THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMS13U11G, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1866. LP PAL INTELLIGENCE. WlT.TiTAM L. HADDOCK & CO., UOM- ftors In flno groceries, No. 110 South Third gBtroct (opposlto tho Glrard Bank), Philadelphia. I CAPTAIN' C. B. BROCKWAY glVOU i special attention to tho collection of tho f back-pay, bounties, pensions, and other claims duo to soldiers, their widows tind fiunlllee. Ills largo oxperlcnco mid ii hla uniform success In doubtful cases f aro his highest recommcndatlonandthu uwt encouragement claimants can navo to cngngo his services. Tho claim ho cannot prosecute successfullyltls useless to put Into tho hands of another. It la edifying to observe the affection- 'tito manner In which P. John, of tho JRepublican, praises his neighbors of tho Democrat and Star upon their political conduct. Ho slaps them on tho shoulder, Und bids them proceed as good boys In their efforts to consolldato tho Radical , ranks, and helpjiis friend Mercur. If ,jlho "high contracting parties" can win Jn their llttlo game, who knows but Bomo flno day another fat ofilco may turn up for P. John. If so, ho should cor '(tulnly sharo tho profits with his gene ... "rous assistants. The Democrat and Star, tho now jjMcrcur organ, Is concerned about tho selection of Mr. Clark's deputies In tho district. Mercur may lose several ser viceable supporters now In oflko by salutary changes, and henco tho deep concern of tho Democrat and Star. If It .only dared to hoist tho name of tho Negro Suffrage, Anti-Johnson candi dato at tho head of its columns it would simplify matters very much. As It Is, It must do Its work lor Mercur and P. John Indirectly by blowing a very lladl , 'cal trumpet against any posslblo union of conservative men to defeat tho former, '.'and by endeavoring to sow as much of '."distrust and Jealousy as posslblo in tho '.'public mind concerning all movements ,or changes which may operate to .his injury. The Jiepublican of last week stated as ' a fact that Copperheads wcro applying for Assistant-Asscssorships in this dis trict, and that Mr. Clark was forward "Ing their petitions to Washington. Wo "nro informed by tho Assessor that tills statement of the -ftewMic'cm is absolutely false. So far as ho has Information no Democrat, or Copperhead if you please. .'lifts mado application for placo under lilm,and no petitions have been forward ed to Washington by him. Tlio sumo paper of this week stales that persons .from Montour and Bradford Counties , Havo been in town soliciting Depuly-As-eeesorships of Mr. Clark, and wero by him referred to Mr. Buckalow. This statement wo aro also authorized to pro ,nounco an inexcusable lie. How beau tifully this editor Illustrates and enforc es tho idea that some men prefer false hood to truth 1 Tho public are beginning to understand this, and will govern . . themselves accordingly. Tim Bloomsburo Post-office. Tho Radical Postmaster at this place, .Having ascertained that ho is to bo re moved, has written tho Insolent letter 'Which wo give below to tho Postmastor Gonoral. Ho risks nothing, because his fatois already fixed ; but ho attempts to linprovo tho occasion to play tho part of a disinterested patriot. It is tho case of tho Assessorship over again. When tho ofilco can no longer bo hold tho in cumbont protends to caro nothing about It, and vaunts his own independence, i All at onco tho grapes aro very sour TOST-OFFICE, IlLOOMSIinilO, I'A., August 7, 1800. Hon. A. W. Jtandall: Sir. I havo lust received vnnr mil for tho Philadelphia Convention, under tno iranic oi bcnator uownn, and I lias ten to reply. I most heartily nnnrovo of paid mil .nnd for the following reason, viz : it will placo all such renegades as Cowan nnd yourseii in tno vaults or tlio Copper Robol Democracy, and so fully show up your oaseness aim ireacnorv to vnnr friends aud your country as to render you powerless for harm. I hold tho best post-ofllco in Columbia County. It is nt your disposal. My political principles and doctrines belong to myself. Respectfully, etc., u. j. ajiiUKiuv, postmaster. "Wo think vory likely that tho circular for tho Philadelphia Convention has uccn In his hands for somo time, al though ho pretends to havo Just re celved it. Within a few days wo havo scon a letter from a gentleman of standing in ttradrord County, detailing an open con voreailon with Mercur about his pros pecta of re-election. Mercur is delight ed'wlth tho Democrat and Star, of this jplace, which has been for somo timo so obviously edited In his interests. Its denunciations of Johnson men cnncral ly,;Uts flings at Senator Buckalow, who iioaijonn removed, and beat him (Her cur) upon Clark's confirmation ; its fool Ish articles about tho Philadelphia Con vontlou ; and its frantic protests against nnylconcort of action with men who cannot swear altogether by Valiant!!;: nam and Fernando Wood-all thco things convoy comfort nnd encourage- morn to ins breast. Undoubtedly tl HWeotost reading ho has had since tlio downfall of Dr. John is tho Democrat '.Vct, tr. i . ununtur, jiu uuguis 10 nopo no may get back to Congress to votooirulnst An- drew Johnson und for bulfrago to our "colored brethren" throughout tho wholo country. Ho knows that his .only chance must bo created by leal ou'sles, divisions, and disputes among men opposed to him In opinion : for clear majority of tho freemen of tho district avo for tho President's paving policy ot restoration, and against pol luting tho ballot-box by necro sulVnitro, Henco his satisfaction with tho reputed organ oi mo Democracy of this county and .his expression of belief that there can1-bo no sufficient concentration of votes to defeat him. But Wo boliovo ho is making calculations which will not bo"reallzed. Tlio people of this district will not bo foolish enough to elect him ftfiocond tlmo to misrepresent them In Con'grc&. GARDNER, HUMMING!, AND Co.'S Circus, combined with Van Amburgh mid Co.'fl Monogcrlc, will exhibit hero on tho twenty-third Instant. It Is a superior exhibition. IN the Providence of God ho Andrew Johnson has been elevated to tho Presi dency. In his effort to complete tho noblo work eo nttsplclttously begun by his predecessor, tho ever-lamented Lin coln, ho should have tho support of loyal men everywhere. Our motto Islruslhim, have faith in Mm stand by him In his high and holy work. Columbia Count Icpubllcan, February 8, 1800. Ilnnvr.T Promotions. Tho follow ing brevet promotions In tho volunteer servlco, of officers of merit in this sec tion have recently been mado: "Colo nel Wellington II. Ent.of tho Sixth Reg iment Pennsylvania Rescrvo Volunteer Corps, to bo Brevet Brigadier-General, to dato from March thirteenth, 18G5, for gallnnt conduct nt the battles of tho Wilderness, Spottsylvanla Court House, and Bethcsda Church, Virginia; Major Chester K. Hughes, Ono Hundred mid Forty-third Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (of Cambra, Luzerne Coun ty, Pennsylvania), two grades of pro motion, vjzs Lieutenant-Colonel and Colonel for meritorious services, and for omuls received nt Gettysburg and Cold Ilnrbor; Captain Samuel Waters, Com- pady A, Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves to bo Major; First-Lieutenant Albion B. Jamison, samo company nnd regi ment, to bo Captain ; Second-Lieutenant Harrison J. Conner, of tho samccoinpany mid regiment, to bo First-Lieutenant. Tho above promotions wero well earned and justly conferred. In tho case of Colonel Ent wo beg to suggest u fact hich entitles him to nn additional brovet. When tho Rebellion burst upon us and President Lincoln mode his first call for soldiers Colonel Ent, then recent ly admitted to tho Bar, and still In tho ofilco of his preceptor, was tho first man In this county to tako tho proper steps to respond to that call, and how cfiectu- ally ho labored was soon seen in tho or ganization of tho Iron Guards. How ever gallantly ho mny havo fought, or however skillfully ho may havo com manded, ho has dono nothing in connec tion with tho lato war which entitles him to moro credit than tho fact wo havo referred to. DIED. In Bloomsburg, on tho thltd Instant, Hope, only son of Jonh O. nnil Magglo W. Freeze, aged six ears, throo months, nnd ono day. In Jackson, on tho twenty-second ultimo, Mrs. 'ullliv McHcnry,ngciI twenty years, ulna months nil twenty-two days. In tho samo place, on tho twenty-sixth ultimo, Sirs. i:il7nlicth Kester, aged sevcnty-llvo years, six month", nnd twenty days. In Denton, on tho llrst day of August, Richard Corbln, sou of Itlchard und Amanda Stiles, aged ireo months and twenty days. Jliu-ltct ltrport. Wheat per bushel S2 .3 " o - i in Corn " l o) Klour per bnrrcl r, oo Clover.sced fl 00 l uixseeii : lluttcr so r-Pfts liillow I'otatoes 1 CO P-led Apples 3 (el . o k 18 li.tllis SUUs u'nd .shoulders 10 Jirtl per pound lit Ha per ton 13 00 (Jraml .Inrnrs .Si'iiti'iubcr Term, 1800. Horough Herwlck Hudson Owen. Heaver lMulel Slnnley. Hcntun Hiram 1 livurett. Uloom HenJ.imlu K Hartman. Catawlisa Walter Lashell, Uenjamln Miller. Ontre Samuel Hower. Jackson Knurr. r-'ishtneereek Cvius Vhtto. Jntin Dreseher. John Zaner. 1 ranuun Washington rarr, Cieorgo V. Fens termacher. ureenwnoil William A. Kline, Jacob 1C. Berlin. iiemiocuionn jisiier. Main William Swisher, Daniel Fisher. Mllllln Samuel Andrews. Montour l'hllln Helmbach. l'lue WlUlam Ivai-bclmer. ItonrluKCieekl 'hi lip Cool. sugarloat .laeoti li. eruz. Hcottr-Daniel Mclllck. Traverse .Ttlrors. Reaver Peter Knecht, Samuel Johnson. Henton .Samuel M'Henry. Hloom Pen r lliltmever. Henrv nicer. Hliarcreek Absolom Hombov. Kmmer Dettter. icti. Cntawlssa llenlamln Hams. Centre Oeorco H. 1 less. Cminit Alkman. Plilllr Creasv. Josenh P. Conner. Con vnuliam StenhcnMonairban. "Vllll.ini Snv- liri , iiiuutil lieiuv. l' lslilnpereel: John p. creasy. I'lankliu Daniel Zarr, William Rohrbaeli. Llreenwiiud 1-Mward Henrv. ClLsha llavmnn oaiuuei iii'kui L. Hcmloelv Hi-uDen llomlioy, Samuel Erusler, Jackson Frederick Wile. Locust John L. Lucas I'ahrlmrer. Murk Williams. J'll.'I.BUll .,ll.y J. .'1,113. JUIIll .llIUU. Mllllln Albert C. Millard. Iloracj Sehwennen. iiim'i, Junius imtii.ui, i&iuiu nii uur. .n..n. i.i....... .. , . i.i ii. ..i.. Hcott William While. Sugarloaf Joshua Fritz. or Causes for Trial. 1. Stephen Haldv i j. tho Catnwlssa, Wllllnmb- pon, nn'i J.ric itauroan uompany 'i. William L. Lanco is. Thomas Crevi 3. Jacob Harris ejr. Peter Jaeubv. vcllng. 4. Andiew J, Snyder nt. John Sheatler. 5. Jacob Shuman vs. Christian M'olf, 0. Jacob Shuman is. Jacob HarUei. 7, A. S. Saul r.i. Henjamln Wintersteen. 8. Samuel Henry i'j..IaeobHo-ler,WtlltamKllno- tob, and Gideon Hosier, lato doing business In tho name of Hosier , Co. 0. Jacob Shuman is. tho Catawlssa Rallraid (tomnnnv. 10. GooiguA. Herring t j. rotor Miller. 11, Edward Hclluer i. tho Iicust Mountain Coal and Iron Company, ct. al. 10. J. P. Haekenbeig, for tho uso of M. Chamber- nn, vx. uas it. i-.ugur. 13. John lllnterlltervj. John Jameson. l. jacon iicnuey t. catawivsa iiallroaa Com Dam. 13. William A. Case, ct. al., vs. tho Township of uiiini, 1(1. William Lamon r. I'eter Haymrin, 17, M'llllam Unnon i. John Vannelt, Is. Henry F. Nu,-sv.. Horoiigh uf Herwlck. 10. Abraham H. SwMier is, Samuel Hlmby. ."0. .1. F. Anspneh, tt. al rt. William P. Ryon. .'1. i:ii Jones vs. Miles II. Abbott, el. al. .lohu Jttmciou vs, Joeph R. Jumenon. .i, iiroenwooti iowusnip vs, amuei uogari. I, Sylvester J, Faux vs, Isaau While, r-.l ivvniui j, I iia.v la. iniuiu lint'. M. Cnrlstlan Kunpp vs. tho School District of iiiuiiiii. 27. Hussler and Wife vs. Schlussler and Wife. li. Wright Hughes i. Peter Miller, a', David J ju Uh t. Mount Pleasant Township. I I HO. Sylvester J. Fuuxivt. Isauo WhlU. 01. .Tolm O. DUillne, it. at., i t. Pun In Masters. !K. Jonathan KlilUlu ei. M'rlght Hughes, ,i-i. .iiur.v i.. iiieeu vs, isaau t Jiue, 31. Michael Casey t. Franklin Taylor, t, al M. Jamei Harry n. Robert (Jm rell. HU. John Laverns ri, Harnoy .M'llrearty. i)7. Peter Kalt-hher, ct, al., vs. Daniel K rum's ad ministrators, SC. Solomon Neyliard t. tho township of Cenlro William II. Ahlioll, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Catawlssa, Pa. M. 3j. Juclcson, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Horwlclr, Columbia County, To. M. M. Trauijh, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Near Amirlean Hotel. .11. M. L'Vtllr, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Centralis, Columbia County, Ta. U. II. I.lllli', ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, paico on Main Street, In white frnmo house, bo low tho Exchango Hotel. llnlictl 1 Clark, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ofneo corner of Main nnd Market Blrccts, over First National Hank. John CI. l-iceir, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ofilco In Register nnd Recorder' office. In tho basement of the Court House. Wesley Wirt, " ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office on Main Street, over S. 11. Miller's Store. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of vcrulttlonl rrpotui, to inn directed, Issued out of tho Court of Common I'leos in tno County or Columbia, will lie exposed to public sale, at tho Court House, In lllniimslmrg, on .MONDAY. Till', lid DAY OF HKITEMllEIt next, at 1 o'clock In tlio afternoon of said day, tho following real estate, to wit! All that certain pleco or tract of land sltuato In Kugarloaf Township, Columbia County, contain ing ono hundred iicrrs nioro or less, nbout sixty ncres of which Is elrnred land, bounded and do sbrlhed ns follows, to wltt on tho north and east by lands of Codrad lless, on tho south by lands of Samuel lless, and on tho west by lands of Ilen Janiln l'eterinau, whoreoti nro erected n one-story plank dwelling-house, u lug stable, with tho ap purtenances. Selred, taken In execution, and to bo sold as tho property of WILLIAM J. HESS. nugu-u n,.uuijii n.i im-.ii, niicriu. H Altl'ER'3 WEEICLY. TRllMH. Ono copy ono year v tl 00 One copy for throo months 1 00 And nn extra codv will bo allowed tor overv club of live subscribers, nt 31 00 each, or six eoplos for .11 00. Payment Invariably In advance. Tho Hound Volumes of llaiper's Weekly from tho commencement will bo sent to nny part of tho unueiiMinies, ireo or carriage, upon receipt oi mo price, vl7. ! i;iuui 11U101UI7 3' w per loiuiuu, Half Morocei 1 W " Knell Volumo contains tho Numbers for Ono Yl";itMS TO ADVJ'.RTIsnRS.-Ono dollar and fifty cents per line for Inside, two dollars per ltno for oulsldo Advertisements, each Insertion. iium uiiu, fuonsiiers. jILLER & ELBE it, v wnoiesaio IIOOKSLLLLRS, STATIONRItS, AND ULANK-U001C MANUFACTURERS. No. 201 North Third Slroct, I'hlladelphla. Wall and Curtain Pnpors, nnd Stationery gen erally. jylLLER'S STORE. l'ltl'Sll AUULAll ut SPRINO AND SUMMRR GOOD3. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another largo and select assortment of SPRINO AND SUMMLU GOODS, purchased In New York nnd Philadelphia nt tho lowest llgurc, nnd which ho Is determined to sell on as modomto terms as can bo procured elso whero In llloomsburs. His slock comprises LADIKS' DRESS GO0D.S of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following articles : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casiilmeres, Shawls, l'lanncls, Silks, Will to Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware, Cedarwaro Quccnsware, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, -Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glasscs, Tobacco, Cotreo, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs AND NOTIONS GENERALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ho Invites tho nttontlon of tlio public generally. Tho highest price will bo paid for country produco in exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER, Arcado Ilulldlngs, Hloomsburg, Pa. ENRY GIOER ias opened a llrst-class HOOT, SHOH, HAT AND CAP STORE. nt his old stand on MalnStrcet, Hloomsburg. His stock is com posed ui tho very latest and best styles ever oll'ered to tho citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate tho public with tho follow lin- kinds iiuJ lirlees: Men's calf boots, lint S3 00 to 0 00 " Kip, doulilo sole .1 t...i Hovs' ehllrl's bootR 1 73 tot Men's eloo kill. Comiress. ,te L' 31 to 5 " " Halmoral shoes 1 HO to 3 CO Men s, women s, buys', nnd mls'.es' ulovo kid lasting gallers 1 73 to 3 75 Women's glove kids, ery tine 3 23 to 5 75 uno goat morocco oauuoiais 'j iio to l w men's morocco and calf shoes t 75 to 2 50 cnmmiiii shoe 1 50 to 2 50 Misses' and child's shoes 0 S3 to 1 CO Men's, women's, misses', Hoys', anil child's slipper 0 23 to 1 00 Ho also keeps a great variety of HAT'S, CA1-S, AND STRAW GOODS of every kind, at tholowest prices, both for cash and country produce, jiemeuiuer inu iiiiiiiiiiuu muum nwui, iuu i I..-. tit lti.4 fro lit lif.'li liricew. hilt, cull iimt seo fur yourselves, llespeetfiillv, 11U.III1 VJ.VJ,.,.. rMi ONLY PLACE to get tho best TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, is at HUNGSIIEROER'S, n few doors below Iho American House, Hloomsburg, Pa, Ho has tho largest nnd most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING T011ACCO ever offered to tho citizens of Hloomsburg, All tho fancy brands of SEOARS, and Iho best Fine-cut and Plug - CIIEWINO TOHACCO, can bo had at his counters, TOHACCO I'irEs' In great varloty nro among his largo stock, don't roRairr to call. II. II. HUNHHEROER. rVO ALL WHOM IT JIAY CON- .1. Cl'.U.V. Plcaso tako notlco Hint I, Ira Road' armcl, of Celitlevllle, Culumbla County, having bought Iho following list of property from Peter Hower, do declare that It Is my Intention to lend tho bamo to tho bald I lower, to wlti four beds; ono doren chnlrs; ono lot of dishes; ono cup board; one bureau; twenty yu,rds of carpet; ono cooking slovej ono parlor stove; ono two-horo wagon; ono two-horso earrlago; one double set of harness; ono blnglo bet of harness; two tables; two pigs. JUA ROADARMEL, EMPIRE SHUTTLE iSEWINd-MA- li CHIN1X nro kiiperlor to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACIUHINU PURPOSES, O jntalunll tlio latest Improvements; aio speedy; uui.mippt iiiiii.uii'i linn rik. u, muiii Illustrated Clrculsrs tree. Agents wanted. IJb' erul discount allowed, No consignments made, Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., augl-l CIS Broadway, New York. GRAND OPENING (I HAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING dllAND OPENING SPRING AND BUMMER GOODS, SPRINO AND SUMMER GOODS, SPRINO AND SUMMER GOODS, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, SPRINO AND HUMMER QOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAW, HATS' AND CA1-S, HATS AN" OA I'M, HATS AND CAW, HATS AND CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND BHOr.S, HOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHING, - READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OI1.S, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, OROCERUM, GROCERIES, QIJEENSWARE, QUEENS WARE, QUEENS WARE, QIJEENSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH, FITR, FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, Ac., Ac, Ac, McKELVY, NEAT. McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, A CO.'S, A CO.'S. A CO.'S, A CO.'S, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main und Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main unit Market Streets, HLOOMSnURG, HLOOMSHURG, HI.OO.MSIUIItO, HLOOMSHURG, HLOOMfellURO, PA PA., PA., PA., PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAII.N, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In largo quantities mil at reduced rates, nlway on band, "yiLL EXHIBIT AT iiLooMsmma, august 23, ism, jAHDHEB, MF.Mfr'i.IIGS, &C0'S AMERICAN CIRCUS, asp VAfi AMSUUGH & CO'S MAMMOTH MENAGERIE anp EGYPTIAN CAR A. VAN, Tho Ltivgost Traveling Exhibition in tho Wor'd. Comprlslm th onlf REAL MENAGERIE III Amerlc-i, with lh rsnby Kleplmnl, a ilunipod CiuncI, Ro.visl 15(;h,m1 Tlfrijis, niul Host of Lions, Tigers, Leopards, &c.,&c, At. J lh 1 . a2n2si. 'VtSSf BEST CIRCUS TROUPE In America, with BeHsr Horsos and Ponioc, Better Performers and Better Clowns Than nreomrrUpJ Inanynimllir ExhihitiAn. Two Performances each Day, Af ternoon" and Night. PnonnfMMi nt 1 nml 0 (clock, 0rin r-iC0 of AclTnisfion to Both Rhows. AilulU M) cunts. i nunrcn uiukt wn yonrH I'.j " i "Will HlMHwhlUt in HHK;iCrt!IINNY Dii Vo.lno tUy, AiiRustLJ; UANVIMJ:. KrMnv. ;Amrust 21, IMrt. W. 11. (JAUDNKH, AK't. li A .IDUHNAIj W CHOKM i:nA))TNO, i:uxTri:i imio.m romnoN cununxr i.iTKUA'ium;. uch of the host literutmi) ot the day N found In tlio Knt?llsh ami Continontnl miiji;izliniM nnd pori tKlicals; and tt Isthcntm nfttio publlicrs oilhln new Journal to ropioituct' tlio choicest n'lpcticms from tlicso for Amrrloan rrailers, in tt form at onco attractivt' ami 1iippmMvo. Tlio nubllslicrs ln.llfvn Hint buck a Jumiml, oomlnetiM upon iho plan which tliov proiioso. will ho not onlypntcr iatnln nml intructlvo In iUoIf, but IntfrcMInt; nn-l vulttublp as a rcllex of ioirltxii norkKlical lit- ('ratlin of tho day It will bi. in short, tho aim of Its punllsnorst hut I .vory salunlay hhallcoimuriiit ltelf ly lis fro.-ilmoss and variety to all I'liiMsfM of jiupiiiKi'm auu ( iiirivaieu iciiMcrs, i-.vory waiur- lay will ooutatn rach wook thlrtv-two larco oc tavo ia(, liand4;omelv printed In doublo coi uiniT. with nn oinravctl title. i liii.MW. .-sinKio numinTs, v) cents; sun-'crin-tion price, S tier year, in ndvnnco. Monthly nirts will bo h-sued. containltu; liiH paijcs each, umdsomcly bound In nn uttraclUocovcr, prlco u cents. Mm-uTjpuon pnet;, s.j ncr year, in aa- ani e. Subcrllierfi to nny of tho other period IcaU published tiy TIelinor rieuN will receive livery Kuterday for 31 per year, in advance. 111 Treiuutis .Street, lloston. HAHPKK'S NEW 310NTIILY MAOAZINE. TERMS. Ono cony for one year. SI 00. An cxlrn com-. gratis, lor every Club of Ih o subscribers, nt UW u'ii, or sl co lies mr ffju iw. llAIU'EU'S MAOAZINE mill IlAlll'Ell'.S WEEKLY. together, ono year, on. CIRCULATION 112,0011. The Publishers will ni-eeiit n 1 Imltnil nnmher nf llrit-cl.iss a li:rllseiiieiits for tholr Mnga.iiie, at tlio following low rates : (inn J'ngo fiV) 00 Half I'use 12", no Unaiter Pago 70 00 Or SI SO per lino for less tliaee. Averaral elcht words to u line. HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers. "J" Il'K INSUItANUE. f you wish to llvo long and dlo happy, go without delay and INSURE YOUR LI I'll In tho best Company In tho world, THE MUTUAL LII'll INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. ITS CASH ASSETS ARE 815,000,000, and Its nnnnal dividend for the fiscal year of 1863 amounts totoventy-tlvo per cent, on nil partici pating premiums, being tlio largest dividend ever leelared by any company fur the samu length of time. I-'or further Information npply to P.S. RIHHEL, Agent, llloomsbuig, Pa, p U1JL1C SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. In nurMienco of nn order of tbn OriihnnO fYiiirt. of Coluinbta C'liunly, P.i., on Kiturdny, the elev- eniu nay in Aiigusi nexi, in ono o chick in tno ai ternnou. lli-nfiilntn I'. Imrtmun. AdmliiKtmlrnv with the will annexed, ol nil nnd slngulur tho goods and chatiels. rlghtsnnd credits, which wero nf .lames llli-:ill. late of Mnntimr Tim-tihhln in said county, deceased, will exnoso to sale by pub lic vendue, on thu pieinlscs, a certain plueo, pnr- fi-l.lir tract nf Jllllil. Nltimti, In tntilr,nr T.iwnA.i.. Ill the County of Columbia, adjoining lands of L.'.iiiH-iiiiii'icr unuens on me rust, wiinain llnli erls on the north, Uiorge A, Wlllets on the umih, and Prick mil Hurley tin the wivt. c-oiit.iiiiiin. sixty acres moro or less, h hereon nre n muni- aim iiurn nun oilier nut" hullillni;.,. Late tho vst.ttu orsald deeensed, situ, iitu In tho Township of Muutouraiid eouiuy nfuro said. J1NSE COLEMAN, Clerk. iuoomsuurg, .iuiy 17, isjiu, CONDITIONS OP Mali:. Tell tier cent of lino lnllrtli nt mireli'ii.A niniie- to bo I'll Id Oil Striklne iliiwn nf tllil immirli' nnil "ii inu niiiaiict) in one year irom eonnima- lion aui, will! lIHcreL uli biilil lialunea rroni eon- llrmntton nisi. Purchaser to pay for deed and stamps. ii. i' iiAiiTMAiN, Administrator. JOHN STItOUI' it CO., successors to Ktroup t Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PISH, No. 21 North Wharve.s, an I ft North Water St., Philadelphia. TJ W. HANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND L'lfJAU WAREHOUSE, No. 1 18 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, Philadelphia. JOSE1MI S. DELL, Manufacturer of and Wholeialo Denier in CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS, No, 13 North Third hired, Philadelphia, mm QI.INIBUS LINE. Tho undersigned would rospcctfully nnnounco to tho citizens of Uloomsbnrg nnd tlio publlo gene rally that ho Is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this placo and tho different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South nnd Weston tho Cata wlssa and WHIIamsiort Railroad, and with thoso going North nnd South on tho Lackawanna and Hloomsburg Rnllrond. Ills Omnllmsscs aro In good condition, commo dious nud comfortable, nnd chargos reasonable Persons wishing to meet or.sco their friends do- P art, can bo accomodated upon rcasonablo chnrgo by leaving timely notlco nt nny of tho hotels. JACOD J.. OIRTON, Proprietor. rpiIU AMEltlCAN 1IAY KNIFE 1 AND 1'OUK. Wn the nnilcrslnneil eltllens oi Columbia County wltncsicd tho trial of hay forlis on tho farm of Mr, l'urscl, In Jleniloek ,vnhlp, on Monday, May 7, 1900, between tho lerlean llav Knife anil I nrlr iimiiiifnettirpd bv HLIKKR, WALI.M, WIRINKR & Co., of Lewis burg, l'a., nnil tho Humld'n Patent liny Hook, Tho American l'ork lined moro hay in ono ilrniiKht Hum tho Runilel In three. Wo nro satis- nen n will unco lis niucu nny into mo mow as two IWI Itiuni o inn iiiui'i ,, v tuou o VlllllllK inv. nml think 1L ciinnot bo bent us nlmv knife. nnd cheerfully recommend It ns tho best hay fork and knife wo tiavn ever seen. t;. JiITTF.NlinNDKR, l)lt. i . c JiAniusoN, W. H. KOOKK, .lOIlM l)OAK, .loitN DctkiiicK, D.VNtr.1, Novr.n, 11. DinLEMIt.LEIt, HYLVlSTElt l'tJIBEt, Miciiari. Ili'.i.i.Eit, John Wolf. Tliev nlso iiiniiiifuf tnro tlio eelehrntea Tlilclce Reaper and Mower, and other agricultural Imp! jiieiin. jjonics HOTEL,, ui'iOiiuii v. .mauuu iToprieior. Tho nbovo well-known hotel has recently under gone radical changes In Its Inlcrnul arrangements, nnd lt proprietor announces tohls former custom nud tho travelling public that his accomodations for tho comfort of his guests nro second to nono In tho country. Ills table will always bo found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but w 1th all tho delicacies of Iho season. Ills wines and It ouors (except that popular beverage known as .uccnr2r). purchased direct from tho Importing house, nro entirely pure, and freo from nil pol- Bonnus drugs He is thankful forallherul patron- ngo In tho past, nnd will contlnuo to deservo It In tho future. GKOROU W. MAUOl-.R. T U. 1'UKSEL, IIARNIOSS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUTACTORUn, and denier In CARPET-RAGS, VALISES, FLY-NETS .S.C., Main Street, lloomburg, Tn. pOWDEH KEGS AND LUMBEH W. SI. MONROE & CO., Rupert, To., Mnnufaclurers of I'OWDER ICEG3, nnd dcnlors In nil kinds of LUMnKR, glvo notlco that thoy nro prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, nnd ou tho chenpoit terms. jTEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. l-'rush arrival ot SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. DAVID LOWENBERQ Invites attention to his slock of CHEAT AND FASHION AULE CLOTHING, nthlsstoroon Main Street, two doors abovo tho American House, nioomsburg, Pa., wher'n ho has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTniNO, Including tho most fashionable, duruble, nnd handBomo DRESS GOODS, consisting of RON, SACK, FROCK, GUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. Ho bos also replen ished his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, ILVNDKERCIIIErS, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES, Ho has constantly ou hand a largo and woll-se- Icctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which bo Is prepared to mako to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, nnd in tho best manner. All his clothing is mado to wear, and most of it Is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of every description, fine nnd cheap. Ills caso of Jewelry Is not surpassed In this place. Call nnd examine his general assortment of CLOTniNO, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. DAVID LOWENBURO. QAltlUAOE MANUFACTOKY, uioomsourg, l'a. M. C. SLOAN A BROTHER, tho successors of WILLIAM SLOAN & SON, contlnuo tho business of making CARRIAGES, BUGQIES, and every stylo of FANCY "WAGONS, which they havo constantly on hand to suit cus tomers. Never using nny material but tho best and employing the most experienced 'Workmen, they hopo to continue ns hcretoforo to glvo entire satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection of their M-ork, nnd of tho reasonablo price usked for the same, Is nuro to lnsuro n sale. T7KKSH ARRIVAL OF NEW X1 GOODS. Tho undersigned bos Jnst urrlved ftom the City with n largo assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Dyo Stuffs, Rcndy-Mado Clothing, Perfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Brushes, Trusses and Supporters, and o general assortment of every thing that belongs ton well-appointed Drug Store. Also Pat ent Medicines of all kinds, such as Jayue's, Aycr's, M'lshart's, Wlnslow's Son! dug Syrup, Brown's Troches, Hwnlu's Punaccu, linker's Cod Liver OU, Hoolluud's Bitters constantly uu hand, Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by tho dozen or nnlf-dozen. Also SHOE-FINDINGS, FISHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n largo experience In tho drug busi ness, I would respectfully Invito thoso wishing anything In that lino to call and sco my stock be fore purchnslngelsowhere. "Inmedlcluesriuallty Is of tho Hist Importance," JOHN R. MOYER. Q.OOD NEWS FOR EVERYUODY. Owing to tlio Into fall In gold, EPIIRAIM W. ELWELIj has reduced his prices to suit nil buyers, cither at wholesiilo or retail, Ifyouwaut SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRU, SPICI'A CRACKERS, CANNED TRUIT, DRIED FRUIT, WOODENWARE, FISH, BEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, FEED, AC, Ac. Ac, Slv wotuall. j:PHRAIM W niAVEU,. IXCHANOE IIWTKL, 1 1II.00JI81IURG, OOIAJMlllA Tho umlcmlnnwl linvlng purchnned tiild well-- Known nnd cenlrnlly-locnleil houne, tho Kxclinngo iioici, Mtnoto on siain htrkkt, In lUoomnburg, Immediately opposite Iho Oolumhla County Court Homo, respectfully Inform Ills friends and tho publlo In Roncrol that his house Is noy In order for tho reception and enlorUlnmont of travellers who may bo disposed to favor It with their cus torn. Ho has spared no expense In preparing I ho nxehauRO for the entertainment of his guests. neither shall Ihero bo anything wanting (on hln part) to minister to tbolr personal comfort. Ills houso Is spacious, and enjoys nn excellent busi ness location. Omnlbusses rati nt all times between tho V.x- chfinfie Hotel and tho various railroad depots, by which travellers will bo pleas-antly conveyed tci and from tho respective stations In duo tlmo to meet tho cars. JOHN P. CA8LOW. Dloomsburg, March 22, 1SW. CUSQUEIIANNA HOTEL,- YJ Catawlssa, Pa. Tho abovo Hotel has lately been purclinscd by" uj.rtui J, ULAiiiv, and has been thoroughly rc modollcd, repaired, and refurnished. It will bo found now, In Its arrangement and nppolntmcnts. a tlcst-clnss Hotel, nnd second to nono In that country. Persons In cities wishing to spend tho hot months In tho country, will do well to glvo tho proprietor ncalb JgAKElt AND CONFEOTlONEll. 1H 11. SiUllINIilt has always on hand and for rnlo FRESH DREAD, CAKES, AND PIES, FRENCH AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS In every stylo and variety, NUTS, FRUITS!, and everything usually found in n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STOItL Having recently filled up a new nnd elegant, ICE-CREAM AND EATINQ SALOON, ho Is prepared to nccomodato ladles nnd go ntlo men In the best stylo, m JltUa AND CHEMICAL STOHE, Bloomsburg, Ta. flRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERT AND TOILET ARTICLES. EYEIV & MOYER respoctfully Invito n cohtluuanco of patronngo. Tholr Drugs nnd Medicines nro all selected with tho greatest caro, nvoldlng ns much as posslblo tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, nnd nro purchased from tho best Importing houses in the) country PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, Including Aycr's, Jayne's, Hollo way's, Hostcttor's, Wlsbart's, Hoofland's, dc constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES BRUSHES TAINTS AND CHEMICALS of ov'ery variety, nnd of the best quality. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. Tho publlo may rely at nil times on procuring tha nbovo nrtlcles, with nil tho new useful prepara' tlons kept in tho best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAN'S TRESCRIP1TONS nnd Family Receipts compounded with tho great est accuracy and dispatch. jNATlONA Ii FOUNDltY, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, To. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho above-named oxtonslvo establishment, Is now rrepare'd to ro celvo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR, COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ao Ho la also prepared to mako Stoves of all Bl7es and patterns, Plow-Irons, und everything usually made In llrst-class Fonndrlcrt. Ills extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contracts on tho most rcasonablo terms. Grain of all kinds wilt bo taken In exchango for Castings. This establishment is located near tho Lacka. wanna nnd Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETEli BILLMYER. JgLOOMSBUttG FANCY TItIM-' MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door bolow Hartmau's, Main Street. Just received a now slock of ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS: and ovcry variety of nrtklos usually kept In a FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, BIBLES, SUNDAY-SCHOOL BOOKS, and a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM ROOKS, BLANK HEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES, and n general and well-selected assortment of TAPER, ENVELOPES, &c, A. D. WEBB. JEAL ESTATE FOR SALE, lsinto of William Hoblson, deceased. THREE VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS, on Main Street, Bloomsburg, adjoining tho Court House, nnd nearly oppobito tho Exchango Hotel, TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS, on Rldgo Alley, known as tho "Spring Lota." ONE HOUSE AND LOT on Rock Street, Also TIMBER LAND, In Jay Township, Elk County, ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, well timbered with whltc-plno and hemlock good funning land. Tho abovo piopcrty will bo oucrc-a at PRIVATE SALE until tha fifteenth of August next, ou which dny, II not sold, It will bo oirered at " PUBLIC SALE, on tho picmlscs, near tlio Court Houso, nt (en o'clock A.M. Apply to tho subscribers, or to Miss ISABELLA ROBlhON, Bloomsburg, A. PARDEE, Huzlelon, Jrx ra' gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to Ids ft lends una customers that coutluui h tho nbovu business nt bis old placo 011 -MAIN HrilKET, HLOOMSBURG. Customers cm bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES, of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every vn rlcty of urtlclo found In a Htm o and Tinware 1. tublUhmcnt in the cities, and on tho must reason, nulo terms. Repairing dono nt tho shortest uotico S3 DOZEN JHLK-TAN3 on haivl for sale. JAGLE FOUNDRY. JOSEPH KJIAEFLICfcS, Hloomsburg, Pa. STOVJis OF EVERY VARICTY, PLOUGHSHARES, PLOUOI'VOINTS, and nil kinds of Castings, on hand or suppli,.,') tho shortest notlco nud nt tlio elicnpU Costings for 1 COAL BREAKERS AVD ZaWTtM iiiiide to order.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers