THE COLUMBIAN, BLOOMSBTJllG, SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1866. LOOAL INTELLIGENCE. Tun Atlantic Monthly nutl Young 1'olks for July hnvu been received. WILLIAM L. MADDOCK &. Co., tlenl era In flue groceries', Xo. 115. South Third Htrcct (opposite tlio Glriml Uunk), Plilltulelpliln. Tar. Country Gentleman, is nn njjrl culturnl pit pur of superior merit, mid Hhouhl bo taken by all who wlsti to keep thoroughly posted In agricultural mattery. At n meeting held yesterday of tho board of CoiiiiuIs1oiht.s of a farm for tho erection of a Poor House, It was unanimously resolved that tho purchase of said farm bo and Is hereby postponed for tho present. We have received copies or tho CSaU uxy, an Illustrated t-oini-nioiitlily maga zine, front tho commencement of Its publication. Its contents are of a supe rior order of merit. Ve shall give It a more extended notice in our next. In commemoration of tho Fourth of July the stores In this place will bo closed. This is a day of remembrance which should bo always celebrated with unusual spirit. Tlioyouthuil portion of tho community will do their share, and have already commenced to show their appreciation of this holiday. Tun examination of pupils of tho Uloomsburg Academy, Profc-sor Carver, principal, took place this week, and passed oil' in i very creditable manner. Vo wero sorry to seo the slim atten dance of parents at thoo exhibitions. A show of interest by parents In their children's studies, has a great influence for good, and should not bo neglected under any circumstances. NEWS ITEMS. General Cass was estimated to Iks worth from fourtoflvo million dollars. A nov, twelve years of age, stabbed his mother in Iteadlngon Friday, while she was punishing him. Cvittrs W. Field lias niado thlrty throo voyages across tho ocean on At lantic Telegraph business. There uro ten newspapers in the Unised States conducted by colored men ; one dally and nine weeklies. The Connecticut House lias concurred witlt the Senate in ratifying the new iimendmcnt to" the Constitution. Kxglanii professes much gratitude to tho Cabinet in Washington for pre serving Canada from tho Fenians. Large trains of migrant.?, mostly farmers and laborers, aro reported to be urriving In Colorado Territory dally. Mr. Felix, of Heading, has been awarded tho contract for furnishing shoes to the orphans of soldiers in the schools of this State. M. Maddox, of Richmond, charged with shooting W. H. Vernon, has boon lined fivo hundred dollars, and commit ted to jail for six months. Tin: United States Court at Xew Or leans oxacts tho test-oath of all new at torneys, but admits all who wero quail fled before tho war anywhero on the Gulf coast. J. F. Packer has been recognized by tho President Vice-Consul of Sweden und Norway at Key West, Florida, and August Beck as Consul for Hesse Darm stadt, at Chicago, Illinois. The number of criminal pardons is sued April fifteenth, 180-1, is otllcially reported at one hundred and sixty four, nnd for political olfences, twelve thousand three hundred and eighty-one. General Seymour, commanding at Pensacoln, Florida, has virtually estab lished martial law in an order recently Issued. He says tho civil authorities do not prevent crime or protect loyal per 'sons. Thk Union vote in Texas Ls larger than was anticipated. It will probably ho one third of tho whole votecast when tho western and central counties are heard from. Tho conservative vote is wild for tho amendments, while the Union vote is against it. Foun men who had committed some crinto and wero pursued by olllcers of the law near Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, recently took refuge under a tree during n thunder-storm, when all four were struck by lightning and instantly killed. Tho treo was untouched, while the ground was torn 14) for several feet around., accompanied by General Ftilirizi, Dr. Allmneso, and others, after Mnnpecting tho regiments of volunteers .assembled at Coma, will proceed to l'la- eenza, where ho will meet tho King of Itidv. Ho will next proceed to llari jind Barletta, to roview the volunteer troops in these towns. It is stated that ho has addressed a letter to the King, begging him to glvo tho command of a .division of volunteers to General Pullu- vIclni,who commanded tho troops at As promoute, whero Garibaldi was wound' wl in tho foot. Thk Commissioner of Indian Affairs Is Informed, under dato of Fort Sully, Juno twelfth, thut councils wero being held with tho trlbo with which wo made treaties hist Full. They have suffered much during tho past hard Winter noinoof them actually starved to death hut notwithstanding this they havo been very (julet and observed their treaty stipulations faithfully, which was rertalnly doing better, tho agent says, than white men would havodonu under tho samo circumstances. Tub four hundred cadets of tho An napolis Naval Academy aro about start ing on a long Summer cruise. Two or threo weeks will bo spent at sea, giving them nn opportunity to practise gunnery nnd tho manoeuvring of tho vessels. Tho fleet will then sail for Portland, whero a short stay will bo made. Hull fax and other provincial ports will also jio visited, and on tho return of tho fleet, jn t0 latter part of September, tlio outlets will bp given uu opportunity forrocrcatlouatowport, Rhode Ilmul. Tin: WnlcrburyJnicWerfM Is Informed that something having tho appearance of tho rinderpest, or more probable pleuro-pnuumonla, has niado Its appear ance among tho cattlo In Litchfield County, Connecticut. Among the now candidates for Naval Olllcer of New York Is ex-MitJor-Gen-eral Davles, now Public Administrator of that city. Ho Is a son of the disap pointed nplraut for tho Colloctorshlp, and a nephew of the mathematical pro fessor. At a very largo mcellngof thoSecond Presbyterian Congregation at Louisville, How Stuart Rolilnsou, their pastor, was sustained by an overwhelming majority. New elders were elected, and strong minutes' adopted, endorsing tho Louis vlllo Presbytery against tho General Assembly. AccoitniXG to Paris gossip there ex ists an Austrian despatch, meant to be private and confidential, which, among other things, states that if tlio Austrian were allowed to beat tho Prussians and Italians but particularly tho Prussians there would be on opening for treat ing for tho cession of Venetla. HORRIBLE MURDER. Wi: are called upon to chronicle one of tho-o terrible can's of crime which from time to time startle our peaceable community, and make us question our individual safety when such criminals are abroad in our midst. Yesterday afternoon a man named Isaac Van Auekon, residing in the town ship of Medina, killed his wife and her daughter with an axo. The particulars, as wo learn them from the criminal him self, aro 11s follows: lie claims that a number of relatives of his wife are leagued together as a band of thieves, mid that he has been made to stiller from their depredation, having lost a horse, harness, and other valua bles, and having been severely punished by his wife's brother about two weeks since. That at times his wife would ap pear to favor him, and then again to seem linked in with her friends to com plete his ruin. Things had been going 011 in this manner for some time, when yesterday afternoon the subject was broached in conversation. High words ensued. He censured his wife for turn ing from him to assist others in robbing hint of Ills possessions. 1 lis wife replied insultingly, and he made some demon strations toward ofletlng her por.-onal violence; but two of his sons wero pres ent, who entreated of him not to injure her, and lie desisted for tlio time. The boys then ran out of tho house to call for assistance to prevent any harm be ing donewleaviiig Van Aucken alone with his wife and daughter, a young girl about eleven years of age. The woman soon after started for the back part of tho house, closely followed by the criminal. Tho conversation still continued, and upon reaching the wood shed, in reply to some complaint of her husband, Mrs. Van Aucken said: "Thero is the axe, take it and finish me!" Van Aucken replied,"! have been hammered once on your account, and I won't sutler it again." As lie spoko he sprang forward and dealt his wife a blow 011 the head with the axe, felling her to the ground, lie then started in pursuit of his stepdaughter and struck at her, but she did not receive tlio full force of the blow, and lie pu-cd on for a few stops, impelled by his own momentum. Ho returned to the girl and struck her upon the head, killing her instantly. Fearing lest (he blow administered to ids wife had not been suflicient to cause death, and that she had either fainted or was shamming, and being determined on her destruction, he went to the place where she lay, and buried the axo in her throat, almost sev ering her head from her body. The prisoner is nbout forty years of age, rather below the medium stature, with dark hair, grey eyes, and sandy whiskers, llo was a well-to-do farmer, having a flno place, under a good state of cultivation. A man of rather ordi nary education, but industrious and en terprising, ho was highly esteemed by his neighbors who were not connected with the family on his wife's side. He confesses to having committed the murder, says lie is tired of life, and cares not what they do with him. He could not bear to feel that ho was the victim of the machinations of a set of thieves. Mrs. Van Aucken was ills second wife, and the girl her daughter by a former marriage. We regret the necessity of comment in this case, for although the crime is horrible in all Its details, wo cannot but feel a degree of sympathy for tho crim inal, who was driven to tho deed of vio lence by tho abuse of his family. Otl umbu (Michigan) Journal, June 1". MARRIED. In Light Street, 1111 tin' tumly-flrst Instant, liy Iti-v. 1. s. Truckmlllcr, Sri:rin; Sioyin, of .Mimu, to kati: pktit, or Limn Ridge. un;tho twenty-fourth Instant, lit tlm lcsldenec of tin- bride's mother, liy Iti'V. 1'. F. Eycr, A. M. HKCUV ti Katk Si orr, both uf Slilckshliiny. At tlio Methodist Episcopal l'.ii Milium-, un till" fourteenth Instant, by Rev. .1. McKcndico Relly, IlK.Miv Macpmonk, of Wcdgcliurg, to Emma IIoi.i., of Huckhorii. i:. ii. i.ittir, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Ollleo on Main Stieet, In whltii fraiuo house, lie low tlui Exchange Hotel. HtilH'i't 1.'. Clurli, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OIHce corner of Slain anil Market Sheets, mer First National Rank. Jnlill G. l'ri-ize, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Olllcu In Register nml Recorder's ollkv, In tlm basement of Uu-('unit llnllse, tVclcy Will, . ATTOJ IX 1 1 V- AT-LAW, onueiin Main sin-el, over S, II. Miller's Store, C, II, 111 in' l.n ii), ATTORNEY-Ai'.LAW, Offlco on Main Sticel, llrst door went of the dun t I louse. (Inn Ilk (1, lluiUlcy, ATTORVEY.AT-LAW, , Oflla Main ijirn'i, out a, II. MiIIw'd fctorc. IVIlllnm II. Alilinlt, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Cnlawlssn, Til. PI. K. Jncklou, ATTOHNKY-AT-LAW, Jlmvlrlt, (.otiunlila County, l'n, M. 91. TrntlHli, ATTOItXnY-AT.LAW, Near Aiiiprlmu Hold. M. M. I.'Vclle, ATTOI t X 1 : Y-AT-LA W, Cciilmlln, Culiimlila County, Va. AilnttnlNll-ittoi-'H Xotltl'. Erittifo of Heti- lirll lUvs, lli'ccilM'il. I.i'ltcis of Aillllllmtmtlnli having liii-n Krnnlril to tin- miluciilirr upon Hit I'llnli. or HetiU'ii Hen, lnle of 1'lsliliiK Crerlt Towinlilp, In tlio County of Colunilil.i, ili-ci-nn-il, nil Ihtsoiii lintrlitt'il to tlm sumo will mnko pay ment, nml llinse liuvjim clalim preeiit them, ALKItlU) T. CltKVKLIXO, AiliuT. FlHIII.VO CltKKKTllVi'KXIIII, 1 Van Camp I". (i., .lunn 11, Isftl. T KTTING. SKALKI) PHOPOSALS J X will lie reeelveil liy Hie Htm nl or Selnnil 111 reeiorsor Heolt Townnlilp, nt CharleiH. I'ouli r' nlllee. nt I Spy, on SATtlltDAY, .It'LY l'Ottlt Ti:i:NTII, Ismi, lietween Hie lioursortwoand tour o'eliK-l!, rnr tlieliullilllliifiinewT-AO-Miill-'rilllle Helioiil-nou-.e.tL'xIilteet.storleHll reet eaeli. Plan nml niieelneatloni will bu exlilblteil at thu plaee ii ii il iinii'oi ii'iiinu. .IACOII Ti;itWII.I.l(1i:i!, PreVt. l'irrKH hxt, Mey. Sentl Town-liip, June ST, ISiul. TX T1IK KSTATK (Jl' SAMUKL JL SJlll'Il ., );C;ASI:I). The Ciiliiminiweillth uf J'ennitvmila In .Insi ph II. stliultz: Amlrew Klitillis; Hntiinrl li.Shull.j llllsliiiMiiill.j Ximey, Interiiianieil with (iearliait KIU-J Mamli, Inter, inn i leil wllli .Iiwepli llrltiiln : Xiuiiimli, Inlerinar. rleil with Siiiuiii l While i .Mary Ann, liitennai rleil with Samuel II. Yolk; I.uellula Shullzj .Ioepli 04i-ir Shultzi M.iry r.lleii Sliullz: Harriet 8111111.; 'I liniuiis shult.i Zepluinliih ShulUj nml Allien A. smith. uu ami eaehoryoiime heieh.i elleil nivl enmmaiiileil In lieanil nppo.ii-, In your plnperperiolK, lit all'.s Comt to In- linl.lrli at lllnomsliuri;, In nml for the ralil county, the Illst .Monilay or Sepleinlier lleM.thell mill there lomi-iwerthi! hill or petition or Samuel ll.sliult. ieliiilnllialnr of Samuel SliulU. lain of llenlon Tnwnihlp, In the Cnituly of I'olumlilii, ileeeiiieil praying thoCnuit to ileeree the speellle perforin mice or cotitrai t between mlil Smiiuel slmllz, ile eeaseit, nnd r.Uslia Shult. ami .loseph II. sliultr.. aeeorillii lo the true Inlentniul meanlni.' thereof. or i-hnw ciiuso why the s lite performance, of salil contract iimnM not be ileereeil. Wllnc-nthe llcmiirahle William Kluell, l'reslilent or our mill llliioin-ibiira, the elcM-nlh ilay of May, A.l. Nl. JKSsi: COLIIMAX, Cleik O.C. Ill.ooMsnpi;fi, .milt- 7, NM. ILLKU'8 STOHK. ntl-XII AltlUVAL 01' Sl'UIXII AND SC.M.Mr.ll (ioon-s. The Mihierlher lias Jnt retiirneil from the cities with another InrKO nml select iissortnieiil of sritixii and si'M.Mins doons, piirehaseil In Xew Yoikuml I'hllailelphlA at the umcsi ii-sure, nml which In; is ileleiiulncil to sill on as moilerale lernis as can he procurcil chc. where in IIIooiiikIiiip, ills toek comprises LADii:s' Diii:ss (loons) of Ihe .styles anil latest rashlous, together with a law iiNsorlment or Dry Omuls ami (Iro- curies, consisting or the follow-in;; ui titles: Carpels, OUCInths, Cloths Casslnieres, Shawls, l'lannels, Silks, Vhlte (inoils, LIuellH, Hoop skills -MllilllH, llollnwwaie, Ceilaiware ijueenswiire, 1 t.irilw.ire, Itnols anil Shoes, Hals ami Caps, Hoop Xels, UinliiclhtS LookiiiK-dlasses, Tolnceo, Cnllce, Sugars, Teas, Itlee, Allspice, (ilnuer, Cinnamon, XiitmcKs, axd xotioxs (ii:xi:i:ally. Ill lion, everythhiK usually kept hi cnunlry xtori-s, i w hich he invites the attention uf the public generally. The hl-jhest pileewill be palil for country iiixliice In e.eltiinue lur Knods. S. II. mii,li:k, Are.iile Uullilliius, ULinnislair'-, Pa. J"01IX STHOUP tt CO., Siiecessnis lo Slrou(i A llruther, wnoi.r.sAi.r. di:ali:us ix tisii, Xo. 21 Xnrlli Wharves, nml SiXm 111 Water St., l'hll.iilcliihla. ItODlIKAl) A- KACIJ, Jlaniif.ietuieisiiiul Wholesale Dcaleis in in iow axd simr.s, Xo. '.Ml Xoi Hi Thlnl Street, l'hllailcliihla. J J. LICSTKH, Wholesale ami Itetall Dealer In romnnx axd cakimits, OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW'SIIADIi,.i'., Xo, 2ft North Seconil street, opp. ClilUt Chmch I'hllailelphla. fpiIK NATIONAL HIMTllLICAX, 1 A (IIIIIAT NATIIISAI, .lill'ltXAL. publlslicililallyanil weekly. In the Xallonal Capi tal, ilevotcil tn the support nf the NATION I. ADMIXIsTltATIIIX, eoiitaiiiliii.', beslile eilltorial-i uu the lea. ling topics uf the ila,lhe LATKsT OKITCIAL XKWS Hum the m-miiiI Depuitiiieius ot the Oovcrii mi nt; the MOST UIILIAIILK IIKIIIUTS of 1 1 in priM-ceiliuiis or tlietwo Houses of Cotmress ami thiiSiipicme Conn or the Culled stales, ami the Cnlll't ol Claims nlsii TI'.I.KOIIAI'IIIC, (IKXKItAL, AXD JIISCHI.LA- NKOUH xi:ws; the most IIKLIAllLi: AXD LATIXT UKl'OUTS from the llurenu, tho l-'nisliupn's lluiTiiu, ami Iroiu every other lnioilaut suiirce whence news coiiick loi-elmi anil iloinesllc. TIIM ItKI'lUILICAN, DAILY AND WKIIKI.V, will alHiiys be llli'lilsheil with all A.MI'Ll-: SUPPLY OK I.ITKItAltY SIATlXll l'oirritY and l'ltosi:. A lilehe will he leserM-il rnr u wuiil on tho Ala's and scii:nci:s, nooic, wrf, iiuiiort, Ac nn: iir.iTiii.icAx, umler the picseni inanimetuciit, eomineneeil In the nililsl ol' the Helielllou, .Imiuaiy, lull, ami II It lias nut lieeii lite ulilest, It has been as cmniM an. I Ini'.-i'e In Its hiiviiil of Abiiihmu Lincoln nml Ills war pulley, Kiiiancipatlun I'luclaiuatlnii. ami all. as any Join ual plinleil lnslile the l-'eileral IIiicn. Takluu that uiuuml, then, ami lliullim An il raw .lohusou stauilhiK III inly In ilelem e of H i same piluciples. wo hip, c no oilier iliny In pi ilnuu or ileslie tiiiiralllv than to " I'Ulit It out on this Hue" unlil the ltcbclllnu, ariiieil or ilUaiiiieil, Is wholly ami permanently put ilowu. Tin: oivieiAi. auvkutisiimkntm of nil the i:.i ciite Depaitiuentx of tho llovern mint ale piibllsheil In IIik NATIONAL HIU'l'IlLICAN I1Y ACTIIllUITY 01-' THU l'ltD-UDLNT. One eoiy one year HI ineeoiy six luonlhs 1 HI Tluee copies one year a ui Thicu conies .l.v mouths 'J Tin Ten copies one car 11 Hi Ten copies s months, 7 .VI A peisuii senuini' us u cum ot i w enly i-iiiiserln. cistotlic Weekly, anil .'la, will he cnitttctl loan rxtlii com irnilis. The Dally Xatlunal Ucuihllean In farnlsheil In IIIMll llllsil IIPIIS lib I1 I llllllllllli Tl mi l-l. niiuith-t, 1'1m-copies one year Aililrcss W. J. Ml IITAflll A CO., Vi'a-jhingt'ju, I1. C. "1 HAND OPKN1NO J4 (litANI) Ol'llXIXII (I1IANI) Ol'I'.NINO (111ANI) OIMININd (IHAX1) (Jl'KN'INO Sl'IHXO AND HUMMLIt (100 IW, Hl'ItlNd AND Stt,M.Mi:it (IdOlisl, Ht'KtXO AXD SIT.MMIllt (I00IN, srillNd AND SlJ.MMKll U()oH, Hl'ItlNd AND HUM.MIOK OUODS, cnnslsllna of conslstltii- of ciuhNIIui; nf ciinslslltiK of ctmslst Inu of DltY OOODft, HltY (IOOIH, DltY (IOODS, DltY (JO01M, DltY (IOODS, HATS AXD CAIN, HATS AND CAIN, HATS AND CAIN, HATS AND CAIN, HATS AND CAIN, HOOTS AND SIKH'S, HOOTS AND SIKIKS, HOOTS AND Ml tl IKS, HOOTS AXD S1IOIX, HOOTS AND SIIOUs, Iti:.I)Y-MADi: CLOTIIINC), UKADY-MAIU: CLOIUIXd, llKADY-MADi: CI.OTHINK, ItKADY-.MADI-: CLOTIIINd, ui:ady-mai)K clotiiinii, i.ooKiNd.oi.Assr.i, LOOKIXO-OLASSIX, LOOKIXn-dLAssi-N, LOOUMXII-dLAssl-s, LOOK IXO-U LASS IX, NOTIONS, XOTIOXS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS, 1 'A I NTS AND Oll.s, 1'AIN'IS AXD OILS, I'AIX'i'S AXD OII.s, l'AIXTS AND OILS, OltOCKUIKS, (IIIOCKHII'S, (lltol'Kltll'S, (lltoCKUIlN, tiitocnitiix, Qri:i:xsw.i;i:, (ii'Li:xswAiti:, (jtn:i:xswAiti:, QCi:i:xswAiti:, (iUi:i:xswAiti:, HAUDWAIti:, HAltDWAIti:, HAUDWAIti:, HAUDWAIti:, HAHDWAUK, TINWAIti:, TINWAHi:, TINWAIti:, TINWAIti:, TINWAIti:, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, HSU. I'ISII, I.'ISII, riTii, 1'ISII, OllAIX AND SIILDS, (iiiain axd si;i;ns, dltAI.V AND SHHPS, (IIIAIN and si:i;iis, (iltAIX AND HKKDS, Ac, Ae., JlcKlM.VY, XKAL MclClILVY, XKAL .MiKIILVY, NHAL .McKKLVY, X1!AL McKLLVY, Ni:.L CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. Xorlliwcst corner of .Main anil Market Streets, Northwest corner of .Main ami Market Streets, Nnrthwci-t corner ol Main nml Market Streets, Xoithwesttsiini rof Main am! Maiket Streets, Xurlhwest corner of Main nml Market Streets, IlLOOMSlll'ltri, l'A., HLOOMslU'Hd, l'A., HLOOMSIIl'llll, l'A., 1IL0O.MS1UMKI, l'A., IILOOMMIIUHO, l'A. IltOX AXD NAILS, IltOX AND XAIIX, IKON AND NAIL'S, I HON AND NAII.S, IU0X AXD NAII.S, 111 large (jiioiiliUes nuil nt retUitcJ nilis, ulwiiy mi haiiil. )UHL1C HALM OF VALUAIILi: IIIIAI. l'.ITATlI. In imrninncoof nnnnler of llm Orphaim' Court of Columbia County, P,i.,on Hnliinlay, the 2M tiny of .nine next.nt leu o'clock ill tlm forenoon, l'hlllu t'oust, aihutiil-itrator of Daniel Kriini, lain or Cooper Township, Mnntour County, ilcci'ii-cil, will expose In Mile, by public venilll, al the house of r.mnntici uiirn, in .Montotir cer tain tract of lami, ultuule In Montour Township, Columbia County, iulJoliiliil,iii,f Kinmiiicl Iji zarus on the east, the lllvcr Sii-Ciichalinn on llio Miulh.aml the line illvlilliiR the Couiilles of Co- luuiiila ami Montour on the north, coiitalnlmr elldity-lwiiaeiesiiiiil olxly.slx peiehesiieat mens. me, iiboiit twenty acres or which Is hiiprovcil or clealeil lanil. IjiIii Ihe estate of salil ilecenswl. sltiinto In the Tow'iishliiif Monlour ami county nforesalil. .H'.ssi: COLLMAN. Cleric. Ill-oiuisiiciui, May Si, InjI, COXDITIOXS OK MALK Twenty-live percent, nf thu liiileliase money In be pniil by Ihn purchaser lo the nitinlnistrator on tlm ilny of sales tho resMneof the purchase mo ney to be palil In nun year rroiu tlio continuation nf, ., with Interest from thu continuation, The purchaser in pay for ilceil nml Mumps. 1'IIILII' I'OUST, Ailiiilnlstriitor. May SI, ADIOt'HXIll) SALK. Thesiilpnf thenliinuileserlbeil real estito nil- Journeil unlllSUunliiy, IheLNth ilay of .Inly, 1n)I, I'llILIl' l'OUST, Ailnilnlstralor. JIKK I XSUH ANCK. If you wish to live lon,-ainlillc Imppy, (?o without ilelay anil iNstmnYoi'KLirn In Ihe best Company In the worlil, Tin: mutual Lira ixsmtAXcr. company or ni:w Yonic. its cash asslts am: sr,w,', nml llsnununl illvlileicl for the IIfciiI year of na iiuioiintN In Mjvenly-tUii per cent, on all paitlcl- pallUK premiums, lii lnu the IiiikcsI illvlileml ever ileclareil by any eoiniiany far the same length of time. 1'or Uullier lnrnrmatlnn apply to p. s. msnnr,, Agent, lllootnOiiirjr, Pa. "I7STATH OK.IOIIX SAXKKV, Sit., lj l)I:ci:.Si:i). Tn Jacob Sankeyj s.iniuei Saukeyj .lohnSnnkey! Cyrus Sanliey; James W. Sankey: Mary Ann Siinkey, tnlerinnrrleil wllh Aaron WnU; Lyilla Sankey, Inteimarrltil with .lames (1, l'llti; Susan lielghanl; and MaiyCath- arlne Uelgharil: the last twonameil are minors nf Polly Saiikey,late Polly lti'lubiinl, deceased, heirs and le-al represenlatlves of .I0I111 Sankey, Sr.,ile ceased. You are hereby cited to be nnd nppeur before Ihe.Iiiil'xes of our Orphans' Courl.nt mi Or phans' Court to be held nt lllooinsliur;, hi said county, the llrst Monday of September next, then and theie to accept or let'itse to take the real estate of the said .Inhn Sankey, Sr., de ceased, nt Ihe appraised valuation put upon It by an liutuest duly nw-aidcil by said the ( 'unit, nnd rtturncd hv the Slierlll'.or shuw cnuo why the same should not be Mild. Witness tin- Honorable William Klwetl, President of our mild Court, nt lllooiiibhun-', the tenth day of May, A.D. lsilil. .ir.ssr, COLLMAX, Cleik O.C. ItLooMsiU'iiu, .Iune7, lsiai. 17 ST AT K O I-' .1 0.SKPI 1 1 1 A YH UHST, III liCCUASI'.D. To Mary, hilerinnnled with Daei Iholist; Susan, lnteimarrled wllh Oeorce Stilcker; Klleu, hilermarrled with Cyrus ll,.p- pieman; llazaleel, Kll.ibeth, and lleiiajali, lineal desicmleiit.s nf .ln-epli Hnyhuisl, late or Orange Township, In said County nr Cnluiubla, deeeased, mid nil oilier persons Interested, Vim are hereby cited to be and appear belure the .ludges or our Oiphnns' Court, to be held at Wooiiisburg, In salil county, on the llrst Mnndav or September next then and there lo accept or reluse to take the real estate or the said Joseph llavhlllst, deceased, sit uate in Orange Tow nship, Columbia County, at the appraised value put upon It by nn Inrpicst duly awarded liy Hie Court nnd returned by the sheriir, or show cause why the same should not be sold. Wllness Ihe Honorable William HI well, President or our said Court, at Uloomstiurg, May tenth A.D. Hll, ,II'.SSi: COLKMAX, fink O.C, liMioMSlirmi, June 7, H'-O, TO ALL WHOM IT MAY COX X flllt.N. Plense takenotiietliat I, I1.1 lluad- mniel, of Ceiitreville, Columbia County, having bought the followinn list of property fiom Peter Mower, do declare that It Is my intention to lend the same tu the saUl Ilawer, la Hit: fulll bids nne dozen chairs; one lot of dishes- one cup- boaid; one bureau; twenty yauls ofc.upct; one cooking stove; one parlor stove; one two-horse wagon; nne two-horse 1 in liage; one double set nl harness; one single set or harness; two tables; two pigs, ma ltOADAltMI:i TU IK GALAXY, Al'OllTNKIHTLYILLrsTItATLDMAdAZIXi:. Till: flALAXY Is pubilsbed rnitnlghtly, on the llrst ami lllteeiith of each month, ami has the ad vantage 01 coming tu 1 in- rentier uiieriutiiiaieiy In tw cell the 111011 1 Idles mid On- weeklies, Willi thesei'iaitl uumhtr the M.iga.ine was en larged by sixteen pages, making It to cuntalu niueiy-si. pages 111 mailer. IIS CONTItllU'TOUS. Till: (IALAXY will In unoriginal American Mtig.ilue nl Uie liighesl class. Arrangements have accordingly been made lor regulareontriliti- lions iroiu the best known anil most litelilollolls willcrs in ihe country; ami moieoier, the IMitoi will nluti.i s set k to elicit and 1111 uu ruga emit libit tluiis rnini new authors of real ability or decided genius. The ill tides In Till: (IALAXY will lie signed with the names ot thi iruiithot-s, who will be allowed 11 wide Irecdnm hi the e.iicsslnli nl opinions. 'I lie lit st a ml second numbers of 'I'll I : (IALAXY, tor Mtn Hist and llltceiiih, Isaii, contain cnnlilhu tiniis flnlil .lollll I'Sten Conko, Kl'aiices Power Cobbe, itosi. Teiry, deulge .Villi i Tnuilsenil, lai llllllul ('. Sledlllilll, llle Alllhoi of " Llillly I'lles ler," PiofisMii- Pierre Hint, Dr. W. II. Draper, st ill man s. 1 'im.iiit. (c ncra! ( luserel, and ntheis. "The Claieiliig-i." by Anthony 'liullupe, ami "Archie Luvcll." by .Mis, JMwurils. weie cnin lllelned In Ihe lllsl 1 1 11 lllber or Til K dALA.W, mid will tutitiutie t 1 1"1 published seilall.i sliuul lanariiisly n ith Ihelt'apneai'illiee In Lliglalnl. '1'he back miliibers nt' the .Magatne eontalnlng these stories may always he obtained froiun newsdeiiler orltom the ploplletol's, I'ltoPKssolt III.OT OX COOKI'.ItY. Ill llle second till 1 1 1 1 it-l' ill II1L liALlM was cntniilellecil u K'-rles ot altlelcs on ( onliery, by Plolessor I'ieir, lllot, Ihe w ell-ktluwn lencllcrnf thenrl, Theseaitli leswllt lHniadenf great prac tical value lu every la i nl l, Ueslde many gistro niuiilcal dhei lions of cssintlal iiiiiioiiance, tiiey will contain ivfflpls and irticlicn) suggestions which must seem ii for I hem thousands nl lenders. Tlill.MS. The mice of Till: (IALAXY Is "i cents a Hum- Imt; lor Ihn year or twcnty-loiir nuiubcis; 51 lor six mntilltstw'flo inimbeis. 'IhevnliimeK furlhe ve.11 l ill Include 2,'HI is'tiivn pages, illlls tialed by tweiity-lhe or mole lull-oage engrav ings, pllllted nil tlllled impel'; beside Innumera ble sin lllcr Ilhlslnitiotls, scattcled through llle text. TlllidAI.AXY inav be oiilered at the rale of tw-cut-llo cents u number lur iny leugih of nine uesiriM. snecliiien cnnles will bo sent on rece nt or lii cents, Aildless w. c. . 1. P. cm urn, I'ropiieiors, .Tl Pink How, New Yolk, rpilK XKW GUOCKUY STOUK, X on Main Slieet, HLOOMsliritd, PA, A LAItfli: ASSOIITMLNT OP NKW GOODS Just reeelveil nt HUNUY (llOI'.It'S NKW STOIti:. Dry Goods, Hals nnd Caps, Hoots nnd Shoes, Jlolasscs, Kugais, Tens, Coiree, Spices,, lllce, I'lsIl, Kilt, lt.Uslns, ToV-tiW, Stgars, Caudles, Notions, Toys, PLouit, pi:i:d, and puovisions, together with n great variety nf notions gener ally kept in stores, IlL'Tl'LH, IXKIS, MIIAT, AND PUODUCl! taken In exchange lor gooils, lur whlih tho holi est inuiUcl puce will be paid. JIL.NUY UIOLII. QMXIllUa JilXK. The nndcr-dKiicil would respectfully nimounce lo Ihe citizens of llloomibiirg nnd the public kciio. rally that ho is running nil OMXIUt'S LINI2 between Hill ptitca ntut thodim-rrnt rnllrond ilc polmlally(Siiiid,iyn excepted), to connect wllh tho secral (iiilns gnlns Smith and West on the Cuta- Wlssauliil Wllllainsport llallroad.iitiil Willi those going North nnd Soulholi thu Ijicknwniiim mid IllnoiushiiiK ltnllload. Ills Oiniilhussesiiro 111 tjood condition, coniino- illoiis nud eomlortable, nml charges reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their ft lends de pot t, can bo nccoinoilntcil upon rcasoiiahlu i hiugo by leaving timely liotlco tit any of tho hotels, .1 A CO II L. (II ItTON, Prnprlclnr. TIIK AMK1UCAX HAY KX1PK I AND 111111.- Wi. Ihn lllnlelslrlii.,l i-lllviais 01 Cohimbli, County witnessed thu trial of hav Iniks on the rami or Mr, Pursel, In Homlotk Township, on Jlomlay, May lutwcin Ihe Ainerleiin Hay Knire nnd Pork maiiuractuted by SLII'l'.II, WALIJS, A Co.. of Lewl-i. burg, Pa., mid the mimlcl's Patent Hay Honk. ri... ...i.rl,. 11, t',.,lr lir,...i I t .... ......... .... ....... iiiijiu 11111 jn olio ilriiught than Ihe llumlcl In thiee. Wi' nro sails lied It w ill hike 11s lunch hay Into the mow ns two good horses can iliaw. We nlso saw It culling hay, und think It cannot be beat as a hay knlle, and cheei fully lccommeud It ns the licit liny fork ti 11 1 1,1,111, , i. 11111 1, ii m-i'ii. r. iiirri.Nin:si)i.ii, ILsKiions. I III. I'. ('. lI.MtlllSUK, .T.IIIS- II.1IL- ' .lollN UFTMtlCK, DANIIII. MlVIUI, II., Svi.VKsrm: Pcnsi-.t, MiciiAi:i. IlKi.i.r.n. John Wot.i', Hiey ahoinauuliKturo the celebrnteil Iluckevc I tenner and Muwer. nml other agrlciillural liiiule- meuts. "7011K'.S HOTKL, OLOIKin.W. MtVUOKIt, Proprietor. The nhove well-known hotel has recently under gone radical changes hi Its Internal arrangements, and Its prnprteturminounecs to his former custom nml the travelling public that his necoinodatloiis for the coin lurt of his guests nro second to none lu Ihe couiiliy. His lahlo will always be found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with nil Ihe ilelleaelesof Ihe season, Ills wines und Il linois (except Unit popular beerago known ns .iicrctirtf purchased illiect I10111 the Importing houses, me iiithely pure, nml free from nil pnl suiiuns drugs. He Is tlmnkrul rnr u liberal palrnn age In the past, mid will cuntlnuo In deserve It hi the future. OLOlKli: W. MAl'dLH. J 11. PUHSUL, JIAUMSS, SADOl.i;, AM) JItU.NJs MANUrACTUItLIt, and dealer 111 CAHPirr-llAC.S, VALIS1X, KLY-NHTS .Ac, Main Sticet, Uloomsburg, Pa. noWDKlt KKGS AXD LUM1JKH. w. jr. Moxitoi: & co., Itujiert, Pa,, Manufacturers of POWDP.IIKKOS, and dealers In all kinds of LUMlll'.It, give notice that they nro prepared to accomodate their tustoni with ill-patch, nml on thu cheapest terms. "KW STOCK OF CL0TH1XG. l'lvshnrilval of SPUINd AXDSP.MMKIt GOODS. DAVID LOWLNIIKIKI Invites nttenllon to his stock of CilP.AP AXD 1'ASIIIOXAItLE CLOTHING, at his stoto on Main Street, twodoors above the American House, llloomsliurg, Pa., where ho has Just received from Xew Yoik mid Phlladi Ipllla 11 lull ilssoitiiiellt of MKX AND HOYS' CLOTIIINd, Including the most fashionable, durable, nnd handsome DHI1SS GOODS, consisting or 110X, SACK, rilOCK', GUM, AXD OIL-CLOTH COATS AXD PANTS, of all sorts, sIa-s, ami colors. He hasnKo replen ished Ids already large stock nf PALL AXD WIXTKP. SHAWLS, smii'iio, i'k:piii:d, axd plain vpstk, SI 1 1 1 ITS, ( 'It AVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, 1 1 AX I ) K i :i tci 1 1 1 :rs, G LO V1X, SPI'l:NDi:itS, AND PAXCY AI1TICI.IX, He has constantly on hand 11 largo mid well-selected assortment of CLOTHS AND V1HTINOH, which he Is prepared to mako loonier Into any kind uf t Inthlug, on ery shott notice, mid in the best mantiei'. All Ids clothing Is made lowear, and most of It Is or home mamiraetiue. GOLD WATCHIX AND. IKWKLIiY, if eveiy description, line and cheap. Ills caso ol Jewelrvis not surpassed In this place. Call and examine ins gi tieral assnilinent nf CLOTHING, WATCH IN, JHWIJLItY, Ac. DAVID LOWP.NIHIItO. Q AH III AG K M AXUKACTOHY, Hlooiusburg, Pa. m. c. sloan a imo'f in:it. thestuiessorsor WILLIAM SLOAN & SON, continue the business or making CAIUilAGIX, HUGGII, and cvciy style or FANCY WAGONS, which they have constantly on hand to suit ens tinners. Never using any mateilal but Ihe best ami employing the most experienced woikmeii, they hope to continue ns heretofore lo give entire satlsiactlou lo every customer. An liispecllnn nf lltelr woik, mid of the reasonable price nsketl for the same. Is sure In Insuie n sale. 17KKSH AHIUVAL OF XKW JL GOODS, The uiulersigiieil has Just urrlved truiii the city with n large assniiineut or Drugs, Medicines, Paints, oll, Ynriilshes.nnd Do Sliills, lleiidy-Made Clothing, Perfumery, Toy and Fancy Alilclis, Druggist's Glasswnic, Hrushes, Trusses aiidsiipuiiis,iimln general assortment of every thing that belongs tniiwcU-nppuliilcd I hug Store. Alsol'.ilenl Mi illclncsofiill kinds, such as Jay lie's, Ayer's, Wlshart's, VInslow's Soolhhig Syrup, Hrown's Tiuches, Swain's Pniiacea, linker's Cisl Liver Oil, llootl.unl's Hitters constantly on hand, Al-ii MOItOCCO LKATHLIl, KIP, PltPXCH MOUOC CO, PIlllNCH CAl.l'SK'INS, PINK TItlMMINliS, HINDINOS, by Ihe dozen or naif-dozen. Also SllOIM'INDINUS, I'lSIIINO.TACKLi:, Ar. Having had 11 large expel lence In tho drug bust. liess, I would icspcctfully Invito those wishing anything In that line locall and see my stuck be. toiopuiehaslngclsewhere. "!iniiedkinei(iinllly Uof theni,tli.iportaiice." IIV .,.... Q.OOD XKW.S 1'OH KVKUYllODY. Ow lug to Ihe lute fall lu gold, IIPHUAI.M W. LLWr.LI. has icdiiced his prlees to suit nil buyers, cither lit wholesale or utall, If uu want SUOA'.M, COl'l'LlN, TP.AS, SYP.l'lN, SPICIX, CHACKLIts, CANNKD I ltVIT, DUICn nil'lT, WOODLNWAIti:, FISH, lUIANS, CHKIXi:, 1'IAJCII, l'lU'.ll, Ac. Ac. Ac. give uie n -.all Llillt UM W UAV1LI "17XC1IAXGK HOTKIi, All IILOO.MSlll'UO, COLCMHIA COUNTY. P. Thu iinderslgheil having puichnscd Ibis vvcll- Uliow tiniid cciilliilly.loctiUil house, I he Lxcluiligo Hotel, ulluutoon MAIN KrHP.l'.T,ili lllootinbuig, lmiiieillnlclyopiiosllethe Columlila County Court Houe, ropectrully informs hli friends nnd Iho publlo In Kcneral that Ills house H now lu order for Ihe teicpllou and enlcitalliliient of linvetlerH wlioiiiny be i1Iikhis1 lo favor It with thilreus loin, He has spared no expense In preparing Hid H.xchnngu for Iho (iilcrtnllitnent of Ids cnculs, neither shall them bo niiythlng wanting on his part) lo minister to Ihelr pcrsnnal tmnforl. His house Is spiuious, nml enjoys nn excellent buil luss loenllon, Oiniilhusseii run nt nil times lietween the Ex change Hotel nnd tho various ilcsts, by which travellers will bo pleasantly cnnvecd li mid from Iho lespectlvu Muttons lit due time lu meet the enrs. JOHN I'. OASLOW. Illoomshurg, March 22, iv-fl. olrStrc Kl 1 AXXA HO'J'IOL, J Cnlawissa, Pa, The nlsivo Hotel lias lately been iiurchnsei by I1I..M11 J. CLAUK, and has been thoroughly re modelled, reiiahcil, nnd refnrnlshtsl. It wilt Is, found how, In Its arrangement nnd npmilntineiils. a Itritt-ctuss Hotel, und in com! to none In tho eouiilry. Persons In titles wishing In upend tho hot months lu Iho country, will do well to glvo Iho proprietor n call. JjAICKH AXD COXFKCTIOXKH. it. ii. has nlwnys on hand nnd for a!o mxii hui-:ai), cakhs, and pils, I'ltKNCH AND DOJIliSTIC CONFCCTION.y In evi ry stylo and variety, nuts, rnuiTs, and evcrytlilng usually found inn FIUS l'-CLAKH COXFIXTIONP.llY STOIIH. Having recently fitted up n new' nnd elegant ICL-CItKAM AND HATING SALOON, he Is prepared to necomoduto ladles nnd centl o men In Ihe best style. JQHUG AXD C1IKMICAL STORK, llloomsljurg, Ta. lmi'os, cur.MicAi-s, paints, PKitrujinnY AND TOILET AIITICI.E.S. KYLIl t JIOYr.P. respect fully Invito n cnntlnuanco of patronage. Their Drugs and Medicines are nil selected with tho greatest care, avoiding as lunch ns possible; tho Introduction of delirious nostrums, nnd lira purchased from tho best Importing houses lu tho country. PATENT MEDICINES of nil kinds, Including Ayer's, .Tnyne's, Hollo- ways, Hostetter's, W Khait's, Hnolluiurs, Ac. constantly on hand. COAL OIL AND ALCOHOL. UAlIt, TOOTH, NAIL, AND clothes nnueiiEs TAINTS AND CHEMICALS or every variety, nnd of Ihe best quality. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. The public- may rely ut nil times on pioeurlng tho above articles, with nil the new usi-mi prepara tions kept In the best conducted establishments. PHYSICIAX'S PnESCWITIOXH and Family Hecclpts compounded with the great est iicciirncy and dispatch. jATIOXAL FOUXDHY, llloomibtirg, Columbia County, P.i. The subscriber, pi oprletnr of the above-named extensive establlshintut, is now prejiareil to re celvo orders for all kinds of MACHIXEllY FOIl COLLIErtlES, I1LAST FUltXACES, STATIOXAItY EX0IXI1S, MILLS, TIIUESIIINd MACHINES, &a He Is nlso prepared to mako Stoves of nil slzcH and patterns, Plow-Irons, nnd everything usually made hi llrst-class Foundtlcs. Ills extensive facilities and piaetleal woikmen warrant ltlni In receiving the largest contracts on the most leasonahlo terms. P Grain or nil kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings, This establishment Is located near the Iicl:a. waiiiuinud nioomshiug ltailruad Depot, PETElt HILLMYEn. JJLOOMSHURG FAXCY THIM- MINO AND HOOKSTOItL', second door below llnrtniun's, Main Street. Just received a new stock of ZEPHYlts, WOOLEN AXD COTTON YARNS COUSins, LACES, EMIlUOIDEltlES, MUSLIN EDGINGS, DUESH TRIMMINGS and every vaticty of mliclcs usually kept liyi FANCY STOItL'. Also SCHOOL HOOKS, HYMX HOOKS, milI.ES, SUXDAY-SC1IO0L HOOKS, and n large lot of MISC'F.LLANEOIJS HOOKS, ACCOUNT AND MEMOIlANDUM HOOKS, HLAXK DEI:iw, I10XDS AXD JIonTGAGES, and u general mid well-stlecled nssoitincut of PAPlOll, ENVELOPES, Ac. A. D. WEIill. J KAIi KS'PATK FOR SALI lVtalo of WlUiain ltoblson, ilceeascd, THllEi: VALUAHLU HUSINIXS .STANDS, uu Main Street, lllisimsbiirg, adjoining tho Comt House, and iicmly opimslto the i:.changa Hotel, TWO SMALL HOUSES AND LOTS, on ltldge Alley, know n ns the "Spring Lois." ONE HOUhl: AND LOT on Hud: Street. Also TIMUEU LAND, In Jay Township, Elk County, AHOUT F1VF, 1IUNDI1ED ACHES, well tlinliered with whlle-plno and hemlock giMsl rarinlng laud, Tlio iihuve property will bo oll'cietl at PlIIVATI'.SALi: until thulhst orAugustncxt.onwhiclitlny.lfnot sold, It wlllbcotreicil nt I'CHLK halt:, on the premises, near tho Court House, at ten II I I H'k A.M. Apply to tho subscribers, or lo Miss ISAUELLA HOHISON, Hloomsburg, ALEX. UOIIIWJX, Jfiiuch Chunk, 1 A. PARDEE. Hazleton, ;i.xrs. S' rOYK-S AXD T1NWARK. A. M. RUPERT announces In his friends nml customers that ha continues Ihe nhove buslni -s at his old place on MAIN bTHEin, 11LOO.MS11URU, Cilslonurs can houujmodnlcd with FANCY STOVF.S of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of nilli le found In a Move nnd TUiwmc i.s. lubllslimi nt In Ihecltles.anil on Ihn most reason, ahlu terms, Itcpali lug done at the shoi test notice 25 DOZFN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. "JAGLK FOL'XDRY. JOSEPH bllAlU', RloomsblllK, P.I, STOVF.S OF F.VEI1Y VARIETY, PLOUGHSHARE-, PLOVailPOINTS. nml nil kinds of Castings, on hand or Mipplli d on the shortest notice und nt thu cheapest rates. Cusiiiigs tor COAL UltEAUFR-i ANl COAI.SCIIUTISi niii'ie tu onii i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers