THE COLUMBIAN, BLOQMSBTJ11G , SATU11DAY, AUGUST 18, 1866. 'T LOOAL 1NTELLIGEN0E. Motto for tlio editor of tlio Rcpubll can" How uso iloth breed ft Imblt in n jumi r KSVii.liam 1j. Haddock & Co., dettl- fp In Him (jroccrlet), No. 1 15 South Third wrcd ( opposite tlio u mmi Jiank), tLllttilulphlii. GAllDNKH, llr.MMlN'Ufl, AND CO.'S Circus niul Van Aiiilmrojh and Co.'s Mmmiioth Menagerie1 give un exhibi tion here on Thurtstlny next. I - ..1 n. ... I .1 iun Hiiowmg wiu singular liiiuii.-iiiuii ojwords, It U stated that the first ru Jiinrk or Mercitr after tho confirmation of Mr. Clark was, " Hem me, John 1" Tin: statements of the Republican as to '.he circulation of tho Columman nro easily falsified by referring to our boolw. Our subscription list Is rapidly Increasing. Last week wo received thirty-seven now subscribers. Kino David, of tlio J)cmocral and Star, admits jhat he lias much to learn. Granted. Wo suggest to him privately Instills connection that before Indulging largely In quotations from Shakespeare, hoshould first learn to spell his name. Ufa. yVMCHiNn. Tlio editor of tho Repub lican complaining that ho has been nbused. Who could abuse him? What fdandcrous term could bonpplled to him except the word gentleman ? For uur- sclf wo carefully refrain from the use. of that term in connection with his name ,'Suiisidikh. l'alemon John, lato As sessor, and edltorof tho Columbia Coun ffijicpublican, devotes loss than a col umn this week to tho nbuso of 51 r. Clark. What a relief to his readers! Wo concratulato them. The falsehoods o'fnvhich wo convicted him last week ho quietly ignores. Tin: Democrat ami Star, In its Is sue of this week, states two falsehoods in connection with our notice of tho can didates nominated for tho different offices in this county. It Is not true Unit wo expressed a preference for any candidate, nor is It true that we threat ened to get up volunteer candidates in caso tho nominations made did not Milt us: "In our last week's issue an error oC' curred in transferring a paragraph from our " General I'ress Dispatches" to niv other column for tho purpose of " filling out," which tho editor of tho Jicpubli- can takes occasion to make tho subject of a "local." It was simply an over- Bight, which was corrected before many copie.s had been printed. Hut what a fruitful field for numberless "locaU" tho errors in the Jlepublican present. Con.-ustent. Last week our neigh bor of tho Democrat ami Star warned its readers against trusting claim agents, etc. This week it adverti-es as follows : i Those having claims will do well by making the fact known at this office, as wo have made arrangements for the collection of tho same, which will be lu'ado upon tho nioit reasonable terms and with dispatch." ;Hon. IIcgii M'Cclloch. There ure few public men occupying a more re Bponslblo position beforo tho country than the Hon. Hugh M'Culloch, the present Secretary of tho Treasury. And It affords us pleasure to wiy that his comprehensive views, Ids thoroughness and exactness, aro such as to command tho admiration and confidence of the people. Ills ability, integrity, and pa triotism none can doubt. Known to bo nil nble financier, an accomplished po litical economist, and a thoroughly hon est man, his position in the Treasury Department not only creates implicit confidence, but causes tho peoplo to feel thnt so long as ho remains at the helm the shin of State will lie steered so as to avoid tho gales of revulsion and tho rocks of bankruptcy. Let Congress and tho country sustain and support him. Columbia County Jlepublican, April !i, 18C0. Hallucination. Our attention has boon directed recently to a most slngu lar caso of hallucination. A young man, rcspcctablo In his former occupa tlon, fancies that Ids vocation is to edit tCviicwspapcr. His friends, kindly as thoy suppose, conclude to indulge him lh'this whim, and ho becomes co-editor and co-proprietor of tho Democrat and fS(ir. Good peoplo who know him had thought and hoped the Joko might end here. Hut not so. Tho public are pros cntly astounded to learn that this sim plo fellow claims to havo been educated liTMho sanio school with King David, mid what at first might havo been re garded as hallucination, at present, it is feared, gives decided evidence of per riianent insanity. Sco! I'. John pat- him on tho back, and ho gushes over with delight. Ifo meets gentlemen on ,tho btreot and imagines they do not look him In tho face, and this ho makes tho occasion fornlearncd dissertation on that "biped" called tho wolf. This Ji!:fol!oved by an insinuation that BMiiebody onco wanted to hang him. This Idea of course lias existence puly in a diseased Imagination. The proof Is clear. Nobody evor heard of lilm until now, nnd not oven Doctor joint, Jiiuucai us IIU IS, WU1UU CUIISClll togeo tho simple soul hung. Tho Doc tor is a Quaker, and hanging Is a serious business, esneclallv union'' Quakers iNoxt his insanity takes this turn. Ho fancies that sonio Imaginary enemies nro 10 no suojecieu to great moniiica tlon by his refusal to recognize them in Social life. This is tho very " ecntaey of jmadness," This Is no Joke, and tho caso certainly calls lor tlio intoVpo-ltson of his friends. There is, however, eiiin fort for them ami us in the reflection that if tho worst comes to tho worst tho provision mado by our laws for tlio pro- toction of lunatics In their persons and property U ample and complete. NEWS ITEMS, Watkh ho been forpalo in Norfolk at twenty-Ilvo cents pergallon by unlicens ed dealers. Coi.oNr.ii O. P. Kane, formerly Uni ted States Marshal of Haltlmore, is en gaged in the manufacture of tobacco at Danville, Virginia. How loth the radical demagogues are to accept tho lessons of tho war I They aro determined to accept nothing but their own political aggrandisement. Tim Minnesota Valley Unllroad will be finished to St. Paul In three weeks. The i'aclfle road will bo completed to St. Cloud, eighty miles north of St. Paul, Minnesota, by September. Tin: Collector of Customs at Charles ton, South Carolina, has seized tho Hrlt Ish bark Jl. ''. S.'utw, from Havana, for smuggling. Hercaptaln refused toglvo bond and was committed to Jail. Mavou Stevens, of Portland, ac knowledges the receipt of private con tributions from citizens amounting to twenty-three thousand and nlncty-sl.t dollars and thirty cents. A scttooi.Mis'ntnss; in T.enox, Massa chusetts, was arrested and bound over for trial last week, for an aggravated assault upon a child three and a half years of age, becau-e he did not spell " fox." Tut: Atlantic cable is tlio fifty-fifth deej) sea-lino now in working order. Tho oldest lino is that from Dover to Calais, twenty-seven miles long, which was laid in lS'il, anil has therefore been in operation fifteen years. ritr.chlef official organ of Maximilian says that the visit of the Kmpross Car- lotta to Franco to undortako herself tho hard task of inducing monarchs or governments to do right when they con shier It to their interest to do wrong. William, of Hoston, son of the late Kdward Kverett, has pre seated to the Unitarian Society at Win Chester a very beautiful and appropriate set of silver for the communion service Somo of the plate had belonged to ills father. Tin: old "council troeof theSoneeas," nearly two centuries old, at Mount Mor ris, New York, was blown down a few days ago. It measured twenty-three feet in circumference. Tho solemn coun cils of the Seneca chiefs wero held be neath this tree from time immemorial. A siiop-keepeu of Boston was last week convicted of selling half a gill of whiskey, and was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars and co-ts, and to suffer thirty days' imprisonment in the House of Correction, and to give one thousand dollars bonds not to violate the liquor law lor one year. Tm: new armory building at tho Colt Firearm Company's Works, Hartford, Connecticut, will bo one of the finest structures used for manufacturing pur poies in New Kngland. It will be live hundred feet long and sixty 'wide, tho same size of the building destroyed by fire two years and a half ago. An intelligent correspondent writes from Philadelphia to a friend in Wash ington that Forney, in going about and endeavoring to make an impression with his.-o-called polilene.-s of manner, which a mixture of the turvey-drop and tho .Teamen ollow-plush, " presents an np pearance that beggars description." illnikct Ill-port Wheat per bushel , live " I 'otn " 1 i) l.'i no , ft 01 , '.' "lO 10 w'l II Klour per lmnel loveiM'eii laxsceil Mutter Kkuh I allow Potatoes , Orleil Annies , .1 1 , 18 Pork . Hums Sides irtal shoulders- r.nril tier iiouiul , lt'iy per ton '. i) oo (irunil .lnrortt-SejtemTier Term, lSOO, Iloroiuh lter Itlc Hudson Owen. Heaver I lanlel Shipley, lleiiton lllram I' lverett. lllooni Iknjanilii I', llartnian. Calawlssa Walter Lashell, lleiijamlii Miller. CentH Samuel llower. .laekson ICnorr. I'lshlllL'eteek t.'yrns While. John llreselier. John waiter. run n wns li muum 1'arr. (ieoriro w. Kens- teriuaeher. (In en wood Illlam A. Kline, .laeoh K, lleillu JieilllOI'K .11.1111 1V.1S1IIT. -Main William HwMier, D.mlel PWier. Mifflin Samuel Auilieus. Moulour Philip llelmliai h, PJue WllUaiu ICarst huer. ltoarliiKereel; I'hlllpCool, siuailoaf Jaeoli II, Krlti. Meott Daniel Milliek. Trnvcrito .Turorii. neaver Pet r K'ueeht, Samuel Johnson, Denton Samuel M'lleury. Illoolll Peter llllllnes el', llelirv (Hirer. Ilrlarereull Ahsolom Uomhov. Kmioer lleltter 1VJ1. CalawWsrt Men amln Ilarns. Centre (leome It. lless. lOmlillt Alkmali. Phllll V 1 l'il"ai , i-, i i in vi , Con Milium sielineu Mouaiihan. William Snv UCI , l-tilllUII'l J, Villi, I KIillmereek John P. ( reasy, 1'raiikllii Daniel jirr. William Itolnlineli. (Jreeliwooil Kilwanl itenrv. lOlisha lluMiian rwiiliii'l lioail. JiemioeK iieuoen iioninoy, miiuiioi uriiKler. Jai ksoii l-'rederleU Wile. Loeilst .Iultn I,. Hurst, l.lleas Pain he-er. Mark 11 lllllllll'. .Mm son llenrv ('. M s. Jo 111 Ze s oft. Mlllllu Allien c. Millard, lloraeo helivieunen uiMT, .loiius jiaiiy.ei, iioie r-nyuei. louui i n a sail i iii i lueu'l. Sioll-Wllllaiu White, r'uuiloal Jofrliua l-'iiu., I.Ut of C'liimt-ri for Trlnl. 1, Stephen lialily r. the Calawlssa, Williams. port, aim Itallio ui I'ompauy, 'J. W illiam I,. Iiiiueo tw, Thoiuas CreMilnu. ;i. .laeoh limits u. Peter Jaeoliy. 4, Aiuliuw J, suyiler e. John hlieatler. "i, .laeoli hiimau e.v. (,'hilhtlau Wolf, !. Jacob sluiman rv, Jacob llarlieel. 7. A. S. Saul I .. Ileiitanitu Wlnteisteen. K. Kniiiiii.1 lli.iifv, .lii.nlitfiit.'ivV'llll-iliiirilnn. toll, ami (tiileon lfosler, latoitoin ImstucM lu tho iiiimo of Hosier .V Co. I). Jacob Hliuman v. tho Uitawlssa Itiillroiet Uoiunauv. 10. Oiorne A. Herrlns tvr. Peter Miller. 11. Ijluiiiit Hi liner i. thu Iaut .Mountain Coal anil 1 1 on c.iuitntny, . til. 12. J, P. Itiickenheri,', lor thu uo of M. Chamber- Un, i . Silas 1). llilpir. 11, John llluleilller in. John Jninesnn. 11, Jui oh Itemley is. Catawi.ssu llallroad Com- iiany, l"i. Illlam A. Case, ct, ul,, c, tlio Towushlp of Cenlie, in. Wllllnm Liinion vi. Peter llaymnn. 17. William I juiion in, John Vaupell. 11. Henry 1'. Nuss i. lloioimh ol llerwli k. I 'J. Ahialiam 11. swIsher c, kiiiiiu I Itliuliy. -U. J. P. Anspach, it. '., t. Wtlllitin P. Ityon. Jl. I :il Jones in. Miles i . A 01 .oil, it. ul. John Jameson i. Joseph II. Jaiuevou, Si. (ireeuwiHul lo.vii-.liip vt. Samuel ll'W.irt. i. KylveslerJ, Paux ft, Imuic White. i SVlvester .1. I'liux it, isioui While. Ji. Christian Uimpii ft. the School DUtrlit of llloom, ST. II ussier mwl Wlfo i, Sdilussleriitiil Wife, .s, Wiiuht n. peter Miller. JJ. Davl.l lulb it. Mount Pliasaiil Towii'Iiln. 1 1 Wi. s.ilvisler.1. l aii.t u, Imuic While. HI. John (i. Dlliltne, tt, ul., in, I'urvlu MiuIcI'h. ti, .lonalhau Knilile i t, Wrlaht Hushes, :tl, .Maty K. (jiccu it, Isaae Whin., Jl. Michael Cusiy i. I 'l iiuklln Tin tor, ct. ill, :t'i, James Italiy ni, Itobell (loriell, H. John l.uvcilis i, llaiucy M'llrearly. ,'.7. Peler Kiitcliiiei.if. ul., ii. Daniel Kltlm'sml. nilulstriitors, Mlonwn .Sijiiunl u tins lunnshlpoi (.cntri Wllllnm II. Abbnll, ATTOIINKV-AT-LAW, v Cntnwiiwn, t'ii. M. IS. .InckNmi, ATTOltNKY-AT-t.AW, llcrwick, Columbia County, Pn. M. 31. Trnilgh, attouni:y-at-law, Near Am'rlcnn Itoti'1. .11. M. I.'Vrllr, ATTOltNr.Y-AT-LAW, (.Vntrnlln; Cnliunliln Cotmly, Pit. C. II. l!lnclcu-n', ATTOUNF.Y-AT-LAW, onico on Muln Street, first iloor writ of tlio Court House, ChnrlfM 4 Ilnrklcy, attoiini:y-at-law, Oinco on Main Street, over H. It. Milter's more. K. II. I.llllr,, onteo on Mntn Street, In wlilto frame linuso, lie- low tlio Exchange, lintel. Holier) 1 Clark, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, onico comer of Main niul Mnilcrt Streets, nvor First Nntlonul Hank. Joint (1. freeze, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW, Ofllee In Itcgl'tcr niul it inter's ofllec, In Hie basement of tho Court House. Vrlry Wirt, ATTOlt Nl : Y-AT- LAW, Oltlce on Main Street, over S, It, Miller's Store. s, 1.SI IIKKTKF'S SALK BY VIUTUK 'I r Niitilr' wrIM of tlcrl fttritti lo ill" illrrctnl. sucil (Mitnf Ilm (-ovtrt nf Common l'U-itn. lit tin 'iiunty oi 0)luiiibl,t,nti(l by tlw tmRi'intmt of tin (IcItltUtinl, ililtl AUKUHt M, iw(t mi MrUMm, will ! PXjMisnl to piiMln stile, nl Ihn (ouit Mouse, 111 lniimtiHiniur.on .itirmuy, uio -m nay 01 icpH'iuiHT tifxt, ut 1 u'elncU In tlio tiltouiunti of hiIiI day, tin foltmvlnit real 'tnte to wit: Accrliiln tract of lit l ii 1 situate 111 ratuwiHTi Tnwnlilp Columbia i.ouiuv, itiiiimium; iweniy-iour acrtwH intiru ur U-n-, h(iuiiltil mi tlio east by laiulM of .Tai-nb Drum lieller, on the snulli by huU of Snloniou rrIey, ami on tho north iiikI wtntpiy lumH of (lulrnn AiMlt, whereon NtMect,'la m noun aiul 11 fr.inu stubte, with the anpurlt nam-cK. Silt'ilinnl taki n in cxiM'iuioii lis urn propt'nv ix a.i i. VOLK. HAM 17 KI j HS'YDKU. Hhelill'. auulS-;lt QTIKHIKK'S SAIiU. UY VIltTlJU 17j of Mmdrv writs of vetulitUmi rxumutx.u int clnecteil, Issue! out of the Court of Common IMeie iti tlio County or Coiuiubln, will be cxpoM-il to nubile Nab, at the Court IIoum In Itloonisbitm. on MONDAY. THK M lAY Ol-' sniTKMIIIMt next, ut I o clock lu the afternoon ofKUil tlay, the All that certain nlei'i or tr.iet of lainl situate In Htuarloaf Townshlii, Columbia County, eoulnln In one huiKlreil ucres more or Ic, about sixty ni'H sof which W clrnreil land, boundfil ami tle- shrlnod a- follows, to wit: on tin north iniH eat bv liuuN of Ctwlratl Mes, on the south by lands of Samuel lless.aiel on the test bv la mis of Itin- Jamln l', lu ivim nie erected n one-story pjunit oweiung-nouse, ti ioj ttaoie, wnu lite up itiirtenatices. Seled, taken In execution, nnd te lie Mild as the propeity ot wiid.lA.M .(. lli;ss. H AUl'KU'S AVKKKLY. One copy nno year ?l 00 Onoconv tor three months 1 mi And an extra com will be allowed lor eerr club of live subscribers at ?4 mi each, or six copies iur mp w, I'ayiiiem mi vnriaoiy in wi mice. The llouud oIumes of llanwrs celilv fioin the coiniiu'iu'eiucnt will be sent tonnv iiartoflhe LJiuieii fiaiuh, ireti oi carriage, upon reeeipi 01 me nnce. vi.. : ( loth imiillnu ?7 ( 'I per olume. Half Morocco 1 nti Kach Volume contains the Xumbers for One Year. TKHM TO AIVi:iITrHKIt. One dollar ami Hfty tvnlrt per line for Inside, two dollars pur line lor ouisjno Aoveriiscmenis, eacn uiMiTiinn. IIAItrillt it llitonil'U, I'ublisiiers. M11 AAilVH STOHK. rnnsit AitniVAT. op SPItINO AND Sl'MMP.It (iOOlX. The niherllier lias JiiNt returneil from tho cities with another huge aiul seleet asMutnient of SP1IIN11 AND St'MMint (iOODS, purehaseil In New Yorlc ami l'lillaileli)ilaut tin louest llure, anil which ho Is itetermlueil to sell on ns moilemto teini-s inn Im iroettieil cInc where lu llloomxliuiK, His stoiU eoliipilses I.ADIKS' DltKSS (i(M)IIS of the choicest styles niul latest fiishloii, together wlthiilarKO assortment of Dry (Jooils nnd Gro eerles, consisting of tlio following articles: C'nrpetN, Oil Cloths, Cloths, CastlmeioK, Sliawls, l'lannels. Silks, While (limits, l.lnens, Hoop Skirls, Mullns, ltollowware, Ceilarvvare (Jueenswnro, llarilwate ltootn anil Shoes, Hats ami Caps, Hoop Nets, I'mhrellas, lMiK-nn-f!lases, Toliaeeo, Coirce, Sonars, Tens, Itlee, Allspice, (Jliiscr, Cinnamon, NtitmcKs, AND NOTIONS fiKM'.ItAMiY. In short, eerytlilni! usually kept lu country stores, to which ho Invites tlio attention of the puhlle Kencrnlly. The highest prlcowlll bo paM fur eounlry produce In exchange for jooils, S. II. mii.i.i:ii, Areailo IIiiIIil Inc. lllnomslmnr, Pa. ::uv (iit! Kit has openeit u first-class HOOT, SlIOi:, HAT AND CAP STOItn. nt. blsnlil stioiil on M.llll Street, ltlnolol.huri' 111 fclock Iseolilposeilof tho very latest a ml best styles everotleieil to the citizens of Columbia County. lie call accouimo.iaio inu puouc wan mo louow im- k-ituls unit luiees! Men's calf Isiofs, lino V IV to 11 no klii, iloublo sole II Ti t. 'i "3 ltoyu' eliiltl'H biKitK 1 7o to 1 75 Mell'KilloMi khl, Couuresu, iVu , M fill to A 75 Ilalmoral shoes lUOIoHoii Men s, women s. boys , anil misses' L-lovci klil lastlnu millers 1 75lo5 Wiaiieii'h iflovo kills, very line :t 2i to .i 7.1 " lino Koat inotoeeo balmoiuls '2 M to I mi o inen'smoroceiiiinilculfshoes I 75to-Vi ' eoiiimou shoes 1 .10 to 2 .iii Misses' ami chilli's shoes 0 to 1 no len's, women's, misses', boys', unit ehllil's sllppeis 0 Sltol 00 Ho also keeps u Kreat variety nt HATS, CAl'S, AND KTltAW CiOOD.4 of every klnil, nt tho lull est prices, both for cash ami eouuiiy produce, lb lucm'ieriiieaiiiaetiou isinouritooiis, noil i be alarmed at ho erv of IiIkIi prices, but call and see lor A oiuselves. ltespcelfully, DliNUY OHIKlt, 'VO MA. WHOM IT MAY CON- .1. CIUIN.-Pleiise talioliollco that I, Im Koad iiimel, of d ntre Ule, Cohimhlii County, having boui'ht tho fullowliiix list of ptopcily from Peler Holier, iloilecl.ue that II Is hi) luliiillou to lend the miiiiii In tho said llower, to wll: four hedsi one ehalrs olio lot of ill. lies; nno cup. hoardl one hutenui tenty yards ofeaipet; one eool(ln;( tovet one parlor sloe one tuo. horse wtiKou; oiii two-horse carriage; ohodoublo set of liaruost ono binlu set of harness; liui labhs, topi.'S IltA IlOABAItMU.. GUIAND OPHNINd ( (IIIANI) OPKNINtl (lltANI) OPKNINO OltANI) OPi:NIN(l OltAND OPENING SPUINft AND SL'MMIHV flOODM, SPHINd ANH sU.MMI'.lt OOOliS, SPIHNI1 SPItlNd KP1IINU AND StIMMI'.ll (IOODS, AND SttMMHIt (IIJODS, AND HUMMint HOODS, consist lim of coiislstluit of coikIsIIiik of eonslsllm; of colislitloa of IIUY DHY IIUY fJOODS, (100DH, OOODS, (iOODS, DHY DHY (JOODS, HATH AND CAl'S, HATS AND CAPS, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAl'S, HAT'S AND CAl'S, HOOTS HOOTS HOOTS poors HOOTS and hiioi:s, AND S1I01N, AND SIIORS, AND SHoKS, AND SlIOi'.-, P.nADY-MADK CI.OTlIINd, Itl'.ADY-MADK CI.OTHINd, H 1 : A D Y-.M A 11 1: CI.OTlIINd, Hi:.DY-MADi: CLOTH!:''!, HKADY-MADi: CLOTIUNd, I,OOKINd-dI,ASSi;-, LOOUINd-dLASSlCS, LOOKINC.-OLASSKS, I.O(iKIN(l-dI,ASSli, i.ooisiNd-dissi, NOTIONS, Nol'IONS, Notions, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OIKS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OIL--, PAINTS AN1V OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, OUOCKIIIKS, ditocintir.s, (iitociutins, (IHOCKHIKS, aitOCKHICS, (jUHKNHWAlti:, (illl'.l'.NSWAHi:, (HIllLNSWAIti:, iit'i:r.NswAitK, (iUi:i:NswAiti:, HAltDWAlin, HAP.DWAlti:, IIAItDWAltK, HAHDWAItC, HAItDWAUK, TINWAItR, TINWAIli:, TINWAIti:, TINWAIli:, TINWAIti:, S.S tiT, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, PISH, PITH, PISII, OltAIN AND SKl'.PS (HtAlN AND SLI'.DS, dHAIN AND si:i:d, ditAiN and snr.ns, GHAIN AND KKUDS, Ac., AC, hicki;lvy, ni:al McKKLVY, Ni:.L McKPLVY, NIIAL McKKLVY, NIIAI. CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. McKKl.VV, NKAIi i CO.'S. Northwest comer of Muln nnd Mnrket hlrecls, Nnrlliwest corner of Muln nnd Mnrlcet directs, Northwest corner of Main nnd .M.uket HI reels, Northwest coinir of Main anil Miukel Mreel", Northwest rorntr of Main and Market MrccU, IH.nOM'sIlUItfl, TA., llI,i)OMs.liri!(l, I.., II.()OMSIlt'lt(l, 1'A., IIUIOM-Ill'ltll, l'A lIMKIMHlll'ltd, l'A, I HON AND NAII.t, 1IIIIN AND NAIIi, IIION AND NAII.H, 1110N AND NAII.-s, IKON AND NAIls, 111 laigorjtlnlillllcs nnd lit reduced rales, nlwtiy on iK.uil. Wllili KX1I1111T AT iimoMsiinto, TiipitsDAY, AtrarsT 21, isnc, ARDNER, HEMMINGS, &C0'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, AND VAW AMBUUCH GO'S iMAMMOTII menagerie AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN. The Largost Traveling Exhibition In tho Wor'd. Couipritltnf ths only REAL MENAGERIE In Amerli, wilhltin Ilaby Kloplmnt, a lluniiicd Cnmcl. ltoynl Itcnnl Tigers, niul Host of Ilons, Tigers, Leoimrds, &c, &c, And tho i' V)S-riJ- i-u BEST CIRCUS TROUPE In Anierlfi, with Better Horses and Ponies, Better Performers and Better Clowns Than are omprlied In any ilmlltr r.iMbltlon. Two Performances each Day, Af ternoon and Night. Dotirs open nt 1 nnd 0 o'clock. One Price of Admisfion to Doth Shows. Adults . .VI ci'iith. ChlMton uihUt tfti yvnv i"i " WllhiNocNhltilt fnslliriCHIIXN.VVnu Wcilnc ity, AimiisllU; IANV! M.K, on Krhliiv, Aimtist I'l, Wril. V. II, (lAUDNIIlt, A't. fji'vliUY SATUhT)AY: .lid a joniNwr, ok nioin: iu:aiino, MXIXTUI) KUOM 1'tHtKION I'IMtUKNT MTKU.VTriM-:. Much of tho t.ost lllcraturu of tin dny Is fnmiil In (he l.niUHh ana Cuiitlncntal tnai.ilncs ami iu rl oilk-aN: ami It N tin aim of tin' nuhllshcrs ol ilil tu'W journal to ieivotliuv thiM hofcfst st-t. rtlous from thi'M' lor Anu'iUan n'ml.'i. in a lorni at once altractU c au l tin,xt"ii'slr. Tiu tniblKlMTs in-Hove tnat !Ucii a Journal, roii'liH'ictl uim llic nhmnlilfli they iifoji'-.,' will he not only .'liter- tahtiiiu'iiii'l ii)Hinu'li, in its.i, Mil intrirstliit; ami Mtlu.tlile a a rcth'X of fon-ln nci iixlfcal llt- I'ratuic of tin- l.i li . 'It Ik', In vimt t, tin- aim of i ik pijoimiiri i it ii i- very .aiinoay snail con itiirmi iimmi nv iie-niii"-. iimi vat a i to .m i lult'lliirciil ami ciilii.ii'i icihUi. Ia.t.v s it lu il.i will coiiiain tMcli w.'i'k tltlrty-iuo law oc tavn liairi'. !i ui'li;otit"l- lulnuM lu iluil)li' rol umii--, u ilh an i nura t till.', TKItMs. shmlc nmulaix. 10 cunts; Milr-crln Hon rn $t im-i year, lu mhnm't'. .Moullily iiuts win no incu. toniaiuiu vis nail's v,v i. tandoonu-lv I "Mil hi In an altniclKe i-iivfi. nricc ft n iii.s. piimm'i i ia ion n-tc'1. m tier v;ir. in nu all( t SuliHClllii'i-sloanv of tlu oilier iirriiMlieal' pulilMifil In 'lleKiHinV I'lel.N will leceive i:ery uein.iy nu & i r year, lu advance. TU'KNJ)!! A KIKI.DS. IMIilMier, l-'l Tivinoiis Stiecl, Iliwton. H JAlUMCIt'S XUW 3IOXT1UA' Olio oonv for nno war. inii. An nstm ennv iiiaiH, lor every riuli ul ih. MiuscrlUcis. nt Siuo eai'ii, or co.aes ior ?iiu. Jl.VKl'KH h .I.V(i,ziVl- ami llAiMru'.4 V 1:1:1; r.v. (I'l'lllli, IJ1IL' ,t I'.ll, t'n'. CIltl'L'l.ATION 1U',W. The Publishers Wlllllei t n llliilti'tl iiiiml.r nl' ilisl-. lass adveillsements for their .Miiuazlne, lit line I'ul'c $ivi i Hall l'.me ii", ill i.ijinrler I'au-e to im Or if .in 'i' line lor less space. Average c!nht v inns 1.1 ii lint'. IIAItl'lIH A UltOTIIICHH, l'liblMicrs. jiim: jNsL'itAxci:. If 011 11I1I1 li) live lung and die happy, ii) without ih'I.iy and lNsuiti: vonii.iri: in the best Cumpam 111 the woild, -nu: .muti'ai. l.ii'i: insukanci: company 0l'Ni:V VOItK". ITS CASH AssiITSAlli: sn.uneo, and lis miiin:il illvldend for the (leal year of I Nil imoiiiits to seenly-lhi per cent, on nil partici pating premiums being the largest dividend ever leclared by any company for the snnie length of time. For further Infoimailon appt.s lo l'.S. ItlSIir.I,, Agent, llliHimshurg, l'a. pi'i5i,ic OP VAI.l'AUI.F. ISKAL lisTATE. Ill lllirsllince of ail OI'lli I'of till. Oll,blll.s, (-milt 111 I'oliinibhi I'imiilj, Pn mi Satur.lav, I lin elev enth day nl August next al one o'clock lu the 111'- iiTiiot hi, iieni.iiuin i-. llaitmaii, AdmlnlstiMtor, Will 1 1"- W 1 lllllieVed. lit nil 11ml Hi.. giwHlsanil chattels, righlMind credits, wliich were 01 . nuns i.iig.iu, nno in .iioniour Tuwnslilp, In counly, di ceased, will expose to sale, bv pub lie vendue, on the 11 ci'tnio .(,..'.. l el.i.rliact ofl.ind.slluale lu .Moulour Tow n'slilp, In Ihe County ol Columbia, iidloltilug lauds uf 1 aiiwaiiMiier lionells oil UK si, William Itob. ci'lsiiu the noiib. Ilisirgp A. Wllleis on Hie south unit liiclv.iud 1 1 in lev on Hie west, containing pi.m.i ii.-ii-p. nor., ui- less, wneieou am elected 11 inline iiM-eiiing-imusc, unit bum and other out. bll I'l llus. Late Ibi. cslnti. i.rsnl.l .1 ...1 s.i... ........ .,wisiiipiii .uoiiiouriinii counly inure- wild. .li:-)Si: L'OLEAIAN. lll.irk. Ulnoinsliurg, July 17, sn. CONDI HONS OF Sale. Ten per cent ol line tourth of purcli.iso money, to be unlit un htrikliiir ilou-ii ol 1I1. ...ii.. ...V.. lourth less Hie tell per cent, at thei Ilrnultloii .mi, uiei me uaiauee ui one year irom coiniriuit Hon nUI, with interest 011 said balance from eon llrilllltluil iiltl. Purchaser tn 11.1v tor iIh.1 mi. I riiiiii.s. 11. r. ii.viii.iiA.s., Aiiiiuuistrator. yonx isritoui' it co., " Successors toStroup A llrolher, WlIOI.E-iAI.K DEAI.EIIS IN FISH, No. 21 North Wlnrvos, nu t Ti N.uili Water St., Phlladclphl.i. Y W. HANK'S WIIOLE'sAI.F.TOnACi'i), SNFFF, AND CIUAU VAl!i:iIlil f-i:. Nu. IM Not III Tlilidblrcet, between Cheiry nnd Uace, west side, l'hil,idelplil.i, fjosi;iii s, i)i;li,, I.imil.ictuiernr ami Wholcsalo Denier In CIiOTIII.S'li, CLOTHS, CAhSl.MEilLS, ,ND VIX'I'INHS, No, ft Not lit Third Sin ct, I'n .on 1 ni.i i 1. 1 flii U U i -t. QMNIHUS LINK. Tho undersigned would rcupcelfillly nnhoutieo to llioeltlwns of lllooiusliurit niul tho public geuo rully thnt tie In running nti OMNIIlL'SMNl) between thin place nnd tlio dlllurelit rnllrond dc lilsdnlly (Sumhiyn excepted), to conned with the keveral trains Rolng South nnd Went on the Cain W'lssit nnd Wllllatilsport ltallrnad, nnd Willi those Itolntt North nnd South on (ho ljukawalilia iiml Hlootiisburu Unllroad. Ills Oinnlbttsses nio In Kood eondlllon, commo dious nnd comfortable, nnd charges reasonable, Persons wishing to meet or see their friends ite- inrLcniilic accomodated upon reasonable charge by leavlni? timely notice nt any of tho hotels. .1ACOI1 I (1IHTON, Proprietor. MM1 H AMKIUCAN HAY KNI1MC I AND I'lll'.IC. Wi. 11,1. 1111, li.rsli.opil .11 In n. 01 Cohunblii County witnessed tho lilal or hay forks on tho futiii or Mr. Pursel, lu Township, on Monday, May 7, Imki, between the American Hay Kulfoiind l-ork mauuroetured bv SLII'l.ll, WALL'S, SlllllNKIt A Co.. of Lewls buri!, I'n., nnd tho lluiidet's Patent Hay Hisik. Tin American Pork lifted moro buy In one itrmmht t him tho Ituudel in three. Wenresatls lled It will take us much buy Into the mow as tun uiKsl horses can ilinw. We uNo saw It eullint; nay, nun imuK it eaunoi in neiii as a niy Kline, nnil cheerfully recommend It ns the best hay fork nnd knife we lime ever seen. C. HltTKMIKNllKK, 1)11. P. 0. llAlltUSOM, W. It. Koonm. John Doak, Jons Dkti'.iik'k, Daniki. Novkii, H. IMlll.KMII.I.KU, SYt.VIWTKIl PUIISKI,, MlcllAlil. llKl.l.mi. John Woi.k. They ntso mnnutaeturo the celebrated lluclceye ucaier nnil Mower, nun oilier ngi icunuiiii iiupic tiieuts. TOUK'S 1IOTKL, di:oltdP, W. MAUdHlt, Proprietor. Tho nlsive well-known hotel has recently under. Konerndlcnlehani; in Its InternalnrraiiKements, and Its proprietor iinuouueeH to his former custom nnd the traveltliiff public thnt his accomodations for theeomrort of tils jntcsUnre second lo none In the country. Ills table will always b found sup plhsl, not only with substantial fond, but with nil tho delicacies of the season. His wines and II iptors (except that impular beveniKO known us ',Jccr"),purchnsed direct from the importing houses, are entirely pure, nnd Ireo from all pol. sonousdruits, lie Is thankful fbrn liberal iatron nu lu the past, nnd will continue to deserve lt;ln the futuie. (IPOltdi: W. MAUdLIt. T 71. Pl'ILSUIi, f ) ..... .......... ll.ll.M-SMf SAlllll.i;, A.S.U lllU.sti. MANt'I'ACTUItint, nnd denier In CAiti'irr-iiAOH, VAi.iHr.", ri.Y-NirrH .ice., Muln Street, IlliNinisliuri;, l'a. poWDKlt KV.GS AND LUMHHU. . M. .HU.MlllliiV UU., ltllpelt, I'll., Manuf.iclurers of roWDKIl KT.OH, and dealers lu nil kinds of I.L'MllKlt, give notice that they are prcpnred to accomodate their custom with dlspnlili, and on the cheapest terms. -T1'VV STOCK Or CLOTIIIXU. X1 1' arrival of Sl'ltlNd AND KL'MMi:U 000 DM, DAVID I.OWl'.NllKIHl Invites attention to Ills stock of ClIKAP AND I'ASIIIONAllI.E CIxmilNO. nt hUstoroou Main Street, twodoors above tlio American House, Itloomsburg, Va., where be has Just leeched from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MI'.N AND HOYS' CLOTIIINd, Including tli handsome most fashionable, durable, nnd I1H1VS flOODS, consisting of HOX, SACK', I'ltOCIC, (ll'M, AND OIICI.OTU COATS AND PA NTS, of all sorts, sles, and colors, lie 1ms also replen ished his already large Mik k of I'AI.t, AND WIN! Kit SHAWLS, STItlPKD, I'KiritKD, AND PLAIN VESTS, SIIIKTS, CltAVATS, STOCK'S, COl.LAltM, IIANDICKltCIIIIJI'S, (ft.0Vi:s, .SUSPKNDI'.ItS, AND FANCY AUTICI.IM, He has eoiistnnlly on hand n largo nnd woll-se-leclcd nssullmelit of CLOTHS AND VLSTIXOS, which he H prepared to make to order Inlonny kind of clothing, on very short notice, and lu the best manner. All ills elolbing is made lo wear, and most of It is of homo mnuuf.ictiuc. GOLD WATCHES AND JIIWEI.KY, of every description, fine and cheap. His ease of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Call an examine his general assortment of CLOTIIINd, WATCHES, .IKWLI.IIY, AC. DAVID LOWENllUltO. 1AltlUAC!K MAXUFACTOItY, lIliK.msliurg, Pa. M. C. SIX)AN A IHtOTHElt, the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN A SON, continue tho business of making "cArtitiAdiis, nutuiiEs, and every style of FANCY WAOONS, which they have constantly 011 hand to suit ens. tinners. Never using any material but the best, and elliptic, lug Ihe most experlencisl workmen, they hope In continue as berilofoii. In give entile Kallsiactioii to eery cuslnmer. An Inspection of their W01U, and of the lensoirible price asked for the same. Is sine to Insure u sale. lHKSll AlUUVAli OF NKW I1 f IOODS, Tlio undersigned has just arrived from the City with 11 large assortment of Drugs, Meillclnes, Paints, Oils, Vmnlsliis, and DyeStuirs, Iteady-MadeClothlng, Perfumery, Toy nnd Kanry Altldcs, Druggist's ninssware, llnuhes, Trussc and hupporters.nnd a genetal iishortnient of everj' thing that belongs Ion well-appnlnled DrugSlore, Aisoi'aicni.MeiiicuuKotaii kinus.sucn ns Jayne's, Aj'er's, Wlshart's, Wlnslow's Sisithlng Syrup, Urown'B Tiwhes, Bwnln's Panacea, llaker's Csl Liver Oil, Hooihind'8 Illllcis constantly on hand. Also MOItOCCO LEATHEIt, KID, FItENCH MOItOC CO, PltENCII CALFSKINS, PINK TltlMMINOS, IIINDINOS, by the doren or nalf.dozcn. Also SIIOE-F1NDINI.S, FISIIINa-TACiCLE, Ac. Having had n largo experience In the drug busi ness, I would icspectfully Invito those wishing nil) thing 111 Hint line to call and sen my slo k lc forepuiehashigiisewhere, "lnmedlclnesijiiiilll.v Is of theilist liupoitnnee." .lOlIN' II. MOVEII. QOOI) XKYVS i'OH KVKHYHODV. owing In the lale fall In gold, EPIIlt UMW. J'.LWEI.Ij lias 1 educed his prices to Mill nil buyers, cither nl wholesale or niul!. If you want SUOAIts, COI'l'T.ns, TEAS, SYItLTS, SPK'FA ClIACKF.ItS, CANNED FIU'IT, DIIIED niurr, WooDENWAnn, nwi, IIEANS, CIIElSn, PLOtJIt, 1'EED. Ac, At. &c. (five men Mil, LI'IILAIM W. ELWLLL. lXdirANOK llOTKU .1 J llUiOMSIItlltd, COI.UMIIlA The iindt'rslKUcit Imvlnit imrelinW llifs trr.ll. known nnd cuutrnlly-lociilcd house, tlio Kji Iiroiio Hotel, situate oil MAIN STHi:KT,iii IlliHiiosburit, lintuedlnlelyopposltnthe Columbia County Court House, resiectfully Informs his friends nnd tho puhlle In Kciicrnl Hint his lioue Is now In ordef for the reception nnd entertainment of travelers wlio may Ik-illiKised tn favor It with their ens torn, Ho Ims spared no expense In prcparliiR t lid Jxehniine for tlio entertainment of Ms Kneels. ncllhcr shall theto be iiiiyllilbij wntitlnit (on his. imrt) to minister to their Ixrsotial enlnforti Ills house Is spacious, nnd enjoys nil excellent ncss loeallont Oiiitilblissrs rltll Cl Nil llmri lietween the i:x ehauiie Hole) nnd lb" various rnllliinit ilcit, by winch travellers will bo plensnnliy coiuejed In nnd from the respective fIIiIIoIIs lit due tllno lu meet the ears. JOHN V, CASI.0W. lIliHiinsbutK, March 22, isit, C US( J ITKl 1 ANX a" i TotkU, 1 J Calawlssa, Pn, The nlmvo lintel Irm litlely fieeli piircfiaed tij lin.NHY .f. (,'I.AUK, niul has been thoroughly re. modelled, repaired, unit rcnirnlsheil. It will bo found now, In Its arrangement nnd npiKilutmenls, n (list-class Hotel, nnil second to none lu Hid country. Persons In cllks wishing to spend tint hoi months III the country, Will lid Well til gho tho proprietor n call. TAKKH AND CONFUCTIOXKlt, ll, II. has always bti bntid nnd for snla ritlXII I11IKAD, CAKIX, AND PIIX, l'HKS'Clt AND DOMESTIC CONPKCTIONf) In every style nnd Mirlely, fiUTM, I'lttllTIs, nnd everything usually found In n, P1IUST-CLASS CONKKCTIONP.nY KTOHtJ. llnvlhg reitntly filled Up n hov nhd elegant ICK-CltlUM AND HATINO SALOON, ho Is lirrpnrv-d tit tiecoluodnto Unites un d yi ntlO men lu tlio best style. Q11U0 AXl) CHEMICAL aTOI.K, llldolimbtlffr, l'.-ti irnuos, ciii'.micaIiK, paints, pnrtrttMr.uv AND TOlt.Kt AltflCI.lJs, r.YEIt A JIOYEIt respectfully Invite n continuance of iintrnnane. Their Drugs illld Medlcltns nru nil nelecled Willi thu greatest care, nvtildlhff its much as posslhln the introduction of delirious nostrums, ntnl ant purchased frum tho best importing housut lu tho eountryi PATI'.NT MEDICI Nti of nit Ulhils, Including Aycr's, Jayno's, Hollo way's, llonlellit'n, wlshart's, lloollanil , iltf, eoustulltly oil linlldi COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAUL TOOTH, NIL, AND cloth i'ji np.usiina PAINTS A Kl CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of tho best tpialtty. VAncy ToiLirr auticles. The puhlle, rmiy rely nt nil time tm procuring lint above nrtlctus, Willi all tlio new- useful preparas Hons kept In the best conducted cstnbllshiucnti PHYSICIAN'S PIUWCIUITIONS and raMtly ltccctptii eopipouildcd With tho greats est accuracy and dispatch. RATION Al, FOUXDI5Y, Dloomsburg, ColumblA Counly, IM. Tho filibscrlber, proprietor of the above-named extensive estnbllshinent, Is now prepared to re ceive orders for nil kinds of MACIIlNEUYrOUCOLLir.ttIEs,l!t.ABT I'UItNACKS, STATIONARY ENCIINF-S, MILLS, TIIltr.-illINO MACHINES, Art He Is also pit'paied to make Cloves of all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and evcrj thing usually made in llist-chisi Foundries. Ills extensive facilities nnd prnctreftl vorkmen warrant him In recelv ing tlm largest rontrncU on the most reasonable terms, finln ot all kinds will bo taken lu exchange tot c.stmgs 1 ins , stabllshincnt Is located near tho Laclta, wann.i and ISIooiusbuvg ltallrnad Depot. l'ln lilv IIILLMYETL jgl.OOJI.SISUita fancy Tiuisr- MING AND HOOKSTOIli:, second iloor below Hnrtninn's, Main Street, Just rccelveii a new Mock of ZEPIIYItH, WOOLEN AND COTTON YAHNP. Cousin's, LACES, EMimOIDEIHES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DKESS TUIMMIN09 nnd every variety of nrllcles usnAlly kept in a FANCY .STOllD, Also SCHOOL hOOKN, tlYMN r.OOItS, IlIULIf, SVNDAY-BCllOOl. HOOKS, and a largo lot or Mlf-CELLANEOUS ItOOKs, 3CACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM T100KS, IlLANIv 11EEPS, IlONbS AND MOUTGAOES, and 11 general nnil well-selected nssnrtnte'nt of l'APl'.U, ENVELOPES, tt A. D. WEI1I1. 11110 OXLY flack lo get Uio bci-l T01IACCO AND CIGArtf , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Is at llCNCiSnEltdElVH, n few doors below the American House, IlliMinisbuit-, li. Ho has tho largest and most select of SMoKlNIi AND CHEWING TOHACCO cveroilered tn tlio citUcns of lJlooiusbui'i;. All tho raltcy liratidt of SEOAltS, and the best Flno-ciitaiul ling CIIEWJNU TOllACCO, can be hnd nl his eotiuters. TOllACCO FIPKM In grcnt variety nre among his Inrgc sloi k. DON'T FOltGKT TO CALL II. It. llL'NSDEItaEIl. CTOVKS A NO TINWARE. A. M. 11UPEIVT ami. nun's lo Ids friends nnd customers thnt conlluiies Ihe ahovo business nt Ids old place on .MAIN STItElTl', UI.OOMKHUIlll. CusloinelB lull bo atxoniiiilntcd with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, TinWaro, nnd every vn rlcty of urtlcle found In n Stove und Tliiwnro Fji tahllshment In the cities, and on the most lenfon able teruis. ltiisihingdonunt the shortest notlco Si DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for.tle. jJA0LE FOU.NDUY. JOSEPH SII A 1IPI.1XS, lilonnuliiirg, Pa. RTOVErt OF EVEH V VAUIETY. PI.OCilII.'-lIAnES, PLOUaill'OINTS, and all kinds of Castings, 011 lnnd or supplied nil the shiniest notlco and ut tho chenptst uitmi Castings for COAL UHEA KtHS ANll CoALSCllUTn? inadfl to onli r. i? Mi' uTk an urri.rfslvrxn -ma - l-i CHINES urn suis'rlor o all others for t.V.MlLY AND MANl'rACl LIIING Pl'llPOSls, Contain nil the latest Improvements! are pel in uolsolesbt iliiiablui lindens) to work. Illustrated Circiifsrsfreo. Agents wulttoil, Lib end discount jjlnuisl Noeouslgnmcntji initno, Artdp ii fMI'lltl, is. M. 1 o ' .miil-jy 6;a Drtiaclivrtv NewYoit,