THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMS)TJRO,7I3ATTODAY, AUGUST 4-, 1866. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. v for n copy or tho report or tuc no- mntiiriiniiiiii i.miiiiui.iL'i.'. WILLIAM L. MADDOCK & CO.. dcill- Lew In fluo groceries, o. 1 15 South TlilrtI Street (opposite tho Glrard Hnnlc), WhllailMphln. iy A'tmAMa dwelllng-houso, sttuntcil on AWolch Hill, tho property of. Mr. David XEdwnrds, nnd occupied by Samuel 1111- Jborn, wns destroyed by lire on Thursday icvcnliiff. -y ' Notice. Tho subf-erlbora to tho stock iof tho lllooinsburL' Lltcrnry Institute nro required by tho Treasurer, William yBnydor, to pay tho llrst, Installment or Vflvc 'dollars on each share, on or before ;' ho Uncouth of August, to July tlilrtl L'cth, 1SGG ' Tun post-ofllco at Jersey town, In this county, has been removed Into the vll vlago from 1U Iato location, thrco fourths ofj a mllo distant. It will ho kept at thy yitoro of Mr. Krcamcr, .who has been ailppolnted postmaster In plnco of. Mr. Jrugler. This is n timely reform, and BRvna required by tho convenience of tho jgcitlzons Interested in the ofilcc. ,Tiir. atmual Dpmocrntlo Convention tfof this county will bo held on the "mvcnty-sovenUt of this month. THero Is Smiuull activity nmong tho friends of the wsbvcral candidates for nomination. Wo ijliall probably In our next number ex- nrelcn tlio Tivlvilrwrn nf nil liiiToiinllilont. itnd disinterested observer to take some SiTbtlco of tho (iiiididate.'Vand of the state of tho contest among.thetn ; not for the $nrposo of playing critics or inlltienclnp; results, but for imbilc edification and -Instruction. W, Base Hat.l. Tlio return match be "jlween tho' Shaw'anees and Continentals SSjvas played last Tuesday, at Plymouth, 'J!! tho ground f the former club. AVo jRvould Impress upon tho dub tho lin "Sportanco of a more extended practice "lieforo indulging In contests with other q1u1is. These unions aro of course pleas Want, asido from tho immediate purposo Jn hand; but a victory over an older tcltib la likely to work to tho disadvan tage of tho younger, from tho fact that It leads to others, and thereby lessens tho Importance which should bo felt for constant praetke. The pica that match games alfoi'd tuo desired means of im provement is to a certain extent crro- iieous, for the reason that tills object is gloat sight of ju.the.eagerness to produce successful result. Tho following Is the Splay on Tuesday : i:. II. I.lltlr, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Olllco on Main Ftroot.ln white frnino house, bo- low tho Exchaiigo Hotel. Holitrt 1'. Cltiili, ATTORNUY-AT-1.AW, Ofllco corner of Jtaln niulltMnrUct Streets, over FlrlNntlutialiHiiiilc. John a. Frerxe, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Odlco In Register niul Recorder's nfllco, In tlio basement of (lio Court House. Wesley Wlrl, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ofltcoon Main Street,, Miller's Store. C. It. llrocltivny, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Odlco on Muln Street, first door west of tlio Court 1 louse. Charles (1. Untitle', attorney-at-law, OMcoon Main Street, overS. H. Mlller'9 Store. Works for thenianufacttiroofgnjiout of plno wood, bones, and nnlmal and vegetable refuse', werostartcd In Detroit, Michigan, on Wednesday evening. It was by way of experiment, but promises to be ti Mieccss. A dispatch to the'JCccntnrPosl says that tho Second Comptroller of the Treasury Is of the opinion that tho. bill passed by Congress for tlio equalization ofbotiiUIesi3lnopenitlvo,Incoii?eq'uencu of serious defects in tho wording of tho llrst section. Tjii: Texas Secretary of Stnto has been untitled by tlio President that the Legislature will bo permitted to as semble on tho sixth of August, and or ders have been Issued for the transfer of tho State Provisional Government to tho elected authorities. Rear-Admiral Charles Stewart on Saturday completed thoelghty-elglith year of ids age. Ho was born In Plillu- ililtililn .Ink" twnnfv-nlirhtli. 1778. tlin mrmtli !irWMinnvnr.imlimnr ilint. nllv N-I ARPER'S WEI'KLY. bvthellrltlsh armv. It will gratify the ' . terms, many friends of this veteran patriot to (mecopymrVir know thai he is still active and hearty. A most remarkable temporanco lec ture was delivered in New York, by Dr. Crane, at tho meeting of the Metropoli tan Hoard of Health. The lecture en tire Wiw as follows: "In tho Stygian nnd pest-ridden Twelfth Ward of Brook lyn not a solitary ouo of tho 11 vo hun dred members of the Father Matlicw Society resident therein has been attack ed by cholera." Mr. Acton clinched this remark by adding that not a tiholera case had yet occurred among the sixteen thousand membersof the PuthcrMathow Society in this city. A National Cemetery is now pre wiring at Culpepper, Virginia, on tho farm of Mr. I lill. It will embriito about ix acres, situated on a rising ground a quarter of n'mllo from the Court House, and visible from tho Orange and Alex undria Railroad for a distance of four miles. Tho remains of soldiers burled between the Rappahannock Iliver and Gordonsvllle aro to bo interred in this ?i m i ii Alul ini'csilril eonv will he allowed lor ever club of live subscriber", nt SI eurli. or Mx copies Mr S'JM". mvmctu invannniy ni llvanl The lltmntl Voloiiics of Harper's Weekly fnun the eoinitieiiet'itient will lie ncnt to any pint of Ihe uniieti flutes, ireo 01 carnage, upon iceeipxoiiue Iiriee, vii'. ; I loin innumc ?5i "iper oiume. 1 r sififii"Hi l l!neh Voltnnu contains tho Numbers for Ouo leur. Tr.ltM4 Tl AIlviniTIHl-nm line ilollnr nnd flnv cMits ner line fiir inshle. two itolliirs tier llti. lor ouisiue .n eriiieineiu', euro iiisitiihii. IIAHPKIl A llll()nii;il, Ililillslien. M srmxa and sujimiiu aoonw, purehn'.eil In Jfow YoiUnml I'h'.liiileliihln nt tho cemetery, including those Who fell ill lowest llmite.nml which ho N determined tu sell the battle of Cedar Mountain. MARRIED. In UoailiiRereek, on the twelfth ultimo, liyUev , w. i-ornwt, 1IVN.SAH Mauia tout, to Owi:n llOAni.A.NP, At Ihe houw of the lirlde's falher, In Loeuit lownvhlp, on the twenty-nlnlh Instant, hy Uev S. C. Swallow, Anna Siiiavcii, of tjixttst Town. shlii, to JACOII Mll.LAKIl, of UltuwIsMl. llAWASi:n 31. Morris, c.. Irlliufer. n v . iisou, n. s..H. X. II. Ijinee, 1st li I tl.evl,ai Harris, .'id l , Connor, 1, f . ICxeNliitt.e. f. MV. I., ljmce o.v, ..3 5 , r. r.., Total lot. ftMm'nnco.u I cotri o. I! TON riNKXTAIi. ;. l unii.iu, e z linrPm, p 1 Xeall s. s 'X li L'naiiKsi, 1st I) :i II, -'. Ilnitniiin,'.'il h.i i:. i:iwell,!l.l b 1 W. . Jluyer, 1. f 1 10. I' f4 '2 iJ. V,:. j:jer, r. f. 1 Total.. IJiNtXUS. , .tl. Mil. fjt!l. Mil. I ' ti I 0 7 rili. 8th. 9th. i - 2 a .19 I 'J .ft-'-7 Umiilre Mr. Theodoro llvde. of .tho Golhaoi null. Now York. Pnviinin ,i .... Aji.iii.i3 m .tii.i r,u.i unci', Ullil J, J. Waller, Jr., for tlio Continental. iiniooi uauic z iurai ana i minutes. Tin; Galaxy for August first contains. ttlio U3ual excellent variety which lias v.l. .wtl.i..i'.rl ,iwiiit,Aiij n , , , i . 1 tri..j T I Ij ..lUliavmi l.LW '"U UWIIII'l.li7l -if .. neat and well-ceuducted periodical, ,'iin'tl supplies a waut which, among tho . variety of magazines now published, yjwould hardly have been felt, but is now 'indispensable. Next to the two nerlal ''.stories " The Cla verlugs" and " Archie aELovell" tlio most notable contributors jjto tlio present number aro Dr. T. W rarson's translation of "The Story of JUlysscs," from tho Jifemo of Dante, Jiind lliclmrd Grant White's companion Itary o.f Mr. Hunt's '' Gateways of the WC'entral Park," A paper oil "JSAsnys Viind Ksay Writing," by TlieedoreClar. "Senccj 3Z. Crane's htory of "The JjQJiuejroJd IJeetles;" Kugeno Deuson con hiiributo.s a sketch of thopaiuter Gmohio; 3t, D. Carter pens sonicaiuuslKgremJui .Seceueos of tho eccentrle naturalist It!harlc3 Watcrton; George AVakeman ..,e9llects, uoder tho head of "Sound and Bouse," toino Jaughablo anecdotes, etc. .jjjdiuuiid Gilbert writes about "Tlio liOuartier Latin;" and J. W. Leo tells a Wfitory of tho Hudson, which ho calls ".Poljpel's Island." There are three hort jioems, one of which, " An Acci MVjdent," by Mr. James H. Willbims, JStiiough trlto enough in subject, deserves iparticular praiso for its charmingly musical ring. And lait, but not luait. tho "Nebulic." NEWS ITEMS. ILLKIt & HLDUU, Wholesale ItOOKHKI.t.KllSl, STATI0NEI13, AND III.ANIv-1100IC MANUI'ACTUItl'.ILS. No. S)l North Third Street, I'hllailelphla. Wall nnd Curtain Tapers, nnd Stationery Ren erally. GMtAND OPENING diiANi) orr..viN (1UAN1) (H'i:.NIN(l (lltANI) OPKNINO OltANI) orKNisa ILLKR'S STOUK. I'UKMII AUUlVAIj 01-' fil'liixa AM) SUMMUll HOODS. The suliscrllier has Just returned from tho cities wltluiuother lingo alul select assortment of on as moderate terms as can Is procured else w hero In llloonisliurn. Ills stock comprises I.ADir.S' DIIKSS OOOIM of the cholcc-t styles ami latest fashions, together llh n largo assortment of Dry (Joods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho follow Ini; articles : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, DIED. In I.lisht Street, on tho tweuty-elj-hlh Instant, Fiiankii:, son of Joseph H. and .Mary V. lto'jolns used 7 innuthsnnd 3S pays. In this pl.ire, on (ho thirtieth ultimo. Annii:. wile or I nomas UukIics, aged HI cars. In this place, on tho twenty-ninth ultimo Claka Kva, daughter of Alderman s, and Har riet Ulster, lined 7 months. Cus.Imeres, Mmwls, l'lauiiels. Silks, Aim ket llrimrt Wheat per lmsliel ltyo orn I'loitr nor lmrrel Clovelsecd laxseisl flutter Kim riillnw l'olaloos Drie.1 Apples l". rk llams sides and Miotililers , liiinl ner iiouml..... Hay per ton fi 7.1 I L'l I i li m .i ." no m 2 ) II l m :i u n While (lotsls, l.tnens, Hoop Skirls, Muslins, llollowware, (XsVirwaro Hardwaie, It) 12" . 17 () Ciriincl .Inrors Scplrinljcr Term, IS0I1. lloioiiKh llerwlek Hudson Owen. IIimm i D.mli l .shiKley. li. niou lllram 1'. Kveielt. ltloonilteiijaiuln I-'. lltntmnn. t.'.ituwlss.i Waller I,ashi ll, llenjamln Miller. Centri' Samuel Jlowcr. .laeksou Knoi-r. ri..hllmcreek Cvitis White. Jolin Drcsclicr. John .ani-r. 1 raiiuiin wnshlnglnu l'arr, tleoruo W. I cns- ici iiiiicncr. Ureenwood llllum A. Kline, Jacob K. Ilurlin, J 1 CHUUCIt d OOll JV 1-slIIM , Main-William Swlslur, Daniel I'lsher. Mllllln .Samuel Audicws. Montour I'hlllii Helmli.ich. Tine William Karschuer, llo.irlllereek I'll II lp Cool. Sun.' .lacoli H. h'riu. " Scott Daniel .Melliek. tiueensware. llools and Shoes, Hals and Caps, - soop Nets, , Umbrellas, Lunklnji-Glasscs, Tobacco, Coiree, Sugars, Teas, like, Allspice, tllliKer, Cinnamon Nutineys, AND NOTIONS dKNEItAI.I.Y In slioil, everything usually kept in country stores, to which lie Invites Iho ntlentlon of the pulilie iieucrally. Tho highest prlcnnlll ho paid for country produco in exchange for (joods. S. II. MILLKIt, Arcade llulldings, llloomslmi-g, Va. GIG Kit Trus'crse Jurors, Ileaver Ti'lcr Kneeht, Samuel Johmon. llenlou S.uuui'l M'llenry. lllooiu Tcter lltllinexr. Henry (Hirer. Uriarcreek Absotoill llomlioe. Kinmi r Dclllcr. icu. 1,'at iwlssa lien iinlu Ilarns. Centre (leorire It.JIcss.KlilluIt Ailtiorin. Thllln H.SJ , .llf.-.I-ll . , v.tfllltll, Conyiiglmm Mejihuii Momighan, William Sny tin , rsaiiiiici 1A'IU, ! isnlngereek John T. I reasy. Triinklln D.inlil .in'. Williaiu Ilohrhach. ilreenwoad lldward Henry, liluiui Havman. r.iiniii iiiiiin. Hemlock Ittuben Iiomlioy, Samuel lhugler, Jackson Knsterlek Wile. Locust John I.. Hurst. I.ueus l'ahrlnirer. Mark 1 llll'lllis. .MIHII.Sllli ..III. , 1 . ..Illll. Ul'llll A'iUlllll. Mitllln Aitiert C. .Millard, llol-iico Si-liu-rnnpii. lliscr, ,i iiiuiM is.iii. niiyiitr, X, !..! .Illllllll I ICISMIII 1.1. lIVl-ll'l. Scott Wllllain While, biyarloaf Joslm.i rrii. Ciiii:i'-Justici: Salmon P. Chari; Is Bon a vhlt to Cornish, Now Hampshire, Shin native- town. ijf'iriu: City Council of Doston hasiulded , twn thousand dollars to tho appropriiv "ifulnn for frco public baths. JT AVi.thouoh there is still fire In many iTnkiees in the burnt district of Portland Kfiioro than two hundred buildings uro Jmow In process of erection. 3niIr.NHY Fahimj and Minnlo Iiuscli Ibcing onposwl in their matrimonial wlslies by tho lady's f.ttlier, took polon '.hi St. Louis on Saturday. Miuulo died ilmt her loyer is recovering. 1 Tin: Petersburg mlno " crater" Is now in tho midst of a luxuriant corn-field, fund is itself planted in melons and fruit Itrees. Tho luimenso excavation made Iby tho explosion is nearly closed to the Imtrfaco, as it was converted, it Is Mild, Ito tho uses of sepulture. Miss Cr.Aii.v Uahto.s, whoso dovotion No sick and wounded fcoldlers in tho latu (war Is.isp well known, proposes, lu com- Tiillniipn with niiinerotiM rwiuests. to lecturo tho coming peason on " i'ereonal Ijlteiiiliilscencesof Scenes on tho Dattle- fields." A wuixnu In tho Itoehester HjcpreM says: "Iventuro tho prediction, based uiion Information derived from farmers themselves, as well as upon actual obser vation, that tho wheat crop now being harvested is ahead of anything Ontario County has produced lu that lino for ninny years, and other grain Is doing nearly quitvan wjjl.'' I.Ut o Causes for Trtnl, 1. Stephen llaldy rv. the CataHlssa, Williams. port, mm itauiiii.i iillipany, 2. William I,. Iiiince i. Thomas CieNclIng, 3. .laeoh H.irils iw. Tcier.laeoliy, 4. Andiew .J. Snyder u. .lohustieatler. ft. Jacob Sliumau ii. Christian Wolf. it. Jacob Miuman 1 1. Jacob Hart.i I. 7. A. S. Saul 14. llenlamln Wlutersteen. 8. sal i uic I Henry iJ..liicol)Hosler,Wlill.imKllne- ino, anil itiiieou iiosicr, nuo uoiug uuuucss in the lutll'.o of Hosier .V: Co. 0. Ja'oh Shum.m u. tho Catawls.s.1 lliillroail company. 10. Oeorire A. llerrlm' ivr. IVIer Miller. 11, Udwiod Hellner ii. the Ieusi .Moiml.'ilnCoal ami iron com puny, tt. nr. 12, J. T, Hackeubi'ig, Ini tliu uso of M. Chamber' nil, 1 1. Silas 11. mgnr. 11 John HinUrliler k. John Jameson 11. Jacob ltemley vn, Catawlstsi lUdhisid Com-ininy. IS, William A, Case. nl,, i. tho Township of I ruin', in. William I.iiuou i t. Telcr, 17, William Laiiiou r.. John Vunpitlt, is, Henry K Nus is. Uoroiigh ot llerwlek. lit. Abraham II. Sivlsher r. Kimuel Itlmhy. 31, J. 1'. Aiiiiiaeh, it. ill., i i, Wllll.iiu T. It) on. ;i. i:il Jones li. -Mills C. Alitsitl, tl.ul, John Jauu sou vs. Josiph It. Jameson, '1. tlieeuwistd Township ei, haintul llogart, -I. Svlvesier.l. Kaux vi. Isaac White. IVi. Syl ester J. l-'uax ti, Isaac White. TTUNltY JJL has oiiened n llrst -class HOOT, SIIOH, HAT AND' CAT FSTOItK. at hlsold stand on Main St reel, lllisimsburg. Ills stock Isconipn-si'iiorthovory laiestanu oesistyies I'Vcrouci'ni io uie cmens oi i-onimoia i.iuiiuv. lie can nceoinmoitato the puouc Willi uie ionow- nig Kinus aim pucis; Men's calf boots, line " kip, double sole Hoys' child's ImmiIs Men's glove kid, Congress, tfo ' " Ilalmoral slioes ..... Men's, women's, boys', and glove kid lasting gaiteis..... Women's irlove kids, verv Hue line goat morocco naimorais in 4 isi men's moroeeotuul calf shoes 1 ..to2 eiimnion shoes 1 .'iiltoL' MK-es' and child's shoes u ij to 1 GO -Men s, Momeu H, misses , ooys , aim child's slipper 0 SHo 1 (10 He also keeps n great Mirieiy of HATS, CAIH, AND STltAW GOODS of every kind, nt tho lowest prices, both for cash and couniry prouuec, lti member I he attract Ion Is in onr goods. Don't In' alarmed at thociy ot high prices, but enll mid iclvis, liespicuuiiv. . no ton oo i ,.i t.. id 1 7.j to I 2 SI) too i wio.i m misses' 1 7.1 to . H 'Jjto." see lol youric MIJ3 ONLY PLACK got the best TOllACCO AND CIOAllS, AT WHOLESALE AND UI.TAIL, isni nu.Nwniaiar.irs, a few dours below Iho American House, Illoonisbiiig, I'll, IIo has tho largest nnd most select of SMOKINO AND CIIHWINO TOllACCO ever nllered to tho citizens of llloomsburg. tho t.mcy brands of SIXIAHS, and tho best l'lne-cul ami Tlug CIIHWINO TOllACCO, can lio had tit his counters. TOllACCO TITUS All DON'T TOllUKT TO CAM ii. ii. liUNsimiiaim. W, Cliilstlmi Kuapp r. the School District of n t.,-Cat vmltiy iirenuiong his larsc Hoili '."7. Hussli r and Wlfo i. Schlnislcrnnd Wife s. Wrluhl Huiihes ci. Teler MIIli r. P -S'. David linsli t', llHUlt Tii-aMint Township, 1 1 rs i. i-niei .1. 1 aii.v lit. ipmiiiii line, 111. John o, DIUIne, it. ill., ci. l'al Uu Masters, .li Jonathan Knltllo n, Wright Hughe. :il, Mary 11. (irecu ra.'Isiuin White. :ll, .Michael Casey r, rrankllu Tnvlor, el, a!, Hj. James ll.irrv i-r. ltobeit Ooriell. M. John Laverns r. ltarnev M'llreartv. a7. I'eier nnisiiiu'r, if. (., i. JKinici nrum snn mlulstrators. .IS. holomou Ncylmrd it, Iho lownshlp of Centre William II. Abbott, ArroitNi:v-AT-i.AW, Calawlssa, Ta, ryo ALL "WHOM IT MAY COX X Ci:itN. Please, take notlco that 1, Iru Ito.u1 armel, of Centrevllle, Columbia County, having bought tho following list of propcily from Titer Uowrr, do del laio Hint It Is my intention to lend the en ma to the said Hover, to wit: four beds; one ilo.en chairs; nno lot of dishes; ono cup. board; one buienu; twenty yards or carpet; one cooking stove; one parlor stove; one two-hoiso wagon; one two-horso curing ; ono double set of harness; unu single set of hinuess; two tables; twoplg. IllA ltOADA11Mi:i Mt 12. Jackson, ATTOHNHY-AT-IiAW, llerwlek, Ooluinbln County, 1'n. 71, It. Tliuigb, A'nVIIlNl".V-AT.I.AW, Nenr Am 'rlrau Hotel. M. M. l.'Vcllr, ATl'OUN K Y. AT. I W, Ce.iii.ilia, iliimbla Counly, Ta, 1?M PI KU KI1UTTLK SKWIXG-MA- 1 J CIIINI-Snro siineilor ioall ntlieis tor l'AMII.Y AND MANL'l'ACTUHINfl l'l'IIIMsKU. l ouiaiu nil uie i.nesi iiuproemeuis; ai speisiy; IliilseiesM; .minim,; Mii'iiHin liiiliilK, lllustiatid Clrcuisrslice, Agents wauled, 1,11 era! discount allowed. No conslgumeutsm:ide, Addictss HMl'Iltl'; S. M. CO., OKI Hioailu ay. New Yin It. TUXGjntlCII it SMITH, wnoi.r.sAi.r. auoci:ns, No. II North Tubs I Strut, Jhll.idlrhirf. I 1 5 STniNO HTltlNO HTHINO SIMUNO BTIUNO I i0T hi id AND RUMMKU riOODM, AND StMMI'.lt OOOIN, AND HtfM.Ml'.lt OOOIM, AND HtfMMIIIl OOODS, AND SUMMKlt OOODS, I . ronslstlng of consisting of consisting of eonslstlnj of consisting of DRY DItY DIIY DllY DUY noons, OOOIM, OOODS, OOOIW, OOODS, HATS AND CATH, ' HATS AND (IATS, HATS ANjT WtN, HA'IM AND CAl-S, HAM AND CAI-S, hoots noo in noors HOOTS 1100 IS and niton, AND ftllOUS, AND S1IOIX, AND HHOKM, AND 8H0i:s, nriADY-jiADn citiiino, hi:ady-madi: ciiOthino, ltl'IADY-MADH (T.OTHINO, KKADY-MADI'l CU1THINO, HIIADY-MADH Ci;oi:iIINO, iH7 I.OOKtNa-C!I.ASSKS, l.noKlNn-'oi,Af;fiis, 1.00KlN(l-(ir.Asjlli, i.ooiciNo-oii.SrtTu:', i.ooiciNG-aivrsres, nun f il ,-t NOTIONS,' NOTIONS, if NOTIONSJs i, NOTIONS. , NOTIONS, 1 TAINTS- AND TAINTS AND TAINTS AND TAINTS TAINTS i AND 1 -nd ohm, OII-S, oil.s, 01I.S, 01 ix, oiiorKRtKs, (iiiocKunx, (lltOt'KllIUS, oi:oi'i:itir.s, oiiociaui-s, (jrnnNswAni:, (ii:i:r.NswAiti:, (llII'.I'.NSWAltll, tiiir.kNsv.'Anii, uur.KNswAin:, 1IAUDWAI1K, IIAliDWAlti:, HAIlDWAIIi:, HAUDWAlti:, IIAliDWAlti:, TINWAHi:, TINWAItll, T!N'AIti:,i TINWAUJ TINWAItl :.' ii i' - i. 01 ,'4' s.Ma'.4 ' SALT,' to HAM' L SAirf ii ri'sii,' l'ISII,l! I'ISIl, rrrir, 1'ISII, OltAIN OUAIN (Ht.MN OltAIN G11AIN and si:i:ds, and si:i:ds, and si:i:ds, and, AND aKlIHS, McKm.VY, McKI'.I.VY, MlKIII.VY, McKI'.I.VY, MeKliLVY, NI1AI. Nl'.AIi' NIIAIi Ni:.t. NllAIi CO.'S, CO.'S, t;o.'s. CO.'S. CO.'S. rjMlH GALAXY, a 1'oitTNiairn.YirjiUHTn.iiTr.DMAaAziNE. ' Is published fortnightly, on tho i of each month, nnd has the ad- Tltnn.U.A-KY tlrst nnd lllieenth of yanlagoof comher to tho lender Intermediately between tho iiiniii)illM n,l i i,n ,-lt Hi... nil luiiseisniii number tho Magarlno was en larged by sixteen pngiw, making It to cuiituln liturt y.lx pages of luatler, IIS CONTHIlll'TOllH. nil; oai.axy will bo nn original Anio-lwin Mngnr.lne of tlio highest class. Arrangement have accordingly Issui made for regularcoutribu- nous iioin uie nesi kuowii nnij most lnerllurlous .writers In tlio country; nnd moreover, tho lMllnr will alu'iivsseek lo elicit nml eneonm,. n,nirii,i,. (Inns from new nlilhors of leal nblllly nrilclOci genius. Thenrlldeslu Till; OADAXY will be signeu wun mo names or liieir aiitliors, who will bo nllowcd it wldorrecdom In tho expression ol opinions, i ne i rsiaiiiiKcconii mimoersni 1 11 1: v. for May llislmul fllleelith, W,it, contain contriliu lions irnm John IMeu CisiKe, I'mnccs Tower Cobbe, ItosoTeny.Oeorge Alfred Townsend, i:d Iniuiil C, stediiinn, the Aulhor of " Kmlly Ches tor." Troressor lieno Hint, Dr. W. H, Draper, Sllllmati s. Coiiant, Oeueral C'luseret, mid others, " 1 lit" liaverlngs " by Anthony Trollope, and "Areldo Iivell," by Mrs. lidwnrds weio com. iiieiu ed In the first number of 'I 111, (IA1.AXY, and will continue to be published serially simul taneously wllh their appearance lu Kuglatiil. 'Ihe buck numbers of the Magazine containing these stories may always be obtained from n newsdealer or from the proprietor. i Hiirjvwii iu,ui i. i uuivi.isi, In thoseeonil number of TI1M OAI.AXY was commenced u series of mtlcles on Cookerv. bv i ruiestor ricrro nan, ine weii.Kuown icaener oi Ihe ail, Thesi-nrtli ies will be made of gieat prac- mue 10 eveij lamuv. iiesini) many giiMio nomleal directions of essential Imporlnute, ihey will eoiiliilli tecelpts and praellcitl suggestions whlcli must nciiro lor tbein UioiKandsot renilcls. Ti;it.M-. The nrlee of T1II1 (IAI.AXV U 1", crnls n num. her; (., for tho year of twi nly-lour ntiiiibers; for six month twelve numbers. ThoMdniues for tho year will include 2,.i) oi tavo pages. Illus trated by twenty-Uo or more fulbpauu cnginv Ings, printed on tinted paper: beside hinuiiiera ble smaller Must nitons scattered thtouuh the text. a-lir.OAI.AXY may bp ordered at thorale of twenly-tlvo cents n iiunifjei''ior rny lenglli of time desired. Specimen conies will bo sent on leeelntof 2i cents. Address w. C. iv, r, T. CIirilOIl.-Troprletors, 8U Turk How, New York. QMXillUS LIXE. 1 ho underlTned would rcfnectftillynnnouncolo of Illoomsbnrg niul tho public gene rally that ho Is running an OMNlIlUHLlNi: 4 bclwcm this plaeonnil thodlirerent rallron'l do pots dally (Hundnys excepted), to connect M llh Iho several tinilis going South nnd West oil tho Cntn Mlssnnnil Wllllamsport Hallron'J,nnd with those, going North nml South on the l.idiVvetiiitinnd Vloomslairg Hallrond. lllsOmnlbiisscsnro In gooil condition, commo dious nnd comfortable, nnd charges reasonable, Tersoiis wishing to meet or seo their friends do p nrt, ran bo accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely notlco nl any of tho hotels. .TACOH I.. HI11TON, Troprlclor. riMIK AMKUICAX HAY KXIFE i AND Tolli;. Wo tho undersigned cltlrens oi coiuinmn county wiiiicssihi too trial or niiv ii.iiyi- .in tun imiiii in ,i-, iiiiM'i, ill . ii-iiiiin.i Township, on Mntnlny, May 7, lsfHI, between tho Ainerie.iu nuy iviiueaini i-orlc lnaniiraeliireii nv uttl.'tl H'ttlu uiniivi'i, .. , r t i- burg, i'a'., unit tlio Hinulels Tiiteut'llny Hook. Tlio Anierlciin l-'ork lifted nioro 1iay 111 ono itlilltullt Ibltlt tlio Htllulel ill three. W'.i'ncn Nfltls. lied It will tiiko as much liny Into the mow as two good horses Can draw, e also saw It cutting bay, and think It cannot be licat nsn hay knife, and cheerfully lecommend It as Iho best hay fori; lliei i.Iilie e Olive i-scr bis'll, c. IiiTTK.Niu:NiiKii, Dn. T, (', lt.nmsor, W. ll. Koons, John Dovk, Joliv Dtrrr.iiicK, DANIKt. Novrn, II. Dtlir.V.MlI.t.Klt, HVI.VIMTKH TUllSKt, MiellAr.i. llm.i.i-.ti. .toiiv Woi.r. 'Ihey also nianufiicturo tho celebrated Huelteye Ken per anil Mowt-r, una other agricultural luipio' Incuts, IJIT. I ODKY'S LADY'S I500K 1'OU 1SC0. UATUlti:I'INi: A11TS, AND FASHIONS. I-DITHD HY MllS. S. J, HAI.i: AND I,. A. OODi;v. The iiulillsher of fiody's lady's Hook, thankful to thai public which bus iinabled him to publish ainagii7lne lor the last Ihlity-elx venrsofa largi r circulation than any in America, has contlnneil his nrinngeiuent with tho most popular uulhorcs lu tills country, .MAUION IIAIILAND, Aulhorcssor "Alone," "Hidden T.ith."ete, Tills alone places tho Lady's Hook, In a Uterurv point of view, far ahead of any other ni igalne. Marion Harlnnd writes for no nlber min'ii7lne. Our oilier favorite wrilers will nil conllnuo to furnish articles throughout the veer. sia'un si'i:ciai,i tins that no other magazine lm, and nnlv to be found In (iodey: "Original. Music.'1" Model Cottage.Milh Dlngtams," "Drawing Lessons " 'ichlldien's De iinrtiiient." "Original Ilcallli Department," and ! I Ifkllllli. Ivt,,,luli,l l.'.iul.l,.i....l..,.. I, ' Ol.'ll sPl.KMilli isTK.r.i. i:-nii ivtvan Tlieiinanlmoasvolceof tlienress has nronouneed On ley's engrm lugs to be the best ever published lu nuy magazine of the world, and equal to those published In Ihe Annuals of Oieat Hrltaln. You may look In vain lor fourteen such steel eiigrnv. lugs as have been published in the seventieth and sevenly-llrst volumes of this Hook, and loose uir ismi wtll surpass incin. oodj;y's immiinsi-: Doriu.n-.siiHKT I'AHIIIOX.PI.ATI'M Tile publlenlliln onlieso plates cost TI'.V 'Cllfll'sl Wl 1 mil T 111 a limip than Tasliiou-tilates of the old slvle. and uotbln bill ourwomli'iiully l.irgoelrculaliou enables us lUKllii I 111 III. Ti:tt.w nt." finnr.vH nnni.- One copy one year 1 nl Two copies one year .1 1M1 1 lire; copies one year 7 00 Four copies ono year. 10 CO Address 1,. A. tiODHY, N.i:. cor. Sltxliand Chestnut Sis., Tlill., Ta. pOltlC'S HOTKL, iiiAUiui'; w. MAUOLH, l'rqpneior. Tlio above well-known hotel has rceeully under. gonu radlenl changes In Its Internal arrangements, and Its proprietor announces to his former custom and tho travelling public that his accomodations for tho comfort of his guests are second to hono in Iho country. Ills lablo will always bo found sup plied, not only with substantial foisl, but with all the delicacies of the season. His wines nml li quors (except that popular beverago known as "JA7rnr"),vmclinscil direct from tho importing houses, nro entirely pure, nnd free from all ihjI sonous drugs. He Is thankful for a liberal patron age In the past, and will continue to ileseno It In tlio future. OHOUOK W. MAUOHIl. TiWHRY SATURDAY : Vl A JOiUtNAI, OT CHOICI-: HHAnlNO.-S, isi.j,:a;i ini 1 nu.n iiiuciu, 1 uitui.r I.ITCIIATTIIK. Mui'h of Ihe best literature of Uie dav Is found In the Knulish and Continental maciiy.mcs nnd neri- oitieals; and it is Die aim of tlio publishers 01 litis new Journal to reproduce the choicest selections from these for American leaders, lu a lorm at once attractive and inexpensive. The publishers 'w.ltei'e llill sui.h n Inline)! eMnillieleil il'inn ln plaft whlcli they projinse, will be not only euter talulmr and instructive in Itself, imt Interesting anil vaui.inie its a li-uex 111 loieigu periiKiicai in eraluie of llu day II will be. In slmrl. Ihe aim o itsimbllsnerstliat Hver.v Saturday Klmllcoinniend liself by its li-esliness and variety to nil of line lugclil aim eimivaieii reaners, i.very .-saiur-duy Will contain each week thirty-two largo oe- lavo pages, iinii'igoiiieiv onuicil 111 uouinu col limns. -iv ltTi ,111 . uiri Liltltlt. TKltMM. Single, numbers, li) rents; sulwrhi- 11011 pnci', iei-,i em, 111 inivanee. -uniiiiiiy Hills miii iji- iinii , , .iiiijiiimiK I'.ih .s . in ll, laiidsoutelv biiuuil lit an attractive cover, price GO cents, subscription price, S-l per year, lu ini vanee. Suliserllieistoany oriheollier perlisllculs liUbllshed liy Ticknor A- Fields will nccivo livery Sateidiii'lor ?l iier eur, in advance. TICKNOII .V l'lMI.HS, TublWiers, irireinons sqioet, iiosion. 17XCHAX(K HOTKL. JL1 ULOOMSIimtO, COMIMIIIA COUNTY, TA. riiu undersigned having pnrchnfnl this well- known and eenlmlly.locjitcil house, tho JJxclinngo Hotel, sltualo on MAIN RTHr.HT.In Uloom3btir((, limufdlalely opiosltothe Columbia County Court limine, respectrully Informs his friends end the) publlo In general that his house. Is now In order for Iho reception nnd entertainment of travellers wnoinny nomsposeu to iavor it, wun ineir cus tom, Ho has spared no expense In preparing Iho Hxrhango for Iho ciib-rtalnmcnl of his guests, neither slinll theio bo nitylhlng wanllng (on bis part) to minister to their pereonal comlort. IIIh liouso Is spacious, niul enjoys mi excellent busi ness location. Oinnlbusses run nt nil Hme5 between the Hx- chnngo Hotel and tho various railroad depots, by which traveller will bo pleasantly conveyed lo mnl from tho respective slat Ions lit duo lime tti meet the ears. JOHN F. CAHIX1W. Hlpomsburg, Mnrrh 22, KM. QUSQUKIIAXXA 1IOTKL, O Cntawissa, Ta. Tho nbovo Hotel has lately liecn piirehnsed by IIHNllY J, CI.A11K, nml has been thoioughly n- ' modelled, repaired, nnd refurnished. It will bo found now, In Its arrangement nnd npisilnliurnts, a first-class Hotel, nnd second ta 110110 In Iho country. Persons: In cities wishing to spend tho hot inonlhs In tlio country, will do well to glvo the proprietor n call. AlCL'R AND CONFEOTIONKll. H. II. 8T0IINKH has nlwnys 011 linnd nnd for salo FUIOSH HIIKAD, CAKES, AND Pins, FIIKNCII AND DOMESTIC CONFECTIONS In every stylo and variety, NUTS, FHUITS, and everything usually found In a l'ULST-CIiASS CONFECTIONIlllY STOHE. Having recently Illicit tip 11 new and elegant ICII-CUEAM AND 11.VTINO BAI.00N, ho Is prepared to nccomoilato ladles niul gotitlo men In tho best style. J 11. PURSKL, 1IA11M23S, SAUDI. li, ArlJ IKU.Mv MANUFACTUHEH, and denier lu C'AHTHT-HAOS, VAI.ISES, 1T.Y-NETS .Ac, Main Street, Hloomsburg, I'.i. pOWDER KEGS AND LUMRER. w. m, .Aiuituii uu., llupcrl, Tn., Manufacturers of TOWDEIt KEGS, and dealers lu all kinds of I.UMlinii, glvo notice that they aro prepared to accomodate their custom wllh dispatch, and on tho cheapest terms. QUR JULY VOLUME. iiv suii-m. iiiiii;iiK ,.mi;u at a THIIMIUM. It will be borne in lnlnd thnCwo begin a new seitibaiinual volume of Ihe Cuitivatorand 101111- 11. v lieutleiiian wllh tho tlrst of July, uie inn r- si lakin in e:lini lnriitii- circulation dining tlio avseiit season, to which we owe the luet that it last year, en- ootiriiges us to present some extra inducements lor new suiiseritiers, trusting, iitinougn i-ninnicr Is aless f.ivnialilo time than Autumu or Winter for procuring large lists, tliai tlieM' oit'ers may neveiilieless lead ion very eonsideialile addition. We si ill have a limited number of ininplele sels Irom Januaro llrst, so Unit new subscribers can lie supplied Uoni thst date If desired; but unless se evpressly ordered, subscriptions will bo cou sldeud us fjr one year from tlie llrst of July. It wilt tie remeiutieieii tnai our leriusare: loronc nr. strletiv lu advance, eaeli copy, ;j lor six in. mills. Si .VI. We wilt send bv lllllil Dostn.lld. Address alt letleis ol Inqulrwor remittances, in all cases, 10 l.l I lll.u J LCl 1.11 !-ii.s. Albany, i, Northwest corner nf JInlnnnd M.ukrt Streets, Northwest corner of -Main find Market Streets, Norlhwest corner of Main and Market SIreets, Nnrlhwost corny of Main and Miukrt Streets, Northwest col n?r of Main una Mm ket Streets, HLOOMSIIimo, TA iimoMHiirRii, HI.OOMSIITHO, lll,OOMSll'IIO, 1I1.O0.MS11CH0, ;lJ 0' , i.. TA., TA., TA,, TA. MONTHLY TAUPER'S NEW X MAOA.INF. TCIIMS. fine conv for one vear. ?IOO. An exlra copy, L't'atis. for'cvei v ('lull of ilvo subscilbers, at $1 ml IfAiii'i.u's and lt.utrxn'tf Wi:i:klv, logelber, one year, si. CIIICUI.ATION 112,im. The Publishers 111 111 cent a limited number of nut-class udveillsenieiits for their .Magozhie, at the lollowlng low lines: lino r-iee Half Ta.-e li"i lJ on.uli'r I'ngii - iO Or 51 .W per line fur less space wouis ion one. , , .V Illiiillll'.u.". l-noiisiicrs, TEW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Frosli arrival of STHINO AND PUMMEIl OOODS. DAVID LOWENnEUO Invites attention to his stock of CIIF-AT AND FASIIIONAHLE CLOTHING, at his store on Main Slieeti two doors nbove the American House, Hloomsburg, Ta., where ho Ins Just received from New Yolk and Thll.idulphla a full assortment of .SJF.N ANJ) HOYS' CLOTIIINfJ, Including tlio most fashionable, Uuriibli", nnd luindsomo. DHUSS GOODS, consisting of 110X, SACK, FHOC'K, OUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorls.sles, and colors. Ho has also replen ished his already huge stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, 8TKIPED, FKIUIIED, AND PLAIN VESTS, KHIIU'S, CHAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, sustj:ndi;rs, and fancy articles, He has constantly on hand ft largo and well-se lected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which lio Is prepared to mako to order Into any kind of ilothlng, on very short notice, nnd In tho tiest manner, All his clothing Is lmulo to wear, and most of it Is of homo manufacture, GOLD WATCHHS AND JEWELRY, of every description, flno nnd cheap. His enso of Jewelry is not surpassed In this place. Call and 'Xauilno his general assortment of CLOTHING, WATCIIFJs, JEWELRY, A P. DAVID LOWENHURO. JQRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE, Hloomsburg, Ta. DRUGS', CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES. EYEIl & MOYEH respectfully Invito a eontlnuanco of pntronngo. Their Drugs and Medicines 1110 nil selected with tho grentet care, avoiding as much as jiosslblo tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, and nro purchased from tho best Importing houses In tho country, PATENT MEDICINES of nil kinds, Including Ayer's, .Tayne's, Hollo way's, llostetter's, Wlshurt's, HooUand's, &c. constantly on hand, COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES BRUSHES PAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of tho best quality. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. The public may rely at nil times on procuring tho nbovo articles, with all tho new useful prepara tions kept In tho best conducted establishments. PH YSICI A N'S PR ESCRI ITI ONS and Pamlly Receipts compounded with the great est nceuiaey and dlpateh. A vei ago eight JMKE INSURANCE. If you wish to Hvo louts and die happy, go without lehiy and INSURE YOUR 1,1 FK In the best Company in Iho world, THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK, its cash .vssirrs ARE eir,,onn,oi, and Us annual dividend for Ihe fiscal year of ISM amounts toseenty-Ilve per cent. on all paitlet- 1 lilting premiums, being the largest dividend ever declared by any company fur Iho same length of time. For further Information apply to P.S. RISIIEL, Agent, HliKimsburg, Ta, IRON IRON IIION I1I0N IRON AND NAILS, AND NAILH, AND NAILS, AND NAII-H, AND NAII.B, pURLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL INSTATE. In inii'sueiico nf on orderof the Ori.haUK' Court or tiiluiubla county, r.i on csiiuiiliv, uie eiev enlh d.iyof August ono o'clock In tlieaf- tet'liooifviiit.iiiiitiiiii .'. jiiirimaii. Aiinunisiiaior, wllh tin) will annexed, of all and sliigulitv the gisslsund chat lids, rights and eiedlts, which weio of James Diigan, lulo oi Montour Township, in said cnuniy, ueeeiiseu, win expose 111 saic, ny pun lie vendue, on the premises, 11 ecilaln piece, liar ,.el or 1 f of land, slluati" In Montour Towllshln lu Ihe Counly of 1'olumbln, adjoining lauds o: isi.lunltnder Ibiberls oil the iiimI. William Uoh- ei-iMoii Die 11111 Hi. Oeort'e A. Wlllelson the south and Flick and Hurley on Iho west, isjiitatiilng sixty acies moio or less, wheicon 1110 ciecled a irnuie liweilillg-uoiise, nun nam nun uiie-i 1 n buildings. Lute the eslnte ol said deceasi d, situ rdn In tho Township ol Montour and counly afore . .11 ,l'.-sil.' .'ill I'M IV I'leik. ' Hlooiusburg, July 17, IHH, 'iis'liiTlos'H ill' SALE. Ten npr rent ol one fouilliof nurcliaso money to be paid on striking don n of Ihe prnpcity, one fourth less Iho ten percent, at Iho cniilirni.itk 11 af,nltil I lio uaiauie 111 nue jeui uinu wiiiiiuui ..- .citli mi s.iid liatiinco liom con tlrin.itlo'ii 11M. Tuiih.iscr lo my tor deed and stamps. jiARTMAN, Adiuliilslralor. In lurjo qfanllllfs nnd'nt icdiucst rates, olu'.iy ' , ' 1, ,1 oa fcuvl. . JOHN STROUP & CO,, Successors to Htroup tc Ilrolher, WHOLlALF. DEALERS IN FISH, No. Nolh Wharve. and 25 North Water St., J'ttiJauUrs.a. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Hloomsburg, Columbln County, Pa. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovo-namoil exlenslvo establishment, Is now prcired to re ceive orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHINa MVCHINES, Aa Ho is also prepared to make Stoves of all sizes and pattiajiSj lMyw.lrons, and everything usually m.'ido Iirnrst-elass Foundries, H(s exlenslvo facilities and practical workmen warrant him in receiving tlio largest contracts oil tho most reasonable terms. drain of all kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings, Thlstslabllshment is located near the Lac!r& wanna and Hloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER HILLMYER. QARK1AGE MANUFACTOKY, luoomsuiirg, r.i. M. c. SLOAN A BROTHER, the suecessoisof WILLIAM SLOAN A SON, continue the business of making CARRIAGF-S, HUGGIliS, and every stylo of . FANCY" WAGONS, which they have constantly on bond to suit eus lomers. Never using any material but tlio itest nnd employing tho most expeiieneed workmen they hope tocontlmio as licretoforo to gln entire satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection of their wink, and of thore.isonnblo price asked tor the same, is sure to Insure a sale, JgLOOMSIJUltG FANCY TRIM MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door below Hartmnn's, Main Street, Just received a new slock of ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS and every variety of articles usually kept lu a FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, BIBLES, SUNDAY'-SCIIOOL BOOKS, nnd a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMORANDUM HOOKS, BLANK DEEDS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES, and a general and wcll-sclcctcil nssortment of PATER, ENVELOPES, AC. A. D. WEBB. THRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW JL GOODS. Tho unilcislgnod has Just arrived from tho City Willi n largo nssoilment of Drugs, Medicines, Pnlnls.Olls, Vnrnlshcs.nnd Dyo Rlulls, Rcndy-Made Clotlilng, rerfumery, Toy and Fancy Articles, Druggist's Glassware, Brushes, Trusses and Supporters, and a general assoit ment of every thing Unit belongs to 11 woll-nppolnled Ding fctoro. Also Patent Mcdlclnesofail kinds, such as Juyne's, Ayer's, Wisliart's, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Brown's Tioehes, Swain's Panacea, Baker's Coil Liver Oil, Hoothmd's Hitters constantly on hand, Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, , by tho do'en or nnlf-do7cn, Also SHOE-FINDINGS, 1'ISllINO-TACKLi:, Ac. ltalng had n lnrgo experleneo In the drug Irani ness, I frnuld respectfully Invito Ihoso wishing anything In that lino to call and seo my stock Iw foropurchaslugclsewhere, 'Inmedlclnesquality isof tho llrst Importance." J0IIS n M0Vr. JEAIj ESTATE FOR SALE. Estftto of William Roblson, deceased. THREE VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS, on Main Street, Blontnsburg, adjoining tlio Court House, and nearly opposite tho Exchange Hotel, TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS, on llldgo Alley, known as tho "Spring Iils." ONE HOUSE AND LOT on Rock Street. Also TIMBER LAND, In Jay Township, F.Ik County, ABOUT 1'IVE HUNDRED ACRES, well timbered wllh wliltc-plno and hemlock good farming land, Tho nbovo pnn,K;rty will bo olfered at PRIVATE SALE until Urn fifteenth of August next, on w hlchUay, If not bold, 11 will bo offered lit TUBLIC SALE, nn tho premises, near tho Court House, nt ten o'clock A.M. Apply to tho subscribers, or to Miss ISABELLA ROHISON, Hloomsburg. ALEX. HOIUSON, Maueh Chunk, 1 r..r A. TARDEE, Hnzlelon, - ' Jl-r. G U)OD NEWS FOR EVFRYUODY. Owing lo the lalo fall 111 gold, ErilRAIMW.EI.WELL 1ms reduced his prices tosull nil buyers, either at wholesalo or retail. If you want SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, SPICE.., CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, DRIED ' 1'KUIT, WOODENWARE, FISH, BEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, rUED, AC, Ac. AC, lve Clt a call. crnjiAiM w. elwell. ST TOVES AND TINWARE. A, M. RUrERT announces to his friends nnd customers that continues Iho nlsivo business at his old phico on MAIN STREET, HLOOMSBURG, Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found lu a stove and Tinwaio Es. tiiblUlinient In tho cities, and on tho most reason nblo terms, Ilepalrlngdouo at the shortest notlco S) DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale, "lAGLE FOUNDRY. " JOSEPH SHARFLEBS, BlooinsburB, Pa. ST0V1S OF EVERY VAUIETY, PLOUGHSHARF-S. PLOUGIIl'OINTS, and nil kinds of Castings, on hand or suppltcil h tho shortest notlco anil nt the cheapen rates. Castings for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL l-CHUTES, midc to order,