THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJRG, SATURDAY, JULY SI, 1866, LOOAL INTELLIGENCE! William L. Maddocic& Co., deal- era III flno groceries, No. 1 15 .South Third fcStrcct (opposite tho Qlrnrd Hank), Philadelphia. A match gnmo of base ball will bo fplaycd this afternoon, commencing tit two o'clock, between tlicSliawatiec Club, " iof Plymouth, and the Continental Club, of this nlaco. . '-f Tho July number of Godcy's Lady's "Lady's Hook comes to us with ltd usual , Jj nrruy of interesting articles. Tho fash " Ion plates and patterns aro characterized fy'by their usual excellence. " E. W. WYNKdOEJKND CO. Will COtll- ilnence their next term of graded school on Third Street, July thirtieth. This 'Bchool has been In oicratlon for several yonrs, and has proved very stucessful. "Oitl what a fall was there, my countrymen 1" when honorablo mem bora of Congress, bank presidents, and . other honorable gentlemen, in tho vent 'lng of their private spleen ogainet Mr. 'Clark, descended to begging for the np 1,1 Sf pointmcnt of a Democrat for Assessor KVof this district I Those gentlemen be- seeching for the appointment of a " Cop- icrhead 1" " Let mo not think on't." ;lk What a "fearful price?' tho editor of Mho liepubl'wun ofl'ercd for tlie retention Of tho Assossorshlp. lie tendered to tho President, without reserve, not only .himself but his party. Was it nhort Hightedness In tho President, or was It because he had not been accustomed to deal in hucIi commodities, that he de dccllncd to purchase? or did borne one, .knowing tho utter worthlessness of tho goods otlered, enlighten the President? ! The Model Letter-writer gave his reaaers, m me jo'pumtcan oi last wcok, ft further specimen of hlsart. Tho effort of the second of March last demonstrat- ed his incoinparableness as a writer of private epistles. o publish in this number or our paper his public effort of lust week. Our readers) will bo amused , -to sco bow exactly tho letters or the '" ' second of March (private) and tho ono of July seventh (public) do not accord in tono and sentiment. Any little dis crepancy between the two may be ac counted for by reference to dates. On the second of March the writer was As ' :8C3.sorj on the seventh of July tho 1 writer was not Assessor. v.. rn..,, n.. ,..... e.. t..i.. nn......ii. 1 n. j-iir, jum,Lf iui iiuij uui-unm nil1! imi Hfollowlnir tahlo of contents: "Archie iflveu," uy mrs. luiwarus; with a SVoIumo of Old bonnets," by Richard 'TF L 4 ...1 l.i m.I . 11 A 1 Si, I l. OlUlllllllU, AUUUl UlU JJllUHUV Leader of the House" (Thaddeus Stcv- fens), by J. M. Hinckley: "My Curt- .ii.i.. iii...,..,t,... i... a -ir n...,. '" uwum,, j f Ti-nnn . " llv Tiilnfnm " tw Wlllln,,, ' " i-vvrir,,,. iiWn.v ...,,1 ut i Vilcox; " Iladen-Baden,"' by Charles '!AStovHrIsted:''ThoCIavorin!.s'f-!tI, iwo illustrations), by Anthony Trol- lope; "In the Hanks at Cedar Creek," bv James Franklin Pitts: "Aiiotit PI. nzzas" (with an illustration!, bv Charles 'Wvllvs Elliott: "Strawbei-rv Illll." liv JJamcs W. Wall; "Nebula-," by tiior011' Kuurous Kifts to revo suirerers raitnr. Tim Galarti Is ihiIiUnIipiI fnrl. nightly at twenty-live cents it number : Ave dollars for the year (twenty-four tirnnhnrsi; llmroii dollars for lli linlf year (twclvo numbers). Address W. C. mid F. P. Church, No. Ui) Park Row, .New York. ., '& Wk receive many complaints from tour subscribers of the slowness of the mail delivery of their papers. Naturally anxious to remcuy tins complaint, ami learning unit tnu postuauster 01 tins place had sent a portion of our mall matter In a diflerent direction (as tlio ic-iiur wu priuii ueiuw win suuwj, wu spoke to him of the fact, but Instead of lila ilntv liv iivnttiUtt,,,. (r, j'-,w t, -- j--- "--" remedy it, we were told in a very tin ientlemanly manner that he did not be Hove ourstatenient. Tho worthlessness of the object rendered It unnecessary for us to resort to more severe measures to itan.ei:j mtti lilm tlin Imiinrfoit,,,, if n r 1 1 . ... , . . , , , Voveriiinuiii, uiuciiu uiiueuvuiiug 10 noil gentleman, even U his natural dlsposi- lion Mvuld lead htm tho other way. Wo trust ho will find in the subjoined letter suflkicnt proof ot tho truth of our com plaint. nrcKHoiiN, ia., July 17, mo. Caitaih O. H. MoOllBi , I)i:ah Hin, In reply to your Inquiry as to wlit'ther any pacltiiKoor packages of tho Col.t'ji- JitAN for I'hlladclplila had been received at this imce, I answer that two packages of dlllcrcut is- ues of said luiper, plainly directed to I'hlladel. jthla, wero on two separate occasions received Hero through tho mall from Illoomsburg, Very respect fully, jours, etc., William H, Hnon.MAKini, I'lwtmaster. 3L i liETTER FROM HON. WILLIAM H. SEWARD. Dfpaiitmf.nt or Rtati-, 1 Wauiiinuiov, July II, lsiiit, IBiu, Excuse mo for expressing stir j that you ask mo whether I approve ofjtho call of a proposed National Union Conventiim at Philadelphia. After moro than five years of disloca Hon by-eivil war, I regard a restoration of tho unity of tlto country as its most immClliato tlSM-ell as Its mbst Vital In- terest. That restoration will ho com -jilotowhen loyal men tire admitted as Tcpresentatlves of tho loyal pcojiloof tlie seloven States so long unrepresented in Congress. Nothing but this can complete it. Nothing niororemtdns to bodone,aud nothing more is necessary. Every day's delay Is attended by multiplying nnd Ineieasing Inconveniences, embarrass- ments, and dangers, at home and abroad. Congress possessesthopowerexcluslvely; Congress, after a session of seven months, still omits to oxcrclso that power. "What can bo douo to Imluco Congress to act?" This is tho question of the day. Whutover Is douo must bo In ac cordance with tho Constitution and 1 iws. Tt Is In perfect accordance with tho Constitution olid laws that tho peo- plo of tho United States shall assemble, by delegates, In convention, and that ,"i,l.n c octtomKlml ultall n.l.Ws Cougrasg by respectful petition apd re jnon8trfinco, and that the people In their Hovoral States, Districts, and Territories wlin.ll approve, sanction, uud unite In such respectful representations to Con gress. No ono party could do this cil'ec tually, or oven seems willing to do It alone; no local or popular organlzsltlon could do It effectually. It is tho interest of all parties alike; of all tho Htates, and of all tho flections a national Inter est j the Interest of tho whole people. The convention, Indeed, may not suc ceed In Inducing Congress to act j but If they fall, tho attempt can make matters no worse. It will boa lawful and patri ot Icuttempt made in the right direction, an effort to be remembered with pride and satisfaction, whether it succeed or fail. Tho original Union of tho States was brought about by movements of tho sauio character. The citizen who objects to tho convention is bound to propose a better plan of proceeding to effect tho desired end. Xo other plan Is offered or oven thought of. Those who should oppose it would seem to mo to manifest at best unconcern, If not oppo sition to all reconstruction, reorganiza tion, restoration, and reconciliation be tween the alienated masses of the Amer ican people. To admit that the conven tion will fall would bo to admit that the peonlo, of tho United States are deficient in either tho wisdom or tho virtue necc.-ury to continue tho exist ence of tho Republic. I believe uosuch tiling. A great political writer says that government Is a secular religion, and that the people or every country arc divided into two classes, each main taining a distinct political faith. The one class always fears tho very worst that eanpo-slbly happen, and the other hopes under every circumstances the very best that can in any event happen. Without accepting this theory as ab- oluU,,y x 'tl,Ilc that all men do generally act from a motive to guard against public danger, or else lrom a positive desiro to do good, llotli elates niav, therefore, favor tho present at tempt to restore the unity of tho nation. I am, sir, your obedient servant, Wiiii.r.vM 11. Skwaud, Hon. J. It. Booi.itti.i:, Chairman Ex. ecutivo Committee, Tin: burned district in Portland has been surveyed, and found to cover three hundr ed and twenty-seven acres Tin: Fenian President lloberts has been indicted in Xew York Tor violating tho neutrality laws, and bailed in live thousand dollars Tin: Canadians propose to hold United Slates responsible for tho late Fenian Wonder if they would take cluck on tho St. Albans Hanks ! A t.tI.t.nlMl,!,lullmU.,,.l,lnll..1..,n Iwum iirwniifinl ii S!(tiivttnvi llnclon C,w .,.,'' i;i.; i...,.:.t...i ,,... 3.3 ,.-. X " T , ' . r - " - v thousand dollars ,, t,..,. , ,. ,, . juih.h. in uiu on wen nas rwidiwl u llnesatul-rock at a depth r nrarl' six '"""ld and lifty leet. T ;,,u ?'Wl M I Jimiui 4i tuvi nun IU UVJ ilk UAAJUllwIll quality. Tln: ontreul Gazette, recalling tho tMt tllllt fourteen years ago Portland ".V.the great lire In .Montreal, says: Taught by our own misfortunes let us lKlrn to Mlm)1' tllu unfortunate, and the more SO when WO OW0 them a debt of gratitude." In response to this appeal handsome sums aro being collectod. Market Kriiort Wheat per bushel. ... Si n ... i jo ... I 10 .... is m .... ! l ... i Ji M nye Corn rtour ner barrel V-i.',",., nutter tSiow JO II nrioYVpi"::.".".' ... 1 .HI .... 3 01 111 -) .... HI .... "' Hi.icsuVid'shouiVK r Jiay pel .... 1.1 10 MARRIED At tlio pirsoiinno in CatawRsa, on the fifteenth instant, by liev, s. c. swallow, kkusky cixav l,r genitalia, to i.mix jio.uii.anu, of iioarins At tlieWiiltenavenllotel.rmtliotwenty-nliitli unim, j,v lt,.v. ,hHluv M. salmon. Damiki. 1'. i,KAi'o( Ktoiii:Nini:i-rA iikaci:, both of wyom ins, I.u.ernu County. DIED. In nioomsburu, on the seventeenth Instant, Waiiiii:n Hinivnv, Infant sou of Michael 1'. mid .llza . l;yei ly, ie;ed 11 weeks and :! days. K. II. I.illlr, ArrOHNKY-A'f-I.A'W, Ollleo on Main f-lieet, In wlilto fiiiino liouse.bc. low tlie Ilxcli.ingo Hotel, IlolKi t F. Clark, ATT01tNi:Y.AT-I.AW, Oltlce comer of Main nnd Mailtet Htreets, over First National llanl:. foliil (.. freeze, A'iTOltNr.Y-AT-I.AW, Ollleo In Register and Recorder's olllee, in tlio basement of the Couit Hoiw, Veley Wirt, ATroitNi:y.AT-i,AW, Otllcenn Main Street, over P. U, Miller's Store, C. JI. llrncloi ny, A'lTOlt.VKY.AT-I.AW, Olllee on Main Street, first door west of tlieCouit House. Cllnrlc G. llnikley, ATI'O UNI '. V- AT- LAW, Olllee on Main Street, over K. H. Miller's Store. VIUlum II, AliboK, ATTOItNr,y-AT-I,AW, Ciitawlssa, Til. lit, i: (IncKsoil, ATTOHNHY-AT-I.AW, Ilerwiek, Columhlii Counly, I'a, ?I, 31, TintiKh, ATTOUNllY-AT-UVW, Net r Am 'rieim Hotel, M. tl I,'i lli, ATTOIt.N 1 lY-AT-I AW, Cenlialla, Columbi.i County, Vft. Ailiniiilatrutor's Ntillcf.-K.llitc of Urn beii Hess, deieased. Lettcis of Administration having been giuntdl to the kulnerlher upon Hie 0,tllt" H!'"" Hess, lato of risking Creek rownsldp, In tho County of Columbia, deceased, all persona Indebted to tlie same will make pay. uu'iit, aim tnnsa Having claims present them, AI.ritUD T, CllUVHMNU. Adm'r, rmiiNn Ciukk Township i Van Camp I', O., June II, ItW, I rjmE ONLY PLACE tn yet tho best tohacco and cioaus, At wholesale and retail, imi hungsbehoer's, ft few doors below tho American House, Rlooiushurg, l'n. Ho lias tho largest and most select of HMOKINU AND CHEWING TOBACCO over olTereit to tho citizens of lllooinsburif. All Ilia fancy brands of SEOAHS, and tho host l'lno-cut and Plug CIIKWINO TOBACCO, can bo had at his counters. TOHACCO rni;s In groot variety aro among his large stock. DON'T FOltOirr TO CAM.. if. h. hunsiiehoer. pUJJLIC SALK" ui' .i.L'.iii,i; hkaii i:htati:. tinrstinnee nf mi nnler of tho Ornhnns Court f l..liltl.l.. f, 1n no K.iltir.1.11 tin, In.-. enth day of Anuusl Wxt, at ono o'cIih'Ii In the nf lernoon, iiini:iiiiin i . iiiiriiiniii, .iiiinini.iriuor, with tint will annexed, of all ami xlnmtlnr tho KiliMIt IIIKt fill I It'ln, . in ll in it iin .iiiui. iyiii.ii , f... tf .Inmc.H Duii'in, late if Montour Tim nihli, In mini linilliy, tlt'feaieii, win expotu itiKiue. ny puir eel, or tr.iet of land, Hit mile in Montour TiiwnNhlp, In lln, fiiiiiilt ,if ('nliiinlilii . ml Iriiiillirr l.ilirltf t C.idwiillnder ftolieit". on 11m onst, Wllllniu Ilob erlMon tlio north, (lenrno A. Wllletsim theHouth, and l-'rleU and lltnley on the we-d. cnutnlulnu sixty aeres more or lesn, wlieieon aro eieetetl n inline (iwtMiiim-noiise, iiiiu narn aim onier tnu-biilldlnir-i. ljite the I'HtMtn of said ilrei'iiii'il. Kitu ato In the Township of Mont our a lid enmity afore N.iiti, .ii-tr-i'i uuiii-;.M.., ijiuiK, IIIOOUIHIIUI'K, .llliy 17, lMi'i. cunditionh or ham:. Ten nereent of ono fourth of nureliaso monev to ho mild on Htrl in' down of t ho nronertv. nnn l'liiiili h-j.H tho ten ln-reent. at the eoullriniitloti ii.(,and the hiilanee from eonllrmatlon nisi, l'ur- i-Iiasera to pay lorm-eii itmi stamps. ii. r. ii.hiji.., .oiuiiusirnTor. T KT'L'ING. SKALKD PROPOSALS IJ Mill ho leeelved liy the Hoard of Hehool Dl ri'ctnrHtif Scott Tow te.mii. ut t'harlosW. Kowler'M ottlee, at l'py, on HATl'ltDA Y, JULY KOUlt TIII I.VTir,, between the bourn of two and four o'eloi-Ic, tor tliohttildliuinfu newTv'oStory Kraiuo Si.liooblioiisc.iJxiu ti'et.NtorleHll feet eiu h. l'lan and ppeellleal Ions will be exhibited at the plneo and tlmu ot lettliu.'. jai'oii ti:iiwii.i.iui:u, rres't. I'lmilt KNT, S..e'y. Scott Towlishlp, Julie 27, 1 TX T1IH EST AT 10 OF SAMUEL X SHVI.TZ, Di:t'i:ASi:i). Tlie Coinmonwealth of l'eiinsylvnula to JosepH II, Kliullz; Andrew Shult7.; Samuel II. shnlt.j KllsliaSliultz; Niiney, Interm.irrlcd ultli (learlmit Ktlv; Sarah, Inter mnirted with .Tnsepli llrttalu; Niiamuli, luterniar rled wltliHaiuiiel Wlilloj Mary Aiiu,lntermarileil with Samuel II. Yuri;; I.uctnda Slmll.; JoM-ph ()cnr Slmltis; Mary r.llen Mliult.; Harriet Shultz: Tlionun Shtillz; ephiinlali Sliult.; and Albeit A. Smith, l on and each of you aro hereby cited and commanded to ho and appear, in your proper person-", at an Orphan's Court, to lie lioldeu at ItloomsburK, In and for tho said county, tint first Monday of September next, then and there to answer tho bill or petition of Samuel II. ShulU, administrator of S-imuel Shultz, late of llcnton Township, In the County of Columbia, deceascdi praying the Court to decree thenpecltle pertorm ance of contract between said Samuel Shultz, de ceased, and i:ilsha Sliultz and Joseph II. sliult., accordiui; to tlmtruo intent and meaning thereof, or show cause why tho spceltle performance of said contract should not bo tleeieed. Witness tin. Honorable William Klwell, President of our said Court, at lsloohisburg, the eleventh day of May, A.D. jr.ssi: coi.nMAN, cieric o. c. Ilt.ooMHllfltfl, Julie", MM. MIL IiLKlt'S STORE. 1'ltIM'lI AHIIIVAT. OK Pl'IUNO AND SUMMEIl OOODS. The subserllii-r lias Just returned from the cities witli another large nnd select assoitnient of SI'KINO AND KUMMIIIt GOODS, purchased in New Yoiknnd rhlladelphia at tlie lowest figure, nnd which lie is determined to sell on as inoderato terms as can be procured else- whero In Illoomsburg. His stock comprises LADIIX' DltKfsS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods nnd Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeres, Shawls, rianncls, MlllCS, Wliltn Oood, Linens, Hoop Skirls, Muslim", -llollowwan Ced.uwaro Quecnswnre, Hardware, Hoots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, I'lubrellas, Looltlng-C) kisses, Tobacco, Collce, sugars. Teas, Itlce, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GENERALLY, In short, everything usually kept in country stores, to wlilcli'lie Invites tlio intention of tlie public generally. Tim highest price will bo paid for country produce in exchange for goods. H. U, MlM,i:it, Areado Itulldlngs, Illonmshurg, l'n. JOHN STROUP A CO., Successors to Slroup A llrolhcr, WH01.ESAI.U Di:ALi:nis in l'isn, No. 21 Nortli Wiiarves, and Si North Water St., Philadelphia. JJENRY GIUEH bus opened a first-class HOOT, SHOi:. HAT AND CAI fiTOUIi at hlsold stand on MalnStrcet.llIoiiiiishuig. Ui slock Is composed of the very latest and best style everolb red to the eltleiis of Columbia County lie can aceomiiioiinte uie puuuu with the follow Iin- kinds and orleest 3ieirs can iioois, huh t., ou ion no Kip, iiouiue sole .i llovs elilld'K tsiuts 1 75 to I Men's ulove I;lil. Congress, j rut to .i " liauuoriii suoes juuio.'ibu Men s, wonieus, noys-, aim uuses' glove kid lasting gaiters I 7.', to .1 7: Women's glove liids, very line to s 7. line goal morocco iiaiiooiais -j vt in l o ' men's iiioriK'cotiud calf slioes 1 7.ito .VI 11 common shoes 1 .Vl to '2 ."ill Misses' anil child's shoes U 'Si to 1 Ml Min's, women's, misses', hoys', uinl child s slippers 0 23 to 100 lie also keeps a gie.u variety or HATS, CAPS, AND 8TIIAW GOODS if every kind, at tlio lowest price, both for cash aim country pr.mucc, ltememiiei I teattraet on Ismour goods. Hon be nl. limed al I he cry of high pi Ices, but call mid see tor yourselves, Hespeetluliv, tii-i- irnL-n H. ARl'Eli'S WHUICJjY. TKHMH. Ono copy one year M frt Oiieeiinv fortiuee months 1 in) Anil an extra copy will Isi allowed lor eery ci in i oi nit. suosciiucis, iii 3i mi Caen, or six copte tttrllim lt.ivtili.tit llivill liililv ill mil iiiiee. The Hound Voliiuiis nf llaiiier's Weekly from me couimenceini ni mil oe seui in any piiiioiiue I'ullisl Mules, lieu of carriage, upon mclptof ihe price, V.. i Cloth binding $7 On per Volume, linlf Morocco 1 (HI " Kadi Volume contains the Numbers for One ... . rdlMS TO ADVintTISKftR-Ono dollar nnd lltty cents per line lor Insiiie, twotioiiais per lint ior ouifciuo .Mivciiiscmi ms. i to o nisei nun, HAlimt & liUOl'ilL'K, l'ubllhcrs, GUAXD OPENING (1IIAND Ol'KNINd llltAND OPKNINO (IHANI) Ol'l'.NINn UltAND Ol'KNINU til RrniNn and mrMMf.n oooh, HI'ltlNO AND HHMMIMl (l(niUMh Hl'ltlNG SPUING Hl'llING AND HUMMKIl flOOIW, AND HUMMKIl HOODS, AND HUMMlllt (IOODH, rotislsllng of consisting of consisting of consisting of tuuslstlng of DllV DIIY DllV DIIY DIIY G0ODH, GOODS, GOODS, nooos, GOODS, HAT3 HATS HATS HATS HATH AND AND AND AND AND OAl4, CAIV, CAI-S, CA1W, C.Vlt), 1100T.4 HOOTS l'.OOTS hoots HOOTS AND AND AND AND AND Biroiw, hiioi;s SIIOKS, SHOIX, SHOIX, ItKADY-MADi: CLOTHING, 1 tK A DY-MADI-1 CLOTI 1 1 Nil, It K A II Y-.M A 1 1 1 1 CLOT J UNO, It I! A 1 ) Y-M A 1 1 !: CLOTI II N( 1, ui:ady-madi: clothing, LOOKINn-OLAHSUS, LOOKING-GLASSKS, I,()OKIX(l-( LASSIES, LOOK I N G-(l L ASSI'X, LOOKING-ULAS.S1X, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, TAINTS l'AINTS PAINTS PAINTS PAINTS AND AND AND AND AND OI1JS, OILS, OIKS OIL'S, OILS, onnrrciUKS, Giioci:nii'.s, GltOCKUIKS, riitoi:i:itn!, OilOCKIIIIX, QirnnNswAitK, qtrr.iiNswAiti:, (iiniiiNswAiti:, IJlHIKNHWAUi:, QUHKNHWAlti:, HATtDWAnR, HAItDWAKi:, HAIlDWAHi:, nAItDWAUK, HAItDWAHU, TINWAUK, TINWAItK, tinwaui:, TINWAIti:, tinwaui:, SALT, SLT, HALT, SALT, HALT, FISH, 1'ISII, 1'IHH, PITH, PISH, GRAIN (ilt.MN GRAIN tiRAIN GRAIN AND KF.r.ns, and si:i:ns, and m:i;ns, and si:i:ds, and hkrdh, Ac., Ac, Ac., MrKHLVY, NRAL MtKLLVY, NHAL MrlCllLVY, NKAL MtdvlCLVY, NIIAI. MuKKLVY, NKAL CO.'S, CO.'H, CO.'S, CD.'S. co;a Northwest corner nf Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest coiner of Main and Mnrket Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Mnrliet Streets, Northwest corner of Mnlnnnd Market Sheets, Nni thwest corner of Main mid Market (Streets, HLOOMSIU'RO, PA., HI.OOMSIHJHO, PA., Ht.OOMSIIlJRO, PA., HLOil.MKlllJHfl, PA., HLOOMSUUllG, PA. IRON J RON' IRON IRON I RON AND NAII.4, AND NAII.K, AND NAII.S, AND NAIIX, AND NAII.H, In lartre qunntlties nnd at reduced rates, nlwny m hand, UIILIO HALK OF VALUA11I.E RHAI, IMTATH. Ill pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of .'oiuiniiia county, Pti.,ou Saturday, tlio !td day of Juno next, id teno'cioik In tlie forenoon, Philip roust, niliiiliilstiator or Dinilvl Knim, lato of Cooper Townslilp, Montour County, deceased, will expose to sale, by public vendii ,at the housonf maiiucl Ijizarus, In .Montour Townshhi. n cer tain tract oflatul, sltnatn In Montour Township, Columbia Oounl y, adjoining lands of Kinauuel 7.arus on tlio east, tho llterSusiiieliatimiou the sotilli, and tho line dividing tlio Counties of Co. luiiihl.i nnd Montour on the north, containing eighty-two ncrcsand sixty-six perches neat meas ure, about twenty acres of which Is Improved or cleared land, liitto tho estate nfsald deceased, idluato In tho Township of Montour nnd rounty aforesaid. JKSSK UOLKMAN, Clerk. llLooMsnurto, May as, 1WI. CONDITIONS OF HALF Tvrenty-nvit per cent, of tlie pttichnsc money to be paid by tlie purchaser to tliu administrator on tlio day of sale; tlio rcslduo of tlio purchase mo- ney to lie paid III ouo year from the continuation af. tl., with Interest from tlie confirmation. 'J ho purchaser to pay for deed and stamps, PHILIP 1'OUST, Administrator. May M, lsfi'l. AD.mritxr.DHALt:. The sale of tlie above described real estate ad journed until Saturday, tlio :-dh day of .luly, Isill. PHILIP 1'01,'HT, Administrator. JIPK INSURANCE. If you wish tollvo long and dio happy, go without delay and iNsunr.YouiiLiFi: In the best Company In tho world, Till: MUTUAL LII'M INHUIlANCi: COMPANY OF NEW YORIv. ITS CASH ASHI'iH ARM $l.r,,noo,OOH, and Us iiununl dividend fur tho fiscal year of ISffii amounts tosevenly-llvo per cent, on nil jiartlcl patlng preiulums, being the largest dividend ever declined by nny company for tho same length of. time, l or further Information npply to P.S. RISHIIL, Agent, Illoomsburg, Pa. 17MTATF, OF.IOIIN SANKEY, Sit.. Ill DLCl'.ASKD. To Jacob Sankeyj Samuel Sankcy; .lohnsankeyi Cyrus Sankeyj .lainesW. Saukey, Mary Ann Sankey, intermarried with Annul Wolf; Ljdln Sankey, interinnrrled wdth JaniesG. I'rltz; Susan Relghaid; and Mary Catli mine Uctghard; the last two named ale minors of Polly Saukey, late Polly Relghard, deceased, heirs nnd legal representatives of John Sankey, Hr.,di' censed. You nro beieby cited to bo and appear before tho Judges of our Orphans' Court, at an Or phans' Com t to be held at Hlooinsbui'g, in satd edunty, tlie Hist Monday of September next, then and there to accept or rcliiso to take We real estate of the .said John Sankey, Sr., de ceased, nt tlie appraised valuation put upon It by mi Intpiest duly nwnrded by said the Couit, and returned bv the Shcrlll'.or show enuse why the same should not be sold. Ituessthe Honorable William I'd well, President of our said Court, at llloonisburg, tho tenth day of May, A. Ii. Win. .Hl-Wi: COI.r.MAN, Cleric O. C. lU.ooMsnt'nfi, June 7, 7STATIC OF .IOSICP1 1 1 f AYI I UHST, J DECEASED. To Mary, Inlermairied with David llro'ist; Susan, Intermnnled with George Strieker: Ellen, iutennnrried with Cyrus 11. Ap pieman; Ru7.alccl, Ellithclh, nnd HennJ.ih, lineal desceudents of Joseph llnyliurst, late of Orange Township, In said County of Columbia, deceased and nil other peisons Interested. You nro henJiy Ited to lie nnd nppenr before tlio Judges of our Oiplians' Court, to bo held nt HltHimshurg, in said 'otinty, on the ttrst Moiitlay of September next then and theie to accept or refuse to take the real estate of tlie said Joseph Havhurst, de ised, sit uate in Ornngo Township, Columbia County, nt tlie appraised value put Uhii It by an tiirjucst, iluly awarded by the Couit nnd returned by ihe Sherlir, or show cause why the Mitno should not be sold. Witness the Honorable Wlllhm Elwell, President of our said Court, at Illooiiinhurg, May tenth A.D. lsiKI. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk (), C, Hi.oiiMsiill'.(), June 7, lsmi. 70 ALL WHOM IT JIAY CON CHUN, Please take notice that I, Ira Road armel, of Centrevllle, Columbia Comity, having bought Ihe following list of property from Pete Ilower, do declare that It Is my Intention to lend tlie same to tho said Hower, to wit: four beds one dozen chnlis; one lot of dishes; one cup. Isnird; ono buieaii; twenty yards of carpet; ono cooking stove; one parlor strive; one two-horso wagon; one two-hom, carriage; one double set of hailies-,; ouo single set of harness; Iwo tables two pigs. IRA ROADARMEL, I M1K GALAXY, A 1'ORTNIGHTLY ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE. THE GALAXY is published foitnlghtly. on tlio nrsl ana liueelllli oi eueu nioiiiii, nun tins t no nii Miutageot eomiiig to tlio leader liiteimetll.itely neiweelt llle mouinues anil uie weciiiics. With I ho second number the Mitun.lno was en laigeti by sixtii-n pages, making it to contain Hint ty-sK pages of nuttier. IIS CONTRIHITOHS. Til 1; GALAXY w 111 ho an oi ulnal American Mugalini of the highest class. Arrangements liae accordingly been made tor regul.ircontribii Units triim t ho best know n ami most mei itoi ions writers in the country; aim nnn cover, uie i..umi will ttlwalsseelc to elicit mid ellci nil age eollt libit lions from new a tl tin us of leal ability or decided genius. Thenitlelesln Till: GALAXY will lie slotted wlib tint names of their nut liors. who will no allowed ll w uie iiccuoiu in inu e.pit.sioii in opiiiinu. Thctlist nnd second numbers of THE GALAXY, for Mny first unit tiiieetnu, ist.n, eoiuain eoniriou. lions lrom Jollll l.sicll i ooue, r ranees l owei Colilie. ltosoTeriv. lieolgo Allretl Townsend. Ed tittitiil steiliieni. the Author cf Elllllv Clies ii. imI.h... Ul.,1 Hi II. Ill etv Sllilmaii S, Coniint, (It iieriil Cluseiet, and ollicrs. " llle Clalelltlgt, l Allliinny llonoie, nun Are lie Love ." iv .Mis. Ijlliarils, went com- lnelleell ill tint Hist number of Tl I E GALAXY, mill will eiititltllle til lie tllllillshed set tally sllliuh taneouslywltlitlielrappeiiriiiiceiu i.ngiauii. ino liaeli niiinlieisof tho Magnzliu) containing these stories ii lav always be obtained from a newsdealer or lioiu ine piopiieiors. lllil0l'Jin, 111 AT 11V llintv" I.-.HY. In tlie stvoutl number ur Till: GALAXY was ntiitiielieeil a sel it s of artlilcs oil Cookery, by 'lole-sor Pierre Hint, Ihe well-kuoun leaelu rof the art. Thescarlieh swill he nunloof gieal pine. I lent Milne lo evetv t-iiollv. I'.eslile uiaiiv gastl'O' titililleiil tllreel inns of llllliol tallcc. tliev will contain iccelpts mill piaetlcal suggestions wlltell must seciuu lill llieni lliousailiisot leancts. 1 Lll.M-s. Tlintirleeof THE GALAXY is 2'i Cf llts ll Hum tier; si lor tlio ye.irol twenty-four numbers; i lor the year will incnine z.mi ociavo pages, inn trilled by twenty-live or more full-puge engriiv iii.-s. in luted on tinted miner! Iiesltle tiitiumera liln Ntitalter tllllstlnt loll-, scattered tlllotltlll the tevt. THE GALAXY niav bo oidered at therato of twenly-lho lints a number for lily length of tune uesireti. . spcciiueii copies wilt no sent on rcccipioi cuts. Address W. C. iV. 1", P. CHl'Ri'lI, Proprietors, Si Park Row, New Yolk, Ult JULY VOLUMIC. NEW MUIW-CRHIERS WANTED AT A TREMIUM. It will bo borin In mind that wo begin a in scnil-aumuil volume of tlie Cultivator nnd Conn ll lielltlehl.lll Willi the llrst uf July. Tlio liner ,wl Inlren In evlettill n.r out' clrclll.ltloll dlllilUZ till ireseitt season, to wlilen we owo ine i.ici in.ii 11 ;4 it, ite nlioiil fine mint hirircr than last vcar. en courages us to present somo extra Inducements ror new suiiseriiiers, iiusiing. niiiioiigii r-iiiunier Is nless f.ivoiahle time tlmu Aiitiimu or Winter for procuilng largo lists, Unit these niters may uevei tin less lend lo 11 very considerable addition. We still hiivon limited lilllnlierol eolilplt loseis from Jaiiiiaro tint, so that new subscribers can besiippUed fiom Ihst dnlo ir desired; hut unless se e.xplessl.l tirtleled, sllb-eiliitlons will be t Jll slilered us fnrone year fiom the Hist of July. It will lie leineinlieri tl Unit our Icrius linn fur one jenr, strictly In iuImiiich, each copy, ?J on; inr six mouths, 1 fin. We will send by mall postpaid. AiWicss all letter nf inquiry or n iiilil.uit es, In all eases, to I.UTHEIt Tl'l'KEIt tV SON, Albany, N.. I.IARPICR'S NFAV MONTHLY 11 .MAGAZINE. TERMS. Ono copy for one year, ili. An cxtm cony, "rails, fur even- Cluli ot llvo subscrlbeis, nt Sim) eitt li, or six copies tor 8J0 00. IlAIIITllV MAIIA.lSi:illld IlAHl'KH H WKKKLV, logetlier, ono yiur. t'soo. CIRCULATION 115,000, The Publishers will accept n limited number of nrst-elass adverllsements for their Mngniliie,nt Din fnllnwlug low lutes i , lino Pnge ; 2M nil Half Page ! (Jiuarlcr Page. rirtt Ail s-r line fur less spate, Avenigo olght wont, '"''j'.u lV in OTHERS, t'tiWUhcm. QMNI11US LINE. Tlio undersigned would respect fully announce to tlio clllM'lls of Illooinsljnt'g m'd tho public gene rally that lie Is running an OMNIIIUHMNIl between tills plneo and tho different rallrond de pots dally (Sundays exceptcil), to connect with the several trains going fjotitli and Wet on Ihn Ciita wlssa nnd Wllllniitsirt Hull road, nnd with those going N'orth add Houlhnn tho Ijiiknunnnuiuid lllooinsljitrg llnllroad. Ills Oihlllbusscs are In Rood condition, commo dious and comfortable, nnd chargos reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends do- part, ran lie accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely tiotlco at nny of the hotels. JACon I (HRTON, Proprietor, MMIK iUIKHICAN HAY KNIFE .L AND I'Olli;. We tlie undersigned iltirens ot i.iiioiiioi.i i.iiutity AMtoissinj Ilio I rill I OI I ill V forks on the firm of Mr. Pnrset. to Ifi.tulneb Townslilp, nil Monday, May 7, lsmi, tjctween tlio Ainerlenii Hay Knife and l-ork manufaetiiied tiv SLII'Hll, WALLS, SIIUINLR & Co., of Lewis- nurg, l'n., nnn uie minuets i-aiem nay jjooii Tim Ainencaii rorn linen nioro nay in ono draught than the Ilitndel In three. We are satis tied tt will take us unit li buy into the mow as two good horses can draw. Wo nlso saw It cutting iuiv. and lltliil; it cannot lie bent ns a bay knife. and checi fully recommend it as tlio best liny fork anil Kiiuo we nave ever seen. i:. litrrr.NHKNtmt, Jin. e. iiAiiuisoK, W. 11. IvOOXH, .ItlllN IIOAK, .Ions Dim met:, Hiniei. Noykii, II. Di'it.F.wn.t.Kili Hrl.VKsnai PtinsEf,, li nr.i. null.-, tiui.r. -I'll.., iiiiiiiiir.ieliirfl lite Ititclrcvn Reaper and Moucr, and otlier ngitculturiil Jmplu meuts. POHK'S HOTEL, GKOUOK W. MAUQini, Proprietor. The above well-known hotel has recently under. gone lndleal changes In Its Internal arrangements, and its propi let or iiiiiiounces to Ids former custom and the travelling public that ids accomodations for theconifort of his guests in esecsind to none in the country. His table will always be found sup plied, not only with substantial foist, Inn wan an the dellcaclcsnf the season, Ills wines nnd li quors (except that popular beierago known as .lfeeM7"Mairchnsoil direct from the Importing houses, nre entirely pure, and free from all poi sonous drugs, Ho Is thankful for a liberal patron agu lu the past, nnd will continue to deserve It In the future. GHOllin; W. MAUGCH. J" 11. PUItSKL, IIAHM.SS, NAlllllii;, ATilJ 111U.S11. MANCFAOTUItnit, and dealer In CAKPLT-HAOS, VALISES, FLY-NETS . Main Street, Illoomsburg, Pa. )0VDKK KF.OS AND LUMBKH W. M. MONROE & CO., Rupert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDI'.P. KEGS, nnd dealers In nil kinds of LUMHEIt, give notice thnt they nre prepared to necoiiiotlato their custom with dispatch, and on tho cheapest TEW STOCK OF CLOTHIJNU. Frosh nrrlvnl of SPRING AND SUMMER GOOT. DAVID LOWEXHERG Invites nttention to his stock of CHEAP AND l'ASIIIONAHLi: CLOTHING nt his store on Main Street, two doors abovo tho American House, Illoomsburg, Pa., where ho has Just received from New York and Phllndelplil.i a full assortment of MEN AND HOYH' CLOTHING, Including tlio most fashlounble, uurnnlo, ntid handsoiue DRESS GOODS, consisting of HOX, WACIC, FROCK, GUM, AND OIL-CLOTH COATS AND PANTS, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. Ho has nlso replen ished his already bilge stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS HTIUPED, FIGURED, AND PLAIN VESTS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES SUSPENDERS), AND FANCY ARTICLES, He has constantly on hand u largo aud woll-so- lectcd iissoitmcntof CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which ho Is prepared to niakn to order Into nny kind of clothing, on very short notice, and In tlio best miinuer. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of it is of homo manufacture. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, of every description, tine nnd cheap. Ills enso of Jewelry is not surpassed In this place. Call nnd examine Ills genernl assortment of CLOrillNG, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Ac. DAVID LOWENHURO. Q A1UU ACi E MAN U FACTOR Y, IllOOJIlSUUlg, 1 II, M. O. SLOAN A HROTIIER, the successors of WILLIAM SLOAN it SON, continue tlio business of making CARRIAGES, HUCIGIES, and every stylo of FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to salt ens tinners. Never using nny mateiial but UK) but and employing the most experienced workmen, they hope In continue ns heretofore to giu miiru satisfaction to every customer. An Inspection of their woik, anil of tlio reasonable price asked for tho same, is sure to insure u sale. TT'RF.SII ARRIVAL OF NEW l? GOODS. Tho untlerslgtietl has Just nrrlvnl fiom tlio City with n largo assortment of Drugs, -Medicines, Paints, Oils, Vnrnishes.nnd DyoStuIl's, Reatly.Matle Clothing, Perfumery, Toy nnd Fancy Ajllcles, Druggist's Glassware, llrmhes, Trusses and Supportels, nntl a general ussoi tincnt of every thing Unit belongs ton well-appointed Drug Store, Also Patent Medlelnesofall kinds, such nsjiiyno's, Ayer's, Wlsharl's, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Ihown's Troches, Swaln'.s Panacea, Raker's Cod Liver Oil, Hoollaud's lillleis constantly on linnd, Also MOROCCO LEATHER, KID, FRENCH MOROC CO, FRENCH CALFSKINS, PINK TRIMMINGS, BINDINGS, by the doyen or nalf-do.tii, Al BIIOE-FINDINGS, ITSHING-TACKLE, Ac. Having had n largo experlenco In tho time busi ness, I would respectiuny invito ttinso wisiiuig anything In that line lo call and sco my stock is?. foie pureliaslugelsew here. "Iniuodlcliiesfiu.illty lsortl.0tlrstl,tance." JnuN n Movr.n, Q.001) NEWS FOR EVERYUOEY. Owing lo tho Into fall lu gold, EPIIRAIM W.ELWELI, has reduced his prices tp suit nil buyers, cither nt w holesale or retail. If you want SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, SPICIA CRACKERS, CANNED FRUIT, DRIED ntUlT, WOODENWARL", FISH, BEANS, CHEESE, FLOUR, FEED, Ac, Ac, Ac, give me a call. cniRAIM W. ELWELU "lXritANOE JIOTHIj, J J IILOO.MSIILRG, COLIMHIA COUNTY, I'A. Tlie undersigned ImNllig purchnsed this well. know n and cent rnlly-localeil hyusc, the Exchnugo Hotel, sltunte on MAIN STREET, 111 Illoomsburg, Immisltalelyiinnosliutfie CnlulnbllCoiinU Court House, rrspectfiiily iiifori'ns his friends nnd tho public In genernl that his house Ifl now In order for Ihn teeeptlon iilitt cu'kftnlntncnt ot (rnvellers who limy be tllioscd to fnvof It with' their cus tom. Ho bus sparisl no expe uso In preparing tho '.xehnlign for tho eiileltnlnmelit of his (juesls, nelllier shrill thcro bo nnytlilng Wnritlrig(on bin part) to minister lo their pu-honnl comfort, ins house Is spacious, nnd enjoys all excellent bust ness location, Oiiuilbussii rmf nt nil tlmen !i6lwM;n Iho Ex change Hotel nnd Ilio ynrltbft rnllrond dcjiots, by which travellers will Im plcnsniitl; fpnveyotl to nnd fiom the resie6(lvo stations In tine tltno tt meet thu nirs, JOHN F. CA8IA1W. Hloomsbtirg, March S2, lSdi). Q U8( IV K II A NN A 1 IOTE L tl I 'nlitu Issa. Piu The ulsivn Hotel ban Inff. titctt pt'i'rclmseii by HENRY J. CLARK, ntld has bH-ti Ihorouglily rn inislelletl, repaired, nutl rcfitrfifsTied, It will bo found now, In Itsnrrnngeinent iitul tt'tipWlntinentjt u Ilrst-clnss Hotel, nntl seeoinl to none In tint country. Persons In ellles wishing to spend tlio lint months Hi the country, win no wen to givo tho proprietor n call. 1" )AKEK AND C'ONFEOTIONEK.--) ii si K.s.i.i.1.,,,: j i, ji; has always on hand nnd for snlo l'RIXH (iREAD, CAK1X, AND TIM, fri:nch And b'dstEOTic coNKEcrioNfi In every stylo nnd variety, NUTH, KltUITd; and everything li'imi'ly foitud lu ii FIRST-CLASH CONFiaTIONEltt flTOltE. Hnvlng recently ntted up n new nnd elegant ICE-CRUA.M AND EATING SAIXION, lie Is prepared io nccoinotlafb' ladles and go ntlo' men In tlie best style. JRUO AND CHEMICAL STOIlKf Hloomsburg, rn. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PERFUMERY AND TOILET AIITICLE EVER A Jftjii'Ett respectfully Invite n contlnnance of pntronnge; Tlielr Drugs nnd Meilleliies lire nil selected with tlio greidi'st iii nrcldlmj iW ntfaclt ns posslblo the IntrisltiCtlon of delfrloiiS lfostrfims, nnd am purchased honi tlie best Importing houses In tho country. PAtEIT MEDICINES of alt kinds. Including Ayer'n, Jajno's, Hollo- way's, Hosletter's, WMhuri'v, iioouaiius, o.u. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL: HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, AND CLOTHES HRUSHES TAINTS AND CHEMICALS of every variety, nnd of tlie best quality. FANCY Tbll.ET AHTiCLtX. The public hiay lcly nt nil times oh procuring tho nlsivu urlleles, it Hit all tlio new useful tilH'arn- tluils kept In the best eohditcteit estaniisuinenis. PHYSICIAN'S i'RliSCillPTlbNS and Family Receipts compounded with the great est accuracy nnd dispatch. jTATIONAL FOUNDRY, Hloomsburg, Colutnbln Cotinty, rri. Tho subscriber, rf.Tirletof (if the above-named extensive establishment, H flow prepared to te eelvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACE'S, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHING MACHINES, Ac He Is nlso prcpnred tomnko Stoves of nil' nitd patterns, Plow-Irons, nnd everything usually litado In tltst-cla-ls l'mndrles, His e.xtenslvo facilities nnd practical workmon warrant hlin In receiving tlio largest contiacts oil ihe most reasonable terms. drain of all kinds will be taken In exchango for Castings. This establishment f Ipc-t'.cil near iho Lacka wanna and Hloomsburg ltallrond Depot. I'ETER HILLMYEU. jjliOOMSUURO FANCY TRIM MING AND BOOKSTORE, second door below Hartman's.Malu Street, Just received ft new stock of ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COTTON YARNS CORSETS, LACES, EMHltOIDEMiAt, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DRESS TilIMMlNGS' nnd every variety of articles usitnlly kept In n FANCY STORE. Also SCHOOL ROOKS, HYMN HOOKS, HI11LES,' SUNDAY'-feCilOOL HOOKS, nnd n large lot of miscellaneous hooks, Account and memorandum hooks, hlank deeds, bonds and mortgages, and a gon'crni nnd well-selri tf it itssoi (ftich'l of PAPER, ENVELOPES, Ac, a. i). w'r.nn. HEAli ESTATE FOR SALE. Estate of William Roblson, deceased. THREE VALUABLE BUSINESS STANDS, on Main Street, Blooinslmrg, adjoining the Court House, nntl Hourly opposite tho Exchange Hotel, TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS, on Ridge Alley, known ns the "Spring Lots." ONE HOUSE AND LOT ou Rock Street. Also TIMBER LAND, ill Jny Township, Elk Counly, ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, well timbered Willi whlto-plno nnd hemlock gissl farming land. The above piotwrty will bo oH'ered ut rillVATE SALE until Iho flftecnthof August next, on not sold, it will lie ofTmcd at PUULIC SALE, on tho premises, mar tho Court House, nt ten o'clock A.M. Apply to the subscribers, or to Miss ISABELLA ROBlsb.N',,RI"omsbuig. . . wi- tmriiL-rif ,Iirt-' ii'Miinu, .mmru viuiMih, ijx'l'f A. PARDEE, llnl) toil, S" TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M, RUPERT announces to his friends nnd customers that continues thenbme business at bis old plain on MAIN STRUCT, HLOOMSHUHH. Customers mil bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stoeppos, Tinware, nnd ovcry vn 1 lcly of nrtlcle found In n Stove mid Tinware Em lalillshmeiit In tlie i Hies, and on Ihe most rensnn- uble terms, Repalrlngdoneut the shoilcst tiotlco V DOZEN MILK-rANS on hand for sale. pAULE FOUNDRY. JOSEPH SII.VRPI.nsS, Bloomsbitrg, Pa. STOVES OF EVERY VARIU'V, PLOUC.HS1IARES, PLOUUUPOINTS, and nil klniU of Castings, ou hand or supplied on tho shortest nollco and al thu cheapest rate. Castings for COAL BREAKERS AND COAL BCHCTE3 rundc to order. '