?li!ULJL3jU.llHJL,,ll"' ''lM-',, !'. lit Columbian, AN INDEPENDENT JOURNAL, u ruiiLisnci) cvnnv mtchuat, i,t Illoomiborg, Colti-At.!, Ctnt)- rtk TE11119. Two DoUiim ft you, In mlvnncA. If not jwUl In' RJriUwu, l'ro UoIIam nail I'ltt- Cut VliUrivw lUl lelkasj to okouok ir. itooitii JMItor of tlio Coi.f MiiuK, IMtMrttslttrfr, Columbia County, l'ft. L.u..i'-V.. i. . ' Vol. i.-no. 12. BLOOM SB URG, SATURDAY, JULY 21, J8G0. IMUCE FIVE CENTS. StcrniH o) ducrlisinfl. t)iiuH4Unri,oiiP or tlirro lnirlloli5 .....il I'jicli Kiilmprilirnl Inwrlloli los tlmn tlilrtveli. One Hqiinru otu month .i 2 Two " " .If" Tim " J 'our " " 0 llnlfmliitmi " WJ Olio column " '" '"' Uxrriitor'ii nn.l A.ltiilnlstinloi's Notlcm 3 Auditor's Kodcr IMItorlnl Notlcis twinly cviita ht lino. otlmr nilvcrllu'iiunlN luv.i til nrcoiillug to "l.' clal t-ontrnct. UNFOB.GOTTEN. BwtliT Ijvdy mlnn, tho f.uliil ruin la ofton doiucr limn tlio ftmvnr I'lcali Rnthoruil t so ctu'li moninry (frown Mora prooloua Miico tlio iartlnK linur; Ami nil Lovo'a nrtlaMiituil can rIvh Xlf cloivlni? tint nml trntlcr nlimlo la wUi mo. Hint your face limy lira In ootura tbnt am nover f;ulo, -Ami ntlll my funoy imliita you near, Though nil tlio room la lono und liftro; Arnl oft nt ovciitMo I licar Yml. phantom footstep on tlio stair A. prctwuco In Uu. uiithorlni; kIooiu Thrill . nil my pulml. with ilollglit, Ami immi to ijlorlfy tlio room With lavftllnom denhM my atght. Ani e fork t that lonjj miles Of amlllnx l.i mil and foamy ana Divide U1J lovo nt dlatnlica smtlet, And holda tho willing wind. In font And every wind Hint rueka thn clouda, Or gantly mould 1 them In thn blue, Itnnra lorethoughla In tuinultuou . crowd, Or aoftly wafla a. prayor for you, Shcltnd tho rnro trlft ofennvorstmr u-r.lt. firm wmln boforo tho Uncord touched -mt.i in mo. "nmint fnrirot ltor. Iter there; tlio proclamation of Cyrus; of treating trivial subjects gayly mitt with tho miowy, drooping lids. My pat lent mother died of tho fovor a wool: ago, i w-onttorim preservation ot uto men animation, but lotting her tono deepen wits evidently nerved up to intenso and sho herself Is very ill. They wero slls of thoToniplew-hlch had been taken and hor lanruuro irrow almost iioollc.il mtlctudc. Not n musclo otilvered. tho Amnrlmiw. Mlm Is iiulto idoiio hero : fi Jerusalem by the conquerors of tw gravei or mora engrossing thoughts mouth was resolutely net, tho hand bit Inez, my landlady, attends to lur." -hidea j none of tho knives which were wrotignt themselves lnty words. I do tightly clasped, tho wiiolo franio etui jn.s death followed tho charge very r-mjniK " vivm n.u i not like a woinan whoso volcn keens nn nnd rltrJil ils wtono. ns sho ohovod mv Lnnn.nnil t loft. liU bed to find out mv rtllces were lost, mislaid, or destroyed. unvaried monotone, whoso face wears a linger and opened the largo black eyes; now patients. Tho landlady Implored 't'hey were, says J)r. Smith, tinder the placid expression through every change yet In their strained eagerness I read mo nottoleavothohoiisowIthouUeelng iei.i.ii utro mm iiruiiLuuu ui v.i.u.uini of topic. No ; glvo me tho check that tho hope I was to bless or crush. I drew tho " poor young American," and I fol- were in duo Utile restored to uto i eiu- llushcs and pales, tho voice thai rises to the small head down upon my arm, and lowed her to tho large, cool room whera 1"L i lu tnm oin.irgoo upon inospt li.h passlonand poetry, or sinks to tuneful bent over my task. As short us possible tho fovcr-strlclccn girl talked In wild providence of Hod. "Not a sparrow amines rus tlio lienrt. rl.r nr f.ills with I mniln Ihn misneiise. and in v own heart ilnllrlnm. falls without his notice;" and " tho very varying emotion. My beautiful vh-a-vts thrilled with a glad rapture as 1 softly ' Will ho never como back, mother? "r "'" ru nuinuereti. was not moro tlinn nineteen, full of en- closed tho bl tided eves, and said, tren- hcni t. will break with this loin.' sits- J'(r' Knows uiem in.ti aro m, thuslasm and poetry, nnd showed her tly: " You may hope to see again." pe'nse. How could ho misunderstand antl none of them shall perish." unselfishness by her ability to throw Sho had been so unnaturally still that me? The rapture of hearing ho loved Tho Quaker was not only pleased, but i l i i .... ii. ....!.. .1 i i i t..u i. bo win 'imtKcfl nml ilfll'liteil. The iiur wnuiu iiueieau lino uvury lupic, uu- wus iiul iuihi:iiuuu jui iuu iuiii iuiv- iuu i in u never ouiiiiuu niuii ( - i i heeding her own grief nnd misfortune, erlng sob antl burst of piuslonato tears mother, will he nover return ? Where IU!xt ,,1,v 1,0 for J,r 10 (,lIlU Iter mother soon left us to carry on tho which followed my worth. Itlsonoof could I weep out my Joy but on your with him. After dinner ho Invited Dr. conversation, hut the look of relief and tho holy privileges of my profession to breast? Oh, mother, my heart will Hinlth to take a walk around tho farm, pleasure showed me how she delighted havo the power to soothe and comfort as break 1" anx """tug to a pasture Held in which to sco her fhlld interested, and Inspired well as heal, and nover had my hands Sho knew mot Before the echo of her wero his cattle, he stopped abruptly and inn to fresh exertions to keen the ball of tried rentier caresses, mv voice more iiWIfiil orv hml illnl nwnv. her bead was said: conversation briskly tossing. Sho was fatherly tenderness, than when 1 pillowed on my bosom, her voice, ten- " 1 was much pletwed with thy dls proud, too, of her darling's ability to smoothed tho glossy bands of Clara derly low, sobbing course, friend Uobcrt, last First day. keen naeo with moon nil suhtects. some, llnunrd's b:ilr. and snoke words of lmtio Ymi linvn iviinii to inn?" Now, theo knows, we follow our leader, times frankly questioning where a term anil encouragement to still her wild And then, peacefully content, having George Fox, who bore his testimony or reference puzzled her, but oftcner sobs. found her love, sho slept. 1 left iter, ugtdiwt a hireling mini-try; wo never ready to meet suggestion by suggestion, Two days later 1 performed tho opor- wrapt lu sound slumber, to visit oilier W ourjmblii: friends, but wo somo- to give rcparteo for wit, news for news, ation which 1 prayed would give my sufferers, vaguely conscious of some times give them pre.-ents. wish to or argument for theory. Never did I darlingslght. My darling? Older than great bewildering happiness, some past give tneo a present, j nave iium. go.ni utter a more reluctant good-by than the herself by twenty long years, ugly in fatal bllnthites, but too happy, too agl- milch cows. I wish theo to select one ono which nreceded their drivim: from feature, tall and awkward in form, wld- tuti-d tn I'nllv I'lminrelieiid mv own run- for thyself." the denot. owed and bereaved. I was allowing mv tare. Dr.mith wished to decline tho gift, Mv whole day was absorbed In pro- whole heart's passion to pour itself out She recovered. Days of prostration but tiie (juaucr insisted, anil sain . OLAltA HOWARD A.N INSTANCE OP BLINDNESS. BY H. ANXtH FR01T. I liX'O been on a professional visit to Wn old patient who had left our busy, bustling city of L for country air and rcptrsc. The distance from the city mndo it rather inconvenient for mo to nay tho call, :hs tho trains would not time to suit me, and I was obliged to stay over night at my friend's house; but old attachment, a great Interest In tho case, and a decided liking for a breath of country air now nnd then, nil urged feSslonal visits, and my heart being in for my new patient. Kvery hour of in- followed the fever, but a sudden spell of " I will bo ollended at theo if theo re- A mo to obey his summons, and I had gono the work, no visions of the pale beauty tcrcoitrse bound my love moro closely to cold swept the miasma from the town, U1SP"' 3 threo days beforo the date when my ,,,,0 t0 disturb mo until lato in tlio her till I knew that the whole happiue.-s and tho patients began a now lease of Tll(1 Twtor having noticed a very story opens. I found him very ill, and evening, when I returned to my deso- or misery of my future life depended life. No new ca-tvs occurred, and before small mid ill-looking cow, said : bo urgent for my stay, that I had hastily .,te heme. Then, in tho little oillco upon gaining or losing the precious treas- my darling was able to travel, my labors "ANV11, if 1 niut taketiiieoflliecows '.' trmiMfi'rrnri mv nationts to a brother ,..i.n.n t ..r.UJ . ....,!. ,a i r..n i.. nr nf lu lnviv in im tim-ii wnm nn limner lirmlcil. I will take that small rod cow, pointing 4 v - I .1111:1.; A lil. .1... .).llllll.ni A 11.11 J I practitioner by telegraph, nnd staid with musing. it was not necesnary for me to see her It was mv task to console her for her U" tllt! 0110 ,lu h:l(1 it It--t I, anil which ho blm until ho was acaln eomnaratlvely n , ... n i . everv dav. vet mv hore stonnod before niotliiir's In t. mv hamiiness to ulve her suppo-cu uiu ic.isi, niimuu. easy. Sauntering down to the little slowiu,P ,no the past In vivid nictures Mrs. (Jilroy's in each morning's round, a future to look forward to, my hand 1 (1) liolo.-, sun nitnti jdinion, where the train condescended Luwllwnki,iiuv and for an hour, sometimes, I sat in the that cla-petl hers lu the close pressure of Jones, " theo does not only preach by a. i' r. i , rn., sw w pill, asiui ni.MiNHOiici.v i.irsoiut '..,,. '...,...., ' , tl, Knli-il. lvnt Hum cim choose bv the III HII1I1 I II I Mill: II IIIIIIIU 1111 tV.T il.T IL i J I H LI I a il. . I .1 I ll'll'l. I'll I 'I 1 I'f Willi Willi IIIV Ii:il 1IMI I, II Ml 1 11DIM lllll . . 1 1 f I W 1 1 1 1 1 I'lIIIVilll'l'lIIlI-IlM'L I ....... - , Ktwt from way depots, I saw waiting ed M.ifil nm', ..h,,,,. wl', lma ,1(.on Cl,r. her mother, listening to her eloquent in, and tho pale cheek began to tinge Spirit; t batl t U re m to lu upon the platform two ladles dressed rf d to , fl t rcs1Ig.ll,ttWS fln, thU words, her expressive voice, and noble with returning health, she gave me her I 1m , lib mil. n ot m 1 it r in the heaviest mourning, and closely , hom(1 Ijjttlo IW h,,(j thoughts. hand in tho little church of tho town, hundred dollars, but thee shall veiled. They wero standing leaning H1)()rtp(i n.'01md me low 'sweet voices At last the day came when tho ban- in earnest of her love for me, her will- have it." v. ngalnst tlio railing of the platform, tlmcii to childhood's happiness, fair Mages could como from the largo eyes, bigness to link her whole life with mine, m"w' u " u , u "" ". ' faces full of merriment seemed haunt n rough country boy was seated upon . , ,,.. , .,. .,. ., ' ul'aw; . Gla".Cl,!f Tnl UT " S"V. ' , wlnsomo girls, wen, And accordingly, tho samo ovouing mill Hin tliml lost nf sh'lit be ninile. As Alv ilnrllniM A invlinnil sunn! frmii the little COW Wils driven tothe"MlllM'," - : . . ... :. yr.'... " :: 1 : ..... .. , ... , ..t..nt.. 1 drew oil the lino liandlerclilel,siileld- hor eyes the blindness of di-ease, so her aim piucu m uu .i uuuu.u .uu.-.wu.. ing tiie light from her, sho held the lids love sweeps from my heart its sorrows to tlio dominie's dairy with that feeble curiosity that passers-by rccaiicaf'roni their graves to memory's l""1''1 'y down, holding out anil pain. No cloud between us, no uer Junius. (loill)t to cnill our love, my tiaruug nun " Mother! let me see mother first." I, hand in hand, face life's duties, striv- Mrs. Howard was already kneeling ing to share our wealth with all deniand- attnet, I went forward to the other end K , ,hm lh; M (, Of the platform to watch, too for the f . ,() n K mmQ U) jmiii nir froln frin lliron tmmtl tliv ' '. , 7, i .,, T u,u ln' l'yw 1111(1 tliri11 heart, as, vyes wandored to the group destined to , ,oomJn , in llt,r muial dress fair und u' tl,u ''llilir' uml lllu 1mf? ri,l'turous UnK nitl, to give our sympathy to every ihj my iuiwwiiuwius, uu uui , , if i,n!0 .fwtnimw tmlllil mid k, wiucn (iraniv m uvory luaiuru 01 uuluni' Heart wo meet on ino'ri puun, 41. rt ....a.all mw um.W...l.f i 'l I t . P.. t. 1 1 . i. I'll . a j .,..! ' ". ' V , i ii i V 'i . . stiff in her shroud, I again saw her in u Wils J"""1 U,H"I" ,a,il oi'Bi .v eariie.-uy meeting uou s y mknnmvt, Mul devoted primarily lo ....... .. :;; . "; '' And why, following these, i,",7"',"'t(1" ' , " - win, io win jus mc.-sniK in... i.iuu., . (llp rtl)11.0 (lf All(ircw Johu-on, and sec ' "j " should como the sweet faeo of tho blind " V nd dignity of a woman, 'the train , clwir HWCot lml,ic ofllt.r voli;o I trembled like a boy as J ui: amo shoo ng along to tlio pla form, tho h! h.tomMl intL,lklL.t hcr collVL,r,a- obey her mill. o wonl greele, HEADING TO TIIE PRESIDENT i'ur.Y tell a story about tho I're-ideiil and a .-evoro test upon bis good-humor, which will do to relate. Tho linjM Hit,' is a sinallseven-by-nineshwtail HINTS TO HUSBANDS, TOILET MYSTERIES. J)o not jest witlt your who upon astib- it takes mo an hour every morning, Ject la which there Is danger of wound- says an Kngltsh atithore.ss, to make up Ing her feelings. Remember that she my etttnnn (my own hair) so as to pro- treasures every word you utter, though vent tho stunlnc front showing. And you may never think of them again, now that i havo mentirincii tho word Do not speak of some virtue in another chignon, 1 will let you and your young man's wife to remind your own of a friends into a secret nvpeutlilg (hat am- hiult. Do not reproach your wlfowitha cle, so that you may be able to discover per.-onal defect, for If sho has seuslblll- whether a girl wears ono of her owil ty, you Inlllct a wound dllllcttlt to heal, hair or of somebody else's. A natural Do not treat your wife with inattention ehliruou is never so smooth iw a false) in company; it touches her pride, antl one, becatiso, try as sho will, the neatest she will not respect you more, or love anil cleverest young lady's nut id can younny the better for it. Do not upbraid never prevent a few short hairs front your Wlfo In tho preienco of a third per- sticking out hero and there; foralthottgli on. The sense of disregard for feeling they may not show nt first, they will will prevent her from acknowledging her become visible to a certainty beforo tho fault. Do not entertain your wife with evening Is out, especially after dancing. pralslngthobeaiityandaecoiiiplishnieuts Now, the false chignons are nlittto of hair of other women. Do not, too often, in- all of tho same length, and secured so ite your friends out. to ride, nnd leave tlrmly as always to present a smooth your wife at home. She might suspect surface, although 1 have known some that you esteem others more companion- girls purposely pull two or three of the able than herself. If you havo a pleas- hairs out antl cut them oil' short, so that nut homo and cheerful wife, pass your these chignons may seem natural, which evenings tinder your own roof. Do not I call very wicked, and what I nover be stern and silent in your own house, should do wore I obliged to wear false and remarkable for your sociability else- hair, which, thank goodness, nm not. where. Remember that your wife has Then, again, falso chignons, especially as much need of recreation as yourself, of any colored hair (which Is very ex am! devote a portion, tit least, of your pensive to buy), are rarely all exact leisure hours to such society and iinnine- inatch with tlio wearer's own hair, so mcnls as she may join. Ily so doing, that lo disguise the ditlerenco theynrtl you will secure her smiles and increase frequently covered with a lino net, which her all'ectiou. Do not, by being too ex- is sometimes Ornanlonled With gold ict in pecuniary matters, make your spangles; .-o whenever you see. ono cov- wife feel her dependence on your bounty, cred in that way you may bo certain It lends to lessen her dignity of char- it is false, because no girl who had hair icier, and docs not increase her esteem enough to mako a chignon would over for vou. If she Is a sensible woman, she think ot hiding it under a net. Dear should be actpiainted with your business me ! what a trotiblo one's hair is to ono; and know your income, that she may reg ulate her household accordingly, lie CHINESE WIDOWS. it remembered that pecuniary n (lairs Widows urn obliged, by custom, lo calise more dllllcultles than any other wear while, black, or blue skirt, when cause, ourwllclmsanciiiiul tight with they wear any skirts at all. They aro yourself to all you poe-is lu the world not allowed td dress in red and gaudy therefore she should be made netiualnt- cd with that which Is of great import ance to both. skirt, as though they were married and their huMiands were living. Hence tho expression, " murrjhiij the weaver of a white skirt," applied lo a man who mar ries a widow. Poor families sometime.) arrango to marry oilo of their sons to a widow, when ihey feel themselves una- JOHN O'GROAT. IN the reign of .lames IV. of Scot land, three and John i came lo the coast of Caithness, with a letter in hatiti from that monarch, recommending them the protection anil , r 1.1 1.1..,.. 11. l.,..l I I, ..im-.mncem nr. surj.s ...... ...... rmillly for 0110 Of its SOUS to marry II Theygotposses-.onofa largo district of .. ... . ,....,,,.,.... i. ,e brothers, Malcolm fiaviii, lt ;,rl of gootl" character, lO'tiroat, native of Holland, .,'..,.,,,,. 11(.,.,,ssarv ox.,e..M in such a cae. The expense attendant on marrying a widow is comparatively small. It is considered a disgrace to a i 11... ....... ........ r..........l l.i .,.1.1 " LT T n" , " :, '.. r revealed, 1 did not then compre SUUUb UiU tlUH JVj t llliu uivi iuu im 1)011(1 uho moved Hlowly forward. Clnra ral . .11-. 11... .1 ...1. Olio was onnosuu inu uu..., w.u.. u . ,,.,., w1,tlr. r m .Ipocj good-miturefl '' Come, hurry up !" from , d " )C.cllliUill; ns to whcther tho 'V Uie conductor startled her into taking a Imil,sl creeping in among my black ll0' ? amo to greeted me, hut the large eyes filled with gratitude ondarily to the advocacy of tho Stiru- nerian mode of recon-tructlon. l.ew. DR. SMITH AND THE QUAKER. in. ltm.r.rr Smith whs settled nt Campbell happened to pick up a copy IWwvlvnnln In I7.",0. tt'lliw Ol It, WHICH WIH peculiarly 11CII ' in v - 1 1 . ....... .i, i , i r.. . ...... I . nirnrli nm ii ,o to tench Vlllipir moil ami m.uhi.ii. iiv .v.-.v Vciiden.v until his death, to tliu Wlilto House, aim in u.e course bear it; so in tl.epresei.ee of mother which occurred about the year ITS.",. A an interv i s a.. . , andaunt.kneellngbythelowchairthat near neighbor of Dr. Smith's was a J row-t tr,m , h iif.ni mo iinriimr T toll mv iivi. mv (Miuker. or inent . wito-e name, ai- """i ..v.". "" '-l -" ' . ' .... ..,,,. ,llirnit .iii.nlnl Mini i.ii.ri.l rum . though olten iiienlioned to mo, now es- -"" - ; .. .UHL-il.Ull, 1 V..U llUt lllUll LUIIIIMl.- ,. i ., ,. ll I ,).,.. ..,,n 11,,..,..,. ml ; but as the evening crept on, tho ' ll,u"t t;irrl('a l"" lw l ' n!M " ' ,?, ..n.oryormyn.ornlng'sridecromlcl hor Hps, and pressed kisses upon it e . ' u : t tho past,'and 1 dreametl only of tt land, antl in process of tin.o multiplied lclvMl .lIl(,'han.lsomo she lilay be, iu and i-rospcreil until they numbered W(,n as a (H,,rm.L.ril, or simmeful step eigin tiincrom proprieinrs ny me iiamo of (iroat. On one of Ihcannnal dinners instituted to commemorate their arri al at Caithness, a dispute arose as to well as a disgraceful or sllamerul step on (lie part of tile widoW to consent td marry again. Ko ricli and fashlonnblo family ever marries a son of tv widow. a ,,.;,i,,, ,,.,i ,,ii.,.,i I., . : ,. ,,i . . . . .. 11 1M1IIMI H IIWV LUIUIIUI HI IIIIU III II IVU l no r.gn m precei.eucy in i u e ,)ri(laU.llilir , rouc f,oln lcl. roidcM,co 4 I irriitr hit i tv iirniiti i i i tn 'iniMHi Ml' hlHU I " . . . I 1 1 i rv,rw.ir,i. I., iiiinllinr Inst.nit hIid V " She turned away from me, stretched capes my recollection . ' . . . .... ... . locks could mako mo any uglier, or i . . u .,.. ,. ,lf -vr,. , ... iw, WilHmii .lones, tlimilil litltVI UMIIill llli'llllllllir iiiiiii.r uii I . . ... . ulil iivi iwiim nun u vi.i '-nvaiv.-- .... ... wiietner snowy nair woutii icnti a tngni I will assume it tll's. Jet me see now you aiu us lupin- Dr. Smith and lophy-" waxetl very serious, and threatened to break un these annual gatherings. Rut (lie wisdom nnd virtueof.Iolin prevent- d this rupture. I lo made a touchin; pooch to tlieni, soothing their angry wheels of the cars, had I not thrown my rirm around her jiistintime tosavo her. " Takocaro!" I eried hastily. " Don't you soo tho step?" She was trembling so violently that sho could not answer mo, and while I In thought blamed hcr for such an excess ty to my big nose, great forehead, and huge mouth, a wee note was handed to' me from Mrs. (Jllroy, one of my wealth iest and most agreeable patients. It read as follows : arms Mini a cr.v m -niiiii,i . i" .unm. .nni,., - - ..iin.. . mother !" and sank, weeping, into her M, Joni wero very goo,l friends, m.d mp n. m - S une (lay ur. " " V V ... . .. . . written after the manner of l'ltitareh's mother's arms. Kven in that hour of often visited cam otner, .... T 1 .,r .1... ...nonillnnj ... tiitfli Clli1 "B""J 1 ....". v.. ...v, j.vau..,,...-, .w .... .... .... .. , ..,. ,rl.,m .....I .WmiP, I In show i... ,.!,. ..:..i.. ..... ... i.i-ii. i . iriiiimii . nnm! i ii ... ii'ii t nn r ii ii iiiiiitfii i vwn.,-... Ji.usuou iiimuiuu. v...s.K,.. s..v. ' . . '. . . Ul.ot T!,w. ,.-,w v.n-v .Mtimill.ln mini aunt tho directions for darkening tho we are good mentis and neignnors, yet V . T , ,, -ri, . in.i.i,...i room again, and went down stairs as I have never seen you at my ciiurcii, M 1 , ' , ' , ' . . , ' . !..!! . .... I 11.,. ,.......... p.. us un an app.-... ... '-'r vw......w.. ........ . , 111(1 precious niuinniirs ... .nr.. ...... .. .. ,. ,,,. ,;,,tu, ,. I I 1 l ..II M,l. I,,!... nviinnti.niiiu ,'""r ....... ...... ........ ii.... , ....... j . . . . .... (ho nL,nu)ry onm. deceased husband. in this, lie entreated them to return to their homes .p.letly, and li" would cuiltotiuiiw mvrol. to assist In"her ip. reniedythoci.rrentdi lic.il y a tile next ,)0rl)tir SUI,1)0rt her entirely, (ban that .Mv iieaii DiitToii, Mi'im lint not cut hor flu- calmlv us if niv whole life was not as moeting-liou-e, as you call it." K.ir, tho parrot lmi not bitton cimrii.y, i nm not afj hQ ono from .j,!, j i,.ia ros- " That is very true, friend Robert, but I 3 '!, if t Mf ni1,.ilii, lii. lint,, 1,1. .il.it. nnfi... 11,1 I . V ! .. ....... .' ... ..i.i. "I v - IIJKllTK'lU, UllU ' 1I.I1IIC IHIlOliriHIllUK, IIOIWUII- . , .. ,,., , ',, Illlill-IIN IW i ,i,i. .,,,.., n,.n ,.. ti.u m.,m. cued her. thee knows the reason. o Quakers, as "Clara! how could you start without ing,im,,-3riom,iiu. Yours, vory truly, Two hours later I had turned over my we aro called, are not in favor of altlre rm.i, ,. f,.'.n,t.iii, miiluov. m-actico to an old friend, made my bank ling ministry, who aro educated espe- ..,.! 1!i,,i .,!, iJ Of course T wont. Mv hostess wro lirriinirements. and clo-ed mv house, to chilly for that purpo-e. Wo favor those 31.13 .UUIU UUI O.U ...ii.v.. J - - -v . n i ., i - - - jlnj i tan. met me in tho hall, nrraved in a" start at midnight for New York, catch who preach only by the Spirit. Soino Impulse, not want of kindness, mourning dress, yet wearing all her tho next day's steamer, and sail for ' Well, says the Doctor, without en prompted mo to raiso tho littlo figure smiles, and certainly looking most uu- Europe. tering upon the lirst point of your ob :.i ..i.. i,,- t anr,.t ...,n.. ti,o ,.r like an invalid. Sho could not love me. This was tho lection at present, I think I can say thai platform then find her a seat boforo I "Come in here, Doctor," she said, haunting thought that drove me from wo Presbyterians follow tho teachings took my leave. Tho car was crowded, opening tho library door, " and let me England to France, from Spain to Italy, of the Spirit in our sermons to tho und I fiSuud mvself obliged to stand, tell you why I summoned you. You over country after country, for three people." but suoceeded in placing tho blind girl aro looking at my dress; 'tis for my weary years. AH tho tender inllcctions ".Oh, no, friend Robert ; theo knows i,i line iiii,,ii,.ti,.i I., fr.wwi ntitfiriQ brother: vou remember Slenhen. who of her voice that had fed mv mad hope very well that theo prepares thy tlis- ,.,. h , . . . ....... ,,i.., , i ........r. .1,,. ..i. ,it ii I'res ii lent. Tho tall lady would not suffer mo to took a Tiinon-oi-Atnens ircitK twenty wereuiciaieu nygraiiiuuo; iiioyieiumg cuui.-u uunuu uu-u mnis ... r,. ...... ( low myself away; sho held outaslen- years ago,. mil burled himself in a conn- of the soft liand to my long clasp, tho "That is quite true, to some extent, y1;1;,'" lor, ungloved hand to me, and threw try town, where bodied?" permitting of my respectful caresses in but nevertheless 1 can preach without .ack the veil which concealed hersweot I nodded. pain, were all given to tho doctor and such previous preparation." ' 1 listened to it attentively, I low do you like that?" said Camp bell. "Well, it's not bad, said Andrew good-humoreilly. "Now," said Campbell, J want lo test vour patriotism." And he read an article showing that between Andrew Johnson and Renedict Arnold there was sav that a hidance In favor of tho latter in the love of country. "How do you liko that?" said Camp bell. " Oh, it will do. This is a freo coun try, you know," smilingly replied the President. prepare for a test of your Campbell, and proceeded article entitled " Judas Is meeting. Won by his kindly spirit antl words, they complied with his re quest. In tho interval John built a house expressly for tho purpose, or an octagonal form, with eight doors anil windows. JIo then placed a table of oak, of the samo shape, in tlio middle, mil when the next meeting took place. he desired eac (iroat families to enter at his own door, mil sit at the head of his own table. bow dor, bauktho veil which concealedlier sweet 1 noiiiieu. pain, no uu ' '"'" " nu-" i"' i.?'"'""V " , T .,vi,,t ,,.,,1 Amlnnv Johnson." to the ef face and widow's cap. " I can't pretend to grieve much, you friend; but when ho old over sued, Well, tl.on," sail me imauei, f.,,. that the betrayal of his Master bv You must let mo thank you, sir," she know," sho said frankly, "lor we were tno tenner emm, puiuu, ingmeneu, ami win try mco, ' k f r Was as nothiiK' compared liio oeir.iyiii ui ...s i'iiii i'i ...f said gratefully. " My little Clara and I separated when our parents died; I liv- unloving, could only turn and weep preach on tills condition, namely, that ' ' nro not accustomed to travelling; Indeed, ing here, withniyau.it, until I married, upon her mother's bosom. I blessed I will give theo a text, which thee must w t wo havo nover been so far from home as hetravelliiigovertholengthand breadth her for those tears; sho pitied mo! not see until theo goes Into tho pulp it.' iut. I . . . .... .. . ,. .1 . . ii, . ... ill... t, ...TAL....I... ... .... r . ,i. ..r .1.. .....kIi. .in .in in, ui mi I in, ..n r nt . inifn ,ii,, iw, Qniiyi. . ii not rn .wit inn ...i v i nii.'niiT . in it." sa h iji . ,si..i.t wo are going now, ana 1 leu puniups u ..., .... v ,,...3 . ..Jt , , . Ident"" What do you think of that, Mr. I'res - " .. ' ' . r ... i. .it.. ...1.11.. l.... .I... li.i.l ., .,,..,..,. I.,,,. 1.. I n Tr-,. unnocossar lyanxlousaliout my trunk.-." o . ucoricspunucu u...H..n.i. , ....u ..... ...... -v .w, . ..... -. ...,. T?uessmv shoulders aro broad 7- . . . . ... . . . 11.. ll.lln .Iiit.nl ., 1, ,, m. nr, inorl 1 i.,i,,l,l l.t.,,,w, ,i,i,l t.iir.liMll.r, lll.V ! llt llllV ! llllll Will 1 11, 1 kilt SS lll, SlullllllL. s ... D III 11.1,1 Jfi "VOU UTO going 10 Lr 1 IWKCtl. ero rcuny vv.j r"'",, ""'"' " . .""7. . .7, ' . ... " ....n..l. I,, stoml It." rnnlled his Excel- " Yes, to visit a sister of Clara's father, though now, conversing with his widow, her with no coquetry ; trunk and guile- scud up tno so.uou, tiici- u.eo ... n ; ?- - A disnieasuro. It is only a few months slnco" sho I deeply regret tho fact. And this brings less as a ciiiiu, sno n.ui suucreu ran o tno long prajer utnui x it-.i.n .... ,;'" , w Ui(j (,U;iax mM ntnnnoil w lh full nvn.4 nml n milverliiL' 1110 It) VOlir DUlieill. .V lew weeas ugo rcau ner it-iuiui kwuiuiuu, iiiui u j, hi uiiumh, .1 . , , , ....... ,m n-. w . 1 t.. 1 i,, .!.. tt,.ri it i.'i'imttj ,,r ,in!.lii wluit T ovnec ted M am pneii, ami ucgaii 10 unu a uniiuiv lip, but tho mute glance at ner own ana .ys.Me.-i -mil iuu " Z r1 1 'V . Z . i I ,,. Z, ,:,,.,,,, I,,,,,, ! ...vJ leaded editorial to tho oilect that the hor daughter's sable garments told me mat 1 wouni nun ner a ...mimnS iui uA. n.pu ........... iM.v.u.j..i .- ..... .. ... , , would lm circulated throtuih iwhat slit could not utter. where sho could remainwhllohordaugh- dreaming. Dr. Smith, " but I accept I, ami w 11 ex- ; M II w 'I . 1 ' You must let mo take charge of your tor was under medical treatment, and Time seared over tno wound. 1 coi.1.1 pect to see you at u.o 1 cmic.i cmum 1 .." ii,j Oior t,mn Ueueral How- unie- nexi rji.iuiay inoiuiiiH, ........ 1 . .,. ., . , t ...... ...1.11 ...I..I..X ncl.'iiir. ,,i., .ifK'l.ii, nlini.t n nliv. I twit fiil'ii-.'l. llllll lllfllllll-v Wfltllll sllttlli- lllivt SllllllllV naggugo nr. tno ucpoi, a saiu, wjiuiif; in .us" om..s .j n-- . . -...... ., . no D .. .''.... ' .... 11. 1 1 I....1 i. 1 I . . ...I. .1,,, l,,,,.l ,l,...,.l... I, nt I 1 ... . 1 I n,. C, 111, 1, nt, ,11, il 1U1 l.nli.It Hn iirxt Hid .change tho subject. " L havo none 01 sicuiti. tn course 1 un iiiau.niinn mu ,., . ,u ..i. u0w do vou like that Mr. I'resl- myown,socangivoa.imyaiieni.o. to .... v...., ' " r " V " k,,'u, ,,,, ., dent?" in.tulred Campbell 1. , ri,l, llimlitiin't Inllirlii'll his ijuakor neigiiuor was tncro; aim ai ...' .-", now acquaintance of the occupants of "Cataract, I think," s 10 replied; present, ireso.ve. o return nmne. 1 no appomic. un o nu " '.. nV"r t Wr Vi.lnd tlio other llintr. bit vours." and I liowed mvself away." ly tlatighter, her only child." . I it 11..1111 1 1 1 Tho next stonnlmr.nlaco dcnrlved my " nat is tno trouoie 1 nsu.cn. t n 111 liniywiien text. 110 commenc-n iu scivictn tn ' .; , ,, ,. ,r . . . ... ... . . i ., tin. inn,,., ilne-n't It striko vou that the Howard en, null inu nc.i nils iisiiui niainii;. , ...... ii.iv. .""s ptirposo. A fatal prayer," lio coininenced n very long pun .s .. ...... .uwr..... to out, and I was p-alm. 1 believe it was not tho Onuhun- vauip. eu sui.i iu ra..y ..... ... H..,lUtl,.t,,v.M. imu ilri.il nn.l TSTIi lot. ....it 1 Psu 111 t imilnltOU . llllll 111 llllll llglll. J nu 1 irs....-.. ........ it was becoming part of other painful over tho congreg: reminiscences, unconnected witli the his Quaker neighbor was there; anil at 1 tho seat beforo her, and I took posseV " total blindness following fovor, nearly was in a llttloseaport tow Rlnn Immediate v. turn ns? tho seat to two years ago. Tlio mumiiess camo 011 niy re.-oiiiuoii was i.ik f.,.HiohlliidLdrl and her mother. Roth suddenly, and my brother wan very day 1 changed my vMlsu'orn now raised, and I could seo anxious to put nor at unco miner treat- epmeniiu lever unu . .. . . 11 nil 1 all I. aV 1.1. .. him 11. j Ul tl.OIHll I mull Hill I'llll I 1 1 f I I W tlioaoiicatoueauiyoiiue auncietiiatiy. . .c , ..ui .s u, .. ... a .1,0 Iv took the paper antl nm.lo some note, Villi- ulth hlni.k- lllllr 1111(1 llOllVV lllliek tlllll HIS WHO COlllll UOl ICIIVU llllll ; HUT Hlllliill,lliBi.i3 viouihb iui or,iii,u..ii. mil 1. iHiaHiu.v 11 ....(, 4-i. . - - ...... . ...... - - .. ..... ; r, , ..i ,1 ,.,.i . 1 ..i...,t...,r..i. ..,. i .tnnoi. n.ii. dm uivinii on uie marmn 01 1110 oruer ... ..rnui... eyelashes sweep ng from U.o c.oseti Hds were unw.. ing u ,ru, '""Z ' . 1.1 . " V. " ' , , T I, , . , V 1 Howard, since which time It Issitpposed on tho pale checks, asmau moiun, sen- Honors, aim t.jura u....... . ...u ...... ..... u. ......... . ,,.,,.l,in..in.. 1........... im,t been In- sltlvo and beautiful, she w.w very love- hero without her mother." llud employment. There was not much er the ext. It was fro.,, the hook of t u tee I 1 ' , "i,",, iy lv. it natlout look of rodnnatlon stamp- " Can I seo heratonco?" I asked, my to make life attractive to me, so 1 dared Ezra, Hist chapter, and latter clau.o ot strun 1 n a n u ui 1 ln A J U ,n,.,K.t, ti.ti ,i,i.i,r.ii- iimivt r,.ii nf bone. contagion In tho narrowest courts, the the ninth vereo: " .Miie-and-iwenty 10 11 mu. b"""1" iul 1; j .y vv.iit 1 111111 11IU1.H.MVI.HIMIH ... . . expression AVTi. u-ni'it wnnn i hit nn fVr.f-.Iv Nfinin I lllOllll'P Htm. rriv.lmieiit. of tho lont? nsallll CilVO llllll it few llllll Hiuurm'j.i ivui.t uuiii jnoiiici unu u...... viui,....i j-.... . , . . . , .n-.. !., ci.irw.t r ti... ti.tir.,. f. liuleed. s... is nlioniltr mi airltated th.it Wo had found it best to organ M our utcs for rellecllen ; when that was end- inl.-ioiiune can depress, i,,n.t. ..... CUUMll Uli IIIU OW'JVVII Wl HW 1 - " I I . - , , . .a, ii ... . !. 1 A. ..!.. I C... I.li. ii Cn.1f.-Jil) fil.1t. t . .tllil 'r I liiri'l fill! 1 fulfil 1111 V'w If 111 Mill 1 ri'l'lillll I I I lid liniMI 111 I MllULUlt'l'lt 11 IM ICAl. ill II two hours of sodnl converse. Tho nows, I Hblcuwl eagerly fur Mi. UilroyV, hrat. Mlnowtw rrowdetl, when a huiu. notkvU a biullo upou iho fat-us of h s h.otlMii vi hue. At lion t, a n urn " 'I . .. . . 1 .1 ii.i ,..1,1 ,, ,.i..i,i.i- .iiiiiiii ,11 1111m niiii.i 1 1 in M.iiiniir. in-.. ...... . ,,,,,1. i.,i.A ..I.. i,n rninrn. u'nti" iiiui- t m .iii.ii- .111 v nii v. iiinn ii'inii a oroiiier nrnuiiiio 11 1 111 1110 eoiicrre" alio 1. oven kjiiiu vrnuiaun- .,- .mtu...., .... ... cmiwaiiw uiu www ...v...v...u, ...... r.'n.. . , : . ... , ..,.. .,.i..Ui,.. ,...,1 l..kn..etv.i..iornamen . tUOUsauu OVCr-cnanglllg topics 01 small tin i saw nci icuuiut, ui, jx-a ui um m-.u rue.;, v........ ..j,,,,, ...u .v, ......v. ..... j..... ,w ..... - . , , ... 11 ,,vl . ui .. .11 , . .111 1.... 1 ..... nir.,i, . .in in .1.1,1 1 ik.iM. ti.11 ,,i . ,. 11 1 1 mi ! iMi.i...n:ini'i.. 1 ,11. 1.111 riuisiL'i.n .. it h..... , - " talk, wore eacn unu a.i minu.witn turn, ri,g co,. pun u,. l,u: "..rlT,.." I ' VJ ""',' .1 " ..: , mm. ,,r., ,,, ..nice, ndiroteinmunt logenliu; and the pale cheek brightened, t,o sweet 1 my iiunu iron.., ti, ns 1 p .ecu a an. ,iy,nS, commutcu ...a uuu. w 4""!, r.." LV.Ir.ar ViTo VJiri.....! it. wl.ut l n.anV A cnlcndld 1 uoooeii mv eaio. jiu biiuivu .u.v.ij u. ...v,.,..-.. . . .eart full of hope. contagion in tno narrowest conns, tno tno niiiin veree: iiie-auu-i wemy "Yes, I will bring her down. Her most filthy lodgings, scarcely allowing Knivco." A sharp as well as a hard mcrcial. noiher has yielded to my persuasions myself tluio for necessary rest and re- text, thought the Doctor. Tho singing to her intended husband, fihu must employ a common black-covered chair, borne by two men. Many families, which havo a widow connected with them, tire exceedingly unwilling that she should lihirry again, 011 account of tiie Generally his relatives, if in good cir- she should marry tho second time. CHARACTER 01 A TltUE PRIENfl CoNcmt.vixd the man you call yrtur friend; tell me, will ho weep with you in tho house of distrc-s? will ho faith- fntlf renrovo vou lo vour face for ue- i next meeting tooic place, it. ' , - . .. ., , , , , tains which others aro ridiculing and ach head ol tho dillerent . , ,, , ., ,. I? , centum itf uunin.i vutu uliik , ..... ...1 dare to stand forth id your defence when !..,.".. V,.; 'lotraction is secretly aiming its deadly inisnaiip ...... l"-' ..,,. . ,.,,,. ,,,(11H.,.. u-lll 1... n... 'ood feeling and a pleasant looting to , "l , 7 11( ho sensitive fu.nill k antl gave to the kumvledge you with hesamo cordiality ood Dutchman's name an interest and behave to you with the same frien.l- tho good which it will carry with it forever, ly attention in tho company Of your su periors in rank and fortune as when the claims of prido tlo not interfere With LEARN TO "SPOUT." those of friendship? Jf misfortune nnd Tins is tho llrst advlco that 11 female io-es should obllgo you to retire into a whale gives to its young, and it is just walk of life in which you cannot appear the atlvico that every American mother witn tno same iinerainy iw lormeriy, should glvo her boys, in no country in will he still think niiiiseu nappy 111 the world is thoro such a field for oil- your society, tuui instead 01 wiiiiiuaw hiind speakers to operate in as in the ing himself from an unprontablo con rnited States. A man cupablo of stir- nectlon, take pleasure In professing him riiigupa multltudoat a mass meeting seir your Monti, and clieeritiny assist,, can reach any oillco in tho gift of the you to bear tho burthen of your alllic- people, beginning with comptroller or tloiisV V 11011 sicitness snau can jim u. poultry, and leaving off with the i'resl- retire from tlio gay and busy scenes of dency. In tho present Congress thcro 1110 worm, win 110 louowyun in... juu. aro ilfty-slx Kenators; forty-three are or gloomy retreat, listen with attention to havo been lawyers, leaving only lltir- yotir"talo of symptoms,- aim ii.iuuii- teen for all the other professions. Now, Islor tho balm 01 consolation 10 jum wliv is this'.' Why fliould twenty fainting spirits 1 thousand lawyers have eight times as many repre-entatlves In tho Senato as lie wholo twenty-tlvo millions of other people'.' For no other reason in tho world than that lawyers aro good speak ers. Hut why should good speakers lie limited to 0110 profession.' o know not a single good reason. Kvery school should have a declamation club con nected with it. Hoys of all classes should bo Initiated into tho art and mystery of persuasion. With early training tho mechanic and fanner would become as successful " on the stump" ns gentlemen who consume their oil in poring over tlio old fogylstii 01 loko upon Littleton. To bo a good speaker, all that Is reipttred is a llrst-cltiss mem ory and a little manly cuntldonco. The former can be aenulred by practice at any tluiej lite latter, however, can only be obtained by " breaking tho Ice" dur ing our school-boy days. Again we say, " learn to spout." An- empty head and a full purse are more respected than the man nf t-ciiso who..e pur-o has been ligiileued by the ;.t..tvv..t.iUv tl'.d'U vf luWviluiie. BEAUTIFUL EXTRACT. Oivr.me to know that thodoctrinoof Jesus is bread from Heaven, and that it sustains tho spirit and priiparc It for Heaven, and 1 may well bo iutiiiiereni whether that bread descended, liko tho manna in the de.-ert, in nightly dew, or whether, like tlio food of Klijiili, It wa.-t brought to my eager hands by tho ra vens, or whether it was broken for my self and the hungry thousands around 1110 by tho hand endued with miracu lous pow or. 80 long as 1 know that It. was sent to 1110 by tho Father of my spirit, and that, eating It, 1 shall live forever, I know that can glvo il value, and awaken my gratitude. When somo friendly hand presses a cup of cold wa ter to my lips, as 1 tun fainting with thhvt In a thirsty land, I wilt not ash, for I tlo not care, whether that water was showered from the skies or gushed from a spring. I ask not whether It win brought mo in a golden urn, or whether it was pri-euted in a crystal vast" or a Foldier's hemlet. It Is water that bids me live, and that li enough I'vl' JUC,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers