THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJ11G, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1866. 1 " LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. FOKEIQN ITEMS. WtrATuKontolminn wild to thoijdltor TltlJ MUno imiiiT bolloVM Hint Lord of IhoJtcpuMicmt" You'ro imlu.moii.'' Alfred Churchill will bo tlio now Gov T , ..... ITIlOr 01 .JtllllllR'H. YVII.I.IA.M U. ..UAiMruciv w V.H., urn i era In flno groceries, No. 11 ' South Third Notice lm heen olllclnlly kIvcm Unit Htreet (opposite the U Irani Hank), ' "" MilladoWiIu. " homo from ll.o l nclllf. . ... ,, J II rmiuiiisii itovm vt uio 11.11 Oou neighbor of thoiff)Wmlmsn .,, ,,..,, i.,.,,.. , l.v ivmvlnn jHisblou for liiilulgliig In (luotutlons from tvejii-cilrttl.- olf tho 1'l.dto River. Wcrlpturo. Slmkespenre, whom ho 1m ftv ,,,,,,...,,,, , ,. ..., nlso fond of quoting, must have ha. our Issuel formal contemporary In , hi "i"t' eyo when ,,w,nnili01l, of wnr ,w,,-1Ht Alwtr!n. noiiuiiiiuuuiuiuiiumiiKi , , f . .. ., ''Tho DoyllcntiBcrlpture for 1,1s purponmiotpi ! , , - An tvll soul producing holy witness till' sovt'iiloolh for the illiliy, uccompmil- l like iv villain with a, smiling face, I eel bv (. oil lit lllsmtirck. ABOoaiy npple, hut fotlcnnUlio core f ' , ,r , , ,in(,mrni A iiahpjii:hi!Y festival, for tho bcnotU im,i iLr,.lvcil order.-, to hold Itself ready K)t tho Oerman Reformed Church, will t0 march into tho Duchies!. lio given four evenings of next week, lT u (lmt .,,,..,.,. ...... ,..,.., rjMlE ONLY l'LACH turjet Iho bust T011ACCO AND CIGAIIH, AT AND 1IETA1L, isnt nuNcisiiEituEitH, a few doors below Iho Amci Icon House, llloonisljurtf, l'n. Ho hns tlm Inrgest nud most select of SMOKING AND CHEWING TOIIACCO evcroU'erod Id tho citizens of lllooinsburg. All tho fancy brands of SKOAltS, mid tin- best I'lup-ctit inul Tins CHEWING TOIIACCO, ran bo hml nt his onuntprs. TOIIACCO I'll'IM 111 grinl vnrloly are among his lurgo ntnck, don"t I'oiunrr to cam,. it, it, had broken out in both the l'russlaii mil Aiwtriiin armies. L1 ETTING. SEALED PROPOSALS ulll lie vi i-i'll'i'il lie th Itotinl r,t Ki'liiml III. Ifi'lors III Scott Towns 1 II. Ill Charles S. 1 OW lets ulll,'... nl IVniv. nil NAT IIM1A V. .ItM.V rillllt. ti:i:xti. iv!. between ii. ! iiniirMiirtHiiiiiiil four Lati: telegrams via I'raguo state that "!'rl,l,,'r,! . !n''V'r!! ,.11"';l..V.:i4.,.,,'.VV. tho Austrians) crossed the tronlier Into I mui t.i'iiicntlt'i' w in ii (.-siiitiitoi nt ihu pincu Silesia on the nineteenth. """ " '.i Afi.u ti:iiwii,uuki. l'.cvt. i ri.i i.u i.. i. ni'i'.v, I'm: London Owl siys several iron- si,tt t.iii-iiiii,.iuh."jt, fw. G1 HAND OI'KNINO T OUAND Ol'I'.NtNn llltAND OI'IJNINU (lllANll OI'KNINd llltAND Ul'UNINU I'onimenclnK on AVednetday. Tho-o voinniendablo entertainments) nro very iioptdar here, nnd the pleasure ndbrded In contributing to u worthy object Is en hanced by the pleasant form In which Inducements nro offered. Ik you want an economical nnd com fortable smoke, take a piece of sponge threo (iiiarters of an Inch wpiaro (In n dry state), make u small hole through Iho eentre, then steep It In water until tf lwwinltllM lltsfnmlf'fl. .mitnn'n tlw. wnfin . .. . .... . .. . minimi Al'tlliln tin. frfitilliit' f if I .mil 110,nilllpllt tliesteniOItllOplliU llirollgll -m ' .,, Slim,, u, XmU; I.mlmhi Hlmllx; .1 pli llto 11010 Ulllll 1110 linwi comes 111 contact n wmius nnry i.wn Miiuii!!: iiarru t will. Ilin ...... ln nf 41... cnmiir,. f'li.i.vr.. Tin: K L'lit i ! oileml A nil V Corns, h IX- Mmilu : TlimillH SllllltZ! .llllmlllllll Hlllllt.i Ulll , .,' ., B ,,, ,.i i i..,. i..i...... 1 1,. Atln'rt A.Siultli, Ymi inul ciHluil . vmi mo luTi'liy mo pipe nun mi inu spungu wuu eiiiu i.ii' -iiiih, . . ....v. la, nail eiiecteit a eoncen . . . . . . ........ . .... ... . , .,1 emus are oeiiiggiit leiuiy 10 Mieiiguieii v Tm,. l.'sTA'I'K (11.' MAMITI'I . the IJritlolt fM-uadron in the Jledlterra- J. siiurz, iiix' i.'iiiiiiiionwiaiiii ii,..!,, lot iviinvmuila to .Invi'iili II. MI111II7.; Atntiow . ..... , ntiii.; i-iiiiiiui'i n.Miiiuz; i.iiHiitiMiuii.; minify it was reported mai iwo companies i,,,,.,,,,,,,!! with ncniiuirt Kik-: small, inter of Austrian I'luiM-elirs had occupied niiiiileilwltli.liwiitilliltiiln; Nmiiiiah.liileiiiiir rleil Willi Kiiiiut'i wiille; Jtiny Ann, water; then commence smoking, and it under of I'm will be fotiiKl I iat a wiviiil' ot twenty- nauon. llvo percent, in tobacco Is ell'ected with 1111 Improvement in the flavor, Y"K have received from tho Secretary of the Northeastern School of Design the prospectus of that instlttitlon. The objects of the school cannot but com- elteil Hint emiimanileil to honnil appear. In jour puiper pernm-siit mi Oiplian'M C.iurl, to l.o hoMeii nt i'lniinivlini'i;, In iintl fur the .n.iitl eouiily, tlm llrst Monit.iy of September next, then mnl them toaiHWer the bill or petition of K.nmiel I!. Shntt., mlinhilitriitiir of Sniiiiel Shnlt, Lite of lleiilon Town-.hlp, 111 Iho founty of Cohltnlila, iteeea,''!, prityiin? tlielVuirt to iteeree ttie npeeltle peiiorm. lime of eontlaet between Mllil Sjllllllel Hliultz, ile. eoavil, inul I UNlut shnlU mnl .loseph II. Mhnlt., ICiii" of Saxonv. with Huron I iww""" to the imo intent nmi int'tiniuic tiii'icuf. i,i rienv i-miu M n.v inu iMfi'i-iiir iirrnii niaili u Ol OAituiAi.Di arrived at llergasmo on the seventeenth, to inspect several bat tulloiin of volunteers anil Hersagliera. His reception wiw eiitlitt-.ia-jllc. He af terward went to Leeco. Till ' . . ---- - - at,,,, I. 1 ,i -ill, ,t. rie,. ' inpnii t inmmilvo-i Ini'verviinn. mil II inv ' '" " Unlrl ,.iiiirni k1.,iI,i n,,t l... ,l....r.....l fliould receive a .hearty hiiniiort. The '-'1' LreMlen on tho si.teenth for the witnosHtheiinnorabio i:iweii,i'reiiient flrst term of the school has lust closed, "'"'.v, miei humiik i-siu-u a iiiuci-uiia- " '1.1 Ill . .... I ... I I .1 ! nun caning 101 inu luj iu cu-iiiciauuii 01 hK"pcoile Tar. ICing of Hanover and the Crown I'rliicoset out on the fifteenth for the camp of the army, which was being concentrated near tiottingen. The nnd tho progress shown by tho pupils at thcnnminl exhibition was very mark ed. Its directors, twenty-three in num ber, have contributed one hundred dol lars each to furnish It witli models, casts, rooms, teachers, anil lecturers. 1 lie of our watil Court, at Ittoouisbur it.iyof .May, A.P. Nul. ,)V.-) COI.KMAN, Clell lll.ooMSIiriin, .IlllieT, HM. Iho ek'entli l. C. Htudtcs comprise drawing in outline, Queen and tho ltoyal Princes remained practical geometry, anil elementary at Hanover. perspective for the primary class, for Tin: Au-triaiw maintain profound si- tlie secondary class more advanced ex- lenco as to their intentions. "Wo only erelses In drawlngand shading; for the know that FieldOIurshal Jienedek in- advance elas still further progression, tends take Iho offensive, and that recoti- smd for professional cla-ses, laniLJcaiie nttcst and occupation of .Silesia are painting, wood engraving, figure paint- avowed its purposes of the Austrian ing anil lithography. 1'ee of the ses- campaign. iion of five mouths, fourteen dollars asc.s flon. Arrangciuents can nearly always ho mado for the reception of free stu dents. Tor further information address H. 1 Darling, lisq., Secretary, AVilke.s- barre, l'a. Till: ATf.ANTlCrONTII i.y rou.Ici.Y "Tho case of George Dedlow" is ti was regarded as a complete success BKctcn tun ot wmnisicai, lwyciioiogieai would proceed to I'orisnioutii in a 'I'm: arrival of the American squad' ron, consisting of the Aiifmla, Asntc- lot, and tho monitor MhtittoHomuh, at Queonstown on thesixteenth, attracted much attention. Tho monitor being an object of great curiosity, the voyage of the .Mhtuloiiontut ncioss the Atlantic She few nypLLKK'S STOKK. 1 I.1.-.U .l(lil .1, 111'' SI'ItlNd AND ."U.M.MKIl COHDsl. The vubieilber lias Just reluvneil froiii the cities with another l,iri;o mnl .select iissoitinent of Kl'llINll AND Sl'.MMI'.i: dOODS, piiieh.iseil In New Vorttanil I'hllnilelphla at Ihn towet ilui'e, mnl which ho Is ileternilneil to si lt on as moderate terms as can bu proeitieil else- whelelll lllooinsbtlti.. Ills stoik (olilpilses I.ADIIM' DKUSSS dOODS of the eholepst styles ami latest f.ishions, tofrf'ther wlthulmo assoitinent of Dry dooils anil lini ceiles, conslstlna of the followlii!arlleles! Cupels, Oilcloths, Chillis, upcculation. fr. Longfellow jiroduces (lays, accompanieil by tho Aiiiasta, and jiKecoiHlsoniieton"Tranlaunglante," ultimately they would go to Kuvsia. sind tho " I'assagcs from Hawthorne's The Axiitelut is bound for China. rNoto-llook" aro continued, as is Charles lteade'sstoryof "Grinith Gaunt." The paper on "Indian Jledicine" has a pe culiar interest, anil it is a most valuable contribution to the history of demonol- ogy. Goldwin Smith's " Knglishnian in Normanda" presents novel phases of a much-betravelled, inucli be-written re l'lnn. Hnvnril 'IMvlnr's skoti'b of Kuck- ert. the crreat German orientalist and "' poet, Is timely nnd attractive. Major, Ifenrv S. lllirrage, in tllO "Siege of Hli on M.iln Street, In white frame house, b, Knoxville," recounts the history of that event. " Tho Great Doctor" is the first part of one of those stories of Western life which Alico Gary writes so well. Scientitlo readers will he charmed with flio article of Professor Aga-si, on the geology of tho Amazon Valley. Bryant gives a fino poem under the title " The Death of Slavery." Tho remaining ar ticles in the number are: " Itelea-ed," a poem, by Mr. Whitney ; " To J. IS.," n poem, by J. It. Lowell ; " A Bundle of Bones," by C. J. Spraguo; "Aunt .lu ly," a graphic sketch of a negro charac ter, by Dr. S. W. Palmer; Jlrs.Stowo's "Chimney Corner" paper, and critical notices of" Kcco Homo," Saxe's poems, "Fifteen Days," "Life of Silliniaii," etc. Tlcknor anil Fields, Publishers. MAHRIBD. in Locust Townsliip on tlio stvlh of May, I. si 1(1, by thellev. .Mr. l,ee,dl.ol!ili: S. Ciilawlssii, to Wll.AMl.VA llAlr.ol 1iellst ToHli- S'llp, li. In lllonmshiirj;, on Tluirsilny evt liln;;, .lune the iHi'iily-elKtilh, liy tho Dev. s. C. slielp, dlltlo.s, to Au.M.S SNtlimt, both of Uloouiblll):, low Hie r.xchfllle Hole!, IlolK'l't 1'. Cllll'li, ATTUltNi:V-AT-I,AW, Olhco pornei' of Main aul Mnrl,el Streets, oet list National Dank. 1 Mice John (.. l'Vcct', A'IT01tXi:V-AT-I,AW, ill I'ilster mnl lieeoulei'.s oltice, in Urn liueim nt of the ('on it !iouc, Wi Jiy Will, a'itoi:ni:v-at-i,aw, Olllee on Main Stu el, overs'. II. .Miller's simp. Casslnieres, l-'lanliels, Slues, Whllo dooils, l.llielis, lloop SlCills, Muslins, llollowwaii Ci'il.n vearo tiueensuaie, llanlivaie Hoots an, I Shoes, Hats mnl Cups, lloop Nets, Umbielhis, I.' j'lklhU'i .'lasses, 'J'obaeeo, Collee, MliWIs, 'Peas, itiee, Allspice, dinner, Cinnamon, Nutmet's, AND Nill'IONH (!i:Nr,IIAI.I,Y III shoil, everylhlni; usually kept In coimhy stoles, to wiileh ho Unites tho attenilon of (hu public generally. The liljhest prieewlll bo,l tor country prmhico In exchange for koo,K. S. II. Mil, I,i:i:, Amnio r,uliilins, llloomsbui', I'.i. OI1N STUOIU C. It, Iti ocl:u ay, ATl'01iNi:V.AT-I,AW, on Main Street, fltsl iloor wit of Iho Couil House. & CI)., Successors to stroup .t Itrother, wiioi,i:sai,i: Di:Ai,i:i:ti in i'isii, No. 21 N01II1 Wharves, iiinlS". N01 tli WaKr Sl l'hllailclphlii. NEWS ITEMS. Cliailcs (' lliuKli'y, ATfi)I!Ni:V-AT.I,AW, Ollh'pon Main Sdeet, overs, II, MlltcCs Slme, AVIIliniil II. 1)U1)III:A1) .t JCAITD, . AI1I10II, ATTOltNKY.AT-I.AW, Catawlssii, l'a. M. i:. JucUm.ii, ATTOItXllY.AT-I.AW, J!er ick, Cohiiulila County, l'a. M. 31. Coovr.ltT, the murderer of the family, was ontWodnosday sentenced to ipcmingoniiio iweniy-iouiiuoi -vugusi, n.tDLiciKiiioti, Ohio. Turn work of building tlio new rail road .from Camden to Highstown, via Moorestown, Blount Holly, and Pern . Jiotton is to bo commenced at once 1 'The Howard Express Company ear ried over tlio Heading Jtuilroad to Phil ndelphia ninety-two barrels containin fight thousand dozen eggs, 0110 day re- ; i-eutly Tim cemetery at Anilersonvlllo the Icharnol-houso of tho South Is tho larg I .1 1., ii... ....,, I,.., rt .,, ,(.,!,, j 1 .....I..,, Townsliip, in 1110 cimniy or loiiimoia, d Iauufacturers mnl Wholesalo DcalerK In !( Hflti AND SIIOIIS, No.'.'ll NorlliTlilrilfcticet, I'hllailelphla. Tiauli, ATrnHXIIV-AT-IiAW, Near Aniel lean Hotel, J, LKSTlUt, 11 iioicsaai aim Jicuill I'eaiei' in I'OltlUUN AND DiiMCisTIC CAIII'HTS, Oil. CI.OTIIS, WINDOW SIIADlis, Ac No. :"J North Secoiul stie. t, opp. Chi 1st Chun Ii l'liihulclphi.i, M. .11, ,' Villi-, A'lvl'OltNi:V.AT.I,AW, f 'enlrall.i, Columbia County, l'a, TI1K NATIONAL 1! KPI'HLICAN 1 A dl!i:.T XATIIINA . .11 ICIINA I,. luiblisli, ililail.i ami weekly, In Die National Cnpl III I, 1 1C I'll', I III I III' ll 1,1, "I I 1,1 I in, NATION' VI. VDMIN sIlt.VTlOV. 'inlalnbu'. beslile editorials on tlio leaillm. lnnii .Uliillisi'uioi"i .Mince. i.siuie ol jseil- O! llieiiay, llle i.... ii i I i...,....-...,' i. l..VTI.sT IM'i H l.l, Sl.i.s, in II , 1 1 nil,,! i, i .niiiin ,,i ,i,i,iiiii,iiijiiii,,i . , . . .. .1 1 i nuil ..c ti.. r I. 1 1 1.. Il.., O I... "." -I "'!'" "' I - .il'll'lll ....,.., ,. H i,.,i ..... lavm ; ,ue eslate of lteubell lies, l.ltil of I'lsbbli.' Ci ivl: Ml l.-sT H I.I A 1I.I . HI. 'I llt l'S ,'.nw.l ol Hie lll'iicee'lliusoi i ue iivo iiousesoi l onmi ss, teaseu, i.i.'.w ,,. ,,r n,., i',,t,...i k,..,... ..,,.( .11 nhi ... 1. .1 ....! In II... .-... l.'lll ,,,..1,. ."' .. .... ... . "".""'."".-" .... i .o..,.-. i,,.,.... ......... " - uie 1 ou 1 1 ill I nil Ills ; iii-i. AI.l'Iti:i) T. Clti:Vi:i.I.NU, Aihu'r. I'lMIINO ClIFI Iv TolCNMIII. ) Van Camp 1'. u .luoe II, Ni, HAHI'KU'S NUW .MAdAlNi:. .MONTHLY thousand nine hundred and seventy-two liu.llti mul ,,,,. imvii,a einims piescut them graves Kitosi New York wo learn that otllcer.- who served in tho late war are applying, In considerable numbers, to General Ulmau for positions under iilin in the volunteer eoriw of Garibaldi in Italy A iT.w days since a young man named Cunningham fell from tho tower of the now Lutheran Church, In Greenville, Pennsylvania. II diataiICO Of hixtV-llVO the mliUt olllie Hi belllun, .lanunry, Nil, mnl II J. Llllisn uiua, II uaim.u in ai.l, v Tin, liil,llsliei, av 111 aeeeot a llmlleil nulilbpi' of III lnwni.l been bin. been as earnest feet, Without bUStaimllg tiny material llrsl-cl.iss lelvcillM'iiii iiU lur theh' Mimaziue, lit ami sincere III Us Mippoit of Abuibam l.lucolii inu ,,i,,,'i. J,i4 ..'ii ..ii.-,, i ii i e i in. i,,i, ,"i,i j ,. ,, ,, ..... t.ii. ,,, , line rat;e eiii oi i ainl all, as nnv Journal pi'luleil lustite the i-eileral Half Dane ii'iM Hues. TiilJlm flint Kiouml, Ihcii. ami tlinlinix An- .. .. .ii i.i iiticw .HiuiiMiu hi.iuiiini; iiiiuiv in oeii'iiceoi uie Aeiai;o fluht same lalnctples. we have unotheriluty topeifonu in-1 , .so ii in ei hi iv in u 10 "i in ii it oul on us line" until tho llcbolllon, nrimsl or illsarmcil, Is wholly Mini permniieuuy pin uonii Tin-: di'i'ici.vf, ADVi:inTsr..n:NTs of all the Hxei ullvn Hi liaillianls ol tho tiovern incut uie piilillshisl in the NATIONAL HKI'I'III.ICAN nv At'Tiiuitii'v oi'Titi: 1'iiuiiDr.NT. injury The Demopolis A'cii Km says General Joseph 13. Johnston has po.slll velyaccept cd .the presidency of tlio Alabama and Teiinessco lUver' Railroad. J lo arrived luKeJnaoii last Monday, nnd will mako that his futtiro home, Tip; Secretary of tlio Treasury gives iiQtco that ho s prepared to redeem be fore npituiily all certltlcati'.i of indebt edness; falling duo lifter August llilrty lrt, if presented on or before the llf toenth of July, IBiid, and thereafter such certificates will oeaso to boar interest, Hid will bo paid with interest only on tlio fifteenth of July. TKlt.MS. One eonv for one M-ar. sIIjii. An extra conv. Kinlls, lorevuy Club ol o suiisciliicrs, at 51 llAKI'l H'H .MAI1AXINK mill llAltl'I.U'b Wl.KKLY. lnaellitr, ono year, ?mi. CIUCU1.AT10N 112,01)0. Oulaller I'uixe Or i ,'ii pi r lino lor Ic-s spate, iv'tinl In ii line. HAltl'l'.lt A IlltOTIIiniSi, l'libllshers. TKi,i:iiiiAi'iuc.,, and misci:i.i,a- I .I.ULM .M'.VtSJ I tho most III i.iaiii.i: vmi i..Tir iicruin-s fi.mi Uie .Vu'i'li'Ulliual Unreal), Die I'leeilioen's llineau, ami fi'oin I'M ry otlar liuMniaut source whence news conies torein anil iloniestle. Till'. lir.l'CIII.ICVN. DAILY AND WKKKI.Y. will iilwnvs be iiirntsheil with an A.Ml'I.i: Sl'l'I'I.Y ill'' I.ITCIIAUY MATTUIt- ruiii ill ..n riiiisi;. A lllclio will lie reseiveil lor u WOl'll Oil UlO AUTO AND hCIUM'KN. JIUUU JlliVllAVSI, WIT, HUMOlt, Ac. Till: ItKI'l'llI.ICAN. under the piesiut iiiaiuieiueut, ('omuiPiiceil In .IARPERS WKKKLV duo copy ono year fl l"l Due eonv lnr llil-ee luontlls 1 ml Anil an exiia euuv will be alloweil lor every club of live miIinci Ibcrr.. at ill ml ea ll. or slv Lnliiei, One eonv out for 'Jim. I'ayment lu aii.ibly In mlwiucc, tine eonv six month Tile r.Ollllll V.illiliioM nf llillliers Wei'Ulv ll'Otll '1'bl ec isinles l,lllb ear. th iineneeiuent will be sent In any part ol'tho Three copli s slv months i iiueo isi,uc, mo ol c.uil.iuc, upon riicipiaiiiio leu copn one i ar price, vl. I ' Ten e iples m iiiouths.. Cloth llliidtui;... Hall' Miiloico.... ft) per Volume, i.j '' ll I mi .1 in .' .'in I". mi Hacli Vuliiiiio isjiiliilim tho Nuiubcii, for Oup txlra copy anill in. A P' rson si ihIIiik us a club of twenly stibsciib. ers til Dip Weehly.miil m, will bo iiiillksl (unit Yfn r. TiniMKTO AhVIUITlSKIts.-Oue dollar mnl fill) .vols p, r Inn in ll:.'le,tmiil'll,ils per lull lo "UI'l'Si V l''i'.-, ',, " i.i' h 1 1"., 1 1 1 n Jl.' 1.1 1 i' A I'U' l' .' is)!. Daily Naliimal Itcnublleaii In furnished hi lilall sllliseruieis at ;n ht iiiiniuui 9t inr m. ill. ulll. I hl' hi ",,' ,,,,, - .. .I'l'iii-i i w.i. mi 'in vdii .v i". W isli.n.ii. iii I' i HI'llINll AND HtlMMUIl (lf)OD. SI'ltINd AND SlOIMlllt IIDOIW, SI'ltINd AND OOOlw. SI'ltINd AND HlI.M.MI'.lt OOOIvs, Sl'IUNU AND HUM.Mi:it OOOlM, ronslslliitf of cniisl.tlnt! of isinslsllnil of cousIhIIiih of eoiislslhiit of DUV HOODS, DUV (KidDS, DUV HOODS, DUV dO'lDS, DltY HOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND I 'AIM, II ATM AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIM, HATS. AND CAIM, HOOTS III IOTS noors l tool's AND HIIOKS, AND SIIDI'.M, AND SHOIX, AND SIIDliS, 1100TS AND SHOIX, llllADY-MADi: CI.OTIIINd, iii:adv-m vdi: et.oniiNd, ltr.ADY MA I IH (T.DTHINd, iti:.vDY-.M.viii: ci.oi'iiiNd, l!i:.VDY-MADi: CI.OTIIINd, i.ooKtNd-dr.Assus, i.oolci.N'd-dl.Assix, l.oOKINti-dt.ASSI'.'S, l,OOKINd-dI,, 1.O0ICINU-0I.ASSIX, NOTIONS, Nd'I'lilNS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, TAINTS AND (MIX, I'.VtVl'S AND dll.s, l'.VINI'S AND OILS, l'AINl'S AND OILS, ditofr.i:ir.s, dltncmtll'.s, diiocr.itiix, ditocintiix, iiuoci:inijsi,, i)I'i;i:nsw.vui:, (Im:i:nswaui:, ijtrr.r.Nsw.viti:, i(Ui:i:nswaui:, HAUDWAIti:, IIAltDWAlti:, ii.viinw.viii:, ii.vitiiwAui:, HAUDWAIti:, TINVVAIti:. 'I'INWAIli:, TI.N'WAIIi:, TiNw.vni:, TINWAlti:, SALT, SA l.T, SALT, SALT, SALT, 1'ITll, I'JsIl (Jlt.VIN d ISA IN dll.VIN (llt.Vl.V li'.IAIN AND si:i-:is, and si:i:ds, and si:i;iw, and si:i:ds, AND blUIDS, Ae PUBLIC SALU OF VAl.f Allt.13 ItKAT, USTATi:. In piirMtnnepof niionlerof the Orphans' Court nf Columbia County, l'n., on Hntunlay, tiro SM day of .iiiiii' next, nt ten o'clock In the loronoon, Philip I'oiist, intmliilslrntor of Dnnlel Kruin, lain of Cooper Township, Montour County, ilccenfeil, will xposo to pule, by lmbllevciulu'.iil llio homo of inimucl unearus, In Montour Township, a per tain Had of laiul, ultunto hi Montour Township, Columbia County, nitlnlnlnx lands nf t'.matiticl l,'i- 7111114 on tho raM, the lUverSiisipiehauiinon the Miulh, inul tho tine tllvtillnit tho Coiuillis of Co lumbia und Montour on the ninth, cont.ilulnx lulity.twoatresaiiil Hlty-Mx perehe neat luens- urc, nboiit twi nty acies of which Is lmpioveil or teaipil land, IjiIp tlio eslalo of said deecascd, Klluatu In tho Townhlp of Montour anil county aforesalil. JUSSlI COI.UMAN, Clell:. Hl.oo.M.siiL'110, May S", 1'd'l. conditions or s.vtii:. Twenly.llve per cent, of Hip purchase money lo ho paid by Iho puichnscr to the nilinlnlstrator on Iho day of i-aloj the residue of the punhasp mo ney lobe paid In one year Irom Iho eonllrnuillon nl. ., with liilerest from the confirmation, 'the purchaser lo pay for deed nnd stamps. I'OL'sT, Adinlnlslralor. May SB, 100. AD.IOI'ltNI'.Il The sate of the above deseilbeil leal pstnte rut' Journcd until Snliint iy, (Iie2tli day of .July, 1MII. l'llll.ll' I'lU'ST, Adnilnl-ttator. 0 The tnnlerslKiied would rMpcctfuIly nmioiincn lo the cllli ns of llloimisbiirg nnd tho publlu gelio rally that ho Is lilliiilui an OMNIIIL'H LINK helwrcn IhN plneonnd thodltrereiit rnllronddc poll dally (Sundays ovceplod), In connect Ivlthlho vcral trnlin t'olni! South nnd West oh tho Cnta- wlssannd Wllllatnsporl Itallroad, nnd wltli thoso koIiih Nnrlli nnd Mouth on tho Ijicknwnnnu nnd IlloouisburK Itallroad. Ills Oinnlliusses nro In pood condition, coinmo- dlum nnd comlorlnble, nnd charges reasonable, rersons wishing lo meet or fcco their friends de li art, can Imnccoinodated upon rensonabloth.irgo by teaviiijj timely nollcont nuy of the hotels. .1ACOII I,. (IIIITON, l'ropitelor. 1 L.KK INSClLVNCi:. If you wlhto llvo long middle happy, ko wllliotil Iclny and INSt'ltr.YolMl MIT. In tlio best Company 111 Iho world, Till: MUTUAL I.It'1-: INSUlt.VNCi: COMPANY 01'Nr.W YOltlC. ITS CASH AHSirW Alti: .-.,mK,ono, mid Us iiunual dlvlitend for the Ilseal year of IH iiiilouuts to seMMitj -live per cent. on nil paitlcl ill nix picuiliiuis, hcinir the lai;esl dlvlileiul cer dectared by any eonip-iny for the same length of time, l or lurthcr Information apply lo s. nisiir.r, M1H AIK.IUCAN HAY KNJKH AND II 111 K" U'l. 1 Ii .1 11 1 1 . t.THl'tl I 'i I cllt7ens ot Columbia County witnessed the Dial of hay rurns on me wrm or Mr, lMrsei, in iiemioeu l ownsniti, on .Miinilny, .May 7, isiiil, lictwiell the Vine lean llav Klltreiinil l'orl; miiiiilfaetlireil liy SLII', WAI.I-S SlIltlNDH ,v Co., of Iwls- bura, l'a., ami tno Hiinilel-i l'atctit Hay Iloolt, Hie Ainerlcau I'm l! lifted liuiru hav In ono ilrau ilil than tho Itmulel In three. We lire satis lied it wilt take ns imiih hay Into the mow as two Kiioil lioises eiin driiw. We also saw- It cutting hav, mul think 11 cannot be beat ns a hiy knife, and i heei fully rtcoiiiincud It as tho best liny lork ano none w e uuve ever'ii. c. iiinr.Nr.i:siii'.i!, Jin, r. c. ii.viimsnN, W. 11. ICoons, .Ions Dull.', John DKTiaiirK, DAN'll.t, No p.h, II. Di', svi.viwrni I'uusr.r, MicitAr.i, lli, .loitM W'ot.r. 'I'll..,' i.lo i,,,ii,,,ri.ltii,i llin ,., 1l,r, lliii't.'oen lleiiperniid Mower, mnl other atjilciilturnl Iniplo-lneiils. 1'. Aiienl, llloomsbui'it, l'.i. lSTATK OK JOHN SANKKY, SR., .1 J DKcn.Vsr.D. 'lo Jacob sanlteyj Samuel Sanlceyi .lohn Sankey ; Cyiussankevi JnniesW. Saukey: -Mary Ann Sankey, Intermarried wllh Aaron Wolf; I.vdla Sankey, interinariled with lames d. I'rlt; Susan Iteluhiinli and Mary Cath mine ltckdiurd: t he last two mimed nro minors of I'olty Sankey, late I'olly lieluliaid, deceased, hell s inul leial lepiesentatlvps of John Sankey, Sr., tie. eased, You are heieby cited to bo and appear before I he .Indies of our Orphans' Court, at an Or- plums' Couit to tie held nl lllooinsburu:, in said unity, the llrst Monday of September next then mul there to accept or refuve lo take th. real estate of the snld John Sankey, Sr., do. ised, nt Ihe appraised valuation put upon It by an hnpiest Hnly awarded by s.ild the Couit, and returned by the Sheilll, or show cause why Ihe Mitupshould not lie sold. Witness tho Honorable William dwell, President of our said Couit, nt IHixmisburjr, the Until day of May, A.D. JI'Xsi: COLI'.M.VN, Cleik O. C. llt.onMsiiciin, June?, I s(j). TT'STATK OKJOSKPI 1 1 fAYII IM'.ST, I J Di:ci:.VSi:D. To Jlmy, Interinnriieil with David llrobst; Scan, luterniarrled with door Strieker: r.llen, lnteunarrled with Cyrus H. A) pieman; Daaleel, Kllaheth, and lleiiajah, biieal deseendeiils of Joseph Hu hurst, late of ornm." Township, In said County ot Columbl i, deceased und all other persons Intel ested. v 01. ate hereby lied lo bo nnd appear before the .Indues of our Outturns' Court, to bo held at lllooiusburj;, In said county, on the Hist Monday ol September next then and Ihcie to accept or refuse to take the n estate of the said Joseph llayhur.-t, deceased, sit lute In OraiiKo Township, Columbia County, at the ai'iualseil value put upon It by mi hnpiest dnlv awarded by the Court mul leturned liy the Sheriff, or sliuw cause why tho snino should nut lie sold. Witness the Honorable William Klwcll, I'm sldent of our said Couit, nt lllounisbui'L', May lentil A.D. isn't, JIXsi; CIILHMAN, ClelkO.C. lIMioilslll'im, June 7, is.,'1. MNllJU.S LINK. 1NCIIANGi: 1IOTK.L, J J ii niieuii iniuilJi llf.OOMsIlttltd, COI.l'MlllA COUNTY. l'A, 'Iho 1inileisli!iiiit havlliit purchnfisl this wpID kiiiiwiiiilideentrnlty.locnted house, the llxchnintd Unlet, sltnntp on MAlNs'lltl'.lrr.lh lilrKiinshurir, liutueillntely oppoMlo the Coliitnliln t'oimty Court llfiue, lesiiectfillly Informs Ids rrtriids rind Ihn public In Kcuernl that his house Is now hi Order Tor tlio rif eptloii and enterlnliiinent or trnvelloM who may he disposed In ruvor It Willi tln lr cus. loin, Hp has spared nncxpelisp 111 prep iihiK llul l'.xihiiliKe for Iho cnlertnlnmeiit of Ills Bursts, nellher shnll Ihcm be nnyllilim vviinlliis (on Ids pull) to minister to their personal eotufoil, His hoiiso Is spacious, nnd ciljojs nil cXrtlleht lmsl Itcss loi'ntloit, Onililbilsses tun nl nil limes lielWepti Hip IIx- (Imime Hotel nnd Iho various ml In nil depots, by whlih Imvclhrs will bo plcnsmitly convpyrst h nod fin in Iho mpctlho Hlntlons In duo lino Id inci 1 (hp pal s. JOHN 1'. CASLOWv llliKiinsburi?! March :i, 1 VH). Cl'Ql'KllANNA 1LOTKL, tj Cntawlswi, Pa, The above llolel lias lauly been purchnsed by IIllNIIY.I. CLAItK.niid has lieen thoiouhly re- Inolclled, lepalieil, mid li furnished. It will ho found now, In Itsmranucinent nnd npiiolntincntsi u llist-eliiss Hotel, nud second to polio In Ihn country, l'ersons In iltlps wlslilm. (ofiK'iiil the) hot mouths In tho country, will do well to slvo thopioprietorueall. pORK'S HOTJCL, iii.iiKin; vv. .ii.vuui.K, iTopncinr. Tho nbfivo well-known hotel has recently under- none radical changes In Its Internal arraiieiii( nts, ami Its proprietor announces to his former custom mul the travcllhiL' public Hint Ills accomodations for the comfort of his quests are second to none in tho eountiy. Ills table will always be found sup plied, not only with substantial rood, bill with all Iho ilelleaelesof tho season. Ills wines mul II- ipiors (except that poputar beveiUKO known ns ".Vi',"iv"),pureiasedillieit fioin tlio liiiporllnn houses, are entirely puie, mnl free from nil pot soiioitsdnus. He Is thankful torn liberal patroin iiKo hi the past, und will mill hum to deserve It In the future. dl'.Olldi: W. MAUdKlt. T 15. l'URSKL, t HAllili's, M.VlllM.l., ,.ll JllU.SIs MANurAirruni'.it, and dealer 111 CAUPHT-llAdS, VAL1S1X, l'l.Y-NI'.TS .Ac, Main street, r.looiusbui'!.', l'a, "poWDKR CKGS AND LuMRKR W . .11. .IHl.NI.Uli ,V LO., llupcrt, l'a., Manufacturers of l'liWDHIlKr.dS, and dealers In all kinds nf I.UMIlUn, lvo notice that they me prepared lo accomodate their custom with dispatch, mul on tho cheapest JJAKlHt AND CONFECTIONER, Jl, Jl. tsiuil.SI.K has ntwnys on liaiul nnd for i-alo l'ltlXII IlItnAP, CAICIX, AND I'll'.s, lT'.F.NCIt AND DOMUSTIC CONFUCTION'll In every stylo nnd vilrlcly. NUTS, nttJITP, mul everylhlnstisunlly found In n rntsT-cLAss conitxtionuiiy btoiu:. HnvliiK recently filled up n new nnd elegant ItTI-CnUAM AND HATING SALOON, ho Is prepared lo accomodato Indies nhd ycntlo men In the best style. terms. M) ALL WHOM IT AlA Y COX- cr.UN.-I'lense take nolicP that I, Ir.l llu.ul- aiinel, of Co uiie llle, Columbia County, bavins bouuht tho ioUowlmj list of property Irom Voter llower, do declare that It is my intention to lend the Mime, to the said llower, to wll: four beds; ono doen (hall's; one lot of dishes; one cup board; ono bureau; twenty .voids of carpi t; ono cooking stove; ono parlor stove; one two-burse Wilson; one two-horse caii'law; one double set of haine-s; ono single set of harness; two bibles; twoplus, IDA lll.AD.VItMCL. rpiIK GALAXY, Al'OUTNIdHTLYII.Ll'.STKATHDMAdAZINi:. TIir.ft.VL.VXY is puliilsheil r.iitnbihlly, on Iho Ihst and lllteeiilh ot i nch month, ami has Ihe ad ol eoiiilu to tin) leader intiTiindtately Is'tweell Iho molll lilies and the weeklies. Willi the set ond nuiiibi r the JI.ik i.lne wnseii lameil liv sixteen panes, makliu It to eoiilalii nlui.ty-..Ix lsii'is ot nuiticr. It's ( UN lltllll'Tdlls. Till: (iAI.AXY will lie an oilt.' AmerliMii,' of the highest clns, Ai r.iiwniciits h.iM'aecorilhily In en ni.ule loi rcml.ii'oiintrtiiu lluns irom the ties! know u ami nuit merlliirinus wi Iters lntho country: and inonov r, the ljbloi' w 111 always seek to elu ii and i ncune.-eeonll Ibu tlolis li-otil new authors ol u .llty or deel.led (jililus. Thoalllehs III TIIK li.VI.VXY will be sl'jneil w llh the mines of 1 heir nut hols, who w 111 bo allowed a wide liccduin In the ixpre-slou ot '''rin'ilitiiiiilseeoiiil numbers of TIIK d A LA NY. fur M.iv llrst and lllleenlh. lsui, contain contribii- II. his le.iiii .biliu IMen Cooke, 1 ranees lower olio, Hose leliy, lieoiire .iiico i in; ii-m-iio, i.u- UlUll'l ( , Sli', llle .iiiinir in j.iiiu.v i oi-- r, ITOIes'il i n no una, ir, ii . ... iiiii'i, illiuauS, Ciiiiiint, lieiiiial cluseiel, ami others. ''Ihe Cl.iwilnjis," bv Anthony Tiollnpe, and Alelile LomII, by Mis. Cduanls weio cuiii- lilelli'ii III I ii' llrsl luniliiel' ol nil. w.l...l, mnl Will colli lull.! to be pilbli-heil serLilly slioul- tancoiislv with in, n-appi ainni eiu i.ui.inu. ine I,.,.!.- ,,,,,',,i,..,-v ,,t tin M.i--ii.,ue ciintiuninif tliese stories nni) always be obtained tioiiin nowsdeuler or liom tlii pi opi let or.-. ........ l'ltiiPLssiiI! IH.oTi'N couKI-'ltV. Intliesee I iiunibi r ol TIIII HAI.AXY was c.iuiiueiiceil a seiles of art Ich s on Cooki iy, by I'loli'-sur ricrie Hint, Iln' Well-Known liuiui l in the lilt. These III III les will Is-Iliad,' ol Kind plae. Ileal value tneel'V l.llllllv. lieslde IIIIIUV irastni ilheillnlis ot ."I' linpollanu', Ihi'.N will contain leiiipts and practlcil ir,"'l mii whleli must seciuo tor them thousands ot loadcis. 'iianis, i'i, i,ri,.n ,.r Till'. (i.M.AXY Is "Iceuts ii nuin- ber; M tor Ihn enrol Iwelilv-lour lunnliels; M an sl monlhs twelve numbeis. The volunies lor Ihe J ear Kill Include -, oel.ivo panes, lllus. Inili.,1 bv l,'eiil .lle or lilolo'.e I'lUlav. liiL's. iniiited on ilutut papei ; besldo luiiiiuieia. i,i mi. ill, i- lllustintliins. M'.itteiei thi'ouuli th let. TIIIId.VL.VN Y may lie ordered nl Iho rain of twenty-IHo cents ii number tur my length ot 1 1 1,,,, , n . Speelincll copies will oe M'ui on icceiinuij cent-. Aiiiircss W. C. lV. 1 . 1'. I II l Hi ll, ITiipiieiois, :ci l'.nk How, New oili McICHI.VY, NIIAI. .V. CO.'S, Mci;i:i.VY, NIIAI. it CO.'S, Mi'KKI.VY, Nl'.Ats..v. CO.'S. .McKIII.VY, NIIVIi A' CU.'S. .MciCHI.VY, SUM, A- CtJ.U Northwest rnniornf Main nnd MnrketStreets, Northwest i oiner of Mai. i und Mnikctstrccl-, Noithwest corner of Main mul Mnl lie! Sheets, Nmlhwost corner of .Main and Market SI reels, Noilliweiit comer of Main and Market Ktrvtts, lILOOMSIIIMid, l'A llLOOMSIII'lld, l'A lll.o(i.visil'lld, l'A., IlLOOMMUTiii, l'A., liLOO.MallL'llU, l'A, II'.ON AND NAILS 1IION AND NAIIX, I HON' AND NAII.s, IUON AND NAII,s, HtON AND NAII.S, iii liir(KJiii.nuiu syvi fit lnihtvil raic.n!way oil lutllil 1T1AV STOCK OK CLOTHING, flush of Sl'lIINd AND fiOODS. DAVID I.OWT.Nlii:ilU Invites intention In his stuck of CD i:.Vl AND l'AHUIONAIILi: CLOTHINO. nt his store on Main Street, two doors nbovc tho American I louse, nliioinslaii'ij;, l'a., where ho has Just received from New Yolk and Philadelphia a lull assortment of - mi::; andiioys' clothino, Inctudliii; tho most fashionable, durable, and huiidsumo Dl'.USS CiOODS, lUslsUlll! of iiox, sack', ritocK, rir.M, and oil-cloth COATS AND PANTS, of nil sorts, sin s, mul colors. Ho has nl-o replen ished his already lnrne stock of PALI, AND WINTHlt SHAWLS, kthipi:d, iTduur.D, and plain vusts, SHIIlTS, CUAVATS, STOCKS, COI.LAUS, HANDKi:itcnii:i's,dLovr.s, srsri:NDi:iN, and i-ancy aiiticlks, Ho has coustantlr on hand a latso and will-se- leeti d assoitiiu nt of CLOTHS AND vrsi'iNos, which hp Is prepared to make to order Into nuy kind of i lnthlnir, on very slnnt notice, and In tlic est manlier. All Ids dothliiK Is mado to wear, and most of It Is of home mniuil.ieture. (IHI.D WATCH 1M AND JUWHI.UV, if erery desiilptlon, lino and cheap, Hlscasonf .welly Is not hiiip.issed hi this place. Call nnd xuiiilno Ills ucnciii! assoi uncut of CLOlilINd, WATCHIX, JI'.Wl'.LllY, &c. DAVID LOWKNIitTltd. JQRUG AND CHKJIICAL STORE, Illoomsbun;, l'.i; diiuos, ciin.Mic'Aix, i'aints, ri:itruMi:nY AND TOILHT AltTIC'LI'.s. i:yi:ii a moyi:u respeclfully Invite n eontlininnco of pntronnKP. Their Drills nnd Medicines nio all selectisl with tlio iireatest eaio, uroldlni; ns much as posslbhi tho liitroiluctloii nf delirious nostrums, mul nrci piiicliased from Ihu best lmputtlng houses In the. country. l'ATIINT MKDICTNr.5! of nil khiiN, Including Ayer's, Jayno's, Hollo way's, lloslettcr's, Wlshart's, Hootlaud's, ie. eonsliintly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. lIAlIt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND clothes unu.siii:n l'A I NTS AND ClIH.MICAI.S of ercry variety, nnd of tho best quality. I'ANCY TOILHT AllTlCLUSi The public may tely nt all times oh prnththiK thri ii1hio nrtkies, wltli all tho new usetul prejinrn tluns kept in tlio best conducted establishments. I'll YS I C I AN'S I'll ES.C'1 ti ITI ONS nnd family Itccelpts cnmpouiidcd with the (-rent est nci uracy and di-pnteli. rpilH NEW GROCERY STORE, on ."lain street, JlLiJUMsr.lTid, l'A. a LAUOi: .ssijiiTMr.NT or ni:w hoods Just lecelred nt, iii:nhy uifi'i'iifs ni:w ttnnui Dry Goods, Hills iitld Cnps, llools nmi Shoes, .Molasses, Kug.its, Teas, Cnll'eo, Snlcei!. n'i'. I'Wi, H'lll, llaWir', TXto'DO, Ciindii't!, Not lon, Toy, J'Wl'll. I'liUP, A.V1 I'ltOVISlONS, inscihcr wllh it giont vnilcly of notions Kciicr ally lii'i't la Mures. nu'iTKit, i:aos, jiavr, and vnopucn laki'illiir.cliamii'foruinKfur whUIt tlio liili. ist jiiuis, t in o. wi"' bo paid jii m;y i.r.1 r, RATIONAL FOUNDRY, llloniusburi,', Columbia County, l'.i. Tho suhscilber, proprietor of tlio nboo-iinmctl extensive eslubllslunent, Is now pn pared to le ecive oidcis for all kinds of MAcitiNr.riY ron collikuii'-s, ijLvrt 1'UltNACiX, stationahy hngines, MILT.S, TIIltn-'lllNCi MACHIN1X, An He Is also prepared to nlnkp Stoves of nil htzes! and patterns, I'low-lrons, nud ovorj thins usually made hi UrM-class roiilidries. His extensive facilities mul practical worknion viariaut hlni In lcceivhu, tho larscst eoiitractson Ihe nuM le'isiiuablo ternts. dinln of nil kinds will bo tnken hi cichanrjo for Ciistlii.;s, Tills establishment Is located near tho Lacka wanna and Uliioiusbuii; Itallroad Depot, rnrnit hillmyeu. QARRIAGE MANU K A CTO It Y, JIIOOlllsUUIL', 1 ,1. M. C. SLOAN A llltOTHEi:, the succi ssursof WILLIAM SLOAN X SON, ontluue the business of making CAltltlAdIX, llUOUIlW, und every stj lo of I'ANCY WAdONS, which they hare constantly on liainl to suit (lis tinners. Never uslnjr nuy inuleiinl but the best and ciiipln.1 Ins tho most experienced workmen, they hope lo continue ns heretofiue to ijlvo enthe satlsfactlou to ereiy customer, Alt Inspection of their work, and of Ihe icnsonuhtc pilco uked for Ihu same, Is huio to hisiiio a sale. JJLOOaISRURG FANCY TRIM MING AND IS00KSTOIU:, second door below Haitninii's, Main Street. lust received n new stoik of ZEPIIYUS, VY0OLUN .VND COTTON YA1IN8 COUSIITS, LACKS, KMimolDEUIIX, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DltESS TltlMMINOSJ nnd overy variety of ni tlelcs usually kept hi a rAscY sToiti:, Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMN HOOKS, 11IIILIX, SCNDAY-SCHOOL LOOKS, nud a largo lot of MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MK.MOItANDU.M HOOKS, I1LANK DUEL'S, l'.OND.S AND MOItTGAOES, and nfeencrnl nhd well-seleciednssoitmeiit of l'Al'Elt, ENVELOPES, Ac. A. 1). WEDII. 1 7RK.SII ARRIVAL OK NEW HOODS, Tlio iiudcifclirucil has Just anlvnl from the City wllh u largo nssortinent of Drui Medicines, I'.iints, Oils, V.irulslies.nnd DyeSlulI's, Iteudy-MadoCIothliif;, l'erfumeiy, Toy and 1'ancy Arlliles, DrusBlsl's Glassware, llru.hes, Tiu-sos aiidSupporters.aml a general assoittncul of every thins Unit helonp. ton wcll-apiiolntcxl Drug storo, Also Vatent Mi'dlchii'sof all klU'ls.Michns Jnyuo's, Ayer's, Wlshnitv, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Iliown's Troihes, swain's l'anacen, linlcer's Cod Liver Oil, lloolland's Hitters eonsliintly cm huiul, Also MOliOCCO I.r.ATIir.I!, KID, I'llENCH MOI'.OC CO, I'llENCH OALI-SKINS, 1'INK TltlMMINGS, 11INDINGS, by Iho doen or lUtf-dozen, Also SlIOIM'INDINUS, I'lSIIINO-TACKLE, Ac, Ilnviug had n laigo evpcrlcliee hi the drug husl. liess I would lespeillnlly Invito thoso wishing anything In that lino to call and wo my stock In riiiepiirclnslngiisi'whcie, " In liicdlclnesciu.illty .sof.hotl.Mlmpot.ance." , M0Y1;lt, Q.OOD NKW.S FOR KVERYllODV. Owing lo the Into fill In gold, r.l'lttiAIMW.KI.W'EI.L has lodiiccsl his pi Ices to suit nil buyers, either at wholesalo or retail. If .iu want SUOAItS COl'l'EIX, TEAS, SYItl'IM, Sl'ICUS CllACKEIiS, CANNED I'ltUIT, 1UIIED riii'ir, wooiir.NWAi!i:, nsii, 11EANS, CHEESE, l'f.OUU. 1XED, Ac Ac. . , ..iv m ,i wb. ni:..'.;:; w, a,wi-i t EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. J.sllliooi llliuiu Jiooi.sou, iieceasco. TII11EE VALUAIILi: lll'SINIS STANDS, on Mnln street, llloonisbiii'S, ndjolnlng tho Court. House, mnl neiirly opposlto tho Exchange Hotel. TWO SMALL ItOUSlCS AND LOTS, on Illdgo Alley, known ns tho "Spring Ijts." ONE HOUSE AND LOT on Unci: Street. Also TIMIlEIt LAND, In Jay Tow nship, Elk County, audit rivi: hundued aci'.tx, well ttmbeied with whlto-plno nnd hemlock good fanning I.iud. Tho nbovo propeity will bo iitl'oted nl rmvA'rr. palu until th" Hist of August next.oiiwliliiiday, If not sold, It will bu ollciod nt l't'llLIC SALE, cm Iho pretnlsps, near tho Court House, nt ten o'clock A.M. Apply to tho subscribers, or to Mi's ISAHELLA ItOlllsON, lllisiinsliiirg, ALEX. IIOIIISON, Mnhcli Chunk, 1 ' A. l'AUDEE. llal. oii, Jl,x ' ' i'l'ON'ES AND TINWARE. A. M. ltUl'EHT niiiiounces lo his ft lends nnd customers Hint continues thoalsive business at his old place on MAIN STIIEiri', 1IL00MS11UUG. Custoniers eim boins-omoduteil with I'ANCY STOVUS of all kinds, stovepipes, Tin whip, nnd eveiy va I It iy of hi tli le found In n Slove nnd Tlnwnre l Inbllshinent ill Ihu illtes.uiiil on tlieinosi nsson. able telllls. ltepallliudiiuoat Ihesholiist llotlcu 'ii DOZEN MILK-I'ANM ou hand for sale. gT 7AtlLi: FOUNDRY. JOs3El'HSltAltl'HsS1 liluonisljutf;, l'.i, hiovr.sor r.vEitv VAiiinrv, l'I.OL'UllSIIAItUs,ri,OUtllI!'01.N"IM, nud nil kinds of OnsUnss, ou hand or Mipplled oil tho sliiiilit liollco nnd lit tlio chHtpisl lutes. CuHllntPfur coal imauinwAKii iOALbviii'ii'-'