THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJllG, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1S66, MY MOTHER'S VOICE. TuurtE'i muslo In the, Auluiiin wind, Around th- drlppftift euves, And where Its pinions stop to play Anion) tho fallen lonvo. Thcro's muslo In Iho river's flow Along the pebbly shore, tylu-ii nil the winds lmvo Rime to sleep, And bough hnvc swayed no more. Thcso's music In tho rrkhct's song 1 hoar through ovenlng shade. And In 1 1 in low of distant herds H (.turning from the Blade. Thern'a music In the. household touoi That Brcet th mid or gay, And In the liuutli of innooenct) Itejolclug In Its play. Hut there's music sweeter fur In memory than this Tho music of my mother's olec, Now In Iho land of bliss. A music tlmo may never still I hear It in my dreams, 'When nil the fondness of her face Unco more upon luo beams. I know not what the angels hear In mansions In thu skies, Hut tlicro is not it sound on earth Itko mother's gentle voire. Tho tears nro In my clouded eyo, And sadness In my brain. As Nature vv lilspcr In my heart, Bho will not come again. A mother 1 oh, when she departs Her llko Is never known j T1k records of nll'ectlon speak Of only, only one! And brighter will that record grow Through all tho changing years, The oftencr to tho lip Is pressed The cup of Morrow's tears, AGRIOULTUKAL. Potatoes. l'OTATons may bo planted us Mens July. To Insure tpilck growth open it good furrow, mid plantvlille the ground la yet fresh, covering lightly with soil, and then Ailing tho furrow with a mulch of nny kind of strawy manure, or even stirtw itself, or leaves. This will pro tect tho crop from the severe heat of the sum, jirovent rapid evaporation, and thus secure, what the potato especially needs, a cool anil moist soil. Uofore putting in tho litter a dressing of super phosphate, or other good fertilizer, should be thrown in thu drill. A mix ture of four bushels of leached ashes, ono of plaster, and ono gallon of salt makes a good dressing in the absence of other fertilizers; put in the drill at the rate of about ten bushels to tho acre. Illicit rvliotit. This Is a crop not grown largely any where, but deserving, perhaps, moro at tention than it usually gets in tho 311(1 Ulo and Southern States. No family Hhould bo without a supply of buck wheat Hour among their AVinter stores, for no bread compares with good buckwheat cakes for a Winter's breakfast. It is equal, If not superior, to oats In feeding qualities for stock ; it is grown easily, and at littlo cast for manure, on ordi nary land ; and has tho ndvantage that a crop may bo made very late in the season, interfering very little with tho busier times of tho farm. It should not bo sown earlier than tlio middle of this mouth, and a half-bushel of eed to the acre is enough. It is f-ald to bo good for soiling milch cows in the month of August, when In bloom, (Squashes. Hoe until the vines got so largo as to interfere, then do not disturb them, but allow them to take root. Look under tho leaves early in the morning for the black bug, and destroy It, and crush nny eggs that may bo found. Tho spotted Gule ruca, nn insect shaped like a lady-bug, but yellow, with black spots, is very tlostructlvo to tho leaves. They must bo caught very early in tho morning, as they fly when it Is warm. Tlio borer is ft great pest in many localities; usually Its prcsenco is not known until the wholo vino wilts. The grub enters near the root, and if a hole is found, carefully split tho vino with a knife, and take Mm out. Cover tho wound with earth, ii practicable, otherwise tuna It up. llatd Crops. Iv wo wero directing tho preparation of tho soil for corn, potatoes, and other root crops wo might hay that a lack of manure could not bo mado good by sub sequent treatment; but nevertheless wo will say now that it is also truo that he- quent and thorough tillago will do as much for theso crops as manure, though in a dlflercnt way. It will defend against drouths ; it will let the air Into tho earth, with moisture; and it will promote the disintegration irnd decom position, thus affording tho plants a fuller Denellt or tho manure and fertil ityof tho soil. Rnta Ilnga. Tiionouou preparation should bo made as early as possible now for this valuablo root crop. If tod ground has al ready been turned, It should have soon another ploughing, which, with tho ne cessary hoe-work In preparing drills, will give it n very hulllcient worklnir. . jit must bo well manured with some good siiper-phosphnto, unless It has been otherwise fertilized, and tho seed sown nt any time, alter tho middlo of tho month, that tho ground may bo moist, Millet. If thero bo occasion to add to the Wiuter'i$tjtoro of good hay, it may 1)6 iiunu uy mjh iiik in" common millet, 01' that variety of it known as Ilummi-inn grass. If thero be moisturo enough to maico it. germinate quickly it makes a nipld growth, and will eonio oil' tho ground by tho first of October. It must bo well manured, nnd on thoroughly prepared ground, to make a good crop. A light, rich loam suits It best. Aspnrngns. Now that cutting hns ccaeod. encour- ngoasmuch growth ns possible to repair tlio loss, a tiresalng oi manure will not eomo amiss, and weeds should bo kept from tho bed until tho tops i-hado it. If tho larvio of tho beetle aniiear trniall, black, leech-Ilko bodies cut nil infested branches and burn them. llcnns. I.iMAH nro usually allowed to run too high. vines will go to tho end of their support before they begin to hear, and tho Lima bean may homadotofrult airller by only allowing it to run o, high ns ono can rutuli, halted string lit-uti-i iiro very good hi "Winter, mid n plant lug nnuli) now will glvo n supply. FOE YOUTHFUL READERS. Thnnksrlvliifr To-morrow. A littli: match-glil stood at the cor ner of a public street. It was a wild night, and her lingers were i-tnT with cold. While, with her mute gazo fixed upon tlio passers-by, she kept iter stiinu uncomplainingly, tho blue lights from n druggist's window fell upon her meek f ice, making it deathly in its wiiiteiiess.'. " Any matches, sir?" she murmured again and again, In a weak, hopeless voice, for faith she had none; her ex perience was too beggarly for that ; she had seen anil known little ol human henevolcnco In her shoit life. She had tasted food only once that day, but she was used to hunger j therefore she look cd vaguely at thu huge quarters of beef, and legs of bacon, and poultry of every description, and long rows of red and yellow apples in tlio butcher's shop, through tho great glass window, and only murmured, " 1 wonder what (Joil mado Thanksgiving Day for? I shall have in; Thanksgiving, but instead, hard blows and cruel words, becatfee I haven't sold my matches." So she Wow her red fingers, and lifting her basket, moved reluctantly toward homo with her eyes full of tears that fell cold upon her check. And when she hail entered that loathsome abode, the child heard drunken shouts, and wild laughter, and tho hoarso tones of blasphemy, bho grew frightened and shrank away In a corner, to forget Hie In sleep to nwiiKeii on a cheerleasniorningundfacethedriv ing snow-storm that she might sell her matches, or bear the blows and re- nroaches of a heartless mother. And such was that poor child's Tluuiks-jjiy ing Day I " Will we have Thanksgiving to-mor row V" asked a sunny-haired boy, press- lng close to his mother's side. The art less question had a strange effect, for it seemed as if thu woman's heart would break, so violent was her emotion. " Mv God I help mo to drink this hit ter cup," was her stifled exclamation, and then she turned to the boy and said " no, my love, wo cannot have a feast to-morrow, as we did last year." "Hut won't father have 'lhanki-glv- ing Day in Heaven'.'" queried the child ; " won't he like it if we have Thanksgiv ing here V" There is much depth in the seeming simplicity of tho dear boy's remark," murmured an aged man, "u we count but bring it to bear upon our poor hearts in this season of aflliction. If we could penetrate tho unseen only for a moment, and behold that blessed spirit revelling in the brightness and splendor of Heav en, we should surely deem his death, or rather his new birth, fitting subject lor Thanksgiving." But the old man spoke from the calm experienco of age, and a grounded re ligious faith. The widow only felt that her idol was gone ; that the seat was va cant bylier side; that tho world was blank blank without him. And morn ing found her bending yearningly above his marblo brow, praying in agony that ho would speak to her once, only once again, that ho would murmur her name as of yoro only once, only onco; but tlio passionless dead know her not. And soby thei-kloof her early love, now shrouded for tlio grave, passed alio her Thanksgiving Day. " Heap up tho coals ; heap them upon tho glowing hearth, and let us enjoy tills cheery blaze. You, my son, draw forward the centre-tnblo and the sofa; you, daughter, unloop tho cm tains and light the lamps. How wildly tho wind blows ; God help tho poor to-night And in tho nuldy red of thu leaping flames, with splendor on every side, sat tho rich man upon a couch of velvet- Five or six beautiful children were clus tered around him; a harp rested in one corner, its glided frame brilliant in tlio strong glaro of tlio lire-light; a piano forte stood open with many a smooth sheet of music scattered upon its costly cover; every tiling spoko of elegance, of comfort. Across tho entry the wide kitchen, luxurious almost as a parlor, resounded with merriment. Happy children, with bird-claws in their hands, wero pulling tlio ligaments, and shouting heartily when the lank toes moved as if endow ed witli life. On tho wide dresser lay tlio turkeys and other fowl all ready for the lire, and stout arms were busy hero and there, with mixing, and pounding, and shortening, and sweetening, for puddings and sauces and delicate eondi-1 nienls that wero in preparation for tho morrow's festival. How after row of iiiiiico and npple, custard and pumpkin pies tilled tho great pantry, and num berless littlo pies of almost fairy propor tions wero ready for tlio merry-making of tho children. A black-eyed boy moved uneasily up ami down ueioro tho files of .sweetmeats, First ho Inspected ono thing, then an other, and finally pushing a plump lit tlo lowi aside, lie bounded Into tho par lor mid modestly asked his father if ho might have one, only ono littlo turkey " I lmvo given several away already," said tho benevolent man; "1 hardly think I can sparo another." Rut the boy pleaded fo eloquently that finally his father consented, and with sparkling eyes ho ran back to thu kitchen. The littlo fellow had one confidant nt school, and ho had told him In secrecy that they wero to have no Thanksgiving, for sinco his father died, many years ago, they had been poor, poorer than any one thought. Boas the child whl-pered his mis-Ion to hl mother sho smilingly assented, and delighted with thorM,lrit of her boy. bent a basket full of luxuries In his nanio to tlio 6on of tho widow who was too proud to cntvo assistance. Thero was but a dim light on the health of tho scantll-''urnlshtd room, and tho widow sat bending and sewing, whllo her ton plied his books by a faint candle-light. A knock at tho door, and then It was hastily opened, and ti great covered basket thrust in. Tho boy sprang toward it. "For mo 1" ho exclaimed, ns ho opened tv lit tlo note and read : .Mr iiEAti Arnt'sriM, I send yon this as a little piuocnt; do accept 11. lir.Niir. And as tho turkey, nnd the 'pies, and the nice cako were pulled forth by the eager hands of tho child, tho poor wid ow was almost overcome with gratitude; for n faint voice exclnlnied with every accession, "Oh! how beautiful 1 oh I howgootll mother, wo tnhave Thanks giving to-morrow ;" nnd n pale, sick faco gleamed In the subdued light of the little room, the face of a poor, frail, consump tive child, to whom theso delicacies seemed above all price. And so to many came great sorrow ; with many more, chilling poverty was tlio only guest ; and some wero right merry, thankful, and happy on that Thanksgiving Day. WIT AND HUMOR. "Wastt. I' Diplomatic notes. Tin: right man in tho right place is a husband nt homo in the evening. An old farmer In Pennsylvania, when told that ho possessed oil lands, made light of It. I'L'Ncii's caution to ladies: A silk dress should never lie sat-in. A stand ing joke, not original witli Punvh. Qi'inni.i: says, what tho Southern .States now want is representation In Congress not mls-reprcscntation. "Tiikuk is a divinity that shapes our ends," as a pig remarked when contem plating the kink In his tail. Why should there be no free seats in a church V Hecauso you ought not to bo made good for nothing. "How does that lookV" said Mr. Cramp, holding out his brawny hand. "That," interposed Amos, " looks as If you wero out of soap." What Is the dilfercuco between n mischievous mouse and a beautiful vising lady? One harms tho cheese and the other charms tho he's. " I stand upon tho .-oil of freedom," cried a stump orator. " Xo," cried his shoemaker, "you stand in a pair of shoes that lmvo never been paid for." A i.awyur engaged in a case, tor inentcd a witness so much with ques tions that tho poor fellow at last cried for water. " There," said the judge, " I thought you'd pump him dry." " Bill" said Hob, " why is that tree called a weeping willow'.'" " Cati.-e one of tho sneaking, plaguey things givw near our school-house, and sup plied tho master with switches." rolling all night in your berth at sea till you arc miserably sick, to lmvo a steward open your door in tho morning and ask you if you'll have a inwf roll for breakfast, is certainly very irritating. Stkonh and sharp as our wit may lie it is-not so strong as tho memory of fools, nor so keen as their resentment ; he that has not the strength of mind to forgive is by no means weak enough to forget; and it is much easier to do a cruel tiling than to say a severe one. A NKtiiio woman aa relating her experience to a gaping congregation of color, and among other things sho said she had been in Heaven. Ono of the ladies of color asked her : " Sister, did you see any black folks in Heaven'.'" "Oil! get out! you s'jiote I go in de kitchen when I was dar'."' Oxi: of 'tho most truly contented ex pressions I ever heard was that which fell from the lips of a dying minister, lie was asked whether he wished to re cover or not. He replied: "Hoally, my friend, I do not care which. If I die, I shall be with God ; If I live, God will bo with me." "Mastcii," said tlio clown of a cir cus, "what is tho dlllerenco between occupation and business'.'" "Difference? thero is none." " O, yes, there is. I'll give you an instance: Maximilian's taken possession of Mexico is nn occu pation, isn't it? "Yes." "Well, ho hasn't any business there, has ho?" At n fancy dress ball In Paris recently, a lady was seen with it very low-bodlcd dress while floating anil waving an abundance of green gauze. Sho was po litely asked by a gentleman what sho personated. "Tho sea, monsieur." "At low tide, then, madam." The lady blushed and the gentleman smiled. A man painting tlio cornieo of a house in Hartford ft few days sluco fell from tlio ladder, and it was supposed that ho was badly hurt. Immediately after tho fall a young man rau to tho storo to Inform tho painter of the mis fortune that had overtaken his work man. Tho " boss" listened to tlio tell ing description of tho fall, and with the ruling passion still strong In him asked, anxiously, " JHd ho split the paint f In the height of inu.-qulto time the littlo rascals practise thoirsongs nightly to tho annoyance of every one. When a littlo girl, Ettio, about ilvo years old, was being put to bed, hot- mother said to her: " Ettle, you must always bo a good girl, and then at night, when you aro asleep, tho angels will eomo nnd sing, and watch around your bid." "Oh, yes, ma," said Kttle, "I know that; I heard them singing nil around my head last night, nnd somo of them bit mo, too." II.U'i'Y DitHAM. A bashful youth was paying his addresses to a gay hiss In tlio country, who had long despaired of bringing things to it crisis, llo call ed ono day when fehownsut hoinonloiio. After settlingthomeritsof tho weather, the girl aid, looking slyly Into his faco: " I dreamed of you hist night." " Did you? why now!" "Yes, l dreamed that you kissed me." " Why, now! what did you dream youriuothersalil?" " Oh, I dreamed shu wasn't nt home." A light dawned on tho youth's Intellect, a singular sound hroko the stillness, and In le;s than four mouths they weroinar vied. , JOSEPH HIKOKL & II. S. l'MSTElt, (Late illegal, Wlcst & Krvln,) Importers mid Jobbers of DHY HOOPS', No. 17 Noith Third Htrcct, Philadelphia. JTUSSELL A WOODIIUFF, Wholesale Henlers In TOUAC'COH, CIUAltS", l'll'IX, Ac, Ac, No. M Norlh Third Slreet, ibo o Market, Philadelphia. JOHX U. YEAGEU & CO., Wholisilo Dealers In HATS, t'Al'H, STItAW HOODS, AND i.Aiiir.s' runs, No. 257 Noi th Third Street, Philadelphia. Q D. HOIUHXS & CO., i& IIlONMi:ilClIANTH, Northeast comer of Second and Vino Htn ets, Philadelphia. Q L. HETTLE, with 1IU.SU, I1UNN A CO., DUYCIOOIM, No. 10 North Thlnl Street, Philadelphia. piUSIlMUTII, imoTIIER & CO., wiioi.usai.i: toiiacco DUAi.nas, No. l jt North Thlnl Street, Ave doors below llaee I'nctorlcs, Nos. 21! and 2i"i lluarry Street, Philadelphia. J V. LAM15ERT, with 110SS, SHOTT A- CO., Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHS, t,'ASSIMi:itlX, VKsTINOM, Ac, No. mil .Market Slieet, Philadelphia. "UXGEIHC1I it SMITH, WHOI.KSAI.K OltOCIIItH, No. 11 Norlh Third Street, Philadelphia. J. 11. LONG8THET! I, rAPMiMiANfiiNti WAi:i:iioi;si:, No. 12 North Third Street, Philadelphia. G ?t W. HLAHOX A CO., Manur.ieluicis of on. cloths and window shadkh, Warehouse, No, 121 Norlh Third Stieel, Philadelphia. M. M. MAHPLE, NOTIONS, IIOSIKP.Y, 11I.OVI2S, AND l'ANCY GOODS, No. M North Third Street, Philadelphia. pilUCNlX STOVE DEPOT. iii:ati:us,ianoix, andsiovi:s, Wholesale and Hetail. ' l'ATl'.NT ANTI-DUST COOKING STOV11. VULCAN IIKATKl I, for heating two or more rooms. l', COOKINO, LAUNIiItY,-IIi:.TlNO, and every variety of SToVISS. JOHN I. INS, No. W Noi til Second Street, Philadelphia. yoirx e. fox & co., STOCK AND KXC1IANGK lmoKnilX, No. 11 Smith Third Street, Philadelphia. SPIX'Ii: AND HANK-NOTIJt, ALL KINDS OK STOCKS AND I10NDS bought and sold on comuiMlon. Attention given to collections on all aece-slhhi points. K .""ENXEDY, STAIHS & CO., wiioi.r.sALi: fish di:ali:iis, No. l.'Qiind 132 North Wharves, Philadelphia. c 1IIAHLES II. MAHPLE, Importer nnd Dealer In llItANDUX, WINI-S GINS, LIQUORS, WINi: IlITTl'ItS, Ac, No. 122 North Thhd Street, above Aich, west side, Philadelphia. jOYAL & HOVEU, Successor!, to lllLnilUT, ltOVAI. A CO., WHOLKSALi: DltL'flGISTS, Importers and Dealeis In DIIUGS, Mr.DICINIX, SPICKS, PAINTS, OILS, cn.Ass, dyi: stltfh, ac, Nos. M and 311 Norlh Thhd Street, Philadelphia. II AG EX, HOYD it CO., COMMISSION MKIII.'HANTS, and Wholesalo Dealers In LKAT AND MANUl'ACTUnUD TOllACl'O, SKOAIIS, AC, No. 01 North Third Street, Philadelphia. Consignors can forward lliolr stock "In Ilond, without piepaylug the United States lax. JjSTAHLISlIED 1703. JOllDAN A llllOTIlKIl, WlIOLIiSALi: aUOCKUX, and Dealeis In BALTPIITIIi: AND IIIUMSTOXK, No 200 Norlh Third Street, PhlladHphln. ILLEH et HOST, Successors tol'iuiikllii P, Seltzer A Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealeis In I.HlUOlps, WINIM, Ac, Nos. HQ and 112 Norlh Third hticel, Philadelphia. J. L1WTEK, Wholcsulo and llctall Dealer III roni:io.v and DOMiivno c.itn;rs, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADIW, Ac, No. 3) North Ucoud Street, opp, dins t Cliurih, riiUMlcipuu. JjHODllEAD & KAUH, lanuiaciuiers ami noiesiiie jieiuers in I100TH AND Hitor.'), No. 211 Noilh Third Strict, l'lillmlelpliln. MMIE UXlOX HOTEL, Aich Street, between Third mid l'oit'tli Street", l'hllitdclphlii. ciiiusTA wr.iint, Proprietors. T. CHAHLES HOTEL, on Tin: nunoi'UAN plan, Nos. CO, W, 01, and VI Norlh Third Hil l els, between Market mid Anh Hinds, Philadelphia. C'Il.Vlll.i:SKUX'KNi:it, Mn linger. G 1 1UA1U) HOUSE, Corner of Ninth nnd Cheslmit Slrecls, Philadelphia. II. W. KANAGA, Proprietor, "W fATSOX et JAXXEY, Importers and Jobbers of SILK AND l'ANCY DHKSS 00011?, SHAWLS, AC, Sluel, Philadelphia. I 7 A. HEXDHY, Us Suceesor to Hendry A Harris, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer In HOOTS ANDSHllKS, No. S3 Norlh Third Slreet, Philadelphia. IT v 1,KTK'-MAX' With LIPPINCOlTATIlOrri-.I!, WHOI.liALK(illOCi:ilS, No. SI North Water Street, mid No. a) North Delawaio Avenue Philadelphia. G 1 EOUG E 11. HOHEltTS, Importer and Di alcr In HAP.DWAIti:, CUTI.KllY, GUNS, Ac, No. 311 Noith Third htrcct, nbmu Vine, Philadelphia. jgEXJAMIX GHEEX, Dealer In CAIll'CTINGS, WINDOW SIIADIX, OILCLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. S3 North Second Street, Philadelphia. J P. I5EAHD, with LIPP1.STOTT, HON II & CO., Manui.'.clurers and Wholcsalo Dealeis In n.vis, caps, runs, and stiiaw goods, No. IllMarki I Slreet, Philadelphia. JjMlWE, EUSTOX et CO., Maiiuraetureisiuid Wholesale Dejihrs In CI )T ION YAH NS, CA It PI T CHAINS, HATTS, WICKS, Till YAltNS, CO It DAG H, llllOO.MS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAHU, I.OOK'O GLASSIES, CLOCKS, FANCY HASKITS, TAIILK, PLOOH, AND CAIIItlAGK OILCLOTHS, AC, No. SW Maiket Sin el, Ninth bide, Philadelphia. T H. WALTEIt, Lato Walter A Kauh, Importer and Dealer 111 CHINA, GLASS, AND QUIIKNhWAHK, No. 231 Noi th Third htuet, In Iween llaee and Vine Philadelphia. "lSTAIlLlSHED 18:20. " .lOIINHHAKIHTACO., WIIOLIXALK DHUGOIS'lS, and Dealers lu CHKMICAI.S, MKIUCINKS, PATUNT MKOP CINKS, SPILTX, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, VAHN1SIII5S, DYUS, Ac, Ac, Southeast corner of Third mid Callow hill Sis., Philadelphia. KMIJllUSTEIt it lillOTHEH, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIL'KY, GI.OVI5S, SI II UTS AND DItAWKUS, 111' ITI IXS, iSfSPHNDEHS, IIOOPSKIHTS, HANDlCnUI'lllKKS, SILKS, TH1.M.MINGS, POHTi: MONNAII5S, SOAPS, PKHFUMI'.HY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND N I ITI DNS G I :.N 1 1 H A 1. 1. Y, Also Maiiuractiiiei's of H1IUSI1US AND LOOKING GLASSI'JS, and Dealers lu WOOD AND WILLOW WAHH. llllOO.MS, KOPI, TWINKS, Ac, No, VJ Norlh Third Street, ubovo Vine, Philadelphia. QOTTHELL A. AY It KM, Wholesale Dealers III l'iSH.CHKnsH.Ac, Ac, No. 100 Noi III Wharves, second doornbov o Aich Mice!, Philadelphia. JAHCHOFT .t CO., msiilersnud.Iobbeisof MTAPLK AND l'ANCY DHY GOODS, CLOTHS, I'ASsIJlUHIJ,, IILANKUI'S, LI.NT..SS, WIHTi; GOODS, IIOMKHY, AC, Nos, m and 107 Maikcl Stieel, above Fourth, noithslde, Phll.uhlphl.i, IT w JtA:sr,-''s WIlol.lSSALi: TOIIACCO, SNUIT, AND CIGAIt WAIILIIOL'Si:, No, 110 Noith Thlidhtrci I, between Chcriy and Itaco., west side, Philadelphia, JOSEPH S. DELL, M.iniilai-tiiicr of and Wholesale Dealer In CLOTHING, CLOTHS, I'ASnl JlKltliS, AND YKSTIXGS, No, II Noi th Third Street, PJHlu'.tuphlii, JOWER HAHXKS & POTTS, nOUKSKLLUIlS AND ST.Y1 lONUIlS, and Dealers in C'UllTAIN AND WALL l'Al'KH, No. 37 North Third Strut t, below Arch, Philadelphia. Publishers of fiandcrs's New Header, llrooks's Arithmetics, lloberls's History of I he Hulled Stales, Pelton's llutllno .Maps, Ac. lltatik-llooks on hand, and made to order. jSTAllLlSIlEI) WIS. II, V. UAHl'i;. li.ll, 1U..S.--.I.I ei w. WllOMXALi: DIIUOGISTH, No, 7.17 Market Street, ono door below Klshth, Philadelphia! Diiuci's, mi:dicini;-s, ciIi!mIcU.s PAINTS, OILS', GLASS, VAllXIHHUS, DY12S, nnd every other article perlalnlna to thu business, of lhebi'stiuallty, H4li al limot market rales. XDHEWS, WILK1XS et CO., lieaiers in rOIlKION AND DOMKSTICt DHY GOODS, No. .7)1 Market Slreet, Phllndelphln. s iXYDEH, HAltitlS .t HASSETT, Jlaliiif.iclurrrs and Jobbeis of MKN'.S AND HOY'S CLOTHING, Nos, 62 Market, and 522 Commerce- Slreet, Philadelphia. yEAVElt et SPKAXKLE, WIIOLCSALi; llllOCliltS A.M) MI'dlCIIANTS, Nos. 22" and 227 Arch Slreet, Phllailelphla. I. HUltKHAUT, importer and Dealer In IHON AND STl'.KL, No. M Front SI I eel, Philadelphia. II UHUAH FOIl CATAW1SSA! THIS WAY HI 1 1 HAHGAINS. Goods lo compare with stilniioney of Ihi- money market. Lisik mid eomp.uo ptlis-s beforo pur- chii-duc; elsewhere. Just call at Iho favoiite busi ness stand of Me'NINCH A SIIl'MAN, mid you will boiuet by Iheobllslmt proprietors or t heir clerks, and shown I hi oiijjIi I heir meat variety store free of el iarne, of course. They will idu- yin a fair ehaneo lo spend ollr louse ebatle, Ibey trust much luoro prolltalily than it i-au be- spent clscwheu'. Their , STOCK OF DHY GOODS this Sprlna Is much latwr In all Us varlcths than usual. Their LADIP.S' Dlll'.SS GOODS uro of Iho nicest styles lu market. Theyhavoa lino asMjitinent of HATS. CAPS. HOOTS AND SIIOKS. SU.MMKIt CLOTHS, CAS.S.IN171S, CASSIMHIir.s, AND VKSTINGS, and iiumeroiis arlti les coin n ion to such establish nienls, beshles a K'-neral assorlmetil of HAHDWAlli:, TINWAHi:, IjUKHNSWAIli:, AND GHOCl'.niKS. all at qreally rediieeil prices. They wish lo con duct their business on the sstem of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they think they can u'lbrd to sell very cheap, They ieturn their thanks fur many past tavois iiml ask I In- hituri- piilruiiajie of their foimer eus. tomers and the public fii'iu-uilly. Mi-NINCII A SIIl'JIAN riATAWlSSA HAILKOAD. I 'loin and iilteiOelober 2, lbii",, Iho trains will luiss Hui'i it aa loltnus: Goino Ninirii. Hliiilra Mall nt 1 i-.m.j Kilo j;xuesHiti 2:is a.m. Goinii Soi rit. Phllailelphla Mall at II A.JI, Now York i:.pres.s ul 1 p.m. iii:iihgi: wr.HD, supi. T ACKAWAXXA AXD HLOOMS- I J lll'HG UAII.HllAll. ini and alter March II, IsOO, Passenger Trains will urn as louov.s: Son iiwaiiii. Leave Seiantnn at 1:10 p.m. and .i: io a.m.; uiimsimi ai ii p.m. ami i.i.via.m.: Illooms. noi!, m s:.ii p.m. nun ii .M. Arrive al .Norlliuiu berlauil at ll:.Vl l-.M. and 10::t'i a.m. Noll l iiwaiiii.--Irf'iie Northuiiibeilaufl at" A.M. unu.iP.M.; iiiuoiiisiairi; ai s:, a.m. ami ii:ii p.m. Seiniilon at 11:0." a.m. and 0 p.m. Arrive at Serine Ion al J lu a.m. ntul 1UIM P.M. II. A. FONDA, Supt. KliiKson1Mareh 11. Hfl. G J.HEATJ'EXXSYLVAXIAH0UT1 to nn NOHTII AND WKST. roi'Il DAILY THANINS. ON AND AlTKll MAHCII 12, lsiiil, trains will ieau us iiiiniws; Leavo Wash'n. Leave Hallo. livpiess .111111 lil'JII A.M. II- A.M. I list, i.ini' ,:niA.M, jj:iiip.m. Plttsliui'K mid IhioKx l:.;o p.m. 7:20 p.m. I'ltlsbuicuiid Klmlia K.....7:I0 p.m. VJ'i p.m. TWO THAINS (IN SUNDAY, (I'utiiii'i'tliiuni Hallliiinre,) Leavo Washlimtou at 2;liand 7:10 p.m, SLKKPING CAliS ON ALL NIGHT TIIAINS. LOW FA UK AND (Jl'ICK TIML'. Cars urn IhrouL'h from Hallliuoro lo Plllsburc Kiie, or Kliiilra without change. J. N. DUHAHHY. N.l'.,. DHILA )ELIIIIA AXD KIMK 1 KAILHOAD.- This ureal III,., line rs. il,., not I hem and noiihuest counties of Pi-nnsylv.iui.r ... .... ,.im, ,., nit-, n nan oeen II. I- IK I IS I .1 ll II 1 1 1 1 llv IIH- Pr.NNsYI.VANIA HAII.UOAD COMPANY. Thiiu of Passenger 'I'ral lis at N'oithumlierl.iad: I.KAVI: i: ISIWAKII. Clle Mail Tl alii 11".-...., Kilo Kspuss Tinln,3:2j A.M.; Klmlia Mall Tia'ln! l":i'i a.m. Lkam: inn. Kile- Mall Tialu, 5 a.m.: Ki le Kxpress Train, 7:1 1 l-.M. ; l.lmim Mall Tiutn l:ti P.M. ' Passcncer cars inn thi,ou:,hon Iho Kile Mull and i.spiesN iiitins wuooiii eliauvo liolll wins lie li i II Philadelphia and I'.rte. Nl.W YoilK CiiNM.fllii, iA-avoNew Yi il k 11 1 II .m an Ise at llile at 11:1.1 a.m. ; Leavo Krlu at I:.'u . .Ji., in 1 1. 1' in .m-ii i hi ii ill ..; in r, .1, Klctsillt sleeliln ems on all nliilit Irnlns. Fur liilormaltoii respeeilna imsseiicer business apply e eiiiiier oi iikiiuein aim .Maiket Hteels, Plilladelplila; mat lor la Icjn busliies. ol S. II.,tsiiuerorTHelllhuiiil Maiki I t-in-i i, iiii.iiii'ipui.i : .i. m . iievnuiiis, I , ,i. yii Ham IlioHli, Amiit N.C.H.H., liahlm II. II. IIOI'STHV, General I'relphl Am-nl, Pbilailelplila. II. W. GWIN'XCll. P'ui, riiiiiiiieipii A. L. TV I I'll General Superintendent, WilllamsiHiii. March 22, iNiil, 1 READING HAILItOAD. J.V hl'MMKH AHIIANGKJIKM'. .v in il '-e isi.ii Great Trunk Lliiu lioni the Ninth nnd Northwest lor Phllailelphla, New Yolk, Ileadlni;, Pol'lsvlllo ... ...... iuu, ..niu.iiii.1, j.k-uiiiiiiii, .eiieiuowil, 1 vision e.. Ae. Iiahis leave llanlsliuiK lor New Yolk ns fnl Ions: At 3, 7:10, mid Hal. a.m., and 2 ami 'i:2u p.m eiilllieiillltr Willi stmltai' liiilns nn Hi.. i' vniila I'.allrnad.iiiiil iiii)vln ut New oik ul ill) aul 10 a, n and 3. 10 and IhVip.m. mi. eplinj Cars ; i"--rf ...j., .mil i',v i ;n, i in ins, wiiuoui eli.inue. Leave ll.u rlsbiiru for Hi-adlic Pottsv lite. 'I'aiiin- ' ' v.. ii i V --""no. r i ii live, a inn own and P i .a n h a nt am .,,.,i n. slop hi ual l.i iMimn and piluelpal Wav Sl.ilions !!".'.' - .'.''M-' .'"''! making iiocloe e.iiiiiecli.iii.ini! lii n '"r 1 bdadelplil,,. -r Pollsv Hie, Ht-lui) . ........... ... ...... ,,, , , oi-iiii,, ii.iu iiiei riilii- pi iiiiiiii.i iuhimiihi. ii ii,. uimisiniru ul I r itninliiii. leavo ,V Yoikat Ii vm., 1.' m ,itud S:-IP.M.! P hi .uleliih .ml s e M. in.. I a-.ui i. . . n..n,v jlllji at S:: v.m. iiihI 2:11 p.m.; Ashl.iiei at li and ! --i.-i "ii'i i.i e.s.l llllliaipi.1 ill li;j, A.M. and 1 llllil K;..i p, M. Leave Potlsvllle for llarrlsbuiif, via Sehuylklll and siisiiiihiinn.i Hiilliiui.l, nt 7 . Heaillnu Aceoiiiisl.itlonTialii liuves lleadlnis at '.',";" ii-"ii iin.iiii'iMiia ai .'i p.M, l ohiuibl.i Hallinail Trains leave Hendhmiil f.:JU s in... i n , I-., i, i.,r c.iiniiin, I. UK, ( iillillllila, Ac., ,'e. On isunila.vs leave New York at WW P.M.; Phlla ilelphln at s a.m. mid Hil.i i-.m tlu- n a.m. train run. ntnijonlvto lleailliiu-j Pot1vllleat s...M Tama, una hi ,:Hi v.M.; HarrMain!ai i:au.:i.i and Head bus at I: ) a.m. lor Harnsbiuu-, and ii:ij a,m, for .V w , oi k, ami l:iu-.M. for Philadelphia. iiiiiniiipiiioii, Milium-, S. i mi, I'm in-slon. and pii'i'' l'' '" ,',,,1"lv'1 ruto lo una IioiiiiiII Dip ,ibc ihrsked throiiuh. i;it'lu poundi ol Isi .Me ulloiud c icti posi-ojjer Iv,l.a.,A,,Y.',1,'-,,-tl'-'l-',,' . CCII ELL, HEHGElt & CO., UHNKIUL COMMISSION MEHCHANTS, lk'alcrs In 1'tHlt, SAt.T, CHnr-SK, 1'llOVlSIONH, Ac, Nos. 122 and llll Norlh Wliarvis,aboo ArchHI.i Philadelphia, Stole ngents for Wilcox's Wheel Grease, In liar' rels, kisfs, and ciinsj MM1E ATLAXT1 1! MONTH LYi Ti.n eTi.AVTif MnVTIILV. bv cenerid emu sent, stands nt the head of American Inupullics, It numbers amonis Its contributors tho most einl. in-ill tfrllcisor Iheda.v.lKith lu i-iwo linn roeiry. and Its pile's liaveiiliinys relleclid what Is lawt III AllieiUlOl l.lieilUlliei Jl iiiHiiminiiH..ii- lallon iii-M-r belore iralned by ally An-e-rkiiu limit a.liii-of Ihlschivs, mid it has, by Iho loliR pnrlo.1 or Us existence and thu worlji of Itscontrlbillois, is-como Ilrnily Used lu ulille esteenf. l lie louov.'imr nic iimuiiij me- uiw. ji.u,in...i regular eonlrlbutorM! i. . j. i.Mir i.i.i.iiu , It. W. CJIIIHSON, WILLIAM cln.LF.N 11HVANT, J. T. THOWIIIIIIuil', ... . . DONALD G. MircllKI.t, C. C. 1IA.UWKLL, , o. wnirriuit, O. W. llOL.lllX 11AYAIID TAVLOH, jtAititi i:p ii. Atowi:, GAIL HAMILTON, . i:. p. winppi.ii. TI'.ltMS: Slnnlc subscriptions, four dollars per year. . . .... I I, pit uati;s. i wo copies mrseveii oonars: uro niiies for sixteen dollais: ten isuiles for thirty dollui"; Jiud each additional copy threo dollars, l or every emu oi iieuiy suoseiioeis an r.siui eopvwlll be furnlliisl gratis, or twciily-oiui ro pics forslxty dollars. PosrAiiK. Tho poslnKO nn iho ATLANTIC Is twcnlv-tour cents per year, mid must In all ciueif he paid Id tl Illeo w hero It Is reeelvesl, spkcimiin i oi-iiJS or i no aijia.-s iiii MONTHLY will be sent on receipt of twenly-nvo cents. .... The ATIiA.n Hi" .vni. 1 ui.i aim our iiii .-nii '01. Ks will bo Ituiiishod together at llvo dollam per year. S'clal hidiieetnenlsareollered to teachers nnd postmasters to proi uie subscribers to our periodl- 'iiiv. .tieiKs itiiieii iiii uimii. nn iii" iiiniiiry. lie i: I'li.i.i'-, i iioiisueis, 121 Tremonl Street, Ilostou, Mas. o UH YOUXG FOLKS. U'nii'iDrrtfnllv invite iitti'iitloli In tlin following iii.ii! fiotn tluMitito iiml J't-ntity MiUoMn. (itTiulriiiU'iit of rhnols for lVnusylvmilrt: Jlfrs.TiCKNitit A rir.Mis, UiiNtuii, Mass.: (H:nim;mkn, lVimlt mo in rniiniulnto ynn on ihu m.iikol HtKH'CM tf "(Hir Vouiik i'nlrb.' I'nun the Nhuc r Hie trtt nninlior I lmvo wiU-U-i-il with iniicli solirilii'Ii- Its timn itnl charm-tni, well know inu tin iininciisc minu'iuc, lor l;ikI or lor cll, It wiiil. 1 ho likely M wicM. .ludgluix hv tlm linn- tilfli lms nri'Millcit in nmcli of nui JuxriiUc llli'iatmp, both rellnlotis nnd MTiilnr, I ir.ll rn iif.xi n-t itjiii 1 1 mii 1 1 ii n imniii ihi i 1 1 in l nil UK IicaitciltH'.ss wlitch run iil'iiM-shcitk to thu el i lid. mittiri or Unit tlio faith ninl ltifii'tiiuiiivtii'ikii nf you 111 mlht lie tanilH-i-td ullh aiiddlKpIaml ty h iitin mi uir ii i" nun iiri-i-ii in jiihimut yt'tirn. nnppny my n-ars iiavi- nrmuu ffioiinnu-NH, ami I tie wliolctoininuiilty lnm to thank you for pro limine a iiuifrazlno so wi-ll ndaptt-il to thnchiso fur wlilrh It Is Intended, and so rlcvntlim and iniin. iiiK In Its Inllut'iiees. SA.Mt'KI P. I1AT1X. TintMHOKOim YOUNO KOLKHi S2i vnnr. Id adani'i'! thieo eonlrs, 1n"! ll n copies, H trttro. Ttles. 81,i nnd t iu-h additional com Sl.ttt). Turnir copies, S i,and a co)Knitls lo tho person pioctir- iii'i i in l inn. peciai nuiureinems oiiftni to tcnciicrM toao agents, SjM-rlaU'opy and clreulnr sent to ixir- sons who wlu to iirocure sulwerihers, for leu cent!,. TJL'K.NUKiN. l'nbllHherx, Jl04tOU( .MilhH, JKW YOllK i.KADKU. The I.I'ADl.H Is published every Katunlny moiiiln. 'lerms, Invariably, cash in advaurA .Money sent by mail at the ilsk of the sender. siiiisi uiprn x Hati'.s. I'oriishiKleeopv, Ihren moulhs,$l; rum sliii-leeoiiy, six mouths, fur sltmle copy, otie - ear, SI; lour copies for ono vear, "1" i eluht copies lor ono year, 828. Ono i'trii eoiiy to i:el lei -up of ilubs of i lnht. In icply lo sev eral iippllcatlons, arraiiKi-ments have In en made Mm special WalerhiK-l'lacesuli. serljoliinto the LI'AIILMt, w hlell Is pre-i.liilin ntlT a W ali! Paper. Iho paper will he iiuill. ed tosubseillieis for three months for ono dollar, and Iho iidilresaes ol city subscribers will li i Hansen upon aiipiieiillon al tills olllee, in that those who visit Ihu Summer resorts mav not bn ilipilveil of lids weekly phiitoi-raph of iiollllral, lllerary, artlslle, ilramatle, and social life. In Ih4 inetlopiills. All eoiilriljutlons, books, buslines letters, connnuiiliiitliiiis etc., must be ndilnwii-d to the llllllDH OP Till: Lll.MIK.ll, 11 I rankioit Hiieit, New- oik City, JVJKW VOJIK 'J'iAll'X '1 11 II IIAILY TLMHS, eontalnlni! the latest l'lir. (lull and DoiiiisIIc News, ts published .Inllv, nt Jen dollais pi r milium ; wllh .Sunday i-dltluii. twi le dollars. Tim hi:.mi-wi:i;:kly ti.mich, published 'Iiiesilaysand I'l Ida- s, price tlvecents. In uddl lion to Hie latist Kcueial lnlellineneo bv Ulcxrniili up to the moment ol foliar lo pi ess, there will b.i liiund In each number ilio fullest WashliiKtou News, l.uropian Xews nlthnruphli' lettorsfiom our corn sjimidciils in lsimlou mid Pails. kIv-Iiw t ie lone of public IicIIiik abioad, Ismailciispi-. cla and permanent featuie. Iniulditlon to lib- L'! vi i'-i!''.'-," l.'J.'"..'.';!!''.'"1 '"I'11" uf Hie day, His bl..II- LY 'lI.MKshasu pasii of carefiillv piep.ireiloinniereialni.itter.KlvhiKthe latest I'l n.iiiclal .Nevis and Market Heporls; Hems or An il' ultuial I Isimenie interest, mnipllisl from siiuiees many of which iileotherwlo lliacecsslbhi v'i',.,r A"1",ll;.ui readerj mid marriages met .MaiTla'mnl lieathsol llw week. the "Hisii-Wui ki.v HiHonn," or NevisSnm-niary-be iiacareiul sviiopslsanil ,Kc.,t of tlm news ol the day. Is alone vvoilh doiiblu Iho sale seiiiiilimpilee iiiili,. paper, as It preserves lu a V.'. ".','.'''",. ouvvnielitly classllled fyi m all a vis o luleiist.iind must pi uvo valuablo wn ucord t'i all time. Trims. Tims, dollars icr minimi. Clubrabsi III- ilLsi-iinl llllli il. ., '1'l'''wl';';K1l'Y,T'JI,I';?.l'"bIlslicd at Iviodiilhim ill in!. ""! "",,'!i I1;1!1",1"" '" ""' 1,l,'st , V n'i-" up n, ini; iiiiiuieiiL i'l Kolnir to piess, il, ndlest WashhiKton Neirs. i.i "i"1 K'aplilc letlels from our T.'r"." ! V,",. '" "" KiVlll-' ttl'l li i ie ol publlo IcelhiK abioad, Is made-a special a id pei iiiaiient lealme. In addition to KdluirliUs V vl-'iv1 '"'"'rem topics or iheday, the WHKK ,'.!. i i !"s" '"!"'( caicfully-pii-parciHiuu-n e clal ma ler, iflvllin the latest riiiuiielal News t ',".. .,lii' li!'L. 1,"1 -s'l'li : Hems of Ar,rlciiHunsl an t ,.r . i.i I ,,ll' i'si. compiled, lioiu sources miiiiy or Willi h nieotlierwlso inaccessible to Hit, Aiucrl. can leader; and .Maiila(!esnndlleath.sof tlm weiil.. jVKW YOKJC TitiBUxi' KNLAIKII'U. TUP, LAIKIKST AND CIIEAPKST. i:.m.auui:mi..nt ok tub iiaii.v, hiwi-ithmki.t, anh wi:kki,y rniuuNr;. x.. ... ... .. - r.'... 111,1 hut mat thoslro of Tits i .11. iM. lias been Imieaseil niorolhan onoipuii ler, the pi leu will leiualu the same. ...V. . .'.,,r' -ii' hi nunsritii i; rolt Tllli OHHAT 1'A.MII.Y NUWlSPAPLH. 'rill- -rvv vfiiie i,.i.,f, .............. o !'rl!".'':1 "" " '"Wdoiilile-niedluin sluel, niaU , '?,in n, " l,.'',',' six liroad eolunms eaih. It In t ' '!, I'. ""'"lianl Hdllorlal, publlshei u lull livn.Y lmiii'.NK,e.ce, thosooi meielr ! im i 1 1 1 , v 1 1 ' 'i ""'""l lini-ortaiil mid hi- i. i ..J -Nl' llooks; Hie Li s fimu our l.iiua Ivi.'s.i'm 'o1""" 'bo latest news leceive.1 iii I lie in i s; "tou and all other pal Is tHIneeoi Wclfypa'vn;:, ' I'SS iiiffi ...n.'-iiuii mm- iMie am .ncwk rccclVtM Semi'.'.i'.'' ui',"'c','' J:!""'?ivo Ht-porlsof the ao. liisi nrni.V'i1!; J.'l,"',".('l? ,'lubl'r lh" Amelicali , r, , v i;,7m .: ' ." ltr Jl '!"' country n;-.r .iVi". 1 ,"i"v" " nnojciiicr in" !.!i! "!;'"" r.!!'t'1N. sjuplo coiiy, t year. i! () iiiioples,aiiicsscd(ouiiiiiciotsuli.scilhoisi7 ' , VUIII.V lop IS, ;lp. ,l, :'PI J en inples, lo ono nildi ess .., in m Ivii niy isiples, in ime address . il io ........... ,-ulv uufceni si each club of lea. Tin: Viim.- siiJsi"i"n, i i iijii in i ii "iiviei, UUl HUTt'lV KK'UI m ei-s i I il. ,,r .. !, 1 ''"e.-nillHsol tlio I'm lip l 'mi 1 1 . . .i l , ..A V" V"". """ithl"! Talks nliout nn, nn i inV'i ' '."" '"'''"ai and AKrlciiltnial mid lienVrai'j a .elite Z -' . ".V..ffl I'l l . 1! IIAILY TltllirXR ri i p si i i vi i i I.. timii'or'iour of 'ilto K'VCS' "' " c'm"-" " '"r' HFhT AN1I LATIXT POPL LA It NOVKIX 1, . "i"ll'il"r- lul "f Ihi-so ul. ie, if I.i 1 Vr ,",n i for"!' i'"1!1'1 ,,J f""" "ix h' ''s'" no,,, , i I,-,, ,,,;.uv niiiy' iOT.rJ( Mould be threo or four limes IImi su ,,. 'n ,,,.r,. in in., Ni'vtiiw ; 'irv. : -.."i p. "' iii.' li" vi i ii 1 1 ,.. .!" i . i.i ' ""lu.M;. J hose wiiii Ullui nee by Jolnln.- w llll their i.eicl iin In i n :iri,ii',,,lu !',,:..,,,!!-,;r".r "'-'US MiS"!"..!'" Pi rsous rcii'in I'L! fflSi' !,T J'!V. uj.uu copy ono year, lishei!5.??'':. V"",,C lAlT'Y THIIll'NK Is pub. t i i i i!.':'!.'l"ll''f eveiili,undaj-.c.-.-' - P.lisil at I0 per year; for six tnonlhs. Ti i ins, c.sli u iiilcaliee, bl , i','. T,! i'im li'-ollleo onlers, pays ivi , V', '" ? ' l"'"'-t N'r,r. 11 ' I'" '"'" any ulhci' in Alu of ifmitliitne. AiKlu-m ,iIIUTIUlL.Nji,.Nuw Yoils.