The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 04, 1866, Image 2

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!ltc $otmnFuw,
ai:uumt it. Moottr., kihtoiu
JU.OOM811U110, HAT,WMAY,.AUnrBT I, im.
NEW STATES. adjourned on Saturday,
tho twenty-eighth ultimo, ufterasosslon
of eight months duration. -Anion; tho
last bills passed was ono for thu admis
sion of Nebraska as a Stuto Into tho
Union, which remains In tho President's
hands unsigned. Tho wuno objections
appear to apply to It which applied to
tho vetoed Mil for tho admission of Col
orado, principal among which is u dell
eicnt population.
Strangely enough the Colorado veto
was not considered before the adjourn
ment. Although tho bill was vetoed
two or three months ago, it was permit
ted to Ho without action in Congress,
because, as wo supposo, a two thirds
vote could not bo obtained for passing it
over tho veto.
This manufacturing of now States
for nnllllnil mirposos only does not
bcem to prosper under Andrew John
son, and it is well to havo tho doctrine
established that new States shall not bo
rushed into tho Union prematurely and
irregularly, to subserve tho purposes of
agitators and of those who desire to ob
tain office. It is not pretended mat ic
brasku has morothan sixty thousand In
habitants, which Is only half tho uuiu
her necessary to a Member of Congress
in tho old States; but it Is nioro proua
bio that tho number of inhabitants does
not exceed forty or fifty thousand. The
number in Colorado Is still less.
Tho people of such States as New
York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio tiro under
particular obligations to tho President
for arresting tho Improper creation of
now States of small population to bo
equal to them in power and Influence in
tho United States Senate.
It isaremarkablocircumstancothatin
tho cases of both Colorado and Nebraska
tho fairness of tho election upon adopt
ing n constitution Is strongly impeach
ed. A majority for tho new Stato con
Htitution of only one hundred is re
ported in Nebraska, and for tho new
constitution In Colorado of only about
ono hundred and fifty ; nnd in both rases
Btrong charges of dishonesty nnd illegal
ity aro made; and it appears probable
that in neither caso was there a majority
of the people In favor of forming a now
Tun Columbia County Republican for
tho last two weeks has been swimming
over with slang, which its conductor
seems to think may pass for smartness,
' lmt which men of senso will regard as
merest drivel. Wo must beg our readers
to excuse tho fow words wo devototo It.
The editor of tho Republican cannot
for tho life of him let alono tho subject
of his disgraceful exit from tho Asses
sorship, which was accompanied by all
tho circumstances that would make au
honorable man cringe and bo silent.
One of his latest performances in wast
ing time has been to dress up the." Mod
el Letter" in a new form to issuo a
now edition in which tho original text
is almost covered up by the new matter
added, which agrees about as well with
tho original as a comment by Thomas
Paino would with tho Holy Scripture.
Another small perfprmanco by tho
".extinguished Assessor" has been to
publish an old letter, written by Mr.
Clark in his favor, as a sot-off to his
own " Model Letter" to tho Secretary
of tho Treasury. Tills shallow artifico
can'hardly deserve much notice. Mr.
Clark under importunity, and with an
important fact misrepresented to him,
wroto n letter in favor of his present
enemy, in January, 1 80.1, ono year and
a half heforo his own appointment.
How this fact can bo pleaded in excuso
of P. John's eplstlo proposing to " tri
umphantly sustain tho Administration"
if ho should bo continued in ofHco does
not appear. Tho two things aro as un-
liko in character as light and darkness :
tho ono nmiablo and innocent, the other
baso and disgraceful.
Thero nro a number of small false'
hoods in tho Republican which we dis
daln to notice, as wo havo disdained to
notico many similar ones before. These
relato to this Journal and to gentlemen
who aro friendly to it. It Is a low
of tho Republican to pretend to quote
remark of persons to whom it is tin
friondly which havo no foundation In
fact, but aro manufactured for f ho oc
casion. "What Mr. Tracy is alleged to
havo said of Mr. Clark, and whut Mr.
Clark is alleged to havo said of sundry
persons and subjects, etc., aro of this
character, and can mislead no ono wlio
comprehends tho principles upon whicl
jtho Republican is conducted.
The following Is a portion of a letter
written by Hon. Henry J. Raymond,
Member of Congress from Now York,
V It, will command attention from tho
btartling nature of Its disclosures.
You may havo noticed tho passago In
tho House, a fow days siuco, of a resolu
tion offered by General Payno, of Wis-
luiiaiu, viuuiii; oil rli omita iu olgllJlIZO,
discipline, and equip their militia, nnd
directing that two thirds of tho arms.
ordinance, and umunltion now under
custody of tho General Government bo
distributed among the Mates tho dis
tribution among tho loytd States to take
placo immediately, and that among tho
States lately In rebellion to bo postponed
till furthcrorders. Tho resolution eaiuo
irom tiiecomniittoaon Military Alluirs,
and was pushed to a vote, without do
nate or neiay, uiuior tno previous que
lion, j i attracted as little attention in
Congress as It has In tho country, and
tho public will doubtless receive with
incredulity tho assuranco that it was In
tended by thoso who secured its passago
another civil war. Although no debate
was had upon It, members wero urged
tovoto for It by direct conversational
appeals on tho floor on tho part of the
fuw who woiu nrlvvto Its introduction.
Homo wero told that It was necessary to
enable the (southern loyulUa to protect
themselves! others, that It was simply
a matter of detail in tho, Wur Depart
ment; other, tnat tno arms must do
taken out ofthohandsof tho President ,
and others, that 11 was proposed at tho
Instance of tho Secretary of War. An
appeal was made by Mr. Kasson, of
Iowa, to allow di b do upon it, as It seem
ed to bo a matter of Importance, but
this was refused.
it Is ".tho determination to nrouso
tho North, and prepare for a resort to
force upon tho assembling of tho For
tieth ConcrrfKM In extra or In reirular
session ; MuUhlsdctermlualion Isavowed.
Aim tno resolution to wnicn i navo re
ferred, for an organization of tho militia
and a distribution of arms in the North
ern Slates, Is tho Initial step to its exe
cution." I do not propo?o to conimont upon
thn result of .mii h a movement. It Is
obvious that If any such contingency
should arise, tho war would not bo sec-
llonai, as was tno last; u wouiu uu a
war or political parties una oi neighbor
hoods. Not only hnvo tho great body
of tho Union party in Congress no sym
pathy with these views and purposes,
hut they aro In tho main icnorant and
Incredulous of their existence. That
tho extreme Radicals entertain them,
nu uvur, wiciu is nut iiiuniiKniunniwuiii,
and wo know, from tho experience of
secession in ifcui, now jew men u some
times requires w piunge a great, pun or
(( ijreat nation into war.
In tills counctiou wo publish tho fol
lowing letters:
Naniivillr, Tknx., July II, VM.
Lieutenaul-O'encral Grant, Washington:
Some of (ho members of tho lloiiso of
Representatives of tho Tennessee Gene
ral Assembly conduct themselves in a
very refractory manner, absenting them
selves to prevent a quorum, thus ob
structing business. The Governor can
not manage them with the means at his
disposal, and has ufipllod to mo for
military assistance. Slmlfcl furnish it'.'
Gkowir 11. Thomas,
Major General Commanding.
WASillNtiTON, July, 17, 1900.
General Grant will Instruct General
Thomas that tho facts stated in his tele
graph do not warrant tho lntcrfcrcui'0
nfthc military authority. Tho admin
istration of tho laws and tho preserva
tion of tho peace in Nashville belong
properly to tho Stato authorities, and
tho duty of tho United States forces is
not to interfere In any way In tho con
troversy between thojudiclnl authorities
or tho State, and General Thomas will
btrictly abstain from any interference
between them. K. M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.
Tin: following is a schedule of manu
facturers and products exempt from tax
under tho Internal Revenue laws of tho
United States, on and after July thir
teenth, 1S0G:
Acids, acetic, boracic, muriatic, nitric,
oleic, alcohol, made of spirits or mate
rials on which tho duty imposed by
law has been paid; alkaloids, vegeta
ble ; alum and patent alum ; alumina,
sulphate of; aluminous cake; alumin
um ; ammoniacal liquor, produced by
tho manufacture of illuminating gas;
aminonical liquor, products of; outline;
animal charcoal ; anvils; articles manu
factured in manual-labor schools, tho
proceeds being implied, exclusively to
tho support of tno institution; ashes,
pot and pearl; awnings made by sew
ing, from fabrics or articles upon which
a duty or tax has been paid ; ax ojiiiade
of steel, used exclusively lor vehicles,
oars, or locomotives.
Pairs, paper : hairs, made by sewing,
from fabrics or articles on which a duty
or tax has been paid ; banners, made of
bunting ot domestic inunuiaciure; nar
row or easKs, otner man tnoso used lor
tho reception of fluids ; barytes, sulphate
of: baskets, irraln or farm, made of
splints; beds, feather; beeswax, crude
orunrenneu; oieacningpowiiers; diocks.
vessel; blue vitriol; boards; borax, and
boracio acid: bow; boxes, packing,
made of wood ; boxes of wood, or pa
per, for friction matches, cigar lights,
uud wax tanors : brass. In inirots. pigs.
bars, rods, or sheets; and breadstult's;
brick, and firebrick; bristles; brooms,
liuulo from corn, brush, or pulmleaf:
building stone of all kinds, including
slate, marble, lroestono, and soapstono;
bullion prepared ior ino use oi putters
and watchmakers ; bullion used in tho
mumuacturc ot wares, watcnes, ami
watch cases ; bunting, and Hags of tho
united States; burial cases; burning
fluid: burr stones: butter.
Cundle-wlvkinir: ear wheels, mado of
steel ; castings of all descriptions, mado
specially ior iocks, saies, looini, .spin
ning machines, steam engines, hot-air
and hot-water furnaces, and sewinir-
miichlnes, not sold or used for any other
purpose, and upon which a tax is assess
ed and paid on the nrticlo of which tho
casting is a part ; castings of malleable
iron, unfinished; cement, Roman and
water; charcoal, and animal charcoal or
caruor; cneeso; enronometers ; eiuor;
circulars: clock-spriinrs. faces and hands:
coal, mineral, of all kinds; cobalt ; cof-
nns; coko; colors, painters, aim paper
stalners; copper, In ingots, pigs, or bars,
or rods, or sheets; copperas; cordage,
ropes, and cables, made of vegetable
llbre; corn-shellers ; cotton and hay
presses; cotton-gins; crates: crucibles,
of all kinds ; crutches ; cultivators.
Deerskins, smoked, or not oil-dressed:
drain and sewer-pipes of iron or cement ;
drain tiles.
Earthen and stone-water pipes; elec-
irotypers, productions ot ; engravers,
productions of; eyes, artificial.
Fertilizers of all kinds; flasks and
patterns used by lounders : llavorinirox.
tracts, solely for cooking purposes; flax,
and the manufactures thereof; flour ami
mcui inane irom grain.
Gas, illuminating, manufactured bv
educational institutions for their own
use exclusively ; German silver, in bars
or snceis; gout-ion and goid-ieat ; grain
cradle ; grindstones, rough or wrought ;
gypsum, rock and ground.
Hand-rakes ; hemp or Jute, prepared
for textile or felting purposes; hoops;
hoop-skirt wire, covered or uncovered :
hoop-skirts, small wares and cut-tupo
u.-Luiu iiiuiimuumciuruoi ; norse-mices;
India-rubber snrinus. mailooxi-lnslvn.
ly for railroad cars ; ink, printers' ; iron,
nig, muck-bar, blooms, slab.-! and loops;
iron bridges, and castings therefor.
Keys, actions, and strings for musical
Laths mul other lumber: lead in In
gots, pigs, or bars ; lead, nltratoof; lean I,
rcu aim wiiiio; iimos, arunciai ; nine;
lithargo uud orango mineral; litho
graphers, productions of.
Machines driven by horso-power and
used exclusively for outtiiiL' lire-wood.
staves, and shingle-bolls; magnesia, cut
ganeso; maps and charts; masts, spars,
snip and vessel blocks, and tree-nail
wedges and deck-plugs; match-wood;
mattresses ; inead ; modloninul and
mineral waters, of all kinds, sold in bot
tles or from fountains: milk, concen
trated; mills and machinery for tho
muniifacturo of sugar, sirup, and molas
ses, irom borghuni, Imphee, beets and
corn ; millstones ; molasses, mado from
beets, corn, sugar-maple, or from sorgh
um or lmphco: monuments of stono. or
ull kinds, not exceeding In valuo ono
hundred dollars, uud all monument
eruted to couituuuoiate the euvlw of
Union soldiers, etc.: morphlno; mould
ings for looking-glasses and picture
frames ; mounting and machinery of
telescopes, for astronomical purposes ; 1
Naphtha used or consumed for fuel
or cleaning on tho premises where dis
tilled; newspapers; nickel.
Oakum; oil, parallnu or lubrlcntlng,
niudofroni crude petroleum, coal or shale
not exceeding In specific gravity thirty
six degrees Buuino's hydrometer; oil,
crude, tho product of tho first nnd sin
gle distillation of coal, shute, asphal
tuin,,pcat, or other bituminous substan
ces; oil, vegetable, animal, andllsli, of
all descriptions, not otherwise provided
for, including red oil, oleic acid, audad
mlxtures of tho same with parnllne oil,
not exceeding In specific gravity thirty
six degrees lJaume.
Pall and tub-ears and handles; paint
ing, original; paints; palliasses; paper,
printing, of all descriptions; paper,
tarred ; parallno ; peat ; petroleum,
crude; phosphorus; photographs, etc.,
being copies of engravings or works ot
art, when tho same aro sold by tho pro
ducer at wholesale, at a price not ex
ceeding fifteen cents each, or aro uod
for tho Illustration of books; pickles,
when sold by tho gallon, and not in
glass packages; pillows; pipes, drum
and fewer, inane oi iron or ceiueui :
pipes, water, potusii, bienroinuto unit
prusslnte of; putty.
tiUiCKSiiver; quinine.
Railroad iron and railroad iron ro-
rolled; railroad chairs and Hah. plates;
railroad. boat. and shlpsplkes; ax-polls,
iron axles; shoes for horses, mules and
oxen; rivets, horseshoe nails, nuts,
washers, and bolts, vises, iron chains,
and anchors, when such articles are
made of wrought iron which has previ
ously paid tno tax on duty assessed
Hoopers: repairs or articles oi on
kinds; reslduuins drawn from stills nfter
distillation: retorts, made of clay; roof
ing slates, blabs, and tiles.
Hans ami tents, mane oy sewing irom
fabrics or articles on which tax or duty
has been paid : saleratus ; sal-soda ; salt
petre; salts oi tin; seed-drills; sheath
Insr metal, yellow, in rods or sheets;
shingles; shooks ; sllex used in the
manulactureof glass; slate; soap valued
at not abovo three cents per pound;
soda, bicarbonate of; soda, caustic:
crude; aiuinniaio oi; silicate oi; iinii
alumlno-silicato of; and sodium ; spelt
er: snindles: spokes, hubs, bows; nnd
felloes ; poles, shafts, arms, and wheels
not ironed or finished, for carriages or
wagons; starcn; statues unn groups oi
statuary, and casts mado thereof by the
artist fromtlieoriginal designs; slaves;
steel mado from taxed iron in ingots,
bars, rails mado and fitted for railroads.
sheet plate, coil or wire; steel, springs,
used exclusively for vehicles, cars or
oi; stoves composed in partoi cast iron,
and part of sheet iron, or of soapstoue,
ilre-bricks, or of freestone, with or with
out cast iron or sheet-iron : Provided.
........... , i-.
That tho cast or sheet-iron shall have
paid the tax or duty previously assessed
thereon : sucar or syrup mado from
other articles than tho sugar-cane; sul
phur and llowers ol sulphur, and sui-
Tur: teeth, artificial : thiinhlc-skeins
and pine-boxes made of steel : thrash
ing-machines ana separators ; tiiesnuuio
of clay; timber, partially wrought and
unfinished, for ciiairs, tubs, palls and
lasts ; tin cans used for preserved meats,
fish, shell-ilsh, fruits, vegetables, jams,
jellies, paints, oils and spices; tin, in
inirots, purs or nurs; tire, inane oi steei
and used exclusively for vehicles, cars,
or locomotives: turpentine, crude.
Umbrellas and parasols, and sticks,
irames,ann streicners ior tno same.
verdigris; vinegar.
arp, ior weaving, braldlnir. or
manufacturing purpo-es exclusively;
wheels, not ironed or liiiished. ior car
riages: whltingnnd Paris white; window-glass
of nil' kinds; wine, made of
grapes, currants, or other fruits, or rhu
barb ; winnowiug-mnis ; wire, made
from wire less than No. liO wire guage,
upon whloli a tax has been assessed and
lialdaswire: wooden liaiullesfornloughs.
and for other agricultural, household,
aim niecnanieai tools anil implements
wooden tonus and cisterns ior cruuo am
mineral oil ; wooden-ware.
Yarn, for weaving, braiding, or maim
factoring purposes exclusively; yeast
powders and baking powders.
.mc,in ingots or sheets; zinc, oxittooi.
Tin: following is tho bill to equalize
tho bounties of soldiers and sailors who
served in tho lato war, as it finally passed
both Houses of Congress:
and every soldier who enlisted into tho
Army of tho United States after tho
nineteenth day of April, 1801, for a pe
riod ot not less titan three years, and
having served his term of enlistment.
lias been honorably discharged, and who
nas received, or is entitled to receive,
from tho United States, under existing
laws, a bounty of ono hundred dollars,
and no nioro; and any such soldier en
listed for not less than threo years who
lias been honorably discharged on ac
count of wounds received in tho lino of
duty, and tho widow, minor children,
or parents in tho order named of any
such soldier who died in tho service
of tho United States, or of di-easo or
wounds contracted while In the service
and in the line of duty, shall ho paid
tho additional bounty of .ono hundred
dollars hereby authorized.
Skc. 1!. That to each and every soldier
who enlisted into tho Army of tho
United States after tho nineteenth of
April, 1801, during tho Rebellion, for
a period of not less than two years, and
who is not included in tho foregoing
section, and has been honorably dis
charged therefrom after serving two
years, and who has lecelved, or is enti
tled to receive, from tho United States
uniler existing laws a bounty of fifty
dollars and no more, and any noldier en
listed for less than two years, who has
oeen nonoraoiy discharged on account
of wounds received in thellneof dot v.and
tho widow, minor children, or parents
"i uiiy Bucii simiicr no aim ill uiu ser
vico of tho United States, or of disea.-i
or wounds contracted while in tho ser
vice of tho United States and In tho lino
ot duty, shall bo paid the additional
uountv ot n tv dollars, ueren.v am Hom
ed ; provided that any soldier who has
iorieited,soid,usslgiied,tru!isiorred, loan
ed, exchanged, or irlven uwav his llnid
discharge papers, or any control In tho
bounty provided by this or any other act
of Congress, and shall not ho entitled to
receive tiny additional bounty whatever;
.....I ...I ......It .! 1 . ..." 1. '
mm nura iiiini'uiioii is jliuiiu by ally
boldter for said bounty, ho shall 1m re
quired under tho pains and penalties of
perjury to imiko oath or aiUnnatlon of
Ills identity, uud that ho lias not so bar
tered, soul, assigned, transierred, ex.
changed, loaned, or given away either
Ills discharge papers or any interest In
any bounty as aforesaid, and no claim
ior such bounty snail bo entertained bv
tho Paymaster-General orotheniccouni-
lug or disbursing officer, except upon
receipt of tho claimant's discharge pa
pers accompanied by tlio btatenicnt un
der oath us by this section provided.
Sur. it. And be It further enacted, That
In tho payment of tho additional bounty
herein provided fbrltsliull hn tin, ilntv
of tho Paymoster-Gpiieral, under such
rules und regulations us may bo prescrib
ed by the Secretary of War, to caiuo to
bo exnmlned the acts of each and ovorv
soldier who makes application therefor,
and If found .entitled thereto, pay said
Si.c. 1. And belt further enacted, That
in tho reception, examination, settle
ment, and payment of claims for saldad-
dttlonal bounty duo tho widows or heirs
oi deceased soldiers, ino accounting pin
cers of tho Treasury shall bo governed
by restrictions prescribed for tho Pay-master-General
by tho Secretary of
War: and the payments shall be mado
tu like manncn under tho direction of
tho Secretary of tho Treasury.
W.tsillNnTON, I). C, August 2, 1S00.
Tin; closo of tho session of Congress
presents a varied and interesting scene.
Many bills aro hurried through, spicy
remarks aro made, and personal expla
nations arc replied to with good-humor
or invective.
Tho Tennessee delegation were, after
along delay, admitted, with tho sanction
of many who had been opposed to their
admission. Mr. Doollttlo's last able
speech commanded earnest attention,
and your own Senator, Mr. Uuckalow,
Is conceded, even by thoo who nro op
posed to him politically, to havo as
much influenco as any ono in tho Sen
ate. He was alluded to on tho lasa day
as the Senator whoso coolness wils al
ways undisturbed, even when discus
sion was warmest a rare virtue) In a
Senator, and a proof that the interests
of tlio great State or Pennsylvania ore
confided to able hands not likely to lie
swayed by prejudlco or party faction.
An incident occurred on 1' riday which
proves tno readiness and tact ot me
President. A New Hampshire delega
tion waited on him in relation to tlio
appointment of District Judge in that
State. After considerable discussion the
President remarked: "I see, gentle
men, you cannot agree, and I will ap
point Senator Clark on his own merits."
Tho Senator at onco resigned, and his
nomination was confirmed the sanio
evening, and will no doubt bo acceptable
to tlio majority in his own State.
An animated debate took place in
both Houses on' tho resolution to em
ploy Miss Ninnlo Ileum to make a
statue of Mr. Lincoln. Her plaster
busts havo been much commended as
good likenesses, Jinil an appropriation
of ten thousand dollars was made that
sho might perform tho work. Her
youthful features and persuasive elo
quence wero certainly very successful in
moulding tho opinions of Senators and
Members to her wishes. It is also a
proof that If not voters, and hardly ac
corded tho nunio of citi.ens, women
havo n powerful influenco in tho great
law-making factory of tho Republic.
Tlio inten&u heat which has played
unknown pranks with tho high figures
of tho thermometer, and never before
so prostrating, has been nllcvlated by
the supply of water from tho aqueduct
abundantly used in watering tho streets.
Washington was never more hculthy
than at present. An earnest desire is
felt to havo a ark worthy of the city
and Capital of tho nation. Ono embrac
ing tho delightful retreat of-Harewood,
where so many of our soldiers enjoyed
its healing breezes, or wandered in its
uengiitiui groves, admiring tho noble
forest trees, would bo an attractive and
hallowed spot. Its immediate vicinity
to tho Soldier's Home, tlio Summer
residence of tho lato President, with
tho elevated land around, present natu
ral attractions unsurpassed in any city
of tlio Union. ji.
A Joliuson National Union Conveiv
tion met in lndianopolis, Indiana, on
the eighteenth instant. Only those who
supported Lincoln and Johnson's policy
in 1801, and now support Johnson's res
toration policy, wero allowed to partici
pate. General Sol. Meredith presided.
Delegates to tho IMiiliurolphia Convcn
tiou wero appointed. A series of rcso
lutions wore adopled. Tlio first express
ed ardent attachment to tho Union or
tho States under tho Constitution, denies
tlio right of secession, holds all attempts
null nnd void, declares all tho States
now States of this Union as before tho
Rebellion, denies tho power of tlio Gen
oral Government to exclude a State from
the Union, or govern it us a Territory
The second declares confidence In Presi
dent Johnson undiminished, approves
the general policy ofhis Administration,
endorses his restoration policy as wise,
patriotic, and constitutional, in harmo
ny with thu loyal sentiment and purpose
of tho people on tho suppression of tho
Rebellion, with tho platform on which
ho was elected, and with tlio declared
policy of tho late President. Tho third
asserts thai under tho Constitution tlio
right to prescribe tho qualifications of
electors is reserved to tho States, and it
would bo subversive of tho principles.
of our Governmeiu for Congress to force
universal suffrage upon any part of tho
country In opposition to the wishes or
tho citizens thereof. Fourth, all tho
States aro entitled to representation, all
loyal members duly elected- should bo
admitted to Congress without unnecessa
ry delay, each House Judging tlio quail
Mentions of its members. Fifth, tlio
payment of tho National debt is a sacred
obligation, nover to bo repudiated, and
no .debt whatever Incurred In aid of
treason and rebellion shall over bo paid.
Sixth, tlio nation owes a lasting debt of
gratitudo to our Midlers and sailors
Tho families of tho fallen heroes should
bo cured for by tin! Government. It en
dorses tho President's determination to
give tho olllccs- to soldiers. Seventh,
tno delegates to tho Philadelphia Con
vontioii aro expected to co-operate only
with loyal Union men.
Op eighty persons who took supper nt
tho Pylo House, Ip Indianapolis, Ind.,
on Saturday evening last, sixty wero
poisoned. It is supposed tlio poison wus
contained in tho milk, as a family of
eight persons, who ulso receive milk
from tlio sumo dealer who supplies tlio
hotel, wero similarly uttuckul, None
of thojo attacked havo died.
from tlio Quoon of
Reply of tho President of
, tho United Sttiterf.
MKssAfir. rnoM quki:n vktoiua to
i'ius)idi:nt johnson.
Asit Hay, Sloiulny, July S", 180(1.
Tim Superintendent of thoNowfouiHl
land Lino arrived hero ot nine o'clock
this morning with tho following mes
sage from tho Queen of Great Prltain to
tlio President of tlio United States :
Osium.-i:, riklny, July Z7, 1?W).
To the President of the United Mates,
Tho Queen congratulates tho President
on tho successful completion of an un
dertaking which she hopes liiny serve us
an additional bond of unity between
tho United States and Kngland.
nm'i.Y of riuisinr.NT johxrox.
r.xtxCTtvr, Mansion, W.siiiNtmf,l
ll::;u a. M., July :, Hu).
To Her Majesty, the Queen of the United
Kingdom of Great Jirltatn and Ireland:
Tho President of tho United Slates
acknowledges, with profound gratifica
tion, the receipt of Her Majesty's dis
patch, and cordially reciprocates tlio
hope that tlio cable which now unites
tlio Eastern nnd 'Western hemispheres
may servo to strengthen and to perpet
uate peace and unity between the Gov
ernment or Kngland and tho Republic
or tho United States.
Axni'.r.w Johnson.
cirAnr.Ks rem dispatches.
From any telegraph station In Amer
ica to any telegraph station in Great
Pritain, for twenty words or less, in
cluding address, date, and signature,
twenty pounds in gold.
For every additional word, not ex
ceeding flvo letters, twenty shillings
sterling in gold.
From nny telegraph station in Amor
ica to any telegraph station in Furopo
for twenty words or less, including ad
dress, date, und signature, twenty-ono
pounds sterling, in gold.
For every additional word, not ex
ceeding llvo letters, twenty-ono shillings
in gold.
From any telegraph station in Amer
ica to any telegraph station in Arrica,
Asia, or India, i'or twenty words or less,
including address or sender and recelv
or, not exceeding in nil ono hundred
letters, twcnty-flvo pounds sterling, in
For every additional word, not exceed'
ing five letters, twonty-llvo shillings.
Tlio letters in all words, after tho first
twenty, will bo counted and divided by
five; each flvo or fractional remainder
will be charged as a word.
Messages in cypher will bo charged
double the foregoing rates. All figures
Intended for transmission must be writ
ten in full length, and will bo charged
as words.
Messages destined for places beyond
the telcgrap' "o system will be forwarded
by mall.
Tho abovo tariff of charges has been
received 'from the Secretary of tho Com
pany at Heart's Content, and will bo
observed until further orders.
Consulting Engineer, New York,
Puitsi'ANT to a call published in tho
Democratic papers of tho county, a Sol
diers' Convention convened in the Court
House, at Bloomsburg,on Saturday, the
twenty-eighth of July, 1800, for tho pur
po-o of selecting delegates to attend tho
Soldiers' Stato Convention nt Harris
burg, and adopted resolutions express
ive or the sense or tho soldiers or this
county relative to radicalism, besides
transacting other business. Tho con
vention was well attended, much better
than was anticipated nt this busy sea
son, and everything passed oil' harmo
The hour Tor business having arrived
Captain C. B. Rrockway, or Bloom,
stated tho object of tho meeting, nfter
which, upon ills motion, Colonel Wel
lington 11. Knt, of Scott, was unani
mously chosen President of tlio Conven
On taking tho Chair tho President
made a few remarks, which wero well
(in niotlonC aptaln A. G. Thornton
and Private M. V. B. Kastenbauder
wero chosen Vice-Presidents ; uud Ser
geant V. H. Jacoby and Corporal Al
bert Herbine, Secretaries.
On motion tho following gentlemen
wero appointed a committee on resolu
tions: Captain C.B. Brockwuy, Sergeant
G. L. Kreanier, and Sergeant W. Wirt.
On motion of Sergeant Jacoby Colonel
W. II. Knt was chosen ns a delegato to
tho Jlarrisburg Convention, with pow
er to select six others to bo submitted
to tho Convention for approval. Tho
motion was sustained after some discus
On motion a complete list of names
of thoso present was made, from which
the- President mado his .election of
Tho Coinmittco on Res-olutlons, after
retiring a row moments, canio forward
und reported, through their Chairman,
Captain Brockwuy, tho following pro
iiiublo and resolutions, which wero re
ceived with applause as they wero be
ing read :
WimuRAB, A few Individuals lately
met at Danville, In the assumed cliarac
ucter of it Soldiers' Convention, and
inuoiur other resolutions nn.wl mm mi.
dorslng thu course of Ulysses Mercur,
our Member of Congress j nnd
WiiintUAH, A Soldiers' Convention
was held nt Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
tho true object or which was disguised
In tho call, and which pledged tho sol
diers of this Stato to tho support or tlio
Radicals in Congress; und
WimiillAH. WoMmIIiv tl.n
tho soldiers or this county wero not rep
resented at Danville, Pennsylvania, mid
tho majority of tho soldiers of tlio Stale
wero misrepresented nt Pittsburg. Penn
sylvania, therefore, we, tho soldiers of
Columbia County, in convention assem
bled, havo
Jtcsolred, That wo oppose tho re-election
of Ulysses Mercur as Member of
Congress from this District, beeuttso ho
has on overy occasion voted In favor of
negro sull'rugo and negro equality, has
uniformly acted In conjunction with
Tlutd. Stevens, has opposed tho wholc
8oino Vetoes of President Johnson, nnd
by overy means In his power ulded to
nrnvent thn restoration or tho Southern
States to their Constitutional relations
In tho Union.
llefolred. That wo oppose tho election
or John W. Geary as Governor or this
Commonwealth, because he Is tho nomi
nee or such Radicals as Stevens nnd
Forney; and becatwo If elected ho
"would embarrass the Administration,"
and thereby prove " disloyal j" and we
favor tho election of Helster Clymer,
because lie has always been and now is
a consistent friend oi'tho Union favors
tiio restoration policy or President John
son, and with us believes tho Union wo
roinrht for Is not dissolved.
ltcsolvcd. That wo heartily endorse
tho patriotic course of our Senators,
lion. (Jiiaries it. uucKoiew ami non.
Edirar Cowan, and wo irlorv In tho fact
that theirs were tho first votes cast In
favor or the President's veto of the
Frecdmen's Bureau PHI.
J'e.volred. That we approve tlio restora'
tion policy of the President, nnd pledgo
him our moral, and if necessary, our
piistcaf support to enforce the Consti
tution and laws, and to prevent traitors
at either end oi tno line" irom iC'
stroying tho Union our fathers cave us.
Jtesoieea, That the Radical I'ittsmirg
Convention did not represent the sol
diers of this State: but that it was irot
ten up under faUe pretences; and by its
rcsoulutioiis virtually declared the war
iv failure, and it endorsed tlio position
of tlio Radicals that eleven States aro
out of tho Union, and that our glorious
victories lancd to bring mem duck,
mnkiiu: Radical legislation more de
structive than Rebel cannon.
Tho President not being ready, at this
stage of tho proceedings, to report to
tho meeting his selection or delegates,
Captain Rrockway was called out, and
responded In a neat little speech, which
was greeted with rounds of applause;
after which tiio President announced to
tho meeting that ho had, upon examln
ing tiio list of thoso presentmado the
following selection ns delegates to tho
Harrisburg Convention :
Colonel W. H. Knt (who was provl
ously chosen by the Conventioii),C.iptain
C. 11. Rrockway, of lilooni ; Captain
Georgo W. Utt, of Greenwood; Private
HenryF. Nuss, of Maine; Sergeant At
bort Herbine, of Locust ; Sergeant W.
ll..Jacoby, of Bloom ; Sergeant Georgo
L. Kreanier, of Greenwood.
There being no objections mado to tho
selection, on motion of Sergeant W
Wirt, tlio Convention unanimously en
dorsed tho appointments as presented
by tho Chair.
After some little discussion over the
placo and timo for tho delegates to meet
on going to the State Convention, the
meeting adjourned.
Thank God, Congress has ndjourned
and, as a consequence, tho true National
Union men or tho country will now hav
an opportunity to turn their attention to
tlio reconstruction or the two Houses
Prominent among tho questions that
will come before tho people of Ponnsyl
vania is tlio selection of a United Slates
Senator, to supply the vacancy that will
occur at the close of the present Congress,
by the expiration or tho term or Hon
Kdgar Cowan.
Several aspirants are lioAiro tho pub
lie fiir this position, and, as a matter of
course, candidates for tlio Legislature of
our Stato will bo nominated with a di
rect reiereuce to this question. Seeking
tlio support of tho Radical wing of tho
next Legislature there aro Messrs. Came
ron, Curtln, Stevens, Policy, and Forney
tho latter being understood as simply
bob-tail to Cameron's kite, with tho
purposoto hold, if possible, tho unadul
terated nigger vote that may bo found
in tlio Legislature, and play it into
Cameron's hands. Tho only Conserva'
tlvo candidate now spoken of Is Mr,
Cowan, but tho probabilities aro that,
when tho canvass shall bo fully opened
other gentlemen who sustain heartily
and cordially tho restoration measures
of the President and his Cabinet will bo
brought forward. There Is no doubt of
tho ability of tho Conservative men of
tho Stato to control this question. In
our own city National Union candidates
for tlio Legislature will bo iluecd in tlio
field with Immediate reference to it,
pledged only, as we presume, to so act
und vote in the Legislature as to sustain
tlio President and his policy. Thosanio
course will bo adopted and pursued in
tho other legislative districts of the
State, uud it requires no great skill to
determine tiio fact that, with proper
management on tlio part of tho friends
of tho Administration, thero will bo re
turned to tho next Legislature a liand
somo working majority against tho
revolutionists. To produco this result
thero must bo unlonand harmony among
all those who disapprove of the course of
the Congress which has Just adjourned;
and tho opportunity will bo given to
such as havo hitherto uctcd with the
Democratic party to test and display tho
depth of their patriotism by supporting
for this high office only such a man us
can ho relied on to perform its respon
sible duties with marked success.
Differences of opinion as to men must
bo set aside, nnd tlio only question that
should bo allowed a consideration Is that
or political fitness, having reference ex
clusively to all tho absorbing Issues
which aro now distracting thu country,
uud which.again threaten tho disrup
tion of thu Government. When great
and coinniandlng questions aro Involv
ed, men nro hut us atoms that float in
their air, and only in so far us they rep
resent principles which overtop every
thing olse, uud possess the ability to sus
tain them, nro they to boat all consider
ed. Tho next Senator of tho United
States from Pennsylvania must boullrm,
devoted, uud unflinching Mipporter of
tho Government nnd tho Constitution on
which It rests, and with prudence, well
backed by energy, skill, and industry,
such u man eon and will ho chosen.
Philadelphia Daily AVitv,
From Washington.
Mn. Botrrwr.u., from tho Committed
on tho Judiciary, submitted a very
lengthy report on tho testimony In
volving JcIT Davfo, 0. C. Clay, ami Ja
cob Thompson in tho assassination con
splrncy. Tho roportcovors ono hundred-
anil twenty pages of ;manuseript, Thu.
coinmittco submitted two resolutions;
tho first affirming that there Is no reason
why on Immediate trial of tho persons
Implicated may not bo had, and tho sec
ond calling upon tho Executive to pros
ecute tho Investigations Into tho casw
with n view to tho early conviction or
discharge of tho prisoners. Tlio report
was ordered toboprlntcdranuol)jectlons
being made to tho resolutions they were
laid over.
Tho President, hns nominated Colonel
Ludlow to bo Naval Officer for tho Port
or New York.
E. P. Smith hai been appointed Ex
aminer or Claims in tho Stato Depart
ment. Tho ofilco was recently created
by Congress.
Mr. John Hopley, ono or the original
clerks in tho Currency Bureau or tho
United States Treasury, a thorough
financier, and fully familiar with tho
Intricate rulins's of llio National Bank
system, has been nppolnted nn examin
er of National Banks for tho Govern
ment. ' ,
Tho nominations for promotions to
brevet rank In tho army fill a large sized
book of ono hundred nnd twcnty-flvo
pages. They wero acted on by tho Sen
ate on Friday night.
The Senate has rejected J. Stokes, of
Washington, nppolnted Internal Rove
nuo'ColIector for tho Fourth District of
Pennsylvania. An attempt was mado
on Thursday night in Executlvo session
torcconslderthovotoby whiehSIoanukcr
was rejected as Collector or Internal
Revenue in the First Pennsylvania Dis
trict, but it railed. Tiio Senate Commit
tee on Comnicrco havo agreed to report
adversely upon tho nomination or Ex-
Governor Johnson, or Pittsburg, to ba
Collector or Customs nt Philadelphia.
iVrorgeryon thoGovcriimcnt, amount
ing to fifty thousand dollars, has just
been discovered by tho Treasury Depart
ment here. It seems a few days ngo.atv
unknown man deposited in a'Nntionali
Bank in Philadelphia a draft on the-Assistant-Treasurer
at Philadelphia, in fa
vor of Paymaster Allen of tho United
States Navy. Tho presenter endorsed
tha draft hlmseir, and to prevent suspi
cion deposited -two thousand dollars in
cash in tho bank at tho same timo.. On.
Thursday the man went to thcbaidcnnd
drew out the whole amount deposited
on tho previous day, tlio draft having-
been in tho meantime paid by the Asslst-
ant-Treasttrer. Tho draft is a forirerv.
and tho man lias escaped.
Tho now Internal Revenue Law, ap
proved July thirteenth, 1800, which Ls.
being compiled with other laws on tho
same subject, under tho direction of tho
Commissioner of Internal Revenue,, la
almost completed. Great euro has been
given to this laborious and Important
undertaking, nnd when finished tho
work will meet many wants of tho com
munity in gcneral,.comprehendlng, an
it is Intended it shall, tho dates or tho
Revenue Laws, together with tho dato
or their appeal; and being arranged iu
such a manner ns to give it an advanf ago
over tho proceeding laws in point of
simplicity nnd facility for rererencc.
No appointments to ofilco havo been
made since Saturday last, and Mr. John
son has determined to niovo slowly and
cautiously licnccfortii in tho matter or
removals and appointments, notwith
standing tlio prediction by many that
he would, as soonas Congress adjourned,
begin a wholesale indiscriminate official
decapitation. Somo of thoso who wero
rejected by tiio Semite upon political
grounds, or becauso they wero to' suc
ceed officers who opposo tho President's
policy, will immediately bo commis
sioned to fill tho several offices to which
they wero nominated by tlio President.
Tho report that General Fullerton has
been appointed Private Secretary to tho
President has no foundation in fact.
No selection has been mado by Mr.
Johnson. General Fullerton has been
named for the position, however. Gen
eral Steedman has notified tlio President
by telegram that ho declines the appoint
ment of Superintendent or Public Print
ing. Mr. Johnson has not yet determin
ed what ho will do In tho matter. It is
understood that tho Philadelphia Sloan
nker contest for tho position of Collector
or Internal Revenue Tor tho First Dis
trict or Pennsylvania has been put- at
rest by the appointment or Sloannkcr.
ThiHhrongat tho White Houseon Mon
day was greater than has occurred for
three mouths. Congressmen nnd office
seekers composed two thirds of tlio visi
tors. Members or Congress having tho
preference in tho matter of obtaining aiv
audience, wero admitted Irrespective ot
tho timo or arrival, and tho whole day
was spent by tlio President in hearing,
them. So thoofllce-scckersand other visv
Iters wero postponed until another day.
Among thoso who sought an interview
with tlio President wero Governor Cur
tin, General Logau, and tlw wifband spn,
of Jako Thompson.
Information has been obtained from,
tho Chairman of tlio Pennsylvania Un
ion Executive Cotumltteo that tho dele
gates to tho Philadelphia Convention
havo nearly all been selected, ami. tho
list will bo announced In a few days.
Every Congressional District will bo
Unofficial but approximate estimate
mado by tho proper officers of tho Treas
ury Department on Monday result in
snowing mat by tho careful wording of
tho Bounty Bill it will probably require,
less than fifty millions to meet its de
mands. It is so drawn as to exclude
largo classes which wero included. l
other hills. This bill was drawn by Gen
era! Sherman Iu tho Conference Com
mittee. Governor Handull. Postmnster-Gcnor-
ul, left hero on Monday evening, Intend-
nig iu visu ma iriotids in Wfeconsin,
He will be absent about tou days,