THE COLUMBIAN, DLOOMSBUllG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1866. BABY ON TIT.E POUCH. OPT on (lie porch, by the open door, Sweet Willi roses nnd ronl Willi shade, llnhy Is rrceplna over the Amir Dcnr 111 llo winsome bluc-c cd maid. All ntwiit her the idimlovrs dnnrc, All nbnvc her the roses Miliar, Hunbenuis In llin lattice Kbinee, Kobhis up 111 the brunches fltiR. Up nt Ilia blossoms her IIiieci leach, Lisping her plcndlnn In broken words, L'ooIuk nwny In her tender speech Hours like the twltlrr of ncslllinr birds, I'rerntug, rrci-pliiR over llic floor, Soon my blrdln will dud her wring. l'Tuttcrhu! out nt Hip oprii donr Into llio wonderful wmld of things. llloom of rosc nnd bnlni of .lew, llroohs Unit linliblo mid winds that rail, All Ihhiirs lovely nnd Kind nnd new, Anil l'allicr watching lis over It nil. AGRICULTURAL. licit Ilrrtds of Cattle for Dnlry Purpose. A wiiiTiut on dairy stock In llio Murk I.nno KrjircAS thus nil inks to tlio lirowN most in esteem in Grwit ilrlliilii: "Of breed-) in ireneral use, nnd of acknowl edged merit for dniry jmrixww, nro the Dutch, Short-Horns, Crtwses, nnd the Ayrshire. Dutch Utlo nro of Inrjrc size ; prevailing color bhick, with some times n white patch over tho back, re' senilillng ashect, nnd nro from this dis tinguished by the unmoor sheeted cows. They nro heavy milkers, but the milk is of rather poor qunllty, nnd not very product ivo of butter, l'or this reason they nro more suitable for parties who have, largo contracts, nnd supply work houses, prisons, hospitals, nnd other public institutions with milk, thnn for the ordinary farmer who has to maim facturo his prodtico into butter and cheese. Another very serious objection to Dutch cattle Is tho dllllculty of fat toning them when past their prime, nnd tho largo quantity of food they consume in tlio endeavor to prepare them for tho butcher. On account of Hum) two faults in tho character of tills nt one time pop ular breed, they have of lato years been going down in public estimation. Of nil other descriptions of cattle Short Horn Crosses nro now the most popular, wliero dairy business and rearing anil feeding are carried on simultaneously. They are, for tlio most part, admirable milkers; their calves, both heifers nnd bullocks, can be fed off nt an early nge, and, coming to heavy weights, bring largoaud remunerative prices; while the cows themselves, when no longer useful for tho dairy, nro easily fattened, nnd can bo quickly got rid of. In the three kingdoms, but more particularly Kng land and Ireland, this variety of cattle Is to be found in every county, and on every kind of land, varying in size, of course, according to tho quality of the land. Tho same distinctive features are, however, always retained, and they at tain an immense size, nnd give extraor dinary quantities of milk, wliero the Foil Is rich nnd the climnto congenial to their habits and constitutions. The Ayrshire next claims attention ; nnd it may bo concluded with safety that when dairy produce is tho sole ob ject, nnd where the laud is light and of indifferent quality, this breed is the most valuable of any. More size in this caso is not much of an object, as the small Ayrshire is considered a better dairy cow than tho larger or medium sized variety. To keep them small in size, and partly to adapt them to the in ferior pnsturesof Ayrshirennd neighbor ing counties, they nro very moderately kept in tlio earlier stages of their growth, particularly in the second year. This is supposed to add to their milking prop erties, nnd ns thoy nro generally made to produce nt tho ngo of two years, an Ayrshire cow on Iter native paturo is usually very small indeed. When re moved to other countries, and placed upon richer pasture, they grow larger; but by doing bo, tho milking powers tire unquestionably Injured. So marked is tliis principle, that tho Ayrshire cow is seldom found in tho samo perfection, as n milker, as she Is to be seen on her na tive soil, which may be said to compro mise tho county from which sho derives her name, nnd the adjacent counties of Lanark, Itenfrew, and Dumbarton. There sho takes her position as the dairy cow par excellence, nnd is highly and de servedly prized. To De.troy (lie Pntnlo llnfr." A coniiKSi'ONiinxT sends to the i Vfi- rlc Fanner a remedy for tho potato bug, It consists of one gallon of coal-oil to n barrel of water, mixed well together. Bprlnklo lightly upon tho potato vines out of a watering-pot, or n siiuill brush, nnd theywill disappear. Tho editor of tho J'wmcr endorses tho receipt as fol lows: "Wo doubt not thnt tlio above will prove tho thing, nnd we hope our readers will try It nnd report results. If our readers will bear in mind that as insects breatho through spiracles, oil is moro disastrous to them than anvthlng else, they would havo tho clue to the saving of tho moat of their trees nnd vines. Dark lice, scale insects, turnip flies, caterpillars, flea bentles, and in fact nil Insects which can bo reached, are destroyed by it. Any oil will do, but it must bo kept stirred, so as not to re main on top of tlio water, and for thli reason a brush or syrlngo is preferable to a watorlng-can, Tills mixturo is also quite beneficial to plants, ns Is manifest from tlio healthy start they take after Its application. IJoue C'linrconl. Do.viicirAiicoAi, is made by healing bones in closed ve-sels called retorts. Tho gases which pans oil' during tlio heating contain carbonate of ammonia ; these are condensed in water. Tho II quid Is then mingled with tlno ground plaster. Tills contains sulphate of am monia and earbonato of lime. Tho li quid Is then drawn of from tho chalky earbonato of Hmo; and tlio niiiinoula salt Is obtained by evaporation. Tho bones nro now heated again to diivo oil' tho volutllo substances. They are then broken down and pulverized, nnd thoy may now bo uod as a fertilizer. ftlirrn. Kkup tar upon their nose to keep off the bot-lly, width citise-. grubs in the head ; examine ranis about tlio horns mid heads and elsewhere for wounds, which soon become maggolty If neglect ed. Wash them out and apply very warm pluo tar. FOR YOUTHFUL READERS. The Krvm Itnxni.. Ah many strange tilings conic to pass In tlio world, so there was a poor wo man who had seven sons at n birth, all of whom lived and throve. After some years the same woman had a daughter. Her husband was a very Industrious anil active man, on which account people in want of a handicraftsman were very willing to take him into their service, so that ho could not only support his numerous family In an honest maimer, hut earned so much that, by prudent economy, his wife was enabled to layby a little money for a rainy day. Dut this good father died In the prime of life, and tho poor widow soon fell Into poverty; for sho could not earn enough to support nnd clothe her eight children. Her seven hoys grew bigger, nnd dally required more and more, be sides which, they were a .great grief to their mother, for they were wild and wicked, The poor woman could hardly stand against all tho alllictious that weighed so heavily upon her. She wished to bring up her children in the paths of virtue, but neither mildness norseventy availed anything the boys' hearts were hardened. One day, when iter patience was quite exhausted, sho spoke thus to them : "Oil, you wicked young ravens 1 would that you were seven black ravens, nnd would fly away, so that I might never see you again!" and tho seven boys immediately became seven ravens, ilewout of tho window and disappeared. The mother now lived with her little daughter in pence and contentment, nnd was nblo to earn more than she spent. And tho young girl grew up handsome, modest, nnd good. Hut after some years had passed, both mother and daughter began to long after the seven boys ; they often talked about them, and wept; they thought, that could only the seven brothers return and lie good lads, how well they could live by their work, nnd have so much pleasure in one an other. And as this longing in the heart of the young maiden increased daily, she one day said to her mother : " Dear mother, let me wander in the world in quest of my brothers, that I may turn them from their wicked ways, and make them a comfort and-a bless ing to you in your old age." The mother answered : "Thou good girl, 1 will not restrain thee from accomplishing this pious deed. tio, my child, nnd may Clod guide thee!" She then gave her a small gold ring which she had formerly worn when a child, nt tlio time tlio brothers were chnngeil into ravens. The young girl set out, and wandered far, very far away, and for a long time sho found no traces of her brothers; but at length she "time to the foot of a very high mountain, on the top of which stood n small dwelling. At the moun tain's! foot she sat down to rest, all the while looking up in deep thought at tho little habitation. It appeared at first to her like a bird's nest, for it was of gray ish line, as if built of small stones and mud ; then it looked like a human dwelling. Sho thought within herself: "Can that be my brothers' habitation V" And when she at length saw seven ravens Hying out of the house, sho was con tinued in her conjecture. Full of joy, she began to ascend the mountain; but the road that led to the summit was paved with curious glass like stones, so that every time she had with tlio greatest caution proceeded but a few paces, lun-feet slipped and she fell down to the bottom. At tills she was sadly disheartened, and felt completely at a lo.-s how to get up, when she chanced to see a beautiful white goo-e, and thought: "If I had only thy wings, I could soon bo at the top." She then thought again: " Hut can I not cut thy wings oil". yes, they would help me." So she caught tlio beautiful goose, nnd cutoll" its wings, also its legs, and sewed them on to herself; and see! when sho attempted to ily shy succeeded to per fection ; and when she was tired of Hy ing she walked a littlo on tlio goose's feet, and did not slip down again. She arrived at length safely at the desired spot. When at tho top of tho mountain she entered the littlo dwelling, it was very small; within stood seven tiny ta bles, seven little chairs, seven littlo beds, and In tho room were seven little win dows, and in the oven seven little dishes, in which were littlo baked birds nnd seven eggs. The. good sister was weary after her long Journey, anil rejoiced that she could once again take some rest and appease her hunger. So she took the seven lit tlo dishes out of tho oven and ate a littlo from each, and sat down for n while on each of tho seven little chairs, and lay down on each of tho little bods; but on tho last she fell asleep, nnd there re mained till tho seven brothers came back. They (lew through tlio seven win dows Into tho room, took their dishes out of tho oven, and began to eat, but Instantly saw that n part of their f.iro had disappeared. They then went to lie down, nnd found their beds rumpled, when one of the brothers uttered a loud cry, and said s "Oh, what a beautiful young girl there Is on my bed !" Tho other brothers How quickly to sec, and with amazement beheld tho sleep ing maiden. Then the one said to the other: " Oh, If only sho were our sister !" Then thoy again cried out to onch other with Joy: "Yes, It is our si-ter; oh, ye-, It Is; Just such hair sho had, and Jtist such a mouth, nnd Jiist such u littlo gold ring sho woro on her iniddio linger as sho now has on her littlo one." And thoy all danced for Joy, nnd all kissed their sister; but she continued to sleep so soundly that It was a long time before she awoke. At length tho maiden opened her eyes, and saw her seven black brothers stand ing nbout tho bed. She then said : "Oh, happy meeting, my dear broth ers; Ood be praised that I have at length found you 1 I have bad a long and te dious Journey on your account, In the hope of fetching you back from your banishment, provided your hearts are Inclined never more to vex and trouble your good mother; that you will work with us diligently, and bo tlio honor unit comfort of your old ullectloiiiito parent." During this discourse tho brothers wept bitterly, nnd answered: " Yes, dearest sister, we will bo bet ter; never more will we offend our mother again. Alas! as ravens wo have led n nii-erable life, nnd before wo built this hut we almost perished with hun ger and cold. Then came repentance, which racked us day mid night ; for we were obliged to live on tho bodies of poor executed criminals, and were there by nlwnys reminded ofthosinnor'sond." The sister shed tears of joy nt her broth ers' repentance, and on hearing them utter such pious sentiments. "Oh!" exclaimed she, "all will be well. When you return home, and your mother sees bow penitent you are, she will forgive you from her heart, and re store you to your human form." When tho brothers were about tore turn home with their sister they said, while opening a small box : " Dear sister, take the-o beautiful gold rings and shining stones, which we have from time to time found abroad; put them in your apron and carry them home with you, for with them we shall be rich as men. As ravens we collected them only on account of their brillian cy." Tlio slsterdld as her brothers requested her, and was pleased with tho beautiful ornaments. As they journeyed homo first one of tho ravens and then another bore their sister on their pinions, until they reached their mother's, dwelling, when they Hew in at the window and implored her forgiveness, and promised that in future they would be dutiful children. The sister also prayed and supplicated for them, and the mother was full of joy and love, and forgave her seven sons. They then became human beings again, and were fine blooming youths, each ono as large and graceful as tho other. With henrtrolt gratitude they kissed their dear mother and darling sister; and soon after, all the seven brothers married young discreet maid ens, built themselves a large, beautiful house (for they had sold their Jewels for a considerable sum of money), and the house-wnrniing was the wedding of all the seven brothers. Their sister was also married to nit excellent man, and at the earnest desire of her brothers, she and her husband took up their abode with them. The good mother had great joy and pleasure in her children in her old age, and a long as she lived was loved and honored by them. WIT AND WISDOM. Tin: way to make a hole in your in come is to pay a large rent. Tin; largest tin-tacks must lie the in come tax, for that's a regular nailer! Tool! consolation for us survivors that " tho good die first." Tin: truly brave have as calm a Judg ment in the midst of danger as out of it. What two fish should bo tied togeth er on a frosty day '.' Skates and soles. Hr.sKiNATiox is a virtue that is often made a necessity of in the political world. Castt.ks in the air have no founda tion ; but in some dehisivo schemes you will find abasement. " You cruel man, my tears have no effect on you at nil." " Well, drop them, dear." What is rest? Going out of the choir for refreshments during sermon time. What Is called singing with "an un derstanding'."' Marking time on the floor with your foot. O.v being told of a surgeon who am putated a lady's arm, and afterward married her, Nix wondered bow she could have got around biin so. What n satisfaction it must bo to the Km press of tho French that the Em peror has given up tho idea of paying a visit to Xancy ! "Di:ah DAiniA,whon we were court ing, you were very dear to mo; but now you'ro my wife, nnd I am paying your bills, you seem to get dearer ami dearer." A saccy debtor was recentlycaution ed by n saucy debtor to tie-ware. He didn't take heed, and tho next time we hoard of him lie was turned into a "stone jug." Tin: best fellow in the world, sir, to get money; for us ho sends you half (-ash, half wine, why, if you can't tako up his bill, you've always poison at hand for a remedy." " Did tho minister put a stamp on you when you was married, Mary?" ,(A stamp, Charlie! What for, pray?" "Why, matches ain't legal without a stamp, you know." Ji'DY nitAi,i:o.vv, having been re quested" to open soino oysters, after knocking them about somo .time, ex claimed : " I'poii my conscience, but they are mighty hard to peel !" A man' who pretended to have seen a ghost, was asked what the ghost said to him? "How should I uudemtaud," replied tho narrator, "what he said? 1 am not skilled lu any of tho dead languages." A i,Ai) applied to tho captain of a vessel for a berth ; tho captain, wl-hlng to Intimidate lilni, handed him a piece or u rope, and said : "if you want to make tv good sailor you must make three ends to the rope." " 1 can do it," ho readily replied; "hero Is one, and hero Is another that makes two, Now, hero's the third," and ho threw It over-hoard. JOS. HI KUKh it J I. S. FISTKH, (Ijitrttl.-fjfl.Wlrft.tMrvIn,) Importer" nnd Jobbers of HIIV OOOI iH, No, 17 North Third Street, Vhlhidclphtu. Af.Htmi iiYimt.v, VFJt, K, At.llllillltr, S. II. SCOTT. ) I'KSKMi .fc WOODHUFF, ViTinlcsnle Healers 111 TOllACCOS, CKIAUS, l'U'l'.s, Ac, Ac, No. 1.1 North Third Slreet, nbovo .Muilul, l'lillndelphln. JOHN C. YKAOKH & CO., Wholewile Dealers In HATS, (.'AIH, StTllAW (lOOPS, AND i.adiiw nniM, Ni). i-,7 North Third Slreet, l'ldlndelphhi. 0 D. ltOHIUXS & CO., lltONMr.lK.'HANTst, Norlhcnst corner of Second nml Vine Strtits, l'hllmlelphln. s. h. HKTTIjK, with lU.'NH, Ilt'NNA CU, Diiv noons, No. n North Third Slreet, lMillndelphln. JHISllMUTII, HH0TI1KH & CO., WIIDI.KSAf.i: TOIIALVO DKAI.KItSt, No. Ill North Third Slreet, live doors below Ihur. 1'neloiles, Nos. Sil nnd !3"i (Miniiy Slieel, riillndelphhl. J V. DAMHKHT, With ItOSH, SIIO'IT & CO., Importers mid Jobbers or cloths, cAssi.Mi:urs, visvi'inhh, ac, No. 311 Mnrket Sliced, l'hllndelphln. "L'NU Kill CI I SaIITII, wnot.KsAr.i: riitocKirs, No. 1) North Third Sheet, Illll.ldelphl.-l. J il. LOXOSTHKTJI, l'Ai'iiit-HANoiNo WAi!i:imrKi:, No. 12 Noilh Third Stleel, l'hlhiilclphln. r W. HLAHOX A- CO., Mnmir.iclmcrs of Oil, CLOTHS AND WINDOW SltADIX, Wmclmiise, No. 1JI North Third Slice!, I'lillndelphln. M. M. MAHIUjK, NOTIONS, HOSIKItY, OLOVKS, AND l'ANCVddODS, No. .M Noi Hi Thhd Sheet, l'hllmk'lphln. piKKXIX STOVK DKI'OT. HKATnltS, HANOIIM, ANDKTOVIX, Wholewile anil lielall. l'ATI'.NT ANTI-DUST COOKINfi SiTOVH. vulcan iii:ati:h, for heatlnn two or more rooms. I'AHLOIt, COOKING, LAUNIIltV, HHATINO, and c cry vnihly of .M'OVIIS. JOHN I. 1IIS, No. ni') Noilh Second Street, Philadelphia. JOIIX K. FOX & CO., KTOCIC AND I.XCHANdi: IlIlOKiniS, No. 11 South Third Stiect, rilH.mciphla. SSl'LCIi: AND IlANK-NOTKst, ALL KINDS OP STOCKS AND 111 )NDS botmht nod sold on commission. Attention given to collections on all accessible points. JKXXKI)Y, STA1HS & CO., VllOLI-SALKl'IsH DKALCIIS, Nos. I SO anil ltlNorlh Wharves, Phlladclpbln. c III VHLKS 11. MAlUMiK, Importer and Dealer In tANDIl WIN1. (11NS, I.IiJUOItS, WINi; IlITTKliS, Ac, No. li Norlh Third Sheet, abi o Arch, west slile, I'hlludclphta, jMlYAh it HOYKIt, Successors lo (IlLltllltT, I10VAI. A: CO., WHOLCSALi: DltUfldlsTS, Importers Mill Dealers In DUUOS, MHDICINIX, Sl'ICIN, PAINT'S, OIIJS, OLAhsl, DVi: isTUITS, Ac, Nos, ami and 311 Not th Third Sh eet, l'hlladclplila. JTAOKX, IJOYD & CO., COMMISSION MKUCIIAN'IX. and Wholesalo Drains In I.r..r AND .MAMTACTlhtKD TOIIALVO, SCOAIIS, Ac, No. 1)1 North Thlldsitreet, l'hlliidclphla, l'onsli;nor, can forward their Mock "III llond,' without pii'iuylnthe United stales lux. 1 7STAHIJ.S1IKD 17M. JOI1DAN A lIUOTHint, WHOLIXALn CHUKTUIS, and Dealei-h In BALTT'HTIti; AND 1IHIJIHTOXE, No W Norlh Third Sin el, Philadelphia, JllXKH & HOST, SucccssorK to rinnhlin l'.Sellcr A Co., Impnttci-H nnd Wholesalo Dealers In LKiUOIlS, WINIX, Ac, Noj.IIUnnd llJNoilhThliaSlreel, rhll.idclphla, "1? J. LKSTKH, WholcHJlo and Hctnll Denier In FOIIKia.V AND HOMIWTIU CAIll'iriS, OH. CI.OTIIH, WINDOW MIAIUW, Ac, No, North fccuuid Sheet, oj.p. L'hrlil Church, 1'hnr l"lphu. yitODlIKAl) & KAUH, Maniifacliirers nnd Wholesale Dinttin 111 llOOTrt AND SIIOi:st, No. !ll Norlh Third Slreet, t'hllndelpliln. 'JMlK UXIOX HOTKh, Arch Street, between Third nnd l'minti HtreetK, Philadelphia.' cmtmT wi:iu:n, Proprietors, gT. CllAKIiKS 110TKI-, ON TIIK KUItOl'lIAN 1'LAN, Nos. Ml, l!J, (il, and IW Norlh Third Sheds, between Market and Arch Streets, Philadelphia. CIIAllIXst KI.lX'KNint, Manager. G 1 1 It AIM) 1IOFSK, Comer or Ninth and Chestnut Streets, l'hllndclphln. H.W. KANAOA, 1'ioprlelor. t-ATSOX A- .IAXXKY, Importers anil Jobbers of SILK AND I'ANCV DI1IM (100DS, SHAWLS AC, No. nil Market SI i eel, 1'hlln.lclphln. p A. IIKXDHY, Successor lo Hendry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer III HOOTS ANDSIIOUS No. ,Vi Neath Third Sheet, l'hlladclplila. H Vi 1K'moiAX' with LIPI'INCin-l'ATltO'lTKH, WiluLIXALIUIItiiCLItH, North Water Sheet, ami No. LU North Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. G I KOIUJK II. HOHKHTS, Imporler and Denier In HAllDWAltl:, CUTLLItV, OCXS, Ac, No. lill Noi Ih Thhd Slreet, above, Vine, Philadelphia. B KXJAMIX GHKKX, Dealer In CAllPrl'INflS, WINDOW SIIADLS, OILCLOTHS, .MATS, AC, No. :i Noilh Second Sheet, Philadelphia. J V. HKAHD, with LIPPINCOTT, I10ND A- CO., .M.inur.ieliiiersaiid Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CAI-S, 1'CIIS, ANDSTltAW (ilJODS, No. IP! Market Sheet, Philadelphia. J)OWK, Kl'STOX kt CO., MauufachllerK and Wholesale Dealers In COTTON VAIINS, CAISIT.T CHAINS, 11ATTS, WICKS, TIi: VAIINS, lOUDAdi:, llltoOMS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAltll, I.I lOlCCidl.ASSLS, CLOCKS, I'ANCV IIASKLTS TA11I.K, 1'I.OOlt, AND CAItltlAfir. OIL CLOTHS, AC, No. ..HI Maikel Street, south side, I'hlladilphla. T II. WAUTKH, Kite Walter A Kaub, Impoiler and Dealer lu CHINA, (1LASS, ANIHH'lXNSWAItl', No. 2J Xorlh Third Sheet, between ltnee and Vine Philadelphia. "JSTAHIilSlIKD 1S3). 1 JOHN UllAKIItT A CO., WHllI.r.SALi: DIll'IKIIsTS, and Dcalcis In CIIL.MICALS, MIIDICINLS, I'ATI'.NT MLDI (.'INKS, SPICKS, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW (ILASS, VAltNISIIUS, lives, Ac, Ac, Southeast corner of Thhd and Callow hill Sis., Philadelphia. HaIHKL'STKH a- HltOTlIKIl, Impoilcls and Jobbers of jiosikiiv, (ii.ovns, SlllllTS AND DliAWl'.IlS, nriToxs, susi'j:.vdi:i:s, 11001' SKI H I'S, HA.VDKi:itCHIi:i-S, TH 111 IADS, SlAVINd SILKS, TTll.MMINiiS, 1'OIITM M ON N A IKS, soaiv, pi:m'UMi:uv, tancv hoods, and NI iTIONH 1 1 KNKlt A LI .V, Also Manufacturers of nitlTSHUS AND L'lOKINll OLASSIX, anil Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAItll, 11U00MS, IIOI'KS.TWINKS, Ac, No. Noi Hi Third Street, aboMi Vine, Philadelphia. QOTTKKI.I, AY It ICS, Wholesalo Dealels in l'ISll.CIIIXSi:, Ac, Ac, No. IKi Noilh Whaives, second door above Anil Sheet, Philadelphia. JJAHCHOFT & CO., Importers and Johbcix of STAl'Li: AND I'ANCV DUV 10O)S, CLOTHS, L'ASSI.MIIIHX, llLANKiri'S, LINKNS, wnrn: ooods, liosiuuv, ac, Nos. m and M7 Market Sh ect, ubove I'ourth, north side, Philadelphia. pj" W. HAXK'S WHOLIISALIITOIIACCO, MNl'IV, AND CKl.Mt WAUKIIOUSL', No, 110 Norlh Third Sheet, between Cherry and Itaee, west side, Philadelphia, JOSKIMI S. DKW,, Maiiufaehiierof nnd Wholesalo Denier In CLOTHING, CLurilS, CASSlMLlllis, AND VIXJ'INfiS, No, H North Third Street, I'lilla'.lolphl.i IliLKH it KliDKU, Wholesnlo nooicsr.Li.r.its, ktationms, AND 1ILANIMIOOK MANtTAlTLMiniW. No. ail Norlh Third HI ret I, Philadelphia, Wall nml Citrlnhi I'apers, nnd Slnllnnery trni- I'lnlly, psTAHlilSHKl) 1823. w. CAitmiNTnit, nr,Nszr.Y a lu, WlIOL!'.SALt: DltUOOtSTH, No. 7.17 Mniket Stu d, one door below Klhlh, Philadelphia. DllffIS, Ml'.DlCINlN, ClIICMICALH, PAINTS, OIL'S, (ILASS, VAUN'ISHIJl, DVI'-S, nnd every other ni tide perlnlldniflo tho business, of the best quality, and at lowest market rales. yxwiKWs, wn.uixs & co., jienieis in l'OIll'.KlN AND DO.MKSTIC DUV HOODS, No.'iOlMmkcl Sheet, Philadelphia, gXYDKIt, HAHItlS & HASSIHT, Manufacturers nml Jobbers of MKN' S AND llOV'S CLOTHINll, Nos, Ml Maiket, nnd WJCouiluerce Street, Philadelphia, "y KAVKlt tV SIMtAXKIiK, wiioi.KSAi i: (inocr.iis and commission MKIICIIANTS, Nos, anil uV7 Arch Sheet, Philadelphia. T I. IUTKKIIAHT. Importer and Dealer lu IKON AND STIILL, No. 10 I'lolil Sheet, Philadelphia. II L'HHAII FOIl CATAWISSA! THIS WAY I'Olt 11A1KIA1NS. Ooods to compare with slrhnreney of the money market. Look and eoiapaie pilees before pin ehaslna elscMheie. Just call at the favorite busi ness stand of McNINCH A SIH'MAN, and you will be met by llieobllshm proprietors or I iiei r clerks, anil si town through thclt great varlety sloie frcnofeharire.of course. They will kIvo.vmu ii fair chance to spend your Imwo chaime, they tills! mm h more prolitably than It can he spent elsewheiu. Their stock or DUV OOODS lids Spring Is much lamer In nil Us vailelles Ihan usual. Their LAD1I-S' DUHSS OOODS are of the nicest styles In maiket. They have a Hue nssoitiucitt oi HATS. CAl'S, HOOTS AND SIIIILS, su.MMLit cloths, cAssixirrs, CASSIMKHl'.S, AND VI'.STINUS, and numerous nt tides common to such establish ments, besides a KCIictal assoi hucnt of HAllIlWAlli:, TINWAUi:, iH'KKXSWAIIi:, and (iiuici:nir.s all at meally icdueeil prices. They w lsb to con duct their business on the s stein of "PAY As YOU do," and they think Ihey can allot'il losell verycheap, Theyietuiii their thanks for many past lawas, and ask tlio future p.ihotiaKo of their loriuer i us turners and the public geiieially. MrNINCII A- SIH'MAN. TIATAWISSA It A ILHOA I). J riom and alter Hi lober IMIa, I lie trains will Hiss iilipi'll .is MMMIWs; (toi.Mi Nolllll. I'.lmlla Mall at I cm.; llrle i,.aess ai .':is a.m. (loiNii Son il. Philadelphia Mnll at II a.m. New York Kpiessat 1 cm. IlKOIICli: WKIIIl, Supt. JM kTaW AXX A A X 1 ) JJ L( )( ) a I S 1 ; lll'IKi 1IAIL1IIIAII. i in and niter Mnicli 11, Will, I'assciiKer Tinlns will l an as follows ; Sor'niw Min. Leave Scranlou at kini'.v. and ' uifi-UMi in i. i. ill hi ...i. ; I til ii Ml is. ImiualsrJili'.M.aud nrJi.i.M. Anlveat Noi I hum. beiland al H: "in cm. and lu:.t" a.m. Non i n wa mi. I o Noilhuuibeilaud al 7 a.m and "i cm.; itloiimsbiiiK at s:ii a.m. and :-', cm. Seranlunat Ihn'i s.M.aud II cm. Airlveal Senile lou at l-':la a.m. and Iml i cm. II. A. l'ONDA, Supt. KImsslon, Maieli 1.1, Iski. (l HKATIMCXXSYLVAXI A HOL'TK A tollie NOP.TII AND WI'.ST. I'Ol'll DAILY TI1ANINS. ON AND AITKlt MAI1CII I.', lsirfi, trains will leaeas lollows: Leave Wash'll. Leave Hallo. I'.spicss aiau ;i;aa , Cast Line 7;'Ma.i. e. m Plltsiauii and LHellx.. I: !il cm. 7:ii cm. i iiisiiuiK nun i. liana v.7i iiar.M, I':J )1,.M, TWO Til A INS O.V SUNDAY, (Coiuiii llim at I i.i 1 1 1 mi ii i I'ine Wasbiuglou at I'li.'iaud 7:10 cm. si.i:r:i'iN(i c.vns on all nkiiit thains. LOW I'AIli: AND IH'ICK TOIII. Cum run Ihioai.di froin llallhaoie to l'lllsburj; Krle, or Kim Ira without clianue, .1. N. DUIIAIIIIY. Sllii'llllleudelli piml)FrLiMiiA 7xi7 ' f.hTk 1 llAILllllAD.-Thls peal line haveisis Hie liollliein and noitliwi st counties ol 1 Vmiw liaula to the cilv ol Kile, ol Ijike Kile. It lias been leased and Is operated hv the PKNNSYLVANIA It.MLIiOAD COMl'ANY. Time of Passenaer Trains at Noiiliumlicilauil: Lkavk KisrwAiMi. Kile Mall'l'ialii. ll:i'i cm Kile Kxpiess Tialn.lWiA.M.i Klmlra Mall T lulu, ia:iiA..M. Li:avi; Wr-srwAiin. Krle Mall Train, ,', .m.. Klie i:piessTraln, 7:11 1-..M.; Klmlrii Mall Tialn, W P.M. ' I'assenuei' cai-s inn tlirouKlion the llrle Mall and i.xpicss irains wniioiii i nailer lu.lh wins lie tweeii l'hlladclplila and Kile. Nl'.w VmiK 1'o.N.Ni.n ins-, l,eae New York al I A.)i,, all l e al !i:l."i a.m.; I.eaie Kiieal l:.V CM.,nirlveal New Yoik at a: la cm. .li.,llil si ,hi ,u ,.t. .,11 ..I,. I., l'or Inloimalliin respeetlni; passi unci- business apply at Hie corner of Tliiitleth and Maikel Sheets, Philadelphia; and lor IicIkIiI laisinesvof loe i .mi pan,! s aireuis, S. II. Klimstoii1.lrcoinerorTwellthand Maike Sheds, Plilladelihl.i; .1. W. Ile noi, is, Kile; Wll Ham Itiown, Aaent, liiilllniine. II. II. lliiUsniN, (lencral Ureliilit Auent. Philadelphia. II. W. (iWl.NNKll, OeneralTlcliet Alien I. I'bhadeljilda. (leneral Supeilnlcuden't, Vllllaiiisi!oi. March '.V, Isiji. 1) KADI NO ltAll.ltOAI). 1 SL'MMKIt AIIHANOKMKNT. April 21, IMiii. (Ileal Tnini; Line nan the Noi Hi and Northwest lor Philadelphia, New orli, Iteadlov;, Polt8 llio I amaniiu, Ashland, Lebanon, Allenlown, liasluu AC, Ac. Trains leave HaiTisburi,' for NewYoik na fob lows: At :i, Ts in. and Wrt a.m., and a nnd twi p.m. ciinneellmt wltli similar trains on ihe Peniisvl. and III a.m., and '1:111 and Iiuj p.m. Sleeilntf Cais cieinwe iiioos, wniioiii Leave Ilarilsbuia for HenillnB, PotUvnie.Tnnia. , , i ,,iii T i"; , ' . - l ine i ,rn. e.vlllt'll low 11, anil Philadehi ilaat 7:10 am., and 2 and Hssi c.m. V 1 1 '''""""''indprllii-ipal ay Stations 'Vi " ,'i'M' 'I!,'1,1; "'- ""elose eonnecllniislor I'oltsyllleor Philadelphia, l'or Pottsvllle, S, ,v. kill nawii. aud Aiibuin, la Sdui) Iklll nnd Has. nuebmina (la hoad, leae Ilnirlkhiiru nil 1-1 P.M. p-. J 1 m'. ; 11 iHiii it 1 1 .l.ii t s. a.m. iiiiil .I'liai'.M. Polls. ..... ... ..... r,j.. jiruiMUHl III u JUKI i AM.jiuiil J:Uii,M.; TuiiuuUii ut ti; n a.m. mid I HUM nl 1", W, l.MllVlt HiiIIlvIIIi r. .. II I. !... - . i . .... a. d susiiueuanaa iffllKiT.?:!. nt"", a :y ;. , imn hnom Phii,;;,;:, xvzrs "l 1 ' 'VJ111''' ll'dhoad Trains leave ItendhiK at s , ,1 ,'"ii m. ,'v 1 " A;:!i let, a, i,; , ; . i. . r.' . .. ,v , uu.i. Mint ul 7; iji a.m. ! iraiiUliinmi!l):ir 01. i nml )"u. v v i. ' ! . mill i: w a. si. for I', . . I Vi " ' "tiimi'-ituiiu. S('lllHl) 'IhL'olv nl i-i. .,, r'l ii m I 1 1 i . I f". . ' ri,sn, lAi'UMloii, an 1 mti'N to ami lioiiuill .1 Itoltllh hiuee.'i'.'Tll'' ."''"". l:illl' ImilllllS naiiMt;i'u!!uwi'iluieh p issenciT. ol M R U..ra Apnl.'-isw."1-'"" CCllKlil;, HKHOKU it CO., HI'.NIUIAI, COMMISSION Jll.UCHANTri, lienlers In I'isit, salt, etrnrwE, puovisions, Ac, Nos, ia and lil North Whai ves, above Arch St, Philadelphia, Sole litems for Wilcox's Wheel lrene,lu bar rcls, kens, iiint cans. , 1 M1E ATLANTIC MONTHLY, fhu ATLANTIC MONTHLY, bv nriien.l r.nn- scut, sliiinls at the head or American mnKnzhics,, It numbers ninoiiK Its coiilrlbiitoisi I he most cml. nent wrlteisof thcitav, both In I'losoand Poetry, and Its prates have nlwiiyx lellecleil what Is bcH In Ameileali Llleralute, It lins renehed n tin u latlon ncer liefotn irahied by any Aiiierleaii niai;. uxino of this i lass, and 11 bus, by Hie lon pi-ilmf of Its existence and the worth ot lis contributors. Iieconii" firmly llxed in public esteem, The lollowtni: ale nmonu tho most nwmltiuiit. rei;ularcoiitrllailoiKt 11. W, I.IIMII I.I.I.UW , II. W. K.MKI1SON, WILLIAM Ct'LM'.N IIHVANV, J. T. THOWllltllKli:. DONALD (I. .MITCHKLl,, i a lyi?u'ei i ' J, U, WIIIITIKlt, .......... O. W. IIOLML'S, IIAYAKD TAYLOIt, HAHHIKT II. STOWK, (IA1I. HAMILTiiN, I!. P. U'llll'lif.P TKItMfl! Shwle subscriptions, four dollars per ci.'fii llA'11'.s. To copies forweM'ii dollars: f, copies jor siMecu noiiars; lell copies lor Hilllv ilollais; and caeli additional enpv tluee dollars, l'or eiciy ilub of twenty siiliseilbers nn extm copy will be tiirnlslicil (trulls, or tenly-niie co- iies inrsi.iy iionars, Uosr.Min. The iioslnue on the ATLANTIC Is tMcntv-lniir coils per i-nr, and must in all casn oe pain ai I lie oinee w aero 11 is recelM'il, Xl'I'.CIMHN ClllMKS .,r Hie ATI.AVTIH MO.ST1IIA will be sent on iccelpt of tweiity-lha cents. The ATLANTIC MONTHLY and our YOUNO FOLK'S will be innilslieil tuKclheriil lUeilullan per ,veai. Special indiicemciits are otleied lo teachers nnd postma.steis to piocaie stiliM'rllicr.s tootir pcrlmli. mis. Aents wauled tliroltiiiiout I In- eountrv. 'ili'l'v.tlr t MM.', (. II..I.II..I li!l Tleiuoul Slleeillovttin, Muss. Ql'H YOL'X(i FOLKS. erespcftrully Invite attention lothefolloMliiL' note 1 1 mil I he utile and luinalar Hi oiilv shih. w... is'i iiiii'iineoi in ii i nuns ioi i ciiiisj ivama. All ssts. TICK Mill A l-'li:i.lis. Itiisloo. Muss. , Hi:mi.imi:n, I Vi in It me to eoiiicralulate voa i'ii nn iiiiin.i'ii piii-rcss in - .nil llllilll- 1 oll.s ' 1'roin Ihe Issi r Hie first number I haiewalih. en wiin iniicii soiieiiiiue ns mint ami cliaiacier wen Kuowluu llio immense Inllnence, lor noml ,,f for evil, II Hoiild be likely to wield, .luiluliw by the tone w lileli has ptcallcil lu lunch ol oar jn.ei iniiiii-, iiihii renmou ami scelilal, hcalleilness which can alone sueiil; In Hi.,' r.l.11.1. ualiiie, or thai the In It It and limeniiousncss ,,r .'inn i iniii ih- iiiiiijh'ii-ii nn nun nispiiiceil In n taney lor the ices and deceits of ma tiller ,enis, iiiil'liiiA- ni.i iciiis nave pioieu IllotlUilless tilnl the w iiole com mil it It v liae to fliniili nit i,,i i iluclim a unmaliie so well adanled to therlass fur ..nun n i. iiiii-inicii, linn so eievailliu anil lllla. in?. Ill 'is 1 1 1 1 1 III I ll is. S.I.IU 1.1, 1'. II.11JS iiepuiy Mine siiieriiiieii(.cut Schools, i;i. Tr.ll.Msoi'OI'It YOl'Nd nil.K'S; S'.'a vear in aillalli'e; Ihlee coiles, :, lllf'coples t'.s-' leu ,i pies, f 1.1; and eaell addlllolial eoiv !!l..ill. Ti nlv copies, s:ai,ainl a cojiy uialls to the peison priu-nf. no; mo eiuo, Slieel.ll lllillleemcilt.s ofl'ered to toucher. t.. ... I ns litems, r.i it cm 1 1 op.i aim circular scut to iiei. sons wlio M(si In piiclle slllisclihelH. for tin '""i. i ii.tua i ii.i.iisi, i-uoilsuers. P'oston, Mass. KV VOIUC JiUADKU. .......I..; V.. . .L i... ... i.. i t.. . 'j ""niiiy 'lint I.tMIH'lt Ij i.i. 1.11. tw..1 ......... lj mis, nun iihi, (lir-l ill lltmillU1 """,1 c-ui n, i linn in i nc i isu in i lie M'luict. Sl'lls.1 lMf ItiV It I'l I I'i.i- n .1 : r"it.v,iuii' .vi-iir, ti; inur rnnics ioronr veiir. t iaiit (iiin lor (m rart (iin rxini t hp iTiii i-uiMn iiiih in ri'iiii, III ll'llll- t II h.H II !lt .t.l.ll....ll H 1. scrliiliim ti. II... 1.1' V Hi It i.i, i iV.... " it WiilrriiiK-I'ldi-c liipcr. Tim immt will lu in:iil t il luMiliM iilicis lor Min i' iiifiiiltis inr oiu, mi'I tlif ihltliVNM" ol city MihsciiiiriH will la Hiinmerl iipoM iiiiiUiitloit nt thlt oIlln-.Mi tlmt 1 1 him' u lio v it tin. siiiniiiiti- ..,.,.. ... .: ... ili'ptlwil of thN i-ck!y iiliotouninli of i)olitical. I 1 1 1 ' I II l' IIIMs.ll.. il I itit.iil I. I ...l.i 1.,' ... .. ' " ' in i ' .111(1 fH i( IIHJ tl Iff 1 it ii it v. All i-i.i 1 1 1- ... i . i i... i.... I( ttiTs(t(niimuiilriitloiis, cic., iimst Iip 'ikMiohiI It l iniiklott Siui t, Ni-w Voik City VKW YORK TKMKS. , , ' i "'iiniiiiiiil! Hie auesi nr. I l'"l'l """".'''"c New-H, Is publlsheil dallv.iil llll.T lilnv'i'itii'u ..'..,....... .... ......... . , .itiiiiav eiiuiull, tllehe ilollais. The SI'MI.WHKKI.V TlMlIS, illhllslie,I , il tl i tl It t '""'"i 1" " c ue cenis. In nilill- nn iiiieinm oce ny leieirra ill Up to the laolnelll ol Uoile.. lo iless, thele will lt iiiimii in ,.ii..h nn in i..,i. ,i... ...ii...: i... i.i.. .. .. V....J f., .... i'i'ie-1 t nsniOKI'lll ... ,."'.,..-.1,1 . i s, w Kit mapiue leiicisnmn our coiTespondenl.s In Lonilon ami Pails, uhlm Vi. l i I'liniii- ii'ciiiik aoioan, is luaile a sh. . ,i , ' ", ", "' " h i in i , inaiioiuoii lo Liu. s MivV'i" !i 'v'.iVUiU1! I"lks "' lhcila,,H,a SI..MI-M 1.1. MA '1 1.Ml:,s lias a ti,ij.e ol calelulli. prcpaied.col maller.KH lll' Hie latest '. Iianeial .Settsaial .MalKet liciorls; Itenisot a. . : '," . "in iesi, .oinpileil II . tin souiecs man ol lilc-li are olllel i Ise liiaecessll,!,. in ine .linn lean reader; and marilaxes aa.l I .'oil inijies ami iicailisni tne neelc. ,,,' .' -'.iii. i.i i .in iif'SMlli. maiy-lic iiKacaielals.Miopsisaial dljrest of tli.i news of the ilay, Is alone uoitli ilnulile the miI- i i i V i r-ii' ii picsciws tail , ,, i i , '"iiiiciiii,, ciassiinsi inim all n as i InUiesl.aial miisi pioe xaluabli) us a I '1 HUMS. '1'liree dollars ieraiiuuin. (Tulinitu arc illscnuilmied, ''h".'i:id'hYTIMr.SaibIlslieil ul Iwndnlhrs i,;, ,,', , i ",' 'i-i'ionm in ine laicsl ;t la nil I in elllj-ence by lclci;raili up to Ihe laiilucul i.f ... . ,ii- nniesi 11 le-UlllKIIIU .Mils l.lllope.lll ok, with Kinphle letlels liimi eoi iespoia ,.,,is hi I Inn and Pal Is, K lint Hi,. lone nl public lecllim- nbroail.Is inade a snel:,l a al pelliianelll featllle. lllliililltlon to l:dlloil.iJ I VTli 'si inpiesoi iaeoa,llie wr.rh- ... . I I p"i;e "i eiiti'iiui.i .ii,-pa 1 10 inuc , if ' ii h'.''","o' k1vI"- !'"' I"l''l', I'lnaneial Ni I i ...... .i , - i""-si iieius in .ki ii u ii ura i iiiiii i ,, I i m . i '"'"lest.comoilcil irom souices ninny I i niaeccssuiie It I I lie .MUCH- can leader; and Jlaulauesand lieallisol the mil.. I jICW YOUR TlUltL'XK i;Ni..ii(ii:ii. Tin: LAiioixr and c'1Ii:ai'ist. i:m.aiiiji:mi:.nt nr nn; iuii.v, m:.M.wi(i:Kl.r, AMI WI.I.KI.V lllIllfM:. TinVie' Jt!V,,,,!,1,"K.,llu llml 'ho sire of Till I I ... tl V tit V I i moil' I nail' - i-.i.. it in it'iiiiiin tue same, .rM!SV,,1,S..''.'l.l!.V'.!:1i1.'1" sl "Sl llllli: Milt TIIH UllKAT l'A.MII.Y NIAVSPAPKll. iiii,.u,n luiih lll',l,KI, 'llllli; s pilnled on a laiue iliiuble-luidllllu sb. el' llin I'Ullt liatie ol slv Inniul ... .1 .u ....I.i. n I "iiiiiiiisiiii me iiopiaiaui i;iiiiorials puhlsinl 111 I11K Il.lll.V lllllll'Sl' i.v, 1,1 .. . -1 toeni hue. ..v. i v,:.; v:. ' ' llui-lll-c Iti'Vli'WMir I hi' niiw I (ni,.,.,,,,,, i , . I ii..i..tii.r v. ... n..,.i.... .i". : . I ut ns ui n.iiiKll,,nili:iitK. tho latest m.w lm.n,.l Ot lllf I Olllltl , ii KIIIM1....H. ... ...I I V ' t. Illui ihv ot tl.'ls rlt; mul i lswi;;.,"; , yi"n", -.. .... . .... . . miii-i i( v .iiiuifAM iiiiii i ii i lurisb lire when In session; Hu, 'oicl,;n .News iccciii' l by i'M-1'.v s e.imcr! Hvi liislin n , Vi" .... I by eu-ry sleaiaer; i:.clusho lb noils of the m ii.Vtii Ti VV if ",",":,.7 """" ine .Muerami t ., rallis about l'liill, and other II, , nl, ul llllal a d Atil'icallatiil liitm ...... tr... 1. 1 I llh... OI Hie lailllcls' I'llbnl Ihe Amer i'i.l I loiinhy icsldoiiis; stnil; I'lnaneial, faille,' Hal . ii i'.. . ,i . " . '""'el i.eporis, inaKini I bolli lor va Ii ti and coinplcli nt ss, ulio-.etlier Hi I 'V'sei!' ll"'Jl,1,''!lll,''!',H,l,l-i"1'dlnsiiuctli.Wai,l ., T.lhs:,'"",,,',, Ma sll hscl bcis, slln-lucopl, iciii- ..inn rinir i-i nieiS, CUIUS Of Ul J! l ; . ,'i,"s-' ,u,R''','c''V",1'11"t-''''subscilhcisr I I Weill loples, ilo. ,1,,, ,,i. leu copies, in one ailitiess. ji, ii , J ' .'... n, it.i.iil'sif ' 'I All eMra copy will be sent )r cadi club ot Ii , '!',.!,l'i,'N;l': V VOI1IC sllMI-w CHIil.Y TIIIlll Ml ,7.1 .1 i , ' , , esoayaiai ir i ay.and ce t ic i i .r!''i i 'f"i', '," U'1''"' 'lo1 bu'lel local In.'sH !'"."' i:,lW"oi.sof I'oielKii and 1 1. ' "iioiiileiiln; special and Assoclal. , .e s ,n 'c' , " : '! si'1.1:'"' ','iU':" ..n y'VlV11'1 hcrini'ivdlniis of tberarii Vv.'.o 111,1 Vf '., " A!'."'' lllsilllllei Talks Ills 1 lull, and other Jloillciilhua. and'Amidilliu Information! Sli It I'lnaneial Cattle, C v (iinl !"'! .!eneral.Mai!iei Kenoits.wldcliii i. laibllsli in till' ii. i i i.v 'I'liiiiiivm ... i ',. . I . rii i ttiT s i ..i. v. :... . . .'.. J.M I 1 ,,r; :v v,: '"-. inetouisuoi k ,,v '!,'-'?;'' ANI I..V1WT l'Ol'l (.Alt NOVld.S It . ""'i i1 , 1'Vhasml In Ha, l.nKMi mairailw . ""' 'ii' iiniiuiiy seiec ei ine e would )u tin a lour times mm. Nowbi else can so much curie nt hitelhuence and pel a' "if" sl''A'l-,i:i.lvl,Y TTlllli Nil. 'Ihon'ii ,'e J.r ,?r 'r.1. '.';.),",1"ilde nnd app,,,, ,. h i lu i, i,T, V. 1 '' 11 ,'!"' Incitiise lis poi r .a ,u' "."' J" iihiuwIHiHielriielldsi sin l"f ''."'.'"'i'.""'11, :'"'" w"? in tin 'he lowest pi leu lor whlil. m.-h a paper nui Mall fcukseilber..! CnilV I (i-.i- lfll mmiltor. l j. jfl (Illicit, ilo. ' ((. 7'' . . .r-w.., .viiiimiiH nn il l'Uilt'S 9 1 will trtviu1 I v'iou uiiilttlnt; tur 15i-(ipti'n will nucivi't I .uu mw year. 11 f 1 VVAl VAttl HAli ' 'foti.i'vri i.ii nil "' t'JVllll 411J1I .-!' 1 " Mii'M vrry muniliiu una i-vtulnK miihIiO nptidMittlOburjvari fiforUxmuiitli I T ruih, rawli In nlvniiiu. fniiiA mi .-tew lunt.or iiM-on!jejriH'rs r" THf- 'I HIPitVI' V.i olk.