SnE HATH FALLEN. (). Iiof rlialn ot llfo Is rust, On licr spirit's wlm; Is dust, She liml let Hie. spoiler In, She, hath mated her with Sin, She. linth open'd wide the door, Crlnio hath passed llio threshold o'er. Wherefore litis she. Bono astray 1 Stood Temptation In her way, "Wltli Us eyes so BlIttcrlnE bright, Clothed In angel robes of light I Oh I her story soon Is told t Onco n lamb within tho fold, HtruiiRcr voices lured her thence, In her trusting Innocence. Wool she had not strength lo keep With tho Shepherd of the Sheep, l-'cir tlio lleeeo so spotless whlto Thenco Iwcaino tho huo of night, And sho stood 111 her despair Ulentlna for tho Shepherd's enre. Woo that none might lead her Wis From the bloodhounds on her track ! llunacr prowled about her p.ith With n wild hyena wrath, Pcom ennto lcaptlm from Its lair Willi dcllant Kiowl nild stnrc, 4, And sho crappled, alt In vain, With thofaiiitsof Wniit and l'alu: Itopo and Merry shiil tho giito Oil this heart so Uesolato, Bo sho turned nsnln to Sill What had she to loso or win? llestlng on her life n stain Duepcr than tho hrand of Cain,' Heard sho not a pltylntf tone, Weoplni! In her shnnio nlc'ile? Was there not n human heart In her aiiKulsh boro a part7 K0110 to hold n beacon-light Up before her darken'd sight? No j tho ill tar was not there, For a canting Priesthood's prayer. Hho hath Allien I Let her die, Balth tho Lcvlto passion by. Ho sho turned again to Shi. What h.vs sho to huo or win? Ulsters! there Is work to do, Field of labor hero for yotl, Yo who pour tho wine and oil, Up I und rest not from your toll, Till tho bruised and wounded heart, Aching lrom tho Tempter's d.irt, Horo and weary with lis puln, Khali be bound and heal'd again Till, no lnoro dented by sin, Llkn tho pardoned Magdalen, Kneeling In repentance sweet, Klin may wash tho Saviour's foot With her tears that while they roll, .Mot llio sln-stidn from her soul. l)n you ask for your reward 1 "They nro blessed who servo tho Lord," AGRIOULTUKAL. Aplnry In Jane. June is tho swarming pcaxon, though bees often commence In May, and miwi- times wait until July to begin. Any ono wishing to inercaso his colonies to tho utmost miwt secure at least one swarm from each stock that is sufilcient ly strong. This is a matter which is to u great extent untie reontrol. A hive Will orten exhibit all tho Indications of swarming, except actual issuing, and yet not swarm. Zf you do not intend to mako all tho swarms po.-sible, it is Well to put on tho surplus boxes, but do not expect the greatest yield of surplus honey, and nt tho tamo tiino great In crease, Often tho non-swarming hive Will storo honey enough to buy a good liivo or two of bees when sold. Prepare the surplus honey-boxes before placing in tho hives by sticking in tho top of each soino nlco white combs tho right distance apart, to servo as guides to the bees; pieces an Inch square will do. Mr. Harbison says, instead of melting bees wax into which one edge of the comb may Ijo dipped to mako it stick, theso pieces may boglucd. Stocks not strong enough lo swarm by tho last of this month should bo made to .show cause. If nueenless, give them anew queen, unless too weak to keen out worms. If tho queen Is barren, destroy her, and replace with another in a few days. In a good season bees quito often swarm too much moro proportionally in small than in largo apiaries. "When no queens are reared artificially to supply stocks or swarms, it Is usually most profitable, when practicable, to limit tho K-mes from each, to one. With tho movable combs, tills may bo controlled. As a rule, live or six days after tho first issue, tako out tho frames, nud cut out all queen cells but ono, leaving tho oldest If any nro not sealed, it may bo neccs- nary to open tho hive again in three or four days, and cut oil any cells that may subsequently bo started. After-swarms usually i.suo from tho eighth to the thirteenth day after tho tir.-t; they jieod not be expected after the eighteenth day. It takes two second, or four third swatins to bo equal to one of tho first. If two or moro cannot bo united, it is better commonly to return them to tho old hive. "With half a dozen or moro movable comb hives, it is needless to liavo any very weak, at least after the weather becomes warm. I5ees aro in creasing much faster when all aro strong than when somo nro much crowded, and others very weak. They aro easily equalized in a few days, by taking some combs from the strong hives, filled with hrood, ready sealed, and exchanging them witli tho weak ones. Should chilly lllgnts occur niuuruuiuru 1110 uuuaviiuiigii hutched to protect theso combs, tho en trances should bo nearly closed, nud old carpets or blankets used to help keep tho hivo warm. American Ayrlmltu- rht. HretdliiR rig. I iiavu Just noticed tho Inquiries of J. T. about raising and feeding nigs. I wish to say I first find n good breed ; then I pick tho best sow pig 1 can find in tho litter. Sho must bo of good size and well shaped, rather long body, lino bone, fino, thin hair, and a good number of teals i In fact, 1 look for a handsome built, thrifty pig. Then I feed her 'veil, keep her growing, but not too fat. When sho is of proper nge say six or eight mouths old I clrlvo to tho best male pig I can find In tho neighborhood j then nso tho sow very gently, let her havo ti proper placo to sleep In, and keep her pen clean, witli plenty 01 lresii straw for bedding. Sho wants a now bed once or t wlco a week. Never set a dog at Iter, never get her scared if wo can help It. A day or two beforo her tlmo clean out pen, put in now led, short straw j theu watch her till after pigging i throw all cleanings and dead pigs tvway, for If die should eat It, It may teach her to cat her young. Keep her bowels looso before ami after sho pigs, for co.Uveues. will uwko her iw-s ami sho will 1:111 and out her pigs. 1 don't know of miy pitrtkiilar lirettl that will nlvo any stat ed nutubur of pit's at every litter. Cbiwi- try Gentleman, Ornpes, Tiny out tho buncluM freely, ofiioi'lal- ly on youiiff vinos. Ono bunch to tho .shoot is us much us a vine .should curry tho Hist year of Its fruiting. Slop tho c hoot at three or four leaves beyond the hint cluster. Young vines should grow only a single nine the first year, and bo kept tied up. lland-pleklng must lie re orted to for the large beetles and c.iter pillarH. FOR YOUTHFUL READERS. Tim I.lttlr llouml-Uoy's Die-am. A iuiu-haikud child laid Its pale cheek against a pillow of straw. It had tolled up three pairs of narrow, dark flairs to gain Its miserable garret, for It was n little "bound-child," that had neither father nor mother ; so no soft beditiwalted Us tired limbs, but a ink crable pallet with 0110 thin coverlet. It had neither lamp nor caudle to lighten tho room, If such it might bo willed ; still, that was not so bad, fis tho beautiful round moon smiled in upon tho poor llttlo bound-boy, and almost kissed his forehead, as his sad eyes closed dreamily. Hut after awhllc'ns ho laid there, what wondrous chungo caino over the place! A great light shono down ; tho hugo black rafters turned to solid gold, and theso seemed all studded with pre clotH sparkling stones. Tho broken iloor, too, was till encrusted with shin lug crystals ; and tho child raised him celf upon Ids elbow, and gazed with a half-fearing, half-delighted look upon the glorious sight. One spot on tho wall seemed too bright for his vision; but presently, us If eineri ing therefrom, came a -.oft white figure that stootl by tho poor bouud-boy's bed side. The child shut his eyes ; lie was a lit tie, only a llttlo frightened, and his heart beat quickly; but ho found breath to murmur, " Tell me, who aro you " Look up, bo not afraid," said a sweet voice, that sounded liko the harps of Heaven; "look up, darling; I am your brother Willie, sent down from the an gels to speak with you, and tell you to try and bear all your sorrow patiently for you will soon bo with us." " What, you my brother Willie ? Oh no, no, that cannot lie,' my brother Willie was very pale, and his clothes were patched and torn ; and there was a hump on his back, and ho Used to go into tho muddy streets and pick up bits of wood and chips; but your face is quite (bo hatid-omo ami your clothe prettier than any I ever saw before, and there is no ugly hump on your back; besides, my brother Wlllio H dead long ago." "I am your brother Willie, your im mortal brother; my body, with tho ugly hum), is dead and turned to ashes, Jiut Just as soon as that died I went up to the great Heaven, and saw sights that 1 cannot tell you about now, they were so very, very beautiful. 15ut (loil, who is your Father and tho holy namo of Eternity, gave mo the.-o bright garments that never get soiled ; and I was so happy that I suppoxj my face was changed very much, and I grew tall and straight ; so no wonder you do not know me." And now tho little bound-child's tears began to fall. "Oh!" ho exclaimed earnestly, " if J too could go to I Tea ven !" " You can go," replied the angel with a smilo of ineffaceable sweetness ; " you havo learned how to read ; well, to-mor row get your lilble, and find, very rev erentlyfor it is Mod's most holy booh these words of tho Lord Jesus: 'Hut I say unto you, love your enemies, blc them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.' Do all these, and you shall bo tho child of your Father which is above." Even If they beat mo'.'" murmured tho little bound-boy with a quivering lip. A Hash of light parsed over tho angel's face as ho replied, "Tho moro you for give tho nearer you will be to Heaven." In another moment tho vision had gone, but still tho room was all blazing with unearthly radiance. As tho llttlo boy fell back upon his piimw his wan faco reflected tho angers smile, and ho thought, "I will forgive tliem, oven 11 they heat me." Suddenly a moro musical vorVo than tho former fell upon his ear. This time ho was not afraid; but, sitting upright on his miscrablo couch, ho saw a figure that seemed to lift Itself to tho wall ; a ray of inteiiso brightness outlined all its form ; its eyes blazed, yet there was a mild beauty in them every timo they looked Into his own. " hittlo one, I am thy father," said tho torin in melting accents. " I don't think you can bo my father," whispered tho boy timidly. " .My father Used to look very old indeed ; and he got hurt and wore a crutch ; there were wrinkles on his faco and all over his forehead, and his hair was short and white, not long like yours. Ami my father used to stoop over, and wear a llttlo black npron, and put patches on bhoes In a llttlo dark room." "And whatelsoV" "Ho used to pray and sing very sweetly; but 1 never hear any praying and singing now," sobbed tho child, bursting Into tears. " Don't cry, dear llttlo boy, but listen to me. 1 tun your father, your Immor tal father; that poor lame body Is all gono now, mingled with thodu-t or the graveyard. As soon ns tho breath left that deformed body I was with the shin Ing angels; hosts and hosts of them horo mi) up to Heaven; and tho King of that glorious place elotluil mo In theso robes, whlto and stainless, and gave 1110 this lull beautiful body, which shall never feel corruption. And this wa tho rea son, dour little orphan: Iluuiiso I loved lllm.aud my chief delight was In pray ing to Him and talkingnbout lllni ; ami uHhou.Th 1 was very poor, I trial tu be hone-t, and many time j wvul lutujrrj -THE COLUMBIAN, 33LOOMSEU11G, SATURDAY, JUNE -30, rather than do wrong. And you, if you will never forget to say your little prayer that I taught you, If you will keep (lod's holy comniandinants ami trust lit Him always, shall soon bo with mo In my sweet Heavenly home. Onco moro the child was left alone; but still the rafters wero golden, tho walls pearly, tho old Hour studded with brilliants, and tho same soft mysterious light over all. A strain of holy music fell faintly upon his enraptured senses; It grew louder, and came nearer and nearer lo tho head of his llttlo bed. Ami then 11 voice oh ! far sweeter than eltherof the others sang, "My child, my llttlo earth-child, look upon me, 1 tun thy mother." In 11 moment what emotion swelled the bosom of tlio lonely boy I lie thought of her cherished tenderness to him long years ago; of her soft arms around his neck, her gentle lips pressing his fore head ; then caino up the cruelty of stran gers, who, after sho had been put away In tho deep ground, treated him with harshness. He turned toward her. Oh, what a glorious being 1 Her eyes wero like stars; her hair like tho most precious gold; but there was that In her face that none other might so truly know. Ho had doubted if the first-risen Was his brother, if tho second was his father; but not onco did ho doubt that this beau tiful being wa his own dear mother A little while ho kept down his strong feeling, but tho thought of tho past und tho present overpowered him. "Oh, mother, mother, mother!" ho cried, stretching forth his llttlo hands, "let mo come to you let me come! thero is nobody in this world like you no ono kises mo now, no ono loves me ; oh ! mother, mother, let mo come !" ami tho hot tears rained down his checks. "My orphan child," sho said in a low tones, that thrilled him to tho heart, " you cannot come to mo now ; but listen to me. I am very often near yoli when you know it not. Every day 1 am by your side; and when you come to this lonely room to weep, my wings encircle you. J behold you stiller, but I know that God will not give you moro sorrow than you can bear. When you resist evil I whisper calm and tender thoughts into your soul ; but when you give way to anger, when you cherish a spirit of revenge, you drive your mother from you ; remember that, my llttlo one your sin drives your mother from you, and displeases tho great and holy God lie good, be happy, even amidst all your trials, and If it is, a consolation, know that thy immortal mother often com munes with thy soul. And farther, thou shalt soon bo with me." Oh! mother, mother, mother I" mur mured the boy, springing from ids bed, and striving to leap toward her. The keen air chilled him; ho looked eagerly round; thero was no light, a solemn stillness reigned, tho radiance, the raft ers or gold, tlio silvery beams, the mil sic, tho angels all were gone. And then he knew that ho had been dreaming; but oil! what a dream! how strength ening, how cheering! never, never would he forget it. Tho next morning, when ho went down to Ids scant breakfast, thero was such a beautiful serenity upon his face, such a sweet gIadne- in his eyes, that all who looked upon him forbore to taunt or chide him. He told his dream; and tho hard hearts that listened wore softened; and tho mother, who held her own babe, was so choked with her tears that she could not eat; and the father said in wardly that henceforth ho would be kinder to the poor little orphan bound boy, and o he was. The child found his way into their affections, ho was so meek, so prayerful, so good, and at the end of a twelvemonth, when tho angels dhl in very deed tako him to Heaven, the whole family wept around the llttlo collln as If ho were ono of their own. Hut then they all felt that ho was in tlio bright heavens with his brother, his father, and his dear angel-mother. WIT AND nUMOK. Tin: needle-woman's exclamation. Ahem ! Ir you can't coax a fish to bite, try your persuasive powers upon a cross dog, and you will boMtro to succeed. "My 'pinion is," said a philosophical old lady of much experience anil obser vation, "that any man as dies upon wash In' day does it out of pure spite." " Pa, I know why that old-fashioned pistol of your'n that grandpa lit with in tho devolution is called a horse pistol," " Why, my son'.'" "Hecaiiso It kicks sol" "It seems to mo I havo seen your physiognomy tomewhero before, but I cannot Imagine where." " Very likely ; I havo been tho keeper of a prison for tho last twenty years." A gkntlkman riding down a steep hill, and fearing tho foot of it was un sound, called out to a clown who was ditching, and asked him if it was hard at tho bottom. "Ay," answered tho countryman, " it is hard enqtigh at tho bottom, 1 warrant you." But In half a dozen steps tho hoivo sunk up to the sauuie-glrtlis, which niailo tho gentle man whip, spur, and swear. "Why, you rascal," said he, "did you not tell mo it was hard at tho bottom V" " Ay," replied the fellow, " but you are not half way to the bottom yot." A (ii:.TLi:.MAX residing near llo-lou drew the attention of the Town Council to a slough In the road as a nuisance, but no notice was taken of it. Ono day ho found, to his amusement, that two Coun cillors had walked Into It by accident and were tloiindering about In tho mire, when ho adtlre.-ed them thus: " Gen tlemen of llio Town Council of lloslon : 1 havo often petitioned lo your honora ble body against this slough, but J never had any attention paid to my pe tition. I now come forth to express my di light to sec you til hijt l iucmy In (he inutk MM III ATLANTIC MONTHLY. " 1 ho ATLANTIC MONTHLY, by cencrnl run- sent, stands at tho hetvl of Ametli hi iiuiKitzliHS. It unmlnrsnmoiut Its eont manors 11111 inosi emi nent nrltersof Ihoiljiv.both III ProseHiid Poetry, and ltsmitei havo always lelleeted w hat In best ill .Mrierfan iiiiorniine. 11 11ns h-jii m-u o i-ium-lul Ion ii"ier lierore (tallied by liny Ainerh an lna; 117.I110 of this elass, iilul It Ims.liy the Ioiik peilod nt Its existence and the worth of Its eotilrlliUtois, bei iiinii 111 inly lixed III puiilii' esu ein. Tho fiillowlmt mo iimonu thu must prominent rcuntareoiitrlbutois! Ill W. I.D.MII' in.i.inv, WILLIAM ftlLLKX nilYANT, j, t. Tiiownuimii:, . . DUXALI) 11. MlTt'ltr.LL, c. c. iia.i;wi:ll. .1. 0. U. Y. 1 1 1 1 1 ( M I .r. llAYAItli 'J'AVLOU, iiAitiiii:r 11. s-mwi:, tfAIL HAMILTON, 1:. p. witiiTi.n. TI'.IlMSl Klnalo subcilptlc)ii, four dollars per V'mmi IIaths. Two ropiest forseveu dollars; live lopli-s for slxtein dollars; ten inpli'S for tidily 1I1.II .m. mill liililltlimnl f-imv thrpo itollnl-s. I or fvery tluli of twenty iiiciinois an extra ropy will bo mrnlsliid nmtls, or tv.'eiity-otiu t-o-l''!-.1?,!',.1.l": .1... AT..vri,. Ill- l .' I Mi J OO (HnidHU nil itiit . 1 1 int. n twoiilv-lour cents per yi-ar, and must In till (uses be paid nt thnoltlco wheio It Is iviehed. sim:ci.mi:n cui'iix of the Atlantic MONTHLY will bo sent on receipt of twenty-live rents, . . . . 1 in. .iTr.iT ' 1 .v anil our liiiisii I"i)LICHwlll bo furnished tuKother at live dollais per year. , lsstniaters to prm'tiro subserlbers lo om' periodi ritf.'t!ii iniiiic'iiirnia nr. mint-ii t'i ivm-iivi 1 unit cals, ivuuiu .vmiii'i. 1111 iMiui.wiii i... "j. Address Tlt'KNOit A riLLl'S, rnhllshew, Ml TiclllulllMllU, Jiosiun, .muss. -jTEW YORK TIMES. Tit?, mti.v Tl mkh. I'oiilatnlin: tho latest l'or dull and Domestic News, Is published (hilly, at ten dollars mr minimi; with Sunday million, t'i c ki:mi-Wi:i:kly timix, published on Tuesdays and I'lld.iys, price tie coins, jn (men tion til IIIO lllll'H KCIllTHI llllflMVl 1H it" f,',"l"' iiplolhH moment of ttolna to lu-ess. tlicio 111 bo r. 1 , It tim.tlu.r tin' fill est WnshftliHoU News. Kuropeau News with Kini'hle letters I10111 ourcorrcsimdciits in tnidoiiniiil Paris kIvIiiii the tono of public tis'llnix abroad, s iiiiiiiimi sih ..1 1 .... i-i.i. muni i.'.itnrp. In adillt (ill to l.d torlnls on nil the ciiricnt topics of the day, llio SI'.MI-WI:i:K'LY TI.MIiSlmsu paue ol (.uvrally. prepared commercial matter. ulIn the hit(st 11 linilclal News and Market ltclrt: Items of Ait-rk-ultural and Domctle inlen-t, compiled ricuii sources many of which are otherwise lii.ircesslblci to llio American reader: and inarrliiycs and Marrlattcs mid Deaths or iiioueci:. 11.,. jL-it(.ii'u-i.'i.v llecoitli." or Newsuiil mmv beluga careful synopsis and d!c.t or the news of tho dav, Is alone worth double tlio Mil) seriptlonprlcolothe paper, as It preserves In a condensed and conveniently el.issiiiod hum nil iiMWsof Interest, and must piou uditablo as a record toall time, TKltMS. Tlneo dollars per annum. Club lates arodbTontlnnetl. , , ,, Tho WHIIKLY TIMKf. published at twodollais ix ear, contains, In addition to the latest itencra lnteltliteneo by tcleitraph up to tho moment ol Hoillj' to press, tne lllliesi ionium"!. . KiimiKwu News, with t'liipiilc letteis from our n..i.......ii.i.tLi in T 1111011 mill Purls, t'i vl mi I he i. ..r ..i.i.ii.i C...1I11 iilii.inil. Is made 11 and t'criii-iiient lealuve. In addition to IMIiorliils on all tlincunent topics ot the nay, tlio vt r.i.K I - V MM M I'S li.iw .1 ..ilir.i nl' fill Of III V-lUCOOll ll CO)! mcrclal matter, rIvIiik the Iute;t mane In! News and Market IteiiorN; items uf Ajiilcultnral and Deiiestle Inleiesi, complied liu sniiru .s luunv or wlili 11 nreoiheniise imrn;i' i" ." can render; and MairluKesand Dealhsof the week, 0. UK YOUNCi KOLKS. l'nriM.niitniUv Invito littelll 1(111 to tllC followlllU note fiom tho able and popular DeiiiityMntu .Su perintendent of Sihoolsfur rcnlisylyiiniu: Messrs. Tickxou I'lr.i.ns, Iloston, Mas,: (,i:nti.kmi:n. Penult me lo roiiitraiuiato. yo i on the tnaiked success of "Oar oun;j loiny I iotu the Issue of the tlrst liuinoer i nae v,aicii ,i .i-iiii i.ini.ii urilielimlii lu linio mid chaiader. well know Ins thu Immense Inlluence, for wood or for evil, It would bo llltciv lo wieio. .iuiikiiiv by the tono which has pievailcd in muchot our Juvenile- llteratute, both lellulous and (eciiuir, i feaiislthalitHisiiitrllailoi'siiilKhliaciciiiaiyiiuiiK' ii lili-li eiili iiliilli! MICUlC tO the child nature, or that tho laltli and inaciuKiusii. ss of youth mlj'ht be tampcieil w Ilh and displaced ny a l.illcy lor I no vices aim uccciisi.i malum js...... Happily my f'.us havo proved groundless, ,i.n .ii.i.l iTitiiitiiillv hue i. lo thank loll for duclngii iiiaauluiiso well adapted to the class fur which It Is Intended, ami so eievaiius "u; hi! In Its llllluenccs. SAMI KL 1 . JI.V1 l.s, Deputy Statu (Superintendent Schoola, l'a. TintMMOKOlMt YOl'N'd l'OLKS: (in year, in advance; tlneo copies, Si; live copies ;a; i, n co pies, an; and inch additional copy Sl.W. I wenty copies, S.JI, and n copy gratis to tho person procui in;: tho club. ... , Special Inducements ollcred to teachers loaet asimenls. sjwclal copy and elieular si nt to Per sian who wMi to iirocurn siiIimtIIicis, lor tell cents. T1CKNOH .t l'UJLD.s, Publishers, JIIISIIHI, .11IISS. jq-KW YOUK LKADKK. 1110 l,l';.Vl'l.!l IS puullMlcu uuii r.iiiiiuii, moinlm.'. Terms, Invariably, cash In tidwmcc. .Money sent bj mall at the i Isle ol the sender. SrusciMiTioN ll.u l'or a single copy, tlnce mouths, tl; torn slnslc copy, ids: niouth.s, n'; for a Miu;le eopv, one y( ar, SI; lour copies lor one jenr, Sl.'i; einhi copies for ono .vear, t'. Ono extra copy lo (sctter-up of ( lubs of clKiil. In leply tosiiM rul apidlcatloiis, nir.mKcmciits havo been made Ioraseelai WulciliiK-l'laicMib-sctlntlon to the LI'., w hich Ispie-eiuliii inly ll Paper. The pait i- will lie mull ed toMibscrloers tor llii-eo miiullis tor one dollar, and tho addiesses of city Mihsciibeis will be (-handed upon aiipllcatlon at lids oillee, so tlnl lliose w ho hit the Siiioiiiei-icsorts may not be deprllol (it this wi i klv pliotoiir.iph ol political, literary, aillsttc, dramatic, and mh lal lite In tlio mctioiiolls. All contribul Ions, hooks, business ietters. eoniiuuniciitioiis, etc., must he addressed to tiio kiutok or tin: i,r..iiKit, 11 1'raiiUloit Stieet, New Yolk City. nTKW YOK THI1JUNE . r.NLAitcn:i. THK LAIIOEST AND CIIKAPLsT. K:-i.Ai! oi- the hah.y, hi-..Mt-wi:F.Ki.v, anii wm.ui.Y rninu.NK. Notwillistandlii tho fact that Hie size of Tin: Tiiint'Nil has been Incie.iseil moiethan oneiiuui ter, tho pi tee wllrremaln the siinie. MlW IS Till: TIMi: 'III M'lWIUIlH I II!! THi: UltUAT l'A.MILY NliWSPAPIIlt. Till". NT.W YOUK WHHKLY Tltllll'NK is printed on u Inmn double-medium sIik.I, male Ilia vUUt luiaes iji'six blond eoluniiis eiicli. II cootalnsall tho linisaliint Kdltoiials published lu 'J in: Daily Tinni'si:, except those ot meielv IismI Interest; also Literary und Sclcntllie lulil lUence; ItevlewK of the most iiiiunlaut and In leicsthu; Newliooks; the Letleis from our l.ii",'o corps of correspondents-, tho lalei.t news u eel veil bvTelcKiaplitioni Washington and all otherpaits of llio country; n sumiuary of all liiijsirlaiit in Icllinence or this city and elsewhere; a svuopsls of thcpro(ecdlni.'s of Congress and Slate LokIi-I.i-tuie wla u In session; thu 1'iirelKii News n cehi d bv ovcrv Milliner; Hxcluslve Itepmlsot theiiro ceediiKsof tho I iirmers' Club of tho American Iusiltuto; Talks nboiit l'ruit, and other Horticul tural and AKilcultural Inloim.itloii to country le-lilcnts; him 1:, rin.tuclal, Catlle, Dry (iomls, and Maikct lteporls; inakluull, both lor variety and einiipetcnch.s, altiuciher the mosl valuable, InlercstliiK, and Instructive Wi;kk- I.V Nl.WM'Al'i:il published 111 tho WOlld. Moll subserlbeis, slnijle isipy, 1 year i! (V) Mall subscribers, chilis of Iho (1 Id 'Pen copies, addressed to names or subset lbeivli -VI Twclit copies, do. do. Ill l Ten eoiiies, to one nddrrss 10 Hi Twenty copies, to one address 'ia lie An extra copy wdl be scut ir eai li club ot tell. tin: ni:w yoiik hi:.mi-w oiikly TitinrNi: Is pulillshed eveiv Tile-day and 1'ild.iy, anil con lulus all Hie Ivlilinlid (lllicles, not meiely local 111 cbiirarler; Llleriii v ltev lew s Ait Criticisms; L"lters lrom our lai-je cia-ps ot I''orciu and Di mcstto Coircsiondciiis; speelul and Associated Press 'leleKiapil Desimlclies; a caieful nud eom iilileSumiiiiiry of 1'i.n Ism and Humesilc News; Kxclnsive llepirlsor tin l'iis iMlln'soi ihiiKanii 1 1-., CliibiJ'lhe American Insdtulc; Talks about l'ruit, und oilier Iloitlculturai und Aurlcuiliiral lnlormallon; Stis-k, l'lnaiielal t'allle. Dry (J.hhIs and (lenerill Maikel lt imlts, whlcluileinlbllshed luTitr. DAiLY'iiiiiiUNi:. tiii:hi:m1.wi:p.ic- LYTltlllillN'i: iilM)les, In thocouisoof ii year, three or tour of the JIKS.T AND LATI'-ST 1'OPLLAlt NOVKI.S by llvlna nuth'irs. 'Iho cost ol tliese alone, If h'oiiL'lit In book-l'iiim, would bo fnnn sl to eight dollars. Jf pun based In Ha- Kucllsh mac mines, from Willi h they "re can roily si hs ii d, Iho coni would bo Hirer or four limes th it sum. Nowheie (dso (vin so much current lulrllucnee and perina nent Utejiiry matter lie Iiadnt so cheap arnicas In tho Si:.Ml-Wi:i:ivLY TltllblNi:. Those who bellevo in the principles and approve of the char acter of This TmiiL-Niican Inert nso Its power und Inlluciico by Joining with IhelriielKhhnrs in I n in Ins clubs losubscrlbo for tboTUKSi:Mi-Wi-:nii,Y lldltlon. It will In that win be supplied to Ihciu at tho !nut price, fur wlilcliMKh u isipcrc-au bo pilntcd. .M. latl subset Ibers, I copy, I year, 101 nuuibcrs...l Ol no, 2 copies, tl. OH, ... , l.l (lo, ."i copies, or over, cii'-b copy . :i in) Persons lemlttlus tor PI copies will ucelve an cN.ra coj.j fur six moiilhs. Peisons rcmlttiui! for r,eoplcs SPi will icrelvo an oxtuicopy ono Jiur. TIIH NIIW YOIIK DAILY TIlllll'Ni: Is p llshed eerv nioiiilm; and evenlnit'Suudaj sex is pled) ul am per year; l't lor sis iiiouths, Trims, cash In advance. Oralis on New York, or posl-oillco ordeis, imya ble to Till-: T'i i n cm:, lieinu soft r, arc pielcialilu to any other in kIu ol ivmlliance. Address Till-! TIlllll'Ni:, New Yoilc. gciiiu.i,, iiKitaicu & co., Cli:NUitAI, COMMllSSIION MUllCIIANTS, Dealem lu I'lSH, SALT, CIIKfJ-ii:, I'KOVIHIONS, Ac, Nni, ri-'niul 1C1 Not lb Whiiivii,iibi)Vii AichSt,, l'liltadi ipi.l.i. c iii a re. , Uc f( Wile. Whs' -. uudcins, li di e, in bar J 0SH1MI IIIIXIKL&H. S. FISTUIl, (Lalo Ulegel, Wlesl r.rvln.) Importers and Jobbers of IIIIY (IOODS, No. 17 North Third Street, Philadelphia, USSELL & WOODltUl'T, Wholesale. Dealers III TOIIAC'COH, CICIAim, l'lPIX, AC, AC, No. 1 1 North Third Street, above Market, Philadelphia. J OHN c. yj:aoku & CO., Wholcsalo Dealers In HATH, CAPS, HTIIAW OOODS, AND LADIIvS' I'UltS, No. S"i7 North Thlid Street, l'hlladelphln. q u. nonniNS & co., ITION MKUCHANTS, Norlhcast corner of Second and Vino Street, Philadelphia. S. J" 11HTTLH, HUSH, lltTNN&CO., UltY OOODH, No. 19 North Thhd Street, Philadelphia. with JMUSIIMUTH, UIIOTIIKU k CO., WllOLIHALi: TOHACCO DIIALI'.IIM, No. lil North Thhd Hlreet, flvo doors below Kaco. ractorlcs, Nos. S2! mid 2i (Juarry Street, I'hlladelphla. J V. hAMHKUT, with HOSS, SHOTT A CO., Importers and Jobbeniof CLOTHS, CASSIMLllliS, VITINtM, Ac, No. 311 Market Street, Philadelphia. TUNGEUICII ct SMITH, WlIOLUSALi: UltOCLIiH, No. i", North Third Sluet, I'hlladclphl.i. J H. LONdSTltUTll, I'APKlt-irANCilNOAVAl'.IIIIOCSi:, No. ii North Third Slreet, Phtladelphla. Q 15LABON & CO., M.imif.iclurers of OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SUADKS, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Stieet, Philadelphia. M. M. MAKl'LK NOTIONS, IIOSILUY, CILOVns, AND l'ANCY (IOODS, No. SI North Third Street, Philadelphia. pillKNIX STOVE DHI'OT. HILVrnilS, lSANGlX, AND STOVIiS, "Wholesale and lletal). I'ATENT ANTI-DCST COUK1NO STOVU. VULCAN UKATHIt, for healing two or more looms. PAItl.OII, COOKINC., LAUNDl'.Y, IIHATINCI, and every variety of STOVJiS. JOHN I. IIIS, No. 310 North Second Street, Philadelphia. JOHN E. FOX it CO., stock and nxciiANor. nnoKints, No. II Soulh Third Street, Philadelphia. SPKCIi: AND 11ANK-NOTKS, ALL KINDS OI-' STOCKS AND IIONDS bought nud sold on commission. Attention given to collections on all accessible points. K ENNHDYj STAIRS .t CO., WHOLINAI.K I-'ISII DUALEIK, Nos. ISO und 1-B Ninth AVharves, I'lllladelphla. QIlAHLES If. MAlU'LE, ImiKiiler and Dealer In KliANDins, WINI'-M, (IINS, I.IQUOIW, wini: nirrinw, Ac, No. 122 NoithThlid Street, t.liove Arch, west side, Philadelphia. "JMA'AL & ltOYKIJ, Successors to (HLIIIOUT, liOYAL & CO., WHOLUSALi; DllUOUlS'l'S, Iutporteis and Dealers In DI1LIUS, MKDICINIX, SPICIW, PAINTS, OILS, (jlass, DYI-: CTuri's, ,c, Nirs. Ml and 311 Noi 111 Third Street, Philadelphia. JTAOKN, 150 YD & CO., CO.M.M ISSION M III !C,'I I A NTS, and Wholesalu Dealers In J.UAr AND MAN L' PACT UUKD TOHACCO, SIX1AIIS, A.C., No. CI NorthThlid Slreet, Philadelphia. CoiisIkiiois can forward Ihclr stock "III Ilond,' without ptcpayliiKtho llnlb-,1 stales lav. I.STAlUvI.SHKD 1703. joitiuN & luioriinn, WHOLI-XALi: unociuw, and Dealers In SALTPIVrili: AND IIIHMSTONL. No 20!) North Third Stieel, Philadelphia. ypiXKlt it HOST, Successors to I'ifthkllii P. Seltzer A Co., Importers and Wholesale De:diri.Iii LUMIOILS, W1NIX, Ac. Nos, 110 and 112 North Third Street, l'hlliidelphla. W. II. KOONH, Acnt, IlloonishurK, Pa, "yyiLWAai 1(. JIAD1JOCIC it CO., Doalcis hi 1'lNIl OUOCHIUHS, No, tig fcoutli Thud htici-l , imp, uluud Hank, I'Uiladililua. 18GG. rjiltH UNION I10THL, Arch tsircct, betwetii'Thlrd and l'outth Street", Philadelphia. OlIltmTAWr.HI'.U. Proprietors. M T. VIUUSON HOTKL, Nos. II" and 1 111 North Second Klreel, Philadelphia, Id llLAllt. gT. C11AHLH9 HOTi:ii, on Tin: r.uuopr.AN' viun, Nos. C), 02,01, and 11 Noi th Third Streets, between Market und Arch Klreel", I'lilladelphl.i. CHAltLKS KLlX'KNint, Mnnaser. Q.IUAHD IIOUHM, Curnerof Ninth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. II. W. KANAOA, Proprietor. "yyAT.SON ct J ANN MY, 1 miirters mid Jobbers of SI L1C AND l'ANCY DltlXS OOODf, SHAWLS Ac, No.WIMaiUit Street, Philadelphia. I A. HKNDUY, Successor to Hendry A HariN, Maiiufaeturtrnnd Wholesale Dealer In notrrs and snoi'iS, No. i1 North Third Street, Philadelphia. 1 with 1.1PPINCOTT A TKOITEU, wiiolusalh ar.owats, No. 21 Nortli Water Street, and No. SO Nortli Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. G KOlttJE II. llOBEUTS, Importer and DcaWr In IIAr.DWAItH, CUTI.K11Y, HUNS, Ac, No. all Noith Third Street, above Vino, Philadelphia. E lCNJAllN OKlCKN, Dealer In CAltPCTINOS, WINDOW SIIADKS, OIL CLOTHS, MATS, Ac, No. 51 North Second Street, Philadelphia. J I BHAKD, with LIPPINCOTl', HONDA CO., Manufaelurcrs nud Wholesale Dealers In HATS. CAPS, I'UItS, ANDsrUAW GOODS, No. IP) Market Slreet, Philadelphia. JOWE, EUSTON ct CO., Manufacturers and Wholcsalo Dealers In COTTON YAKNS, CAIIPirr CHAINS, 11ATIS, WICKS, TlH YAftNS, COUDAUH, linOO.MS, WOOD AND WII.LDW WA1IH, LOOKOOLASSUS, CLOCKS, l'ANCY 11ASKKTS, TA1ILH, l'LOOlt, AND CAUUI.UIU OIL CLOTHS, AC, No. COO Market Street, south side, IMilIadclphla. T H. WAIiTEIt, Lato Walter A Kaub, Iinpoiter and Dealer lu CHINA, GLASS, AND (iUKl'.NSWAnE, No. 211 North Third Street, between It.iee and Vino Philadelphia. -pSTAUMSlIKl) 1820. JOIINltHAKIltTACO., Wl I0L1 XA LU DI I CO t HSTS, and Dealers lu CHEMICALS, MI'.DICINUS, PATHNT MHDI CTNliS, Sl'icrx, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW OLASS, VAHNISIIKS, DYKS, Ac, Ac, Southeast corner of Third nud Callow-hill Sts Philadelphia. A n.AIIlUlJSTEH ct UUOTIlElt, Importers and Jubbers of IIOSIEUY, (il.OVIX, B1IIUTS AND DltAWr.ltS, nurroNs, susPKNiiuns, HOOP SKI ItTS, 1 lANDKEUCI IIFS, TIIIIHADS, SEWING SILKS, TllIJIMlNGS, POUTE MONNAIUS, SOAPS, PEIIEUMEItY, l'ANCY GOODS, AND NOTIONS GUNEHALLY, Also Manufaelurcrs of JI11US1IES AND LOOKING GLASSI?!, mid Dealers in 'OOD AND WILLOW WAItK, nnoo.Ms, i:opix,TWiNr.s, Ac, No. GuONoith Third Sliect.nbovo Vine, Pldladelpld i. QOTTKKl.L .t AYUKS, Wholesale Dealers In PISH, CHEl'.SE, Ac, AC, No. 100 North Wharves, second door above Aich Sttcrt, Philadelphia. 2 AKCUOKT ct CO., Importers nud Jobbers of STAPLE AND l'ANCY DUY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASMMKIIEH, IILANKEIX, LINEN'S, WHITE GOODS, 1IOSIEIIY, Ac, Nos. JUS nild l'J7 MaiketSliecl, ubuve l'outth, noi th side, Philadelphia. JJ AV. It AN ICS WHOLESALE '1'OIIACCO, SN'Ul'P, AND CIOAIt WAIIEIIOUSE, No. lltiNoilh Third Street, belwieii Chi rjy and lUiec, wistsldv, Phil.ulel.hl.i. tjOSi;i'H H. DlOLh, M.iiitilactuiurof mid WholoBdo Dfnler In ci.0TiuNa,ci)rns, casbimlues, and VIIIN(IS, No. ll North Third Hticct,, S' iOWIMt JJA11N1J & 1'OTTS, 110t)KBi:LLi:iW ANi) STATIONintH, and Dealers In etmTAiN A) wAt,t;t!Ai'KitM, No. 37 Nortll.Thlrd Streel, below Areli, Phlladolphtn. riibllshers of Sanders's New Headers, llrooksM lililiinellcs. Itoberls's History (if tho United Stales, Pcllon's Outline, Maps, Ae. llUiuk-llookS on hniul, and tn.ido In order. lSTAHLlSHKl) 188." KJt VI liilUlinllliU, nnnrfiiii sw.? WliOLHSALK DltUdUIHTS, iid. r!j Marl'.et Street, ono door below Ulglitli," l'lliladelphln. nnuas, Mr.iliOirirwi chi:micai,s. PAINTS, OILS, OLAKS, VAlt'StdtlKS, llYtW; and every other nrllele pertaining to IhoUll-'liiess,' of the best minUty, and lit lowest market rnteil; A NDUliWS, AV1LK1NS ct CO., Dealers In rOIU'.ION AND DOMUSTIO DUY O0ODH No. Ml Market Street, I'lilladelphl.i. gNYDHU, IIA1UUS ct UASSETT, .Mliiiuiaciurcis HUO uohlci.-. Ol MHN'S AND IIOY'H CLOTIIINO, Nos. 522 Market, and 522 Cominorco Street, Philadelphia; -y-EAVEll ct SI'ItANKIilO, vviiOLiJSALi; imociats and uji.Mi.-i-iiu MHltCHANTS, Nos. s1; and 227 Arch Street, Philadelphia. AY. 1 IJUIUCHAUT, Importer mid Denier In 11ION AND HTHHL, No. (ii) I'ront Streel, Philadelphia. TTUHUAH FOlt CATAWISSA! THIS WAY I'OIt UAKOAINS. (ioods to compare wllh strhiKcney of Iho money market, I,ook and compare prices beforo pur- chasliiK clsew heie. Just mill at thu fuvorltn busi ness stand of Mc-NINCH A SIIUMAN. nud you will bo met by thoobllulns proprletorsnr Ihclrclcrks, mid show n throui;li Ihclr ureal variety storo fica of ( liiuae, of course. They will kIvp you n fall- (banco to spend your looso chain:", they 1 1 list much moro prolltnbly than It can bv spout elsewhere. Their STOCK OI' DltY CI0OD4 lids Sprln? Is much larger In nil Its varlotlao thou usual. Their LADIIvS" D1UKS GOODS :ue of Iho nicest stiles lu market. Thoy Iihto a line assort nient of HATS, CAPS. 110018 AND fillOIiM, SU.MMKIt CLOTHS, C'ASSINCTS, CASSIMHItLS, AND VIMTINGM, and numerous ai llclcs common to such establish ments, besides u L;encriil assortment of HAltDWAlti:, TINWAIIE, ClUHIINSWAltl!, and auocr.nnx, all at pi eat ly reduced prices. They wish to con duct their business on Iho system of "PAY AS YOU GO," and they think they can afford to soli very cheap. Uiey letiirn their thanks for many past favors, and ask the future patronage of their former cus tomers mid the public Kcni-rally. MeNIN'CH A SIIUMAN. r 1 AT AAV 1 SSA II AI ) A I ). J I'l oni ami niter October 2, lsiii, the trains will puss ltupiit as iiillows: Hoimi Noian. Hliulrn Mull nt 1 p.m.; Krlu Express at 2: IS A.M. tioiMi Sonii, Philadelphia Mnll at 11 A.M.; New Yotk Hxpiess at I p.m. UKOIIW: WEIlIt, Supt. T A C IC A AV A NN A AND 11L0OMS- lj ItUIKI IIAII.IIOAD. On and alter Match 11, lsofl, PasseiiKcrTralui will run as lollows; Soutiiwaiiii. Leave Scninton nt 4:10 p.m. and fiioO A.M. ; Kingston at H p.m. and (l:V a.m. ; lllooms biiiKat.s:2iii'.M.aiid!i:2iiA.M. Anlvcat Northum berlaud at !MII P.M. and IHV, A.M. Nournw.Miii. Iave Northumberland at 7a.m. and.", p.m.; llloomshurt; at S;-y,A.M.aiid ftiiP.M.; Scranlon at ll:a" a.m. and II p.m. Arrlio at Srinu. ton ut 12:11) a.m. and 10:15 II. A. FONDA, Supt. KlIlL-ston. Mnrch l.'i. ISnp. GUEATI'ENNSA'IjVANIAKOUTE to Iho NOHTII AND WEST. rOUlt DAILY TItANINS. ON AND AFTEIl MA11CII 12, ISM, trains will leave as lollows: .. U'livo Wash'ii. Lcnvn Ilalto. Express Mall (1: J a.m. (i:UI a.m. l-'ast Line .7:.T0 a.m. 12:10 p.m. PlttshiirKaml Erie Ex 1: ID p.m. 7:20 p.m. l'ltlsbui guild Eliiihu Ex....7:W p.m. 0:15 r.u. TWO TEA INS ON SUNDAY, (ConnectlnKnt llaltlmore,) Leave Wuxhtngton nt a 13 mid 7: w p.m. SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT THAIN3. LOW 1'AItE AND (tUICK TIME. Cars run throuuh fmni ilalllmoro to Pittsbvuu. Erie, or Eliuir.i without chaiiac. .1. N. Dl'nAUItY. Supeiintrndent N.C, pini.ADEIil'HIA AND EltlK JL lIAILltOAD. This crent line traverses thu northern and uoiiliwest counties of Pennsylvania to the cits or Erie, of ljiko j;ijc. It bus becm lenstsl nud Isoiieinti d bv tho PENNSYLVANIA HAILltOAD COMPANY, Iliuoof Piisneiim r Trains nt Northumberland: I.kavi: Easiwaiiii.EiIo Mall Train. 11:2". p.m.; Ei lo Express Train, 3:Zi a.m.; Eliulra Mull Tiiitn! IU:2i A.M. Lhavi: Wt.srwAnn.-Erlo -Mall Train, 5 a.m.; I.i Ik Express Train, 7:llP..M.; Elmlrn Mull Truln! l..l P.M. P.issenerrarsrunllnouKlinii Iho Erin Mull nml Express ' Tialiis without rhniiHo bolli muvb Ijo tween Phlliidelphln and Erie. New Yoiik Connj.ctkix, l.eave New York nt ' A.M., ai live at Erlo at !U5 a.m.; Js iiv o l'.rlu at h&S p.m., an lvr at J-w Yin k at :i: III p.m. r.Uwinl slcupiniieais on all 11I15I1I trains. 1 or Inloiinatlon icspoclliia piiksi niter buslnrsa apply t the coiner of Thirtieth and Maikct Sins Is, Philadelphia; and fur bright business of the Coinpitiiy'fc ui-ents. S. II. Kliiustiiii. Jr., curnerof Twelfthand Market Slre( Is, Philadelphia: J. W.lteynolds, j;ilo; W1U lluiii Ihown, Afe'riit N.C.H.I1., Italtlmorr. H. II. HOUSTON, General Freight Audit, Philadelphia, II. W. GWINNElt, General Ticket Acuity nmndi;lplila M ii eh'" 'isar' il,l'c''ltt'"ll'1'l. Wllltiiiu-fsirt. 1 ) E A I ) IN(i ItAILltOAJ). ' XV HUM.MElt A It U A N G EM ENTv April -A lsiai. Great Triinli Lino from the North mid Northwest lor Plilladrlihla, New Yoik, lleodlna Poitsvlllo, Inmaaim, Ashland, Isibunoii, Allcnlciwu, liislou Ac., ,e. Tialiis leavo llarrlsburB for New York rui foU lows: At .1,7:11, and wiia.m., and 2'nnd 0:2iip.m. (oniicctliij; with slmll ir Indus mi tin, prmisvl ir.nla liullruad.itiiiluirlvlhi,' at New York iifk and 10 a.m., and. '1:10 nud HW p.m. Shrplnc nun "ssimp iliy the a A.M.uud 0:20 p.m. trains, without U-avcHiirrlsbui-i;rorIti'OdliiB,rottvllle,Tuniti-f'lI"i' mi iV'X Ashland, Pino Grovo.AIIrntowi i and Philadelphia nt 7:10 AM., mid 2 nud H:20p.M . s onpliiK ut Is nou mid principal Way Stations! I !.I.,M miikliiK nncloM. ronnncl Ions for Poltsylll..oi l'ill,uU,ipi,,l. l'orPollfcvlll..,ricluiv. kill Haven, and Anbiiin, via Schuylkill nud Hus iiii i.iiiiiii Ua Insid, Iran. HiuilsburK ut 1 15 p.m. etuiiilnir, leave New Yen kill (I am., I2ji.,anil h: I-..M.; I lill.idclphlniitKA.M,nnd.'t.Me.M.:Potls ylllo at s:;i a.m. and a IS p.m.; Ashland u ll ami IIiIj am... mid l:iri-,M.; Taniiiiim ul OtU A.M. and 1 ami s:, p.m. Js-avo Pottsl'ltla for irnrrkliiim vt und rlnsiiiu-liHiiiM llullioud, at 7 a.m. Hriidlnv AecomiHlailon Train lejives IlendliiKnt ii a.m., ri.t iirnliiu Horn J'hlladrlphlu ai r, p.m. Loluiublii Tinlns li iive ItrudriiKiil fl.20 and 0:1., p.m. lor Ephratn, MHz, Columbia, Ae.,.le. (Ill Kllliihtu i.'iv.i' V-...I. ..i i. lJi.h.. delililn at 8 a.m. and !U1 p.m., the 8 a.m. train run liiuit only lo Itenilliiu: Pnttsv lll.uil S a.m.; 'J'luua. iU.iiiti:.'Jl.i,M,t llairlshuiLtntlMilA.M.iiiiid Head. liU! at l: ) a.m. lor Hun Miiiik. mid 1(1:12 a.m. for Nrw Yoik, mid 1:21 p.m. for l'hlindclplil.i. (Iiiniinutatliiii, Mll(ai;e, Season, Exeiirklon, nml luiluts ut ri'l,ui-'l)l V'drs lo nud from nil ILe-viiw checked tbioiiRh. Eighty jiouuds ot allowed Ciieb uisscncer. Ucad.uB,Pa..Art,Vi.0UAGlU'SUl