THE COLUMBIAN, 13LOOMSBUILG, 8Arf U11DAY, AUGUST 4, 1366. IIUSII. " I can scarcely hear," she murmured, " For Iny henrl bents loml and fast ; Jlut unruly, In tho fur, far dlstaucu 1 run hear it sound nt Inst," " It l only llio rcaerK Mnglnn, Ah Ihcy curry homo their olicnvcn; Anil tlio evening breeze, has risen, Anil rustics llio ilyhrg Ickvcs." " Listen t there nrn voices Inuring," Calmly mill r-ho Hffnvo tn sioul( Yet her voter grew faint nnd Iremlilhiir, Ami llio led Hushed In lier cheek. "It In mily tlie clillilicn playing llelow, now tliclr work Is done, Ami they laiiKluil Hint I heir eyes nrodnirlcd lly tlio rays of tlio telling sun." Fainter Brew lier voice, aint weaker An with anxious eyes silo crlwl, " Down the avemiu of chestnuts I can hear n horseman rlilc." " It Is only llio ileer Hint Were frilling In ii lieiit on tho clover i;ras; They were stnrtleil, mill tloil to tho thlcltct As they mif tl if rentiers pass," !fow tho nlclit nroso In silence, Hints lay In their leafy liet, Ami Hie. ileer coitcheil In I In- forest, Ami tho ehllitren wore nt rest j Tliero was only n sound of weeping t'lom watchers roiiml a lieil, Jlut nut to tho weary spirit, J'cucu to thu iitlct Dead 1 AQRIOULTUEAL, Causes nnd ?InnnKtuieiit of Dlicnsc In 1IOKK. Movr of the diseases may ho prevent' L-d by proper cure tn general treatment of swlno. Dry, clean, and woll-ventl luted .sleeping apartments', proper food, of sulUeicnt variety. Tho general Idea la, iVti good enough for tho hog, and every filthy ami nauseous thing is thrown to him rotten potatoes nnd fruit, spoiled bread, highly fermented and decomposing farinaceous substances, dead animals, from whatever cause, and much other unwholesome refuse! Those things, without a sufllcient admixture of other more wholesome- food, together with lying on dung heaps, inhaling any quantity of deleterious jrti, remaining far too long on muddy and cold ground, too long exiiosed In inclement weather, etc., are fruitful sources of disease, and it will bo found much easier to guard against these things than to administer medicine to a hog minus his appetite. The discovery of any diseaso in or on a pig should lie the watchword for tho re moving him from his companions, if he lias any. An unusuid appearance of the hair, or redness of tho skin, indicates mange ho should bo well washed with warm water, soap and brush, then rub most any kind of oil or grease over him, nud repent tho operation In a few days if he does not appear all right; If too costive, administer any purgative as you would to ti human subject. A few doses of dissolved copperas, or of sulphur given in their feed, will help to eradi cate almost every skin disease. Cop peras is also good for what is called tho kidney-worm, indicated by weakness, or tho loss of tho use of tho hind parts, nnd still have a good appetite. When a pig appears crippling or unwell, exam inoand clean out tho orifices in tho in eido of tlio foro leg. Tho most success ful medicine I have ever tried for skin disease, and perhaps as a preventative of any other disease, is warm witter, soft son) nnd brush, frequently applied, witli plenty of good wholesome food given, not too warm, plenty of wheat straw, in a dry, sheltered, and not too eloso a sty. For diarrhoea or looseness, chnngo tho food to u more binding diet ; wliolo rye is good, also corn or Hour, and use common sense, as in treatment of a human patient, in all eases. A conven ient modo of washing pigs is to hnve a narrow, deep store box, put the pig in no squealing, or splashing of water over the operator. I logs will feed better and cheaper few in a sty, say about two, as they will eat their food moro leisurely, keep quiet and contented ; whereas when many aro together, they seem to forget even com moil respect for their companions, and rush frantically to tho trough, eat rap idly, knock one another about, beat oil' tho weaker portion, waste tho feed, nnd keep Hi) a general excitement. Tiomus Wood in Country Gentleman. Toultry. Givis all kinds a slinro of tho daily waste, butter-milk, loppered milk, etc. Collect eggs daily, kccp'in a cool place in close boxes, set on the points, and packed in Indian meal, bran, or slaked lime, inverting tho boxes every two or three dnyi.- In tho moulting season heus cease laying. Keep chickens well fed, and growing rapidly. Give scalded cracked corn, wheat screenings, Jlromus grains, etc., with freo run for green food and insects. Seo that fowls have clean nnd deep dust baths, In which a Utiles qutek-linio or wood ashes occasionally thrown will bo fatal to lice. "Whitewash roosts and nest-boxes. It is a great temptation sometimes to sucker corn for tho sako of getting green feed for cows. "Wo do not believe in suckorlng com nt all, though with riomo kinds It may have no evil effects. "With many varieties wo feel sure that tlio suckers nro important to secure tho proper tilling out of tho this of tho oars, tho tassels coming Into flower a little later tlinn those of tho main stnlks, tlio lntcr-maturlng tip kernels of the ear are thus fertilized, l'ull weedsnmongcorn, bufdo no hoeing after tho ground is shaded. - Water. There is-no moro important subject tiian tlio supply of fresh and pure water for tho stock in tlio pasture and In tho yards, tho lack of It cannot ho made up by tho bent of feeding nud other erne, It Is very bad to bo obliged to tlrivo cattle fur for water. Young calves nud enttln tiro often seriously stunted by a Hiiort supply ot water lu August. btrau'lx nil . Hvn.nt.ks may be rooted In small pots and set In beds, where they will bear u moderate crop noxt year. Keep tho runners clipped when, close eulturo is fell owed. Zlhijiuoi-ilc. Sulfct tho young canes that nro to fruit noxt year, and give them tho ad vantage by removing all others. Urti: nil (IIIIroiu'o to prevent tlio cowh drying, kIvIiik jjotxl iKistunijfo, ox tin food if niTcssury, nnil plenty of puro writer. Furrow cows to lio ftitlonod this l-'ull should bo drlcil oil' ht-foro Soiitoin- lior, iintl kont lu ixood llesli, ht-liiL' fed so ih to ho on tho gain till tho time. Illni htici rlrx. Sror tho growth of nun print ennes nt t eoiivenloiil lipljrlit, olso thoy will grow out of reach nnd bear lest fruit. FOR YOUTHFUL READERS. FoiRltc li our Trc ii?rs. " 2I AY I usk a shelter for tlio night V" said a gray-headed man, pausing at the gateway of a beautiful cottage. "Yes, sir; 1 think father will bo willing, I'll call hlni out;" nnd tho flue little fellow bounded toward tho house, soon returning with nn elderly man, who said: "Blr, you nro heartily welcome I see u storm is gathering ; walk in nnd consider yourself a guest for tho night. "With slow faltering steps very slew nnd faltering tho man with silvered locks moved nlong toward tho lioue. They led him into a beautiful parlnr, where pretty children with laughing eyes and winning lovo ways gathered about his chair; and what with smooth ing the sunny locks of one?tind answer ing eager questions of another, ho felt himself indeed a guest and nostranger. Ho looked poor, travel-stained, and time-worn; one would judge by his garments that he had known bitter want; but tho mother and father nud nil the pretty children thought none the less of him for that. They spoke even with kindlier words, as if they could mako of them a balm for ids poverty. And they gave him an hon orable seat at tho table, saying silently to themselves thcsotouching words: "l'lly the sorrowsof n poor olit man, Whoie Ircjnbllns limbs hae bnrnn him to yourdnor, Whose days have ilwlnilleil to the shortest spnn, Ohl rIvo relief, nml Heaen will bliss your store." Aftern supper that seemed to refresh him, ns dates found in n desert, they led hint round tho lioue that ho might enjoy from various points tlio gorgeous scenery of Autumn ; for tho threaten ing clouds had rolled away, and left only the crimson glory of a full-orbed sunset. It was the hour of family worship. Little faces grew subdued, nnd only less merry. The piano was opened, and tho fairy lingers of the eldest daughter play ed some sweet homo melodies, every infant voice joining in with beautiful pathos. And tho prayer was very touching and tho words mo.-t fervent exceedingly so, where ho said, " For give us, oh! our Father, as wo have forgiven thoso who have wronged us." After tlio. prayers were ended, the stranger sat for a long time in silence; perhaps ho was drinking in the silent beauty of nature, for the moon lay broadly over a thousand fields, It seem ed, and crowned the mountains witli glittering sliver. At last ho said, turning abruptly, "Do you hope to be forgiven as you have forgiven V" "Most certainly I do," replied the host smilingly ; " why do you ask V" "Ay! but havo you ever mado a trial of your heart? Were you ever deeply, cruelly, bitterly wronged'.'" A sudden shadow passed over tho calm face, and it was sonio moments be fore the reply camo. " Yes, deeply, cruelly, bitterly wrong edso that for a time 1 guvoupnll hope in man I fear in God. Hut a divine power has taught mo to forgive; and I know from my very soul I could em brace my enemy now wero he but liv ing." "And I," said tho old man, " once ruined tho hopes of n whole, a happy family, and inflicted a blow upon a loving head for which 1 havo never for given myself. For," and ho laid ids shaking hand upon tho hand of the other, and peered closely in his face, " it was tho heart of u mother I broke, and tho spirit of a brother I made deso late." ills host shrank from his wild look, withdrew his hand from under that shaking clasp, and gazed at him in wild iistonii-linient. The old man sorrowfully shook his head. " Ho all abhor me," ho said piti fully, " for 1 tell my story wherever I go, and men lovo me no lunger." " Nay, I hate you not," said tho other hurriedly; " but, for tho lovo of Heav en, your name?" " It is tho sanio as yours," said tho old man, his lips quivering. "And bles-ed bo God, you aro my brother !" " " Your brother !" ho exclaimed simul taneously, and they fell weeping liko infants into each other's arms. "My poor brother!" murmured tho youngest, gazing from head to foot at his shabby habiliments; "thank God you have found a home live with us always. "Wife, take him by tho hand; It Is my brother, my only brother, come to us needy, t hut we may give him of our bounty with new delight. A happy man am I this night! Ohl brother, never, never doubt but you have been long forgiven; this shall testify," and folding his nrnis about the aged form, ho kissed him fervently on his check, milling, " now ns when wo wero infants, let us love ono another." The poor old man sobbed with Joy. As soon as ho could find voice, ho said : "ith-si thee, my brother! i urn indeed poor In gratitude but you iiii-dako 1 have u fortuno so largo that it burdens mo. Take It, it is yours nnd your chil dren's. For this 1 sought you, but trembling, lent J should hear tlio words of hate, llo rich, brother all is yours only let mo share u corner of your house let mo see tho dour fates of your chil drenI ask no more." Need 1 say a happy family gathered round (he morning table? A B.NTTirn:i heart Is better than n silver tongue. WIT AND HUMOR. - -I Hur.WF.iw' language lie-brew. Lfntusj in Umbra Under a lent tim brel I a. Tut: best oil for railroad purposes Train oil. Tin: soul goes highest when the body kneels Ivwest. "What Is the key-note to good breed ing? H natural. l'uxcit's new naino for tho petroleum aristocracy. Olllgnrcliy. Tit i: pawnbrokers' favorlto time of year The season of Lent. Amuhi:mf.kt for young ladles on n wet afternoon Knlttlngtheir eyebrows A MiHF.iiAin.i: old fellow, In order to save the expense of gas., uses " tho light of oilier days." Why is a washerwoman tho most cruel person in the world ? Hecuuso she wrings men's bosoms. Tin: man who courts a young lady lit the starlight probably expects to get a wife in a twinkling. Ax exchange conies to us with a no tice, " ' For the evil elR-els of Intoxicat ing drinks,' see our outside." There Is one thing that confounds all infidelity; no one ever repented being n Christian on their death-bed. Wf. pass our lives in regretting tlio past, complaining of the present, and indulging false hopes ol the future. "Wuv nre books tho best friends? Hc- eauso when they bore you, you can al ways shut them up without oll'ense. "I do not say tlio man will steal," said a witness on trial, " but If 1 was chicken I'd roost high when ho was around." Ax Irish editor, in speaking of the miseries of Ireland, says, "lier cup of misery has been for ages overflowing, nnd Is not yd full." "Wiif.x our desires nre fulfilled to the very letter, wo always find some mis take which renders them anything but what we expected. At what hour did tho devil make his appearance in tho Garden of Kden? Some time during the mgiit. no cer talnly came after Eve. " I know every rock on tho coast,'' cried nn Irish pilot. At that moment the ship struck, when ho exclaimed, " And that's ono ol them." Voi.TAiiti: said of jrudcmoUello do Tiivry: "She was so beautiful that I niNetl niv long, thin body, and stood before her like a point of admiration." "Wr.iTi: vour name by kindness, and love, and mercy on the hearts ot the people you coino in contact with, year by year, and you will never be forgotten. Pomfhody says that law is like a sieve vou can see through it for noth ingit is so full of holes, but in order to get through it you must be well squeezed. Tin: boy who was told that the best cure for tho palpitation of the heart was to ston kis.-ingtlie girls, said, "Jl that is the only remedy, 1 say lot her palpi tate." Josu Hillixos says that if a man profes-es to serve tho Lord, he likes to see him do it as well when he mea-ures onions as when he hollers " glory halle lujah." "Wiiux lias a lady more water In her system than when she has a cataract In her eyes, a creek in her back, a waterfall on her poll, and her shoes high tied." "When she has a notion (an ocean) in her head. A xotf.I) itinerant preacher once said of a grasping, avaricious farmer, that if ho had tho whole world enclosed in a single field he would not be content without a patch of ground outside for potatoes. Tin; editor of a country paper in Wis cousin says that he felt called upon to publish Father Lewis's sermon on tlio " Locality of hell," as it's a question in which nearly all his readers were deeply interested. "Do you consider lager intoxicat ing?" t' Veil, ash for did, I gant say I irink feefty to seexty classes a toy, and it to-li not hurt me, put I don't know how it would pe if a man val; to make u hog of hlssolf." Ax old lady who had insi-ted on her minister's praying for rain, had her cab bages cut uii by a hailstorm, and on viewing tho wreck, remarked, that she never know him to undertako anything without overdoing tho matter. A i.itti.f, boy, on eonilpg homo from church, where ho ha I seen a person work tho bellows of orfran, said to his mother: "Oil, irnnnm, I wMi you had been at church ti-day such fun! A man pumped nuislo out of an old cupboard." ToAConitiisi'OXDF.NT. A gentleman troubled with a short memory having acquired tlio bad habit of turning down a leaf of a book tons to remember where ho left oil', writes to say that ho never can recollect a street that he's only been In once, llow Is he to remedy this de fect? Very simply; let liini do as ho does with ids books, turn downacorner. It Is reported that u few days ago tho Hov. Henry Ward Heeclier crawled through a plpo In his now church organ, having been challenged to do so by ono of his flock. Upon coming out, cover ed with dust and perspiration, ho em phatically announced : " I want no man to tell mo anything about this organ ; I know till about it ; I have been through It." A ii:xti.i:max, onco upon.n tlmo, en tered a small shop in which vegetables were kept for sale, and inquired of tlio proprietor if ho had any onions. "On Ions, onions," repeated tho vegetable dealer, "onions! no, sir, I bollevonot I" After tho gentleman hail left, tho per plexed vegetable man scratched his liead a moment, and then, as if struck by a sudden solution of tlio mystery, ho ex claimed: " Wonder If the darned Igno rant fool did'nt mean luglons?" JOBUI'II KllXiFLvt Jl. . F1STF.H, (Irtto ltlcfcl, WlMt & Krvln,) liiilKirltm nml Joblicri of DllY OOODsJ, No. 47 North Third Street, l'liltnilelphla. jUfjsJlXL it wooimui-T, . Wholci.ile Dealers In TOIIACCOS, UIOAIttN l'll'IlH, AC. Ac, No. 13 North Thlnl street, nhovo Market, lMillnilellihln. JOHN U. YKAGKIt it CO., Wholesale Dealers In 1 1 ATM, CAPS, BTKAW GOODS, AXD I.ADIUSV FUHM, No. 2j; North Thlnt Street, riillailelphla. Q D. HOIUJINS it CO., UtOXMintCIIAXTst, Norlhenst comer of Sccontl ami Vine Street", rhllnilelphla. Q L. HETTLi:, with iirsir, nuxx a co dhv OOOPS, No. la Xorth Thlnl Street, lTlllailclphla. jYHlSlLUUTil, HitOTII 1-211 it CO., wnoi,i:sAt.i: toiiacco 1)i:ai,i:iw, No. 151 Ninth Thlnl Street, five iloora helow llaec. Factories, Nix. 121 nml 223 quarry Street, l'hllailelihla. j v. LAiur.r.uT, llllh IUIS, SIIOTT & CO., linimrlcminil Jobbers of cloths, oAssiMnmsi, vixrixas, Ac, No. ft)l Market Street, I'lillailclptiln. TUXGKKK'II it SMITH, WIlOl.F.SAI.F, (IIIIICT.UM, No. I! Xorth Thlnl Street, 1-hllnilelphla. T H. LONGSTHKTH, FAl'UlMIANOINn WAltnilOFSn, No. 12 Noi th Thlnl street, riillailelphla. G y W. ULA110N it CO., Manufacturers of oir, cloths and window shaws, Warehouse, No. 121 Ninth Thlnl Stiei-t, riillailelphla. "jyj" M. MAHl'LK, NOTIONS, IlOSIiniV, OI.OVIX, AND FANCY C.OOPS, No. i! North Thlnl Street, rhllnilelphla. P 1UKXJX HTOVK DLl'OT. IIKATIIIIS, IIAXOFS, AND STOVKS, Wliolet-ali-aiul Iti tall. FATIIXT ANTI-DUST COOKING HTOVIJ. vulcan m:ATi:it, i for hcathiK livo or more room. l-AULOU, COOKING, LAUXDHY, IIKATINO, ami every variety of STOVKS. .mux i., Xo. 1110 Xorth Seeonil Street, l'hll.nlctphla. JOHN K. FOX it CO., STOCK AXD F.XCHAXOi: llttOKFItS, No. 11 South Third stieet, riillailelphla. Sl'i;CIi: AND IIANK-N0TI5I, ALL KINDS OF STOCKS AXD HOXD3 bought and sold on commission. Attention given t illeetlons on all aceCKslble points. J12XX12DY, STAIHS & CO., WIIOLllSALi: FISH DHALFUS, Nos. MOunil 1 13 North Wharves, rhllnilelphla. Q1IAULF.S II. MAHl'Ll-2, importer and Dealer In IlltANDIFS, WINIJs, GINS, LtqUOItS, wink i;irn:iis, .vi-., No. 12.! North Third .Street, nbovo Areh, wont hide, riillailelphla. poYAL it ItOVKIJ, Successors to OILDFIlT, 110YAL & CO., WIIOLI'.SALi: DltFGGItsTS, Importers and Dealers lu IlItUGS, MFIHUINKS, M'ICKK, t'AINTS,, GI.ASS, DVi: STFIT'S, ,U, Nos, ;M and 311 Noi Ih Thlnl Mieet, I'hlladelphla. II A01-2X, 150 YD it CO., CO JIM lsslON JIF.IICIIA NTS, and Wholesale Denleih In LUAF AND JIANUFACTl.'llFD TOIIACCO, SKOAIIS, Ac, No. Ct North Third Street, rhlladelphln. ConslKiiors call firwnid their stock "In llond," without piepnyhortho United Stales tax. JjVSTAULIKIJHD 170.1. JOIIDAX IlUOTimit, wi iom a a i toci : i isi, nnd Dealers In HALTrirnti: axd hhijistoxi:, Xo 2i Xorl li Third Street, rhllnilelphla. JILU2R it HOST, HucecMsnm to FiniiHlIn I1. SelUer A Co., Inipoiiersiuid Wholesale Dealers lu Liquors, WIN!. Ac, Nos, 110 and 112 Notlh Third Hln el, rhlladelphln. J. U2STKU, Wholcnloiiud Itdiill Diiilerln roltHIGX AXD D0Jti:TI0 CAlll'UIS, GIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SlIADF-S, Ac, No. 20 North bt'cond street, opp. Christ Church I'MUilclplUa, -pitODHFAD it KAUH, Mnmifncturers nfid Wholcsnlo Dealers In hoots and sttoi;", Xo. 211 North Thlnl Street, riillndelphla, riMlE UNION" HOTEL, Aleh Sttcct, between Third nnd Fourth Sired', 1'hllailelphta. CHIlIHTft wmiKit, Froprletori. S1 T. CHAHLEsJ 110TFX, ox Tin: KUitofFAX flan, Nos. BO, C 01, nnd M North Third Slicets, between Market nnd Areh Streets, rhlladelphln., JInnnEcr, Q.IKAHI) HOU.Sl-2, Coiner of Ninth nnil Chestnut streets, riillndclphln. II. W. KAXAOA, rroprlctor. ATSON & JANNI2Y, Importers nnd Jobbers of BILK AND FANCY DIIFSM GOODS, SHAWLS, AC, No. 3JlJIarkct Stieet, riillailelphla. T? A. 1II-2XDKY, ill. Sueees-sor to Hendry A Harils, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In HOOTS AXD SIIOKS, Xo. . Xorth Third Street, l-hlladelphla. JJ V. FKTHUMAN, with Liri'IXCOTT A- TItOTTEIt, WIIOLF.SALF. GltOCKIlS, No. 21 North Water Street, and No. 21) North Delawaro Avenue, riillailelphla. G t.FOHGK H. HOHKUTS, Importer nnd Dealer In HAHDWAIti:, CUTLFHY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 North Third Street, nbovo Vine, riillailelphla. B I-2NJAMIN GHKI-2N, Dealer In CAItFirriNGS, WINDOW S1IADF.S, OILCLOTHS, JIATS, Ac, No. ."1 Noith Seeonil Street, riillailelphla. J 1'. H 1-2 AIM"), w ith Lirrixco'iT, r.oxi) a co Mnnuf.irtnrers and Wholcsah- Dealers lu HATS, CA1-S, Fl'ltS, AND STHAW GOODS, No. tl:l JIarket Street, rhllnilelphla. JDOWK, lCL'STON A CO., Jtanurnetmers and Wholesale Dealers In COTTON YAttXS, CAHIT.T CHAINS, -nATlTJVICKS, TIK YAHNS, I'OIIDAGF, HHOOJIS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAIUI, LOOK'U GLASS US, CI.( 1CKS, FANCY HASK F.TS, TAHI.i:, ri.OOlI, AND CAH1UAGI-: OIL CLOTHS, Ac, No. Si) JIniliet slrect, south Ride, rhllnilelphla. T II. WALTKU, Late Wnltei-A-Kaub, Impoiter and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AXD QL'IXNSWAHF., Xo. all Xorth Thlnl Street, betw ecu Hace and Vine rhlladclphla. "17.STAHLISIII-2D lSil). J JllllXltHAKIltTACO., M'HOI.KSALi: DIIUGOISTS, nnd Dealers hi CIIFJIICAt-S, JIFDICIXFS, I'ATFXT JIIIDI CINKS, SI'ICl-S, r.VlN'lS, OILS,' WINDOW GLASS, VAItN IS1I1, DYIX, Ac, Ac, Southcnst corner of Third nnd Cnllowhlll Sts., rhllnilelphla. HMHKUSTKU A HKOTIIEK, Inipoi teis and Jobbeis of HOSIF.UY, GI.OVI5S, hlllHTS AXD DItAWF.ItS, Hl'lTONS, ftfsl'IlXDFItS, lIOOl'HKIIiTS.HAXDKF.lK'IIIF.I'S, THHFADS, SLWIXO SILKS, THIJIJIIXGS, FOllTi: JIONNAIIX,, ri:ui'U.Mi:iiY, fancy goods, and NOTIONS GFNHltALLY, Also Jlanufiu Hirers of HHUSllliS AXD LOOKING GLASSIX, and Dealers In WOOD AND WILLOW WAItK. HHOOJIS, ItOFKS, TWIXI5S, Ac, No. m North Third Street, nbovo Vine, riillndelphla. QOTTHHLli A AYitKK, Wholesale Dealers lu fisii,chi:ii:,ac, Ac, No, IMNi.rlh Wliiirvis, second door iiIhivo Arch Slreet, l'hlltulelphla. jjAHCltOFl1 A CO., Impoi Icii mid Jobbeis of STAl'Li: AND FANCY DllY GOODS, CLOTHS, CAS.SI MKIUX, HLANKFTS, I.INKNS, WIIITi; GOODS, IIOSILHV, Ac, Nos, ITmnd 107 Jlaikel Street, al. o vi' I'oiillh, inn Ih side, Fhllaihlphla. JJ" W. HANK'S V 1 1 0 L 1 IS A 1 ,1 ; '1 1 1 1 1 ACCO, S N l J FF, AND CIGAlt WAKHHOCSi:, Xo, Hi) Ninth Third SHcel, between Cheiry nnd Unco, wei.t side, Fhlladilphl.1, JOSI'21'if H. D12LL, jiauuianurerot aim Whoie(,nlo Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CARSIJIF.H1X, AND VOTINGS, No. I) Not Hi Third Street, raUadclphta. OOWI211 HA UN liS it J'OTTri, liUUIsrai.lilil.llo .Tl. Vi, nnd Denlers In CUltT.tlX AND WALL PAVF.IIH, No. 3T Noi Ih Third Stieet, below Arch, . rhllnilelphla. I'ublMicrsof Sanders" New lteriders, Ilroolts's Allthmellis, Huberts' History of tho United States, I'elton's Oittlltfn .Maps, Ac. lllank-llooks on liniiil.niid mndn loonier. 7.STAllIilSili2D 1823. "'a. w., m:Ns.t:Y & co WHOLHSALi: DIlUGOIsTS, No. 7ST Mnrket Street, one door below Flulilh, nill.n'clphln intiras, jii:diciXi;s, ciinjiicALs, FAINTS, OILS, OLASS, VAUNISllHS, DVf-S, and every other article pcrtnlnhn; to llio IiukIiicm, of Hie beet iiuallty, and nt lowest niaikct rates. NDHKWS, WILKINS it CO., Dealers In FOHHIGN AND DOJIISSTIC DllY GOODS, No.SO-1 Jtarket street, riillndeliihla; gNYDFU, IIAIUUS A- DA.SiiF.TT, Manufacturers nnd Jobbers of JIHX'S AXD HOY'S CLOTHING, Nos. 52) JIarket, nnd 522 Commerce Street, riilladclihlo. "yEAVF.U it Sl'HANKLl'2, wiioixsau: Gitocniis axd cojijiission JtiniCHANTS, Nos. 22iand 22T Areh Street, rhllnilelphla. T I. HUltlCilAHT, Importer nnd Dealer In lltdN AND STF.KL, No. (') Front Street, rhlladelphln. H UHHAH FOR CATAWISSA! THIS WAY FOll HAUGAINS. Goods to compare with strhiseiiey of the money mnrket. Iiok nnd eoniparo prices before pur-chasln-; elsewhere. Just cull nt the favorite busi ness stand of McNINCH A SIIFJIAN. and you will be met by Iheobllalnit proprietors or t heir cletks, and shown tlirou;li their ureat variety store freoof chnrKi-, of course. They will idvo yiu a fair ehnneu to spend your Ioomi cIiiiuko, they tiusl much more profitably than It cm be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DllY GOODS this Sprlnc Is much larger lu nil Its varieties thnn Usual. Their LADIF.S' Dltl-SS GOODS nro of tho nicest styles In mnikct. They haven llnunssortiiieutof HATS, CAIS, HOOTS AND SIIOKS. SU.UJIFlt CLOTHS, CASSIXLTS, CASSIJIi:i!Ft, AXD VF.STINGS and numeious articles common to such establish ments, besides n Ki'iiernl nssortiuent of HAHDWAIti:, TIXWAlii:, liULFNSWAHi:, AND GltOCFUIU1', nil nt creatly rcdueeil prices. They wish to con duct their business on the system of " FAY AS YOU GO," ami they think they can oll'ord to sell vervcheap, Thoyietuin their thanks for inan, past lavors, nud ask the tolui'c iMliouai;i ot their loiiuer cus tomers and the public Hcnoially. JIiNIXCH A SIIFJIAN. rt ATA W 1SSA IIA I liltt )A 1). W t'lom and a tier October 2, lsf.'i, the trains will pass Uupell ns tollolis; Goimj XoiiTii.-Klinlm Mall nt -I p.m.; F.ilo i-.xpiess ni '.lis a.m. Goimi Simiu. rhllnilelphla M.-ill at 11 a.m. New Yoik Kxpiessat I l-.M. (iLllHGi: Wl'.llll, Supt T ACKA WANNA AND liLOO.MH Jj HL'IIG HAILHiiAl). mi and alter Jlaieli II, Isul, 1'assengerTrnlin will i un as loiiou s ; S'iii'tiiw m:ii. Leave Sernnton nt l:ln i-.m. and ki'iiia.m.; iini:s!iin in iii-.m. nuiii,:.v, .m,; iiinoms- inirani n. ii a.m. .n ieat .Nortliiiiu beilainl at H:iU l-.M. and ll:.i.'i a.m. Noll I IIWAIIIi. Leaie Nollblllllberlnlld at"A.M nun a r..n.; iHoiimsoiii ai s:, a.m. and ii:2i p.m. Siiantiiii nt Ihir, a.m. and (I i-.m. An lie nt Hcinu ton at 12:10 a.m. nnd lint .j i-.m. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Klneston, Jlnreli !". ISfji. ft 1 1 1-2 AT 1M-2N NS Y L V A N I A HO UTI-2 V-S to Hie XOltTII AND WKST. FOtTIt DAILY TltAXINS. OX AND AITIlll JIAHCII 12, ISOI, Irnlns will ,, Leave Wnsh-n. I.envo Hallo. JAIUCSS JIull ll:JI A.M. imju a.m. I list Line 7: lilA.M. 12:10 i-.m, l'lltsbliruillld HlleFl I.'IOI'.M. 7:'.1ll'M 1'lllsbui'K and Hliiilra i:v....7:lo i-.m. (;5 j. m TWO TItAIXS ON" SUNDAY, (Ciinueetliiu'at ll.illiuiore,) Invo Wasliliiu'ton at 2: 13 and 7: 10 i-.m. 8Li:r;rix cars ox all night tiiains. LOW FA HF AND QUICK TIJli:. ('nrsruii Ihrouah fiom Ilalllmoro to Flttslmri; Frie, or Fhiilui without ehnne. .1. N. Dt'HAHIiV. Superintendent DlIILADHIil'IIIA 'AND KIMl X ltAll.ltOAD. Tills (.-lent line traveises Iho ...1.... in .no in ii iiiesieiiunilesol reillls) llan ,t o tho eltv ol File, o lMu, Dili.. Jt has be,.,, Iiiised nnd Is oin-rnleil hv the. I'HNXSVIA'A.NIA It'.ULlfhAD f'OJIFANY, nine ol rassenai-rTialns al Noiilmniberliiiid: ..Lkavi: l-:Miu-Aiiti.-i:rii Jlall 'liulii. ii:--.i. m . iir'V m"'"S r",l"iii:i'A-M-i LlmliaJlnUTialn, 'l.r.AVK Wisrw-Aiin.-Frle Malt Tiiiln, r, a.m.; ..... iiuiu, i.iiuin, .smii -i rum. I.-..I l-.M, rasi ni rears run throuiih on the File .Mall nnd twei n riillndelphla and Frio. .Ni-w om; (owi.ruov. -Leave New York al n a.m., iirrlM-nl File al n:t. .m.; Uavel.'iieal l:V ..-..,...,... ..1.1,-,, .,lvll ..IT, ,S. l.leK.inl sliH-pluidMin on all nlaht trains, lor iufiii motion respecting pasM-nm-r business npply at Jbe corner of Tliiiileth M...1..1 Mm Is, rhlladeiiiiim; ,i fr fu.i,.,t luisincsv of ', n uifi-11114, ufr ".' ''.'.'."-n "!"l',.l"'.-''"l'.'".'.r.".f T ''11111 and Jtarkel Slrei Is, riillaili liihlii; .1. W. Iteynolds, Krlo: Wl. Ham Hiimn, Abi-iiI N.C.H.H., llallliiiore. II. II. I1UFSTON-, (ii-neial Fu-lght Am-iit. I'lillaili b.hla. , II. W. GWINXKll. General Ticket Auent. Philadelphia. A. I- TYI.HIt, General Superliilendeut, Willlamspoit, Jlaieh 22, Isirfl. 4 lI2ADIN(i ItAILUOAD. .IV Htiji.MFit Aim mii:jii:nt. April 21, lti. . TH, .r,r","!c !',"" I'oin lhi- Ninth I Xoiilnust tor riitladi lp b n, New York, It.iidnm, l'otlsi III,. lamaiU.i,A.shi.lllil, Ia b.inoll, Allelilott 11, I jislui, ie., if, 1 Unrrlsbiiii; for New Yoik as fob --. ii.i-i ..-. .,.-.1,, 111111 . 01111 l':ll l-.M.. eoniiectlnn wjtfi similar Iralus 011 tho Ft mivl v.Mila Ilallroinl, and nrrlvliiir nt New York at '-HI '""1 l..n id K: in and lli:.V. p.m. Sleeplnn (-ars el'ian'w''iny ' A,M" l',M' '"""'', w"lll"u' ...i'J',vVl.I,.',,rt,siihl,l?r r.r ':'J"l. llxvlllt-,Tiimu-'?,' '''fv," ".-A1-''!'""1-1 'l"Gliive..Mlelltown, and I'lilladclp dual 7:10 am., nnd 2 mid 11.211 i-.m. m,"1;!:!'.'!-''.'.1 '"''"'"""'"IP'lii-llMl Waysiiitlons v .1 i o' '' 1 'I,'1,',' noclos neclloinlnr ,01 i '"'V" I ''" 'delpliai. I-or l-oltsville.Seliii.M. Hill Him 11, nud Auliuin. vliiSchui Iklll nml Sus. Hi i i.aiiiia i,a iionil, lean. ItnrrUhuiuiit I -i p.m. s- e'V,1'1.' VAi''"!','', ''. '' "l 12 r.. 111 it S: l-.M. J I' S A.M. llllll.MI l-.M. ; l-otls- itle at s. a.m. and 2:1". i-.m.; Ashlund 111 11 and i 11 iv I V:iV. m " " '"' i"11i"- ui i':n a.m. and 1.C.IVC I'o'tlsville for tint fisl.i.i . I., ..t tn, nnd lt.1lho.1d, m 7 am. Headlin: Train leaves ICi-ii.Ilnu m liA.M., lelUllillii.;llom l-lillaileli.hin at fi i-.m. S I Jillllilblii Kallloiiit -li.iliis ,..ue Keiirlliiunt (l-l, aii-l i;:n i-.m. lor I pbiin.i, Liu,,, iViliimiiij.Tvc.'.tT-, On Sum nvs e.ivn Vow v.,.-!, ..1 s. u. .. v. I f! - delphla ut is a.m. and a; It i-.m., tin- s a.m. trubi nil -nliiiiinlvlo IteadliiBj rolisvllleat s v.M." Tan . oii.iut 7; V) a.m. ; llni rlstiiiiuatiMllA.M . : in d It,' . nu 111 i:.m a.m. for shnm.uiiil Iik.V! a.m. r.,r ii'w torli,nniH:i"i i-.m. lor riiiladi lphln. Conitnn HI nn Mi .mi... si......... i.!.'...'.i. si..i.7u 1 -ri 1 . ' .--..11, i .si iiiniiiii, anil hi lliKil rickets .It redllleit lain, to Hint Hum ill 1,1"','''";',,',''!''''' l"..ali. Flshty pounds ot o.igKai;e nllo eil e.ieii pai seni-er Illad,n.,l-,.,Apr,V..Al,;.,l0'l"GCnS"'', gt'irKIiL, H1-2UOKH A CO., Uli.S 1,11M, L-u.ii.Hirssiu.s .-II-.llWllA.S JUj Dealers In FISH, SAt.T, C'tflJian, FItOVISIONH, Ac, Nos, 122 and 121 North Whnn es, nbovo Arch St. riillnilelphln, Sole nitcnt for Wilcox's Wheel Grmso, lu bat. rets, kens, mid cans, Htl-2 ATIANTIC MONTHLY. Hie ATLANTIC MONTHLY, bv L-enernl sent, Plaints ut the bead of Amerlinft mniii)t,( neut wrlteisoi thiiday, tsitli In Froseaud l'oi-trv nnd Its panes have nlwas retleeted What Is bi', in .,.in ,ii..ii , .iii-iin in i-i ji mm 1 1 Hi iit-ii a circu. Int Inn iicm i- befme Rallied by ntty Ainerlcnn tniur. H7liic of this class, nfid It has, by thu limn perlui of Its existence nrtl the worth of Its rarllilbutors Oi l ' Hill UUIII.V in pillule I'siei'liT, Tin- followlui: mo niiionu the most prominent reuular eontrllmtorst it. w. Lo.Ntii'i'.i.t,'jW( !t W.i!S'f!tti.M:.Vi.ttYitM J, T, THDWUUIDGi:, DONALD (I. JUTCIIUt.f,, C. C. lIAZIiWLLL, J. 0. Wltl'lTIFlt. O. W. IIOLJIF.1. IIAYAHD TAVLOn, JIAHUIF.T 11. STOWrV . GAIL HAMILTON. . 11. V. WHIl'I'LF. Tl'.ItJIS: SIiirIo subscriptions, four dollnin uf enr. . , Ci.uu H.VTr.s. Two copied forseverVil'ipfs fli4 copies for Hlxteen dollars; ten ro(ifc for tlilrtr dollars; and each additional copy three dollm. For eveiy club of Iwi nly nibscrlbeis nn xinl copy will be rui iiKhed (-'nils, or tWelity-oliouj. pies forslxty iIollarK. l'o-frAut:. Tin- istiiKO on tho ATLANTIC lj twenty-lour cents per senr, nlid must In nil man be paid nt the olllci- uhero It Is received. SVKI'IMKN COl'IFS of tho ATLANTIC JIONTIILV will bu M-nt on lecelpt of twenty-IlTii U,The ATLANTIC JIONT1ILY nud our YOUNll l-'OLKM will be furnlshe.1 tictlicr nt flvo dollun piryenr. Special Inducements are ofli-red to tem hen nml post musters to piociiroNiibhcrlbers to our rn-rloili. e.iN. Agents wonted throiiuhout thu eountn Aildioss TICKNtilt A- FIlll.Iis, riibllHhers, 121 Tieiiioiil Street, Ilostmi, Jhus, QCU YOUNG FOLKS., W'e respect fully Invite at lent Ion to tlie fullon Ini notefiom the able and popular Deputv state Ma perlntendeiit of Schools for Feniisyivniilu; JlessiH.Tii'KNoii A- Fill. ns, lliuton, Jlass.; Grsij.r.Mr.x, I'ciinlt mu to iiiuuratulate yon on the uiiiikeil of "Our Vounir Folks" From Ihe Issue of the 111 Kt mimber I havownlclV ed w Ith much sotleituilo Its tone nnd charncttr well kiiinrhu the Immense liilliienee, for eoisl uf for evil, it would he llkelv to wield, .tiuii.ii,.. be the tone Mlileli bus litevnlleil In tmieli ,.f ..... Juvenile lileratuie, both lelliiious ami secular, I vtlivil ...... no. .............. r. Itllll l.ll IV llllltOIIIIK. henrteiluess which can alone spenk to the child. nature, or that the taith unit limeniiousness uf youth might be tampered with nuddlsplaecd bv l.iney lor the vices and ileeeltd of iiiutiiivr yoiiw llnpplly m.leais hiivn pioved kioiiiiiIIi-ss, an.i Hie whole community halt- to th-nik vou for pm ihiclima mauazlneso well mlanled to tho class f,,r which It is Intended, and so eievallna nnd mile ng In Its liilluences. HAMI'KL F. HATHS Deputy Statu Superintendent Schoolii, Fiu TF.ltMS OF Ol'll YOUNG FOLKS; $2nyenr,tn advaiiee; Ihreo copies, j-,; fhi-eoiiles, js; ten u. pies, $l."i; and each iidtlltlonal copy 3l..i, 'iVumy co)les, 8 ID, and si copy yrutls to the person prucur liu; the club. Special inducements oirored to teachers tows nsiments. Sneclnl copy and circular dent to per sons who wish to iirocuie subscribers, for tin cents. TlCKXOfl A FIF.LHN, t'ubllslmrs, Hostun, xiiiii, N 1-2W YOHK LI-2ADKH. iho I.FADFIt Is l-inbllsheil pvurr .,(.. ..r., mornhii;. Tciins, Imnrlnbly, cash in miMiuoi .Money sent by mall al Ihe risk or tlio senJei Si-iisci.iri 1,1s Hai i:s.-For a vhiijle copy, thrco; forn slimleeopy.slx- moiilhs. . fom slnKlecoiy,one.vear, SI; lour copies for oiii'vear tl ; i'IkIiI copies lor ono year, S2S. One extra copy toKettei'-uiiorchibsof eljit. ' In reply to seicrnl applications, arraiu-ements have been made lor iisni-eial Waterlli1(.riac.-sul,. scl j.lloiitothe LI l. I) Hit, which Is prucintiumilv a aterliiK.l'laie 1-nper. Thu paper w ill be nmi(. ed tosuhserlbers for three mouths for one dollur and the adill esses of Ity subsellbeis will l,o channel Uion application at this otllce, so Una those who v isit thu Kiiuinier resorts may not bu ', v1',1' y;:'1 '.','i V,ils ,'"'"? i'it'inph or pouudd, ".''i1".5 ' i'1ir,KllS'.llr,,,,J" ''. "d social Hfl- lu tlw iietiopiills. All conlrllnitloiis, books, buslucs-i ettels.collllllUll cations nnist be ailillessisl to thu FDITOH ill-'iii.: i,i-ai.m II rriiiikioit .street, New York City. jTKW.YOltK TIM1-2S. I HK DAILY TIJIFS, contnlnlnp; tho latest Fur. lan nod D.iincsllc News, Is published dnllv, m twelve 1I0U lis' """""'' Sundny isiltloi,, 'fin-1 HLjilIjyi:i:iu,Y TIJIKS, published lui-sdaysiiiid I ih.-cents. Iunildl. Ion 10 the latest Keiient lulelliuenco hy telegrapli mi to the moMient 01 cilii;; t ,ns Uiere wTll li round in eiu-ii number the I'ulk-sl Wiishliiutoi ,.n.';;,r l.'r"1'V"", uniphle letters from our correspondents In London and l'iuls,Klhi Iho tone 1.1 public Ii cIIiik abroad. Is nmilo u sou' ela and permanent featuie. Inadillllon to Fill. s!i''! isvi'-i''' Mlv'"oS,Ui;V"f '"I"1'1 "I tho day, thu SI-.J1I-W 1.1. KLY TlJIl.shiihiipsueol carefullv. pn pareil eoiiiiiieiclnl niatier kIvIuk thu Intcst Kb linliclnl .News nnd -Mnlket liepiuts; Items i,f At riciilluial and Domestic luteie.t, cuniplled from sources lllllll) ol llhlthnreotllei wls,. Inaici-Sllblii to tliu Aineiliuu lender; and maii'liu-us and Jlanl.iRi s and liealhsoi Hie Meek. .,,'iri '.'"'"-''k'fV Uiaoiin," or XewsSiim-nar-bc UK a e-ireliil synopsis and digest of Hi.. licMs or Ihe alone worth double thu Bul sellptlon price to tile paper.ns It pieserves 111 n eoiiili iised nnd coiniiilenily eliusliied form all news of Illlelest.alli must num. c.liinl.l.. ,,u d to all time. THH.MS. Tin..,, ilnllnrs ..,.r ,., Club ralis, The WHIIKLY TIJIIf,p,il,lslied at twodollsrs 11 year, (out,, ns, Ii, mldltion t t. P.tJst Kl,,ll 11 I li;eiieo by lilcurnph up to llio moment of U'ollllt to press, (ho lullest WhsIiIukIoii News, l.uropeaii News, w lb uiaphlc letliis from our l oriispoin cuts (11 Liuiiloiuuid Fails, Klvlnirlliii b; no 01 public feel In- aliioad Is inn.i'iMi s,,7'C iVl , , I'.V"1".""' fV" 'Vlj"'"' t lMltorinis V v i-i J ii' 'rrrnl 1"',U''? "r ""' ''. I'"- WKKK LY 1 LMI.S has a pnm-ol eiiiefully.prriiared com nerclid liintler.ulMnitila- latest Vlni.nclal Nevis and Jlailtct Heport,; ltemsof Airrlcultunil and Domesi c interest, comollej fromsmm", 1ii!! !t or which nie oihei luaccessilile to the Ainrrf. eau reiuler ; nml Jim rliiRes and Dealhs ol the week. JiFW YOHirTHriJUNIC i:xLAHoi;n. Till: LAHGF.ST AND CHKAFF.ST. k.m.aii(ii; 01- un; haii.y, hiimi-wukklv, AMI WKCKI.T TIUlll-MII. X"otw lthstantlinir thu f.iel llmi 11... .i.A a.. TiiinrNnhasbi en IiicieiiM d niorothan onuniim. Icr, thu price will remain the same. OW IS Tin: TIMK TO MtllsClllllK. KOK THU GltFAT FAMILY NHWSFAl'l'lt. TIIK NI'AV YOIIK" Vl'l-l.M.v Tiiiiii-Mi. is prliitcd on 11 lnriie iloublcniedhini sluet. mnk lll:: eluht litiL-es of six lasnul i-nlimtii j u.:a. 1. eoliliilnsall iho liopoitant Fdltoilals niihlls'hdl o 111: i.aih iiiioi .Nn.exccni tliosool mcnily ocal Inleii si ; also Literary and Si lentltlc Inlol lisreuie: Hellewsof I be inosl lii,i.,,i i,,i .....1 ... lelestlna New Hooks; llio U tli h ,m ,,, lMK corps ot coi'lespoudents- thulalesl liHwsrc-elved ... .. .. . ,.,, ,ipiu iionil 1 nnil an 01 jut-pans ol he conn rv ;: a Siimi,,,,,, f u 1 1 ,,,, t ti 1 iV In lllllwlicoot Oils i- Ivillld e sew 1. 1... .. u.-.i..... of (lie iMoeeedliiKs of Congress nnd statu l.eulsn.. lire when hi sisslon; the Forelun Nows recElM-d byeieij s earner; Fxclllslvo Itepoilsol the iiro ii eil imsoi the Fanners' Cluhiir ih Alum can S 'S l'ii a'c,, ' !:'i ':. !!!!:!,''!'!:! "'W'y'lt ciiuniiy residents; Mi,.; Financial, Cattle, Dry Gooils,and lleneia Mntltet Hi ports; maklni It. bolh lor var ely and eoinpleleniVs, al OK. il, 'r th most iiilunble.hileieslliiK, and ihsiiiiiihcwLBK i.v published in tho woihl JIall Nllbserlliem. klm. I.', ,.... I ....... M . JlalUuliM-illiers, clubs of iVvi'-..'. S p! en i oples, luldrcssed to uniiicHof Hulu'crii J..U.I7 51) Twilllj copies, ilo, llo Vl 1 Ten copies, to ono nddress t J,J ... . -., 111 0111- lllllK '10(11 All exlra copy w 111 be sent ,r i nch eluli'i'if tii Till". Nl'.W YOIIK HI'.MI.IV fl'i-r Is piihl shed ei cry Tnesdav and I'liilav 111 ,1 ,,,,, tufas nil the iMlhirlalurliiles i -,.( 1 1 1' lVlv ,',,T 1, elmiuiler; Literary IWs lews ,.., V Crlt l"i is" Lellels flolii our 111 en ...11 us ,., i.-.....i..:.". . 1111 silo Coriespouiii.niK. s-'iKclal ai ii Ask iiel-iiVili 1' T.l.Kiunh DisnatclKs- .,,, ' ,i'." c .'.''. "l .lilesiiioiunij i lorchmnint Domestlo News; 1-.XC usllelleiiorlsiil thel-riKeeillllKsofllieFni "n- e s Cluliorifi,. Amerliaii Insiliule- Ti k is 1 liiloiniatlon; s-ioek Financial Cattle, fir.- OihIs I'.'.", . KS'i'.'l'l 'V It'.'l'i Is, v, lilcli n'n, oublisb sf Kilciiltiunl lilSHlS, illsheif LYTHlllFNi: iiTsi, ,Vu."i'.. .Vi'"'""'." 1'''"- th .r four of the " . ...suoi 11 year. i.'I'WAMl! LATIXT FGFLLAIt XOVKIM o.v iiviiiu nuiiiois. Tho cost .11 ii.b I, Ixjucla 111 I loim, would be fiom s x o elthl dollnis. Jl pilli'biiseil'luthe l.iml sl ,,,,,, Ji 1 w 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 .1 ! 11 1 1 1 . 1 r,l. SS" Yl'r:'.!."W ;':'.'.n,i, .me ;f . be can m, uuelmn i inan'i. " ''...v"""':'.1' !::;ilo:ji.!w,i!lA1T.lA!,-Nt','ii .iillu, nee hyjol,dn,;wlti tl .'. V , Ik, ln'f',r n ui! clubs ,, siibv-ribo lor the lio' I.Wi r k 1 v ,..111101 . 11 inn ln ,im, v 1( Piii,oi,,r n ,lV,. A '. ,nuM l"ll'u """ wldchsu.-h!,1 "','ercai, lalUubscrlbtis icopy iy,.ar,i(i numbers . ?l no 10. i ,.p U-r, do, ,., .'t,,, IVrsou6T;.n,,,.,nn:;:iS!-iu''. 1.,. , ixtiaeopv lorUiiiouihs. IVisous leiuitt 1,1; lor n copies 5n will rccclvo nu oxtra copy ono year. TIIK NIIW YOIIK DAILY TltlllFNi: K 1,11b. '.'"'l ' mm liini! and . v.-uli i isun layi evl ccpled) al Sin per year; J". for six moui i' 1 'lerius, eiisli in uiivniii-e. blii li Tin 'f,';!!,),1!' l"1'-'-"niee orders, imva TUU TUIUUNB, Now Yortt.