THE SUItc Gfolttmbinii tiuoncu: n. Mooiti!, i:ut roit. i)t.ooMyi!t'iia, PATi'itnAY, ji't.Y -, im " THAT LETTER." lli.ooM.iiauii, Mnrth 2, 1?C1. JTon. irun?i .VftilforA.&TiTfO-j of the Tmt"tiri Hill, I lnclooyoiHieiiyir iny lUu tlilt uo U. I lmo llkuwlroiulari-pl nrpy lotlu-rrpMpiit. You will Rie Hull ttiecluugn tliat I nm oM'u-ilng film Is fulso. If I nm Mistnluml ! j-nuvclf iiml tlio 1'rcM (lent; If tho tintrunnijo fount Inkrii from us nml Uen to tliosp who nno vi, ire ulintl lie nblo lo iiinkir our lsorons Union orpinljillon n null nnd TIllUMfltANTf.V SI'STAIN Till! AllMINISTUA- Tlotf, IleRpcclfully, 1'Al.r.MoN .ToitN, AwMiirTlilrlccntli District IViin-lvnnl.i. Tlio above letter appears in the lust number of tlio Jlepublicun. It wa, the reader will observo by Its date, written to tho Secretary of tlio Treasury long after tlio veto of tlio Frccdman's Bu reau Dill, and subsequent to the Presi dent's celebrated speech of tho twenty second of February. Thospecch ns well as tho veto settled with great certainty tho 1'resldent's position, and his Axed determination to maintain it. Yet with theso facts staring tlio Assessor In the face ho gets up u eppy of his paper which by Implication bo admits was a client, nnd so Intended, and forwarded tho same to the Secretary and tho Presi dent with the letter above. It would no doubt gratify public curiosity to know how much of the Presideiit's tlmo was consumed In tho reading of tho Jlepublicun. 4Wc confess this letter took us by sur prise, and wo nro sorry that In this wo were alone. "We were a stranger in this community, and tlio character of tho writer unknown to us. "Vo did not then for a moment suspect that tholovo of Jllthy lucre had eaten out and con Bimied whatever of manliness and de cency imttiro had originally bestowed upon him. Tho letter .-peaks for itself, and tho character of the writer Is sum med ii) ami epitomized In his prayer to the Secretary that (he pulrouare may nut he (alien from him. He says ho sent to Washington for a copy of this letter, lint why? Upon information receiv ed by him that it had been generally read by Senators, and that every Sena tor looked upon tlio writer with tho loathing ami disgust which such a letter must inspire in the breast of every honorable man, ho sent for a copy ; and wc strongly suspect that his moral sen.-o lias become so perverted and depraved by greed for gain that oven now he cum not appreciate tho bareness of his pres old po.-itiou. Indeed, this may bo clear ly inferred from tho publication of this letter in his own paper. While Ids friends blush for very shanio at Its pe rusal, ho gives it to tho public with a bravado becoming to him alone. Tlio unanimous conllrniation of Mr. Clark by the Senate, and the refusal of that body to reconsider the) same, was no doubt in great part duo to the contempt of Senators of Radical proclivities for tho present incumbent. Wk hnvo to say, upon tho most com plete authority, that the statement in the Jlcjmblican that Mr. Clark has nt "Washington or elsewhere disavowed all connection with tlio Coi.ummax is false. . Tho charge niiidu to Budical members was that ho had set up a newspaper " to abuse Conyress;" to which tlio reply, perfectly conformed to truth, was that ho had never written u lino about Con gress, and was not even a stockholder in tills Journal, although its proprietors were his friends. And to members of the Senate, when acting upon the ease, concession was freely made that he had given our Journal encouragement In ob taining subscriptions, etc. Besides, this journal lias not "abused Congress," and tho foregoing appeal made to prejudice would have been unjust even if conllned to us. The truth is, that Mr. Clark win announced and known at Washington, as well as at home, as a ilrm supporter of tho President, and win confirmed in full vlow of that fact by tho Senate. A VALUABLE DISINFECTANT. A communication has been received nt tho Department of State from our Legation at London, enclosing two pam phlets relating to certain experiments by J)r. James Dowor, of Kirkcaldy, for testing tho elucney of sulphurous acid gas as a disinfectant. Bosults nro cited which lead lotlicconvicllon that rinder pest, pleuro-pnciunonia, and cholera, mid some other Ills by which tho human family nro nlllicted, may bo not only very much modified, but even wholly prevented by this moans. Tho method of generating tho gas is very simple and inexpensive. It is only necessary to iiavo a chillier of old n.-h cinders; set a Hindi cruciblo Into them and drop a pleco of sulphur stick of tho size of it man's thumb into it. This will funil gate n largo cattleshedorbyroln twenty minutes. Tho animals seem to enjoy it, and it nets as a tonic on man or beast. Tho shed or byre must bo well ventilat ed during tho fumigation, as well as before and after it, and sound sanitary rules must bo enforced In regard to clean liness and tho removal of dungheaps. During tho prevalence of such epidem ics ns aro above named, tho fumigation may bo mndo according to the foregoing directions four or llvo times u day j and not only is this treatment said to euro tho fatal diseases, but is stated that mango, ringworm, and llco havo also vanished before it, and that also grease heels In horses luivo been cured by It, whllo sevcro eases of phthisis and tur-. bercular tin'cctions of tho lungs hnve been relieved In human beings. Tho mat ter Is worthy of study and experiment by our scientific and professional men. Dr. Dewor having liberally consented to tho free use of his pamphlets, they will bo sent by tho Secretary of Kluto loan upproprintoeoniiniltcoin Congress, with a view to their publication and distribu tion. ' Al.i Gnrlbaldlaus who were at Conm hud followed Mti-Jr commander to l.eno. J NATIONAL UNION CONVENTION, A National Union Conviction, of at least two delegates from each Con gressloiinl district of nil the Stales, two from each Territory, two from the II trlct of Columbia, nnd four delegates at large from each State, will be held at the City of Philadelphia, on the second Tuesday (fourteenth) of August next Such delegates will be chosen by the electors of tho several States who sustain the Administration in maintaining un broken the Union of tho States, under the Constitution which our fathers estab lished, and who agree in the following propositions, viz. The Union of States Is, lu overy ease, Indissoluble, nnd Is perpetual; and the Constitution of tho United States, and tho laws passed by Congress In pursu unco thereof, supreme, nnd constant, nnd universal in their obligation; The rights, the dignity, nnd the equal lty of tho States In the Union, Including tho right of representation In Congress, are solemnly guaranteed by that Consti tution, to save which from overthrow so much blood and treasure were expend ed In the late civil war; There Is no right, anywhere, to dis solve the Union, or to separate States from the Union, either by voluntary withdrawal, by force of arms, or by Con- grosslonulnction ; neltherby thcsecosslon of the States, nor by the exclusion or their loyal and qualified representatives, nor by tho National Government In any other form ; Slavery Is abolished, and neither can, nor ought to be, re-estnbllshcd in nny State or Territory within our Jurisdic tion ; Kach State has tlio undoubted right to prescribe the qualifications of its own electors, and no external power rightful ly can, or ought to, dictate, control, or influence the free and voluntary action ofthoStatcsin the exercise of that right ; Tho maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially of tlio right of each State to order and control its own domestic concerns, ac cording to Its own Judgment exclusive ly, subject only to the Constitution of tlio United States, is essential to that balance of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric de pend, nnd'the overthrow of that system by the usurpation and centralization of power in Congress would be a revolu tion, dangerous to republican govern ment and destructive of liberty; Kacli House of Congress is the Constitution, tlio sole judge of tho elec tions, returns, and qualifications of its members; but tho exclusion of loyal Senators and ltepresentatives, properly chosen and qualified, under tho Consti tution and, laws, is unjust and revolu tionary ; Every patriot should frown upon all those acts and proceedings, everywhere, which can servo no other purpose than to rekindle tho animosities of war, and tlio effect of which upon our moral, so cial, mid material interests at home, and upon ourstaiidingnbroad, difl'erlngonly in degree, is injurious like war itself; Thepurposoof tliewar having been to preserve the Union and the Constitution by putting down tlio Rebellion, and tho Rebellion having been suppressed, all resistance Government being at an end, anil the war having cea-ed, war measures should also cease, and should bo followed bv nieiwires of peaceful administration, so that union, harmony.andcoiicord may bo encouraged, and liidu-try,coniincrce,and the arts of peace revived and promoted ; and tho early restoration of till tho States to the oxerci-o of their constitutional powers in tho National Government Is indispensably necessary to the strength and tho defenco or tho Republic, and to tho maintenance or the public credit ; All such electors in tho thirty-six Slates and nine Territories of tho Uni ted States, and In the District of Colum bia, who, lu a spirit of patriotism and low for tlio Union, can rise above per sonal and sectional considerations, and who desire to seen truly National Union Convention, which shall represent all the States and Territories of tho Union, assemble, us friends and brothers, under the national flag, to hold counsel togeth er upon tlio state of tho Union, and to take measures to avert possible danger from tlio same, tiro specially requested to take part in tho choice or such del egates. But no delegatowllltiikoiiseatlnsucU Convention who does not loyally accept tho national situation, and cordially en dorse the principles above set forth, nnd who is not attached, in true nlleglance, to tho Constitution, tho Union, and tho Government of the United States, A. W. Kandaij., J 'res' t. J. R. Doomttm:. O. IL Buownino, KnoAit Cowan, Ciiai!m:s Knap, K.ymuj'Ij I'owi.mi, Executive Committee National Union Club. Wo recommend tlio holding or tho above Convention, nnd endorse the call therefor ; J a ni i:i, S. Xouton, .1. W. Nusmitii, Jamw Dixon, T. A. Ki.MuiirKs. ADDRESS OE'DEMOCRATIG SEN ATORS AND 11EPRESENTA TIVES. ?b (he People r,f the United States : Dangers threaten tho Constitution. Tho citadel of our liberties is directly assailed. The future Is dark unless the people will come to the rescue. In this hour of peril "National Union" should be the watch-word of every true man, As essential to national Union wo must maintain unimpaired the rights, tho dignity, nnd the equality or the States, including the right or repre sentation in Congress, and tlio exclusive right of each State to control Its own donicstiu concerns, subject only to tho Constitution orthe United States. After a uniform construction ortho Constitu tion for more than half n century, in tlio assumption or new and arbitrary pow ers, the Federal Government Is subser slvo or our system and destructive or liberty. A free Interchange of opinion nnd kind reeling between tho citizens or nil tho States Is necessary to the per petuity or the Union. At present eleven Stales nro excluded from the national council. For seven long months the present Congress has denied any right of representation to tho people of theso States. Laws affecting their highest and dearest interests have been passed without their consent, nnd in disregard of the fundamental principle of free government. This denial or represon tatlon has been made to nil the members rrom a State, although the State, in tlio language of the President, presents Itself not only In the attitude of loyalty and harmony, but In tho persons of representatives whose loyalty cannot be questioned under any existing constitu tional or legal test. The representatives of nearly one third of tho States have not been consulted with reference to tho great questions of tlio day. Thore has been no nationality surrounding tho present Congress. There has been no intercourse between the representatives of tho two sections producing mutual confidence and respect. In tho language of the distinguished Lieutcnunt-Gener-al : " It is to bo regretted that tit this time there cannot be a greater comming ling between tlio citizens or tho two sections, and particularly those entrust ed to the law-making power." Thlsstate of tilings should bo removed at onco and forever. Therefore, to preserve the National Union, to vindicate tlio sufll- clency of our admirable Constitution, to utird thoStates from covert attempts to deprive them of their true position in tho Union, and to bring together those who are unnaturally severed, and for these great national purposes only, wo cordially approve the call for l National Union Convention, to bo held at the City of Philadelphia, on tho sec ond Tuesday, fourteenth day or August next, and endorse the principles there in set forth. AVo therefore respectfully but earnest ly urge upon our fellow-citizens In each State, nnd Territory, and Congressional dNtrict in tlio United States, in tho in terest of unionnnd intisplrit'of harmonv, and with direct reference to the princi ples contained in said call, toact prompt ly in the selection of wise, moderate, and conservative men. to represent them In said Convention, to tho end that all tho States shall at once be restored to their practical relations to the Union, tho Constitution maintained, and peace bless the whole country. Signed by W. E. Niblack, Anthony Thornton, Michael C. Kerr, U.S. Shaui kliiij Garrett Davis, II. Gnder, Thomas K. Noell, Samuel J. Randall, Lewis W. Ross, Stephen Tuber, .1. W. Humphrey, John llogan, R. M. Beyer, lT. G. Bergen, Charles Goodyear, Charles 11. Wiulield, A. H. Coflroth, I.ovoll H. Rosseau, Philip Johnson, Charles A. Kldridge, John Ii. Dawson, Reverdy Johnson, Thomas A. Hendricks, William Wright, James Guthrie, J. A. Mcllougall, Wil liam Radford, S. S. Marshall, Mver Stroiise, Charles Sitgreavcs, S. E. Alien na, E. N. Hubbell, B. C. Bitter, A. I larding, A. S. Glossbrcnnor, E. R. V. Wright, A. J. Rogers, II. M'Culloch, E. C. Lo Blond, and W. E. Fiuck. WASHINGTON LETTERS. Tic .Ia.vwi'a( Mrrrur bwtty ultljtjyidJ'aUnion Ju!m untilurcUark ctmjirinnl I Washington, I), c, Juno '.7, iwn. Dkaii Captain, Tho Senate or the United States, composed of thirty-nlno Republican and ten Democratic mem bers, on yesterday confirmed the nomi nation of Robert V. Clark, Esq., as As sessor for the Thirteenth Congressional District of Pennsylvania, by a unani mous vote. This honorable testimonial of confidence in the nominee, and of in difl'erenco to the vlewsof Ulysses Mercur, and to the Interests of his friend Puie nfon John, ought to be instructive in your section, Mercur has followed this case with his hostility from the Bureau of Internal Revenue to the Secretary of tho Treasury, from the Secretary to' tho President, and front the President to the Senate. Ills labors havo been very ar duous as well as unworthy, but ho has received a rebuff at every point. Although tho proceedings of tho Sen ate on nominations are secret, some things connected with them always transpire. Mercur has stated that he appeared before tho Senate Committee on Finance, and made a speech against tho nomination ; which was, no doubt, a bitter ono; and ho also solicited mem bers Jo oppose It. Tho Inglorious result or all his operations Isti unnnlniouscoii llrinatlon by the Senate. Ho might have got it few members of very Radi cal proclivities to vote against Mr. Clark, by Importunity and misrepresen tation, if It had not been for a letter or P. John to tho Secretary of the Treas ury. John teems to huvo thought the Secretary ns great n rascal as himself, and wrote to him that ho would sus tain tlio Administration if ho were con tinued in oilice. This was in March, after tho President's veto of tho Freed man's Bureau BUI, Jiis speech of tho twenty-second of February, etc., nnd when the Issue wits fully mndo up bu tween him and tho majority In Con- gross. John thought It was agood time to ,-ell himself, and like a prudent man, staled his i,.nis, in yi-ry plain liingunye, j In the proper quarter. But ho was very much mistaken In tho Secretary, who, Instead of being delighted with mnklng u valuable purchase on easy terms, be camo somewhat disgusted, and has never thought of Palemon John since without a lively emotion of contempt. And this feeling was not nt all decreased by the extravagant pulf of tho Secretary which John put In his paper about tho same time. This unfortunate epistle, which some how found Its way to Senators, put tho finishing stroko to poor John. "So llio ulrnck i-nnlo, fcirctrtwil upon Hip I'llnln, No more I hrcmuli roll tug rlnwN toxnnr nu.iln, VIi'Wpi! Ills own fwilhrron Hip fnlnl clnrl, Tlint wlnitPil tlipflinft Hint niilvpi-r-illnlifoheni-tj Kri'ii wen- lifo tmniri, Imt Iicpiht fur to firl lie luuscil the lillilon wlilcli linln llpil Hip rIppI." A. M. WAsittsrtToN, July I, lW). Diiau Captain, The glorious Fourth has come once more with its suspension of business, celebrations, parties, nnd above all, firing or crackers, torpedoes, and fireworks generally by the young sters or the city. Tho public ofllces are closed, and every one turns from the or dinary occupations and annoyances of life to the enjoyment of a holiday. Ex peditious upon tho Potomac to Gly mount and Mt. Vernon, llshlng parties to the Falls, and rides into tho country are the order of tho day. The public grounds and squares are filled with peo ple. Nevertheless, I wish myself away once more from tho heat and dust or Washington, upon n quiet ramble through the grounds or a New England college, or o'lf upon an expedition to the White Mountains, or to the cool sea shore or the East. But all this is aside rrom my purpose, which is to conclude the story of tho nomination mentioned in my former letter, which you may desire to have in full, as It relates to a matter of local in terest In your section. After Mr. Clark's confirmation last week Mr. Mercur, accompanied by a feliow-niembcr of the House rrom your Slate named Kelly, made a foray upon tho Senate to get tho subject reconsider ed. In consequence of their ellbrts a motion was made and adopted request ing tho President to return the conllrni ation to tlio Senate. 1 am told that such motions are agreed to as n matter of course, whenever a member desires to move n reconsideration. On yesterday the President retruued tho case to the Senate, anditenmoup in Executive ses sion. The reconsideration was rejected, and it Is rumored, by a very strong vote, after debate. Thus ended the contest. John retired from the footlights; his per formances In tlie character of the bold olUce-hunter and complete letter-writer will no longer edify the public ; nnd the curtain drops finally before the actors in this little drama of appointment. A. M, GENERAL PRESS DESPATCHES. From Washington. Tin: Postmaster-General sent a com munication to Congress calling atten tion to abuses of the franking privilege, in tlio use of franks of members by claim agents, patent agents, etc. The Post- mtister-Geiiernl says this abuse lias In come n serious evil, lessening considera bly the postal revenues, and bringing reproach upon tlKiTpcpartnio'it. The Postmaster-General is powerless to ar rest this evil while members of Congress permit their clerks or other persons to write their names upon envelopes, and use or permit the Use of.hcv'w'V stamps, neitherof wlilcli has the function or law Cases aro cited where a Senator Intrusts all his franking to a niece, where patent agents send their circulars under frank of a member of Congress, and a ease where a clerk in ouo or the departments farms out tho franks of three several members or Congress. Outside of this report we hear of an Instance where it Is charged that a member of Congress sells his frank. The report was referred to the House Committee on Post-oilices and Post Roads. A circular lias been issued by General Spinner, United States Treasurer, em bodying the opinion of Solicitor of the Treasury Jordan, from which the former says It will be seen that noauthority is in vested In tho Treasurer's Olllceoriiithi Department to refund to any National Bank tho amount of duty claimed to have been erroneously exacted from it either by direct return of tho amount paid, or by allowing it as a credit to the bank on the payment in July next. The only remedy then left to the banks ef fected by this opinion of the Solicitor is in the provision by Congress for repay ment of the amounts claimed. In tite endeavor to procure such action by Con gress I will cheerfully co-operate by a representation of the facts, and In any other proper way. Circular No. 1 1, Will, issued under date of February tenth, 18(5(1, in which It was proposed to refund by allowing to bo applied as payment on tho July return any amount wlilcli a bank should show' to be duo to It by reason of tho modified regulations re specting surplus, mid cannot, therefore, under tho construction given by tho So licitor of the Treasury to the powers and duties or this otllce, bo carried out. Tho President on Thursday sent a messago to the Houso in reply to u reso lution requesting information ns to whether any of tho civil or military employes of tho Government havo as slated in tlio rendition of public honors to tho Rebel living or dead. lo Incloses communications from tlio heads of de partments In substance as follows: The Secretary of State says he has no knowl edge or information on the subject of the resolution. The Attorney-General re marks that his department has no knowledge of such disloyal demonstra tion on tho part of nny olllcer subject to Its jurisdiction, and ho believes that nouu such has taken place. The Postmaster General says ho has no information upon any branch of the Inquiry so far as It may relate to the olllcers and employes of his denartnient. Tho tho Interior sa.vs: "None of tho em. ployes of this department, so funis I am ad vi-ed and Im-Mcw, within ihe Mule "f Georgia or any other of the Rebel Stntes have In any way countenanced or assist ed lu tho rendition or public honors to traitors, either living or dead, or con curred lu tho obstruction or denial by the Rebel authorities or the privilege or doing like honors to loyalty at tho graves or Union soldiers who havo perished fur rrom their homes and kindred." Tlio Secretary or the T.rcasury makes n simi lar reply. The Secretary or War says his department Is not in possession or iinyolllcialliiforinatloiiupon thosiibject. Mr. Brown's resolution about the re organization of the departmental service will not be acted upon this session. It Is understood that an address to the people of tho United Stntes has been agreed upon by tho Democratic and Con servative members of Congress, nnd Is now being signed. It fully endorses thu proposed National Convention, to bo held in Philadelphia on thu fourteenth of August, nnd urges participation In its proceedings. It is headed with the names or Senator Guthrie and Repre sentiitlve Niblack. Tlio Miscellaneous Appropriation Bill, reported to the House on Friday, con tains an item or ill'ty thousand dollars to establish National Cemeteries, and to purchstsosites for the same at such points as tho President may deem proper, and for the care of the same; and two bun dred dollars for erecting, In connection with tho Treasury Department, a brick fireproof building for tlio Currency Printing Bureau and for storage. The otllcial report from General Car vagal, Governor oT Tainaulipas, dated the eighteenth ultimo, lias been received by Minister Romero, which states that ho had Just been placed in possession nf inlolligcnco from General Escobedo dated on the sixteenth, giving him do- tails of his important victory over the Imperialists near Caniargo on tho same day. The wagons captured are over two hundred and seventy lu number, and the value of tho.nierchandise nearly two million dollars. Tho merchandise cap tured belonged to 1-rcnch and Austrian houses in Matamoras, and is therefore lawful prize. General Escobedo iiNo captured twelve hundred prisoners, of whom four hundred were Austrian, Only n part of the enemy's cavalry es caped ; ail the artillery .and ammunition was captured. A- cniuturlu of two mil lions or dollars left Monterey for Mata moras on the sixteenth, with two tlious and French soldiers as a guard, under General Jeoningros. General Kscobeii (EscohedoV) marched to attack him General Carvajal expresses hisnbility to capture Mtitumoms without reinforce ments from Escobedo. The June report of tho Agricultural Department gives a comparison between the amount of raw cotton Imported from the United States into Great Britain during four months (if last year, and the four corresponding months of tho pros' cut year. It exceeds the quantity iin ported from India by almost ono bun dred per cent., and almost exactly equals the totals from all other localities. It is equivalent to five hundred and eight thousand seven hundred and twenty-six bales of four hundred pounds each. The report says half a million of bales In four months and seventy millions of dol lars are respectable figures in the trade with one foreign nntVm, even for the palmiest days of eotton-shlpping from tlio ports of the United States. The 1C' port also shows that Groat Britain intvs this season ten times as much wheat from Russia as from us, and from Franco nearly six times as much. Only a little more than four per cent, of her seven millions of hundred weight are brought li-oin the I nited Slates. Generals Stoodniun and Fullerton hav lug completed their investigations in Missouri, arrived in New Orleans on Sunday, from when-e they will make up and forward their report on Alabami and Mississippi. They conclude their investigations witliLouisianaand Texas During tho past week the Senate has rejected an unusual number of tlio Pre ident's nominations, most of them men of unexceptional military record Among the rejections of last Saturday were Colonel Kuftis Cheney, of Wiscou sin, nominated ns Assessor of the l'irst Collection District of 'that State, and Colonel George Ginty, of the same State, nominated as Assessor for tho Fifth Dis trict. Colonel Ginty served gallantly in tlio late war. Two of his brothers were killed, anil his father served as tt private during the war. Colonel Cheney served with credit as a paymaster. Tlio .senatoalso rejected Colonel A. J. Fulton, nominated as Assessor of tlio Fifteenth District of Pennsylvania, who was alto a soldier of good record. William Ed wards, also a faithful soldier, was 're jected as Postmaster at Keokuk, Iowa Peter L. Fry, nominated as Postmaster at St. Louis, Missouri, was thu second time rejected. It is considered certain that the Fi nance Committee's amendments to the I .ditin Appropriation Bill, attaching the Indian Bureau to tho War Department, win no adopted. It Is claimed that thl would save a great deal of money to tho Government, in enabling Indian alfalrs to be under tho control of army olllcer on the frontier, who would otherwise lie idle and paid as much ns if employed. Mr. Clarence A. Seward, nephew of the Secretary of State, and at ono time Assistant Secretary of State, left this city on Sunday for New York, where ho will take tho next steamer for Eurono. as bearer of despatches from tho United States to the Emperor of France. Tho Freedinen's Bureau BUI having finally passed both Houses of Congress. will at once be presented to tho Prescient lor his action. It extends tho operation of the Bureau for two years from this time, and tho supervision Is to bo over all loyal refugees and freedinen, to far as tho same shall bo necessary, to enable tneiu, as speedily us practicable, to be come self-supporting citizens. A letter has been received hero from tho Rebel General Miigruder, now In .Mexico, who writes to u friend nskinir him lo intercede with our Government that lie may not be arrested. "I want permission," he said, " to return to tho I'liltn! Stut'-s. ''!,,. impi (i. x.rii- meiit has gone lo destruction, and has no money, and we have to get away from here. Many have already Ion. Price and myself and some others tiro still hero, but wo urc compelled to look out for some other place to go to. There Is no hope for anything more here." The 1 louse Judiciary Committee have agreed to report favorably upon Senator Harris's bill to reorganize the Judiciary of tho United Stales. WHO ARE THE DISOROANIZERS? Fhom the beginning uf tho war on the President, which the Rndlcals have waged with malignant bitterness for tho greater part of a year past, the effort bus been most perseverlngly made to con vince the people that the friends or tho Administration are striving to divide tlio Union party for tho benefit of tho Loeofocos. The main argument de pended upon to sustain this charge has been that it division or the organization which triumphed at tho last election will bring the opposing party again In power. It has boon arrogantly assumed that the majority of the leader of tho dominant party have a right to dictate Its policy without regard to former de clarations, and that It Is treachery to tho party to leave It, even when Its chief principles have been abandoned, and unpopular and unconstitutional meas ures are engrafted upon It. No intelli gent man will deny that it Is mi act of gross injustice to every ineiuberof apo litical organization for its leaders to claim the name, the machinery, nnd the prestige of the party with a vlow to ac complishing objects not contemplated when It is formed, and which are seri ously objectionable to a very largo part of the people who compose it. This is a species of fraud which cunning. politi cians frequently re-ort to, but which is condemned by every fair-minded man. We have demonstrated abundantly that the faction which caused the schism in the Union parly has been engaged In this nefarious work all the time that it bus boon so vehemently denouncing the President and thoso who approve his course as traitors to tho Union party. The boldness with which they have as sorted that the divl-Ion was commenced by persons in sympathy with the one mies of the Union party has caused many unthinking men to believe that there must bo some truth in their state ments; and, unfortunately, many who hear what they say do not hear or see the refutations of their slanderous ns' soveratlons. There are now indications, which can not bo mistaken, that the Radical lead ers are satisfied that their programme cannot be carried through. Tho speech or Thaddetis Stevens on Wednesday last, so rull or bitter chagrin, and tho abandonment of the chief feature of tlio "reconstruction amendment," arosiiin- cient of themselves to show tlio despair of the chief leaders of the ultra faction and now that It is practically acknowl edged that they cannot force their revo lutionary measures through, it is well to ask why tho Union party should bo divided, when those who control that wing or it believe that the Loeofocos will have all the advautagcof thosplit? Some stupid contemporaries say that tlio " Radicals have made great concessions to secure harmony, and that they should not be expected to concede to every thing." It is not true that tho friends of the President ask any concession of Union men who are willing to stand bv the Baltimore platform of tho Union partv of 18(11, and tiio formal declarations of the Union members of Congress with regard to the objects of tho war. ir new issues are to bo introduced, let the rank and illo or tho party have an opportu nity to speak their views, and let it bo fairly admitted that tho-e who cannot subscribe to them may without dishonor leave nnd oppose tho party. The whole cause ol dispute between members of tho Union party may lie presented in very brier terms, nnd may bo readilv understood. 1. Tho friends of President Johnson insist that the Constitution, which is the "supremo law," must and shall bo re spected; that it Is the only bond of union between the States, and the creator of Congress, as well ns or the other depart ments ol the Government. If It bo de sirable to alter the Constitution, the al teration should lie mndo legally, deco rously, and deliberately. 2. The Radicals ln-.t that negro equality shall bu made it dogma or tho party, and that to establish it tlio Con stlttttion may be sub verted and supremo power assumed by Congress. There it not a ltadical Journal in tho country which will attempt to deny categorical. ly what wo hero assert ; and any ono wno win react inotiutiiorlzed declaration or principles of tiio Union party can easily perceive that the friends of the President have not departed from them. Tlio Conservatives do not ask any con cessions of the Radicals If (hey be'railly Liiion men, unci it they are not, with what show of propriety can they nsk us to yield nny principle or thu Union parly.' Can there bo any Injustice in proposing that we all go back to the point from which wo divorced, and there llnd who hits gone astray? Are tho Radical leaders willing to do this? vro they willing to go to tlio platform of tho party, and day there i Or will they undertuko to show that wo havo left It? With tho friends of tiio Constitution and tho Union there is no choic", if they were weak enough to abandon principle for expediency they could no- coinpllsh nothing by yielding to tho revolutionary faction. It has adopted negro sullVago as tho chief plnnk In its platform ; Its members of Congress have written tho record in their votes upon the bill (o compel the people of the Dis trict of Columbia to adopt It: and It Is everywhere proclaimed by them as tlio ehliiliuletliol their party. Such n weight no puny can carry and Ww.l'hiladd. phit( Dally Xncs, Tni:salury uf the Governor of Califor nia i- (i iil'l. i II llnm-iin-l 'li', A CLERGYMAN WHIPS IIIS CHILD TO DEATH. Wi: learn from tho railroad men who ciuno from Medina this morning that there was great excitement In that vil lage arising from a report that a Presby terlan clergyman, named Llndsloy, ru siding a nillo south of tho village, yes terday whipped his soil, three years oldr so severely that bodied two hours sub sequently, because he would not siiy his prayers, lteport adds that the child's; lingers were broken by the blows admin istered. Tho report seemed so mon- strous and unnatural that wo telegraph' ed to Medina to lenm If It was true, and received nn nnsWcr that It was. Tlnf telegraph states tlint tho minister wa. two hours whipping the child with rt heavy rod, and it died from Its injuries5 within tlio time stated above. Llnd sloy had not been arrested nt tho tlmo the despatch was sent, but wc learn that un olllcer from Albion has gone to Me dina to take him into custody. For tha sake of common humanity wo hope tho story is exaggerated, nnd It may bo pos sible that It Is. Since writing the above wo huvo re ceived by special telegraph tlio state ment of Mr. Llndsloy, tho father of tho child, made to n jury summoned by Coroner Chamberlain: "On tho eight eenth of Juno the child disobeyed his stepmother, and I commenced correct ing him,, and continued to chastise him for more than two hours, when tho child began to show signs of debility, '111111 I ceased to punish him and laid him on a couch and called my wife. When shesaw tho child she said he was dying, unci before twelve o'clock he was dead." Thccoro ner's Jury returned a verdict yesterday "that death resulted from chastisement by the rather." It will bo seen that the whipping was given on tho eighteenth instant, instead or yesterday, and that common report did not in this instance overstate tlio facts in tho case. A child three years old whipped to death by its father because It could notor would not say Its prayers 1 Is it possible, and of all other persons, that n clergyman; should bo guilty of such a pleco or inhumanity? What should bo Ids punishment? Tho condemnation or tlio public is ijot enough. The law should take firm hold or him and deal out justice to him with an unsparing hand. A cold-blooded murder It can be called nothing less should not go unpunished. No wonder tho people of Medina aro indignant and excited. Rochester Union, June 21. SUCH CONSISTENCY. When Mr. Stevens denounced tho President as an alien enemy, n usurper, and a tyrant, his Radical friends In Con gress applauded tho " veteran" to tho echo ; but when the President in aspeecli declared that Stevens and Sumner woro dlsiinionists because they favored keep ing eleven States out or the Union, ho was roundly abused for his indecorum and lack or good taste. When Senator Sumner characterized a communication of President Johnson as n " white-washing" proceeding, ho was looked up to by tho Radicals as a model of propriety; but when Andrew Johnson named tlio Massachusetts magnate as one not de sirous of a restoration of tlio States to their former places in tho Union, ho was denounced as a coarse villifler. Thad. Stevens recently styled those who sus tain tlio President" yolllngSecossloiiists and hissing Copperheads," anil the Rad icals manifested their approbation of his jm'rity of speech ; but when n New York Congressman styled the opponents of tlio President "wicked, revolutionary, malignant, and mischievous," tho great consistency parly honored liliu with n vote of censure, by n strict party vote. This party weru recently about to thrust Mr. Davis, or Kenutcky, from his seat in tho Senate because of his alleged treasonable conduct, and had about con cluded to send Senator McDougall homo to California because of their horror at his indecorous language; but when Mr. Ingei-soll, a member of Congress from Illinois, bitterly spoke or Andrew John son as a "liar, traitor, nnd a consum mate demagogue," tho Badicalsapplaud- ed him Intensely, and begged him to ontinue in his vlllifioation. M.ijor Gcneral Blair was denounced as u rowdy lor desiring to reply to Governor Stone. in St. Joseph, and every opportunity to do so of the Radical meeting was denied ; but tho same fanatics went on their knees to beg tho prlvilego of dividing thu timo with General Blair, In ono of ins meetings, and tho prlvilego was granted them, and an attempted reply was mado by one of their short-ramrod howitzers. By grouping theso facts to- geiner we think our readers will per ceive how much consistency and how much patriotism and loyalty theso Phar isees possess. ,SV. Joseph LMissourl) icr ald. TO DIRECTORS AND SUPERIN TENDENTS. Bv tho act of ISIS.-), as found 011 lUlirft nlnety-llvo or "School Law and Docls. Ions," section seventy-live, tho tiflldavit or certlllcato and the annual report nrcv to bo forwarded to this department nt tho sumo time. Tlieybhould bo mndo out anil sent to thu County Superintendent im mudiutely after tho school operations for thoschool year, for which they aro nitide, havoeloscd, nnd they cannot bo made be- loro. a ho warrant for thoStato appropri-. ntlon cannot bo issued until both theso documents are on file in this department u -iJiicciors semi tho nllldavjt to tho County Superintendent without the re-, port, it should be retained until tho report has been received. This course will bo much less troublesome, to tha Superintendent, us well as to the clerks. In this dopnitnient, who have eluirgo of these documents. It should bo i-o- membered liy Directors and Superinten dents that tiio law positively reciuires "tho certificate mid report to .bo ti-.m. milled to tho Superintendent of Com- mon Schools on ur before tho ilfteenth day of July, of the schoal year succeed ing tho ono for which they were made." --'.(,; .s'.'iW Journal, June,