The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 01, 1866, Image 2

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'j J 1
i. r.
hc dpolumb
. (ir.diuii! tt. mioiti:, r.niToit.
IILOlUtfUltlltfl, HATtUtllAY, HHIT. I, 11.
Committi-.d, 111 vli'W or all of our
convictions mid oplnliMiH,- ngitlnst tlio
re-election of Mcrctir to Congress, wo
litivo looked with Interest If not anx
iety upon nil movements nnd discussion
concerning the selection of his untiigo
nlHt. And wo nro now glud to announce
the iirobahllity Unit Hon. William Kl
well, President Judge of thin Judicial
district, will ho named as such with a
fair prospect of election. Ujxiii looking
oyer tho wholo Held, and giving due
consideration to the antecedent and
views of men who urn In Kiiimrirf n ITn-
Ion candidate, no morn iiniimnrlntn mul
acceptable nanio can he suggested. With
tummes oi a high order, lie luwu record
of past service anil of nersonnl conduct
which will recommend him to all Con-
t-ervutlvo Union-loving and patriotic.
. men, whether their associations have
been heretofore with the one or the
other of thogroat parties of the country
Twenty-two years niio. in tho Leels
hltlireof Pennsylvania. Wlllliiin Klu-oll
ilrew our great statuto which abolished
imprisonment lor delit, and which yet
Hianus among tlio laws or tho Com
niouwealth a monuuicnt of hiitnmiltv
and or tho advancing civilization of the
Four years ago, upon Invitation, lie
I'ame to tills county and settled among
our people. Tho invitation was given
in tlio form of a unanimous election
to the ofllce which lie now tills, and
which he lias adorned by his learning
dignity, and urbanity, lie has become
Known everywhere In this judicial tils
trict as a lust, humane, and able lndiro
who has so borne himself in Ills high
oillco that noiuilar confidence, resnoet
and attachment have concentrated upon
him in a most eminent degree, and no
one has been base enough or bold enough
to asperse cither his character or his of-
jiciai conduct.
By his training and the hnbits of a
meiime no nas neeome familiar with
, our laws, whether State or .National,
' niid fitted for labor in their enactment
or amendment. Congressional duties
would bo discharged by him wlthnn in
telligence and lldelity which would
leuvo nothing to desire. Uesides, lie
meets one popular requirement, now
pressing and important, more perfectly
than nny man in this Congressional
District. That requirement is a candi
date who stands comparatively free
from recent partisan contents, anil upon
whom men who have boon heretofore
politically opposed to each other can
cordially unite. The issues of the hour
demand united exertion and combined
effort among all who think the en-.n.
pleto unity of the country essential to its
existence and welfare. And it is expe
dient, if not necessary, to that united
action that those who carry the Union
banner in this new conflict with nil that
is detestable and Injurious in the world
of politics should command support and
inspire confidence beyond thu limits of
any political organization.
Judge- El well has been to a great ex
tent for some years withdrawn from
participation in party conte.-ts, though
nu attentive observer of public evei t .
Before his elevation to the Bench he
was not regarded as an ardent politi
cian, and enjoyed tho confidence and re
spect of political opponents as well as
friends. At tho present time he gives his
thorough adhesion to tlio principles an
nounced by tlio Philadelphia Conven
tion is devoted to tho complete re-union
of tho States, and is content to stand
.ilongsidoof mcneiigugodinUie redemp
tion or tlio country from all disunion
management, influence, or control.
"Wo do not think that two thousand
is an unreasonable estiinato of tho ma
jority which can bo given in this coun
ty to WMIum El well in a contest
against tho present mis-representative
in tins congressional District.
Tim l-n.liKliillinf I.... ..fl '..1. t.,1.,. ri I 1 1IM,, I.,, lllll,, II...I..... ,.t 11. 11..
... .i ..a... iwn ui . .mi tivi i vim vi. jiiiiiv iiiiiv mi. imw-in vu hi-j lie
I'Veezo for lleglsler and Becorder has publican platform of 'UO havo been
been received with general favor, and swept unheeded away by tho tide of
Mini i
w fin nnu vuiuiiiiui nil I l ULIIUI1 uun -i f rvA iiwihu ii I'jmiu-f j mill 1UI UIl
lit net ntwl ,.rn.,. ,....... i ..j .. . ill .i, I., n... .. it.i in
v iv i iv m uif,u i'iui m ui in wiin jiui ity vnuiivti in iitu unry uuu will
a iiiiUtor of eotirto tnnliT thu HKiLa'dof tliotfo men roali.o whither they arc
After iL woll-i'nnioylnil hirntrifln nv-I To tirnvtilft n rnnww1 fni utn1i nvtutliwc
1.l..t.,,.,1 II... ....... t. livllu ln (,,,.111. ,11,,',,., I 11., I.. ...1..
'.. ,,,t,llll,l ,1, I ... viilir.iiiitllllltll 1.-II1UI1 IlllllA
nation for As.-ociato Judge over several was organized; to Its success wo must
strong competitors, having upon the look for our haven of safety. Jts very
tilth trial precisely tho niiniher of voles nanio indicates Its purpose; no call is
I Ill .11.......... !.. 1.. II J . ... .
...v I(7 w t,..vvw-.-. ...3 ,u.,,,,b,iy. in in, i, n- in. nr. piiinu III riiuiiucu cull"
linlllttinMim fur llu. uimifi ndliMi riwliltmr untimlti.tid ...,i...t..ll.,.. .... J1... ..l.Ht..n ..r
south of thu river succecdi'd upon the liartv nower i but It calls for snnnnit nil
first vote, outnumbering his only com- who venerate thu Institutions pcrpetu-
pernor jrom mat sccuon. ated ny the founders of our liberties,
!Mnnt!rmiicrV Colo, of Hmmrlnnf. furliitwin nil mini nn, ,,1111, 1.,!,.,..
o v i - "r, " ....... .... ...w ,..i..i, iv iiiiui mi
County Commissioner, was nominated, the benefit of the many, casting asido
his only competitor havingdecllned tho potty, personal ambition, nnd through
COIltct. Ills case lliav bo thoinrht bv that silimort to strike n ilimlli.lilnw In
sonio to be desperate, as P. John has aii- Hndlcal power nnd sectional legislation .
nounced to the public In duo form that This is thu object of thu party, for this
.,, l.,l- Afllllt.. ....! - ...... 1 1....I li. I.. I I I.. .... ' .. , ..
n,r i vm .iiiiiiiii iiiirwuui uuii nu eji'ci uini u moors, ami iei i s J one l int it
f.fl III flflllin ltlll flinn 1. T..1... tj ...,t I tin... .w,.,f ...11. 41... ........
... .......... ...... dim, x . ..vim i-5 lllrl I iiiiij, iim;i linn iiiu ,-UIllu llinjUUUUCll
infiilllable, as has been shown uiion sun- support tliroughnut thu country as It
.1.,. .wb.t...... .,,.1 1 ! li-. .11.1 I L,-l I
i.j ,,ti.,.-i,;u.-,, un,i im.iv; im ii jueiiy uiu iieiu uii oaiiirimy iiigni. A. JI,
general opinion that the less hu sav.s . ...
about Kurt Mlflllti the better. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION.
rpi i ......... .
,,, ih . J: lu '1 T,li: Convention convened in the
but little known in the cmintv. . ,.. .......
. ... ii.iiii. in l tlflMl.lulill V. r ... All..,.
Wo allude to the recommendation or (Iay A Ufl't, at ore
.Tllllo-l, l-.lrnll fur ( nflii-riH.u In nf nil lw.i I ... ....
, : " " lum iv j-.ji., aim iiiganiKcii ny caning
article. nnm... u,.if r n,i.!, ... .i...
1 .. - .... .... . ,11 .iiiui, i'.-i, in uiu uiiiiu
In'llti nr Iwwlti, r ...... ......
. V. , , . . un i iesuieiu, nun iiuiiouiliug IteilOCIl I).
nonuhir candidates wo nro constniitlv i.,.n. ..m, 1....1 it .... ..
: - , , . ... ' iieuiiucK, aim isnuiii uowvr.oi
I III 1 ii'iiit, I 1, ri,.. ml f., ,,l .,...Wt...t I .. ...... '
1 ! , , V , " , 1 tllu Borough or Berwick, as !--ecrctaries.
which is held by an Independent Jour- lTpall , i0WllsilIH btfn mlIcil thl!
nirt oyer regular patty organ-. Wo are .nales presonted their credentials,
iiul ouiiLicM in nun woiinies mini nor 1 i... a. 11 !.... .i . . .
, " . , .. . inm uiu mim.. nig iiniiicu iiersonswcru
abu-o erood ones, and can sav as little or 1.. 1 ..
" iuuiiuii-ii in M-iiis 111 saui convention :
as nitich as comports with the propriety jitoom-Vct Blllmever. h. B. Hu-
nl f hit rifcfiwtnti I iitiMtnp tin tiii' i i
w. ..v- .vv.vw.w... . j.w ii,:i.ui pert
objects to sub.-erve, other than to obtain jorouai, jicnrM;-Isaiah Bower,
tiiv ci'uiiuLiu u tinii il-jil'ii. in Kins iuti"i i if(lerlek ieelv
lie, an independent journal can be 7,,.;,,.. rw.4,',,,,.i i.-ii...n.. r,..!.i
. , . , , I -..v..m..- milium 1 411.11.11111,1, Wki ill
I libit tV.lltl.- 1,1i til ( mill I iik-l mm tin 1 '
can hid deflnnei to low nrt'lniliee and ;.,.Trc, t.h.... -M-nr
I Jl 1 Lll l V i ni". I jllIIt tit I Il'MI .
partisan passion ; and convey to its yi,m.Anilrcnv, Nathan
1 v..mvin liuvt iiui'ttt nai iiuui iiuiLiuu i urodueMtler
wldeli is Decenary to them In their ca- tt inn r.'..,,.t., Ti. TT III o. ci.Tiors. wur patrons may (M,rm((-(ieorge Scott, Joseph
, ... ..... iiuu i MarZ,
ndeiiuato notices or all meetiiiL's. con- f. ,,...,.... . ,.
, ., . . . ii w"v u-mdiiii-rairicii ivilliail,
""'"""i ""''iii iiusrL-ciiuu, 1 John Uhapmnn.
.w.e ner o o no party or unoincr, con- Owitwi-Daniel T. M'Keirnan,
coming which or whom they may do- Edward Koughertv.
sire knowledge. '.-;., wi. 'iV.,. n.,.t...
- ,,,,,, ..nimmiia V. llillljftl ,
eyrtis itoouins.
Pranldin Jliram J. Header. Bonbon
Orcaiwootl Isaac Dowitt, William
D. Folk,
John JI'IIenry,irenry Wag
JmcusI Henry Kink. Muvberrv Kiiv-
Main 1 lenryBaunian. Charles T'isbor
Jifflin Thomas Aten, Hanittel Xtiss
.uontnur h.llas UiL'er. Peter Heim
.Udfllxoii A.K.Kmlth.LowisHchiiyler
Mount I'lcnmnt Hu-sel Ainilemnii
loepii ikeier.
Ontiitic John .Snyder, .Samuel Zim
V)e J.utherA.fliirman.. Jacob I .on''.
Jlottrmg ('reel; Xnthan Driesbacli,
Wr. nro indebted to jr. V. Eycrly,
I-ixq., Tor a report or the proceedings of
this body, which met in the Court House
in tins placo on Monday last. It will
no seen that It Is much moro full and
completo than that already published in
tho regular party organ of this place, in
giving tlio votes in detail upon the
nominations of Senator and Begister
nnd Becorder, ami the first vote- upon
mo nomination ot Assoclato Judges.
"Wo regret that wo nro unable to give
tho flnal voto on the latter question
with llko detail, as tho named were not
taken down. But what is furnished
will fchow pretty clearly tho course of
action in tho Convention.
It will bo seen that tho voto upon
?lenator was very close, standing twen
. y-six to twenty-four. Tlio result was
1 evidently produced by n timely and
. skilful combination of tho friends of
Mr. M'NInch and Colonel Tnto upon tlio
latter. As n member of tho editorial
fraternity wo must congratulate tho
Colonel upon I1I3 trlumpha truo tostl
monlnl. But wo cannot eongrntulatoour neigh
bor of thy Dancllte Intelligencer upon
tho endorsement given him by tlio Con
vention. An Improper nnd Injudicious
resolution for appointing Heprosontu
tlvo Conferees was passed, which will
ho Been in the nroceedini. Cn.i,.!,,
CliiilCiut was to have his nomination as
Jiiado by Montour County concurred in
upon tho express condition that tho
Senatorial Conferees of this county
ftliould support thu Senatorial candidate
named by thU county. This propo
allien of a bargain, which verged eJose
Jy upon nn Insult to Mr. Chalfaut nnd
ids county, was porhups paused with
out much consideration. Wo aro in
formed that It proceeded from tho pro
found and fertile brain of 0110 of our
neighbor -of tho Jkmwat uml Muc.
Washington, 1). l' August L7, lim.
Dn.Vll ('A1TA1V Wlllllllir((,i, .iflni-L. '
i.-..!...-, ' .. uvvei
iiiiviuir Dceu so loiur looKeii uno u as tin- ,r. . . .
i,,., ,, .11 i . jiemtoeic itouuen
,.,.,..vv. ., i.u,.k. .ii.iii. us iiiU eJlliUUIL-
ed at tho dictation of a Radical Con-
ross. has gone far to redeem its clmrne
ler by the large, and enthusiintle rat ill
cation meeting of Saturday night. The
meeting, whicli was held in front oft he
City Hall, wasoneof thelarircstandnuwt
enthusinstle I have ever witue.-scd here,
while tho eloseattention naid thusnoak
or i and total alienee of itnythinir calett
Into ! to mar the harmony of the nro
eeedlngs marked the presence of our
mo-t respectable citizens.
At tho principal stand, which was
naiidiomciy and appropriately decorat
ed, tho ineotinir was ortranizod bv flm
election of Philip R. Pendall. Esli.. us . '"''."! !
,.i,ir,., a .. . .i 1 1 ..... . A er -ienscli
ily endorsing UK3 action of the Phi.a- I 1. Ja, i. T
iieiiniia convention ana course or the n ,.iii,. ii. m i 7
President were read ami mln,,tn.t iw . V" 1 1 ino 'J'whip two sets or
acclamation. Eloquent and convincing I hL h , , ,t,re,k,ntii,,lJ-
mlilrMMinimi.i. in !.. 0,1 1110,1011 the ca-o was laid over until
ir, t.v.iii. n .,i ii...i.,.: ;,V. " , ', tl,u townships were all called. Town
m U : J ,: , ' 'ZS M contestants
Hon. R. T.Merrick; Hon. A. J. Rog-' ,1;
ers : and Malor-Cleneral Heath. At th C-01 ' ,I0,,,1"K lJ ul milnS 't
aniotime addresses were being made " " i" . . TT? .T"' Tl
at a side stand, moro particularly to .lie I, i , H !. i,l LO""1 l"
Irish portion oV our j '.opula io 1 v r! f nt tho new
Anllsell, P. M'Xerhanv. Esu.. Dr. Vo- l' "hiainK I11: hereupon
sencrort, General Rawllngs, and Lewis , , '.T V ", 1,10 "0le-
Sclmdo l,i fc''Us ulct:te(1 llt thu old placo or holding
ouium, J.sq. ,,lii,,,w ai.,ii i...,
Although the people or the DUtrlrt 7 "l".ul" lo '"
are debarred rron, aiding l,v their vote. 17 wi'liU'e of holding
the organization of a eat partv ' ' " ., T mu 11jvere called,
such a spontaneous outburst oV enth.Isi- Z ' ZZ the , 2 1 T
a.tii. sviniKitbv wm, ti,n in..,,., T- 10 ' mml 1,10 "'""ut by voting ill-
ion cannot fail of having its nttnL ??LLm?.?T C!,;,, eet of W.
throughout the country'. Tho' ear f SZ7 17," 'ntl i
progress and rerorm has been set in ,,m. """ .f IiUthVl 1V: Gll",R'.r 111111
Hon in Phihidolnhl,,. w i,. . J'" !l vulu 01 twenty-live to
( to put onr shoulders Iq tho wheel to i o..,. 1 i i i .
aid its onward ,i 1 1 ,lu.- . . J ,,nl. ,! Uul,''rt' of 1lo"1.
.....i.,. c . ... .ii . T mo loiiowing resolution :
......ii?.,.. win luiiuii -ii.iii iuis iiiroiH'n.
out the laud to follow our example to i.mi!.?I i.. i11:. . MMloynoM,. and
convert its courfu into a trim ,i,i , ' . , "r, '"1 ' V .VW-
. . , 1 , ,, "".v.t hi ijuiiijui i jinn, ii iiuaui
march, bearing down all opposition be- I'-lwell, of Bioomsburg, for Cougrcas.
fnrA If . mill liiil.,, l,r,1.t...l m.. .11. I t, .. ...
i 7. i. i T. ,1, lau lll!i" '-""volition proceeded to nomiimlo
Jointed and scattered members of tho ennidates for State Senator. Peter Bill-
.....j ... pmNcr. ine good work nieyer, of Bloom, nominated Bovl E.
has been nobly Iieirun: let it IkwhitW,.! 'I'm,. r in,, ,
l, In !, ...... ...l.u V.MU ill.UOlllS, OI
i 4ii iiti rnuiu ii. :ill 1 I HI r fill 11 ntl. indniwi ( '...I, ..J. I tt i -
.io.,..,.,..niiw." ........... 7 r i.-...iS v--v., iiuuiiiuueu i-eier jmu
, " m u wiiu mo proud- of Kcott. Xoininatious clo.,ed. Tho
nnrl t Z ' I 1 V0, '"S 10 Sl011 fuW i
and Peace over Jiatred nnd nn, Hill..,. . .
.... . . ----- v. j,n. 7 ,,,, AI,SN IllVXllldlwl.,.. lllll.
which charMerlzed tho proceedings of -Martz, Erwine, Hill, knlttle, deader
thu Convention, nnd tho A. .Smith, Polk. Fink. M. Snvdor. Hun.
and unqualified endorsement or tho '1'"!' f't, )ilhyW'r,
A I kill lit I It! li .mil I u. . t .1.1 ....
YlV'''' Messrs Bredbenderi THE BALTIMORE AND KIILA-!
Nlcelv. Ke chlier. Miller. Ericlno. II II.
Wagiier. Klsher, ' Xfis, ,UlVer Uolnv , ;-uiA rna-r.u uu .
bach, Ikeier, Apiileman, J. Snyder, It Is Just now the cue or the leaders
Cllllllierilian. Drelslmcll. mill iMetweli nftlln rnvnliillnmirv ltndli'iil tnnvemetlt
"7,1.7, tochiltntlicauthorltyortlio Culon party
thereupon John 0. Eroe.o.'or Bloom, for their principles nnd nionstircii. Ev-
U'lN llp,lnr,l lllll iwuiitltnn if onlil iui. .... .. . . . . i.. 11...I-
' , vu v cry 0110 wno nesitiiies to joiiow in iiieir
volition for thu office of Register and footstep is denounced as a renegade and
Becorder. traitor to the Union party. The hypoc-
On motion of E. B. Rupert, Jesso risy nnd unprincipled rec'itleisness of this
Coleman win nominated by ncclamn pretext nroiipparcnt. Jlouoortho lbid
tlon for the ofllce or Prothonotnry and iCi,l leaders enlisted In this crusade ever
Clerk orthesoveral courts orsaid county, were leaders of tho Union party, uiwl
w.. te .ifrv.vuiHmmtiivaiwi i mo uociriues incvnowjinL lorwani us
Awtioeliito .TudL'en. (!vrim UnhhtiiM. nf if.,u,.i,.,.u ji,t i.. r
l-ishing Creek, nondnated Thomas J. the authorized declarations of principle
Hutchison; John M'Henry, of Jackson, lmt forth by the Convention of the
nominated Irani Derr; Isaau Dewltt, of tininn ini-iv
Oreenwood, noinluated Jacob Evans ; Tho Baltimore phuYwm It tho latest
Ororgo Scott, of Catawlssn, nominated nuthorltativo declaration of the prlncl-
SlPtiben li.llilV! .Inlin Mnvilnv nf f li-. -i...i.i.. , ... . .1 .... 11..
. tf , . . 1IIV3 iiuuiauu 1110 policy Ctfpoiiscu oy inn
aiige, nomina ed Elijah a. Ricketts; Union party which carried the country
Xnflinti Mri.i1i,.ii,li .if 1. ., 1 n1. I.. ... .... ..
-"' ,, ' """ vivun, inrougntnewar. it wnsjidoptet.tny me
nominated Peter IC. IIki-IiIiwi. l,,(m. 1 ... .... e.
" " - ---- --- - 1 -.-.v. uu.iuiuiuus voto 01 too (li'iegaiCtf lriiiu
Case, of Benton, nominated Andrew ..,. i.....,i m.w, 1 m. 1. 1.. icm
- v,v,j lujiu umivilllU It'lUIUI ill Auwi,
t'feas. I .i, 11,, ii, t..,.i n... 1. .1...111 .,,
.... . ,, , . 1 i.iiiiv uiu 11. 11 iiiiii 11m. uiu ivi.ui.illl. il. 1'-
xnoiollowing was tho voto ill detail: Utlll rnalnu-. and was flu, ImsIm n'POtl
For Deri' Mcssrs Sllllinnil. llmvnr. which l'nutilniit T.t
loyal Stales In ratifying the pledge niatlu
by the latter at Balllmoreiu 1881, tlmt
tl'tts debt Kliould bo sacred and Inviola
ble, and they add, moreover, a pledge
that the rebel debt shall never bu as
sumed or Hindu of binding rvo.
Tito snnio Identity is loiiuu uuiwix-u
the two on tliu subjecl of
JhHllimre, IM.
i.....i..,1. Tlmt tho !
(AiiiiAt ol the Amcrinui
Kelchner, .Miller, A. Smith, Folk, .1.
M'Henry, Wagner, tliger, Ikeier, Ap
pleiiian, hong, Drelsbach, Meiitch, lil-
nv. fiiln mill IIhj 17 '
"For 1'rats Messrs Brcdbendcr, Case,
E. M'Henry, Jslccly, ICilllan, Chup-
jiiiiu, inlin., i.i-wine, inn, i''nugnerty,
Johnson wero noinluated and elect Hi.
It was accepted bv both these irrt it
men us tho platform on which their in
mlnlftratlon would bo based lit case of
thelrelection.and was resrnrded throiiL'h
out tho Union, bv nien nf nil n-irlirw nu
II... I...... 1. .,..!. 7l ..1..I ,. ......
i.vucr, jvicu, nun ..MifS 17. "iu uu M.i.-n iiiiii iiuiiiunu oi ine union
Aii Hcli'la Miuvpj I',,.,, l.' At i it.... i..ii.,. A ...1 ..... i i i. ..
8, ' I II 11' 1 ' iiv iiuiv U.-.-UII, HUH Clllll-
V'ishr i- ic MniiV h i.,i.r iK'"u, lunu I'oiitradlction, that there, s not a
i 'd:, h 11 V. F1"'. .f .": ilwle nrlnelnle toueldn,, national,
i.aiie .. .. .... .. -""- -
ituseriai in if. much in not ren vinnl hu
RU. the 'Mladeplila platform; nor is there ivu'ii U'loiiic cwtiiu- tlt in his it.-yution t
Robblns-L'. n"'m ' "M or unplucl in the " ,, i i,ns .uiMmwi.
J'W Jlerlnne Messrs Slinmnn
Al'lCflrniin. ICnlltli. I!i,,l,.,. t.m?.i. Vi
,-,;', inrn, in
oii.viier, vicu, nun u 17
tier, inimerman, Garinaii, and
J'or JJvans Messrs Billmeyer
t in -i- .... y
. i. il... .1,,li nf 11m
riniM iii i ii i-, it.v
tit ople art! lit)? In the '( Niitloimt Oovctniiutil
icif anil .Tillon V In iriiH'i wr "n"
until ami nary, wlm the lilcml mAllrrt
lmii tiorllliil llu'lr llvt'H ,;,( mllm-t In the con rtl
liiilrfiiKixirtlirliiciiui- jn,( rdwil liy tiKj'lluK
trvi iiiul In vliullinUoii iimiiiiitly ul imly ,u
nl tho honor or us huh tlii-lr jun una ""'"
llllll. IIU" llllll'HI " I-UIIIHI llll .11" n. ,..vW
tlioiii Miiim iTiaiini'iit u.y havii rviuk'K'il llw
li'inmilllon of lliclr Jin- natlim, mul by oxtrmt-
trliitWIllllllit tllrirvilliM', liiKtullllHunttllvlllWlIu
mul untitle mat jKtiini- imvn kiuvImkI mill ti
iiinl ii.taio.i j"r i'""" tin-wiuowH nun "rim mi
nt thtlr nriiKr wlio t ttiusi) wlm luive I'lilldi
llllTO ll l'I'lVl'll lll:lllHt lilt. llllt UI'IIITHUH llllll
iiiiil liiinnrnlilc iiunmH cuuslili'mlt' inn
111 lllll m-liiiu ui
iiiiinlry, mul tlmt "''
uu'liiorlos of tUoso wlm
luivo l.illin In Its ill
imcii nlmll Im lll'llt, In
umti nil ami cviirliwlliH:
iviiii-iu, iiuiiv,-.
11.1... C....11. i.h.. .1.,1.r.ltl.J llllll lnlit the
l nu ouiiuii.vii ,ii..v..v ...... j
rii..i 1.I..1. l,.t,it tliriltlirll tilt!
rjttaes miiiijii ivn- i,v. r,
wiw In declaring it to bu tho duty of the
Federal Government to fulfil the pledges
made In thu Baltimore platform oi lbbi
by reognlziiig and rewarding uiu services-of
thu soiillers and sailors who
have saved the n itlo.n.
And.soin regal d to tho loyal Presi
dents, CJNl'OIi.V AND 3OHNS0N.
JlUtMtrr,.Mt. A'hilmlcli'hiti, 1PM.
Jn Aiulrcw .lolnwon.
11'lili'iit nt tlii.' I'nlli'il
uin,..u .I'll .11, Mi til-out
wwl 111,1 i ii ,- i ,1,14 niuti1 jni, i'i", iu
.i-,(nifThiil mo np
nix vu mul upilniul tliu
.. 71 11111 IVIlUllll, 1,1"
l'r' ,1,1.1, ,.lpl,.tlv,t,.
emu 5i"-" ""...'.,
uintr 1
1 Ims'ii. i,ti ,-hi'i'utlnn una 1111111'
drtiiimtji.iii'fH nf lcr eil riTpneit-H.lin.vliiiJ:
,r-. hi Hint In tlio prill-
'....v. . ..r f., in, 1-1, 1-11.
uti'ii tiimt'iiii.v
- .'unia iiiiiunill, Jlll-l-
nieyer, cicely, uower, Killfan, Kelch- "o l'lniadelpliia platform is identi- hrsiwi t ilutlcs mm u- ,,Pt iu,imi m Uiu pnu-
M'Vln mvil,.H,I,i',1' v"11'"', J" raI 1,1 "veryprlnciplonnd position, with mittii.? V.SU
&r& the Baltliuoreplatnirni; and,,, proof g SilK
bach, Apple,.,,,,,; J. Suytler, this position wo reprint the provis- ... jA., X'5,!! S'iS'tS
mail, f iarmaii, Long, Drofsbach. Meiisch. ion"1 of the two, side by side :
llllll I.UkC J". T.iV JMllmwe lW'urm, rim J'hUiiiMnhia T)nln.
j-or j nuai .Messrs iired bonder. Rtt- .. . . rwion, i,wi.
pert. Cii'ini'iiMii. Miiii.i, s!,.it itorf, . ''"''!. That it ij tho
Kmigherty, .M'Keirnan. KnlttleBead'I !i .."'i ttn.! ' 1 1 1 IM.,, . ' 1' . J"t. piosM
JIUllUII, (Ulll mJ yym J(1'II ll'llllll
PlnMi tj. dis! liitwo of liluli
tttition, tin im, n,H1 diu-iblc itutit-H
lu-i'tswliU-li 0Mr nn, outJtf rt-sr"'
tcil 1 dc- ,lJ1(( J.Mt .runt -i nf nr
in iiKallit rnnliiilut rl Mlhicri; si-
vrt-l lot's; putU
llllll frf tn
11 h wtttUrith
nf thn Ujltl
lie has mhi
fi'tltl tilt? EWEb
ilS OJM'll llll H
irfiuiiumru run a
huiilli, Mw, Ikeier, Eilley, Cole, and ...tii.:V.mV..n a-;7. Vni: WiL"'", "" 'l,'"'i on . nil
PeterK. Herbine having twenty-seven V'Jl VXt TX iM'i, "ji
votes, a majority of tlio whole, was do- ". i-o-iu hm.ic mi ulluuiri'i'1'!. '!'"' ","1,,l,il1 Vt"r-
1 , 111 -.. . ' 1 I iTi'iiivs iif iiiilllli'ii mul It Ims iiinllili'iiii" In, 6J.n
dared nominated. Befuro proceeding to .111111I..11. wi ,.i..,Vk.' ,.Vi. :.",,;?I;'!VI:-,TI1; '-N" '"'umiun toiwry, "7"
the next vote the name , r TI,.:.t tV'.? X''""' X 1, ll.,0,.,S'r',.,l '.V. .,'!'!
iiiiuiiiiii-ii 1,1 11 ruinuitm ... .,.. .7. ". . ............. .... ....-. .
Hutchl-onwiH withdrawn, Judge Baldv
id mi in per.-on withdiew his name
Firrt rote I fn tcli l.mi
I'.VtlUS, .')
Hutchison, 2: Dorr, 17 iTiimnit in
Baldy, 17; Ricketts,' l;l; fa??
Jiiiluiuir.l liviMuiinnun T. ".ua auiiiorlty tinimi m'iuinniv -x
st'iiiiiiinnt. timi iiimiiiif " .n"' ciiui ln-rjat una mu 10 inn p.wiauj-si Ul"Uxnntt. tho cnuutry, Into I
.1.1 IH'Ilfl-llllll.f fl. ...... tit I Ulltl ('lllinit'lT-l'-((.M'fl.
"V5!-T. . ?! .,.' "- . itopivsciitn'tion in tho Timi,. is t iinw absolnte iilcntit y of
t;i,t),t,i ,,; 11 ' 1 . 1,1 i,it! 1-ill'C- "UIUIIIUIL tllH-U SI '
aiuhoiiik -huS in Wh',1, V7, '. Baltiinoro nlsitfcmi ,r 1110 Union paay
opted nl i'liiiadt. 1
I 1 ...... ... ii-iniiii',1 iv ll I'nn. I'.ii.iiiiiil" lil.utw-fllll
llllllKlll'J to 1110 pilIlN I- st, till, till nv iilililtti,. Ill I 1 .,.,.1 1 , . , ,
iiHiiiiluiMolli.-lfaliiicR rvory it, n- i ,f, m 1815 'i nll(l tlwt ad
Hit-ulii-ls inn, tmliov.i ilnn- i.... . '. . V.' ..,.1 . ......... .
?t. We cluilleng. 3
man to rlKt o ut "" deviation
Herbine, -'7; Ercas i
Stvruul rnfr Hhit IS. I.',.n,,j ,-..nt..i.
etts, l(l;tes;ii. ' '
Before .proceeding to the third Vote. Jn-
con Evans m person withdrew
J lint vole Dorr. ":t If i,l.-..H o.
I'rens, IS. " ' "
J'oitrti rote Derr. !ii If IM.-nttj in.
7.- , ' - -" '
! 1 Vlis, 1U,
Before proceeding to ilfth vote Elllali
(i. Ricketts in person withdrew ills
,m Fifth ffife 11, pr I1!! lri-i,., a o I .
- --..w, i .vi, ui,. i in,, i t,, i, ,-,... .i,.: j.,i,
,, v.i ..itjiwii iiiiui lyuir. in JaClvSOIl. Wns 1 ,, . ' "i'""i. "hik in un i.imimi. ... w... ...
.i..i i ii i. ' . u,,i "' piisstlil,, vlur to tliu Pi i or lan-K of nnv l,ni, ,1,, ...,.i 41....,
ti to tin, I'lintiarv !."
Jti-mlml, , lluil ire nji- lis inmuv nml nssi.i.ii.,1 nnv nmn lo Tte.tdt i
hi? of iiio iiii.iniini iit i.r i . i . u b i ti'. 1 1 ! 1 ri sVI t iiii, 1V1" ' l'r(,i t lio formei-flu tho
.M..,..mi5.;.' ,;,u, 7o, !"!rii.Si&ite adelphia Convctitimc.
J.l'iVS'iu'K; S;',!:!!!V l''t'" declared it. to I.
i1;11LimT!i :'"'"" "" 'Wa m n- si,n,., r purpose or the war to i
iiiiiynililwHuliiiimiikv wnhliiili lis onhn i,,..i I ,. .
.....i.... ., . v.r . - . iiiinirr rv in iiii. i nriit'i,,
1 '.'?" J''"tl'l. A.M. A mill..,- Ilio t , ,
iiKri-iiv in TU1.-111 ii-.-m . .
H I iiii is.,... "m P's'lllO llicivof,
I'O.SS riTUTIll .V A N II V.
...,.-, i,i- mi.. i,.siii;i, nu- i uiisiiiiuinn nr 1
srATI.s; ami tlmt m valt t m I'nlli'il !s:iti s, anil i'tolll eVOl'V Statl
tiivt'iniwiir tit lilt In us in ml, , l, I
"i""1 ii'itmniii-nr lu iiif iiiivsiu:iili lu tiui'Mi , . .
tiie j u'iiiuu, ..nn Hutu AiiJ.irvni
imillifilln Ihtjt iifi.i.v... I, Iwn tin.,. ...i
anil tu iii-oscriili' tin! milncntf hiwiitf ,., .,
declared the otlicr nomineo for
elate Judge.
On motion Montgomery Cole, of Su-
part of the Pliil-
Tho Baltiinoro
e. the object and
o-cstablish the
d tho supremo
authority of the -IVcu-.tUii tion "d ln
the 1'hiladelphia Cenvettti 011 delegates
uory oi ine
them alike,
unite in the declarniifa-t tlia t'1's
tne icgtt-thercof.
sense onlnlon on the tiuestloa nij
fefenco. They evidently UmugiF!
,iiini.v'rtni't should bewaltpilr,,. 'i
proceeding ngnlust the conventi'
lit Nnv York tho meeting of n,' '
Wendtll Pltilllpscs would bo dM4
hnrinles. aifalr, and why not In
Orleans? Anmiswer must bo,.
In tho illirerencetlvftt exists iK'titJ of the two fllli,. T
which might betillcinpted with 12
Ity in New Yoru, migiii be ,,,
wlIli iiilucbtef 111 New Orleans, i?
llni lm-nl niUelalaweretheprotiiTi'1
They hhw nn attempt to bring tJ
those whom Hiterttiun repre1
it'iuilllli'iil nifllators nnd rovnlmJ
- o-- -- ., .. Ti
men," totiowntuiitosainu tiisiinjij
unlillnc !it.trl!4 wits " liable In i1
" . .. . .. ; 'rt
breaches 01 ine puiitte peace." y
They considered ino asscniLij u,
trail v convened for an unlawful , JaytA
revolutionary purpose. They t ;,
tlmt the Couventlm
iiimli. nn occasion for adtlri'si'i
llantniatory harangues to negruc;
. . .. . ..... . I v.
lot advising me negroes 10 arm
unlviM. iiiiil fur fiimentlne: ill-fcil'
tween dill'orent classes of the tw.
Ity. Hence a determination va .s-t-ed
at to remove the cames of ilm?
arresting the delegates lit tluolcp.
after the act of reassembling
have been consummated. Up ;
ulnini tliero was neither vlulit., '
precipitancy on the part of .
aiitiioriucs. nil iiuuiijui, iciM, t I ni 1 liv firmcrul Bnlrd. wlin li
patch writteu after tho occurrcnct
riot, iiays: "Tlio Eloutcnant-Ut
nnd Mayor had freely consult
mo, and I was ho fully eonvinet
it was so strongly the intent of tt
authorities to preserve the i,
order to prevent military inter!.
that 1 did not regard an outlirt
tiling to bo apprehended." d,
Hlierldan tloes not so fully nmt
authorities of blame in regard
nui.i.i't nf tin. ufmlr. Tt miisl. lior,
licrctl, however, that lie was hIn:
,. .. . ... ..i ii. it..... , ''
tne cuy nt uiu -.iiiiv.-, nuv n
Hulrd was in freciuent coitiiaii;,
with the authorities, almost
moment of tho disturbance. I
language nwntlts the authoritii
nuditated wrong; antl this, t
should be accepteil its conclusive,
How the riot actually begun i
point to easily ascertained, norli
of much importance compiim
the general iiiu-stltin of respor.
which we consider already scttlw
armed and excited antl anirt)
black and white, on nil fcldts.ii
ililllctilt to understand how a:
incident led to strife and bloouMif
(lmt n iinrtlcm of the neerrocsciiiT,
1 or-s, and the remainder club? a:
l. !. -1...1 k.. C't.n.:.l.,n n,
its, is ri'iiunvu oii-ciiiiuii
........... .. ...j,,.,,-.,,,,, I,. ,,, ,,, iiiiniJiiv I ' ' 1
llli' Ili'lli'l Ion. Ill lull r,.. not u II list, i ii, Hi,., m fi I limit, vniilf n,l ,i ...-,.
,, n , I i. ,ll,l,ui,e,,NWluilv,l
r.i ""lll""ll"l M-lI-mlB. IIII' IIOMIMS llllt IIMlfiT- ,,,, i ., ,, .. ..
iiiuiiik jiiiiiioiisin, tho ii'ii ny iim i.'oiisiituiioii hat the PhihulcJplnia. Coi
n.n.,,,.,f -.,. r.:... ? V . ? &V".1?V.- "P'.'-'0. Mv: hns ni'i'mi. ,,i !si,.i ih..U, v, 'been to
fortlie oillco nf (!.,tv. r ir1".., ,u, yi'i.AnuUoitttUze the, winniiilc. ami n 'trposcs
... t, v.w,.,,,l,nnlwll(.ii v.. ...... j i, ,1,1 m-i,i-,i in uiu I-MiHl's or I ..... . - ' 7il.'
fin iiiiitliin Tnlm It........... ..fn... ... ii institutions. llii'iKopli,thpr,or:"iiiiil lor the, l.ninn luirtu . ihrlnmt tit Matll
....... .iniiu.uij ui uiu ior- iiiiioni; ihc rl-'his thus
ougli of Centralist, was tnianimuusK' ii'M'ivi-,iiotiioMui,,si, more in 1881. If others love' ld
noiiiiiuited for County Auditor.
John Snyder, of Orange, offered the
ioiiowmg resolution
tin- rutin lo nrt'M'ilbo ii.... i..i. 11 i ,
.illiluitloiiH lor tim "" 1'iiiiL-ijiie.s, nicy itiive- raw
..iii ,,.i.i..., 11. ,.i ., .... ,
liexntivil. Tlmt tliL I'mi..!,,,!!,,.. i i
f -",'.' . ,-iniwii ui'.iri-
ily approve of the action of Hon. C. R.
iiin.-i.uu-H nun iion. jaigiir Cowan.
united slates Hcuators.
Aaron Smith, or Hemlock. iffi.iY flu. t
ion owing resolution :
Jle.iotrc'1, That the time for holding
the annunl County Convention bo chain?
I'll til flu. 111'.- A1.....1.,.. ..I' I i
. .. ... -'i"iiiii.v ui vu-iim, aim
rll'i'llvo ll-iuirhlst' llii-ri
ln, Willi wlili-h right
oiiku-ss f-uiuioi niier
li'ri'. Xii Ntutis in- c '.in
vintlou of istuti"i has
iiio runt io wiihiirnw
U'olll the tlnloll. nr to
I'Xl'luih'. llu-oil,i
actlon In Coiu-ivns or
ollu-nvlsi,, any Mlati- or
Stall's from 1 1 1 L'nlon.
Tif Unlnn i, ttrne Sttttci
1.1 pern'iimi, ami tlio on.
thtmt'i n itit Urn vi'iuitftil
i, tijri-itf iviiian ine nut'
Uiitmn.t itit'l reitrietltjni
iif lite Duiiiitultnit
ed to
o on
their own responsibility. Ihcy cai ,Ilot
Hold any Union man boim-ii by tl lLlr
acts in so doing. The Union rtutv r, 'P
resented in the Baltiinoro fWivuith 111
was renrcsented in Phlladeliitats-it 11
the a "ditional ntlvnutntru of CtkMui
tneir principles trluinphaiit, itiirtatcept
ed alike by the trreat mass of tl? nn'tri
otic Democrats in the North ttwt ttw
.., V
tho wittteBseit examined be!
Or vnd Jury. Tho lntter clwr?
w -ocs the nrt Wow, as wen m, ii nrlvnto eitlj-n as in retls'
mi --1
iiniiii irityof tltcwllce.' BhcrulM
. .. . ... r.,i i l:
tutmousiy. 'inns, i(iura.
Ion: A snot wa nr
r 4 ..Kl, . Knt-.J Mt
-,( 4 j--..,.,......?, ttw ttuuiiiuill
ICiimx .I.s.m f ..1 l. . 1 JJVltt 111.
?r...u ...c" l nn'' "i0tlV0- W8pr J- SnytferZiminor na .. ( ar
n...t.i ..uu cui.siiiuio ine enier, ir not nian,, Meiisch, Eilley, Eake Cole,
flirt fnli itiuiiw.ii j. P J-1. T ii Iniiil IIiim H ' i
nvtipuH Ul till) IVUUK'itl lriSS -vsw x.
7" i uvu'i ilium u-om uioni- n jR'ruupoa i.ovi Xu Tnto, of Illooin
' 1 " ,... iuvi nii,ivi.4iuv-'.i'tiit, iuiiiiiiii-ti nir i iimiiiiinn'
glorious result, tho restoration of the E. B. Rupert, of Bloom, offercl thn
I'OIIOrill lltllrin linf nn 1 I...1 ... . .. . . .. T
... , , um juiri- ioiiowmg resolution;
lledby the bitter strugL'lo of four inn.-- t..., , ,.. i
weary years; not as U ., with ihe lUdiMISKn
prejudices of the ono section inflamed J"' w"'1 Instructions to support Eovl E
by blttor ignorance of tho merlin nf 11.0 hite.
other: but as It h to iien iTi,t.,i, r. i Which resolution wns
ed on mutual respect, moro closely con- 'J '10 fulIowlng resolution wa offered
joined to mutual desiro to sub.servo the "u""1 nmu, 01 Hemlock.
coiniiinii i'f,nl tlin i,oi,ii,w, .... 7.w,i.., nn.,. t..i... c, ....
:, i in-null! ui rv," ., v. "-"' "".viierniid Jtou-
tho whole country. This Is tim timi) - bruit bo the Itenresentntlvn mn.
end, to attain which our patriotic cotin- tS X?)'1 It,'. e'lolvo -Montour
trymon from ono bonier i n . " J 'J 1 S " .: 'i1 U'l""-'
, . , . . " "niiiiu ui uno t-iiuiiiy ,or iatatu henator
nro ready to east UHlde all past bitter- ii,.,,,. itn,,,,,.,. ,r , ,
.w, .,,,,1 i.,t. .i... i.i.... i.. .' . 1 fier Ilillineyer, of Bloom, iion, hint
tutes a traitor in the xinnrelitiUeeil eves i . , , 111 mi' of Centro' llom-
..r me ihtdica. imnZn7:!;?; - i:'rbo
attempt to vindicate thu intetrrltv r " "
tho American Union, to iiliort thuUii
cause for which inll ions f U..Ji.ii VlkS ""or,
Tim iMi.,.iii.t.. 1V...1. ...... . . i I,... . " . ;. r i,w' v. ':""T
th-it tl ir. i iiion-,.i .7. ,Vi , i i 1 .1. I ; . """-"-i""" "ui-i.ii.i.iuu is urns em mutes, ii tnoy cannot, llms Sovtl-
tlieSatmdayprecedmgsai "ml ' 1" ',y s,,ccess and tho general acrjuies-
i nv fi r ii.Mi.4- - ""in " utt Liv j'iiLt;s. tiicfii'iiiirr iiinxe i poni'n nt r in Ainrn mni nmm .. .ii..t
Isaiah Bower, of the Horourf. of Tin, " SJll0a f th.. ITJuI'Im their principles and secure their recog-
wick, oilerod tho followin- reolutio V wiara i.y tiiu loyal nition in the practical administriitiors ,.f
,,,',, ell ""n , , M t0 13 mm 11,1,1 wl,k'h Uly i'--.vo .shall have reached a new .a
Xri , Li wi ,.u )t $ ZlLWh to-nttihi by probation in American politics.-AVm York Timor.
i ..v. ivwiliiih.! . a i uiu ' i r t . toti ii. it.. i t
llinterllter, and Hiram IC. Redder bo , 0 4 u,u ljm"" IKlrty
the Standing Committee for the ensuing l-L'cl!ll'L'd that the war should bo wago.l
vein'. " until llw. v,,,,r. .,,,fl,,,,.:i., ,.c 11...
Peter Billmeyer, of Bloom, offered rtltuti(m W,H 1'u-()'tablishod, until the
ir. IV, II, !,,.,- ,,,,t,,i; . integrity of tlio Union wu j nutiirml mul
an its btato-5 and all 1 1- puuplu accepted
the following resolution:
Jlesnlreil. 'I'lm't n-n I, ,,,,111,. .,,1..
i, ...... .... ..,,,.1,, wiiutiisi-
tho action of our State Senator, I). Jj.
Montgomery, and our Reiireseutative,
William H. Jucoby.
Ii. B. Rupert offered tho following
JlesotlTll. Tlml tlirf'im,i-i-,..,l.,..l .....
. ' ...... ...w H, ...-llllUiU V ,11,.
forces meet on Tuesday, tho fourth dav
ui ,-eiu'iuoer next, at isioonisburg.
Jlcxolei'il. MMml tin. st,n,t....!..t i7...r..
ees meet on Tuesday, thu fourth day of
.S.Mitember next, nl lliwiiiwl.iu.,r
Hexnlretl. Tlml Ilm mnini,,,,..-' r n.i.,
- I - J ,11 nn.-,
uiiM'iiuou won; neartny ror the sue
ce.s.s ol the nominees.
On motion tho Convention adjourned.
that result. In the Philadelphia Docla- r "ot'"' 111,(1 to tImuto tht
ration the South joins the Xor i ii do- l!?t:!lrn,l,y '-" of which they
daring that the uuthorltv of thn Constl.
tution lias been restored, and is again
supremo; that the Union U perfect and
perpetual no State or State! having
any right to secede. So as f his fun.
damontal principle Is concerned, there
fore, tho prlnclple-i of the two are iden
tical, oxt eontcs tlio sub ect of
lltUii.ttre. ISOI. I'lMiKlei, ,hi,i leiM
i.i-juiii-ii. nut ii.s siav- vii.
Tun publication of tho official eomv.
pondence, eoninlcte. enables lis In rn: nr.
vey the causes and characieristlcs of the
New Orleans riots, and to c.-tlinato tho
havo been the pretext. To rnmnWi
tho it is neces-arv to keen in m.
membranco the rcnort of the C!m,i
Jury, published sonio days since, and
iiiuhviorn testimonv ution wh p h to n.
eitnl of eircumstances is rounded.
I hereisnotliiiitr in fJeiiernl Rhm-iiiniiia
dispatches which Is calculated to relievo
the promoters of the Convention from
tho responsibility which tho popular
Judgment has alllxed to tlinn. The
n;ny"mns!ituir''Tho Iuu;"T,.1"Vul!lc','1 mimui,y"t-llmony kIiows beyond tils-
lion, iiiul li mu"t im "."'J """ J iu'iiiu'r ;li- lneiiiat tne plan lor reassembling tho
:X i"t or -1 i,o Houihmi "ciugates, wiiu the avowed purpose of
Phvsici.,, in extensive practice in 5k7gE A Siffin?
ICew York notice that of late years a Z HE' ehinWy b tUo H ate was "pr v
nnrked change has occtirreil In the tils- aitttiituTAilZ '!'' ,.'' mn ,r lho oxclten en u l ,.i , ?
'asesthevareealled liunii,v,i 'rua W'J'!!,l"m''?t''.t'' 7i .rV shin- In . tl,n
ea-es theyareealled upon to treat. ThxJWX' $.
i is said, before the Introduction ,,rCro- p-i ;;: ed the scheme s . r 7 " ' .Z.
hi , "111011111 not.
Oeneral Sheridan regard
t ,..,i ,., iiiiimuu- maintain ih am aii.i hi Z-hhT','1 cu 1110 nclieiiio as pregnant with danircr
ton w cr and when the lime water 11- -.,,,,,,,, , N ' ,
pumps nan to no used, stone, gravel, and mm ii.-i. ne... iMsVnueii '"''""' wrta. 0,,,.,. PTlir , uu ,, , 77,
. , , ... ii, iinn, a, i,,, ,u
11.. 1 . , . . . Ulll liUll'lll
i r ' siuuu, gravel, and ivn ui-u neo, lus uiiuci
kindred tllseases wero rreiuent, while
r"1,"' '"""nysnati u diar- i 5,' : r-v
lineai ennracter. lint now thov aro in- P'uititiition,toi,0iu,iio
rreinient, r ml there has been an aninzing luVmiVy Kir. '
increaso in tho number nf iiemiin imn. '"!'.'' ''" '(f
in vtiw nl elititrn icilh.
alms mid political churneler or its uu
mors, 'iney were in his opinion rovo
unionists, whoso movi-mrnis ru.,i,.,i
conlinuid wntching, and upon whoso
bled with eonstinatetl bmcnl -V . Jul!, l it ' 1,1 1 r """""l "'' overt
ditlo.iisnInu.srnn In v,..i, fte'-ft'' "'t justt.y ,,is Interrerence. Wo .have,
i.lme.,1 of ,,11 complaints. This hns been Vpm the subject of slavery tl, e two T he cm, ven , U . ! '
attributed to lead poisoning, and Ismost ro Identical-or rather tho l-hlladel- l lor md elr Xen E"'
noticed in families where water Is not 1'1'ia Declaration acknowledges andac 11 n 2l, ! t, o I oil,,, f' M' '
kept running from theplpes; ami hence "'i-t-s the complete fulfllu.e.U of every co " nf , , ufVI
women are the principal -sufferers from- l-Iedgo and promise ...ado at Baltimore ft ,l -ed m25 !' f11''1'
tho cntnniii nt ir i,,i ,.,.t i.. i, r. .1... ........ . 'uuum, ui. netiiei tfieso res, Its we, o
"' i"'i-s,iiiiuk is ,.s.s.,it., Jiu, lmJ rauinnorn mates roreseen bv llm niim,,,,,! t 1
general, there should be a rule adopted milting In and ratifying this acceptance. "n Question whh nti,,nI;ls, ',r( "".
compelling the removal of lead ..Inesf,,,- tub vatio.vai. .i.-..,, 1 " wWl1' ,M ,u)t w
conveying water from tho inains to tho
interior oi the houses.
cause for which iniillous of tren.ire inan",ZaS,l
e niou erlmrf I "W ""W o.'Cole,'
amis havo laid down their
tho clear antl nnrariilim
11,,,. t....ii.w... .. 1. .. " V '''Vj.'
Htww uiu iigKunu!-) 11 iicjuous crime, 'and iics
TIIK NATION Aii linnr.
fliiltlmorr, ISOI. ildtwIcliMa. IR1W.
nrmucen. llini lllll .Vo. VI
I'TRT.i.TniviP li. 1 1. .1 . i thiaforihlfi.niilnv.,ulJ; l'lJiMiiiuf nr hhmIm
San I'l-oncisco that thu I'lench troops f.""rK'' ''t;n'"i(iiiuiy .:' i"' l!V1'l,',!'V,1,',r ""'
had been ordered tonv,u...ins,,Kni..,.J ''T"" .'?")' nualiiiit thu 1 'V. 1 J .'.'.1
nor aim uoiningo. iiiioi,,nn.rth.-,t n 'h, '?'. '""macju-:.. uppitreut; nUhouir i. In hiiiniif.i.,,, ti.o
Tm: receipts of 1 nternnl loveuuo since 'iu 'To h.V,,?,,l'ui,s,,.''1" T' I!?' 0'l"t'0 upou tllIs l"'lllt' wo a,' rt,'llr-
............. ... ult, - ... - . .w ...... i-,i III lllll. llllll Til, I n,,..ll... ..1 1...
isuiirthuNutlvuiilCiif. , ui 1 I ,,'""'f uhi'r ........... ...v. ,vtuiiiii uiiciiiiisinu-
uaiuro oi the operating cuuso. WJmt
they proposed, what llnw ti,
nnd what they did, produced the riots.
And, in aligning the degrees or respon
slbillly, they must bear their full simre.
Tho wisdom of tim Pill I .--.ft i. ,.,1
by tho local civil ni,tl,orle3 Is not ro
it to hav 0 "(Vn u policeman tt 1
colored n ,an in t'10 procession; t
to other si lts ,,(t 'r '-
cession." Again at the Meelwr'
stittite: rmv occurred belt
lioliceinan a. ,,(' onof the colons
antl a shot w& " llrc'' '' m
parties." Bv whom matters lilt
inn. llmf nnrinl ding to Shorldit
sides had now i 'nxomo so excite
their relative vit ,Ienco 00111(1 ou
ily distinguished.
It is plain, how. Jvcr' l,mt ln "
Peouont scenes tho rl-C were p:
sxce-ises that adm'l fc of no l'J
'h ''hoy shot down pi ?ms
m 'ight have quietly i 'irrestcd, nr.
)U haved most cruelly to prisoner
- Mielr power. Sherh -a-'fl wli
'.lies, written immet Widely nf
j,u rn rrom Tcxns, nnd without,-
ge or actual know iciim;'
trong words upon th ls I"'iK
urder," ho wrote on "1(,f
. "Itwosnn absolute. ",:l's
io," ho wrote on thos "t'nc
sixth, when proparh 'K '
mtinl stntement In ro.
's inquiries, the Ocner, '
res in the remurk
ss manner in which t
broken tin. I feel o
tw m
iitent et-nt
the morcilt
verstEo wa
ongropiignnnco." In
spateh of the date 1
uot differ In Its ef-f
Us received from
to express. s,ti
tlio entire,- ill
l'v-rmSfo- tloes
from trie ttctn.
sou fee.
And Iuiw Ktn.
In l-elntCoufo tht
ioih-tl lis. in fict
nlvwl wicft Loulsi
nnd destroy'!
ilenco nownrcrmp.
V.'o nro conteiu' (tt h
any candid mwTurof .
patches. From; ITot f
dent took palrtf tw wph
ire.-ervo tho jK-aee. lie
IWUrcd tho elvtt airfEin
ojiemtion of the mifitar
the law. After the rtot
was possible to hlrt-iit!;the
Bairtl nnd Sherld .'ill. mu
declarnllon of mnrtln? Ia
er, and vesting in tho 1
authority for (ho mainte
piiiuie peace and surety."
President did wns in tltost.
unco of duty; and If moro v,
it was hecnuso moro wok no
nllny tho local excitement nn
llsii tho ordinary autltoritv
the law. AVio York Times,
ids Preshlcnt .W
i niTnir? llo hit'
a murderer, wlii
'una ofllclnls to'
men. Hoes the
'etc form befor"
nvo the iin1
tho published
o Inst the 1'
old the Ia
fore- the ri
v 'ities of th
y In jaippi' .
ho did ii"'
n thebaic
by the r
nflf.r "
let iri
'as lift'
t net
d Tfc
the I'oniinencemont of the current llseal
year nave noen ovor for v.n nn m llin,,o
of dollars, or mom Hum uiu. .,,im,.,,
one huudrod thoiiMind tlollars a dav, ex
vludlng Sunday.
ii,..,rii... v'..i . Ilm III IU'rliirinlno ..!... oii,iiifoo7 io I ces arisinn. nut ..u 7 ",l ' ,
ifituiil ..,., ' . ,. v' " i""'i
KtaiiT hundred thniisniul
ho distributed in prizes at th
position. Among othei-s
I'jtizej of ten thousand fra
ono capital prio of tmo In
and its ncs, to local estnbll
are must suceesaful by '
tlon una inniiiieeniont in
pro:i.i nnd hnrmonr
anil liitoHeetunl woi'Mit -
atlves. This inrorm af
eiaiiyeom miiiilcnttc '
Ai,i, kfnds of blun
tills OlUVD.
ti r.aufi
' .o.."
f HI "
iinUed v,
their orf
, proinoti1,
Ingot Utf,
ion has' lK ,
to the Scci'
Uh can I'-1 1