i f 9 ' I t 'it- hc (Columbian, k AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, ! M l'Uill.tSllEI) KVRHY S VrCIIIlAY. IM Illiioiinljiirg, Columliln Count)-, I'n. 'rUUMM. Two Dollars n ycnr, In lulvnucp. If not Imld lti Vnlvnncc, Two Dollnrs nml Kirty Cents, Address all Idlers (o UKOHCIR II. MOOItK, lMltur of tho Cot.fMiilAN, Bloomnlmrg, Columliln County, l'n, LAURA, MY DARLING, BY EtIJICND Ct.ARENCr.STKIlMAf. IiAt'liA, my darling, tho roso3 hnvo blushed At tho Idss of tho dou", and our chamber Is hushed ; 'Our murmuring Kibe to yir bosom Iins clunir. And hours In his slumber the song thntyotmincj i which you asleep, with your uniw round mm thrown. . Your links of dnrk tresses wound In with disown, t wna mo wire is (is uenr us tus gontlo youtnr bride "Of tho liour when you first, darling, camo to my eldo. 1 Ynurn, my ilnrlliifr, our mil down tho stream -'or Youlh'H sjumiiiursntid Winters Ims been llhon dream; Years havo but rounded your wonmnly craeo. And lidded their (.pell lo tho llalit of your face; Your soul Is tho siuno as though unit weiu tint Blven To tho two, llko yourself, sent to bless mo from Ilea ven Pear llfo, sprliiRlnii forth from the llfo of my life, To draw yuuinnrotirnr.diirlliig, mother, mid wife. I-nira, my darling, there's hazel-eyed Tied, Asleep In his own tiny rot by tho bed. And littlo King Arthur, whoso curls havo the art Of winding their tendrils so closo round my heart Yet fairer than cither, mid dealer than both, Ih tlm trim nne who gave inn in girlhood her troth J' or wo, when wo mated for evil nnd Rood I What wero wc, darling, but babes in the wood? Ijiura, my darllnpt, ttie years which havo flown i Drought few of tho prizes I pledged to my ow j. I said that no sorrow should roughen her way Jlcrllfu should bo cloudless, n loujjKiiiiiinci'sday. Window and sunshine, thistles nnd (lowers, , Which of tho two, darllns, most havo been ours? Yet lo-nlKht, by the smllo on your Hps, I can urn You aro dreaming of mo, darling, dreaming of inc. Ijillni, my darling, tho stars that wo knew In our youth aro still shining as tender and true: Tho midnight Is sounding Its slumberous bell, And I como to the ono who has loved me so well, Wake, darling, wake, fir my vigil is dunes What shall dissever our lives which aro ono? Hay, vhllo the rose listens under her breath, "Naught until death, darling, naught until death!" (Inlury. A CONDENSED NOVEL. JJY W-I.K-12 C-I.I.-NH. PROLOGUE. Tun following advertisement nppenr ttl In tho Times of tho seventeenth of June, 18 li: WANTIII). A fuw young men for light gonteel mploytuaiit. AUdiess .1. W 1'. O. In tho fame paper of same date, in .another column : TO I.l'.T. Thatcommodlous and elegant family mansion No. 'Zi I.lmehouse Itoad, l'liltiioyvlllc, will be lenletl low ton rcspfrtnhlc tenant if ap plied tor Imincdl itcly, tho lamlly being about to remo o to the Continent. Under tholocul intelligence in another column: MISSINO. An unknown elderlv i-niitlciimn a weekugo left Ills loilglugs In the Kent llnud, since which nothing has been iieaiil of him. lie lctt no iracBoi ins niciHiiy except a portmanteau con taining ii couplo of shirts marked "Mi, ward." To find the connection between tho mysterious disappearance of the elderly gentleman and thu anonymoti.s com munication; tho relevancy of boththese incidents to the letting of a commodious family mansion ; and the dead secret in volved in tho threo occurrences, is the task of tho writer of this history. A slim young man with spectacles, a largo hat, drab gaiters, and note-hool;, hat late that night with a copy of tho Times before him, and it pencil which ho rattled nervously between his teeth in t lie coll'ee-room of the " Blue Dragon." CHAPTER r. MAKY JONI.s'S NAltltATIVi:. I am tipper housemaid to tho family that live at No. 27 hlmohoiise Hoad, Fultnoy ville. I havo been requested by Mr. Wilky Culling, which I takes the liberty of here stating is a gentleman born and bred, anil hits some consideru- lion for the feelings of servants and is oiot above rewarding them for their trouble which is more than you can sty ; for M)mo who asks questions and get short answers enough, gracious knows, to tell what I know about them. 1 havo lieen requested to tell my story in my , own langwidge, though why, being no schollnriniindcuniiotconceive. I think , master is a brute. Do not know that ho lias ever attempted to poison my , missus which is too good for him, and how she ever came to marry him, heart only can tell but believe him to be capable of any such hatroslty. Have jl heard liim swear dreadful because of not having ills shaving waterat nine o'clock , precisely. Do not know whether he ever forged a will or tried to get my r missus's property although not having 9 tontitleneo in the man, should not be Aburprlscd if lie had done so. Believe jfcthut there was always something mys terious in his conduct. Remember dis tinctly how the family left homo to go .abroad. "Was putting up my hack hair, - Jast Saturday morning, when I heard a ring, tjays cook, "That's missus's bell, fcasnud mind you hurry or tho master 'ill 'know why." Says I, " 1 lumbly thank ing you, mem, but taklngad vice of them 4is is competent to give it, I'll take my ,1'tlnie." Found missus dressing herself will master growling as iwril. Says 'fte a,,'i'illsi(lue calm anil easy like, "Mary, fll,vu ll)t'''n lo l,ael; to-day." " Wliat for, Stiuciii," ays I taken aback. " WhatV iliat liussy asklngV" says master from i J the bed clothes qu!teavage like. " For V'uo Continent Italy," says missus -. -'"enn you go, MttryV" Her voico was -quite geutlo and Ealntllke, but 1 knew thohtrugglo it cost and says 1, " With . !'", mem, to India's torrid clinic, if re in 'quired, but witii African Gorillas," says I, looking towards tho bed, " never." '"heave tho room," says master, start ling up and catching of ills bootjack. " Why, Charles," says missus, " how .you talk," ullectiug surprise. " Do go, .Mary," says she, slipping a half-crown , into my baud. I left the room scorning .to tike notice of thu odious wretch's conduct. Cannot pay whether my mater and .missus weroover legally married. "What with tho dreadful stale of morals now-a-days and them stories in tho circulating libraries, innocent girls don't know juto what society they might be obliged VOL. I.-XO. IB. to take situations. Never saw missus's marring!) certificate, though 1 have quite ticciiicntui-iiKo looked in her desk when open, and would have seen it. Do not know of any lovers missus might have had. Delleve she had a likltn? for .1 nliti Thomas, footman, for ho was always spiieiui-in;e poor lady when we were logeuicr uiougii there was nothing be tween us, as Cook well knows, and dare not deny, and missus needn't havo been jeaious. mivo never seen arsenlu or Prussian acid In any of tiie private drawers but havo seen paregoric ami camphor. Ono of my master's friends was Count Moscow, a Russian papist which i detested. CHAPTER 11. tiik SUM YOL'XO MAN'S STOltY. I AM by profession u reporter, and writer for the press. I live at I'uitnev ville. I have always had it passion for the marvellous, nnd have been distin guished for my facility in tracing out mysteries and solving enigmatical oc currences. On tho night of tho seven teenth Juno, 18I.1, I left myolllce and walked homeward. Thonightwasbright and starlight. 1 was revolving In mv mind tho words of a singular item Iliad Just read in the Time. I had reached the darkest portion of thu road, antl loiiml myself mechanically repeating " An elderly gentleman a week ago left his lodgings on tho Kent Road," when suddenly, I heard a step behind me. I turned quickly, with an expression of horror in my face, and by tho light ol the newly risen moon beheld an elderly gentleman, with green cotton umbrella, approaching me. His hair, which was snow-while, was parted over a broad, open forehead. The expression of his face, which was slightly llu.shed, was that of amiability verging almost uiioii imbecility. There was a strange, Inquiring look about the widely-opened mild blue eye a look that might have been iuteiisilled to insanity, or modified to idiocy. As lie passed me, lie paused and partly turned his face, with a gesture of inquiry. 1 see him still, his white locks blowing in thu evening breeze, his hat a little on the back of ills head, and his figure painted in relief against the dark blue sky. Suddenly ho turned his mild eyo full upon me. A weak, irresolute smile played about his thin lips. In a voice which bad something of thu tremulous ness of ago anil tho self-salislled chuckle of imbecility in it, lie asked, pointing to the rising moon, "Why '.' Hii-lt !" He had dodged behind me, appeared to be looking anxiously down the road. 1 could feel his aged framoshaking with terror as lie laid his (bin hands on my shoulders and faced mo in the direction of the supposed danger. "Jiush! did you not hear them com ing'."' 1 listened ; thcro was no sound but the soughing of tho roadside trees in the evening wind. I endeavored to reas sure him, witlt such success that in a few moments tho old weak smile appeared on his benevolent face. " Why V" Hut tho look of interro gation was .succeeded by a hopeless blankness. " Why !" I repeated with assuring ac cents. Why," ho said, a gleam of intelli gence suddenly Dickering over his face, "is yonder moon, as she sails in tho blue empyrean, casting n Dood of light over hill and dale, like Why," ho re peated, with a feeble smile, " is yonder moon, as sho sails in thu blue empy rean" He hesitated stammered and gazed at nio hopelessly, with tearsdrip- ping from his moist and widely opened eyes. 1 took his hand kindly in my own. " Casting a shadow o'er hill anil dale," I repeated quietly, leading him up the subject, "like Come, now." "Ah!" he said, pressing my hand tremulously, "you know it V" " 1 do. Why is it like the eh tho commodious mansion on the I.lmehouse Road V" A blank staro only followed, lie shook his head sadly. " Like tho young men wanted for a light, genteel employment V" Ho wagged his feeble old head cun ningly. "Or, Mr. Ward," I said with bold conlldence, " llko the mysterious disap pearance from the Kent itoad." The moment wits full ofstispeiise. Ho did not seem tu hear me. Stiildenlv he turned. "Ha!" I darted forward. Hut he had vanish ed in the darkness. CIIAl'TKR III. no. 7 i.iMmuusi: uo.n. It was a hot midsummer evening. I.iinchuiise Itoad was deserted savo by dust and a few rattling butchers' carts, and tho bell of the muDln antl crumpet man, A commodious mansion which -tood on tlio right of the road as you enter l'ultneyvlllosuiTounded by stately poplars and a high fence surmounted by a checaur le J'rlne of broken glass, looked to the passing anil footsoi o pedes trian llko the genius of seclusion ami solitude. A bill announcing in the usual terms that tho house was to let hung from tho bell at tho servants' en trance. As tho shades of evening closed, and the long shadows of tho poplars stretch ed across thu road, a man carrying a sinnll kettle slopped and gazed, tlrst at the bill mid then at tho house. When ho had reached tho corner of tho fence, lieugnii) stopped mill looked cautiously BL00MSBU11G, SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, J8GG. Up and down tho road. Apparently satisfied with tho result of his scrutiny, lie deliberately sat himself down In thu dark shadow of tho fence, antl nt once busied hlinelf In .some employment, so well concealed as to be Invisible to the gaze of passers-by. At the end of an hour ho retired cautiously. Hut not altogether flnsocn. A slim young man, with the spectacles and note-hook, stepped from behind it tree as thu retreating ilguro of thelntnider was lost In the twilight, and transferred from the fence to ills note-book tho freshly stencilled inscription : " S T 1S00 X." CIIAl'TKR IV. COt'NT MOSCOW'S NAltltATIVi: I am a foreigner. Observe I To be a foreigner in Kngland is to be mysterious, Fiispicioiw, Intriguing. M. Collins has re quested tho history of my complicity with certain occurrences. It Is nothing hah absolutely nothing. 1 writo with ease and fluency. Why .., I.I T L ,. . , . - siiimio j not write v Train la I l am what you Knglish call corpulent. Ha, ha! lama pupil or Maeehiavelli. I Dud it much butter to disbelieve every thing, antl to approach my subject and wishes clrcuitoiisly than in it direct manner. You have observed that play; nil animal, the cat. Call it, and it does' not come to you directly, but rubs itself against till the furniture in the room, ami readies you finally and scratches Ah, ha! scratches! I am of tho feline species. People call me a villain bah ! I know the family living No. 27 Linichmt'-o Road. I respect thu gen tleman a line, burly specimen of your Englishman nnd niadame, charming, ravishing, delightful. When it became known to mo that they designed to let their delightful residence, and visit foreign shores, I at once called upon them. I kissed thu hand of mad ame. 1 embraced tho great English man. Madamu blushed slightlv. The great Englishman shook my hand liko a mastilV. I begun in that dexterous, insinuating manner of which I am truly proud. 1 thought madamu was 111. Ah no. A change, then, was all that was required. I sat down at the piano and sang. In a few minutes madamo retired. I was alone with my friend. Seizing his hand, I began with everv demonstration of courteous sympathy. I do not repeat my words, for my in- tention was conveyed more in accent, emphasis, and manner than speech. 1 hinted to him that he had another wife living. I suggested that this was bal ancedha! by his wife's lover. That, jKK-ibly, he wished to Dy liencu the letting of his delightful mansion. That he regularly and systematically beat his wife in the English manner, and that she repeatedly deceived him. 1 talked of hope, of consolation, of remedy. I carelessly produced a bottle of strycli nine and a small vial of stramonium from my pocket, and enlarged on the elliciency of drugs. His face, which had gradually become convulsed, suit denly became fixed with a frightful ex prcssion. lie started to his feet, and roared : " ou d d Frenchman !" 1 instantly changed my tactics, and endeavored lo embrace him. He kick ed mo twice, violently. 1 begged per mission to kis madaine's hand. He replied by throwing me down stairs. 1 am in bed with my head bound up, and beefsteaks upon my eyes, but still confident and buoyant. I have not lost faith in Maeehiavelli. they sing in the opera body's hands. Tra, la, la! as I kiss evcry- CHAPTER V. int. niiios's htati:mi:nt. My name is David Diggs. I am a sur geon living at No. !) Tottenham Court. On tho llftoenth of June, IS") I, I was called to bee an elderly gentleman lodg ing on the Kent Road. Found him highly excited, with strong febrile yniptoius, pulso ono hundred and twenty, increasing. Repeated Incoher ently what I Judged to be the popular form of a conundrum. On closer ex amination found acute hydrocephalus and both lobes of tho brain rapidly fill ing with water. In consultation with J. .1 .,.l..,t.l. tl ... . il .. an eminent phrenologist, it was further discovered that all the organs were nioro or less obliterated except that of Comparison. Hence thu patient was enabled to only distinguish tho most common points of resemblance between objects, without drawing upon other faculties such as Ideality or Language for assistance, hater In tho day found him sinking being evidently unable to carry thu most ordinary conundrum to a successful Issue. Exhibited Tinct. Val., Ext. Opii., nml Camphor, nnd pre scribed quiet and emollients, Ou the seventeenth tho patient was missing. CHAPTER LAST. htati:mi:xt or Tin: rt-'iii.isiir.it. fi tho eighteenth of June, Mr. Wllkio Collins left a roll of manuscript with its for publication, without title or direc tion, since which time he lias not been heard from. In splto of tho care of the proof-readers, and valuable literary issl-tnnce, it is feared that tho conti nuity of the story has been destroyed by some accidental misplacing of chapters during its process. How and what chapters are so misplaced, the publisher leaves to an indulgent public to dis cover. A Tr.Avr.i.i.r.n wishes to know what eiise there is Just now in tho term " Railroad Securities," seeing there is uo security on any of the railroads. HATS AND BONNETS. It has sometimes happened that gen ius, by a phrase only meant for poetry, makes a prophecy, and In tills way gun powder, the steain-englne, and the mar iner's compass are said to have been an ticlpated. Tlmoworks the miracle, nml causes the event to correspond with tho guess. Even now there is n certain hy perbole becoming a fact. Did tho ladv who first called her bonnet "a duck" ever imagine that u season would tip proach when milliners would go us near a duck us posslblo when composing a head-gear? Far bo it from us to question any tK ' o tho tnsto of the sex olfers for our iratlon. ,Wo can only stand by and wonder. In tlieso bonnets nre re vealed to us the strango mystery of tho female notion of attire. Here they have full swing. In dress thu fall has neces sltated u few restraints which, however irksome, must bo borne, but touching bonnets nothing is imposed. And so their variety is infinite, and their name legion. We turn back to tlto portraits of our great-grandmothers, or to their fashion-books, and find that a "coal scuttle" was tlto rage. Historians nnd essayists, who will describu for you the private views of Cornelius a Lapide, or Juliti3U;icsar,1might find It diflicult to accwnirhmiitrinionial success of uiosogreai-grauumoiners ; ior, reading bVourllghl, aintwo comprehend a man falling In love with a woman whoso ap pearance waa ridiculously suggestive of W allsend? Of course our ago has im proved In this respect, nnd when Le, J-oltH for June, 1800, is disinterred by n curious twentieth-century writer, ho will find therein u legacy of designs worthy of us. We would not be taken in with " coal scuttles." Wo llko Dowers growing nat urally from the human hair, or a small platter of straw laid on the summit of the head. An inverted soup-plato is considered a graceful coiffure, and a lace- rininied oystor-holl is worn as a sweet tiling. We have, to quote Ias J'otht, tho " Trouville," the "Biarritz," the " Clansse," and thu " Mandarin." You wear a "green butterfly with silver wings" on your Mandarin. It is neces sary this butterily should begreon. The " Clarrissu" lias a scarf of gauze round the crown, fastened under a large ro sette of gauze trimmed with feathers from the throat of the peacock. See how particular wo are as to detail., til mot us much so as tho German drama tist who noted In his play, " Hero is to heard the sound of ami coat brushing." Anglers nre not more precise in their hackles than ladies in the ornaments of the bonnet. A few weeks since Mr. 1'upper warned us of a robin-famine, in consequence of the red-breast being sac rificed at tho shrine of fashion. hast year sea-gulls were in danger of extermination, to judge by tho run upon their wings. Xo lady's hat was perfect without a wing, and wo believe it was tills poor fowl that furnished tho deco ration. Can it.be that the custom is just a relic of tho savage state, and owes its origin to an idea connected with that which induces the dandies of thu Feejeo Islands to wear trinkets of sharks' teeth and thu tibias of departed relatives, while the ladies of tho stutio district cover their heads with feathers, after first steeping them in grease? We dress our feathers; they have them aunuturcl. Hut have they anything resembling the"Turto" or tho "Fiinchoii?" Tho "Tartu" is a real love, not bigger than a saucer, and constructed identically of tho same shape as that useful article. " ha Tarto" is much sought after. It serves no vulgar purpose, though, such as protecting the head. Wreaths of tiny bIoonis garnish " ha Tarto," and long, Doating strings depend from It. The hair must bo carefully got up to set oil" " La Turte." A recent traveller men tions a tribe in which tiie chiefs twisted their hair into helmets, anil, if we ad vance as wo are, there is nothing to pre vent thu ladies from twisting tho hair into bonnets. Thu chignon is a step in that direction, tho first Darwinian de velopment. This fashion would havo thu merit of economy, hair being more lasting than straw or tulle. At present tho bonnet is not a bonnet. JUoiir years ago it commenced to illniln- fl I it... I .1 .. ..It I 11.. 1 11 !.... Islt the sides disappeared Drst, then the front; hist year thu luck went, and now tlto top is about to depart. Wostis poet tho "Mandarin" is thu last wo shall see of it ; and what a change from the straw tunnel in which a lady's fai ounce resided to tho paltry thatch from under which it now smiles at us! One was a substantial house, tho other a mere cot tage ornce. There Is a singular circum stance to bo remarked hero, flow gen eral the quantity of hair is, how perfect tiie plaiting, and how universally the ladles tiro able to meet tho exigencies of a custom which would appear to ho nioro or less dependent on natural ad vantages. They seem never short of hair, to use a common phrase. They can even have it what colur tliuy wish, and Mr, 'flipper's robins were unfortu- nato in possessing waistcoats which matched thu prevailing hue. Tho bon nets play but a secondary part after till. Tho " Mandarin" only presides over a chignon. A kind of poultice or bande let to of lace, us wo should write, Just protects this sacred bump. Unfeeling persons suspect the bump to bo st titled with cotton. At thu bottom of it we havo seen fruit sprouting. It istltosub- stlluto for the poll of the bonnet, and is Grecian. The ladies aro assured that tho chignon is of classic origin, and taking this notion into their heuds, they cannot have enough of it. How can wo charge tlnm with frivolity or c.ipnco in dress, when they go for n fashion to the Immortal statues of old Athens? Cer ttilnly thu statues had their heads neatly dressed, and considering that tho sculp tor .seldom embarmssciltho rust of thu figure with any superfluous draping, It Is to bo assumed lie did his best with the hair. If this classic principle is car ried out, we may find It open to a few objections. Say thatthebonnets vanish, that tho Mandarin and ills family are discarded, what next, and next?' The coal-scuttle, wo understand, was in vogue when blushing was known, but that art or infirmity being now obsolete, or being rendered it permanent attrac tion, wo dispense with the coal-scuttle. To do things altogether as they did In Oreeco would scarcely suit. We confess we do not witness the complete extinc tion of thu bonnet without a misgiving and a regret. " La Tartu" does not con sole us, and the " Mandarin" istiniiieill cient substitute. It will takosomu time beforowoaro reconciled to " Le Caprice." Xot that we are heretical enough to question tho propriety of even a " Man darin." In those matters, as wo said before, tho ladles should have absolute authority and control. Only we should warn them not to bo surprised at the re marks which the innovations glvo oc casion to. In the commencement of this season the sex took to what, for want of a better name, we shall term zebra dresses. We beheld our wives and daughters covered with stripes, and streaked down even as the wild asses of the desert. Xow wo havo grown accus tomed to their streakiness. So we may yet bu charmed with tho " Lainballu" or with thu "Trouville," "having the borders raised at thu sidu edged with velvet, worked with beads or straw, and trimmed with feathers." Tho black box which is worn on the head wherev er tho English language is spoken, alio ws How stupid gentlemen are at inventing a lint. Tho conservative protection which keeps up tho hideous gear indicates how we should encourage a spirit of in geiiuity among ladles, who might other wise relapse in tho dismal sameness from which we sufl'er. Hutorcspectfiiily, with deference, nnd merely as outsiders, would proffer a word for the bonnet proper. Is our climate as dry and warm as that of Paris ? Are wo as suc cessful iudre.ing up to thu " Lamballe," in harmonizing cloak, mantle, shawl, or whatever it may be, to the pitch of the hair, as tlto French? These bo grave considerations. Shall it bo the bonnet or "Clarissu?" It strikes our uuin structed minds as n misnomer to call a basin of crape a bonnet, and yet it is a bonnet according to 7e JolM, and be longs to tho genus " Fanchou." Tho iiats aro to the bonnets as a croco dile to an alligator, or as the proverbial negro named alter tho Roman Emperor to thu other negro. We have mention ed them indi-criininately. Roth are gauzy and Doral. Fashion, however, should not iniila:e lleliogabulus, ami require peacocks, red-breasts, and king fishers to grace herd.iinty dishes. Who sutlers for the llower.s wo need not de tail ; the manufacture of artificial flow ers Is not a pleasant subject, but a lady will havo them all the samo. Ono con sequence of the modo is, that bonnets have to be renewed almost as often as gloves. That fact, however, suggests a reflection so obviously mean and un worthy that we shall not dwell upon it; wo should not complain of what gives us an opportunity of repeating tho chicfest privilege of a British father. Paying for a bonnet should bo a pleas ure, and wo havo no doubt it is; wo trust, though, that the "Mandarin" the "Lamballe," and " La Turte" aro only temporary, and that a bonnet will not bccouio so diniinutiveus to puzzle a very Owen of millinery, who might he asked to construct one from a future " Fan chou." A SAGACIOUS DOG. A Pahis correspondent of tho London SlwulurU gives tho following anecdote of Hrusca, a dog which lias acquired a notoriety in the Court of thu Tullerles : You havo doubtless read thu amusing and witty letter written by Marshal Vaillant In defence of tho canine law. Thu Marshal is very fond of dogs, and ho is the happy possessor of one whose intelligence many men would bu happy to share. I alltido to Hrtisco, the inti mate friend of Nero, thu Emperor's own dog. Le jS'ortl gives some lirterest- ing details of tho littlo animal-whoso portrait by Jartlin attracted so much attention at thu last year's exhibition. Hrusca was found on thu field of battle at Solferino. His master, an Austrian olllcer, had been killed that day, and the poor dog was found howling by the side of his dead body. Some French soldiers, touched by thu sight of ills evident grief, carried him away in their arms, anil brought hlni to tho major-general ofthonrniy.Marshul Vaillant. The Mar shal accepted tho gift, mid brought him with him to Paris. At Ilist Hrusca, hav ing been educated in Germany, hail great dltllculty iu understanding French; indeed, unless ho was spoken to iu Ger man, lio walked off and turned his tall to the speaker with an air of utter dis gust. However, ho has now acquired tho language, and were ten Austrian re;lments between him and his present in ister, all their Teutonic sounds would not prevent his reaching thu Marshal. Whenever hu goes to Court, Hrusca goes likewise; whether tho Emperor himself be iu ids way or not is nothing to him ; Hrusca would quietly walk over thu im perial boots to secure a snug sent near thoMurshal. iiouttends Cabinet Coun cils with the uuuit I'gul.ii iiy. This PHIOK FIVE CENTU Winter .;Hrusc.a was Immensely bored by thejjcngtli of tho discussion, nnd sncezed'ond coughed as usual when lie considersHhat tho Council has sat long enough ; but on thisspeclal occasion his Impatlenco roso to a loud whine, which, producing no effect upon tho Ministers, ho walked straight up to tho Kmperor and scratched his trowsers. Ills Majes ty, annoyed nt being Interrupted, push ed thu dog nway, and said : " J&t-tlbete, ce, ehienl" " Ileof" said the Marshal, indignantly ; " no, Sire, he is not stupid you shall see." Tho Minister rose, look a nuwspaper off tho table, and go ing to tho far end of tho Council Cham her, salil: "Hrusca, take that to the Emperor." Kaeh of tiio Ministers, a he passed them with tho paper in his mouth, tried to get it from liiuHliVrusca would not let it go, and carrleillTt safely to ills Majesty. From that time to this Hrusca hits ills entree at all Cabinet Coun cils. Ho.keeps himself beautifully clean and when his paws aro muddy ho carries a brush, left forliisspeclal use in one spot, to one of tho Marshal's servants, nnd narus at him until he brushes off every particle of dust. MARSIIAEKBENEDEK, A wuituu III Lc Xbrd gives a long sketch of Marshal Benedok's career, but wo confine our extract to tho portion re lating to his present command: It mav be said that he was nominated to the head of thu'iirmy by acclamation; his appointment was, in fact, imposed ou the Government by public opinion. The Marshal bears the most popular name in Austria ; and lie has gained that popularity less by his strategical talents than ids adventurous bravery. Hither to lie has only been a brilliant general of the advance guard ; it remains to be seen whether, In a new post, ho will display the qualities required by thu chief command of a great army in the face of the enemy. He is about sixty two years old, but looks younger. At a sitting of tho Rciclisrath 1 examined him at leisure with a good glass. His countenance is one of those which aro never forgotten. Two tilings iu it strike you particularly the eye and tho mous tache. The look is that of command ; under thick lashes sparkle two black eyes full of vivacity. He would bo no soldier were he not to attend carefully to Ids moustache; ho wears it waxed in the Hungarian fashion and hooked at the ends. His face, embrowned by the Italian sun, lias become longer than it was; thin whiskers, turning to gray, form a sort of frame, and an acquilino noso imparts to ids features a character of great vigor. The Marshal is rather short than tall, and rather thin than stout. For a man of his ago thcro is a wonderful suppleness in his movements, which are rapid and full of vigor. Tho cmemlih: of his person is not exactly se ducing for those who aro not partial to the military carriage; but he commands, if not sympathy, at least attention. He sides, to bo correctly estimated, he should be seen iu a picture with an other background not the benches of u Parliamentary assembly but on horse back, and lu the midst of the smoke of battles. TDIE HEALTH OF AMERICAN WOMEN. Tin: Cincinnati Times lias recently compiled some curious statistics con cerning the health of American women between twenty and forty years of ago. A table is given, founded upon the re turns of burials of males and females between these ages in forty-live ceme teries situated inOhio,Illlnois, and Mich igan, the places of burial having been selected with due regard to their repre sentative character. Tho figures from this table are: Males, eight hundred and six ; of females, twelvo hundred anil eighty nine, showing that, at least in the West, flfty per cent, nioro women than men diu between tho ages of twen ty and forty. Tho Times makes still further deductions, as follows: J'iivt. That in the oldest yards of tho country, iu which tliollrstsettlers buried their dead, the number of tho sexes who died between twenty and forty years of age was thu most nearly equal, In many eases tho males outnumbering the females, while in thu new yards tit tho same places the females greatly out number the males. iSccond. That in private or select yards, where the upper classes bury ex clusively, tlto female dead during tills period of life is greatly in excess of tho males. Third, That In yards whero tho for eigners chiefly bury their dead tho males usually exceed the females between those ages. DISCOVERY OF COAL IN PENN SYLVANIA. A WitiTiHt ill tho New York Obereer asserts that Col. Georgo Shoemaker, a gentleman of Teutonic origin, was tho discoverer of Pennsylvania coal. Ho lived on tho Schuylkill and owned ex tensive tracts. The writer goes on lo say : " It chanced one day that In construct ing a limekiln ho Used some of the Mack stones that wero lying about the place. Mine Out! mine Out! dire Monet pe idl nn Jlre ." exclaimed thu astonished Dutchman, when tho rich glow of tho ignited anthracite met his gaze. The neighbors, who, of course, were fuw and far between, wereafter much ntlo assem bled to witness tho marvel. This hap pened in lbl'-'. Shortly after, mine host loaded it Pennsylvania team with the bhwh ftunes, and Journeyed slowly tp Phll.Kli'lphi i, .uli-t - nt-'of iilnrty-thriVupjn th"'r comlift ynj can. STmnn iif gulicrli.iin0t One M)nrtrt', 0)c nHhrco lncrilohs V M IVch subsequent Insertion lesn than thlitecn. Oilo Hqnaro one mouth 5 M Two " ' s trt Throo " " f, l) Pour " ' " , n it) Half column " 10 (O Ono cnlmnn " l'it0 Kf cntof nnd Administrator's Notices .. .1 () AudltofiTKoticc a CO IMIto'rlal Notices twenty cents' per llnog bllier ndvrrtlsctnenU lhscitcd nccordlng to sj fe cial Voiltraet. miles. There unforeseen dlfllcultics wero presented. The grates anil s.toVfp then in uso wero not constructed "to facilitate tho combustion of tin tliHicHo,rin'diburn it would not ! After many Ineffectual efforts, to ignite thu product, It W113 thrown asldo as worthless, and our dis comfited German, who had beguiled his tollsonio way to tho metropolis: with dreams of ingots, returned to digest lite disappointment In his mountain soli tude." BEAOli-MARKS IN FRANCE. An' important work Is now In progresi in France, viz., tho 10-clHngnnd estab lishing of beach-marks throughout tho country. The object of tills undertaking is to furnish a series of levels thfit will ontiblo tho course of canals, railways, ' etc., systems of drainage- and Irrigation and other public nnd private- works, to bo laid down on tho map and marked, out on tho ground witliout error. Tho ' operating wero begun in, 1857, under tho control of the Minister of Publlo Works, nnd will be terminated in five or six years hence. Tho work has been since tho beginning under tho superln tendenco of 'it. Bourdalone, civil cngi ueer, to whom is duo tho series of levels taken from tho Isthmus of Suez from tho Mediterranean to the Red Sea; Tho datum lino of the levels in Francois tho usual sea level ; the beach-marks estab lished on the ground consist of cones of cast iron, set in masonry on tho sppt whero tho levels aro required to bonotcdv and a great number of these havo been placed in lines of level which touch'scai port towns, groups of rivers and caiials llnesor railway, roads, etc. Moro than eighteen tlioiisaudlinear miles liavo been thus laid down as base-lines ; but, in order to complete tho work, the opera tions nitif.t bo extended to ono hundred nnd twi nty thousand miles, a length e.'iu.d to five times tho circumference of tho earth, and more than half of our dis tance from tho moon. Tills gigantic undertaking is very costly, but, when onc6 completed, it will enable every engineer or contractor, who may wish to "attach a series of levels in any part of Franco with tito-o of the remotest dis tricts, to do this by tho aid of a beach mark on the spot, or near nt hand, for the maximum space between tho levels is to bo only three quarters of n mile. The accuracy of these levels is such that they aro true to threo centimetres, or half inch for the whole length through out France. THE ART OF DUNNING. Tin: art of dunning is not reckoned among tho fine or polite nrts. Indeed, there arc no rules on this subject, as each case must bo tried by itself, tho success of various expedients being very much "as you light upon chaps." At times, a lucky accident brings tho money out of a slow debtor, after tliO manner following: One of our merchants, nervous and irritable, received a letter from a cus tomer iu tho country, begging for moro time. Turning to one of his counting- clerks, he says't " Writo to this man immediately." " Yes, sir. What shall I say ?" The merchant was pacing tho office. and repeated tho onion " Writo to him at once." "Certainly, sir; and what do you wish me to say '."' Tho merchant was impatient, anil broke out : "Something or nothing, and that very quick." Tiie clerk Waited for no further orders, but consultinghisowii judgment, wrote and dispatched tho letter. By tho re turn of mail came a letter from the do lluqueut customer, inclosing the money in full of the account. The merchant's eyes glistened when lie opened it ; aud hastening to his desk, ho said to tho clerk : " What sort of a letter did you writo to tltis man? Here is tho money in full." " I wrote just what you told nio to, sir. The Mtcr is copied into the book." The letter-book was consulted, and there it stood, short and sweet, and right to the point : " DiiAit Sin, Something or nothing ! and that very quick. Yours, &c, And this letter brought tho money, when a mora elaborate dr n would havo failed of the happy effect. nOW TO BECOME UNHAPPY. In the Drst place, if you want to bo niUernblc, be selfish. Think all tho time of yourself antl of your own tilings. Don't care about anybody else. Havo no feeling for any ono but yourself. Never think of enjoying thosntlsfaction of seeing others happy, but rather if you seo n smiling face be Jealous, lest another should enjoy what you have not. Envy all who are better off in any respect than yourself; think unkindly toward tlieni. Bo constantly afraid lest somo should encroach upon your rights ; bu watchful against it, und if any one comes near you, snap at him like a mud dog. Contend earnestly for everything that Is your own, though it lie not worth a plu ; for your " rights" nre Just as much concerned as if It were a pound of gold. Never yield a point. Be very sensitive, and take everything that Is said to you In playfulness in the most serious man ner. Be Jealous of your friends, lest they should not think enough of you ; and if at any time they should seem to ueglect you, put the worst eoustructlo- v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers