, 1 luontli, uiul day. .11 ii Hi pin t, I' bushel Wheat J .! fill u e I -Ji 'olll " 1 ml 'tour pnr b.inel i m ilt I isl'l 'laseed ,, IHI Ililller l'jus T.illow II tnloes 1 nn Drlid Apples nitii tlllllis sldi s n'll't Shntlldr Is... 1..IU1 per pound, Hay per ton 2D Ui NoMtt't All iiri-NOiis Kiinwliii tin m v tnili'litcM Id rlllu rof tlic titntiT'slni'il, im lUnU iiu'iu willumt Ui'iH.v, Jt tlu'.v wtmlil n,-tP. SI'KI'ILVIiY. M.AIiiV mill WILLIAM M'K'i:r,Vi;YiY('l. Krttalt' of Alu altam It lincli. ilrecnrtl. l.i'MtTSIIl AlllllU IsIIMI IO!t lllinn Ilio fStitIC (II All- rh'u:i Mi'ii'-cli. tlt df l.cust Toviitili. in llii' County at ('nlui)il-lii, iUmtuicO, liavim: hcon LT.mtc I tn tin- tinucisIni'H. nil ih'imuis luiiiiLr .'lalint uiMliMimnils im:ihi-t the itulc nf tlir sithl livf-lciit aii tviiih'Mi il lo miuci' the :lnu' knnu n wltlnutt ilflttv, nii'l tlitwt.' InfW'bliM to Mtkl t'htiih' to mai;L minu'tuiiu' paynn'iii 10 . i m i or ( lIAlil.KS MINCU, Hum lug 1'ivt'Ii r.O,, Coluiubla C(nitu , , IVolicc 1m lzerchj' f;lvcii lo the Slocltliold. is oi tin1 IJIuoiiisIiiu' KittTiuy Itistitulr, tlia tin M'cnini and llitnl inbt.iinni'iit on liiclrhiirt1 nrn 1'i'iiuticil lo palit, on oi'U-liiri' tho I'.;'t.v;a)i ilay of .Sciitoiiibcl- litwl. WII.IJAM SNY)i;U, Tmisiircr. Xotlrr to Tr'fiimnM'ri. rVotlt'r Im licrt-hv xvi lo all ni'i'MHis. Unit I nun atut nitw ihN nil jii'isons toiiml iris.t)as.,im on Ihi- property of in uk1 jMisM-'-ion oi i 'A 1 1 Kit, mi mile in inoom i nwiiMiip, nominal nv iiif liivi-r MiiMpir liaiina on the oiilti, lumi nt" VmihIitsIhv, ltrt-i iiiul Mltionishiir Iron ( 'otnuniiv on Ihr .:ist. of ralt'U HaiMi.,.1i,nntl otln-roii the iioitii.aml liiinNo) tH'oiu'i' Jlnlu's iiiul other; on tin west, win ot iii .u wiui ari'ori iiiir in iw. M-pl-U DANICL WINNKH, Tennnt. AVUllnni IX. AI)lolt, 31, .Tnclisnll, ATTOIIXI'.Y-AT-LAW, Ilerwick, Ciihimb'it Oninly, i'a. ?l. ?l. Ti nilll, ATl'OltXKY-AT-tV, Xenr Am 'ilcnn Hotel, HI. M. I.'Villr, AITOIIXr.Y-AT-LAW, tvntnilla, I'oliiinbln (.'ounty, I'.i, W.slty Wlrl, ATTOIIXICY-AT-LAW, lllllce on Jljilti street, over H. II. Millei's Sloie. C. II. Iliiickt ny, .vrroitXKY.AT.LAW, Oltce on Main Stuet, llrst door west of llio Court House. CJmrlt-u C. llni'Ulc', ATTOliXIlY-AT-LA'W, Olllce nil .Main Mnvl, over H, 11, Jllller's Store, , i:. ii. i.itn., ati'oixi:y-at-law, lWk'0 'Hi Jtnln Slnet, 111 wlilln frnine house, lie- low tho i:chanirn Ilolel, ItolHi l 1', t'lnrl., atj'oi:m:v-at-law, Otlko comer nf Mfl "ti'l JlaiKel rilieeis-, ncr First Xnlloiial n ink. .lolni a, wvcci A TfOl ! X K Y-AT-L A W, Ollkv III lkglster niul lleeorder's oiricp, ill Ike basement of llle Couit Huue, n-stTli A V.CAMF OX TIIK l'HKM- lll ISIVlof the subscriber, 111 l'elllleTllwnhlp, mi or about tin- 1st of .May liisi.n ray iiuk, w eililui; niiouiiiiie nunureti puuii'is, i in- im ie-. Is iviniesied to c'line forward, prove propeitv.iuy cli.iric.or It Mill lieillpii-ed lif.iccol.lliu hi law. sepl-St JT.rilU MsllUM.VI.I.lHI, pOYAh & KOYKll, .LJ Successors lo (lILlUIItr, 1I0YAL A CO., wiioi.Ivsali: DitniaisTH, Iiuportcisiiud Daniel's in imiroa, jIkhioiniw, sricrA vaixtp, oils Iilaivs, dyi: stci'i's, .'if.;' X ,niuiid;ill Norm, J .'. d 'i''.i, , (Omul .Im ors Srpti mln r Term, IKOl). tjimonah llcrwltl.'Itlidsoll Owen. .lleiiNor-D.inlel rtinrl"y. " "flfiilon-lllrani r. fiver tt. IHpum "II. i i m in in v, iiiirimiili. 'nli'isu- Walter Lushell, llciijivtnlti Miller. Centi.--Niunm-I Huv r.Jncitson Klmir. rishhm, nek Cyrus WIHte, Jolm Dreschir, John Znncr, l'riinkliii WiisliliiHtnn liirr, (lungo 1'eiii. tcrnim-hcr. tlrocnwood William A. Kline, Jacob K.llcrllti. Hemlock John Ktsllcr, , Mn I ii William HwWier, D.liilnl l'Mirr, Mimin Samuel Andrews. .toiidiui il'lilllii Hi lnili.irli. I'lne William Kiirschuor. Itoarlimcreck- I'hlllpCiiul, Htwirlisir Jacob II, Tilt. Scott Daniel Melllck. Trns crsc Jtu-ot-s, Heaver Vctcr Kliccht, S.ninui 1 Johnson, ltcntoii Samuel M'lleiiry. ltlnnm I'elor lllllmcycr, Henry (llucr. Hrlilforucle Absolom Hombny, Limner Dclltci' It i. Cutawlsia llciiliiinm Hams, Ciniinwdpoive'It lli si riutiilL Ml-innn 1'hlliii Cri'n"V .loVu'li ! Uiiiner ,'m""1 A1K,nnn ' ""'I' (Joii'yiiKliiiiii-sipphPiiMoiiimhnit.WllllaniHiiy ilei,Huimii:l l.i'lhy. I.' I.l...,..r....l. I..I.I. t. I I .n..l.h.'. II. ..',.., 'f...'. i.'IMt..'... 1. iiiinviiii I'.utt'-i film. iiiiant iitiiii uin ii, (lii'inwooil Ijlwniil lit my, Illlilm llnyiiinn, ,-iiiiimi'i ih'l;ii i i, Ili'inlock Iteiilieii lliimhny, Hniniii'l Unifier. .f itclf rill .lpilirlllr Wllp. IK tiil John i llnit, l,nciis l'nhrliii;i;r, Mark i iiiianiH, Miullwn-lli-iiry C. MIIN, .lolm ZeMort. Millllii-Allii'it (,'. Mlllarif, llmiiiii) clicppi lilier, .lonas Iliiili l. Inae Miyili r, .Monnl I'lwis.uit l.rt Ikekr, S' olt-Willlani Willie. HiiKUihinl .losliun I'lll. Lint nrCnnir for Tilnl. I. Slephi'ii llahly i. Hie C1ila'.viii, Wlllluini liolt.tinil Krlc (oliinaiiv. 'i. J 1 1 In tn I,, Lance i.v, 't lioinas t,'rpntiij, :t. .Taroli Hauls i. IVIer .laeoliy. I. AiiMiew .1. snyiliT i . lolni Niientli-r. laioiisiiiiinaii n. Ch.'l'.llaii Wolr, .lileob Slnlllian i . Jncoli I tat Izpl. 7. A. H, Saul r.. 11,'lljaluln Wlllk l'sleell. mn u lt iirnrv rv.j I'lio m rr.n in inn vi tin. ion, nun him, -nti uiHier, late Holla; inMtifMi In I he name ot Hosier A Co. H. .laeoli Nhuinaii if, Ihu t'lilinilssn liallroiiil l 1)10111111 v. 10. licnnie A. llerrlllBI't. Peter Miller. II, IMu'nnl llellner i , Ihe LiHuisi Mounliiln Coal Him lien ( oiniany, it. nr. I-, .1. P. IPirkenlierir, lor the Hm) of M. Chinnher till. I. Silas 11. I Mir: 1 1'. n. .in in mn it it i . II. John Hlnterllter i t. .lolni Jainevou, ii. Jacob itcmioy u. Ciituuissu itniimad emu iv Willi,;,,, a. Ciive. .. nt.. . iln, 'Cm'ii.nii, ,,r ......... I V litre. William Uinion c, Peler Hayni'iii. 17. WI llatu Lnninn is. John Vunnc I l,anion 1.1, .innn anpell. in hit i , .iivi I iiuriiui;! Ill IHMIVII l Pi. Alirahaiu II. Swisher Samuel Itlinhv. JD. .1. I'. Alispacll, it. ill., rx. Wllliiiln P. llsoll. n, l .11 . i ones t , .Miles l aoooii. n. hi. fj. Jiilin .Iniiiison ij. Josenli It. .tmnesoti. l. Oreeiiwood 'I'om ushlp m. Samuel Uncart, -I. S Ivesler .1. I'aux c. Isnae While, 'Si. SvhesterJ. I'u.ix it. Isaac While. SI. I'lirlsilau Kniipp i , tho S. Iiool District of II o,n . L7. llosslcriind Wife i. Schlusslei niiil Wife, wriuin nun pes it. iv it J inter. Il.l il Uir s l l k. Blount P easant Towiisliln. r,yi esii-r ,i. i au rv, isaae i line. .11. John O. H Id lie. W. ill.. i. Paivln Masters. a-', .ion. nn. in Kuiiueix, rmm liimno III. Mars . Illeen M. Isaac W i le. III. Michael Casey I, rialiklln Tnvlor. if. ill. .. ,11111 It's I . I I 1 I ff. I l 11, l l 1,111 ll'li, til. John I.imtiis cf. n.irnev M'llrenrlw ii. Peler kntshner, it. at., is. Daniel Kiuui sad' lnlutstralors. IS Silunioii Ne. har'l rf. the township of Centre Q I IlClt IT'S SALIC. BY VIIITCK l.'lof sundry writs of ttrri tirmt to me directed, lesi on ouioi i ne I'our o i oiiunou rims, in i n County of Ciiliimlil'i.and bv the a-rreemeut of Ihe llelemlalll, lllleil Allirilsl I !. IMKi. ill WIIIIIIL'.WUI lie expnseil to pulillc sale, at the Courl House. Ill tnonmsiturir on Momlav, Hie nay ol Si nieml nest, at I oeloek 111 the atleinoon of said day, the lollowluix real estaie In wit: Aieitalll trad it land siiuate m c.iIiim Ns.i 'l'owns iln Colunililn County, cnntnlnliif tweuty-lour ncress inure or less, lioundeil nn the east li lands of Jaeoli lllltlu heller, on the snnlll by lands ol Snliiluou PeBCley, anil oil Hie lloilli ami iesllhy l-inils nr Ultleon Arniii.wiieieou is erect is 1. 1 ion iinuse ii mi a fia tin slalile. w lllillieaiiliuilen.iuees. Selrilalul Ink in exeeuiiuu ,ls llle plopelLV ol 1 1 r..s .1 A .11 1 SA.ML'IIL H.NVDi:i:, sliorltl'. HI auais-.i S1 illKKIKK'S SATK. 7Y VIUTrK ofsumlr wills UI irilittmni mitniri. to me 1 1 recti"!. (.SNiii-.l out ot the Court ot l 'nm mini Ple-is 111 Ihe Coitlltv ol C ilutilhia, w ill he exposed to il,?,. Vwi in-.. 'V' At it-T! ;, i",!- limine sin1, in ill,' I nun House, in in, on MIINDAY. Till: :ld DAV OP SKI lie vt, at I o i lock in the alteilloon ofs.Hd day, the lolltiwue. tea f.iaic. In w t : All thai eel aln niece or tract of laml situate In sii'tatioar iowiinin. Co umii n cnun v. eon a n tin: one nuliilreil acres mure or less, nlioiit sl.Ntv ieresiu which is cirareii land, ooitieieii ami He shrilled as follows, to wit: on the ninth nnd east 1)V lands of Coill-ad Hes.s.oll Ihe solirll hv lamls ot S..IHIUCI ll,ss.iiilil on the west hv lain s of Hen Jamil!, whereon are eiei ted ;i om-siiny pmuic HweuuiK-uniisc, ii lug simile, with the tip lillltcUlllHCs. seizen, iai:en in eKeeuiion, ami ie ue som as uic II IV ill W I.I.IA.M . . II ' IIUKll-lI SA.MI l'.l, S.s, l)i;ii, Jsjjol III. TO ALL WHOM IT 51 AY X IL OKIt.V Please lake notice that 1, Irn Iload nrinel, of CeiitreMlle, Columlila Cimnty, hinlin bought Ihe fnllowlm; IM of iiropeity from Peter Ilnwi r, do declare that II is my Intention In lend the same lo ihe said llower, to wit: four b,ds one uniuii euatr.s: one lot ol uisiu-s; one cup noaru; one ntiriau; iwemy yams oi carpel; one cooking slove: one pallor stove; one Iwo-hor Wii-;on; one Iwo-horse earilaire; ouedouhle set oi huriiess; one single set of h.iiiiess;Itwo talih two pUts. ' IllA HOADAIlMr.L, JOHN STItOUl' it CO., siiccessni-s in stroup & llrothcr, WIlOI.USAI.i: DKALIIItS IX PISH, Xo. It X irth Wh irves, im I i; Xnrth Water SI., Philadelphia. M,,x M3tS STOltK. urir aukivai. or MT.INO AXJ) hUMSIKli (iOOHS. The subscriber lias Just returned fioni I lie cities with unoilier laro mid select assoi tinciit of isTitixii axi sr.MMi:n (iinnis, purchased In Xew Yoiknnd riilladelphla at the lowest Himie, and which ho Is detei mined to sell on ns moderate tciins ns can be prisMireil else where in llloomshiiri;. Ills slock comprises LAOIUS' DIIK-IS liOOIw nf the ckolcest styles mid latest fashions, together Willi uIiito! nssoitiiiciit of Dry OooiN nnd Urn- ecrlcs, couslstluenf tke followlnuurtleks: Cupels, oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeies, hknuls l'laimels, Hillts, White 0(ki1s, Linen-, Hoopr-Mils, ,M llsllu-i. Itollowwiire, L'edarwnie ljueenswnre, Hardware, Ilootsiind filioes, Hats nnd C-ip.s, HoopXel", I'lnbrellns, LooklUK-CIInsses, Tobncco, CnilVe, ' rjUKais, Tens, Wee, AU'plee, Olnuer, Cltiiinmnn, Xutinegs, AXI) X0TI0.VS or.xniiALLY. In Mioit, cveijlhliiv! usually kepi lu country stuies, lu which puliljc Kciiernlly, ..... .,.!. .... 1....1.;.., .i.,i.. ,.r n.. ' Tile iduhest price will bo jsild for countiy prislucc In excliaiiue for ko1, k ii, MiLi.nn, Aieadfl Ilnililluji, Illoomsbur?, I'a. riiiAuiii:a ir. jiaiii'IiK, , Imporler nnd Dealer lii ' ,JIIAXDIi:s, WIXJ'.S, 01X8, LIQL'OIW, "' J- wixi: ntrrniw, Ac, Xo. 112 Xorth 'I bird Strut, 'joove Ari Ii, wc 1 si U', 'i"l .A i ' a. T.TI2NHY OKI Kit fwn opolifdrUlril-fl'vii hoot,' anon, ii vr A?rr cap nrnm:. athlnoMnlnliiliin Mnln Kttcel, llIooinlmm. IIli , io, Ii tHi om))"1 ortiivcry laion nun in-MMvlin i . t nlti'ml t" tl.i' i-liln ii ol I nliitiiiiln foniil.v, II. i .hi ncooninio'lHti' tho puiaUi with tho lolloiv- Inn lflml'inml in Inn i Mill's mlf I loot. Mil" Vi Il ton IX) i.i.. ,ii,,iiii ti r. -1 llovn' i h in' liool I T.", to I Mini's clovn Ithl, fmiisnis, &e If an to 0 71 . . kIiow............ 1 milu.1 Ml .iieiri, wonu'Ti, oojh , iinti inii'H' I'll1., WOlll.'ll .1, l'".l , ,uu. ulnvoldil IiislhiuunllPi I Wlo SI Woniinr ulovii kill. rrv tlni' . it 2 to nmi (mill iiinnx'co ii'iiinornii i mi in ii rlll,n'rtlnolll(,l)ulnlc,alrrthlK I 7"to'J .Vi ronirnoii Hlinm t inticJ.Vi JIIc&' nml clillcl Khin'ii il as to 1 U) .Men s, M-ontciri, iiilsrs , noy-i', nun i ll IiI'm ullimni II i in i m no nlin Uei'lM n ureal N.uii'iynr HAW, OA I'M, AND STKAW CIOOU.S of I'vcry khvl, nt tlm lowcit price", hotli for ensti nun l oniiuy pronnep, Iti'ini'iiHii'V tin' iiiiimiinti is ill onr tfixiiH, lion' ,p nhuincil at the i ry or hlith i.rlt-. Imt will nnd Muin'yoiii'lVi". llwiiccllully, ,,, I11.M. 01(11,11. DH. (iAN.SlCVOOUT, i'UACTtCAL ""' 'll",r'" expemUturn of cnpllal, ntul tin. pa Mini Consult hi!, rnr thecuieofnll tlent, nntlrlnn labor of yeiiri ami in prescntlnit msenses. Atlthor ol Liilurcs nn the Treatment ,mr M.iitliw. to llm utilnl. ,i.ul,.,1l i,,.,lr kir,.i,,. ami l ine of I hronlii Hlseiise, I May lie consiiludns fnllows, five of thantP.ISIW! lll.llll.MSlll'Itll. Pa.. lIxehllliL-e Hotel. Jtnlnliiv nnilTilesilav.H, pii liiliei ltnliil IS. iii;h u it, 1 n., iii'iiiR rsnii iioiei, i euneMiay, I Heplelnber III. WILKHHllAlim;, t'.t., r,ell.llle Hotel, Thtlrs- ilny, I'lljn.v, nmi isiitimiay,septeinhcr i, a I, mnl PITI'HTON', P.I., IVmle lintel, Kuiutav, nnd Mon- dav, Septeinher 'Jti and 1. M It visit wicii place once in inree months les- iilnrle. invnlins niiiieicn i nn cnrnnie mseasp nr everv niinie and lialme, M ill tie enmtufed tiv eoiiMilf. Iiikiiio that the) wtll lie lalily and honoiahlv dealt with. 'i'lle.V W III not lie lierNtiaili-d to nlaic tlieiiiM lM's iimler my liealinua unkss tin in Is n letisoli'iolc hope In 1'lire. Ini. OANMKViioirr can be consulted nt his m pointed pint es; he Is n Prnttlui! mid Sclciillilc mi Mcian, mm iieius iui iviiios in cnienic iuea' cs. W lkll IlllM) keen called llieuralite liv liuitis- oftlie Mi-cnlliil ill'tlllauNhi d .li -iclalls of the eoniiiry, r.iicn ns ihmih'cs hi uir .spine, ,iinnin Coll'lillllillnu. Snlt Pheliui. NeiMius Dehllllv i.nneiisv. . mis iji.iii i . i nun i . ,i e inn niv. I.IVer Cillllilalllt. l'.lcki'lt". Illmuly I'rlne. Ile.ld- nilie. All tlisi iisim in iniieii ami Clillilien, A MiiiiM'iiil Si llllll'll I, missions, which Is setlil Inix thiiinmiils inior nnrurliiuatc letlms in tin mave yearly. eases that millet mankind. Some diseases an t.m.ilLl,, ollioiu i, it IlifOi,, ii.. uli .i ,il ,l,, st'ljres nl diseases are eilialile, If ti, .itlneiil is couiuit'Ui ed nt the limner lime. Theretoie. iln uoi w.lil lor iniiiorro-.v, i ue pusem is lor us lo liupi'ine, lo-iuoirow we inav ne er see, so lie wale of ilelays, the .' mo iilnays d.uiKciuns to ....... .... . I n mills w ho resc ie nt ton meat a it itiiliee In I'lvll ft... tl.w.l,.,. l I1 ,,1,...U ,., i, ...... , , I comiiiunle.ltc Willi hhil l lelli r. and havenieill. L'lilled States mid C.'iiiad'is, wi'lhoui delav. All Icttcis M Huiuiry imtst ciiulalu a thtce lent 1 slump lo pteiay ie,ty. Principal (iflico and iiiiraiory, iiiiimiuaic.v inn,, .mw kiik, .ii- llless HID lit Illy present lestileliee, ll'ltll, Nie Voik. .1. M. UANsKVuollT. .M.D. asicn-lt. r ODHY'S LA DY'S HOOK l'Olt IbUU. VJ .... LiTiatATnti., i im: aiits, and pashioxs. l'Diriai hy mi;. s. j. iiai.i: and OODIIY. T'he nilblisher of Oodv's Linlv's ltoolc. lliankfiil to thai mi bile w hleh lias anahlcd him to nulillsh n iiiinni'.tne for the last thhtv-elx yi arsofa larger cn-cuiaiiou innn miv in Aiucrie.i. nas conunueil his arr-iuveuient with the tuosi popular aitihorcss in mis eoiinii v, MAltlll.N HAIH.AM). lllhoiess of "A lone. ' ' Hidden Path." etc This iiloue places the Inlv's itnok, In a liiermy noun or view, nir an. 'an oi i,n. oilier luuuiiuie Minlun Harl.uiil wittes lnr no other ni.e'-elne ntir other lavorlte wiiters w-,1! all continue to luriiisii articles liiroiiuhoui the e ir. si.vkx spr.ciAi.ii'nx that nil othi r luaLMll'e has, ,iul only to lie found In Oodiyi 'iiiljlnal Musi, . !,, i,. Coiiai-i. with I'iimmuis, " iMaw-iin. 1,,'ssniis ' "Chililun s lie p'liinient," "Oii'rmal lleallh iieiiartnicnt," nnd no nine cmciisou i .isiicu-pnuiM, Di li SPLKNDIll STKOL I.N'IIHA VINOS. Thennaiiimius vole, ef Hie piess has pn.neiitice.l l,ll'le. s emil.lVlli;;s to he the III st ,-M'l' ptlhlisli, il III anv mima'ine of the world, and eoiial In Iho-c puhllshed In the Annuals of l.teat llritaln. Vou liuiy look in Mini lor 1. in i teen sin h steel i Hume- luirs ns hae lieen iulillslieit In Hie seviiilielh nnd seM'iitv-llrst Miluiius of this Hook, unit Ihixe for ls"i will, iiietn. ODDllY'S IMMl?N-.i:' pasiih in-platix Ihe pulilli at lou ol llii-se plati s cost I I'i.N 1 11UI s.l 1 I II II, I, A IIS .11IIHI Oinn Pnshiou-plntcs of tlir old style, nnd unthlnu. inn our wonueiiuuy iari;e eirctuaiiuli elumi toehe them. TI.IIMS OP liriDHVS LADV'M HOOK'. one copy one year 51 en Two eitnles one VI ar o oil Tillee copies one em 7 In l'our eop,es one i ar Ill Wl AU'll ess !,. A, 1,1 il)l',1 , X.K. cor. Slth and chesiuut ss Plill,, Pn jlVKItV SATriiDAY: .V.J a .iDi'uNAii or ; lioit'i: itr.Ai.iXf;t M:!j:c'ir.i ritoM roitnmx ctukkxt i,rn:uATriu:. JTm li of tlic Irpt tltiM-aliur of Die tiny ii fount! In tlio I- Hu'ti-U ano I'niitiiii n till tu ij,"iin'- ami perl- ' In. i: nm t U t ti'tiim of I u nnbl u lrr- oi ItiN neu- Journal to ivpioiluec tlw cltoln"! .e!i'( Hon tioui ihtxi! it pi' Ainmum iraocts. in a foiiu at nice altitictlvi- ami Iiiexpt'iislve. 'I he puhiMieis ni'iieve iiiiii vuena jimimi.ii, eomiui-iru upon me ninlniraml ln-trueilve in IIm-IJ'. l.ul inlne.'-tlu'-i i v c cv i ii mn1. or in i o veil ci aid aluab!e as a I'l-lte?: ol ('Uel,:u periodical lit eral me ot i ue oi1 wtll lie. in nor . uie aini u Its pulil toners l.i'f .i(urilav shall commrmt llM-lt ly Its lrcsiiiii"bs alio arte'y to all ela-es ot intelligent .iito i nil I alil i idfir-. i:veiy iiui' rl.iv will eonlain e n- i uer k t htri v-two lame Iao p.i!xe., lian'U nnelv pnnle.l in double eol- tniins. with an eniaeil til e. l lat.iw. .inn e nitiiiheiN. in ivnis: sioi--eiii.. tlou priee, ta per year, In a-Uan.-e, toutlily nails win ne issued, eoniaouii' ii pi.ues eiien, nannsonieiy ooinin in 111111111.; 1 1 e it. oriei ait eelils. Mib--eriplion priee, a pi-r y ar, In nl- vanee, .suiwnuei'-iouiiv 01 iiu-oiia 1 iterioiiicae mililiMieil bv Tleknor A- 1'IeliN wilt leeelve i:ery MH'in.ij' 101 i pi-r yt ar, 111 au anci j t vai i i-ir.iiii-. i' 10 s. Tremons strei t, Hotton, i'l.IAIMM'IICri Si:V .MONTHLY Li .MAtiAdM". I4,u '' One coir,- for one year, smi, ,n e.vlra emy, lulls, fur everv l 'Ink ol llv.l sub., libels, at 41 Ml each, or .sl conies tor ?U in. ii,mii'his.i,mi;im;iihii ii.Mirm.n n ixki.y, loyetlier, one yenr, 5siiii. CIIICl'LATiiiX mono. The Publishers will in-eept u limited uuuihcr of Ilrst-ctass ndNeitbemciits lor their Mitmt.ttic, nl ine ionowmi: nm rmes: line I'aKe i-vi no Hall IMM' Ii". Ill Or 4f ' 's' tier line ior less snace. Averai-'e e'lihl wnnu ion tine. IIAI.I'I'.II A IIHHTlli:ils,, 1 llsiieis. OMIH OsVI.AXV, Ai'or.i'XIOin'LYILI.rsi'ItATIIDMAOAZIXi:. Till: OALAXV is published i'or(nli:Iill. . on ihe ursl litel nueeniu in eat u uioiiiii, inei icis uie no vaulnKe of coinlin; to the Ihu rineillately hetu-eell 1 ie Ii 11 lilt III il s and llle Meek C' Wit i t lekeioliil linniliei' Hie M.iu.l lie was en. larircd hy sixteen payes, iiiakln 11 to eoiittilu liincly-six pn-'es ot mailer, i in lii.m loin nil THU OALAXY will he nn otiuinal Aineilcnti Mnuzlne of the hluhest class. Arranui luetits have aeeonl nn v Hecn iiiailc lnr reu .ir is ail l itm- tions iruiu the hest known and mo.t met il minus willers in Ihe eoiiuiij ; nnd i.ioieoer. i'ie ishlor will lilunvs heels In el e nil, elleoiiril't colli! llir. li.X.U IV,,,., ,i,.i- tiil lu ,,i ,,.,1 III ,1 1 1 1 s ,,f ill ('III, ,1 Ketilus, Tin alllcle.ln Till-'. IIAI AXY "111 be sinned wllh the names oi He ir am hois, no w'lll lie auoweii n wine ireenuni in ineswiTi ssieu oi oiiiiilons. j ne in m niei .sts'nii, i iiniiioi-11.111 ini... v i .-, .s i . for .May nrsi titiii iiiieetiui, in n, louiniu conirioie lions li'oin .loin l.sten I'oouc. 1 rallies Poner t'ohlie, Itose i'eri.v , lieole llled T.oins, lid, i'd- ini nil i . icoiii.iu. fciie i uior i' " i'. u ii i ue ler." l'lofesMir 1'lerre Hint, ir. W. II. Dr.ipei, SllllllllinS. I .inailt. lielll l.ll I lllselei. tllld othl "Til' I l.i erliiKs ' Hv Aiit'eaiv Iiollope, nun 'Archie l.i,ell," bv 5lis. I -lunids neie coin- lncnced 111 111,' I Is I linniliei ol I II HAI.WY and will eoiitlnue to be puhllshed serinll) slinul I taiieously with thi'iriippeainnee In Knulnud, The hack uuiilliel'Mil Iho .M.u I4lue eolltnllilli'; these stories m ivahui.xs iK'oliiaiiied ftoma ueiftde.iler or rum ine pro prieiors, ,,ii, !. t.',-., ill in , ,iv i 'irii-i'i.v- Iulhesecoud Hlllllliel' ol Till , OALAXY was eoinmenct it u series of ml cits on Cool.ilV.oV I'rofesMir 1'lerre Hint, Uie ell-Unoui leacher ol .. . ...'.IM., ... ,.Veiv lainllv . ltesl.le iiasln iliiecllons ot eis, iitini l np.ii tance, they will eollt.lln l.s clots and ouMeal stlin,svttolls . I whk-li intisl sccme lor iliciu iluui .autUol leaders. i r.ii.iis,. 'l lie nrice oi l in: is -j.i cuius .1 luilll- bell lor tho yeuro: ieiilvtour nninls'is', 1 lor six months- imcImi imuibers, i he oluuies Haled i I nviitj -n e niMiiore tull-p.iLv ei'iKti Imrs, piinleii on iiniisi paper; nenie luiiuuieni' bie sinaller illilriiilons, scalleied Ihroiizh the text. T ,. ,A.l lna Heoli ereaal uie rale of tweiity-llvu icttts u number lor my Ii liiith of Mini, i1k1i'iiI. Speclnieii copies will be sent oil rocnjpt of S'i ceuis, .Mi.iiess w I' A IV ! ( 1 1 1 1 1 II 'I I Pi'mirlenir ail'aiklioM.Xn' YoiK. o. itoimixti t co IllON.MWXHAN'IS, Norm:., l ro.'lirr if Is ii'U'l t"i Vine f'tjlfti , ' ' J' I 'JMIK FLOltKNCK ' rivi.ii-.M.uiii.M;sj aiii: Tin-: ni-xr i.v tiik would. niuomooni", mi i.,,iouniitnri i, l'niiani'ipiii.i, ra, , nlle n lame minilior of Machine luivn lioen utnirinl totlu lailjllcwmianf wlili liiioswiwinilnts of I'Xi ollcmu nn. I ackiinwk'ilKuil morll, o lini' Ioiik Ml whnt ituion huvo I'xnor i-iiwil. Iho lip- cpiilty or u Machlnn innni vottml In It.i inorlmliU L.,,1 .irll,.,rn. ooinl , ,',., pal stnieturp, poinlilnliin In tin) iii(!1ii:st Di:oui:i: HIMPI.10ITY WITH HPltAllILITY, ami while rnpublu nf doing n oitKArKH Hanoi: of womc, one that eonltl ho cosily tltiiU'iMnoil niul pnniprn liemleit Iiy nil, 'I n supply n ftewlne-Mnrlilne free front the n!. Jeelloii" nltaehi'it to nthiTH lins hceti nopiisy task; for wo tint only hail to MirpuMt other Machines, ns ! they nppeareil years ngo, tail nlsn as Inipiovcil from time to tlnip Iiy inorn recent experience, This wn linhlly claim has hecn iiccoinpllsheil Iiy .,.hi..... ...........ii.,,, h ,.,n. ,. i,i..i, ... v.. ,,r.,,,r. i.i..ini i ... ,..',.ii, , ' ... .. . ' ... . i-isciiriinm ine v.nain mm i,onp,orivllllsuiciies, " e u"hcu mo LOCK STITCH (alike nn lioth stiles nf tho fahrlel, which Is re- K''?'1 '' the inn-e.s ns best Milted to all kinds nf work, lint to meet object Inns sometimes iii-).is1 naalnst this f.ivorlle slltch.MP lme added the Knot, Double Lock, and Double knot, either of which Is HTitoxnim Mom: klahtio than the lick; thus enabling the operator to select a .stitch pr.Itl'Kl.TI.Y SHITr.I) to every urade of fabric, and where nppcssary, sew It Is possible to do by hand, Tin-: PLottHN-ei: tnalces rofn DirPHiinxT stitchus with ns luueli ense ns ordinary Machines;o one, and with ns llltlo ltnchlncry. riie result nf repeatcil tests has been nil wo could desire, nnd frnm Its first lutiodiii Hon the Klnrcnie has galnc I hosts nf friends, and been , ri'K.iiucu ns u HOI.SI.IIOI,!) I.tI.SS prnvltiK that the publl.) fully nppteclale the many uilvautat;es eomblned In the l loienee Maclitui1 Over all otheis, ihe l'loruiee must bu seen to be lully niipreclateil. We claim for the. l'l.OiSLNC'K the fiillowlns ADVAXTAOPS overnny nnd nil sHWixn.MAcinxKs ix thi: would.- irat-lt makes fourdlll'erent slllebes, tho locli, Um)t,douole-lock, nnd double-ltliot, on one and the sanie machine. Hack stitch bollix ullko on both sides of the fabric. 45" livery Machine has the reversible feed mo tion, which euubles ilm operator, by simply turn- ItU u thunih-seiew, to have the wmk mn either lo the right or Icil, to stay any part of the seam, it' fasten the ends uf semis, witli-jut tinning the fabilc. ff Chaieilng Ihe length nf slUch, nnd from ,, U, , n,.h u, another, can leadily beiloni! . . ll1'' M ,l,''li"' I- 1" motion. Pd7iw necdlo Is easily mlJusteiL niul doci not I skip stilt lus. ftv ' It U almost imWeles'-, ami enn bo used whi'ienulit 1 iietessury. frd-11 motioiiH nro nil positive; there nie no springs uot out of onler, ami its simplicity fii- aides any run to update it. 3- It dofs not require finer tliron on tlio under tlian for the upper side, atut III srwaciots tho heaviest seam, or from ono to nuue thl(knesse I of rlolh, without chaiineot ueeilh-, tension. break tug thread, or skipping stitches. The Homiiicr is easily adjusted, and will turn any width of hem dusired. N"o olhor Macliine m 111 do so ijrent n ratine Of werk as the Floience. irU will hem, fell, hlml.R.itlier, hrald, quilt, nnd pitheraud sew on 11 ruitle at tho sanin time. It bus no springs to get out of order, and will last a lifetime. u-It is lully protected nnd licensed by IHIas Howe, Jr., and our own Lctlcrs Patent. The taklnn up nf the slack-threa I is not per formed hy he Itri'KUl.'ir eon tract loii of a wile eoll or itnccrtalii operation of sprlims. Tho precision nnd iiceurucy ilth which the I'loreiiee draws the thtead Into Hie cloth is nnapproaihed Iiy nny '-ewlns-Jlachliie lillherloollcred lu thewoild. "We fiirnUheach Machine with "llarnutn's Helf- Sewer, ' w hick ku Ides the work Itself, an I is of In. calculable, alue, especially to iiioxpcilenco oper ators. Whlln nossesslns the nhove. nn,l liiaiiv other .,.,, ,. ' I " ' s v.,,,, .-,,,,,, ,h pile 's w lib olhcr llisl-ilass Machines, nnd a can mi culmination win lully snlisliintlate nil that HOk.ivn claimed for it, mid Justify the asserllon wn now in ike, that It Is the bctd KewliiL'-.Maclilne In thewoild. We wninant every Miiclilue tn lie nil Hint we claim for It, mid to nh entlrn saHsfactlon, and wlksUeu wrilteu w.irranly, if rcipiircd. Liberal airanpcinenls mudo with those who lm v to sell acalii. I urlher Ini'ornritloii may be had I y Inclosing sianips to Hie ( iifllceof Ihe Kloreiice S,n fin;-Mnciil ne Company, li'M Chest nut Street, riilladeiphhi, lVniisylv.inla. 1'iticr.s or jiachixh". Xo. I, Plain. Tills Machine makes Iho lock and knot stitchos.iiud basilic reversible fceil,.i;i No. ' Violence liold-oiHaniciited Maciilue. with drawer, and lUlit cover, without lock; mikcKiill Ihe four stitches, and lias Ihe re vel slhlo feed $"j Xo, ;t, Silver-plated Machine, orn.iiucnled : table oil-finished Milium, with henvy hall ease, lotkand dr.iHerj makes all tho four slllches, nnd has Die leveisilile lied SSI Xo. I, Sllvei"pliitcil Machine, highly orna mented, and makes all tko lour slltches, and has Hie leveislhle fivd. rotUhcd niatioaiiy table , Hi 1'ollshed Itosewoisl Table IK Xo. .1, Walnut lahle, in oil i. Muhor.any table, In oil. , Pit Itosewoisl table, in oil , bvi No. . Walnut, olttlnWiod , HI MahoKauy table. l: Ilosewood table 1.V) (1, (1, I'.VAXS, (luicrnl Agent, WO Chestnut Street, Vlilltidelphla, J j AKI'F.U'ri WKlCKliY. TliuMS. t me copy oun i eir ?l Oil iinoiopy no' lliree nionths 1 on And nn estra opy Hill Is1 idhnveil tor i very c'.iii or iii' snc-ciiiicis, ai si im acii. or si eopic isi fnrsjiin, I'aMiient Inv.iiinhly in iidvnnio, The lliaind Volumes of limner's Weekly from Ihe coniincncciHciil will ho sent to any pailolihe t'niled Males, lien ol carmine, upon rcicipioithu pi n e, i. ; i anil iiiiioinvi c i ' per online. Hull Morocco I I.I " Hai li Viiluino toulaius tho Xumbors for One TKIIMSTO AI)VI-:ilTISi:isi. Ono dollar nud tiny cents per lino lor, iwo Hollars per line li ir muslin' .in vei i i-ei iiciii, 1'iicii iiisituoh. iiAiit'iai .v iii'.ui, I'utiusnei-i, i:xxi:i)Y, STA1HS it CO., wholiwali: msji urALi'.ns, Nas. I'd nud J J North Wharvcr, QAINIIJU.S LINK. Tim tuiilemlKhPil would tpspentfully nmiounco to Hie i ltlrcns of IIIooinsbiirK nnd tho public, gene rally that lie Is lillllllliKim oMNimm li.m: belneeu this plncoinnl Iho dlircretit rallrond dp (Hits dally (Sundays pxeopted), tncotmetl with tho seveinl trnlns roIiir South mid West on Iho C'atii wlssn nnd Wllllamsport Hallroad, nnd with those KoIiik North nmi snullion tho Lnclinwant.ii mid lllnollishui'R Ills Oiiililbusses fire 111 (joist condition, commo dious nnd ciinifortablp, nnd chnipcs icaon.ible. Pi rsons wishing lo Inert or see their frkuds Ip p nit, ran bo nciniiustatcd upon rcnsuuablpcliavcp Iiy lens lute llincly notice nt nny of the hotels, JACOII L. OIItTO.V, Pmprletnr. MMIH A3IKH1CAN HAY KNIFIC I ASM) I'llltlv. We the underslmiisl rlll7ciis ot I'ohnuhla enmity witnessed tho trial of hay folks on Ihe farm of Mr, Pursel, In Hemlock Tnwiishlp, on Mnndnv, May 7, 1m(, between the Hay Knlte nnd 1 nrk lnaniiractured by, WALIJs, SllltlNHlt V Co., of Lewis- iiiiik, i n., mm ina uiinuei s I'uieni nay iiiiok. Till! Alllellcall I'nrle llflrsl niole liav In one drauuht than the Itumtel In three. We tile sntls lied It will lake ns mm h hnv Into the mow ns two Kood horses can draw. We also saw It iiiltlnn hay, nnd think It cmimit he beat ns u hnv litille, mid clicctfullv recommend It as tho best liny fork nmt linlfti we have ever seen, C, llll-IKNIIKNIIKIt, till. I'. HAIIIUSON', W. 11., John Diik, John Divri.uii't;, Dami-.i. Novin, It. Dmi.PMit.M it, sviA iisrut Pt'iisia,, MtcitAia, Ill.Ll.Kil, John Wen, v. 'I'liev nlso Inninifaclurp the leleliraled ltni.l.-,,vo Ilea per ntul Mower, nmt other iigtlciilturui linple- IllClltdi. JOHK'S 110THL, iii:iuini; w. MAi titai, lTnprn lor, Tho ntiove well-known hotel lins recently under roiio radical eliaiiKcs In Its Internal tirrnnp'ineiits, and its pmprletnr announces to Ids fin liter custom nnd the travelling publlu tliut Ids iieroiiiodations for the coin fin t of Ids guests :uo second to nolle In the country. Ills table will nlwnys be fniind sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with till the dcllenelesof the season. His wines mid li quors fcxecpt that popular bcveinuo knnwn ns "Mrllrnru"), purchased illiect Irnin Ihe ImpoitliiR houses, nre entirely pure, mid flee from nil pol- soiiousilriiKs. He Is thankful fur u liberal patron line lu tho past, mid will eontlnun lodeservi! Itjn the future. OIMUOM W. MAUOKU. j n. l'un.sKii, IlAlt.M-ss( M.l)IJl,i;, All HiUSlv MAXUI'IVCTCHIIP., and dealer In CAIIPET-IIAOH, VALISIJi, I'LY-XICTH . Main Street, lllnomshiiri,', Pa. pOWDKH KKUS AND LU5IHKH. Vv . M .AlU.MlUli ,V LU, Hnpirt, Pa Mniiuf.ietureiN of rowiinii KHOS, imd dealers In nil binds of I.UM1IP.H, nlvp tiotlrn Hint they lire prepared to neeomodale their iiistnm with dispatch, and nil the cheapest STOCK OK CLOTHING. lV.sli anUal of Axn si'mmiui (loo ix, DAVjit Invites attention lo his stock of (MIIIAI AND rASIIIONAHI.KCr.OTJIING. nt his store on Main Street, twodnnrs nhovo t lu' American llouso, Kloomsbuitf, I'a., whro be lias Just rerelwd from Xo'vYovkaud l'hlladelphia a lutl as.soitment of Mi:.V ANJ HOYS' cLonii.vo, lnclndiim the handsome, uio-t fashionable, duuible, nnd Dltl'-SS (100 DM, cnnsKtlni; nf nox, sack, riincir, or.M, AXn oiuclotii COATS AXI) 1'AXTS, of nil sorts,s7os, and colois. He has also replcn- hed Ids nil endy lnrKcstis'l: of 'ALL AXI) WIXTIIII SIIAVT,S, STUIl'l'.P, l'lfirllin), AXI) I'LAIX VIKTH, SIIIIITS, CIIAVATS, STOCKS, I'OLLAllS, IIANOKIIKCIIILrs.OLoVIM, .srsPIIXllLliS, AXI) l'AXCY AUTICLISs, He has constantly oh hiind u laii;e and well-se lected assoitinent of CLOTHS AXI) VIKflXOS, wlilck lio is prepared to make to order Into any kind nf clothliiir, on very shoit notice, and In the best ni'iiiner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most ot It Is of home manufacture. ooLi) WATnti:sAxi).ii;wi:i,KY, of every description, line nnd cheap. Ills ease of Jciiolry Is not surpassed In this place. Call nnd .ainlnn his p'iicrul nssoilmcin of ci.oTHixo, wATcnr, .ii:wi:i.iiy, ac DAVID LOWKNIIintn. Q Alt HI AG K MAX U FACTO U Y, iiioomsinirK, i'.i, M. O. SLOAX A IUtOTlIi:n, the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A SOX, continue Hie business of maliltiK CAUltlAtiHS, lllHiOIIX, and every stylo of I'ANCY WAOONS, which they have constantly nn hand to suit ens turners. Never uslui; any material but the bisl ind rmplte. ing the most exiieik nei d woilcnicn, they liope to eoiitiuue as heietnlbln to nlve entile satisfaction to every customer. An inspection of lhelr Minis, and of Die reasouahle price, asked lor the snipe, is sure to insure a sale. TMtnsir aiuuvali of nkw J; (I0ODS. The tiiidersliiued lias Just arrived Ironi ihe Clly wltli n laro ns-ortment of Dines, Medicines, 1'alnts, Oils, Vninlslics.nnd Dye Stuirs. II"iidy-JIniInCIollilnir, l'erlumeiy, Toy nnd I nney Aitlcles, Dimulst's Olnssw.ue, llnulies, Trusses indSupiHirleis.iiiidiipeHeralnisoitiuciit of every thlii'i that heloiiKs tun well-appointed Dui(rS(ure, Alsul'.ilcnt Medicines of nil kinds, such ns Jayne's, Ajer's, Wlskart's, Wlnslow's Soothim; Syrup, lliowu's Troches, SuiiIu'h I'nnaceu, Il.iker's Csl Liver Oil, llnotlniid's lllllcrs coiutautly on hand, Also jionorco lhatiiiiii, kid, itihxch mouoc- CO, nillNCH OAI.l-SKI.NS, 1'IXK Tltl.MMIXfis, I1IXDIX0S, hy the dozen or nalf-docii. Also HIIOi:-I'INDIX(IS, I'lsiIIXa-TACKLi:, Ac II .iv in1; hml n lurco experleneo liitlieilrue busi ness, I would li spectliilly lnvllo thoso uislihiK iiuyihin in line tn cull uiul sis' my slock lie loiepuich,islin;i IsoHiiere, "IiiuiisIiciiiesfiiKility is of Uie arst imisirlnnie,'' 1 " JOHN II. MOYr.It. Q.00D XF.W.S FOK UVKHYllODY. Owing lu Uie lain lull lu gold, HI'IIIlAIM'W.r.LWLLL h.isicduecd Ills prices tnsult nil bujere, cither ul wlmkialo or rclnll. If you want SL'O MIS, COITHKS, THAN, KYIU'rs, sncr.s, CIIACKUIts, CANNl'.D lTil'IT, DUIL'D I'lll'IT, WOODHNWAItL'. I'lSH, iii:ANr-, cnnnu, rLorit, 1 r.f.r, 4c, Ac Ar lXtMIANUH.HOTKri. .1 j lii-ooMsmfito; coli'miiia The liiidirslnned linvlttR plirelniMsl Oils weik knm, n nmi isiitrnlly-locntpil Iiimisc, the KxilialiRii llelel.slluntoou MAIN KTP.Kirr.Iti lUoiiiiikburR, liiiiiHHllalely iiiiHwlu-ihe Ooluiiibln County Oourl House, lespecttully Infotlas his friends and tho inibllc ill cciiruil tliil his lionso Is now In miter for tho is-pllon niul ctitcrlKtiiiiipiit nf trnrellprn who limy bu disposed to favor It Willi tliplr cus tom, Hp lias spared no expensa In preparing tlm Kxrlinnico for the. (Titeitnltiineiit of Ills Ritpsts, heitlu'r shall (hero be niiyllilnn waiitlmi (nn hi palD tu in in I st ii- to their personal comfort. Ill house Is spacious, and enjoys nn exi client busi ness ks'allon, Oniniliussps inn nt nil tlmci lietwecii tho j:x cliniiRO Hotel mid tliPVnilmis rallrond depols, by which tnnelleis will Im pleasantly conveyed lo. nnd from the respective, nations Indue tlnin to meet tlicrpis. JOIIX V, CARLO Vv". IllivnusbiirK, Mnlrli ti. kj Cntiiwlsrii, J'.l. The ithnvp Hnlel has lately been purchnfed by HKXllY J.CLAHK.nnd lins been thoroiijdily re modelled, repnlied, niul refurnished. It will bo found now, in Its ni iniiReiiieiit nnd appointment, n llist-elass Hotel, mid second to' iinno In Hit, country. Pcrsnns in cities wlsliiiiir to siisml tho Dot monllis In the country, will do well to lvo' tho proprietor a call. TAKKIt AND COXFKrriOKEU. II. IL lins nlwnys on hand nnd f,rr snlo ntlXII liniiAD, CAKIX, AXD PlHft, I'linXCH AXD DOMESTIC COXKIXTlOXfJi In every stylo nmi vm lety, xrn-, riiuiTs, and evcryllilni! usually found Hi a niUsT-fL.Mss! coxrixTioxiniY sTonn, HnvliiK lecently titled lip n new nnd eleunut ICK-CIIIUM AXD KAT1X0 HALOOX, ho Is prepared to nccomodatc ladles nnd penllD men lu tho best style. JllUO AND CHIiJIlC'Ali .STOIUC, Illnnmsbtirs, Pn. DIIUOH, CIIKMII', PAINTS, rKlJl'TtMUIlT axi) Toii.i:r Airriam KYKIl & MOYHIl respcclfiilly Invite n coiitlliiiance of pntronnRfr Their Drugs nnd Medicines ale nil selected with Ihe greatest eaie, nvnldltiK ns much ns possihlo the Intrtslticllon nf ilelirliius iinstrinns, nnd nriy pnrelirtseirfiom tiio Iwst linp.nting linnset in llicf cmintry. iati:xt Mnnrcixra nf nil kinds, Inckidlne Ayer's, Jayne's, Hollo way's, llnstetter's, Wlskart's, llootland's, ic. cnnstnutly nn kuiul. COAL OIL AXO ALCOHOU HAW, TOOTH, XAIL, AXD ci.oTiins imusura PAIKTS AXD CinlMICAI.S of every Tnrlpty, and nf tko best qu.illty . l'AXOY TOILirr AIMICLKH. The public may rely nt nil times nn- procuring the abiive nrtlik's, wltli nil the now useful prepani tlnns kept In the best conducted establishments, ntYHICfAX'S rHU.'ItirTIOXB and rnnilly Iteeeliits eoinpouiHled with tlio Brent est accuracy and dispatch. jATIOXAL, FOUXDKY, Illisimslnirsi, Columbia County, ra. The subscriber, proprietor of tlie above-namif! extensive i-stnblishment, Is now iircistrcd to ru- elvo orders for nil kinds of MAcifixirriY ion coLLir.nnx, klart l'UItXACr-S, .STATIOX'AIIY HNOIXKS, MlU.o, TrnilMIIIXCI .MACHIXIiS, 40 He is nlso prepared lotuake Stoves of nil sir.en and patlenis, I'low-lrons, mid everything usually made lu llrst-elass roundrlcs. His extensive facilities nnd prnetical workmen warrant hlin In leeclvlni! tho larrfcst conlrncts on the most rensonahlo leinis. Onilu of nil kinds will lie taken in exchange! for Castliws, Tills estab'hhuwiit Is located near the Imckiv wamianud lllooinsburi; Ilallroail Depot- l'iri'KIt lUIXMYKR. JgLOO.MSnUKG FAXCY TIUM- MIXO AXD DOOKSTOrti:, second door bcrowlliirtmnu's, Main Street. Just leccived n new stock of ZKl'HYIiS, WOOLIIN AXD COTTON YAUNH, coiusins, lacix, i:.MnuorDi:i!ifx, MUSLIN KlKilNRS, DIHS TltlMMINCS nnd every variety of articles usually kept in n I'ANCY .STOIIK. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN LOOKS, HUILIX, SUNDAY-SCHOOL HOOKS, nud u large lot of MISCKLLANKOUS LOOKS, ACCOUNT AND Jir.MOUANDUJI HOOICH, 11LANK UHIIlrs, IIONDS AND MOUTOAOr.S, andu gcncinl nud well-selected nssortmcnt of PAI'EIv, KNVELOIIS, Ac. A. I), wr.itn. rIMIK OXLY l'LACU logU tho best TOIIACC'O AND CIGA1H, AT WIIOLHSALi: AND liirfAlL, is at nuNasnnitc.Kit'H, fow doors below Ihe American House, liloomsluirg, i'a. He has Ihu largest uiubmosl select of SMOKING AND CIIHWIXH T01IAI CO ocrnirercd to tlm citlzem of lllooinshuig. All llio fancy brands of SIMAIW, nnd tlio best Fine-cut, nnd riu CHHWINO TOnACCO, can be had nt Ids counters. TOIIACCO I'IPra 111 great Mil lely nre among his largo stock, DON'T rOItfilT TO CALL. H. II. S'1 I'OVJvS AXI) TIXAVAHl-; A. M. ItUI'EIIT aiiiionuces tn his ftiends nnd customers that, continues the above business nt htsold pi.icton MAIN hTllLLT, lILOOMhlll'Ilu, Customers cnu bo nccomiKlated with I'ANCY HTOVra of nil kinds Stovepipes, Tinware, and niir va riety of aitlcle found lu it Slove and Tuiunii I s. Inhllshuicnt in thoclttes.aiid on tin m. ason able firms, Ilepiilriiigiloneiit the irivMuollco i DO.HN MILK I'A.NS on linuil for sale. JOSLl'll ll.Hl'l.lS, Dloomsbiirg, I'a. sTovixoi'r.vnuv VAiorT rLoroiisiiAi'.i'.si, I'Lfui.iii'oiNT.s, mid all kinds of Castings, on hand orsnpplinl on tlm shoilest notico and nt Hie clunpcst talcs. Cnstlngs fur coal liuKAKints and loai. fci iinri made to order. IMlMHl' Sill TTTJ A SKVIN0-31A- .1 J C1I1NIX am superior to nil oili sfir I'AMlLY AND MANUl'ACI'UHINii 11 1 I'Osi-h Com. ie ill die latest liupruvci, n n sj,c i uolieiis. diiiiible; nnd e is t liilis', a ' .1 t'ln.uU.afit'e. Ag n-1 i irn 1 I t. v,mt..i.ow(d. No cor " "u i,., A hi im ' : I I' M . 1 njf