The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 11, 1866, Image 2
m a GEOlian II. MOORE, EDITOR. BLOOMRltUllO, SATURDAY, AUqtj&ll, MSfclOUR ON NEGRO !TiFFRAGE. r AT'tho lato se'slon'of Congress, on'tho eighteenth of January, UlysscsMoj voted for tho following hill, whlcirpajis? cd tho Itouso and went to tho Senate. Vquotofrom M'Phorson's " Manual," f ppmramnio. It Is entitled "A 11111 "Oxllmtiiig' tho right of sulfrago In tho Dlstriel.of Columbia:" , jf Jle It enacted, etc., Thnt from.all laws and parts of laws prescrlblngitho quali flentions of electors for any oHlce'ln tho District of Columbia tho wordiiiivhite" bo, and tho sumo Is hereby, stricken out, and that from and after tho passatro of this act no person shall bo disqualified from voting at any election held In tho said District on account of color. 8EC;i2.That nil acts of Congress and all laws of tho State of Maryland in forco In said dfstrlct, and all, ordinances oftho cities of Washington and George town, inconsistent with this act, aro thereby repealed and annulled. Mercurstands upon tho records of tho yodyamlifnaya In favor of this odious rabllljKlcji was not passed through tho i6enay)Ccauso It wa3 ascertained tho tPrldentvould Voto it, and that a two ''tWdsfyotejto oyerrldo tho voto could .not bo obtained. Tho following ofllclnl communication . .lovongrcss irom tno mayor pivrasn "ington, will show tho outrageous charac' ,ter of tho proposition and tho contempt manifested by its passagojthrough tho House for tho interests fltidtoplnions of tno peopio 01 Washington : Washington Citv, D. C, January a, isoo. llon L. F. S. Foster, President of the (Senate of uie unuea states Bin, I liavo tho honor, in compliance with on act of tho Councils of tho city approved -December sixteenth, 18G5, to transmit throuch you to the Scnato of thp United States tho result of an elec tion held on Thursday, twenty-first De cember, 1805. "to ascertain tho opinion of tho people, of Washington on the question of negro suffrage, at which tho voto was u,uu, segregated as iouows : Against Nrgro Suffrago ......0,591 For Negro BuOYngo 85 Majority against Negro SulTrago ...C,Mfl Thi3 vote, the largest with two excep tions, over poueu in tins city, conciu Blvcly shows tho unanimity of sent! mentof the people of Washington in op position to tho extoasion ot tho right of suffrage to that class : and that Its in tegrity may bo properly nppreciatediby, tho Senate, I givo tho aggregate ofjtho voto cast at tno live elections imrneai- ately preceding for Mayor : v$s ism jsjta' lWi. 0.813 ISflO. 6,1175 IROi 4,816 1SG1 6,7U) No others in addition to this minority j- j , . i xi ' - i .. r i.. n. r- oi miriy-iivu uru iu uu luuuu in uws community who favor tho extension of tho risrht of suffrairo to tho class and iu tho manner proposed excepting thoso who havo already memorialized the Senate in its favor, and who, with but littlo association, less sympathy, and no community ot interest or auiuity witn tho citizens of Washington, receive hero from tho General Government tempo rary employment, and having at tho National Capital a rcsidenco limited only to tho duration of a Presidential term, claim and invariably exercise tho elective franchise elsewhere. Tho peopio of this city, claiming an independence of thought and. tho right to express it, havo thus given a gravo und deliberato utterance, in an unoxag gerated way, to their opinion and feel ings on this subject. This unparalleled unanimity of senti ment which pervades all classes of this community in opposition to tho exten sion of the right of suH'rago to that class engenders an earnest hopo that Congress, in according to this expression of their wishes tho respect and consideration they would as individual members yield to thoso whom they immediately represent, would abstain from tho exer ciso of its absolute power, and so avert an impending futuro apparently so ob jectionable to thoso over whom, by tho fundamental law of tho laud, thoy have exclusive Jurisdiction. With much respect, I am, sir, your own and tho Sonato's obedient servant, Richard Wallach, Mayor. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CON VENTION. Delegates to this body will bo chos en In the several districts in this county 'on Saturday, August twenty-fifth, und tho Convention will meet on Monday, tho twenty-seventh, for tho nomination of county und district candidates. Wo refor to thi3 Convention, becauso tho Columbian is to bo a thorough nqwspapor, and fully up to tho times. Thoso subjects which interest tho com munity In which It circulates will bo handled by it with freedom and fairness, and from that advantageous point of viow which it holds as an Independent journal. Not being tho slavo of faction it can afford to bo Just, and frank, and manly in its treatment of political move ments and of public men. It is a sorry thing for a newspaper to bo compelled , to overpraise or to abuso candidates for tho gratification of party malignity or thV promotion of party Interests; and of ono thing our readers may bo certain, that when popular nominations aro un der consideration, candidates aro likely to get much less than Justico from their opponents. Defects will bo painted in tho blackest characters; tho-history of tlicir lives will bo oxplorcd for matter of censuro; their conduct will bo scruti nized "with a Jealous oyo; and selfish, corrupt, or scandalous motives will bo freely imputed to them. Wo daro gay that many men whoso claims aro now being canvassed before the public aro much better thau thoy aro represented to bo by their rivals. Tho following persons havo been an nounced us candidates before tho Con vention i lr Senator Peter Ent, of Scott; Levi L. Tate, of Bloom ; and James S. M'Nin'ch, of Catawlssa. Tito Sena torial District Is composed of tho Coun ties of Sullivan, Columbia, Montour, und Northumberland. In tho District Conference, which will bo hold to effect a flual confirmation, each county will bo entitled to two conferees. Northum berland has already selected herd, For Assembly Tho nomination Is con ceded to Montour 'County, and Captain Thomas Ciialfant, of tho Danville Intelligencer, Is spoken of ns tho probable candidate. Editors seem to bo favorites in this Representative District, as Colo nel Tate, of tho lato Columbia Democrat, and W. II. Jncoby, of tho lato Star of the 2orth, havo in recent years been se lected. For Associate JudgesHo less than eight candidates aro named, although but two aro to bo selected. Six rcsldo north and two south ofjlio rlyor. Thoy aro us follows: Iuam DEiinJof&itckson ; E. Q. Ricketts, of OraupTfANDREW Villus, of Centro; JAConjjEVANS, of Greenwood, Thomas J. Hutchison, of Fishing Creek j Richard Fruit, of Madison j Stephen Baldy, of Cata wlssa ; and Peter 1C. Heiuiein, of Lo cust. Ono candidate no doubt will bo selected from each sldo of tho river. For J'rotionotary and Clerk of thcsev- cral Courts. Tho only candidate named so far is Jesse Coleman, of Orange, tho present incumbent. For Register of Willi and Recorder of Deeds John G. Freeze, of Bloom, and Samuel Neyharp, o'f Centro. Colonel .Freeze has held tho ofilco ono ForSLCbunty Commissioner Samuel R.lH?jvand Montgomery Cole, botlfof Sugarjoaf. Wo havo hero fifteen gentlemen upon tho list of candidates, fromjjvliom six aro to bo selected for nomination to tho sovcral ofllcos mentioned. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. We havo only.tgLsny to our friends in Bradford and MMnur that there is ns much mystery InWfo'acts and objects of thoso connected "with thoCoi.UMiUAN as thoro is about the question of who makes tho appointments of Assistant Revenuo Assessor? Wo know thtft in a legal point of view Mr. Clarkrhas tho right to appoint, but if ho litis referred you to others, and others havo referred you to mm, you must una out tor yourselves. We act Independent of tho entiro con cern. Democrat and Star. What perplexity tho editors and their correspondents aro in I If wo wero only furnished with tho names of thoso cor respondents' it would delight us to re lievo their minds from all distressing anxieties. But how foolish in them to waste time in consulting tho Democrat and Star for information. Who would over expect them to penetrate a mystery. It was hardly necessary for our contem porary to asauro their correspondents that " wo act independent of tho entiro concern." This was a fact patent to everybody who had ever seen copies of tho two papers. In their literary char acter, in their mechanical execution, and in everything that goes to mako up a newspaper, tho contrast is so striking as to precludo tho idea that tho two con cerns havo any connection whatever. But it seems that our contemporary im agines tljero is a mystery about the ques tion of who makes tho appointments of Assistant Revenuo Assessors. This is now to us. Wo had thought tho law clear and explicit, so does tho Democrat and Star, and to relievo tho Assessor from all doubt on tho question thoy pro ceed to inform him that in a legal point of viow lie has tho right to appoint. If this bo true, tho editors aro entitled to tho Assessor's thanks. All men aro said to lovo power and patronage, and of cottrso Mr. Clark is inot so unlike other men us to turn his bfick upon it. But unfortunately, " in a legal point of viow," tho Assistant Assessors are ap pointed by thoSecretary of tho Treasury. At least tho act of Congress gives tiie appointment of these officers to him ex clusively, and confers no power in that respect upon tho Assessor. Wo should say, then, "In a legal point of viow," tho appointment of Assistant Assessors was with Secretary M'Culloch, notwith standing our high respect for tho legal acumen of tho Junior of tho Democrat and Slar. Would it not bo well for tho conductors of that journal, especially when applied to for information, boforo proceeding to enlighten their correspon dents, and tho public generally, on a question Ilko this, to glvo to tho net of of Congress a cursory perusal at least. In this connection wo affirm that ono of two things must bo true. Either the editors of tho Democrat and Star never read tho act of Congress providing for tho appointment of Assistant Assessors or, having read it, wero too stupid to understand it. And in either case wo would advise Assessors generally to look olscwhero for advlco in tho conduct of their offices. TIIE CONGRESSIONAL QUES TION. Ulysses Mercur is announced in Radical circles for re-election, and ho will bo urged upon tho peopio of this district for their support, in splto of tho record ho has mado for himself at tho lato session of Congress, and of his posi tion of open hostility to tho Presidont. In fact, theso things will recommend him to tho Disunionlsts and small lead ers of Radicalism who would sink Into lnslgnlficanco with tho restoration of union, harmony, and prosperity to tho country. Such men thrlvo upon dis cord, turbulence, agitation, and sectional passion, but decllno to tlicir natlvo un importanco in times of peace and pros perity, when tho laws aro in regular ac tion, and when men aro valued accord ing to their morlts, and not according to their pretensions. To them tho Pres ident's policy of restoration Is distaste ful and Intolerable, for It destroys their profitable trado of agitation, and leaves them foeblo and contemptible Why not name a Union man to repre sent tho freemen of this district? What Interest havo thoy to bo promoted by continual disputes In tho country, or by an unjust warfaroupou tho President? Let thoso questions bo answered beforo support Is asked for ono who has been "weighed in tho balanco and found wanting." Dispatches received by tho Mexican Consul in Sau Francisco glvo glowing accounts of tho rcceptlou of President Juarez in Chihuahua, THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBURG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, jaiSt TIIE CANDIDATES BEFORE TIIE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. IN another column wo havo given a list of candidates on tho Democratic sldo of tho house, and now propose to briefly sketch.thein for our readers. Thcro Is much Interest manifested in tho Senatorial nomination. To compli cate tho matter ono or two candidates havo appeared In Montour. Mr. Ent, of this county, served soino years slnco ns a Representative for two sessions, wo believe with credit to him self ns a man of Integrity and firmness. Ho is a man of much energy, and as such has Incurred soino opposition from men who wero formerly opposed by him in nomlnatiftConvcntlons. uoionei Tate nas claims upon our re spectful consideration as a veteran mem ber of tho editorial fraternity, having been connected with tho press of this county for about a quarter of a century. Ho served as a Representative nt tho session of 1802, and his nomination is now pressed on tho ground of past party service, mid his being disengaged from aetlvo employment. Mr. McNinch is a merchant In tho an clcnt town of Calawlssa, which has In recent years taken a fresh start in im provement. Our advertising columns will show that ho is a business man, and understands tho art of success. He has twlco been elected County Treasurer, and discharged tho duties of tho ofilco with credit and to tho satisfaction of tho public. Two of tho candidates aro not speak Ing men, not having been trained to tho practice of debate. Probably tho editor of tho lato Columbia Democrat may plume himself on ills superiority over them as a speaker, but he should not submit his pretensions on this scoro to tho editor of tho Columbia County Republican ; lie must not rely upon this uoint. Critics tiro numerous and uncharitable; and wo suggest ills safe plan would be to get tho editor aforesaid to nbuso him into a nomination, as ho did on a former occa sion. It Is no doubt truo that opposition is sometimes moro advantageous than support. Of tho candidates for Assoclato Judge wo must speak briefly becauso of their number. Mr. Evans, of Greenwood, Is a reputablo gentleman, who formerly served a term as Assoclato Judge. Mr. Hutchison, of Fishing Creek, has had long service a3 a Justico of tho Peaco ; and Iram Derr, of Jackson, has been twlco Sheriff of this county, and once County Commissioner. Mr. RIekctts, of Orange,' lias been a merchant, a busi ness maiirfflSlfiotigh actlvo in politics, has not bceff?niomlneo for ofilco within tho past twenty years. Wo believo ho was onco a candidate for Assembly, when circumstances of a local character prevented his election. Mr. Richard Fruit, of Madison, tho next man on the list, has recently returned to the county from a rcsidenco of some years in Mon tour. Ho Is a gentleman of reputation and social address, but has not been ac tlvo In politics beyond his own neigh borhood sinco ho served as a conferee nt tho nomination of Valentino Best for the Senate. Mr. Freas, of Centre, is a man of much energy, tibkllfull farmer, ardent and actlvo in his friendships and enmities, and onco served as County Commissioner. South of tho river Judge Baldy, of Catawissa, and Esqulro Her beln,of Locust, contest tho nomination. Tho Judge is a veteran iu politics, and Is a man most determined and persever ing in tho pursuit of his objects. He lias served several terms as Associate Judge. Ills competitor is represented to havo local popularity and fair merits as a citizen and officer. For Prothonotary, Mr. Coleman, lato of Orange, Is without a competitor, and his renominatlon will bo In accordanco with usago regarding tho ofilco ho now holds. For Register and Recorder Colonel Freezo is named for re-election with a liko claim of usago in his behalf, In con nection with conceded capacity. He has recently been subjected to severo do mestic affliction, which has kept him from a personal participation in tho can vass. Mr. Ncyhard, of Centre, his op ponent, is an intelligent surveyor, a farmer, and an acting Justico of tho Peace. Messrs Kllno and Colo, the candidates for nomination to tho ofilco of Commis sloncr, both reside in Sugarloaf. Tho ono was formerly a Justice of tho Peace, and tho other is now. Wo aro not nd vised as to their respectlvo merits, but should bo inclined to prefer whichever ono is selected by tho peopio instead of tho Commissioner's Clerk. Wo have endeavored to speak accurate ly and not unkindly of tho several per sons whoso claims aro being canvassed preparatory to tho nominations. Whcth er opposing candidates will bo set up by nomination, or volunteers appear on tho field of .contest remains to bo seen. In aoo'unty so strongly fixed in Itspolltl cal character, tho chances of course aro btrohgly In favor of tho Convention can didates, whoover they may bo; but 'tis an old saying, "Thcro is many a sup twlxt tho cup and tho Hp." Wo shall hope, however, in tho interests of tho public, that tho best men will bo selected. Laixqe numbers of Southern gentle men, delegates to tho Philadelphia Con vention, aro dally arriving. They represent a good stato of feeling in tho South, and a general anxiety that tho Philadelphia Convention shall bo tho means of bringing tho two sections to a better understanding of each other. Tho Southern delegates all oxpress a dis position to go Into tho Convention solely for tho purposo of harmonizing tho con flicting elements in tho country. Thoy havo no demands to mako, and aro ready to accept any reasonublo platform having nny claims to nationality In its character, They oxpect an unqualified endorsement of tho policy hitherto pur sued by tho President, and will bo satis fied should nothing elso bo adopted. Julian Lovelace, of tho Supremo Bench of Missouri, died In his rcsidenco in Danville, Missouri, on Saturday last. GENERAL PRESS DISPATCHES, Tun Now Orleans delegation here aro highly ploased with General Sheridan's courso in regard to the lato riots. Thoy feel confident that had Sheridan been in tho city when tho disturbance did oc cur there would havo been tin outbreak. They express perfect willingness to lenvo tho whole matter to his arbitra tion. A. P. Gorman of Maryland, for four yenrs past Postmaster of tho Senate, has been removed from that position nnd discharged by Sergcant-at-Arms Brown. Gorman has begn for fifteen years con nected with tho Scnato In ono capacity nnd another. Lately dissatisfaction has been expressed at his courso by certain Radical Senators clamorous for his re movnl. It was charged that ho went after Senator Dixon to voto on tho Civil Rights Bill, nnd that all along ho has been friendly to tho President. Crcswcll chnrges that ho has been working in Maryland against him. Finally Cres well, backed by jChandlcr, Howe, and Howard, threatened Brow n that if Gor man was not immediately removed they would havo him, Browo., Removed at tho next session. -jFearlngf threat, Brown dismissed him on Thursday last. A successor has not yet been named. Brigadier General W. A. Nichols has been assigned to duty us chief of staff to Gen. Sherman. Charles O'Conor Is still hero endeavor ing to sccuro tho rcleaso of Jeff Davis on ball or parole. Ho has met with but littlo encouragement as yet. Tho Union Central Committee of Vir ginia, meet to-night nt Alexandria to perfect tho orgimizatlon-dfttho'<adical party to prcparo thOAvayfo"2tho selec tion of delegates to thofjBeplQmbcr con vention, and to mako aPpflBHricnts for speakers, who aro 'toVHTCsttttes' j.- una in uiusuiiciiuuonoi jjHUijcaguos ana Union organlzationsPI! , F Governor IIumphryofJ-Missls'sIppI reports to General IIowardtlutiItho In sano Asylum of that Statots's'o crowded that ho Is daily.compcllod to refuse ad mission to white citizens, and is there fore unable to provide for tho Imbecile blacks. Tho reverses of tho war, subse quent to tho bankruptcy of tho peopio and present sufferings for food and cloth . ing, aro thought to be tho reasons for tins increaso of idocy. A letter received la3t Monday by tho President from a very Influential and wealthy citlzcnof Louisiana, aftcrageno- ral review of tho lato riots and tho causes thereof, contains tho following para graph. "Tho present Constitution of tiiis Stato htts some features in it which wo would bo glad to bo rid of, but we have formally and legally adopted this instrument as our organic law, and we will stand by it until another Constitu tion shall bo adopted by our citizens, In. legal and constitutional manner." Such Is tho universal sentiment of the substantial and respectable men of the State. The Secretary of tho Treasury has di rected that hereafter In all cases whoro a person is appointed Collector or Asses sor of Internal Revenue, iio shall take ollicc on tho first day of the succeeding month after ins commission is delivered to him. This rulo is mado to prevent anydisturbaucoofthopractlcoofriiaking regular monthly statements of accounts Brigadier-General William A. Nich ols, Assistant Adjutant-General In tho War Department, Is named as Lieuton ant-General Sherman's Chief of Staff. Tho following nametl officers havo been temporarily detailed for duty on tho staff of Major-General Hooker Com manding tho Department of tho East: Brevet Colonel R. II. Jackson, Captain First United States Artillery, as Acting Assistant Inspector-General ; Brovet Lieutenant-Colonel LoomisL. Langdon, Captain First United States Artillery, as acting Judge-Advocate. In tho bill passed at tho last session of Congress, authorizing tho payment of additional bounty, tho seamen who rendered such good service seem to have been overlooked entirely. Tho Fourth Auditor receives dally a very largo number of letters from sailors, who suppose, with reason, that tho act granting additional bounty applies to them as well as to tho soldiers. The only reply that can bo mado to them is that nothing can bo dono toward equal izing tho bounties received by them under tills act of Congress. In a recent copo in which all tho parts of two iron steamers wero constructed in Glasgow, and thoro put together, nnd again taken to pieces and tho sections imported into Galveston and duties lovled upon tho parts so imported nt that place, it was decided by tho Secre tary of tho Treasury that tho collection of tho duties constituted tho section of tho steamers American property, and that mnrlno papers may bo issued to such vessels when ngaln rebuilt in this country. A few days ago the President forward ed through tho Post-Oflico to William F, Johnston, well known throughout tho country as nn ox-Governor of Pennsyl vania, a commission us' Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia. By the collusion of tho Postmaster at Philadelphia this letter was delivered to nn unknown person named William F. Johnston, of Philadelphia, who saw fit, doubtless under inspiration from tho Philadelphia Postmaster, D. D. Forney, and others, to wrlto a highly insulting reply to tho President declining the ofllce. Tho iniquity of tho business is apparent. There couldbonomlstakoln tho address of tho letter, and if thcro wero this per son know when ho opened It that it was not Intended for him, but for ox-Gov cmor Johnston. Forney appears In tho JWss with a copy of tills fellow's insult ing letter to tho President, which, for insolenco and consummate wickedness, eclipses tho famous Jamison scarlet letter. In tho eamo connection Mr. Thomas, now holding tho ofilco of Col lector, at Philadelphia, appears in print with a letter disputing tho right of tho Executive to rcmovo him during tho reccssof Congress, and Intimating a pur pose to hold on to tho ofllce nt all hazards. Doubtless ho will soon bo brought to his senses, as a new commission lias been forwarded to ex-Governor Johnston, which will probably reach its destina tion with no further interference, A full investigation has been ordered into tho circumstances attending thcdcll very of tho former epistlo to this man John son, nnd probably tho Postmaster who permitted such flagrant tampering with official correspondence, and conspired to effect It, ns ho unquestionably did, wlllloso his ofilco In consequence. A CAVALRY DATTLE. The following graphic account of a street light between Prusslnns and Aits tiians is calculated to strengthen tho im pression that it is not merely in tho needle-gun that tho Prussians liavo tho ndvantiigo oVfer their Austrian rivols. It lsfromtcorrespoiulentof tho London 2Vwc4:.."Tlio monotony of tho march was relieved by a spirited cavalry skir mish in tho llltlo town of Soar, which Is about six miles to tho west of Ncu- stadt. Last night tho Austrian hussars of tho regiment of Hcsse-Casscl held Saar. Tho Prussian cavalry was to pro ceed to-day to Gammy, about a mile in front of Saar, and tho Eloventh Regi ment of Uhlans formed its advance guard on tho march. The Austrians In tended to march to-day to tho rear tow ard Brunn, and tho hussars wero actual ly assembling for parade previous to tho march when tho first patrols of tho Prussian Uhlans came rattling into the town. "In tho mnrkct-placo an exciting scene at onco began. Tho celebrated cavalry of Austria was being attacked by tho rather depreciated horsemen of Prussia, and tho lance, tho "queen of weapons," ns its admirers lovo to term it, was being engaged in real battle against the sword. Tho first Prussian soldiers who rodo Into tho town wero very few in number, and they could not attack beforo some morocamoup. This delay of a few minutes gavo tho hussars ashoi'ttlniofo hurry together from other parts of tho town, and by tho tlmo tho Uhlans received their reinforcements tho Austrians were nearly formed. " As soon as their supports came up tliolancorsformedalinoacrosstiiostrect advanced a few yards at n walk, then trotted a short distance, their horses' feet pattering on the stones, tho men's swords jingling, their accoutrements rattling, and tlicir lances bnrno upright, with tho black and white flag streaming over their heads; but when near the opening into tho broader street, which is called Markct-pliu-o, ti short, sharp word of command, a quick, stern note from tho trumpet, the lance points camo down and wero sticking out in front of tho liorso's shoulders, tho horses broko into a steady gallop, and tho lance flags fluttered rapidly from tho motion through the air, us tho horsemen, with bridle hands low nnd bodies bent for ward, lightly gripped tho staves, and drovo tho points straight to tho front. "But when the Prussians began to gal lop tho Austrians wero also in motion. With a looser formation anil a greater speed thoy came on, tlicir bluo pelisses, trimmed with fur and embroidered with yellow, flowing freely from tlTo left shoulders, leaving tlicir sword arms dis encumbered. Tlicir heads well up car ried the single eagle's leather in every cap straight in tho air ; their swords wero raised, bright and sharp, ready to strike as their wiry little horses, pressed light by tho knees of tho riders , camo bounding along, and dashed against tho Prussian ranks if they would leap over the points of tho lances. "Tho Uhlans swayed heavily under tho shock of tho collision, but recovering again, pressed through only at a walk. In front of them wero mounted men, striking with their swords, parrying tho lanco thrusts, but tinablo to rcacli tho lancer; but the ground was also cov ered with men und horses, struggling together to rise ; loose lines wero gallop ing away ; dismounted hussars, in their bluo uniforms and long boots, wero hur rying off to try to catch looso horses, or to avoid lanco points. Tho Uhlan lino appeared unbroken, but tho hussars were almost dispersed. Thoy had dash ed up against the firmer Prussian ranks and they had recoiled, shivered, scatter ed, and broken us awavo Is broken that daMies against a cliff. In tho few mo ments that tho ranks wcro locked togeth er it seemed that tho horsemen wero so closely jammed against each other that lance or sword was hardly used. Tlw' hussars escaped tho points in rushing in, but their speed took them so cloao to tho lancers' breasts that they had not even room to ttso their swords. Then the Prussians, stouter ami tailor men, mounted on heavier horses, mostly bred from English sires, pressed hard on the light frames and smaller horses of tho hussars, and by moro weight and phys ical strength boro them back and forced tiiein from their scats to tho ground, or sometimes, so rudo was tho shock, sent horse and man bounding backward, to come down with a clatter on tho pave ment. "Tho few Austrians who remained mounted, fought for a short timo to stop tho Prussian advance, but thoy could mako no impnsslon on tho lancers Wherever a hussar mado a dash to close three points bristled couched against Ills chest or his liorso's breast, for tho Aus trians wero now iu inferior numbers in tho streets to the Prussians, and tho nar rowness of tho way would not 4Jow them to rotlro for their reserve to charge. So tho Prussians pressed steadily for ward in an unvulnerablo line, nnd tho Austrians, impotent to stop them, had to fall back beforo them. Beforo they had gouo far through tho town, fighting this Irregular combat, moro Prussian cavalry camo up behind tho Uhlans, ond tho Austlana began to draw of'. Tho lancers pushed after them, but tho hus sars got away, ami at the end of the town tho pursuit ceased. Ono officer, and twenty-two non-commissioned officers and privates taken piis oners, with nearly fol ly captured horses, fell Into tho hands of the Uhlans as tho trophle3 of this eklrmieh. Homo of tho ; 1866. prisoners aro wounded, a few hussars killed, and two or tnrco Prussians wero left dead upon tho ground." UNFOLDING: OF TnE PLOT. A paff.ii was circulated inthls city yesterday evening, purporting to bo a proclamation of Governor ens order ing elections to bo held in certain parishes to fill vacancies in tho conven or 18G1. Wo supposo It to bo a gcnulno docu ment, although It purports to bo signed ''under my hand, at tho city or Now Orleans, this twenty-soventh day or July, A. D. 18C0." when tho Governor is known not to bo within many miles or this place. It also wants tho attestation or tho Secretary or State, who has, wo learn, rcrused to counter sign It or ntttich the seal of tho State, as is customary, ir not material, to the paper. Not ono or the State officers, wo ho- Hove, elected at tho sumo tlmo as Gov ernor Wells, nnd on tho samo ticket, forming with him tho Stato adminis tration, agrees with him in theso extra ordinary proceedings. Tho paper was, however, doubtless Issued by tho Governor, and is in that respect a gcnulnojiroductlon ; but it is ono ho has not a shadow of authority for issuing, nnd Is of no moro legal forco than It would bo If It had been issued by nny other person, in or out of tlio State. It has been demonstrated, over and over again, that tho convention of 18G1 has no legal existence in 180G. It ex pired by the conclusion of Its labor and thoadoption of thoconstitution it made. It attempted to prolong its own exist ence by providing that it might bo re convoked by tho presiding officer. This authority to convoke tho defunct body was in itself a usurpation ; but it was a conditional authority, vested in a particular person, to bo exercised in a single event, nnd thcro was no provis ion mado for the Intervention of tho Governor at all. That person was tho President of tho convention, and that event tho falluro of tho peopio to ratify the constitution. Tho President or the convention was directed to call it together ir the constitution was rejected. It was only in that event that the provision to fill vacancies should come Into rorco In that way. " Then and In that case" ho (the President of tho convention) might call on the proper officers to causo elec tions to bo held. Tho case never occur red ; tho constitution was ratified ; tho President of the convention decides tho body to bo constitutionally extinct; and tho pretended authority, which was a usurpation, lapses by its own terms, and leaves not a vestigo of title or authority anywhere, or in anybody, to fill vacancies in tho body allvo or dead. Nevertheless Governor Wells has is sued this'paper, ordering andcomniand Ing elections to bo held to fill tho vacan cies which tho very authority ho recites declares aro only to bo filled in tho event that tho constitution should bo rejected It Is tho plainest possible caso of tho useof a power which thoso who bestowed it hud no right to give, for a purpose different from that to which thoy ex pressly limited it, and in a manner en tirely different from that which thoy prescribed. Tho Governor bases his proclamation on tho report of Judgo Howell, as Presi dent pro tern, of tho convention, when Judgo Howell, only represents a "small majority, which irregularly excluded tho truo President- if there bo a President at all and is a moro pretender to author ity, without the support or moro than a fourth of a quorum of tho body ho affects to speak for, but which tho Governor accepts as the sovereign authority of the Stato in perpetual session. Tho proclamation does not call elec tions to fill vacancies in tho convention as it existed when It adjourned in 18GI, but to bring in new members to tho number fif'ty-ono, from parishes which wero not represented in that convention at oil. Thoro is no notlco taken of vacancies which liavo occurred among tho members actually chosen and taking part In its proceedings. Tho real fact wo supposo to bo that a majority or tho surviving members or tho convention is not to bo had in sup port or tho execullvo and his partisans, and that it is designed to bring in by tho now elections, in which it is thought that no citizen or tho State, not in tho Governor's cliquo, can consistently tako part, enough to get a majority who will sanction ovcrythlng dono, however irregular, and depend on tho oxecutlvo nnd a partisan judiciary, which Is in conredcracy with him, to overthrow n unanimous Legislature, all tho Stato oiuccrs elected by the peopio, and im poso a new government on a disfran chlsed peopio. How this revolutionary schcnio is to bo met and bailled peaceably, and with in tho terms of tho law, is a subject ror tho most serious consideration of tho peopio of tho State. That thoro aro means wo cannot doubt, nor can wo doubt that these will bo takon with a deliberation befitting tho gravity or tho occasion, and carried through with tho firmness which such high duties, in such emergencies, requiro or patriotic citizens. ATew Orleans Ficupunc. AN IRON-BREAKER. Locked up In a cell in tho Henrico County jail, in Virginia, is a man named Chastlan Hampton, who has been sent on liy thojustlce In achnrgoof horsesteal ing. Hampton was rastoned to the floor with nn Iron anklet, chain, and ring, but in soino mysterious way ho smashed tho anklet as If It was only a woman's gar ter. Ho was ironed again witli tho samo results as before; and to for seven time? in success did this thing liappon to the great bewilderment of tho blacksmith who mado them, who swears by ham mor nnd anvil that Hampton must bo tho . No tools havo beon found In tho cell by which the smashing could bq dono, unless thoy wero concealed In his clothes, which wo bellovo havo not been searched. The Clerk of the Court, ns eoon aa Hampton Is loft to hlmeelf, can hear tho sound of his work iu casting oft his irons, which, by tho way, It up pears ho docs in derision or ids keepers, and not with any viow or makliig hli escape. NAPOLEON UNDOING THE WORK OF niS UNOLE. The emancipation of Vcnlco is n grand event. A Bonaparte, bo it acknowledg ed freely, lias been a prlmo mover in undoing ono of tho worst political crimes' which history records against tho great founders of his houso. Tho handing over of Vcnlco to Austria stains tha first Napoleon as much as tho partition of Poland darkens tho renown or Fred crick tho Great. Slnco tho Congress of Vienna settled it on Austria, it has clung around her neck worso than a dead weight a perpetual Irritation and dan--ger. Bipod has been shed to maintain that herltngo or evil enough to flood tho great Placo or St. Mark and tho Doges or tho painters and poets. Great hearts havo uselessly broken in tho effort to tear rrom Austrlfi that which sho gives up to-day. Splendid intellects havo worn themselves out in tho samo futilo struggle; patriots whoso purity and genius might havo glorified a nation have died in prison and iu cxilo ror that causo in vain. Tho courago or tho sol dier, tho Intellect or tho statesman, tho wiles or tho conspirator, liavo for gener ations been wanted to gain that end which tho world hears with amazement has been so suddenly conceded to-day. Manlnnud Cavour and D'Azeglio should havo died hereafter they should havo lived to sco this great step nchloved In tho Independence and unity or that Ital ian race for whom thoy dared and suffer ed so much. So far as this great boon has been obtained for Italy by the inter vention of tlio Emporor or tho Fronch, wo are not disposed to sliaro tho rears of thoso who dread that its acceptance may involve soino compensating sacrifices. AVo do not look for tho development or nny such sinister designs. Tho part taken by tlio Emperor or tho French Is, we trust and believo, but tlio fulfilment or Ids pledge that Italy should bo free Irom the Alps to tho Adriatic. What ever territorial questions may havo to bo settled between lilm and others, Wo do not believo it possible that an attempt will bo mado to induce an Italian minis try to barter away a rood or Italian soil, ir this bo so, tho Tuturo or Italy grows at onco calm and bright. Tho dangers and difficulties which chiefly beset her disappear as suddeuly as tho clouds sometimes lift from tho sides of ono of her own Alps, ner strlfo with Austria over, her solo causo or foreign dispute away, sho may set herself firmly and faithfully to tho accomplishment of tho task of domestic consolidation and Im provement from which hitherto sho has been so much distracted. She may re- duco to the most modest proportions hor hugo army, stop her work in naval arm aments, apply hcrseir with all her heart to tho repair of her shattered finances and tho full development or her splendid resources. Nor, indeed, docs Austria gain much less than Italy in losing Venetia. But for that ill-omened bo quest, tho Emperor Francis Joseph would not now liavo to seo his placo in Europo threatened, his ancestral leader ship In Germany gono. Over tho cession or Venice, como as it may, all Europo has causo to bo glad. Or the other events which aro to accompany this great change, it will bo timo enough to Judge as thoy arise. Thus far Europo stands llko Shakspearo's " Henry V." at Agln court, nnd scarcely knows if war bo dono or no. London Star, July 6. DESPERADOES. We learn from Thomas T. Brown, of Washington County, who was in town last week, that on Saturday, tho socond instant, a man arrived in Fayottevillo in the stago and informed tho sheriff nnd two other persons that there wero four men, who would bo in town shortly from Missouri, who had killed an old man, robbed a store and a grocery, and that ho had raised a company and pureed them, but failing to overtake them ho had taken tho stago and camo on ahead. Pretty soon'tho four men rodo into town, got off their horses, hitched them, and one went into tho etoro of Mr. Stono and tho thrco others went into a grocery to tako a drink. Beforo they had tlmo to tako a drink tho sheriff, the clerk of tho court, Mr. Wing, postmaster, and Colonel Gunter went into tho grocery to arrest them. Mr. Wing said to them, " Gentlemen, you may consider your selves prisoners." With that ono or tho men called out to tho othors to " shuck themselves," und with that each or thorn, drew two revolvers and commencod firing. Mr. Wing, the postmaster, was shot dead, and tho ma'u who camo ia pursuit was shot under tho chin, in tho throat, nnd ho died In a Tew minutes, and Colonel Gunter was shot In tho armfl shattering tho bono. Tho threo men re treated out or tho door, btlll firing na thoy went out ; und by this tlmo tho citizens had collected to arrest tho des peradoes, but as they wero armed, nnd most or tho citizens wero not, thoy all mado their escape A posso or men im mediately started in pursuit or them. Thoy found ono or tho men sitting lean ing against a treo, having been shot through tho abdomen. Tlio party told him thoy would brlnghlm nn ambulance and tako him to town, but when thoy returned they found hlmdead.hohaving cut his throat and stabbed himself in sovcral places. Tho other threo mon wero heard of in tho neighborhood of Elm Spring, ono being badly wounded in tho kueos. Our informant did not slate who shot theso desperadoes, but wo presumo somo of tho party must havo been alarmed nnd fired on them, or perhaps somo of tho citizens flrod as thoy wero retreating. Colonel Gunter's arm is shattered abovo tho elbow, and, It Is thought, will havo to bo amputated. General Pope and staff arrived at Fort Union, Now Moxlco, on tho flftji Instant, uud loft. for. Sauta Fo and. Al-burquerquo..