SPItc (Jotumbiair, STcnn!, oj; gulviTltoimj. (fiefiuaie, one or UirtMIHerlloimA.it il M fated Mllpi'in lit luv rtlon tort thmi thirteen. .VI luii'Miiniuuiio mouth 'J in Twn ". " am 'Hi nil " " ........ .1 m I'oiir " " Imt. . il w Half e'oltimn " Ioki One minimi " I"'1" II.Mi'iilnr'n mid .ilnilnltintor'H Nolleo,,r. .1 ti AiuliliH'rt Notice 4 W J'dlloilnl Nolle n Iwihty rents per line. Oilier nd el IheiiKhls lUKcrUdiucuutliiit tUM' ilaleonliuet. is I'tmuHiten Kvnnt hatuhday, lit BtoonnlmrR, Columbia Comity, l'n tppn TlnUrtl-H ft VMr. Ilk narntiee. If lint, nfiM'Iti diionaii it. Mooiti!, hlltor of tlio Oomimiua:, tllooiusburt;, Columbia County, lto, VOL. I.-NO. 9. BLOOMSBURG, SATURDAY, J0NJ3 30, JSGU I'lUCH FIVE CENTS. UPHE COMING IN OP THE "MER- MAIDEN." IIV J RAH iscir.U)W. tTilR moon In bloaehed m vrhlt m wool, Ami Just dropping under! iT.very slnr In gono Imt thrco, And tlioy kaiiR wldo asunder riieru's n nea-gho-t All In gray, A tail abnpo of wonder. s Tr i , I am not mil Isded with sleep, """'ft'Tlii'Milglit In not rndel utJlnt lootOiow tlm sea-ghost owmoi , .,' Vll(i ',aii skirts extended, , Btonllnit up In tlils.welrd lionr -iWhcn dusk and down ru blended. -s. ii .; 'A , lepst-i lu nil uiu pit;enii ( I "l M 1 ' Keeping; L licnru mem n.innj ner yesienui ft, . n.A. . . i .. .. in. Mmiuiti iviv ,-t.iv- Mini tiiH-L'in, t . , Itiomc with their lioart-hiuiBerslRhcdS I HUc'k In, and they nrc sleeping. TOli now with fiineled greetings blent, ITliey eomrort tlielr long aching; riio sen of sloon hath Imrno to them Dwhat would not conic Willi waking, ' But tlm dreams shall most bo truo In tlinlr blissful breaking. Tlm stars aro gond, tbo roe-hloom comri, No blush rif maid Is sweeter; ' "Tho red mm half-way out of bed 'H Shall bo tho Unit to street her; ,. Nono tell the news, yet (deepen wnke, And rlie.imd rim to meet her. , Tlielr lost lbeyhae, they hold; from pain A keener bliss they borrow. ' 'How natural Is Joy, my heart! HI Ifowi-usy arter sorrow I '.For oneo, tho best 11 come, that hopo ., rromlsed them " to-morrow," SETH IIATIIRON'S FOURTH. i I AMVAYri was a binek-browed, "broad-shouldered bruto of a fellow, al ways from a boy. At school (not that I had much of that tort of thins), but at ..school If oUl Miss Peggy found out any mischief tho laid it to my scoro because of my looks, when often and often, while I was holding out my hand to ho rrulered, the prettiest boy in the school was grinning over his good-luck in get ting off so safely. She had her precon ceived notions of a villain, I presume, nnd I answered tho description. . For tho matter of that, of all tho books and .stories I've read since, espe cially those written by ladies, I've notic ed titere isn't one where the burglar, or forger, or pirate, or what not, who dons jM tho wickedness of the book as though lie's taken it on contract, wouldn't do 'forwh! on a passport, while their pets, who do tho grand and noblo tilings, are generally slender, and fair, and pretty. Now tho worst wretch I ever saw one who was afterward hung, and who do iflorved hanging richly, oven on his own -iBhowing had blue oyes, and white lashes, and a pink mouth liko a girl's. It's so over and over again ; but it's my opinion that if women wero put on tho police, before tho year was over every hulking, awkward, bilious fellow whoso eyebrows met would be locked tup In tho Slate Prison on suspicion. I never was a favorite with any wo ininu but my mother, and she died when I was eight years old. So instead of growing up with tho idea that most mien have, that every girl they meet is ready to fall in love with them, I never had tho slightest hopo that any ono would ever liko mo well enough to let me fall in love with her oven. And I liked girls so. It was odd for a fellow liko mo, but how I did liko girls'! ' I never could bear to seo one cry, or to flicar of their being imposed upon or hurt. I couldn't pass ono with a heavy basket or bundle without at least waul ing to olfer to carry It for her. I could Hover bring myself to sit in stages or cars when ono was standing. I. don't ithink I could If I had been weak or lame instead of tho giant I was. Yet I've Hccn yentlcmcn lotiugo with their hands In their pockets while poor old Rallies, who might have been theirgraud "inothers, stood up before them! And their manners wero good and mine lho.-e of a bear, and I my.-elf only a working iinan, who learned all ho ever knew at old Miss l'eggy's school. '.Something as a man might havo f"lt just in sight of the angels, who wero too much above him to bo spoken to or touched, 1 felt about all girls. That lsgood, puro girls. 'When a woman was Intoxicated or in any way de based sho never seemed a woman (o 'mo, but a dreadful sort of erealuiv, all the wor.-u for having something of tho pretty womanly look about her. I was a nuker of fireworks, as my father had been before me. 1 don't kjuow that I liked tho biHlness particu larly, but tliero 1 was, and there 1 staid. I niado good wages, and saved them ; for I didn't think enough about my AfccAts t dress much, and 1 never drank. "'Sulky," tho other men called me. What of that? It was better to he umlky than raving mad, as some of them 'wero so surely as Saturday night came round. J Ion with nico, good-looking wlves too, whoso children wanted for hnud and shoes what they spent In kirluk. 1 never expected to havo a wife ainil children, but I knew how they ought to lie used belter than they did. 1 suppose 1 had come to bo twenty clght or so, and no girl had ever looked at mo, except as sho might at a tarnish 'polar bear, when, ono day, old Mr. Williams, tho proprietor of tho place, iramo to mo us 1 was going homo to din ner, and said, in his own quick way : JIathron, can you iliivo'.'" Yes, sir," said I. ," I want you to take tho wagon and .go over to tho railroad depot at Ualdwln, Tuid bring down a now hand and her traps," hobaid. " Who'll bo tliero at Imlf- ,past twelve, so you'll havo barely time 'o snatch n bite and go j audyoucan havo ' Aw rest of tho day to yourself, If yen "jiko, as it's Saturday. Jier naino Is Annlo May." eforo you can uiulcietuud what ho meant I must fell you tlmt our place (thoyealledlttho "No plus ultra l'y. roteehnie Establishment," bless you!) employed somo flve-und-twcnty girl's, and that they generally rami) from a ins tance, and boarded wliilo they staid with an old woman close by, all in one place, to keep them out of harm's way. Mr. Williams insisted on that, and had n lot of rules about tho homy they wero to keep and tho way they Wero to bchnvo; good rules, and not so rigid but that there was plenty of Innocent courting and more than ono wedding In a season. As for wo men, wo went where wo chose. Somo put up at the tavern, (-onto with tho people who wonhl take n fow hoarders, and those who lived In tho placo with their fami lies. There wero vcrj few girls who had homes there to go to ; for tho vll lngowasnn uppish kind of place, full of country-seats and villas, and tho fac torystood all by Itself, quite a distaneo away, and tho tavern nnd tho few com mon houses wore grouped cloe about it, as if tho others were too genteel to mix witlt them. So Mrs. Munson's place was alway.sfull. When anewglrlcanieilown somebody always had to be sent over to Baldwin to bring Iter to tho factory. I had never been before, and why I was choon this time it was hard to tell. However, I was willing enough, and so, when I hud taken a bite, I put on my best coat and drove over. It was a day to tempt a man out a beautiful Spring day, with tender green grass on the earth and tender pink buds on tho branches, and in the sky there were only two or three fleecy bits of cloud: like carded wool, amidst the bliiencss. It took only half an hour to get to Iluld win. I'd have been willing it should be ten whole ones Tho train had got in, and there wero people waiting in the llttlo house at the depot a couple of stout old ladies, a gentleman who looked like a mlnMor, and a young woman. I looked at her and made up my mind xhe couldn't be the new hand, not because she was more dressed than they u-uiiHy were, but bu-eati-e she wasn't dre.-sed half so much, (ienerally they had on their brightest gowns, and big bead-around their necks, and roses enough in their bonnets to fill a garden. This girl was all in gray, anil wore a veil to maieii. The tilings were cheap and not new, but they made hei look liko a lady. I walked up and down and walled. The fat women went away in a wagon; the clergyman had a gig sent for him; and there tho girl xU be side her trunk, looking now and (hen out of tho window and beginning to seem auxiotn. At all events 11 could do no barm to speak ; so I took oil' my hat and stepped up with a bow, "I beg your pardon, Miss," said I, " but has there been anybody here ask ing about being taken to Mr. Williams'.- place'."' "I want to go there myself," she an swered ; " that is, if yon mean the lire- work factory. I'm Annie May." " I do mean the firework factory," 1 said. "Mr. Williams sent mo down to fetcli you. I'm Seth Ilathron, one of tho bauds. The wagon is outside ; will you get in? Wail a bit; I'll put the trunk in first." "Shan't I help yottV'sho said, and she put her little hand to the hiintlU nearest her. It looked so small 1 burst out laughing. " I don't need any help," said I but I thought I could carry both tho trunk and its owner together, if I chose, and she'd let me. She was the smallest creature, to bo a full-grown woman, that I ever saw. A piece of tho blue sky for her eyes, and a bit of the golden stiuhlno for her hair, and somo of thoe wild roses that would climb with the bar berries over the stone fencesseen for her cheeks, and you know how to paint her After I had helped her in and had taken the reins in my hands, J kept stealing looks at her and thinking how beautiful she was; and I tried to tall about things that would please her, am pointed out the places on tho road, and felt that, bright as the day had been be fore, il was somehow a great deal brighter now with her be.-ide me We stopped at M rs. Munson's and sail good-by. I carried her trunk into the hull and filled the old lady, and drovt the horse back to tho stable. Then Imving a holiday, I got a newspaper and went out into tho woods llald win's Woods they called Ihent and think I knew every tree by heart. 1 sat down by chance under a great oak, where Jack Vnrue, one of the hands, had carved .1. V. for his name and O. Ci. for Olivo (J ivy's, and had put a ring around them both; and an 1 looked at tho work foil to wondering why Jack Vnrno should have a sweet heart and I none, and whether It was only his pretty face or something or other in our ways that made all girl, like him and none me. And some how I felt lonesome and unhappy, and couldn't read my paper, and sat down with my head on my hands, sulkic than ever, I stippo-e, to look at. Maybe it was an hour, nuiybo two, Hint 1 ,sit there before 1 heard a step coming ov tho grass, and looking up, siw the gir I had driven over from llaldwin Annie May coming toward me. She did not seo moat first ; but when sho did she started and stopped, and smiled at mo lust as I'd seen other girls smile often at other men, but never unco at mo before that moment, I never thought what I was doing, but held out m.v great brown paw and shook hands with her its If wo had been friends for years. " I found there was nothing for me to tin In the f'niWrti-v until M.iniliiv ' shi mid, " and I camo out to seo what these woods wero like. It's a pretty place." "I'rcttler In Summer," I said, "and prettiest of. all lu Autumn, when the leaves are burned gold and scarlet." " IllkoSpringbe.st,"shosaid; "every thing is now nnd fresh, and Just begun. In Autumn everything Is nearly over and that is sad.'' "I don't mind It," I said; " I haven't gay disposition, I suppose," I said. Hut look hero If you liko fresh young things I'll show you something ;" nnd 1 took her to Where, behind a fallen log, tho first Spring Violets always grow. There wero n dozen thcro now, nnd sho went down on her knees to smell them. Sho would only pick one, though; It seemed wrong, sho said. That one, after wo bad walked for an hour or so, somehow dropped out oHior hair. Sho did not know it, but I did; and when she hud gone homo I went back and found It lying on tho path and put it in my. booni. It was so sweet :md fresh and beautiful that I could but think It was liko her. I liked to think Oh, what a day that was forme! What a night when 1 dreamed it over I Next day was the Sabbath, and I did what I'd never done before. After I was dre.-sed, and angry with myself for not looking handsomer all tho while I stood boforo the glass, I went over to Mrs. Munson's and asked for Miss May. Sho camo down in a muslin dress and a pretty bonnet with pale blue ribbons ; mil I remember stammering out some thing about thinking she might like to go to church and would like to know the way. That was all uon-ense, of course, for there was the steeple in full sight, but it gave me what I wanted, leave to be with her again. I'm afraid I couldn't have remember ed the text to save my life, and that (lie ermou was thrown away on me. Hut I was very happy happier Hutu I had ver been before; for this sweet young thing seemed to like me, was frank and pleasant with me, and found, I was so glad to think, a sort of protection that ho liked in my great arm where her bund rested, going home over tho Ileitis, like a falling snow-flake. It almost coined to me that I must bo crazy to believe that sho had taken a notion to me; but It was true. So true that when fourof thoio Sabbaths had passed I mailt her walk with me again in Baldwin's Woods, and sal down beside her on tin hollow log, behind which a great patch of violets were in bloom by that lime, tnd told her how 1 loved her, andasked her to be my wife. Only a month since sho camo there only one mouth since I drove her over in the little wagon; but If tho answer had been anything else than what it was I should have prayed to die. It may not be such a mighty matter to other men to have one woman's love, but 1 had no one else on earth to care for. So when she said, " Ye-," and let me ki-s her, it was only shame that kept me from crying outright for joy. She was mine now, and how proud I was of her! How glad to know that she was so near me when I was at work ! How happy to see her so trim and neat among the other girls, who were most of them slovenly when they were not fine! and how full of dreams of the fu ture! She bad promised to marry mo in (he titunni, and after thalshoshould work no more in the factory. I was saving to buy a little three-roomed cottage in tho village, and to furnish il humbly, of course, but so that it should be a homo for her ; and when sho was its mis tress 1 should not envy any king his palace. Meanwhile we saw as much of each other as we could, both workings) industriously. One week wo had been more than usually busy, for it was near (he end of .nine, aim wo were making iircwot'Ks for the Fourth of July, and tho first I had seen of Annie that day 1 saw in tho great salesroom where we always gath ered to receive our wages. The men on ono side, tho girls on tho other, stop ping up to tins great desk one by one sis old (iritlln, the clerk, called our names. I looked across tho line of girl's faces, and saw her smiling at me, but I could not get near her. Be-ides, tit tho mo ment, my name was called "Ilath ron" and I stopped up to tho desk. Then, for the first time, 1 noticed that old (irlllin was not (here. A nephew of Mr. Williams, whose name 1 knew to be ltichurd Janes, was paying the bunds instead. lie was a handsome young fellow, and very gentlemanly oue of the fair kind. 1 remember think ing as ho laid my wages before mo that his hair was jii-t the colorof Annie's. Ho had a sort of amateur way with him very dltl'erent from tho business like manner of old (irifllu, and when it camo to tho girls ho had something pleasant to say to each one, Instead of tho old man's snapping" Sixpence do ducted from yours, Jane!" or, "You wero lutu three days last week, Mar tint !" What he said to Annie I don't know, but she blushed like u wild rose from brow to chin. Walking homo together, sho usked me who lie was. " Mr. Janes," I tiu-wered ; "did you never see him before','" " No," said Annie. " How very hand some be is! don't you think to'.'" I gavoa grudging " Yes." I couldn't bear to bear her prai.-e him. She might, for all I knew, be contrasting him with me. That was the llr.st pain I bad had lnco.Jn! bud promised herself to me; but there was more to como of il. Besides her dully work Annie hail got Into the way of doing sumo lino sewing I imil rnibi-niili.rv of r v..mn - lor n Mi Bedford, a beautiful young lady, who lived In the prettiest lioino In the vil lage, aild oneo a week sho carried It home. Cicnerally 1 went with her; but there wits overwork for tho men to do ono night, nnd I could not getoll'. I fret ted and famed about it, and when tho time camo T couldn't for tho life of me help slipping away to a slatr-head win dow to try and catch tv glimpse of her. Sure enough, I did .-co her if good way on tho road, with her llttlo basket on her arm, but there was some one with her. It was too far to seo faces, but 1 knew the light-gray coat ho wore, and It was Mr. ltichurd JSnes. lie was bending over herns though talking very earnestly; and when some one inside called" Ilathron!" and I could stay no longer, they were still trohig on close to gether her face turned up and his bent down, both earnest and eager in what ever they were talking of. 1 went back to my work, but I kept that picture before my eyes nil the while. I thought of it until it seemed to be burned Into my heart in fiery outlines. After all, It wai only what might easily have happened if Mr. Janes hud walk ed the same way by chance ; but I could not look at It that way or perhaps I would not. It was liko my sulky, brooding na ture, too, never to say ono word about it to Annie, but to koopontlimkingnnd watching In silence. I found out more than I wanted to in that way; for one day when I had made an excti-o to enter tho women's work-room after Mr. Janes had gone there, I plainly saw him slip a little noteslylyinto Annie's pocket. The time had come around for her to go over to Miss Bedford's with her work; but that evening, instead of going with her, I watched her hiding like a thief behind trees and buildings on the road. She went alone and came alone, and 1 saw nothing for my pains. I did at church next Sabbath, though. When the hymn was given out Mr. Janes, sit ting in tho handsome family pew, see ing Annie in doubt as to the number for tho old clergyman didn't always speak distinctly reached over and look her book to find the place (sho sat but a pen behind him). When he gave it back I saw that there was soniethin between tho leaves, and come what might, I would have .snatched It; biitat that moment Miss Bedford, who sal in the side isle, whispered to Annie to show her the number, and 1 lo-t the chance or in pits-ing tho books it was hidden I'hat it was a note 1 knew by the while glimmer of the edge as well as if I hail een the wholeof it, and surely as III vo I saw Annlo give Mr. Jnnes a meaning smile as lie passed us on thochurch-path going home. Mi-s Bedford looked at Annie as if she knew something of it loo, as sho stepped after her father and mother into the carriage. They wero carriage people tlie Bedfords and thoo'.d folks looked down on everybody else. There was a feud between them and the proprietors of the factory, and they never spoke to cither the Willianises or Mr. Janes ; so there was no social chatting on the porch, and the Williams people smiled sarcastically, and the old Bedfords scowl ed and looked haughty, until they were all fairly shut in and driven away. Not Mr. James lie was too gentlemanly; nor Mi-.s Bedford she was too sweet. The feud was among the old folks. The farmers' families made up for their ill tonipor though, and half the genteel people from the villas wero smirking nnd bowing to each other. The factory hands who were at church a dozen In all, 1 suppose hurried home pell-mell by short cuts, not lo lo-o their dinners, and of them all only Annie and I were left. She was waiting for me to join her, a tiling I didn't mean lo do. I leaned against the Iron railing of the church-yard, wishing 1 wassoimd asleep under one of the green mounds, but only looking darker and sulkier, no doubt, than ii-ual, until I .-aw her turn toward me. Then 1 leaped therailiugnnd went away, never looking back. 1 did not go home, but spent tho day in Baldwin's Wood- alone. On Monday I was at work as usual. It wasthelhirdof July, and the Fourth, of course, was to be a holiday. There were to be grand celebrations at Bald win, and the show-pieces for the evening were being finished at our place, under the superintendence of Mr. Bichard Janes. Jt was hard to keep the younger hands at their work. They were half crazy about tho Fourth, mm l suppo-o every one of them had a pi-tol, 1 never cared for banging at nothing, and should not have had one even If I ban felt differ ently. Ono young fellow tried hard all day to sell molds; likeagoo-o he had bought two, and was sorry for it. About dusk I went to get my supper, and was coining hack when, among tho shadows, 1 saw two figures standing whispering together. I fell in a moment who they must be, and got close enough hear their voices. It win as I thought Ono was Annlo May, the other Bichard Janes. They wero parting, but I heard enough in tho hist few word-: ' Klovou will be the he-l time; the moon will bo up by then. I'll h tvo the ciu-riago waiting under tho tho two elms In Baldwin's Wo.ids. Be crtutu about tho hour, for tho down-train starts a quartet to twelve. Uood-by Clod bless you." Not another word but I knew tho whole, Hlio w.ts going oil" with lllchard Janes, Sho whom 1 loved so. The ono of all tho world who had seemed to love me. I heard hi- linn tread die away 1 heard her lbj-hl Ibol-I.'ii ru-lle over Hie m.i .1 i.l u . of li.i. k 111 v ,i ll to llu w ui'L- room, for wo wero to work till a lale hour that night. I walked straight up lo tho young fellow who had been try ing all day to sell mo his superfluous pistol. "Smith," slid I, " I think I'll trade witlt you after nil." "Uood for you," said lie. "Tito Fourth nin't no Fourth without u pistol, and this is goin' cheap. A good load in it loo, so iio careful." 1 counted down the money and toolc tho weapon away with me. Do you want lo know what I meant to do with It? Shoot myself through tho heart. file Idea of murder had not crept into my mind then. I'd swear that witlt my dying breath. 1 only wanted to get rid of my tire some life. There was nothing left to live for ; so it scorned to me. At half past ten I got tho chance 1 wauled, and slipped out. 1 was going to kill my.-elf in Baldwin's Woods, on the dead log linhlnd which tho first Spring vlolefs grew, mid where we had sat so often since together. Tho moon wasju-t rising round and yellow behind the black trees, and tho factory windows were nil ablaze. As I slunk by tho olllce I saw Mr. lllchard Janes there alone, he was standing exactly under a swing ing lamp. A trying light for any hut a very handsome face, but his was not hurt by it. Ureat Heavens! how liaud- onio lie looked, and how happy ! My blood boiled with rage, mid Jealousy, and grief. I was as mad for tho moment is any lunatic could be. Mv hand went into my biwont and caught at the pistol hidden there. Tho next instant I had tired, takingaini at the handsome head. But il was not good aim. Tho ball passed over its mark and struck the swinging lamp. T saw it fall, nnd a great blaze spring up on the Instant, and knew that the lire work factory was on lire. That factory filled to tho roof with explo-lve substances, and with a hun dred and fifty men and boys, and pretty, innocent girls shut up within its walls I do not know whether Satan over feels remorse, but If be does it must be such as I .felt hopeless, maddening, scorch ing. The next in-tant there was a horrible report, and I was thrown into tho air. Not hurl, (hough. I picked myself upfront (he grass and stood looking at my work. The wi ldows were belching forth llame up in Hie air, amidst the smoke. Hundreds of rockets, and blue lights, and Catherine wheels wero to-s. Ing and flaming curl el, and yellow stud purple, and pink, and green, and blue. Hundreds of cannons seemed to bo roaring; and over it all you could hear screams women's screams and I went down on my knees and prayed "Oh, save her, save her to bo hi wife, to hate mi1 only save her!" People were Hocking in from thovil lage. Workmen, singed and scorched forced their way through tho flames mil in the midst of the wildest tumult some tine caught my arm. 1 turned it was Annie, and beside her, white and trembling, stood Mi.-s Bedford. " Oh, Seth thank Clod for this !" cried Annie ; " you are safe. Oh, dear young lady, try to hope ; ho may be too." And then that beautiful Miss Bed ford sank on her knees before me, and clasped her hands, and prayed mo to save In i' 'icitird ! "I should havo been ids wife in an hour," siio said. "Oh, save my hit band save my husband my love, my life, my darling!" The truth rushed into my mind then I saw nil my blind folly. I reni'Miiber on tlie lean oetween mo Jieuionis am the Williams family, and knew that mv Annie had only been helping Mis Bedford to meet and correspond with her lover; that it was toiler the messa 1 had heard that evening bail been sent and that it would have been better for me to be (lend. "tin out of danger!" 1 panted. "I'll bring him lo you or die with him !" and with Annie's scream of terror In my I dashed away. They were playing on tlie burning building with theoueen ginethey had at hand by this lime, and I could seo that most of the workmen were alive. 1 clutched ono by tho arm as I wont past. "Are tho women In thcro yet?" I yelled. "No, thank Heaven," ho answered. " Didn't you know tho women were dis missed live minutes before theexplosion took place.' There wasn't ono there. All the men are out too, I guess, but them that wero setting the last show piece in the room next the olllce: about a dozen. The rest Jumped out o' the window. There's a broken limb or two, 1 guess. But that's better than the poor fellows inside roasting alive or blown to pieces. Young Mr. Janes is there loo. His uncle is offering anything to have him not out. Life's worth more than money, though, nobody can do It." Ho was right. Tor hours we worked at the lire before It was out ; and then a great heap of lumber was piled over the bodies of tho thirteen men who must hu, inside dead, wo siippo-ed .tint I heard someone say that Ml.-s lledl'ord wa-going from one swoon into another at the Vill!nm-e.s, and that it had come out tlmt she was to Iium eloped v, 1th Mr. Jane.- the night before. It was tlm Fourth of July; but no guns wero fired and no bells rung at Baldwin. All tho people of tho town wero about tho factory helping as best they could. Wo lifted great charred logs and heaps of board- and molten can-, and at last one slopped. " Ilu-h," "' cried; ' lor i.o.i s sum' ho noi-.e. I M'.tl 0 Olii. -tllll then, tlllllll-l U breathless silence, wo heard a moan un der our feet. We worked with a will now, and al last heard more. One of the men put his head close down and cried, "Areany ofyou alive'."' u somo one groaned, " Yes." Black with smoke, scorched by the cinders wo handled, wo went at it again, mil at last camo to a spot where the beams had madu a kind of pent-house. riioro, Jammed together and half suffo cated, but alive, wero four men. And licit a yell went up as mortal ears never heard before. Four saved! Foursaved ! uit wo drew them out and gave them over to tho doctors. Then there was another shout not so loud, for we had come lo one insensible, Jammed between two logs. Ho breathed though as soon as we brought him to tho air. It was a time no one ever forgot. Itidge what it was to me I At last all were out but Mr. Janes, and omebody cried that they could seo hint under some beams. It was a dangerous placo to get at ; but I would not stop for that. 1 forced myself into the narrow aperture, and set to work. I called to him, hut tliero was no answer. At last 1 como to him, lying with a great beam across his clie.-t. His beautiful golden hair and beard wero singed and scorch ed, and one of bis hands, was blistered. I touched him, and screamed In bis cars, but they wero deaf to me. I got tho log oil' somehow, and dragged him to the light, and then I had help enough. They took him between them and laid him on the grass, and the doctor unfastened his vest. " Is lie dead?" I asked; and I meant is truly as I live, if the answer were yes," to tell tho crowd before mo what I had done, knowing well that if 1 did no law could savo me. ritere was no answer for a moment, and I spoke again, " Is he dead ?" And God bless tho dear, white-headed old man who answered so kindly: " No, my man, ho isn't dead. I think lie's coming to." Oil, tho morey of the good Lord- think of it ! Of tho whole not one was killed. There were burns, and broken limbs, and black eyes, but tliero was no death ; and soon I saw lllchard Janes- pale and faint, but out of danger .stand ing boforo ni". I couldn't believe God had been so good to me. Then that old white-haired doctor mounted on a pile of burned logs and lifted ids hat, and there were three such cheers as were never heard before, nnd a dozen boys sped in to Bildwiu to ring the Joy-bells; and women came crying to thank mo for helping to save their dear ones o that for shamo I went and ldd myseir in Baldwin's Woods nnd cried, with my head hidden in my arms, on tlie old log where tho violets were. Then somebody camo softly up the path and sat beside me, and bent over me, and look me, singed and smoke stained as I was, in two white arms and only one of all the world could do that and without looking I knew it was Annie. " My noblo, brave darling," she said; " my own dear that I am so proud of!" and sobbed and kissed me. " They are so happy too," she said ; "and Mr. Janes is only scorched and burned a very little, and old Mr. Bed ford is reconciled to old Mr. Williams, and they will be married afterall. They are so fond of each other, Seth ; as fond as you and 1." And then I stood up and put her gen tly from me, and made atonement for my sin by an awful sacrifice. I told her the truth what I wns.and wlmt I had done, and why, and waited to hear her renounce mo. She did not do it. She was shocked and grieved, but she pitied me, and 1 dared to toko her In my arms and call her mine again. I believe that all my life there had been an evil spirit in my in-east, and that lie left me forever at that moment. It was somo time before the factory was rebuilt, and some had been injured, and many were out of work. I knew mv duty. To those in need came little gifts of money every week, with no clue to its donor, until my savings wero all gone. So wo did not buy the three-roomed cottage, and perhaps never shall ; but, penniless as 1 was, she married me, and wo are happy. Mr. Janes and Miss Bedford are mar ried too ; and when we sit in church she smiles across the peWs to that little wife of mine, and 1 think, with a pang of terror even yet, from what Clod's mercy saved me. CURIOSITIES OP IIUMANITY, Somi: author or other wrote himself blind, as wo havo heard, on the "curi osltles of literature ;" but ho certainly would have u-ed up two or three pairs of eyes If ho had set himself serlouuly to work looking out for the curiosities of humanity. We could have mention ed a few to him, and here tliey are: The liiisliand that says to his wife on a Monday night, when cook is In revolt dinner is behind band, and "stocks down," "My dear, you look tired: let mo walk up and down with the baby while you rest!" Tho wife w ho expends 11s much pains upon her toilette on a niluy morning when tliero Is no one but " John" at the hrcakfa-t-table, 11s she does on the even ing when her old sweetheart Is coming to call! The Iiu-band who reads all Iho Con gressional debates to his wife without meanly -kipping every other pa ragriiph, nnd always, keep her pus'd In floating politic.-. The wife who provides, herself will! spools of cotton, thimbles, nnd sewing work boforo tho rending begins, anil don't have to Jump up oneo in llvonilti. iites to " fetch something from thoother room 1" Tho man Who Is consistent, and goes out to chop kindling for exeft'tso after having recommended bed-making to his wife us u healthful method of ex panding tho chest I Tho woman who tells her husband lust exactly how much ntoney sho spent "hi that shopping expedition yesterday! Tho man who Is always delighted with tho donlesllc puddings rtnil pies, and don't expect n dally bill of fare liko ti'ito a French restaurant I Tho woman Who don't look into all the envelopes In her husband's vest pocket when sho mends that garmgnt ! The man who never saw a collar pat tern that fits so much better than Ids ever did ! Tho woman who can't tell tho col or of her neighbor's new Winter bon net ! The husband who, especially during northeast storms, and during the preva lence of dome-tie toothaches, makes up his mind that it Is a great deal cheaper to be unliable than to scold. Phrcnoloy kul Journal. SOCIABILITY. It is often said of persons, in ti com plimentary way, that they aro sociable, meaning that they aro lrieniuy aim talkative; but it depends somewhat on tho character of a person's speech, as well as its quantity, whether his acquain tance is desirable or not. Persons may lie ever so well meaning, but if their conversation is only of the prevailing sickness, or the last horrible murder in papers, unle-s you incline particularly to such kind of entertainment, tliey will be likely to prove dull companions lu the end. Or If an acquaintance is ininlv oro-v. and talks with as digni fied an air as if lie fancied himself to bo delivering a lecture on some moral sub ject, without any of tho familiar lan guage which makes intercourse with friends so charming, you will bo as like ly to go to sleep during his discourse as you would in a railway carriage wiiile It is In motion, and wako up when lie stopped. Or, if your caller should happen to bo one full of his or her own petty cares, who will treat you to t his tory of all their little vexations, you will soon become tired, or irritable, or both; but no matter, you must hear all their plans for tho present and future, whether you will or not. Sometimes, too, from tills kind of sociable people you will hear nothing but bits or Hying gos sip about people you aro not at all iutcr este'd in. But when a friend enters about your own stamp, and you cannot speak without calling up a response from his mind; when your ideas and experi ences correspond, and your heart grows lighter with the friendly interchange of thought, you are enjoying onu of tho hi'diest pleasures of social intercourse. Such hours need not bo counted among the vanishing pleasures, for tho rec- illeclion of them is agreeable to botii ever after. HOW DUTCH GAP GOT ITS NAME Tnr. following is told by a Southern correspondent of tho Brooklyn JCayk: "An Knglishman nnd a Utitciiman, so the story runs, undertook, for a wager, to row 'their respective skiffs from a place seven miles below the gap to 11 point above it. The man who first ar rived at the place of destination was to ho considered tho champion, and to re ceive tlie stakes. Both started, 'iho Kn-'lisliman pulled out vigorously, while the Dutchman, with true Teutonic inipurlabillty, suffered his opponent to go ahead without an npparent enort, to keep up with Him. When tho Eng lishman began to round tho liltiti, alter passing tho gap, tho Dutchman was " hull down" and almost out of sight of ids antagonist, who was counting on a "fine thing or it." When tho Dutch man readied tho gap, ho run his skill on shore, raised it on ids shoulders, anil made his way with all possible despatclt across tho few hundred feet of interven ing space. When the Englishman ar rived at tho point at which tho raco was to terminate, what was his aston ishment to find ills opponent in iiisskilf, calmly awaiting his appearance, having relieved the weariness of his stay by smoking, with Dutch loIsiire,.tiirco or sour pipes of tobacco. Whether tho Dutchman succeeded by his trick lu winning the wager is not known, but ho gave it name to the gap. Dis. SriTKi.i'.v once waited upon Sir Isaac Newton a llttlo before dinner time; but ho bad given orders not to bo called down to anybody (111 his dinner was upon tho table. At length a boiled chicken was brought In, and Stttckley waited till it wits near cold, when, being very hungry, he ate it up, and ordered another to be prepared forSIr Isaac, who came down before the second was ready, and seeing thi'dlsh and cover of the first w hlch bad been left, lifted up the latter, and turning to the doctor, said: " What strange folks we studious people aro ! 1 really forgot that 1 had dined." What commodity Is always ofl'orod otcost? Tlie law. What thing- incrcaso tho more you contract them? Debts. Wnw Is higher and handsomer whew the head Is oil'? A pillow. How doe- (he halr-div-ser end Ills d.t. -'.' lie curl- up and dye-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers